Well Australia was used as a penal colony by the British. I would guess that it got a blend of those that would have gone to America on the ships and those deemed as criminals by the social norms of the time.
I know this comments a month old but you can also think about it in the sense that we were British influenced up until WW2 then American influenced after that point. Causing a cultural hybridisation and the accent along with it.
I am from the U.S...and the British accent is considered 'educated' and classy..even the accents the Brits find low class!..if a person of either gender opens their mouth here and speaks as from the UK, they are thronged by the opposite sex!..we are taught the Brits are more educated!
lol whenever I speak I sound like him but obviously female because people say I have a very strong fancy british accent but I have to admit when he says things there just 10x fancier and hot😂
Keely Re Mi haha I must admit when I am watching a game of cricket I love the commentary but when it comes to New Zealand commentary I just turn it off
@@kenbray5682 It's not just that... It's only recently that America has had a major influence on Australia. Prior to the internet and major globalisation, Australians rarely heard American accents in their day to day lives. American-born Australians make up a TINY portion of our population. The accent is the result of the intermingling of the accents of the original colonists who came from places like England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The American accent was influenced largely by the same things in its early stages, hence the similarities.
Same here. I used to sound more closer to British rather than American accent but the Aussie accent came along 😂😂 My accent would be like Asaustican accent or something 😂😂😂
Same goes for me :D I´m more american with my accent but in some words i dont pronounce R(like very few but ppl are confused) and also use a lot of australian slang :DD
Christina Phan Mine is just a fucking mess. Like the words I say are British since I am british but I’m from the northern part, which is the less posh area (a lot less posh let’s be real lmao) I don’t sound American at all but i never pronounce ts and all the vowels I say are really low in pitch lmao
I'm Scottish. It'd be closer to American but still not really like any of the other ones lol. In my part we don't really pronounce the t. So butter would be like buh-ur
미국식 영어로 한국에서 배우다 영국에서 공부하면서 영국식 악센트 배워왔다가 (+ 런던 남고딩 같다는 말까지 들어봤다가) 다시 한국에서 살면서 미국 악센트가 익숙해지니까 최근에는 영어권 제외한 서양인들로부터 호주에서 살다왔냐는 질문을 많이 들어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 실제로 오스트레일리안 악센트가 브릿과 아메리칸의 중간지점이었네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I found this channel and can't stop watching them, lol. I do wish the American would relax and just say the words/sentences, though. He sounds like he's trying too hard.
I'm English and around where I live a lot of words such as bottle, water or party the 't' gets dropped. So I (and others) would pronounce it like "boh'ul, wor'er and pah'e".
일본사람이랑 중국사람이랑 한국사람이랑 모여서 자기나라식 김치라면서 유럽에 김치레시피 소개하는거 보고있으면 한국사람이 느끼는 기분이 저 영국인님 느낌 아닐까요..? 한국사람이 학교에서 영어를 미국식으로 배우는거 황당하다는 영국유투버 분들 동영상을 몇번 본적이 있어서 뭔가 이해는 됨 ㅠㅠ
Sejin Kim 전세계적으로 미국식영어보다는 영국식 영어를 더 쓰는데 우리나라는 미국식 영어를 써서 영국인들이 미국식영어를 놀리는걸 이해 못할수도있어요.아시아 몇개국가를 빼고는 전세계적으로 영국식영어를 쓰거든요. 영국인들이 영어 원조 부심(?)같은게 있는듯하네요...전 영국에서도 살아서 왔다갔다하면우리나라에서 미국식 영어 배우는 사람들 영어하는거 듣거나 그러면 오글거리도라고요 그리고 요즘은 그냥 가볍게 장난으로 서로 놀려요ㅋㅋ서로 말투 따라하면서 미국인들도 놀리기도해요ㅋㅋ심각하게 안받아드리셔도 될것같아요ㅎ
@@JonathanHernandez-du5eu I'm Jamaican and we say hax long H. In the southern parts of the U.S., many whites also say axe. I live in the North U.S. and I thought it was a Black American pronunciation until I visited the South. Whites in the south also eat blackeyed peas, chitterlings , collard greens ,grits and okra. Much of what I thought was exclusively African America I now understand it Southern. Just as white, Chinese Indo etc. Jamaicans are indistinguishable from Afro Jamaicans in mannerism, speech, culture and diet.
@@JakauYT I've heard so many times that the English hate American accents! Not all of course. Maybe because it's so different than all the other places that used to be English.
@@rseestella2296 Of course not, I've just heard it a lot. I don't live there though, maybe those people are in the minority. The minority always seems to be the loudest after all! Either way, nice to see it's not everyone there.
Maybe you should do different British accents. If you say you've got a British accent, it's rather vague and there are really noticeable differences from people from Essex or Liverpool or Cambrige or York and London
Every country in the world has different accents. You just can't compare them all. He'd need loads of people from the US, australia *and* the UK to compare every single accent.
Bob I used "they" as a singular gender neutral pronoun, not plural. -_- Your just trying to cower the fact that Nabiya has a point and didn't contradict themselves. Aha, I cringe when people say "you are so irrelevant" XD
I always get asked if I'm from Australia or Britain and I'm like I'm from both my mum's British and my dad is Aussie but I sound more British but something's j call different
I love it when people think they know everything, like you the word is Internationally lol.. That's how you spell it correctly moron, go back to school dip shit hahahahaha.....
I think it might be even more specific than that, because I'm from the north and I say innernationally. I can't be bothered to pronounce the t apparently.
Not to be racist or anything since I don’t have any other way to phrase this better but the American just sounds like your typical sheltered white person that is very educated thus he sounds more educated. Idk bout y’all but I live in LA in the San Fernando Valley and let me just tell u it’s ghetto asf here so we talk and sound the opposite of this dude😂
I’m Australian, and when I was in London, people kept asking me if I was either American or South African. Any other country they ask if I’m English. Weird eh!
When they start saying can’t sounds like nails on a chalk board Me: *plays and I’m proud to be an American on my phone to try not to feel ashamed of my ‘accent’ “
There are some subtleties to the London-RP accent: Words starting with "T" like Tube often changed to "ch" like "Choob". And words ending in L switched to -ow: Tunnel "Tunneau", Bell "Beaw". Australian speakers, and some British will end words that end in "o" with an "barely-OR" sound. No = "Nerrrrr", So= "Serrrrr", where Americans will end the same ending-in-o words with a more rounded "oh/ow" sound, "sooow".
Also in the UK pronunciation is different depending on whether you're from the north or south. Northerners tend to shorten their words a lot more and pronounce their A's differently
Just wanna point out that the "British" accent which Sam has is actually one form of an English accent (of which there are many), there's no such thing as a British accent, good video though!
Yeah, I think they were just going by the "standard" accents. Sam's was "standard" English and John's was "standard" American. I'm from the Southern U.S., and my accent sounds very different from John's.
this is a very interesting video; I love the various ways to say certain things, American, British, and Australian; I love the British and Australian accents; the vowels are held differently on different words!
as a scottish individual, i would’ve loved to see the scottish accent involved as not everyone speaks like people in england. british is not just “english.” overall i enjoyed this vid !
British Sam speaks with more of the "Queen's English" (Received Pronunciation), there are accents who's pronunciations would vary hugely from Sam's own. Including Cockney where water would be pronounced "Wa'ah" or "Wa'er" where the 't' is silenced, this happens often when 't' precedes 'e'.
Canada is somewhere between America and Australia. I there was a scale from America to Britian, Canada would be equally as close to America as Australia is to Britian.
I hate when Canadians pretend they have a different accent than American. You say one or 2 differently and you think you have a different accent. Even Americans and Canadians cant see the difference between both.
Haha, it was fun to watch. It reminded me of the days I had spent in Aus nearly for 2yrs. I got there with my American accents at first. Some of Aussie guys I’d met laughed in my face just because of my accent. I got so confused for which accent is right to speak. And My accent totally got mixed up and lost its identity so that now I can’t tell if mine sounds like an American or British or even Australian or whatever...sad tho lol
It is possible, but there are parts of England and Ireland where they pronounce the R like an American... Maybe the American accent was influenced by those dialects? You may be right though.
Amanda I speak four languages Spanish, Italian, Greman and of course English ! English is my worst I'm American it's a joke, you young lady are Beautiful !!!
It's amazing that even if it's the same English, each country has a different pronunciation! Thank you so much for letting me know about the difference in pronunciation that even ordinary people can easily encounter!
"Can't" can sound different for different parts of the US where the "a" can be soft or harder sounding. "Ask" is mispronounced by many Americans as "axed". It can be a problem for many when seeking employment
British accent is so complicated because it depends where in uk your from so some words can sound posher and some can sound lazier, but you can change between the two
I mean the English guy is kind of speaking "Recieved Pronunciation" English. You'll find a lot of people saying "Water" like "Wort-uh" in a lot of places in the UK.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, a lot of city Australians do sound very standard British. the regional Australia you should spot right away cause it's quite a bit different. I guess the main thing to look out for to tell the difference is not so much how we say its what we say. most Australian will shorten words no matter what part they are from but Brittens less so. most Australians wouldn't be too offended if you ask and I don't think brittens would be either, its when we have a regional accent and you call us British that it might give us a little pause.
I actually had a woman from the UK ask me where in england I was from. I had to tell her I was born Australian but I do have a thing that I mimic accents and its worse around British people. Also I pronounce certain words like the british do. In all fairness regardless of that we mistake Americans and canadians.
If you come from Suffolk, you'll likely say "Twosday" too (5:40). Most of the emigrants on the Mayflower came from that part of England. Though it'll more likely sound like "TWOZdee" (emphasis v. much on the 1st syllable).
It'd be nice if the different accents within each culture were mentioned too, different areas have different accents and pronounce things differently. That knowledge may be useful to someone. :D
that'll be for seperate videos XD just imagine saying the different dialects/accents all across Britain, US, Australia then how non native speakers accents sound in english no way that''ll be to big to cover XD
There are really 3 types of Australian accents -Cultivated, General and Broad. Bella sound like she has a general accent . I think now a days the General type of Australian accent is slowly changing from British pronunciation to to a odd mixture of both British and American. Nevertheless, Australian accent is so unique - not many people can mimic an Australian Accent. Personally I like the British Sam accent.
i feel like australia is the kid and america & britian are the parents trying to influence their kid to take their accent
Never heard it explained so well
Well Australia was used as a penal colony by the British. I would guess that it got a blend of those that would have gone to America on the ships and those deemed as criminals by the social norms of the time.
I know this comments a month old but you can also think about it in the sense that we were British influenced up until WW2 then American influenced after that point. Causing a cultural hybridisation and the accent along with it.
어렸을때 선생님이 party를 파티라고하면 혼냈던 기억들이 있는데 오히려 한국인은 영국영어가 훨씬 정직하게 발음되서 더쉬운거같아요..파뤼..너무힘듬
엥ㅋㅋㅋ저는 party발음할때 파티를 라 발음하면 귀찮아서 파뤼라고 항상그랬는데...ㅠㅠ
저는 오히려 반대에용 ㅋㅋ
반대에용 ㅋㅋ 려 반려 반대에용 대에려 반대에용 ㅋㅋ용 ㅋㅋ, Hell Yeah!
Ravi Shankar 저기 죄송하지만 무슨 뜻인가요?? 오타인가요? 반려?
그래도 한국식으로 파티 라고 하는거랑 영국 발음이랑 다르다고 못알아드는 사람 많던데ㅜ꙼̈ㅜ꙼̈
How can a British accent sound so fancy with out even trying
I am from the U.S...and the British accent is considered 'educated' and classy..even the accents the Brits find low class!..if a person of either gender opens their mouth here and speaks as from the UK, they are thronged by the opposite sex!..we are taught the Brits are more educated!
lol whenever I speak I sound like him but obviously female because people say I have a very strong fancy british accent but I have to admit when he says things there just 10x fancier and hot😂
bts genius until you go to Manchester and Birmingham 😂
Cuz we like to pronounce majority of every letter
I’m British but I don’t sound like them 😂😂😂 I’m a scouser
Did you just write Harry Potter as Harry Porter?
i was wondering if anyone else saw that XD
@@1DollHair he did it for the us too
@@1DollHair no he did it for the American, us Australian's pronounce it like the British
I thought I was delusional until I rewind it
they did
To be fair there's a different American accent for like every 5 States
Kinkboii and a different accent all across Britain
You got different accents by the Zip code
@Jed Larchant doubt it
@Jed Larchant he must not have gotten around the states much
@Jed Larchant pro rata is worthless
Australians are just British Texans
I’m jk
(I’m Aussie btw)
Your actually very right..
DogeTheDingo I’m Australian to btw too
And that’s why Australia is Texas’ unofficial sister
Omg true
Aussie is mixture of American and British and much lazier
thegreat J's vlog indeed it is
Then there's us kiwi's ...
Keely Re Mi haha I must admit when I am watching a game of cricket I love the commentary but when it comes to New Zealand commentary I just turn it off
Love aussie more than America or British
Their reactions to the Australian accent makes me laugh so much
kairo rude
I do think it's a mix between British and American.... What do you think ?
It's not just that... It's only recently that America has had a major influence on Australia. Prior to the internet and major globalisation, Australians rarely heard American accents in their day to day lives. American-born Australians make up a TINY portion of our population.
The accent is the result of the intermingling of the accents of the original colonists who came from places like England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
The American accent was influenced largely by the same things in its early stages, hence the similarities.
kairo haha every Australian speaks like that (including me)
Ken Bray I would say 90% British 10% of American in certain sounds. This is coming from an Aussie
진짜 토익할 때마다 빡침 특히 호주...
영상에 있는 여자분은 그래도 양호한편인데 듣기평가에서 나오는 호주발음은 그냥 미친놈임 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
토익lc하다가 발음문제 땜에 성질나서 발음차이 들을려고 왔는뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나만 그런게 아니구나
파트2의 숙적,,,
호주 원어민 친구 만날때 마다 넘 알아듣기 힘듬... 젠장알.
호주유학생 1승
The problem with British accent is it depends where you from in Britain cause I don't pronounced the 't' in water
Dancing Divas
Same goes with the US. The US is HUGE!!
same goes for every language in every country on this earth.
Nabiya Ri I know aye.
... sometimes I wonder
Dancing Divas same here in aus like idk who tf she was representing
Don't pronounce the t in water? So you say waer? Lmao
미국은 ㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹㄹ하고 영국은 ㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌ한데 호주는 ㄾㄾㄾㄾㄾㄾㄾ하네
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㄹㅌㄹㅌㄹㅌ
이수현 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When u watch the video and u realize your English is like a mixture of US UK Aussie and Asian accents ;___;
I relate mate I really do
Same here. I used to sound more closer to British rather than American accent but the Aussie accent came along 😂😂 My accent would be like Asaustican accent or something 😂😂😂
Same goes for me :D I´m more american with my accent but in some words i dont pronounce R(like very few but ppl are confused) and also use a lot of australian slang :DD
Yep, asian by blood but i grew up on the land down under, m a t e
Christina Phan Mine is just a fucking mess. Like the words I say are British since I am british but I’m from the northern part, which is the less posh area (a lot less posh let’s be real lmao) I don’t sound American at all but i never pronounce ts and all the vowels I say are really low in pitch lmao
says: Can't in British and Australian accent
*did not realise that they swore 15 times already*
I know right!
Eh I'm so confused
Cunt is pronounced differently in England. It’s literally pronounced KUHNT. So it’s KHANT and KUHNT 😂
@@charlotteh7924 Yeah, with a short emphasis on 'u' :P
OMG british sam is such a jerk! At least americans aren't all 'idear' and 'wootah' and 'butsaah'.
영국발음이 편안한 느낌이라 더 좋은데...항상 미국식 영어에 노출되어 있다보니 더 익숙해지는건 어쩔수 없네요 ㅠ
박수아 좋아요 500개 채워줬다
i need to work on my korean
박수아 수아야 어쩌라는거지?
You should get a Scottish person on this 😂
(Edit: wow did not expect that many likes thank you so much 😂)
Watching "trainspotting" was so challenging to me... I think I could have understood a russian movie more 😂
Samden Sherpa really? 😂😂
or a cockney
I'm Scottish. It'd be closer to American but still not really like any of the other ones lol.
In my part we don't really pronounce the t. So butter would be like buh-ur
미국식 영어로 한국에서 배우다 영국에서 공부하면서 영국식 악센트 배워왔다가 (+ 런던 남고딩 같다는 말까지 들어봤다가) 다시 한국에서 살면서 미국 악센트가 익숙해지니까 최근에는 영어권 제외한 서양인들로부터 호주에서 살다왔냐는 질문을 많이 들어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그리고 실제로 오스트레일리안 악센트가 브릿과 아메리칸의 중간지점이었네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I’ve noticed that in our accent, Australians say “t”s more like “d”s
Eve D The American accent is like that was well. Instead if saying, Matter, it's almost like we say, Madder. Better is like Bedder and so on.
And words that end in O sound like Or, as in No sounds like Nor.
Eve D im glad someone said it
It can sometimes also be more like a glottal stop-think the dash in “uh-oh”.
Eve D yah like it’s normally somewhere in the in the middle maybe at the end but not normally at the beginning
Why am I binge watching these during quarantine?
ikr lol same
I found this channel and can't stop watching them, lol. I do wish the American would relax and just say the words/sentences, though. He sounds like he's trying too hard.
Arent we all lmao
영국분 목소리 너무 좋아요 ㅠㅠㅠ
hyeon ah 난 여자분이 너무좋음
스폰지밥 영국남자는 뭐가 되는거임?
한남들 또 갓양남한테 질투하네 ㅉㅉ 정신병있나 목소리좋다고만 해도 발작
발작버튼 눌리는것도 참 가지가지다 ㅋㅋ
it’s always interesting when four members are together
아니 아닌데
올라무새Hola 너무해
호주발음진짜 존나어렵다 토익공부하는데 뭐라는지안들림
호주도 어려운데 캐나다발음 적응안됨.. 미국보다 더 흘려서 뭐라씨부리는지 알지를 못하겠음. 캐나다듣다가 영국들으면 사이다에 콜라에 핫식스에 탄산 2배넣은것만큼 시원함
@@신라면-x5t ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ영국도 첨엔어려웟는데 오히려잘들리는현상이..
@@김김김김-i4x 발음이 좀 정확해서 다른나라보다 좀더 듣기쉬움ㅋㅎ
@@신라면-x5t 개웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅜㅜ진짜여 호주발음못알아먹겠음ㅜㅜㅋ
Harry PoRter…?
yeah,sounds french lol
Isn't it Potter?
Yea, Isn't it potter?
U are right. It's Harry Potter
Brian Kim lol
I'm English and around where I live a lot of words such as bottle, water or party the 't' gets dropped. So I (and others) would pronounce it like "boh'ul, wor'er and pah'e".
Rob I sometimes do that as well
Rob where are you from?
im american and where im from it's mainly 'boddle' and 'weuter'
Sameeee so with butter it sounds like 'buher'
@Jamie Cox Nottingham
알게모르게 영상 보면서 기분이 좀 .... 영국분이 자꾸 미국분 살살 긁는것 같아서 ㅠㅠ
나만 느끼는건가 ㅠㅠ?
발음의 차이가 얼마나 나는지 정말 궁금했는데 영상 재밌게 잘 봤습니다 ㅎㅎ
네...저만 느낀거 아니군요...;;;'우리 영국이 제일 대단하고 세련되고 멋있어!ㅎ' 이런느낌..;;
으 저는 보는 내내 너무 신경쓰였어요 조롱하듯이 웃고.. 익살스럽게 따라하고...
5:40 여기보시면.. ㄷㄷ
일본사람이랑 중국사람이랑 한국사람이랑 모여서 자기나라식 김치라면서 유럽에 김치레시피 소개하는거 보고있으면
한국사람이 느끼는 기분이 저 영국인님 느낌 아닐까요..?
한국사람이 학교에서 영어를 미국식으로 배우는거 황당하다는 영국유투버 분들 동영상을 몇번 본적이 있어서 뭔가 이해는 됨 ㅠㅠ
Yes mate well done
따라하다가 점점 짬뽕이되어가는 날 발견한다....
김서연 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
점점 호주인이 되는 본인을 발견한다...
I just saw that this was in Korean so I clicked the like button.
미국인이랑 영국인 사이에 묘하게 긴장감이 흐르는 것 같아요..ㅎ 미국식 발음이 더 편하게 들리는데, 역시 영국식 발음이 개인적으로 세련되 보이는 것 같네요
영국애가 일방적으로 존나 놀리는데?
한소담 세련돼 입니다
영국은 왜 미국 발음 놀리죠? 영국인들 저런 태도가 정말 싫음.
Sejin Kim 영어 쓰는 사람들 발음이 관해 지적하는 것 놀리는 것에 꽤 예민하다던데...
Sejin Kim 전세계적으로 미국식영어보다는 영국식 영어를 더 쓰는데 우리나라는 미국식 영어를 써서 영국인들이 미국식영어를 놀리는걸 이해 못할수도있어요.아시아 몇개국가를 빼고는 전세계적으로 영국식영어를 쓰거든요. 영국인들이 영어 원조 부심(?)같은게 있는듯하네요...전 영국에서도 살아서 왔다갔다하면우리나라에서 미국식 영어 배우는 사람들 영어하는거 듣거나 그러면 오글거리도라고요
그리고 요즘은 그냥 가볍게 장난으로 서로 놀려요ㅋㅋ서로 말투 따라하면서 미국인들도 놀리기도해요ㅋㅋ심각하게 안받아드리셔도 될것같아요ㅎ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 마쟈....
같은 영어라도 발음이 이렇게 다르군요~
다나름대로 매력있고 듣기좋아요! 그냥 버벅거리지 않고 자연스럽게 물흐르듯 말할수 있다는거 그걸바랄뿐...😭
I just noticed that they have the same color flags
Wait America and Australia where founded by The UK
Jose segoviano yep
Well flag colors have symbolic meanings
e.g Blue for democracy
and they all have the same values relatively
Technically America wasn’t founded by the uk, people were already live here and the yo did not create the us
Haloman they did found america though lol they established the 13 original colonies
Amiyah Antoinette no a certain group of people did that not the uk.
As someone with a thick Scottish accent I had a fun time reading stuff along with them 😂😂
Oh, the good old Scottish which is impossible to understand.
Please feel free to say these sentences in video with your Scottish accent. I would watch that!!
Ray Henry yes me too
Thank God it wasn't just me then
I really love the way that Billy broke each sentence down, getting them to repeat certain words and then almost analysing it ^-^
진짜 호주 발음이 제일 어려워요 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ 어눌하게 말하는 느낌
It also depends where you live in the UK. Like "ask" can be pronounced both the English and American ways.
a *lot* of americans pronounce it "axe" (and I'm an american)
Only because you're black
@@JonathanHernandez-du5eu I'm Jamaican and we say hax long H. In the southern parts of the U.S., many whites also say axe. I live in the North U.S. and I thought it was a Black American pronunciation until I visited the South. Whites in the south also eat blackeyed peas, chitterlings , collard greens ,grits and okra. Much of what I thought was exclusively African America I now understand it Southern. Just as white, Chinese Indo etc. Jamaicans are indistinguishable from Afro Jamaicans in mannerism, speech, culture and diet.
The UK version, like for northerners would be shorter and sharper
확실히 익숙하고 듣기 편한건 미국식 영어고, 발음이 더 쉽다고 느껴지는 건 영국식 영어 같아요.
개인적으론 영국식 발음이 매력적.
영국식 억양이나 액센트가 이 좀더 멋있고 고급스러워 보이는건 왜일까요...캬 멋있다..ㅋㅋ
jh park 영국 R.P가 귀족이나 왕실이 쓰는 발음이니 고급져보인다는 느낌은 실제긴하죠..문제는 그걸로 노동자계층 출신들이 차별받아서 그렇죠..
American: "It's a pity that I can't go to the party"
UK/AUS: "It's a pity that I can't go to the potty"
It’s more like party and pa(r)ty actually
@@nikpupo Maybe his ears are just American.
aussies say party more like pardy
columbus8myhw No Americans say: “it’s a pidy I can’t go do the pardy”
미국 영어 발음을 개인적으로 싫어하긴 하지만, 이 영상에서 미국 게스트 분이 착하셔서 그런지
좀 다굴 당하는 것 같다할까 . 좀 갈수록 표정이 새드해 보여요
syLagia Le no way are you kidding me ? Lol....
i tried to read the comments, but alas, it's all in korean
same xD
Same here
you made me laugh so hard XD lol
haha true true
I can see the English comments more than Korean now
I love how Australians pronounce “o”s when they’re at the end of the word. It’s like a slight “r” sound.
Skuyler Knisely yea like “idear”
Lol thanks I didn’t know other people liked our accents
= No.
I don't get why the English hate the American accent so much! The Australians seem to like it, but it just irks them so much!!
Stonemansteve II
Their singers sound American so there's obviously a double standard.
since when do we hate american accents??
@@JakauYT I've heard so many times that the English hate American accents! Not all of course. Maybe because it's so different than all the other places that used to be English.
Okay but just, because one English speaking person does. That does not mean they all do.
@@rseestella2296 Of course not, I've just heard it a lot. I don't live there though, maybe those people are in the minority. The minority always seems to be the loudest after all! Either way, nice to see it's not everyone there.
Maybe you should do different British accents. If you say you've got a British accent, it's rather vague and there are really noticeable differences from people from Essex or Liverpool or Cambrige or York and London
Every country in the world has different accents. You just can't compare them all. He'd need loads of people from the US, australia *and* the UK to compare every single accent.
Nabiya Ri yes exactly. Im not sure whether you are trying to be against me but either way you contradicted yourself
Bob Camerban but Nabiya Ri's right tho... how'd they contradict themselves? lol
ZeBoy 19, nabiya ri is one person so don't type 'they' foolish boy. Anyway you are so irrelevant
Bob I used "they" as a singular gender neutral pronoun, not plural. -_- Your just trying to cower the fact that Nabiya has a point and didn't contradict themselves. Aha, I cringe when people say "you are so irrelevant" XD
전엔 영국발음이 훨씬 매력있다고 생각했는데 지금 보니 미국발음 엄청 매력있고 부드럽다..
호주발음 영국이랑 미국이랑 반반씩이라 너무 매력적이다🇺🇸🇬🇧
with words like the "internationally" example, we americans will often switch a "t" sound for a "d" sound if we're talking fast.
I always get asked if I'm from Australia or Britain and I'm like I'm from both my mum's British and my dad is Aussie but I sound more British but something's j call different
와!!! 2탄이네요 또 시리즈로 봤으면했는데 오늘도 좋은 비교영상 감사합니다
harry porter wtf
Tabassco Productions ikr lol
Yeah, I noticed that too.
Yeah lol
Havent you heard? its a jk rowlig rip off...
토익시험칠 때마다 호주발음에 빡침. 특히 남자 호주성우. 영국발음이 정직해서 듣기 좋음. 미국은 버터스러움.
영국식이 정석이죠
This American dude’s a northerner. No one in the south could possibly say inter-nationally. It’s innernationally.
I love it when people think they know everything, like you the word is Internationally lol.. That's how you spell it correctly moron, go back to school dip shit hahahahaha.....
I think it might be even more specific than that, because I'm from the north and I say innernationally. I can't be bothered to pronounce the t apparently.
I say it differently sometimes
In the US there so many different accents they could at least use two different ones. That guy in the video talks weird.
Socal, definitely different from Utahns as well, we either say Heavy T or soft D for Ts
진행 진짜 매끄럽게 잘하시네요!!
지브릴 ㅇㅈ
아니 아닌데
This american also has a very proper accent and doesnt phrase things as we would in casual conversation.
He has a Pacific Northwest accent
I noticed this too.
Not to be racist or anything since I don’t have any other way to phrase this better but the American just sounds like your typical sheltered white person that is very educated thus he sounds more educated. Idk bout y’all but I live in LA in the San Fernando Valley and let me just tell u it’s ghetto asf here so we talk and sound the opposite of this dude😂
@@angie0172 Where at? Just curious.
Aland Gomez Panorama city lol
I’m Australian, and when I was in London, people kept asking me if I was either American or South African. Any other country they ask if I’m English. Weird eh!
You need to get some Scottish people
Scottish people have the best accent of all Great Britain !!
not they don't
You need to learn English period !
Nobody would be able to understand.
They should get Wayne Rooney
When they start saying can’t sounds like nails on a chalk board
Me: *plays and I’m proud to be an American on my phone to try not to feel ashamed of my ‘accent’ “
@Rascal Bascal
Well, they literally invented the language so their way is technically more accurate.
@@DPAE-xc4ph Their accents have changed more than Americans' accents in the last 230 years.
Nuu I’m Australian and I love ur accents
The way many people from the UK say pasta sounds pretty bad.
Any one noticed Australian
In Ireland (pronounced are Lind) We say chuna chuesday youchube
Same in Britain
미국 데얼ㅇ ㅃ포 버럴스 오ㅃㅍ 워럴
영국 데얼ㅇ 포 버터ㄹ스 옵ㅍ 우어타
호주 데얼ㅅ 포ㅃ 버어터얼스 옾흐 우어텋
세종대왕님 감사합니다 한글의 위대함 ^^
와 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 세종대왕님 만세~~
이건 진짜 한글의위대함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
영국분 목소리 진짜 색시함ㅜㅜㅜ
you could easily do this same show with different US cities/states. Pittsburgh vs Boston vs NYC vs Texas vs Wisconsin. etc.
호주는 슬랭 들으면 진짜 모르겠어요. 그냥 말할때는 미국과 영국식 섞인 느낌으로 들려요. 외국인 입장에서는
There are some subtleties to the London-RP accent: Words starting with "T" like Tube often changed to "ch" like "Choob". And words ending in L switched to -ow: Tunnel "Tunneau", Bell "Beaw". Australian speakers, and some British will end words that end in "o" with an "barely-OR" sound. No = "Nerrrrr", So= "Serrrrr", where Americans will end the same ending-in-o words with a more rounded "oh/ow" sound, "sooow".
Ahhhh what are y’all saying in comments
The Epic Face lol!!!!!
+Syggy Santos I was thinking that as well, haha
Also in the UK pronunciation is different depending on whether you're from the north or south. Northerners tend to shorten their words a lot more and pronounce their A's differently
As someone who has always lived in Australia yet still has English as a second language, I found this video very helpful! Tack så mycket!
Just wanna point out that the "British" accent which Sam has is actually one form of an English accent (of which there are many), there's no such thing as a British accent, good video though!
E C True in this video he always pronounce the t in the word, but where I am from Somerset, its mostly left out. But good video.
Yeah, I think they were just going by the "standard" accents. Sam's was "standard" English and John's was "standard" American. I'm from the Southern U.S., and my accent sounds very different from John's.
Taking the British line of thinking, there's no such thing as an American accent either.
There is such thing the British accent is a pile of many different types of British accents
Same with the American accent. Different regions have different sounds. Think of NY vs. Boston vs. New Orleans, etc.
the british guy is really hot
a ll y this is the first endlish comment i saw while scrolling and it's trueeee (my heart)💀
he is and i'm so glad this was in english i kept seeing comments written using hangul
Roa Jubeh lmao sammee
a ll y I came here to say this 😂
The problem is there is soooooo many different accents in England alone not even counting Ireland, Scotland or Wales
this is a very interesting video; I love the various ways to say certain things, American, British, and Australian; I love the British and Australian accents; the vowels are held differently on different words!
난 미국식 영어가 더 익숙하게 부드럽게 느껴짐❤
Aussies turn their t’s into d’s and being an Aussie I’m honestly proud
0:27 워럴 버럴 해리 퐈럴
as a scottish individual, i would’ve loved to see the scottish accent involved as not everyone speaks like people in england. british is not just “english.” overall i enjoyed this vid !
British Sam speaks with more of the "Queen's English" (Received Pronunciation), there are accents who's pronunciations would vary hugely from Sam's own. Including Cockney where water would be pronounced "Wa'ah" or "Wa'er" where the 't' is silenced, this happens often when 't' precedes 'e'.
Canada is somewhere between America and Australia. I there was a scale from America to Britian, Canada would be equally as close to America as Australia is to Britian.
People in the North have similar accents to Canadians, though it's still quite a bit different
I'm British and can't tell the difference between Canadian accents and American accents lol
Me neither!!
I hate when Canadians pretend they have a different accent than American. You say one or 2 differently and you think you have a different accent. Even Americans and Canadians cant see the difference between both.
Oh come on, you guys sound almost exactly the same as Americans with a few exceptions.
British accent sounds so sophisticated lol
People say it sounds posh but I kinda just think it sounds sophisticated 🤷♀️
Omg Sam sounds like Prince Charming from shrek 😂😂😂😂😂
Haha, it was fun to watch. It reminded me of the days I had spent in Aus nearly for 2yrs. I got there with my American accents at first. Some of Aussie guys I’d met laughed in my face just because of my accent. I got so confused for which accent is right to speak. And My accent totally got mixed up and lost its identity so that now I can’t tell if mine sounds like an American or British or even Australian or whatever...sad tho lol
i never really thought about this before, but maybe american r's are so different due to spanish settlement in the area
It is possible, but there are parts of England and Ireland where they pronounce the R like an American... Maybe the American accent was influenced by those dialects?
You may be right though.
Well, as a Brazilian who speaks Portuguese and Spanish (very similar), the spanish R is very diferrent from the American R.
Amanda I speak four languages Spanish, Italian, Greman and of course English ! English is my worst I'm American it's a joke, you young lady are Beautiful !!!
I don't know what it is the Brazilian women are the most beautiful in the world hands down !!
No, it's a conservative feature of early modern English. Even in the 1950s most parts of England had rhotic dialects
It's amazing that even if it's the same English, each country has a different pronunciation! Thank you so much for letting me know about the difference in pronunciation that even ordinary people can easily encounter!
The little bit different of British and Australia is pretty cool
Joe and Sam are felling jealouse aboute Bella😂😂
*The british guy is handsome*
"Can't" can sound different for different parts of the US where the "a" can be soft or harder sounding. "Ask" is mispronounced by many Americans as "axed". It can be a problem for many when seeking employment
I mean for the American accent it also depends on where your from cause you might have a city accent.
British accent is so complicated because it depends where in uk your from so some words can sound posher and some can sound lazier, but you can change between the two
개인적으로 호주 발음 너무 좋다,, 영어학원 선생님이 호주 사람이셨는데 들을 때마다 정통 미국 영어보다 영국 발음이 섞인 소리가 너무 듣기 좋음,, ㅠㅡㅠ
I mean the English guy is kind of speaking "Recieved Pronunciation" English. You'll find a lot of people saying "Water" like "Wort-uh" in a lot of places in the UK.
You're telling us "Harry Potter", but all we're seeing is "Harry Porter." 0:30
In Jamaica, they literally have water bottles that say "wata" on them.
As a fellow Brit, Sam is so perfectly English. Well done, old boy!
I’m Australian and I just love their reactions for the Australian accent.
Im American and I love that too. Also I live in Melbourne Florida lol
LilythePerson Which surprisingly, Melbourne is the same name as a city in Victoria.
@Lily Williams There's a melbourne is florida?! I gave geography up ages ago soo...
I think this is my new favorite channel.
I really hate asking somebody if they are from the UK or Australia cuz i feel like im 100% always wrong lol
I wouldn't worry about it too much, a lot of city Australians do sound very standard British. the regional Australia you should spot right away cause it's quite a bit different. I guess the main thing to look out for to tell the difference is not so much how we say its what we say. most Australian will shorten words no matter what part they are from but Brittens less so. most Australians wouldn't be too offended if you ask and I don't think brittens would be either, its when we have a regional accent and you call us British that it might give us a little pause.
I actually had a woman from the UK ask me where in england I was from. I had to tell her I was born Australian but I do have a thing that I mimic accents and its worse around British people. Also I pronounce certain words like the british do.
In all fairness regardless of that we mistake Americans and canadians.
Just point at a McDonalds and ask them how they pronounce it and you'll know instantly lol
If they say "die" for "day" and "nye-ooh" for "no", they are from Australia.
Protection_ Squadron They don’t even sound alike what’s your problem?
출연진분들 어색해보여요ㅋㅋㅋ 내가 더 어색함...
Ruri Lee 난전혀못느꼈는데
@lalaland 다른 영상보면 딱히 그정도까진 아닌거 같아요
If you come from Suffolk, you'll likely say "Twosday" too (5:40). Most of the emigrants on the Mayflower came from that part of England. Though it'll more likely sound like "TWOZdee" (emphasis v. much on the 1st syllable).
Me trying to learn how to speak an Australian accent to complete my set of three accents
It'd be nice if the different accents within each culture were mentioned too, different areas have different accents and pronounce things differently. That knowledge may be useful to someone. :D
that'll be for seperate videos XD just imagine saying the different dialects/accents all across Britain, US, Australia then how non native speakers accents sound in english no way that''ll be to big to cover XD
You guys should do a video with different people from different American states. It amazing how different acents are in different states.
The funny thing about Aussie pronunciation is that we don’t actually say the letter ‘r’, it’s more of an ‘aaa’.
There are really 3 types of Australian accents -Cultivated, General and Broad. Bella sound like she has a general accent . I think now a days the General type of Australian accent is slowly changing from British pronunciation to to a odd mixture of both British and American. Nevertheless, Australian accent is so unique - not many people can mimic an Australian Accent.
Personally I like the British Sam accent.
4:38 Australian Bella also pronounced the letter H different from Americans... It sounds like haych instead of just aych. Interesting
"different accents for different countries"
the British guys eyes said it all