The Gospel according to St John, read by Sir David Suchet

  • Опубликовано: 22 сен 2024
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    The Abbey receives no Church or State funding, and your support will help to protect our priceless heritage - from the unique building and collections to a world class music foundation - which has been put at risk by the drastic reduction in income caused by the Covid pandemic.
    This specially recorded reading of St John's Gospel was filmed in the Jerusalem Chamber, Westminster Abbey, by acclaimed actor Sir David Suchet CBE.
    Best-known for playing Agatha Christie’s fictional detective Hercule Poirot, Sir David became a Christian in 1986 after reading a hotel room Bible. He has read the entire Bible before, for Hodder & Stoughton’s NIV Audio Bible, which has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide.
    The Jerusalem Chamber in the Abbey’s Deanery, the residence of the Dean of Westminster, has a pivotal role in the history of printed versions of the Holy Bible. It hosted the committees engaged on writing King James I’s Authorized Version of the Bible in 1611, the Revised Version in 1870, the New English Bible in 1961 and the Revised English Bible in 1989.
    St John’s Gospel reached its final form around AD 90-110, although it contains signs of origins dating back to AD 70 and possibly even earlier. Like the three other gospels, it is anonymous, although it identifies an unnamed ‘disciple whom Jesus loved’ as the writer.
    The New International Version of the Bible is the world’s most popular modern English Bible translation. Developed by Biblica, the International Bible Society, it remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance and authority. More information about the translation and the range of Bibles available can be found at www.hodderbible...
    The NIV Audio Bible is available in iOS and Android app formats, as well as on MP3 CD and as an audio download:
    The Holy Bible, New International Version (Anglicised) © 1973, 1979, 1984, 2011 Biblica, the International Bible Society.
    Published by Hodder & Stoughton Publishers, an Hachette UK company. Used by permission.

Комментарии • 10 тыс.

  • @DarykThorwin
    @DarykThorwin Год назад +2734

    I was baptized today. Just feel like telling everyone. :) God bless.

    • @JohnThreeSixteen7373
      @JohnThreeSixteen7373 8 месяцев назад +55

      Amen, May God bless you, in Jesus Christ’s name! ✝️🙏🏽

    • @MrMafioza1995
      @MrMafioza1995 8 месяцев назад +33

      God bless you. Imagine Being John and Baptizing the truth itself😮 Otherwordly ,i would be so undeserving near him ,and if it were asked Would at same time do it as noting important in Eons should be done😅 Glory to Jesus.

    • @daver5402
      @daver5402 8 месяцев назад +32

      Welcome Brother!

    • @sarasweightlossjourney1432
      @sarasweightlossjourney1432 8 месяцев назад +21

      Amen! ❤

    • @Laddy-ty1ek9im9u
      @Laddy-ty1ek9im9u 8 месяцев назад +19

      ❤ AMEN welcome to the family of Christ ✝️🕊️ I love you stay firm in the faith ❤ JESUS LOVES YOU AND ME! God bless you ❤

  • @dannyramos5924
    @dannyramos5924 3 года назад +9566

    I work in a warehouse by myself and my most favorite thing to do is listen to the word of God. It really does something to me. It blocks out alot of the noise in my head and give rest to my soul. May Our father bless everyone who listens to this and may they come to better a understanding of the love and grace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ...

    • @westsidekhan287
      @westsidekhan287 2 года назад +545

      I agree with you brother, The Word calmed me down from all the darkness around us. Im thankful for HIS LIGHT AND HIS SPIRIT! Praise you Lord Jesus Christ forever, Amen

    • @bakowsky1
      @bakowsky1 2 года назад +220


    • @l.w.pilale3214
      @l.w.pilale3214 2 года назад +193


    • @1yogachris
      @1yogachris 2 года назад +164

      @@westsidekhan287 Amen, it's good for the soul xxx

    • @freespeech4all723
      @freespeech4all723 2 года назад +199

      I was just thinking the same thing. 😄😁 It is the anchor to our souls!

  • @brucelatronica2046
    @brucelatronica2046 Год назад +4130

    I'm a truck driver and drive 11 hours a night 5 days a week and love hearing the word of God !!

    • @principleswise9749
      @principleswise9749 Год назад +231

      *The best companion! God bless you on the road!*

    • @kranspoort4486
      @kranspoort4486 Год назад +178

      May the hand of the Lord be upon you as you drive, I pray that He will protect you and cover you in safety wherever you go.
      May He go before you and follow you from behind.

    • @oooxxx967
      @oooxxx967 Год назад +112

      God bless and guard you.

    • @janetkelleher8298
      @janetkelleher8298 Год назад +100

      Nothing absolutely nothing is BETTER than the WORD of GOD!!
      This is so awesome that you are choosing God's Word over all else to listen and feed your mind, heart and soul. It is a choice for all of us!
      May the eternal word of God be so written in the deeps of your heart than nothing can stop you or distract you from serving the Only Living Most High God❤
      Blessings always, in JESUS NAME

    • @yvonnelapalme5743
      @yvonnelapalme5743 Год назад +72

      Safe journeys

  • @miniaxe4026
    @miniaxe4026 7 месяцев назад +463

    Got baptised today. Glory to the Father and the son and the Holy spirit

    • @yvonnedoran2604
      @yvonnedoran2604 6 месяцев назад +6

      Amen 🙏

    • @MessangerofGod-y1t
      @MessangerofGod-y1t 5 месяцев назад

      "Proof from Bible Jesus is not God':
      How can God say this?
      *“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”*
      (John 5:30)
      *Also Jesus said, “...for my Father is greater than I.”*
      (John 14:28)
      If Jesus and God were the same then he would not have said what he said in the above verses.
      There is NOT a single verse in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ himself says "I am God" or "Worship me."
      *“And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God.”* (Mark 10:18).
      *Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.* (Mark 12:29)
      *Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.*
      Qur’an 19:30
      [Jesus said],
      *“And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.”*
      Qur’an (19:36)

    • @MessangerofGod-y1t
      @MessangerofGod-y1t 5 месяцев назад

      "Proof from Bible Jesus is not God':
      How can God say this?
      *“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”*
      (John 5:30)
      *Also Jesus said, “...for my Father is greater than I.”*
      (John 14:28)
      If Jesus and God were the same then he would not have said what he said in the above verses.
      There is NOT a single verse in the complete Bible, where Jesus Christ himself says "I am God" or "Worship me."
      *“And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God.”* (Mark 10:18).
      *Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.* (Mark 12:29)
      *Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture and to be a prophet.*
      Qur’an 19:30
      [Jesus said],
      *“And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.”*
      Qur’an (19:36)

    • @jacquelineduque8025
      @jacquelineduque8025 5 месяцев назад +3

      The name, singular, fyi, of the father son and Holy Ghost is Jesus. I hope you were baptized in Jesus name not just father son Holy Ghost the power is in the name. If got baptized wrong u will feel the same, when u get baptized correctly you feel like what the Word of God says, like a new creature you’ll feel squeaky clean and weightless and you’ll have a very corny smile on your face that will not stop. United Pentecostal church will baptize properly. I know this because I was baptized wrong by a non denominational church and thought I was rejected by God because I knew I was suppose to feel different n did not. I went down a dry sinner n came up a wet sinner. Read Acts 2:38 for one n only plan of salvation. God bless you!!

    • @Alice-Not-In-Chains
      @Alice-Not-In-Chains 5 месяцев назад +2

      “ Son” 🫶🏽🙏🏽Amen!

  • @adsrinivasan
    @adsrinivasan Год назад +1129

    I was feeling depressed. But after I listened the Word of God brought me relief. What a Mighty God we serve.

    • @bibliaeslaverdad8628
      @bibliaeslaverdad8628 11 месяцев назад

      John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
      John 3:18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      Revelation 21
      8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
      1 Corinthians 6
      18 Flee fornication. Every other sin which a man doeth is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
      Matthew 12:45
      21st Century King James Version
      45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”
      Romans 8:6
      21st Century King James Version
      6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace,
      Luke 12:20
      21st Century King James Version
      20 But God said unto him, ‘Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?’
      1 Timothy 5:6
      21st Century King James Version
      6 But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.
      1 Corinthians 6
      9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
      10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God.
      1 John 2:17
      21st Century King James Version
      17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
      Matthew 22:29
      21st Century King James Version
      29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
      John 8:51
      21st Century King James Version
      51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.”
      2 John 9
      21st Century King James Version
      9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son.
      Titus 1:14
      21st Century King James Version
      14 not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth.
      2 Peter 3:18
      21st Century King James Version
      18 But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
      Romans 12:2
      21st Century King James Version
      2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
      Deuteronomy 6:14
      21st Century King James Version
      14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people who are round about you
      2 Corinthians 11:14
      21st Century King James Version
      14 And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
      1 Corinthians 10:20
      21st Century King James Version
      20 But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
      Proverbs 14:12
      21st Century King James Version
      12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
      1 John 4:3
      21st Century King James Version
      3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.
      2 John 9
      21st Century King James Version
      9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son.
      John 8:12
      21st Century King James Version
      12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
      Mark 8:35
      21st Century King James Version
      35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospel’s, the same shall save it.
      John 8:51
      21st Century King James Version
      51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.”
      1 Timothy 2:5
      21st Century King James Version
      5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
      Acts 4:12
      21st Century King James Version
      12 Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”
      James 1:21
      21st Century King James Version
      21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls.
      John 11:25-26
      21st Century King James Version
      25 Jesus said unto her, “I am the resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live;
      26 and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?”
      John 6:68
      21st Century King James Version
      68 Then Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life,
      Psalm 119:30
      21st Century King James Version
      30 I have chosen the way of truth; Thy judgments have I laid before me.
      Psalm 119:11
      21st Century King James Version
      11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.
      Romans 12:2
      21st Century King James Version
      2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
      1 Corinthians 2:5
      21st Century King James Version
      5 that your faith should not stand on the wisdom of man, but on the power of God.
      1 Peter 5:8
      21st Century King James Version
      8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
      1 John 2:16-17
      21st Century King James Version
      16 For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of the Father, but is of the world.
      17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
      James 1:21
      21st Century King James Version
      21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls.
      1 Corinthians 15:44
      21st Century King James Version
      44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
      1 Thessalonians 5:9
      21st Century King James Version
      9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ
      John 3:18
      21st Century King James Version
      18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      John 3:36
      21st Century King James Version
      36 He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
      Matthew 22:29
      21st Century King James Version
      29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
      John 5:29
      21st Century King James Version
      29 and shall come forth - they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
      John 8:12
      21st Century King James Version
      12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
      John 8:32
      21st Century King James Version
      32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
      John 6:40
      21st Century King James Version
      40 And this is the will of Him that sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day.”
      Mark 13:13
      21st Century King James Version
      13 And ye shall be hated by all men for My name’s sake; but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
      Revelation 14:12
      21st Century King James Version
      12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      John 8:36
      21st Century King James Version
      36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
      Mark 13:31
      21st Century King James Version
      31 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.

    • @kramsdrawde8159
      @kramsdrawde8159 11 месяцев назад +17

      II Corinthians 1 He is the GOD of all comfort, glad for the comment...

    • @Clock_70
      @Clock_70 11 месяцев назад +12


    • @catherinegray1367
      @catherinegray1367 11 месяцев назад +24

      A dopamine hit like no other. No drug or substance can bring me rest, but the Word can!

    • @themajesticmagnificent386
      @themajesticmagnificent386 11 месяцев назад +7

      Amen ❤️

  • @DemsRNutless
    @DemsRNutless 9 месяцев назад +757

    Just hearing the Word of God makes me feel healthier in a dark world. It is truly the light of the world.

    • @lharrrybuggyns8396
      @lharrrybuggyns8396 8 месяцев назад +8


    • @masterlee9822
      @masterlee9822 7 месяцев назад

      The faith claims only Germanic have souls and that god is Germanic and calls other races, beasts of the forest and soulless ones and use other words sometimes like the stained and unclean to describe the alien races.

    • @ginamicheletti5567
      @ginamicheletti5567 7 месяцев назад +13

      Amen! I feel closer to Jesus hearing the Word!❤🙏

    • @abledhomedefender
      @abledhomedefender 6 месяцев назад +9

      Amen. It really is amazing that hearing/ eating the Word of God is just as important as eating physical food. I find myself at times not being consistent in my time in Scripture and the longer I am out of it the more "hangry" I become, but, just as with going a long period without physically eating physical food makes you this way, and then when you finally eat you begin to feel like yourself and much healthier, so it is with Scriptures. We truly live on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

    • @christineandcarlmilitz2883
      @christineandcarlmilitz2883 6 месяцев назад +4

      Yes amen

  • @MetroWord
    @MetroWord Год назад +751

    I don't care how many times I listen. The Gospel is life and David's reading is marvelous.

    • @jhoannauy9773
      @jhoannauy9773 10 месяцев назад +10

      I agree!

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 9 месяцев назад +4

      No education eh?

    • @MetroWord
      @MetroWord 9 месяцев назад +18

      @@martinkent333 Are you communicating that to believe the gospel and to appreciate David's reading is to lack in education? If you don't believe then I don't begrudge you or anyone. In life I know many who are both educated and uneducated who believe that a historical Jesus of Nazareth lived, died, and bodily rose from death.

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 9 месяцев назад

      No Christian ever types Bible facts online. Egyptologists cannot find Moses etc, and even Bible Colleges cannot find Moses. The ancient Jews stole Satan from the Greek myth of Hades and Christians spread paranoia. Abraham was born thousands of years after the Pyramids and the Egyptian and Hindu myths - was Jehovah hiding all those years? Christians are unable to discuss reality, due to relying on faith. Facts trump faith. Especially in court. So relying on facts makes us strong and able to master religious hustlers. Instead of being willing to die for ancient myths. Let's chat! If you learn the facts, your faith will die. @@MetroWord

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 9 месяцев назад +4

      @@MetroWord he means you have to have nothing better to do if you think the bible is great. it appears to us atheists that people who spend enough time reading the bible that they can quote large parts of it have wasted the creation that they claim god gave them, it strikes me as ignorant to praise god for all he gives you, but then to just piss it away by trying to learn a book that is full of stuff that should be obvious, be nice, don't kill people, stuff like that, but for some reason (probably being scared to death of hell) you prefer boning up on mythology to running around in the sun. lack of education, you don't need god for anything.

    @FOOKYOUTUBENUMBERS 9 месяцев назад +370

    It’s 5:20am Christmas morning, I've bern up all night due my late partner passing last Christmas morning at 10:30am🙏 I started listening to this gospel and it’s making me a lot stronger to face the day thank you for the reading and thank you Jesus and are Farther🙏🙏🙏 If Your struggling today ask the lord to help you and give you strength Bless you all stay strong and have faith Amen 🙏🙏🙏

    • @lharrrybuggyns8396
      @lharrrybuggyns8396 8 месяцев назад +12

      Praying for you, thank you for sharing your message and may God bless you abundantly!

    • @xymonau2468
      @xymonau2468 8 месяцев назад +7

      I'm so terribly sorry! How incredibly sad, and at a time that makes it even more painful, if that were possible. My sincere condolences to you. Just take it easy, and don't expect to have enegy for a very long time. Grief does that to you. If you have to have a day under the doona, then do it. But emerge the next day and eat, bathe, and get out of the house for at least a short time. If people still offer help, or just want to listen, then welcome them. You need to talk about your partner at these significant times and you need to continue to lean on others when you need to. God gves us strength to get through. We must feel terrible and cry over a long period of time, but it will eventually lose its all-consuming grip. I found cleaning the house - particularly doing dishes or minor cleaning tasks - even while crying, was helpful. You have made it to the 12 month mark, and it might seem like the pain will never go away. It won't completely, but it will lose it's tight grip on you. Eventually, you will be able to remember them on Christmas day with fewer tears and more appreciation for the good times, and you will also be able to celebrate the day with family and friends and enjoy it again. Perhaps making a special vase of flowers for your partner on the day, or some other symbolic thing, will help you to embrace the good bits of the day as well. You have now been through every significant day since their death, and that is always the hardest. It can take a couple of years, but one day your grief will have loosened its hold, and you won't feel guilty for not continuing to feel so much pain. For today, be kind to yourself, and someone else. I hope you are able to sleep again. Sleep is vital. God bless.

    • @savedbygrace6853
      @savedbygrace6853 8 месяцев назад +15

      Sorry for your pain. My son was ambushed and killed a couple of months ago by a terrorist on a motorbike. Shot multiple times in the face.
      May the Lord keep you safe under his wing and bless you many times this day!

      @FOOKYOUTUBENUMBERS 8 месяцев назад

      Thank You Gob Bless @@lharrrybuggyns8396

      @FOOKYOUTUBENUMBERS 8 месяцев назад

      Thank You! Stay strong Keep the Faith GOD bless you@@savedbygrace6853

  • @Badfilms-u6j
    @Badfilms-u6j Год назад +596

    I fell asleep listening to this last night and slept through the night for the first time in months! Thank you jesus for your word!

    • @sagradobethgravina
      @sagradobethgravina 11 месяцев назад +10

      Me too… what a blessing!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    • @Allan-mf1he
      @Allan-mf1he 11 месяцев назад +7

      That is awesome. Remember he gave us all green herbs as medicine. Find some ceder wood greens and infuse in olive oil on low heat. Take a tablespoon 30min before bedtime!

    • @southhillfarm2795
      @southhillfarm2795 11 месяцев назад +6

      I do that once in a while too.

    • @JCPKiara
      @JCPKiara 10 месяцев назад +12

      I babysit my 2.1/2 yr old grandchild on Mondays. He is such a great little boy, playful and obedient and such a joy in my life, and spending those hours with him, experiencing first hand his intelligence and the world from his perspective I'm in awe and amazement. The family gathering to share a meal afterwards is also of great importance to me as well as being a time of family bliss.
      I am in my late 70s and at the end of the day my body tends to complain a lot. Often, when I go to sleep, I put on Scripture reading. It's like falling asleep in the Lord's company.
      The blessing and regenerating energy, that come in the morning it's like if my body has been immersed in a healing ointment. I wake up feeling an old drained battery plugged in during the night, recharging for the next day. God IS Good, God IS Energy, God IS Healing, God IS the ONLY ONE GOD of Love and Mercy.
      Have a Blessed God-day everyone.

    • @JCPKiara
      @JCPKiara 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@Allan-mf1he Good God morning Allan. Can you expand on this recipe pls? I'm taking Hawthorn tea right now but it's very expensive to buy. I would like to know more about your recipe. I have a lot of cedar shrubs around my house...or if you know or recommend a book I can buy about God's Healing Garden He has provided for us. Thank you and have a blessed day.

  • @Codestud
    @Codestud 4 месяца назад +157

    At the age of 48, this beautiful Gospel read to me in this way, is what finally connected me to the Christian faith. Thank you David Suchet and thank you Jesus!

  • @neenernener
    @neenernener 9 месяцев назад +267

    I turned 15 in April 1986. In May 1986 I gave birth to my son. In August 1986 i started my freshman year of high school.
    I wasn't raised in church, but i knew enough about life, God & his son. I knew my "mistake" was really a blessing from Our Maker. I never considered him a clump of cells (or any of the ridiculous things people say to deny the truth & absolve themselves from guilt or shame.)
    I was almost 20 weeks along (too far to have anyone else force me to do something i absolutely don't believe & never have) before I was courageous enough to tell my mom. Naturally, she wasn't happy about it, but boy oh boy she came around! She helped, supported, encouraged me. She taught me how to be a mom while she was still mothering me! She let me have a childhood, but still made me be responsible when i had too.
    I thank God for giving me the best mom, most wonderful son & the absolutely most precious Granddaughter ever!

  • @Yrsfdsk
    @Yrsfdsk 8 месяцев назад +279

    We need more of this man reading the Bible, this was so captivating

    • @PaulWesleyBowen
      @PaulWesleyBowen 7 месяцев назад +27

      If you search online you will find that he has recorded the entire Bible, the new international version of UK."

    • @Raj-Singh_TRACY-CA
      @Raj-Singh_TRACY-CA 7 месяцев назад +17

      There are lots of videos of David Suchet reading the Holy Bible, God bless.

    • @judiesuh6858
      @judiesuh6858 5 месяцев назад +5

      Thank you~

    • @laraegonzalesingoditrust
      @laraegonzalesingoditrust 4 месяца назад +4

      He reads the whole Bible, just look it up, he's an award winning narrator 😁😇😁😇🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 GOD BLESS ALL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN JESUS CHRIST🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
      AMEN, 😇

    • @Yrsfdsk
      @Yrsfdsk 4 месяца назад +1

      @@laraegonzalesingoditrust thank you!

  • @ericjones8191
    @ericjones8191 Год назад +230

    My life was pure chaos and turmoil until one night I listened to the word. Ever since I can't stop sleeping after years and years of running on 2 to 3 hours of sleep a night. I even walk slower. It's like a peace and calm veiled over me. It's the oddest thing ever in my life. I couldn't find a medication on the market that would slow my mind and allow me to sleep and rest. And all the sudden. I fall asleep in minutes. And stay asleep. My entire life has changed. And yet I have the least in all my life

    • @juliablom3461
      @juliablom3461 Год назад +14

      What a beautiful blessing from God.

    • @tfee97
      @tfee97 Год назад +18

      That's awesome to hear. I'm struggling myself cause I'm disabled, anxious, and hurt all the time. and it's torture. I want that. I strive for that peace.

    • @christiangirl2222
      @christiangirl2222 Год назад +10

      Thats the HOLY SPRIT if you cant stop thinking about JESUS YOU HAVE BEEN BORN AGAIN His PEACE andna LOVE Surpass all carnal Understanding. When did this happen? WOW do you KNOW Abouut the HOLY SPIRIT ANNOINTING you canfind out tap tap on JESUS

    • @christiangirl2222
      @christiangirl2222 Год назад +4


    • @carolinemcgovern8059
      @carolinemcgovern8059 Год назад +1

      Try reading articles on sleep hygiene from reputable sources.

  • @christinekwakwa
    @christinekwakwa Год назад +1219

    I think I have listened to half the Bible in 2 months because of Sir David . My life is changing. Thank you God, thank you Jesus and thank you Sir David!

    • @-gearsgarage-
      @-gearsgarage- Год назад

      Is it the fear tactics used constantly? The rape, slavery, Genocide? The book is written very manipulative, with many many internal contradictions. Time lines that don’t match up, especially in the north and resurrection narrative’s. That’s the difference in learning biblical history, and not learning the religion and theology. One is facts and history. The other is myths legends and based on brain washing and blind faith

    • @tiborsipos2810
      @tiborsipos2810 Год назад

      Here look at truth, after this video you will understand why Christianity and Islam if fake.видео.html

    • @vejeke
      @vejeke Год назад +14

      I you only listen to it you will not get very important information. For example, he just read from 50:46 to 52:22 without mentioning that that story do not appear in any of the oldest manuscripts. Also he didn't mention that the Gospel according to John is in fact anonymous. You have to read the description to know those kind of things.

    • @jadedstar723
      @jadedstar723 Год назад +4

      praise God

    • @sweynforkbeardtraindude
      @sweynforkbeardtraindude Год назад +26

      Faith comes by hearing

  • @DonYutuc
    @DonYutuc Год назад +1050

    Who's watching and or listening in 2024? Your steps are ordered by the Lord God Almighty. What a soothing voice to listen to! God's voice? I believe 🙏 🙌

    • @kogienaidu8642
      @kogienaidu8642 Год назад +28

      Me. Yes God is so good. Such magnificent reading of the Word of God!

    • @DonYutuc
      @DonYutuc Год назад +21

      @@kogienaidu8642 To God be the glory 😤 👏

    • @theaharms6845
      @theaharms6845 Год назад +1

    • @guido8521
      @guido8521 Год назад +20

      I am listening 😀

    • @DonYutuc
      @DonYutuc Год назад +21

      @@guido8521 Listening to Sir David Suchet is a great way to hear the word of God.

  • @richardhowell9535
    @richardhowell9535 6 месяцев назад +113

    I have to say, I’d been away for many years. On or around Oct 7th I fell on my face and asked for forgiveness. I left Him for some years but he never left me! Thank you Lord Jesus!!

    • @Eaa30mnu
      @Eaa30mnu 4 месяца назад +1


    • @johnwainwright9313
      @johnwainwright9313 4 месяца назад +6

      I too fell on my face, before Jesus, after going into the world for maybe 20 years or so. Like Richard, Jesus had been waiting for me. What a longsufferering and merciful Saviour we have!!

    • @LSD123.
      @LSD123. Месяц назад +3

      He is waiting with open arm. Isn't it comforting...

    • @enkaiscott
      @enkaiscott 13 дней назад +1

      Amazing testimony, welcome home. Thank you for sharing.

  • @haddavdmh
    @haddavdmh 11 месяцев назад +472

    The greatest single book ever written. Amen

    • @macmilleur4165
      @macmilleur4165 11 месяцев назад +10

      Amen exactly!

    • @Designer_TopG
      @Designer_TopG 10 месяцев назад +2

      Written? It was not written. It was compiled and translated. History. Notes of what happened in history.

    • @lilzacky2fye26
      @lilzacky2fye26 10 месяцев назад +16

      @@Designer_TopGstill written

    • @Duciousness
      @Duciousness 10 месяцев назад +12

      I'd argue that Isaiah 53 is the best Chapter. Brings me to tears when I read it.

    • @KeithWarrick-nq2dd
      @KeithWarrick-nq2dd 9 месяцев назад +5


  • @worshiplibrary7157
    @worshiplibrary7157 Год назад +505

    I don't know who needs to hear this today, but give GOD a little more time. Give HIM your worries, accept HIS peace and rest. He will drive you and pave the way for you. Amen ♥ 🕊

  • @n-r-m8888
    @n-r-m8888 2 года назад +441

    Gods word is always so spiritually encouraging and uplifting who’s with me?

    • @BTBNeverLoseAgain777
      @BTBNeverLoseAgain777 Год назад +10

      AMEN! So exciting & PEACEFUL. What can b so exhilarating as 2 give us the confidence 2 Crush all foes, yet docile enough we sleep Peacefully as it plays? THATS JESUS!!! 🤩 & Miraculous in itself. 😂 Jesus Is King!!! I❤️‍🔥U all! Have a perfect day in Jesus Name.

    • @elitestockpicks8212
      @elitestockpicks8212 Год назад +1

      Be careful because even Jesus told us that he scholars hid the keys and did not go in themselves while preventing others. Truth is gate kept. The power of God breaks down the gates of Hell

    • @user-no3qr5ss8m
      @user-no3qr5ss8m Год назад +1


    • @son-of-truth5959
      @son-of-truth5959 Год назад


    • @Jeymez
      @Jeymez Год назад

      no doubt

  • @polina_piter
    @polina_piter 3 месяца назад +22

    I listen in the dark. I’ve been reading the Bible for over 50 years but listening in bed, in the dark, it’s gives me a brand new perspective. I’m so thankful for this channel ❤

    • @jeaneslick4316
      @jeaneslick4316 Месяц назад

      Me too! Nothing to distract you, just 😮the word of

  • @zenbear4149
    @zenbear4149 Год назад +684

    I have read this gospel 100 times - it is the heart of the New Testament - and never had it come to life like this. Extraordinary.

    • @gulanhem9495
      @gulanhem9495 Год назад +12

      Yes, when an actor gives it emotion it touches you more. The effect of psychology. 🤗

    • @gulanhem9495
      @gulanhem9495 Год назад +4

      But it's supernatural love! No human can love his enemies.
      It's perfectly in line with the core message of the Gospel, that human's can't save himself, we need to put our trust in God.
      Plus those enemies will be destroyed after they die, or even burn in Hell.
      But personally, I'm an ex-christian and I can't live by that. Since I don't believe in an afterlife, I will try to get revenge and destroy my enemies in this life.
      X-ianity only works if the God of the Bible exists.

    • @ryanpowell9003
      @ryanpowell9003 Год назад

      ​@@gulanhem9495You're right, Christianity doesn't work if God doesn't exist. What makes you think he doesn't? As a former Christian, you must know about prophecy after prophecy that have been fulfilled from the Bible?
      No judgment, legitimately curious why you think he's not real? I feel like Jesus coming is all the proof we need but there are lots of other arguments, particularly cosmological arguments that I feel are unshakeable and absolutely point to a divine creator.
      Just curious your thoughts.

    • @XGAMING-lf7yg
      @XGAMING-lf7yg Год назад +11

      ​@@amyrenee1361The Bible never tells us to not resist Evil, what are you talking about.

    • @dudesjewels
      @dudesjewels Год назад +4

      This and Mathew are the ultimate

  • @KathrineJKozachok
    @KathrineJKozachok Год назад +505

    I love the way he occasionally looks up into the camera as if he is reading each one of us a personal bedtime story. What a blessed man!

    • @Violet_Lotus_
      @Violet_Lotus_ Год назад +23

      the mark of a well-trained professional, a master to his craft!

    • @welcometolife4237
      @welcometolife4237 Год назад +2

      Not a single words of Aramaic uttered

    • @2ndBirth
      @2ndBirth Год назад +18

      @@welcometolife4237 Why would He read in Aramaic? He's reading the New Testament. Even the original New Testament texts are written in Koine Greek. The common language that most could understand at the time. Then later translated into English and other languages as the gospel goes out into the world.

    • @welcometolife4237
      @welcometolife4237 Год назад

      @@2ndBirth you're just that dumb. If Torah is preserved God Almighty language is not. Not only that you killed God Almighty that asked for help from himself to be saved. Good one.

    • @enjoying1515
      @enjoying1515 Год назад +7

      Exactly 💯 !!!

  • @normarusnackfigueroa7365
    @normarusnackfigueroa7365 3 года назад +761

    I love my God
    I love his word
    I love this man’s voice
    May the Lord bless you all

    • @protestant7778
      @protestant7778 3 года назад +11

      😃The Synopsis of the HOLY BIBLE:
      Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
      ~ Ecclesiastes 12:13
      This includes the 4th commandment
      (Exodus 20:8-11)
      Not just the NINE COMMANDMENTS
      that Ray Comfort preaches😔

    • @saviorsigner
      @saviorsigner 3 года назад +10

      I love his storytelling voice as well. He is like none other and just draws you in the story in a whole new way and makes the characters come alive!

    • @adonaiyah2196
      @adonaiyah2196 3 года назад +4

      @@saviorsigner yes its his storytelling style by david that is the real hook of the reading and just like how the clapham sect used the word to fight for freedom of peoples lives davids reading gives freedom to people soul

    • @jerryduckworth4276
      @jerryduckworth4276 3 года назад

      Bless you Norma. Bless you for your good ❤ heart.

    • @mikemullert5651
      @mikemullert5651 3 года назад +3

      God has anointed this man to speak The Word. My spirit communes with God when I hear him read the Gospel of John

  • @emilymburtt
    @emilymburtt 2 месяца назад +9

    i absolutely love Sir David Suchet’s voice. i love falling asleep to this. may God bless this wonderful man and all who read this 🤍🙏🏼

  • @erikedgerton5951
    @erikedgerton5951 3 года назад +426

    You have a gift. I am backslidden but I heard what I needed to hear. I need Jesus, And without him I can do nothing.

    • @Dino-ns9jx
      @Dino-ns9jx 3 года назад +13

      As long as you feel the need to come back to Jesus, it means there's still a chance for you to do so. God bless you

    • @ishents1
      @ishents1 3 года назад +8

      Respect my brother.

    • @kevinparker6980
      @kevinparker6980 3 года назад +1


    • @pappy9473
      @pappy9473 3 года назад +1

      If you feel you can do nothing when not believing in stories and belief doctrines dreamt up thousand of years ago by ignorant folk, you need to question yourself.
      Try to be a freethinker.

    • @erikedgerton5951
      @erikedgerton5951 3 года назад +10

      @@pappy9473 I am struggling with a 9 year addiction to crack and prostitutes. The 12 step program of CA requires one to believe in a higher power. If you don't believe in Jesus go to a pentacostle church and get baptized followed by a prayer of salvation I PROMISE YOU. Jesus will prove himself to you. But humans love to sin and you will experience a new struggle.

  • @annebalderston2520
    @annebalderston2520 2 года назад +613

    “Faith comes by hearing and
    hearing by the Word of God”.🙏🏻

  • @bellastone-le9eb
    @bellastone-le9eb Год назад +307

    Can you imagine filling Westminster Abby with 12 million people to hear the gospel of John? 12 million have come here and seen this video - Amazing.

    • @TheRiceExperimentsHelpsyou
      @TheRiceExperimentsHelpsyou Год назад +3

      Romanized evil Trash sweetie :)

    • @artifacthunter1472
      @artifacthunter1472 Год назад +8

      But God will only give few the truth!

    • @Rare.99
      @Rare.99 Год назад +12

      14 mil now

    • @artifacthunter1472
      @artifacthunter1472 Год назад

      @@Rare.99 95% of Christians are not born again they just profess with their mouth and their actions deny God and they know nothing of true doctrine! They will hear I never knew you! The word in Greek means puny number!

    • @darylmcmanus1815
      @darylmcmanus1815 Год назад +4

      Many are called few are chosen remember this. I would erge any one who reads this to study the law like Yahusha(Jesus) said I've not come to thrown down the law or the prophets. he was a lawful messiah not a lawless one he wore tezit tezeit or tassels he was a sabbath keeper but if you say the pharisees said he broke sabbath he broke sabbath to there added law there is nothing to say on a sabbath you cannot heal any one on the sabbath which is saterday not sunday brothers and sisters dont be decieved your not to buy or sell or work on the sabbath if you say this is for the Jews no no its not don't be decieved you got brought into the commonwealth of Israel by the blood of the messiah why do you think Paul says there is neither jew nor Greek(gentiles) for your all one in the messiah look it all up its all there I could go on all day lol these people in England is this You claim your Christian just like the royals your all Catholic if you love Elohim(God) why does this country not keep His commandments plus if you say we keep His day of Rest what aload of rubbish😂 the day of rest has and never will be sunday the sabbath is saterday ill even give you a definition TheSabbath (from Hebrew shavat, “to rest”) is observed throughout the year on the seventh day of the week-Saturday. and if you say the law is done away with no no its not Yahusha(Jesus) even said I've not come to throw down the law or the prophets so the law still stands and so do the prophets remember Elohim(God) does not change nor do His ways and the reason I'm saying all of this for if any one reads im hoping and praying the Holy Spirit will stir whats right inside of you to look this up or check scripture your self's you won't even find christmas in there if you think you will give me the verse I would love to hear it where does it say santan will come with his back of goodies why you all get drunk around the Christmas tree for 12 days dont be decieved I don't wanna give Satan any credit but he's the master of Lying and Twists Elohims(Gods) ways

  • @Ntwadumela84
    @Ntwadumela84 9 месяцев назад +45

    I'm a truck driver and a preacher. My job takes a lot out of me physically and spiritually. I usually work 60hrs/wk and often 12-16hr days, sometimes with little sleep. It is a real struggle just to keep going physically, let alone try to stay close to God spiritually.
    Sir David, I remember seeing you on Iowa PBS as Poirot when I was a child. My late grandmother always liked watching you. Your acting skills entertained her; now your reading of God's Word is helping me. You read with such passion and conviction. It helps the Bible feel more alive than it already is, and blesses my ears and feeds my soul. Thank you for using the talents God has giving you to bless others through the reading of His Word! I truly hope and pray you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, because I want to say thank you in Heaven someday! God bless you!!

    • @thefilmtube659
      @thefilmtube659 5 месяцев назад +2

      AMEN !!!

    • @charlestonscnative9083
      @charlestonscnative9083 5 месяцев назад +2

      He is a Christian. I have seen his interview about it and the part where he calls shops in an attempt to find a Bible makes me chuckle the way he describes it. God bless!

    • @tommaloney3938
      @tommaloney3938 3 месяца назад

      . God bless and strengthen you. so nice to hear that a preacher with a job! all the preachers who sit around reading the Bible all day and have a Bible study once a week and then ask the congregation for money. sorry doesn't Paul talk about working with his hands. I am feeling so much love for you and your situation son, I will say special prayers for you and all like you. preaching is a calling not a profession. God be with you and yours.

  • @kyrahtaylor9066
    @kyrahtaylor9066 3 года назад +255

    Every time I go to sleep watching RUclips, I wake up to this video. Good to know that I’m subconsciously soaking up Gods holy word!😊

    • @Aikunle78
      @Aikunle78 3 года назад +18

      This has happened to me as well. I didn't even choose the video. I fell asleep watching another video. I dreamt along with this video waking up periodically to the reading. In the end, I think a prayer of mine was answered! This video has then eversince popped up or auto suggested again.

    • @cherimund2569
      @cherimund2569 3 года назад +16

      This happens to me also. God is so good!!!

    • @shaneschroeder4782
      @shaneschroeder4782 3 года назад +9

      Amen Sister! God Bless

    • @shaneschroeder4782
      @shaneschroeder4782 3 года назад +10

      @@cherimund2569God's Definitely Speaking to You!🙏😀
      I Do My Best when I,
      Let Go and Let God, LOVE BOLD.
      God Is My Shepard He Makes Me Walk Bold. He Always Supplies Treasures For My Hungry Soul. In Truth I Walk, Seeking Knowledge in Christ, LOVE is My Key To All The Treasures In This Life. SJS

    • @saj638
      @saj638 3 года назад +1

      Try to watch gospel of John on blogging theology chanel on youtube.видео.html

  • @thedeepthinker5669
    @thedeepthinker5669 2 года назад +353

    Night shift worker who can't sleep well on days off. Listening to the Wonderful Words of Life truly is calming and drowns all the distraction and puts the focus on Jesus Christ our eternal Savior!!! Thank you sir for reading so extraordinarily, such rare talent, praise to God!!

    • @dannygutierrez8010
      @dannygutierrez8010 Год назад +22

      I'm 69 with a stroke. For me, memorizing 23 and 91 makes me sleep better. May GOD permit you to sleep with many pleasant dreams.

    • @lorettasanchez1184
      @lorettasanchez1184 Год назад +17

      @@dannygutierrez8010 Health, Healing and Restoration in Jesus name 🙏

    • @blessedmiracle11
      @blessedmiracle11 Год назад +1

      "deepthinker😳 name hello 👋 praise God

    • @ENFPerspectives
      @ENFPerspectives Год назад +6

      Prayers Nightshift shift is difficult work.

    • @honeybadger8942
      @honeybadger8942 Год назад

      @@dannygutierrez8010 Eat raw, heal quickly.

  • @steveindorset
    @steveindorset 2 года назад +753

    David is a national treasure! How can someone read so well with such fluency! Absolute quality! God bless you David.

    • @riserise5897
      @riserise5897 2 года назад +7

      English minds

    • @markdemell8056
      @markdemell8056 2 года назад +5

      Yahuah our heavenly father will surely send Yahushua and the myriad of myriads of angelic forces to destroy the evil and redeem the chosen few , HalleluYAH , amein.

    • @lumberjaxe8910
      @lumberjaxe8910 2 года назад +5

      6mil views in 7 months...Awesome!

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 2 года назад

      @@lumberjaxe8910 Brainwashing pays well!!!!!!! You are a perfect example of someone who is willing to die for your beliefs, but never ever thinks about checking Bible facts. NOT A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @lumberjaxe8910
      @lumberjaxe8910 2 года назад +5

      @@martinkent333 Jesus said they persecuted him , they will persecute me. Happy New Year and many Blessings and good health to you Sir.

  • @mylifeisagift
    @mylifeisagift 5 месяцев назад +5

    I love listening to the pages turning. Makes me feel as if I'm in the room listening

  • @tm510a
    @tm510a Год назад +315

    I have been through the entire bible with David at least 100 times over the last 11 years with my audible account. I drove 350 miles a day at work and what better way to spend the day. Thank you David after all these years I feel like I know you. Grace and Peace.

    • @Anonymous10282
      @Anonymous10282 Год назад +7

      How well do you know the bible

    • @joelanturk6280
      @joelanturk6280 Год назад +5

      @@Anonymous10282 I have the exact same question. 👍🏾

    • @maureenkidd6629
      @maureenkidd6629 Год назад +12

      @@Anonymous10282 Why would you ask that question?

    • @tm510a
      @tm510a Год назад +31

      @@Anonymous10282 It never gets boring every time I go through the word of God he speaks to my heart in many different ways as if it were the first time. Grace and Peace

    • @Anonymous10282
      @Anonymous10282 Год назад +5

      @@maureenkidd6629 just asking because just listening to long passages in the background doesn’t seem to be much help in actually knowing the word of God. If I offended, I apologise but didn’t have malicious intent

  • @bettymulindwa750
    @bettymulindwa750 2 года назад +512

    Wow. By God's grace I stumbled on this... What a blessing to listen in to the Word of God read with such a grace.... Thank you Jesus for this.

    • @natalieflores4818
      @natalieflores4818 2 года назад +6


    • @fennaleong4706
      @fennaleong4706 2 года назад +5


    • @BradWatsonMiami
      @BradWatsonMiami 2 года назад

      "In the beginnin', God created the heavens and the Earth...the light was good."
      "As Above, So Below" - precept of ancient sacred geometry

      GOD=GOOD=7_4 is thee Bible Code! Genasis 1:1 in its original Hebrew is 7 words and 28 letters (7x4). The Creation Story takes place over 7 days and on the 4th day, God created the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets. "And God saw that it was good." All the ancients recognized the 7 moving objects in the heavens - the sacred 7 Luminaires/7 Heavens - known now as the 7 Classical Planets: Moon, Mercury. Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. 4 of these can't be seen during the day/4 don't cast shadows on Earth - Venus can. There's 4 primary lunar phases of roughly 7 days (~7.4 days) each, thus 7-day weeks and 4 weeks in a 'moonth'. The 354 day lunar year + 7 day week + 4 days = 365 day solar year. The Roman Calendar has 7 thirty-one day months + 4 thirty day months + February's 28 (7x4) days.
      Earth has 7 continents: 4 don't touch the equator/4 LARGE land masses. 74% of Earth's surface is liquid or frozen water. Ancient's '7 Seas' & 4 oceans.
      "The Gospel according to St. John"
      to St.=74
      7/4=July 4th or 7 April 30 AD: Good Friday(74) when Jesus(74=J10+E5+S19+U21+S19) the Jewish(74) Messiah(74)/The King(74) was nailed on(74) the Cross(74= C3+R18+O15+S19+S19). This is Simple(6,74) English(7,74) Gematria(8,74) and uses the key(74) of A-B-C becomes 1-2-3(74) - Seal #2

      See - only the returned Christ & Albert Einstein reincarnated could have produced this. It's triggered The Apocalypse/Revelation which is NOT the 'end of the world'. COVID-19 was added to Seal #4: S=19 (18.6) Theory.

    • @rezamohamadakhavan_abdolla8627
      @rezamohamadakhavan_abdolla8627 2 года назад +7

      Yes thank you Jesus for your words and your Grace.

    • @MaJASDerecho
      @MaJASDerecho 2 года назад +9

      Same here. It just appeared in my feed
      I am so happy, grateful and blessed! 🥰
      PRAISE THE LORD 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🥳🥳🥳

  • @udumkopf8217
    @udumkopf8217 3 года назад +144

    Sir David became a Christian after reading a Hotel Room Bible... Great Testimony!

    • @lisajackson6950
      @lisajackson6950 3 года назад +13

      That's awesome!! The Holy Bible isn't something that is available in hotel/motels these days.

    • @udumkopf8217
      @udumkopf8217 3 года назад

      @@inzamamkhan9469 ?

    • @udumkopf8217
      @udumkopf8217 3 года назад +2

      @@lisajackson6950 It's not like a dramatic experience with a group of people in church going up for an altar call. Just reading a Gideon bible in a hotel with Jesus showing up...

    • @cwill4538
      @cwill4538 3 года назад

      @@lisajackson6950 aaaa

    • @tamicrosley
      @tamicrosley 3 года назад +1

      Praise God

  • @michaelramirez8844
    @michaelramirez8844 9 месяцев назад +101

    I believe in Jesus ❤️🙏

    • @Alice-Not-In-Chains
      @Alice-Not-In-Chains 5 месяцев назад +2

      Amen🙏🏽 Amen

    • @AlexanderBrown77
      @AlexanderBrown77 3 месяца назад +2

      1 Corinthians 15 KJV ✝️🩸
      1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
      2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
      3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
      4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

    • @NewDaySon37
      @NewDaySon37 Месяц назад +1

      Amen Brother I do too! 🙏🏼🕊️ He answers everything I need and even More! ❤ I Love Jesus!

  • @PompeyBoy66
    @PompeyBoy66 3 года назад +998

    David Suchet has done a whole reading of the Bible and its available on RUclips and on Audible. He takes such care of the text. To listen to it is better than watching TV.

    • @theahaberman8189
      @theahaberman8189 3 года назад +59

      Oh. My. Goodness. Thank you so much for telling us about it! I'm going to go find it right now...

    • @diannaglenn6054
      @diannaglenn6054 3 года назад +35

      @@theahaberman8189 me too.

    • @ericaj.m.1780
      @ericaj.m.1780 3 года назад +50

      He reads so beautifully

    • @francesshealingpoemsfortwo5734
      @francesshealingpoemsfortwo5734 3 года назад +10

      Jesus Christ is coming quickly...Come...
      Our body is The Temple for God's Love to be made whole and One in us through Jesus Christ, The One anointed with the whole spirit of God's Love for Twofold Peace:Jerusalem for New Jerusalem for healing All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love. God's #Loveisnotacortisol
      🕊💖🕊We wlll all be changed 'just as in the twinkling of an eye' - because the change is a nervous system change from stress and fear to Love. Love is always positive. Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations and Heaven on Earth as promised by God who is Love through Jesus Christ, Amen, Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, twofold peace to All Nations in accord with God's promise to wipe away every tear and to remove pain and suffering from man and woman to make them kind in His Love, Amen Ameen, Shalom, Namaste, Twofold Peace to All Nations, there is no division with God's Love, we are all One with and in God's Love made whole in us through the whole spirit anointed, namely Jesus Christ, Amen.
      Blessings, Jesus Christ is returning Quickly.
      Check out this sun, the fulness at 3 mins 50 seconds.видео.html
      Jesus Christ said the stones would cry out. This the cry I hearвидео.html
      Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ who is coming quickly for Healing for All Nations.
      Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made from God's Love made whole in us. Amen. Ameen. Maranatha. Shalom. Namaste. Twofold Peace and Healing to All Nations...
      Maranatha. Parousia. Come Lord Jesus Christ Come 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖
      Peace One Dayвидео.html
      Building Bridges One Loveвидео.html
      The Endвидео.html
      Love is not a cortisol but an endorphin blood made whole in us for Healing for All Nations for twofold peace and Heaven on Earth as promised in Revelation. Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace to All through the spirit of Love made whole in us. Thanks be to God who is Love. 🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖🕊💖
      Amen. Ameen. Shalom. Namaste. Peace for All Nations for Heaven on Earth...🕊💖🕊
      A New Heaven Revelation 21видео.html

    • @noneone8726
      @noneone8726 3 года назад +6

      What is a god? How do you define it?
      Do you agree or disagree:
      1. god created EVERYthing, including you
      2. god KNOWS everything
      3. god is all powerful and can do anything and god Controls everything
      4. god is perfect by definition and cannot make mistakes
      Do you agree to all that?
      Then why pray? God can read your mind and already knows what you feel and think.
      What kind of a god would be petty enough to require you to grovel or beg?\
      If you are flawed / sinful, whose fault is that? YOURS or the god that deliberately made you that way?
      Oh, you had a choice to be sinful or not? WHY would a god set up a trap like that in the first place? How is that loving or rational?
      As a parent of your children, do you put out candy, hide, and if they eat the candy you told them not to eat, do you jump out of hiding and BEAT the shit out of your kids?
      If there is suffering, who created it but god, who invented and controls EVERYTHING? Why would you respect, obey or worship a cruel sadist?
      Why would god set humanity up to fail, why not simply create them perfect to begin with? IF god is INFALLIBLE, what is the logical purpose of EVIL / satan / sin?
      If humanity is too imperfect to understand these questions,, then how are YOU so perfect that you can write a book or invent a church and claim to speak for god?
      Why would an all powerful god bother to use books, churches messengers, signs, angels, prophets, threats, punishments and other bull when it could simply SPEAK DIRECTLY and unambiguously directly to every person? Isn't it a LOT more likely that religion is a con game scam invented to manipulate desperate and weak minded people?
      A DRUG for the weak and desperate and stupid?
      The only thing that produces good things in life is REASON: SCIENCE AND RATIONALITY, not ghost stories.
      If Christ is so FACTUAL why are there literally DOZENS of churches that have MURDERED and TORTURED and PERSECUTED each other in his name for CENTURIES of religious WARS?
      Oh YOU are so perfect and pure that jesus speaks directly and only to you..........right?
      There is no santa claus, easter bunny, jehova, buddha, allah, jesus or Ronald McDonald.видео.htmlвидео.html
      Only Objective REASON and LOGIC deserve your respect\
      Why allow anyone to TRAIN you to bow down like a dog or a slave or a robot?
      Think for yourself, rely on yourself, be RATIONAL not superstitious.
      Think for a moment.
      Did a bunch of people PRAY and beg, then suddenly computers and the internet arrived? NO. it was LOGIC and REASON that created this thing you are using, NOT GOD.
      REASON and Logic and SCIENCE should not be used to spew this superstitious bullshit.

  • @kisheacox8147
    @kisheacox8147 2 года назад +651

    This voice. I can close my eyes and his voice carrying the word of God straight through me. It makes you want to listen and keep listening. Hearing God’s word knowing we are in the end times makes me feel at peace.

    • @ernestinegallego4150
      @ernestinegallego4150 2 года назад +16

      Its very nice to hear others enjoy the word the Bible say s the word of God is a sweet smell an aroma, the living word brings life , etc. But to those who are perishing in the sins , the one who made there choice to hate the light and love darkness, the word of God to them is a stench of death. See the word is The word become flesh that Christ. Make sure to keep it simple cast all arguments down any foolish Quarles. The Holy Spirit is peace patience kindness is a must in a world of confusion and chaos.

    • @lloydbillings52
      @lloydbillings52 2 года назад +7

      Amein " only name under heaven ✨
      Jesus 💞 Christ

    • @dianereinhart9712
      @dianereinhart9712 2 года назад +27

      This is what our children should be listening to on the TV and Not Disney!

    • @nathaleedennis1394
      @nathaleedennis1394 2 года назад +5


    • @tylercannon6819
      @tylercannon6819 2 года назад +9

      I agree. I've been hitting play at bedtime and opening my heart and mind also.

  • @strongvoice-LK
    @strongvoice-LK 3 года назад +71

    I can hear the love of God in your voice, Sir David. Thank you ever so much for using your talent-gift for God!

    • @conduit68
      @conduit68 3 года назад +4

      Amen! Amen! AMEN!

    • @bruceemmert5172
      @bruceemmert5172 3 года назад +1

      Cat sounds

    • @angelmediadorentrenosotros7579
      @angelmediadorentrenosotros7579 3 года назад

      All the Scriptures, Génesis to Revelation or the Apocalypse.
      For because the Father has life in himself, so he also gave the Son to have life in himself: And he also gave him power to judge, as soon as he is the Son of man.
      Do not marvel at this; for time will come, when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice; And those who did good will come forth to the resurrection of life; but those who did wrong, resurrection of condemnation.
      1 Corinthians chapter 15:51,52,53,53,54,55,56,
      Behold, I say unto you a mystery: We shall not all surely sleep, but we shall all be transformed.
      In a moment, in the blink of an eye, to the final trumpet; because the trumpet will be played, and the dead will be raised without corruption, and we will be transformed.
      Because this corruptible must be clothed in incorruption, and this mortal will be clothed with immortality
      And when this corruptible is clothed in incorruption, and this mortal will be clothed with immortality, then the word that is written will be made: Sorbida is death with victory.
      Where is your stinger, O death? Where, O tomb, your victory?
      Since the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin, THE LAW.
      ... here is the Revelation denied by children who knew the strange morality; children deluded by an immoral way of life; they were the first to deny the Father; so too, they will be denied in the Kingdom of Heaven; I really tell you that the wrath of the world will have to be faced by these deniers of the light; They promised the Father, not to be surprised, when the moment came to receive Revelation on Earth; behold, with their selfishness, they made fulfill a divine parable: And the truth will come, with surprise; such as the surprise caused by a thief at night; you asked for the judgment yourselves; just as you asked for life; a life that you did not know; every order of life, includes all the events that you will pass; and that you already passed; your Creator makes all future life become present; makes the creature see its future performances: .- Alpha and Omega HOW IS THE FINAL JUDGMENT; ALL THE SECONDS THAT WERE LIVED; EVERYTHING THAT WAS TALKED; EVERYTHING THAT WAS THOUGHT; EVERYTHING THAT WAS LOOKED AT; EVERYTHING THAT WAS TOUCHED.-
      7 Seals, The Scroll Lamb of God Revelation 5.to10.
      The Spirit Saint of Truth, The Protector,
      John chapters 14:26,15:26,16:13,
      My New NAME Revelation chapters 2:17, 3:12, 19:12,
      For all who never saw my FACE IN MEAT. LATAKIA SIRIA, LAODICEA in the past, With Ses, Hunger and Prisoner for centuries and centuries, because that's what the RELIGIOUS world wanted. Coloshian chapter 2.
      The divine family of KINGDOM 2 John 1. Alpha Omega Alian =The Wise, The High, I Am The One I Am, The Almighty, The Eternal Father.
      JESUS CHRIST = Mohammed Msto=Master=Christ. Mahoma='Muhammad'=Yazan Mesto. FATIMA =Jennifer Mesto.
      MARIA =Sasha Msto
      www.AlfayOmega .com .pe WWW.CIENCIACELESTE .com

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 3 года назад

      odd that cos there is no god.

    • @strongvoice-LK
      @strongvoice-LK 3 года назад +1

      Harry, Harry, Harry, what if you’re wrong? Ask Jesus to show you Himself. Don’t let your heart turn cold. You didn’t come here by accident. You must have some interest.

  • @8028rsj
    @8028rsj 9 месяцев назад +55

    What a special voice. Sir David you really bring this amazing gospel to life. I am transported there while listening

  • @lantran8967
    @lantran8967 2 года назад +114

    Thank you God for loving me even though I am a poor sinner.

    • @juniorhector9582
      @juniorhector9582 Год назад +6

      He can save you so so many people including myself we’re all sinners and worthy of death not of his salvation but through his grace an mercy we may have ever lasting life. Jesus is King and Lord of Lord the avid of this universe there is none like him not one in fact no one come close to him. Please help us lord Jesus please save ur people who you have called because we know ur voice as ur sheep 🐑

    • @autumn5852
      @autumn5852 Год назад +1

      @@juniorhector9582 I take it you don’t believe a word of the bible then, because if you did, you wouldn’t be asking the Lord Jesus to save you, you would know what to do to be ‘saved’ and why do you think he would give you or anybody else help? He’s told you what to do but you think you can ignore what he says and instead just beg for help like he’s a liar 😮

    • @jazshas
      @jazshas Год назад +2

      You sound so full of anger. Since you are full of God, encourage him instead.

    • @DM100
      @DM100 5 месяцев назад

      Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Pray it every day and often. ☦️

  • @petrusjean-baptiste2232
    @petrusjean-baptiste2232 2 года назад +423

    I love how he reads so eloquently and with such ease. No stutters, no glitch. Just smooth

    • @00st307-m
      @00st307-m 2 года назад +29

      Yes! He even adds a bit of emotion and drama to the story telling. I could listen for hours..

    • @bridgetbold6867
      @bridgetbold6867 2 года назад +14

      And EMOTION

    • @musicaflowerchild5540
      @musicaflowerchild5540 2 года назад +13

      He's an actor. He was trained to do that. It's wonderful that he has chosen to use his gift for God instead of Ha Satan.

    • @AlbertAlbertB.
      @AlbertAlbertB. 2 года назад +3

      Well, he did study it, and trained for it, of course.

    • @David-_-_-
      @David-_-_- 2 года назад +9

      And he sustains it seemlessly for the entire book. I could maybe manage a chapter or two reading so cleat and fluently without errors. But he goes the entire book

  • @morbius109
    @morbius109 Год назад +242

    I’m so glad I found this. Sir David’s soft-spoken, gentle tone is perfect for reading the Gospel.

  • @Zibah-fr1qy
    @Zibah-fr1qy 4 месяца назад +11

    I woke up to this gentleman reading the word of God to me. Comforted my soul.

  • @DamonKirry
    @DamonKirry 2 года назад +111

    I've been having a very difficult time in my life and I woke up to this playing. I am thankful for this encouragement.

  • @annzwarych3577
    @annzwarych3577 3 года назад +75

    His voice transports you back in time . You feel like you are actually there . Wonderful . God Bless and thank you Sir David ❤️🇨🇦❤️

    • @larrysokau5348
      @larrysokau5348 3 года назад +2

      BINGO 👍👏👏👏 !!!

    • @monicakelley2733
      @monicakelley2733 3 года назад +3

      I am thankful to of found him just now. I am sharing too. Thank you Lord for leading me here. God bless this man and what he does in the name of Jesus. Thank you.

    • @padresunidoswithbellathead3821
      @padresunidoswithbellathead3821 3 года назад +1

      Agreed. ❤️

    • @marionthomas5654
      @marionthomas5654 3 года назад +4

      You're so correct. This is the best sermon I've ever heard, it is about time a man of God a preacher preached the word of God correctly . This is how all churches should teach and preach to God's children. I've waited many years and searched so long to hear the true words of God. God bless you and may the peace of God be with you always. Sincerely, Marion.

    • @unamcgurry6875
      @unamcgurry6875 3 года назад +1

      🙏✝️✌️❤️ thank you my mum loved you.

  • @raquelcastellini4572
    @raquelcastellini4572 Год назад +52

    I take care of my mom 90 years old and a special needs niece 40 years old my time is very limited, some times I worry that listening is not enough! Scared me!
    But I love taking the Word everywhere in the house.
    Thank you Sid David for you taking the time reading to us!

    • @paulsaulpaul
      @paulsaulpaul Год назад +4

      You can read or listen and it is still the Holy Spirit with you all the same. My cat has a noticeable reaction to any reading of the Bible (I like dramatized audio for some of the books of the Bible). It soothes her no matter what translation. She doesn't speak english. She knows. And even when you cannot read or listen, you can close your eyes and see Jesus Christ's face looking at you with all of his love. When you do this, that tingle shooting through your cerebrospinal fluid is the Holy Spirit and Jesus is hugging you when this happens.

    • @raquelcastellini4572
      @raquelcastellini4572 Год назад +3

      @@paulsaulpaulThanks Paul! I do too listen to dramatize bible, I love it! In fact I go to sleep listening to it too!
      Blessings 🙏💞

    • @whatdoyouknowkid
      @whatdoyouknowkid Год назад +4

      Wouldn’t applying what you’ve learned in the caring of your special needs mother be more than enough; perhaps the quality of our service is more important than the quantity in some instances.

    • @hildelezaron1423
      @hildelezaron1423 Год назад +6

      Bless you / I too have a special needs daughter 37 yrs old - sometimes it is so difficult but I condole myself with the Bible words “whatever you do to the least you do unto me”
      You are so blessed!!

    • @raquelcastellini4572
      @raquelcastellini4572 Год назад +3

      @@hildelezaron1423 Thank you so very much! Lest pray for each other every now and Then! Bless you too Hilde!🙏❤

  • @Amethyst12thheaven
    @Amethyst12thheaven 8 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you for reading the Bible to us. It’s nice to hear the greatest story ever told read aloud by a real man.

  • @nadia05681
    @nadia05681 3 года назад +862

    I wish I could visit this man everyday and have him read the Bible to me and my family. Amazing how captivating and smoothing his voice is not to mention how easily I could follow and understand the reading. Much better than when I read it on my own. Thank you Father for this narrator!

    • @Soul_Latina
      @Soul_Latina 3 года назад +48

      Amen amen and Amen. 🙌🏽🙏🏽
      I agree with everything you just said.

    • @kittykat632
      @kittykat632 3 года назад +55

      Well you CAN visit with him every day here on RUclips 😄

    • @kellykingsdown241
      @kellykingsdown241 3 года назад +15

      We can visit uncle here and explore the word

    • @tanishabarrett2140
      @tanishabarrett2140 3 года назад +30


    • @marywilson6354
      @marywilson6354 3 года назад +17

      I know right

  • @nikokapanen82
    @nikokapanen82 3 года назад +627

    He reads this Gospel as if he is there on the scene, as if it is happening in real life, every word and sentence has its right tone. Its captivating.

    • @tinkerscorner54
      @tinkerscorner54 3 года назад +41

      What is more amazing to me is, when you get alone, in a quiet place, and read the Bible aloud to yourself. After a short time you have the overwhelming realization that God will actually speak to you, in your own voice, through reading His word. After decades of reading it silently, learning a lot and being blessed, one day on a whim, I started reading it out loud, alone in my room. I'll never forget it as long as I live. I always knew that God knew all languages but I'd never guess that he would speak in fluent Red-Neck, even though the book was written in Elizabethan English. The most amazing time was when I read it aloud from "The Message" version. After a short time, I had to stop and cry for a bit. I understand much better now what is meant by the Bible being "The Living Word". Yeshua/Jesus was known by first century believers as "Ha Torah" or "Torah in flesh". He Still IS. Except that now, the flesh that he occupies is ours; IF you believe. Take Care.

    • @philipthemessenger7439
      @philipthemessenger7439 3 года назад +16

      @@tinkerscorner54 I know right? I had the same exact experience you had. Every time when I read the bible aloud, I can hear God speaking to me, it is God's living word, the scriptures is alive that speaks through you. I myself cry sometimes.

    • @armandoromeromariscalguasp176
      @armandoromeromariscalguasp176 3 года назад

      Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm M nm

    • @armandoromeromariscalguasp176
      @armandoromeromariscalguasp176 3 года назад

      @@tinkerscorner54 m

    • @armandoromeromariscalguasp176
      @armandoromeromariscalguasp176 3 года назад

      Km lllllllm

  • @susieklemmt9800
    @susieklemmt9800 2 года назад +427

    I fell asleep with phone on a table beside me. I awoke to this soft voice wondering where it was coming from. I realized it was coming from my phone. Dazed and sleepy I picked it up and was amazed to see it was David Souchet who looks like my Dad who passed away 6 years ago at 99! I loved listening to the whole thing to the end. I’m still trying to figure out how my phone started up without entering the security code needed after inactivity?! Thanks daddy? David read the WORD so beautifully and with reverence it deserves. A blessed Christmas to all.

    • @susieklemmt9800
      @susieklemmt9800 2 года назад +7

      My dads name is John too!

    • @alfredmacias365
      @alfredmacias365 2 года назад +18

      Daddy, meaning your Heavenly Father!?

    • @cindymagliolo2788
      @cindymagliolo2788 2 года назад +34

      I'm so sorry you lost your dad. We have a beautiful Abba that is a Living God. His Word and Holy Spirit is such a wonderful comforter. He encourages me when I'm discouraged and strengthens the weak places in me. He prunes things in me that should not be there and is creating in me a clean heart ❤️. I pray Our Savior comforts your heart when you are lonely or missing your dad. Please don't talk to familiar spirits on this earth though. It opens spiritual doors of darkness and the devil roams the earth seeking those he can devour. Jesus Christ ( Yahusha Hamessiach; His Jewish name) is enough. I pray you meet Him and are filled with His Holy Spirit, hear His voice and follow Him.

    • @metalox88
      @metalox88 2 года назад +12

      Miracle happens

    • @rolandndi8992
      @rolandndi8992 2 года назад +1


  • @mjrodsr1181
    @mjrodsr1181 7 месяцев назад +20

    I fell asleep listening to something else when I was dreaming I heard this man"s voice reading the Bible putting my restless soul at peace. When I just awoke the reading finished. God's Holy Spirit is perfectly all knowing. I have been running away from from Him since he saved me in Nov 1981. I am now 63 years and know I am supposed to be preaching his Word.

  • @libertylover4575
    @libertylover4575 3 года назад +440

    I love the way this man speaks & narrates God’s Word in such a beautiful, expressive style.

    • @williamcarcahe5997
      @williamcarcahe5997 2 года назад +6

      The face of Jesus Chris appears in the sky.видео.html

    • @ruthirwin8222
      @ruthirwin8222 2 года назад +4

      So do i these readings have been a great blessing while ive been unwell with ? Sars cov 2

    • @lodwill4007
      @lodwill4007 2 года назад

      @@williamcarcahe5997 when I was a kid someone gave me a picture. To stare at for 3 minutes . Then look up. You see Jesus after looking at Jesus for three minutes. I threw it away. It felt satanic. Don’t even trust your eyes. They can be electronically manipulated. Trust the word. King James only . Or one that matches. . See steave Atwood and Jim devney n Richard Jordan n Lesfeldick ministries

    • @williamcarcahe5997
      @williamcarcahe5997 2 года назад

      @@lodwill4007 That was Jesus in the sky, that video is from 1984. The one who took that video is my uncle, I was right there. I couldn’t believe my eyes. He took another video that looks that the Virgin Mary is staring at the crowd. Every statue is looking down straight, in this video, she looks to the left. Every 13 of the months, me and my uncle went to the Mojave desert to see miracles. Check these 2 videos.видео.htmlвидео.html

    • @rollmeonekenobie
      @rollmeonekenobie 2 года назад +7

      Amen..I agree totally.,he narrates excellent...I can't understand why this video has so many dislikes.. unless people are just trolling ,or hate the word of GOD... Great work my Brother in CHRIST...Loved the video..✝️=💖

  • @dognatious6153
    @dognatious6153 Год назад +256

    The Holy Spirit takes over during peaceful readings like this.

  • @anthonyalvarado6621
    @anthonyalvarado6621 2 года назад +342

    This gentleman has the most beautiful gentle and soothing voice I have ever heard reading from the Bible. God bless this man for taking the time and the energy and the faith to read the beautiful words of God to all of us on youtube, I am very pleased and very satisfied and most of all very amazed! I ran into this RUclips video just in time because I really needed to hear this and so does the whole world. 👍♥️👼

    • @imgoldenspyder9409
      @imgoldenspyder9409 2 года назад +9

      Another British actor that reads aloud beautifully & has a smooth & soothing voice is Tom Hiddleston. I've listened to several books & some poetry read by him. I could listen forever to these two men reading aloud.
      I agree, it was something that I needed to hear today & the whole world needs to hear--a comfort food for a hungry soul... youtube picked it for me, went straight from the news on La Palma (that I chose to watch), to Amir Tsarfati video talking about the kindness that Israeli soldiers showed to wounded Syrians, to this video on the Book of John...hmmm...odd. The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, of Joseph, Moses & David, the Father of our Lord & Messiah, often brings hard times upon the people, so that they will draw closer to Him & call out to him for forgiveness, mercy, compassion & to save them (Book of Judges) these hard times, many are being drawn to the left hand path, however, I have noticed that many more are being drawn to the right--all over the world there is a resistance to the evil, authoritarian governments taking over.

    • @1WillowMoon
      @1WillowMoon 2 года назад +9

      David suchet is a wonderful man.

    • @DK-cd8og
      @DK-cd8og 2 года назад +6

      @@imgoldenspyder9409 if I could *like* your comment more, I would!

    • @ginotravline5570
      @ginotravline5570 2 года назад +8

      Amen. I'm being spiritually revived listening to scripture.

    • @martinkent333
      @martinkent333 2 года назад

      Brainwashing makes the 200,000 bleeding choirboy anuses - Christian Ecstasy, Cupcake.

  • @darlenevanhooser6822
    @darlenevanhooser6822 5 месяцев назад +9

    I find listening to the Bible read by Sir David Suchet is so very comforting. I can visualize what he is reading about very easily.

  • @rebamoon4965
    @rebamoon4965 2 года назад +219

    Sir David's voice is comforting, soothing, yet forceful in inflection when the text demands it. All Glory to God.

    • @BTBNeverLoseAgain777
      @BTBNeverLoseAgain777 Год назад +5

      AMEN!!! Perfect glory shot out!!!! 😉 God bless Every1 who listens &. delights in Ur Word Lord 777 fold In Jesus Name & let our light shine bringing more people 2 You than every other day of the history of the 🌍 combined in Jesus Name we thank You, Amen.

    • @wallacehadary8530
      @wallacehadary8530 Год назад +2

      Ame. IloveyouMyGod

    • @biddibee3526
      @biddibee3526 Год назад +3

      Yes perfect voice and perfect delivery. ❤ Sir David’s voice is soothing and makes me want o listen. His accent is nice too.

    • @lordsonspokenenglishacadem3898
      @lordsonspokenenglishacadem3898 Год назад

      Christ is father the almighty,. That's the real meaning of gospel

    • @ImpactPlusMarketing
      @ImpactPlusMarketing Год назад

      His voice makes me feel like im watching a jesus movie, and my mind plays the movie! Lol...Also, does anyone know who the head and shoulders statue is of, in the top of the screen? It looks like it either has a crown or 3 horns, just curious, and what is the building is he in ? It looks very old.

  • @xyomga
    @xyomga 2 года назад +144

    I was listening to this when I slept and it gave me the most soothing dreams and I woke up with so much hope for the future

    • @-gearsgarage-
      @-gearsgarage- Год назад +1

      Wait until he gets to the slavery, genocide, child sex slaves, children being ripped apart by bears, and all the other awful and grotesque things this silly book says is god inspired.

    • @voornaamachternaam6159
      @voornaamachternaam6159 Год назад +14

      ​@@-gearsgarage- ''slavery, genocide, child sex slaves'' see 8:44. These are what the sons of the devil do. The bible is not only a struggle against demons infiltrating humanity, egoism and strife. It is also a book of the evolution of conciousness and redemption.
      John 8:38 "I am telling you what I saw when I was with MY Father. But you are following the advice of YOUR father.”
      John 8:44 ''You belong to YOUR father, the devil, and you want to carry out HIS desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him.''

    • @-gearsgarage-
      @-gearsgarage- Год назад

      @@voornaamachternaam6159 lmao!!!! It is the gawd in the Bible the explicitly condones slavery, the genocide of people and taking young virgins as spoils of war. I don’t believe these stories from the same reason you won’t pick up a Hindu text and say it’s all true. I’m not convinced. Not to mention facts, Roman recorded history and documentation refute a large portion of the Bible claims. You are to wrapped up and infatuated with a book to view anything objectively and in reality. Not to mention clearly don’t know your buybull very well either. If a god can command not to wear mixed fabrics it can command not to own people as property.

    • @kmaben8985
      @kmaben8985 Год назад +5

      @@-gearsgarage- yes cause they were humans . . .

    • @voornaamachternaam6159
      @voornaamachternaam6159 Год назад +4

      @@-gearsgarage- Read "A letter to Flora'', a gnostic text about the difference between the 'demiurge' and the true Creator. "The four sacrifices of Christ" and "Christ in the human Soul" from Rudolph Steiner. The 4 reasons why your eyes are not being sucked out your sockets, why you don't behave like an animal, and how it came to be that we could think and have a conscience. The lecture (on youtube) on "Christ in the human soul is not a joke or something made up." It is a reminder from where you came from (from the 'bossom' of the devine Logos i.e. within the thought of God) and why we are here in the material plain. I've experienced this myself and was perplexed afterwards not fully knowing what had happened.
      Too much people are listening to Richard Dawkins and other atheists on youtube who poison the minds of so many young people, just as fundamentalists from any group. This ground on where we stand might not be there forever. What will you do when you're stuck in utter darkness and the light has left? At this moment we have both, so that means we are in purgatory. In the dustbin, not yet fully deleted. We still have a chance. ''All we are is dust in the bin". (Kansas melody)
      Don't believe me? That's your 'free choice' that you have been given by your Creator. Peace.

  • @marymartinez399
    @marymartinez399 10 месяцев назад +78

    ❤😂 I fell asleep with my earbuds in my ears and awoke to the words of Jesus touching my soul as I listened. Praise God Good morning Holy Spirit❤

    • @JESUSISLORDforevermore888
      @JESUSISLORDforevermore888 5 месяцев назад

      I love have the word of GOD playing while I sleep.🎺👍🏾🤍🎚️🙏🏾

  • @KRozy64
    @KRozy64 9 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you, Sir David. I have listened to your reading of John's gospel many times.

  • @jacquelinedehaney4712
    @jacquelinedehaney4712 2 года назад +159

    I would sit all day and listen to him.....his voice makes him a great story teller .

    • @cynthiagawin2991
      @cynthiagawin2991 2 года назад +4

      The greatest story of al!

    • @StillYHWHs
      @StillYHWHs 2 года назад +6

      I listened to him for over 2 years. Often for the day. Because I can't see. In last year. Utube made it hard to get on to hear. More and more. I'm glad I found it tonight. It is midnight here. I will need to listen after that fact. Got it set again. He reads from accurate bible.

    • @mo1240
      @mo1240 2 года назад +2

      Great labor of Love by Sir David Suchet our very favorite dramatist.

    • @johnmcinnes5771
      @johnmcinnes5771 2 года назад +1

      That's all they are , stories .Ide rather have ,three Billy goats gruff

    • @stacydavis2907
      @stacydavis2907 2 года назад

      @@StillYHWHs I think you'll enjoy listening to this channel also. God bless you.

  • @CJJPstepintotheblue
    @CJJPstepintotheblue Год назад +170

    No better way to find rest at night listening to the Word of God... This man's voice and training does justice to our beautiful book. All praise to Our Lord.

    • @MsJules
      @MsJules Год назад +11


    • @deeshepherd1313
      @deeshepherd1313 Год назад +6

      Yes! ALL 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 🙏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾

  • @christinerogers7127
    @christinerogers7127 Год назад +156

    This is a blessing for me to be able to hear the Bible. My eyes are very bad and I have a hard time reading the Bible because of the condition of my eyes. Thank you for this Sir David Suchet. You have a tremendous gift.

    • @thefilmtube659
      @thefilmtube659 5 месяцев назад


    • @TriciaPerry-mz7tc
      @TriciaPerry-mz7tc 4 месяца назад

      He didn't chose me and spit me out. I was in church and the holy ghost just didn't even tell me I was doing wrong. I never got the process of salvation. Everything was so fast. Why. Just treated me like trah...... The wrong path. World and destruction. Why allow Satan to do anyone like this. .
      God is not like everyone thinks. Make people on purpose to be damned and lost then WANT EVERYONE TO LOVE AND OBET

  • @LucianaPelota
    @LucianaPelota 8 месяцев назад +36

    Listening to this as I go to sleep has become a beautiful, peaceful end to each day. Thank you for such a reverent, appropriately dramatic reading of GOD's word.

  • @melodyofpsalm9468
    @melodyofpsalm9468 3 года назад +193

    This man has the most amazing voice. I could listen to him all day and all night....

    • @Kareka97
      @Kareka97 3 года назад

      @melody of psalms 94.. me 2

    • @TheElizabethashby
      @TheElizabethashby 2 года назад


    • @Bob814u
      @Bob814u 2 года назад +7

      Excellent actor and man of God

    • @cathyc1730
      @cathyc1730 2 года назад +5

      Agree, truth of God’s word coming from a Godly man, sweet combination…..

    • @artgallery7376
      @artgallery7376 2 года назад +1

      This is a great voice. I agree.

  • @tygerstar35
    @tygerstar35 2 года назад +189

    The Gospel of John is so beautiful and poetic and powerful. This reading is *magnificent*!

  • @MiguelGarcia-fn1er
    @MiguelGarcia-fn1er 3 года назад +120

    His reading made me live it. I was brought to tears. Knowing that our savior gave everything for us.

    • @janapaslay4008
      @janapaslay4008 3 года назад +3

      It brought tears to my eyes 🥲also

    • @stonward
      @stonward 3 года назад +2

      Of whom are you referring....

    • @kellyrawluk2047
      @kellyrawluk2047 3 года назад +4

      Totally makes you feel the storyline.

    • @cornish5863
      @cornish5863 3 года назад

      He didnt give everything
      He could of made a sacrifice of his life but he disnt because he came back to life so no sacrifice was made

    • @MiguelGarcia-fn1er
      @MiguelGarcia-fn1er 3 года назад +4

      @@cornish5863 Dude your logic is so skewed

  • @brigittefregault6411
    @brigittefregault6411 4 месяца назад +6

    I love listening to Sir Suchet voice reading the gospel. He is the best! Hearing the word of God brings me tremendous peace, comfort, and hope.

  • @pattysherwood7091
    @pattysherwood7091 3 года назад +189

    This is the best reading of scriptures I have ever heard. Thank God!

    • @williamcarcahe5997
      @williamcarcahe5997 2 года назад

      The face of Jesus Chris appears in the sky.видео.html

    • @fiveSolas879
      @fiveSolas879 2 года назад +1

      @@williamcarcahe5997 weve been warned about fakes like this. learn discernment. it will do you well :)

    • @williamcarcahe5997
      @williamcarcahe5997 2 года назад

      @@fiveSolas879 the only thing I could tell you is what Jesus told to his disciples.видео.html

  • @nyc88s
    @nyc88s Год назад +131

    Sir David's reading of this most wonderful of the Gospels is simply glorious!

    • @metrocustomer7941
      @metrocustomer7941 Год назад +4

      Yes! Simply gorgeous is right ! He is truly an anointed reader of the Bible!

  • @lesterorzalli4091
    @lesterorzalli4091 Год назад +160

    After dinner I was laying in bed and while listening to You Tube I accidently turned to this channel. The Lord be praised! I have been looking for a channel so I could listen to the Bible being read. I love listening to Sir David the way he reads.

    • @Greylock21
      @Greylock21 Год назад +8

      Exceptional speaker!

    • @mariopreciado4786
      @mariopreciado4786 Год назад +1

      The prayer, of Jesus,to be one in HIM, is answered.

    • @debradejong828
      @debradejong828 Год назад +6

      It was no accident!
      Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!

    • @Greylock21
      @Greylock21 Год назад +1

      @@debradejong828 Thst is words to a beautiful catholic song i grew up listening to my mom play. She just retured after 67 yrs as organist soloist at 92.

    • @IsabelOrtiz-h5y
      @IsabelOrtiz-h5y Год назад

      ​@ 3:56 mariopreciado4786

  • @corrievanherwaarden2299
    @corrievanherwaarden2299 6 месяцев назад +7

    How I enjoyed this bible read to me and Wachtel my brother in Christ reading the bible. It was wonderful and so passionate ❤ 💖 just brilliantly done . Thank you and may the Lord bless you abandonedly ❤

  • @thomaschayra434
    @thomaschayra434 Год назад +252

    Wow! Sir David , what a privilege it is to read this to us and what an immense gift it is to hear you orate! Thank you Father ! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Holy Spirit! Grace to you Sir David!

    • @GoatTalkUnlimitedInc.
      @GoatTalkUnlimitedInc. Год назад +6

      Amen very graceful

    • @hillaryhollins667
      @hillaryhollins667 Год назад +7

      You said everything I want to say! He is divinely blessed with the talent and voice to bring us to the lords table! God Bless Sir David mightily!❤🙏🏻✝️😤

    • @Mona911Mona
      @Mona911Mona Год назадвидео.html

    • @JustFaith.05
      @JustFaith.05 Год назад

      Of course

  • @davidpollocksr.5187
    @davidpollocksr.5187 Год назад +103

    Mr. Suchet, thank you so much for this beautiful reading of John! My heart rejoices!!!

  • @auntielaura2937
    @auntielaura2937 3 года назад +538

    He reads it as all the best stories are read, like a children’s book. God bless David Suchet, my favorite narrator of Scripture, reading my favorite gospel. Happy Easter! He is risen!

    • @madamedellaporte4214
      @madamedellaporte4214 3 года назад +28

      Truly He has risen!

    • @pennypiper7382
      @pennypiper7382 3 года назад +25

      A fine gentleman and great reader of Scripture.

    • @linbat1
      @linbat1 3 года назад +18

      A blessed resurrection day!

    • @onelove864
      @onelove864 3 года назад +12

      Oh I just found him!
      I have never enjoyed listening to the Bible this much. Not to say I’ve not loved it, that I don’t study or read it or even have my favorite pastors to do Bible studies with & listen to lectures.
      But as far as relaxing & simply taking it in; this is a wonderful reading & I’m already looking for more 🥰

    • @b.csplatbriancross7062
      @b.csplatbriancross7062 3 года назад +1

      No happy passover

  • @blackwidowspider9852
    @blackwidowspider9852 7 месяцев назад +5

    Blessings on you sir David I fall asleep to this beautiful word thank you May Jesus bless you Oh my G. father bless you Amen

  • @LoveLove-gw2td
    @LoveLove-gw2td Год назад +31

    awesome. During long road trips as a child my Dad would play the books of the Bible read by a Man with a British accent...I couldn't get enough of it, ,We would listen attentively the entire way.. Now as an adult, I search " bible with British accent' curl up with a hot coffee on my favorite couch, close my eyes and let the majestic words nourish and enwrap my soul as I reminisce our roadtrips from high sun to sunset...

  • @Arguewityamama
    @Arguewityamama 3 года назад +253

    Listening to this makes you visualize the gospel in your head it’s crazy... so peaceful. Thank you so much for this.

    • @Angelina6518
      @Angelina6518 3 года назад +8

      “Faith comes through hearing.”

    • @sarahcunningham1633
      @sarahcunningham1633 2 года назад +1


    • @paulkearns100
      @paulkearns100 2 года назад +1

      it's like comes by "hearing" the Word of Yahweh... .
      Peace..., Paul

    • @paulkearns100
      @paulkearns100 2 года назад

      R. 11:11 📢⚠️🌀

    • @loserplanet
      @loserplanet 2 года назад +4

      This came on while I was sleeping and I had the most peaceful dreams and it was like I was there.

  • @janewhitely964
    @janewhitely964 3 года назад +170

    This is the best reading of scripture I think I have ever heard.

  • @rianahayes84
    @rianahayes84 8 месяцев назад +21

    Dear Sir David Suchet, thank you for reading the Word, so eloquently. I am from South Africa and it so wonderful to hear, what Father wants us to know. It makes ironing time, worthwhile.
    I am Afrikaans and appreciate beautiful English.

  • @Wesssss84
    @Wesssss84 Год назад +57

    What a voice
    This is my new bedtime ritual listening to this man
    ❤️ love it so much

  • @Leezl41
    @Leezl41 Год назад +182

    Sir Suchet's voice in his certain inflection is his gift from God. Much thanks to him for sharing his gift with us. His voice is a compliment to the Word, comforting and exciting and embodying calm authority, just as the Gospel should be presented. Good news indeed.

    • @CarolineJoyAmico
      @CarolineJoyAmico Год назад +7

      Merry, I agree with you.

    • @teknoaija1762
      @teknoaija1762 Год назад

      Why did god gift only him with this voice that is unique to him?Why didn t god spare a little in this gift and instead give some of it to dying children in biafra?Why would god s word be complimented a mere mortal s voice?I think his voice is only pretentious and very mannerism like and he most certainly isn t special to god because he can read nonsense with a false voice that appeals to others.

    • @theradgegadgie6352
      @theradgegadgie6352 Год назад

      @@teknoaija1762 **shrug**
      If there was a sure answer to that question, do you honestly think one of us would have it?

    • @teknoaija1762
      @teknoaija1762 Год назад

      @@theradgegadgie6352 we have the answer.question was rhetorical.

    • @johnclark962
      @johnclark962 Год назад +1

      This is great. Listen to GOD'S word . I can read it myself and follow along as Sir Suchet reads . GOD BLESS

  • @Kathy12Ray
    @Kathy12Ray 3 года назад +188

    I've now seen the importance of establishing a culture of a Father reading the WORD in the family daily. It makes such a big difference. May GOD bless Sir David and everyone who made this available for us all.

    • @angelinewalton6478
      @angelinewalton6478 3 года назад +6


    • @angelinewalton6478
      @angelinewalton6478 3 года назад +3


    • @BestIsntEasy
      @BestIsntEasy 3 года назад +1

      @Joyce Meyer 🔪💥🐍💥🗡[11:29] "O my people, I do not ask you for any money; my wage comes only from GOD. I am not dismissing those who believed; they will meet their Lord (and He alone will judge them). I see that you are ignorant people.

    • @ireneboyett5017
      @ireneboyett5017 3 года назад

      @@angelinewalton6478 ;.

    • @mandycote5662
      @mandycote5662 3 года назад

      Sir? Donkey- dung! God does not condone titles incl the ' christian' one

  • @teresalenaandprincessthedo8566
    @teresalenaandprincessthedo8566 9 месяцев назад +5

    Wow I love the way you speak thank you so much have a beautiful cunning voice😇

  • @loveitloveit122
    @loveitloveit122 3 года назад +56

    Such a blessing to hear the beautiful Bible read by David Suchet❤ thank you Lord Jesus for him🙌🙌🙌💞💞💞

    • @michalslepcik1931
      @michalslepcik1931 3 года назад +2


    • @robindbullock6444
      @robindbullock6444 3 года назад +2

      Child of GOD, let's pray for our country nation STATE, Communities and our household especially our family regarding the epidemic for some countries. child of god keep your dreams alive understand to achieved anything requires faith and believe in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication.., remember things are possible for those who believe(2 corinthians 9:6), help others make a living by showing a seed of faith to this gracious orphanage motherless home Foundation, located in Benin, especially States in Nigeria before today's with faith.
      And let me know so I can join you in prayers deeply because he wants to manifest his promised in your life and that of your lovely family.
      You are lifted up above any spiritual tower. These children are in need of Help.
      Nobody should know about the seeds it's between you and God. Is a covenant seed, you will testify to the glory of God after you have done is if only you believe in him and do what says by lord of host, (provarbs 3:27,21,:26,22:9)
      (Due, 28:15) (Zecheriah 4:6) contact or WhatsApp the. MD in charge of the orphanage to get their details: +2347043689994 (luke6:38) As how much you believe and do so may almighty God multiply your income and caste all the attack in your life and I pray for Divine Grace, favuor, protection and blessings shall be your portion in Jesus name.
      God bless you...

    • @michalslepcik1931
      @michalslepcik1931 3 года назад +2

      @@robindbullock6444 Thank you🙃
      Yes! *Yahushua* 👣 aka *LordJesusChrist* 👏 is *MyPersonalSaviour* 💋
      Please 👏let me ask you ?
      Do you believe that *Christians* have (A) free licence 2sin ? coz *Jesus* paid it all ?

    • @robindbullock6444
      @robindbullock6444 3 года назад

      @@michalslepcik1931 no I don't.
      Jesus came to die for so that we will be set free from our sins and not to continue with our sins

  • @jttaylor4982
    @jttaylor4982 Год назад +68

    I Could Listen to this Gentleman All Day..... God's blessings on you Sir.... Amen

  • @JesusIsTheWay.Truth.Life.
    @JesusIsTheWay.Truth.Life. Год назад +44

    His voice soothes my soul. Sir David reads with love. He's the one (with Jesus) who got me through many nights since Christmas, while I struggled with covid. The massive amounts of steroids and the breathlessness and coughing kept me awake and frightened. I've always loved him....but I have a whole new appreciation for what he does. Thank you Sir David, and thank You Lord. 👆🏽✝️🙌🏽

  • @marharr8890
    @marharr8890 7 месяцев назад +9

    AMEN THANK YOU JESUS I enjoyed listening to this reading of the Bible and will be listening to many more AMEN 🙏 🕊🙏✝️💞✨🤲🙏🙏

  • @jansorensen3026
    @jansorensen3026 3 года назад +379

    His reading makes you feel like you're right there. He has a real gift of reading the scriptures and he reads slow enough so I can follow what he's saying.

  • @kenru8611
    @kenru8611 3 года назад +268


  • @franciscomorgado8560
    @franciscomorgado8560 2 года назад +283

    This brings me to tears from the first second. Such a perfect oration, not a single stutter on Mr. Suchet's voice. Wonderful.

    • @lcwisdom1
      @lcwisdom1 Год назад +11

      Exactly 👍🏽💯👏🏽🙏🏽

    • @christianwilhelmsommer7829
      @christianwilhelmsommer7829 Год назад +5

      We need much more of this.Thank you so much.

    • @YaLittleFriend
      @YaLittleFriend Год назад +3

      Which is so miraculous! Not a stutter, hiccup or even hesitation for pronunciations! Amazing feat! ❤🕊️

    • @JohnEpresent
      @JohnEpresent Год назад +1

      @@zuerubi5444it is impressive that he never stutters or pauses, but still these guys do need to relax

    • @JohnEpresent
      @JohnEpresent Год назад

      Calm down.

  • @savedbygrace6853
    @savedbygrace6853 8 месяцев назад +16

    This is the Gospel that brought me back to the God of my childhood. I heard n thought oh my God it's all true! Please forgive my Jesus! I opened a Bible and someone had messed with my book- I understood things that I never had before . Now it's like Psalm 42:1 " As a deer pants for streams of water, | So my soul pants toward You, O God."
    My the Lord our God bless you many times this day!

  • @moomoomagee
    @moomoomagee Год назад +70

    Thank you for using your voice for God's glory ❤

  • @MrJdogg123456
    @MrJdogg123456 2 года назад +165

    He is the best at telling this story, every word permeates my heart ❤️

    • @leahcimolrac1477
      @leahcimolrac1477 Год назад +3

      His voice and delivery 💯

    • @dorishang1334
      @dorishang1334 Год назад +7

      He isn’t telling “this story “, he is reading the Word of Life. It is the anointing in his voice that brings the Word alive.

    • @leahcimolrac1477
      @leahcimolrac1477 Год назад

      @@dorishang1334 If the gospels are the Word of God and meant to be taken literally rather than allegorically, then why aren’t they all identical?

    • @dorishang1334
      @dorishang1334 Год назад +1

      @@leahcimolrac1477 They are identical. The message is identical

    • @ianwalker3922
      @ianwalker3922 Год назад +2

      @@dorishang1334 your words are as true as whats being read by dir david suhet he brings it alive to me i truly carnt stop listoning to it thank-you to david and your self doris god b;ess you and everyone reading and lisoning to it 🙏🙌✝🕊🕊

  • @ThiagoDVaz
    @ThiagoDVaz Год назад +116

    The word of God is a fountain ⛲ of living waters, so refreshing and cleansing. Thank you for using your beautiful voice to read 📖 the book of John for us. Shalom ❤️‍🔥 Shalom

    • @CynthiaBush-nm6iy
      @CynthiaBush-nm6iy Год назад +3

      John chàptér 5. The one he was telling about. The precious Jesus will be there soon as He will be with me soon. Bless His heart.😂😢😮

    • @bibliaeslaverdad8628
      @bibliaeslaverdad8628 11 месяцев назад

      John 14:6 Jesus said unto him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.
      John 3:18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      Revelation 21
      8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
      1 Corinthians 6
      18 Flee fornication. Every other sin which a man doeth is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
      Matthew 12
      45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”
      Romans 8:6
      21st Century King James Version
      6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace,
      Luke 12:20
      21st Century King James Version
      20 But God said unto him, ‘Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee. Then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?’
      1 Timothy 5:6
      21st Century King James Version
      6 But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.
      1 Corinthians 6
      9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
      10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God.
      1 John 2:17
      21st Century King James Version
      17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
      Matthew 22:29
      21st Century King James Version
      29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
      John 8:51
      21st Century King James Version
      51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.”
      2 John 9
      21st Century King James Version
      9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son.
      Titus 1:14
      21st Century King James Version
      14 not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men who turn from the truth.
      2 Peter 3:18
      21st Century King James Version
      18 But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
      Romans 12:2
      21st Century King James Version
      2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
      Hebrews 9:24
      21st Century King James Version
      24 For Christ has not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are copies of the true, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.
      Colossians 2:10
      21st Century King James Version
      10 And ye are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power,
      Deuteronomy 6:14
      21st Century King James Version
      14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people who are round about you
      2 Corinthians 11:14
      21st Century King James Version
      14 And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
      Jeremiah 7
      18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger.
      1 Corinthians 10
      20 But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.
      1 Timothy 2:5
      21st Century King James Version
      5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
      Deuteronomy 8
      19 And it shall be, if thou at all forget the Lord thy God and walk after other gods, and serve them and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.
      1 John 5
      20 And we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding, that we may know Him that is true; and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and Eternal Life.
      Acts 17
      29 “For inasmuch, then, as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone, graven by art and of man’s devising.
      Proverbs 14
      12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
      1 John 4
      3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; and such is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come, and even now already it is in the world.
      2 John 1
      9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ hath both the Father and the Son.
      John 8
      12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
      Mark 8
      35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospel’s, the same shall save it.
      John 8
      51 Verily, verily I say unto you, if a man keep My saying, he shall never see death.”
      John 17
      3 And this is life eternal: that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.
      1 Timothy 2
      5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
      Acts 4
      12 Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.”
      James 1
      21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls.
      John 11
      25 Jesus said unto her, “I am the resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live;
      26 and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?”
      John 6
      68 Then Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life,
      Psalm 119
      30 I have chosen the way of truth; Thy judgments have I laid before me.
      Psalm 119
      11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.
      Romans 12
      2 And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
      1 Corinthians 2
      5 that your faith should not stand on the wisdom of man, but on the power of God.
      1 Peter 5
      8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
      1 John 2
      16 For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of the Father, but is of the world.
      17 And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
      James 1
      21 Therefore lay apart all filthiness and the superfluity of wickedness, and receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your souls.
      1 Corinthians 15
      44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
      1 Thessalonians 5
      9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ
      John 3
      18 “He that believeth in Him is not condemned; but He that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
      John 3:36
      21st Century King James Version
      36 He that believeth in the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
      Luke 6:5
      21st Century King James Version
      5 And He said unto them, “The Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath.”
      Matthew 22
      29 Jesus answered and said unto them, “Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God.
      John 5:29
      21st Century King James Version
      29 and shall come forth - they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
      John 8
      12 Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
      John 8:32
      21st Century King James Version
      32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
      John 6:40
      21st Century King James Version
      40 And this is the will of Him that sent Me: that every one who seeth the Son and believeth in Him may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the Last Day.”
      Mark 13:13
      21st Century King James Version
      13 And ye shall be hated by all men for My name’s sake; but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
      Revelation 14:12
      21st Century King James Version
      12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      John 8
      36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
      Mark 13
      31 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.

    • @roxannamostatabi7791
      @roxannamostatabi7791 10 месяцев назад

      It truly truly is…I can testify to that. Amen 🙏🏼❤

  • @josiepyenta
    @josiepyenta 7 месяцев назад +7

    Thank you. I love this book and what a great reader! Thank you Mr. Suchet.

  • @Kay-ml6lt
    @Kay-ml6lt 3 года назад +356

    I am a Protestant in Korea. I read the Gospel of John in this video to celebrate Easter, and I was so touched. Many thanks to David Suchet for reading the Gospel of John. I'm also a fan of Poirot.I pray that you will always be healthy and be at peace in the Lord.

    • @Smartychase
      @Smartychase 3 года назад +11

      God Bless you Kay

    • @marianiininen3591
      @marianiininen3591 3 года назад +4

      @RA STAR not if your motives are pure. My God is great enough to make anything holy if I glorified Him with it.

    • @Smartychase
      @Smartychase 3 года назад +6

      @RA STAR do u know that you tube has artificial intelligence / algorithms that scan comments and is learning to detect "offensive" comments and they are automatically removed obv in many cases it gets this wrong so if comments disappear it's not always the channel owners that do it

    • @Smartychase
      @Smartychase 3 года назад +3

      @RA STAR no I can't delete other people's comments I am a user just like you but I used to think some channels were wiping some of my comments then I learned about RUclips's new tools to clean up comments they say

    • @chrisyauyamkee3973
      @chrisyauyamkee3973 3 года назад +4

      You are a Christian not a protestant because there is nothing to protest. They were first called Christians at Antioch.

  • @karynbanksley7110
    @karynbanksley7110 3 года назад +339

    Can you imagine how awesome it would be to have him as your grandfather when you are a little kid and have the privilege of hearing him read to you?

    • @kentuckywoman9863
      @kentuckywoman9863 3 года назад +8


    • @veroniquebakas1896
      @veroniquebakas1896 3 года назад +11

      Soothing voice. It's as if I myself was there. Blessings

    • @annettegonzales5790
      @annettegonzales5790 3 года назад +16

      @Renee Terry Yes! He accepted Jesus in 1986!! Look under description
      It has his story. PRAISE GOD!

    • @patriciaanderson7399
      @patriciaanderson7399 3 года назад +10

      #🙏☝✊✌✊The father captured and saved my sole i was transformed over nght he touched my heart and im not gonna stop now for nothin!!!😇👏🖐👄💖💗💗💗!!!

    • @aletaimmonen1371
      @aletaimmonen1371 3 года назад +4

      That's awesome thinking . I'm glad to hear him now all to myself.

  • @randallhilton
    @randallhilton 2 года назад +249

    I listen to the Bible often. Your rendition touched my heart in a profound way! Thank you for using your gift to help us sheep hear His voice!

    • @dslim3153
      @dslim3153 Год назад +3

      @@blissedhighlyfavored9879 sorry that you have bitten into a lie. Why do you think the Religious leaders wanted Him dead???? A few (and there are many) passages that talk of Jesus deity from old and new Testament: John 8:24, John 8:58, John 18:4-6, Matt 1:23, 2 Peter 1:1, Rev 1:17,18, Rev 2:8, Rev 22:12-16, Isaiah 41:6, Isaiah 48:12, Isaiah 45:23, Colossians 1:15-18, Hebrews 1:1-3, 10, John 1:2, 3,10, Exodus 15:26, Acts 1:24, Habakkuk 3:6, Psalm 102:26,27, Isaiah 9:6, Micah 5:2, John 8:58, Psalm 2......there are so many others, maybe you should pray the Holy Spirit to assist you as you read the Scriptures.

    • @biginfo3596
      @biginfo3596 Год назад +4

      @@blissedhighlyfavored9879 I join with so many others here in prayer that you will go back to the very Bible you cite here, DO NOT IGNORE all the references to the deity of Jesus presented in the reply from "D Slim". Then YES, PLEASE pray to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to assist you as you read the Scriptures. Your eternal SOUL is at stake! PS: Yes Jesus was crucified and buried, but He was raised from the dead three days later!

    • @dslim3153
      @dslim3153 Год назад +1

      @@blissedhighlyfavored9879 His name in Hebrew is Yeshua. Jesus is Greek.

    • @lorettasanchez1184
      @lorettasanchez1184 Год назад +4

      @@blissedhighlyfavored9879 He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit

    • @newworldisland
      @newworldisland Год назад +1

      Jesus is the Son of God, just like all of us. He was in perfect alignment with God while on Earth, like we all will be in Heaven. That is why he could speak with authority. God is not omnipotent nor omnipresent. God is all-loving. He is a knowable person, not an abstract. Jesus did something that God could not do.
      Everybody sins every hour of every day. We should acknowledge the evil we do and repent. We are assured salvation if we choose to align with God's Creation rather than oppose it.

  • @kimsingleton7630
    @kimsingleton7630 7 месяцев назад +9

    You are BEAUTIFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE❤️🙏🏾No weapon formed against you shall prosper❤️🙏🏾 Peace & Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for sharing😘😘😘😘😘😘

    • @kayewingham3928
      @kayewingham3928 Месяц назад