Ray S The title is not how the intro ends. It’s how Kripp ends the intro. Rania does the editing so even if you’re suggesting that Kripp ended the editing with that, it’s still incorrect.
Like, come on, Blizzard: Khadgar was once stabbed with Kingsbane + Deadly Poison and survived - *that's in the lore*, okay? - so obviously he should at least have 4 health!
Everybody is so smart these days, they all r/woosh anyone who they think didnt get a joke, okay, I get that he made a joke, it would be funny if it could really go to infinity and beyond but the way hearthstone works even the maximum possible ammount would not be a good payoff for the curse you would hold the entire game. I GET THATS THE POINT OF THE JOKE LEAVE ME ALONE
When playing a bomb-warrior vs Mill Rogue in Wild, you could use it for advanced alpha bm. Which is good enough, imo, to craft two golden copies of this card.
Dr. Boom's scheme should have been boom bots or just silly laughter. Rip Coldlight Oracle. Bombs in your opponents deck would have been all you buddy. Wild Bomb control warrior.
Boom's scheme seems like a card that its text was changed at the last minute. I mean the art is expressing bombs. I believe it used to work as we expected 'add bombs'. Blizzard probably thought it was too OP to add 11565216 bombs after the upgrades, so they change it just before release.
This was exactly my thought as well. Not great to intentionally put in your deck, but awesome to discover. It's v strong that it exists, but not good enough to put in your deck... And that's the best kind of card. A good card but you never have to craft it to get it's best use scenario.
Xkazmarx i used one time in my wild hadronoxx druid before undatakah and rastakans rumble, against aggro was pretty bad but they come back full hp, also great target for cube
Run 2 Cornered Sentries, hope you draw either or that they don't draw Barnes. Fight RNG with RNG! ...Well, this is advice for anyone that isn't a Paladin card.
What if Dr. Boom’s Scheme was 4 mana “shuffle an unarmed bomb into your opponent’s deck”. Unarmed bomb does zero damage when drawn. At the same time add a card “Arm Bomb” to hand that upgrades every turn in hand and the damage goes up by one. When “Arm Bomb” is played, set the bomb to hit for that damage when drawn. It makes every draw exciting versus getting armor and this fits more in line with something Dr. Boom would use flavor wise.
I like this. A lot! If I could though take it one step farther, just so the card does have some base value, the Unarmed Bomb goes into your opponents hand with a Mana cost of 2 that reads "Disarm Bomb" and plays just like Curse of Rafaam. You still lose out on value if you are too greedy, but it has some base tempo value, costing your opponent 2 mana to get rid of, and gives you a chance to save it if your opponent decides not to disarm it right away. . Plus I think it really plays into that super hero\super villain vibe they are going for this expansion.
3:15 They said Evil Cable Rat will be the only neutral lacky generator. Personally I like this card I just with it had more health a 1/2 would of been perfect. 14:38 Play double Fire-Eater and any mage can activate Jan'ali no problem.
I'm 99% certain that Dr.Boom scheme used to be either, shuffle a bomb into your opponents deck or summon a boombot and upgraded every turn, looking at the art it had to be something bomb related but both these options are bonkers OP for 4 mana so they simply nerfed it to oblivion like usual, this time even before we saw what it originally was.
I honestly found the 4x Sunwalker on the Livestream utterly insane. The opponent had to have an equally insane answer just to deal with that one boardstate.
My thing with the Madame Lazul is that if your playing against aggro Madame will help you grab some of their low mana cards to contest the board and if its a control deck maybe grab late game minion. If a minion this useful doesn't see play then its a sign there some imbalance somewhere else.
I can see Khadgar being kind of obscene in some scenarios , Power of Creation, Omega Agent , secrets lie Mirror Entity, Spellbender and Splitting Image all have good synergy with it, (echo of Medivh in wild could mean hilarious stuff if you copy Khadgar). Hell even class cards like Alanna, Jan'alai, Astromancer( on a full hand would mean 2x8 mana minions + Astro+Khad on 9 mana and could be insane), Sindragosa and Jaina in wild will be broken)etc. Even common cards could become obnoxious in a mass generation archtype, a simple combo like Former Champ + Khad would be 13-13 worth of stats on 7 mana, toss in a Sewer Crawler and it's 18-20 on 10 and a full board, it's not bad and I can see it happening in arena. Hogger, Cairne and any deathrattle that summons minions could be used very well with it too. I could see Khadgar being the cornerstone of a new kind of tempo deck. Another idea for a troll deck in wild would be Khadgar + Zola/Echo + Saronite Taskmaster. Fill the neemy board in 1 turn with useless 0-3 minions and use spell to burn the enemy down. Any minion dependent deck would have a hard time with that XD. Just some ideas.
I love your card reviews. I don't like to spend money on Hearthstone because they so frequently expand, but I get to experience the majority from your content.
Khadgar+Power Of Creation+discover Reckless Rocketeer= turn 10 double Pyroblast Also somewhat consistent since the "pool" of 6-drops will be greatly reduced with the rotation
4:39 This makes me think that "Upgrades each turn" doesn't always mean by 1 (for schemes). For instance, we already have iron hide which gives 5 armor for only 1 mana, and the only way this card would see play instead of iron hide is if it goes up by multiples (like from 1 to 3 after a turn, 3 to 5, etc. If there's a source anyone can find saying that devs said it only increments by one that'd be cool
11:50 actually having two coins for rogue is worth much more than just 2 mana. thinking of all the combo possibilities with lackeys + togwaggle for example.
In regards to the stats, I'm guessing to make sure Khadgar would be viable, and that you could get value from his effect, the team probably had to make him lower cost, lower stats to pair with minion summoning cards in the same turn.
About new Tgwaggle - It will go really well into Thief Rogue deck, which is a Control-ish style deck with more-or-less good sustain through infinite lifesteal daggers. The only real weakness of Rogue is a lack of good AOE.
Traveling Healer = Different kind of Zilliax. No rush, but insta 3 heal, but no constant heal trough more attacks.. but in the other hand it's something that is annoying with it's divine shield and it will heal you without popping the shield.
Dude, I’m just gonna run Clockwork Goblin in my Aggro Warrior. On curve or coined out, maybe half the time it’ll be (3) for 3/3 Deal 5 to the enemy hero. That’s game winning.
I actually toyed around with putting bombs in my Odd Warrior deck a bit in Boomsday to help edge out decks that go to fatigue before I win. It helped a bit against Rexxar but was pretty poor against Druids, the other match up I would have wanted it to work against. ...Druids are losing all of the tools that made bombs not kill them. So.
Absolutely loving all these discover cards. They add so much variance to the games. I may just come back to hearthstone when this releases and give it another try
They needed to give Kharghar those stats in order to justify it's necessary low mana cost so that it can see play. We've seen how effects like his need to be able to be guaranteed used on the same turn (or guaranteed to live till next turn through some stealth combo, which mage can't do) in order to see any play at all.
I think Bomb warrior won't really be about getting as many bombs as possible in your opponents deck. I think that you can create a regular control deck that only runs Wrench Calibur and Dr.Boom (without any additional bomb-related cards) and that should be good enough to get some serious value.
Add new rogue hero: 10 cost hero: Rafaam the Master Schemer: Battlecry: fill your hand with random spells from all classes: hero power: passive your minions have taunt for the rest of the game
I'm not sure I would give Wrenchcalibur 5 stars I would say it's like a 4 star at most as not too many decks in warrior need to put fiery war axe in and it costs 1 more than fiery war axe. I think with 1 or 2 more bomb cards it could be a 5 star but I imagine in a lot of games even with the weapon upgrade it will only result in 1 or MAYBE 2 bombs going off. Most of the value of bombs will just come from whether or not you can draw the new Dr.Boom after they get put into the enemies deck, which makes it sorta like a combo deck. An upside to this is with a weapon upgrade or two on Wrenchcalibur, the card should be able to hard counter Mecha'thun which will likely push it into viability.
What people always forget when they joke about the fact that people rated the original Dr. Boom badly is that we had no idea what the "random" on the bombs meant, many of us assumed it meant they had a chance to hit our own minions in face, in which case the card would have been terrible.
Tog might be okay literally just because the discover a legendary and summon two copies of it is such insane tempo and can be played in unison with a lackey and tog on turn 10+.
20 armor dr booms schemes in fatique matchups PogChamp and if you draw it late you can just turn it into a legendary with rafaam... this card might be useful depending on how fast the meta is... but as we know the meta is almost always fast :P
If the meta slow enough, togwaggle rogue may also good imo. I mean quest rogue was underrated because everyone thought that rogue wont have ane slow decks.
Is it guaranteed that upgraded cards only go up by one at a time? In the case of Dr. Boom's Scheme if we compare it to spellstones they don't go by that basic a scaling.
I think the Wrenchcalibur should only trigger when hitting the opponent, not just attacking any minion. It would give more flexibility for countering it.
Kripp, I actually play Here Comes a New Challenger in my constructed buff paladin, and I gotta say that the card is very solid and is only overshadow by the insane mechanics of the year of the Mammoth. The Power of Creation and Khadgar is actually very strong especially since Astromancer is already available. The bomb synergy is also very strong. Too strong. I really don't get why blizzard is pushing out these cards. They just got done getting rid of oh-so-many of insane power creep cards of mammoth only to add new synergies that makes constructed unwelcoming to f2p and new players. At this rate Blizzard's road map is to milk the veteran whales for all their worth at the cost of player number engagement.
I feel like the warrior scheme would be decent if it was 2, and upgraded by 2 every turn, and would be actually good at 3 armor, going up 3 every turn.
Here's a fun game. Pause the video right before Kripp delivers his rating on a card - Proceed to give a rating yourself and then count 1 point if u matched his, 0 points if you didn't match. EDIT: I matched Kripp in 5 OUT of 13 Rankings
Also, dmh is rotating to wild. Won't be in standard. Could be somewhat decent ina bomb deck in wild though. But yes, I do also think that shuffling the scheme back into your deck will reset it to 1. That said, if your playing dmh warrior in wild. You will be able to hold on to the cards for at least 5 or 6 turns if you got far enough to play dmh.
That's it for now. Hope you guys enjoyed this review, and we'll see you guys in the next one.
Pretty sure it ends with a zoomed in kripp logo and links to his other videos but ok
Ray S The title is not how the intro ends. It’s how Kripp ends the intro. Rania does the editing so even if you’re suggesting that Kripp ended the editing with that, it’s still incorrect.
Can you stop spoiling the video please
"2/2" stats
- Khadgar:"wisdom is greater than strength"
He's also quite the fecomancer
Like, come on, Blizzard: Khadgar was once stabbed with Kingsbane + Deadly Poison and survived - *that's in the lore*, okay? - so obviously he should at least have 4 health!
> One of the greatest mages in the lore of Warcraft
> Body of sum doge
Knowledge is power!
SNIPING implemented in HS??? Madame Lazul OP ->
#ClickTheKripp #AllHailMechathun
Who would win? Archmage Khadgar vs. 2 snowflipper penguin
wisp would win probably
Magma Rager has more attack then Khadgar and 2 snowflippers combigned.
Easy best card in game.
Given that he and his team literally constructed you from the remains left after your death in Ahn'Qiraj... I'd say yes.
@believer in love you can even Goblin Prank instead of Hunter's Mark, to give our Lord a better chance at destruction!
This sucks
@believer in love or you can just double galvanizer the mechathun and goblin bomb
_If Boom is responsible for your being, great one, then he IS truly a genius_
0:53 Is it powerfull? WHAT ABOUT 4 MANA GAIN ∞ ARMOUR!!!
That was quick my friend!
Oh god this is beyond 4 mana 7/7 power creep
The maximum possible is 40
@@douglaslopes5913 r/woooosh
Everybody is so smart these days, they all r/woosh anyone who they think didnt get a joke, okay, I get that he made a joke, it would be funny if it could really go to infinity and beyond but the way hearthstone works even the maximum possible ammount would not be a good payoff for the curse you would hold the entire game.
Is 4 manarino 1 armorino a thing yet?
When playing a bomb-warrior vs Mill Rogue in Wild, you could use it for advanced alpha bm.
Which is good enough, imo, to craft two golden copies of this card.
It always was.
Dr. Boom's scheme should have been boom bots or just silly laughter.
Rip Coldlight Oracle. Bombs in your opponents deck would have been all you buddy. Wild Bomb control warrior.
You could make it odd too
@@zacharyfenn6950 You'd lose out on the weapon if you did odd
@@agr0nianTV And Iron Juggernaut. That card still exists in wild.
@@TheReaperOfCreepers jug shuffles mines , which is only relevant for boom. But doesnt matter if youre playing shuffle warrior
Boom's scheme seems like a card that its text was changed at the last minute. I mean the art is expressing bombs. I believe it used to work as we expected 'add bombs'. Blizzard probably thought it was too OP to add 11565216 bombs after the upgrades, so they change it just before release.
kalecgos + power of creation (discover power) and you have 4/12 with 2 6 drops...
u2damoney and get the 6 mana 5/12 taunt stegotron...
This was exactly my thought as well. Not great to intentionally put in your deck, but awesome to discover. It's v strong that it exists, but not good enough to put in your deck...
And that's the best kind of card. A good card but you never have to craft it to get it's best use scenario.
Xkazmarx i used one time in my wild hadronoxx druid before undatakah and rastakans rumble, against aggro was pretty bad but they come back full hp, also great target for cube
Aaaaaaaaand if it's not a taunt - you die next turn coz you did nothing for 10 mana
@@miorioff well taunt or rush or charge.
On the face of King Togwaggle, owner of the sexiest bellybutton in Heartstone lore.
That belly makes Me feel really uncomfortable xD
Today's fact: Popcorn wasn't always a beloved movie snack; in fact, prior to the Great Depression, movie theaters hated popcorn.
Explain pls
I genuinely think bomb warrior is going to be insane
Thanks for doing this on the road. Wow, Madame Luzul is basically sniping!
Wild OTK combo: Emperor on those 5 cards: 2x Bomb Shuffle guy, Augmented Elekk, Brann & Coldlight. 10 Mana - 40dmg
I guess I will meet old boom in wild soon.
What is big priest strong in wild you say?
Too bad
No offense but good riddance and god speed
@@gwydionml6479 😂😂
Run 2 Cornered Sentries, hope you draw either or that they don't draw Barnes. Fight RNG with RNG!
...Well, this is advice for anyone that isn't a Paladin card.
King Krippwaggle
"We be salting this now! Is Kripparian way!"
Sindri Myr this should be the featured comment!
On the face of Madame Lazul
3:11 "Cant imagine they're gonna make cards worse than this one" oh PastKripp, you poor soul.
What if Dr. Boom’s Scheme was 4 mana “shuffle an unarmed bomb into your opponent’s deck”. Unarmed bomb does zero damage when drawn. At the same time add a card “Arm Bomb” to hand that upgrades every turn in hand and the damage goes up by one. When “Arm Bomb” is played, set the bomb to hit for that damage when drawn. It makes every draw exciting versus getting armor and this fits more in line with something Dr. Boom would use flavor wise.
I like this. A lot! If I could though take it one step farther, just so the card does have some base value, the Unarmed Bomb goes into your opponents hand with a Mana cost of 2 that reads "Disarm Bomb" and plays just like Curse of Rafaam. You still lose out on value if you are too greedy, but it has some base tempo value, costing your opponent 2 mana to get rid of, and gives you a chance to save it if your opponent decides not to disarm it right away. . Plus I think it really plays into that super hero\super villain vibe they are going for this expansion.
3:15 They said Evil Cable Rat will be the only neutral lacky generator. Personally I like this card I just with it had more health a 1/2 would of been perfect.
14:38 Play double Fire-Eater and any mage can activate Jan'ali no problem.
I'm 99% certain that Dr.Boom scheme used to be either, shuffle a bomb into your opponents deck or summon a boombot and upgraded every turn, looking at the art it had to be something bomb related but both these options are bonkers OP for 4 mana so they simply nerfed it to oblivion like usual, this time even before we saw what it originally was.
Important to note that Khadgar will also duplicate minions summoned from a deathrattle!
That's very strong.
Kadgar + power of creation turn 10.. boyyyy that's OP imagine that in wild and you get like 4x slyvanas or emperor thurasin
Wild? What is that?
The best way to enjoy the game, until rotation hits.
I honestly found the 4x Sunwalker on the Livestream utterly insane. The opponent had to have an equally insane answer just to deal with that one boardstate.
Greedy strats, dead to aggro by t10, cleared by 1 spell vs control
Hardest working streamer couple. Thanks Kripp and Rania for content even while on vacation :)
My thing with the Madame Lazul is that if your playing against aggro Madame will help you grab some of their low mana cards to contest the board and if its a control deck maybe grab late game minion. If a minion this useful doesn't see play then its a sign there some imbalance somewhere else.
I can see Khadgar being kind of obscene in some scenarios , Power of Creation, Omega Agent , secrets lie Mirror Entity, Spellbender and Splitting Image all have good synergy with it, (echo of Medivh in wild could mean hilarious stuff if you copy Khadgar). Hell even class cards like Alanna, Jan'alai, Astromancer( on a full hand would mean 2x8 mana minions + Astro+Khad on 9 mana and could be insane), Sindragosa and Jaina in wild will be broken)etc. Even common cards could become obnoxious in a mass generation archtype, a simple combo like Former Champ + Khad would be 13-13 worth of stats on 7 mana, toss in a Sewer Crawler and it's 18-20 on 10 and a full board, it's not bad and I can see it happening in arena. Hogger, Cairne and any deathrattle that summons minions could be used very well with it too. I could see Khadgar being the cornerstone of a new kind of tempo deck.
Another idea for a troll deck in wild would be Khadgar + Zola/Echo + Saronite Taskmaster. Fill the neemy board in 1 turn with useless 0-3 minions and use spell to burn the enemy down. Any minion dependent deck would have a hard time with that XD.
Just some ideas.
I love your card reviews. I don't like to spend money on Hearthstone because they so frequently expand, but I get to experience the majority from your content.
Khadgar+Power Of Creation+discover Reckless Rocketeer= turn 10 double Pyroblast
Also somewhat consistent since the "pool" of 6-drops will be greatly reduced with the rotation
even if not in your deck , the times you go kalegos -> discover -> power of creation for 0 = profit?
4:39 This makes me think that "Upgrades each turn" doesn't always mean by 1 (for schemes). For instance, we already have iron hide which gives 5 armor for only 1 mana, and the only way this card would see play instead of iron hide is if it goes up by multiples (like from 1 to 3 after a turn, 3 to 5, etc. If there's a source anyone can find saying that devs said it only increments by one that'd be cool
11:50 actually having two coins for rogue is worth much more than just 2 mana. thinking of all the combo possibilities with lackeys + togwaggle for example.
In regards to the stats, I'm guessing to make sure Khadgar would be viable, and that you could get value from his effect, the team probably had to make him lower cost, lower stats to pair with minion summoning cards in the same turn.
while that is surely the case, they shouldn't have used Khadgar as it just doesn't reflect his strength in WoW
EVIL Cable Rat is only neutral Lackey generator.
So is classes other than Shaman/Warrior/Rogue/Priest/Warlock want to use Lackey, they need this card
Yep, I wish it was 1/2 other than that I really like the card
About new Tgwaggle - It will go really well into Thief Rogue deck, which is a Control-ish style deck with more-or-less good sustain through infinite lifesteal daggers.
The only real weakness of Rogue is a lack of good AOE.
8:29 This card ia broken.
Summon 2 legendarys for 3 mana is crazy tempo.
And you can choose another treasure if you want.
Traveling Healer = Different kind of Zilliax. No rush, but insta 3 heal, but no constant heal trough more attacks.. but in the other hand it's something that is annoying with it's divine shield and it will heal you without popping the shield.
i feel like even if you gave dr booms scheme twinspell that keeps its current armor upgrade it still would not see play.
Togwaggle isnt Control, its Tempo/Combo. Blink it and play it multiple times and you get a handfull of busted cards.
1:00 5 stars madam Trash a friend of Chameleos.
You underestimate the value of information and you seem to not see that the meta will slow down a lot so this is a crazy card
@@Kacples by turn 3 you already know what kind of deck is playing against you unless there are many variants of control or combo/OTK
Top: 0
Deck: 19, there might br not enough tools, to build a strong control rogue, but all those cool effects make me really want to try.
Does Khadgar + DK Jaina summon two water elementals?
Dude, I’m just gonna run Clockwork Goblin in my Aggro Warrior. On curve or coined out, maybe half the time it’ll be (3) for 3/3 Deal 5 to the enemy hero. That’s game winning.
Madame Lazul's face is substantially Kripp's face
Thank you for the video! All of you friends are super awesome!
I actually toyed around with putting bombs in my Odd Warrior deck a bit in Boomsday to help edge out decks that go to fatigue before I win. It helped a bit against Rexxar but was pretty poor against Druids, the other match up I would have wanted it to work against.
...Druids are losing all of the tools that made bombs not kill them. So.
Absolutely loving all these discover cards. They add so much variance to the games. I may just come back to hearthstone when this releases and give it another try
I like the grungy take, reminds me of the backyard reveal.
ANELE Warrior HYPE!!!
I think value rogue will be a thing since even HUNTER can be a control-y class because blizz print a certain 6 mana card
Madame Lazul looks like she's had Kripps face photoshopped onto her by Rania
They needed to give Kharghar those stats in order to justify it's necessary low mana cost so that it can see play. We've seen how effects like his need to be able to be guaranteed used on the same turn (or guaranteed to live till next turn through some stealth combo, which mage can't do) in order to see any play at all.
Today's fact: In 1981, a black lab named Bosco was elected honorary mayor of Sunol, California.
Preparing here
I think Bomb warrior won't really be about getting as many bombs as possible in your opponents deck. I think that you can create a regular control deck that only runs Wrench Calibur and Dr.Boom (without any additional bomb-related cards) and that should be good enough to get some serious value.
"Augmented Elekk Terrorist Warrior" - all the bombs, all the time! First deck I'm making!
Thank you Kripp for not playing that crappy game Auto Chess!
@kripparian can you do arena ratings as well?
Traveling healer fits in healadin and divine shield paladin. Also if u could dead man hand Dr Boom scheme, it would be better.
Kripp and Toast are like polar opposites with thie expansion
Today's fact: Prior to the 20th century, squirrels were one of America's most popular pets.
Add new rogue hero: 10 cost hero: Rafaam the Master Schemer: Battlecry: fill your hand with random spells from all classes: hero power: passive your minions have taunt for the rest of the game
Today's fact: The last letter added to the English alphabet wasn't Z;it was the letter J.
I feel like Heistbaron can be a good tempo play with the Wondrous Wand.
Bomb warrior seems fun
I mean u have to draw the bombs first,how th fuck does he count the weapon as a guaranteed 16 dmg...
Warrior is looking good so far and I'm loving it since it is my next golden hero target.
Khadgar is an easy Simulacrum target.
Ohhh that's dirty. On top of that he's also a really good Witchwood Piper pull...
The rouge legendary is amazing in miracle rogue (i play this deck a lot! And think he will come back in the new meta)
Power of creation is going to be a great discover from Kalecgos.
I'll probably use the evil cable rat in my rogue deck to replace fireflys because you need cards to combo with so I dont think it's that bad.
Never been so fast :O
Bojler eladó
I'm not sure I would give Wrenchcalibur 5 stars I would say it's like a 4 star at most as not too many decks in warrior need to put fiery war axe in and it costs 1 more than fiery war axe. I think with 1 or 2 more bomb cards it could be a 5 star but I imagine in a lot of games even with the weapon upgrade it will only result in 1 or MAYBE 2 bombs going off. Most of the value of bombs will just come from whether or not you can draw the new Dr.Boom after they get put into the enemies deck, which makes it sorta like a combo deck.
An upside to this is with a weapon upgrade or two on Wrenchcalibur, the card should be able to hard counter Mecha'thun which will likely push it into viability.
memes like kripp are the reason HS still lives. If u swaped game HS would ie
Wrenchcalibur is broken.
If there's healing in this expansion, best believe people will be running it!
What people always forget when they joke about the fact that people rated the original Dr. Boom badly is that we had no idea what the "random" on the bombs meant, many of us assumed it meant they had a chance to hit our own minions in face, in which case the card would have been terrible.
Khadgar should be a 3/2 minion with Mana Shield. Which works like Divine Shield.
Today's fact: There are lower-case numbers in addition to lower-case letters.
RegisK: "Togwaggle is the strongest rogue legendary ever."
Kripp: "Won't work, this is why: etc"
Realism ftw
Tog might be okay literally just because the discover a legendary and summon two copies of it is such insane tempo and can be played in unison with a lackey and tog on turn 10+.
Traveling healer the divine shield is huge, it’s gonna be a good arena card at least
20 armor dr booms schemes in fatique matchups PogChamp and if you draw it late you can just turn it into a legendary with rafaam... this card might be useful depending on how fast the meta is... but as we know the meta is almost always fast :P
Anton Sundin turn the warrior card into a legendary with rafaam a warlock card?
@@jakedubiel8483 ah, i totally forgot it was a warlock card. youre right
If the meta slow enough, togwaggle rogue may also good imo. I mean quest rogue was underrated because everyone thought that rogue wont have ane slow decks.
7:12 Time for flex tape
man togwaggle got me hyped XD looks awesome
Looking forward to Khadgar + Power of Creation Highlights
Is it guaranteed that upgraded cards only go up by one at a time? In the case of Dr. Boom's Scheme if we compare it to spellstones they don't go by that basic a scaling.
I think the Wrenchcalibur should only trigger when hitting the opponent, not just attacking any minion. It would give more flexibility for countering it.
Wrenchcalibur and other warrior bomb cards will do well against rogue if Myra's sees a lot of play
Kripp, I actually play Here Comes a New Challenger in my constructed buff paladin, and I gotta say that the card is very solid and is only overshadow by the insane mechanics of the year of the Mammoth. The Power of Creation and Khadgar is actually very strong especially since Astromancer is already available. The bomb synergy is also very strong. Too strong. I really don't get why blizzard is pushing out these cards. They just got done getting rid of oh-so-many of insane power creep cards of mammoth only to add new synergies that makes constructed unwelcoming to f2p and new players. At this rate Blizzard's road map is to milk the veteran whales for all their worth at the cost of player number engagement.
NEED TO GAMBLE LETTUCE 'starts to twitch'
I feel like the warrior scheme would be decent if it was 2, and upgraded by 2 every turn, and would be actually good at 3 armor, going up 3 every turn.
Hench Clan Burglar will give rogue some dank meme potential in arena :D
Here's a fun game. Pause the video right before Kripp delivers his rating on a card - Proceed to give a rating yourself and then count 1 point if u matched his, 0 points if you didn't match. EDIT: I matched Kripp in 5 OUT of 13 Rankings
Dr. Boom's Scheme + Dead man's hand = will it work?
It'd most likely be like when you shuffle a minion into your deck from an entomb or something, meaning it'd reset to base stats (1 armour)
Also, dmh is rotating to wild. Won't be in standard. Could be somewhat decent ina bomb deck in wild though. But yes, I do also think that shuffling the scheme back into your deck will reset it to 1. That said, if your playing dmh warrior in wild. You will be able to hold on to the cards for at least 5 or 6 turns if you got far enough to play dmh.
The boombots from blastmaster boom will have rush if you are dr boom. i don't know why no one is mentioming that when reviewing the card
Yeah !! Like thats pretty much a board clear as soon as you play it.
@@j-rodjarredvenema9513 or lethal... those boombots can deal huge amounts of damage if they roll the right numbers
3:14 So you think there may be a LACK of Lackey generators?
I fully intend to play bombwarrior in wild with all 3 Dr. Booms.