Can I change the time so I have more than a few seconds to take a picture before it shuts down? Also, do I have to set it for remote with each individual picture?
Have a quick question! I recently found my 5100 but there’s a problem with the SD cards. At first I wanted to see old pictures I had on my SD’s. I was able to see all my pictures on my 4-5 SD cards I have initially . But for whatever reason the next time I tried to load the pictures it didn’t work... now I’m trying to take pictures on the camera but it’s telling me there’s no SD card inserted when there is one inserted. There’s 2 SD cards that I slide in with the green light turning on then off but still with the message “no memory card”. The other SD cards don’t even flicker the green light. I’m confused as in why it worked then all of sudden it’s unable to even load the pictures now... please if you can help. Thank you!
Congratulations 👏
Can I change the time so I have more than a few seconds to take a picture before it shuts down? Also, do I have to set it for remote with each individual picture?
how to set the timelaps
I Think You have to film the video then get the Sd Card Then Go to computer Insert the Sd card then Find The Video Then Edit It
Have a quick question! I recently found my 5100 but there’s a problem with the SD cards. At first I wanted to see old pictures I had on my SD’s. I was able to see all my pictures on my 4-5 SD cards I have initially . But for whatever reason the next time I tried to load the pictures it didn’t work... now I’m trying to take pictures on the camera but it’s telling me there’s no SD card inserted when there is one inserted. There’s 2 SD cards that I slide in with the green light turning on then off but still with the message “no memory card”. The other SD cards don’t even flicker the green light. I’m confused as in why it worked then all of sudden it’s unable to even load the pictures now... please if you can help. Thank you!
Put The Original (Blue) SD Card (It Happened To Me With My Old D5100 And Now It Works After Putting The Original)
Two bad the video blurred out