Re71rs a052 比較

Просмотров 54 тыс.4 года назад
遅ればせながらPOTENZA RE71RSをインプレッション。 装着車両はLEGのRX8。 足回りのセットはADVAN A052で走っていた時 ...
Advan A052 vs Bridgestone RE71: Review and Comparison and Potenza RE71RS Preview!
Просмотров 28 тыс.3 года назад
My experiences with A052 and RE71 205/50/15 on 15x7 Kosei K1 Instagram: tougetime
Просмотров 28 тыс.3 года назад
71RSを履いたので色々比べてみました サブちゃんもよろしくね! RE71RS A052 ...
Yokohama AD09 VS A052!! Which is the best TRACK CAR Tyre! 🤯
Просмотров 23 тыс.Год назад
This video compares the Yokohama AD09 and A052 tires on a BMW 125d. The team tests the tires back-to-back on a track, analyzing lap times and driver feedback. They explore the differences in performance between the two tires, particularly in terms of grip, handling, and wear.
Yomohama A052 vs Hankook RS4 quick breakdown actual tread width comparison 245 40 17
Просмотров 19 тыс.3 года назад
This video compares the tread width of a Yokohama A052 and a Hankook RS4 tire, both in the 245/40/17 size. The video highlights the difference in tread width and sidewall taper between the two tires, suggesting a potential difference in contact patch and performance.
A052 vs RE-12Dガチンコ勝負後編!! with ZC33S【最強タイヤはどっち?/後編】木下みつひろ&加茂が本庄サーキットでガチ比較。ついでにRE-71RSも比較!!
Просмотров 18 тыс.2 года назад
イコールコンディションでのレーシングラジアル対決は、 POTENZA RE-12Dに軍配が上がった。 では、ハイグリップラジアルと ...
Autocross 200TW Tire Testing, Yokohama A052 vs Falken RT-660, 2019 Mazda Miata Club, SCCA C-Street
Просмотров 17 тыс.2 года назад
This video compares the Yokohama A052 and Falken RT-660 tires on a Mazda Miata during an autocross event. The driver performs back-to-back runs on a controlled course to determine which tire performs better. The video highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each tire, including grip, feedback, and launch characteristics.
A052 VS RE71-R
Просмотров 13 тыс.6 лет назад
A052 2018 1/20 2'07"97 RE71R 2017 2/18 2'08"36.
磨耗指數TW200最佳街胎是誰?YOKOHAMA ADVAN A052 vs 南港輪胎二代CR-S vs BRIDGESTONE RE-71RS
Просмотров 12 тыс.Год назад
yokohama #南港輪胎#bridgestone 磨耗指數TW200的街胎好多種,磨耗指數差異又在哪裡呢?站長這次介紹日本美國台灣最多車手 ...
A052 vs RE-12Dガチンコ勝負前編!! with ZC33S【最強タイヤはどっち?/前編】木下みつひろ&加茂が本庄サーキットでガチ比較
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 года назад
ADVAN A052、POTENZA RE-12Dなど、 サーキットでのタイムを徹底追求したラジアルタイヤを ちまたではレーシングラジアル ...
Tire Talk how to go faster does the Re71rs stack up against A052 RT660 CRS
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 года назад
This video compares four popular tire models: the Bridgestone RE71RS, Yokohama AO52, Falken RT660, and Nankang CRS. The presenter examines the tires' tread patterns, sidewall stiffness, width, weight, and tread depth, providing viewers with a visual and numerical comparison. The video concludes with a brief overview of the tires' performance characteristics, leaving the final decision to the viewer.
Yokohama A052 tyres: Specifications vs Reality
Просмотров 8 тыс.2 года назад
I got some Yokohama A052 tyres for the track and having read a few different specs for size on the internet measured them for ...
【YOKOHAMA ADVAN A052】アドバンA052の正直レビュー~購入の参考にして下さい
Просмотров 8 тыс.2 года назад
ADVAN(アドバン)A052を購入検討する際の指針を作りました。 ヨコハマ最強のスポーツラジアル、ネオバ(NEOVA)より ...
A052 VS RE71RS 在賽道用原廠車評價輪胎的性能?
Просмотров 8 тыс.3 года назад
Session1: BS RE71RS Used Session2: YK A052 Used 測試中途發生緊急狀況!!? 詳情在影片內Session3: Prototype Local tire Used ...
TIRE WARS: Can the Bridgestone RE-71RS beat the Yokohama A052 at Autocross? - Pete Bruschi Racing
Просмотров 8 тыс.2 года назад
We took the brand new RE-71RS tires to two autocrosses to test and tune before the 2022 SCCA National Championship in ...
Bridgestone RE71RS vs Kumho V730 - 1:21.?? Honda S2000 - Streets of Willow CCW -WSIR
Просмотров 3 тыс.Год назад
Very similar conditions and car setup despite being 1 year apart. RE71RS - Brand new. 2nd session lap 9. V730 - 3rd track day.
Bridgestone RE71RS vs Goodyear Supercar 3R
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.2 года назад
This video compares the Bridgestone RE71RS and Goodyear Supercar 3R tires on a track. The narrator shares their experience with both tires, including lap times and observations about their performance and wear. They also discuss the pros and cons of each tire, including their price and treadwear.
221211 岡山国際サーキット vs S2000/AP1 RE-71RS(new) vs A052(1部)
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.2 года назад
GPS QSTARZ BL-1000GT 2nd 01:47:908 【3rd 01:47:978】 S1: 24.971【24.899】 S2: 45.656【45.649】 S3: 37.281【37.430】 ...
Просмотров 1,4 тыс.2 года назад
比較のためにほぼ同じラップライムの袖森走行動画を並べてみました。上が殆ど山の無くなったA052(山が減ってからの方が操安 ...
Bridgestone RE-71RS D Street Type R Tire Test
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.2 года назад
RE71RS #bridgestone #civictyper #apexpro Bridgestone RE71RS D Street Type R Tire Test 0:00 - Waiting to run 0:07 ...