My twin sister died of cancer right on our birthday....she died so piecfully last February...because of our devotion of the Divine Mercy ....such a wonderful death....and awaiting to join her.
I pray for a miracle. Please get him the sacrament of anointing of the sick. You can call a priest in any parish for this tho there are some conditions
ST. TERESA OF LISIEUX: “How great a joy it is to know that God makes allowances for our weaknesses and understands perfectly the frailty of our humanity. God our Father loves us always, absolutely, unfailingly, eternally.”
True…as long as we repent and turn away from sin. I feel that these new ads, He Gets Us, are misleading. Jesus speaks to the woman at the well, a sinner. He forgives her but says, sin no more.
Lord there is nothing impossible with You please answer the prayers of petition for her brother I thought of you God healing and miracles in the bible your the merciful God of yesterday, today, and forever amen
Bishop barron I hope to meet you and shake your hand some day. This is the bible story that played a critical role in my reversion to the faith 17 years ago. Thank you for expounding. Please pray for my wife as she has lost both of her parents this year.
I too have stage 4 cancer and know that God our Father is the great healer. Be certain I will send up a prayer to heaven for your brother. Pray to the Virgin Mary that she wraps him in her mantles.
When he describes something greater than marriage because of total intimacy with God, it sounds like he’s describing The Eucharist for those of us here on earth.
@@tjseaney_ If Christ Jesus did not establish the Catholic Church, who did, and when and how? The apostle Paul foretold that after his death wolfish men would enter the Christian congregation and that these would “speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.”-Acts 20:29, 30, NW. In writing the Thessalonian Christians not to expect the return of Christ in their day Paul warned that it would not come before there was an apostasy, that this apostasy or mystery of lawlessness was already at work in his day and that it would blossom out after he and others who acted as a restraint to it were out of the way. (2 Thess. 2:5, 7, 9) If such conditions began to manifest themselves while the apostles were alive, what could be expected after the apostles passed from the scene? What could? In answer to that question note what the historian Lord in his Old Roman World has to say about the gradual development of this apostasy: “In the First Century not many wise or noble were called. . . . In the Second Century . . . It was a disgrace to be a Christian in the eye of fashion or power.” However, it was during this century that “bishops became influential, not in society, but among Christians.” This calls to mind what the apostle John had to say about one Diotrophes, “who likes to have the first place among them,” and who did not receive with respect anything John and the others with him had to say.-3 John 9. “The Third Century,” continues Lord in his Old Roman World, “saw the church more powerful as an institution,” although “it was not until the Fourth Century-when imperial persecution had stopped; when the emperor Constantine was converted [only ostensibly, since he was not “baptized” until he lay on his deathbed]; when the Church was allied with the State, . . . that men of rank entered the Church. When Christianity became the religion of the court and of the fashionable classes, it was used to support the very evils against which it originally protested. The Church was not only impregnated with the errors of Pagan philosophy, but it adopted many of the ceremonies of oriental worship.” Thus we see that when apostate Christianity fused itself with pagan philosophy and religion, and in the interests of worldly fame, wealth and political power it joined hands with the state, that marked the beginning of the Catholic Church as she has been known for the past sixteen centuries. Although claiming to be espoused to Christ she has had worldly paramours from the time of Constantine down to Franco, whom she allows to have a voice in the appointing of her bishops in Spain. While the birth of the Catholic Church may be pinpointed at A.D. 325, when Constantine decided the debate on the trinity held at Nicea in favor of Athanasius and against Arius, it was not until after the year A.D. 440 that the bishop of the Roman see, Leo I, became in fact the first pope. He was the first Roman bishop able to hold undisputed sway over the other three sees into which the Christian world at that time was divided, namely, the Constantinopolitan, the Antiochian and the Alexandrian. Upon becoming bishop of Rome, Leo I presumptuously stated: “I will revive government once more upon this earth; not by bringing back the Caesars, but by declaring a new theocracy, by making myself the vicegerent of Christ, by virtue of the promise made to Peter, whose successor I am, in order to restore law, punish crime, head off heresy, encourage genius, conserve peace, heal dissensions, protect learning; appealing to love, but ruling by fear. Who but the Church can do this? A theocracy will create a new civilization. Not a diadem, but a tiara will I wear, a symbol of universal sovereignty, before which barbarism shall flee away.”-Beacon Lights of History, Vol. III, pages 244, 245. That some even in Paul’s day had an ambition similar to that of Leo I is apparent from Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “You men already have your fill, do you? You are rich already, are you? You have begun ruling as kings without us, have you? And I wish indeed that you had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with you as kings.” (1 Cor. 4:8, NW) The ambition of Leo I was fully realized by Leo III, when, on December 25, A.D. 800, he crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic nations. Here, then, we have the gradual development of the Roman Catholic Church. Regarding the early Christian congregation Paul expressed this concern: “I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I personally promised you in marriage to one husband that I might present you as a chaste virgin to the Christ. But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its craftiness, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ. For, as it is, if someone comes and preaches a Jesus other than the one we preached, or you receive a spirit other than what you received, or good news other than what you accepted, you easily put up with him.”-2 Cor. 11:2-4, NW. Here we have it. Just as the “covering cherub” allowed his ambition to change him from an obedient spirit creature to Satan the Devil; just as the choice and pure vine of Israel allowed herself to deteriorate into a degenerate and wild vine; so, too, many of the Christian congregation, which began as a pure and chaste virgin, allowed themselves to be overreached by Satan the Devil and his world, to become unfaithful to their Lord Jesus Christ and to bring forth all manner of bad fruit, at which time they became known as the Catholic Church. So, instead of Christ, it really is Satan the Devil that is the one who established the Catholic Church.-Jer. 2:21; Ezek. 28:14-16.
Love listening to you Bishop Barron,20 years or more,God Bless you,you have Astounding Knowledge of GOD, Sincerely yours and Thanks Debra Logan in CT, Waterbury, come visit us
@@johnpro2847 Thanks to Roman control of literature, we have Jesus hanging on a tree for 2000 years, for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13. You ignore the moral problem of indoctrination & the vocabulary of fantasyland. Faith is worthless as prayer. Nothing fails as perfectly as prayer in a children's hospital. Faith is worthless as a mustard seed. The interpretation is correct & supported by "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13. Your apologies for faith have only begun to cover what is in my comment. Jesus Christ is a curse, propaganda, Freud was correct: "The antidote to Christianity is literacy". You ignore the fact, not all of us can pretend prophesy & God exist. That is why Jesus Christ says, "Think not I come with peace, but sword". It is amusing to hear the profound arrogance of someone knowing of God, as if He were known outside of fiction. The believer & the literate are separated by the vocabulary of fiction: Blasphemy, God, faith, prayer, prophet, scripture etc. Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” I like asking believers how they can possibly think their faith is respectable, given Jesus said faith is worthless, since you can't expect obedience when ordering mountains to move? Freud wrote, "The antidote to Christianity is literacy". "Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall". What is The Catholic faith? Organized crime, indoctrinating children with a fantasyland vocabulary? When men are free of religious notions they write, "The antidote to Christianity is literacy." "My sheep hear My voice" is the mindset of slavery. Once free of it, there are no suggestions we all travel better by having one foot in a stranger's fantasyland or Garden of Eden. A mind free of religious text is not tortured by pretending Divinity made Mormons so Christians would know how Jews feel, having pasted their books on to them both. Those looking for the sign of a resurrection, are a vile, "Wicked Generation" seeking signs, led by "wolves in sheep's clothing". "The only sign is that of Jonah"; a believer murdered by other believers. Chained to the slavery of faith, they write: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13 One must be insanely arrogant to suggest knowing something of a God. It is by boldness, Moses became the world's worst navigator, by having one foot in some fantasyland. There is a fine line between fishing & standing on the shore, looking like an idiot. Fail to get the Jews to buy it for 2000 years & they should know who their Messiah is. Jesus is a fake, to immortalize the war against the Jews. Jesus Christ is crucified for all time in literature & the subjects of Rome are illiterate. Freud wrote, "The antidote to Christianity is literacy" & the joke is in the scriptures. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13 An improvement on your God & faith; would outlaw indoctrination & abuse of the vocabulary of fiction on children. CREATING CHRIST - Official Documentary
@notsheepish8304 a few days after Dad passed, I'm up early in the morning. It's silent in the house and I'm making oatmeal. I said out loud "Dad, I'm going to make some oatmeal". Someone tapped on the TV three times. The TV was not on. My mother passed away four months after. A few weeks after she passed away, I'm sitting on the couch leaning forward watching TV. All of a sudden, someone is rubbing me on my back and I was the only one in the house. Another incident is , just days after she passed, I'm exiting the garage through the door. As I'm closing the door behind me I turned around because someone was holding the door open. Preventing me from closing the door. When I turned around, no one was there. I know it was both of my parents because those things had never happened before.
@@notsheepish8304 it is awesome! That proves to me, there is a place after this world. Other things have taken place. I know I'll see them again. Till then, my heart will be broken in half.
He has helped me a Catholic all my 76 yrs to have some better clarity of the soul leaving the body and going to heaven and leaving this imperfect body behind. I’m not sure when we get the perfected body back. I guess as soon as our soul gets able to be in heaven as I think the greatest majority of us will go to purgatory first. But I don’t know anything and am trying to understand some teachings of Jesus that speak of this issue .
You are not helping with your lack of insight. The man on the cross asked Jesus for mervy, He said today you will be in paradise with me. No judgement, no so called purgatory plain mercy and in that moment COMLETE TOTAL forgiveness of his sin. Even a child can understand this. Catholic fathers complicated this to a broth of dead ends. Had they spoken the truth------- no Catholic Church.
@@kootvanzyl8250 You seem to be ignoring Matthew Chapter 25:31-46 where our Lord clearly says there will be a judgment. It is also clear in other parts of the Gospel that there will be an individual judgment at our death. It is also clear from Scripture that there will be a purification after death for those who haven't turned away from God in their life but are still not pure. The Book of the Revelation tells us that "nothing impure" can enter the "New Jerusalem" (heaven). Finally, in the Book of the Macabees that there was a belief that prayers offered for the dead are not in vain. Why pray for the dead if people either go directly to heaven or hell? It's clear that there was a belief that people may suffer a purification after death and that our prayers can help them pass through that time more quickly.
The story of a bad debtor. Jesus talks of him locked up until he pays the last peny. He added the sin against the holy spirit cannot be forgiven here or here after.
purgatory scenario is not applying to everyone who dies but only those who die in state of genial sins but didn't have a chance to repent.There will be a resurrection and judgement awaiting us . But The repntant thief is a special case.
I don't think any of us knows for sure..we can assume..and it is comforting to feel there is something...maybe what happens is our soul becomes a star in the heavens..and the kinder and more accepting we were of people the brighter our star will illuminate the galaxy
@@judycannon1892 When Scripture is being read, I concentrate very hard on it and so notice when extraneous sound is mixed with it. Of course, I believe that when the word of God is read or otherwise proclaimed, it should be treated with reverence and not disturbed in any unnecessary way.
When we are with God in heaven, we will experience love so purely that the virtues within us will sing continually to God our Father. Heaven, a gift of grace, not a reward. Believe in the Word and pray for the conversion of all humanity. This is the reason why Jesus came to earth, lived and died for us.
My mother suffered from severe, chronic schizophrenia; I begged God in Jesus' name for a miracle, but I did not get one. She died suffering. Jesus says NO to a lot of people. So, the next life is the only hope.
I hope Bishop Barron does another video on life after death, focussing on what awaits severely handicapped people. Severe physical and mental handicaps - do they get the same body and same mind back in the afterlife?
Good is an end in itself whether we are rewarded in the end or not. The good bishop needs to remember most of the great philosophers conclude that one should act well regardless of reward or punishment.
In the eyes of the Lord we are all the same. We came into this world to battle evil in the name of God. Like soldier some of us won the battle and sone of us lost it. But all of us struggle to the same cause. And like soldiers we will all rest in the immense cemetery of war hero , with all of us having as headstone, the SAME white cross, no more no less. Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
We shall be spiritually alive awaiting our resurrection day when our glorified bodies will unite with our souls. Ref to transfigurerstion in the Gospels.Moses was seen with Jesus.
On the third day Jesus rose from the dead, to overcome death for all of us. We too will not die if we believe and live good lives and pray to our Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
mr Barron has completely miss characterized the ancient world; he has miss characterized the Jewish cosmology, the Sadducees, the Maccabees, the notion of resurrection before the 1st century; he has miss characterized Hellenism and equates to Platonism; he just doesn’t know what he is talking about; but my favorite is when he asks “why should we be concerned if this life is all there is?” the question demonstrates his shallowness, because the answer is simply, because of the people in your life that you love; and that love is enough to carry it all…. makes it all worth while
@@laurenley3234 Entropy is a scientific concept that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty. The term and the concept are used in diverse fields, from classical thermodynamics, where it was first recognized, to the microscopic description of nature in statistical physics, and to the principles of information theory. It has found far-ranging applications in chemistry and physics, in biological systems and their relation to life, in cosmology, economics, sociology, weather science, climate change, and information systems including the transmission of information in telecommunication. In other words the universe is presently in a state of high entropy or high confusion. And in the midst of this a human blood cell and a human eye appears, proof of exactly the opposite . This could never happen if it was not for a designer, a first mover whom we call God.
I have no issues with marriage not being in existence in heaven in spite of having had a blest, loving, faithful marriage for myself. But I was thinking about, the belief that a priest is a priest forever. They are priests in heaven. Tricky. I think I shall leave Gods Kingdom to God and whatever happens will be loving. Jesus, I trust in you.
is ancestrial curses life after death? or what about inheratences? or promises to my line? does this mean old promises still are laws today/ but maybe for god to follow but people dont?
If you think Christianity doesn’t hold up under the scrutiny of intellect and reason, may I suggest reading Peter Kreeft, C.S. Lewis, and Thomas Aquinas.
Also note that all but one apostle went to his death for the truth of Christianity. Well, Judas is arguably an exception since he committed suicide out of shame. (John went into exile. The others went to gruesome deaths defending the truth that Jesus was the Son of God.)
I love Bishop Barron, but the music playing in the background is so distracting. He doesn’t have music in the background of his videos, so I’m presuming you added it. Please don’t.
One of the trickiest things to do is to try to explain a view, biblically, based on what is implied or seems to be said, as opposed to what is blatantly said, explicitly said. I think that doctrine can only come from what is explicit and that what is implied can only add weight to what is explicit. In regards to Life after death, what is explicit is that people die, their spirits go to heaven ( To be with God/return to God). The state they are in while in heaven is one of "like sleep" where they are aware of nothing (know nothing)and that there will be a "life after life after death", with a new resurrected body on a new Earth.
Where it says that “the dead know nothing”, it means that once dead, the person is not impacted like those still alive. It doesn’t mean they are unaware of what is occurring on Earth.
If Christ Jesus did not establish the Catholic Church, who did, and when and how? The apostle Paul foretold that after his death wolfish men would enter the Christian congregation and that these would “speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.”-Acts 20:29, 30, NW. In writing the Thessalonian Christians not to expect the return of Christ in their day Paul warned that it would not come before there was an apostasy, that this apostasy or mystery of lawlessness was already at work in his day and that it would blossom out after he and others who acted as a restraint to it were out of the way. (2 Thess. 2:5, 7, 9) If such conditions began to manifest themselves while the apostles were alive, what could be expected after the apostles passed from the scene? What could? In answer to that question note what the historian Lord in his Old Roman World has to say about the gradual development of this apostasy: “In the First Century not many wise or noble were called. . . . In the Second Century . . . It was a disgrace to be a Christian in the eye of fashion or power.” However, it was during this century that “bishops became influential, not in society, but among Christians.” This calls to mind what the apostle John had to say about one Diotrophes, “who likes to have the first place among them,” and who did not receive with respect anything John and the others with him had to say.-3 John 9. “The Third Century,” continues Lord in his Old Roman World, “saw the church more powerful as an institution,” although “it was not until the Fourth Century-when imperial persecution had stopped; when the emperor Constantine was converted [only ostensibly, since he was not “baptized” until he lay on his deathbed]; when the Church was allied with the State, . . . that men of rank entered the Church. When Christianity became the religion of the court and of the fashionable classes, it was used to support the very evils against which it originally protested. The Church was not only impregnated with the errors of Pagan philosophy, but it adopted many of the ceremonies of oriental worship.” Thus we see that when apostate Christianity fused itself with pagan philosophy and religion, and in the interests of worldly fame, wealth and political power it joined hands with the state, that marked the beginning of the Catholic Church as she has been known for the past sixteen centuries. Although claiming to be espoused to Christ she has had worldly paramours from the time of Constantine down to Franco, whom she allows to have a voice in the appointing of her bishops in Spain. While the birth of the Catholic Church may be pinpointed at A.D. 325, when Constantine decided the debate on the trinity held at Nicea in favor of Athanasius and against Arius, it was not until after the year A.D. 440 that the bishop of the Roman see, Leo I, became in fact the first pope. He was the first Roman bishop able to hold undisputed sway over the other three sees into which the Christian world at that time was divided, namely, the Constantinopolitan, the Antiochian and the Alexandrian. Upon becoming bishop of Rome, Leo I presumptuously stated: “I will revive government once more upon this earth; not by bringing back the Caesars, but by declaring a new theocracy, by making myself the vicegerent of Christ, by virtue of the promise made to Peter, whose successor I am, in order to restore law, punish crime, head off heresy, encourage genius, conserve peace, heal dissensions, protect learning; appealing to love, but ruling by fear. Who but the Church can do this? A theocracy will create a new civilization. Not a diadem, but a tiara will I wear, a symbol of universal sovereignty, before which barbarism shall flee away.”-Beacon Lights of History, Vol. III, pages 244, 245. That some even in Paul’s day had an ambition similar to that of Leo I is apparent from Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “You men already have your fill, do you? You are rich already, are you? You have begun ruling as kings without us, have you? And I wish indeed that you had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with you as kings.” (1 Cor. 4:8, NW) The ambition of Leo I was fully realized by Leo III, when, on December 25, A.D. 800, he crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic nations. Here, then, we have the gradual development of the Roman Catholic Church. Regarding the early Christian congregation Paul expressed this concern: “I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I personally promised you in marriage to one husband that I might present you as a chaste virgin to the Christ. But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its craftiness, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ. For, as it is, if someone comes and preaches a Jesus other than the one we preached, or you receive a spirit other than what you received, or good news other than what you accepted, you easily put up with him.”-2 Cor. 11:2-4, NW. Here we have it. Just as the “covering cherub” allowed his ambition to change him from an obedient spirit creature to Satan the Devil; just as the choice and pure vine of Israel allowed herself to deteriorate into a degenerate and wild vine; so, too, many of the Christian congregation, which began as a pure and chaste virgin, allowed themselves to be overreached by Satan the Devil and his world, to become unfaithful to their Lord Jesus Christ and to bring forth all manner of bad fruit, at which time they became known as the Catholic Church. So, instead of Christ, it really is Satan the Devil that is the one who established the Catholic Church.-Jer. 2:21; Ezek. 28:14-16.
Have you any idea how horrifying that story of the seven sons being put to death in front of their mother is?It is unbearable that God would even allow such a thing!
The background music is unnecessary and in fact a distraction. It would be much appreciated if In future, if you would please avoid doing this so we can concentrate on the oration.
It's true that materialism can dampen the motivation to love but so can belief in the afterlife. There are prominant Christians who say the genocide in the old testaments were good because all tye chlidren went to heaven.
Another viewpoint is that the true "You" has always "existed" and will always "exist" being beyond time and beyond "existence" itself...this is not a belief but it is a realization that your physical bodily existence in this universe most certainly has a beginning and an end, your body and mind will come to an end....but the real "You" is beyond all of these things, all of these ideas but is reachable and realizable within the limits of your mental capacity to realize it....
Biblical words and names are Farsi/Persian, some are listed below: Jew "جا - jaa" = Room / Home / Shed Jesus "جاساز - jaa-saaz" = Home builder Christ " - kaar-ast/kare-dast" = The work we do using our hands to build a home, determines the owner of that house Genocide "جا نساز - jaa-na-saaz" = Do not build home Genesis "جا نسازید - jaa-na-saazeed" = Do not build house (purell for genocide) Gabrael "این جا بروید - jaa-beraveed" = Leave this home, executor of eviction Palestine "پا و دستان - paa-va-dastan" = Legs and hands, [construction] workers, carriers, porters Disciple "دست و پا دا ر - dast-va-paadar" = Having [skilled] hands and legs for work Jacob "جاکوب - jaa-koob" = Home demolisher Joseph "جا زاد - jaa-zaad" = The male who was born in that home Jouda "جدار - jaa-daar" = One with home, not homeless John " - jaa-ye-man" = My home [in the future] Judea "جادارها - jaa-daarha" = Those who have house (opposite of homeless) Moshe "مال من میشه - maale-man-mysheh" = It will be mine Noah "نهرها - nahhar" = Rivers, water streams Magi "مانده جا - marde-jaa" = The man who knows the owner of the home and land Hashem "خاکشه - khakesh-eeh" = This soil belongs to him, the owner of the all the soils / dirt of the world Maryam "مادرم - maadaram" = My mother, being a mother Mary "مادری - maadary" = Motherhood, a girl who is expected to be a mother (roots for madam, Ms and Mrs) Jahad "جا بخواه - jaa-bekhah" = Demand for having a home (not an enslaved on someone else's land) Salvation "ساختمان بشین - saakhte-man-beneshin" = To live in your own built house and living in there Babylon "کار است - کار دست - bara-baran" = Equals, people who shared the land equally amongst themselves Malachi " - malekan" = Landlords, owners of the houses. At that time there were no postal addresses, people used to put their name or their statue to claim the occupation of the home, like "Hassan's Home" so every name was followed by the word " jaa", later the tribe of yahoodies claimed the word "jaa" as their names to claim all the properties. Noah also picked the name "river" so they can also claim ownership of all the water bodies on land. Hashem is the same, to claim the ownership of all the soils in the world because of a name.
Only Christ has those keys of Hades and death. Many instances of non catholic people have died and come back to say they viewed heaven and jesus or hell the 7 deutrocanical books were not considered inspired, because they don't reveal the Messiah as the other books of Daniel has the ressurected of the good and evil
@@tommyrregina1227 Thank you. Every day is filled with grace. Indeed, if I were to write my autobiography, it would be one page, with one word - "grace."
Just as the Christian would say that God is uncreated & has always existed, let's remove God and say that the universe is uncreated and has always existed in one form or another. As we know, the universe is always changing and may never cease to exist. The universe brings forth life in all forms and life changes through evolution to what we see today. There is no need for a god to be in that equation. Secondly, it seems the only reason the bishop is a "good man" is because he wants to go to heaven and not burn in hell. Strange. I'm a good man and care about people because IT's THE RIGHT THING TO DO. I'm not longing to meet a god after death and be happy with it for all eternity. I'm looking to make this world, right now, the best place it can be for all people because after death, I will rest in the earth dead - and that's ok. Living forever simply to worship a god would be exhausting. Lastly, it is impossible to know, this side of death, if what the bishop is saying is true but he sure makes his claims like he knows, but he doesn't.
Romans 14:7 God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did; This how God is the God of the living, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob even though they sleep in the grave. They will be raised to life again at the return of Jesus Christ to set up God's Kingdom on earth.
The atheist can flip that though. If Bishop Barron believes that the starving kid in Africa will go to Heaven for eternity very soon, why does it matter that he suffered for a few years on earth? He’s got forever to have a perfect existence after he dies.
REINCARNATION Look in the Last chapter of Job where God granted him an extra 150 years since he was an old man at this time and a lifetime was considered *threescore years and ten* it is obvious that God being gracious would not allow Job to continue on way past his old age for another 150 years, give us a break, if Job was upset about the existential catastrophe he had just endured he would have been even more incensed at 150 more years in a life as living corpse. A life means a mother father family and the prospect of opportunities. Follow through the post I have made and take note of the scripture of Luke 20:34-38.
Humans are body and soul. Our bodies are in the ground when we die, our souls arise to the afterlife. In the final judgement, the spirit will be reunited with our glorified body and go to the appropriate final destination.
Pope Francis doesn't deny hell but he doesn't seem to think anyone goes there??? Absolutely confusing. The three children of Fatima certainly believed in hell and saw people in there. They didn't make that up....
@@prioress I believe the three children over bergoglio he doesn’t seem to be catholic or even like anybody that is catholic. So sad state of the church
Yet he wears a huge cross around his neck. Would you wear a gun, or machete, or a knife in rememberance of such an horrific death? Of course you wouldn’t. The word cross does not appear in any bible. Prisoners were hung in a stake, ( stauros in Greek ).
Funny that in all the so called "evidence" that Jesus walked around after he died there is little about his body "ascended" up in the sky. It is claimed that he now sits alongside his father who is actually himself outside the universe. This stretches the Jesus myth a tad too far. Voyager 1& 2 have been travelling for 46 years and are now 15 billion miles but no sign of your heaven
The first Russian cidmonauts argued the same pridefilled way of secular humanism via the way of atheistic dialectic materialism. ( communism) Where is He? God is not a comic book super hero or antihero. Out of the immaterial comes the material. The Spirit braided or breathed over the waters if materiality. Genesis 1:1 breaks into ancient cosmic book stories, mythologies, as well back then as now.
And the Gospel of Mark misses the zombie things. Why Luke has Lazarus as a character in a parable who rose from dead. With John having Lazarus as the disciple 'whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.John 21 21 The evidence of post corporeal existence is a tad slim. But who cares; it is not as if anyone will be disappointed.
I was told my brother has cancer, it spread so quickly - I pray for a miracle, please pray for my brother George 🙏
My twin sister died of cancer right on our birthday....she died so piecfully last February...because of our devotion of the Divine Mercy
....such a wonderful death....and awaiting to join her.
I ask the Lord to heal your brother. In Jesus name. O, heavenly Father hear my prayer. In Jesus name. Amen.
May all God's Love mercy & healing be your brother and gives strength to U & yr families 🙏🛐🙏
I pray for a miracle. Please get him the sacrament of anointing of the sick. You can call a priest in any parish for this tho there are some conditions
🙏God is our healer🙏
ST. TERESA OF LISIEUX: “How great a joy it is to know that God makes allowances for our weaknesses and understands perfectly the frailty of our humanity. God our Father loves us always, absolutely, unfailingly, eternally.”
@@Catholicity-uw2yb Oh bollocks! It would appear that your indoctrination is complete.
😮I would be cranky too if I were you@@DavidFlockhart
True…as long as we repent and turn away from sin. I feel that these new ads, He Gets Us, are misleading. Jesus speaks to the woman at the well, a sinner. He forgives her but says, sin no more.
@@DavidFlockhart Are you speaking of St. Teresa?
@@Catholicity-uw2yb I’m talking about Christian gullibility, but particularly that of the Catholic faith.
Dear Lord Jesus, please cure this brother of cancer completely I boldly ask you, knowing in your faithfulness and love. Amen.
Lord there is nothing impossible with You please answer the prayers of petition for her brother I thought of you God healing and miracles in the bible your the merciful God of yesterday, today, and forever amen
I am not a Catholic, but I really like this guy. He's good.
Same here
It's not his personal philosophy here.
It is however, a teaching of the Catholic church.
I do to!!
Me too
may Holy spirit remain with you bishop, God bless you to continue your great works!
Thank you dear Bishop for your help to the Catholic church.
Dear Jesus, my sweet husband left me on new years eve, I miss Him so much, Lord Jesus, please keep Him in your tender loving care., AMEN🙏❤
WOW I can listen to him anytime...he is so easy to understand than some of our priest are.
Absolutely beautiful. So easily explained. Gives so much reassurance
Bishop barron I hope to meet you and shake your hand some day. This is the bible story that played a critical role in my reversion to the faith 17 years ago. Thank you for expounding. Please pray for my wife as she has lost both of her parents this year.
Pray for a friend Chris who is suffering with cancer and has a 15 year old son
I never tire watching your sermon Bishop Baron..i hail from alittle island of Malta...Tks and may God continue to fill you with Ghrist'spirit.😊
I too have stage 4 cancer and know that God our Father is the great healer. Be certain I will send up a prayer to heaven for your brother. Pray to the Virgin Mary that she wraps him in her mantles.
When he describes something greater than marriage because of total intimacy with God, it sounds like he’s describing The Eucharist for those of us here on earth.
How blessed we r united in Christ
"..and the spirit goes back to the Father who created it"
Thank you, Your Grace Bishop Baron. I love this subject & topic.God be with you.❤
Thank you. I needed this tonight.
I will pray for George now.
❤ thank you 💕 very much Bishop
One of the best discussions about the external life. Thank you!
I found Bishop Barron in 2016..hes wonderful.. and in bad times hes a voice
So true, thanks Bishop Barron.
Well said Bishop!
I started listening to you on Hallow and thoroughly enjoy your sermons. It’s such a pleasure now to watch you on RUclips Bishop!
This isn’t the Bishops official account you can find that at @bishopbarron
If Christ Jesus did not establish the Catholic Church, who did, and when and how? The apostle Paul foretold that after his death wolfish men would enter the Christian congregation and that these would “speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.”-Acts 20:29, 30, NW.
In writing the Thessalonian Christians not to expect the return of Christ in their day Paul warned that it would not come before there was an apostasy, that this apostasy or mystery of lawlessness was already at work in his day and that it would blossom out after he and others who acted as a restraint to it were out of the way. (2 Thess. 2:5, 7, 9) If such conditions began to manifest themselves while the apostles were alive, what could be expected after the apostles passed from the scene? What could? In answer to that question note what the historian Lord in his Old Roman World has to say about the gradual development of this apostasy:
“In the First Century not many wise or noble were called. . . . In the Second Century . . . It was a disgrace to be a Christian in the eye of fashion or power.” However, it was during this century that “bishops became influential, not in society, but among Christians.” This calls to mind what the apostle John had to say about one Diotrophes, “who likes to have the first place among them,” and who did not receive with respect anything John and the others with him had to say.-3 John 9.
“The Third Century,” continues Lord in his Old Roman World, “saw the church more powerful as an institution,” although “it was not until the Fourth Century-when imperial persecution had stopped; when the emperor Constantine was converted [only ostensibly, since he was not “baptized” until he lay on his deathbed]; when the Church was allied with the State, . . . that men of rank entered the Church. When Christianity became the religion of the court and of the fashionable classes, it was used to support the very evils against which it originally protested. The Church was not only impregnated with the errors of Pagan philosophy, but it adopted many of the ceremonies of oriental worship.”
Thus we see that when apostate Christianity fused itself with pagan philosophy and religion, and in the interests of worldly fame, wealth and political power it joined hands with the state, that marked the beginning of the Catholic Church as she has been known for the past sixteen centuries. Although claiming to be espoused to Christ she has had worldly paramours from the time of Constantine down to Franco, whom she allows to have a voice in the appointing of her bishops in Spain.
While the birth of the Catholic Church may be pinpointed at A.D. 325, when Constantine decided the debate on the trinity held at Nicea in favor of Athanasius and against Arius, it was not until after the year A.D. 440 that the bishop of the Roman see, Leo I, became in fact the first pope. He was the first Roman bishop able to hold undisputed sway over the other three sees into which the Christian world at that time was divided, namely, the Constantinopolitan, the Antiochian and the Alexandrian.
Upon becoming bishop of Rome, Leo I presumptuously stated: “I will revive government once more upon this earth; not by bringing back the Caesars, but by declaring a new theocracy, by making myself the vicegerent of Christ, by virtue of the promise made to Peter, whose successor I am, in order to restore law, punish crime, head off heresy, encourage genius, conserve peace, heal dissensions, protect learning; appealing to love, but ruling by fear. Who but the Church can do this? A theocracy will create a new civilization. Not a diadem, but a tiara will I wear, a symbol of universal sovereignty, before which barbarism shall flee away.”-Beacon Lights of History, Vol. III, pages 244, 245.
That some even in Paul’s day had an ambition similar to that of Leo I is apparent from Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “You men already have your fill, do you? You are rich already, are you? You have begun ruling as kings without us, have you? And I wish indeed that you had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with you as kings.” (1 Cor. 4:8, NW) The ambition of Leo I was fully realized by Leo III, when, on December 25, A.D. 800, he crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic nations. Here, then, we have the gradual development of the Roman Catholic Church.
Regarding the early Christian congregation Paul expressed this concern: “I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I personally promised you in marriage to one husband that I might present you as a chaste virgin to the Christ. But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its craftiness, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ. For, as it is, if someone comes and preaches a Jesus other than the one we preached, or you receive a spirit other than what you received, or good news other than what you accepted, you easily put up with him.”-2 Cor. 11:2-4, NW.
Here we have it. Just as the “covering cherub” allowed his ambition to change him from an obedient spirit creature to Satan the Devil; just as the choice and pure vine of Israel allowed herself to deteriorate into a degenerate and wild vine; so, too, many of the Christian congregation, which began as a pure and chaste virgin, allowed themselves to be overreached by Satan the Devil and his world, to become unfaithful to their Lord Jesus Christ and to bring forth all manner of bad fruit, at which time they became known as the Catholic Church. So, instead of Christ, it really is Satan the Devil that is the one who established the Catholic Church.-Jer. 2:21; Ezek. 28:14-16.
Bishop is on fire
Love listening to you Bishop Barron,20 years or more,God Bless you,you have Astounding Knowledge of GOD, Sincerely yours and Thanks Debra Logan in CT, Waterbury, come visit us
maybe..but his understanding of 'god' is just his opinion and effectively speculative..
Thanks to Roman control of literature, we have Jesus hanging on a tree for 2000 years, for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13.
You ignore the moral problem of indoctrination & the vocabulary of fantasyland. Faith is worthless as prayer. Nothing fails as perfectly as prayer in a children's hospital. Faith is worthless as a mustard seed. The interpretation is correct & supported by "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13. Your apologies for faith have only begun to cover what is in my comment. Jesus Christ is a curse, propaganda, Freud was correct: "The antidote to Christianity is literacy".
You ignore the fact, not all of us can pretend prophesy & God exist. That is why Jesus Christ says, "Think not I come with peace, but sword".
It is amusing to hear the profound arrogance of someone knowing of God, as if He were known outside of fiction. The believer & the literate are separated by the vocabulary of fiction: Blasphemy, God, faith, prayer, prophet, scripture etc. Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” I like asking believers how they can possibly think their faith is respectable, given Jesus said faith is worthless, since you can't expect obedience when ordering mountains to move? Freud wrote, "The antidote to Christianity is literacy".
"Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall". What is The Catholic faith? Organized crime, indoctrinating children with a fantasyland vocabulary? When men are free of religious notions they write, "The antidote to Christianity is literacy." "My sheep hear My voice" is the mindset of slavery. Once free of it, there are no suggestions we all travel better by having one foot in a stranger's fantasyland or Garden of Eden. A mind free of religious text is not tortured by pretending Divinity made Mormons so Christians would know how Jews feel, having pasted their books on to them both. Those looking for the sign of a resurrection, are a vile, "Wicked Generation" seeking signs, led by "wolves in sheep's clothing". "The only sign is that of Jonah"; a believer murdered by other believers. Chained to the slavery of faith, they write: "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
One must be insanely arrogant to suggest knowing something of a God. It is by boldness, Moses became the world's worst navigator, by having one foot in some fantasyland. There is a fine line between fishing & standing on the shore, looking like an idiot. Fail to get the Jews to buy it for 2000 years & they should know who their Messiah is. Jesus is a fake, to immortalize the war against the Jews. Jesus Christ is crucified for all time in literature & the subjects of Rome are illiterate. Freud wrote, "The antidote to Christianity is literacy" & the joke is in the scriptures. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
An improvement on your God & faith; would outlaw indoctrination & abuse of the vocabulary of fiction on children.
CREATING CHRIST - Official Documentary
Thank you Bishop Barron for explaining the Scripture so clearly God Bless you
He has zero knowledge of god. All he has is a knowledge of stuff written by men in ancient books
Brilliant Bishop Barron
🙏🙏🙏prayers for healing and Christian hope in the hearts of those suffering and those caring for them.
My Dad recently passed, no more pain!
Amen. An unselfish thought.
Both my mother and father passed away last year. They both passed at home with me there. Weeks later, they both let me know they were still there.
What did they do to let you know they were there?
@notsheepish8304 a few days after Dad passed, I'm up early in the morning. It's silent in the house and I'm making oatmeal. I said out loud "Dad, I'm going to make some oatmeal". Someone tapped on the TV three times. The TV was not on.
My mother passed away four months after. A few weeks after she passed away, I'm sitting on the couch leaning forward watching TV. All of a sudden, someone is rubbing me on my back and I was the only one in the house. Another incident is , just days after she passed, I'm exiting the garage through the door. As I'm closing the door behind me I turned around because someone was holding the door open. Preventing me from closing the door. When I turned around, no one was there.
I know it was both of my parents because those things had never happened before.
@anthonyvasquez5128 wow, that's awesome 💖
@@notsheepish8304 it is awesome! That proves to me, there is a place after this world. Other things have taken place. I know I'll see them again. Till then, my heart will be broken in half.
How was that?
Amen what a great sermon 🙏🙏
Bishop Barron 👍
Thank you tj
Speak! Reason in servive to faith.
He has helped me a Catholic all my 76 yrs to have some better clarity of the soul leaving the body and going to heaven and leaving this imperfect body behind. I’m not sure when we get the perfected body back. I guess as soon as our soul gets able to be in heaven as I think the greatest majority of us will go to purgatory first. But I don’t know anything and am trying to understand some teachings of Jesus that speak of this issue .
You are not helping with your lack of insight.
The man on the cross asked Jesus for mervy, He said today you will be in paradise with me.
No judgement, no so called purgatory plain mercy and in that moment COMLETE TOTAL forgiveness of his sin.
Even a child can understand this. Catholic fathers complicated this to a broth of dead ends. Had they spoken the truth------- no Catholic Church.
The bod is fully risen when Our Lord comes a second time.
@@kootvanzyl8250 You seem to be ignoring Matthew Chapter 25:31-46 where our Lord clearly says there will be a judgment. It is also clear in other parts of the Gospel that there will be an individual judgment at our death. It is also clear from Scripture that there will be a purification after death for those who haven't turned away from God in their life but are still not pure. The Book of the Revelation tells us that "nothing impure" can enter the "New Jerusalem" (heaven). Finally, in the Book of the Macabees that there was a belief that prayers offered for the dead are not in vain. Why pray for the dead if people either go directly to heaven or hell? It's clear that there was a belief that people may suffer a purification after death and that our prayers can help them pass through that time more quickly.
The story of a bad debtor. Jesus talks of him locked up until he pays the last peny. He added the sin against the holy spirit cannot be forgiven here or here after.
purgatory scenario is not applying to everyone who dies but only those who die in state of genial sins but didn't have a chance to repent.There will be a resurrection and judgement awaiting us . But The repntant thief is a special case.
Love this
And God bless you Father!
If i had an ounce of this guys passion in my life, id be happy.
No resistance. 🙏✨👵🦋
I don't think any of us knows for sure..we can assume..and it is comforting to feel there is something...maybe what happens is our soul becomes a star in the heavens..and the kinder and more accepting we were of people the brighter our star will illuminate the galaxy
"the hopes and dream of all the years I met in thee tonight"
There is an annoying piano track playing underneath Bishop's Barron's homily. It is a distraction that needs to removed!
Easily distracted!
didn't notice anything till you texted it
@@judycannon1892 When Scripture is being read, I concentrate very hard on it and so notice when extraneous sound is mixed with it. Of course, I believe that when the word of God is read or otherwise proclaimed, it should be treated with reverence and not disturbed in any unnecessary way.
Glad it was removed.
Yep, authors think it's good, but I greatly dislike it, and it makes me want to stop watching.
Jesus son of God, unto thy hands we commend our spirit. Amen 🙏🙏🙏
4 All who want🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏📿✨
When we are with God in heaven, we will experience love so purely that the virtues within us will sing continually to God our Father.
Heaven, a gift of grace, not a reward.
Believe in the Word and pray for the conversion of all humanity. This is the reason why Jesus came to earth, lived and died for us.
My mother suffered from severe, chronic schizophrenia; I begged God in Jesus' name for a miracle, but I did not get one. She died suffering. Jesus says NO to a lot of people. So, the next life is the only hope.
I hope Bishop Barron does another video on life after death, focussing on what awaits severely handicapped people. Severe physical and mental handicaps - do they get the same body and same mind back in the afterlife?
Nope, it will be new perfect body. No handicaps, no distortions, no illness ;)
Good is an end in itself whether we are rewarded in the end or not. The good bishop needs to remember most of the great philosophers conclude that one should act well regardless of reward or punishment.
In the eyes of the Lord we are all the same. We came into this world to battle evil in the name of God. Like soldier some of us won the battle and sone of us lost it. But all of us struggle to the same cause. And like soldiers we will all rest in the immense cemetery of war hero , with all of us having as headstone, the SAME white cross, no more no less.
Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
We shall be spiritually alive awaiting our resurrection day when our glorified bodies will unite with our souls. Ref to transfigurerstion in the Gospels.Moses was seen with Jesus.
Jesus. I believe... I'm cared for now and in death. Jesus walks with me
great vid---the background music shouldnt be there
I know… 😅
Many people do indeed believe in life after death.
On the third day Jesus rose from the dead, to overcome death for all of us. We too will not die if we believe and live good lives and pray to our Lord.
Was no need for music in the background..
As long as Bishop Barrons understands Heaven is a place and not a state of being or Mind.
The music is distracting. I love the messages, though.
The unneeded music made is very disruptive and made the video unwatchable.
1 Corinthians 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
True only the glorified beings will dwell in heaven. The Material nature of us will have the same fate as every matter.
Lord have mercy - "like and subscribe .... like and subscribe...."
The music is cheesy and distracting.
I don't hear any music on my video
The music is very distracting and doesn’t add anything to this
mr Barron has completely miss characterized the ancient world; he has miss characterized the Jewish cosmology, the Sadducees, the Maccabees, the notion of resurrection before the 1st century; he has miss characterized Hellenism and equates to Platonism; he just doesn’t know what he is talking about;
but my favorite is when he asks “why should we be concerned if this life is all there is?” the question demonstrates his shallowness, because the answer is simply, because of the people in your life that you love; and that love is enough to carry it all…. makes it all worth while
Why is your video captioned, "Catholic Priest....." He is a Bishop and the Caption should state that.
It’s because RUclips picks up the term Catholic priest better than Bishop. I realize that he is a Bishop.
@@tjseaney_ It was kind of you to explain. Thank you.
Try watching Bishop Sanborn he teaches Catholic teachings not this Vatican 2 anticatholic doctrines
Have you read the documents of Vatican II? If not, stop being a reactionary.@@BrianBenson-rc9mu
Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics proves God scientifically beyond a shadow of a doubt .
Please explain. Are you saying science points to a designer?
@@laurenley3234 Entropy is a scientific concept that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty. The term and the concept are used in diverse fields, from classical thermodynamics, where it was first recognized, to the microscopic description of nature in statistical physics, and to the principles of information theory. It has found far-ranging applications in chemistry and physics, in biological systems and their relation to life, in cosmology, economics, sociology, weather science, climate change, and information systems including the transmission of information in telecommunication. In other words the universe is presently in a state of high entropy or high confusion. And in the midst of this a human blood cell and a human eye appears, proof of exactly the opposite . This could never happen if it was not for a designer, a first mover whom we call God.
Soundtrack is distracting.
No one does but there are bible studies that say otherwise. Faith my brother
I have no issues with marriage not being in existence in heaven in spite of having had a blest, loving, faithful marriage for myself. But I was thinking about, the belief that a priest is a priest forever. They are priests in heaven. Tricky. I think I shall leave Gods Kingdom to God and whatever happens will be loving. Jesus, I trust in you.
“Infamous” means “famous for an evil reason.” Probably not what you meant to describe a verse in Matthew.
Good point. That’s definitely not what I meant.
is ancestrial curses life after death? or what about inheratences? or promises to my line? does this mean old promises still are laws today/ but maybe for god to follow but people dont?
I could do without the music
Yes, me to. I noticed how loud it was. No more.
@@tjseaney_since religion relies on beliefs you can’t prove and emotion , the music plays right into it.
Yes, agree. The music was distracting from the beautiful message.
If you think Christianity doesn’t hold up under the scrutiny of intellect and reason, may I suggest reading Peter Kreeft, C.S. Lewis, and Thomas Aquinas.
Also note that all but one apostle went to his death for the truth of Christianity. Well, Judas is arguably an exception since he committed suicide out of shame. (John went into exile. The others went to gruesome deaths defending the truth that Jesus was the Son of God.)
I love Bishop Barron, but the music playing in the background is so distracting. He doesn’t have music in the background of his videos, so I’m presuming you added it. Please don’t.
The soundtrack is very distracting.
Annoying background music
One of the trickiest things to do is to try to explain a view, biblically, based on what is implied or seems to be said, as opposed to what is blatantly said, explicitly said.
I think that doctrine can only come from what is explicit and that what is implied can only add weight to what is explicit. In regards to Life after death, what is explicit is that people die, their spirits go to heaven ( To be with God/return to God). The state they are in while in heaven is one of "like sleep" where they are aware of nothing (know nothing)and that there will be a "life after life after death", with a new resurrected body on a new Earth.
Where it says that “the dead know nothing”, it means that once dead, the person is not impacted like those still alive. It doesn’t mean they are unaware of what is occurring on Earth.
@@vinc-e01 How do you address JOB 14:21, Ecclesiastes 9:10, Isaiah 63:16 ?
What about the saints singing in heaven with angels as in Rev 3, 5;8
If Christ Jesus did not establish the Catholic Church, who did, and when and how? The apostle Paul foretold that after his death wolfish men would enter the Christian congregation and that these would “speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.”-Acts 20:29, 30, NW.
In writing the Thessalonian Christians not to expect the return of Christ in their day Paul warned that it would not come before there was an apostasy, that this apostasy or mystery of lawlessness was already at work in his day and that it would blossom out after he and others who acted as a restraint to it were out of the way. (2 Thess. 2:5, 7, 9) If such conditions began to manifest themselves while the apostles were alive, what could be expected after the apostles passed from the scene? What could? In answer to that question note what the historian Lord in his Old Roman World has to say about the gradual development of this apostasy:
“In the First Century not many wise or noble were called. . . . In the Second Century . . . It was a disgrace to be a Christian in the eye of fashion or power.” However, it was during this century that “bishops became influential, not in society, but among Christians.” This calls to mind what the apostle John had to say about one Diotrophes, “who likes to have the first place among them,” and who did not receive with respect anything John and the others with him had to say.-3 John 9.
“The Third Century,” continues Lord in his Old Roman World, “saw the church more powerful as an institution,” although “it was not until the Fourth Century-when imperial persecution had stopped; when the emperor Constantine was converted [only ostensibly, since he was not “baptized” until he lay on his deathbed]; when the Church was allied with the State, . . . that men of rank entered the Church. When Christianity became the religion of the court and of the fashionable classes, it was used to support the very evils against which it originally protested. The Church was not only impregnated with the errors of Pagan philosophy, but it adopted many of the ceremonies of oriental worship.”
Thus we see that when apostate Christianity fused itself with pagan philosophy and religion, and in the interests of worldly fame, wealth and political power it joined hands with the state, that marked the beginning of the Catholic Church as she has been known for the past sixteen centuries. Although claiming to be espoused to Christ she has had worldly paramours from the time of Constantine down to Franco, whom she allows to have a voice in the appointing of her bishops in Spain.
While the birth of the Catholic Church may be pinpointed at A.D. 325, when Constantine decided the debate on the trinity held at Nicea in favor of Athanasius and against Arius, it was not until after the year A.D. 440 that the bishop of the Roman see, Leo I, became in fact the first pope. He was the first Roman bishop able to hold undisputed sway over the other three sees into which the Christian world at that time was divided, namely, the Constantinopolitan, the Antiochian and the Alexandrian.
Upon becoming bishop of Rome, Leo I presumptuously stated: “I will revive government once more upon this earth; not by bringing back the Caesars, but by declaring a new theocracy, by making myself the vicegerent of Christ, by virtue of the promise made to Peter, whose successor I am, in order to restore law, punish crime, head off heresy, encourage genius, conserve peace, heal dissensions, protect learning; appealing to love, but ruling by fear. Who but the Church can do this? A theocracy will create a new civilization. Not a diadem, but a tiara will I wear, a symbol of universal sovereignty, before which barbarism shall flee away.”-Beacon Lights of History, Vol. III, pages 244, 245.
That some even in Paul’s day had an ambition similar to that of Leo I is apparent from Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “You men already have your fill, do you? You are rich already, are you? You have begun ruling as kings without us, have you? And I wish indeed that you had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with you as kings.” (1 Cor. 4:8, NW) The ambition of Leo I was fully realized by Leo III, when, on December 25, A.D. 800, he crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the Germanic nations. Here, then, we have the gradual development of the Roman Catholic Church.
Regarding the early Christian congregation Paul expressed this concern: “I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy, for I personally promised you in marriage to one husband that I might present you as a chaste virgin to the Christ. But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its craftiness, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ. For, as it is, if someone comes and preaches a Jesus other than the one we preached, or you receive a spirit other than what you received, or good news other than what you accepted, you easily put up with him.”-2 Cor. 11:2-4, NW.
Here we have it. Just as the “covering cherub” allowed his ambition to change him from an obedient spirit creature to Satan the Devil; just as the choice and pure vine of Israel allowed herself to deteriorate into a degenerate and wild vine; so, too, many of the Christian congregation, which began as a pure and chaste virgin, allowed themselves to be overreached by Satan the Devil and his world, to become unfaithful to their Lord Jesus Christ and to bring forth all manner of bad fruit, at which time they became known as the Catholic Church. So, instead of Christ, it really is Satan the Devil that is the one who established the Catholic Church.-Jer. 2:21; Ezek. 28:14-16.
Have you any idea how horrifying that story of the seven sons being put to death in front of their mother is?It is unbearable that God would even allow such a thing!
I cringe😢… yet we hear this tremendous bravery… but I cry
The background music is unnecessary and in fact a distraction. It would be much appreciated if In future, if you would please avoid doing this so we can concentrate on the oration.
Hi TJ, Your content is excellent. I both appreciate and am grateful for your hardwork and energy. Well done! Thank you 👍🏾
No one on this earth knows if there is life after death, including yourself, so stop pontificating as though you did.
I enjoy listening to Bishop Barron but not the distracting backing music.😩
I know. This is the only video I messed that up. No more background music.
It's true that materialism can dampen the motivation to love but so can belief in the afterlife. There are prominant Christians who say the genocide in the old testaments were good because all tye chlidren went to heaven.
Another viewpoint is that the true "You" has always "existed" and will always "exist" being beyond time and beyond "existence" itself...this is not a belief but it is a realization that your physical bodily existence in this universe most certainly has a beginning and an end, your body and mind will come to an end....but the real "You" is beyond all of these things, all of these ideas but is reachable and realizable within the limits of your mental capacity to realize it....
I pray most nights asking my departed parents for one sign that they are happy, but nothing. why?
Biblical words and names are Farsi/Persian, some are listed below:
Jew "جا - jaa" = Room / Home / Shed
Jesus "جاساز - jaa-saaz" = Home builder
Christ " - kaar-ast/kare-dast" = The work we do using our hands to build a home, determines the owner of that house
Genocide "جا نساز - jaa-na-saaz" = Do not build home
Genesis "جا نسازید - jaa-na-saazeed" = Do not build house (purell for genocide)
Gabrael "این جا بروید - jaa-beraveed" = Leave this home, executor of eviction
Palestine "پا و دستان - paa-va-dastan" = Legs and hands, [construction] workers, carriers, porters
Disciple "دست و پا دا ر - dast-va-paadar" = Having [skilled] hands and legs for work
Jacob "جاکوب - jaa-koob" = Home demolisher
Joseph "جا زاد - jaa-zaad" = The male who was born in that home
Jouda "جدار - jaa-daar" = One with home, not homeless
John " - jaa-ye-man" = My home [in the future]
Judea "جادارها - jaa-daarha" = Those who have house (opposite of homeless)
Moshe "مال من میشه - maale-man-mysheh" = It will be mine
Noah "نهرها - nahhar" = Rivers, water streams
Magi "مانده جا - marde-jaa" = The man who knows the owner of the home and land
Hashem "خاکشه - khakesh-eeh" = This soil belongs to him, the owner of the all the soils / dirt of the world
Maryam "مادرم - maadaram" = My mother, being a mother
Mary "مادری - maadary" = Motherhood, a girl who is expected to be a mother (roots for madam, Ms and Mrs)
Jahad "جا بخواه - jaa-bekhah" = Demand for having a home (not an enslaved on someone else's land)
Salvation "ساختمان بشین - saakhte-man-beneshin" = To live in your own built house and living in there
Babylon "کار است - کار دست - bara-baran" = Equals, people who shared the land equally amongst themselves
Malachi " - malekan" = Landlords, owners of the houses.
At that time there were no postal addresses, people used to put their name or their statue to claim the occupation of the home, like "Hassan's Home" so every name was followed by the word " jaa", later the tribe of yahoodies claimed the word "jaa" as their names to claim all the properties. Noah also picked the name "river" so they can also claim ownership of all the water bodies on land. Hashem is the same, to claim the ownership of all the soils in the world because of a name.
If I am cremated, how will my body be resurrected?
By magic perhaps?
Only Christ has those keys of Hades and death. Many instances of non catholic people have died and come back to say they viewed heaven and jesus or hell the 7 deutrocanical books were not considered inspired, because they don't reveal the Messiah as the other books of Daniel has the ressurected of the good and evil
The piano just got too loud and is interfering with my ability to hear what is being said. That's too bad - I wanted to hear it. Bye!
@@tommyrregina1227 Thank you. Every day is filled with grace. Indeed, if I were to write my autobiography, it would be one page, with one word - "grace."
Just as the Christian would say that God is uncreated & has always existed, let's remove God and say that the universe is uncreated and has always existed in one form or another. As we know, the universe is always changing and may never cease to exist. The universe brings forth life in all forms and life changes through evolution to what we see today. There is no need for a god to be in that equation. Secondly, it seems the only reason the bishop is a "good man" is because he wants to go to heaven and not burn in hell. Strange. I'm a good man and care about people because IT's THE RIGHT THING TO DO. I'm not longing to meet a god after death and be happy with it for all eternity. I'm looking to make this world, right now, the best place it can be for all people because after death, I will rest in the earth dead - and that's ok. Living forever simply to worship a god would be exhausting. Lastly, it is impossible to know, this side of death, if what the bishop is saying is true but he sure makes his claims like he knows, but he doesn't.
Romans 14:7
God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;
This how God is the God of the living, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob even though they sleep in the grave. They will be raised to life again at the return of Jesus Christ to set up God's Kingdom on earth.
The atheist can flip that though. If Bishop Barron believes that the starving kid in Africa will go to Heaven for eternity very soon, why does it matter that he suffered for a few years on earth? He’s got forever to have a perfect existence after he dies.
Poor people can go to hell too.
Look in the Last chapter of Job where God granted him an extra 150 years since he was an old man at this time and a lifetime was considered *threescore years and ten* it is obvious that God being gracious would not allow Job to continue on way past his old age for another 150 years, give us a break, if Job was upset about the existential catastrophe he had just endured he would have been even more incensed at 150 more years in a life as living corpse. A life means a mother father family and the prospect of opportunities.
Follow through the post I have made and take note of the scripture of Luke 20:34-38.
Humans are body and soul. Our bodies are in the ground when we die, our souls arise to the afterlife. In the final judgement, the spirit will be reunited with our glorified body and go to the appropriate final destination.
We believe this. And we believe that and we believe the other thing. But does believing a thing make it true? No. Belief doesn't make something true.
Doesn't Bergoglio deny the existance of hell? Therefore he would deny the existance of heaven??? You modernists are so confusing
Pope Francis doesn't deny hell but he doesn't seem to think anyone goes there??? Absolutely confusing. The three children of Fatima certainly believed in hell and saw people in there. They didn't make that up....
I believe the three children over bergoglio he doesn’t seem to be catholic or even like anybody that is catholic. So sad state of the church
He’s a bishop
Yet he wears a huge cross around his neck. Would you wear a gun, or machete, or a knife in rememberance of such an horrific death? Of course you wouldn’t. The word cross does not appear in any bible. Prisoners were hung in a stake, ( stauros in Greek ).
Funny that in all the so called "evidence" that Jesus walked around after he died there is little about his body "ascended" up in the sky. It is claimed that he now sits alongside his father who is actually himself outside the universe. This stretches the Jesus myth a tad too far. Voyager 1& 2 have been travelling for 46 years and are now 15 billion miles but no sign of your heaven
The first Russian cidmonauts argued the same pridefilled way of secular humanism via the way of atheistic dialectic materialism. ( communism) Where is He? God is not a comic book super hero or antihero. Out of the immaterial comes the material. The Spirit braided or breathed over the waters if materiality. Genesis 1:1 breaks into ancient cosmic book stories, mythologies, as well back then as now.
And the Gospel of Mark misses the zombie things. Why Luke has Lazarus as a character in a parable who rose from dead. With John having Lazarus as the disciple 'whom Jesus loved following; which also leaned on his breast at supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee?
Peter seeing him saith to Jesus, Lord, and what shall this man do?
Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.John 21 21
The evidence of post corporeal existence is a tad slim. But who cares; it is not as if anyone will be disappointed.
@@laurenley3234 God is only in the imagination of humans. Nothing real
@@russellmiles2861 All just stories written by men who lived thousands of years before mankind had any idea of science.