r/EntitledPeople - Psycho Karen Won't Let Paramedics Save Her Dying Dad! Fights Everyone!

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 462

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 8 месяцев назад +374

    Story 3: I wouldn't be surprised if it was attempted murder for an insurance payout. It has happened before. But yeah, even if the dude was dead from the start, autopsy would've probably made her the prime suspect anyway, so she had no legs to stand on

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 8 месяцев назад +27

      Exactly and I just posted a comment relating to this story, something like that happened on an episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 8 месяцев назад +36

      As he was clinically dead when the EMT's arrived, she should be charged with Murder One, let her shysyer pleabargain it down to Attempted Murder. 😅

    • @erichanastacio9695
      @erichanastacio9695 8 месяцев назад +28

      I bet she only called the emergency hotline to cover her ass.
      She assumed that if she called them and he's already dead when they came, she'd think that she's off the hook by reporting the incident to divert the attention from "murder" to accident.

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 8 месяцев назад +16

      @@erichanastacio9695 there is one thing that she may over-looked though. If he only fell, then there might not be cause for alarm, but if she pushed him down the stairs, that is another story.

    • @Ryanthusar
      @Ryanthusar 8 месяцев назад +13

      @@JadenYukifan28 - The moment she tried stopping the EMTs from resuscitating him would ring alarm bells immediately if he is not wearing an alert wrist band, or she is waving an official DNR. Even then police still would attend to make sure circumstances are right so once the EMTs tell them about her behavior and such you can bet they will investigate more anyway.

  • @gregorythomas333
    @gregorythomas333 8 месяцев назад +70

    The full quote is: "the customer is always right in matters of taste" It's funny how they always seem to leave that last part off.

  • @sam2x13
    @sam2x13 8 месяцев назад +100

    Story 5: So not only did he buy her a gift that he knew she would not like, but he offered her a tiny gift as a substitute.

    • @lorettataylor521
      @lorettataylor521 7 месяцев назад +6


    • @RLucas3000
      @RLucas3000 7 месяцев назад +11

      And she doesn’t really like mushrooms either

    • @nicolasjoly6948
      @nicolasjoly6948 6 месяцев назад +4

      I was picking strawberry when I was young (like from 12 to 17) and I was buying that kind of gifts to all of my 4 brothers... and it was all I could afford. He have a job, he can do better or at least, make the effort of finding something she gonna like even if it's just a 10$ things. And you'll notice that she tell that cousin of her ex callback to s**t on her head but not the ex himself. So, I guess he was ok with the ending.

    • @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901
      @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 6 месяцев назад +2

      I commented the same thing but you had beaten me to it still funny AF though😂😂😂😂😂

  • @hollyhartwick3832
    @hollyhartwick3832 8 месяцев назад +69

    The Christmas OP dodged a bullet. The guy showed his true colours early. Thoughtless gift, lack of meaningful interaction, disgustingly cringe proposition, breaking his word. He is not LTR material by any stretch.

  • @lpfan4491
    @lpfan4491 8 месяцев назад +37

    Karen: *murders her father* "Yes, I killed my father, perfect crime."
    EMTs: *revive him*
    Karen:"No, this isn't how you were supposed to play the game!"

    • @CrochetIsLife54
      @CrochetIsLife54 4 месяца назад +4

      I’m just glad she didn’t have the brains to wait several hours before “finding” him. He dodged a metaphorical bullet there when they were able to get his heart started.

  • @geekygamerteacher9092
    @geekygamerteacher9092 8 месяцев назад +193

    Story five: she was not the bad guy. She should have told him that she will be exchanging it for a better size.

    • @nightrayneraven1323
      @nightrayneraven1323 8 месяцев назад +22

      Would have been hilarious

    • @arkadikharovscabinetofcuri3465
      @arkadikharovscabinetofcuri3465 7 месяцев назад +4

      Replace with a digital button plug and tell
      Him he can play chess now with his free time

    • @slimeylimey1839
      @slimeylimey1839 7 месяцев назад +5

      Should have told his family that they can have the "gift" he was trying to give her

  • @ghislainedefeligonde5166
    @ghislainedefeligonde5166 8 месяцев назад +159

    Story 4 made me very sad for the 15 year old brother. He has to deal with that mother, no wonder he is "dramatic" and ad odds with his mother. I wish him luck.

    • @fishbowl5308
      @fishbowl5308 8 месяцев назад +6

      I would if he didn't act like the mother. I grew up in a similar situation and honestly the best thing I can say is I'm proud I don't act like My parents

    • @Shuichisaihara5499
      @Shuichisaihara5499 8 месяцев назад +8

      And the fact he ALSO turned to drinking

    • @migrivp2672
      @migrivp2672 7 месяцев назад +5

      ​@Shuichisaihara5499 about drunkyarlll parents: nah he drink because his mom don't want to drink alone and made him drink, its relatively single mothers that got prego at 15 and "missout" on fun and single father beat their kids because he did not bring a new beer

    • @Shuichisaihara5499
      @Shuichisaihara5499 7 месяцев назад

      @@migrivp2672 wow

  • @BillMooney-r5c
    @BillMooney-r5c 8 месяцев назад +23

    I used to be an EMT and started the process to become a paramedic, in a town in the eastern US. The paramedic unit I rode with was in an urban area, so there were quite a few violent calls (shootings, stabbings, etc) but most were just normal calls; falls, heart attacks, allergic reactions, etc. None of them would ever compare to these two calls...
    Call 1: We get a call that a middle age man was complaining about abdominal pain. We arrive and start talking to the patient, who complains about what started as a slight pain, near his testicles which has now become more severe, but nothing else. We put him on the monitor, check vitals and everything is okay. He started saying something and then crashed, no vitals, no breathing, nothing. We start CPR and get the defibrillator going and shock him, nothing. We get him on the gurney, continue CPR and defibrillator, get him loaded onto the ambulance and get him to the hospital (as a note, I usually drove the Suburban behind the ambulance, being just an EMT, but tghis time there were all three of us in there and a cop drove it to the hospital). Nothing we did would have any effect. We got him to the hospital in record time, 5 minutes and handed him over to the ER staff. Found out a few days later that there was absolutely nothing we could have done for him. He had an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. The fact that he was still talking was that it was a slow leak and then it just gave way.
    Call 2:This was with the squad that I rode with. We were called out for an auto accident. We arrived at the scene to find only one car involved and one injured person. Our patient, a 62 year old man, with come cuts and contusions from the accident. He seems that he had crashed his new Cadillac into a power pole and was not wearing his seat belt (this was some years ago and some folks just didn't wear them). With the severity of the accident and the possibility of more injuries showing up later, including a concussion, we finally convinced the old guy, who was named Donald, to have us transport him to the hospital. I was in the back with one of my partners (Lori) and the other (Jim) was driving. We found out during the ride that Donald was a partner in a very successful Cadillac dealership and continuously tried to sell us a car. He was funny,, charming and fully conscious (which will matter later). We also found out that he was made aware that his wife and partner had been having an affair for the last 15 years. So that day, after 30 years of sobriety, he took a drink, and another, and many many more. He then decided to drive home, to confront his wife, but "a pole jumped out in front of him". Now, being an EMT for a while I have come to despise drunks, but I just couldn't for Donald. We got him into the ER and turned him over to staff (and the cop who was assigned to guard him) and we left. We happened to bring another patient in, a few hours later and I asked one of the nurses about Donald. Her face went white. My first thought was that there was something I/we had missed and he passed away, but the nurse said something that just floored me, "oh, he is just fine. He is flirting with everyone, but he should be dead. He was a member of the 500 club" Let me explain. The test they use DUI cases tests your breath (and later blood) on a scale. A result of .08 or higher is legally a DUI. The higher it goes, the more alcohol there is in the system. Drink a few beers and you will probably get a .08 to.1. The higher it goes, the worse it becomes, health wise. Most people are unconscious at .3 and it is considered deadly at .4. When someone has a BAC of .4 or above they are usually comatose and would be jokingly referred to as a member of the "400 Club" or if say this correctly, a blood alcohol level of 4 parts per thousand. He had a BAC of .501. He should have been dead, but was wide awake selling cars. He was fine after words, It was his first traffic offense EVER, so the judge was lenient. He sold off his part of the dealership for $1, divorced his wife (she didn't get much he hid a lot and of course she did get $0.50 ...... half the proceeds from the sale), went back to meetings. I stayed in touch with him for a while and heard he found a good woman married her and died at the ripe old age of 95.
    The thing I take away from these, Never think you will save all of them and sometime one comes along that shouldn't ever be.

    • @matthewcardello7938
      @matthewcardello7938 7 месяцев назад +4

      I'm glad the Cadillac salesman survived. However, the BAC levels are percents. 0.4 BAC is 0.4 %, or 0.004, as in 4 parts per thousand. 400 parts per thousand would be 40% alcohol. No one can drink fast enough to achieve such a level. With less than half a percent of your blood as alcohol, you would be in a coma (except the man in this case who is a fluke of biology).

    • @elizabethcox5911
      @elizabethcox5911 7 месяцев назад +3

      So happy to hear that Donald didn't let the cheating wife end up destroying him and survived to have a happy life.

  • @jeremydale4548
    @jeremydale4548 8 месяцев назад +129

    WOW. I HOPE the dad wrote her out of the will for that.

    • @pohjanakka4992
      @pohjanakka4992 8 месяцев назад +6

      The one whose daughter tried to murder him? If Italy has the same laws as my country does he probably would not have been able to deny all of his inheritance to her, we have something called - well, it translates to that but I'm not sure if it's the right legal term in English - "the legal part". Both children and the spouse will always inherit something, will or no will. At best the owner of the estate can deny them everything else but that percentage, but he can't deny them getting that percentage. Well, with a spouse he can of course divorce her, but when it comes to his legal children they always get that "legal part" no matter what.
      Okay, attempted murder might matter with that... and of course I'm not familiar with Italy's laws about this. But the "legal part" thing seems to be common in European countries, at least in the northern parts of Europe where I live.

    • @ministeredeschosesanepasmo1603
      @ministeredeschosesanepasmo1603 8 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@pohjanakka4992In my country (France), [attempted] murder means no inheritance at all (not even the legal part), and, of course, no life insurance.

    • @Kualinar
      @Kualinar 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@ministeredeschosesanepasmo1603 Same in Canada. If an heir have committed a crime against the deceased, then, he can't get ANYTHING at all. Well... Even a crime against someone else that sent him in jail can be enough to forfeit any inheritance. Especially if he's still in jail as the will is red.

  • @madgevanness4011
    @madgevanness4011 8 месяцев назад +150

    The full saying: The customer is always right _in matters of taste._

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 8 месяцев назад +5

      Very important distinction. If the customer was always right and knows everything why do they even need an employe? Also if I'm always right I'll pay 1$ and walk out of the store. I paid therefore I'm a customer and I say it's 1$ for everything.

    • @cmanhanks1
      @cmanhanks1 7 месяцев назад +1


    • @gamergodofjustice
      @gamergodofjustice 7 месяцев назад +1

      The full saying "the customer is always right about to say some dumb a$$ sh*"

    • @GReaper
      @GReaper 7 месяцев назад +1

      A company I worked for years ago said it this. It's not that the customer is always right, but you should always MAKE it right to the extent reasonably possible.

    • @leemitchell7841
      @leemitchell7841 7 месяцев назад +1

      matters of taste and fashion" but yes

  • @dmikewilcox
    @dmikewilcox 8 месяцев назад +192

    XMAS: The boyfriend is an idiot. I don't know the OP, but I would say that a small box of whatever candy she likes, a cute card with puppies and/or romantic sentiment, and a scented candles (Aldis in my area has them for 5 bucks and they smell good) would go well with 90% of women and most men as well. Give me a Toblerone, a card with a pit bull puppy on it, and candle that smells like spiced cidar, and I would be a happy guy. Heck I would be happy with Mike & Ikes, a Farside comic strip card, and a pine tree air freshener.

    • @fdm2155
      @fdm2155 8 месяцев назад +34

      Yeah, something inexpensive that OP actually LIKED would have at least shown that he thought about HER. What kind of jackass shows up with no present for his GF while accepting gifts for himself AND his kid? OP is surely better off without that guy.

    • @alchobum
      @alchobum 8 месяцев назад +27

      She now has bragging rights as she can claim she lost 200 unwanted pounds. Starting the new year right.

    • @dmikewilcox
      @dmikewilcox 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@fdm2155 Truth!

    • @dmikewilcox
      @dmikewilcox 8 месяцев назад +18

      @@alchobum And she can make a resolution not to put up with bullshit like that in her future relationships. Good for her!

    • @wessexdruid7598
      @wessexdruid7598 8 месяцев назад +6

      Anyone else think 3-5 USD means $3.50?

  • @mavis4801
    @mavis4801 8 месяцев назад +27

    OP in story 5 should have told the siblings what the bfs gift was and they can have her gift if it's not that big of a deal.

  • @CMage101
    @CMage101 8 месяцев назад +12

    Story about OP breaking up with BF after Christmas:
    BF's brother: "Don't be so materialistic! It's the thought that counts."
    OP: "So what he was thinking? 'I will buy her a cheap drink and hope that it's enough to keep her from noticing how disappointing I am in bed'?? Tell your brother from me that 'it's the thought that counts' only applies if he actually THINKS."

    • @willischwabe1324
      @willischwabe1324 2 месяца назад +1

      Since that "BF" already made clear, that he is a self-centered, jerk who doesn't have any shame, I wouldn't be surprised if he just lied and told the story in a very different way.
      It is almost comical... "the thought that counts" ... She hates drinking... BF proceeds to buy a cheap wine bottle.
      And she is the materialistic one 😅 I bet the "BF" was just projecting as he told the story and made it sound like he gave everything by buying her this bottle of wine, but it just wasn't good ("expensive", as in: of course in the mind the listener will think of the price immediately, when thinking of wine and quality) enough for her.
      It had been interesting to see a second part, after she told everyone how "thoughtful" he was, to buy her a present he knows she hates and then wants her to bent over... so disgusting in every way.

  • @RepellentJeff
    @RepellentJeff 8 месяцев назад +79

    Story 3: She’s after inheritance, and you cannot convince me otherwise. 😂

    • @timengineman2nd714
      @timengineman2nd714 8 месяцев назад +9

      Or perhaps an Insurance policy that's just barely over 1 year old??? Or Both!

    • @kregorovillupo3625
      @kregorovillupo3625 6 месяцев назад +1

      I think the story is fake, since we don't read rights at arrest in italy.

  • @horaciolerda
    @horaciolerda 8 месяцев назад +61

    15:50 I think she should have graciously accepted his gift. Of course she would have needed a pair of scissors and a small jar in order to to take it home.

    • @justanunluckyirishmaninabl5178
      @justanunluckyirishmaninabl5178 8 месяцев назад +6

      give him the Rasputin treatment!

    • @susangrande8142
      @susangrande8142 8 месяцев назад +4

      LOL! 😄😄

    • @foogod4237
      @foogod4237 8 месяцев назад

      Heh, I was thinking the same thing.. or maybe:
      (seductively touches his crotch) "Oh really, so this here is my gift?"
      "Uhh, yeah!"
      "Well let me just unwrap it then..." (undoes his pants and pulls it out) "So you're giving me this for Xmas? That means I can do _anything_ I want with it, right?" (said suggestively, with a bit of a wink)
      "Oh yeah."
      "Yay!" (...and then she proceeds to twist it into interesting balloon-animal shapes, use it for a punching bag, get out an improvised branding iron, etc...)

    • @timengineman2nd714
      @timengineman2nd714 8 месяцев назад

      (Or as I've suggested elsewhere): Ask him to standup, turn around, drop his pants, and bend over so she could see how well the wine bottle would fit "in the center of his personalty"!!!

    • @erichanastacio9695
      @erichanastacio9695 8 месяцев назад +4

      Lorena Bobbitt case...

  • @pattibennett8774
    @pattibennett8774 8 месяцев назад +5

    Story 5: My ex was fond of making fun of me if I wore some make-up or a cute outfit. Turns out that he was a cruel A-hole and that his end game was to destroy my confidence making me easier to trap in a DV situation. Big red flags there for the OP. She needs to stick to her resolve and keep him out out of her life irrespective of how much he claims he's sorry. I finally grew a spine and got rid of my ex. Last I heard his ashes are still in the crematorium basement where neither our son or his daughter from a prior relationship is interested in claiming them. He's a loser and will do nothing but drag her down and spend all her money, in some sort of sick attempt to control her. She needs to run. Far. And carefully examine her own mental health to figure out why she was attracted to this POS in the first place. I did some mental health counseling myself. It was super helpful for moving forward when I finally exercised my shiny new spine. Best of luck to the OP.

  • @kozaklee9838
    @kozaklee9838 8 месяцев назад +24

    Story 5 - I've talked to many women and men about the thoughtless gifts they received. This 1 coworker of mine she received a post hole digger for Valentine's Day from her fiance. He wanted to put up a fence.

  • @awgates85
    @awgates85 8 месяцев назад +12

    Story 5: If you are broke and you love someone, there are many acts of service you could perform as a surprise or things you can make, assuming you have some handiness or creativity. In most cases, it isn't about the money spent, but the effort and thoughtfulness put into the gift. And him making fun of OP's makeup and Santa hat is just wrong.

  • @jsmith1291
    @jsmith1291 8 месяцев назад +69

    Story 1: No, the customer is not always right. In fact, customers like this are as divorced from being right as they are from reality in general.

    • @lisahofe9917
      @lisahofe9917 8 месяцев назад +3

      The saying is “The customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE” People always seem to forget the second part of that saying.

    • @Ryanthusar
      @Ryanthusar 8 месяцев назад +1

      When I started my gas attendant job the training department told the group of us that "the customer is no always right unless they can prove you wrong in writing."

  • @alantran4901
    @alantran4901 8 месяцев назад +60

    Story 3: Anyone betting the daughter want his dad gone because of a will/inheritance/money?

    • @sylphiengel
      @sylphiengel 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @serPomiz
      @serPomiz 8 месяцев назад +1

      I say the house. the big thing would have been that

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 8 месяцев назад +95

    Story 3 - Sounds like the daughter was trying to kill her father for insurance money/inheritance. Either she or someone else called 911 and she was hoping he’d die before they got there.
    I hope the man recovered and disowned that monster of a daughter.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 8 месяцев назад +36

    Landscaping rates story: Sure, I'll take on your daughters for the same rate as you. This will be YOUR new rate. Genius move. I wonder how much more she wound up paying with a new company?
    EMT story: I hope the old man recovered and wrote his daughter out of his will, along with his reasons for doing so, so she inherits nothing. She only called an ambulance in order to try to cover up what she had done. She couldn't afford to let them find a "cold" body. I suspect a drug panel from the autopsy would have revealed the high dosage of sleeping pills.
    Mother vs brother story: Here's hoping CPS took the kid from the mother. She's unhinged. The brother also needs help he isn't going to get from a drunk or even his older sister.
    Gift story: IMO OP is well rid of this guy. Not only does he buy her a gift she will not use (and he knows that), he's also rude and crude. Good riddance. I only feel sorry for OP and the daughter.
    Not so friendly neighbors story: Idiot tries to run roughshod over OP and the other neighbors. OP fires back by using the rules against him. Weaponizing the kids doesn't always work.

  • @lindasnow3960
    @lindasnow3960 8 месяцев назад +10

    The Christmas story; the ex-boyfriend is the best example of a selfish jerk! Not worthy of a single thought

  • @kirin1195
    @kirin1195 8 месяцев назад +6

    "The rest of your gift is in my pants"
    She should have hit back with "You should have told me before hand it was small presents only"

  • @DarkEinherjar
    @DarkEinherjar 8 месяцев назад +19

    I lol'd so hard at OP's answer to the mother's demand to bail her out. 🤣

  • @Ironraven001
    @Ironraven001 8 месяцев назад +105

    An HOA being used as a force for good? Wow, there's a first time for everything!

    • @paul16451
      @paul16451 8 месяцев назад +7

      In actuality, most HOAs are fine, sending members monthly statements of exactly where the funds go, and the improvements are visible. It's just the stories of the bad ones make it onto the internet much more often.

    • @gorilladisco9108
      @gorilladisco9108 8 месяцев назад

      Of course. A broken clock will show the correct time twice a day.

    • @woteveruk1
      @woteveruk1 8 месяцев назад +15

      not sure it was used for good, think about it, at one point in the story OP says they never talked to the guy, and if that carries through fort the entire story, that means OP never bothered asking the guy to stop doing the things he was doing, and we have the guy waving to Op seemingly to try to be friendly, and OP ignoring the guy,
      then OP using the HOA to report the guy for anything and everything he could, OP even admits he reported the guy for things OP didnt care about,
      imho OP was the a-hole and the HOA wasnt used as a force for good,

    • @MarioKaiba
      @MarioKaiba 8 месяцев назад +1

      There are plenty of HOAs that have been used as a force for good, it's only the bad ones that make for interesting stories on Reddit.

    • @in4theride75
      @in4theride75 8 месяцев назад +10

      No, OP in that last story was acting like a childish, entitled asshole.

  • @fpjrzman
    @fpjrzman 8 месяцев назад +34

    Story 5: Sounds like OP dodged a bullet.
    Story 6: I'm sure we've all read or heard stories about evil HOAs, but to see one weaponized against an entitled jerk, *chef's kiss*

    • @Asexual_Individual
      @Asexual_Individual 8 месяцев назад +6

      Except OP doesn't mention confronting the neighbour about his behaviour, which could have possibly been all that was needed to fix their behaviour, instead they jump to harassing a family out of their home.

    • @barvdw
      @barvdw 8 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@Asexual_Individual indeed. I'm not a fan of dad man and his offspring, but this is about the worst way to handle him. That makes OP just as much an AH to me.

    • @Asexual_Individual
      @Asexual_Individual 8 месяцев назад +9

      @@barvdw Given OP's tone and clear hatred for the family, I wouldn't be surprised if they're exaggerating how bad the family were.

    • @blender4464
      @blender4464 8 месяцев назад +5

      Op's description of himself at the start erased his credibility as a reliable narrator. I hope a grade school gets built right next to his home.

    • @condorboss3339
      @condorboss3339 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@blender4464 Yeah, hating children is one thing, but it sounds like OP went out of his way to be a prick. [The story made me wonder if there was a word for someone who hates children, so I googled it.: 'misopedist'. I learned a new word today. 🥲)

  • @popcornpony8420
    @popcornpony8420 8 месяцев назад +14

    My guess on story 3 is she did try to get insurance from her dad. She call an ambulance to seen less suspicious, but hoping her dad died before the ambulance get there. If the ambulance are to late to save him, than she do this fake tears of why they didn't save him. That my guess what happened.

  • @crypticghost21
    @crypticghost21 8 месяцев назад +27

    OP needs to permanently ditch her toxic mother and brother

  • @yukikitsune7366
    @yukikitsune7366 8 месяцев назад +8

    Say it with me, Folks. "The customer is always right when it comes to matters of taste. Meaning if they want to buy a neon orange jumpsuit with bubblegum pink and baby blue polka dots, you say what size? It does not mean that they get whatever insane demand they want."

  • @philopharynx7910
    @philopharynx7910 8 месяцев назад +10

    The worst part about Story #3 is that she could have just said she was sleeping and not "found" him until morning. If she hadn't raised everybody's suspicion, she could have gotten away with it.

    • @susangrande8142
      @susangrande8142 8 месяцев назад +6

      Maybe. Remember the doctor said there’s no way the man could have walked to the top of the stairs by himself, with the amount of drugs that were in his system…

    • @philopharynx7910
      @philopharynx7910 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@susangrande8142 But would they have checked if she hadn't have been acting suspiciously?

    • @susangrande8142
      @susangrande8142 8 месяцев назад +5

      @@philopharynx7910 who knows? It’s beside the point now. The police/prosecutors had the eyewitness accounts from the paramedics and police officers on the scene too. The EMT OP of our story described how she was telling him to leave her father alone; that he was dead already. She tried to interfere with his resuscitating the father; remember? That’s pretty sus right there. 👍

    • @pokegirl1799
      @pokegirl1799 7 месяцев назад

      maybe at first, but the autopsy would've shown how much sleep meds were in his system, and that would've raised a few eyebrows for sure. If the doc could tell you he couldn't have walked by himself without the autopsy, the autopsy would've proved it beyond a doubt. And forensic evidence like that doesn't get ignored

    • @philopharynx7910
      @philopharynx7910 7 месяцев назад

      @@pokegirl1799 Older people who have been to the doctor in the past 30 days are not automatically autopsied.

  • @shagrat47
    @shagrat47 8 месяцев назад +21

    Story 1: the pro way to cancel a contract, make the customer cancel ... 😆

  • @charleshines2142
    @charleshines2142 8 месяцев назад +8

    "The customer is always right" is just how Karens and other people try to justify being a pain in everyone else's posteriors!!

  • @jayschoenhaaar5369
    @jayschoenhaaar5369 8 месяцев назад +19

    I hate when people get that quote wrong. “It’s the customer is always right if they want to buy an ugly hat or dress.” In story 2, you can’t kill a dead man, and unless you have a DNR order you have to do CPR.

    • @willischwabe1324
      @willischwabe1324 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah, that was wild.
      How can someone even utter such nonsense? To "kill someone" by trying to get his stopped heart pumping again.
      She probably wanted to sue them for "killing him", after she tried to murder him.
      Or scare them away with some bs to make sure they don't get his heart pumping again.
      Gaslighting at its finest. "You are killing the man I try to murder by bringing back his pulse! Stahp!

  • @Katan-i7i
    @Katan-i7i 8 месяцев назад +14

    Gotta laugh at people trying to escape while in handcuffs. NOT gonna happen, LOL

  • @berniemargolis4288
    @berniemargolis4288 8 месяцев назад +4

    Story 1: All these people thinking that they're doing a business a favor by patronizing them at steep discounts don't understand the concept of opportunity cost. This may work, when a business is trying to get off the ground, but a business that's been going strong for decades doesn't need their patronage as much as these people think they do.

  • @icetweiz
    @icetweiz 8 месяцев назад +38

    Reminds me of the post about a woman who technically killed her own dad by misinformation of covid

  • @tmntfangirl4700
    @tmntfangirl4700 8 месяцев назад +115

    Story 1 - Ugh i hate it when people use the ‘The customer is ALWAYS right’ card because I have mixed feelings about that saying. But in this situation, No Karen the customer is not always right. She tried to take advantage of OP and the deal that she was given to extend it to her daughter and it bit her in the butt.

    • @harleyquinn5774
      @harleyquinn5774 8 месяцев назад +41

      “The customer is always right in matters of taste.” This is the correct saying.

    • @tmntfangirl4700
      @tmntfangirl4700 8 месяцев назад


    • @Patriot46426
      @Patriot46426 8 месяцев назад +10

      ​@@harleyquinn5774 and even "Taste" is debatable 😂😂

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 8 месяцев назад +14

      And, there's no accounting for some people's taste.... or lack of it! 🙄

    • @RevokFarthis
      @RevokFarthis 8 месяцев назад +26

      As Harley said above, "the customer is always right in matters of taste." An example of that in action:
      - Customer: "I like this shirt, and wish to buy it."
      The shirt is absolutely hideous. What do you as an employee say?
      - "Of course, that shirt is 'beautiful'. Would you like to pair it with these equally 'beautiful' shoes?"
      That's it, that what it means. That is all it's ever meant.

  • @Sirrantsalot
    @Sirrantsalot 8 месяцев назад +12

    Story 5: Definitely, NTA OP deserves better. Seriously buying her a bottle of wine knowing she doesn't drink and a cheap ass wine from 7-11. Who the hell buys wine at 7-11 for a Christmas gift? If anyone is the asshole, it's the man. Laughing at her after she made herself pretty for him. Yeah, I agree with her taking back the air pods.

  • @bleachfan2.029
    @bleachfan2.029 8 месяцев назад +7

    The girlfriend dumping boyfriend on Christmas story, totally not the ahole. He ran to the store and grabbed the first thing he saw and tried to act like it was a great gift on top of ignoring her the whole time. She lucked out dodging that bullet

  • @timengineman2nd714
    @timengineman2nd714 8 месяцев назад +3

    Christmas Break-Up: I'm thinking that I would NOT object if she suggested that he need to stand up turn around and dropped his pants so she could "Insert his gift to her into the center of his personality"!!!

  • @ghwrudi
    @ghwrudi 8 месяцев назад +5

    People mostly get the quotation wrong: its actually 'the customer is always right in the matter of taste', not 'the customer is always right'.

  • @harleyquinn5774
    @harleyquinn5774 8 месяцев назад +19

    Story 3: Either insurance payout or revenge on father for childhood abuse (like SA).

    • @BlackCatsandPumpkins
      @BlackCatsandPumpkins 8 месяцев назад +3

      I was thinking this too. The inheritence could be compensation for years of abuse.

    • @lancerevell5979
      @lancerevell5979 8 месяцев назад +7

      It still doesn't justify murder. We don't know whether she had tried legal means of justice, IF such a thing happened.

  • @trash-hime
    @trash-hime 8 месяцев назад +5

    Story 3: She was totally trying to kill him. Either for life insurance/inheritance or not wanting to care for her aging father.

  • @franciscojaviermendezrinco1902
    @franciscojaviermendezrinco1902 8 месяцев назад +4

    Third story: I suspected it, but I thought she was just being a Karen. I can't believe she actually tried to murder her own father. She just wanted the paramedics to have witnesses. I bet she waited before calling.

  • @joannejasny750
    @joannejasny750 8 месяцев назад +3

    story 4, You did yourself a huge gifting by showing him the door, trust me I KNOW his type and you have avoided a big big mistake.

  • @TheOnlyWolfram
    @TheOnlyWolfram 8 месяцев назад +3

    So often people like to quote that the “The customer is always right.”, but in truth may have forgotten the full quote. The full quote is, “The customer is always right in matters of taste.” In other words, if the customer wants to by an unflattering hat, let them buy the hat.

  • @kaziglu8344
    @kaziglu8344 8 месяцев назад +4

    The actual saying is The Customer is always right in matters of taste". This means that the only time KAren is correct is whens he says that she likes how the product/service is done, or that she prefers it to be done a certain way, NOT that she prefers the deluxe version to be done for her at %50 the base model price.

  • @sparxravencroft
    @sparxravencroft 8 месяцев назад +4

    Story 5: nta. He is a fluffing creep. Although she did miss out on replying that her breaking up with him was her Christmas gift to him.😂

  • @poohbear4515
    @poohbear4515 8 месяцев назад +9

    S3: Something tells me that the selfish, heartless daughter will be kicked off the inheritance once dad finds out what she did.

  • @DeliciousBoi
    @DeliciousBoi 8 месяцев назад +13

    She was so totally trying to redruM her father, there's no two ways about it.

  • @cherokeeirishman9612
    @cherokeeirishman9612 8 месяцев назад +2

    I worked at a restaurant when I was in college waiting tables, people would come in with the “I know the owner therefore I get a discount” speech. I always told them “good please call the owner because he’s the only one that can OK that much of a discount and I need to hear it from him directly”
    Funny, how they never go through with making that phone call. Once I even went and got the owner out of the back, he took one look at him and told me he never saw them before in his life add $10 to the bill.

  • @silverflight01
    @silverflight01 8 месяцев назад +110

    Story 4: Welp, her attempt at a power trip ended up exposing how negligent she was at parenting, and she got arrested as a result. Oops.
    I know she won't learn from this incident

    • @JadenYukifan28
      @JadenYukifan28 8 месяцев назад +10

      What did she expect to happen, that they believed her and did what she asked them to do? So glad it backfired on her.

    • @DaveC2729
      @DaveC2729 8 месяцев назад +8

      Won't matter. CPS will probably get involved and she'll be lucky to have visitation rights. _He_ will be lucky if she doesn't.

    • @Arcane_Route_66
      @Arcane_Route_66 8 месяцев назад

      Just another pathetic excuse of a parent getting a space in a potter's field when no living family buys them a proper burial. 🤷🏽‍♀️

    • @cryochick9044
      @cryochick9044 8 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@DaveC2729it will likely be a lot of court in the future of that family. Lucky would be boy living with his sister, these things never end pretty though.

  • @o.c.kiddkidd5163
    @o.c.kiddkidd5163 8 месяцев назад +3

    I owned and ran my own business until I retired without an heir to take it over for me.
    And the thing I regret more than anything else was not firing more clients.
    Every moment, every dollar, every anxiety I wasted on trying to mollify the worst clients could have been better used taking care of my better clientele or finding new.
    My best friend, mentor, and fellow business owner feels the same.
    Bad employees? Bad estimates? These were our fault. But bad clients? Our worst decisions ever!

  • @ajaxtorbin
    @ajaxtorbin 8 месяцев назад +3

    The customer is always right . . Comes from an article about interior design. The whole quote is " The customer is always right in matters of taste, and design." When talking about well, the art of interior design

  • @LonelyWolfe42
    @LonelyWolfe42 8 месяцев назад +2

    I used to frequent a video rental store and sit and watch movies on their big TV. Another customer came in and complained to me and a friend for watching the movie. She told me to leave and that she knows the owner. I told her "Really so do I and he's right behind you by the register. Joe, you want me to leave?" He told me I was fine but to remember our agreement, if they are busy that I'll have to leave. She was the only one there. I did eventually work for the store years later.

  • @acelafit5041
    @acelafit5041 8 месяцев назад +19

    Story 6. I would have waved at him when he moved out. Frantically with a huge smile. :D

    • @marinam.2293
      @marinam.2293 8 месяцев назад +11

      Not crazy about that last story. I get that some people don't like kids, but it doesn't cost anything to smile or wave as you drive by. Don't interact with them otherwise if it makes you uncomfortable, but this is such a small thing.

    • @Tapped-o9k
      @Tapped-o9k 8 месяцев назад +8

      ​@@marinam.2293 Right? Not saying the dad was the good guy here but the reaction is a bit much

    • @christianknight1649
      @christianknight1649 8 месяцев назад +6

      ​@@marinam.2293It also costs nothing to accept that someone doesn't want to/didn't wave back. I'm not going to take my hands off the wheel of an in motion vehicle just to say hi to someone. I also won't stop driving just to say hi. Expecting otherwise is pure entitlement.

    • @vicious_cycle
      @vicious_cycle 8 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@marinam.2293Expecting social interaction with people you don't need to communicate with is entitled. I have bad anxiety and get really upset when people insist on interacting with me when I've already displayed I'm uncomfortable with the situation.

    • @barvdw
      @barvdw 8 месяцев назад +5

      ​@@vicious_cyclewaving is hardly 'interacting'. Frankly, I cannot sympathise with OP in this, instead of trying to talk it out, she just retaliated for the smallest slight she felt. Honestly, she should buy a lonely cabin in the woods, if she's so allergic to humans around her.

  • @IsYitzach
    @IsYitzach 8 месяцев назад +15

    Rule "one" is actually "the customer is always right in matters of taste." Due to the loss of the second half of the sentence, most costumers are always wrong.

    • @nancyomalley6286
      @nancyomalley6286 8 месяцев назад +1

      I'm guessing that the loss of the second half of the saying was no accident. It was taken away by entitled Karens/Kens

  • @jedediahcoulbourne1791
    @jedediahcoulbourne1791 8 месяцев назад +3

    The customer is always right, IN MATTERS OF TASTE. There is the whole quote for everyone it originally meant sell what people wants, you don't sell dirt to a ditch digger you sell them shovels.

  • @BlueDragoon77
    @BlueDragoon77 7 месяцев назад +1

    Story #1: I'm a landscaper. Years ago we had a customer in the rich part of town who decided to start trying to pull a fast one on us. He was an old man and a long time customer, so my boss was already giving him a great rate. But one year our boss told us that he had begun complaining and he had had to give the man a discount to appease him.
    This went on for over a year until my foreman got fed up with it. This was around the times when cellphones were just beginning to become popular. The old man was very picky about how we trimmed his bushes and trees, as well as tending his garden. We always made sure he was happy with the job beforehand, and he said he was, but then he would turn around and complain to our boss about every little imperfection. So my Foreman secretly recorded the man after one of our jobs. Making sure to record how he was so very happy with everything. When the complaint came in about a day or two later , my foreman played the recording for my boss, who used it as evidence to confront the old man. He was so enraged at being trapped by his own words. He immediately dropped us as his landscaping service. He had been deliberately complaining just to get extra discounts because he felt we were too expensive. I don't know if he ever regretted his decision, we never went back there again.

  • @denisetarabori553
    @denisetarabori553 7 месяцев назад

    Story 1. Smart smart son! Great outcome!
    Last story. I appreciated that OP didn’t use violence or arguments to settle his differences with the rude neighbor whose children are completely innocent. He let the man get himself in trouble. Another very smart OP.

  • @cherokeeirishman9612
    @cherokeeirishman9612 8 месяцев назад +1

    That last story was AWESOME! I would’ve done all that too

  • @debtompkins5363
    @debtompkins5363 8 месяцев назад +6

    being my mind has an evil bend when he tries to get you to change your mind ,say "only if you let me bring a knife so I can take my 'gift' with me"

  • @boomkruncher325zzshred5
    @boomkruncher325zzshred5 3 месяца назад +1

    About Story 6: Was the newcomer an immigrant, or somebody from a different country? Different countries have different patterns of interacting with people: people from India from the perspective of Americans from the USA be INCREDIBLY animated, pushy, confrontational and insistent when having basic talk with strangers, if I remember right. I remember reading an anecdote from a woman who visited their friend in India and as their friend was driving them around, a group of people started shouting at them in Hindi, her friend stopped the car, got OUT of the car, shouted back and forth with the people for a solid several minutes of extremely animated talking, then while STILL talking like crazy she got back into her car and continued to shout back at the group. When the lady asked her friend if everything was okay, her friend was like "What, that? That was nothing important." Because the culture of her friend ingrained into her that being animated and outgoing and insistent was normal, it freaked out the lady even though the situation was actually fine.
    I am PROBABLY remembering this anecdote wrong (I read it secondhand from a book about different business cultures from different countries), but it impressed to me that what looks like absolute invasion of privacy in one culture is as normal as breathing in another culture. So if the supposedly entitled person WAS from a more open and outgoing culture, that would explain why they would try to insist on directly contacting their neighbors, even when their neighbors do everything in their power to avoid them. I think the only time it finally clicked to them that their behavior was unacceptable was when the HOA repeatedly fined them and shut down their behavior, which probably impressed upon the person that this neighborhood was just not the place for them and their family, due to how incompatible the fundamental culture was between them and that neighborhood.
    And, of course, OP unfortunately paid the price for that lack of understanding. I'm glad that things did NOT escalate further; while it is sad that the supposedly entitled person and their family were literally bullied out of that neighborhood, if you are just THAT incompatible with the neighborhood culture, perhaps the right response IS to relocate, and eventually that's what they did.
    It's also the height of entitlement to move to a different country and just blanket assume that your behavior that is normal in your home country is "normal" in the country you are moving to. That's just a failure of plain common sense there in the first place 🤣
    P.S. Of course, there are microcosms of culture all across America as well; some neighborhoods are incredibly open, and some neighborhoods are incredibly closed off. You don't have to move across countries, OR across state lines, OR even move outside of a city, to have this kind of situation happen 😆

  • @rama30
    @rama30 8 месяцев назад +3

    One of the old "mom and pops" style diner and shop had a sign I remember to this day "The customer is not always right. They just think they are." When you walked through the doors this was the first thing you saw. I have no idea how many Karens saw this and walked away immediately but I never saw anyone cause problems. I also know everything I tried be it diner food or homemade fudge and other treats from the shop were perfect.

  • @albertgongora6944
    @albertgongora6944 8 месяцев назад +7

    Yeah when a video starts off in the beginning giving you a heads up that there's going to be a story where a Karen literally tried to stop her room father from being able to live in front of a bunch of ENTs that pretty much says that she was out to kill her dad for the insurance money clearly and the story was pretty spot-on from the thoughts I was already having before it got to that part of the story

  • @C0rran05
    @C0rran05 7 месяцев назад +2

    Story 6: It's hard to take OP at their word when the first thing they say is "and reallyyyyy hate kids". If they hate kids that much, then it's very likely they are telling the story through a colored lens of hate, and portraying some normal activity in an exaggerated light just because they didn't like it.
    Example, the motorcycle at 8 am. Most places end noise ordinaneces by then, and especially during the summer I've known many people to get up around the same time to do yard work. I get that sleeping in on the weekend is nice. I'm one of the people that do that, and I WILL be annoyed to be woken up by yard work, but I also believe that by 8am it is every person's right to do what they want with their property as long as it is legal.
    And I also get that a lot of people have social anxiety, which I saw one other commenter point out, but we've been taught since we were kids that the first step to resolving conflict is to talk to someone about it, and you don't even have to talk to someone directly. Just write a gosh darn note and leave it at their door. THen you don't even have to interact with them at all and you can set your boundaries.
    OP went out of their way to be a jerk to these people, regardless of if they did anything wrong or not. This guy could have been a model parent and OP would have been the scrooge peaking out through their windows just muttering to themselves about what a jerk the dad was to DARE have children invade their [high pitched sing-song voice] 'perfect happy quiet little neighborhood' [end voice].
    So I am taking OP's take on the story with a grain of salt. I think OP is in the wrong and a downright unpleasant individual, even if half of their portrayal of the other family is remotely accurate. Maybe everyone is the entitled butthole here, but OP is most certainly the definition of a Karen.

  • @LunaP1
    @LunaP1 8 месяцев назад +11

    Last story, that neighbor already made a bad impression with his lack of parenting. And he decided that harassing OP because they didn't positively responded him (after being a nuisance) was a good idea. Too bad he got himself and his kids chased out of the neighborhood.

    • @HeoBaby24
      @HeoBaby24 8 месяцев назад

      Op sounds like a dick

    • @blender4464
      @blender4464 8 месяцев назад +2

      Op describes himself as hating children and made a deliberate choice to be rude. Dad tried really hard to be friendly, then got upset when op started driving dangerously when his kids played outside. Btw kids being outside isn't a lack of parenting. I'm glad op isn't procreating, we don't need any more assholes.

    • @1989cscs
      @1989cscs 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@blender4464 yeah, there are some red flags in that story... HOAs are usually the subject of ire of reddit so someone weaponizing an HOA is very suss.

  • @raeshavalta2898
    @raeshavalta2898 7 месяцев назад +1

    The AirPod Christmas story: I’d have reacted the same as OP. That jerk was heartless & selfish.

    • @wanupgirl
      @wanupgirl 7 месяцев назад

      I bet he didn't even get her anything and on his way back remembered and grabbed her the alcohol.

  • @Radman1889
    @Radman1889 8 месяцев назад +2

    Protip: If someone pulls the 'I know the owner' card, try and get them to name the owner. I actually try and do one better, and ask them "You know (name)?", but the name I give isn't the actual owner name, and if they say yes you pretty much caught them in their lie.

  • @HellDuke-
    @HellDuke- 8 месяцев назад +4

    Story 5, oh yeah, absolutely dodged bullet right there. The main reason is the gift that was given and the comment. Though, depending on how strong the relationship is, the gifts or gifting doesn't even matter much any more. For example, most years me and my wife (my parents too for that matter) just buy what the other picks out, mots often right there with them unless we have a neat idea. Makes those ideas that much more special. It does not help that both me and my wife were born in December, so gift ideas tend to be harder too. Heck, this year for my birthday I had bought a Steam Deck OLED and when there were no ideas (too expensive that I would even suggest it be a present for me) what I would want, I just said they can pool money (her parents, sister and sisters' BF had no ideas either) and say it's towards the deck. Bam, present arrives just after my birthday, they cover part of the cost and it doesn't matter that the rest came from my pocket. Everyone is happy.

  • @nightdweller6446
    @nightdweller6446 8 месяцев назад +2

    S3. Omd, that was a true Lazarus event. Sooo many years in nursing and that'd be probably the 3rd or 4th reboot from start I've heard of working. And it was definitely deliberate "accident "

  • @cliffterrell4876
    @cliffterrell4876 7 месяцев назад

    After 32 years, now retired, as a firefighter/paramedic, I have been involved in 8 incidents where elderly parents/relatives were abused and literally murdered by family members/inheritors to collect life insurance and inheritances. As states witness to the incidents and coroners findings, the individuals responsible went to prison for long sentences, 25+ years. With the greed of people today, its much more common than people know and normally involves people between 30 and 50 years old commiting the crime, all for money.

  • @Ginalopez7877
    @Ginalopez7877 8 месяцев назад +4

    Oh wow i used to work in retail and yup the customers are not always right i had to deal with rude, hateful customers but i put them all in thier places or refuse to ring them up ...😅

  • @markmatzeder6208
    @markmatzeder6208 8 месяцев назад +1

    As a man in his mid-60s I’m bristling at the patient in the title story being called “old”

  • @chimericalical
    @chimericalical 8 месяцев назад +2

    Here’s an entitlement story for ya.
    I go in a walk a to a town a few miles from where I lived to hang out with some friends I had in that town.
    I run into my friend (Using a fake name, so… Mecha Godzilla). She’s hanging out with this guy who says him and her are dating even though she says they aren’t, I don’t really give a shit, it’s none of my business and not my problem.
    She’s hanging out with him a few of his friends and invites me along to go hang with them, sure why not, I’m a little bored. We walk over to some picnic tables in a park and I go and sit down. Mecha Godzilla and her whatever he is, let’s call him Karen also sit down and she’s sitting down next to me (cause I don’t know anyone else in this group really) and chatting with me. She asks me about our friend Mothra who she hasn’t seen in a bit and we chat and Karen keeps interjecting to make fun of me and do other things insecure dudes do. He’s being a rude douchebag so I just ignore him and talk to my friend.
    Karen suggests going to this other park and his friends and Mecha Godzilla go with him, then Mecha Godzilla invites me along, so I go hang out with her some more.
    And I’m sitting on a park bench. mecha Godzilla sits down next to me and we’re chatting and one of Karen’s friends sits down on the other side of Mecha Godzilla and there’s no more room on the bench.
    Karen demands that I get up from the bench. I ignore him, then he tries to physically yank me off the bench and I just sit back down and say “Try that again at your own risk.” Karen says he doesn’t appreciate that I keep sitting next to his girlfriend and following along uninvited with them like a creeper. Mecha Godzilla says she’s not his girlfriend. I say “Thus far Mecha Godzilla has invited me along to hang out with her and like at the last location we were at I sat down before anyone else did so I’m not sitting next to her each time, she’s sitting next to me each time. Also this is a public park with cameras in it, this isn’t your bench, it’s more mine than yours cause I have a job and pay city taxes. If you try to assault me again I will kick your ass in self defense.”
    Karen laughs and tells his buddies he’s gonna teabag me and it’s gonna be hilarious. The bench we were sitting on was next to a tree. He starts climbing on the top of the bench from behind me while holding onto the tree to get ready to teabag me.
    As soon as he puts his foot on the bench I reach behind me swipe his ankle from underneath him and he falls and hits his head in the tree and gets up and runs around to try and fight me.
    The commotion causes cops who were at a nearby police station to come over and investigate. Mecha Godzilla explains what just happened, Karen’s friend acknowledge the cameras and refuse to comment and I press assault charges and he is taken to the station.
    Later I hear he spent a few months in jail and now there’s a restraining order I have against him.
    Me and Mecha Godzilla remained friends and she started dating one of Karen’s buddies while he was in jail. When he got out of jail he tried to attack that guy too and went right back to jail for assault, again.

  • @reneesjewelerydesign
    @reneesjewelerydesign 8 месяцев назад +3

    Omg story 5 🙄 there is no excuse for that a 15 dollar necklace would be better. He was just a jerk

  • @randycarter2001
    @randycarter2001 8 месяцев назад +3

    The police aren't there to act as bullies for entitled people that don't get their way. They are there to enforce the law. The law she broke by calling them to come an bully her daughter.

  • @loganthomas3575
    @loganthomas3575 8 месяцев назад +1

    I have never once said ‘the customer is always right’ when I walk into a shop or restaurant because I have no idea what the policies they have there. Yes good communication and being polite is important for the employees but it is also a two way street when in regards to the customer’s attitude because a servers have the right to refuse to serve a customer that walks within the establishment acting high and mighty and being verbally abusive to boot.
    My stepdad is a tiler and he isn’t afraid to tell rude clients to get stuffed.

  • @ethribin4188
    @ethribin4188 8 месяцев назад +1

    Story 3:
    Honestly, my guess is that she was helping her father walk down stairs, bit lost grip.
    And afterwards just panicked.
    Also, shes an entitled person.
    I mean, why would she call emt, if she wanted to kill her father, for whatever reason.
    And her behavior feels more like a kid that tried to steel cookies, but broke their mom's favourite cookie plate while doing so.
    Not like a murderer.

  • @KylaFuller
    @KylaFuller 8 месяцев назад +2

    The 15 yr old was drunk too? Wow

  • @poppyhowland2648
    @poppyhowland2648 8 месяцев назад +4

    Story of AITA girl broke up with her boyfriend, you absolutely are not the a hole he sounds exactly like my ex, who used my bank card to buy me a valentines day gift so used my money then yelled and screamed for hours that i was ungrateful for his gift of love to me.............that i paid for

    • @angelamurray2725
      @angelamurray2725 8 месяцев назад +2

      Definitely NTA, I can’t understand someone supposed to be the SO but get a last minute nothing gift. A bunch of flowers would be more appropriate/ appreciated than a bottle of alcohol that he knew he would probably get. Also her ex and any family agreeing with ex are massive A’s

    • @norarivkis2513
      @norarivkis2513 8 месяцев назад +3

      Yep. The thing about "it's the thought that counts" is that you really do have to think, for it to apply.

    • @sarumano884
      @sarumano884 8 месяцев назад

      @@angelamurray2725 Yes. What she doesn't say (or know?) is what tall tales was this guy spinning to get all of his relatives calling her in disgust?

  • @livingbygrace5501
    @livingbygrace5501 8 месяцев назад +1

    Odd. I wonder why the woman called the ambulance if she was trying to get away with murder.

  • @suzyboyleanderson6945
    @suzyboyleanderson6945 8 месяцев назад +1

    Before the one with the daughter and her father, I wondered if he did fall or that his daughter pushed him down the stairs to get his life insurance.

  • @Ferreneh
    @Ferreneh 8 месяцев назад +1

    1st story tip: always have something written down that's been agreed upon verbally. I had a similar thing happen where I referred my mom to a service because I was promised by a single person that she would get the same rate, but her call was forwarded to a different store of the same company so they obviously didn't know about the deal but offered her affordable service nonetheless. I was more mad than her but hey; I don't pay her bills so it's fine 🤷‍♀️

  • @katestewart-taylor9736
    @katestewart-taylor9736 8 месяцев назад +2

    The story about the dad falling down the steps. I want more background information. My daddy had severe dementia. He had a do not resuscitate order. At one point during COVID his nursing staff gave him an overdose of anti anxiety meds (change of shift for nurses, doubled up the meds). Daddy became unresponsive, he was taken to hospital and I was called. I had the power of medical attorney. Daddy had a DNR in place and I instructed that it be followed. By the time I get to Daddy he was back in the land of the land of the living. So, did the dad in this story have a DNR?

  • @junecolohan7306
    @junecolohan7306 8 месяцев назад +3

    Her boyfriend is a jerk on our first Christmas my sweet husband cook Christmas dinner and treated me like a queen the whole day best Christmas ever. Just a little thing but I have never forgot it

  • @terihumphrey6624
    @terihumphrey6624 8 месяцев назад +1

    The father probably had a very large life insurance policy

  • @rebekah.2187
    @rebekah.2187 8 месяцев назад +1

    Story 4: I was thinking OP would call CPS. Considering the ending, maybe she should.

  • @dizzysdoings
    @dizzysdoings 8 месяцев назад +1

    My Dad had a stroke at 93. One of the hardest things I ever did was to sign a DNR for him. On the one hand, I wanted him to get better. On the other, I didn't want him to suffer. I can't even imagine doing something to him that would have made him pass earlier.b

  • @kyokonightstorm5844
    @kyokonightstorm5844 8 месяцев назад +1

    Story 1: I prefer the amended: "The customer is always right about their preferences." The customer does not know what company policy is, what laws be applicable to the situation, etc., but they DO know what it is they like and dislike.
    Story 3: That 100% sounds like some plot the daughter concocted based on a poorly-written novel's plotline. Like... seriously? How the blazes did she expect to NOT be caught?
    Story 5: Ugh, I have an ex who seemed to think it was such an *honor* to be dating him, and that I was just SO fortunate that he wanted to bed me that I should just accept any advance he made. Well, his status as an ex should tell you how well that went over. IT was but one of his MANY flaws. Honestly can't even remember why I agreed to the second date. I only accepted his phone number cause he was brave enough to ask to exchange numbers in front of our large, semi-mutual friend group. Should have trusted my instincts and said "no". I learned my lesson and it sounds like OP did as well.

  • @NeoLotex
    @NeoLotex 8 месяцев назад +1

    Story 5: For a second I chuckled a bit because the shoe is on the other foot here and lots of women consider sexy time as a valid birthday gift or something like that too. However there is a distinct difference between "I don't have the money for fancy presents, but I'll try to make it special anyway" and "I don't care at all, just take the trash and be happy that you got anything at all"
    That being said, my dad gifted my mother a box of Ferroro Rocher/Mon Cheri and the other ones with a haselnut in the middle, so yeah ... I've seen it up close too and it was quite pathetic.

  • @chezsnailez
    @chezsnailez 8 месяцев назад +4

    "The customer is always right!"
    Only in what the customer actually pays for... not how the customer is allowed to treat the sales staff...
    You get read rights when arrested in Italy?

    • @sarumano884
      @sarumano884 8 месяцев назад +1

      "The customer is always right" IN MATTERS OF TASTE!

    • @chezsnailez
      @chezsnailez 8 месяцев назад

      @@sarumano884 ~ yup... kinda what we meant to say...

  • @greenbeacon394
    @greenbeacon394 8 месяцев назад +1

    Story 1: they could afford to loss her as a client, because she was probably costing them money at whatever he was charging her

  • @greenbeacon394
    @greenbeacon394 8 месяцев назад +1

    Story 4: So let me get this straight, mom openly admitted to calling the police under false pretenses to get OP in trouble with the law on a recorded voicemail???

  • @ultronquake
    @ultronquake 2 месяца назад

    That first story reminds me of my own work, we do landscaping and cleaning for rentals and private homes. This year my boss finally decided to cut ties with all but one of the private clients due to them not being willing to accept our increased rates. She took allot of these clients on during Covid and basically charged them just for our wages and no more so we wouldn’t have to lay anyone off during Covid. These people are all millionaires with 3rd 4th and 5th homes and we’ve been giving them 5 star cleaning and landscaping at probably a third of what it should cost them. It’s incredible to me that instead of continuing with our company they’ve dealt with for years with 0 complaints they’d rather switch to the larger firms that have a bad reputation for hiring thieves and drug addicts just to avoid paying a few extra bucks a month.

  • @MissLilianae
    @MissLilianae 7 месяцев назад

    Story 6: The only time an HoA was useful in one of these stories, being a weapon for OP 😂

  • @terrivel11
    @terrivel11 8 месяцев назад +1

    That’s gotta be an attempted murder charge right?

  • @erichanastacio9695
    @erichanastacio9695 8 месяцев назад +1

    Good thing being at the carnival. Needs photos with cops...
    Also... Have the phone automatically record every conversation.

  • @lawrencelopez9839
    @lawrencelopez9839 2 месяца назад +1

    if you're charging a client low prices there's eventually a rate where you'll be working at a loss not just due to gas and time wasted on them but that a client paying higher is just a better use of time and resources