there's deep sadness in this piece of music. it's like rallying for a battle that you know is going to be the last battle, and yet, the men ride on without fear and hesitation
It makes me cry. I played the game so much, I'm so used to this song. It's forever imprinted into my mind together with TFT's amazing campaing. I seem to have never realised how beautiful it is. Wasn't really appreciative of music as a young teenager.
@Spellweaver5 Hey, man! I started listening to what is called good music with Pink Floyd, Metallica and Abba. Never liked Abba for some reason. But when I discovered Warcraft's soundtrack while gaming I was amazed. This sent me on a journey of listening to soundtracks and I can say that no pop/rock/metal/whatever can compare to instrumental music and especially music that is connected to a story/idea. The prince of the kingdom betraying them in an unspeakable manner, the hope that still remains, the heroes that even after the scourging of the land try to hold on to what is left. No matter how evil the times, the idea that better times will come, hope, keeps everyone going. At least, after playing Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne, that's what this music evokes for me :)
The songs of yore tell the sad story of the last days of the alliance. The battle horn sounds, and the war drums roll, mustering the last army of humanity. It rides one last time, with pride and honor into glorious battle. But the enemy is too strong. All that remains today is the lonely song of the minstrel, telling the sad story of the last days of the alliance.
technically, the alliance of lordaeron beat everyone except the scourge. so, we are not that far from it. All the humans, plus the high-elves and the dwarves? very few could have stood against that, and again, the alliance of lordaeron was weakened when it faced the scourge. no more Alterac, Gilneas had left, the dwarves were busy, stormwind was still rebuilding, stromgarde was actually fighting back as much as it could the undead while facing what was left of the dark horde by itself...
Valerius Wolf Elves also left since they thought it was Alliance fault that Horde burned their forests. Those units in WC3 are just volunteers in Alliance.
if you listen closely to the music you could almost imagine the last stand of humanity against the undead with the last of their men, and flags with pride and honor. footmen charging through the battlefield, the cavalry knocked back from their horses, riflemen shooting furiously, the last fortress, fallen. buildings burning, the kingdom, pillaged, and what remains of the army, slain and brought back to life as part of the undead. the last of humanity, dying. and what remains of the living managed to escape on ships, but bombarded by undead battleships and barges. Loarderon may have died. but has died a glorious death...
This song tells the last days of the alliance between humans and the kingdom of quelthalas when humans betray the blood elves. this song sounds in the blood elves campaign on wc3 TFT
15 yrs ago i listened to this on repeat while i built rpg/adventure type maps in the map editor for me and my friends. how i remember it so well is mainly thanks to this track.
@@PuellaMagiHomuraAkemi Agreed, blizzard really lost everything they had. Knowing that Microsoft bought it, I wonder what will happen. Will it get f*cked up more or will there be some improvements?
@@clicky4948 It will get fucked up more, why wondering? We already see whats happening. Instead of fixing and updating Reforged to what they promised they pretend it doesn't exist (it never goes on sale EVER) but instead, they now make...Warcraft Mobile, while letting the highest rating RTS ever die.
Paradoxical, I associate this song to the Blood Elves (you hear it upon starting the 2nd mission with Kael'thas just after the Humans left them on their own against a large Scourge assault). The ones that got kinda abandoned by the Alliance. I know that was because of their moronic general, but when you escape from prison in the next mission, you can hear a lot of hateful and spiteful comments towards Elves in general from the prison guards. I believe this is why those are "the last days of the Alliance", at least of what the Alliance used to be.
I started ladder expirience back in the day 2002 with my acc till 2012 when Blizzard for no good reason decided to delete my account, I was unactive for like 2-3 weeks, as opposed to some months I've been like for far too long. I made an appeal, but to no avail, and thus my WC3 journey has ended. Kudos to my old pals with whom we've managed to get to top 50 worldwide ^^ ... no twitch no youtube no competitive shiett for views just pure action n enjoyment !!!
Warcraft 3 and WoW WotLK were the pinnacle of gaming for me. So many many years in campaigns, DOTA, Vanilla WoW + TBC + WotLK....this song and Arthas My Son will bring shivers down my spine even when I'll be 70 years old. Incredible memories...
I just liked your comment saying you were 31 and still play dota's on war3, like me. Then I see this comment, like if it was an old comment of mine. We got caught by Arthas deep in us at the same age. Roc, TfT, Wotlk, ICC.. spend thousands of hours of my life on those games, in their universe. Take care mate.
0:0 the men on the walls look at the thousands upon thousands of undead. they try their best to evacuate most of the citizens... 0:32 the undead march upon them. the archers fire a rain of arrows, killing the front lines to to the bulk of the enemy. 0:55 the trumpets sound the horns blow, and the drums of war thump. being the last roar of The Mighty Lion... 1:46 the men prepare for battle. the cavalry readying their horses. the paladins merge again in this time of darkness 2:07 and they charge into the battlefield. light against darkness. the living against the dead. clashing against each other. 2:36 in the middle of the fight. the living seem to be winning. then the death knights appear. the corrupted former paladins. now serving the darkness. bring back the dead to serve them. and some of the living are now even posessed. the battle was lost the last fortress fallen. what remains of the army. slaughtered and brought back to life. buildings burning. the paladins now slain. 3:15 Jaina led the remaining citizens to the unknown land of Kalimdor. with their fate unsure. they try to raise another civilization... 3:57 the overhead view of the fallen humanity...
I'm 19 years old now and this game I started in last 14 years ago since my brother intro me garena LAN doTA1 I'm still hype to play Warcraft 3 ROC and TFT
people say that the blood elves or the draenei have suffered the most but i feel that humans are and always were the biggest sufferers in warcraft. In the first war, they lost stormwind, in the third they lost lordareon and dalaran and probably 80 percent of their population.
@TheDenisMonster&Others The High Elves taught the Humans magic during the Troll Wars when the First Human and Elf alliance came about. Back then 7 kingdoms didn't exist but only Arathor. Arathor was founded when the Arathi Tribes of Humans where the Arathi Highlands gets it's namesake from formed when they banded together and defeated their main rivals, The Trolls through Diplomacy and War. Well they constructed their Capital Strom. Well in short, Human settlers dispersed and founded cities.
Sigh... The first part: Glorious cityes, strong soldiers, the whole greatness of the alliance... Statues of old kings watching proudly over the great kingdom... Second part: The great battles waged by the alliance throughout the war, the struggles of soldiers to hold what is dear alive... Last part: Shattered might... Suffering and death, bug glory unforgotten... Legacy passed on, to be kept alive in souls of men...
I remember playing war3 and seeing the trailer for WoW for the 1st time and playing it. As a kid i kept telling myself i wonder what banger blizzards gonna come with next cause they seem to not be able to do anything wrong. I was proven wrong multiple times.
These songs bring so many happy hours back to me, i have played these wonderfull games since they came out, and i have allways loved the history and the theme and the song, everything :) -just got one thing to point out, Blizzard will be the most selling company in the world, and they shall keep the good work up.
Is this track present in any of WoW's soundtracks? If don't remember ever hearing it and 0:00 to 1:44 is some of the best music I've ever heard. Don't think it's useless to reply to this message even years after it was posted, I've learned a lot form messages like that :D I just don't remember hearing a variant of this in WoW and it's a shame if they haven't reused it :(
You prolly dont give a shit but if you guys are stoned like me during the covid times then you can stream pretty much all the new series on InstaFlixxer. Been watching with my girlfriend for the last couple of days :)
idk if ur gonna consider this, but an anime game, Genshin Impact is strongly regarded for their music. as trademark, since the game's seven nations reflect the 7 nations of Earth, characters from each region have a theme that matches the corresponding region. many people feel more immersed since the characters are more correlated to real life through their themes and songs and the attentions to details are amazing
@grimordwow I agree, to an extent. It's not that I have an issue with people who don't have time to play, I have an issue with people who have the time but complain about it being hard to get a certain item/achievement/title/whatever. I believe there should be raids, dungeons, and battlegrounds that are made or perhaps just tweaked for people that have/lack skill or time. Also WoW is a job to some people . Ask the gold farmers in Asia. :p (I know you meant the people who only play WoW)
But that is not enough, no. Now... he rises again... to try to kill you. The man you grew up alongside of and joined the military for is dead, and his lifeless body is now trying to kill you. You best it in combat, but hesitate for but a moment, staring into the eyes of your best friend. And then it's over. While you showed hesitation, the mindless corpse before you didn't. It attacked where it saw an opening, and you black out, knowing your fate, you give in... That is the fear of undead.
I never quite understood why there was still tension between the Alliance and the Horde in WoW? Aren't they fighting to take down Illidan, The Lich King and Deathwing? I could understand they might have a little tension if they didn't have a common enemy, but they do, so why are they still fighting? They've teamed up before. Did they ever explain that even after working together to defeat the Burning Legion, they STILL are fighting each other?
Cause important characters from both factions kept doing genocides and causing wars. Jaina killing blood elves, garrosh being a warlord and conqueror etc etc
Великая игра, именно стратегия а не ММО. Сюжет интересный, но самое обидное даже сейчас (спустя 14 лет) для меня то, что Лордерон пал :( и что случилось дальше с Людьми, после бегства на Калимдор - не понятно
Dalaran is a shell hovering in the most lethal location in Azeroth. Kul Tiras, if the clues dropped in TFT are to be believed they were overrun by Scourge and fled to Theramore. Thus, BOTH these kingdoms are nearly extinct. Stormwind is only 'strong' because they are the rally-location for the majority of Human survivors, gathered from the ashes of all the other kingdoms. If Stormwind falls, Humanity is fucked. The other Alliance races don't fare much better, excluding perhaps the Dwarves.
Have hope. Maybe Danath will return and Stromgarde can make a return, driving the Forsaken and Horde out of Arathi and establishing a foothold in Hillsbrad. That would make up for the loss of Theramore in my eyes.
True, but frankly, the IDEA that the Horde and Alliance are at war in WoW is entirely absurd, PURELY for game-play reasons. After the end of The Frozen Throne both these factions and pretty much everyone else have been beaten so much and lost so many, making war to lose even more would be the LAST thing on any sane person's mind. Apparently, according to Blizzard, no high-ranking member of any of the factions around are sane.
Dalaran was an Alliance city and one of the 7 Human Kingdoms. Most of it's people are humans, and to a lesser extent, high elves and blood elves. In all honesty, I'd rather prefer the Blood Elves and the Trolls to create their own magical city, and let Blizzard put Dalaran back in the Alliance. All magi like to use arcane, frost and fire. Stormwind has a mage quarter as well, so basically, the mage quarter should become neutral, because belves use similar magic? That's weird logic, mate.
I think he's like me. WOW died (for me at least) when Arthas died. Yes, Sargeras is still out there. Yes, we didn't even scratch the Burning Legion's forces. But the only thing out there more scary than an endless legion of demons was the undead. When you are fighting alongside your best friend and you lose him in the combat, and you realize then the battle has been decided - the undead have won. You shout retreat, just in time to see your best friend die.
For my father, the king
there's deep sadness in this piece of music. it's like rallying for a battle that you know is going to be the last battle, and yet, the men ride on without fear and hesitation
Bueno, se llama "Last Days of the Alliance" por algo xD
It makes me cry. I played the game so much, I'm so used to this song. It's forever imprinted into my mind together with TFT's amazing campaing. I seem to have never realised how beautiful it is. Wasn't really appreciative of music as a young teenager.
Hey, man! I started listening to what is called good music with Pink Floyd, Metallica and Abba. Never liked Abba for some reason. But when I discovered Warcraft's soundtrack while gaming I was amazed. This sent me on a journey of listening to soundtracks and I can say that no pop/rock/metal/whatever can compare to instrumental music and especially music that is connected to a story/idea.
The prince of the kingdom betraying them in an unspeakable manner, the hope that still remains, the heroes that even after the scourging of the land try to hold on to what is left. No matter how evil the times, the idea that better times will come, hope, keeps everyone going.
At least, after playing Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne, that's what this music evokes for me :)
Well said. Then it was just music, now it is memories.
The songs of yore tell the sad story of the last days of the alliance. The battle horn sounds, and the war drums roll, mustering the last army of humanity. It rides one last time, with pride and honor into glorious battle. But the enemy is too strong. All that remains today is the lonely song of the minstrel, telling the sad story of the last days of the alliance.
technically, the alliance of lordaeron beat everyone except the scourge. so, we are not that far from it. All the humans, plus the high-elves and the dwarves? very few could have stood against that, and again, the alliance of lordaeron was weakened when it faced the scourge. no more Alterac, Gilneas had left, the dwarves were busy, stormwind was still rebuilding, stromgarde was actually fighting back as much as it could the undead while facing what was left of the dark horde by itself...
Valerius Wolf Elves also left since they thought it was Alliance fault that Horde burned their forests. Those units in WC3 are just volunteers in Alliance.
if you listen closely to the music you could almost imagine the last stand of humanity against the undead with the last of their men, and flags with pride and honor. footmen charging through the battlefield, the cavalry knocked back from their horses, riflemen shooting furiously, the last fortress, fallen. buildings burning, the kingdom, pillaged, and what remains of the army, slain and brought back to life as part of the undead. the last of humanity, dying. and what remains of the living managed to escape on ships, but bombarded by undead battleships and barges. Loarderon may have died. but has died a glorious death...
No! We still exist! That means the Humans' hope and faith in themselves made us what we are today!
This song tells the last days of the alliance between humans and the kingdom of quelthalas when humans betray the blood elves.
this song sounds in the blood elves campaign on wc3 TFT
if you are here, means you are above 20 :)
im 20 hehe
21... and feeling very old...
i'm 23, turning 24 in a month... i'll never forget and garena days on dota :')
Turned 31 and I still play dota from time to time....too many memories to let it go. Incredible masterpiece of a game.
now i wana instal and play this game again too bring back memories...
Who is still playing warcraft 3 until now like me?!
It is too good of a game to be forgotten.
Me because is too hard to forget
I love to play as Undead and Orc
@@as00el20 night elves and undead are mine
This game is the best!!!
This music brings the purity of a childhood.
Sergio. Hi
15 yrs ago i listened to this on repeat while i built rpg/adventure type maps in the map editor for me and my friends. how i remember it so well is mainly thanks to this track.
This was such a great game in it's day, and in many days after.
+D Enhanced it still is !
And it always will be
And still
How I wish the real Warcraft will return one day :')
welp wish granted i guess :D
@@sgvvv2242 :D
So, how do you like this new "masterpiece" so far?
@@PuellaMagiHomuraAkemi Agreed, blizzard really lost everything they had. Knowing that Microsoft bought it, I wonder what will happen. Will it get f*cked up more or will there be some improvements?
It will get fucked up more, why wondering? We already see whats happening.
Instead of fixing and updating Reforged to what they promised they pretend it doesn't exist (it never goes on sale EVER)
but instead, they now make...Warcraft Mobile, while letting the highest rating RTS ever die.
Both glorious and sad soundtrack...
Really fall of the Alliance...
2024. Still playing Warcraft III and listening to this masterpiece.
Every time I come here I cry
This song made me choose the alliance.
bro, the alliance has the best music in wow. You should try "wolf at the gates", that alliance garrison music
Paradoxical, I associate this song to the Blood Elves (you hear it upon starting the 2nd mission with Kael'thas just after the Humans left them on their own against a large Scourge assault). The ones that got kinda abandoned by the Alliance. I know that was because of their moronic general, but when you escape from prison in the next mission, you can hear a lot of hateful and spiteful comments towards Elves in general from the prison guards. I believe this is why those are "the last days of the Alliance", at least of what the Alliance used to be.
For Lordearon
Pretty cool mine was the nightelf song where you can hear it in dota allstars
This brings back old memories...
I started ladder expirience back in the day 2002 with my acc till 2012 when Blizzard for no good reason decided to delete my account, I was unactive for like 2-3 weeks, as opposed to some months I've been like for far too long. I made an appeal, but to no avail, and thus my WC3 journey has ended.
Kudos to my old pals with whom we've managed to get to top 50 worldwide ^^ ... no twitch no youtube no competitive shiett for views just pure action n enjoyment !!!
We do we all do
Warcraft 3 and WoW WotLK were the pinnacle of gaming for me. So many many years in campaigns, DOTA, Vanilla WoW + TBC + WotLK....this song and Arthas My Son will bring shivers down my spine even when I'll be 70 years old. Incredible memories...
I just liked your comment saying you were 31 and still play dota's on war3, like me. Then I see this comment, like if it was an old comment of mine. We got caught by Arthas deep in us at the same age. Roc, TfT, Wotlk, ICC.. spend thousands of hours of my life on those games, in their universe. Take care mate.
This is one of the reasons why Humans is my favorite race in Wc3. This track always draws a tear.
This song from my childhood. I really happy to listen this time by time since 2004.
Warcraft 3, the golden age of computer gaming.
I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.
I grew up with this game .. I can't describe how this song makes me feel :) The only thing I can say is .. epic ! :D
I pitty the fools that have played thousands of hours of wow yet never even bothered with warcraft 3
Possibly my favorite soundtrack of the entire WC3
Just... amazing~
I love the choir in this music
More work? Yes milord?
righto, what? of i go then! ready to work!
What a foolish lord
+ahmad fikri My life for Ner'zhul!
if you want.. EEAIEIIAEUAUEIAUE Thats it I'm dead no one else available Jobs done!
oh so you're the king? i didn't vote for you! a horse kicked me so hard once, it hurts...
0:0 the men on the walls look at the thousands upon thousands of undead. they try their best to evacuate most of the citizens...
0:32 the undead march upon them. the archers fire a rain of arrows, killing the front lines to to the bulk of the enemy.
0:55 the trumpets sound the horns blow, and the drums of war thump. being the last roar of The Mighty Lion...
1:46 the men prepare for battle. the cavalry readying their horses. the paladins merge again in this time of darkness
2:07 and they charge into the battlefield. light against darkness. the living against the dead. clashing against each other.
2:36 in the middle of the fight. the living seem to be winning. then the death knights appear. the corrupted former paladins. now serving the darkness. bring back the dead to serve them.
and some of the living are now even posessed. the battle was lost the last fortress fallen. what remains of the army. slaughtered and brought back to life. buildings burning. the paladins now slain.
3:15 Jaina led the remaining citizens to the unknown land of Kalimdor. with their fate unsure. they try to raise another civilization...
3:57 the overhead view of the fallen humanity...
Ragerous person dude seriously shut the fuck up you’re annoying
@@jondon8941 you shut up... you're mom didn't say that last night :)
2020 old best forever!
I'm 19 years old now and this game I started in last 14 years ago since my brother intro me garena LAN doTA1 I'm still hype to play Warcraft 3 ROC and TFT
people say that the blood elves or the draenei have suffered the most but i feel that humans are and always were the biggest sufferers in warcraft. In the first war, they lost stormwind, in the third they lost lordareon and dalaran and probably 80 percent of their population.
Humans are the best race imo, their lore is simply amazing.
This song reminds me Uther the Lightbringer, i don't know why. ;_;
Probably because the campaign had Uther in there.
Long live Uther
If you are here after the covid plague attacked our own world... You are a legend
We must travel north to end this plague
Amazing piece of work.
To all of you still here; thank you all.
2:13 Ahhh so tragic, so beatiful...
0:00 Like staring into the fireplace telling tall tales of kings and empires rise and fall
@TheDenisMonster&Others The High Elves taught the Humans magic during the Troll Wars when the First Human and Elf alliance came about. Back then 7 kingdoms didn't exist but only Arathor. Arathor was founded when the Arathi Tribes of Humans where the Arathi Highlands gets it's namesake from formed when they banded together and defeated their main rivals, The Trolls through Diplomacy and War. Well they constructed their Capital Strom. Well in short, Human settlers dispersed and founded cities.
1:46 and on..
such an amazing song
The last days of Blizzard.
The first part: Glorious cityes, strong soldiers, the whole greatness of the alliance... Statues of old kings watching proudly over the great kingdom...
Second part: The great battles waged by the alliance throughout the war, the struggles of soldiers to hold what is dear alive...
Last part: Shattered might... Suffering and death, bug glory unforgotten... Legacy passed on, to be kept alive in souls of men...
This was heard worldwide after the release of Warcraft 3 Reforged... Last Days of the Warcraft saga u_u
Last Days of Blizzard
I remember playing war3 and seeing the trailer for WoW for the 1st time and playing it. As a kid i kept telling myself i wonder what banger blizzards gonna come with next cause they seem to not be able to do anything wrong. I was proven wrong multiple times.
liek if u cri evrtme
+Abezithibod Lord I cry everytime I see a "like if" comment.
Like if
Abezithibod Lord the fall of lordearon :(
it's baffling to see that a comment like this was typed in 2016
These songs bring so many happy hours back to me, i have played these wonderfull games since they came out, and i have allways loved the history and the theme and the song, everything :)
-just got one thing to point out, Blizzard will be the most selling company in the world, and they shall keep the good work up.
It is a pity that Blizzard also had fallen just like Arthas had
ready for action
yes my liege?
@@CommissarChaoticof course
Is this track present in any of WoW's soundtracks? If don't remember ever hearing it and 0:00 to 1:44 is some of the best music I've ever heard.
Don't think it's useless to reply to this message even years after it was posted, I've learned a lot form messages like that :D
I just don't remember hearing a variant of this in WoW and it's a shame if they haven't reused it :(
The horns blows.... one last fight.
Hope somewhere … this universe exists and this song there … like an intro in to it… World of Prince …
Yes, my Lord?
Best theme of the game
games nowadays dont have these kind of trademark, immersive soundtracks anymore, all they care is graphics and more dlc
Fuck miss this days
god damn yes the music is so f...important!
You prolly dont give a shit but if you guys are stoned like me during the covid times then you can stream pretty much all the new series on InstaFlixxer. Been watching with my girlfriend for the last couple of days :)
@Neil Alonso Yup, I've been using Instaflixxer for years myself =)
idk if ur gonna consider this, but an anime game, Genshin Impact is strongly regarded for their music. as trademark, since the game's seven nations reflect the 7 nations of Earth, characters from each region have a theme that matches the corresponding region. many people feel more immersed since the characters are more correlated to real life through their themes and songs and the attentions to details are amazing
Perhaps hiding here was not the most prudent decision. Still, the quest lies before us. Will you follow me into the cold heart of death itself?
i cri errytim
Last days of the Blizzard
work work *saw sound* I miss playing my old game...
More like "Last Days of Blizzard Activision"
i`m not crying, it`s just.. Lordaeron rain...
Lordaeron will never die!
I know I'm one of the many people who also immediately hear sounds of chopping wood.
Long live king Arthas
one of the reasons i love using the humans!!
We're still waiting for the good blizzard to come back, this is dark days, but at least classic TBC is fun enough.
Recent lore about Jaina and the Sunreavers seems to indicate that Dalaran will finally go Alliance.....
I agree, to an extent. It's not that I have an issue with people who don't have time to play, I have an issue with people who have the time but complain about it being hard to get a certain item/achievement/title/whatever. I believe there should be raids, dungeons, and battlegrounds that are made or perhaps just tweaked for people that have/lack skill or time.
Also WoW is a job to some people . Ask the gold farmers in Asia. :p
(I know you meant the people who only play WoW)
But that is not enough, no. Now... he rises again... to try to kill you. The man you grew up alongside of and joined the military for is dead, and his lifeless body is now trying to kill you. You best it in combat, but hesitate for but a moment, staring into the eyes of your best friend. And then it's over. While you showed hesitation, the mindless corpse before you didn't. It attacked where it saw an opening, and you black out, knowing your fate, you give in...
That is the fear of undead.
man, that...... shudders me
Thankfully it turned out to be "Last days of the Alliance of Lordaeron" and not "Last days of the Alliance as a whole."
For true warcraft fans this song is above the Horde or the Alliance.
The last days of true Warcraft.
Haha I used to love it when it was this song that came on when i entered
I can't believe nobody else left a reaction. :(
I never quite understood why there was still tension between the Alliance and the Horde in WoW? Aren't they fighting to take down Illidan, The Lich King and Deathwing? I could understand they might have a little tension if they didn't have a common enemy, but they do, so why are they still fighting? They've teamed up before. Did they ever explain that even after working together to defeat the Burning Legion, they STILL are fighting each other?
Cause important characters from both factions kept doing genocides and causing wars. Jaina killing blood elves, garrosh being a warlord and conqueror etc etc
fight of characters :')
Kael'thas, the second best character in Wacract universe.
Wacract yes, Warcraft no
I'd say Illidan, then Arthas, then Kaelthas, then Thrall
nice title
Guys you know that the bandits that were in warcraft iii before the scourge are now all undead cause of the scourge O_O
2022 whos here
still epic in 2023
Still epic in 2024
Великая игра, именно стратегия а не ММО. Сюжет интересный, но самое обидное даже сейчас (спустя 14 лет) для меня то, что Лордерон пал :( и что случилось дальше с Людьми, после бегства на Калимдор - не понятно
Согласна, с тобой.
Only they're humble honorable position in the alliance. Well, they're kingdom is in danger of extinction after all...
I sense something... elusive.
Dalaran is a shell hovering in the most lethal location in Azeroth. Kul Tiras, if the clues dropped in TFT are to be believed they were overrun by Scourge and fled to Theramore. Thus, BOTH these kingdoms are nearly extinct. Stormwind is only 'strong' because they are the rally-location for the majority of Human survivors, gathered from the ashes of all the other kingdoms. If Stormwind falls, Humanity is fucked. The other Alliance races don't fare much better, excluding perhaps the Dwarves.
Its funny how this is the default theme for humans :V
Its found in Sound Editor, go down to music and "HumanX1"
Have hope. Maybe Danath will return and Stromgarde can make a return, driving the Forsaken and Horde out of Arathi and establishing a foothold in Hillsbrad. That would make up for the loss of Theramore in my eyes.
wtf theramore's fall was 9 YEARS AGO?
True, but frankly, the IDEA that the Horde and Alliance are at war in WoW is entirely absurd, PURELY for game-play reasons. After the end of The Frozen Throne both these factions and pretty much everyone else have been beaten so much and lost so many, making war to lose even more would be the LAST thing on any sane person's mind. Apparently, according to Blizzard, no high-ranking member of any of the factions around are sane.
Continue Unfortunately Strom fractured into 7 different Kingdoms. One of them founded by Strom's mages were Dalaran.
Strom later became Stromgarde,
2024, signing off! 🫡
wow is just something, soon we might have the true thing, warcraft 4...
How dare you say this song is EPIC?!FOOL!
Lord Garithos theme song
It is ironic that Arthas is on the cover of this song... 😔
@isgoingtehno i feel you mate
They got the King back...
The death bells of humanity
Dalaran was an Alliance city and one of the 7 Human Kingdoms. Most of it's people are humans, and to a lesser extent, high elves and blood elves. In all honesty, I'd rather prefer the Blood Elves and the Trolls to create their own magical city, and let Blizzard put Dalaran back in the Alliance.
All magi like to use arcane, frost and fire. Stormwind has a mage quarter as well, so basically, the mage quarter should become neutral, because belves use similar magic? That's weird logic, mate.
I didnt now that the lichking used a Razor.
I think he's like me. WOW died (for me at least) when Arthas died. Yes, Sargeras is still out there. Yes, we didn't even scratch the Burning Legion's forces. But the only thing out there more scary than an endless legion of demons was the undead. When you are fighting alongside your best friend and you lose him in the combat, and you realize then the battle has been decided - the undead have won. You shout retreat, just in time to see your best friend die.
How can I buy or download Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne original soundtrack, i can't find it anywhere.
So fucking epic