『源氏物語』光源氏の加冠 / THE TALE OF GENJI ; The Paulownia PavilionThe coming-of-age ceremony of Hikaru Genji

  • Опубликовано: 31 янв 2025
  • この『装束劇 光源氏の加冠』は紫式部日記成立千年を記念して 2010 年に渋谷 Bunkamura オーチャード ホールで公演・収録したものです。
    This play is composed of four scenes, the accession to the throne, the birth of the prince Hikaru, the coming-of-age ceremony of the left minister's daughter "Aoi" and the "Kakan-no-gi" the coming-of- age for Hikaru Genji.
    And it is composed and directed by Mr.Munehisa Sengoku(Institute of Court Culture) collaborating with the Kokusai-bunka-Gakuen.
    You might enjoy to look at the many Japanese traditional court costumes worn by the Tennou, the civil officers, the military officers, the imperial guards and the ladies-in-waiting.
    And you might also enjoy to watch how to be done the imperial events.

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