I appreciate your video so much. I believe that Pope Francis showed courage to finally taking into account very sensitive, complicated real family situations which are never “ black or white” and that can’t be resolved with a generic condemnation of the type: “one size fits all”. There is hope for all families to find pastors that inspired by the Pope’s letter, would grow in more learning of the complex, unique families’ dynamics, either conventional or irregular, in order not to make them feel abandoned or rejected by the Church.
If the people in question you speak of loved the Lord they'd keep His commandments, period. See this is the problem with the modernist mindset: you view everything from the human viewpoint, it's all about me, myself, & I... *I want communion* so forget what the Gospel & 2000 years of Church teaching says. Where does it stop? I can make excuses & justification for every mortal sin, doesn't make it right for me to committ them and then go for communion
"Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord" (1 Cor 11:27). Papal opinion cannot change Truth.
Moses King I've been divorced since I was 36. You can't force anyone to love you, especially if they love someone else, but rather when all hope of reconciliation is dead, try to smooth things out so that kids suffer as little as possible. I brought up my 3 kids (one has a handicap.) It's been incredibly lonely and hard - still is - despite my Catholic faith. I'm no saint so I understand those who remarry even if I've resisted it myself. I for one will not cast the first stone but rejoice that the Church embraces us sinners, so that we can lay our burdens on the alter of Jesus' sacrifice. Be merciful as God is merciful. We need it.
Moses King So what do you that I've been praying for so hard these past 18 years? Why do you think I've resisted other men but my divorced husband? It takes two to tango, my dear. I did all I could and left all the doors open. The hardest part is that I too, believe that a separated wife should be reconciled with her husband! And the judgement of others, like you, is no funfair either. I strongly advise anyone against divorce. It's a lonely and hard place to be. Now I must go to my daily prayer of asking God to change my husband's heart and return to me. God bless!
Moses King Jesus drew people, especially sinners, to Himself and then He said "go and sin no more." That's what the Church is trying to do: love the person, hate the sin. Bring people in and then make them see the error of their ways. You judge me because I'm divorced. Fine. But what do you know of my personnal life and my spiritual suffering? I didn't make my marriage vows lightly. They are biding for life. When my husband ditched me for another, I took it as a test from God. It's all very well to be a Catholic when all is great but when the crunch comes, you have to take up your cross and follow Him. Yet you judged me as a simpering weakling without knowing anything about me ("get some balls"). By what authority? That's why I won't do the same with remarried Catholics, even if I don't approve. The only thing I have to give a fellow sinner is love (willing the good of the other.) If you're not of my opinion then so be it. May God bless you and give you His infinite grace and love.
Bishop Barron's concept of "gradualness" sounds more like "compromise". Our Lord confronts a sinner in a straight - forward manner, and because of His Love, has no intention of leaving that sinner in his sin, but instructs him on what to do: "Go, and sin no more." Because of the sinner's God-Given, free will, Our Lord leaves it there. It's, now, the decision of the sinner to follow Our Lord, or not. We, sinners, choose our own destinies.
Joan HAMLIN bishop Barron like Bergoglio is more like a politician rather than a man of faith.. They use their erudition (not knowledge) to speak, speak, speak, speak
On the contrary, the moral implication of the law of gradualism is relative to the individual conditioned on the prudential and honest pursuit of the good / truth within one's faculties. This is harmonious with the objective injustice of sin, but ultimately God judges us not on acts, but what's in our hearts.
All the laity ask for is clarity. Pope Francis has a penchant for pointing out the faults of faithful Catholics, but makes statements and declares teachings that abound in ambiguity. I am older than you Bishop, I lived through the chaos and destruction to the Faith that was the post-conciliar life of the Church. No matter how you paint it, be it tolerance or compassion, you cannot compromise the Gospel to accommodate sin.
If anyone CAN and WILL give full explaination of any doubt or confusion, it is BISHOP ROBERT BARRON. I trust him. He is after the heart of Our Lord Jesus and his motive is to save the souls and nothing else therefore do not impute anything to him. He is smart, studious and very intelligent like Rev.Bishop Fulton J Sheen. He is one of our Catholics finest orator and philosopher. Look at the way he explains the greatest mysteries of our faith.....i pray we have more Bishop like him
Thank you Bishop Robert Barron for your Helpful summary and analysis of Amoris Laetitia! My view: Without integrity, we turn to mush - and it's the exact same thing with the Church - and therefore God's Church Can Never lead a person to sin by her teachings so they Cannot Change! If you promise "until death do us part" then it's a matter of Honor to keep your promise! It takes Divine Love to keep to these vital marriage vows and therefore we must turn to God and especially to His Sacraments to live up to it, especially by reverently receiving His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist, the Bread of Life, daily, or at least weekly, at Holy Mass! Sacramental Marriage is like a ship sailing strong into the future for many generations to come - it is Provided for and Backed by God, the Creator of the Universe Himself! After the consummation of the marriage, the two have become one and cannot become "un-one" - it's for life! Divorce is like "the ship of the family" in the middle of the ocean smashing into the rocks on purpose - the problems are from within therefore the Catholic Church doesn't support it - it's like suicide... When there are extreme difficulties, then separation is permissible while trying to work things out. But to divorce is completely dishonourable and to remarry on top of that mess (a mess that results from a lack of Love and Integrity) is just to change problems and make them worse! Where this has happened, deep apologies and reconciliations are needed between all family members, who have all been so deeply hurt... As Christians, we are called to Love the sinner, hate the sin; to love another person is good - but no matter what, sex outside of a Sacramental Marriage is a sin no matter who is doing it! Sin is always selfishness that disconnects one from the Divine Love and Grace of God, Who keeps us alive at every moment and therefore by its nature sin leads to suffering and death because it means letting go of God, moving away from God, Who Is the Only Source of Life and Love! Repentance means drawing near to God again (children all start out loving, it's what happens to us as we grow up that makes us forget our love - so we need to Re-Member!), repentance is loving God, caring about what we've done wrong and who we've hurt and wanting to make reparation through willingly offering up our prayers, sufferings, works and joys to God as an offering - a feeble attempt to pay our sometimes Immense, Even Infinite debts. The person who Fully turns to God, does so by becoming Catholic and going to Confession and reverently receiving the Holy Eucharist, the Bread of Life, Who Is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and then because of this Communion with God has Hope and Will Feel God's Love, Mercy, Grace, Peace and Joy! It's a detoxification process so the sooner one starts, the sooner one will feel the Love, Grace, Mercy and Peace of Christ, Who Loves us in His Infinite Majesty, our Lord, Creator and Redeemer!
What do you say for people who through no fault of their own become victims to a violent and dangerous spouse who turns their back on God and will not change their ways? What if to stay until death do you part means you literally lose your life?
BALONEY. In the document Francis explicitly claims that a man can "discern" that "in his concrete circumstances in today's world", as thought somehow today's world is morally different, "a man can proceed to embrace a second family because this is what God iis asking of him at this time." BALONEY BALONEY BS BALONEY. An insult to God. How is it "merciful" to ignore the victims of sin????? How is it a positive good for a man to lie to himself and tell himself that God is telling him it is good to abandon his wife and children to run away with his mistress???? Hiow is this "moving towards an ideal" Barron???? Why must you be a coward whenever Francis is a buffoon?
@BirdyMum The exception is not the rule. Married persons in this position can live apart. But they cannot divorce as dictated by our Lord in Matthew 19:6. They then should both live a life of chastity, otherwise they are committing adultery.
I am more than half way through reading The Joy of Love & I am a huge fan. It is beautifully written and easy to understand. It is amazing how a priest who obviously has never been married, fully understands family life.
Dear Bishop Barron please post a video of your thoughts on the dubia letter published by Cardinals Burke et al. If Amoris Laetitia is as clear as you say it is then why are several prominent Cardinals asking for clarification?
How do you know whether I read the entire encyclical? How do you know how many videos I may have watched? Did I call your ideas stupid? See, when the other side has to be so nasty and dismissive to get you to see their "point of view" - that's when I know I'm on the right path.
There is a "diabolical disorientation"in the vatican as catholic prophecy has warned us....Just look at the many catholic church approved prophecy''s hundreds of years back until now.......Just start with St Francis who warned us of this time.....Our Lady of Common Success....Fatima....the list goes on...this is the time of all those warnings...God did not leave us without warning.
Daniel Pan Cardinal Burke has not called Pope Francis a heretic. You are spreading disinformation with the intent of causing discord and confusion. Cardinal Burke has been very clear that he has not done so and you should be ashamed of yourself.
it saddens my heart that you just through a lot of big words around to make your point that people aren't capable of knowing sin and God's Mercy. you can't hand out the body of Christ just in hopes it will stop the sinner from living in sin. I pray for you that you find the strength to stand with Christ.
Jesus: “Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another commits adultery.” Pope Francis: "Not so fast, Jesus. I say to you whoever divorces his wife and marries another may not in fact be guilty of adultery; it depends on the circumstances."
Sorry Bishop but I find myself disagreeing with you more and more, therefore I will be unsubscribing from your channel. Cardinal Burke is right. It's too bad St. John the Baptist, St. John Fisher, and St. Thomas Moore didn't have Amoris Laetitia.....they would not have lost their heads if pope Francis had enlightened them.
Well, I"m sorry to see you go, but I think you're being more than a little unfair to me--and to Pope Francis! And remember, More and Fisher were beheaded by the king and not by the Pope! They died defending the successor of Peter.
Bishop Robert Barron Thanks for your response. You are right they were defending the Chair of Peter, but that was secondary they were defending the Sacrament of Marriage, just like St.John the Baptist. All three were beheaded for speaking out against adulterous unions. Stay strong, fight the good fight and May Our Lady guide you.
Your responses so far have been short and useless. I haven't had much respcect for you in a long time. I used to respect you, now I don't trust you at all. don't pray for me I can do it myself.
FYI: The Sarah case: musingsfromaperiphery.blogspot.com/2017/10/the-sarah-case.html The case for absolution: musingsfromaperiphery.blogspot.com/2017/11/sarah-is-not-eligible-for-sacramental.html A possible reply to the dubia: musingsfromaperiphery.blogspot.com/2017/10/a-response-to-dubia-of-four-cardinals.html
Bishop, chapter 8 is the problem. Just as there is objective truth, there are unchanging truths of our faith. Sin is sin, and mercy is found in the confessional.
I know all who are been negative on Amoris Laetitia have not read it threw, and then read it again. A very wise man said Our Holy Father is going to do absolutely everything he can in order to bring people back to the Eucharist, so much MERCY will be shown that the hinges will be near bursting, but he wont cross that line,and he has not. People are getting all bent out of shape forgetting that HE DID NOT SPEAK FROM THE CHAIR.If i was a re-married i would do all the Church asks of us, pray the rosary daily, go to daily Mass and go up for a blessing-AND I BET OUR MOTHER WOULD INTERCEDE FOR ME SO THAT BEFORE I DIED I WOULD RECEIVE SOME AMAZING GRACE. I TELL PEOPLE THIS-I KNOW FOR AN ABSOLUTE FACT, MORE THAN I KNOW ANYTHING ELSE-THAT IF ONE PRAYS THE ROSARY DEVOUTLY,AND WEARS THE BROWN SCAPULAR, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT WE WONT GET TO HEAVEN. OF COURSE WE MUST KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS BUT IF THERE IS ONE SIN WE SEEM TO FAIL IN BEATING, LIKE MY HEROIN ADDICTION WHICH I REFUSED TO ACCEPT WHAT SCIENCE SAID ( THAT I WAS BORN WITH AN ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY ).I fought for 10yrs to beat it, and when i came to Our Lady of the Rosary she helped me immensely and the novena leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday put the nail in the coffin. I have not even had as much as a craving or temptation since and i did not have any withdrawals or even a sleepless night, thanks to Gods Mercy. Lets all look at whats going on. Jesus gave us the Divine Mercy devotion-If he were here now, he would say to all who are cribbing about these ppl who want the Eucharist so much-How would you feel not been able to receive the Eucharist. I understand the fear out there, but i also know ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING THAT IS DONE FROM A PLACE OF LOVE WILL NEVER BE REJECTED BY LOVE HIMSELF. God Bless all and please read the full document slowly and listen to what jimmy akin says about it
Bishop, I've been a subscriber for years-wrestled your alma mater in high school-visited mundelein seminary with an old mentor...you guys have to start teaching and preaching to truth now.
A proper and loving response to those living objectively in adultery would be to tell the truth: "You are living objectively in adultery. It is a grave sin. And you must repent of it immediately." Hopefully the response will not end there, but there is no doubting that it should begin there. Or are pastors concerned that such knowledge will decrease the ignorance of the "faithful", and thus increase their culpability? At what level of ignorance can they be genuinely described as faithful? Faithful to _what_?? The good vibes they _just know_ Jesus would want them to have??! Will souls really be won simply by keeping them ignorant of the most basic components of the moral law?
Okay, you tell the truth, but then what? That is what Bishop Barron is talking about here. You don't get to just swoop in, say that people are bad for living together before they're married, and wash your hands of it thinking that what you've done is in-and-of-itself a loving act. That's nothing more that a moralistic drive-by that has more to do with one's own sense of self-righteousness than anything objectively loving towards the couple. To be loving, you need to be with them. You need to be able to recognize the good things there... that they love each other, for example... and build on that to encourage them into healthy, rightly lived relationships. That's what this document is talking about.
+CoryTheRaven there are very simple truths. Living together before Marriage it's wrong and yes, you can say it, because it's elemental understanding. A man needs to give a woman her place as a wife and understand that they are doing acts in which can create children. Children need to know their place in a relationship, that is a mother and that is father and I am a member of a family that has a union in Marriage.
Frodo Beutlin Yep, and just before that he says not to be prideful, which handles most of you guys. And immediately after he says that Christians should never sue or go to court against other Christians. So I'm going to propose that there is more subtlety to this question of how to deal with people in irregular relationships in a truthful AND loving way than simply kicking them out of the Church.
Frodo Beutlin Nope! 1 Corinthians 13:1-3: "If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." Paul does make a distinction between simply saying true things and the act of being loving. If you have the truth but not love, you are nothing.
Bishop, I am a divorced woman who has remained celibate according to the truth. I give you my testimony now. I would not trade the peace, blessings, growth, love and Jesus Christs loving help and mercy given to me for anything. I have read many of the saints and I have never found any who were able to attain a closer relationship with God thanthose who abide in the TRUTH. No TRUTH no salvation as a Bishop you well know. You can smudge the lines but you will also be accountable as will all who receive the Body and Blood unworthy. This is actually not extreme it is not hard it just takes the step of repentance in love and reverence to Jesus. He is THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. He gives what each needs to get this job done. He will help us. I rely on Him and I pray that others put their personal issues aside and ask Jesus directly because our priests and Bishops are great talkers, Not great walkers.
Come on, friend. That's really unfair. I'm not smudging any lines. I'm relying on a classical distinction in Catholic moral theology between the objective quality of an act and the degree of subjective responsibility.
Bishop Robert Barron I am 64 years old and a 41 year married devout, practicing Catholic who was brought up in the Church when the Latin Mass was still being said. So I guess you could say I am pretty old school. And the old school did not lean heavily into mercy. I lived in constant fear of going to hell. I knew that I could never make a perfect Act of Contrition, as we were taught by the nuns, in case we died before we could get to Confession. God would know very well that it was not because of my great love for him, but my fear of great eternal punishment. And that would invalidate my Act of Contrition. It was a pretty frightening God we had in those days. I love your interpretation of " Amoris Laetitia ". Even though my husband and I have brought up 4 children and 1 granddaughter in the Catholic faith, ( following Human Vitae, which was a bit difficult ) and tried to show them an example of what it means to be Catholic, none have our faith. Of the five, we have an atheist scientist, a half hearted Catholic, a born again Christian, a 14 year old granddaughter who is living with her 16 year old boyfriend and constantly telling me she is not a Christian and a twice divorced daughter, whose lifestyle I will leave to your imagination. Of the three who are married, none have been married in the Catholic Church, or any church. And yet I love them all so much. I pray for them constantly. Your interpretation has given me so much more hope. I definitely believe in the Law of Gradualness of which you speak. My children and grandchildren love me very much and I know that, even though they would be condemned by most people replying on this site. They can be very kind people, even if considered sinners. I am aware of some great Saints who came to the truth gradually - St. Francis of Assisi and St. Augustine are two that come to mind. As for adultery, check out the lives of the Abraham and Sarah, and see how they lived and how Sarah used and treated Hagar. It saddens me to see the hardness of heart of so many of my fellow Catholics. Possibly, all their children followed them in the Catholic Faith. And those that didn't, they may have cut out of their lives, so that they can see clearly that they are living in sin. I have no idea. I only know my own situation, and it is very messy. If I didn't have such great hope in God's mercy, where would I be, where could I go? I know one thing - if I, an imperfect creation of God, love them so much - then how much more does Our God of Lovingkindness and Mercy love them? We are all works of art in progress. Thank you for hope! God bless you, Bishop Robert Barron
B Blaze: I'm in the same boat and feel as you do. I came across this youtube vid I thought I'd share with you, entitled: "Schism Rising? 7 Bishops resist Popes Revolution." Sadly, Bishop Barren isn't among the seven. ruclips.net/video/AY12KKgnUUE/видео.html
So "Catholic moral theology between the objective quality of an act and the degree of subjective responsibility" trumps innate Truth and two thousand years of Catholic dogma. Right.
Your Excellency, I am usually a huge fan of your videos and commentary, but I am disappointed with your overall analysis here. I understand the Church's need for accommodation, mercy and the law of gradualness. And, I know you are trying to give the Holy Father the benefit of the doubt. But, with respect, St. Paul, in many places, is very explicit about how to bring sinners back into the fold. Reading 1 Corinthians 5, for example, it is clear that the Holy Spirit intends, as a means to protect the Church from error and undue demonic influence, that the unrepentant brethren be cast out of the community. 'Mercy' comes in the form of a "time-out," if you will. The unrepentant have an opportunity to be cast out, so that they might seriously consider and pray over their crimes and their stubbornness. It is analogously like my mother sending me to my room, while saying, "think about what you did wrong and we'll talk later." We don't offer the Eucharist to them, because it would actually be harmful to them at that point. We pray for them, and certainly we can reach out to them in love, but mercy is powerless, unless the sinner experiences repentance and chooses to rejoin the Mystical Body of Christ. The law of gradualness doesn't permit them to receive Christ in the Eucharist till they are spiritually in faithful (full) obedience to the laws of God. And it seems to me that many accommodations like the law of gradualness are more appropriately applied to the non-brethren, who haven't yet been introduced to the Lord. Culpability for sin is certainly something that can be analyzed by the priest during counseling and/or confession, but ultimately God will have to judge their culpability. The danger of a "discernment" by priests with adulterers and gay couples, is that it will be (and already has been) used as an excuse by some confessors to admit sinners back into communion, when they are in fact not repenting (or accepting the consequences) of their sin. Indeed, the attitude pervading the liberal parts of the Church is that of a more permissive culture. Inviting gay-married and divorced and remarried couples to receive communion without repenting and humbling themselves in obedience to God's will is a great sacrilege! By doing this, we do great harm to the Body of Christ and we scandalize every child in Church who witnesses this! Even if their parents see and understand the so-called mercy being demonstrated, it becomes a false mercy because the sinners never repent and the children who are forced to witness these aberrations are themselves taught to tolerate and even accept these types of sin, because, after all, their parents and their parish priest seem to be okay with it. Children are especially vulnerable because they are often very empathetic and accepting of people in general. They naturally want to help and except the marginalized, but we are teaching them false charity! We are Catholic! We are bearers and protectors of God's revelation. We do not have the authority to water it down or deviate one iota from the words of Jesus nor from St. Paul's guidance with regard to sinners. (Unless you want to argue that Jesus is not God and the Holy Spirit did not speak through St. Paul) There are already Catholic congregations that are embracing the Pope's lenient guidance as an excuse to welcome unrepentant sinners to the Eucharist! That is a great evil that needs to be soundly and loudly condemned, even if it seems too "rigid!" Truth first! People of all stripes naturally respect adherents to the truth, even when they don't yet appreciate those truths. Prayer, fasting and our steadfast example (on their behalf) will assist them with the grace of conversion and allow the Holy Spirit to work miracles, if the sinners are at all able to be saved. They still have to WANT to be saved. Jesus already made the overture of love. They have to reach out and embrace Him in humility and obedience! And so do we! Respectfully, John Palmer
Absolutely correct. We cannot compromise the Gospel. It is a lament of Our Lady of Akita "...the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God."
Very lovely articulation that AVIODS the actual implications and concerns of sin and the outcome of sin when it is fully grown as it has now in our society! it is never merciful or loving or kind or just to help someone to hell. Never.
So people who are not married to each other but who are having sexual relation can receive the Sacraments? This contradicts 2,000 years of teaching. Of course living up to the ideal is hard but deciding that I cannot do so is not hard, it is what I want and it is easy. For goodness' sake you are sanctifying sin.
People has been fornicating for more than 50 years now and no one has ever complained about it. All these evangelical christians are more concerned about condemning gay people, but making such sins by heterosexuals more acceptable.
Erudite, articulate, and intelligent. Bishop Barron is a shining star of a person who faith and reason, intelligence and religion, criticial thought and hopeful belief come together in a perfectly complimentary manner for the whole world to gaze upon in awe.
Bishop Baron- What so many relativists fail to admit is that vast armies of people do not "struggle" with sin but regard it as a credential. That is the true moral climate we are operating under in the West. This is not the time in Church history to be sending mixed messages in regard to objective evil. The Church needs to double down on the truth not compromise it out of some misguided sense of false compassion. It cannot separate it's discipline from it's teaching. One undergirds the other. The Church is in collapse precisely because it has failed to articulate the reality of sin and it's consequences and as a result finds itself slipping into the same relativistic mire that the culture at large has embraced with such vigor. God help us. Mary pray for us.
"The worst kind of heretic is the one who, while teachings mostly true Catholic doctrine, adds a word of heresy, like a drop of poison in a cup of water." Pope Leo XIII
Bishop Robert Barron your Excellency, I follow the perennial teachings of the Catholic Church. Allowing the divorced and "remarried" to receive communion is a sacrilegious act and a disservice to the sinner. Admonishing the sinner is one of the spiritual works of Mercy. If we truly want to be merciful to people living in a state of grave sin we should warn them of the state of their soul. When we start to care more about how to help people live easy lives on this side of the grave, and less about the salvation of souls then we have lost our mission as a Church.
@@BishopBarron your Excellency, Pope Francis has already confirmed to the Argentinean bishops that they have interpreted AL correctly by allowing communion to the divorced and remarried. My fidelity is first and foremost to Christ and His Church. The Pope is the servent of the servents of God his job is to confirm the flock in the faith. Unfortunately Pope Francis' teachings have only been spreading confusion and division in the Church. This sentiment is not something confined to traditional circles there are many good lay, priests, Bishops, and Cardinals who are really worried about the path the Church is going down. Just last week Vatican advisor Thomas Rosica said that Francis “breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants” because he is “free from disordered attachments”. I'm sorry your Excellency but the Pope is not supposed to be an autocrat who can steer the Church in any direction he chooses. Our Lady of Fatima warned us about such times. The Church is passing through a crisis and ignoring the problem won't make it go away.
@@BishopBarron No, it is not indiference to the Pope's authority, but rather about the confusion that the pope's teachings are spreading around the Catholic world.
I'm interested to see how bishops continue to defend this bishop of Rome. In AL, Jorge says that cohabitation couples are living sacramental marriages. He says cohabiting or civilly married couples are : Living " a real marriage [and having] the grace of a real marriage” Now, this strange pope has said that most catholic marriages, MOST (most?) marriages are not sacramental marriages. And are null? Spin this one father Barron! I'd love to see you talk about the nuance and delicate balance of doctrine and pastoral care of this new gem from pope climate change.
Can "culpability" be determined on a diocese by diocese basis? A bishop in Germany says divorced Catholics who are remarried (without an annulment) can now receive communion. Is the pope obligated to clarify his position on this apparent confusion? And do you think that the "mercy" shown actually strengthens the resolve of people to move toward the "ideal", or merely reduces their efforts?
No. Culpability is a private matter, which can only be determined between a penitent and his confessor. One can pronounce on objective states of affairs, but one cannot determine culpability in an abstract manner.
This process of discernment happened for us during the annulment process? (a great grace) The reverence for truth was uplifting. The Church was upholding Jesus's views on Marriage. This passage on Marriage was the only verbal correction to any commandments that Jesus ever made! That's what makes it standout prominently to the Christian world. The high level of respect the R.C.C. showed for this unusual biblical passage and other truths is what draws we converts and reverts to the Church. When one gets serious about our love for God...one gets very serious about where to bring it to fulfillment. Upholding deep biblical and traditional truths, was the hallmark of the R.C.C. Even those who scoff, step back in respect, primarily because the Church has stood firm all these centuries. In whittling away at it, we are, in the eyes of many, finally compromising ourselves to the world. Also, if I may just ask...what is wrong with asking for clarification? I should think in Christian brotherhood, the clarification would have come forth immediately. I was raised by Jesuits...and I was taught that the Devil is the father of confusion...which is his best method of lying. PS...I love your care for us...thank you!
Wow! I didn't really expect a response from YOU Most Reverend Bishop Barron!!! I'm a big fan of yours - particularly in connection with your Catholicism video series. (Very Powerful!) Yet, I remain confused with the ambiguity (as evidenced by Germany) on this matter.... Particularly when GOOD Bishops like you defend that ambiguity. And secondly, does "accommodation" in our field hospital actually nurse the sick and dying back to spiritual health, (do they abandon their 2nd marriage) or merely contaminate the healthy?
The explaination of 'Amoris Laetitia' is as confusing as 'Amoris Laetitia' while listening to perhaps the best defence of 'Amoris Laetitia' im am still totally confused about 'Amoris Laetitia'. Guilt of Sin is what turns us to Christ, so that we may seek refuge in his Mercy. This is why I dislike Secular Physcology, because they turn that Guilt (Meant for Conversion) into 'Justification', using these same ambiguous terms like culpability until Sin is no longer Sin which requires no Forgiveness. "Adulterers and Adultresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?" James 4 : 4
"I'm am still totally confused about 'Amoris Laetitia'." That is because only when something is truly of the Holy Spirit will it bring peace to one's soul.
I agree. I bet that Herod Antipas had a really sad story about how his brother Philip never treated Herodias rightly, and that he really loved her much more etc...... His old Wife Phasaelis was probably getting pretty fat too, and just nagging him all the time ya know? *Jokes* John the Baptist said plainly, inspired by the Holy Spirit. "It is not lawful for you to have her." Mathew 14 : 4 He died for his testimony to the Truth, just like St Thomas Moore also had his head chopped off by King Henry. For testimony to the Truth. The whole reason that the 'Word was made Flesh'. Testimony to the Truth. Did they die for nothing? Is that what Amoris Laetitia is proposing? It's not a document that is inspired by the Holy Spirit at all. In my opinion this is crazy the TWO Popes thing. Pope Benedict XVI is not 'Emeritus' / 'Paryerful Wing'. He either IS or ISN'T. Time will tell I guess.
Yes, exactly and what confuses me is the lack of uproar in the Church. Thank goodness at least, for those faithful few prelates who have pointed out the confusion that this document is causing.
Well, you can't have people receive the Eucharist in sin. That's not a Mercy but a sin- compounded, on our part. And when you try to walk a tight rope, like some kind of circus performer, you usually end up losing both sides. I've seen it so many times before, when the one side you're trying to please, feels validated, then vindicated, and leaves anyway. And the other side ends up feeling betrayed, (and the devil plays on that to tempt them to despair). Remember, it’s hard to argue people into the truth. To evangelize, we need to recognize that it’s the Holy Spirit who brings people to Christ. We’re just helpers. I say, Love, speak the truth, (knowing that it’s really the Holy Spirit who is speaking through us), pray, and hope that Christ will bring everything to a miraculous and glorious end.
1001 10111011 They do it every Sunday by not going to confession AND TAKING THE EUCHARIST..DO you actually think that every parishioner in attendance on every Sunday mass go to confession at least once a year..NO...Every parishioner takes communion...most people even forgot that they need to go to confession ....most people feel they don't sin!! most people don't remember the readings the Gospel as they depart the church after the concluding rites.. Its all about Your MORAL CONSCIENCE..
@@blackrocket673 exactly! And the problem is compounded by priests not being available for confession. You have to make an appointment. It takes a lot of effort to go to confession and I think thats not an accident. The liberals dont want us confessing and try to make access to confession difficult.
Can you please explain the difference between the law of gradual-ness (or graduality) and the graduality of the law, and which one we shouldn't do? Thanks.
Bishop! I cant listen enough to your understanding which shows that you have the mind of Christ! In my experience, sinned feeling unloved by God, hearing the lies from the devil, and looking then for love in all the wrong places...including ministry..instead of being still...in my mind & knowing He is God. This Holy Week I heard how I was dead spiritually from sins against me, from abuse, & looked for anything that would medicate my pain...until now...repenting from grief & now gazing into His face...into His beauty, He has resurrected me to the Abundant Life of His Compassion & Love! Thats why all I want to do is talk to, about & listen about Jesus! Thank you so much! You inspire such joy in me!
How nice to know that Christ came for sinners and not for the righteous... that God favours mercy to sacrifice. Resistance to mercy could only mean fear of exposition, stalling repentance. It is good to be nice; better still; it is nice to be good. Refuge of sinners, pray for us.
Robert Barker, 1 year ago: Interesting how clear, unambiguous statements from Pope Francis require so much explanation - *EVERY SINGLE TIME* EVERY SINGLE TIME every single time...
I am surprised that Bishop Barron did not even mention the issue of allowing couples in an irregular civil unions situation to be pastorally guided to Confession and Communion without seeking an annulment of their first religious marriage. These couples are living in an adulterous relationship according to Jesus' very words in the Gospel! Very disappointing to see and hear Bishop Barron beat around the bush to completely ignore mentioning the very issue that has led to the clarification of the document in the first place. May the Holy Spirit enlighten his mind, heart, and ministry for the sake of the Church and the greater glory of God. +
Those couples are among the people who need it most. Is the Eucharist a prize to be awarded only to the most pious, or a medicine for those of us who are sick? If we truly have faith in the Real Presence, then A) we will recognize our own sickness, and B) have faith enough in Christ and the Real Presence to administer it to the sick.
1) There are no perfects only different degrees of sickness .. 2) But NO ONE should take the Eucharist in mortal sin, because he or she will commit a far worst one.
I do not know much about the polls and do not ever think about whether those who receive Communion are in a state of grace or not. Only God sees each heart and He does not wnt us to judge others. If I am well prepared or not to receive Our Lord, that is what I am concerned about, that's what counts, how well prepared I am to receive Holy Communion. My comment was not about schismatic Catholics, but about Bishop Barron not mentioning the crucial issue that was proposed in the exhortation in question and which was discussed during and after the synod. I am surprised that Bishop Barron, being so learned, did not even mention it, especially when the title of his talk is precisely Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia". That was what surprised me; it appeared as if he was avoiding to talk about it. I like Bishop Barron and I trust his judgement, so I was expecting to hear what he had to say. By the way, I do not understand wat you mean by "if we think we must wag our finger let's make sure we do it fairly and maybe focus on the ones that affect us personally." Please explain. Thank you and may God bless you. Your comments are most welcome. +
Raul_88 Argentina Everyone veils these pietistic objections in a faux-concern that people are eating and drinking damnation unto themselves, but if one actually reads what Paul says about this eating and drinking damnation, it had nothing to do with these sorts of moral issues. The exact thing he was referring to was the Eucharist being a cause of division by self-satisfied people not recognizing its fundamental holiness.
To outline for the confessee the objective reality of his/her sin is a MERCY, whereas to confirm his excuses by accepting the subjective mitigating circumstances will often fail to bring him to true repentance.
I think the Pope is using the Mercy & Compassion for his plans on the changes some of the Roman Catholic teachings. To Bishop Barron I will pray for you that the Holy Spirit will guide you in this time of confusion as you have responsibility in leading the flocks of Jesus Christ into the light and not into a rough road.
I do not agree . this is spin. degree of capability only the lord knows. without faith and the desire to stop doing the objectively immoral their is not true repentance and therefore those who continue in the objectively immoral act should not be admitted to communion for their own spiritual good.
It seems to me that the Pope would not make these same arguments when addressing, say, a human trafficker's culpability, or an arms trafficker's culpability, or a Klansman's culpability, or a Mafiosi's culpability. It seems to me that it is primarily sexual sin which comes in for this understanding treatment, where other sins do not. If so, why is that?
Bishop Baron thank you for taking the time to explain these things to us. I want to be a faithful daughter of the church and to do that I have to be a faithful follower of Our Lord’s vicar in earth. Please keep explaining these things that we lay people don’t always see clearly. I’m sorry for all the anger you are facing too. Please pray for us
My son was brought up in the faith and yet he lives with his girlfriend, with no plans to marry. I would never have considered such a step 30 years ago, when I was young, The Church has gone lukewarm on sin to the extent that there is no one to back up the parents. In addition, society is so morally free and loose that I am seen as a lone, unhinged voice crying in the wilderness.
@@paulb3507 uhh letting people do what they want with no condemnation and having no objective morality is exactly what got us here so your way isn't working pal. Do you feel the same way about abortion? That we can't follow Christ's law & condemn them for it? We should just let it happen because someone might have their feelings hurt if we don't?
So, we are to surrender our faith inch by inch to be merciful to others who do not fit the churches teachings for past two thousand years. Slowly the church creeps into heresy and into the pit of the lost. Father, Christ said to pick up your cross and follow. Wide is the gate to Hell and narrow is the gate to Heaven.
Yes Bishop Barron Pope Francis cares and loves. I have been thinking for long time Pope Francis talks in simple language because he wants to reach the common person. For this same reason why is there so much need for priests to follow after him explaining what Pope Francis meant to say!!!
The point is folks in a state of sin want to receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and won't take no for an answer. As St. John the Baptist said to King Herod about his illicit sexual union. "It's unlawful."
No one is contesting that people in a state of sin should not receive communion. The issue is the determination of sin or subjective responsibility, which goes beyond the relatively easy determination of an objectively disordered state of affairs.
Bishop Robert Barron traditional Church teaching as we all know is very clear that any sex act outside of marriage is considered a mortal sin and must be confessed prior to receiving Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Moral culpability is a thing yes but if someone is living in objective sin- you don't just say oh it's fine they are ok because they didn't know any better, you TELL them and show them how to get out of that sin so that they can be worthy of receiving Christ. It doesn't matter if their culpability lessens their crime- it's still a sin and they cant take communion until they remove themself from that sin.
How much have you studied moral theology? The principles laid down here are classical principles found in traditional Catholic moral and pastoral theology, eg., Aquinas, Alphonsus Liguori, etc. Plus, this document is Magisterial, requires at least religious assent. Dissent from even non-infallible teachings is hardly Catholic, indeed it's sinful (so, if you're interested in sin being corrected, I'm now informing you that your Dissent here against a Papal teaching is sinful). Peace.
In Familiaris Consortio, St. John Paul II clearly states that “the Church reaffirms her practice which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced Catholics who have remarried.” We are to show mercy toward the sinner but we are to hate the sin. Let there be no more confusion caused by “Amoris Laetitia”.
Bishop, I am saddened that you are not upholding Church doctrine, in favor of mercy and compassion. This is a sorry interpretation of mercy and compassion. You could apply it easily to abortion. Out of compassion some women deserve an abortion, etc. Half the country has reasoned in this manner and has morphed to disregarding Scripture and Church doctrine altogether. Moreover, I doubt their motive is compassion. I rather think under the pretense of compassion, they are just doing what they want to do. It is not the Church's call to permit communion to someone committing adultery; it is the Church's call is to be true to Jesus. Bishop, now I see you have no idea what Jesus and the Church are all about. I will pray for you.
The modernists use mercy & compassion as a way to justify moral relativism and it's totally on purpose. Actual mercy and compassion is not letting people continue in sin. I love the gymnastics they have to go through to justify this blatant disregard for Our Lord, His commandments, His Church, & His flock they have been entrusted to care for.
We have to have some sympathy for Bishop Barron here. Being a brand new Bishop in his probationary period, he has to suck up to the Pope big time. He looks to me like he really prefers the old days, when the church laid down the law and you followed instructions or you burned in hell. What the church really needs to enforce some discipline are a lot more high profile excommunications.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the both/and characteristic you've brought up now and several times before. It's both liberating and burdensome at the same time :)
So in other words Pope Francis is just following Jesus. On the one had Christ gives a high moral demand, saying things like if you look at a person with lust, it is better to cut your eye out and throw it into the fire in the Sermon on the Mount. On the other hand the Pope is taking seriously the warning Christ gave to Pharisees when he tells them "Go learn what it means when the scriptures says I will have mercy and not sacrifice"(Matthew 9:13). He is upholding the moral ideal while severely condemning theological and moral legalism.
We are all living in a fallen world and we are all wounded people. None of us can condemn one another. This is a process towards healing. Our world needs mercy and help to come back into the church. We have the law and for those following the law, its good, but we need to bring our fallen brothers and sisters back with mercy.
Healing is dying to self to follow Christ's commandments. This hEaLiNg, mErCy, & sElF lOvE is just liberal-speak for moral relativism. If there is no objective morality on this issue or on any of the Church's other rules then what's the point?
Your Excellency I just returned to the Church a few months ago and I am so sad of how people including many Catholics are disrespectful of His Holiness Pope Francis and St John Paul 2 ...What happened to the Oh my God I firmly believe in all that Thy Holy Catholic Apostolic Church approves and teaches since it is Thou the Infallible Truth Who hast revealed it to thy Church?
Mercy without Justice is mere sentimentality. In the good old days when Philosophy and Ethics were taught as it should, any undergraduate knew that. Bishop Barron doesn't. It's deplorable!...
Wonderful!! once again, Bishop Barron, with his unfailing sense of fairness and profound understanding of the Gospels, brings clarity to the controversy over "Amoris Laetitia". *"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."* (Mark 2:17) The Catholic position on all the "hot button" topics is pretty well-known all around the world. Pope Francis is perfectly aware of this. What the Catholic Church is NOT so well known for, is its mercy, its compassion, its willingness to forgive the sinner and accompany them on their path to healing and salvation. Yes, God's sanctifying grace can allow believers to live according to His commandments. But what if these people have no concept of God to begin with? Or no idea of what Catholicism or even Christianity is really about? So many people today are suffering incredible traumas due to all sorts of abuse, neglect, (spiritual) poverty ... we simply cannot compare the people of today to the people 2000 years ago!!! The Catholic teachings, the beliefs remain the same. But Pope Francis has understood that we need a different approach today. Pope Francis has taken to heart the teaching of Jesus in Mark 2:17 -- and he reaches out to all the marginalised people of our modern, deeply troubled times! God bless him!!!
All very true!! Your comment is valid!! (though I don't know what AL is or who Tim Staples is) But...... you speak as a believer, and someone who knows his faith. In Biblical times, nearly everyone believed in God, in Sin, Heaven and Hell, and Salvation, nearly everyone was a Jew, and State and Religion were not separate, so all people generally had a clear idea of what was lawful and what was not. Today, the Church and State are separate; atheism, gnosticism, and thousands of sects and other "religions" exist, to draw souls away from Christ. The "Law" has made many, very immoral actions "politically correct" - so that there is now mass confusion as to what is right and wrong, good and bad, mass confusion as to whether God even exists, and if He exists, WHO is He - and so on. So many people today cannot even say what sin is!! (Even within the Church!!!) What about kids who grow up with two fathers, or who grow up among terrorists... or whose parents are completely atheist, the kid is never baptised etc etc ??? As humans we might be tempted to think, well, everyone's responsible for their choices they make. And that's true -- up to a point. But God, the Divine Judge, is the ONLY one who can perfectly judge each soul, taking into account that person's background, temperament, weaknesses and strengths. Let us remember that those who have been given much, will be be demanded much, and those who received less, but were not (so) aware of it, less will be demanded (less punishment will be given). (Luke 12:48). The Pope, and all the clergy, and all the religious, because of the graces they received and the vows they made, are more "accountable" than the rest of us! Secondly, we do need to keep in mind the era we live in. We no longer live in the times of early Christians; in those times the body was considered unworthy or unclean, and had to be "tamed", so that people went to great lengths to try to subdue all the 'natural passions' in order to follow their spiritual desires. So, harsh physical punishment was not only common, but thoroughly encouraged in schools, at home, in the sports arena -- everywhere. Remember, Jesus was put to death because He said that He and the Father are one. Today, (except in strict Islamic societies) such words would not be considered blasphemous, and certainly not worthy of death!!! Let alone such a torture!! No, today, people have gone the opposite extreme, where the "politically correct" laws apply, and those who try to uphold traditional values and morals are harassed or even imprisoned! And today, it's all about the BODY !!! Many people deny or repress the existence and needs of the soul! Spiritual poverty, spiritual ignorance abound!! Therefore, if the priest of today wishes to draw "difficult" souls to Christ, he needs to have a very merciful approach, not one of condemnation and threats of hellfire! People would simply run away, otherwise (and this has already happened so many times)! Once the priest has gained the trust and friendship of that person, he can then gradually begin to make headway in the mind and soul of that person, teach them the Sacraments and so on. All in the right time. So, as I understand it, neither Bishop Barron or Pope Francis are in any way trying to change the teachings of Jesus, or downplay the gravity of sin. They simply choose not to lead with "rules" but to lead with love and mercy, and come to the rules later....
I’ve written to Pope Francis a few times. And one day, I received a letter from his secretary assistant. And in the mail, I received a picture of Pope Francis. I felt blessed. If I met Pope Francis in Vatican 🇻🇦 City. I be speechless at first but I feel blessed. It would be an honor to meet him. Pope Francis stands out as a Christian role model. Of what it takes to be a Christian.
I disagree to Amoris Laetitia... It is like tolerating adultery... God is Merciful yes, but look at Noah's story... God has mercy to people, but God only saves faithful.
Bishop Barron, You seem a very capable apologist for Pope Francis, but what you are saying denies the truth. In your attempt to be PC, you make Christianity into a cowardly lion who's only option is to lie to people that are living in sinful lifestyles and refuse to tell them of their wrong behavior. This goes against Church teaching, and in the end seems less loving that telling the clear truth of the matter; people who live in mortal sin against God's law, and fail to repent, will face judgement!
There is no such thing as a "concrete situations" simply examine every immigrant who changes their situation by moving, moving to another nation. A man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, which left unrepentant lands them in hell.
Just what will the many Bishops answer to God on Judgement day when asked why they allowed so many sheep to leave the fold so easily? Why don't they preach to the few that remain in the Church that their loved ones who have fallen away have effectively condemned themselves to eternal punishment? Why don't they preach that the silence of the few is a sin of omission. Why is my local Bishop so anonymous? What does my local Bishop actually do? Why do I only hear from him when there are donations to be made for the upkeep of the cathedral or building funds for the schools? Why do they dabble in such trivial topics when there is the survival of the church at stake in the West? Perhaps if my local Bishop visited my church he would see the average age is about 70, and at this rate it only has about 15 to 20 years left. And this is repeated all over the country. Where will my young children celebrate mass when they are older? I could go on and on.
Do not dispair. Jesus promised that His Church (the Catholic Church) will last until the end of time. Jesus is not a lier, He will keep his promise. Our Church has been around for over 2,000 years and will be here until the end of time when He returns. Trust in divine providence. And listen to St. Teresa of Avila " Let nothing disturb you, nothing bother you. All things are passing, God never changes. He who has God has everything." Trust in Jesus Christ and ask His mother and ours the Virgin May to pray for all of us sinners trying to survive in the Valley of Tears. And as far as Pope Francis is concerned, he was elected by the Holy Spirit so we'll be OK. Trust in the Holy Spirit and "Let nothing disturb you..... " The pope is a human being and is as imperfect as we are. Peter, our first Pope, denied Jesus three times. Human beings are not perfect. Try to be the best Christian you can and don't worry abut the things our Pope is supposed to worry.about. Pope Francis is a good human being. He has been serving Jesus and His Church for many many years so who are we to criticize him? He has given his whole life to Christ and His Church, most of us have done it on a part time basis so to speak. Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ and may He guard his One Holy Catholic Church till the end of time as promised.
What we all need to stop and remember...We are Roman Catholics. We have the fullness of Christ through our sacraments. All the politics in the world cannot harm us, lest we allow it to. MY job, I have decided is to Pray for truth.. be a good Catholic..and cling to the words of Jesus..."The gates of Hell shall NOT prevail."
Bam. Nailed it. This is basically the same argument that immediately came to my mind when people started to complain about this. Personally, I thought it's pretty obvious if you have, at least, a cursory knowledge of moral theology (which yes, admittedly, most people don't, so I don't blame them).
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
I watched 9 minutes of this video and not once did his excellency address the question - CAN CATHOLICS IN MORTAL SIN RECEIVE COMMUNION (DIVORCED AND REMARRIED CATHOLICS) - Why is no one answering this simple question? Indeed it is a simple question.
Well friend, the answer to the objective question is no. But the problem is the determination of who precisely is in mortal sin. That can't be adjudicated simply through an observance of behavior, since it involves matters of knowledge, will, freedom, etc. This can only be determined through discernment.
Bishop Robert Barron as a general response to mortal sin I understand your reply. However your excellency I am sincerely confused. if a priest can determine that a catholic was divorced and remarried without any annulments, can this catholic receive holy communion? This is what I am confused about. Thank you for your response. God bless you.
Bishop, Pope is very wrong. He has no guarantee of infallibility. You should be overtly defendig marriage. Modernists write beautiful Catholic passages. Then slip in some small ambiguity that can be run with to evil purposes. In Vatican 2, so with this exhortation. It is bad, and you should stand up to this very flawed, dangerous Pope. BTW, I am Irish Catholic from NY and love Dylan. God bless and congrats on episcopate.
Bishop Robert Barron Let me understand this. When Jesus Christ says "What God has joined together no human being must separate" and "I say to you whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery." And in Catholic School we were taught Adultery is a sin. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's great the church doesn't want to condemn those wounded souls who were unable to make the marriage work and in human weakness made the choice to remarry. And yes mercy and counseling and for sure the assessment of moral culpability should be a part of the churches efforts to ensure that divorced and remarried couples feel welcome in the church. "There but for the grace of God..." right? And on a personal note my Grandmother who I adored was divorced and remarried and I know that being restricted from Holy Communion was embarrassing and painful for her. But she never missed Mass or quit tithing or being an example if Christian Chatty. When she died the church was not going to let her be buried in the Catholic Church, which all but killed my mom. But Monseniour Weschler (I remember his name. He was a true Priest of God) called and told us he had been inundated with calls to the parish about my Grandmother's kindness and charity and said something to the effect that she had done her penance. Her "Moral Culpability"? Well her husband walked out on her and their 3 children (one of them was my mom) during the great depression. I know it was for her children's sense of safety and security. Today she'd have her annulment in a second! I am 62 and not my Grandmother or my Mother or I would have never ever imagined thinking that the Holy Roman Catholic Church would change and water down the words of Christ. I was irate when I started this. Now I'm just sad. I know the Pope gets irritated by "Traditional" Catholics but what fond memories. I remember I was asked to help clean the church once and Sister Mary Agnes told me it was a great honor because I would get to walk on the alter. I think I was like 11 and I was scraping wax out of the votive candles in front of a big statue of Mary and I felt this joy! Come Holy Ghost Creator Blessed!! But if you are still reading this you were kind of hard on Me. Raymond. Remember you said the Catholic Church isn't here to condemn? I pray for the church the Pope the Bishops the Cardinals the Priests and the Nuns every night. That God Bless You and fill the church with His Holy Spirit .
I am so sorry, I did not know this part of your thought.. I find it most fitting. Remains that I think the the pastoral efforts should be focused more on those that are not on the right path... my metaphor of fishing in a fish store..
Sorry Bishop, but how can the words of Jesus be made to seem judgmental, while Pope Francis, the kind, overrides Christ himself. Do we not believe that Jesus, God with us, foresaw the times in which we live, and would have changed his words himself...had he chosen to?
There is a HUGE difference between being legally married after a legal divorce and just living together without marriage. Legal marriage is not "shacking up" and should not be regarded as such. The couple is making a real commitment. I'm glad that Pope Francis has opened the door for many of them to receive communion. The inclusion, in my opinion, will cause much happiness and create a stronger sense of spirituality as these souls feel welcomed at Mass.
You misunderstand the document. The Pope is not giving the ok to divorce and remarry. “Legal” marriage is just a secular formality, not a sacrament of marriage. If a couple is only legally married, they are not married in the eyes of God. They’re simply ok to file joint tax returns.
@@veronicasmyers10 I come from a Protestant background. Our marriage was much, much stronger than a "get to file jointly" arrangement. 37 years later, we have seen almost every "live together" couple we ever met go down in flames. Real commitment from the start makes a huge difference.
I have read the document twice and still don't understand how it works in practice. Can someone provide concrete examples of how this approach would be applied?
One thing, however, seems clear to me: the concern of this Pope - that the Church should overcome her own self-referencing in order to be able to free-heartedly approach persons - has been destroyed by this papal document for an unforeseeable amount of time. A secularizing push and the further decrease in the number of priests in many parts of the world are also to be expected. It has been able to be observed for quite some time that bishops and diocese with a clear stance on faith and morality have the greatest increase in priests. We must remember the words of St. Paul in the Letter to the Corinthians: “If the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8)
Your excellency could you debate the Most Holy Family Monastery on the second vatican council and other current ambiguities ? I don't believe the changes in the council,mass, actions of popes have been Catholic, please help.
My friend, are you having problems with trusting the Church after VII? If so, I would suggest you bring your questions to some good respectful apostolates like Catholic Answers. Maybe you could call their call-in shows? I don't say this to be mean spirited, quite the contrary, but I must give a warning: if you are having a difficult time discerning the Truth right now, maybe listening to such dangerous words from a radical fringe group within a fringe group within a fringe group like the Dimond brothers is not a good choice. If you have a love tradition, you might appreciate the fact that the Church did have an index of forbidden books because it recognized that some ideas can predate certain people and snatch them away from the fold of the Truth who is Christ in His Church. I'll be praying for you my friend, and do please consider calling CA. They're a great apostolate. I'm sure you can ask them very intelligent questions in this field which can help others in similar circumstances.
I appreciate your video so much. I believe that Pope Francis showed courage to finally taking into account very sensitive, complicated real family situations which are never “ black or white” and that can’t be resolved with a generic condemnation of the type: “one size fits all”. There is hope for all families to find pastors that inspired by the Pope’s letter, would grow in more learning of the complex, unique families’ dynamics, either conventional or irregular, in order not to make them feel abandoned or rejected by the Church.
If the people in question you speak of loved the Lord they'd keep His commandments, period. See this is the problem with the modernist mindset: you view everything from the human viewpoint, it's all about me, myself, & I... *I want communion* so forget what the Gospel & 2000 years of Church teaching says. Where does it stop? I can make excuses & justification for every mortal sin, doesn't make it right for me to committ them and then go for communion
"Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord" (1 Cor 11:27).
Papal opinion cannot change Truth.
yeah, that says you need to go to confession first. That's obvious. The rest of the chapter talks about this as a good thing.
Moses King I've been divorced since I was 36. You can't force anyone to love you, especially if they love someone else, but rather when all hope of reconciliation is dead, try to smooth things out so that kids suffer as little as possible. I brought up my 3 kids (one has a handicap.) It's been incredibly lonely and hard - still is - despite my Catholic faith. I'm no saint so I understand those who remarry even if I've resisted it myself. I for one will not cast the first stone but rejoice that the Church embraces us sinners, so that we can lay our burdens on the alter of Jesus' sacrifice. Be merciful as God is merciful. We need it.
Moses King So what do you that I've been praying for so hard these past 18 years? Why do you think I've resisted other men but my divorced husband? It takes two to tango, my dear. I did all I could and left all the doors open. The hardest part is that I too, believe that a separated wife should be reconciled with her husband! And the judgement of others, like you, is no funfair either. I strongly advise anyone against divorce. It's a lonely and hard place to be. Now I must go to my daily prayer of asking God to change my husband's heart and return to me. God bless!
Moses King Jesus drew people, especially sinners, to Himself and then He said "go and sin no more." That's what the Church is trying to do: love the person, hate the sin. Bring people in and then make them see the error of their ways. You judge me because I'm divorced. Fine. But what do you know of my personnal life and my spiritual suffering? I didn't make my marriage vows lightly. They are biding for life. When my husband ditched me for another, I took it as a test from God. It's all very well to be a Catholic when all is great but when the crunch comes, you have to take up your cross and follow Him. Yet you judged me as a simpering weakling without knowing anything about me ("get some balls"). By what authority? That's why I won't do the same with remarried Catholics, even if I don't approve. The only thing I have to give a fellow sinner is love (willing the good of the other.) If you're not of my opinion then so be it. May God bless you and give you His infinite grace and love.
Bishop Barron's concept of "gradualness" sounds more like "compromise". Our Lord confronts a sinner in a straight - forward manner, and because of His Love, has no intention of leaving that sinner in his sin, but instructs him on what to do: "Go, and sin no more." Because of the sinner's God-Given, free will, Our Lord leaves it there. It's, now, the decision of the sinner to follow Our Lord, or not. We, sinners, choose our own destinies.
Joan HAMLIN bishop Barron like Bergoglio is more like a politician rather than a man of faith.. They use their erudition (not knowledge) to speak, speak, speak, speak
@@calasalos Right on Papetee, he is a lot of "double speak"
Bishop Barren
Mother Angelica Bishop Barren
On the contrary, the moral implication of the law of gradualism is relative to the individual conditioned on the prudential and honest pursuit of the good / truth within one's faculties. This is harmonious with the objective injustice of sin, but ultimately God judges us not on acts, but what's in our hearts.
All the laity ask for is clarity. Pope Francis has a penchant for pointing out the faults of faithful Catholics, but makes statements and declares teachings that abound in ambiguity. I am older than you Bishop, I lived through the chaos and destruction to the Faith that was the post-conciliar life of the Church. No matter how you paint it, be it tolerance or compassion, you cannot compromise the Gospel to accommodate sin.
Well said! I find that a lot of what Bishop Barron says is ambigous and wishy washy. It can go either way and never takes a definite lane
Both the Pope and Bishop Barron I think are very clear. I am 88…. a converted sinner.
"Bless me father for I have an irregular situation..."
"I'm sorry for my irregular situations, especially this irregular situation..."
Lol, exactly. Semantically, we can always find ways to justify a statement, however faulty. BISHOP Barron is very good at that.
@@glamygirlie the modernists are great at this
Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More pray for us!
Jules Tempest moore but yes pray for us
@@Egress_Operator More.
If anyone CAN and WILL give full explaination of any doubt or confusion, it is BISHOP ROBERT BARRON. I trust him. He is after the heart of Our Lord Jesus and his motive is to save the souls and nothing else therefore do not impute anything to him. He is smart, studious and very intelligent like Rev.Bishop Fulton J Sheen. He is one of our Catholics finest orator and philosopher. Look at the way he explains the greatest mysteries of our faith.....i pray we have more Bishop like him
Thank you Bishop Robert Barron for your Helpful summary and analysis of Amoris Laetitia!
My view: Without integrity, we turn to mush - and it's the exact same thing with the Church - and therefore God's Church Can Never lead a person to sin by her teachings so they Cannot Change! If you promise "until death do us part" then it's a matter of Honor to keep your promise! It takes Divine Love to keep to these vital marriage vows and therefore we must turn to God and especially to His Sacraments to live up to it, especially by reverently receiving His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist, the Bread of Life, daily, or at least weekly, at Holy Mass! Sacramental Marriage is like a ship sailing strong into the future for many generations to come - it is Provided for and Backed by God, the Creator of the Universe Himself! After the consummation of the marriage, the two have become one and cannot become "un-one" - it's for life! Divorce is like "the ship of the family" in the middle of the ocean smashing into the rocks on purpose - the problems are from within therefore the Catholic Church doesn't support it - it's like suicide... When there are extreme difficulties, then separation is permissible while trying to work things out. But to divorce is completely dishonourable and to remarry on top of that mess (a mess that results from a lack of Love and Integrity) is just to change problems and make them worse! Where this has happened, deep apologies and reconciliations are needed between all family members, who have all been so deeply hurt... As Christians, we are called to Love the sinner, hate the sin; to love another person is good - but no matter what, sex outside of a Sacramental Marriage is a sin no matter who is doing it! Sin is always selfishness that disconnects one from the Divine Love and Grace of God, Who keeps us alive at every moment and therefore by its nature sin leads to suffering and death because it means letting go of God, moving away from God, Who Is the Only Source of Life and Love! Repentance means drawing near to God again (children all start out loving, it's what happens to us as we grow up that makes us forget our love - so we need to Re-Member!), repentance is loving God, caring about what we've done wrong and who we've hurt and wanting to make reparation through willingly offering up our prayers, sufferings, works and joys to God as an offering - a feeble attempt to pay our sometimes Immense, Even Infinite debts. The person who Fully turns to God, does so by becoming Catholic and going to Confession and reverently receiving the Holy Eucharist, the Bread of Life, Who Is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, and then because of this Communion with God has Hope and Will Feel God's Love, Mercy, Grace, Peace and Joy! It's a detoxification process so the sooner one starts, the sooner one will feel the Love, Grace, Mercy and Peace of Christ, Who Loves us in His Infinite Majesty, our Lord, Creator and Redeemer!
What do you say for people who through no fault of their own become victims to a violent and dangerous spouse who turns their back on God and will not change their ways? What if to stay until death do you part means you literally lose your life?
@@BirdyMum So you lose your life.
BALONEY. In the document Francis explicitly claims that a man can "discern" that "in his concrete circumstances in today's world", as thought somehow today's world is morally different, "a man can proceed to embrace a second family because this is what God iis asking of him at this time." BALONEY BALONEY BS BALONEY. An insult to God. How is it "merciful" to ignore the victims of sin????? How is it a positive good for a man to lie to himself and tell himself that God is telling him it is good to abandon his wife and children to run away with his mistress???? Hiow is this "moving towards an ideal" Barron???? Why must you be a coward whenever Francis is a buffoon?
@BirdyMum The exception is not the rule. Married persons in this position can live apart. But they cannot divorce as dictated by our Lord in Matthew 19:6. They then should both live a life of chastity, otherwise they are committing adultery.
Sorry Father. It's causing confusion! I also agree with Cardinal Burke.
He is a liberal watch out don't watch this crap!
Cardinal Burke is confused as he said it himself
I am more than half way through reading The Joy of Love & I am a huge fan. It is beautifully written and easy to understand. It is amazing how a priest who obviously has never been married, fully understands family life.
Beautifully explained! Thank you Bishop Barron♥️🙏
"Mitigating culpability" is not the same as exonerating one from ANY culpability.
I heard someone ask how can something be a sin in Poland but not in Malta?
when the church cant call a spade a spade... time to clean house.
Dear Bishop Barron please post a video of your thoughts on the dubia letter published by Cardinals Burke et al. If Amoris Laetitia is as clear as you say it is then why are several prominent Cardinals asking for clarification?
I agree with your comment
"Let us love, since that is what our hearts were made for."😇St.Therese of Lisieux 🙏🏻4us
Yes, makes sense since "God is love" (1. John 4:16). :)
Interesting how clear, unambiguous statements from Pope Francis require so much explanation - EVERY SINGLE TIME.
"we have to read these texts in light of traditional"
Well, why don't they write them in light of tradition then?
Oh, ok. So is "If you don't like what the pope is saying go found your own church." also part of the new tone? Because, WOW!
How do you know whether I read the entire encyclical? How do you know how many videos I may have watched? Did I call your ideas stupid? See, when the other side has to be so nasty and dismissive to get you to see their "point of view" - that's when I know I'm on the right path.
There is a "diabolical disorientation"in the vatican as catholic prophecy has warned us....Just look at the many catholic church approved prophecy''s hundreds of years back until now.......Just start with St Francis who warned us of this time.....Our Lady of Common Success....Fatima....the list goes on...this is the time of all those warnings...God did not leave us without warning.
Daniel Pan Cardinal Burke has not called Pope Francis a heretic. You are spreading disinformation with the intent of causing discord and confusion. Cardinal Burke has been very clear that he has not done so and you should be ashamed of yourself.
it saddens my heart that you just through a lot of big words around to make your point that people aren't capable of knowing sin and God's Mercy. you can't hand out the body of Christ just in hopes it will stop the sinner from living in sin. I pray for you that you find the strength to stand with Christ.
Jesus: “Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another commits adultery.”
Pope Francis: "Not so fast, Jesus. I say to you whoever divorces his wife and marries another may not in fact be guilty of adultery; it depends on the circumstances."
Rudiger Augustine ahahah
"whoever divorces his wife". What about his wife divorces him?
However, you cannot remarry unless the spouse dies, you cannot have two husbands.
Sorry Bishop but I find myself disagreeing with you more and more, therefore I will be unsubscribing from your channel. Cardinal Burke is right. It's too bad St. John the Baptist, St. John Fisher, and St. Thomas Moore didn't have Amoris Laetitia.....they would not have lost their heads if pope Francis had enlightened them.
Well, I"m sorry to see you go, but I think you're being more than a little unfair to me--and to Pope Francis! And remember, More and Fisher were beheaded by the king and not by the Pope! They died defending the successor of Peter.
Bishop Robert Barron Thanks for your response. You are right they were defending the Chair of Peter, but that was secondary they were defending the Sacrament of Marriage, just like St.John the Baptist. All three were beheaded for speaking out against adulterous unions. Stay strong, fight the good fight and May Our Lady guide you.
I'll offer the same prayer for you.
Your responses so far have been short and useless. I haven't had much respcect for you in a long time. I used to respect you, now I don't trust you at all. don't pray for me I can do it myself.
The Sarah case:
The case for absolution: musingsfromaperiphery.blogspot.com/2017/11/sarah-is-not-eligible-for-sacramental.html
A possible reply to the dubia: musingsfromaperiphery.blogspot.com/2017/10/a-response-to-dubia-of-four-cardinals.html
Bishop, chapter 8 is the problem. Just as there is objective truth, there are unchanging truths of our faith. Sin is sin, and mercy is found in the confessional.
Dude, did you even watch the video?
I know all who are been negative on Amoris Laetitia have not read it threw, and then read it again. A very wise man said Our Holy Father is going to do absolutely everything he can in order to bring people back to the Eucharist, so much MERCY will be shown that the hinges will be near bursting, but he wont cross that line,and he has not. People are getting all bent out of shape forgetting that HE DID NOT SPEAK FROM THE CHAIR.If i was a re-married i would do all the Church asks of us, pray the rosary daily, go to daily Mass and go up for a blessing-AND I BET OUR MOTHER WOULD INTERCEDE FOR ME SO THAT BEFORE I DIED I WOULD RECEIVE SOME AMAZING GRACE. I TELL PEOPLE THIS-I KNOW FOR AN ABSOLUTE FACT, MORE THAN I KNOW ANYTHING ELSE-THAT IF ONE PRAYS THE ROSARY DEVOUTLY,AND WEARS THE BROWN SCAPULAR, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT WE WONT GET TO HEAVEN. OF COURSE WE MUST KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS BUT IF THERE IS ONE SIN WE SEEM TO FAIL IN BEATING, LIKE MY HEROIN ADDICTION WHICH I REFUSED TO ACCEPT WHAT SCIENCE SAID ( THAT I WAS BORN WITH AN ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY ).I fought for 10yrs to beat it, and when i came to Our Lady of the Rosary she helped me immensely and the novena leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday put the nail in the coffin. I have not even had as much as a craving or temptation since and i did not have any withdrawals or even a sleepless night, thanks to Gods Mercy. Lets all look at whats going on. Jesus gave us the Divine Mercy devotion-If he were here now, he would say to all who are cribbing about these ppl who want the Eucharist so much-How would you feel not been able to receive the Eucharist. I understand the fear out there, but i also know ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING THAT IS DONE FROM A PLACE OF LOVE WILL NEVER BE REJECTED BY LOVE HIMSELF. God Bless all and please read the full document slowly and listen to what jimmy akin says about it
diminishing returns on that project...Speak the Whole Truth in a way that everyone can understand! Not in the way you think everyone will like.
Don't worry , be happy, Hell is empty! Right Bishop Baron?
Free Speech yes, and the devil is not real.. It's a "rapresentation" of evil, but is not a person or a fallen angel
Bishop, I've been a subscriber for years-wrestled your alma mater in high school-visited mundelein seminary with an old mentor...you guys have to start teaching and preaching to truth now.
A proper and loving response to those living objectively in adultery would be to tell the truth: "You are living objectively in adultery. It is a grave sin. And you must repent of it immediately." Hopefully the response will not end there, but there is no doubting that it should begin there.
Or are pastors concerned that such knowledge will decrease the ignorance of the "faithful", and thus increase their culpability? At what level of ignorance can they be genuinely described as faithful? Faithful to _what_?? The good vibes they _just know_ Jesus would want them to have??! Will souls really be won simply by keeping them ignorant of the most basic components of the moral law?
Okay, you tell the truth, but then what? That is what Bishop Barron is talking about here. You don't get to just swoop in, say that people are bad for living together before they're married, and wash your hands of it thinking that what you've done is in-and-of-itself a loving act. That's nothing more that a moralistic drive-by that has more to do with one's own sense of self-righteousness than anything objectively loving towards the couple.
To be loving, you need to be with them. You need to be able to recognize the good things there... that they love each other, for example... and build on that to encourage them into healthy, rightly lived relationships. That's what this document is talking about.
+CoryTheRaven there are very simple truths. Living together before Marriage it's wrong and yes, you can say it, because it's elemental understanding. A man needs to give a woman her place as a wife and understand that they are doing acts in which can create children. Children need to know their place in a relationship, that is a mother and that is father and I am a member of a family that has a union in Marriage.
Roxana Quintana Yuh huh, but that's not the issue.
Frodo Beutlin Yep, and just before that he says not to be prideful, which handles most of you guys. And immediately after he says that Christians should never sue or go to court against other Christians. So I'm going to propose that there is more subtlety to this question of how to deal with people in irregular relationships in a truthful AND loving way than simply kicking them out of the Church.
Frodo Beutlin Nope!
1 Corinthians 13:1-3: "If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."
Paul does make a distinction between simply saying true things and the act of being loving. If you have the truth but not love, you are nothing.
Bishop, I am a divorced woman who has remained celibate according to the truth. I give you my testimony now. I would not trade the peace, blessings, growth, love and Jesus Christs loving help and mercy given to me for anything. I have read many of the saints and I have never found any who were able to attain a closer relationship with God thanthose who abide in the TRUTH. No TRUTH no salvation as a Bishop you well know. You can smudge the lines but you will also be accountable as will all who receive the Body and Blood unworthy. This is actually not extreme it is not hard it just takes the step of repentance in love and reverence to Jesus. He is THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. He gives what each needs to get this job done. He will help us. I rely on Him and I pray that others put their personal issues aside and ask Jesus directly because our priests and Bishops are great talkers, Not great walkers.
Come on, friend. That's really unfair. I'm not smudging any lines. I'm relying on a classical distinction in Catholic moral theology between the objective quality of an act and the degree of subjective responsibility.
B Blaze well said.
Bishop Robert Barron
I am 64 years old and a 41 year married devout, practicing Catholic who was brought up in the Church when the Latin Mass was still being said. So I guess you could say I am pretty old school. And the old school did not lean heavily into mercy. I lived in constant fear of going to hell. I knew that I could never make a perfect Act of Contrition, as we were taught by the nuns, in case we died before we could get to Confession. God would know very well that it was not because of my great love for him, but my fear of great eternal punishment. And that would invalidate my Act of Contrition. It was a pretty frightening God we had in those days.
I love your interpretation of " Amoris Laetitia ".
Even though my husband and I have brought up 4 children and 1 granddaughter in the Catholic faith, ( following Human Vitae, which was a bit difficult ) and tried to show them an example of what it means to be Catholic, none have our faith. Of the five, we have an atheist scientist, a half hearted Catholic, a born again Christian, a 14 year old granddaughter who is living with her 16 year old boyfriend and constantly telling me she is not a Christian and a twice divorced daughter, whose lifestyle I will leave to your imagination. Of the three who are married, none have been married in the Catholic Church, or any church.
And yet I love them all so much. I pray for them constantly. Your interpretation has given me so much more hope. I definitely believe in the Law of Gradualness of which you speak. My children and grandchildren love me very much and I know that, even though they would be condemned by most people replying on this site. They can be very kind people, even if considered sinners.
I am aware of some great Saints who came to the truth gradually - St. Francis of Assisi and St. Augustine are two that come to mind.
As for adultery, check out the lives of the Abraham and Sarah, and see how they lived and how Sarah used and treated Hagar.
It saddens me to see the hardness of heart of so many of my fellow Catholics. Possibly, all their children followed them in the Catholic Faith. And those that didn't, they may have cut out of their lives, so that they can see clearly that they are living in sin. I have no idea. I only know my own situation, and it is very messy.
If I didn't have such great hope in God's mercy, where would I be, where could I go?
I know one thing - if I, an imperfect creation of God, love them so much - then how much more does Our God of Lovingkindness and Mercy love them? We are all works of art in progress. Thank you for hope!
God bless you, Bishop Robert Barron
B Blaze: I'm in the same boat and feel as you do. I came across this youtube vid I thought I'd share with you, entitled: "Schism Rising? 7 Bishops resist Popes Revolution." Sadly, Bishop Barren isn't among the seven.
So "Catholic moral theology between the objective quality of an act and the degree of subjective responsibility" trumps innate Truth and two thousand years of Catholic dogma. Right.
Your Excellency, I am usually a huge fan of your videos and commentary, but I am disappointed with your overall analysis here. I understand the Church's need for accommodation, mercy and the law of gradualness. And, I know you are trying to give the Holy Father the benefit of the doubt. But, with respect, St. Paul, in many places, is very explicit about how to bring sinners back into the fold. Reading 1 Corinthians 5, for example, it is clear that the Holy Spirit intends, as a means to protect the Church from error and undue demonic influence, that the unrepentant brethren be cast out of the community. 'Mercy' comes in the form of a "time-out," if you will. The unrepentant have an opportunity to be cast out, so that they might seriously consider and pray over their crimes and their stubbornness. It is analogously like my mother sending me to my room, while saying, "think about what you did wrong and we'll talk later." We don't offer the Eucharist to them, because it would actually be harmful to them at that point. We pray for them, and certainly we can reach out to them in love, but mercy is powerless, unless the sinner experiences repentance and chooses to rejoin the Mystical Body of Christ. The law of gradualness doesn't permit them to receive Christ in the Eucharist till they are spiritually in faithful (full) obedience to the laws of God. And it seems to me that many accommodations like the law of gradualness are more appropriately applied to the non-brethren, who haven't yet been introduced to the Lord. Culpability for sin is certainly something that can be analyzed by the priest during counseling and/or confession, but ultimately God will have to judge their culpability. The danger of a "discernment" by priests with adulterers and gay couples, is that it will be (and already has been) used as an excuse by some confessors to admit sinners back into communion, when they are in fact not repenting (or accepting the consequences) of their sin. Indeed, the attitude pervading the liberal parts of the Church is that of a more permissive culture. Inviting gay-married and divorced and remarried couples to receive communion without repenting and humbling themselves in obedience to God's will is a great sacrilege! By doing this, we do great harm to the Body of Christ and we scandalize every child in Church who witnesses this! Even if their parents see and understand the so-called mercy being demonstrated, it becomes a false mercy because the sinners never repent and the children who are forced to witness these aberrations are themselves taught to tolerate and even accept these types of sin, because, after all, their parents and their parish priest seem to be okay with it. Children are especially vulnerable because they are often very empathetic and accepting of people in general. They naturally want to help and except the marginalized, but we are teaching them false charity! We are Catholic! We are bearers and protectors of God's revelation. We do not have the authority to water it down or deviate one iota from the words of Jesus nor from St. Paul's guidance with regard to sinners. (Unless you want to argue that Jesus is not God and the Holy Spirit did not speak through St. Paul) There are already Catholic congregations that are embracing the Pope's lenient guidance as an excuse to welcome unrepentant sinners to the Eucharist! That is a great evil that needs to be soundly and loudly condemned, even if it seems too "rigid!" Truth first! People of all stripes naturally respect adherents to the truth, even when they don't yet appreciate those truths. Prayer, fasting and our steadfast example (on their behalf) will assist them with the grace of conversion and allow the Holy Spirit to work miracles, if the sinners are at all able to be saved. They still have to WANT to be saved. Jesus already made the overture of love. They have to reach out and embrace Him in humility and obedience! And so do we! Respectfully,
John Palmer
Absolutely correct. We cannot compromise the Gospel. It is a lament of Our Lady of Akita "...the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God."
Did anyone notice Bishop Barron did not answer any of your comments? Interesting.
John Palmer
Excellent reply to false teachings
Very lovely articulation that AVIODS the actual implications and concerns of sin and the outcome of sin when it is fully grown as it has now in our society! it is never merciful or loving or kind or just to help someone to hell. Never.
So people who are not married to each other but who are having sexual relation can receive the Sacraments? This contradicts 2,000 years of teaching. Of course living up to the ideal is hard but deciding that I cannot do so is not hard, it is what I want and it is easy. For goodness' sake you are sanctifying sin.
People has been fornicating for more than 50 years now and no one has ever complained about it. All these evangelical christians are more concerned about condemning gay people, but making such sins by heterosexuals more acceptable.
Erudite, articulate, and intelligent.
Bishop Barron is a shining star of a person who faith and reason, intelligence and religion, criticial thought and hopeful belief come together in a perfectly complimentary manner for the whole world to gaze upon in awe.
Bishop Baron- What so many relativists fail to admit is that vast armies of people do not "struggle" with sin but regard it as a credential. That is the true moral climate we are operating under in the West. This is not the time in Church history to be sending mixed messages in regard to objective evil. The Church needs to double down on the truth not compromise it out of some misguided sense of false compassion. It cannot separate it's discipline from it's teaching. One undergirds the other. The Church is in collapse precisely because it has failed to articulate the reality of sin and it's consequences and as a result finds itself slipping into the same relativistic mire that the culture at large has embraced with such vigor. God help us. Mary pray for us.
"The worst kind of heretic is the one who, while teachings mostly true Catholic doctrine, adds a word of heresy, like a drop of poison in a cup of water." Pope Leo XIII
David F But how about your fidelity to Peter?
Bishop Robert Barron your Excellency, I follow the perennial teachings of the Catholic Church. Allowing the divorced and "remarried" to receive communion is a sacrilegious act and a disservice to the sinner. Admonishing the sinner is one of the spiritual works of Mercy. If we truly want to be merciful to people living in a state of grave sin we should warn them of the state of their soul.
When we start to care more about how to help people live easy lives on this side of the grave, and less about the salvation of souls then we have lost our mission as a Church.
David F Well, I think you’ve misread Amoris Laetitia. But I’m still concerned about what seems to be an indifference to the Pope’s authority.
@@BishopBarron your Excellency, Pope Francis has already confirmed to the Argentinean bishops that they have interpreted AL correctly by allowing communion to the divorced and remarried.
My fidelity is first and foremost to Christ and His Church. The Pope is the servent of the servents of God his job is to confirm the flock in the faith. Unfortunately Pope Francis' teachings have only been spreading confusion and division in the Church. This sentiment is not something confined to traditional circles there are many good lay, priests, Bishops, and Cardinals who are really worried about the path the Church is going down.
Just last week Vatican advisor Thomas Rosica said that Francis “breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants” because he is “free from disordered attachments”.
I'm sorry your Excellency but the Pope is not supposed to be an autocrat who can steer the Church in any direction he chooses.
Our Lady of Fatima warned us about such times. The Church is passing through a crisis and ignoring the problem won't make it go away.
@@BishopBarron No, it is not indiference to the Pope's authority, but rather about the confusion that the pope's teachings are spreading around the Catholic world.
I'm interested to see how bishops continue to defend this bishop of Rome. In AL, Jorge says that cohabitation couples are living sacramental marriages. He says cohabiting or civilly married couples are :
Living " a real marriage [and having] the grace of a real marriage”
Now, this strange pope has said that most catholic marriages, MOST (most?) marriages are not sacramental marriages. And are null?
Spin this one father Barron! I'd love to see you talk about the nuance and delicate balance of doctrine and pastoral care of this new gem from pope climate change.
Can "culpability" be determined on a diocese by diocese basis? A bishop in Germany says divorced Catholics who are remarried (without an annulment) can now receive communion. Is the pope obligated to clarify his position on this apparent confusion? And do you think that the "mercy" shown actually strengthens the resolve of people to move toward the "ideal", or merely reduces their efforts?
No. Culpability is a private matter, which can only be determined between a penitent and his confessor. One can pronounce on objective states of affairs, but one cannot determine culpability in an abstract manner.
This process of discernment happened for us during the annulment process? (a great grace) The reverence for truth was uplifting. The Church was upholding Jesus's views on Marriage. This passage on Marriage was the only verbal correction to any commandments that Jesus ever made!
That's what makes it standout prominently
to the Christian world. The high level of respect the R.C.C. showed for this unusual biblical passage and other truths is what draws we converts and reverts to the Church.
When one gets serious about our love for God...one gets very serious about where to bring it to fulfillment. Upholding deep biblical and traditional truths, was the hallmark of the R.C.C. Even those who scoff, step back in respect, primarily because the Church has stood firm all these centuries. In whittling away at it, we are, in the eyes of many, finally compromising ourselves to the world.
Also, if I may just ask...what is wrong with asking for clarification?
I should think in Christian brotherhood, the clarification would have come forth immediately.
I was raised by Jesuits...and I was taught that the Devil is the father of confusion...which is his best method of lying.
PS...I love your care for us...thank you!
Wow! I didn't really expect a response from YOU Most Reverend Bishop Barron!!! I'm a big fan of yours - particularly in connection with your Catholicism video series. (Very Powerful!) Yet, I remain confused with the ambiguity (as evidenced by Germany) on this matter.... Particularly when GOOD Bishops like you defend that ambiguity. And secondly, does "accommodation" in our field hospital actually nurse the sick and dying back to spiritual health, (do they abandon their 2nd marriage) or merely contaminate the healthy?
The explaination of 'Amoris Laetitia' is as confusing as 'Amoris Laetitia' while listening to perhaps the best defence of 'Amoris Laetitia' im am still totally confused about 'Amoris Laetitia'.
Guilt of Sin is what turns us to Christ, so that we may seek refuge in his Mercy.
This is why I dislike Secular Physcology, because they turn that Guilt (Meant for Conversion) into 'Justification', using these same ambiguous terms like culpability until Sin is no longer Sin which requires no Forgiveness.
"Adulterers and Adultresses, do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God?" James 4 : 4
"I'm am still totally confused about 'Amoris Laetitia'." That is because only when something is truly of the Holy Spirit will it bring peace to one's soul.
I agree. I bet that Herod Antipas had a really sad story about how his brother Philip never treated Herodias rightly, and that he really loved her much more etc...... His old Wife Phasaelis was probably getting pretty fat too, and just nagging him all the time ya know? *Jokes*
John the Baptist said plainly, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
"It is not lawful for you to have her." Mathew 14 : 4
He died for his testimony to the Truth, just like St Thomas Moore also had his head chopped off by King Henry.
For testimony to the Truth. The whole reason that the 'Word was made Flesh'. Testimony to the Truth.
Did they die for nothing? Is that what Amoris Laetitia is proposing? It's not a document that is inspired by the Holy Spirit at all.
In my opinion this is crazy the TWO Popes thing. Pope Benedict XVI is not 'Emeritus' / 'Paryerful Wing'. He either IS or ISN'T. Time will tell I guess.
Yes, exactly and what confuses me is the lack of uproar in the Church. Thank goodness at least, for those faithful few prelates who have pointed out the confusion that this document is causing.
I suggest you read the cathecism section dealing with sin. You may find it enlightening.
Well, you can't have people receive the Eucharist in sin. That's not a Mercy but a sin- compounded, on our part. And when you try to walk a tight rope, like some kind of circus performer, you usually end up losing both sides. I've seen it so many times before, when the one side you're trying to please, feels validated, then vindicated, and leaves anyway. And the other side ends up feeling betrayed, (and the devil plays on that to tempt them to despair). Remember, it’s hard to argue people into the truth. To evangelize, we need to recognize that it’s the Holy Spirit who brings people to Christ. We’re just helpers. I say, Love, speak the truth, (knowing that it’s really the Holy Spirit who is speaking through us), pray, and hope that Christ will bring everything to a miraculous and glorious end.
Well said!
1001 10111011 They do it every Sunday by not going to confession AND TAKING THE EUCHARIST..DO you actually think that every parishioner in attendance on every Sunday mass go to confession at least once a year..NO...Every parishioner takes communion...most people even forgot that they need to go to confession ....most people feel they don't sin!! most people don't remember the readings the Gospel as they depart the church after the concluding rites.. Its all about Your MORAL CONSCIENCE..
@@blackrocket673 exactly! And the problem is compounded by priests not being available for confession. You have to make an appointment. It takes a lot of effort to go to confession and I think thats not an accident. The liberals dont want us confessing and try to make access to confession difficult.
Can you please explain the difference between the law of gradual-ness (or graduality) and the graduality of the law, and which one we shouldn't do? Thanks.
Christ said to the adulterous woman, "Go and sin no more."
Bishop! I cant listen enough to your understanding which shows that you have the mind of Christ! In my experience, sinned feeling unloved by God, hearing the lies from the devil, and looking then for love in all the wrong places...including ministry..instead of being still...in my mind & knowing He is God. This Holy Week I heard how I was dead spiritually from sins against me, from abuse, & looked for anything that would medicate my pain...until now...repenting from grief & now gazing into His face...into His beauty, He has resurrected me to the Abundant Life of His Compassion & Love! Thats why all I want to do is talk to, about & listen about Jesus! Thank you so much! You inspire such joy in me!
How nice to know that Christ came for sinners and not for the righteous... that God favours mercy to sacrifice. Resistance to mercy could only mean fear of exposition, stalling repentance. It is good to be nice; better still; it is nice to be good. Refuge of sinners, pray for us.
You are trying to straddle the fence. Mercy does not mean denying the truth. Truth and mercy go together.
Robert Barker, 1 year ago: Interesting how clear, unambiguous statements from Pope Francis require so much explanation - *EVERY SINGLE TIME* EVERY SINGLE TIME every single time...
I am surprised that Bishop Barron did not even mention the issue of allowing couples in an irregular civil unions situation to be pastorally guided to Confession and Communion without seeking an annulment of their first religious marriage. These couples are living in an adulterous relationship according to Jesus' very words in the Gospel! Very disappointing to see and hear Bishop Barron beat around the bush to completely ignore mentioning the very issue that has led to the clarification of the document in the first place. May the Holy Spirit enlighten his mind, heart, and ministry for the sake of the Church and the greater glory of God. +
Those couples are among the people who need it most. Is the Eucharist a prize to be awarded only to the most pious, or a medicine for those of us who are sick? If we truly have faith in the Real Presence, then A) we will recognize our own sickness, and B) have faith enough in Christ and the Real Presence to administer it to the sick.
1) There are no perfects only different degrees of sickness .. 2) But NO ONE should take the Eucharist in mortal sin, because he or she will commit a far worst one.
I do not know much about the polls and do not ever think about whether those who receive Communion are in a state of grace or not. Only God sees each heart and He does not wnt us to judge others. If I am well prepared or not to receive Our Lord, that is what I am concerned about, that's what counts, how well prepared I am to receive Holy Communion. My comment was not about schismatic Catholics, but about Bishop Barron not mentioning the crucial issue that was proposed in the exhortation in question and which was discussed during and after the synod. I am surprised that Bishop Barron, being so learned, did not even mention it, especially when the title of his talk is precisely Pope Francis' "Amoris Laetitia". That was what surprised me; it appeared as if he was avoiding to talk about it. I like Bishop Barron and I trust his judgement, so I was expecting to hear what he had to say. By the way, I do not understand wat you mean by "if we think we must wag our finger let's make sure we do it fairly and maybe focus on the ones that affect us personally." Please explain. Thank you and may God bless you. Your comments are most welcome. +
Raul_88 Argentina Everyone veils these pietistic objections in a faux-concern that people are eating and drinking damnation unto themselves, but if one actually reads what Paul says about this eating and drinking damnation, it had nothing to do with these sorts of moral issues. The exact thing he was referring to was the Eucharist being a cause of division by self-satisfied people not recognizing its fundamental holiness.
So, everyone read Paul in an incorrect way for 2000 years ! Including the Cathecism !
To outline for the confessee the objective reality of his/her sin is a MERCY, whereas to confirm his excuses by accepting the subjective mitigating circumstances will often fail to bring him to true repentance.
I think the Pope is using the Mercy & Compassion for his plans on the changes some of the Roman Catholic teachings. To Bishop Barron I will pray for you that the Holy Spirit will guide you in this time of confusion as you have responsibility in leading the flocks of Jesus Christ into the light and not into a rough road.
I do not agree . this is spin. degree of capability only the lord knows. without faith and the desire to stop doing the objectively immoral their is not true repentance and therefore those who continue in the objectively immoral act should not be admitted to communion for their own spiritual good.
It seems to me that the Pope would not make these same arguments when addressing, say, a human trafficker's culpability, or an arms trafficker's culpability, or a Klansman's culpability, or a Mafiosi's culpability. It seems to me that it is primarily sexual sin which comes in for this understanding treatment, where other sins do not. If so, why is that?
To stop sinning, one must recognize the things of God as more desirable than the sins one wishes to commit.
Bishop Baron thank you for taking the time to explain these things to us. I want to be a faithful daughter of the church and to do that I have to be a faithful follower of Our Lord’s vicar in earth. Please keep explaining these things that we lay people don’t always see clearly. I’m sorry for all the anger you are facing too. Please pray for us
"irregular situation of sexual expression"
oh boy.......
My son was brought up in the faith and yet he lives with his girlfriend, with no plans to marry. I would never have considered such a step 30 years ago, when I was young, The Church has gone lukewarm on sin to the extent that there is no one to back up the parents. In addition, society is so morally free and loose that I am seen as a lone, unhinged voice crying in the wilderness.
So you think more condemnation will help your son to change his mind? Did you watch the video?
@@paulb3507 uhh letting people do what they want with no condemnation and having no objective morality is exactly what got us here so your way isn't working pal. Do you feel the same way about abortion? That we can't follow Christ's law & condemn them for it? We should just let it happen because someone might have their feelings hurt if we don't?
Well, we people need mercy that’s true.........however we must be opened to seek it.
Sophistry in defense of heresy. The old metaphor of fiddling while Rome burns is laughably apt.
So, we are to surrender our faith inch by inch to be merciful to others who do not fit the churches teachings for past two thousand years. Slowly the church creeps into heresy and into the pit of the lost. Father, Christ said to pick up your cross and follow. Wide is the gate to Hell and narrow is the gate to Heaven.
Yes Bishop Barron Pope Francis cares and loves. I have been thinking for long time Pope Francis talks in simple language because he wants to reach the common person. For this same reason why is there so much need for priests to follow after him explaining what Pope Francis meant to say!!!
The point is folks in a state of sin want to receive Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and won't take no for an answer. As St. John the Baptist said to King Herod about his illicit sexual union. "It's unlawful."
No one is contesting that people in a state of sin should not receive communion. The issue is the determination of sin or subjective responsibility, which goes beyond the relatively easy determination of an objectively disordered state of affairs.
Bishop Robert Barron traditional Church teaching as we all know is very clear that any sex act outside of marriage is considered a mortal sin and must be confessed prior to receiving Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Ecclesiastes 3:17 And I said in my heart: God shall judge both the just and the wicked, and then shall be the time of every thing.
Blue Sky St, John the Baptist was a "rigid" "legalistic" pharisee, he should have been more "mercyful" with the poor Herod...
“Love follows knowledge.”
😇St. Catherine of Siena🙏🏻4us
Moral culpability is a thing yes but if someone is living in objective sin- you don't just say oh it's fine they are ok because they didn't know any better, you TELL them and show them how to get out of that sin so that they can be worthy of receiving Christ. It doesn't matter if their culpability lessens their crime- it's still a sin and they cant take communion until they remove themself from that sin.
Exactly. Instead of helping these people out of a bad situation the church is going to change its mind and say it's ok now 🙄
How much have you studied moral theology? The principles laid down here are classical principles found in traditional Catholic moral and pastoral theology, eg., Aquinas, Alphonsus Liguori, etc. Plus, this document is Magisterial, requires at least religious assent. Dissent from even non-infallible teachings is hardly Catholic, indeed it's sinful (so, if you're interested in sin being corrected, I'm now informing you that your Dissent here against a Papal teaching is sinful). Peace.
In Familiaris Consortio, St. John Paul II clearly states that “the Church reaffirms her practice which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced Catholics who have remarried.” We are to show mercy toward the sinner but we are to hate the sin. Let there be no more confusion caused by “Amoris Laetitia”.
Bishop, I am saddened that you are not upholding Church doctrine, in favor of mercy and compassion. This is a sorry interpretation of mercy and compassion. You could apply it easily to abortion. Out of compassion some women deserve an abortion, etc. Half the country has reasoned in this manner and has morphed to disregarding Scripture and Church doctrine altogether. Moreover, I doubt their motive is compassion. I rather think under the pretense of compassion, they are just doing what they want to do. It is not the Church's call to permit communion to someone committing adultery; it is the Church's call is to be true to Jesus. Bishop, now I see you have no idea what Jesus and the Church are all about. I will pray for you.
The modernists use mercy & compassion as a way to justify moral relativism and it's totally on purpose. Actual mercy and compassion is not letting people continue in sin. I love the gymnastics they have to go through to justify this blatant disregard for Our Lord, His commandments, His Church, & His flock they have been entrusted to care for.
We have to have some sympathy for Bishop Barron here. Being a brand new Bishop in his probationary period, he has to suck up to the Pope big time.
He looks to me like he really prefers the old days, when the church laid down the law and you followed instructions or you burned in hell. What the church really needs to enforce some discipline are a lot more high profile excommunications.
By the way, it's "objective and subjective SIN" not
a question between "objective evil" and OUR SUBJECTIVE RESPONSIBILITY!!!
No that's not right. Your formulation fudges the proper distinction.
I've been thinking a lot lately about the both/and characteristic you've brought up now and several times before. It's both liberating and burdensome at the same time :)
So in other words Pope Francis is just following Jesus. On the one had Christ gives a high moral demand, saying things like if you look at a person with lust, it is better to cut your eye out and throw it into the fire in the Sermon on the Mount. On the other hand the Pope is taking seriously the warning Christ gave to Pharisees when he tells them "Go learn what it means when the scriptures says I will have mercy and not sacrifice"(Matthew 9:13). He is upholding the moral ideal while severely condemning theological and moral legalism.
Daniel Pan
Exactly the type of theological and moral legalism the Pope is opposing.
Repent of your pharsaic attitude. You are fighting God.
We are all living in a fallen world and we are all wounded people. None of us can condemn one another. This is a process towards healing. Our world needs mercy and help to come back into the church. We have the law and for those following the law, its good, but we need to bring our fallen brothers and sisters back with mercy.
Healing is dying to self to follow Christ's commandments. This hEaLiNg, mErCy, & sElF lOvE is just liberal-speak for moral relativism. If there is no objective morality on this issue or on any of the Church's other rules then what's the point?
I really can't believe you don't see the confusion "Amoris Laetitia" and it's effects have had on the faithful. Clarify the confusion Holy Father.
Exceptions come because of Doctrine; What the Church teaches, is the basis. So we do need to understand the truth to follow it.
Your Excellency I just returned to the Church a few months ago and I am so sad of how people including many Catholics are disrespectful of His Holiness Pope Francis and St John Paul 2 ...What happened to the Oh my God I firmly believe in all that Thy Holy Catholic Apostolic Church approves and teaches since it is Thou the Infallible Truth Who hast revealed it to thy Church?
Michael Voris and Taylor Marshall have been messing with their minds.
Keep being obedient to Peter's Successors, and YOU will be fine. Peace.
Fr are you not under investigation?
Mercy without Justice is mere sentimentality. In the good old days when Philosophy and Ethics were taught as it should, any undergraduate knew that. Bishop Barron doesn't. It's deplorable!...
Sorry father but, what do we have annulment for then?? There is no excuse for living in sin, words from Jesus Christ Himself
Wonderful!! once again, Bishop Barron, with his unfailing sense of fairness and profound understanding of the Gospels, brings clarity to the controversy over "Amoris Laetitia".
*"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."* (Mark 2:17)
The Catholic position on all the "hot button" topics is pretty well-known all around the world. Pope Francis is perfectly aware of this.
What the Catholic Church is NOT so well known for, is its mercy, its compassion, its willingness to forgive the sinner and accompany them on their path to healing and salvation. Yes, God's sanctifying grace can allow believers to live according to His commandments. But what if these people have no concept of God to begin with? Or no idea of what Catholicism or even Christianity is really about? So many people today are suffering incredible traumas due to all sorts of abuse, neglect, (spiritual) poverty ... we simply cannot compare the people of today to the people 2000 years ago!!!
The Catholic teachings, the beliefs remain the same. But Pope Francis has understood that we need a different approach today. Pope Francis has taken to heart the teaching of Jesus in Mark 2:17 -- and he reaches out to all the marginalised people of our modern, deeply troubled times! God bless him!!!
All very true!! Your comment is valid!! (though I don't know what AL is or who Tim Staples is) But...... you speak as a believer, and someone who knows his faith. In Biblical times, nearly everyone believed in God, in Sin, Heaven and Hell, and Salvation, nearly everyone was a Jew, and State and Religion were not separate, so all people generally had a clear idea of what was lawful and what was not.
Today, the Church and State are separate; atheism, gnosticism, and thousands of sects and other "religions" exist, to draw souls away from Christ. The "Law" has made many, very immoral actions "politically correct" - so that there is now mass confusion as to what is right and wrong, good and bad, mass confusion as to whether God even exists, and if He exists, WHO is He - and so on. So many people today cannot even say what sin is!! (Even within the Church!!!) What about kids who grow up with two fathers, or who grow up among terrorists... or whose parents are completely atheist, the kid is never baptised etc etc ??? As humans we might be tempted to think, well, everyone's responsible for their choices they make. And that's true -- up to a point.
But God, the Divine Judge, is the ONLY one who can perfectly judge each soul, taking into account that person's background, temperament, weaknesses and strengths. Let us remember that those who have been given much, will be be demanded much, and those who received less, but were not (so) aware of it, less will be demanded (less punishment will be given). (Luke 12:48). The Pope, and all the clergy, and all the religious, because of the graces they received and the vows they made, are more "accountable" than the rest of us!
Secondly, we do need to keep in mind the era we live in. We no longer live in the times of early Christians; in those times the body was considered unworthy or unclean, and had to be "tamed", so that people went to great lengths to try to subdue all the 'natural passions' in order to follow their spiritual desires. So, harsh physical punishment was not only common, but thoroughly encouraged in schools, at home, in the sports arena -- everywhere.
Remember, Jesus was put to death because He said that He and the Father are one. Today, (except in strict Islamic societies) such words would not be considered blasphemous, and certainly not worthy of death!!! Let alone such a torture!! No, today, people have gone the opposite extreme, where the "politically correct" laws apply, and those who try to uphold traditional values and morals are harassed or even imprisoned! And today, it's all about the BODY !!! Many people deny or repress the existence and needs of the soul! Spiritual poverty, spiritual ignorance abound!!
Therefore, if the priest of today wishes to draw "difficult" souls to Christ, he needs to have a very merciful approach, not one of condemnation and threats of hellfire! People would simply run away, otherwise (and this has already happened so many times)! Once the priest has gained the trust and friendship of that person, he can then gradually begin to make headway in the mind and soul of that person, teach them the Sacraments and so on. All in the right time.
So, as I understand it, neither Bishop Barron or Pope Francis are in any way trying to change the teachings of Jesus, or downplay the gravity of sin. They simply choose not to lead with "rules" but to lead with love and mercy, and come to the rules later....
I’ve written to Pope Francis a few times. And one day, I received a letter from his secretary assistant. And in the mail, I received a picture of Pope Francis. I felt blessed. If I met Pope Francis in Vatican 🇻🇦 City. I be speechless at first but I feel blessed. It would be an honor to meet him. Pope Francis stands out as a Christian role model. Of what it takes to be a Christian.
Thank you for speaking up, Bishop Barron.
I disagree to Amoris Laetitia... It is like tolerating adultery... God is Merciful yes, but look at Noah's story... God has mercy to people, but God only saves faithful.
Thank you so much for this!
Bishop Barron,
You seem a very capable apologist for Pope Francis, but what you are saying denies the truth. In your attempt to be PC, you make Christianity into a cowardly lion who's only option is to lie to people that are living in sinful lifestyles and refuse to tell them of their wrong behavior. This goes against Church teaching, and in the end seems less loving that telling the clear truth of the matter; people who live in mortal sin against God's law, and fail to repent, will face judgement!
There is no such thing as a "concrete situations" simply examine every immigrant who changes their situation by moving, moving to another nation.
A man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, which left unrepentant lands them in hell.
Just what will the many Bishops answer to God on Judgement day when asked why they allowed so many sheep to leave the fold so easily? Why don't they preach to the few that remain in the Church that their loved ones who have fallen away have effectively condemned themselves to eternal punishment? Why don't they preach that the silence of the few is a sin of omission. Why is my local Bishop so anonymous? What does my local Bishop actually do? Why do I only hear from him when there are donations to be made for the upkeep of the cathedral or building funds for the schools? Why do they dabble in such trivial topics when there is the survival of the church at stake in the West? Perhaps if my local Bishop visited my church he would see the average age is about 70, and at this rate it only has about 15 to 20 years left. And this is repeated all over the country. Where will my young children celebrate mass when they are older? I could go on and on.
Do not dispair. Jesus promised that His Church (the Catholic Church) will last until the end of time. Jesus is not a lier, He will keep his promise. Our Church has been around for over 2,000 years and will be here until the end of time when He returns. Trust in divine providence. And listen to St. Teresa of Avila " Let nothing disturb you, nothing bother you. All things are passing, God never changes. He who has God has everything." Trust in Jesus Christ and ask His mother and ours the Virgin May to pray for all of us sinners trying to survive in the Valley of Tears.
And as far as Pope Francis is concerned, he was elected by the Holy Spirit so we'll be OK. Trust in the Holy Spirit and "Let nothing disturb you..... " The pope is a human being and is as imperfect as we are. Peter, our first Pope, denied Jesus three times. Human beings are not perfect. Try to be the best Christian you can and don't worry abut the things our Pope is supposed to worry.about.
Pope Francis is a good human being. He has been serving Jesus and His Church for many many years so who are we to criticize him? He has given his whole life to Christ and His Church, most of us have done it on a part time basis so to speak. Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ and may He guard his One Holy Catholic Church till the end of time as promised.
Well done the bish
What we all need to stop and remember...We are Roman Catholics. We have the fullness of Christ through our sacraments. All the politics in the world cannot harm us, lest we allow it to. MY job, I have decided is to Pray for truth.. be a good Catholic..and cling to the words of Jesus..."The gates of Hell shall NOT prevail."
He'll go far, this guy.
Bam. Nailed it. This is basically the same argument that immediately came to my mind when people started to complain about this. Personally, I thought it's pretty obvious if you have, at least, a cursory knowledge of moral theology (which yes, admittedly, most people don't, so I don't blame them).
Thank you Father Barron....
Hey +Manuel Caceres, didn't you know that Fr. Barron has been ordained Bishop a while ago?
Look, it's also written in his channel. :)
+therealong sorry my bad...
Thank you Bishop Barron.
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
So ,are you saying the grace of God isn't sufficient enough to help us live the life of Christ?????
I watched 9 minutes of this video and not once did his excellency address the question - CAN CATHOLICS IN MORTAL SIN RECEIVE COMMUNION (DIVORCED AND REMARRIED CATHOLICS) - Why is no one answering this simple question? Indeed it is a simple question.
Well friend, the answer to the objective question is no. But the problem is the determination of who precisely is in mortal sin. That can't be adjudicated simply through an observance of behavior, since it involves matters of knowledge, will, freedom, etc. This can only be determined through discernment.
Bishop Robert Barron as a general response to mortal sin I understand your reply. However your excellency I am sincerely confused. if a priest can determine that a catholic was divorced and remarried without any annulments, can this catholic receive holy communion? This is what I am confused about. Thank you for your response. God bless you.
Bishop, you break my heart. As you did with heretical piece on hell.
Because I'm supporting a formal teaching of the Pope...?!
Bishop, Pope is very wrong. He has no guarantee of infallibility. You should be overtly defendig marriage. Modernists write beautiful Catholic passages. Then slip in some small ambiguity that can be run with to evil purposes. In Vatican 2, so with this exhortation. It is bad, and you should stand up to this very flawed, dangerous Pope. BTW, I am Irish Catholic from NY and love Dylan. God bless and congrats on episcopate.
But friend, if you're disputing the legitimacy of an ecumenical council, you're outside of the Catholic Church.
Bishop Robert Barron Let me understand this. When Jesus Christ says "What God has joined together no human being must separate" and "I say to you whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery." And in Catholic School we were taught Adultery is a sin.
Now don't get me wrong, I think it's great the church doesn't want to condemn those wounded souls who were unable to make the marriage work and in human weakness made the choice to remarry. And yes mercy and counseling and for sure the assessment of moral
culpability should be a part of the churches efforts to ensure that divorced and remarried couples feel welcome in the church. "There but for the grace of God..." right? And on a personal note my Grandmother who I adored was divorced and remarried and I know that being restricted from Holy Communion was embarrassing and painful for her. But she never missed Mass or quit tithing or being an example if Christian Chatty. When she died the church was not going to let her be buried in the Catholic Church, which all but killed my mom. But Monseniour Weschler (I remember his name. He was a true Priest of God) called and told us he had been inundated with calls to the parish about my Grandmother's kindness and charity and said something to the effect that she had done her penance. Her "Moral Culpability"? Well her husband walked out on her and their 3 children (one of them was my mom) during the great depression. I know it was for her children's sense of safety and security. Today she'd have her annulment in a second! I am 62 and not my Grandmother or my Mother or I would have never ever imagined thinking that the Holy Roman Catholic Church would change and water down the words of Christ.
I was irate when I started this. Now I'm just sad. I know the Pope gets irritated by "Traditional" Catholics but what fond memories. I remember I was asked to help clean the church once and Sister Mary Agnes told me it was a great honor because I would get to walk on the alter. I think I was like 11 and I was scraping wax out of the votive candles in front of a big statue of Mary and I felt this joy! Come Holy Ghost Creator Blessed!!
But if you are still reading this you were kind of hard on Me. Raymond. Remember you said the Catholic Church isn't here to condemn?
I pray for the church the Pope the Bishops the Cardinals the Priests and the Nuns every night. That God Bless You and fill the church with His Holy Spirit .
I am so sorry, I did not know this part of your thought.. I find it most fitting. Remains that I think the the pastoral efforts should be focused more on those that are not on the right path... my metaphor of fishing in a fish store..
Wish all members could know about Pre Cana conference preps
Im with you Bishop.
Great video! Thank you for speaking on topics such as this.
Sorry Bishop, but how can the words of Jesus be made to seem judgmental, while Pope Francis, the kind, overrides Christ himself.
Do we not believe that Jesus, God with us, foresaw the times in which we live, and would have changed his words himself...had he chosen to?
There is a HUGE difference between being legally married after a legal divorce and just living together without marriage. Legal marriage is not "shacking up" and should not be regarded as such. The couple is making a real commitment. I'm glad that Pope Francis has opened the door for many of them to receive communion. The inclusion, in my opinion, will cause much happiness and create a stronger sense of spirituality as these souls feel welcomed at Mass.
You misunderstand the document. The Pope is not giving the ok to divorce and remarry. “Legal” marriage is just a secular formality, not a sacrament of marriage. If a couple is only legally married, they are not married in the eyes of God. They’re simply ok to file joint tax returns.
@@veronicasmyers10 I come from a Protestant background. Our marriage was much, much stronger than a "get to file jointly" arrangement. 37 years later, we have seen almost every "live together" couple we ever met go down in flames. Real commitment from the start makes a huge difference.
I have read the document twice and still don't understand how it works in practice. Can someone provide concrete examples of how this approach would be applied?
Good one!
One thing, however, seems clear to me: the concern of this Pope - that the Church should overcome her own self-referencing in order to be able to free-heartedly approach persons - has been destroyed by this papal document for an unforeseeable amount of time. A secularizing push and the further decrease in the number of priests in many parts of the world are also to be expected. It has been able to be observed for quite some time that bishops and diocese with a clear stance on faith and morality have the greatest increase in priests. We must remember the words of St. Paul in the Letter to the Corinthians: “If the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8)
"Read the first two-thirds...", and when you read the last third you will find an everything negating "but" ... .
Your excellency could you debate the Most Holy Family Monastery on the second vatican council and other current ambiguities ?
I don't believe the changes in the council,mass, actions of popes have been Catholic, please help.
My friend, are you having problems with trusting the Church after VII? If so, I would suggest you bring your questions to some good respectful apostolates like Catholic Answers. Maybe you could call their call-in shows?
I don't say this to be mean spirited, quite the contrary, but I must give a warning: if you are having a difficult time discerning the Truth right now, maybe listening to such dangerous words from a radical fringe group within a fringe group within a fringe group like the Dimond brothers is not a good choice.
If you have a love tradition, you might appreciate the fact that the Church did have an index of forbidden books because it recognized that some ideas can predate certain people and snatch them away from the fold of the Truth who is Christ in His Church.
I'll be praying for you my friend, and do please consider calling CA. They're a great apostolate. I'm sure you can ask them very intelligent questions in this field which can help others in similar circumstances.
It's so difficult to justify sin, right Bishop Barron? Isn't the Pope supposed to clarify things and not make it confusing?