I love that this is pinned! Eileen, anyone, would you please explain the joke to me? I haven’t watched TV in years and have watched few movies. I can’t even say I’m well read.
The actual best thing you said in this entire piece was: “and lots will unsubscribe but so what? I already have more than I ever thought I’d have anyway.” You’re such a good steward of your blessings AND your responsibility. Most people are one or the other and sacrifice responsibility for the wealth of blessings, but your commitment to truth and Scripture above all are a constant reminder to me of what it looks like to abide in Christ. God bless you, man!
@@mred884 from JW Org? Yes Im disfellowshipped and they call me an Apostate behind my back.. My mother and daughter shun me and im not allowed to see my two granddaughters
Mike, always remember most of us are here to get "into the weeds". There is an abundance of superficial and topical teaching out there. God is using you in a mighty way to encourage us all to true bible study. Thanks for being a vessel for our Lord, can't wait to meet you one day here or in heaven. Praise God.
I shouted to God all I want is the truth and the meaning and here I am stumbled unto his channel and he is my stepping stone to greatness thank you for teaching who knows I might be a teacher as well God works in mysterious ways
“I’m a Bible nerd and I’m going to make you one whether you like it or not!” I am a Bible nerd but that was Really Funny! I actually laughed out loud!! 😂😂😂
@@hfrt29 I suggest instead of trying to make sense of everything written in the bible. You start in the new testament and study Jesus and the way he lived His life and what He did for us and what He tells us to do and not do. Dont be overwhelmed by the bible. Find all of the signs that God loves you written within His word. If you can find the love God has for you then the rest of the bible becomes easier to read and understand. If your not sincere in your walk with God or your search for God then God will not reveal His sincerity to you. Pray for Him to reveal His love to you. Be diligent in seeking Him.
I live in NY and never even heard of the post tribulation rapture before about a year ago and it felt like I was punched in the stomach when I realized there was a different view.. I realized i didn't see a pre tribulation rapture in the bible , it took a lot of time to come to terms with it.. Then i realized I'm not afraid of the anti Christ and it would be an honor to die for refusing the mark bc of my Lord and Savior. ❤
And yet there are many views on each of the different time frames concerning the rapture. Such as the bible was written to the Jews first and thus many believe it applies only to them as in the middle east area and not the whole world. I do not follow that line of thought but know many who think it is a possibility. Also, Revelation 3:10, when read in full context is believed to point to a pre-trib point of view, "Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." They actually taught a pre-trip rapture in my non-denominational bible college. Of course the previous Revelation instructor liked to teach from a mid-trip point of view.
Then you hVdnt looked hard enough, pre trib understandings are everywhere in scripture. What about the typology of Noah? Typology of the story of Lot? Just going to conviently ignore those? Rev 3:10, 1 Thess 1:10, Psalm 27 verse 5? Just going to ignore all of those? Why the willful ignorance?
We're not called to fear. This was a big hobby horse for me and he was very wise in saying not to do that. Almost all the views (about 7) have some good arguments, but I'm going to listen to Pastor Mike and focus on just telling people about Jesus. He'll work it all out in the end. You can get really worked up over this, especially these days & if you have children or grandchildren. I kinda hope pre-tribulation is true for their sakes, I don't think I could watch them behead my children or grandchildren. Nope. But God doesn't give us more than we can handle.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your teachings. Your style, the topics you choose, and your pursuit of factual truth are much needed qualities in our time. Thanks for being yourself and for providing both light and clarity in my life.
Oh I so agree! I so enjoy learning about The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and everything in between!! 🕊🤍🌿 Thank you @mikewinger from the bottom of my heart! You are smart, patient and kind! I enjoy all your videos and just want to say I love Jesus!! 🫀😍😇🤍
@@alanhales239 @Alan Hales He's doing both. Most Christians believe the words of Jesus in the gospels and Revelation regarding the future. The interpretation is where they disagree, and have varying opinions. If someone believes and knows his words, then there are things that's aren't debatable like everyone knowing when he has come. When it says something like the sun going dark, that could mean an eclipse, volcanic clouds, other natural things, or supernatural darkness.
I really enjoy his style too. It's like a friend going through a discussion topic. Preaching and teaching the Bible is much more effective when the person doing it doesn't act authoritarian, and allows only the word of God to be authority. Others preach in a way that suggests their view is the one true view, and they have some special in insight like a prophet to make that claim.
Pastor Mike, I’m new to your channel, have been watching for about a month or so. I have to say I love your teaching style, you teach straight from the Bible which is what’s needed in today’s world. As a Mormon who is in the throws of a faith crisis I really appreciate your teaching. I will often watch your videos all day. I’ve learned so much more about the Bible from you these last 4-5 weeks than I have in the 54 years I’ve been a Mormon. Thank you ❤
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 16:15 Luke 10:27💕
42:10 This passage is one of the reasons I tend toward a Post-Trib, Pre-Mil view. I consider it most likely that the Rapture and the Second Coming are one and the same event. That said, I'm not set in stone on that view. The important thing is to be watchful and ready, regardless of which (if any) interpretation is correct. One of two things will inevitably happen: either you will die, or Jesus will come back while you are alive. The best thing to do is to follow Christ and be ready for either possibility.
The only thing is who is Jesus speaking to and what were they looking forward to? The Jews were looking for kingdom restoration. Where were they in Daniels and Ezekiel's time? What was happening to them during Jesus' time? Although one can find scripture to support the pre, mid, and post tribulation beliefs, where is the church mentioned in Revelations of Jesus Christ and what are the special instructions? To me the last book of the Bible is the fulfilling of the Covenant with Abraham and finally the finished work of Genesis 1:31. The choice word for "elect" needs to be addressed. Man was elected for salvation. ( For unto you a child is born a savior..) Certain believers and non-believers were elected for certain jobs. ( Noah, Pharaoh, Judas, the Apostles...) Israel is used as elect. Jesus is elect. Church is elect. Finally you see 144,000 elected and sealed. ( Fulfillment of the Abraham covenant). You are also correct in the belief has nothing to do with salvation. We only know Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no man comes to the Father but by Him.
I lean towards Post-Trib Pre-Wrath. The only place I can see that would be a physical rapture in the Bible is Revelation Ch.7 the innumerable host of people. Ending chapter 6 with the cosmic signs as mentioned in the synoptic Gospels immediately followed with the statement "for the great day of his WRATH is come.." after that present tense statement, his wrath has just come, the 144,000 are sealed and the innumerable host appears. This is followed up by Judgment upon the earth with the Trumpets etc. I believe Ch 12 divides the Revelation and tells the same story twice adding more emphasis. Meaning, the Trumpets and Vials. If you look each one coincides with the other. The 144,000 are mentioned again in ch 14. So...I think we can overlay the Revelation and its one story told twice with more emphasis added.
@@mrthompson5867 Who is Jesus Christ revealing Himself to? Christians? Israel? The world? People think the Day of the Lord is part of the rapture but that's ridiculous. The Day of the Lord is wrath. 13 “Behold, he shall come up like clouds, And his chariots like a whirlwind. His horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us, for we are plundered!” Jeremiah 4:13 18 Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord! For what good is the day of the Lord to you? It will be darkness, and not light. Amos 5: 18. God gave instructions to everyone before judgement. Noah on the Arks design, use, and meaning ( pitch). Lot on were to run and not to look back. There is no special instructions in the days of tribulation. Nothing mentioned about those being spared except for the 144,000. In fact you find the opposite, those who don't accept the mark of the beast martyred except for the 144,000.
@@jthomas5226 I see Zero evidence in scripture of a secret rapture, Zero. How many gatherings together with Christ do you see in the Bible? I see one and its at his second coming. I challenge you to show me a gathering together or better yet a 3rd coming, if he comes for the rapture that would be 2nd, unless that doesn't count because he didn't put his foot on the mount of Olives. Please by all means, show me the secret rapture and two separate gathering togethers.
Why do all the pre-trib rapture people completely ignore 2Thess 2:1-4? Paul clearly states that he doesn’t want them to be confused or deceived about our being gathered back to Christ for “that day will NOT come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed...” It seems so clear to me.
I haven’t watched this yet but started giggling from a incident I had recently. I was fast asleep and live rurally so very very quiet at night. A pottery kiln gas supply 1 mile away exploded. It made the ground shake it was so loud. As I leapt out of bed my brain shouted Jesus and honestly thought it was in that split second 😂. Then discernment kicked in and my spirit was like nope no trumpets. This was all in a bout 2 seconds while still asleep. Glad to know Holy Spirit helps me discern in a spit second 😆
One time I was convinced Jesus was talking to me during a sermon I was attending at church and I felt something invisible touch my hand where it lay on my open bible and the touch even felt cool. So I looked down at my finger and it was pointing to the verse that says satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
That’s awesome that your mind was instantly there. I once was awakened by an exploding house in our neighborhood (termite tenting) but my mind went to “bomb.” You’re much more spiritual than I, lol.
Hi Mike, I admire your ability to say you don't have all the answers and are willing to change your mind on a given subject if/when you happen upon greater light. So thank you for continuing to study and for encouraging us to do so as well. Here is what I've found from my personal study: I think some of the greatest arguments against a secret rapture are: 1. “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and **every eye will see Him**” (Revelation 1:7). “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven **with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first**” (1 Thessalonians 4:16). These verses tell me that it's no secret if every eye is going to see him when he comes. They also tell me that this will be a fairly noisy event if there is a shout and a trumpet sounding (no wonder every eye will be fixed on him!). Also, how can we take into account two separate raptures when the dead in Christ are rising at this very event of Jesus second coming? It means that whether dead or alive, we're all awaiting this one grand event. 2. “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven … and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain **shall be caught up together with them** in the clouds to meet the Lord **in the air**. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17). This verse shows me that Jesus is coming on his very specific mission to take his people with him to heaven. He comes in the clouds and the living are caught up together with the risen dead in the clouds to meet him in the air, not on the ground. In this picture Jesus is pretty much coming with grand fanfare to call out his saved children to take them away, but this is definitely not a secret event nor a touchdown where he then tours around earth as it seems some have implied. 3. "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but **we shall all be changed- in a moment,** in the twinkling of an eye, **at the last trumpet**. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:51,52) The transformation of our corruptible bodies (whether living or risen dead), happens in a blink of an eye when that last trumpet sounds. We shall ALL be changed. I don't see how this could support the idea of some of us being changed first and then another group being changed later. 4. “**False christs** and false prophets will rise and **show great signs and wonders to deceive**, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24). “To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20) I think while we need to be loving Christians to all fellow Christians and non-Christians alike, we need to be clear about our beliefs. (This does not mean to get caught up in setting dates because the Bible says no one knows the day nor the hour of his coming). However, Satan will send out imposters and impersonators of Christ in order to deceive even the elect. That's a scary thought and a somber call to study, study, study for ourselves and be clear on what we believe. As Isaiah says, we need to be able to test all teachers by the light of scripture...but how can we do that if we do not know scripture? Imagine someone coming, performing great signs and wonders healing sick, raising dead, even claiming to be Christ...God help us from falling prey. 5. “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14) Our call to action is definitely in preparing ourselves and fulfilling our mission of sharing the good news of a second coming so that the end will come. Jesus is coming for us guys!!! To give us incorruptibility, immortality, and to take us to heaven!! It's the free gift that Jesus offers to ALL!! Let's all accept it. “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37). “As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). “I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts” (Hebrews 8:10). “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57) Thank you for reading if you've gotten this far. God bless you and everyone else on their Christian journey! Blessings
@Pond3r Thiz I agree. This group will be solid on the truth so they won't be deceived. But imagine how powerful the deception will be that even they would be deceived if it were possible? This is why personal study is so important. Blessings to you!
Pastor Winger, this teaching is wonderful and full of truths, thank you , I am a pre- tribulation believer and I will not be in it because I’m and old woman that will be dead before it happens but I will be present at His coming, by His grace to see His glory and fly with Him to His kingdom. Amen.
I'm a newly awakened JW. Obviously this whole 2nd comimg concept you teach is mind blowing. The trinity is tough for me to understand too. Thanks for your lessons!
Beware of Mike and his 2nd slumming he's a sinister minister ? ? 😈😈 a wing nut who twists the scriptures. ? ? He misquotes the bible and his writings are LIBEL ? ? 😁😂😉
The trinity is tough for anyone who isn't God to fully grasp. One of the things that causes so much anxiety and doubt in others about the reliability of the trinity doctrine, is the one thing that I celebrate: the mystery of the Godhead is so difficult to comprehend because God is the ONLY example of himself in all of existence. You can come up with superficial examples to use as a guide, but ultimately, there will be missing aspects that make it inferior as a true example. I absolutely love this fact. God is the only one of his kind!
Yeah, it's a tough concept, but if you look there's hints of it all through the old testament. Check out Dr Michael Heiser's Naked Bible podcast. He can kinda show how it was in the OT all along, and how after the resurrection the Jewish rabbis and scribes actually changed their versions of the Tanahk (all the ones they could get to) to get rid of anything that referred to any aspects of the Godhead other than Yahweh. 🙏✝️🙏
You are the first pastor I've ever heard that has brought up the big issue with the Pre-Trib view that I realized several years ago-- that being that it forces TWO Raptures/Gatherings, TWO First Resurrections, and ultimately TWO CHURCHES-- the Bride of Christ and the Tribulation Saints.
I LOVED what you said about how we are waiting for the end times and not watching for it and how we shouldn’t obsess about it. I was born and raised strict catholic (even went to a private school for girls run by the Opus Dei sector).. 11 years ago I started going to born_again Christian churches but unfortunately got into the whole new age scene in 2012 when I moved to Germany .. let go of that completely at the end of 2019 and got baptized. Since then, I have gone deeper in faith (attending church, reading bible, praying more, bible groups etc etc) but unfortunately on weekends it was like I told God, see you on Sunday service because weekends meant “partying” .. it wasn’t until late November last year when chains of addiction were finally broken and I have since then decided to stop being a lukewarm Christian! I am now attending an 8 month bible course where we focus on the symbolisms and prophecies and fulfillments in the Bible! Mind you, I have never heard this in my entire “christian” catholic life. Anyway last week, I came across a man who does videos on watching for the end time to happen which has left me so confused .. he even says we are watching in his channel for Jesus to come ... I’m so glad I came across you. I used to find the apologetics too intense and now I am loving it. It is what I need to defend the Christian faith to my unbeliever husband who is very (scientific / mathematics minded) .. God bless you!!!
Red letter Bible read Jesus’ words This Generation! You ~ audience will see ME! Last days ~ of what ⁉️ The old covenant of Sinai ‼️ When was that totally dissolved? 66 ~ 73 ad The Temple 70 ad 7 year period God working through the historical empires Daniel Nebuchadnezzar statue Gold Babylon Silver Medo Persia Bronze Greece Iron Rome iron & clay Rome & Israel The Rock ~ Jesus comes touches and breaks it ALL! Be continually filled with THE 🕊HOLY SPIRIT🔥 🙏🏻♥️
I found this so very helpful and healing in some ways. I have been told and even pressured about pretribulation Rapture innthe bible. I grew up with the scripture and just didn't see it there. Southern Baptist believers have said if I don't believe then I'm not saved and it made me sad and weakened my Faith. I now can stand strong knowing that I am saved and can understand what I am reading. The message of Christ goes beyond denomination. Jesus gave me a blessed assurance that I can stand. Thank you and God bless you brother.🙏
I grew up in a church in Alabama that actually split over end times views. It happens less today, but when it does, it shows a lack of understanding of what it means to be saved instead of an understanding of end times.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I believe in a pretrib rapture but to suggest someone isn't truly saved because you think they get some tricky bits of secondary theology wrong is horrible. It's definitely an important issue but it should be a friendly in house discussion rather than a boxing match.
I have listened to hundreds of your teachings , the truth by way of the Holy Spirit is the strength of your insight into Gods word , DON'T STOP , Steve
@Mike Winger I appreciate your presentation. I believe the Bible is self explanatory. If we let the Bible talk to us, without pre conceived ideas and teachings and guided by the Holy Spirit, we could see the whole picture. It is quite simple really. But we need to empty our minds of our own opinions and let the Holy Spirit talk to us through God’s Word. God bless you.
Sooooo I live here in Texas. The actual belt buckle of the Bible Belt and I am quickly figuring out that some of my favorite Pastors are in California. John MacArthur and Mike Winger are amazing. I am use to one thing coming out of California, leftists ideological propaganda…. I Love seeing our Lord shining light in the darkness!!!
I love you guy! Thank you for making us stronger believers and keeping an open mind that’s how I know I can trust you when you keep an open mind to new information. Thanks to our father in heaven for using your life to strengthen our belief and wisdom in Christ.❤
52:00: you did explain it well and my mind did explode, but I'm not gonna have brain surgery because I like my mind that way - exploded from the awe and beauty of God!😊
Thank you for these teachings Mike. I’m going through a really tough time and it’s fantastic to be able to just have a solid biblical teaching to listen to enjoy and absorb.
Turn yourself to "THE ONLY TRUE GOD" - The God of Jesus Christ. Jesus prayed to him and you should also pray to the God of Jesus. Who is The Only True God, according to Jesus? And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. Does Jesus have a God? Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" Who was Jesus? A God or a man sent by God? "Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.
@@RustedFaith 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 King James Version 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. so let me play ultimate devils advocate what if i get possed of the divil and become the anti christ and i have read this so... when i goto the temple I do lots of bad stuff say child sacrifice but i refuse to exalteth my self i dont call my self God. would i not be makeing God a liar? why would you have faith in God to save you if he lies? am i more clever then God? or logic would say this has already happend the anti christ has come i disagree mike is a poor tearcher
@@unholywarrior9007 well I would say that the advocate for the devil has misunderstood the devil He WILL exalt himself….he can’t help it,can’t inhibit it…like a crack ho he is addicted to his own delusions of grandeur So don’t worry yourself about God making mistakes like sad humans …He is infinitely flawless…indescribably perfect You and I…we’re just pathetic…and guilty
Closing remarks and prayer - YES AND AMEN! As I study eschatology in my personal Bible studies more and have found your thorough explanations on the differing view points (thank you for that), I learn more and more how we are not called to be pointing out to others when Jesus will be coming in the clouds - only that He IS coming, He IS the Christ, He IS the truth and the life. Our calling is to remain faithful and prepare ourselves to declare the goodness and holiness of God and Jesus’ death and resurrection no matter the cost. Pre/post trib, millennial views, none of it matters. Only our devotion the to the Lord and sharing the gospel.
Thank you for making me a Bible nerd mike, you really have broadened my perspective and ability to understand the Bible contextually and intentionally. I have a lot of respect for you brother!
The most consistent and natural rendering of the Scripture leads to a post-tribulation gathering of the Saints. For my own benefit I want to hold a pre-tribulation position but I simply cannot.
What a strange and interesting experience it will be when we are on the other side of this and looking back remembering how it was when we didn't quite get it.
For those having a hard time this really helped me. I was having a really bad time several years ago God led me to Psalm chapter 37 KJV read it frequently meditate on it pay special attention to verse 4. Do what the verses tell you to do. I did what Gods word told me to do and received some wonderful spiritual gifts, due to space I can’t tell you all that I received plus they may be different gifts for others. God knows what we need just be open. I pray God Blesses you and those you love and I pray God will place the angel of his presence around you and your loved ones that you will have peace and safety amen.
Hey Mike, not sure you’ll see this but I’m really enjoying your deep dive bible teaching. I’m learning a lot and I’m really happy I stumbled across your channel randomly. I’ve always glossed over this passage and as you’ve been teaching and showing the different perspectives it’s really helped me connect some of the dots.
Mike, you are an excellent Bible teacher. I absolutely loved your discussion of Jesus coming in the clouds and the deep meaning behind it. Just amazingly beautiful!! God Bless! I also am up in the air about the rapture. I actually think pre-wrath has a strong argument. I will keep studying, looking up and sharing the Gospel.
At the end of the day, we need to ready. Make sure that your life is in order as the Rapture can come anytime. Pastors must preach more about end times and getting God's Church ready for His coming.
One thing I can guarantee you is that neither you nor anyone commenting in this video will be alive for this rapture. We all will be worm food and this event still will not have happened. Also no, the rapture can't come anytime. As for your last sentence, everyone who receives such a message will be expecting in vain, all because of their pastor's ignorance. It's a hopeless proposition, it's not going to happen in anyone's lifetime. However I'm willing to split hairs with you. So will this event happen within the next 1-10 years, 11-100 years, or 101-1000 years? I've asked this same question to many who spout the same message as you. Will you take a stab at a date range or will you just stick to some vague open-ended prediction like "soon"?
I love how you are talking into a camera and have the ability to seem to be in a one on one conversation with just me. The whitty little jokes that you seem to be engaging with another individual at that moment. Thank you.
Pastor Mike. So loved what you said about Jesus being more concerned with us being on mission, witnessing for Him than anything else when related to end times. I have a question for you on Friday.
@@costaimagination2439 He goes live at 1 pm Pacific Time. Adjust that to your own time zone. Questions are asked as soon as he goes live & he takes the 1st 20 questions that get posted. So you have to be ready to post that question as soon as he goes live. That is my understanding. :)
Brother...Jesus coming in the clouds...taking BACK all that has been falsely attributed to false gods. I yelled and cried happy tears sitting on my couch at 4am while my family sleeps like normal people hahaha. I love my KING. Bam!
@@michaelhaigh9182 He is called the alpha and omega, the first and the last. He has shared glory with the Father which the Father says He will not do. Jesus created all things yet God say He alone created all things. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. He is the almighty.
Well there’s a difference between Yahweh and Jesus Yahweh in the bible called almighty God and the 1 your calling God is only mighty god there’s a difference in the 2 persons ? Il text about the alpha and emigo in a fuw days regards Michael
Sillier still, I imagined Jesus knocking on my staff room door at work and asking me if I'm ready can we go now...😂. That's not how it will happen by the way. I'm just being silly. Only God knows what a twit I am!
No scripture tells us "every eye shall see his coming ". Not on TV . I bet the false one will use TV because Christ warns us, "if they say he is in the temple believe it not" and "if they say he is in the desert, go not forth".......
When I was a little girl, I always read the Bible and wanted to be one of the two witnesses in the end times. That’s how I played pretend I guess. But then I’d wonder....how can The whole world watch when they are killed, lay dead three days, and then rise again. And now....well...we can see something live-streamed all over the world. Even when I visited the most remote villages in Africa I’ve always been surprised that everyone had a cell phone and internet, even if they only had one set of clothes.
I really appreciate all your hard work and great teaching, even though you're wrong most of the time. No just kidding. You get 5 stars from me. Keep it up.
From a strict hermeneutical view, scripture interpreting scripture is a very strong principle. Hence, the strongest scriptural view would be where passages of apocalyptic literature within the old covenant would be used to interpret apocalyptic statements in the new covenant. The view you seem to hold in this video, I would consider an anachronistic view, though it seems to be very popular these days.
Mike, thank you for your devotion to teaching the Scriptures. While I have rarely been in disagreement with you, I must ask. What gives you the authority to lessen certain doctrines? To say that some doctrines are "secondary" and can be disagreed upon while still maintaining unity? Does the Bible teach it, and I have not found it? Or was it taught at seminary? Or is it your denomination's view? Is it your authority as a pastor that allows you to teach something that isn't biblical? I am not being rhetorical, I really would like to know where this idea comes from. Because every single pastor I have ever listened to or talked to backs this idea. It is not taught in Scripture, unless I am blinder than a bat, and yet every pastor/teacher agrees that we can disagree on certain doctrines (and by "certain doctrines", I mean like 90% of all the doctrines in Scripture), and still somehow be "unified." Below is a purely logical argument based on the definition of unity against what you said repeatedly in this video, but I would be willing to give verses if you so desired. Tolerance or agreeing to disagree for the sake of unity is fundamentally an oxymoron. What is unity? The Bible is explicit. Biblical unity is being one or of one mind. Even the secular definition of unity is "the quality or state of not being multiple: oneness". What is the opposite of unity? It is divide or divided, and the definition of which is "to disagree or cause to disagree." It's interesting that based on that, it is literally impossible to be "unified" when we disagree. And yet, from the mouth of every pastor comes something like "we can disagree on the secondary doctrines and still be unified" or "don't let your disagreements affect your unity" or "it is ok to agree to disagree so long as we agree on the doctrines of salvation." When we disagree on Scripture, one of us is wrong. Maybe both of us. But it is blatantly impossible for both of us to be right. The problem though is that most of the time, when people have disagreements on Scripture and one side shows the solid biblical evidence for their side, the other person usually doubles down on their own position and will hear none of the evidence given by the other side. That is decidedly not how we, as Christians, should be. We should be able to see when the Bible speaks against our view, and instead of doubling down on our view, we should accept that we were wrong and align ourselves with Scripture. Think of Paul when he confronted Peter. Peter hadn't even taught anything wrong, and yet Paul called him out as condemned. What did Peter do? Did he double down on his pulling away from the gentile believers and pull verses from the Old Testament to argue against Paul? No! He recognized his fault, and repented. This has happened in my own walk with God. I hold my beliefs regarding Scripture and God to be true, unless someone can show me from Scripture my error. If that happens, I usually (not always unfortunately) am open to changing myself and my beliefs to match Scripture. Like I said, I actually want to know where this teaching comes from. Your brother in Christ, Logan
Do you have to have perfect theology and understand everything in the bible perfectly to be a Christian? And what will you do when a professing Christian and yourself disagree on an issue and neither can change the others mind? Do you decide that the other is not a Christian but a heretic and then disfellowship them? It depends on what the disagreement is about. Are you brothers that believe the same gospel of Christ and disagree on some interpretation of how to follow Christ, or is the other person preaching a different gospel? Salvation is not determined by your understanding of the end times, it is determined by your understanding of Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins and putting your faith and trust in him. So when it comes to distorting and preaching a different gospel we can't agree to disagree, but there will be plenty of areas where the gospel is intact but maybe we don't agree about the rapture or calvinism or tongues or infant baptism, and though we don't agree we still recognise them as followers of Christ. Not to say all of these topics are unimportant, but to say that you can be a Christian without perfectly understanding and believing everything
@Garret Haines I had not planned on writing this long of a response, but here it is. You do not need to have perfect theology and understand everything perfectly to be a Christian. Becoming a believer in Christ is fundamentally a very simple thing. It is basically just a belief and confession that you are a sinner and deserve death/hell, that you know God sent His only Son to take your place, and then you choose to follow after Him. That gets you "in" for lack of a better term. And it is at that point where most Christians, pastors, and teachers say, "and that is all we HAVE to agree on." Which is where the problem comes in. Has no one ever heard of sanctification? Has no one heard of becoming Christ like? Of abiding in Him? Jesus said, "I pray that they will be one, just as you and I are one." Does Jesus disagree with the Father? Of course not! Jesus is literally asking that Christians be perfectly aligned in every way imaginable. What of abiding in Christ? On this Jesus said, "If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love." So it is obeying His commands that allows us to abide in Him. So how can we abide in Him if we don't know His commands? For example, let's look at divorce. This is not a "primary" doctrine according anyone, and yet if Jesus is to be believed, we must know and understand what His command is on this topic. Otherwise, how can we abide in Him? But people disagree on this topic. Therefore, pastors and teachers say, "it's ok! We can disagree because it isn't a salvation issue." Except, while it may not be a salvation issue, God has made it clear that divorce is only allowed in cases of repeated adultery. Therefore, obey Him. How can ANY pastor argue against God's own words? It is MY responsibility as a Christian to align myself with Christ. In every single way imaginable. If I have truly aligned myself with Christ, and someone else has truly aligned themselves with Christ, then we would have zero disagreements. This is what discipleship is all about. I admit that this will never truly happen on this earth. That being said, the fact that we will never perfectly align with Christ while on this earth, DOES NOT negate the fact that we must align ourselves with Christ through the Holy Spirit's help and our own effort. It is interesting that, although I have never met Mike Winger, nor have I ever discussed theology with him, and the vast majority of my theology did not originate with Mike, that we agree on almost every single topic I have ever heard from him (including the topics that he would say are "secondary"). How is this possible? It is simple really. We have the Bible, which God Himself gave to us so that we might follow, love, and understand Him. This agreement that I have with Mike doesn't stop with him though. It has happened over and over in my life. That is the oneness that we should expect of Christians, not this agreeing to disagree stuff. Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that Jesus being a priest after the order of Melchizedek is important to know and understand? Most do not think it is important at all (I struggle to even remember that it is a teaching in many cases). And yet it is of this teaching that the writer of Hebrews says, "About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, and of instruction about washings, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgement. And this we will do if God permits." Is the writer of Hebrews saying what I think he is saying? That the doctrines that we hold as "primary" or of most importance are in fact just the milk? Why do so many Christians and pastors think that it is ok to just stop at milk? A Christian needs to move on from milk to real food. And the example of "real food" that Hebrews gives us is that Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Who cares about that, right? Clearly, we all should. Growing from needing milk to needing meat is fundamentally the result of the process of sanctification through being a disciple of Christ. A disciple follows their master, so much so, that when someone looks at the works of a disciple they say, "I can see that so and so is your master." I watched a comedian (Brian Regan) live one time and there was an up and coming comedian that was sent out to "warm up" the crowds for the big name comedian. And while no one said that this new comedian was an apprentice to Brian Regan, I knew right away. As soon as he started telling jokes, it was very clear. Brian Regan was his master. His jokes had the same cadence, and his mannerisms were the same. It was insane how similar they were. Of course the new comedian wasn't as smooth, and he fumbled a joke here and there, but all around it was rather good. He had learned well from Brian Regan. So much so that I can't remember his name! Only that he was so like his master. Becoming a believer in Christ does not make you Christ like. It's a very good start. Growing into spiritual maturity by delving into the Scriptures and following those who follow Christ will make you Christ like. And all of that is done through what most consider as "secondary doctrines," or doctrines that are less important then the doctrines of salvation. And we wonder why the church in the States is so apathetic. We mostly have converts to Christianity, not disciples. Christians who followed the Roman Road and now just go to church because they feel like they have to. Not those who are truly seeking after God. 1/2
2/2 Turns out there is a word limit for comments....lol Now of your question regarding two believers that disagree with neither being willing to budge. First, I will say that without an actual example, it is difficult to be able to explain the problem. Therefore, I will use a topic that you brought up as my example. Calvinism, or more broadly, the doctrine of election. Now here is a divisive topic if I've ever seen one. Ok so on one side of the argument you have the Calvinist's. They believe that God is really the only one with any choice in the matter regarding who gets saved. On the opposite side are those who hold to Arminianism. Who believe that each individual person has the free will to choose or reject God, and that God merely agrees with the decision. Now each side has many verses and passages that they pull from. Which is right? They get together and debate for 35 years, and neither one goes over to the other side. We are now at your question. Since neither side will budge, what should each side do? Label the other a heretic? Stone the other one? Cast them out of the church? I would say, "none of the above." As I said in my first comment, both of them cannot be correct. At least one of them is in error, while the other is either ALSO in error or he is correct and knows the truth. Based on Scripture, they are both half right. Which ultimately means they are both wrong. Since a half truth is still a lie. The actual truth regarding the doctrine of election is BOTH that 1. God is sovereign and chooses who can come to Him and 2. That man has free will to choose to follow God or go against Him. Now I don't really want to go into everything on this because that is not the question I am trying to answer. However, I would be willing to do another comment that explains what I am saying. So, for the sake of the original question, let us assume that I am correct. Both the Calvinist and Arminianist are wrong. Why can't they come any closer to the truth, which is somewhere in the middle of their stances? First, I believe that it actually constitutes a lack of spiritual maturity on both of their parts. Why? Because instead of asking the question, "what does the whole of Scripture actually say on this topic?" They often go into Scripture LOOKING for their side of the argument. While at the same time, ignoring, or downplaying, anything that doesn't agree with them. They find verses and are like "Aha! I have found the proof." And yet, the whole of Scripture on that topic says something different. A spiritually mature Christian would recognize that both sides of this particular argument have a TON of verses and that, when looked at objectively, seem to contradict themselves. But we know that Scripture cannot contradict itself. So if Scripture cannot contradict itself, and two sides of an argument APPEAR to contradict, then the answer is both and neither (i.e. there is some truth in both sides, and some falseness in each side as well). Therefore, as iron sharpens iron, these two Christians should be able to file away the "false" part of what they believe, and both end up with the truth. That doesn't happen though. Both sides just double down. They are like hardened knife steel that a file just skates off of. Each side can CLEARLY see the problem with the other side, but are totally blind to the problem of their own side. Calvinists see the problem with Armininism, and I agree with them. And Arminianist's see the problem with Calvinism, and I agree with them. So looking objectively at the problem, I can see that both are right, and both are wrong. But they themselves can't see it. So what about a different scenario? Here is one from my own experience. I was in a small group, and one of the other members and I were talking about Creation and similar topics, and he said that he doesn't understand why Christians are so obsessed with blood (I don't remember how we got on the topic). He said that the idea of Jesus being a sacrifice was not biblical and that a focus on blood was actually pagan in nature. Which to me was kind of dumbfounding. The Bible is chalk full of this talk, and yet he was saying that it isn't biblical, but rather paganistic. How could he have missed the literal HUNDREDS of verses that talk about blood, sacrifices, atonement, etc.? It is consistent from Genesis all the way through Revelation that we NEED blood to be spilt to cover sin. God actually is the one who began animal sacrifices, starting with the killing of the animals to make clothes for Adam and Eve. It was then adopted by pagan religions because they understood that their was significance to the practice. The problem was that they were sacrificing to the wrong God. Anyway, this led me to find as many verses as I could on this subject, and we went to Denny's to discuss it. I showed him that Scripture talks a lot about this topic, and that it is a good thing. What truly amazed me though was that, when he saw the verses and we had talked about it for awhile, he changed his mind. That's just it though. He recognized that he was not in accordance with what Scripture said, and instead of doubling down on his own conviction, he instead aligned himself with Scripture. THAT shows maturity.
@@ljandersonbooks I can say I agree with most of what you're saying but when you talk of milk and meat, the meatier subjects are difficult to understand and as Mike refers to as an "in house discussion" means that we argue and discuss these things as brothers in Christ so iron can sharpen iron. But the reality is believers can have unity and love for the gospel and Christ even when they don't always come to agreement on the meatier things they are still working though. And for your Calvinism Arminian example unfortunately I don't think you solve the issue by assuming your third option is correct and that if they were more mature they would agree with you. But I appreciate the dialogue and I agree with a lot of your sentiment, and we can't just agree to disagree but we need the in house discussion to help the body of Christ grow in maturity and hopefully grow in love and grace which unity may be more about the heart than having perfectly unity in our beliefs. Now we see in a mirror dimly lit, we will not know many things until we see him face to face
Thanks so much Pastor Mike, I’m getting SO much! I’m a 66 YO woman and have gone back and forth several times on this pretrib/posttrib and decided you’re right. I personally don’t think when He said seek the Kingdom that it means we should obsess about eschatology. I hope that’s an at least okay to paraphrase 😂. God bless you and your ministry❤️🙏🏼.
@Violett Fem haha I have been there before. Might be better that way though. There was a lot of heated debate in the chat today lol At least you got to enjoy your coffee peacefully.
@Mike Winger, the darkness you spoke of: Revelation 9:2 KJV - And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
I SO APPRECIATE how u present the TRUTH; & also appreciate your openness to other views where there is potential for different interpretations. God SO BLESS, you, Mike!
When Joshua prayed for the sun and moon to stand still upon Gibeon and the valley of Ajalon in Joshua 10, was it something symbolic or did it happen quite literally?
It's literal. Biblical cosmology is real. Copernican cosmology is as fake as evolution. Earth is fixed just as the Bible says. All heavenly bodies go around the earth. Research the book- Like Clay Under the Seal. It's proven Biblically and scientifically. Top secret NASA and Russian cosmology documents disclose Biblical cosmology is true.
Regarding the meaning of "gathering": When Jesus said, ‘How often I wanted to gather your children together like a hen gathers her own brood under her wings," we take it to pertain to reconciliation with the Father thru Jesus, not bunching up in one place.
WHY Couldn't JESUS Make HIMSELF VISIBLE EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD At Once??! HE IS THE CREATOR GOD WITHOUT ANY PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS! Just because we, mere mortals can't fathom how this would be possible DOESN'T Determine WHAT GOD CAN & WILL DO.
So glad to hear your thoughts on post trib rapture.. those were my exact thoughts. I just don’t get why people split the verses up. Too much stretching.. two raptures is very weak.
Here is why I think there are two different events. 1 Thes 4 is a post-trib event with a resurrection. There is only one earthly resurrection (John 6:39-54, 11:24, Rev 20:4-6). One taken, one left is a pre-trib event without a resurrection. We leave our flesh on earth (Luke 17:37, Matt 24:28). One taken is pre-trib because it happens when there is eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building and getting married. Those activities will greatly diminish as the great tribulation progresses. What do you think Jesus said in the one taken, one left verses?
@@onetakendotnet I agree with you, the ones left after the pretrib rapture are the ones who get saved . Many realize after we are gone that Jesus is for real. No one sees Jesus until He comes back after the trib with sword in hand to judge. That’s how I interpret it. Sure I could be wrong, but I will never know until that day of the trumpet sound and taken up. Meanwhile I’m living life. 🤗
@@taralothoni2693 thanks for the reply. The problem is many will not realize we are gone because our bodies will be left on earth. The global event (flash of light and dead bodies) will be written off as a freak electrical storm or something weird like an alien attack. God bless you and maranatha!
@@onetakendotnet the part about eating, drinking, planting, getting married I believe is just after the killing of the two witnesses, when the world celebrates which is shortly before the 7th trumpet. We don't know the exact timing between their death, and the 7th trumpet but it's short
@@formless4541 thanks for the reply. I think the 7th seal, trumpet, and bowl are the precede just before the second coming. They all have a great earthquake, and great storm. I think the seals, trumpets, and bowls start out a different times but they all end together. The sixth bowl and the sixth trumpet are about the Euphrates river. I think shortly after the antichrist leader takes power, the world prosperity will start to decay (wars, hyperinflation, famine, droughts, etc.) Eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building, and getting married won't stop abruptly. God bless and maranatha!
Thank you.!!! I do not have a church family. The last few churches I have gone to had too much drama. They were mean to my children. One thing Jesus stresses is the treatment of children... I am heartbroken. I have lost my confidence in organized religion. I am a believer, but church seemed worse than high school. I am glad I found your studies. I find lots of wonderful studies online, but pray I can find a decent church to take my grand girls to. I treasure my youth growing up in a wonderful church family.
That's right brother Mike. Jesus is the Lord who rides on the clouds, physically returning in triumph. As you broke down the scriptures clearly state the nature of His return.
Post trib just doesn't make sense. Why would we be raptured up after the tribulation to just come right back down for the Millennial reign? The rapture and 2nd coming is definitely two different events. Allen Parr (the beat) does a great job explaining the 2 different events.
Unfortunately the Bible doesn’t say that though, when you actually look at the text it clearly says what Pastor Mike has described so we’ve got to look deeper. Is our understanding of the whole Millennium business right? Perhaps if the Amillenial theory is correct it makes more sense? Then the rapture is the resurrection of the people of God and comes just ahead of the resurrection of the rest of mankind. The Greek word used in the Thessalonians passage points the reader to the idea of going out to meet a dignitary as he comes to your town - hence we are caught up to be with The LORD as He is coming to His Kingdom in glory and judgement. Premillennialism causes a lot of inconsistencies in the Gospel narrative: Who gets to live after the Great Tribulation (who gets a second chance)? Does taking the mark of the beast mean you are lost forever? (John MacArthur got stuck on this one!) How are those who are left, after the coming of Christ for His church, saved? Is it salvation by works/religious observances... such things are an anathema to both the Old and New Testaments - Abraham was accounted as righteous because of his faith, not his works - ditto every other OT patriarch whose name is written in the book of life. Sacrifice was intended to point the person offering it to the sacrifice of God pointed to in verse 21 of chapter 3 in Genesis - hence Abel’s offering was accepted, but Cain’s was rejected because he thought it was all about what he did that mattered. Why would a third temple be necessary if the sacrifice of Christ crucified for the sin of the world was sufficient? The temple, high priest, sacrifices and feasts all point us to what the coming Messiah will do (has now done) to save us from our sin and make it right between us and God. It’s worth questioning all these things and many more, because there are plenty of worthy Christian ministers who hold different views on all of this. Some are pre, some are Post and some are a-millennial. I guess we will only know for sure when we are with The Lord, but it would be devastating if some lost their faith because they weren’t raptured before the great tribulation and weren’t prepared.
@@tammyewert1712 from my understanding there is the main rapture before the tribulation then you have the next rapture which is the seperation of the sheep and goats after the tribulation that Mike is referring to. When rightly dividing the scriptures make sense.
@@jerrystatic256 thanks Jerry...I also see that. Don't mind being wrong though. Guess we'll have to wait and see hu. To be honest it's a bit exciting/terrifying, even if I'm trusting Jesus, can't help feeling slightly intimidated.
@@tammyewert1712 i completely understand. I feel the same. Understanding Daniels 70th week has helped me understand it a little more. I also look at the OT. Enoch was first who was raptured who represented the church and when Noah was saved he represented Israel as believers whuke the world was judged. God always removes his ppl before Judgement. Just like Lot and his family also before Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.
Love this & I am one of the people who probably only understood 30% but i watched till the end & im off to look up things/words I dont understand !! Thanks for what you do 💜
If you acknowledge dispensations, then the Pre-Trib view for the rapture has to apply because that is the end of the church age and then God is now concentrating on the 70th week of Daniel dealing with the Jews, although there will be some gentiles saved too. His first coming when He stays in the clouds is a secret, but when He touches down at His second coming, all will see Him. I appreciate how thoroughly you research a subject, Mike. Thank you.
Charla, I do not understand (and I am not being snarky.) Why would there be a secret return of Jesus and then a public Second coming? I don't know but that sounds like the stuff cults are made of. ???
@@KarynnLynn it's my words as far as secret because only the church is expecting Him to take us before the tribulation. You should watch Andy Woods videos regarding the different views on tribulation rapture. He does an excellent job explaining the different views but he points out that pre-trib is the most logical answer.
As a born again believer I take the darkening of the sun and moon as well as the falling of the stars literally. The Sun is NOT a star like science teaches (the Bible always differentiates between the Sun, the moon and the stars!) 1 Tim 6:20.
If a star falls to earth, it wouldn’t really be falling to earth but push it out of the way lol... you could fit like a hundred earths in even a small star
@@Brian_L_A Have you been to the sun? How can we know it is a star? What tests can be done that are repeatable and verifiable to explain what the sun is?
@@Porklion "How do we know how big the stars are?" We have worked out detailed models of how stars work. These models have been verified by them making predictions that can be observed. IE when dense star has enough matter, it will explode in a somewhat controlled manner, as nova explosion. This can be observed all over with dual star systems that have a small dense star near a large, less dense star. The small star collects gas from the large star by gravity and when it gets enough, there is an explosion, nova. This explosion can be calculated to determine its energy output. Sure enough, we see these explosion all across the Universe, just as predicted. The same with supernovas, which happen to large, old stars that have fused all their lighter elements, IE hydrogen-helium-carbon etc. Again, predicted and observed.
Amen, amen, and amen to your point at 1:07:56 regarding what God would have of us. However it does turn out be faithful, be about our Father’s business, and be humble. Considering we have no single text dedicated to explaining in detail how it was all to go down, only insights gleaned from authors using small glimpses of the whole to make other points, it would be Christian of us to contemplate all this with humility. Imagine having been handed only five pieces of a 1,000 piece puzzle, even if they are somehow linked to each other, and declaring you’ve figured out the whole!
Mike, when I read the Olivet discourse, I really struggle to come away with the interpretation you give. It seems so plain to me that the "solar catastrophe" language he uses, when viewed against the backdrop of the OT, is signifying the destruction of a nation. This is true for every case of the use of the language in the OT. I felt like you were focusing on the wrong things, ie "literal vs non literal", when you should have been asking "how would Jesus' audience have understood this?" I love and appreciate your content but I feel like I could see your traditions coming through more in this particular case than other times.
Yep and they IMPLY it is there, and they admit it. But the pre trib is not in there, at all. You want to believe it, that is fine, but when JD starts calling those who don't Satanic I get a little ticked. Prepare yourself to go through the great tribulation, and if you don't go throught it, bonus. 😜
@@ZUGTFO You are correct! Here for the Tribulation/trouble and caught up right before the wrath/anger poured out! The argument ends by just looking in a bible concordance and ppl would find two different words used for trib and wrath. Even my hearing the words clearly shows two different meanings!!!
LDS chick here! I love your insights, and willingness to study and stretch your understanding, and share with others! Love the spiritual deep dives! xoxo
@@Brian_L_A Dan 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. Dan 7:14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
@@Brian_L_A How many do you believe died before it was fulfilled the next day? Jesus did say some will not taste of death so obviously a good part of them must have died.
@@evanu6579 Okay, Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the mount and they saw Him transfigure into His Glory. The rest of the disciples died and will have to wait until the Day of Christ's return to see Him coming in his Kingdom.
@@Brian_L_A I suppose that could be what is meant though I don’t think it is. Matt 10:23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. Rom 10:18 ¶ But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world. Col 1:6 Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth: 23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;
Mike, have you studied the prewrath view? I think thats what you and I are, but you just dont know it yet 😁 Search for Robert Van Kampen's seminar called a "the biblical defense for the prewrath rapture of the church" here on RUclips Keep up the good work bro. Me and Jesus love you so much!
Here for the Tribulation but caught up right before the wrath. Look up those two words in a bible concordance. Trib is trouble and wrath is anger. We all should know this even in our day that the meaning of these two are different. Two different events immediately following one another.
I believe the moon will cover the sun and the falling stars will be the angels coming down to prepare us. I had a dream that moved me to believe this recently.
@Pond3r Thiz No, Prewrath says the Rapture happens before the wrath. The only place you see the wrath of God actually happening is in the seven vial judgements, so the Rapture happens before them.
@@evanu6579 The Harlot could very well be the Catholic Church as its moral decline continues into the future. The moral failure with the pedophile priests alone may qualify it. The beast is the series of large governments Satan inspired in his attempts to make a one-world -government. The mouth of the beast is the anti-christ.
@@Brian_L_A I would argue that the Harlot is Jerusalem as she is said to be a city and that the beast is Rome. Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Exo 28:6 And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work. That colour scheme is used throughout the entire tabernacle and same with the temple. Rev 18:12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, 13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men. Compare with 1Kings 10. Rev 18:20 ¶ Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. 24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. Matt 23:34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: 35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. 36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation. 37 ¶ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Luk 13:33 Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is often referred to as a Harlot or a whore in the OT because of her unfaithfulness to God. Rome is set on 7 hills as is the woman who is seated on the beast which would make the beast the one with 7 hills. A few things to consider as this would help determine the correct view of Revelation/ Oliver discourse. God bless.
I laughed at your barrelrider joke ...you are not alone
I love that this is pinned!
Eileen, anyone, would you please explain the joke to me? I haven’t watched TV in years and have watched few movies. I can’t even say I’m well read.
"And over the hill and under the hill my path has led, and through the air..."
Lol, Tolkien fan too.
@@klarag7059 0
We need time stamp!! I missed it!!
The actual best thing you said in this entire piece was: “and lots will unsubscribe but so what? I already have more than I ever thought I’d have anyway.” You’re such a good steward of your blessings AND your responsibility. Most people are one or the other and sacrifice responsibility for the wealth of blessings, but your commitment to truth and Scripture above all are a constant reminder to me of what it looks like to abide in Christ. God bless you, man!
God Bless brother Mike. ExJW and now a real Christian. This was a good video. Thought provoking.
🙏🙏 Amen!
Did you receive any backlash?
@@mred884 from JW Org? Yes Im disfellowshipped and they call me an Apostate behind my back.. My mother and daughter shun me and im not allowed to see my two granddaughters
@@serafin1352 I’m sorry to hear that. Do you have any insight on ways to minister to JW?
Mike, always remember most of us are here to get "into the weeds". There is an abundance of superficial and topical teaching out there. God is using you in a mighty way to encourage us all to true bible study. Thanks for being a vessel for our Lord, can't wait to meet you one day here or in heaven. Praise God.
I shouted to God all I want is the truth and the meaning and here I am stumbled unto his channel and he is my stepping stone to greatness thank you for teaching who knows I might be a teacher as well God works in mysterious ways
“I’m a Bible nerd and I’m going to make you one whether you like it or not!” I am a Bible nerd but that was Really Funny! I actually laughed out loud!! 😂😂😂
I laughed out loud too 😅
I collect bibles,and every time i try to read,im lost😒
@@hfrt29 I know what you mean Pastors like mike helps me a lot Be carefull who you listen to avoid these people I joined a bible study that helps too
@@hfrt29 its spiritually discerned..
@@hfrt29 I suggest instead of trying to make sense of everything written in the bible. You start in the new testament and study Jesus and the way he lived His life and what He did for us and what He tells us to do and not do. Dont be overwhelmed by the bible. Find all of the signs that God loves you written within His word. If you can find the love God has for you then the rest of the bible becomes easier to read and understand. If your not sincere in your walk with God or your search for God then God will not reveal His sincerity to you. Pray for Him to reveal His love to you. Be diligent in seeking Him.
I live in NY and never even heard of the post tribulation rapture before about a year ago and it felt like I was punched in the stomach when I realized there was a different view.. I realized i didn't see a pre tribulation rapture in the bible , it took a lot of time to come to terms with it.. Then i realized I'm not afraid of the anti Christ and it would be an honor to die for refusing the mark bc of my Lord and Savior. ❤
And yet there are many views on each of the different time frames concerning the rapture. Such as the bible was written to the Jews first and thus many believe it applies only to them as in the middle east area and not the whole world. I do not follow that line of thought but know many who think it is a possibility.
Also, Revelation 3:10, when read in full context is believed to point to a pre-trib point of view, "Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." They actually taught a pre-trip rapture in my non-denominational bible college. Of course the previous Revelation instructor liked to teach from a mid-trip point of view.
Then you hVdnt looked hard enough, pre trib understandings are everywhere in scripture. What about the typology of Noah? Typology of the story of Lot? Just going to conviently ignore those? Rev 3:10, 1 Thess 1:10, Psalm 27 verse 5? Just going to ignore all of those? Why the willful ignorance?
We're not called to fear. This was a big hobby horse for me and he was very wise in saying not to do that. Almost all the views (about 7) have some good arguments, but I'm going to listen to Pastor Mike and focus on just telling people about Jesus. He'll work it all out in the end. You can get really worked up over this, especially these days & if you have children or grandchildren. I kinda hope pre-tribulation is true for their sakes, I don't think I could watch them behead my children or grandchildren. Nope. But God doesn't give us more than we can handle.
@Name Watcher if anything Noah and Lot escaped the Wrath of God.
@Name Watcher which comes at the end of the tribulation.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your teachings. Your style, the topics you choose, and your pursuit of factual truth are much needed qualities in our time. Thanks for being yourself and for providing both light and clarity in my life.
Pat C · 5.
People want Biblical facts, Not Mike Winger's opinions.
Why doesn't Mike study the Bible and believe it? Instead of giving his opinions.
@@alanhales239 👎
Oh I so agree! I so enjoy learning about The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and everything in between!! 🕊🤍🌿 Thank you @mikewinger from the bottom of my heart! You are smart, patient and kind! I enjoy all your videos and just want to say I love Jesus!! 🫀😍😇🤍
@@alanhales239 @Alan Hales He's doing both. Most Christians believe the words of Jesus in the gospels and Revelation regarding the future. The interpretation is where they disagree, and have varying opinions. If someone believes and knows his words, then there are things that's aren't debatable like everyone knowing when he has come. When it says something like the sun going dark, that could mean an eclipse, volcanic clouds, other natural things, or supernatural darkness.
I really enjoy his style too. It's like a friend going through a discussion topic. Preaching and teaching the Bible is much more effective when the person doing it doesn't act authoritarian, and allows only the word of God to be authority. Others preach in a way that suggests their view is the one true view, and they have some special in insight like a prophet to make that claim.
When Mike apologizes for getting into the weeds I’m like.....that’s what I’m here for!
Pastor Mike, I’m new to your channel, have been watching for about a month or so. I have to say I love your teaching style, you teach straight from the Bible which is what’s needed in today’s world. As a Mormon who is in the throws of a faith crisis I really appreciate your teaching. I will often watch your videos all day. I’ve learned so much more about the Bible from you these last 4-5 weeks than I have in the 54 years I’ve been a Mormon. Thank you ❤
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 16:15 Luke 10:27💕
Impossible for any human
You Must Be Born Again From Above
Filled with THE 🕊HOLY SPIRIT🔥
Then follow 🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏽
Is it possible that it’s a one way street, god has no love for man,animals.
42:10 This passage is one of the reasons I tend toward a Post-Trib, Pre-Mil view. I consider it most likely that the Rapture and the Second Coming are one and the same event. That said, I'm not set in stone on that view. The important thing is to be watchful and ready, regardless of which (if any) interpretation is correct. One of two things will inevitably happen: either you will die, or Jesus will come back while you are alive. The best thing to do is to follow Christ and be ready for either possibility.
The only thing is who is Jesus speaking to and what were they looking forward to? The Jews were looking for kingdom restoration. Where were they in Daniels and Ezekiel's time? What was happening to them during Jesus' time? Although one can find scripture to support the pre, mid, and post tribulation beliefs, where is the church mentioned in Revelations of Jesus Christ and what are the special instructions?
To me the last book of the Bible is the fulfilling of the Covenant with Abraham and finally the finished work of Genesis 1:31. The choice word for "elect" needs to be addressed. Man was elected for salvation. ( For unto you a child is born a savior..) Certain believers and non-believers were elected for certain jobs. ( Noah, Pharaoh, Judas, the Apostles...) Israel is used as elect. Jesus is elect. Church is elect. Finally you see 144,000 elected and sealed. ( Fulfillment of the Abraham covenant).
You are also correct in the belief has nothing to do with salvation. We only know Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no man comes to the Father but by Him.
I lean towards Post-Trib Pre-Wrath. The only place I can see that would be a physical rapture in the Bible is Revelation Ch.7 the innumerable host of people. Ending chapter 6 with the cosmic signs as mentioned in the synoptic Gospels immediately followed with the statement "for the great day of his WRATH is come.." after that present tense statement, his wrath has just come, the 144,000 are sealed and the innumerable host appears. This is followed up by Judgment upon the earth with the Trumpets etc. I believe Ch 12 divides the Revelation and tells the same story twice adding more emphasis. Meaning, the Trumpets and Vials. If you look each one coincides with the other. The 144,000 are mentioned again in ch 14. So...I think we can overlay the Revelation and its one story told twice with more emphasis added.
@@mrthompson5867 Who is Jesus Christ revealing Himself to? Christians? Israel? The world?
People think the Day of the Lord is part of the rapture but that's ridiculous. The Day of the Lord is wrath.
13 “Behold, he shall come up like clouds,
And his chariots like a whirlwind.
His horses are swifter than eagles.
Woe to us, for we are plundered!” Jeremiah 4:13
18 Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord!
For what good is the day of the Lord to you?
It will be darkness, and not light.
Amos 5: 18.
God gave instructions to everyone before judgement. Noah on the Arks design, use, and meaning ( pitch). Lot on were to run and not to look back. There is no special instructions in the days of tribulation. Nothing mentioned about those being spared except for the 144,000. In fact you find the opposite, those who don't accept the mark of the beast martyred except for the 144,000.
@@jthomas5226 I see Zero evidence in scripture of a secret rapture, Zero. How many gatherings together with Christ do you see in the Bible? I see one and its at his second coming.
I challenge you to show me a gathering together or better yet a 3rd coming, if he comes for the rapture that would be 2nd, unless that doesn't count because he didn't put his foot on the mount of Olives. Please by all means, show me the secret rapture and two separate gathering togethers.
Why do all the pre-trib rapture people completely ignore 2Thess 2:1-4?
Paul clearly states that he doesn’t want them to be confused or deceived about our being gathered back to Christ for “that day will NOT come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed...”
It seems so clear to me.
I haven’t watched this yet but started giggling from a incident I had recently.
I was fast asleep and live rurally so very very quiet at night. A pottery kiln gas supply 1 mile away exploded. It made the ground shake it was so loud. As I leapt out of bed my brain shouted Jesus and honestly thought it was in that split second 😂. Then discernment kicked in and my spirit was like nope no trumpets. This was all in a bout 2 seconds while still asleep.
Glad to know Holy Spirit helps me discern in a spit second 😆
One time I was convinced Jesus was talking to me during a sermon I was attending at church and I felt something invisible touch my hand where it lay on my open bible and the touch even felt cool. So I looked down at my finger and it was pointing to the verse that says satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
That’s awesome that your mind was instantly there. I once was awakened by an exploding house in our neighborhood (termite tenting) but my mind went to “bomb.” You’re much more spiritual than I, lol.
I'm SO THANKFUL your a Bible nerd!!!😇
Thank you for always pointing to Christ and taking the time to study.
Amen to that
Hi Mike, I admire your ability to say you don't have all the answers and are willing to change your mind on a given subject if/when you happen upon greater light. So thank you for continuing to study and for encouraging us to do so as well. Here is what I've found from my personal study:
I think some of the greatest arguments against a secret rapture are:
1. “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and **every eye will see Him**” (Revelation 1:7).
“The Lord Himself will descend from heaven **with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first**” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).
These verses tell me that it's no secret if every eye is going to see him when he comes. They also tell me that this will be a fairly noisy event if there is a shout and a trumpet sounding (no wonder every eye will be fixed on him!). Also, how can we take into account two separate raptures when the dead in Christ are rising at this very event of Jesus second coming? It means that whether dead or alive, we're all awaiting this one grand event.
2. “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven … and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain **shall be caught up together with them** in the clouds to meet the Lord **in the air**. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17).
This verse shows me that Jesus is coming on his very specific mission to take his people with him to heaven. He comes in the clouds and the living are caught up together with the risen dead in the clouds to meet him in the air, not on the ground. In this picture Jesus is pretty much coming with grand fanfare to call out his saved children to take them away, but this is definitely not a secret event nor a touchdown where he then tours around earth as it seems some have implied.
3. "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but **we shall all be changed- in a moment,** in the twinkling of an eye, **at the last trumpet**. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Corinthians 15:51,52)
The transformation of our corruptible bodies (whether living or risen dead), happens in a blink of an eye when that last trumpet sounds. We shall ALL be changed. I don't see how this could support the idea of some of us being changed first and then another group being changed later.
4. “**False christs** and false prophets will rise and **show great signs and wonders to deceive**, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24).
“To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20)
I think while we need to be loving Christians to all fellow Christians and non-Christians alike, we need to be clear about our beliefs. (This does not mean to get caught up in setting dates because the Bible says no one knows the day nor the hour of his coming). However, Satan will send out imposters and impersonators of Christ in order to deceive even the elect. That's a scary thought and a somber call to study, study, study for ourselves and be clear on what we believe. As Isaiah says, we need to be able to test all teachers by the light of scripture...but how can we do that if we do not know scripture? Imagine someone coming, performing great signs and wonders healing sick, raising dead, even claiming to be Christ...God help us from falling prey.
5. “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14)
Our call to action is definitely in preparing ourselves and fulfilling our mission of sharing the good news of a second coming so that the end will come. Jesus is coming for us guys!!! To give us incorruptibility, immortality, and to take us to heaven!!
It's the free gift that Jesus offers to ALL!! Let's all accept it.
“The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37).
“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12).
“I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts” (Hebrews 8:10).
“Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57)
Thank you for reading if you've gotten this far. God bless you and everyone else on their Christian journey! Blessings
@Pond3r Thiz I agree. This group will be solid on the truth so they won't be deceived. But imagine how powerful the deception will be that even they would be deceived if it were possible? This is why personal study is so important. Blessings to you!
Believers will hear the Trumpets not the unbelievers. When Jesus comes to make war then EVERYONE WILL SEE HIM
Pastor mike you really still resemblea jehovah witness frendly and welcoming like one
Amen, thank you🙏🏼!
I concur with this
Pastor Winger, this teaching is wonderful and full of truths, thank you , I am a pre- tribulation believer and I will not be in it because I’m and old woman that will be dead before it happens but I will be present at His coming, by His grace to see His glory and fly with Him to His kingdom. Amen.
I'm a newly awakened JW. Obviously this whole 2nd comimg concept you teach is mind blowing. The trinity is tough for me to understand too. Thanks for your lessons!
Beware of Mike and his 2nd slumming he's a sinister minister ? ? 😈😈 a wing nut who twists the scriptures. ? ? He misquotes the bible and his writings are LIBEL ? ? 😁😂😉
The trinity is tough for anyone who isn't God to fully grasp. One of the things that causes so much anxiety and doubt in others about the reliability of the trinity doctrine, is the one thing that I celebrate: the mystery of the Godhead is so difficult to comprehend because God is the ONLY example of himself in all of existence. You can come up with superficial examples to use as a guide, but ultimately, there will be missing aspects that make it inferior as a true example. I absolutely love this fact. God is the only one of his kind!
Yeah, it's a tough concept, but if you look there's hints of it all through the old testament. Check out Dr Michael Heiser's Naked Bible podcast. He can kinda show how it was in the OT all along, and how after the resurrection the Jewish rabbis and scribes actually changed their versions of the Tanahk (all the ones they could get to) to get rid of anything that referred to any aspects of the Godhead other than Yahweh. 🙏✝️🙏
Thank you for being a bible nerd! You have helped be to be a bible thinker too. Thanks from Canada 🇨🇦
Howdy neighbor! 🙏✝️👑🙏
Love your honesty; it’s refreshing to hear a Pastor/teacher admit that they “don’t know”.
You are the first pastor I've ever heard that has brought up the big issue with the Pre-Trib view that I realized several years ago-- that being that it forces TWO Raptures/Gatherings, TWO First Resurrections, and ultimately TWO CHURCHES-- the Bride of Christ and the Tribulation Saints.
I LOVED what you said about how we are waiting for the end times and not watching for it and how we shouldn’t obsess about it. I was born and raised strict catholic (even went to a private school for girls run by the Opus Dei sector).. 11 years ago I started going to born_again Christian churches but unfortunately got into the whole new age scene in 2012 when I moved to Germany .. let go of that completely at the end of 2019 and got baptized. Since then, I have gone deeper in faith (attending church, reading bible, praying more, bible groups etc etc) but unfortunately on weekends it was like I told God, see you on Sunday service because weekends meant “partying” .. it wasn’t until late November last year when chains of addiction were finally broken and I have since then decided to stop being a lukewarm Christian! I am now attending an 8 month bible course where we focus on the symbolisms and prophecies and fulfillments in the Bible! Mind you, I have never heard this in my entire “christian” catholic life.
Anyway last week, I came across a man who does videos on watching for the end time to happen which has left me so confused .. he even says we are watching in his channel for Jesus to come ... I’m so glad I came across you. I used to find the apologetics too intense and now I am loving it. It is what I need to defend the Christian faith to my unbeliever husband who is very (scientific / mathematics minded) ..
God bless you!!!
Red letter Bible read Jesus’ words
This Generation!
You ~ audience will see ME!
Last days ~ of what ⁉️
The old covenant of Sinai ‼️
When was that totally dissolved?
66 ~ 73 ad The Temple 70 ad
7 year period
God working through the historical empires Daniel Nebuchadnezzar statue Gold Babylon Silver Medo Persia Bronze Greece Iron Rome iron & clay Rome & Israel The Rock ~ Jesus comes touches and breaks it ALL!
Be continually filled with
I found this so very helpful and healing in some ways. I have been told and even pressured about pretribulation Rapture innthe bible. I grew up with the scripture and just didn't see it there. Southern Baptist believers have said if I don't believe then I'm not saved and it made me sad and weakened my Faith. I now can stand strong knowing that I am saved and can understand what I am reading. The message of Christ goes beyond denomination. Jesus gave me a blessed assurance that I can stand. Thank you and God bless you brother.🙏
I grew up in a church in Alabama that actually split over end times views. It happens less today, but when it does, it shows a lack of understanding of what it means to be saved instead of an understanding of end times.
I'm sorry this happened to you. I believe in a pretrib rapture but to suggest someone isn't truly saved because you think they get some tricky bits of secondary theology wrong is horrible. It's definitely an important issue but it should be a friendly in house discussion rather than a boxing match.
Love this man's mind 💞
I have listened to hundreds of your teachings , the truth by way of the Holy Spirit is the strength of your insight into Gods word , DON'T STOP , Steve
God is omnipresent - so I believe we all will see His 2nd coming
Thank You, God, that you use Mike to let us understand what we need to understand.
Beautiful. Jesus deserves all the GLORY ALONE.
@Mike Winger I appreciate your presentation. I believe the Bible is self explanatory. If we let the Bible talk to us, without pre conceived ideas and teachings and guided by the Holy Spirit, we could see the whole picture. It is quite simple really. But we need to empty our minds of our own opinions and let the Holy Spirit talk to us through God’s Word. God bless you.
My mind just exploded and I need immediate brain surgery. Whew! I had to listen to this twice to unpack everything in this lesson. 😅
Sooooo I live here in Texas. The actual belt buckle of the Bible Belt and I am quickly figuring out that some of my favorite Pastors are in California. John MacArthur and Mike Winger are amazing. I am use to one thing coming out of California, leftists ideological propaganda…. I Love seeing our Lord shining light in the darkness!!!
I love you guy! Thank you for making us stronger believers and keeping an open mind that’s how I know I can trust you when you keep an open mind to new information. Thanks to our father in heaven for using your life to strengthen our belief and wisdom in Christ.❤
Great video! Like I must say at the end of the day, let us all Be Ready! God Bless You Brother Mike!
52:00: you did explain it well and my mind did explode, but I'm not gonna have brain surgery because I like my mind that way - exploded from the awe and beauty of God!😊
Thank you for these teachings Mike. I’m going through a really tough time and it’s fantastic to be able to just have a solid biblical teaching to listen to enjoy and absorb.
Agree Mike is an awesome teacher!!
I hope your tough times end soon
Turn yourself to "THE ONLY TRUE GOD" - The God of Jesus Christ.
Jesus prayed to him and you should also pray to the God of Jesus.
Who is The Only True God, according to Jesus?
And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
Does Jesus have a God?
Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"
Who was Jesus? A God or a man sent by God?
"Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.
@@RustedFaith 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
King James Version
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
so let me play ultimate devils advocate
what if i get possed of the divil and become the anti christ and i have read this so... when i goto the temple I do lots of bad stuff say child sacrifice but i refuse to exalteth my self i dont call my self God. would i not be makeing God a liar? why would you have faith in God to save you if he lies? am i more clever then God?
or logic would say this has already happend the anti christ has come
i disagree mike is a poor tearcher
@@unholywarrior9007 well I would say that the advocate for the devil has misunderstood the devil
He WILL exalt himself….he can’t help it,can’t inhibit it…like a crack ho he is addicted to his own delusions of grandeur
So don’t worry yourself about God making mistakes like sad humans …He is infinitely flawless…indescribably perfect
You and I…we’re just pathetic…and guilty
Closing remarks and prayer - YES AND AMEN! As I study eschatology in my personal Bible studies more and have found your thorough explanations on the differing view points (thank you for that), I learn more and more how we are not called to be pointing out to others when Jesus will be coming in the clouds - only that He IS coming, He IS the Christ, He IS the truth and the life. Our calling is to remain faithful and prepare ourselves to declare the goodness and holiness of God and Jesus’ death and resurrection no matter the cost. Pre/post trib, millennial views, none of it matters. Only our devotion the to the Lord and sharing the gospel.
All I know when Jesus comes back, my clothes will be neatly folded on the bed.
@Dik Burns who said anything about works? Ephesians 2:8-9. Good day
LOL! Let’s not leave a mess now.
@@klarag7059 time to declutter
@@taralothoni2693 totally
“I’m willing to change my mind halfway up into the air” 💀🤣 I can’t with you. That was too funny oh my goodness 🤣🤣🤣
I think you could make a 3 hr video and people would listen because you unpack scripture so amazing and simple and in depth. Thank you so much.
Thank you for making me a Bible nerd mike, you really have broadened my perspective and ability to understand the Bible contextually and intentionally. I have a lot of respect for you brother!
The most consistent and natural rendering of the Scripture leads to a post-tribulation gathering of the Saints. For my own benefit I want to hold a pre-tribulation position but I simply cannot.
What a strange and interesting experience it will be when we are on the other side of this and looking back remembering how it was when we didn't quite get it.
Same here. I WISH it to be true, but I just can’t find it in Scripture.
Thanks pastor mike. Love your teaching style. When you chuckle it makes me chuckle too.😅
I laughed at the “barrel rider” joke so don’t beat yourself up 🤣. Tolkien nerds, UNITE!
For those having a hard time this really helped me.
I was having a really bad time several years ago God led me to Psalm chapter 37 KJV read it frequently meditate on it pay special attention to verse 4. Do what the verses tell you to do. I did what Gods word told me to do and received some wonderful spiritual gifts, due to space I can’t tell you all that I received plus they may be different gifts for others. God knows what we need just be open. I pray God Blesses you and those you love and I pray God will place the angel of his presence around you and your loved ones that you will have peace and safety amen.
Hey Mike, not sure you’ll see this but I’m really enjoying your deep dive bible teaching. I’m learning a lot and I’m really happy I stumbled across your channel randomly. I’ve always glossed over this passage and as you’ve been teaching and showing the different perspectives it’s really helped me connect some of the dots.
Thank you for sharing your views Pastor Mike, so many different concepts on this and also on Revelations.
Time will tell.........
Jesus doesn’t predict the future. He reveals it. Vegas makes predictions
Well said. Amen.
Reveals as in "Manfesto" Comunist style muhahaha!
Jesus doesn’t do anything, ever.
@@user-de4jk8vj4c no. None of that happened. Cheers.
@@JohnnyBot71 why do you think so?
Your teaching is very thought provoking.
We are commanded to keep watch, you have to know the scripture to know the season we are in.
Thanks for being a "bible nerd", as you say. Digging into what the scriptures actually say so we can see the substance is exactly why I watch you.
I'm interested in the rapture. Please cover it.
@Dik Burns I will not be deceived. You look at it your way I will look at it how I see it.
I think he is…the rapture is the same as the Second Coming.
Mike, you are an excellent Bible teacher. I absolutely loved your discussion of Jesus coming in the clouds and the deep meaning behind it. Just amazingly beautiful!! God Bless!
I also am up in the air about the rapture. I actually think pre-wrath has a strong argument. I will keep studying, looking up and sharing the Gospel.
Yeh, I loved that, too! Mind blown!!!!
At the end of the day, we need to ready. Make sure that your life is in order as the Rapture can come anytime. Pastors must preach more about end times and getting God's Church ready for His coming.
@Pond3r Thiz Some RUclipsrs make it their mission to share who is a false teacher rather than use the precious time sharing God's word.
One thing I can guarantee you is that neither you nor anyone commenting in this video will be alive for this rapture. We all will be worm food and this event still will not have happened. Also no, the rapture can't come anytime. As for your last sentence, everyone who receives such a message will be expecting in vain, all because of their pastor's ignorance. It's a hopeless proposition, it's not going to happen in anyone's lifetime. However I'm willing to split hairs with you. So will this event happen within the next 1-10 years, 11-100 years, or 101-1000 years? I've asked this same question to many who spout the same message as you. Will you take a stab at a date range or will you just stick to some vague open-ended prediction like "soon"?
I love how you are talking into a camera and have the ability to seem to be in a one on one conversation with just me. The whitty little jokes that you seem to be engaging with another individual at that moment. Thank you.
Pastor Mike. So loved what you said about Jesus being more concerned with us being on mission, witnessing for Him than anything else when related to end times. I have a question for you on Friday.
What time does he go live? And where do we ask the question
@@costaimagination2439 He goes live at 1 pm Pacific Time. Adjust that to your own time zone. Questions are asked as soon as he goes live & he takes the 1st 20 questions that get posted. So you have to be ready to post that question as soon as he goes live. That is my understanding. :)
Brother...Jesus coming in the clouds...taking BACK all that has been falsely attributed to false gods. I yelled and cried happy tears sitting on my couch at 4am while my family sleeps like normal people hahaha. I love my KING. Bam!
No he is not he is only called mighty god not ALMIGHTY GOD
God has a name Jehovah and his son has a name Jesus it simple
He is called the alpha and omega, the first and the last. He has shared glory with the Father which the Father says He will not do. Jesus created all things yet God say He alone created all things.
Jesus is the Word of God made flesh. He is the almighty.
Well there’s a difference between Yahweh and Jesus Yahweh in the bible called almighty God and the 1 your calling God is only mighty god there’s a difference in the 2 persons ? Il text about the alpha and emigo in a fuw days regards Michael
Thoroughly enjoyed this Mike. Love your teaching. From Brisbane Australia.
Its kind of silly but I've always thought that now with television in and the internet, Jesus could come in one location and we could all see it.
Sillier still, I imagined Jesus knocking on my staff room door at work and asking me if I'm ready can we go now...😂. That's not how it will happen by the way. I'm just being silly. Only God knows what a twit I am!
I thought if that about the two witnesses being killed then raised
No scripture tells us "every eye shall see his coming ". Not on TV . I bet the false one will use TV because Christ warns us, "if they say he is in the temple believe it not" and "if they say he is in the desert, go not forth".......
Very sure that Jesus hates tv
When I was a little girl, I always read the Bible and wanted to be one of the two witnesses in the end times. That’s how I played pretend I guess. But then I’d wonder....how can The whole world watch when they are killed, lay dead three days, and then rise again. And now....well...we can see something live-streamed all over the world. Even when I visited the most remote villages in Africa I’ve always been surprised that everyone had a cell phone and internet, even if they only had one set of clothes.
awesome breakdown! thank you for your work brotha !!
Post tribulation rapture all the way!!!
Catching up on all the mark series Thank you so much for you deap dive into this and all your teaching ❤
I really appreciate all your hard work and great teaching, even though you're wrong most of the time. No just kidding. You get 5 stars from me. Keep it up.
I really enjoyed this study and how what you pointed out is relevant today.
I so appreciate you. I may look at other end time perspectives, but when watching you I come back to reality. Thanks 😐....🤣😂
From a strict hermeneutical view, scripture interpreting scripture is a very strong principle. Hence, the strongest scriptural view would be where passages of apocalyptic literature within the old covenant would be used to interpret apocalyptic statements in the new covenant. The view you seem to hold in this video, I would consider an anachronistic view, though it seems to be very popular these days.
@Pond3r Thiz
Yes sir
Thank you Mike, I have never even thought about the clouds of heaven like this, can’t wait to reread my Bible with this in mind.
Mike, thank you for your devotion to teaching the Scriptures. While I have rarely been in disagreement with you, I must ask. What gives you the authority to lessen certain doctrines? To say that some doctrines are "secondary" and can be disagreed upon while still maintaining unity? Does the Bible teach it, and I have not found it? Or was it taught at seminary? Or is it your denomination's view? Is it your authority as a pastor that allows you to teach something that isn't biblical? I am not being rhetorical, I really would like to know where this idea comes from. Because every single pastor I have ever listened to or talked to backs this idea. It is not taught in Scripture, unless I am blinder than a bat, and yet every pastor/teacher agrees that we can disagree on certain doctrines (and by "certain doctrines", I mean like 90% of all the doctrines in Scripture), and still somehow be "unified."
Below is a purely logical argument based on the definition of unity against what you said repeatedly in this video, but I would be willing to give verses if you so desired.
Tolerance or agreeing to disagree for the sake of unity is fundamentally an oxymoron. What is unity? The Bible is explicit. Biblical unity is being one or of one mind. Even the secular definition of unity is "the quality or state of not being multiple: oneness". What is the opposite of unity? It is divide or divided, and the definition of which is "to disagree or cause to disagree." It's interesting that based on that, it is literally impossible to be "unified" when we disagree. And yet, from the mouth of every pastor comes something like "we can disagree on the secondary doctrines and still be unified" or "don't let your disagreements affect your unity" or "it is ok to agree to disagree so long as we agree on the doctrines of salvation."
When we disagree on Scripture, one of us is wrong. Maybe both of us. But it is blatantly impossible for both of us to be right. The problem though is that most of the time, when people have disagreements on Scripture and one side shows the solid biblical evidence for their side, the other person usually doubles down on their own position and will hear none of the evidence given by the other side. That is decidedly not how we, as Christians, should be. We should be able to see when the Bible speaks against our view, and instead of doubling down on our view, we should accept that we were wrong and align ourselves with Scripture. Think of Paul when he confronted Peter. Peter hadn't even taught anything wrong, and yet Paul called him out as condemned. What did Peter do? Did he double down on his pulling away from the gentile believers and pull verses from the Old Testament to argue against Paul? No! He recognized his fault, and repented. This has happened in my own walk with God. I hold my beliefs regarding Scripture and God to be true, unless someone can show me from Scripture my error. If that happens, I usually (not always unfortunately) am open to changing myself and my beliefs to match Scripture.
Like I said, I actually want to know where this teaching comes from.
Your brother in Christ,
Do you have to have perfect theology and understand everything in the bible perfectly to be a Christian? And what will you do when a professing Christian and yourself disagree on an issue and neither can change the others mind? Do you decide that the other is not a Christian but a heretic and then disfellowship them? It depends on what the disagreement is about. Are you brothers that believe the same gospel of Christ and disagree on some interpretation of how to follow Christ, or is the other person preaching a different gospel? Salvation is not determined by your understanding of the end times, it is determined by your understanding of Christ crucified for the forgiveness of sins and putting your faith and trust in him. So when it comes to distorting and preaching a different gospel we can't agree to disagree, but there will be plenty of areas where the gospel is intact but maybe we don't agree about the rapture or calvinism or tongues or infant baptism, and though we don't agree we still recognise them as followers of Christ. Not to say all of these topics are unimportant, but to say that you can be a Christian without perfectly understanding and believing everything
@Garret Haines I had not planned on writing this long of a response, but here it is.
You do not need to have perfect theology and understand everything perfectly to be a Christian. Becoming a believer in Christ is fundamentally a very simple thing. It is basically just a belief and confession that you are a sinner and deserve death/hell, that you know God sent His only Son to take your place, and then you choose to follow after Him. That gets you "in" for lack of a better term. And it is at that point where most Christians, pastors, and teachers say, "and that is all we HAVE to agree on." Which is where the problem comes in. Has no one ever heard of sanctification? Has no one heard of becoming Christ like? Of abiding in Him? Jesus said, "I pray that they will be one, just as you and I are one." Does Jesus disagree with the Father? Of course not! Jesus is literally asking that Christians be perfectly aligned in every way imaginable. What of abiding in Christ? On this Jesus said, "If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love." So it is obeying His commands that allows us to abide in Him. So how can we abide in Him if we don't know His commands? For example, let's look at divorce. This is not a "primary" doctrine according anyone, and yet if Jesus is to be believed, we must know and understand what His command is on this topic. Otherwise, how can we abide in Him? But people disagree on this topic. Therefore, pastors and teachers say, "it's ok! We can disagree because it isn't a salvation issue." Except, while it may not be a salvation issue, God has made it clear that divorce is only allowed in cases of repeated adultery. Therefore, obey Him. How can ANY pastor argue against God's own words? It is MY responsibility as a Christian to align myself with Christ. In every single way imaginable. If I have truly aligned myself with Christ, and someone else has truly aligned themselves with Christ, then we would have zero disagreements. This is what discipleship is all about. I admit that this will never truly happen on this earth. That being said, the fact that we will never perfectly align with Christ while on this earth, DOES NOT negate the fact that we must align ourselves with Christ through the Holy Spirit's help and our own effort. It is interesting that, although I have never met Mike Winger, nor have I ever discussed theology with him, and the vast majority of my theology did not originate with Mike, that we agree on almost every single topic I have ever heard from him (including the topics that he would say are "secondary"). How is this possible? It is simple really. We have the Bible, which God Himself gave to us so that we might follow, love, and understand Him. This agreement that I have with Mike doesn't stop with him though. It has happened over and over in my life. That is the oneness that we should expect of Christians, not this agreeing to disagree stuff.
Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that Jesus being a priest after the order of Melchizedek is important to know and understand? Most do not think it is important at all (I struggle to even remember that it is a teaching in many cases). And yet it is of this teaching that the writer of Hebrews says, "About this we have much to say, and it is hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, and of instruction about washings, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgement. And this we will do if God permits." Is the writer of Hebrews saying what I think he is saying? That the doctrines that we hold as "primary" or of most importance are in fact just the milk? Why do so many Christians and pastors think that it is ok to just stop at milk? A Christian needs to move on from milk to real food. And the example of "real food" that Hebrews gives us is that Jesus is a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Who cares about that, right? Clearly, we all should. Growing from needing milk to needing meat is fundamentally the result of the process of sanctification through being a disciple of Christ. A disciple follows their master, so much so, that when someone looks at the works of a disciple they say, "I can see that so and so is your master." I watched a comedian (Brian Regan) live one time and there was an up and coming comedian that was sent out to "warm up" the crowds for the big name comedian. And while no one said that this new comedian was an apprentice to Brian Regan, I knew right away. As soon as he started telling jokes, it was very clear. Brian Regan was his master. His jokes had the same cadence, and his mannerisms were the same. It was insane how similar they were. Of course the new comedian wasn't as smooth, and he fumbled a joke here and there, but all around it was rather good. He had learned well from Brian Regan. So much so that I can't remember his name! Only that he was so like his master. Becoming a believer in Christ does not make you Christ like. It's a very good start. Growing into spiritual maturity by delving into the Scriptures and following those who follow Christ will make you Christ like. And all of that is done through what most consider as "secondary doctrines," or doctrines that are less important then the doctrines of salvation. And we wonder why the church in the States is so apathetic. We mostly have converts to Christianity, not disciples. Christians who followed the Roman Road and now just go to church because they feel like they have to. Not those who are truly seeking after God.
2/2 Turns out there is a word limit for comments....lol
Now of your question regarding two believers that disagree with neither being willing to budge. First, I will say that without an actual example, it is difficult to be able to explain the problem. Therefore, I will use a topic that you brought up as my example. Calvinism, or more broadly, the doctrine of election. Now here is a divisive topic if I've ever seen one. Ok so on one side of the argument you have the Calvinist's. They believe that God is really the only one with any choice in the matter regarding who gets saved. On the opposite side are those who hold to Arminianism. Who believe that each individual person has the free will to choose or reject God, and that God merely agrees with the decision. Now each side has many verses and passages that they pull from. Which is right? They get together and debate for 35 years, and neither one goes over to the other side. We are now at your question. Since neither side will budge, what should each side do? Label the other a heretic? Stone the other one? Cast them out of the church? I would say, "none of the above." As I said in my first comment, both of them cannot be correct. At least one of them is in error, while the other is either ALSO in error or he is correct and knows the truth. Based on Scripture, they are both half right. Which ultimately means they are both wrong. Since a half truth is still a lie. The actual truth regarding the doctrine of election is BOTH that 1. God is sovereign and chooses who can come to Him and 2. That man has free will to choose to follow God or go against Him. Now I don't really want to go into everything on this because that is not the question I am trying to answer. However, I would be willing to do another comment that explains what I am saying. So, for the sake of the original question, let us assume that I am correct. Both the Calvinist and Arminianist are wrong. Why can't they come any closer to the truth, which is somewhere in the middle of their stances? First, I believe that it actually constitutes a lack of spiritual maturity on both of their parts. Why? Because instead of asking the question, "what does the whole of Scripture actually say on this topic?" They often go into Scripture LOOKING for their side of the argument. While at the same time, ignoring, or downplaying, anything that doesn't agree with them. They find verses and are like "Aha! I have found the proof." And yet, the whole of Scripture on that topic says something different. A spiritually mature Christian would recognize that both sides of this particular argument have a TON of verses and that, when looked at objectively, seem to contradict themselves. But we know that Scripture cannot contradict itself. So if Scripture cannot contradict itself, and two sides of an argument APPEAR to contradict, then the answer is both and neither (i.e. there is some truth in both sides, and some falseness in each side as well). Therefore, as iron sharpens iron, these two Christians should be able to file away the "false" part of what they believe, and both end up with the truth. That doesn't happen though. Both sides just double down. They are like hardened knife steel that a file just skates off of. Each side can CLEARLY see the problem with the other side, but are totally blind to the problem of their own side. Calvinists see the problem with Armininism, and I agree with them. And Arminianist's see the problem with Calvinism, and I agree with them. So looking objectively at the problem, I can see that both are right, and both are wrong. But they themselves can't see it.
So what about a different scenario? Here is one from my own experience. I was in a small group, and one of the other members and I were talking about Creation and similar topics, and he said that he doesn't understand why Christians are so obsessed with blood (I don't remember how we got on the topic). He said that the idea of Jesus being a sacrifice was not biblical and that a focus on blood was actually pagan in nature. Which to me was kind of dumbfounding. The Bible is chalk full of this talk, and yet he was saying that it isn't biblical, but rather paganistic. How could he have missed the literal HUNDREDS of verses that talk about blood, sacrifices, atonement, etc.? It is consistent from Genesis all the way through Revelation that we NEED blood to be spilt to cover sin. God actually is the one who began animal sacrifices, starting with the killing of the animals to make clothes for Adam and Eve. It was then adopted by pagan religions because they understood that their was significance to the practice. The problem was that they were sacrificing to the wrong God. Anyway, this led me to find as many verses as I could on this subject, and we went to Denny's to discuss it. I showed him that Scripture talks a lot about this topic, and that it is a good thing. What truly amazed me though was that, when he saw the verses and we had talked about it for awhile, he changed his mind. That's just it though. He recognized that he was not in accordance with what Scripture said, and instead of doubling down on his own conviction, he instead aligned himself with Scripture. THAT shows maturity.
@@ljandersonbooks I can say I agree with most of what you're saying but when you talk of milk and meat, the meatier subjects are difficult to understand and as Mike refers to as an "in house discussion" means that we argue and discuss these things as brothers in Christ so iron can sharpen iron. But the reality is believers can have unity and love for the gospel and Christ even when they don't always come to agreement on the meatier things they are still working though. And for your Calvinism Arminian example unfortunately I don't think you solve the issue by assuming your third option is correct and that if they were more mature they would agree with you. But I appreciate the dialogue and I agree with a lot of your sentiment, and we can't just agree to disagree but we need the in house discussion to help the body of Christ grow in maturity and hopefully grow in love and grace which unity may be more about the heart than having perfectly unity in our beliefs. Now we see in a mirror dimly lit, we will not know many things until we see him face to face
@@ljandersonbooks Very well stated. Very few understand what it is to "become prayer". This will be the believers unity in the end times.
Thanks so much Pastor Mike, I’m getting SO much! I’m a 66 YO woman and have gone back and forth several times on this pretrib/posttrib and decided you’re right. I personally don’t think when He said seek the Kingdom that it means we should obsess about eschatology. I hope that’s an at least okay to paraphrase 😂. God bless you and your ministry❤️🙏🏼.
Thats about it.....im going to drink coffee. Best last line ever :) Thanks mike!
@Violett Fem haha I have been there before. Might be better that way though. There was a lot of heated debate in the chat today lol At least you got to enjoy your coffee peacefully.
I’m already a Bible nurd blessings & thanks bro Mike
@Mike Winger, the darkness you spoke of:
Revelation 9:2 KJV - And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
I SO APPRECIATE how u present the TRUTH; & also appreciate your openness to other views where there is potential for different interpretations. God SO BLESS, you, Mike!
When Joshua prayed for the sun and moon to stand still upon Gibeon and the valley of Ajalon in Joshua 10, was it something symbolic or did it happen quite literally?
@tom st Yep, something really happened and therefore we can not and dare not say it was merely symbolic.
It's literal. Biblical cosmology is real. Copernican cosmology is as fake as evolution. Earth is fixed just as the Bible says. All heavenly bodies go around the earth. Research the book- Like Clay Under the Seal. It's proven Biblically and scientifically. Top secret NASA and Russian cosmology documents disclose Biblical cosmology is true.
A well balanced message. Thank you so much, May the Lord hear our prayers of thanks giving...
Regarding the meaning of "gathering": When Jesus said, ‘How often I wanted to gather your children together like a hen gathers her own brood under her wings," we take it to pertain to reconciliation with the Father thru Jesus, not bunching up in one place.
Right, just like the separation of wheat and tares. Getting the different bunches gathered or sorted.
I appreciate your style of teaching and compassion Brother Mike. May God continue to bless your ministry!
WHY Couldn't JESUS Make HIMSELF VISIBLE EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD At Once??! HE IS THE CREATOR GOD WITHOUT ANY PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS! Just because we, mere mortals can't fathom how this would be possible DOESN'T Determine WHAT GOD CAN & WILL DO.
@Pond3r Thiz # Silly, Argumentative Pond3r trying to decipher GOD'S PLANS.
@Pond3r Thiz man we just gonna live stream on internet his coming and everyone in the world will watch it.
I'm already a bible nerd! You are merely explaining why. Thank you for the enlightenment.
So glad to hear your thoughts on post trib rapture.. those were my exact thoughts. I just don’t get why people split the verses up. Too much stretching.. two raptures is very weak.
Here is why I think there are two different events.
1 Thes 4 is a post-trib event with a resurrection. There is only one earthly resurrection (John 6:39-54, 11:24, Rev 20:4-6).
One taken, one left is a pre-trib event without a resurrection. We leave our flesh on earth (Luke 17:37, Matt 24:28).
One taken is pre-trib because it happens when there is eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building and getting married.
Those activities will greatly diminish as the great tribulation progresses.
What do you think Jesus said in the one taken, one left verses?
@@onetakendotnet I agree with you, the ones left after the pretrib rapture are the ones who get saved . Many realize after we are gone that Jesus is for real. No one sees Jesus until He comes back after the trib with sword in hand to judge. That’s how I interpret it. Sure I could be wrong, but I will never know until that day of the trumpet sound and taken up. Meanwhile I’m living life. 🤗
@@taralothoni2693 thanks for the reply. The problem is many will not realize we are gone because our bodies will be left on earth. The global event (flash of light and dead bodies) will be written off as a freak electrical storm or something weird like an alien attack. God bless you and maranatha!
@@onetakendotnet the part about eating, drinking, planting, getting married I believe is just after the killing of the two witnesses, when the world celebrates which is shortly before the 7th trumpet. We don't know the exact timing between their death, and the 7th trumpet but it's short
@@formless4541 thanks for the reply. I think the 7th seal, trumpet, and bowl are the precede just before the second coming. They all have a great earthquake, and great storm. I think the seals, trumpets, and bowls start out a different times but they all end together. The sixth bowl and the sixth trumpet are about the Euphrates river. I think shortly after the antichrist leader takes power, the world prosperity will start to decay (wars, hyperinflation, famine, droughts, etc.) Eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building, and getting married won't stop abruptly. God bless and maranatha!
Such good advice about waiting not watching for the second coming.
50:00 🤣 Mike, I laughed at the fact that no one laughed. Hope that still counts as a laugh!
Yeh, me, too! 😂
Thank you.!!! I do not have a church family. The last few churches I have gone to had too much drama. They were mean to my children. One thing Jesus stresses is the treatment of children... I am heartbroken. I have lost my confidence in organized religion. I am a believer, but church seemed worse than high school. I am glad I found your studies. I find lots of wonderful studies online, but pray I can find a decent church to take my grand girls to. I treasure my youth growing up in a wonderful church family.
Now, I've got to ask. What exactly is wrong with the literal meaning of the passage in question. Why does it have to be symbolic?
Because if it’s literal, than people will see it’s nonsense and then question the rest of the nonsense in the Bible.
That's right brother Mike. Jesus is the Lord who rides on the clouds, physically returning in triumph. As you broke down the scriptures clearly state the nature of His return.
Post trib just doesn't make sense. Why would we be raptured up after the tribulation to just come right back down for the Millennial reign? The rapture and 2nd coming is definitely two different events. Allen Parr (the beat) does a great job explaining the 2 different events.
Unfortunately the Bible doesn’t say that though, when you actually look at the text it clearly says what Pastor Mike has described so we’ve got to look deeper. Is our understanding of the whole Millennium business right? Perhaps if the Amillenial theory is correct it makes more sense? Then the rapture is the resurrection of the people of God and comes just ahead of the resurrection of the rest of mankind. The Greek word used in the Thessalonians passage points the reader to the idea of going out to meet a dignitary as he comes to your town - hence we are caught up to be with The LORD as He is coming to His Kingdom in glory and judgement.
Premillennialism causes a lot of inconsistencies in the Gospel narrative: Who gets to live after the Great Tribulation (who gets a second chance)? Does taking the mark of the beast mean you are lost forever? (John MacArthur got stuck on this one!) How are those who are left, after the coming of Christ for His church, saved? Is it salvation by works/religious observances... such things are an anathema to both the Old and New Testaments - Abraham was accounted as righteous because of his faith, not his works - ditto every other OT patriarch whose name is written in the book of life. Sacrifice was intended to point the person offering it to the sacrifice of God pointed to in verse 21 of chapter 3 in Genesis - hence Abel’s offering was accepted, but Cain’s was rejected because he thought it was all about what he did that mattered. Why would a third temple be necessary if the sacrifice of Christ crucified for the sin of the world was sufficient? The temple, high priest, sacrifices and feasts all point us to what the coming Messiah will do (has now done) to save us from our sin and make it right between us and God.
It’s worth questioning all these things and many more, because there are plenty of worthy Christian ministers who hold different views on all of this. Some are pre, some are Post and some are a-millennial. I guess we will only know for sure when we are with The Lord, but it would be devastating if some lost their faith because they weren’t raptured before the great tribulation and weren’t prepared.
Good point. It comes across as pre tribulation to me too. I could be wrong, I have been before. 😊
@@tammyewert1712 from my understanding there is the main rapture before the tribulation then you have the next rapture which is the seperation of the sheep and goats after the tribulation that Mike is referring to. When rightly dividing the scriptures make sense.
@@jerrystatic256 thanks Jerry...I also see that. Don't mind being wrong though. Guess we'll have to wait and see hu. To be honest it's a bit exciting/terrifying, even if I'm trusting Jesus, can't help feeling slightly intimidated.
@@tammyewert1712 i completely understand. I feel the same. Understanding Daniels 70th week has helped me understand it a little more. I also look at the OT. Enoch was first who was raptured who represented the church and when Noah was saved he represented Israel as believers whuke the world was judged. God always removes his ppl before Judgement. Just like Lot and his family also before Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.
Love this & I am one of the people who probably only understood 30% but i watched till the end & im off to look up things/words I dont understand !! Thanks for what you do 💜
If you acknowledge dispensations, then the Pre-Trib view for the rapture has to apply because that is the end of the church age and then God is now concentrating on the 70th week of Daniel dealing with the Jews, although there will be some gentiles saved too. His first coming when He stays in the clouds is a secret, but when He touches down at His second coming, all will see Him. I appreciate how thoroughly you research a subject, Mike. Thank you.
Charla, I do not understand (and I am not being snarky.) Why would there be a secret return of Jesus and then a public Second coming? I don't know but that sounds like the stuff cults are made of. ???
@@KarynnLynn it's my words as far as secret because only the church is expecting Him to take us before the tribulation. You should watch Andy Woods videos regarding the different views on tribulation rapture. He does an excellent job explaining the different views but he points out that pre-trib is the most logical answer.
Can you share where Scripture talks about a secret coming of Jesus? I’ve looked & can’t find it.
Mike, you nailed it... You have explained the scripture as it is, without bias or any other preconceived notions... Kudos pastor..
As a born again believer I take the darkening of the sun and moon as well as the falling of the stars literally. The Sun is NOT a star like science teaches (the Bible always differentiates between the Sun, the moon and the stars!) 1 Tim 6:20.
Sorry, well defined science has proved our Sun is a star like so many others. Bad theology does not trump established science.
If a star falls to earth, it wouldn’t really be falling to earth but push it out of the way lol... you could fit like a hundred earths in even a small star
@@Brian_L_A Have you been to the sun? How can we know it is a star? What tests can be done that are repeatable and verifiable to explain what the sun is?
@@matthews95_ how do we know how big the stars are?
@@Porklion "How do we know how big the stars are?" We have worked out detailed models of how stars work. These models have been verified by them making predictions that can be observed. IE when dense star has enough matter, it will explode in a somewhat controlled manner, as nova explosion. This can be observed all over with dual star systems that have a small dense star near a large, less dense star. The small star collects gas from the large star by gravity and when it gets enough, there is an explosion, nova. This explosion can be calculated to determine its energy output. Sure enough, we see these explosion all across the Universe, just as predicted.
The same with supernovas, which happen to large, old stars that have fused all their lighter elements, IE hydrogen-helium-carbon etc. Again, predicted and observed.
Amen, amen, and amen to your point at 1:07:56 regarding what God would have of us. However it does turn out be faithful, be about our Father’s business, and be humble.
Considering we have no single text dedicated to explaining in detail how it was all to go down, only insights gleaned from authors using small glimpses of the whole to make other points, it would be Christian of us to contemplate all this with humility.
Imagine having been handed only five pieces of a 1,000 piece puzzle, even if they are somehow linked to each other, and declaring you’ve figured out the whole!
Mike, when I read the Olivet discourse, I really struggle to come away with the interpretation you give. It seems so plain to me that the "solar catastrophe" language he uses, when viewed against the backdrop of the OT, is signifying the destruction of a nation. This is true for every case of the use of the language in the OT. I felt like you were focusing on the wrong things, ie "literal vs non literal", when you should have been asking "how would Jesus' audience have understood this?"
I love and appreciate your content but I feel like I could see your traditions coming through more in this particular
case than other times.
No one knows but the father when Jesus will come to get us.
Watch "Before the Wrath" with Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati and Jan Markell which will give you a different perspective on the Rapture of the Church.
Amen! and not to forget about Pastor JD Farag. If anyone wants to learn about the book of Revelation,
Micheal Pearl has very good teaching.
Yep and they IMPLY it is there, and they admit it. But the pre trib is not in there, at all.
You want to believe it, that is fine, but when JD starts calling those who don't Satanic I get a little ticked.
Prepare yourself to go through the great tribulation, and if you don't go throught it, bonus.
The Coming Convergence 2017 documentary is also a great one to watch [on Amazon Prime], along with Before the Wrath.
@@ZUGTFO how does one prepare to go through the tribulation?!
@@ZUGTFO You are correct! Here for the Tribulation/trouble and caught up right before the wrath/anger poured out! The argument ends by just looking in a bible concordance and ppl would find two different words used for trib and wrath. Even my hearing the words clearly shows two different meanings!!!
LDS chick here! I love your insights, and willingness to study and stretch your understanding, and share with others! Love the spiritual deep dives! xoxo
Glad you are here! Keep studying the Word!
Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.
Fulfilled in the very next verses on the Mount of Transfiguration.
@@Brian_L_A Dan 7:13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
Dan 7:14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.
How many do you believe died before it was fulfilled the next day? Jesus did say some will not taste of death so obviously a good part of them must have died.
@@evanu6579 Okay, Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the mount and they saw Him transfigure into His Glory. The rest of the disciples died and will have to wait until the Day of Christ's return to see Him coming in his Kingdom.
I suppose that could be what is meant though I don’t think it is.
Matt 10:23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.
Rom 10:18 ¶ But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
Col 1:6 Which is come unto you, as it is in all the world; and bringeth forth fruit, as it doth also in you, since the day ye heard of it, and knew the grace of God in truth:
23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;
Your awesome Mike! Keep it up, and God bless you!
Mike, have you studied the prewrath view? I think thats what you and I are, but you just dont know it yet 😁
Search for Robert Van Kampen's seminar called a "the biblical defense for the prewrath rapture of the church" here on RUclips
Keep up the good work bro.
Me and Jesus love you so much!
Here for the Tribulation but caught up right before the wrath. Look up those two words in a bible concordance. Trib is trouble and wrath is anger. We all should know this even in our day that the meaning of these two are different. Two
different events immediately following one another.
I believe the moon will cover the sun and the falling stars will be the angels coming down to prepare us. I had a dream that moved me to believe this recently.
Moon is too small. It will be Saturn, and the rocks that make up Saturns rings are the “stars” that fall to the earth.
Look into the Pre-Wrath Rapture. That's the most biblical view.
@Pond3r Thiz No, Prewrath says the Rapture happens before the wrath. The only place you see the wrath of God actually happening is in the seven vial judgements, so the Rapture happens before them.
Totally agree
Who’s the Harlot within your view and who’s the beast?
@@evanu6579 The Harlot could very well be the Catholic Church as its moral decline continues into the future. The moral failure with the pedophile priests alone may qualify it.
The beast is the series of large governments Satan inspired in his attempts to make a one-world -government. The mouth of the beast is the anti-christ.
I would argue that the Harlot is Jerusalem as she is said to be a city and that the beast is Rome.
Rev 17:18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
Exo 28:6 And they shall make the ephod of gold, of blue, and of purple, of scarlet, and fine twined linen, with cunning work.
That colour scheme is used throughout the entire tabernacle and same with the temple.
Rev 18:12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
Compare with 1Kings 10.
Rev 18:20 ¶ Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
Matt 23:34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:
35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.
37 ¶ O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Luk 13:33 Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is often referred to as a Harlot or a whore in the OT because of her unfaithfulness to God.
Rome is set on 7 hills as is the woman who is seated on the beast which would make the beast the one with 7 hills.
A few things to consider as this would help determine the correct view of Revelation/ Oliver discourse.
God bless.
Such an incredible series!! God bless you Brother