The Olivet Discourse - Steve Gregg 7.28.2022

  • Опубликовано: 31 июл 2022

Комментарии • 55

  • @carey8498
    @carey8498 4 дня назад +1

    Excellent teaching Steve! May God continue to bless you and your ministry 🎉

  • @mynonameyt
    @mynonameyt Год назад +30

    I have close friends that I’ve known for 30 to 40 years, Christian men that I worked with and gone to the same church. I’m amazed how closed minded they are when I mention this kind of teaching. Most seem to be so devoted to Hal Lindsey and pastors that have grown up hearing and reading books like his.
    It’s almost as if I were speaking to atheist and trying to convince them God really does exist…they’re just not interested. Sad.

    • @kevinteichroeb6997
      @kevinteichroeb6997 9 месяцев назад +2

      So true! This is why I am reaching out to the next generation.

    • @kevingomez8735
      @kevingomez8735 8 месяцев назад +1

      I totally relate

    • @vaekkriinhart4347
      @vaekkriinhart4347 6 месяцев назад +1

      same with my good friend, a recent convert. It IS sad. He even said that he just didn't want to be confused.. Thing is, I was confused UNTIL I heard Steve on the radio 20 years ago lol THEN it all made sense

  • @Jacob5297
    @Jacob5297 2 года назад +15

    Partial preterism seems to have more validity than we have been led to believe. It's the position I now hold as well as Amillennial. This helps to confirm what I believed.

    • @rebsince71
      @rebsince71 9 месяцев назад +4

      Amen. Same here. It seems that most of the teaching I had sat under, most of my life, was referring to “man’s traditions”, and not the actual text. It’s time we all got back to the text and what it says. The problem is that most don’t know their bible, thus are easily influenced to believe something the scriptures don’t actually say.

    • @ZTOfitness
      @ZTOfitness 4 месяца назад +1

      @@rebsince71 most people are unable to separate the dispensational tradition from the scripture. People who have been brought up in the evangelical dipensational tradition think their tradition is equal to scripture and is the only view held by true bible believing people.. many reasons contribute to this one of which is complete disconnect from church history among your average dispensational person.

    • @danielclodfelter2048
      @danielclodfelter2048 4 месяца назад

      ​@@ZTOfitness There are a few reasons why people can't separate it. 1. They don't read the Bible. 2. They don't study the Bible. 3. They want something different than a pure heart. 4. Not everyone has the gift of discernment. ( Which makes it very effortless to distinguish between facts and lies.) It feels self gratifying to have divine insight of the future and it also makes one feel like they have superior knowledge over another. It's ego driven, and history is boring to most people. There's only one reason why a couple manuscripts have made it this long, and the people that believe lies aren't really searching for that reason. So to combat it, I always ask them to validate their statements by factual resources. If they want to resort to scripture only, it's hard to validate their claim, nearly impossible. These people have been indoctrinated to think they can't look anywhere else to confirm the scripture, and can only relate to current events.

  • @Jacob5297
    @Jacob5297 2 года назад +15

    What a great guy a Steve Gregg is . And a great teacher. Look forward to meeting him in the New Jerusalem.

    • @martdavid84
      @martdavid84 2 года назад

      The New Jersusalem? He’ll be in Wichita, Kansas this Sunday! 😁

    • @Jacob5297
      @Jacob5297 2 года назад

      @@martdavid84 Stand up comic I see!!

    • @martdavid84
      @martdavid84 2 года назад +3

      @@Jacob5297 Lol. Just playing around with you, my brother. But Steve will be at our church on Sunday and I’m happy about it 😊

    • @nickmorgan8434
      @nickmorgan8434 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@martdavid84I just started listening to him . I just watched his video about Tribulation

  • @qazyman
    @qazyman 2 года назад +9

    Thank you for your ministry. It's inconceivable that this group of men would be talking about anything other than the coming destruction they would face, and it's hubris to think they're taking about us, when they're facing the destruction of the temple and the end of their way of life.

  • @gustavoserrano9104
    @gustavoserrano9104 2 года назад +5

    Great job Steve..!!! I enjoy your teachings and books

  • @Spirit-FilledMindset
    @Spirit-FilledMindset 2 года назад +6

    Heaven and Earth is Jewish terminology. They would know that to be the Temple.

  • @ChrisBurton-mf3gk
    @ChrisBurton-mf3gk 3 месяца назад

    “In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.” (Luke 17:31)

  • @jjd903
    @jjd903 5 месяцев назад


  • @TheSuperbusymom
    @TheSuperbusymom 20 дней назад +2

    I understood that monty python reference. :)

    • @carey8498
      @carey8498 4 дня назад

      And "My Generation" reference - great song by The Who🎉

  • @JesseMongia
    @JesseMongia 9 месяцев назад

    May I add that the reason for difference in discourse of gospels may not be because "of history" but because Holy Spirit moved each to be written accurately by different people of different character .

  • @ChrisBurton-mf3gk
    @ChrisBurton-mf3gk 3 месяца назад

    So… my question is if the end of the age in Matthew 24 is the end of the “ Jewish age,” what does it mean in Matthew 13?

  • @yellowrose9355
    @yellowrose9355 2 года назад

    Question. I started before the video cut me off. I did the 1st exercise to a count of 30, comfortable. You said do 10 of each exercise. so is that how many in a set?

    • @ForrestS
      @ForrestS Год назад

      I think this question ended up on the wrong video.. 😁

  • @ChurchinnameofJESUSCHRIST
    @ChurchinnameofJESUSCHRIST 10 месяцев назад

    So what hope is there

  • @ProphecyReality
    @ProphecyReality Год назад +1

    I'm glad to see that he's adopted my "these things" thesis, but he uses it not to differentiate, but to exclude the end of the age question about when He would return bodily. The disciples where certainly not asking about a non-bodily return in judgment only, but really wanted to know when He would return and set up His kingdom on earth. Jesus answered the second question too.

    • @brianbriggs2183
      @brianbriggs2183 6 месяцев назад +1

      How were they asking when he'd return when they didn't know he was leaving?

  • @windyday8598
    @windyday8598 Год назад

    re: noah and lot, jesus was talking about how it will go down on the day that the son of
    man is revealed , focusing on the fact that the same day noah and lot were rescued God sent sudden destruction. the same day. so will his coming be. the big take away.

  • @yoashka1
    @yoashka1 7 месяцев назад

    8 minutes in and there were already 2 commercial interruptions!

    • @TheSuperbusymom
      @TheSuperbusymom 21 день назад

      Yeah. Steve Gregg operates as lean as possible. Going ad free costs more

  • @Spirit-FilledMindset
    @Spirit-FilledMindset 2 года назад +7

    The Bible doesn't make reference to any future comings after 70 AD. Its possible Jesus may come again, but we can't know for sure. Revelation is bound by time indicators in the front and back that indicate everything in that book was near.

    • @lakevacm
      @lakevacm 11 месяцев назад

      Nevertheless Christians are waiting for his return, except for full Preterists.
      The original purpose of creation of God provides insight into a second coming of Christ.
      Adam and Eve were created to become the ancestors of goodness of God’s lineage. Because they did not do this, God had to enact a contingency plan involving a man born without original sin. This is why Paul called Jesus the Last Adam.
      In order to establish a lineage of goodness through the family ideal, shouldn’t Jesus have raised a woman to rectify Eve’s mistake and fulfill the original role of a woman as an ancestor of goodness, which would be the bride of the Messiah?
      If so, the Messiah must come as the Third Adam to complete the original purpose of creation which involves restoring Eve’s position.
      This is the reason for a second coming of the Messiah who will come as he did before, through the belly of a woman. He will usher in the realm of the Third Adam in the Completed Testament Age. Christians will have much difficulty to recognize him as the lord.
      Because a record of the chosen people missing the day of their visitation exists, Christians are susceptible to missing the day of their visitation as well. The triumvirate of grand usury witchcraft, religious supremacist racism, and self centered individualism (Satanism) compose an internal and external three stranded cord that is only able to exist when the theoretical foundation and living foundation with spiritual experiences that can be mobilized provided by the Lord of the Second Advent coming in the capacity of the Third Adam is rejected by conventional Christians. Did not Jesus say, “New wine must be put into new wineskins”? Jesus did not come to recite the Tanakh. It was conventional Judaism which rejected him. The same can happen in our time and I would say had already happened in our time.
      However, there is something about three attempts that brings success. Concerning our topic, Adam and Eve fell at the top of the second stage of development, prior to entering the completion stage of their growth process when God would lift the restriction placed on them for the purpose of protecting them from premature sexual activity. Therefore Satan cannot claim authority over the third stage of true man and true woman’s development, occurring in the Era of the Third Adam, but they must still fight at the risk of their lives to enter the completion stage of development taking place in the third stage of their growth period to become mature inviolable young adults ready for God’s blessing of marriage involving the complex male-female relationship left unfulfilled by Adam and Eve and which lamentably Jesus did not accomplish because of the faithlessness of his own people. Then together as the first genuinely true parents of history, who successfully passed through the completion stage to enter the direct dominion of God after the formation, growth and completion stages, each containing a three stage gradient the Parents Right, and Kings Right, long lost due to Satan would be forever in God’s hands. Passing through the final third completion stage, Adam and Eve would become the mathematical embodiment of the numbers occurring in the Providence of Restoration and entering into the direct dominion of God above the third stage, becoming the embodiment of the number 10 which is the returning number after 9 stages of development.

    • @ianbell2931
      @ianbell2931 6 месяцев назад

      Revelation includes the thousand year reign of the saints, which reaches well beyond the first century.

  • @ricoyochanan
    @ricoyochanan 9 месяцев назад

    @72Brundlefly Actually you can know he's coming again, because he says he is. Jesus came the first time, and he's going back to prepare place for us, and then he will come AGAIN to receive us.
    Joh 14:2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?
    3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

    • @deanfloyd8931
      @deanfloyd8931 9 месяцев назад

      He was referring to his death, burial and resurrection, this is what he was referring to as "preparing a place for us"...content matters

  • @valleynight8360
    @valleynight8360 2 года назад

    Do you know when Satan was kicked out of Heaven? When Jesus was crucified and entered Heaven there was a great battle and Michael defeated that serpent and he was cast out of Heaven. "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." Then the thousand-year reign began, and the thousand years Satan was cast into the abyss.

  • @petergouvignon8048
    @petergouvignon8048 2 года назад +1

    Mat 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (the old covenant has passed so heaven & earth?)
    Mat 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
    Rev 20:11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
    Heb 8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

    • @BraveNewMen
      @BraveNewMen 8 месяцев назад

      Ever asked what Jewish people meant by 'Heaven and Earth' and what did it referred to? They meant it to be the 'temple' where God (heaven) under the old covenant met with His people (earth). Try to see it with this understanding and it will all make sense to you.

    • @petergouvignon8048
      @petergouvignon8048 8 месяцев назад

      @@BraveNewMen hear is another thought on the same lines
      1Ki 7:23-26 ISV 23 Hiram also made a sea of cast metal ten cubits from brim to brim, circular in shape and five cubits and 30 cubits in its inner circumference. 24 Under the brim, completely encircling it, were two rows of gourds inlaid as part of the original casting, ten to a cubit. 25 The sea stood on top of twelve oxen. Three faced north, three faced west, three faced south, and three faced east. The sea was set on top of them, and their hind parts faced the center. 26 The reservoir, which held about 2,000 baths, stood about a handbreadth thick, and its rim looked like the brim of a cup or of a lily blossom.
      Heaven was in the most holy part of the sanctuary were God dwells the shekinah glory & the ark of the covenant the law
      The holy place is were the lapstands shine their light firmament
      Iner court is the bronze molten sea & the bronze alter Earth
      Heaven and earth disappeared with the destruction of the temple in AD70 why is there no bronze sea in the new heaven & earth Rev 21:1 because When Christ died, His people were cleansed once for all time by His blood shed on the cross. We no longer need a ritualistic washing with water to come before God, because Christ has “provided purification for sins”

    • @petergouvignon8048
      @petergouvignon8048 8 месяцев назад

      @@BraveNewMen or you can try John Owen sermon on 2PETER chapter 3
      John Owen in sermon called "Providential Changes"
      Essentially he is arguing:
      (1) “heavens and earth” (in 3:7 and 3:10) refer to the Old Covenant with Israel, not to creation
      (2) the coming of Jesus on the “day of judgment” (3:7) and “day of the Lord” (3:10) is not his Second Coming but his judgment on the Jerusalem temple in AD 70
      (3) the fiery judgment foretold in 3:7 and described in 3:10 refers not to a final judgment of the ungodly but to the end of the Old Covenant at the AD 70 temple destruction
      (4) this means the “new heavens and a new earth” in 3:13 refer not to a future new physical creation but to the New Covenant fully established

    • @petergouvignon8048
      @petergouvignon8048 8 месяцев назад

      @@BraveNewMen or try this one out John Lightfoot this is a really good understanding as he was a rabbinic scholar go one line you will find him explaining 2Peter 3 👍
      John Lightfoot (1602-1675), minister and noted rabbinic scholar, assigned a thoroughly figurative sense to the biblical texts which proclaimed a new heavens and earth. His stance on the new heavens and earth is easily discernible from his commentaries as well as two published sermons. The first sermon was delivered in 1645, the second sermon in 1663, and the commentaries were published over a period of years.[1]The sermon of 1645 before the House of Commons provides a convenient launching pad into his thought.

  • @americaascendant3554
    @americaascendant3554 6 месяцев назад

    We'll just have to wait and see, won't we!
    Moses said that the Jews would be cast out and return, as did Jeremiah, and here they are!

  • @DJ-il8iv
    @DJ-il8iv 6 месяцев назад

    So lost. Go with Dispensationalism

    • @Bombaycompany1776
      @Bombaycompany1776 4 месяца назад +2

      He already did. He taught it for years till he started recognizing the holes in it

    • @Bombaycompany1776
      @Bombaycompany1776 4 месяца назад

      He already did. He taught it for years till he started to see the holes in it.