The biggest problem is that the Slovaks themselves don’t know how good they have it. They think everywhere else is better than here, when it’s completely not true. They need to have better respect for their own country
všetky miesta na svete maju svoje pre aj proti, a slovensko nie je zlé miesto, minimalne z bezpečnostneho hladiska sme na tom lepšie než vačšina europy, ja som tu nadmieru v pohode,
Problem of Slovakia is that we are still language/culturally connected with Czech Republic and they lot of time doing things better, so when people see this comparison wants from politics just do their job and repair there problems or "deficiency". And they almost never doing that.
Suhlasim, ze zatial to je na Slovensku relativne ok, no problem je, ze to zacalo mat vyrazne zhorsujuci charakter. Dostat sa k zdravotnej starostlivosti je tazsie ako par rokov dozadu. Vysledky studentov na zakladnych a strednych skolach su kazdym rokom horsie. Stupa kriminalita a hlavne drobne kradeze. A nastalo velmi rapidne zdrazovanie. Neviem kedy sa ten trend otoci, alebo aspon zastavi a ciastocne niektore veci sa uz asi ani nebudu dat napravit, no vyzera to tak, ze sa nam tento rok zije horsie, ako sa nam zilo v 2019tom. Volakedy som tento negativny outlook na buduci vyvoj Slovenska nemal, ale od pandemie sa dost zhorsuje mnoho aspektov zivota na Slovensku. A to este neviem ako sa zije mimo Bratislavy, ale asi to bude este horsie.
Enjoy your stay here. I love my country, travelled a lot and only then I could see its beauty and advantages, wonderful nature, climate, geographical location, people, culture, religion....I am so grateful.
Being born in Bratislava,I agree with many things that you said. I lived in bigger cities like Vienna or Prague and spent quite some time in London, but what I liked the most about Bratislava was the proximity to nature... you really need some 10min and you can be in the forests and go 60-100km in pure nature. What I was always missing were people like you, from other countries and cities of Europe that make the town more livable and interesting. I'm glad that there are young people from Europe who want to move and live in Slovakia, this is helping a lot. I myself have some problems to live there since the biggest problem for me is the Slovak mentality. After living 15Y abroad and returning to Slovakia, even after 3years I still have difficulty to adapt even though I speak the language. But this would be a stuff for a quite long comment :D.
Thank you for the video. Glad to see, that there are other Slovakian vloggers on youtube. Hope you are enjoying your stay in Slovakia. If you have a good job, life is good here.
Ciao Palmacate, I'm from Slovakia and currently living in England. You are right we are often very critical about our countries. When you live abroad then you realise that Slovakia is not that bad. For example housing is of a good standard comparing to some expensive mouldy flats you get in the UK. And yes salaries are not great but most of Slovaks (80-90%) own their houses so no need to spend 20-30% of their salary on rent or mortgage. Compare to the UK, Slovakia is also much cleaner, safer and you don't see rubbish laying on grass and streets. So what keeps me from going back? Perhaps fear of not finding a job in the field I'm currently working.
I am from England and moved to Slovakia ten years ago. I would say that you are correct, but it really depends what part of England you are talking about because like Slovakia is differs wildly depending on the region. I have been to some places in Slovakia which i would never return to, and others which are not far off paradise. There is one thing that Slovakia has a major downside and that is salary.. Sure the housing and taxes are cheaper here but it is better to earn £3000 per month and have £2500 living expenses than to earn 1000 euro per month and have 700 euro living expenses. That is where Slovakia fails, many people myself included cannot survive on one job and that is not great when you live in a country with so many things to do and spend money on. If you work for a foreign firm and can work remotely here that is the honeypot.
@@200KCycling you are right mate. Apart from thinking about earning £3000 per month in the UK. That's dream salary outside of London. Most of the population 50-70 % in the UK is earning between £1700-£2600 per month after taxes. Wages are the same for past 10-15 years. Cost of living went up. Just council tax for two bedroom flat is £2100 per year. You can come visit and see for yourself.
@@pavolkubecka2698 Ok but even if you earn £2500 per month in the UK it is still better. It is possible to adjust spending, reduce costs and downsize property if possible. In Slovakia there is no opportunity for that. If you are left with 200-300 euro spare and that should cover food, travel and taxes it is not possible unless you rent one room.
Yeah country isnt that bad at all, just the mindset of people is sometimes trashy, I recommend to my fellow slovakians travell bit more and then they will definetely value own home more.
Slovakia mainly Bratislava is such a good place for living people here always talk shit about Slovakia while thinking grass is greener on the other side which is not true at all
but that is due to that they are told to believe such a lies. There are people here that put their own interests above the common good, and that is a problem
Except that my female friends fear to go home alone, so they rather call a taxi where they were also bit uncomfortable with the driver. I was longboarding ang a gypsy kid tried to kick the board from under my feet her mother was "haha haha". No, thank you.
@@ErikKubica well, this is exactly what youngsters do: vote for progressive idiots that support gypsies and minorities as fuck...And then they cry and cry about how dangerous is Slovakia :) Anyway... How often can people in Slovakia meet a gypsy while longboarding? :)
@@ErikKubica u can encounter situations like that literally anywhere in the world but in comparison to other countries mainly western countries in EU right now Slovakia is very safe
@@Ajora1 Myslím, že áno - nechcem všetkých hádzať do jedného vreca, ale slovenský prístup je (po väčšine) sťažovať sa, závidieť ostatným a nič neurobiť pre polepšenie vlastnej situácie + som si všimla v poslednej dobe aj slepú nenávisť a ako u nás prevláda. Najhoršia je asi naša negativita (vrátane prílišnej a neproduktívnej sebakritiky) a očakávanie toho najhoršieho - tak si tvoríme našu realitu. Ľudia tu veľmi radi ukazujú prstom na politikov, susedov, hocikoho, len sa nepozrú na seba. Len môj názor - ja sa toto snažím zmeniť - hocijaký je momentálny status quo alebo politický systém - vždy musíme začat od seba. A tiež sme nevďační a úplne sme sa začali odpájať od slovenských a slovanských koreňov - našej krásnej prírody, predkov a tradícií a mám pocit, že najmä mladí Slováci by ich vymenili za západné hodnoty bez mihnutia oka - čo je veľmi smutné a svedčí to o našom úpadku ako národ.
@@zuzanalazarova1018 Podľa odpovede už viem odkiaľ vietor fúka. A rád vám poviem, že patríte podľa postoja práve k dôvodu prečo tu mladež neostáva a nechce zostať. Argumentovať každý bod čo ste napísala by nebol problém ...ale tento akože pro-národný postoj je na smiech. Je to len zlepenina toho čo sa niekomu páči a hodí. Ludia čo si zaslúžili úctu ju dostali, to nefunguje tak, že existujem a som starý, tak mám nárok automaticky na veci. Rovnako tak tradície, história, ochrana prírody ... pekne obrezané tak ako sa to niekomu akurát hodí. "Len môj názor - ja sa toto snažím zmeniť - hocijaký je momentálny status quo alebo politický systém - vždy musíme začat od seba" - tu s vami plne súhlasím, preto sa mladý človek zoberie, ide študovať a potom preč z krajiny. Začal od seba a ide zmeniť svoju budúcnosť k lepšiemu, napríklad odchodom do krajiny (ten strašne skazený západ), kde sa veci riešia trošku lepšie ako u nás. Čo tu mladý človek dostane , ak sa rozhodne ostať? ... nič, vyžšie dane, rozkrádanie, zdravotníctvo v troskách, ale hlavne, že bude šťadion v Šamoríne ... atď.
It is nice here, but you have to detach from politics as political representation is in complete subordination to EU and NATO. Actually Slovakia is not independent state since 1.5.2004.
People who say that Slovakia is bad and that it is bad to live there have never been anywhere in the world. Of course, it is possible to live better elsewhere, but Slovakia and the Czech Republic, Poland are wonderful for life.
and to top of that, most of the time they are painting Slovakia in black, it is not true. They just see only negatives and not positives here and this is not objective at all. Mostly they are infected with superstitions and evil tongues of those, that are unable to win regular elections here
Costs are growing almost throughout Europe, thanks to the costs of the war in Ukraine. Slovaks like foreigners, except dark ones who do not want to work and just want to support themselves on the social system.. They love Italians, Chinese, Vietnamese, because they are hardworking and decent.
No. The inflation started even before the war in UA and is not matter of only Europe. It's rather because of corona times and central banks "printing" billions of new euros / dollars back then
@@romino29 and truth is that it went worse in Slovakia. It is due to that the prev. gvmt. was unable to compensate firms and individuals on covid and this is the result. Public debt has increased rapidly, not only for they were unable, but also that they put a lot of money for naught. And we do miss that money now. So taxes have to be raised, which raises prices in advance. The situation is bad because Slovaks failed to elect carefully 3 years back. We are just taking the fruits of our mistake
@@janmojzis no, prices risen in advance. Inflation currently is around 2%. Btw. was there another choice 3 years ago ? Only Smer and their promises of the highway to Kosice till 2010 .. .Republika and other pro-russian parties ..
@@romino29 yes, prices risen year in past. We had the highest inflation in the eurozone, highest public debt growth and money gone to naugh. Are you serious and really know details here, or just scamming? "Highway to Kosice" phrase reminds me those of the current opposition parties. Unable to win public elections, only spreadling lies and hate to and fro. Very shameful to them
When You get quality over quantity mindset Slovakian is place to be…The štandard of food is above any westerners expectations ❤ Láska prechádza žalúdkom. Lepší vrabec v hrsti ako holub na streche.
"Cost of Living in Bratislava is 26.2% lower than in Milan (without rent) Cost of Living Including Rent in Bratislava is 33.9% lower than in Milan Rent Prices in Bratislava are 51.0% lower than in Milan Restaurant Prices in Bratislava are 35.5% lower than in Milan Groceries Prices in Bratislava are 26.6% lower than in Milan Local Purchasing Power in Bratislava is 7.3% higher than in Milan" I guess that there are no African or Middle-Eastern migrants in Bratislava, unlike in Italian cities.
Milan is terrible when it comes to prices, especially for housing like many big cities! Luckily I come from a much smaller city. Of course, the good side of Milan are its endless opportunities. Pros and cons as usual :)
I was in Milan at the summer and I didn't feel like it's much more expensive like in Bratislava. Where I was was aproximetally the same... For example i bot e bottle of mineral water or some soda from automat and I paid less I pay here in Bratislava. 🙂.Rent and flats I don't know the prices but as a tourist to buy things was very similar. Of course depending where you are going in Bratislava and where you are going in Milan 🙂. But One think I knotes the Taxis are in Bratislava deffinetly „cheaper 🙂I was there at the business trip cos we have branch there.
Jesus, that's the most stupid comment ever. 😀 Even if they have hordes or migrants in western europe, it still doesn't change fact that their buying power is much better. And grocery shopping in Czechia and Slovakia is vice versa pretty expensive, electronics is more expensive, cloths are more expensive, price of electricity can be ok one year and 5 times higher another year depending on what German will have bad mood this morning at Frankfurt exchange market. I don't believe that Slovakia or Czechia has better local purchasing power than Italy, average salary in Italy is 2 times higher. Maybe when you compare it specifically with Milan, maybe, it can be extraordinary expensive city. In Czechia and Slovakia, advantage is that prices in small towns and capital are not that different, grocery shopping is even cheaper in capital because of better competition and you will save a lot of money at traveling around because most of native people have pretty cheap year pass for public transportation, while in a small town or village, a lot of people need a car or they have to rely at expensive trains and buses that don't work after 9PM.
Listen Jesus ,be more positive and realistic 🙂. No doubt that west countries have better GDP per Capita PPP than east . They wasn't occupied and didn't have communists 40 years.We just go step by step and is getting better anyway although it could be always better. .Bratislava region is defacto already in west.The rest of country has some more work do do 🙂.The isté some big investors like volvo and impact we will see in future. U will see ,it will be better. And u forgott to mention that Slovak debt to GDP was 2023 56% and Italy 135 %,Spain 113%,Fr 110 % etc... It is important to be monetarily responsible.Its always nice to live on debts,but somebody has to pay it later on.
@@miropolacek7 you do realise that the debt is growing significantly and there seems to be no way of slowing the growth of debt right now, right? Yes, it's better than Italy currently, but at this rate it is not so long before Slovakia catches up.
I live in Uk for 14 years in London 10 years , Tunbridge Wells Kent -3 years and Sandown - Isle of Wight for one year …i desided to move back when i was 38 years old from Uk to Košice East of Slovakia and it was the best desition ever!!!…healthy food, friendly people, clean, safe!!! Not like in Uk…i can walk night time everywhere and i feel safe not like in Uk!!!…plus here is freedom you can walk miles in forests, lakes, parks and nothing is private…no cameras stearing on you everywhere etc. you feel free here plus so many thinks to do … better wheather also and the best bread bakery fresh food not Plastic bread and veggie etc. …i love it here ❤❤❤
Talking about cost of living - it's rising rapidly everywhere after russian invasion in Ukraine. I moved to Nitra, Slovakia last year from Novi Sad, Serbia and it amazes me that Nitra is actually cheaper than Novi Sad, while salaries in Slovakia are much higher than salaries in Serbia. Still I understand that it was much better just several years ago
This is not caused by Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine, it is caused by the collapse of the fascist West, living on debt, after the mortgage crisis, after the senseless Covid totalitarianism, after cutting off Europe from cheap, Russian resources, after the imposition of borderless migration, mindless "green" policies that have made energy too expensive... The stupid West is trying to attribute its failure to Russia. Transnational slave owners are trying to arouse hatred of slaves from all over the world against Russia, so that slaves are willing to fight against Russia, so that slave owners can obtain Russian resources.
I went to Nitra after many years living in western countries with some friends from abroad to show them this “historic” town. I was ashamed to be honest. That city is falling apart and I never realised how ugly the city centre is 😂
Considering that you mentioned Venice, one of the most expensive cities in Italy (I assume you were in a touristic area), yes, something it’s very wrong 😂
Can you tell me please how could I find a job in Slovakia,what is the easiest way?I was in Bratislava once long time ago and what I saw it was nice...Can you just tell me how to find a job??? Thank you in advance.
U are right. I also used to work in Scotland in Edinburg and I came back 🙂. I was there to learn English(very special english is there🙂) to know other country and have experiences. You are right we have to think more positively. My scottish teacher și tald me Bratislava clear.and good public transport. I didn't at all.Know I see she was right. If I found something what is not correct we have odkazstarostovi and there reboot what is needed to repar or change etc...Is good thing. And also the major of our city he speaks Italian and studied in Italy 🙂. When i was complaining about something ehat needed to be repair I whrote him and he realy anwered and try to deal with the problem. But as you said they are always pro and cons. Bratislava Just to be Always Multietnical City on the main historical toads as a suborb of vienne called krasavica na dunaji 🙂.
@@josepfgrant9093 be possitive is still getting better. I understand that people from is Slovakia many of them doesn't like Bratislava cos off they are jelius or some king of... I like Bratislava I like east as well 🙂.
And Budapest has the largest Italian population in Central Europe…. You’d feel so much at home in there … And the funny stuff is that Hungarian language is very hard to grasp - but all my friends from Italy living in Budapest talk Hungarian without accent… - after a year - ok gramnaticly they do mistakes but their accent is still more Hungarian than that of the Slavic peoples….
As a Bratislava native who has lived in California, Florida, North Carolina, Germany and Australia, I was happy to come back here and raise my children. Now that they are teenagers I am glad my wife and I made this choice. Weather and people could be nicer here, but that’s why Spain and Italy exist for vacations 😂😂😂
I burned out at my job so I quit. Pack few things and travel far far away… I spent almost two years in Western Australia but immediately upon my arrival home I noticed this foggy heaviness complaining mentality that I lived (not happily) before and taking that as “normal”.It’s so far from no worries mate always sunshine attitude I experienced Down Under… I would rather swap especially during autumn and winter season in Slovakia… I’m missing those white sand beaches pleasant Indian Ocean and those kissy jellyfishes after sundown… The sun was stolen from my ❤…
We Slovakian fall on the bottom of EN countries what depends on lifestyle. 20 years ago we were on a much better path than now. Education was better, healthcare was better and lifestyle was better. Now people cannot afford to buy for their salary the same things like they used to and I am taking into consideration of inflation. Our government is corrupted and they do nothing for working class, just stealing the money of taxpayers.I am admire you, you can live that long in Slovakia. I personally would rather stay in Italy. Just mine point of view!
If you look like us, you can feel welcome. If you don't, that's where the problems begin. We distrust people who don't look and dress like us. You better blend in if you want to live here, else look out for lots of trouble.
Slovaks have issues to being proud of their country mainly because that country could have been much better than it is. And it's being continously exploited in years. It's pretty hard to throw away this frustration. Western countries don't have the best time. But seeing Poland strive and Slovakia falling behind every single country in EU? Painful, and this is not an attack on Poland, it is a nice country.
So is London, Berlin, New York, Moscow etc. Anyway, whats so special about Bratislava. I feel there like in any Eastern European small provisional town such as Plovdiv in Bulgaria, Brashov Romania. Even war-torn Belgrade or Sarajevo has better atmosphere than Bratislava.
As slovak that lives in isolated town i can say bratislava is just modern town nothing intereting only 1 castle and some small old buildings but nothing else its modern compared to budapest but has no culture and its just boring, i would prefer nitra as our capital since its our oldest town and our ancestors started to build it during samo empire and has very long history from principality of nitra to being centre in great moravia and it lasted as state for around 442 years until hungarians defeated duchy of nitra in 1100
@@ErikKubica yeah but if goverment tried invest in it and make it new capital it could be very good historic capital and cheaper. Bratislava has nothing interesting there and its not even safe like it was before I just call it temu slovak dubai
I will be honest. Slovakia have no future! Almost no economical progress, high prices of everything, bad maybe one from the worst governments in Europe, problematic transportation, education, healthcare etc. I Am Slovak itself but every other country around is so much better. Czech Republic is pretty similar as Slovakia but in every single aspect better and working. I Am now still living in Slovakia unfortunately, but really soon I will move to Czech Republic.
To není zrovna moudrý plán. Chce jít trochu do hloubky. Česko je ztraceno, po mastném fialovi přijde zase babiš, nevím, jaké štěstí tu chcete hledat. Já naopak lituji, že jsem se neodstěhovala na Slovensko.
Fico, Pellegrini, Kaliňák, Matovič, Heger, Naď, Šimečka, Čaputová, Kiska, Sulík, Kollár, Danko, Dzurinda, Radičová, Mečiar, Huliak, Ľupták, Beňová, Neveďalová, Remišová, Cigániková, Nicholsonová, Kolíková, Biháriová... = vrahovia Slovenska. Kto z politikov, ktorí nám sem boli nastrčení do vlád, nebol vlastizradcom, veľkým negatívom pre Slovákov?
@@Athlex69 Najlepší pre globalistických, progresívnych úchylákov, narkomanov, dílerov, zlodejov, otrokárov, jeho mafiánskych komplicov... Kto je progresívnejší než SMER "Tretej cesty", zvrátenej, neomarxistickej, "Frankfurtskej školy"? Len pre pripomenutie: Fico (Pellegriniho šéf, a komplic) básnil v Davose, ako chce na Slovensko dovliecť minimálne 100 000 migrantov, a k nim cudzích otrokárov, z ktorých tu chce urobiť občanov vyššej kategórie, odmietol, (aj to len slovne,) len NELEGÁLNU migráciu, ale robí všetko pre to, aby každá migrácia bola legálna, schválil Grean Deal, nedávno aj digitálne euro, pripravil okupačnú zmluvu, ktorú pred voľbami sľúbil upraviť tak, že bude výhodná pre Slovensko, čo okamžite po voľbách odmietol, pred voľbami tiež sľuboval, že nedovolí daľšie rozširovanie NATO, a pri 1. príležitosti schválil rozšírenie NATO o Švédsko, a Fínsko, jeho kandidátom na prezidenta bol vlastizradca Šefčovič, jeho jedničkou kandidátky do Európskeho parlamentu bola opäť progresívna vlastizradkyňa Beňová, za každú cenu nás ťahal do jadra EU, schválil sankcie proti Rusku, ktoré poškodzujú slovenskú ekonomiku, vyškerený s Jaceňukom spustil reverzný tok plynu na Ukrajinu, a pripravil SR o zisky z tranzitných poplatkov, miliardami zadĺžil Slovensko keď schválil fašistickej ríši EU vojenskú pomoc Ukrajine, chce prijať Ukrajinu do EU, chce vytvorenie európskej armády, ktorá vznikne premenovaním NATO, za štâtne peniaze dotuje SÚKROMNÉ zbrojovky, vyzbrojujúce Ukrajinu, chce minimálne vo výške 3% z HDP, kúpil od amíkov stíhačky, aby Naď mohol poslať na Ukrajinu tie naše, po voľbách urobil ďalší kšeft amíkom, keď prikúpil od nich ďalšie stíhačky, jeho ministerka zdravotníctva Andrea Kálavská pretláčala (dokonca do Ústavy) povinné očkovanie, a chcela zakázať neočkovaným deťom vstup do škôlok, dokonca v čase, keď kovid ešte neexistoval, dal Mikasovi miesto trestu zlatý padák, progresívcom prakticky legalizoval drogy, detskú pornografiu, zlodejom, aj svojej skorumpovanej mafii znížil tresty, a premlčacie doby, s HaRabínom, (dvorným právnikom SMERáckej mafie,) schválil Lisabonskú zmluvu, ktorá obrala SR o suverenitu, a ktorá umožnila rozhodovať ríši aj o migračnej politike za Slovensko bez práva veta, vyhlásili, že nechcú vystúpiť z EU, a z NATO, vyzývali na dodržiavanie ich zmluv, HaRabín za Ficovej vlády zaviedol, a sprísnil náhubkové zákony, na základe ktorých SMERácka, vlastizradná mafia prenasledovala skutočných vlastencov, národovcov, vystupujúcich proti EU, NATO... Fico sa chválil, že vďaka nemu máme v Ústave definíciu manželstva, ako zväzku jedného muža, a jednej ženy, (čo bráni prijatiu Istanbulského dohovoru,) no bol to práve on, kto odmietal pridať tú definíciu do Ústavy, robil obštrukcie, a svoju podporu tej definícii nakoniec vymenil za zákon o sudcoch z jeho dielne. HaRabín obhajoval konanie ožratého ZapreDanka, keď zdemoloval semafór, len aby podporil vládu svojho globalistického, progresívneho, proríšskeho, mafiánskeho SMERu. (Kto sa aspoň trocha zaujíma o politiku, vie, kto je Pellegrini, ako, za akých okolností, prečo vznikol jeho teplý HLAS...) SMERoHLAS (aj s celou SNS) schválil dokonca aj spoločný, vzdušný priestor s Ukrajinou, teda prakticky aj prelet US síhačiek NATO cez Slovensko nad Ukrajinu, (čiže ešte horšie, než keď kedysi schválil potkan Dzurinda prelet stíhačiek cez Slovensko nad Juhosláviu.) Schválil aj európsku, strategickú, dopravnú sieť, aj na rýchlu prepravu zbraní, vojenského materiálu, a vojenského personálu aj cez územie Slovenska na Ukrajinu, a s tým, že SR stratí právo o tej preprave cez územie SR rozhodovať, alebo ju zdržiavať... Jeho vláda schválila zvýšenie daní, cien energií, znížila príspevky na deti..., no sebe zvýšila platy, Ficovi schválila doživotnú rentu, členov bývalej vlády nevyšetruje, netrestá, ale ďalej vypláca ťažké prachy tým, ktorým ich bývalá vláda sľúbila, dovoľuje jej naďalej robiť špinavé kšefty, sama jej dohadzuje nové kšefty, a sama naďalej kradne, súkromným médiám dala milióny eur, ťahá sem baterkáreň proti vôli občanov, podpísala Pakt pre budúcnosť, otvorene sa (aj vo svojom programovom vyhlásení) hlási k poslušnosti k Západu, ku agende 2030, ku Green dealu..., naďalej vo veľkom nakupuje vakcíny proti neexistujúcim vírusom, jej minister školstva podporuje dúhovú ideológiu na školách... Za Fica sa ešte urýchlilo schvalovanie toho, čo sa predošlá vláda bála schváliť. Fico: 1987 vstúpil do KSS. 1992 sa stal poslancom za SDĽ, vzniknutej premenovaním KSS. Do 2006 bol poslancom NRSR. 2006 - 2010, a 2012 - 2018 bol predsedom vlády. V rokoch 1994 - 2005 pôsobil v Parlamentnom zhromaždení Rady Európy. Vždy, a za každú cenu nás ťahal do JADRA EU. On je z tých, ktorí sa infiltrovali do komunistickej strany, a rozložili ju z vnútra, aby tu zaviedli tento progresívny globalistický, otrokársky fašizmus.
But is him really Slovak? If you look at many of his buddies they are members of race which cannot be criticized... And that are like ones who created mayhem in Russia since 1918...
One of reasons to move to slovakia is public transport. Ok cool, but where it isn't? Just look nearby.. Vienna, Prague, Brno, Budapest. All reasons you mentioned suits many surrounding counties. If you compare Slovakia and Czechia, why did you choose Slovakia?
Rozdiel je aj v tom kym cudzinec si pride po par rokoch odrobenych doma na lepsiu poziciu do zahranicia celkom slusne platenu v porovnani ako by bol doma menej eur ale zas ho to menej stoji nema take vydavky a na druhej strane ziskava prax ktoru by doma mozno nemal dostat az v neskorsom veku ked sa vracaju aj domov ...rozdiel je ten ze oni idu na juniorske seniorské manazerske a ine pozicie vo firmach kedze vacsina su zo zapadu a nasinec startuje zdola od piky alebo vobec nemusi mat tak zaruceny postup nahor ako maju tito cudzinci co sem pridu pracovat alebo ti na vsetko treba tituly a neviem co...takze hodnotit zivot tu je trosku nekorektne
@josepfgrant9093 volby su hlavne fraska asi tolko k tomu ze demokraticke...asi aj ako amerika ma daleko lepsich ludi na celo ako deduskov ktorych dohadzuju uz ine kapacity
@@mikidobry156 To je pravde. Pred rokmi som robil vo firme, kde bola moja šéfka - technické riaditeľka, predchádzajúca sekretárka riaditeľa jednej nemenovanej energetickej firmy vo Francúzsku. Nosila na chrbte batoh s Mikimauzom a tak sa bála komunikovať s okolím, že si v open office nechala vybudovať sklenenú búdku...
So you did not actually move to Slovakia, but to Bratislava. Bratislava is overpriced commuter´s bigger village - sorry but it´s nothing more. Moreover it´s hated by most of Slovaks. "City" with the biggest economic power in country - created by political decisions totally omitting rest of Slovakia. Maybe that´s why every single weekend Bratislava become empty city with no more than 100t people who have no place to run. BTW do you know that in 90´s (when we separated from Prague) there were serious discussions to move capitol from Bratislava to Banská Bystrica - very different city?
your negativ comment about capital city can be just copy-paste to almost every video about every capital city. the same opinion from people from other parts of country is about Praha, Vienna, Budapest, London, Madrid even New York… they all say there is not real life in capital and other parts of country hate it there
I didn’t know (about your last point on changing capital)! But yes, this happens often for many capital cities, or big huge cities in general like Milan. I understand Bratislava doesn’t really reflect other parts of Slovakia, but I also think all this negativity towards it (from Slovaks) is a bit too much :)
@@lukaskorcek4453 The level of concentration of economic power and jobs in the capital city is much higher in Slovakia than in really developed countries like for example Germany. In this respect Slovakia is a third world country.
@@robertszelepcsenyi3695 not at all, I'd be very curious where you get these conlusions from. Concluding the centralisation of the country to its capital is an aspect of 3rd world country is completely wrong. I encourage you to do some research on this topic. Greece Slovakia France and Czech Republic aren't really countries I find 3rd world countries. find the statistic "The Capital's Economic Power on statista" ☺☺
Actuall Slovakia is hated by Bratislava people. Rest of Slovakia don´t care for "Blaváci" as they are mostly waste from Slovakia which came to Bratislava.
The biggest problem is that the Slovaks themselves don’t know how good they have it. They think everywhere else is better than here, when it’s completely not true. They need to have better respect for their own country
všetky miesta na svete maju svoje pre aj proti, a slovensko nie je zlé miesto, minimalne z bezpečnostneho hladiska sme na tom lepšie než vačšina europy, ja som tu nadmieru v pohode,
Problem of Slovakia is that we are still language/culturally connected with Czech Republic and they lot of time doing things better, so when people see this comparison wants from politics just do their job and repair there problems or "deficiency". And they almost never doing that.
Usually true, I often hear bad opinions on Slovakia (from Slovaks) 😅
Suhlasim, ze zatial to je na Slovensku relativne ok, no problem je, ze to zacalo mat vyrazne zhorsujuci charakter. Dostat sa k zdravotnej starostlivosti je tazsie ako par rokov dozadu. Vysledky studentov na zakladnych a strednych skolach su kazdym rokom horsie. Stupa kriminalita a hlavne drobne kradeze. A nastalo velmi rapidne zdrazovanie. Neviem kedy sa ten trend otoci, alebo aspon zastavi a ciastocne niektore veci sa uz asi ani nebudu dat napravit, no vyzera to tak, ze sa nam tento rok zije horsie, ako sa nam zilo v 2019tom. Volakedy som tento negativny outlook na buduci vyvoj Slovenska nemal, ale od pandemie sa dost zhorsuje mnoho aspektov zivota na Slovensku. A to este neviem ako sa zije mimo Bratislavy, ale asi to bude este horsie.
you are out of your mind... I moved away like a decade ago and it just keeps going downhill
Enjoy your stay here. I love my country, travelled a lot and only then I could see its beauty and advantages, wonderful nature, climate, geographical location, people, culture, religion....I am so grateful.
You haven’t traveled a lot 😂
@josepfgrant9093 You wish😂
Being born in Bratislava,I agree with many things that you said. I lived in bigger cities like Vienna or Prague and spent quite some time in London, but what I liked the most about Bratislava was the proximity to nature... you really need some 10min and you can be in the forests and go 60-100km in pure nature. What I was always missing were people like you, from other countries and cities of Europe that make the town more livable and interesting. I'm glad that there are young people from Europe who want to move and live in Slovakia, this is helping a lot. I myself have some problems to live there since the biggest problem for me is the Slovak mentality. After living 15Y abroad and returning to Slovakia, even after 3years I still have difficulty to adapt even though I speak the language. But this would be a stuff for a quite long comment :D.
Thank you for the video. Glad to see, that there are other Slovakian vloggers on youtube.
Hope you are enjoying your stay in Slovakia. If you have a good job, life is good here.
Thank you! 😃
Ciao Palmacate, I'm from Slovakia and currently living in England. You are right we are often very critical about our countries. When you live abroad then you realise that Slovakia is not that bad. For example housing is of a good standard comparing to some expensive mouldy flats you get in the UK. And yes salaries are not great but most of Slovaks (80-90%) own their houses so no need to spend 20-30% of their salary on rent or mortgage. Compare to the UK, Slovakia is also much cleaner, safer and you don't see rubbish laying on grass and streets. So what keeps me from going back? Perhaps fear of not finding a job in the field I'm currently working.
I agree 😊 and yes it’s also hard to come back to one’s own country after getting used to living abroad! It’s normal to have this doubt.
I am from England and moved to Slovakia ten years ago. I would say that you are correct, but it really depends what part of England you are talking about because like Slovakia is differs wildly depending on the region. I have been to some places in Slovakia which i would never return to, and others which are not far off paradise. There is one thing that Slovakia has a major downside and that is salary.. Sure the housing and taxes are cheaper here but it is better to earn £3000 per month and have £2500 living expenses than to earn 1000 euro per month and have 700 euro living expenses. That is where Slovakia fails, many people myself included cannot survive on one job and that is not great when you live in a country with so many things to do and spend money on. If you work for a foreign firm and can work remotely here that is the honeypot.
@@200KCycling you are right mate. Apart from thinking about earning £3000 per month in the UK. That's dream salary outside of London. Most of the population 50-70 % in the UK is earning between £1700-£2600 per month after taxes. Wages are the same for past 10-15 years. Cost of living went up. Just council tax for two bedroom flat is £2100 per year. You can come visit and see for yourself.
@@pavolkubecka2698 Ok but even if you earn £2500 per month in the UK it is still better. It is possible to adjust spending, reduce costs and downsize property if possible. In Slovakia there is no opportunity for that. If you are left with 200-300 euro spare and that should cover food, travel and taxes it is not possible unless you rent one room.
@@200KCycling Correct😉Right evaluation💖
I like your objectivity and common sense 👍 i lived in 4 different western european countries and i dont think slovakia is bad at all
It´s not. Slovakia just have treasonous politicians... rectal alpinists willing to appease EU/EC/NATO/USA for all cost for their bloody money.
Yeah country isnt that bad at all, just the mindset of people is sometimes trashy, I recommend to my fellow slovakians travell bit more and then they will definetely value own home more.
Wish you nice stay in Slovakia. 😊
Slovakia mainly Bratislava is such a good place for living people here always talk shit about Slovakia while thinking grass is greener on the other side which is not true at all
but that is due to that they are told to believe such a lies. There are people here that put their own interests above the common good, and that is a problem
All the best to you. I lived 36 years outside of Slovakia and I came back to Slovakia to live again.
Thank you so much for your sharing information
do not listen to those fooled youngsters :) Slovakia is okay :) safe, beautiful and nice poeple
Except that my female friends fear to go home alone, so they rather call a taxi where they were also bit uncomfortable with the driver. I was longboarding ang a gypsy kid tried to kick the board from under my feet her mother was "haha haha". No, thank you.
@@ErikKubica well, this is exactly what youngsters do: vote for progressive idiots that support gypsies and minorities as fuck...And then they cry and cry about how dangerous is Slovakia :) Anyway... How often can people in Slovakia meet a gypsy while longboarding? :)
@@ErikKubica u can encounter situations like that literally anywhere in the world but in comparison to other countries mainly western countries in EU right now Slovakia is very safe
I admire your positivity especially nowadays amongst many Slovaks who have no idea how well they are. They should learn from you ☺☺
Do we?
@@Ajora1 Myslím, že áno - nechcem všetkých hádzať do jedného vreca, ale slovenský prístup je (po väčšine) sťažovať sa, závidieť ostatným a nič neurobiť pre polepšenie vlastnej situácie + som si všimla v poslednej dobe aj slepú nenávisť a ako u nás prevláda. Najhoršia je asi naša negativita (vrátane prílišnej a neproduktívnej sebakritiky) a očakávanie toho najhoršieho - tak si tvoríme našu realitu. Ľudia tu veľmi radi ukazujú prstom na politikov, susedov, hocikoho, len sa nepozrú na seba. Len môj názor - ja sa toto snažím zmeniť - hocijaký je momentálny status quo alebo politický systém - vždy musíme začat od seba. A tiež sme nevďační a úplne sme sa začali odpájať od slovenských a slovanských koreňov - našej krásnej prírody, predkov a tradícií a mám pocit, že najmä mladí Slováci by ich vymenili za západné hodnoty bez mihnutia oka - čo je veľmi smutné a svedčí to o našom úpadku ako národ.
@@zuzanalazarova1018 Podľa odpovede už viem odkiaľ vietor fúka. A rád vám poviem, že patríte podľa postoja práve k dôvodu prečo tu mladež neostáva a nechce zostať. Argumentovať každý bod čo ste napísala by nebol problém ...ale tento akože pro-národný postoj je na smiech. Je to len zlepenina toho čo sa niekomu páči a hodí. Ludia čo si zaslúžili úctu ju dostali, to nefunguje tak, že existujem a som starý, tak mám nárok automaticky na veci. Rovnako tak tradície, história, ochrana prírody ... pekne obrezané tak ako sa to niekomu akurát hodí.
"Len môj názor - ja sa toto snažím zmeniť - hocijaký je momentálny status quo alebo politický systém - vždy musíme začat od seba" - tu s vami plne súhlasím, preto sa mladý človek zoberie, ide študovať a potom preč z krajiny. Začal od seba a ide zmeniť svoju budúcnosť k lepšiemu, napríklad odchodom do krajiny (ten strašne skazený západ), kde sa veci riešia trošku lepšie ako u nás.
Čo tu mladý človek dostane , ak sa rozhodne ostať? ... nič, vyžšie dane, rozkrádanie, zdravotníctvo v troskách, ale hlavne, že bude šťadion v Šamoríne ... atď.
It is nice here, but you have to detach from politics as political representation is in complete subordination to EU and NATO. Actually Slovakia is not independent state since 1.5.2004.
@milangacik994 Now thats some nice bullshit. Volic Smero-Hlasu ci SNS a ine hnoj strany.
good video..subscribed💪
Thank you 😊
People who say that Slovakia is bad and that it is bad to live there have never been anywhere in the world. Of course, it is possible to live better elsewhere, but Slovakia and the Czech Republic, Poland are wonderful for life.
and to top of that, most of the time they are painting Slovakia in black, it is not true. They just see only negatives and not positives here and this is not objective at all. Mostly they are infected with superstitions and evil tongues of those, that are unable to win regular elections here
Costs are growing almost throughout Europe, thanks to the costs of the war in Ukraine. Slovaks like foreigners, except dark ones who do not want to work and just want to support themselves on the social system.. They love Italians, Chinese, Vietnamese, because they are hardworking and decent.
No. The inflation started even before the war in UA and is not matter of only Europe. It's rather because of corona times and central banks "printing" billions of new euros / dollars back then
@@romino29 and truth is that it went worse in Slovakia. It is due to that the prev. gvmt. was unable to compensate firms and individuals on covid and this is the result. Public debt has increased rapidly, not only for they were unable, but also that they put a lot of money for naught. And we do miss that money now. So taxes have to be raised, which raises prices in advance. The situation is bad because Slovaks failed to elect carefully 3 years back. We are just taking the fruits of our mistake
@@janmojzis no, prices risen in advance. Inflation currently is around 2%. Btw. was there another choice 3 years ago ? Only Smer and their promises of the highway to Kosice till 2010 .. .Republika and other pro-russian parties ..
@@romino29 yes, prices risen year in past. We had the highest inflation in the eurozone, highest public debt growth and money gone to naugh. Are you serious and really know details here, or just scamming? "Highway to Kosice" phrase reminds me those of the current opposition parties. Unable to win public elections, only spreadling lies and hate to and fro. Very shameful to them
When You get quality over quantity mindset Slovakian is place to be…The štandard of food is above any westerners expectations ❤
Láska prechádza žalúdkom.
Lepší vrabec v hrsti ako holub na streche.
"Cost of Living in Bratislava is 26.2% lower than in Milan (without rent)
Cost of Living Including Rent in Bratislava is 33.9% lower than in Milan
Rent Prices in Bratislava are 51.0% lower than in Milan
Restaurant Prices in Bratislava are 35.5% lower than in Milan
Groceries Prices in Bratislava are 26.6% lower than in Milan
Local Purchasing Power in Bratislava is 7.3% higher than in Milan"
I guess that there are no African or Middle-Eastern migrants in Bratislava, unlike in Italian cities.
Milan is terrible when it comes to prices, especially for housing like many big cities! Luckily I come from a much smaller city. Of course, the good side of Milan are its endless opportunities. Pros and cons as usual :)
I was in Milan at the summer and I didn't feel like it's much more expensive like in Bratislava. Where I was was aproximetally the same... For example i bot e bottle of mineral water or some soda from automat and I paid less I pay here in Bratislava. 🙂.Rent and flats I don't know the prices but as a tourist to buy things was very similar. Of course depending where you are going in Bratislava and where you are going in Milan 🙂. But One think I knotes the Taxis are in Bratislava deffinetly „cheaper 🙂I was there at the business trip cos we have branch there.
Jesus, that's the most stupid comment ever. 😀 Even if they have hordes or migrants in western europe, it still doesn't change fact that their buying power is much better. And grocery shopping in Czechia and Slovakia is vice versa pretty expensive, electronics is more expensive, cloths are more expensive, price of electricity can be ok one year and 5 times higher another year depending on what German will have bad mood this morning at Frankfurt exchange market. I don't believe that Slovakia or Czechia has better local purchasing power than Italy, average salary in Italy is 2 times higher. Maybe when you compare it specifically with Milan, maybe, it can be extraordinary expensive city.
In Czechia and Slovakia, advantage is that prices in small towns and capital are not that different, grocery shopping is even cheaper in capital because of better competition and you will save a lot of money at traveling around because most of native people have pretty cheap year pass for public transportation, while in a small town or village, a lot of people need a car or they have to rely at expensive trains and buses that don't work after 9PM.
Listen Jesus ,be more positive and realistic 🙂. No doubt that west countries have better GDP per Capita PPP than east . They wasn't occupied and didn't have communists 40 years.We just go step by step and is getting better anyway although it could be always better. .Bratislava region is defacto already in west.The rest of country has some more work do do 🙂.The isté some big investors like volvo and impact we will see in future. U will see ,it will be better. And u forgott to mention that Slovak debt to GDP was 2023 56% and Italy 135 %,Spain 113%,Fr 110 % etc... It is important to be monetarily responsible.Its always nice to live on debts,but somebody has to pay it later on.
@@miropolacek7 you do realise that the debt is growing significantly and there seems to be no way of slowing the growth of debt right now, right? Yes, it's better than Italy currently, but at this rate it is not so long before Slovakia catches up.
Slovakia is super clean, SAFE from crime, more or less prosperous country
Super clean? Now thats a lie. SAFE? depends ... prosperous ...yeah, also not really.
I live in Uk for 14 years in London 10 years , Tunbridge Wells Kent -3 years and Sandown - Isle of Wight for one year …i desided to move back when i was 38 years old from Uk to Košice East of Slovakia and it was the best desition ever!!!…healthy food, friendly people, clean, safe!!! Not like in Uk…i can walk night time everywhere and i feel safe not like in Uk!!!…plus here is freedom you can walk miles in forests, lakes, parks and nothing is private…no cameras stearing on you everywhere etc. you feel free here plus so many thinks to do … better wheather also and the best bread bakery fresh food not Plastic bread and veggie etc. …i love it here ❤❤❤
Friendly people? Where?
Just don´t walk into Luník iX...
Talking about cost of living - it's rising rapidly everywhere after russian invasion in Ukraine. I moved to Nitra, Slovakia last year from Novi Sad, Serbia and it amazes me that Nitra is actually cheaper than Novi Sad, while salaries in Slovakia are much higher than salaries in Serbia. Still I understand that it was much better just several years ago
This is not caused by Russia's "invasion" of Ukraine, it is caused by the collapse of the fascist West, living on debt, after the mortgage crisis, after the senseless Covid totalitarianism, after cutting off Europe from cheap, Russian resources, after the imposition of borderless migration, mindless "green" policies that have made energy too expensive... The stupid West is trying to attribute its failure to Russia. Transnational slave owners are trying to arouse hatred of slaves from all over the world against Russia, so that slaves are willing to fight against Russia, so that slave owners can obtain Russian resources.
I went to Nitra after many years living in western countries with some friends from abroad to show them this “historic” town. I was ashamed to be honest. That city is falling apart and I never realised how ugly the city centre is 😂
@@josepfgrant9093 true, but at least the nature is beautiful here. I think I couldn't live here at all if not Zobor, Kalvaria and Borina :)
cost of living go up one year before invasion and it's connect to printing tons of paper without real value.
@@gramos5700 exactly. The selective memory of some people amazes me
You know something is wrong when you see food cheaper in Venice than in Slovakia. 😅 Including ice cream from stalls. (June this year)
Considering that you mentioned Venice, one of the most expensive cities in Italy (I assume you were in a touristic area), yes, something it’s very wrong 😂
Can you tell me please how could I find a job in Slovakia,what is the easiest way?I was in Bratislava once long time ago and what I saw it was nice...Can you just tell me how to find a job??? Thank you in advance.
Hello dear friend I see your video I am your big fans,when I see you I am very very happy
U are right. I also used to work in Scotland in Edinburg and I came back 🙂. I was there to learn English(very special english is there🙂) to know other country and have experiences. You are right we have to think more positively. My scottish teacher și tald me Bratislava clear.and good public transport. I didn't at all.Know I see she was right. If I found something what is not correct we have odkazstarostovi and there reboot what is needed to repar or change etc...Is good thing. And also the major of our city he speaks Italian and studied in Italy 🙂. When i was complaining about something ehat needed to be repair I whrote him and he realy anwered and try to deal with the problem. But as you said they are always pro and cons. Bratislava Just to be Always Multietnical City on the main historical toads as a suborb of vienne called krasavica na dunaji 🙂.
Nope. It used to be called “Bradavica na Dunaji” or “Tumor on the Danube” for english speakers.
@@josepfgrant9093 be possitive is still getting better. I understand that people from is Slovakia many of them doesn't like Bratislava cos off they are jelius or some king of... I like Bratislava I like east as well 🙂.
Yes. Why don’t you move to Budapest or Prague???
Few friends from Pakistan would like move there and 2 friends which are there love Bratislava and beautiful clean country .
And Budapest has the largest Italian population in Central Europe…. You’d feel so much at home in there …
And the funny stuff is that Hungarian language is very hard to grasp - but all my friends from Italy living in Budapest talk Hungarian without accent… - after a year - ok gramnaticly they do mistakes but their accent is still more Hungarian than that of the Slavic peoples….
As a Bratislava native who has lived in California, Florida, North Carolina, Germany and Australia, I was happy to come back here and raise my children. Now that they are teenagers I am glad my wife and I made this choice. Weather and people could be nicer here, but that’s why Spain and Italy exist for vacations 😂😂😂
Go Kateeeeee
I think everything is relative...
I burned out at my job so I quit. Pack few things and travel far far away…
I spent almost two years in Western Australia but immediately upon my arrival home I noticed this foggy heaviness complaining mentality that I lived (not happily) before and taking that as “normal”.It’s so far from no worries mate always sunshine attitude I experienced Down Under…
I would rather swap especially during autumn and winter season in Slovakia…
I’m missing those white sand beaches pleasant Indian Ocean and those kissy jellyfishes after sundown…
The sun was stolen from my ❤…
We Slovakian fall on the bottom of EN countries what depends on lifestyle. 20 years ago we were on a much better path than now. Education was better, healthcare was better and lifestyle was better. Now people cannot afford to buy for their salary the same things like they used to and I am taking into consideration of inflation. Our government is corrupted and they do nothing for working class, just stealing the money of taxpayers.I am admire you, you can live that long in Slovakia. I personally would rather stay in Italy. Just mine point of view!
Vybrala si si dobre. Krasná země s dobrou vládou. My tady v Čechách máme fialovu ohavnou bandu.
výborná vláda, počkaj na január keď dostaneš facku od reality :D
Dobrou vladou??? Aha @SilvieFicova…
If you look like us, you can feel welcome. If you don't, that's where the problems begin. We distrust people who don't look and dress like us. You better blend in if you want to live here, else look out for lots of trouble.
Please continue with what i eat in a week videos and share with us your workout routine😊
Thank you for your comment! 😊
The real heart of Slovakia is not Bratislava but the High Tatras
Slovaks have issues to being proud of their country mainly because that country could have been much better than it is. And it's being continously exploited in years. It's pretty hard to throw away this frustration. Western countries don't have the best time. But seeing Poland strive and Slovakia falling behind every single country in EU? Painful, and this is not an attack on Poland, it is a nice country.
You don´t live in Slovakia. You live in Bratislava which is country inside a country.
Presne 😂👏🏼
"V Bratislave sa nezije skutocny zivot." 👜
So is London, Berlin, New York, Moscow etc. Anyway, whats so special about Bratislava. I feel there like in any Eastern European small provisional town such as Plovdiv in Bulgaria, Brashov Romania. Even war-torn Belgrade or Sarajevo has better atmosphere than Bratislava.
Yes indeed. Blaváci are Babylon within Slovakia 🤣
Slovakia is transforming into Soviet Union now :-D
Poor attempt for a joke. Well, we all do what our IQ allows.
as a conservative christian i wouldnt want to live anywhere else. the values are still so good here. free speech, traditional families etc.
ja som iba prisiel na komenty od slovakov hovoriacich po anglicky LOL
dont move to slovakia our goverment raised VAT everything will be more expensive
And you should get out too.
As slovak that lives in isolated town i can say bratislava is just modern town nothing intereting only 1 castle and some small old buildings but nothing else its modern compared to budapest but has no culture and its just boring, i would prefer nitra as our capital since its our oldest town and our ancestors started to build it during samo empire and has very long history from principality of nitra to being centre in great moravia and it lasted as state for around 442 years until hungarians defeated duchy of nitra in 1100
living in nitra 9 years, very nice comfy city, but very expensive.
@@ErikKubica yeah but if goverment tried invest in it and make it new capital it could be very good historic capital and cheaper. Bratislava has nothing interesting there and its not even safe like it was before I just call it temu slovak dubai
@@Retmok I agree, I find Bratislava boring as well. That's why I never moved there.
I will be honest. Slovakia have no future! Almost no economical progress, high prices of everything, bad maybe one from the worst governments in Europe, problematic transportation, education, healthcare etc. I Am Slovak itself but every other country around is so much better. Czech Republic is pretty similar as Slovakia but in every single aspect better and working. I Am now still living in Slovakia unfortunately, but really soon I will move to Czech Republic.
Every Slovak I know lives here in Prague- the 3rd largest Slovak city...
To není zrovna moudrý plán. Chce jít trochu do hloubky. Česko je ztraceno, po mastném fialovi přijde zase babiš, nevím, jaké štěstí tu chcete hledat. Já naopak lituji, že jsem se neodstěhovala na Slovensko.
one biggest negative as a slovak - Robert Fico :D
Fico, Pellegrini, Kaliňák, Matovič, Heger, Naď, Šimečka, Čaputová, Kiska, Sulík, Kollár, Danko, Dzurinda, Radičová, Mečiar, Huliak, Ľupták, Beňová, Neveďalová, Remišová, Cigániková, Nicholsonová, Kolíková, Biháriová... = vrahovia Slovenska. Kto z politikov, ktorí nám sem boli nastrčení do vlád, nebol vlastizradcom, veľkým negatívom pre Slovákov?
Fico je najlepší politik na slovensku!
@@Athlex69 Najlepší pre globalistických, progresívnych úchylákov, narkomanov, dílerov, zlodejov, otrokárov, jeho mafiánskych komplicov... Kto je progresívnejší než SMER "Tretej cesty", zvrátenej, neomarxistickej, "Frankfurtskej školy"?
Len pre pripomenutie: Fico (Pellegriniho šéf, a komplic) básnil v Davose, ako chce na Slovensko dovliecť minimálne 100 000 migrantov, a k nim cudzích otrokárov, z ktorých tu chce urobiť občanov vyššej kategórie, odmietol, (aj to len slovne,) len NELEGÁLNU migráciu, ale robí všetko pre to, aby každá migrácia bola legálna, schválil Grean Deal, nedávno aj digitálne euro, pripravil okupačnú zmluvu, ktorú pred voľbami sľúbil upraviť tak, že bude výhodná pre Slovensko, čo okamžite po voľbách odmietol, pred voľbami tiež sľuboval, že nedovolí daľšie rozširovanie NATO, a pri 1. príležitosti schválil rozšírenie NATO o Švédsko, a Fínsko, jeho kandidátom na prezidenta bol vlastizradca Šefčovič, jeho jedničkou kandidátky do Európskeho parlamentu bola opäť progresívna vlastizradkyňa Beňová, za každú cenu nás ťahal do jadra EU, schválil sankcie proti Rusku, ktoré poškodzujú slovenskú ekonomiku, vyškerený s Jaceňukom spustil reverzný tok plynu na Ukrajinu, a pripravil SR o zisky z tranzitných poplatkov, miliardami zadĺžil Slovensko keď schválil fašistickej ríši EU vojenskú pomoc Ukrajine, chce prijať Ukrajinu do EU, chce vytvorenie európskej armády, ktorá vznikne premenovaním NATO, za štâtne peniaze dotuje SÚKROMNÉ zbrojovky, vyzbrojujúce Ukrajinu, chce minimálne vo výške 3% z HDP, kúpil od amíkov stíhačky, aby Naď mohol poslať na Ukrajinu tie naše, po voľbách urobil ďalší kšeft amíkom, keď prikúpil od nich ďalšie stíhačky, jeho ministerka zdravotníctva Andrea Kálavská pretláčala (dokonca do Ústavy) povinné očkovanie, a chcela zakázať neočkovaným deťom vstup do škôlok, dokonca v čase, keď kovid ešte neexistoval, dal Mikasovi miesto trestu zlatý padák, progresívcom prakticky legalizoval drogy, detskú pornografiu, zlodejom, aj svojej skorumpovanej mafii znížil tresty, a premlčacie doby, s HaRabínom, (dvorným právnikom SMERáckej mafie,) schválil Lisabonskú zmluvu, ktorá obrala SR o suverenitu, a ktorá umožnila rozhodovať ríši aj o migračnej politike za Slovensko bez práva veta, vyhlásili, že nechcú vystúpiť z EU, a z NATO, vyzývali na dodržiavanie ich zmluv, HaRabín za Ficovej vlády zaviedol, a sprísnil náhubkové zákony, na základe ktorých SMERácka, vlastizradná mafia prenasledovala skutočných vlastencov, národovcov, vystupujúcich proti EU, NATO... Fico sa chválil, že vďaka nemu máme v Ústave definíciu manželstva, ako zväzku jedného muža, a jednej ženy, (čo bráni prijatiu Istanbulského dohovoru,) no bol to práve on, kto odmietal pridať tú definíciu do Ústavy, robil obštrukcie, a svoju podporu tej definícii nakoniec vymenil za zákon o sudcoch z jeho dielne. HaRabín obhajoval konanie ožratého ZapreDanka, keď zdemoloval semafór, len aby podporil vládu svojho globalistického, progresívneho, proríšskeho, mafiánskeho SMERu. (Kto sa aspoň trocha zaujíma o politiku, vie, kto je Pellegrini, ako, za akých okolností, prečo vznikol jeho teplý HLAS...) SMERoHLAS (aj s celou SNS) schválil dokonca aj spoločný, vzdušný priestor s Ukrajinou, teda prakticky aj prelet US síhačiek NATO cez Slovensko nad Ukrajinu, (čiže ešte horšie, než keď kedysi schválil potkan Dzurinda prelet stíhačiek cez Slovensko nad Juhosláviu.) Schválil aj európsku, strategickú, dopravnú sieť, aj na rýchlu prepravu zbraní, vojenského materiálu, a vojenského personálu aj cez územie Slovenska na Ukrajinu, a s tým, že SR stratí právo o tej preprave cez územie SR rozhodovať, alebo ju zdržiavať... Jeho vláda schválila zvýšenie daní, cien energií, znížila príspevky na deti..., no sebe zvýšila platy, Ficovi schválila doživotnú rentu, členov bývalej vlády nevyšetruje, netrestá, ale ďalej vypláca ťažké prachy tým, ktorým ich bývalá vláda sľúbila, dovoľuje jej naďalej robiť špinavé kšefty, sama jej dohadzuje nové kšefty, a sama naďalej kradne, súkromným médiám dala milióny eur, ťahá sem baterkáreň proti vôli občanov, podpísala Pakt pre budúcnosť, otvorene sa (aj vo svojom programovom vyhlásení) hlási k poslušnosti k Západu, ku agende 2030, ku Green dealu..., naďalej vo veľkom nakupuje vakcíny proti neexistujúcim vírusom, jej minister školstva podporuje dúhovú ideológiu na školách... Za Fica sa ešte urýchlilo schvalovanie toho, čo sa predošlá vláda bála schváliť.
1987 vstúpil do KSS.
1992 sa stal poslancom za SDĽ, vzniknutej premenovaním KSS.
Do 2006 bol poslancom NRSR.
2006 - 2010, a 2012 - 2018 bol predsedom vlády.
V rokoch 1994 - 2005 pôsobil v Parlamentnom zhromaždení Rady Európy.
Vždy, a za každú cenu nás ťahal do JADRA EU. On je z tých, ktorí sa infiltrovali do komunistickej strany, a rozložili ju z vnútra, aby tu zaviedli tento progresívny globalistický, otrokársky fašizmus.
@@Athlex69 a s Orbánom najlepší v EU.
But is him really Slovak? If you look at many of his buddies they are members of race which cannot be criticized... And that are like ones who created mayhem in Russia since 1918...
Robert Fico, Ľuboš Blaha, Marian Kotleba, Martina Šimkovičová, Tomáš Taraba, Zuzana Dolinková
Najlepší poilitici na Slovensku!
@@Athlex69 Ktorý SMERácky, progresívny potkan mi tu maže komentáre??? Dokonca ma tu nahlasuje, a RUclips sa mi už začal vyhrážať, že ma zablokuje.
@@Athlex69 Hlavne DOlinková... 🤣
One of reasons to move to slovakia is public transport. Ok cool, but where it isn't? Just look nearby.. Vienna, Prague, Brno, Budapest. All reasons you mentioned suits many surrounding counties.
If you compare Slovakia and Czechia, why did you choose Slovakia?
because your country is cooked?
Slovakia is bad because of our politicians, Bratislava is not, because wages are higher 😂😂😂
Rozdiel je aj v tom kym cudzinec si pride po par rokoch odrobenych doma na lepsiu poziciu do zahranicia celkom slusne platenu v porovnani ako by bol doma menej eur ale zas ho to menej stoji nema take vydavky a na druhej strane ziskava prax ktoru by doma mozno nemal dostat az v neskorsom veku ked sa vracaju aj domov ...rozdiel je ten ze oni idu na juniorske seniorské manazerske a ine pozicie vo firmach kedze vacsina su zo zapadu a nasinec startuje zdola od piky alebo vobec nemusi mat tak zaruceny postup nahor ako maju tito cudzinci co sem pridu pracovat alebo ti na vsetko treba tituly a neviem co...takze hodnotit zivot tu je trosku nekorektne
We are a democratic country. Politicians just represent the people who voted for them in democratic elections and put them in power 😂.
@josepfgrant9093 volby su hlavne fraska asi tolko k tomu ze demokraticke...asi aj ako amerika ma daleko lepsich ludi na celo ako deduskov ktorych dohadzuju uz ine kapacity
@@mikidobry156 To je pravde. Pred rokmi som robil vo firme, kde bola moja šéfka - technické riaditeľka, predchádzajúca sekretárka riaditeľa jednej nemenovanej energetickej firmy vo Francúzsku. Nosila na chrbte batoh s Mikimauzom a tak sa bála komunikovať s okolím, že si v open office nechala vybudovať sklenenú búdku...
So you did not actually move to Slovakia, but to Bratislava. Bratislava is overpriced commuter´s bigger village - sorry but it´s nothing more. Moreover it´s hated by most of Slovaks. "City" with the biggest economic power in country - created by political decisions totally omitting rest of Slovakia. Maybe that´s why every single weekend Bratislava become empty city with no more than 100t people who have no place to run. BTW do you know that in 90´s (when we separated from Prague) there were serious discussions to move capitol from Bratislava to Banská Bystrica - very different city?
your negativ comment about capital city can be just copy-paste to almost every video about every capital city. the same opinion from people from other parts of country is about Praha, Vienna, Budapest, London, Madrid even New York… they all say there is not real life in capital and other parts of country hate it there
I didn’t know (about your last point on changing capital)!
But yes, this happens often for many capital cities, or big huge cities in general like Milan. I understand Bratislava doesn’t really reflect other parts of Slovakia, but I also think all this negativity towards it (from Slovaks) is a bit too much :)
@@lukaskorcek4453 The level of concentration of economic power and jobs in the capital city is much higher in Slovakia than in really developed countries like for example Germany. In this respect Slovakia is a third world country.
@@robertszelepcsenyi3695 not at all, I'd be very curious where you get these conlusions from. Concluding the centralisation of the country to its capital is an aspect of 3rd world country is completely wrong. I encourage you to do some research on this topic. Greece Slovakia France and Czech Republic aren't really countries I find 3rd world countries. find the statistic "The Capital's Economic Power on statista" ☺☺
Actuall Slovakia is hated by Bratislava people. Rest of Slovakia don´t care for "Blaváci" as they are mostly waste from Slovakia which came to Bratislava.
Rýchlo uteč!
Please run away from this country! I would move to Italy anytime if I had no family here. This cointry is a mess.
A stupid person can go anywhere, but he won't have a good time anyway, because he doesn't know anything.
Yes it is horrible. No possitive sides.
I think because you hate yourself....
go spread hate elsewhere Šakal Lájosz