How 2 Cybergrind (ULTRAKILL guide)

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 622

  • @CrayfishLord
    @CrayfishLord 2 года назад +2013

    The best way to kill a swordsmachine is forget he's there until the better enemies are dead and slowly punch him to death afterwards because he can't do anything about it

    • @skeleblood
      @skeleblood  2 года назад +369

      Most accurate comment I’ve seen yet

    • @Artameful
      @Artameful Год назад +55

      @@skeleblood or Maurice them all

    • @elynolamat674
      @elynolamat674 Год назад +62

      use him as a moving saw trap

    • @theoverseer1775
      @theoverseer1775 Год назад +26

      Yeah, it's really sad that the enemy version doesn't get rage when parried, that just makes it such a pushover

    • @theoverseer1775
      @theoverseer1775 Год назад +12

      @@skeleblood your pfp is pretty much the response to this comment

  • @aunnamedinternetuser9362
    @aunnamedinternetuser9362 2 года назад +1780

    23:46 "Stay on high ground and in open spaces when facing malicous faces" BARS 🥶🥶

  • @fumoaddict3526
    @fumoaddict3526 2 года назад +419

    some notes about whiplash (one of the most useful tools in cybergrind imo)
    1. whiplash has aim assist. just throw it in the general vicinity of an enemy and it'll connect.
    2. holding the whiplash button for longer extends its range, and whiplash won't start pulling until the button is released.
    3. punching, jumping, or whiplashing while grappling will cancel the grapple while preserving momentum. Useful if you've hooked an enemy and realize you don't actually want to go there. You can also chain whiplash jumps on light enemies to stay airborne.
    4. Dashing while whiplashing does NOT cancel whiplash. Useful if you want to get out of the way of incoming projectiles without cancelling the grapple
    5. Whiplashing into a maurice and shooting it twice with shotgun + red fist punch kills it extremely quickly + heals you for a ton + is likely to cause collateral damage from the falling head. An enraged malicious face dies in one shotgun blast + punch.
    6. Whiplashing into a mind flayer right as they use the homing attack will make the homing balls miss (initially, at least)
    7. (not about whiplash) like all explosions, knuckleblaster's explosion reflects projectiles, INCLUDING YOUR OWN, so if you fire your shotgun at the same time as a point blank knuckle blast, your shotgun will do 0 damage. This is why malicious faces sometimes survive getting shotgun swap + KB'd - just don't knuckleblast or time the blast so it doesn't come out at the same time as the 2nd shotgun blast.
    8. DASH STORAGE: Dashing, then quickly sliding before your dash i-frames run out, will make you invincible for the duration of the slide. You can find a safe spot on the edge of the arena to land, do a dash-stored slide across the whole arena, overpump blast, fall off, and rocket ride back up to repeat as many times as needed. AzrilAdni's video of them making it to wave 180+ features this a lot; using this will vaporize ground enemies and cause a fair bit of collateral damage to mindflayers and malicious face while maxing your style and healing you to full.

    • @SenyiKimmo
      @SenyiKimmo 2 года назад +6

      in fact don't use the blast of the knuckleblast at all vs maurice cuz maurice is fully immune to explosives

    • @kevynpacthatguythatdraws
      @kevynpacthatguythatdraws 2 года назад +5

      everytime i whiplash a maurice with the shotgun i always get them 1 shot with the shotgun knuckle blaster combo (no parry). another thing to note about the whiplash is that you can grapple your core ejects and rockets but i don't see much use for that. (also knuckleblaster fact: you cancel the swing speed with whiplash or swapping fists this also counts for the reload)

    • @SenyiKimmo
      @SenyiKimmo 2 года назад +4

      @@kevynpacthatguythatdraws whiplashing core is obnoxious and kinda pointless but whiplashing rockets is actually kinda pog since whiplashed rockets travel way faster than vanilla rockets
      just don't forget to hold it down so you don't accidentally reel it back in
      also it makes for one of the more consistent quickmounts if you aim down and snag a rocket

    • @kevynpacthatguythatdraws
      @kevynpacthatguythatdraws 2 года назад

      @@SenyiKimmo another thing about rocket riding is that you can actually ride one without stopping time, but thats literally just almost impossible and i usually just do it accidently, most consistent way to do it was shooting the rocket at the same time as you slam but still really useless

    • @SenyiKimmo
      @SenyiKimmo 2 года назад

      @@kevynpacthatguythatdraws recent hotfix changed it so that vanilla rockets can never be mounted, they have to be frozen or lashed first

  • @theoverseer1775
    @theoverseer1775 Год назад +70

    The reason you find masses so difficult to kill is because you neglect the nailgun (more specifically, the sawblade). Putting a magnet on the stomach of the mass and then spamming the 10 sawblades makes them be in the perfect position to all hit the mass's tail. This will install it in a few seconds and you can just walk away after shooting them.

    • @peterpeladon
      @peterpeladon 4 месяца назад +3

      Even magnet + regular nailgun dices a hideous mass in well under 10 seconds and usually heals you a ton.

  • @Draycos324
    @Draycos324 2 года назад +253

    If you get harpooned by a Hideous Mass, you can look down and punch it with the Knuckleblaster to remove it more quickly.
    Overheat Saw can chunk them with good magnet placement if they’re out in the open (screw the one that spawns by some stairs).

    • @skeleblood
      @skeleblood  2 года назад +73

      Didn’t know you could punch harpoon and wish I knew sooner

    • @Draycos324
      @Draycos324 2 года назад +24

      yeah, they’re still scary to leave alive because of how much they constrain your movement with those fat shockwaves and 50dmg mortars, but they stopped being what directly ends my runs after I learned you could KB the harpoon. I usually just choke when dealing with multiple Mindflayers/Sisypheans at once since I don’t enjoy fighting offstage

    • @SenyiKimmo
      @SenyiKimmo 2 года назад +11

      @@Draycos324 also slam storage is pretty funny for dealing wiht hideous mass if you can't land an instakill for some reason, since most of their attacks- scratch that, ALL of their attacks can be easily dodged by lazily drifting through the sky

    • @Draycos324
      @Draycos324 2 года назад +2

      yes, slam storage is strong in CG in general, even after the introduction of sentries/virtues/ferrymen

    • @gnomehead2073
      @gnomehead2073 2 года назад

      if you put the magnet on their chest it will spin the sawblades into their tail and instakill.

  • @cintranielli_lime5889
    @cintranielli_lime5889 2 года назад +44

    As a Stock Nailgun kon-o-sooer, i'd say that it is not a trash weapon and it is actually freaking good for covering your **midrange**. To any Sawlauncher enjoyers reading this copium-ridden commenter's rebuttal, I will have to apologize in advance as I don't use it and would have to leave that job to someone else.
    Yes, shotgun swapping has much higher dps and whiplashing to enemies makes it significantly easier. The main weakness it has is that you are functionally confined in a small area when doing this to larger enemies, particularly the ones that stand still. The stock nailguns cover this weakness by giving you a larger area to work with to keep shooting while moving and dodging away from projectile spam which is way more prominent in higher waves.
    Virtues are also way less cancerous to take out with the nailguns compared to peppering them with your revolvers, whiplashing to them with shotgun swaps or overpumps, or just seeing them line up for the perfect railcannon shot.
    Virtues take extra damage from nails and can be combined with magnets so that you don't waste damage with the nails and/or you can stockpile frozen rockets on the damn thing to home into it as you move on to the next virtue.
    The nailguns don't do a lot of damage and are generally mid for taking out groups, but they recover freshness for your other weapons FAST, so that those freshened weapons can take out the groups for you. This makes it easier to achieve S+ style ranks as you wittle down the enemies with the nails (or any other weapons) and finish them off with your railcannons and shotguns as the style meter rewards more style with kills than the damage you dealt. (It is why nukes can still make you jump up to S rank or higher even when it gets dulled after the fact.)
    The fact that you didn't even mention overheat cycling circumventing the ammo issue entirely since the green nailgun's ammo is technically infinite, or even the magnets' synergy with the rocket launcher shows how much you are gimping yourself by sleeping on the nailgun.
    I know i am kind of not in the position to say this as i average low 40s and only recently *reached* wave 50, but y'all really should use the nailguns more or I will take all your mothers out to dinner and commit Spy Team Fortress 2 with just my fingers.

    • @skeleblood
      @skeleblood  2 года назад +11

      Good points, didn’t know about the increased damage to virtues and after testing, it is technically faster than shotgun swaps due to their knock back unless you land a parry, also didn’t know overheat cycling so thanks for the info!

    • @TheNameIsNobody
      @TheNameIsNobody Год назад +1

      I use the Nailgun because I don't know how to get the saw gun and I use it mainly on Maurices because it shreds them and the alt variation does a lot of damage in close range to big ones. It's not as useless as it seems, maybe it's just not as good.

    • @42carlos
      @42carlos Год назад +1

      Sawgun still better lol
      I use sawgun like 80% of the time because of the traps that just destroy half the ground enemies, and switch to an overheat nailgun because for some reason the sawgun charges the overheat for it lol

    • @randompurpleslime8963
      @randompurpleslime8963 Год назад

      Personally as a saw user while I have seen the potential of the nails my adhd brain requires dopamine and heals

    • @cyanideytcuriousseadoggo
      @cyanideytcuriousseadoggo 5 месяцев назад

      The nails should be used to murk heavy threats?

  • @EreNyn3
    @EreNyn3 2 года назад +117

    Before I knew it, the lecture was over. Extremely entertaining and informative video dude; this’ll be one of my go to recommendations for newer players. It's awesome that I still manage to learn some juicy bits of info with guides like yours.

  • @johnadams9486
    @johnadams9486 2 года назад +18

    The real way to get to wave fifty is to make a custom layout with no enemies and play that on repeat

  • @SenyiKimmo
    @SenyiKimmo 2 года назад +48

    for nailgun i usually run blue nail / green saw, since blue nail is surprisingly useful in taking out virtues (and specifically virtues), and with a hotswap, you can set up an overheat saw trap in under a second which fits the bursty nature of the game
    screwdriver is also surprisingly good in cybergrind due to cybergrind counteracting screw's main weakness: lack of thicc bois to screw with it. it can save you in a pinch due to the ridiculous healing radius it has, and if you play CG at all you know the amount of cerberus and swordsmachine in higher levels gets fucking ridiculous

    • @redactedgamersgd1788
      @redactedgamersgd1788 2 года назад

      funny i've ran the polar opposite the green nailgun and blue saw launcher as i believe its pretty effective to make one cerb into a walking sawblade trap to either lure them to kill masses or make killing other cerbs easier

    • @Canalbiruta
      @Canalbiruta 2 года назад +2

      also a thing that i find interesting of the blue variant is that the magnet can also be used to direct rockets towards it if it is pinned to an enemy (usefull to deal with hideos mass while not having railcanon), saldy it got nerfed for only 3 rockets T.T (to be honest that was pretty strong)

    • @robothecoolguy
      @robothecoolguy 2 года назад +10

      Blue saw green nail 4 life

    • @Canalbiruta
      @Canalbiruta 2 года назад +1

      @@robothecoolguy i used to play like that, but i noticed i was using blue saw even less than nail.

    • @redactedgamersgd1788
      @redactedgamersgd1788 2 года назад +1

      i think you should start using those because the amount of easy crowd control you can do with it, specially on 4-1/4-3 secret/5-3 when theres a dual wield upgrade

  • @adarte
    @adarte 2 года назад +13

    this is a certified cybergrind classic

  • @Spirererer
    @Spirererer Год назад +1

    Did anyone else sit through that entire 2 and a half minute intro because the gameplay was so good

  • @extrascript6622
    @extrascript6622 2 года назад +5

    this was actually a really good tutorial, and the production value was WAY higher than i expected
    props, man, you deserve more subs

  • @lassebq1
    @lassebq1 10 месяцев назад +1

    I was hard stuck at wave 30, after learning the "more style = less hard damage" I immediately changed my strats and I was easily able to get wave 33 on the next attempt. Thank you skeleblood

  • @ericantonian4926
    @ericantonian4926 2 года назад +10

    I think green railgun is still good for hideous mass and mindflayer on some really rough waves. Being able to easily take one out without needing good setups or to wait for a certain attack can be helpful.

    • @grimgrahamch.4157
      @grimgrahamch.4157 Год назад

      Exactly. I think the benefit of the nailgun is its simplicity. Same goes with the screwdriver tbh. Plus, conduction damage is a nice bonus to railcoining.

  • @SarisWinterwisp
    @SarisWinterwisp Год назад +2

    In my personal experience the mindflayer is easily the most dangerous if not handled, as someone who only gets to rank 25 consistently.
    The combination of indefinitely breathing down your throat (putting the virtues to shame), staying out of sight through teleporting requiring constant camera panning and reassessment, and huge health bar make them incredibly difficult to track, remove, or escape.
    Virtues though obnoxious are incredibly fragile, and the HiMs can be ignored through kiting. The mere presence of a mindflayer and trying to keep it downsight is enough to cause numerous problems.

  • @Micha-Hil
    @Micha-Hil 2 года назад +2

    how to kill the hideous mass fast
    1: get up close
    2: shotgun swap and keep punching it with the knuckleblaster
    if you need style do core > pump > rocket launcher > repeat

  • @AcceptableAsGenerallyDecent
    @AcceptableAsGenerallyDecent 2 года назад +2

    Average nailgun enjoyer here with top ten reasons to use nailgun!
    Reason one: it shoots nails which is cool

  • @neurosae
    @neurosae Год назад +1

    One thing you forgot: Ferrymen, in addition to being glorified swordsmachines, kinda just die. If you go anywhere near the edge of the arena, they just roll off. And if that somehow doesn't happen, Maurice them. Basically, I just hear the bells then watch a blue corpse fall off the arena.

  • @Salemander5000
    @Salemander5000 Год назад +2

    I use slab with the marksman, and I'm very much enjoying my stay at this asylum.

  • @everything-narrative
    @everything-narrative 2 года назад +1

    The sawblade launcher is absolute godlike area denial. Slap it down somewhere flat, spend two and a half seconds laying down blades and an overheat, now watch street cleaners, cerbs, and swordsmachines walk to their doom.

  • @frobud
    @frobud 2 года назад +2

    I have now learned how to officially cybergrind

  • @Mister_Doodles
    @Mister_Doodles Год назад

    The editing in this made an educational video simultaneously entertaining. Incredible job, honestly bravo

  • @Rodrigo-kq3js
    @Rodrigo-kq3js Год назад +1

    you can toss coins with the normal marksman and then hit them with the slav piercer

  • @somniad
    @somniad Год назад +2

    I definitely think the nailgun is great at single-target (magnet, fire for a bit, switch, dump an overheat railgun, repeat, railcoin is enough to consistently P-rank the first V2 fight very rapidly!), but needs some way to be more useful outside of single-target situations.

    • @grimgrahamch.4157
      @grimgrahamch.4157 Год назад

      Well by default it melts husks, but that's not something to worry about later in the grind. Personally I use the magnet saw launcher to set up an AoE zone for taking out melee enemies while I focus on bigger things. It only takes one magnet too so you can use the others for focus firing.

  • @blenderguy5659
    @blenderguy5659 Год назад +1

    You forgot to say that you can disconnect the hook of the hideous mass by looking down and using the knucleblaster.

  • @thepotatotaxi2430
    @thepotatotaxi2430 2 года назад +1


  • @lilith282
    @lilith282 Год назад

    the overheat nailgun can be used with a thing called "overheat storage", if you shoot one nail with the blue one, it insta charges the green one, and if you use the overheat and swap back to the blue one and back to the green, it goes back to full and you can continue to chain these to keep the overheat theoretically forever

  • @drawndreary
    @drawndreary Год назад

    My personal cybergrind tier list based on yours (will not mention any that stay in the same tier):
    Soldier: Threatening. The spread of bullets can sometimes catch you off guard when dodging around stronger enemies.
    Sentry and Idol: Run ender for the same reason. Puts so much pressure on trying to take them out immediately that sometimes a pesky mindflayer or insurrectionist can game end me.
    Hideous Mass: Threatening, teetering on the edge of ignore: it’s whole thing is making sure you keep moving, which I have no difficulty with. I just keep track of where the mortar projectiles are in the sky, and I’m fine.
    Ferryman: Threatening. Stronger Sword Machine.
    Malicious Face: Ignore. Honestly, whenever I see them start the laser attack, that’s the only time I focus on them just to style on the funny rock
    The Sand Mfers: Run Ender or Ultrakill Must Die. The amount of times they’ve sanded almost all of the strongest enemies leaving me with next to no health available is uncountable. They’re way too damn sneaky
    In conclusion: why did I do this? Why the fuck not

    • @randompurpleslime8963
      @randompurpleslime8963 Год назад

      Maurice are just my grapple hooks that occasionally give me heals
      Personally I just rail coin the fuck out of the hideous mass I just hate there shockwaves and if I ever get hit by a hook it's a run Ender for me

  • @Balagnugnes
    @Balagnugnes 8 месяцев назад

    Even though theres been like a thousand updates since this video comes out most things you covered here are still incredibly valid
    Really shows how well made this was although i'd really suggest making a revamped video covering radiance and the violence enemies alongside the new weapons

  • @Official_SteamPUNKS
    @Official_SteamPUNKS Год назад

    I love how maurice makes a good transition to another clip simply by whiplashing and standing on him

  • @blujay-xyz
    @blujay-xyz 2 года назад +1

    11:35 "hold up pause" had me rolling

  • @morinor1340
    @morinor1340 Год назад

    The nailguns main purpose is increasing your damage by what i'd call 'storing damage'.
    You shoot the enemy while you shoot the enemy.
    its not meant to be shot at enemies while you use high-damage combos, but whenever you're not doing those, you put some magnetic ouch (that also refreshes your style meter very effectively!) somewhere - and that's how you maximize your dmg potential.

  • @hyjaxxi
    @hyjaxxi Год назад

    I completely negated rocket riding considering I was too wuss to try it. I'm still trying to get familiar with playing Melee Jigglypuff in Ultrakill, but using the rocket to get breathing room by going to the other side is such a good tactic. Thanks for the tips.

    • @randompurpleslime8963
      @randompurpleslime8963 Год назад

      If u struggle with rocket riding try jumping off the arena shoot a rocket down and whiplash it once. Whiplash pull up so u don't just ride into the void
      Also this only works if u are falling If you are not falling then the whiplahsed rocket with just explode on u

  • @weirdibibfishiplop3644
    @weirdibibfishiplop3644 Год назад

    if you look down and knuckle punch after being hooked, hideous mass becomes a pushover

  • @thatlittlemonstrosity
    @thatlittlemonstrosity Год назад +1

    Nailgun is a nice addition for me. Yes shotgun can do a lot of what nailgun can but if I’m a bit out of reach and have no style to back up my whiplash, I leave a magnet on any tanky enemy, do a quick overheat and get back into action. Also it’s great for taking out hideous mass if you have no railgun since the tail is the weak spot and easiest way of dealing a lot of damage there is throw a magnet and shoot few nails with one or two overheats. Overall, nailgun actually needs a rework, maybe faster firing speed to catch up with other damage dealers or at least not staying too much in the screen

  • @grimgrahamch.4157
    @grimgrahamch.4157 Год назад

    This was VERY insightful, though I'm shocked by how quickly you dismiss the nailgun and screwdriver. For one thing both the screwdriver and saw blade variant are capable of doing what I call (passive) damage. Meaning fire and forget. The screwdriver in particular deals the most consistent damage of all the 3 rail cannons without applying railcoining or core nuking. Speaking of core nuking may be a better AoE, but it's also less reliable as there are a number of factors that could go wrong.
    Going back to passive damage for a moment, the magnet saw blade has become the most efficient and easy way I've found to deal with hideous masses as their size insures the blades always hit them exclusively, and after firing them, you can blast them with the overheat nailgun to make sure they're dead. This also leave the railcoining open for a second mass.
    Besides this there's also the counter to the mind flayer teleport another comment mentioned and nail magnets make rockets homing when they hit an enemy.

  • @hydroks902
    @hydroks902 2 года назад +2

    God bless the algorithm, nice video!

  • @Matthew-uv4fq
    @Matthew-uv4fq Год назад

    My favorite combo is to slam store into the stratosphere, spin around, throw coins, shoot them, and dash while blasting the ground with pro boost, rail cannon, etc

  • @Busttigre-rp6ot
    @Busttigre-rp6ot 8 месяцев назад

    The green railcannon is good to deal with mindflyers because it stops them from teleporting

  • @tinytank1038
    @tinytank1038 Год назад +1

    Recommended custom music for cybergrind: most of the pd2 assault tracks

  • @femmesammy8768
    @femmesammy8768 9 месяцев назад

    Personally I pair alternate with sharpshooter. Sharpshooter isn't that useful in cybergrind but by giving it the alternate fire, you do give it a use which will help you out in the long-run especially when it comes to getting style points.
    Also, sharpshooter alternate deals HEAVY damage and pierces better than the piercer

  • @anasain6590
    @anasain6590 10 месяцев назад

    14:05 on the cybergrind the screwdriver isn't always optimal but does have some niche uses on the mass and mindflayer. In the standard game the screwdriver is great for bosses like Minos Prime, Gabriel (more so the second one), and the leviathan because being close to a screwdrivered enemy deals blood and regens your hp which is great for bosses you get pretty close to like Minos Prime.

  • @dexty112
    @dexty112 Год назад

    my go-to hideous mass strat is always railcoin the first one (finish it with peircer if u fuck up the railcoin) and then throw a full sawtrap + overheat on the ground under the other one. all maps it spawns on have the space for this (even *that* one, although it is the hardest cus of the walls). then just add some damage to finish it off with whatever seems like the best option in that moment, usually shotgun punch the tail if its still standing up. this is pretty consistent for me, there might be faster strats but this is definitely one of the safest imo.

    • @dexty112
      @dexty112 Год назад

      sawblade is actually useful in many other cases too. its easy to just set up a full saw trap on the edge of the map and let things walk into it while hiding on the wall or rocket riding away. the only threat in that position is a mindflayer which should be dealt with by that point anyway. overall its easy damage and style especially if you use two magnets for the bipolar style bonus.

  • @Iron-Griffon
    @Iron-Griffon Год назад

    I can watch this 100 times. My ass is going flying off the edge.

  • @ikcikor3670
    @ikcikor3670 2 года назад

    1) You can whiplash a small enemy right before shooting it with a rocket to guarantee the red explosion without having to worry about timing it with the enemy falling down
    2) You can throw a coin behind an enemy such as Cerberus, shoot it via blue railcannon and then instantly throw another coin and it will still connect to the shot bouncing off of the 1st coin because of the slowdown. It requires less setup than throwing two coins first and is more reliable I believe, if you have the timing right you don't need to aim the 2nd coin at all
    3) Soldiers aren't immune to explosives when they're mid-air, not sure about the red explosions part but I believe they normally still block them or reduce damage they take from them

    • @aidenpersohn4212
      @aidenpersohn4212 Год назад

      I do same thing with the smalll enemy's so I don't have to do a nuke

  • @the_real_boogeyman
    @the_real_boogeyman Год назад

    "the mind flayer is basically just a Dragon Ball Z character"
    Minos Prime: am I a joke to you?

  • @Mapplesproductions
    @Mapplesproductions 2 года назад

    I use the sawblade to take out hideous masses because you can put a magnet in his stomach and fire a bunch of saws at him, hurting his tail

  • @serbianspaceforce6873
    @serbianspaceforce6873 2 года назад

    screwdriver good because slapping the screw between big enemies makes me feel cool

  • @reccatimes2
    @reccatimes2 2 года назад

    Fantastic guide. Exactly what I have been hoping to see.

  • @dekokiri9961
    @dekokiri9961 Год назад +1

    For me in Cybergrind theVirtue and Sentry spawn on the same wave I thought it was impossible

  • @Spoden
    @Spoden Год назад

    New style ranking for that intro: GODFIST

  • @Linventor
    @Linventor Год назад

    So THIS is what the song is meant for.

  • @carlinhoschupacavalo
    @carlinhoschupacavalo Год назад

    The Green railgun stops mindflayers from teleporting

  • @V1Gam1ng
    @V1Gam1ng 2 года назад +5

    3:12 wait what the f-

    • @frobud
      @frobud 2 года назад

      Gabriel at wave 3

  • @ogorekcyfrowywdupiekota
    @ogorekcyfrowywdupiekota Год назад +1

    People be like: how to cybergrind?
    My brother in Gabriel, you need to GIT GUD

  • @nephedel5949
    @nephedel5949 5 месяцев назад

    the jokes in this video are really funny, thanks man

  • @Mate_Antal_Zoltan
    @Mate_Antal_Zoltan Год назад

    you can hold down left mouse button and press E as soon as you fire the shotgun by the way, no need to time the firing as well

    • @Mate_Antal_Zoltan
      @Mate_Antal_Zoltan Год назад

      also, you can charge up the overheat variants of both the nailgun and sawblade launcher by firing one shot of the attractor variant

    • @Mate_Antal_Zoltan
      @Mate_Antal_Zoltan Год назад

      also also, 14:22 the game is not called Cybergrind 🗿

  • @justanothercreator2858
    @justanothercreator2858 2 года назад +1

    In terms of taking out enemies fast, the nailgun is not a good choice. There you got a point. But to make extra damage with the blue railgun it is actually pretty good. (Shooting on an enemie that is allready pinned results in a small electric explosion)
    Also you forgot about the heat storage. :(

  • @DodgeThatAttack
    @DodgeThatAttack Год назад

    honestly the mind flayers are so dangerous, they are basically the number 1 reason (other than stupidity) that my runs keep dying
    just 1 round with like 2 of them and there is no escaping the *balls*

  • @1havecats
    @1havecats Год назад

    Great vid, feel bad for the cat at 17:21 tho

  • @Leffrey
    @Leffrey 2 года назад

    Personally I like to use the overheat sawblade with the blue nailgun, since the blue nailgun does extra damage against maurices (sometimes I just don't have the health to get up in their face.... or everything in this case) and the overheat saw is a great for just damaging swordsmachines, cerberi and streetcleaners by making a certain zone yours. Many maps have good spots for placing a magnet and overheat saw to lure enemies in without breaking it with bouncing. If a swordsmachine goes down while being hit by the saw it's basically already dead unless it breaks

  • @thefirstsalty3055
    @thefirstsalty3055 Год назад +2

    Ngl i just use the nailgun for a score reset

  • @withermaykr
    @withermaykr Год назад

    12:27 I agree the blue nailgun sucks, but you forgot to mention something a bit important. The blue nail gun along with its alternate variant CHARGES the green one, why is this so important you ask? simply because of the fact that you could basically shoot infinite green nail guns. to do this it's best to run the sawblade because 1 sawblade halfway charges the green meter so fill up the green nail guns meter to full press right click and just before it runs out, switch to the blue sawblade and fire once then you can (at any time, even if you switched to a different weapon) switch back to the green nail gun, and repeat that and you got infinite burst nails.

  • @blobfish_in_a_mask
    @blobfish_in_a_mask Год назад

    One of my favourite things to do is to coin add and litteraly instantly kill hideous masses.

  • @TitorEPK
    @TitorEPK Год назад

    my pc started having a stroke at wave 28
    edit i forgot that I also started having a stroke at wave 29

  • @chr0matic556
    @chr0matic556 2 года назад +1

    this video is really nice!! tysm!! very funny and im bad at the game so ty

  • @queenosaigbovo9664
    @queenosaigbovo9664 Год назад

    You really wanted that nuke at 5 mins

  • @watchletter
    @watchletter Год назад

    I use the sawblade launcher to build traps before the start of a wave to instantly kill swordmachines

  • @amuronam1345
    @amuronam1345 2 месяца назад +1

    I have to disagree with you on the nail gun. While yes, it may be significantly weaker, I find myself switching to it a lot to refresh my freshness meter. Especially in ACT 1 so it would probably be applicable in the cybergrind as well.

  • @elatkercola6635
    @elatkercola6635 2 года назад +1

    Insanely good video keep it up

  • @colery718
    @colery718 2 года назад

    My way of killing schism’s is rocket then wiplash, but you can switch it up by wiplash and then rocket so that those swordsmachines are delt with.

  • @tafu4049
    @tafu4049 2 года назад +1

    the nailgun is a bit weak and underrated, and while its not the most useful gun in the cybergrind, it is certainly a way to deal with weapon freshness, especially since you can nailgun overheat swap and shoot a buncha nails to anything. its alright for some swarms or dealing some heavier damage to enemies. bring it in, shoot it for like 4 sec (while swapping) and you have some more freshness

  • @viviolet7
    @viviolet7 Год назад

    lastly, the biggest cybergrind tip: always set the playlist to HATEFUL and nothing else. HEALTH sweep

  • @xdarin_
    @xdarin_ 2 года назад

    Rule of Ultrakill -
    When in doubt, shotgun+kb punch.

  • @lucasallen792
    @lucasallen792 8 месяцев назад

    i think the nailgun is mostly "bad" because of opportunity cost. you COULD use the nailgun, but that means you cant use the sawblades, which i just consider better.

  • @Alchem1st75
    @Alchem1st75 Год назад

    it really does edit itself

  • @MechaMario64
    @MechaMario64 2 года назад +1

    me having gotten my record 34 waves cybergrind run with slab marksman
    i am a fucking idiot but it worked
    ALso, i tend to run sawblade on my blue nailgun so i can chuck down a field quickly at round open to turn a LOT of the fodder into mulch before they get to exist much. streetsweepers, swordsmachines, you name it.

  • @amansetia8655
    @amansetia8655 3 месяца назад

    killing hideous mass with nailgun is near instant with the red one

  • @owlgoddess8534
    @owlgoddess8534 2 года назад

    once i accidentally instakilled a mindflayer with the rocket launcher the moment it spawned and i was so confused

  • @yododraes4348
    @yododraes4348 Год назад

    This is a piece of art

  • @Kfjired
    @Kfjired 5 месяцев назад

    screwdriver is now viable YIPPE!!!!!! (it kills malicious faces very quickly when shot and punched)

  • @McFlubberBubber
    @McFlubberBubber 2 года назад +1

    this vid is class

  • @MarcoAntonioColioGallardo
    @MarcoAntonioColioGallardo 2 месяца назад

    10:52 My playstyle 80% of the time in Cybergrind

  • @carricksimone5122
    @carricksimone5122 Месяц назад

    Was that 3 pyro references in like 3 seconds

  • @87Event
    @87Event Год назад

    i use slab with marksman, its really good for dealing with small enemys when needing style

  • @scoob6505
    @scoob6505 2 года назад

    I beat Ultrakill and only just in this video learned there's a Change Variant button lmao

  • @bloopyblooburt2800
    @bloopyblooburt2800 2 года назад

    youre a lifesaver, man, thanks

  • @realoofrian
    @realoofrian Год назад

    punch sentries off map with knuckleblaster

  • @isolatedegg3234
    @isolatedegg3234 Год назад +1

    Rocket riding also refreshes by hopping on enemies. So, if you were fighting Mindflayer under the map and they do the laser attack or has a drill on them, it is an option. Hard to use but it is an option

  • @hiruharada2650
    @hiruharada2650 Год назад

    Now if only my framerate didn't dip intermittently to unplayable, then abruptly return to normal.

  • @theturd3074
    @theturd3074 Год назад

    forget shooting the sentries,
    just punch them off the arena using the knuckle blaster

  • @isuckateverything9676
    @isuckateverything9676 Год назад

    That’s pretty violent

  • @sunbleachedangel
    @sunbleachedangel 5 месяцев назад

    Oh my god, default FOV, my worst enemy!

  • @blockin9556
    @blockin9556 2 года назад

    saw blade launcher is actually op as shit
    it just deletes anything that walks on the ground lol
    also if u put a magnet on a swords machine and shoot a bunch of saws the swords machine running around with saws on it kills everything around it

  • @N51totallynotprivatemilitary
    @N51totallynotprivatemilitary Год назад

    monkey see blood monkey want blood

  • @foxbow3889
    @foxbow3889 2 года назад

    My technique is to always start a round with a slamstorage then spamming coins

  • @FakeLuqa
    @FakeLuqa 2 года назад

    17:20 was quite surprising

  • @spiceforspice3461
    @spiceforspice3461 Год назад

    Nailgun is underpowered, but the sawblade launcher is amazing.

  • @Dstryrr
    @Dstryrr Год назад

    No idea how I have P ranked every mission but I still can't break into the 40s for Cybergrind

  • @reimuhakurei2123
    @reimuhakurei2123 2 года назад

    I love the Gmod skits