  • Видео 11
  • Просмотров 56 630
NEMOPHILA / ODYSSEY / English Translation
I tried to translate “ODYSSEY” into English.
Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together.
視線を落としてた (shisen o otoshiteta)
The lyric card looks like this, but “を(o)” is not vocalized.
All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners.
Video used:
NEMOPHILA Official Website
NEMOPHILA Official RUclips Channel
Просмотров: 3 374


NEMOPHILA / MONSTERS / English Translation + SAKI!!
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.5 месяцев назад
I tried to translate “MONSTERS” into English. Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together. “MONSTERS” is the second song on “OIRAN - EXTENDED EDITION” released in June 2021. Then, I captured a lot of “SAKI” as an extra. ;-) All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. Video used: MONSTERS
NEMOPHILA / GAME OVER / English Translation + Hazuki!!
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.Год назад
I tried to translate “GAME OVER” into English. Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together. This song is included in their first full album “REVIVE”. Then, I captured a lot of “Hazuki” as an extra. ;-) Sorry, depending on your viewing environment, the screen may be blurry. I accidentally created a video in SD standard, and it seems to be adversely affected by the quality ad...
NEMOPHILA / Zetsubou Billy / English Translation + Tamu!!
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 года назад
I tried to translate NEMOPHILA’s cover “Maximum the Hormone / Zetsubou Billy” into English. Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together. This song is the ending theme of the 2nd season "DEATH NOTE" aired in 2007. Then, I captured a lot of “Tamu” as an extra. ;-) All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. Video used:...
NEMOPHILA / Hazuki’s illustration making video for new year
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.2 года назад
It’s really late, but better than never, right? :-) All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. Video used: [新年動画(葉月)] 賀正をテーマにデザインしてみた♪видео.html NEMOPHILA Official Website NEMOPHILA Official RUclips Channel #NEMOPHILA #Hazuki #Illustratio...
NEMOPHILA / Shimi / English Translation + Hazuki!!
Просмотров 5 тыс.2 года назад
I tried to translate NEMOPHILA’s cover “Maximum the Hormone / Shimi” into English. Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together. Then, I captured a lot of “Hazuki” as an extra. ;-) All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. Video used: [Cover] MAXIMUM THE HORMONE / シミ (SHIMI)видео.html ...
NEMOPHILA / Haraguchi-san’s fiery new year speech! :-)
Просмотров 9 тыс.2 года назад
Sorry this is out of season, but Haraguchi-san is always in season, right? ;-) All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. Video used: [新年動画(ハラグチサン)] 新年の抱負熱く語ってみた!!!видео.html NEMOPHILA Official Website NEMOPHILA Official RUclips Channel #...
NEMOPHILA / mayu’s words in “Life” on “NAON no YAON 2021”
Просмотров 3,1 тыс.2 года назад
Here is an English translation of what mayu said during her performance of “Life” in “NAON no YAON 2021”. All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. Video used: [LIVE] NEMOPHILA/Life(NAONのYAON2021)видео.html NEMOPHILA Official Website NEMOPHILA Official RUclips Channel
NEMOPHILA / Don’t Say “Lazy” / English Translation + Haraguchi-san!!
Просмотров 5 тыс.2 года назад
I tried to translate NEMOPHILA’s cover “K-ON! / Don’t Say ‘Lazy’” into English. Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together. This song is the ending theme of the TV anime "K-ON!" and was released on April 22, 2009. Then, I captured a lot of “Haraguchi-san” as an extra. ;-) All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. ...
NEMOPHILA / SORAI / English Translation
Просмотров 1,9 тыс.2 года назад
I tried to translate NEMOPHILA’s song “SORAI” into English. Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together. ERRATA :-( 2:00 hunda → funda (Rōmaji) 3:20 hukase → fukase (Rōmaji) All rights of the video and sound source used herein go to Nemophila and the rightful license owners. Video used: [LIVE] NEMOPHILA / SORAIвидео.html NEMOPHILA Official Web...
NEMOPHILA / Life / English Translation
Просмотров 11 тыс.2 года назад
I tried to translate NEMOPHILA’s song “Life” into English. Japanese lyrics and their Romanized notation are listed together. It also comes with a little bonus. ;-) ERRATA :-( 4:02 Hazuki also used... → Hazuki is also used... Tears cause: “Life” was the encore song of this live streaming. It was sung to celebrate Tamu’s return, but she didn’t know that it would be dedicated to herself. Until the...


  • @BropheyDood
    @BropheyDood 20 дней назад

    Both singers are absolutely insane. Love the cover!

  • @djbillutley
    @djbillutley 23 дня назад

    Thank you for the romanization

  • @Joli1258
    @Joli1258 27 дней назад

    Ein so toller Song und so wenig beachtet

  • @JINRI1611
    @JINRI1611 Месяц назад

    [罪と死の問題] あなたは罪と死の問題を解決した人ですか? あなたがどんな宗教を持っていたか(キリスト教、仏教など)、それとも優れた財力や外見と名誉を持っていたか、それとも貧乏で醜い人か、それは何の関係もありません! 単刀直入に申し上げます! 変わらぬ唯一のキングジェームズ聖書(1611)は、すべての人が罪を犯したと言っています! [これは全ての人が罪を犯したので、神の栄光に至らなかったのに ローマ人への手紙3:23] あなたは自分が罪人であるという事実を認めますか? [もし私たちが私たちに何の罪もないと言ったら、私たち自身を騙すのであって、真理が私たちの中にあるのではないか ヨハネ一書1:8] 一度、 自分の 人生を 振り返ってください!全ての人間は罪の人生を生きていくことが真実です! [記録されているように「義人はいないからない、一人もいない。 悟る者もいないし、神を求める者もいない。 みんなが脱線して一緒に無益になったし、善を行う者はいないからいない、一人もいない。 彼らの喉は開いた墓で、彼らが自分の舌では騙し、彼らの唇の下には毒蛇の毒があり ローマ人への手紙3:10〜13] 全ての人は罪のせいで結局体が死にます!罪人は死んだら終わるのではありません!罪の問題を解決できなかったので、地獄の永遠の刑罰が待っています! [これは罪の賃は死であり、神の贈り物は... ローマ人への手紙6:23] [一度死ぬのは人々に決められたもので、そのあと審判が決まったように ヘブライ書9:27] [悪人は地獄に帰されるだろうし、神を忘れた全ての民族もそうだろう。 詩篇9:17] [そこには彼らの虫も死なないし、火も消えない。 マルコによる福音書9:44] じゃあ、罪人には何の希望もないんですかね?いいえ!罪人が地獄に行かない唯一の方法は救われる方法しかありません! では、 救いは どうやって 受けましょうか?教会に通って?宗教を持ったり、宗教行為をしたりして?善行をして一生警察署に行かなかったら? もう 朝 起きて 顔面を 洗うより 簡単な、 救われる 方法を お教えします! [そうして彼らを連れ出して言う「先生たちよ、私が救われるにはどうしたらいいの?」って言ったら 彼らが言うには「主イエス・キリストを信じなさい。そうすれば、あなたとあなたの家族が救われるだろう」と。 そして彼らが主の言葉を彼と彼の家にいるすべての人に伝えた。 使徒行伝16:30~32] うわー!驚きませんか?聖書が提示する救いの道は善行でも宗教行為でもありません!ただ、主イエス・キリスト(肉体で来られた神)を自分の救い主として信じるだけです! 一度受けた救いは永遠なので、どんな場合でも救いを失いません!(プレゼントはタダで努力と行為なしで、一度もらったら終わりです!プレゼントをまた持っていくなら、それはプレゼントではありません!) 地獄の審判から免除されて、永遠の命をプレゼントしてもらいたいなら、下記の内容で心から祈ってください! 神様、私は明らかに自慢するものが一つない罪人です、でも私のような罪人のために、主イエス・キリスト(神)が十字架で血を流して死んで復活した事実を信じます!神様の血で私の全ての罪が取り除かれた事実を信じます!私を救ってください!これからは神様の御心に従って生きることを願います、私の人生を導いてください!」 [これは罪の賃金は死であり、神の贈り物はイエス・キリスト、私たちの主による永遠の命だからだ。 ローマ人への手紙6:23] [あなたがたが信仰によって恵みによって救われたから、これはあなたがたから生まれたものではなく、神の贈り物だから。 行為から生まれたわけじゃないから、誰も自慢しないようにするためだから。 エペソ人への手紙2:8~9] [誰でも主の名を呼ぶ者は救われるだろう。 ローマ人への手紙10:13] [しかし、誰でも彼を受け入れた人たちには、神の子たちになる権威を与えられた、つまり彼の名前を信じる人たちに。 ヨハネによる福音書1:12] [神は、すべての人が救われ、真理の知識に至ることを望んでいる。 テモテへの手紙2:4] 最後に文章を終える前に警告します!あなたがイエス・キリストを自分の救い主として拒否し、自分の義と宗教と人と行為を信頼するなら、必ず火の池で永遠に泣き叫ぶでしょう!あなたが教会に何十年も通っても、教会の建物や偽りの牧師たちにお金を持ってきて注いだとしても、カトリック教徒であれ、キリスト教徒であれ、プロテスタントであれ、仏教徒であれ、あらゆる宗教家の終わりは永遠の苦しみの刑罰である火の池です! (価値のない贈り物であるイエス・キリストの福音を拒否した者の最後!) [神を知らない者たちと、わたしたちの主イエス・キリストの福音に従わない者たちを、炎の中から罰してくださる。 このような者たちは、主の臨在と彼の能力の栄光から離れ、永遠の滅びの刑罰を受けることになるだろう。 テサロニケの信徒への手紙1:8~9] ⁃ イエス様が約2000年前に見栄えのない人間の体を着て来られた理由は、キリスト教という宗教を作ろうと来たのではなく、死の恐怖の奴隷として生きているあなたを救いに来たのだ! [子供たちが血と肉に参加する者であるように、彼もまた同じ形で同じことに参加したのは、自分の死を通して死の勢力を持つ者、すなわち悪魔を滅ぼし、 また死を恐れるから、一生を奴隷として束縛されている者たちを手放そうとするから。 ヘブライ人への手紙2:14〜15]ㅁ

  • @user-jw2wy1ps3r
    @user-jw2wy1ps3r 2 месяца назад

    Perfect cover, thanks! :)

  • @derrickgartamaker1943
    @derrickgartamaker1943 3 месяца назад

    The drummer is so beautiful

  • @_patrikjay_
    @_patrikjay_ 3 месяца назад

    Super cool!

  • @user-jm4qq9fx8t
    @user-jm4qq9fx8t 3 месяца назад


  • @Muzicman2112
    @Muzicman2112 4 месяца назад

    I’m in total tears

  • @aidarosullivan5269
    @aidarosullivan5269 5 месяцев назад

    I can't put into words how cool is this... Mesmerising job!❤

  • @cly003
    @cly003 5 месяцев назад

    Is the music of this song old?

    • @groundbit
      @groundbit 5 месяцев назад

      Sorry, I don’t know. I never think about whether this song is new or old. In the first place, my aging has made that judgment difficult. ;-)

    • @cly003
      @cly003 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you :=))

    • @Woelflein
      @Woelflein 5 месяцев назад

      I can't help but whenever i listen to Odissey, it reminds me of Italo-pop or -rock, like Eros Ramazotti or Umberto Tozzi. Can't put my finger on it, though.

  • @michelm.6033
    @michelm.6033 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much! I felt the emotions without knowing the lyrics, but this brings it to another level.

  • @yakidin63
    @yakidin63 5 месяцев назад

    Makes an epic song even better. Thanks.

  • @kevinthetruckdriver353
    @kevinthetruckdriver353 5 месяцев назад

    Domo arigato. Now I know what this beautiful song means. 👍👍👍

  • @FabioMarzin-jt6zt
    @FabioMarzin-jt6zt 5 месяцев назад

    Again, thank you for the translation! You should be hired by the Nemophila team to add close captions to the videos. Odissey is a beautiful song but understanding the lyrics makes it better.

  • @dereismeerjager7198
    @dereismeerjager7198 5 месяцев назад

    Great Video!

  • @FabioMarzin-jt6zt
    @FabioMarzin-jt6zt 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for the translation. I love this song!

  • @kevinthetruckdriver353
    @kevinthetruckdriver353 6 месяцев назад

    Love it love it love it Everytime I hear this song. I think Godzilla is destroying Tokyo. This is way before Godzilla minus One. Then when I hear Mayu sing *"Look Up In the Sky".* I see *Mothra* flying into Tokyo to take on Godzilla. Hence the song title *Monsters.*

  • @neverloseyoursmilekkk
    @neverloseyoursmilekkk 6 месяцев назад

    Love it

  • @cy8ercat771
    @cy8ercat771 7 месяцев назад

    Haraguchisan is jusy the best ♥️

  • @randomviewer2023
    @randomviewer2023 7 месяцев назад


  • @candycat4691
    @candycat4691 7 месяцев назад

    what do y'all think they mean, "on the tip of a sparkling nail, harbor a silly question" ? also, does shimi literally translate to "trace"? im just curious about what their meaning :3 I really love this song, and thanks for the translation<3

    • @groundbit
      @groundbit 7 месяцев назад

      “火花が散る爪の先で 愚問を抱いて On the tip of a sparking nail, harbor a silly question.” Oh, it’s really sucks... orz... Considering “爪の先で(on the tip of nail)” as to modify the previous word, if I'll translate it again, like this... “clashing over trivial matters and harboring in silly questions, ...” Also, the literal translation of “シミ(shimi)” is typically “stain/blot/smudge/spot...” By the way, the term “魂の痕跡(traces of soul)” is often used in Japanese and “痕跡(trace)” includes “シミ(shimi),” so I choosed “痕跡(trace)” for translation. I think “shimi” in the song means the trace of once existed soul. Thanks for your comment! :-)

    • @candycat4691
      @candycat4691 7 месяцев назад

      @@groundbit ohh, thank you so much!!!<333 that makes it clearer<333

  • @camiuwu2794
    @camiuwu2794 8 месяцев назад

    Eres grande, mi ídolo, mi respetos a esta mujer ❤❤ super increíble y que dedicación para encargarse de hacer subtitulos y toda la banda sonora con varios instrumentos 🖤🖤 que dedicación y que trabajo, eres poderosa <3

  • @felipx12
    @felipx12 10 месяцев назад


  • @jonathanjones6984
    @jonathanjones6984 10 месяцев назад

    What a beautiful song ❤️

  • @dirklerxstprof2112
    @dirklerxstprof2112 10 месяцев назад

    I only understand the odd word in Japanese but, even without the lyrics provided by Groundbit, I've loved this song since the first time I heard It. You can't help but feel the emotions towards Tamu. Love This Band, Daisuki Nemophila. ❤

  • @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447
    @slkjvlkfsvnlsdfhgdght5447 10 месяцев назад

    so, what does it mean? the bad grammar makes it really hard to understand

  • @Tyreus1
    @Tyreus1 Год назад

    the cutest Hazuki ! Thanks Nemophila for being a treasure of a band, the ray of light in these bad times 💙💙💙💙💙

  • @madya2000
    @madya2000 Год назад

    Thank you for translating 🙏 we love Nemophila too

  • @hirschelriley2465
    @hirschelriley2465 Год назад

    I have to admit I tear up every time I listen to this, Thank you so much for sharing the lyrics in english! This song, especially Transcends The language barrier. But thanks to reading. The translation you've provided it ads even more impact and feeling to this song. Each member of nemophila has. Such incredible raw talent. Thanks again

  • @larjos124
    @larjos124 Год назад

    Another great song from REVIVE!! 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

  • @Tyreus1
    @Tyreus1 Год назад

    Mayu said once in an interview that her voice was not kawai enough...I think it was a joke !!

    • @groundbit
      @groundbit 10 месяцев назад

      There is a tendency to call an “anime voice” a “kawaii” in Japan, and I guess she must have said so on the basis of that. If you ask me, all mayu's voice is soooo cute!.

    • @Tyreus1
      @Tyreus1 10 месяцев назад

      @@groundbit oh ok, it's possible I don't know. Yes in the moments when she wants it kawaii I like it more than the other singers, and then she is stylish when she raps and goes hard on thunderthroat !! I just dream of a song with Mayu, Angie 1/3 and Keiko Terada probably because of the Naon no Yaon haha

  • @Tyreus1
    @Tyreus1 Год назад

    thanks a lot to put words on this great song and for the Tamu bonus !!

  • @Tyreus1
    @Tyreus1 Год назад

    Good job putting Haraguchi-chan in the spotlight she clearly deserves it too !

    @MrDRUMMERFAN Год назад

    Thank you for translating the song ! 👏👍👋 from Brisbane, Australia.

  • @jonathantolley9632
    @jonathantolley9632 Год назад

    Holy shit. This is beautiful 😢

  • @nikolaibatin672
    @nikolaibatin672 Год назад

    I love you Hara-san❤❤❤💘💘💘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘

  • @FabioMarzin-jt6zt
    @FabioMarzin-jt6zt Год назад

    Thank you very much for your work translating this awesome song of my favorite band! Now i can appreciate it even more ‘cause i’m italian and my japanese is minimal.

  • @Greg-om2hb
    @Greg-om2hb Год назад

    "Kira" is "Killer," no?

    • @groundbit
      @groundbit Год назад

      Originally, “Kira” is katakana “キラ.” Of course it comes from “Killer.” The setting is that “Kira” spontaneously started being used on the internet.

    • @Tyreus1
      @Tyreus1 Год назад

      it's Death Note's soundrack. Death Note's main protagonist is called Kira

  • @exit1368
    @exit1368 Год назад

    Here’s a few still photos from the Live in NYC. 😊видео.html Such an amazing Artist and Performer! 🔥🤘😎

    • @groundbit
      @groundbit Год назад

      Thanks for introducing your video. I’m happy to their show was a success.

  • @exit1368
    @exit1368 Год назад

    😁 Just found this today, what a great message. I will never forget how incredible her performance was in NYC last month! She was on fire, just amazing! 🤘🔥🙌😎

  • @sprayblood
    @sprayblood Год назад

    I love this song so much!! 🥰. And love it even more than LIFE !! 🫶🏻👍🏻

  • @michelm.6033
    @michelm.6033 Год назад

    OK I’ll be the first. I don’t have enough words to celebrate how incredible Hazuki is. With that said she is pared with such incredible talent I’m frankly at a loss for words, but I’ll soldier on. Sorry, but I have to highlight my favorite drummer and frankly one of the world’s greatest drummers Tamu Murata. Some might compare, and every one with others opinions, ARE frankly wrong (IMO). That is seriously one great drummer from Jazz, to Metal. Frankly their is no better drummer on the planet. I don’t care if you like Nemophila (which you should) but this is a once in a generational talent. Oh by the way the greatest guitar and bassist on the planet are in the same group. Some have said they are a Dream Team. I’ll be more open, and say this is one of the best bands on the planet, but everyone has different😊 tastes.

    • @sprayblood
      @sprayblood Год назад

      I totally agree with what you said! 👍🏻👍🏻😃😃

  • @daveminers3404
    @daveminers3404 Год назад

    Impressive, although I could probably watch and listen to The Goddess Hazuki performing and explaining just about any activity. I wonder what other talents she has.

    • @groundbit
      @groundbit Год назад

      “Hazuki Design NEMOPHILA T-shirt + 5 mini character can badges set*” used to be sold at “NEMOPHILA Shop**”. I would like to see more of her design work utilized at NEMOPHILA. * **

  • @freemokeraines2121
    @freemokeraines2121 Год назад

    What is the drummer’s name. I kinda like her

    • @groundbit
      @groundbit Год назад

      Her name is Tamu Murata. Tamu has a RUclips channel. Check out!

    • @freemokeraines2121
      @freemokeraines2121 Год назад

      @@groundbit Nice I’ll check it out

  • @candycat4691
    @candycat4691 Год назад


  • @marcilesko1058
    @marcilesko1058 Год назад

    Wonderful girls! Thank You!

  • @christopherscottdempwolf5759

    This spirit is why I'm listening in 2023.

  • @Greg-om2hb
    @Greg-om2hb Год назад

    Thank you. I had no idea the lyrics were so good.

  • @jon87583
    @jon87583 Год назад

    Thanks so much for your work! I think you know you have many fellow fans overseas (including me). This is such a beautiful, emotional song. It demonstrates the versatility of Nemophilia.