Life after Thyroidectomy/Thyroid Cancer (16 months)

  • Опубликовано: 1 янв 2015
  • A lot of you have had questions about life after thyroid removal/thyroid cancer, so I decided to make a video to share the changes I have experienced!
    Feel free to follow my thyroid related fitness instagram @marimuscles A lot of you ask about weight loss after thyroid cancer/thyroid issues and that instagram is dedicated to workout videos, recipes, and motivation! I also am posting very frequently and you guys can see my day to day routines regarding not only fitness, but eating habits and ways to stay positive.

Комментарии • 438

  • @smakrs1
    @smakrs1 7 лет назад +61

    Hi Marisa! So great that you posted this video. I had thyroid cancer in 1969 (a few months before my 19th birthday). Back then, there were no support groups, nowhere to search for information, no survivors I could talk with; cancer was pretty much a death sentence. I was extremely fortunate to have wonderful surgeons, who were confident that they totally removed all the cancer. They tested frozen tissue sections, during my 8 hour surgery, and were aggressive in literally digging deeper for tissue samples, to be sure I was cancer free. I had an impossible time believing their diagnosis, because, cancer was not something people survived. I had a very extensive scar (perhaps today, with new surgical techniques, that might not be the case?) and over 180 visible stitches. For about a year it was very obvious that I'd had major surgery; today, the scar is basically invisible. I had a total thyroid removal, luckily, without destroying my vocal cords. My parathyroid glands were nicked, resulting in my needing to take calcium (calcium lactate, because it will not cause kidney stones)and vitamin D (calcitriol) along with thyroid replacement Rx. I suffered from parathyroid tetany (the numbness/muscle spasms caused by low blood calcium levels) for years, until I finally stumbled upon an endocrinologist who quickly put me on vitamin D, which allows my body to retain the calcium I'm taking. I had many unanswered questions concerning my health because I didn't have radiation or chemo (this is a good thing, however, I'd wonder if I truly was rid of the cancer or if it would return. This caused a great deal of anxiety for me for decades (thank goodness for an occasional Xanex). After my surgery, I returned to work in 4 weeks and had blood tests to check thy and calcium levels about every 3 months; today, that's done twice a year. I was unable to obtain life insurance or medical insurance and my dream of becoming a flight attendant was impossible, because I had cancer. That's how survivors were treated back in the day; this definitely added to one's anxiety levels. I went on to get married, I had one successful (high risk, but really not a problem, just a lot of blood tests and Rx adjustments) pregnancy. My son was born healthy; he's now 35 and I'm gramma to a 5 year old and an 8 year old. I've had my "moments" following my cancer experience. I have been very fortunate to be a nearly 50 year survivor. I so wish I would have had the opportunity to compare my story with other survivors. My doctors told me that thy ca mostly effected older people. There was no history of women having children; that was scary. Sometimes, you just have to live your life to the best of your ability, most of all stay positive and find happiness in each new day, that truly becomes a gift. I think having cancer so early in life gave me an old soul and probably kept me out of lots of trouble (remember, I went through this "adventure" in the 1960s). I hope that your video and my post will help other survivors to gain some peach of mind. I also hope that 50 years from now, you will be the healthy gramma, recalling your medical victory. If you have any questions for me, please contact me. Thank you again, for sharing your experience.

    • @siykee
      @siykee 7 лет назад

      Sandra Koteski I just read your comment and it gave me hope in the future, I was diagnosed right after giving birth to my first baby and It has been the scariest moment of my life because in my mind it could mean that I might not be there to see her grow, but now I see things differently and have high hopes for the future!! Thank you for your story and encouragement!

    • @baresjaylord280
      @baresjaylord280 5 лет назад +1

      Thank u for sharing this give me hope.. that i still could see my children grow.. i was just diagnose this january2019 papillary carcinoma im 28 years old

    • @baresjaylord280
      @baresjaylord280 5 лет назад +1

      Do you have a special diet?

    • @skizzalb8164
      @skizzalb8164 4 года назад

      How often have u had to see the doc? & that's a beautiful story glad to know ur kids and u r ok. Any particular way u ate?

    • @darksoul2131
      @darksoul2131 4 года назад +2

      I have a surgery tomorrow pray for me

  • @addykeszler4355
    @addykeszler4355 8 лет назад +14

    I had my thyroid removed when I was 2 and have lived my whole life with no thyroid and I love it, I feel different and special in my own way.

  • @happyheather24
    @happyheather24 7 лет назад +12

    Who would thumbs down this? Probably someone who doesn't know how hard this really is and the thyroid affects everything in your body.

    • @OzmaOfOzz
      @OzmaOfOzz 2 года назад

      probably someone so tired and fatigued they hit the wrong button, lol

  • @mlauzon03
    @mlauzon03 7 лет назад +31

    Your video has given me sooo much hope. I have papillary thyroid cancer and my surgery is in 2 days. Im 23 and I'm so afraid of the life change, but I'm also incredibly happy that it's a step to recovery... Thank you for sharing your story. I hope I can be as positive as you are in 16 months! Wishing you a long, healthy life! ☺️

    • @KAJAN9024
      @KAJAN9024 7 лет назад +6

      Me too. I've had my operation and it went great. Hope yours dod as well!

    • @davidbolle2203
      @davidbolle2203 6 лет назад +1

      Just now looking at this video, and curious if you are willing to share your journey a year later from the surgery and the recovery from this particular form of cancer?

    • @94Cadaver
      @94Cadaver 6 лет назад

      Hi I'm 23 too and I had my surgery for papillary thyroid cancer 2 days ago.. Can you please share more details about your journey

    • @frankielinville4855
      @frankielinville4855 6 лет назад

      Michelle Lauzon any updates you can share !!

  • @lisamacconnell5352
    @lisamacconnell5352 7 лет назад +21

    Thank you for sharing your story Marissa. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2014, had a complete thyroidectomy & RAI. It was a very scary time for me, not knowing what to expect. Even after surgery & still adjusting to my synthroid medication which has to be adjusted when it's too high. (My endocrinologist must monitor it about every 3 months) But I can definitely relate to the mind fog, & hair loss is a side effect of synthroid. The temporary thyroid medication that is short acting they gave me right after surgery gave me horrible head aches. Thank God they switched me to the synthroid. They went away. Had a full body scan, & yearly ultrasound on neck too. It was scary of not knowing the outcome of things, or what to expect. But now that it's over & being cancer free is really something!! I like your positivity!! You are an inspiration to many thyroid cancer survivors!!

    • @ottoavila9895
      @ottoavila9895 Год назад

      Clap clap clap - wonderful helpful video

  • @sabatina1506
    @sabatina1506 6 лет назад +4

    I've been 4 months cancer free now and I've had so many questions for someone my own age and experience. This was such a helpful video, thank you for posting this.

  • @csmsmith1
    @csmsmith1 7 лет назад +2

    Awww, I just feel like hugging you to thank you. I am due for total thyroid removal soon and I have been feeling soooo scared. It's nice to see a strong and beautiful girl like you who went through this and overcame it.

  • @salmanchaudhry1746
    @salmanchaudhry1746 8 лет назад +38

    I had the most terrible time aswell (Surgery 2011)...Post surgery my body clearly didn't like what had happened and knocked out so many things. Forgetting the tiredness, I suddenly developed stomach acid issues, and my libido and overall energy nosedived to zero. I still sometimes get those days (3 days ago I had to snooze for 20 minutes at work) but much less. I realised a lot of my issues were to do with gut aswell, but the synthroid is really difficult on the body and sometimes it takes people a lot longer to get used to the medication. The body needs to adjust to having artificial fixed dose medicine everyday rather than your thyroid releasing hormones in precision quantities whenever the body needs it. Its common sense really. Its now been 5 years Post Op and I still get anxiety, depression, sticky eyes, overall tiredness I would say Im at 70% energy constantly. Post op till around 3 years it was around 50-60% - I was very tired. Then I started excercising aswell, I still notice I get easy aches and pains after excercise and my knees and shoulders might suddenly flare up - mainly due to mismanagement of calcium and vitamins and minerals (which is another thing they don't really tell you how important it is!). Your body needs a constant supply of vitamins, everyday, and if you have gut issues as a result of the operation, or you have other issues as a result of the operation they all need to be addressed individually. THe depression can set in when you start thinking of the "Why me", why is everything not normal etc etc, but this is your test! Try and get through it. We have to accept, we will never have our energy back 100%, and on the odd days we do (I sometimes get these days where I'm on cloud 9 and everything is working!) we have to count the blessing. Maybe next day you feel dead again. Gotta get through. Things that can help 5-10% are clearly things like exercise, keep a much better diet, drink water (but don't guzzle it down!, you need to sip if you can - especially if you have too much trips to the loo when you drink water...) All these add up. Also, I can not stress enough - SLEEP. These meds such as synthroid can make you nervous, anxious, tired - and you need to do EVERYTHING else to smooth out your sleep routine. Try and sleep regular, take your medication at the same time everyday. My routine is - 8am Synthroid. 9am Apple cider vinegar tablespoon in a big glass water. Wait 20 Minutes. Drink Milk Kefir Half Glass. If still hungry have lactose free milk with porridge, and some dates/banana. Stop Chocolates and Crisps/Chips - your new metabolism hates it, and it can develop into something I have - high triglycerides (super super high 1800 was the reading - should be like less than 50 or something) which I am taking Fenofibrates for aswell.! Do the best you can folks. You can read until the cows come home about - Adrenals, Calcium, Potassium, H Pylori, Gallstones and other issues but the bottom line is - HEALTHY LIFESTYLE even if you feel absolutely shattered mentally and physically. Those days/moments will pass and you have to live the best you can with whatever cards you have been dealt. You may get hair loss, I did - stop using Anything with Sulphates in your shampoo and move to natural products if you can. Stop processed foods - or cut it down to a bare minimum - your body will adjust eventually.

    • @rogerpt101
      @rogerpt101 8 лет назад

      sure, i will add you to my facebook... thanks... kumon... hehehe

    • @rogerpt101
      @rogerpt101 8 лет назад

      add me

    • @SaskiaFaleiroVlogs
      @SaskiaFaleiroVlogs 6 лет назад +2

      This comment made me feel like I’m not alone in this. I’m almost 8 months post op and have been feeling very defeated by everything. The medicine makes my stomach sick, have zero energy, I’m sad some days without reason, my memory sucks..... I rally thought by now I would feel better not worse but your comment actually reminded me I’m not alone

    • @thedefiantone8805
      @thedefiantone8805 6 лет назад +2

      Salman Chaudhry your a fighter brother, stay strong!! Thanks for sharing your story

    • @naditabs1933
      @naditabs1933 5 лет назад +1

      Thank you very much for this informations .I had my operation 1 year ago and my tsh level is too hight even that I'm taking tablets. Anxiety and .worried .anger .tired all the time .I was very active person love to go to gym very happy .But since I find out about my thyroid problem my life change. My heart beats funny sometimes too .so I will try some of the things you say .I hope I get well

  • @missmarisaferreira
    @missmarisaferreira 2 года назад +3

    I just had my thyroid removed 10 days ago. Thank you so much for the video 🥰❤ i was diagnosed wih thyroid cancer, def a life changing experience. Love to everyone here!!! ❤

  • @Speeedruner
    @Speeedruner 5 лет назад +3

    Ah you are an amazing person! such an inspiration, I’m 9 days after surgery and starting to feel quite emotional, wondering what is in store for me (especially with weight) I was a fitness guru and hoped I could go back to it after time. You have given me hope that life will be ok - thank you so much for doing this video. I feel much more positive already, much love to you x

  • @bikoislife8417
    @bikoislife8417 7 лет назад +5

    Thank u so much.I watched this last year before my total thyroidectomy.I was nervous but your video is comforting.Now one year after Im doing great.Thank u.May the universe bless u☺️

  • @meganbruggeman4875
    @meganbruggeman4875 6 лет назад +1

    I so appreciate this. It is so, so, so helpful to hear about someone else's experience- especially someone around my age. I watched this before my thyroidectomy and now 6 months after as I am trying to find the right Levothyroxine dose. Thank you for sharing your experience- it has brought me strength, hope and positivity!

  • @stelapetrova2654
    @stelapetrova2654 8 лет назад +7

    I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer 2 months ago. And i thing exactly the same way as you do. Thank you for your video. Its so motivating and positive. Thank God that there are people like you who make me feel like i am not crazy and i is good to know that i am not alone. I feel much better and happier since the cancer is gone. Thank you again!

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +Stella Petrov Stella, don't worry.. you are not crazy, and you are definitely not alone! Congratulations on being cancer free! Sending well wishes your way!

  • @amy3735
    @amy3735 5 лет назад +8

    As soon as you said your scar is like your battle wound I just couldn't stop nodding. I had my thyroid removed about a month and a half ago and every time I look in the mirror and see my scars, I smile, because I made it through that difficult part in my life.

    • @noraimamaeda4518
      @noraimamaeda4518 5 месяцев назад +1

      I feel
      The same. I love
      My scar and I am not shy about it♥️♥️

  • @carmenl6629
    @carmenl6629 8 лет назад +3

    I can't believe I only found this video now! But you literally hit everything head on. I had all of the same symptoms as you and I thought I was going crazy.. Thank you for making this video, you have no idea how much better I feel now that I know I'm not the only one. I had my thyroid removed in March 2015, had RAI in August that year, but now I have to go in for another round of RAI this July. I have literally read probably the first 10 pages of Google with anything and everything related to thyroid cancer. But this is the first time that I have really found someone who is around my age speaking about it. Thank you!

  • @alroulette646
    @alroulette646 Год назад +1

    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Much was needed and you touched my heart. Thank you.

  • @presleychrisco2458
    @presleychrisco2458 8 лет назад +2

    I am about to go into surgery tomorrow to completely remove my thyroid due finding out last week I have thyroid cancer.
    Your video just made me feel so much better about all of this!
    Just wanted to say thanks!

  • @colouring3652
    @colouring3652 8 лет назад

    Thanks so much for recording these videos. It's really great to see someone talk about this in a way that doesn't INCREASE fear of what could happen. This is a great gift to people. :)

  • @catherinehastings2063
    @catherinehastings2063 5 лет назад +1

    Great video Marissa. My boyfriend is about to have surgery (including removal of lymph nodes). Really appreciate your very measured yet positive thinking. All the best for the future!!!

  • @czechmate011
    @czechmate011 7 лет назад +1

    Your video is the first positive message I have seen. I want to thank you for taking the time to post. I am somewhat concerned about the concentration and memory issues as I teach third grade and need to be able to focus. I will be having my thyroid removed in a couple of weeks so hopefully by the end of the summer my concentration levels will be ok when school starts next fall.

  • @DonaldCooper100
    @DonaldCooper100 7 лет назад +3

    Thank you for posting video. It is very inspiring and a great resource to assist me with helping my Wife cope with her Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis. Keep Going. You look fabulous and your attitude is great! Glory To God for everyone needing this encouragement

  • @tahonienonie88
    @tahonienonie88 7 лет назад +45

    I had my thyroid removed two weeks ago. My nodules were tested for Hashimotos disease it tested positive and my thyroid was extremely inflamed constantly and I lost 20 pounds over a 3 week time span. I was exhausted constantly, anxious, agitated, depressed, no appetite and so much more. My surgeon told me my body was attacking my thyroid as if it was a foreign object. I honestly feel like she was right. I felt genuinely it was working against me. I never had surgery before and was TERRIFIED but I made the choice to have it removed and it was the right decision...I hate that so many people suffer from thyroid issues...I am now able to eat. My stomach isn't so sensitive and I can breathe...I am hoping that my body gets used to the synthroid and that I can begin to live a healthy life again and GAIN weight. I am going to record a video and hope that my story can help inspire or comfort or someone can relate...

    • @sparrowhawk5673
      @sparrowhawk5673 6 лет назад

      TaHonieNonie , did you create the video? can you post a link here please thanks

    • @natalyabarrett2784
      @natalyabarrett2784 6 лет назад

      TaHonieNonie I will be doing my surgery July 3, 2018 and I am praying for the best. Scared.

    • @serenacisneros1921
      @serenacisneros1921 4 года назад

      I am getting a nuclear medicine thyroid scan today I been sick since may 2019 I went from 130lbs to 79lbs I have trouble breathing trouble swallowing loss of appetite feeling super tired and weak all the time I am nauseas everyday I just lay on the couch unable to go anywhere and the doctors keep telling me it’s all in my head and I know it’s my thyroid my heart beats super fast even when I’m just laying down I just hope they find out what’s wrong and I hope I will need surgery because the doctor doesn’t even know what dose they want me on I went from 150mg in 2011 and in July 2020 they put me down to 88mg and now I’m at 100mg because my thyroid is not producing enough hormones I hope they find out what’s wrong

    • @maramabdullah4828
      @maramabdullah4828 2 года назад

      Plz any updates ?

    • @tahonienonie88
      @tahonienonie88 2 года назад

      @@maramabdullah4828 I feel so bad I did not see the other comments. I did not end up posting any of the videos I made but would be more than happy to share with you all my journey individually if you have any questions after this.
      As and update; I currently have no thyroid of course lol be advised I am 5'10 and 33 years old and I weigh 148lbs. A HUGE jump from my ''normal'' weight and how small I was going into surgery. I currently take 100MCG of synthroid every morning. My surgeon/endo told me to take it in the morning on empty stomach because the body absorbs more that way. Initially we started at around 125MCG and it varied between 125-112 for a while. As of this current day and about the last year I have been consistent on the 100. It was a looooonnnggg journey to get to where I am. We had the incorrect dosages for a long time and I had to get my blood drawn every 4-6 weeks in order to see where I stood. A couple things we noted were that birth control can affect the dosage you need. Normally from how my endo explained to me, they affix the synthroid dose to your weight. For some reason birth control can disturb that and you might need to go down or up a bit depending on how it is affecting your body. Also some vitamins can affect the actual test results. For me it was biotin that was giving us some false results so she would have me fast on it a week before I had my labs drawn. I do believe that I am on the correct dose of 100MCG but I am having my blood drawn tomorrow to make sure. Even a small jump up or decrease in medication can show a big difference. I still suffer with some mild anxiety and mild insomnia. My endo told me that the insomnia is usually the last to go. Overall I feel a complete 360 from my symptoms presurgery and do believe it was the right choice for me. My best advice is to be in touch with how you feel and if you feel something is off do not be afraid to ask your endo. Also you need a really good endo (Endocrinologist) who is skilled in the thyroid because it is a very complicated organ that functions differently in all of our bodies. Something to note in my situation is that it flared up initially after I had my daughter when I was 27 and I have a history of thyroid issues in my family also. As of today, I consider myself a survivor of thyroid disease but taking synthroid everyday and having intermittent time periods of feeling bad are a constant reminder of how complex having thyroid issues really are. Love and light to you all ***butterflies***

  • @RavenheartImaginarium
    @RavenheartImaginarium 7 лет назад

    I just wanted to thank you! Your video was very uplifting for me as I now face a biopsy in just a couple of days and then on to the surgery for removal. I am scared about all of this and about what the biopsy could reveal but your video definitely lifted up my spirit! Thank you!

  • @lizzvee4820
    @lizzvee4820 8 лет назад

    👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I have the same story!!! Beautifully said!!! All of u will be ok, if your new to this just keep pushing! It will NOT be easy at first, stay positive and keep pushing! Things will get easier!!!!!!! 💋💋💋💋

  • @pathodovanic5540
    @pathodovanic5540 7 лет назад +1

    thank you for posting this video. My husband and I are so worried about our daughter, you made me tear up. Our daughter is 33, we just found out she has thyroid cancer she is having surgery June 2nd. being a mom, I am so upset, my baby has cancer, how horrible. After her surgery I will have her watch your video. I think she will like what you had to say. Thank you !

  • @rushtwig7573
    @rushtwig7573 7 лет назад +1

    I had surgery over a year ago for thyroid cancer. Your video helped me before and after. Thanks for posting.

  • @zitiello100
    @zitiello100 8 лет назад +5

    lovely video and very positive too. glad that your on the mend. I've been through the same. 5 plus years now and ended up having radiotherapy treatment and thyroid completely removed. 2 years off work because of complications on surgery, had two go under operating table again. It's been very hard for me too. friends, family never understood what's going on, neither did I, unfortunately didn't have the support from them and they couldn't understand why I couldn't go out or meet up or visit ! was as if they thought I was making up excuses constantly. through this I found my true friends and everyday I look in the mirror and see my scare and like you said, it wasn't the nicest time of my life but it's been the best time of my life and survived. so when I look in the mirror I see what people see, I see smile. I beat it too. X

    • @CentauriTiger
      @CentauriTiger 8 лет назад +2

      I feel for you. Before I found I had thyroid cancer, my husband would get angry if I was in bed. He thought I was being lazy. I honestly couldn't help it. I was lucky if I could do a load of dishes and laundry. On a good day I could also vacuum and have supper done. But if I had to go to the store? Forget it. That was my whole day. This was 5 years after fighting with my doctors telling them something was wrong. They only took me seriously when I said I had problems breathing and swallowing. I ended up having a tennis ball sized nodule removed.

    • @zitiello100
      @zitiello100 4 года назад

      @@CentauriTiger sorry late reply. I hope your on the mend now and your husband is now understanding you and most of all supporting you.

  • @jennifercrosby9369
    @jennifercrosby9369 9 лет назад +1

    This is such a positive videos thank you. I just had my first thyroidectomy & my 2surgery is May & its been very hard. Thank you for you positive thoughts.

  • @carrineyeo
    @carrineyeo 6 лет назад +1

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I have a hemithyroidectomy scheduled in 3 days and I'm a little freaked out. Cancer is such a b*itch, and your courage and positivity is just amazing! I just want to say thank you for sharing your story, for encouraging and giving strength to others who are going through something similar. :)

  • @Weatherdude55
    @Weatherdude55 7 лет назад +6

    Hope your still doing well... I had a total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer on November 20th 2014
    I just found out my cancer is back about a month ago, its now in the lymph nodes on the right side of my neck and I'm going to have a neck dissection within the next month. thanks for sharing your experience... glad your so upbeat about it... I wish I could be as positive as you

    • @thegoldenwitch3041
      @thegoldenwitch3041 7 лет назад

      Cruise Ship Man be strong and God bless you xx from Italy I had the same experience but my cancer was yet on my lympho nodes

  • @missmeggies
    @missmeggies 8 лет назад +1

    Thank you for posting this! I have surgery scheduled for next month to have my thyroid out d.t. thyroid cancer. It was nice to hear the good and the bad from someone who has been there. Everyone keeps telling me it's no big deal, it's a simple procedure and then I'll be on meds forever, easy peasy! I also like to live as naturally as possible and rarely take meds for anything, so it's a big adjustment that I'm trying to accept. I know it's for the best, but it still takes time to come to terms with it all. It was nice to hear an honest viewpoint about everything :)

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +missmeggies I'm glad you enjoyed the video! Good luck on your journey and it's true, you are going to be just fine. Just stay positive! It seems like you are a very optimistic person so I don't feel that you will have an issue with this at all! Let me know how things go after surgery! I will look for your response! Well Wishes :)

    • @missmeggies
      @missmeggies 8 лет назад

      +Marisa Iacobelli Thank you! I had my surgery almost two weeks ok. The surgery was successful and it hadn't spread into the lymph nodes, so I will not need to do the RAI :) How long did it take for you to adapt to your meds? Did they have to adjust the doses at lot?

  • @ambraeileenprice9261
    @ambraeileenprice9261 5 лет назад

    I’m hyper thyroid storms with Graves’ disease & Graves Ophthalmology... Looking forward to having this removed soon. Happy to hear you are doing well after surgery!! Prayers for forever healing!! Tyyyy for sharing your story for those of us that need a bit of light in our dark tunnels ;) God Bless You!!

    • @jjp7914
      @jjp7914 5 лет назад

      I also was hyperthyroid with graves,skinny as a rail and have ged. Had TT gained 70 pounds! Good luck to you!
      If levothyroxine doesn't work well for you,try a combo of t4 and t3 😊

  • @lauramarinat
    @lauramarinat 8 лет назад +20

    Hello Marisa, forgive my English is a little bit rust, I just watched your video and you don't have idea how it has encourage me...I just had my surgery 3 weeks ago and like you my diagnose was thyroid cancer, I had a full thyroidectomy plus some lymph nodes removed, today I receive my results and Dr. said that I had Papillary Carcinoma (sorry if I spelled wrong) stage I, and because of my age (35) my prognosis is very good...But still I won't deny it I'm very scare...But listening your video some how has encourage me...I'm feeling good, some tension on the neck area and my shoulder is numb but Dr. recommended me to move my arm and my neck and eventually the tension will go away. My voice is different but we were expecting that to happened my Dr. did a test today and told me that my vocals cords are doing good, one is compensate the other and soon enough I will regain my voice complete it. I need to go under iodine treatment just for precaution, and to be honest I'm more scare to be isolated for 3 days than I was for the surgery, I guess I feel that when I am alone my mind likes to go to a place where lots of negative feelings surrounds your brain but I have to keep being positive and remove those feelings from my mind and my soul. Like you said If I beat this I can do anything! well finally I will love if you can give me some advise about the diet...I have struggled with my weight all of my life and I'm curious about the gluten free diet, and another thing how long have you waited to start exercising, like you said I have never being the typical person who spent lots of their time inside at gym or running outside, I guess I never had the energy probably because my thyroid had a problem but I do like to do Yoga, it has been 3 weeks after my surgery and y Dr. said I could start as soon as I feel I can....I really appreciated your video, it made me positive today! keep strong and happy , I'm planning to do the same! greetings from Venezuela and once again sorry for my poor grammar, English is my second language :P

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад +7

      +Laura Torrealba Your English is amazing!!!! Keep it up! Yoga is awesome and honestly i feel like at times it's just as difficult as running or other types of exercises! It's also very good for healing. As far as diet, I try to stick to very healthy and non-processed foods. I eat a lot of lean meat and veggies as well as fruit. It's amazing how much better you feel when you feed your body with healthy foods. Stay positive! :)

    • @veronicarios8335
      @veronicarios8335 5 лет назад

      Hola laura a mi me acaban de operar la semana pasada me retiraron toda la tiroides como estas espero que estes bien ,yo solo espero que cierre mi herida e hirme al gim especificamente a la pool me encanta nadar y hacer aqua aerobics o aqua zumba te los recomiendo mucho

  • @shukri2833
    @shukri2833 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for this dose of positivity.

  • @cetstuffable
    @cetstuffable 9 лет назад

    Thank you. Just had my surgery yesterday, and I feel like crap right now. But, I will get stronger. Just wanted to say thanks for the support.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Chauna Tubbs Hang in there!! Time is the best form of healing :) It will take a little bit to find your proper dosage but in the meantime, stay strong! Sending good vibes your way!

  • @jessicamonterey9663
    @jessicamonterey9663 9 лет назад +2

    Hi Marisa! I absolutely loved your video! I feel so much better after hearing your story as up to this point, I'd seen nothing but horror stories about this procedure and life without a thyroid. My story is as follows:
    I am 35 years old and was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma on St Patrick's day. I have undetectable vitamin D as such, I am on very high vitamins at this moment to stabilize this prior to going into surgery. I am to meet with surgeons in the next 2 weeks and will then be have my thyroidectomy. I am scared honestly since I've never had surgery in my life. I am praying for a positive outcome and know that all things through God are possible and I will still be around for many years for my children and for myself. I will definitely update you once I know when surgery is and will let you know my progress. I will maintain myself positive as you have helped me maintain my positive vibes that I will overcome this and will be ok! Thank you again so much for your video! God bless :)

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Yolanda Olivera Hi! I am glad to hear that! Please feel free to message/email me with any questions you may have! Everything will be okay, just know that it is a very difficult process and that you will get through it! It will help you in the future and you will come out stronger than ever! Feel free to add me on Facebook! I am listed under "Marisa Iacobelli" :) Praying for you even though I am sure you don't need it! Your strength will get you through this, and it seems like you are very faithful! God bless !

    • @jessicamonterey9663
      @jessicamonterey9663 9 лет назад

      Marisa Iacobelli Hi Marissa! Hope you are doing wonderful! I wanted to update you as to my current progress! I underwent a hemithyroidectomy on June 29th as my surgeon believed that I was the perfect candidate for this procedure. My nodule was measured a little more than 1.1 cm as such, my left lobe and isthmus were removed that day. Path results came back and found that apart from the nodule, I also had a 0.2 microscopic lesion. Statistically this gave me a higher probability that I would have lesions on the remaining part of my thyroid. As such, I underwent a second surgery to remove the remaining part of my thyroid on July 13th. Path results came and indicated NO cancer on the right lobe. As such, surgically, I'm done!! GOD IS GOOD!! :) Now on to follow up with my endocrinologist. I was released from the hospital on 125 mcg of synthroid. I am blessed that I am feeling very good. Started going back to the gym yesterday doing cardio. I was heavy into lifting prior to my surgery, as such, I get to wait for several months before I can resume that again. My endo is planning on putting me on a higher dose of synthroid as she wants reduce the chances of recurrences. As such, I will have hyperthyroidism. Taking it one day at a time. Feel absolutely blessed as God has been with me in every step of the way! Thank you so much for your videos! You have no idea how amazingly helpful you have been! God bless!

  • @bellastarr826
    @bellastarr826 7 лет назад +5

    You're like the big sister I've always wanted :) love your videos!

    • @akki1457
      @akki1457 6 лет назад +1

      Hi name is Akash.i m from India.i had hemi thyroidectomy was tested for follicular hyperlasia.colloid was 6 years old..and i decided to get it removed because doctor said it will increase more in future and will becomes present it was benign...i often watch your videos and loved are very beautifull..god bless you...

  • @thespeedhouse319
    @thespeedhouse319 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you for this video... my wife is about to have this surgery. Admittedly we are both very nervous/scared. I will share this with her. I know it'll help. Thanks again.

  • @sarahrees5520
    @sarahrees5520 7 лет назад +2

    Had the same surgery as you when I was 13. I agree with everything you said. Loved the video :)

  • @kellyward4055
    @kellyward4055 6 лет назад +3

    I’m 23 and I have papillary thyroid cancer and I’m having a total thyroidectomy in 3 days and I’m honestly terrified. Thank you for making this video, it’s almost reassuring to see other young people who have been through what I’m going through.

    • @natashaa.pimentel434
      @natashaa.pimentel434 5 лет назад +1

      How are you doing now? I get mine removed next week and I'm scared. I'm afraid of the side effects afterwards will stop me from doing what I have to do. How did you recover?

    • @chantyd2590
      @chantyd2590 Год назад

      God bless and heal you ladies in Jesus Name Amen Amen .. 4 years later but I just hope you're each doing well.

  • @beckypowell5845
    @beckypowell5845 6 лет назад +1

    Hello everyone, I just want to say what a blessing this page has been. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer on October 20 of this year 2017 I'm 32 years old and I have a young daughter and I'm extremely scared but I have some peace in knowing I'm not going through this alone and there are others out there like me. Love and blessings!!!

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  6 лет назад

      becky powell hang in there beautiful !!

    • @beckypowell5845
      @beckypowell5845 6 лет назад

      marimuscles thank you for all you do! You really are a huge help in the process :)

  • @vukken99
    @vukken99 8 лет назад

    Marisa thanks for your video stay strong and positive. I am a doctor who was recently diagnosed with a thyroid cancer and I am being evaluated for surgery now. I guess I don't feel anything about this news but I guess my loved ones are more concerned. To all folks out there we can never lose hope Cancer can affect anyone and any time and I said over and over again that we must find cure to all cancers to people can enjoy life to the fullest! Keep up the good work Marisa!

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +vukken99 Thank you so much for you comment! It means a lot, especially coming from a doctor! Stay positive and strong, and your loved ones will as well. Please keep me updated as I am very interested in your recovery and come back (yes, i call it a come back because it's an amazing journey)! Well Wishes! Will be thinking of you.

    • @vukken99
      @vukken99 8 лет назад

      Thanks Marisa! I hope all the readers ask their doctors to do a very detail exams on their necks since the art of good physical exam is disappearing missing the opportunity for early detection. My mother also had thyroid cancer and her scar is almost invisible after 5 years.
      Yes, it is a journey of human survival. Keep up your great job in sharing your experience to many of us out there!

  • @NicholasDussault
    @NicholasDussault 9 лет назад

    You're an inspiration. Thanks for sharing. All the best!

  • @kavindudilshan2402
    @kavindudilshan2402 2 года назад

    I love youuuuuuuu for this!!

  • @freddyquinchia8391
    @freddyquinchia8391 7 лет назад

    Marisa, I'm glad you are doing great! You really are an inspiration to all of us with thyroid dissease and cancer. I was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer and I'm researching all I can before picking the surgeon and the type of surgery.
    You are very young, Why didn't you choose the minimal invasive surgery through the armpit or mouth? And where did you have your surgery?
    Nevertheless, your scar is not as noticeable as in other people and you look fantastic. I love your outlook in life, optimism and maturity at such a young age.
    I do create keloids; Thus, I'm looking for an alternative type of surgery. Thank you for the info. I will watch your other videos as well. God bless!

  • @marrgp39
    @marrgp39 9 лет назад

    I love your positivity! Stay awesome! :)

  • @markv9890
    @markv9890 9 лет назад

    Thank you for sharing about your personal experience with thyroid cancer. You are a fine example for the rest of us to follow. I appreciate your words of encouragement. I had my thyroid removed on Monday and still recovering. God Bless...

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Marc V Marc,wishing you a speedy recovery! Be sure to be strict with when you take your meds and try not to forget any doses! It'll help you a lot if you are on top of this :) stay strong!

  • @nathanhendrix6700
    @nathanhendrix6700 9 лет назад

    Thank you for the video. I was just diagnosed and told that i need the surgery. Your a beautiful person in and out.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +Nathan Hendrix Nathan, hope all is well and wishing you the best!

  • @AdrianaSanchez-tq8ou
    @AdrianaSanchez-tq8ou 7 лет назад

    Love your video. You helped me a lot.
    Thank you so much!

  • @maryamouhami
    @maryamouhami 7 лет назад +4

    hey Marissa, I love how you fight the pain off good girl you were only 21 you are a fighter .. my mom is having this surgery soon and I m so scared of loosing her

    • @ikramt3988
      @ikramt3988 7 лет назад

      maryam ouhami salam alaikum how is ur mom

    • @maryamouhami
      @maryamouhami 7 лет назад

      alaykom salam,she is doing well i guess, she has been rediagonalised , the doctor said she doesn't have to do any surgery and we just have to wait so we re waiting.thanks Ikram

    • @msyusuf9841
      @msyusuf9841 6 лет назад +2

      maryam ouhami slaaam Maryam how’s your mom doing now hun ? لو تتكلمي عربي يكون سويتي خير حابه اعرف معلومات عن أمك وكيف حالتها اخر بوست لكي كان قبل سنه حبيبتي ؟؟

  • @saramellott2698
    @saramellott2698 4 года назад

    Hi Marisa! you said in your video "do not be scare"... well for about 2 years i read and i read about the risks and complication of having a total Thyroidectomy.
    But 7 weeks ago i decide to go ahead and have my surgery done. I put all my trust and confidence on the Dr. and i never was scare of the surgery, but i never thought what i was reading about the risks and complications of having this kind of surgery could happen to me. Two hours later after the surgery we all notice that i couldn't talk, 7 weeks went by and my voice is not there I'm just whispering! my son call a ENT who specialized in speech therapy and he barely could hear me over the phone, that is when he told us that my vocal cords where paralyzed. Now i have to face a second or a third procedure if the second one doesn't work. I am living a nightmare!! Good luck to
    every one and please make sure you choose a Dr. with lots of experience doing Thyroidectomy.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  4 года назад

      I am so incredibly sorry and hope you can get your voice back ASAP!! please keep us updated.. I agree 100% with your advice to everyone. Please message me your address if you'd like.. I am making masks homemade that are washable due to the pandemic and would be happy to send you one!!" XOXO

  • @LioraHessArt
    @LioraHessArt 7 лет назад

    You're such an encourager--thank you for sharing your video.

  • @BeanieB412
    @BeanieB412 8 лет назад +3

    thank you for your video.... I thought I was losing my mind with everything you addressed! I don't have alot of support so god bless you for this video.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад +1

      +Beanie e Please know that you have support from me and every other person going through this. We all support each other and I think that's the greatest support group ever!! Please know that you are never alone. Sending well wishes!

    • @BeanieB412
      @BeanieB412 8 лет назад +1

      Marisa Iacobelli Your video helped me tremendously! You are a very strong, intelligent, and courageous woman. Thank you for your support! I truly believe people cross paths for a reason. 💫

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад +1

      +Beanie e Of course!! we are all truly in this together!

  • @danjam67
    @danjam67 9 лет назад +2

    Thank you for posting this video. You are an inspiration to me. I love your spirit and your positive attitude. I had my Thyroid plus some lymph nodes taken out last year and I am on synthroid. They first tole me it was my parathyroid and the next day the found cancer so they had to go back in the same cut they already made and remove the whole thyroid gland. Then I went through the RAI treatment. They said I would be there for three days but I stayed up all night and ran in place and took 16 showers and drank tons of drinks and sweated out three days of radiation overnight.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Dan Carroll one night?! that is CRAZY!!! and very impressive to say the least! Good for you!! :)

    • @al526games
      @al526games 8 лет назад

      +Marisa Iacobelli Sooooo im a bit paranoid that i have thiaroid cancer dr said he found a nodule on my thi roid an to come back withing 6 months to see if im fucked essentially wondering if i should start a diet now? to maybe shrink the lump. Or does the diet not mean anything if its already cancerous? Happy for you btw for pulling through it.

  • @desdenz
    @desdenz 4 года назад

    Omg... thank you so much for posting. I thought I was crazy.

  • @t.rplayz8346
    @t.rplayz8346 6 лет назад

    Thank u for your positive message, all the best.

  • @angeljones3589
    @angeljones3589 5 лет назад

    Yes, I agree. You do learn to love your scar!

  • @MariaGonzalez-ho1re
    @MariaGonzalez-ho1re 9 лет назад

    I had my thyroid removed about a month ago and I have not adjusted seeing this scar on me and I have gained weight. My self esteem has decreased because of the weight gain and scar. Watching this video made me feel a lot better! Thank you for this video I really appreciate it!

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Maria Gonzalez Maria,
      Thanks for watching! Hang in there, we all understand how difficult it is to control things after surgery, especially weight. Don't give up, and I can tell you right now that you are stronger than most people I know. This is a tough battle, and your strength is definitely one of the most beautiful things about you. This alone should make you feel amazing about yourself. We all have battled something that a lot of people don't understand. I like to think of it as a blessing in disguise. We had something really bad happen to us, but this has created us into even stronger women than we were before. God Bless and don't get discouraged! :)

  • @MrStrugglez
    @MrStrugglez 9 лет назад

    This is great! I was thinking about what to expect for my thyroid removal. I go in 6 days to get it done! It'll be surgery #20 and you were very informative on What to expect! Thank you! :)

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +dustin campbell Dustin, how did the surgery go?

    • @MrStrugglez
      @MrStrugglez 8 лет назад

      +Marisa Iacobelli It went really well. I only took one pain pill the whole time unfortunately I have to go back because the cancer spread to lymph nodes so I have to get a full neck dissection.

  • @lizanatal7095
    @lizanatal7095 9 лет назад

    Hi, I'm a newbie. Just received my diagnosis 3 days ago. I'm totally clan about it and have a sense of peace. I have declared that no additional stress is allowed in my life. I was in a car accident 2 months ago and I'm still recovering from that. They found my nodules incendientlly from an MRI on my neck due to pain I'm having from the accident. I know I will win the fight of have ahead of me. Your videos are very encouraging. Yup it sucks but we are going to be stronger due to this. Hope your still doing well. Stay strong and God bless.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Liza Natal Isn't it crazy how we find things out?! I found out about mine because of mono. Sometimes certain things are blessings in disguise. Stay strong!

  • @sammisoso09
    @sammisoso09 8 лет назад

    Marisa, you made me cry when you were talking about your scar being a battle wound. I'm having a thyroidectomy in 4 days and a bit nervous about the whole thing. Hopefully I have more energy afterwards and lose some weight. Thanks for the video.

  • @elitsadimitrova6598
    @elitsadimitrova6598 7 лет назад

    Thank you for that video, girl! ✌

  • @matiaslaurenz6335
    @matiaslaurenz6335 9 лет назад +1

    Hello Marisa! So kind and so brave. You are of great help and confort. I remove mine 1 month ago. Strange but i am more calm since I was full of stress... now I know I am mortal :-) and focus on what matters. Can you recommend a couple of good sites not so much medical but more like your channel. 2 things on my mind... how I trigger this (i have a hint) and what I can do on my side about nutrition. Medical answers are 1) we dont know aside from sleeping near a nuclear plant, 2) nothing of what you eat really matters... Cheers from Argentina! And thanks a lot.

  • @Rachgoncalves
    @Rachgoncalves 8 лет назад

    Hi! Tomorrow I am going to get an ultrasound and blood work done. I went to my Dr. complaining about having a hard time losing weight and a constant lump in throat feeling. Did you have that feeling in your throat? Some days it seams worse... I am on a lactose and gluten free diet (I have GERD) and noticed an improvement in the discomfort! This video helped me a lot! Thanks! Do you plan on continuing with your channel?

  • @joannaandreou2130
    @joannaandreou2130 7 лет назад +4

    your video made me feel happy and motivated and not scared.
    how are you?

  • @arroyopamela
    @arroyopamela 7 лет назад +2

    Hi Marisa, I just started my blog about my thyroid cancer story ( but it is in Spanish that is my language) , and I run in to your videos. Thanks for sharing. When I found out I had thyroid cancer I researched a lot about the Cancer... but not about other peoples experiences.
    I wonder, you are almost 3 years after surgery ( right?) please correct me if I am wrong. 1 year after surgery I stared to experience more symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Emotionally mainly .... very hard to manage, but staying positive, researching, and not giving up ... We all will have differences and similarities but I think the most important is to share them. I really believe this can help others. I would love to hear more updates... Cheers!

  • @marlenezagar4487
    @marlenezagar4487 4 года назад

    Thank you! Having surg in 2 weeks. You helped me so much.

  • @creativeslav957
    @creativeslav957 9 лет назад

    Ye, I agree with the whole exercise thing. This was really hard to do because of my job schedule and looking after my child.

  • @brianestes287
    @brianestes287 5 лет назад +1

    I had my whole thyroid taken out and 19 lyphnoids tested and 14 had cancer. I been taking my medicine but last 2 days my neck is sweeling again and sore throat and coughing and sweating is this natural if not what should I do or know ...i am so happy that u put this kind of video out on this subject so thank you this..

  • @kirstycolby7621
    @kirstycolby7621 8 лет назад

    I have recently had to have all my thyroid out due to having cancer in the left lope thankfully it wasn't in the right side now just waiting to go have the radioactive iodine treatment been doing a lot of research an want to say thank you for this video has really given me hope for the future xx

  • @glendagrady3696
    @glendagrady3696 7 лет назад

    Thanks so much Marrisa good trips stay strong

  • @marietaalinaflorea4885
    @marietaalinaflorea4885 6 лет назад

    Hello Marissa. Please tell us what ADD medication have you taken? I do struggle with the memory as well. I have had the thyroid removed on March 22nd, 2016. Thank you so much!

  • @ambraeileenprice9261
    @ambraeileenprice9261 5 лет назад

    Just keep climbing those stairs ... We will reach the top eventually ;)

  • @sirendipitybritt
    @sirendipitybritt 5 лет назад

    Thank you so much! ❤️🌸

  • @gizmogurlie41786
    @gizmogurlie41786 5 лет назад +1

    Complete opposite with my hair. My hair got VERY coarse and thick. I stopped using my oil control shampoo and conditioner and switched to a more moisturizing and hydrating one. My doctor told me it goes either way

  • @zealander222
    @zealander222 5 лет назад

    Hello:) May I ask what kind of medication are you taking and how many mcgs? Thank you

  • @smrwlk
    @smrwlk 5 лет назад

    Regarding exercising...For me, unfortunately, I was diagnosed and am suffering from Charcot [Shar-coe] Foot & Ankle [which is an ongoing condition that gets progressivley worse everyday with no cure. My feet are deformed now and simply existing is a struggle] I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at the same time as Charcot. I also have back issue's from years of hard labor working on the farm for the first 25 years of my life. So, all in all, exercising and weight control is an issue with me. Am due for my thyroidectomy soon and I completely appreciate your video.

  • @susannbroxnilsen3823
    @susannbroxnilsen3823 5 лет назад

    You are amazing!!!

  • @soundpicky
    @soundpicky 8 лет назад +1

    thank you so much for this useful vedio, i removed my thyroid several days ago and you gave me some hope

  • @67anap
    @67anap 8 лет назад +1

    Great video ! I had partial thyroid removal on 10/2/15 . Pathology came out positive soooo on 10/16 I'm going back to remove the other side . I'm at peace but so worried about side effects - weight gain - hair loss ( my is already so thin ) and Etc . I worry too because I'm diabetic . Thanks for your positivity !!

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад +1

      +Ana Morlin Ana, Don't stress about it too much! Just stay positive and keep active and you will be okay :)!!!

    • @67anap
      @67anap 8 лет назад

      +Marisa Iacobelli - Had my follow up with my endo yesterday and my lab results came out good . No need to adjust to my meds but he still wants me to follow up with the oncologist . Hopefully I won't need the RAI . Idk if I can stay away from my hubby for 3 days 🙄🤔.
      Overall I'm good . Energy is good , weight gain of 3-4 lbs but only because I'm not really watching what I eat .
      Hope you are well ! Thank you for the videos and your encouragement !!

  • @cindyyohe8301
    @cindyyohe8301 8 лет назад

    Thanks for all the info. I was just diagnosis with follicular thyriod cancer. I was a little scared of the after affects. But your video help calm me down. You have a caring demeanor which put me at ease. I do have a question though did you stay in hospital or was your outpatient surgery?

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +Cindy Yohe i'm glad to have helped a bit! I did stay at the hospital as i don't believe this is available as outpatient. It's nice to stay the night though so the nurses can watch you and make sure you're doing okay before you're on your own :) Is your surgery scheduled yet?

  • @hamdyafarhana
    @hamdyafarhana 8 лет назад +1

    hi marissa...thank you for being such inspirational...stay is...i tought i might be over with it but actually im still struggling with it and im still not free with the cancer..the dr said there are some lymp node that might initiate bace and maybe will undergoes second surgery...but it might be or it might be not..but whatever it is i might prepare my mental of it...but looking at you i think imma be better in future....i will...keep exercising...yeah...i do skip a lot and imma start being dicipline with it..haha....anyways...thank you so much and love you....god bless...

  • @michellehernandez352
    @michellehernandez352 6 лет назад

    after surgery how do you take your medication?is it every day at the same time?or anytime in the morning 2hours before eating something?

  • @brookeagu1922
    @brookeagu1922 6 лет назад +1

    I had thyroid cancer 6 years ago follicular. My scar is a little more visible but no one notices unles I point it out. Just have trouble with hair loss and exhaustion still.

  • @lolo_reina
    @lolo_reina 5 лет назад +3

    I feel like we are soul sisters! I had my thyroid taken out almost three years ago. And afterwards my life was forever changed. My anxiety skyrocketed through the roof. I always had anxiety but especially after I was numb with it. I had a total thyroidectomy along with all but one of my parathyroids and some lymph nodes taken out as well. I have hashimoto's and slmy Immune system is still trying to attack my non-existent thyroid LOL. My levels are pretty good.I'm feeling better but I do have really bad days where I'm really tired and I don't like to complain cuz I feel like my family and friends have heard the word "thyroid" a million times. Sometimes it's really bad but I don't like to put blame by thyroid even though that's what's wrong.

  • @tubeblack35
    @tubeblack35 8 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the video. Just had my TT 3 days ago and my voice still sounds like crap. Have chest congestion from the breathing tube, too. So far no problems with meds. Have to find out my situation with my parathyroids and more about RAI when I see the surgeon later this month. Anyone in this crappy position needs to get the best doctors they can find; medical skill and experience is key.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +tubeblack35 How are you holding up a month after surgery? Hope all is well. The same thing happened to my voice but my vocal cords were untouched which is a blessing since i sing haha!

  • @Lovecars3
    @Lovecars3 7 лет назад

    thanks for the the video and information it's very helpful and very encouraging

  • @arwaelhada9599
    @arwaelhada9599 8 лет назад

    Thank you Marisa, This is such an inspiring video. When did you start applying coca butter on the scar?

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +arwa elhada I'm glad it has inspired you a bit! I started about a month after once the scar started to heal and no scab was left :)

  • @super_flixz
    @super_flixz 7 лет назад +7

    i have no more thyroid glands available after thyroidectomy. and now i am taking thyroid replacement "Thyroxine 150 ug" for 2 years but i am feeling absolutely OK. after every six months i test the hormones level which also finds ok. but then i don't known the reason of hair fall problems which recently started from the last 6 months.. even TSH is showing in normal range.. now i want to know 1 thing am i safe with this tablets which i hv to carry through out of my life?

  • @Ruby-rc8if
    @Ruby-rc8if 9 лет назад +2

    Hi Marisa
    So I had my surgery for a total thyroidectomy. The cut was not big at all but after the 2nd day I've noticed I'm having intestinal issues everytime I eat. I already had a slight gluten issue but this just set it off. I will try to not touch gluten until my doctor apt on Thursday, I should know by that time if it is gluten if the inflammation and gas subsides.
    Did you have this issue arise so quickly?

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад +1

      +Ruby * Ruby, I did not have this issue to that extent and that quickly. How are things for you now? I know sometimes when you're not regulated on your meds, other things can go haywire.

    @ANKAZUKILAND 7 лет назад

    Thank you for the video!

  • @alnacnud2054
    @alnacnud2054 9 лет назад

    You seem to be doing pretty well,9 months after my TT i went through a bilateral neck dissection to treat a recurrence and now have to do more radioiodine treatment followed by external beam radiation. Its been 2 years since diagnosis and with at least 6 months more to go its beginning to wear me down, physically and mentally. My doctor described the EBT as brutal so to say im not looking forward to it is an understatement, add in the fact my parathyroids were also removed so my calcium levels are shot and its been one rough ride. Videos like yours are a wee bit helpful in seeing there is light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Al Nacnud hang in there. There is a lot that can happen with thyroid cancer as you know. It's very tough. I can't imagine not having your parathyroids.. it's extremely difficult trying to deal with that. I experienced a little bit of that right after surgery and it was horrible. There really is a light at the end of the tunnel.. please continue to be strong and stay positive. This is what will get you through this! Thank you for sharing your brave story with us! God bless.

  • @heatherdewberry5849
    @heatherdewberry5849 9 лет назад

    Thank you so much for this video. Finally a video with a real person going through some of the same issues as me. I had my thyroid removed last February (2014) and I have gained 40 pounds that I can't shed. I started gluten free two weeks ago and been working out very hard. I just hope this weight will fall back off of me because I do suffer from being self conscience about my weight gain and I suffer with low self esteem. I do love your positivity. It is giving me life. I too have the memory loss and ADHD and the weird migraine where my vision is so blurred but I don't have the actual headache. Would you be able to tell me the medicine that you use for your ADHD, I'm studying for a certification and I can't remember anything. Thanks for all of the advice and for sharing your experience. You are awesome!

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      Heather McKinney Heather, hope you are doing well love! Stay positive! Just remember that it takes a lot of time to see results from working out. You may feel like you are doing so much and not seeing any results.. just don't give up! i encourage you to throw away your scale and base your progress off of how you feel and how your clothes fit. I take vyvanse for my ADHD. wishing you the best!

  • @BigDirtyBasterd
    @BigDirtyBasterd 7 лет назад

    Is sugary an out patient procedure or do you have to stay in a hospital for a few days?

  • @nishadhiresh
    @nishadhiresh 7 лет назад

    love you......ur positivity.......mwah

  • @AshantiQueen
    @AshantiQueen 8 лет назад

    Thank you so much for your video. I am having my thyroid remove in 2 weeks and I am very scared about all the side effects, like my hormones being out of control, weight gain, hair loss, low energy, etc. I have 2 nodules about 6cm on my thyroid and I'm not sure if I should get the thyroid remove even though my doctor recommend it. Any advise? I know you're not a doctor but I can use your advise based on your experience. Thank you.

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  8 лет назад

      +akabajada777 My advice is to listen to your doctor as they are specialists and know what is best. how are you doing? did you have the surgery?

  • @joannjackson6360
    @joannjackson6360 6 лет назад

    I had a complete thyroid removal, nodule, and gourder. I had cancer an grave's. The Dr. hit my vocal cord an I lost one, he also damaged the thyroid gland so it was not put in my arm. I was paralyzed from my waist down, Dr. thought it was permanent an was for awhile. Can you recommend a good Dr for a vocal cord and voice surgery Dr.

  • @elizabethorellana2519
    @elizabethorellana2519 3 года назад

    Hello I just came across your videos I have to watch them all. But I had a question. I had half my thyriod out and I just got diagnosed with follicular cancer with vascular invasion. So dr wants to take the rest out and do radio iodine. Which I am scared of doing. BUT! I’m honestly soo scared of getting fat.. did u gain a lot of weight? What did u do?

  • @katheys7055
    @katheys7055 9 лет назад

    I had my thyroid removed in 2013. I have like no scar and I was super glad about that. My symptoms were all over the place. I had migraines, shortness of breath, low energy. I slept 16 hours a day and then I found out it was cancer so it's been a rough road. They think I had hashmotos as well. I was up to 251 pounds and I've lost 40 so far with the gluten free diet. I haven't had a chance to watch all your videos, but what are you taking. I'm taking t4 and t3 and I don't know what I would do with out the t3. I felt terrible when I was just on the t4. I'm also taking adrenal supplements. My holistic doctor has been a God send. It's crazy how one small gland does so much for your body!

    • @MarisaIacobelli
      @MarisaIacobelli  9 лет назад

      ***** Congrats on the weight loss! Keep uo the good work! I am only currently taking Synthroid 175mcg. I am thinking about going to talk to someone about adrenal supplements just to see if it will help even more with energy. It's insane how much your thyroid does... it's definitely an underrated organ! Stay Strong!

  • @joannaandreou2130
    @joannaandreou2130 7 лет назад +2

    i had the surgery tt before one week.i have been given 9 calcium pills sixpills.. so hard to swallow they are really big