What is the silent Treatment?

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @ravenraven966
    @ravenraven966 11 месяцев назад +6

    Excellent clarification

  • @Furry-iousNews
    @Furry-iousNews 11 месяцев назад +9

    Passive aggression makes me immediately want to punish them by doing whatever it was that annoyed them EVEN MORE

    • @louisegarner8888
      @louisegarner8888 11 месяцев назад +1

      Exactly why they do it, to get you to emotionally react. Then they flip it DARVO Deny, Accuse, Reverse roles of Victim and Offender when you explode in frustration.

  • @ladyrose83
    @ladyrose83 11 месяцев назад +3

    💯 correct. Thanks Jim

  • @wayneosbourne6979
    @wayneosbourne6979 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks as always for your insight Jim!!!

  • @chrisP989
    @chrisP989 11 месяцев назад


  • @mountain10
    @mountain10 10 месяцев назад

    Are there ANY measures to be able to see your grandchild more when “she” is in control??? What a nightmare!

  • @NarcissistEscsperYT
    @NarcissistEscsperYT 11 месяцев назад

    The silent treatment is basically murdering the next person to you

  • @voice_crack_gamer6937
    @voice_crack_gamer6937 11 месяцев назад +2

    At 13 My dad made a death threat to me over the phone after that I started making no contact with him because he pulls the silent treatment on me and eight months later he’s blowing up my mom‘s phone but she doesn’t pick up, call for months later we move out of our apartment into a nice house then she gets another phone call from him saying that he went to our old apartment trying to look for me but no contact means no contact and she did not give him our current address currently 17 child support payments bout to end in about one month and that’s going to be the end of it

  • @tomjones8608
    @tomjones8608 2 месяца назад

    More psychobable. Silent or non-contact keeps you out of jail from manipulator.

  • @itsrosario
    @itsrosario 6 месяцев назад

    I love how you’re so well versed on all of this as it’s a hard thing to go through as a kid or adult or both.
    I think for me, since feeling way too much of this narcissistic pain since a little kid and having to figure out how to function by myself through it all while acting as if i was fine (for narcissists punish you further if you don’t act like life is perfect) and not lose myself repeatedly as a kid, i know my experiences showed me that the silent treatment is from anger and manipulation, extremely cruel and selfish to do to anyone in an attempt they can read a mind and understand it after being totally crushed and ignored so bad you never want to open up much again to anyone at all, and no contact for me is not angry, healing from trauma, trying to breath normally again without hyperventilating or getting extreme anxiety from a soul that’s always mean and defensive and used for protecting my soul.

  • @ianarn
    @ianarn 11 месяцев назад +1

    I go no contact when she gave me the silent treatment and refused to answer my questions. She had the audacity to blame shift and say i stunned her into silence after me saying no to an unreasonable request. It’s still ongoing at social events where i still see her some 7 months after her reverse discarding me. I’m sure she wanted me to grovel and reverse hoover myself into a situation i would be compromised in.

    • @tomjones8608
      @tomjones8608 2 месяца назад

      Groveling only gets the police called on you.

  • @ladyvirgo013
    @ladyvirgo013 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yup my husband did the silent treatment then discarded me like trash after 12 years

  • @wayneosbourne6979
    @wayneosbourne6979 11 месяцев назад

    My ex-narc tried the silent treatment with me and I went silent too. So then she reached out and wondering wtf. I said, it seemed like you needed some time to yourself. Two can play the game.

  • @JennyB957
    @JennyB957 11 месяцев назад +2

    Or maybe they are that slow, and it takes them that long to process?

    • @exlesoes
      @exlesoes 11 месяцев назад

      I think so too, some need time to adjust it takes a loong time
      It at times feels like they're doing it on purpose when they aren't. It's that uncomfortable feeling when trying to be patient. However, some are really trying to sabotage the non narcissistic person so there are those one has to watch out for as well

  • @the_specialista6319
    @the_specialista6319 11 месяцев назад

    I disagree. I have no other way right now but to go into silence mode because I don't have the means to leave this house . When I'll get a job I'll go no contact. No everything is black and white

    • @chris9527
      @chris9527 10 месяцев назад

      I'm going to go on a street corner and be homeless I know it will be better than destroying my immune system and my brain. I've dealt narcissist enough to know you get sicker and sicker every second under the same roof. And who knows if we will even wake up tomorrow we have no time to wait around.

  • @patticakes74
    @patticakes74 11 месяцев назад +2

    Or maybe they are quite because they dont want to fight? Maybe during the argument you were over board and we dont want to make things worse.

    • @chris9527
      @chris9527 10 месяцев назад

      You cant just disrespect people because you feel like it a conversation works both ways you can't just hang up or leave because you don't like it. If you shut the door leave it closed forever I don't have to forgive anyone everyone gets one chance to disrespect me and it's no contact.

    • @chris9527
      @chris9527 10 месяцев назад

      The best lie ever told was saying nothing at all quiet people are liars and weak people that don't deserve you're presence if you're not a talkative person then we don't talk ever. When you're breaking contact with someone because of a little fight you deserved to be blocked forever see me when you kick the bucket I have no time for lazy passive aggressive narcissist not even time to attend that funeral.