False SDA Beliefs? Or Faulty Reading of Scripture? | SFP

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 173

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 Год назад +18

    Please pray for me and my children. I’m so discouraged. I’ve had people come against me that do not know me. And say my testimony isn’t real!! But OUR HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS the truth and my heart! Prayers are all I truly NEED. Jesus hear my prayers. I still trust in you and will keep my faith even though it is so very difficult at this time. I’m constantly faced with hardships and can barely support myself and my two sons after losing my job for declining the vaccine. LIKE MANY OTHERS! I’m a single mom and I’m discouraged. Both of my children are autistic. I am working so please don’t pity me. I’m just not making enough to get by. I know God doesn’t give us more than we can handle I will keep faith even though I truly want to give up. Jesus hear my prayers and keep me and my kids safe. ❤

    • @ritaschexnayder5705
      @ritaschexnayder5705 Год назад

      I am sorry to hear of your difficulties and struggles. I will pray for you. Keep the faith and stay strong! God sees what you are going through and will make a way for you. What state do you live in? I’m from Louisiana.

    • @chuckdeuces911
      @chuckdeuces911 Год назад

      You've been posting these messages for 2.5 to 3 years. If you're not fine by now then it's something you're doing extra curricular. Don't put this on random people. Put it on your community or your family.

    • @soniapeart8756
      @soniapeart8756 Год назад

      Amen 🙏

    • @jamespenney4128
      @jamespenney4128 Год назад

      You sound like you harbor doubt about Jesus. You said it was difficult at this time. You need to fully trust in the Lord with NO reservations. I too left my job because of the vax. I put all my trust in the Lord to see me through and then I left it in his hands and even when it got tough, I never wavered. Never thought he wasn't taking care of it because I knew he was and now things are better than they were before Covid. The lord will test your faith in these hard times, and you cannot doubt, not even in the slightest. I will pray for you to be strong and cast away any doubt you may have that the Lord is hearing you and is working on your behalf. You must know this. he will never abandon you, but he will test your faith time to time.

    • @kimberlyb1951
      @kimberlyb1951 Год назад

      Praying now 🙏

  • @janecruz9417
    @janecruz9417 Год назад +1

    Please LIKE and SHARE. Also, please join the SFP Community here: www.sfpswordsmith.com Thank you and Praise God Always!

  • @Gyaradosite
    @Gyaradosite Год назад +6

    Haha never thought you would make a vid on my question man. I actually dug deeper shortly after I posted that and have now been attending an SDA church. Thanks Tila been watching you since you were “Sword Everlasting” haha.
    God bless bro
    Also my name is Deon

    • @Gyaradosite
      @Gyaradosite Год назад +2

      Also if I’m being honest here I asked this question out of frustration and an anxious mind. I’ve been wrestling with myself on breaking away from the evangelical church because I really do believe in the doctrines that SDA stand on but I am not studied fully on to it to defend things like eating unclean things. So when I heard Romans 14 I was like “wait maybe it doesn’t matter as long as I give glory to God” but that logic is flawed if you think about it

    • @robersonrobert4559
      @robersonrobert4559 Год назад

      Hey man, how did you deal with all of the questions, coming from an evangelical perspective?

    • @Gyaradosite
      @Gyaradosite Год назад +2

      @@robersonrobert4559 which questions?
      My biggest enemy was if SDA is a cult and after hearing from the people who believe SDAs are a cult and then hearing what SDAs believe; I learned that the same people calling SDAs a cult are the same people who misinterpret scripture which to me seems to be a common theme in American society haha.
      I really have been watching this RUclips Channel since 2014 consistently and part of what has drawn me to SDA Christian foundation (which I never realized it until recently) is how Tila and the SDA church uses scripture for everything and how they have really shown that a lot of our common evangelical churches have been wrong for a long time.
      At the end of the day (to me) it’s not about needing to call my self an SDA but I just want to be a Christian that follows truth. I believe we should still keep Sabbath and I believe after we accept Jesus’ death on the cross it’s time to live in obedience as best we can according to his word.
      Pray about it my brother and trust in the scriptures test what you’ve been taught and put to bed what is false and follow what is true based on the Bible’s standards.
      This was a lot but I figured you’d want to hear it! Haha God Bless

    • @Gyaradosite
      @Gyaradosite Год назад

      @@robersonrobert4559 School for Prophets has some really good videos as well that will help clarify the “issues” or “criticisms” other denominations have with SDAs.

    • @robersonrobert4559
      @robersonrobert4559 Год назад +3

      @@Gyaradosite Thanks a lot brother in Christ, this has really helped a lot. My main concerns are the questions are as follows: "Cult, No longer needing to keep Sabbath and EGW". I love how the SDA church always supports everything with scripture as well and i believe most of their views are correct. I will keep praying.

  • @ligiayamile8118
    @ligiayamile8118 Год назад

    Wow. These videos are really getting better. Good questions are coming out and this answer was straight to the point. Like it. I learned also new things even being an Adventist. Every day God gives us new knowledge when we seek His face. Amen.

  • @godisjudge3
    @godisjudge3 Год назад +2

    Thank you for giving me clarity of this bro. Love you man

  • @gordo191
    @gordo191 Год назад +3

    I'm like the first believers , I do not believe in the idea of a trinity, but that doesn't stop me being a SDA ,

  • @nikasmith206
    @nikasmith206 Год назад +1

    God bless, thanks for the quick study.

  • @khwatsingobeni4856
    @khwatsingobeni4856 Год назад +1

    Isaiah 8:20 "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them."

  • @xboxice2005
    @xboxice2005 Год назад

    You are all awesome :) every one of you.

  • @timothythomas1626
    @timothythomas1626 Год назад

    Fasting aka denying flesh. Brings one closer to God. Same can be said for those who worship the Dark Dragon as well. The ocult fasts as well

  • @giovanni545
    @giovanni545 Год назад

    keeping the biblical feast days as found in leviticus 23 is important

  • @mgbrio5439
    @mgbrio5439 Год назад

    As far as my spirituality is concerned, I believe in the BIBLE; nothing and no one else. Not in teachers, not in denominations & their doctrines.

  • @kirkbaumgardner1501
    @kirkbaumgardner1501 Год назад

    It's talking about Is colossions Chapter 2 verse 16 and hes clearly talking about festival days not The sabbath day and the 4th commandment. Nowhere do you see the 1st day of the week talking about? We are to keep the fourth,ndment like it was in the beginning of creation

  • @BustedBologna
    @BustedBologna Год назад

    But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
    1 john

  • @Ryan_Nath
    @Ryan_Nath Год назад

    I've noticed a lot of SDA things use the all seeing eye ?

    • @ghostgate82
      @ghostgate82 Год назад +1

      The only eye that sees all is God’s eye, so why are you afraid of that?

    • @Ann1234
      @Ann1234 Год назад


    • @giovanni545
      @giovanni545 Год назад


  • @chiefkief7778
    @chiefkief7778 Год назад +1

    so how many prophecies has Ellen got WRONT?

  • @davidmoorman7062
    @davidmoorman7062 Год назад +1

    The Trinity doctrine! That Roman Catholic doctrine was never a part of the original Pioneers/SDA fundamental principles.
    There is only One True God and Jesus Christ whom the Father Sent.

  • @prophetkeithlawrence8221
    @prophetkeithlawrence8221 Год назад

    Matthew 15:17-18

  • @donnyewing2579
    @donnyewing2579 Год назад

    What prophets are saying that we are like trees?

    • @ghostgate82
      @ghostgate82 Год назад

      Only the good ones, because it’s true.

  • @Setfree316
    @Setfree316 Год назад +1

    You're a Seventh-Day Adventist? Jesus Christ help you

  • @sbcburgos2300
    @sbcburgos2300 Год назад

    Ok, but there are other controversial verses in Romans 14 that you did not cover, such as verses 14, 17, and 20. Verse 14 says: "I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is NOTHING unclean unto itself: but to him that esteemeth ANY THING to be unclean, to him it is unclean." Verse 17: "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy with the Holy Spirit." Verse 20: "For meat destroy not the work of God. ALL things indeed are pure; but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence." So here the word "meat" is used, which does not specify which meat, BUT at the same time, Paul indicates that ALL things are pure and that NOTHING is unclean. Can you do a longer video about these verses that you did not cover? I believe that the verses that you did not cover are harder to explain than verses 5 and 6.

  • @wendywaddellhardy8820
    @wendywaddellhardy8820 Год назад +1

    True Prophets...what they prophesy comes to pass. SO Amanda Grace, Julie Green, Troy Black...false prophets.

    • @humblewatchman1673
      @humblewatchman1673 Год назад

      Troy Black isn’t in that group, but yes the others are false. A few more false prophets have sprung up as well….of course, we were told this exact thing would happen in the last days. All the more reason to anchor ourselves to the Word.

  • @chuckdeuces911
    @chuckdeuces911 Год назад

    They are saying that they thought prophecy was done when the scripture was finished, not that the scriptures prophecy in the bible is already finished. Like, how can Ellen White be a prophet is what he's asking. Also, the book of revelation is not 98% prophecy. Just like with most of the bible it's for then and now and in the future. The first few chapters are literally talking about current churches, as well as future churches. The bible says that time is cyclical and what's happened before, happens again. Nothing under the sun is new. So for instance the BHI love to quote Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 which proves the modern Jews are fake but they are literally talking about the pharisees and sagisees of that time but also of future time but it doesn't mean people of Jewish heritage are not of Jewish heritage, it means people who claim to be in God but just say words... just like they say Sardines and Jasper are brownish which shows the color of God but revelation 21:11 nicks that idea plus, for those who don't know, Revelation 21:19-21 lists what New Jerusalem will be made of and in modern times they found out that if you run pure light through them with a special tool, they all emit or turn into rainbow colored stones when all the other 'valuable' gem stones just turn brown or black.

  • @prophetkeithlawrence8221
    @prophetkeithlawrence8221 Год назад +3

    Colossians 2:16-17
    16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
    17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
    Only those that are fully convinced in their own mind that they must keep the Sabbath are commanded to keep it.

    • @xintimidate
      @xintimidate Год назад +3

      Most misused and taken out of context verse in the entire Bible. Peter warned about unstable and unlearned people twisting Pauls writings to their own destruction, so that should be a warning to anybody who reads Pauls writings. This isnt talking about the weekly Sabbath and if it is Paul is a false prophet according to the standard God gave to the Israelites to determine who is false and isnt. Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, *it is* because *there* *is* no light in them.
      Lets start with verse 14
      "handwriting of requirements that was against us" first off, the Sabbath was written by Gods finger on 2 tablets NOT by Moses handwriting. 2nd off how is the Sabbath against anybody? Also, how is not cheating on your spouse, not murdering, stealing, worshipping God, not worshipping idols, honoring your parents, not coveting, having other gods before God, and not using Gods name in vain against anybody? 1 John 5:3 says Gods commandments arent burdensome. Do you think they are? "having nailed it to the cross", if the Sabbath was nailed to the cross then please explain why Jesus in Matthew 24 told his followers to pray their flight doesnt happen on a Sabbath in regards to the temple falling? Thats 40 years after the cross. And no, its not bc the gates are closed on the Sabbath like some try to say bc he told those who are in Judea which is outside of Jerusalem to do the same. Also, Matthew 24 has a dual application to those who are in the end days so its clear that Jesus expects his followers to keep the Sabbath. If it was nailed to the cross why are we keeping the Sabbath in heaven? Thats way after the cross. If it was nailed to the cross why is the very person who wrote this verse still keeping it and keeping it with gentiles on top of that? Its recorded that Paul at the very least kept 84 more Sabbaths, thats just whats recorded. And throughout Acts you see gentiles keeping the Sabbath.
      Now to verse 16
      This isnt saying you can drink and eat whatever you want this is talking about drink and food offerings that are tied to the yearly sabbaths and new moons in lev 23. The sabbath in this verse is plural for a reason its bc its talking about the sabbaths in lev 23 NOT the weekly Sabbath. The festivals are talking about the 3 pilgrimages, Pentecost, tabernacles and unleavened bread.
      Now to verse 17
      "which are a shadow of things to come" explain how the Sabbath is a foreshadow of anything? Especially when I just laid out how Christ expected us to still keep it and Christians were still keeping it in Acts. The Sabbath commandment starts with the word "remember" already rendering the notion that its a shadow moot. God made the Sabbath to remember creation and to spend time with him. Hebrews 10:1-4 says its the sacrifices that were a shadow NOT the Sabbath. Also, please explain to me how not cheating on your spouse, not murdering, stealing, worshipping God, not worshipping idols, honoring your parents, not coveting, having other gods before God, and not using Gods name in vain a shadow?
      If the Sabbath is done away with then nobody can enter heaven considering that the 10 commandments is what Christians are judged by. The law of liberty is the 10 commandments as defined by James. Somebody asked Jesus how do I enter heaven, he quotes the 10 commandments. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments. John said anybody who claims to know him and follows not his commandment's is a liar and the truth is not in him

    • @ghostgate82
      @ghostgate82 Год назад

      @@xintimidate What does “keeping the Sabbath” mean?

    • @SchoolForProphets
      @SchoolForProphets  Год назад +3

      "Sabbath days that are a SHADOW of things TO COME" Future tense. These are Feast day Sabbaths that point to Future events.
      "REMEMBER The Sabbath... Keep it holy for in 6 days God MADE the world..." PAST Tense.... Argument over.

    • @Marcus_Thomas_
      @Marcus_Thomas_ Год назад +2

      Colossians 2:16-17 is not referring to the seventh day Sabbath but the annual feasts which pointed to Christ, these feasts, of course, came after sin. Compare Colossians 2:16-17 with Leviticus 23:34-39
      "Let no man, therefore judge you in meat, or drink, or in respect of an holy day, or the new moon, or the sabbath days (plural).
      What are these meats, drinks, and sabbaths days that Paul is telling them not to judge each other on? Peep this:
      Leviticus 23:12-13 "And ye shall offer that day when ye wave the sheaf an he lamb without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering unto the LORD. and the meat offering thereof shall be two-tenth deals of fine flour mingled with oil, an offering made by fire unto the LORD for a sweet savour: and the drink offering thereof shall be of wine, the fourth part of a hin.
      These "sabbaths" here were holy convocations which were to remind the Israelites to attend their appointed feasts, these sabbaths were separate from the Sabbath of the LORD which was blessed and sanctified before sin at creation.
      Leviticus 23:35-39 "On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: on the eighth day shall be a holy convocation unto you: and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD: it is a solemn assembly, and ye shall do no servile work therein. These are the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, to offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD, a burnt offering, and a meat offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, everything upon his day: Besides the sabbaths of the LORD, and besides your gifts, and besides all your vows, and besides all your freewill offerings, which ye give unto the LORD. Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath."
      So from this, we can see the context of Colossians 2:16-17. There were strifes among the Jews concerning the annual sabbaths and feast days, keep in mind that the Jews did not believe that Jesus was the one to come and fulfill the types and shadows of the sacrificial law and Paul had to remind them. Even after Christ's death, they were still placing themselves under these laws that pointed to Christ which lost their significance once Christ became the sacrificed lamb. The Sabbath of the fourth commandment, however, was never a dispute.

    • @prophetkeithlawrence8221
      @prophetkeithlawrence8221 Год назад +1

      Paul said some eat meat and others only herbs. He is saying that there is no food that can defile us. It’s fine to keep the Sabbath if you are convinced that you must. I don’t esteem any day over any other day.
      The Sabbath day is rest. Rest is eternal life / HIS KINGDOM. When you have CHRIST you have rest for your soul. Therefore you have the Sabbath within you

  • @prophetkeithlawrence8221
    @prophetkeithlawrence8221 Год назад +1

    You are combining two subjects into one. Paul is agreeing with CHRIST. Nothing that we eat can defile our soul because what we eat is eliminated through digestion. What comes out of a man’s mouth can defile him because those are the things in his heart.
    17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
    18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
    19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

    • @tatis6109
      @tatis6109 Год назад +1

      Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.... We must watch what we eat for the honor and glory of God

    • @lucasmaagi
      @lucasmaagi Год назад

      Read in context what was Jesus's focus? The traditions of the Pharisees. They had certain way of washing hands before they eat which if they wash not that way the said the food is defiled. So Jesus Christ was make their focus on morality issue which it is not only an outside issue but an inside issue which defile the whole man even outside.

    • @prophetkeithlawrence8221
      @prophetkeithlawrence8221 Год назад +1

      Jesus was referring to the law that commanded Israel to abstain from unclean foods. YAH makes a difference between clean and unclean. This is why Noah was commanded to take 7 clean animals into the arc and 2 unclean. On judgment DAY YAH will show a difference between clean / living souls and the dead soul. Those who are alive shall inherit HIS rest. Therefore BE YE PERFECT and then you are acceptable to HIM

    • @prophetkeithlawrence8221
      @prophetkeithlawrence8221 Год назад

      I agree. If we eat things that make us unproductive then we must stop that

  • @BustedBologna
    @BustedBologna Год назад

    He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
    It is finished

  • @donnyewing2579
    @donnyewing2579 Год назад +3

    If you're preaching Sunday worship is the mark of the beast, are you implying that sda is going to be the only church to enter the kingdom? Except maybe messianic jews? I just find that hard to believe. I believe there are true Christians in every denomination, even within the catholics, and no one denomination has it 100% correct. Plus we're not saved by our own righteousness. I believe Romans 14 is talking about sabbath day. What other day would we regarded to the Lord?

    • @Marcus_Thomas_
      @Marcus_Thomas_ Год назад +1

      Hi, Romans 14 doesn't mention the Sabbath day, and neither is Paul referring to the Sabbath at all in that text. Paul wrote a letter in 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 to pick up where he left off in Romans 14:1-6 concerning the eating of foods sacrificed to idols, that was the context. God's Holy Seventh Day Sabbath was not an issue to the believers since they all were keeping it in the book of Acts (Acts 17:2; Acts 13:42-44).
      As to your comment about SDA's thinking that we'll be the only ones saved, that is far from the truth. You are correct in saying that there will be many in the kingdom of God who kept Sunday but this will only be because of their ignorance which God winked at, they had no chance of knowing and understanding the significance of God's fourth commandment. However, there is no excuse now when there is every opportunity to know and a person rejects the truth on the Sabbath topic.
      You also said, "No one is saved by their own righteousness." This is another misunderstanding by those who constantly think seventh-day Adventists are teaching that we are saved by works. No, we are not saved by our own works, we are saved by faith in the blood of the atonement and Christ's intercession for us in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary. We are saved by the grace Christ offers as a gift. And when we accept Christ as Lord he commands us to be obedient to his commandments. Jesus said in John 14:15 "If you love me, keep my commandments." Only those who obey Christ and have faith in Christ will enter the gates of the city of the new Jerusalem and eat of the Tree of Life. We are not saved by our works, it is the fruit/works in our lives that testify that we belong to God.

    • @donnyewing2579
      @donnyewing2579 Год назад

      @@Marcus_Thomas_ nowhere in the new testament does it say anything about keeping the sabbath. And if you're preaching keeping it, are you keeping it holy and sanctified? Observing it correctly? Because Exodus 35:1-3 clearly states that you can't kindle a fire on the sabbath day, so when you start your car to go to church you're kindling a fire when you turn over the ignition. When you cook your eggs for breakfast in the morning you're kindling a fire. Exodus 31:12-17 tells you how to properly observe the sabbath, and anyone who isn't observing it correctly must be cut off from their people and put to death. So are you keeping it holy, or keeping it in part? Also, Paul states clearly, 1Corinthians 1:14-17, that baptism isn't necessary, but preaching the gospel. What happens to those who have faith, but are baptized by corrupt pastor? The sda i heard, even Tila brought this up, has an lgbt pastor in one of their churches. Do you recognize their authority? I'm genuinely asking. Not trying to be a troll, as the guy mentioned who asked Tila the question in this video. Because I'm not yet convinced that they are necessary. My faith is sealed, i am baptized by the Holy Spirit. No man has authority to baptize another. Just like the pope doesn't have authority to forgive sins. The thief on the cross was not baptized, and probably didn't keep the sabbath either, yet he entered into the kingdom with our Lord.

    • @donnyewing2579
      @donnyewing2579 Год назад +1

      @@Marcus_Thomas_ God is not the author of confusion. And when i read the Bible, it seems very direct. It is of no private interpretation. Yet Tila seems to try to live more in the old testament, and make the new testament say something it does not directly say

    • @donnyewing2579
      @donnyewing2579 Год назад

      @@Marcus_Thomas_ and the Bible clearly states that those who take the mark are damned. So if Sunday worship is the mark, then sda and messianic jews are the only denominations that will be saved. Plus we can actually keep the sabbath holy, by not working or doing anything strenuous, yet still go to church on Sunday. There is a reason churches hold the first day of the week. Jesus appeared to them on the first day. Jesus arose on the first day. And it kept them separate from the jews out of fear

    • @xintimidate
      @xintimidate Год назад +1

      This comment right here proves you don't even understand what is SDA believe. How can you have such a strong opinion on something you don't even understand? Literally none of us teach that the motb is Sunday worship. We say that it WILL be forced Sunday worship. No, we don't teach that only SDA go to heaven we teach that God judges people based on their heart and the light they have been given. Matter of fact we believe most people in heaven werent Sabbath keepers. We don't teach we are saved by our own righteousness you'll never find one 7th day Adventist who is predominant in the church teach that. Stop with the Strawmans you really don't understand what we believe do you? Dude what are you talking about Romans 14 is CLEARLY talking about fast days start from verse one how in context is it talking about the Sabbath the Sabbath isn't even mentioned in Romans 14 let alone all of Romans.

  • @brockroark1698
    @brockroark1698 Год назад

    Why do we have any doctrine from a denomination. Denominations are created by man. I don’t want opinion give me words and teachings from Jesus. Isn’t he the messiah? We don’t need anything else. Get it from the one God sent to clarify all things. He’s the last prophet. The final teacher. He said call no one teacher. For we have one teacher.

  • @jimakron
    @jimakron Год назад

    (Mar 2:18) And the disciples of John and of the Pharisees used to fast: and they come and say unto him, Why do the disciples of John and of the Pharisees fast, but thy disciples fast not?
    (Mar 2:19) And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them? as long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast.
    (Mar 2:20) But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.
    (Mar 2:21) No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse.
    (Mar 2:22) And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles.

  • @godspointofview1
    @godspointofview1 Год назад

    Tilla, I would love the contact you about this topic. I do believe that there are many people especially within the S.D.A. churches that doesn't understand where The Apostle Paul is coming from when he speaks. If you are interested in a dialog please send me your email. I will contact you from there.

  • @curtiscote
    @curtiscote Год назад

    I was raised in Sunday church lies. They lie about death . The soul they lie about salvation unknowingly or knowingly. Either way I decided to read from genisis to revelations...S.D.A is the 1 church that other churches call heresy..yet it's the 1 church filled with the knowledge of god..there's only 1 doctrine I don't buy. And it's that s.d.a calls certain food abomination. And tilla try to explain this through verses that seemed to talk of gentiles and not food. But there's verses that talk of specific food not gentiles. Hence. Therefore let noone judge you in food or drink
    .the same verse he read but I have another . Verse. Which I'm gonna post. But first I wanna say other than this topic. They preach according to the truth.Timothy 4:1-5 ESV / 8 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
    Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer. again other than this topic S.D.A I BELIEVE IS THE TRUE CHURCH.

  • @TheRealA.R.R.J.Brown56
    @TheRealA.R.R.J.Brown56 Год назад


  • @springflowerblosomnorris9721
    @springflowerblosomnorris9721 Год назад +1

    The bible was written for us to learn EXAMPLES how to put our FAITH in practice.
    People who put their RITUALS in practice, these people produce EVIDENCE of their LACK OF FAITH.
    If Elen G. White would have FAITH in Deuteronomy 4:2 she would not add new concepts to the scriptures.
    If people in SDA would have FAITH, than they would produce EVIDENCE that they are RESTING in the scriptures as it is written.
    Every time I tried to point people to the scriptures people who don't REST in scriptures have the famous fraze: ya, the scriptures says that but you don't understand the true MEANING of the scriptures.
    So CLEARLY there's one thing that the scriptures SAYS and ANOTHER thing that the scriptures MEANS.
    Every UNFAITHFUL has this DUALITY : the scriptures SAYS this but the scriptures MEANS that, and there's a huge DIFFERENCE between THIS and THAT.
    Lord Jesus Christ put the scriptures in practice PERFECTLY, and this PERFECTION is offered to us, .... but why would people REST in this offered PERFECTION when they can establish THEIR OWN perfection according to THEIR OWN WILL, and according to THEIR OWN CORRUPT UNDERSTANDING?
    People fight how to put the scriptures in PRACTICE instead of RESTING in the accomplished PERFECTION that Jesus Christ PUT IN PRACTICE.
    People who have FAITH learn how to KEEP the accomplished works of Jesus Christ.
    People who have LAK OF FAITH struggle to ACCOMPLISH the PERFECT works of Jesus Christ.
    People produce their OWN EVIDENCE in which one of these 2 groups they belong to.
    Please tell me, if PERFECTION is IMPUTED to you than what is there to STRUGGLE TO ACCOMPLISH?
    Are you going to make PERFECTION more PERFECT?
    How are you going to IMPROVE perfection?
    Please show me.
    All glory to Lord God Almighty and Jesus Christ my savior, blessed be his NAME forever and ever.
    Numbers 6:24-27
    Revelation 22:4-5

    • @armorofgod2319
      @armorofgod2319 Год назад +1

      Amen brother, totally agree with your saying there are 2 people who believe saying the Bible SAYS and the bible MEANS.
      People that read the whole Bible and thinks the Bible SAYS this and that, it’ll make the Bible a lie, because it will contradict every other passages and versus throughout Scripture.
      But for people that thinks the Bible MEANS this and that, Scripture will not contradict, it will all make sense, God knows the understanding of man.
      All glory,praise and honour to King Jesus💯

    • @springflowerblosomnorris9721
      @springflowerblosomnorris9721 Год назад +1

      It looks to me that you also have the correct understanding of the FAITH and TRUTH.
      Much love and blessings, I'm looking forward to meet you in God's kingdom.
      Keep the PERFECTION of Jesus Christ and BLESS his NAME forever and ever.

    • @danielb5721
      @danielb5721 Год назад +1

      To me it's so simple to understand the Sabbath, if a person chooses to do it fine but it's not a requirement for salvation. We rest EVERYDAY in Christ if we choose to, there is no greater rest than this.

    • @springflowerblosomnorris9721
      @springflowerblosomnorris9721 Год назад +1

      Whatever Jesus decides to do that's fine with me. I'll FOLLOW through with Jesus FAITHFULY.

    • @curtiscote
      @curtiscote Год назад

      The scriptures say what it means and means what it says. Easy enough for a child to understand but deep enough yhe most intelligent can't discover its wisdom. You bring up Ellen white. As if she has anything to do with any argument your trying to put forth. There's only what scripture says and what it don't sat. FAITH is not belief. So I'm not sure what what your even trying to say. If your argument is against sabaath. Then read again. Christ said if anyone I REPEAT IF ANYONE CLAIMS TO LOVE ME BUT BREAKS THE VERY LEAST OF THE COMMANDMENTS THAT PERSON IS A LIAR AND DOES NOT LIVE IN TRUTH. . (COMMANDMENTS) ALL 10 NOT PICK AND CHOOSE.. SIN IS THE TRANSGRESSION OF THE LAW JOHN 3:4-11 JOHN 3:10
      For there is no respect of persons with God.
      12 For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;
      13 (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.
      14 For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
      15 Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
      16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel ,Hebrews 10:26 acts 5 John 3:4-11 John 3:10 Hebrews 5:8 romans 2:11-16

  • @garytowner9375
    @garytowner9375 Год назад +1

    Sorry there not one religion thats perfect. Our scriptures have been changed. And many don't read the first book of Enoch, Jubilee's and the apocrypha and there part of our scriptures. And man has changed scriptures.
    They even took out the name of God.
    Father YAHUAH, YHWH, YAH
    The son of man ,word, Messiah, YAHUSHA.

  • @Michael-Martell
    @Michael-Martell Год назад

    Paul was a heretic.

    • @donnyewing2579
      @donnyewing2579 Год назад +1

      Then you better throw out your new testament, Luke and Peter, because they both confirm Paul's authority

    • @mmrockyrl
      @mmrockyrl Год назад

      I’ve herd this. Please enlighten me? I do wonder why this is being said. I like to hear. I am not looking to debate but rather hear ya out.

    • @Michael-Martell
      @Michael-Martell Год назад

      @@donnyewing2579 I did a long time ago.

    • @donnyewing2579
      @donnyewing2579 Год назад

      @@Michael-Martell really? That's unfortunate. Where is your hope?

    • @Michael-Martell
      @Michael-Martell Год назад

      @@donnyewing2579 in the same place as Moses, Abraham and Isaac.