also 6:00 I think it works like you attack the enemy hero, and then the HERO becomes a 6 cost minion (Like Jaraxxus). If you agree, just sponsor my comment and I'll add your name to it.
Greater Arcane Missiles will NOT fire additional missiles. This is why the "3 damage" is listed as a number and the "three missiles" is listed in text.
Here they are: Shadow Sensei: terrible. Sergeant Sally: Extremely powerful with Power Overwhelming.Smooth board clear. White Eyes: CRAZILY STRONG. But is it good against Jade Golems? Public Defender: Might be interesting. But just worth nothing. Kabal Songstealer: Preeeety good. Good in Arena. Blastcrystal Potion: Not so good in Constructed. Low value. Powerful in Arena. Lotus Illusionist: Should be powerful. But uncertain. Streetwise Investigator: Not so many Stealth in Constructed. Go to Arena. Cryomancer: Good with Water Elemental. Freezing Potion: Probably not gonna be useful. Poisoning Mage card quality in Arena. Kabal Trafficker: Cool card. Powerful. But is Control Warlock good enough? Street Trickster: Probably can be seen in Freeze Mage. But, meh. Blubber Baron: Like Bolvar, not very good. Hobart Grapplehammer: Powerful for Face Warrior. Like 2 mana 2/2: deal 6+ dmgs to opponent's face. Unlicensed Apothecary: Strong stats. An interesting card. More valuable in Arena. Defias Cleaner: Good for current meta, but in future Jade Golem meta, well... Finders Keepers: Last moment desperate card, gonna help you find lethal. Crystalweaver: Demonlock promotion? Probably not gonna work. Weasel Tunneler: Hilarious effect. Greater Healing Potion: Not flexible, but still powerful. Sleep with the Fishes: Not strong by itself, great synergy with other Warrior cards. Naga Corsair: Seem not impactful. But still good, we'll see. Alleycat: Powerful 1-drop. Wrathion: Mill yourself in Dragon deck. Genzo, the Shark: Powerful aggro card. Strong effect. Luckydo Bucanneer: 6 mana 9/9 is good, but not comparable with those Jade Golems. Sketchy. Red Mana Wyrm: Could be OK. Mayor Noggenfogger: Not sure how this work. Future meme card confirmed. Gadgetzan Socialite: Might fit in some decks. Smuggler's Crate: Not a good deal for Hunter. Greater Arcane Missiles: Interesting card. Kripp thinks spell damage addition should add onto missiles instead of damages. Shadow Rager: .....Actually ok. Krul the Unshackled: Powerful and wonderful effect. But might not really work. Hidden Cache: Weak secret. Will not be seen in general Hunter deck. Ancient of Blossoms: Might be more important in Arena. Small-Time Buccaneer: good Rogue card. YOU'RE WELCOME.
.. spider tank + yeti is 3/4 + 4/5 = 7/9 in stats. Woah, you got 2 stats more.. You know what has more stats? Animal companion - Misha (4/4) into houndmaster (4/3) = 4/4 + 4/3+ 2/2 = 10/9 in stats, which is 19 in stats rather than 18. 17 is pathetic. 4 mana 7/7 is 14 stats alone..
Not really. You have to draw the second, play it and it has to die and that before your opponent drew the mirst one. I could at most see it played, if you hold on to both and then play them and kill them right away. But then again you have a dead card in your deck, just to tech against Reno effects for a few turns, so yeah... We'll see it in a Trolden video, but not at worlds.
23:57 They clearly wrote "three" the word and "3" the number intentionally, since spell power changes numbers, into * 4 * not * four *. So no, damage increases not number of missiles.
Ben Brode said a while back that the reason cards like Magma Rager exist is to teach new players to recognise bad cards, and to give experienced players a hyperbolic point of comparison. Following that logic, since we are essentially giving Magma Rager to Rogue this expansion, following his logic are we being taught that Rogue is going to suck? Seeing the rest of the junk they got, I'm pretty sure that's the message. I also want to point out that Priest got a two mana resurrect spell, followed by a five mana resurrect minion. Then they got a two mana silence spell, followed by a two mana silence minion. Should we expect to see a five mana spell version of Mana Geode in an upcoming expansion? PROBABLY NOT. WORST THEORY EVER. After having seen the cards, I'm not personally convinced that there's anything to significantly hinder the current Midrange Shaman here. Sure, Priest got some strong cards, but strong against that deck? A 2 mana 2/3, a flamestrike that doesn't hit Azure Drake, an overpriced alternative to Flash Heal, and Dark Cultist 2, Turn 3 Boogaloo? Reno decks are not consistent enough to do shit. Grimy Goons aren't fast enough to keep up. Rogue is playing Purify 2.0 this expansion. Jade Golem decks? Druid's the only class that can even get them past, like, 7/7 across the course of an entire game, and Miracle Druid isn't a consistent win against Shaman now, so I don't see Jade Idol improving that. If someone's seeing something I've missed then I'd love to hear it, but I'm probably just gonna play this expansion for about a week while everyone's testing new cards, then go back to waiting for Shaman to lose Tunnel Trogg at the start of the next standard cycle. And don't even get me started on arena balance. Warrior gets a 2 mana 0/7 common, while Mage gets a 5 mana 5/5 with an upside? Priest gets another three drop that benefits from them having a two drop, but their two drop is an epic? Rogue gets a second SI7 in Jade Shuriken, while Warlock gets to clear its' own board on turn seven? By the way, anyone hyped for Raza synergy with Paletress, take a look at the legendaries added in this set and cry. The new legendaries average at around 3/4 to 4/5 worth of stats, and are mostly battlecry minions. The only one with an ability you might want is White Eyes. Maybe Beardo, if you have a hand full of cheap spells. Paletress took a huge nerf, as did Saraad (those Jade Golem spells though), who already wasn't seeing play.
Well, shadow rager actually has potential, think of it as twisted worgen, it can kill almost all 2 drops and many 3 drops, not a bad card, it could see some play in arena, but it's not that bad.
I actually didn't say it didn't comment on the quality of the card itself. I said that its' parity with Magma Rager would imply, based on what Ben Brode said, that Rogue is supposed to suck. I apologise if that wasn't clear enough. That being said, I think you made the point perfectly with your example. Think of it as a Twisted Worgen. Twisted Worgen isn't playable in constructed, and heartharena rates Twisted Worgen as a 49, on par with Reckless Rocketeer and Voodoo Doctor. This is one extra mana for two extra attack, in a class which has great three drops, and very proactive early game in general. If it were a neutral, I would expect this card to see minimal play in arena, much like the Worgen. As a rogue card, it'd have to be up against some pretty bad cards. Say, a Magma Rager, and an Am'Gam Rager?
Not even mentioning that Jungle Panther exists as a card, a neutral card from the base set. 9 out of 10 times I am going to be that the 1 extra health of panther is going to be more valuable than the 1 extra attack.
Read the card, friend. On arcane missiles, it says "3" damage split to random targets. This says "three" missiles for "3" damage to each random target. The number is what the spell power applies to, not the words.
Exactly what I was thinking, whilst with Arcane Missles it instead lists it as "3 damage randomly split among all enemies", and similar to Avenging Wrath as well.
Considering how many self-damaging cards Warlocks got this expansion, I was REALLY hoping for a "if your deck contains no duplicates, heal the same amount of damage that you did to yourself" effect. Oh well. Still a few more months to get rich.
RIP ROGUE. Blizzard has shown much love to every single class except Rogue. Let's see how their creative minds work. *Shaku the Collector*: Undercity Huckster with Stealth *Lotus Assassin*: Slightly better Stranglethorn Tiger *Luckydo Buccaneer*: Probably the only good creative card in the set, still very similar to Drakonid Crusher *Shadow Sensei*: Houndmaster with less viable targets *Gadgetzan Ferryman*: Youthful Brewmaster *Counterfeit Coin*: Half an Innervate, the only viable card but adds nothing new or original *Shadow Rager*: Does this even need an explanation!? We got this instead of a Jade card!? This should have been a neutral. *Jade Shuriken*: Would be good if Rogues had enough Jade support *Jade Swarmer*: Might be good, if Jade Rogue can even work. Just a Jade variant of Kindly Grandmother
Rogue only has access to 7 copies of cards that summon jade golems, 2 jade shuriken, 2 jade swarmer,, 2 jade spirit and Aya Blackpawi don't think you can make a jade golem deck with that.
Anyone remember the deathrattle zoo rogue that made waves for a week or so back in LoE? It seems like we have the tools to make a more refined version of that now, splashing in some of the jade stuff as well. The new 2-drop seems like an almost-better Nerubian Egg, the shuriken makes for higher tempo plays than agent and they've got a flame imp now. It's unlikely to be the flavor of the month netdeck but you can probably build your own list and be quite competitive with it.
Eh, combo Rogue should actually be really good against control decks and their are a ton of complete board wipes in this expansion. My prediction is that the meta will constantly fluctuate. Board clearing control kills off Aggro, then Idol Druid and Combo Rogue swoop in to make the board clears useless, then Aggro comes to kill them off and so on.
Titanic Icebergs Rogues almost always stealth their auctioneers though so the only class that could get rid of it reliably is Priest. Plus a lot of Rogues try to draw a ton of cards and occasionally pull off the full combo the same turn they play the Auctioneer. Which can actually happen fairly often when the opponent fills their deck with board clears. And, if all else fails, there's always Leeroy Jenkins.
I wouldn't say new priest. Combo decks got Counterfeit Coin. Miracle decks and Malygos will be still solid decks to play in constructed (kinda like right now). It's just that the other archetypes kinda suck and are underwhelming.
Trying to get kripp to see this deck. Hardest (viable) deck you will ever play. Threatlock ___________________ Sacrificial Pact Corruption Mortal Coil Power Overwelming Voidwalker Acidic Swamp Ooze Demonfuse Youthful Brewmaster Earthen Ring Farseer Imp Gang Boss Shadow Bolt Ancient Brewmaster Barnes Defender of Argus Dreadsteed (important) Elise Starseeker Hellfire Shadowflame Summoning Portal Twilight Drake Abomination Cult Apothecary Prince Malchezar Dread Infernal Emperor Thaurissan Justicar Trueheart Reno Jackson Siphon Soul Fearsome Doomguard (unimportant) Twisting Nether
Bnmin its really legit. Good board presence good board clears and reno and brewmasters fills in the hole of healing. Also prince malchezar is pretty much mandatory in this deck because otherwise you wont have enough threats for control decks. Since krip wants to see a control warlock and a good malchezar deck, this deck does bolth and got me to legend rank.
I think Red Mana Wyrm is INSANE in Miracle Rogue and might see a nerf, because Blizzard hate combo. Tombpillager coin, coin, new rogue coin and Preparation are all ways of doing the following: Turn 5 Red Mana Wyrm > "coin" > Conceal. You have a stealthed 6-6 minion at turn 5 that dogde most board clears and removal in general. Next turn you have 6 mana. Remember how insane Auctioneer is when you have acces to 5+ mana crystals? With RMW, you get +2 atk instead of drawing a card, meaning. Cold Blood is +6 dmg alone for 1 mana, that + any spell is +8 dmg. By that stage your RMW is a 14-6 minion ready to attack. We are talking ONLY 2 spells here! Add like 2 more spells and you have +4 dmg from RMW's effect by itself. If one of those 2 spells is eviscerate or coldblood you have a 22-6 minion ready to attack! With the draw that Miracle Rogue already have you can get combos like this one going easy. I think Miracle Rogue might be one of the if not the best deck going into the expansion.
The wording on Arcane Missiles is "Deal 3 damage randomly split amount all enemies", not "Shoot three missiles that deal 1 damage each", so I'd say it's pretty obvious that Greater Arcane Missiles are gonna do more damage per missile with spell damage, and not add more missiles, as it's ALWAYS the numeral digits that get bigger by spell damage, and not any other part of the text. I thought Kripp were pretty savvy on card texts, but I guess not.
+Kalle Tuohimaa Pretty sure the only wording that has even been changed on Arcane Missiles is "among enemy characters" was changed to the current "among all enemies" Nothing conserning the amount of missiles. But if there really was a totally different wording before, it should be easy to find it, no?
but wouldn't a rager deck be awesome though? lol Sun Rager 3, 5/1 BATTLECRY: Give a friendly minion Divine Shield. Moon Rager 3, 5/1 Choose One: Taunt OR +2 Health Rager Elementalist 4, 3/5 Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a random Rager. At the end of your turn, Summon a Rager from your Deck.
Blast crystal will be good in reno, a lot of trouble of reno comes from only have siphon for hard removal, this in the lategame will have an insignificant side effect and therefore makes this a 4 mana assassinate on turn 9, where reno lock could be struggling to remove malygos, rag, giants, etc
23:10 I feel like the number of missiles will remain at 3, and the damage will increase. I think this is the case because they spelled out the word three instead of using a number like they normally do. When a spell damage is on the field, the number will normally increase on the card, but it won't if it's spelled out.
I guess its because the difference between one and two health is quite big. Bigger then the difference between 2 or 3 and 4 or 5 health. Due to hero powers (Mage, druid, rogue) and to cheap mass aoes for one mana the 2/2 creature is much more sticky at the board then a 2/1 minion. A 2/3 or 3/2 creature with the effect heal for two would be a to strong effect.
I'm 95% sure, that spelldamage will add 1 damge to each of the Greater Arcane Missiles instead of generating extra missiles. Since spell damage usually increases the numbers on a damage spell and the only printed number is the damage value of each missile, that would make the most sense.
Sargeant Sally is the best warlock board clear of all time. 4 mana deal 5 damage to all enemy minions is ridiculously cheap. I'd dare say it's the most efficient board clear I've seen in a while.
About the card Greater Arcane Missiles, I'm pretty sure that *Spell Damage* will increase the damage of the missiles instead of creating more of them. Cards like *Arcane Missiles* and *Avenging Wrath* text is something like "Deal X damage randomly split", that means that by increasing the damage it will generate more shots. On the other hand, this new card says "Shoot three missiles that deal X damage", that means if it's played with *spell damage* it will increase the shots damage and not the other way around.
so glad they nerfed blade flurry so they could design better weapons for rogue... WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE WEAPONS!! Luckydo buccaneer was pretty much a big "fuck you" to the rogue class.
@Kripparian on 23:05 spell damage will not produce more missiles, but will give more damage to each of those 3... Why? Spell damage increase number on card... Three is written with letters, and 3 damage with numbers... :)
The wording of Greater Arcane Missiles looks as though spell damage will increase the damage of each of the three missiles, so this spell cast with Malygos in-play will deal 8 damage 3 times. That's probably why it's worded so differently than Arcane Missiles; to avoid confusion. Edit: Also, if you notice, "three" is spelled out. That means it's set and cannot be changed. Spell damage only effect digits (numerals 0-9) in card text.
I think the greater arcane missiles scale in damage for missile than number of missiles, because the three is written out, and spell damage usually affects the number that is just a number.
1. Play Thaurissan with Baron Rivendare + 2 Weasels + Echo of Medivh + N'Zoths Tentacle in your hand. 2. Play Rivendare and 2 Weasels, copy those Weasels with Echo of Medivh, play 2 more Weasels, play the Tentacle and ping it. 3. Shuffle 8 fucking Weasels in your oppenents deck !!! 4. ??? 5. Profit
Then druid just doesnt play it till Fatigue, and anduin can steel some 6 mana 6-6 or whatever with his entombs. There is planty of ways to buff Jade Golem without Jade Idol
Mykhail mind vision, shifting shade and thoughsteal are going to kill any jade druid win by fatigue. Also, they should have created a Loatheb card again just to prevent a spam of jade golems on the late game.
Mykhail auctioneer is going to have to stay one turn on the board, otherwise the fatigue draw comes before the effect of the card, unless they have more spells on hand.
For control, Blastcrystal Potion seems really good since you'll just regen the crystal late game, so it becomes a better assassinate. Especially useful might be Sylv + this, depending on the situation, since the text suggests you can target your own minions.
I remember a black rock mountain adventure card that dealt I believe it was 1 damage to 20 different targets? When you have it spell damage, instead of increasing the number of random targets, it increased the damage dealt to each target. I remember very clearly playing this card with a Malygos on board and promptly restarting the battle.... after dying to the effect.
Magnus Lennon all variants of shaman play flamewreathed last I checked. what deck wouldn't play a 4 mana 7/7? And because they're leaving in the next expansion is a REALLY shit reason to not think about them now. I mean this expansion is leaving with the first expansion of 2018, oh man we better stop thinking about every single card that came with it and WotOG immediately or we'll never be able to handle it when all our precious cards are gone! You plan for what you're going to face right now. Not fuckin 3-5 months from now.
I don't think Greater Arcane Missiles adds more missiles with spell power, since the 3 damage is written with numbers and three missiles is written with letters
mojolito it's nice of Blizzard to have written it like this but in any case, spell damage only affects damage so it clearly doesn't increase the number of missiles
Greater arcane missiles does the same amount of damage whether it goes into the damage or number of missiles. Either way it's still 3xsp dmg . The difference is going on the damage per missile helps you kill big creatures and going into the number of missiles helps you kill large boards. What would be cool is if you could choose which way the spell damage goes.
Shadowragerino Kripperino With the power of photo editing, I shall rise now and prove myself to be the one true ShadowRagerino. For the rest of the time I shall remain in the shadows.
@nl_Kripp I believe Public Defender, the 2 mana 0/7 Taunt Warrior Common, is broken, because you really don't even need to buff it for it to be good. 2 mana heal 7, also it could deny more than 7 damage, like two 5/5's have to trade into it, effectively healing for 10. Then there's Inner Rage, Cruel Taskmaster, any damaging effect with Rampage etc. May be decent in Arena anyways, you could play a valuable over-time minion like Obsidian Destroyer, at least delaying a turn.
these set actually looks really interesting... but god damn they made what feels like every other card a legendary. Now a lot of the deck defining cards are legendary, and it will be very unlikely to get them from packs because even if u get a legendary it'll probably be something shitty
spell dmg will probably not shoot more missles with the greater arcane missles card because how the text of the card is: arcane missles is deal 3 dmg randomly split among all enemies so if you add spelldmg +1 its 4 dmg randomly split so obviously 4 missles, but greater arcane missles says shoot THREE missiles at random enemies that deal 3 damage each so the spell dmg will be added to the 3 dmg meaning 3 missles that deal 4 dmg each so your spell dmg just gets trippled but no more missiles
Greater Arcane Missiles won't fire more missiles but the damage per missile will be higher. Reason? The thing that will change on the card with lets say +1 spell power in play will be 3 into 4 not three into four.
or at least some weapon buffing, like we get it blizzard, oil rogue was crazy for a little while, but you already neutered weapon rogue's with the blade fury nerf, for being the only class that has a guaranteed weapon every game, they don't seem to be emphasizing that part of rogue's identity (except for a pirate or two, but most of those are neutral anyway, and probably fit in some warrior deck better anyway)
10:55, 13:45 Can we stop with the class appropriation? That demon should be a warlock card and the defias dude is obviously rogue. This reminds me of grand tournament where silverhand regent and grand crusader were neutrals, while paladin got a murloc and a walrus. Wtf were they thinking?! (I'm only half kidding).
Hey Kripp, love the reviews and videos overall. Sometimes I get burnt out on spamming ranked play, you get me back in the mood to play cards I find fun. Ill be joining you on Xpac release day.
Kripp, one thing about Sally. She might not have amazing PO synergy. PO's card text implies a minion loses their buff before dying ("give a minion +4/+4 until the end of the turn, THEN it dies"). So I think it'll apply the -4/-4 first before killing the minion and then uses the remaining attack for the clear. So, busting out combos without boosting cards in your hand first
Aaaand once again Kripp makes the mistake of evaluating new cards based on what he ASSUMES the new meta will be and which decks will be good and bad, even though he has a generally bad record when it comes to predicting the meta. Stop evaluating cards based solely on whether they fit with an existing deck or with the predicted meta. Kabal Songstealer is a 5/5 minion for 5 that also has silence. A 5/5 for 5 is slightly below the power/toughness curve, but well within the expected range for an arena card. It's common, so this will be potentially a defining card for priest in arena, where it will be very good. In constructed, it can't be ruled out, because big bodies are good for priest and because silence is always valuable, but it isn't a card that is deck defining. See? Easy, straightforward, and you don't have the speculate about the meta. This card is good or bad independent of whether or not priest is dominant. Another one: Blastcrystal Potion costs 4 and it's hard removal, which puts it below the expected cost. This is extremely valuable, but the cost of a mana crystal is very high. IN arena, it's well worth the cost, because hard removal is valuable and not that common in general. IN constructed, it could find its place in aggressive decks that have a low mana curve, where the cost is less meaningful and the benefit (being able to simply remove a fat creature that you can't easily burn) is very high. See? Instead of saying "Typically control decks like removal" and blah blah blah, you evaluate the card as it is, and not whether it fits your prior expectations of what card should go in what deck.
Gang up + Weasel Tunneler can help dilute an opponents deck if they are running Jade Amulet. 2 Weasels From Deck + 6 Gang up +6 N'Zoth(3 Shadowstep) = Good luck drawing your Amulet = 26 Weasels hmm and 2 Youthful brew masters one after each 8 Cost N'Zoth so... 38 Weasels, this can go way higher though.
How to lose without conceding as Druid, but die meming. >Have all dragons in deck. Except Wraithion and two innervates. >Start second. >Get two innervates and Wrathion in starting hand. >Play coin and both innervates. >Play Wrathion. >Have full hand and no deck. >"Well played".
Kripp, did you miss the review of Jade Claws? I don't remember you mentioning them in any of your review videos. Anyways, and important tool in the shaman 'Jade Idol' meta and possibly OP.
Shadow Fkin Rager. The card we've all been asking. Our prayers have been heard. Purify and Ferryman outrages teached them Nothing. Shadowragerino Kripperino i summon thee.
Greater Arcane Missiles will shoot always three missiles, spell damage afects nubers not words, so with +1 spell damage it would be three missiles that deal 4 damage.
I think the arcane missiles card is purposefully worded in a way so that spell damage will only affect each missiles damage. The reason I think it will be this way is that it says three missiles and not 3 missiles, so spell damage will just make it three missiles that each deal *x* damage.
KillaBeez TheSwarm it's actually because spell damage increases damage, so it increases Light Bomb even though there's no number because the spell deals damage but it doesn't affect Betrayal because it The minion itself that deals damage, not Betrayal, that's why you can trigger effect like Emperor Cobra and Mistress of Pain with Betrayal. Since Arcane Missiles is "3 damage" split among random enemies, spell damage +1 makes it "4 damage" split among random enemies. Greater Arcane Missiles deals "3 damage" at random, 3 times. Spell damage +1 makes it "4 damage" at random, 3 times.
1:10 Shadow Sensei (Rogue Rare)
1:25 Sergeant Sally (Neutral Legendary)
2:03 White Eyes (Shaman Legendary)
2:58 Public Defender ( Warrior Common)
4:10 Kabal Songstealer (Priest Common)
4:50 Blastcrystal Potion (Warlock Common)
5:55 Lotus Illusionist (Shaman Epic)
7:04 Streetwise Investigator (Neutral Common)
7:19 Cryomancer (Mage Common)
8:24 Freezing Potion (Mage Common)
9:30 Kabal Trafficker (Warlock Epic)
10:39 Street Trickster (Neutral Common)
11:10 Blubber Baron (Neutral Epic)
11:59 Hobart Grapplehammer (Warrior Legendary)
12:34 Unlicensed Apothecary (Warlock Epic)
13:44 Defias Cleaner (Neutral Epic)
14:35 Finders Keepers (Shaman Epic)
15:18 Crystal Weever (Warlock Common)
15:38 Weasel Tunneler (Neutral Epic)
16:15 Greater Healing Potion (Priest Rare)
16:45 Sleep with the Fishes (Warrior Epic)
17:23 Naga Corsair (Neutral Common)
17:47 Alleycat (Hunter Common)
18:12 Wrathion (Neutral Legendary)
18:58 Genzo, the Shark (Neutral Legendary)
19:41 Luckydo Buccaneer (Rogue Epic)
20:26 Red Mana Wyrm (Neutral Common)
20:59 Mayor Noggenfogger (Neutral Legendary)
21:48 Gadgetzan Socialite (Neutral Common)
22:22 Smuggler's Crate (Hunter Common)
23:07 Greater Arcane Missiles (Mage Epic)
24:15 Shadow Rager (Rogue Common)
24:46 Krul the Unshackled (Warlock Legendary)
25:46 Hidden Cache (Hunter Rare)
26:28 Ancient of Blossoms (Neutral Common)
27:05 Small-time Buccaneer (Neutral Rare)
sunny yang Time Stamperino Kripperino
sunny yang liked for your effort bro 👍🏻
Rename yourself as a Kripperino and work with me bro!
omg I love you
sunny yang yo sunny how did you have the time to write out all that :O
Everyone's complaining about Jade Idol, but you can't even get rich with it. Unplayable.
also 6:00 I think it works like you attack the enemy hero, and then the HERO becomes a 6 cost minion (Like Jaraxxus). If you agree, just sponsor my comment and I'll add your name to it.
you're trying too hard
Every successful person gets told that at some point.
Richerino Kripperino damn that's so true
+Richerino Kripperino holy shit I can't decide who's better you or boromirino kripperino
Greater Arcane Missiles will NOT fire additional missiles. This is why the "3 damage" is listed as a number and the "three missiles" is listed in text.
Conundrum well arcane missiles is the saw way "three missiles" and "1 damage" but still it does exta missiles
+Angelo Arcaini That's not true at all
Conundrum wait how will it work with spell damage?
Add damage to each missile.
Spell damage should add BOTH a missile as well as increase the damage of each missile. Kappa
Here they are:
Shadow Sensei: terrible.
Sergeant Sally: Extremely powerful with Power Overwhelming.Smooth board clear.
White Eyes: CRAZILY STRONG. But is it good against Jade Golems?
Public Defender: Might be interesting. But just worth nothing.
Kabal Songstealer: Preeeety good. Good in Arena.
Blastcrystal Potion: Not so good in Constructed. Low value. Powerful in Arena.
Lotus Illusionist: Should be powerful. But uncertain.
Streetwise Investigator: Not so many Stealth in Constructed. Go to Arena.
Cryomancer: Good with Water Elemental.
Freezing Potion: Probably not gonna be useful. Poisoning Mage card quality in Arena.
Kabal Trafficker: Cool card. Powerful. But is Control Warlock good enough?
Street Trickster: Probably can be seen in Freeze Mage. But, meh.
Blubber Baron: Like Bolvar, not very good.
Hobart Grapplehammer: Powerful for Face Warrior. Like 2 mana 2/2: deal 6+ dmgs to opponent's face.
Unlicensed Apothecary: Strong stats. An interesting card. More valuable in Arena.
Defias Cleaner: Good for current meta, but in future Jade Golem meta, well...
Finders Keepers: Last moment desperate card, gonna help you find lethal.
Crystalweaver: Demonlock promotion? Probably not gonna work.
Weasel Tunneler: Hilarious effect.
Greater Healing Potion: Not flexible, but still powerful.
Sleep with the Fishes: Not strong by itself, great synergy with other Warrior cards.
Naga Corsair: Seem not impactful. But still good, we'll see.
Alleycat: Powerful 1-drop.
Wrathion: Mill yourself in Dragon deck.
Genzo, the Shark: Powerful aggro card. Strong effect.
Luckydo Bucanneer: 6 mana 9/9 is good, but not comparable with those Jade Golems. Sketchy.
Red Mana Wyrm: Could be OK.
Mayor Noggenfogger: Not sure how this work. Future meme card confirmed.
Gadgetzan Socialite: Might fit in some decks.
Smuggler's Crate: Not a good deal for Hunter.
Greater Arcane Missiles: Interesting card. Kripp thinks spell damage addition should add onto missiles instead of damages.
Shadow Rager: .....Actually ok.
Krul the Unshackled: Powerful and wonderful effect. But might not really work.
Hidden Cache: Weak secret. Will not be seen in general Hunter deck.
Ancient of Blossoms: Might be more important in Arena.
Small-Time Buccaneer: good Rogue card.
Spoilerino Kripperino Wow dude. Domt you have something better to do?
NoLiferino Loserino
That's actually really useful. Thanks!
Damn, you're boosting my productivity thats for sure! You saved me 28 minutes
Kripp looks like the uncle that would get mad and break things when you beat him at Mario Kart
Kripp looks like the uncle who doesn't let his 5 year old nephew win in mario kart
Elias Runyon he looks like Mario
Giggle Boy Kripp looks like the uncle who is Mario kart
"Shaman struggles to get the board on turn 4"(Kripp 2016)...... 6:46
I guess the 4 mana 7/7 isn't a thing.
Liam Brown - Piano Covers midrange shaman doesn't run that card, it's too slow
Liam Brown - Piano Covers well what he meant was "before turn 4" obviously, as the card he was talking about is 4 mana
Angelo Arcaini
However you parse it it's a bizarre statement, has anyone seen any shamans struggling to build a board lately?
Clorox Bleach it's not too slow, it's just a "huge" investment with the risk of it being removed and you losing a lot of tempo
Turn 3 Shadow Rager
Turn 4 Shadow Sensei
11 - 7 stats on turn 4. The curve! The Value!
Sensei also works with Shaku the Colector.
Turn 5 void terror 14-10 ;o
.. spider tank + yeti is 3/4 + 4/5 = 7/9 in stats. Woah, you got 2 stats more..
You know what has more stats?
Animal companion - Misha (4/4) into houndmaster (4/3) = 4/4 + 4/3+ 2/2 = 10/9 in stats, which is 19 in stats rather than 18.
17 is pathetic.
4 mana 7/7 is 14 stats alone..
Turn 3 Shadow Rager
Maelstrom portal.
sora8711 yes agree
#shadowrager meta
Jade golems look insane. You will soon thank us face hunter players for keeping them in check
Or laugh at you when you fail to.
... that self advertising with a fake youtube account though.
lol you aint doin shit against them.
Zenith Wills This comment became way too true
Forgot to mention that 2 Weasel Tunnelers also at least temporarily partly shut down Reno/Cabal decks.
Hyde Hill That is actually pretty good now thinking about it
Not really. You have to draw the second, play it and it has to die and that before your opponent drew the mirst one. I could at most see it played, if you hold on to both and then play them and kill them right away. But then again you have a dead card in your deck, just to tech against Reno effects for a few turns, so yeah... We'll see it in a Trolden video, but not at worlds.
yeah... but wasting 2 slots on your deck with worthless weasels could be bad....
2 cards lost 1/1 stat value, vs your opponeny restart the game 7 times, yeah Ill take that thank you.
beneath the grounds already does that plus you get more value from the 4/4 minions
23:57 They clearly wrote "three" the word and "3" the number intentionally, since spell power changes numbers, into * 4 * not * four *. So no, damage increases not number of missiles.
Ben Brode said a while back that the reason cards like Magma Rager exist is to teach new players to recognise bad cards, and to give experienced players a hyperbolic point of comparison. Following that logic, since we are essentially giving Magma Rager to Rogue this expansion, following his logic are we being taught that Rogue is going to suck? Seeing the rest of the junk they got, I'm pretty sure that's the message.
I also want to point out that Priest got a two mana resurrect spell, followed by a five mana resurrect minion. Then they got a two mana silence spell, followed by a two mana silence minion. Should we expect to see a five mana spell version of Mana Geode in an upcoming expansion? PROBABLY NOT. WORST THEORY EVER.
After having seen the cards, I'm not personally convinced that there's anything to significantly hinder the current Midrange Shaman here. Sure, Priest got some strong cards, but strong against that deck? A 2 mana 2/3, a flamestrike that doesn't hit Azure Drake, an overpriced alternative to Flash Heal, and Dark Cultist 2, Turn 3 Boogaloo? Reno decks are not consistent enough to do shit. Grimy Goons aren't fast enough to keep up. Rogue is playing Purify 2.0 this expansion. Jade Golem decks? Druid's the only class that can even get them past, like, 7/7 across the course of an entire game, and Miracle Druid isn't a consistent win against Shaman now, so I don't see Jade Idol improving that. If someone's seeing something I've missed then I'd love to hear it, but I'm probably just gonna play this expansion for about a week while everyone's testing new cards, then go back to waiting for Shaman to lose Tunnel Trogg at the start of the next standard cycle.
And don't even get me started on arena balance. Warrior gets a 2 mana 0/7 common, while Mage gets a 5 mana 5/5 with an upside? Priest gets another three drop that benefits from them having a two drop, but their two drop is an epic? Rogue gets a second SI7 in Jade Shuriken, while Warlock gets to clear its' own board on turn seven?
By the way, anyone hyped for Raza synergy with Paletress, take a look at the legendaries added in this set and cry. The new legendaries average at around 3/4 to 4/5 worth of stats, and are mostly battlecry minions. The only one with an ability you might want is White Eyes. Maybe Beardo, if you have a hand full of cheap spells. Paletress took a huge nerf, as did Saraad (those Jade Golem spells though), who already wasn't seeing play.
Stephen Burley many will say tl;dr but this is actually insightful and very well written, hats off to you sir
I truly and honestly appreciate that, thankyou. =]
Well, shadow rager actually has potential, think of it as twisted worgen, it can kill almost all 2 drops and many 3 drops, not a bad card, it could see some play in arena, but it's not that bad.
I actually didn't say it didn't comment on the quality of the card itself. I said that its' parity with Magma Rager would imply, based on what Ben Brode said, that Rogue is supposed to suck. I apologise if that wasn't clear enough.
That being said, I think you made the point perfectly with your example. Think of it as a Twisted Worgen. Twisted Worgen isn't playable in constructed, and heartharena rates Twisted Worgen as a 49, on par with Reckless Rocketeer and Voodoo Doctor. This is one extra mana for two extra attack, in a class which has great three drops, and very proactive early game in general. If it were a neutral, I would expect this card to see minimal play in arena, much like the Worgen. As a rogue card, it'd have to be up against some pretty bad cards. Say, a Magma Rager, and an Am'Gam Rager?
Not even mentioning that Jungle Panther exists as a card, a neutral card from the base set. 9 out of 10 times I am going to be that the 1 extra health of panther is going to be more valuable than the 1 extra attack.
Skipperino Kripperino Damn you're fast
WRONG! ITS 27:56
Usually yes but today there where like 3 people earlier than him. Skippy is gettin' old.
The greater missiles will increase damage, since it's "three" missiles and "3" damage.
Robert McLaughlin That'd be stupid though because most of these cards get an extra hit instead of more dmg.
Read the card, friend. On arcane missiles, it says "3" damage split to random targets. This says "three" missiles for "3" damage to each random target. The number is what the spell power applies to, not the words.
Exactly what I was thinking, whilst with Arcane Missles it instead lists it as "3 damage randomly split among all enemies", and similar to Avenging Wrath as well.
its still 9 dmg for 7 though
No. It's 3 times 3 dmg. Big difference
Considering how many self-damaging cards Warlocks got this expansion, I was REALLY hoping for a "if your deck contains no duplicates, heal the same amount of damage that you did to yourself" effect. Oh well. Still a few more months to get rich.
Dude thank god its out. I've been holding in this shit for hours waiting on this vid to drop. :)
you are my favorite house
Loved this anime as a wee lad
Cory in the House: Worlds Greatest Anime
Was thinking the same thing Cory
the snack that smiles back
High Overlord Beardo goldfish
RIP ROGUE. Blizzard has shown much love to every single class except Rogue. Let's see how their creative minds work.
*Shaku the Collector*: Undercity Huckster with Stealth
*Lotus Assassin*: Slightly better Stranglethorn Tiger
*Luckydo Buccaneer*: Probably the only good creative card in the set, still very similar to Drakonid Crusher
*Shadow Sensei*: Houndmaster with less viable targets
*Gadgetzan Ferryman*: Youthful Brewmaster
*Counterfeit Coin*: Half an Innervate, the only viable card but adds nothing new or original
*Shadow Rager*: Does this even need an explanation!? We got this instead of a Jade card!? This should have been a neutral.
*Jade Shuriken*: Would be good if Rogues had enough Jade support
*Jade Swarmer*: Might be good, if Jade Rogue can even work. Just a Jade variant of Kindly Grandmother
Rogue only has access to 7 copies of cards that summon jade golems, 2 jade shuriken, 2 jade swarmer,, 2 jade spirit and Aya Blackpawi don't think you can make a jade golem deck with that.
They have cards that return things to your hand though. Cleraly their cards are balanced around that ability.
Anyone remember the deathrattle zoo rogue that made waves for a week or so back in LoE? It seems like we have the tools to make a more refined version of that now, splashing in some of the jade stuff as well. The new 2-drop seems like an almost-better Nerubian Egg, the shuriken makes for higher tempo plays than agent and they've got a flame imp now. It's unlikely to be the flavor of the month netdeck but you can probably build your own list and be quite competitive with it.
+subprogram32 and what are you going to return? 2 1\1 death rattle? Shuriken? Aya Blackpaw?
Jade guradian probably, though Aya also works.
What the Quack?
That is what you call talent my friends. Gets all the likes without a single effort.
The quack is back!
ducks are stealing our god damn likes!
rouge is the new priest and the old shaman and the old preist
Eh, combo Rogue should actually be really good against control decks and their are a ton of complete board wipes in this expansion.
My prediction is that the meta will constantly fluctuate.
Board clearing control kills off Aggro, then Idol Druid and Combo Rogue swoop in to make the board clears useless, then Aggro comes to kill them off and so on.
TingTingin Rogue cant be that bad just because they have access to jade golem
The boardclears hurt Rogue too Miracle Rogue relies on having an Auctioneer survive the turn.
Titanic Icebergs Rogues almost always stealth their auctioneers though so the only class that could get rid of it reliably is Priest. Plus a lot of Rogues try to draw a ton of cards and occasionally pull off the full combo the same turn they play the Auctioneer.
Which can actually happen fairly often when the opponent fills their deck with board clears.
And, if all else fails, there's always Leeroy Jenkins.
I wouldn't say new priest. Combo decks got Counterfeit Coin. Miracle decks and Malygos will be still solid decks to play in constructed (kinda like right now). It's just that the other archetypes kinda suck and are underwhelming.
Trying to get kripp to see this deck.
Hardest (viable) deck you will ever play.
Sacrificial Pact
Mortal Coil
Power Overwelming
Acidic Swamp Ooze
Youthful Brewmaster
Earthen Ring Farseer
Imp Gang Boss
Shadow Bolt
Ancient Brewmaster
Defender of Argus
Dreadsteed (important)
Elise Starseeker
Summoning Portal
Twilight Drake
Cult Apothecary
Prince Malchezar
Dread Infernal
Emperor Thaurissan
Justicar Trueheart
Reno Jackson
Siphon Soul
Fearsome Doomguard (unimportant)
Twisting Nether
mosdeadly98 it just looks like a bad renoloc
mosdeadly98 sounds like fun!
Bnmin its really legit. Good board presence good board clears and reno and brewmasters fills in the hole of healing.
Also prince malchezar is pretty much mandatory in this deck because otherwise you wont have enough threats for control decks.
Since krip wants to see a control warlock and a good malchezar deck, this deck does bolth and got me to legend rank.
While I don't doubt that this got you to legend, I just don't see great potential in this deck. Maybe just different playstyles, I don't know.
mosdeadly98 why not just put a couple of big cards instead of corruption summoning portal and maybe like another card?
I think Red Mana Wyrm is INSANE in Miracle Rogue and might see a nerf, because Blizzard hate combo. Tombpillager coin, coin, new rogue coin and Preparation are all ways of doing the following:
Turn 5 Red Mana Wyrm > "coin" > Conceal. You have a stealthed 6-6 minion at turn 5 that dogde most board clears and removal in general. Next turn you have 6 mana. Remember how insane Auctioneer is when you have acces to 5+ mana crystals? With RMW, you get +2 atk instead of drawing a card, meaning.
Cold Blood is +6 dmg alone for 1 mana, that + any spell is +8 dmg. By that stage your RMW is a 14-6 minion ready to attack. We are talking ONLY 2 spells here! Add like 2 more spells and you have +4 dmg from RMW's effect by itself. If one of those 2 spells is eviscerate or coldblood you have a 22-6 minion ready to attack!
With the draw that Miracle Rogue already have you can get combos like this one going easy.
I think Miracle Rogue might be one of the if not the best deck going into the expansion.
Greater Flamestrikes incoming.
10 mana 8 damage to all enemy minions?
Phoenix Wrong 10 mana deal 8 damage to all enemy minions this turn and at the start of your next turn.
4 mana summon a 7/7 and deal damage equal to its attack to all enemy characters this turn and at the start of your next turn
overload 2
5 mana deal 5 damage to all enemies?
I'm actually stoked for this set to come out.
Alex Heflin I am stoked my dudes skkkkurt
Alex Heflin me too the first one in a while
watching the live stream made me see how incredibly broken jade golems are
As a rogue player i am not. We got pretty screwed yet again lol.
Sorarixicaric red mana wyrm is going to be the next miracle rouge, think of the possibilities
next up priest rager 4 mana
5/1 deathrattle gain 5 life
Robert Jordan NO, ragers are 3 mana
Or shaman rager 3 mana 5/1 windfury
paladin rager 5/1 divine shield
That is power creep
Flame Imp Rager: 3 mana 5/1
Deal 28 damage to your hero.
New warlock 2 card OTK: Turn 10 play Unlicensed Apothecary + Forbidden Ritual.
Waiting for Shadowrino Kripperino and Magmarino Kripperino to face off eachother.
The wording on Arcane Missiles is "Deal 3 damage randomly split amount all enemies", not "Shoot three missiles that deal 1 damage each", so I'd say it's pretty obvious that Greater Arcane Missiles are gonna do more damage per missile with spell damage, and not add more missiles, as it's ALWAYS the numeral digits that get bigger by spell damage, and not any other part of the text.
I thought Kripp were pretty savvy on card texts, but I guess not.
I believe Arcane Missiles used to have that wording, maybe in the beta, I'm not sure since I wasn't playing back then, just seen old videos.
+Kalle Tuohimaa Pretty sure the only wording that has even been changed on Arcane Missiles is "among enemy characters" was changed to the current "among all enemies" Nothing conserning the amount of missiles. But if there really was a totally different wording before, it should be easy to find it, no?
Lasergurka yeah, you were right, but where the fuck did I get that from in the first place? This'll bother me for months if I don't find answers.
The next rager could be a paladin card, how about Light rager; 3 mana 5/1 Divine shield.
that way we can power creep 2 cards at once! the 3/1 divine shield and the magma rager! BRILLIANT!
That's the spirit!
magma rager should be buffed into 5/1 deathrattle:summon a 1/1
but wouldn't a rager deck be awesome though? lol
Sun Rager
3, 5/1
BATTLECRY: Give a friendly minion Divine Shield.
Moon Rager
3, 5/1
Choose One:
Taunt OR +2 Health
Rager Elementalist
4, 3/5
Battlecry and Deathrattle:
Summon a random Rager.
At the end of your turn, Summon a Rager from your Deck.
magma rager should be buffed into 5/1 deathrattle:summon a 1/1 Babyrager
Fixed that for you.
Blast crystal will be good in reno, a lot of trouble of reno comes from only have siphon for hard removal, this in the lategame will have an insignificant side effect and therefore makes this a 4 mana assassinate on turn 9, where reno lock could be struggling to remove malygos, rag, giants, etc
23:10 I feel like the number of missiles will remain at 3, and the damage will increase.
I think this is the case because they spelled out the word three instead of using a number like they normally do.
When a spell damage is on the field, the number will normally increase on the card, but it won't if it's spelled out.
Ugh Gadgetzan Socialite compared to Voodoo doctor. One mana for one health... really?
Welcome to powercreep stone were everything is higher quality and has taunt
ZeptarZGreat What? This is the opposite of power creep...
Well, if you want more health, you gotta pay up.
you should be thinking of it having NOT 1 health and being similar to farseer. 1 health is a severe downside so I think it's fair.
I guess its because the difference between one and two health is quite big. Bigger then the difference between 2 or 3 and 4 or 5 health. Due to hero powers (Mage, druid, rogue) and to cheap mass aoes for one mana the 2/2 creature is much more sticky at the board then a 2/1 minion.
A 2/3 or 3/2 creature with the effect heal for two would be a to strong effect.
I'm 95% sure, that spelldamage will add 1 damge to each of the Greater Arcane Missiles instead of generating extra missiles. Since spell damage usually increases the numbers on a damage spell and the only printed number is the damage value of each missile, that would make the most sense.
Sargeant Sally is the best warlock board clear of all time.
4 mana deal 5 damage to all enemy minions is ridiculously cheap. I'd dare say it's the most efficient board clear I've seen in a while.
The fact that it's a two card combo makes it a little inconsistent, though I agree it's gonna be a fantastic board clear early on.
About the card Greater Arcane Missiles, I'm pretty sure that *Spell Damage* will increase the damage of the missiles instead of creating more of them.
Cards like *Arcane Missiles* and *Avenging Wrath* text is something like "Deal X damage randomly split", that means that by increasing the damage it will generate more shots.
On the other hand, this new card says "Shoot three missiles that deal X damage", that means if it's played with *spell damage* it will increase the shots damage and not the other way around.
so glad they nerfed blade flurry so they could design better weapons for rogue... WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE WEAPONS!!
Luckydo buccaneer was pretty much a big "fuck you" to the rogue class.
@Kripparian on 23:05 spell damage will not produce more missiles, but will give more damage to each of those 3... Why? Spell damage increase number on card... Three is written with letters, and 3 damage with numbers... :)
I was hoping to see Kripp play some PoE :(
rip ;-;
StravoS prisoner of exposure
StravoS poe in 2016 LUL
The wording of Greater Arcane Missiles looks as though spell damage will increase the damage of each of the three missiles, so this spell cast with Malygos in-play will deal 8 damage 3 times. That's probably why it's worded so differently than Arcane Missiles; to avoid confusion.
Edit: Also, if you notice, "three" is spelled out. That means it's set and cannot be changed. Spell damage only effect digits (numerals 0-9) in card text.
they need to make a shaman legendary that has deathrattle= add 3 evolves to your hand
insanelsd12 yeeesssss
I think the greater arcane missiles scale in damage for missile than number of missiles, because the three is written out, and spell damage usually affects the number that is just a number.
1. Play Thaurissan with Baron Rivendare + 2 Weasels + Echo of Medivh + N'Zoths Tentacle in your hand.
2. Play Rivendare and 2 Weasels, copy those Weasels with Echo of Medivh, play 2 more Weasels, play the Tentacle and ping it.
3. Shuffle 8 fucking Weasels in your oppenents deck !!!
4. ???
5. Profit
hope to god when you make a deck that the opportunity rises for this to happen. Plays, never happens, never lucky
wasloscojones Baron Rivendare is standart...
are they really trying to push ice control/tempo mage with shatter? If it has overwhelming support shatter could be pretty good but I doubt it.
24:15 is that me?
No, it's your evil twin.
It's you, but stronger.
After all, magma means fire, fire means light, light means shadow.
Oh, so you successfully finished your Ninja School!
Does this mean we're gonna get a 5/2 with Stealth followed by a 1/5 Stealth called Wod'ahs Rager?
pretty happy it is december 1st, thank you for informing me, king forehead and pioneer of fun, Kripparian.
Can't wait for Jade Druid to be destroyed by Grand Theft Anduin.
Mandy's Mashups if jade druid becomes a thing I am definitely putting though steal in my deck
Then druid just doesnt play it till Fatigue, and anduin can steel some 6 mana 6-6 or whatever with his entombs. There is planty of ways to buff Jade Golem without Jade Idol
mind vision, shifting shade and thoughsteal are going to kill any jade druid win by fatigue.
Also, they should have created a Loatheb card again just to prevent a spam of jade golems on the late game.
***** Druid with actioneer gonna win fatigue by instant fullboard spam of 10-10 + bodies.
auctioneer is going to have to stay one turn on the board, otherwise the fatigue draw comes before the effect of the card, unless they have more spells on hand.
For control, Blastcrystal Potion seems really good since you'll just regen the crystal late game, so it becomes a better assassinate. Especially useful might be Sylv + this, depending on the situation, since the text suggests you can target your own minions.
Hey guys how's it going
Kripparian here.
Scarce here
Trump's Wall you are fat lol
So, we just had
Tony Sim Read it as he said it
Blubber Baron works with all the tri-class hand buffs. If a buff targets this minion, he gets the buff as well as +1/+1
I dont care how good public defender is I'm building a deck around it because of that artwork.
I remember a black rock mountain adventure card that dealt I believe it was 1 damage to 20 different targets? When you have it spell damage, instead of increasing the number of random targets, it increased the damage dealt to each target. I remember very clearly playing this card with a Malygos on board and promptly restarting the battle.... after dying to the effect.
We need a shadow rager krippereno asap
Bailey Lewis I've been here the whole time u just couldn't see me since I have stealth
Shadowragerino Kripperino lol 👍🏻
Shadowragerino Kripperino fkn beautiful :u
Shadowragerino Kripperino legend
Shadowragerino Kripperino that comment made me chuckle, unlike other kripperinos, so I'm not going to report you for spam just yet.
I'm super excited for the Kel' Thuzad/Weasel Tunneler deck in wild. "Force your opponent to draw exclusively garbage"
wait, if you shadowflame Sergeant Sally does she basically activate twice?
Kripp fiendin for that #1 spot on twitch
Again I find you on here.. huh...
"Shaman tends to have a hard time getting the board on turn 4"
i think he means when playing a control deck, also remember all the super balanced, non op cards are leaving standard in around 6 months
Magnus Lennon all variants of shaman play flamewreathed last I checked. what deck wouldn't play a 4 mana 7/7? And because they're leaving in the next expansion is a REALLY shit reason to not think about them now. I mean this expansion is leaving with the first expansion of 2018, oh man we better stop thinking about every single card that came with it and WotOG immediately or we'll never be able to handle it when all our precious cards are gone!
You plan for what you're going to face right now. Not fuckin 3-5 months from now.
Blastcrystal Potion is also one of the potion you can discover in the kabal card, prepare yourself to see it with mage, warlock and priest.
Wow, with all these beast boosts, I might have to add angry chicken to my deck
And so, another Ragerino has arisen from the mysterious shadows, embracing the dark and striking when it is the least expected.
MEME streets of gadgetzan
I don't think Greater Arcane Missiles adds more missiles with spell power, since the 3 damage is written with numbers and three missiles is written with letters
mojolito it's nice of Blizzard to have written it like this but in any case, spell damage only affects damage so it clearly doesn't increase the number of missiles
My favorite is the grimestreet gang. Whats your guys's favorite?
the weasel
Kabal ftw
Trump's Wall Harambe (Knuckles)
The Jade Lotus are actually going to affect the meta.
Plus I like ninjas.
I'll go get my green clothes ready.
Defias Cleaner is made just for countering white eyes.
turn 5 - white eyes
turn 6 - defias onto his taunt and deathrattle
So when you play 5 mana 2/2 your blubber baron will get +3/+3?
I think so, doppelgangster can have lots of crazy synergy
filipus vlogames it's say summon, not play.
"Shaman struggles to control the board by turn 4"
😂😂😂😂 I LOLED so hard.
I want a silent giant: Epic Priest 20 mana 8/8, costs 2 less for each silence effect played this game. Give me a reason to play purify?
Ian Greenfield maybe make it around 14 or 16 mana. 6 silence effects to get a 8 mana 8/8 seems harsh
Ian Greenfield I think a like 40 mana 8/8 that costs 1 less for each point of hp healed (minions or face) would be better.
Evan W You need to heal 30 for it to be even playable. 40 seems too high.
Too strong m8, think about holy wrath
that guy that's very doable with cards like flash heal, circle, feast, etc. and hero power
Greater arcane missiles does the same amount of damage whether it goes into the damage or number of missiles. Either way it's still 3xsp dmg . The difference is going on the damage per missile helps you kill big creatures and going into the number of missiles helps you kill large boards. What would be cool is if you could choose which way the spell damage goes.
I'm waiting for Kripperino Shadow Ragerino to be a thing.
It already is, I just have stealth
Shadowragerino Kripperino With the power of photo editing, I shall rise now and prove myself to be the one true ShadowRagerino. For the rest of the time I shall remain in the shadows.
you're the inferior stealther, begone
ShadowRagerino Kripperino Yet I am the superior ShadowRagerino
Druid Beast deck plays stealth. Also, new Rogue might play stealth. I think the "enemy minions lose stealth" is a good new tech tool in Constructed.
where is "Shadow Ragerino Kripperino"?
@nl_Kripp I believe Public Defender, the 2 mana 0/7 Taunt Warrior Common, is broken, because you really don't even need to buff it for it to be good. 2 mana heal 7, also it could deny more than 7 damage, like two 5/5's have to trade into it, effectively healing for 10. Then there's Inner Rage, Cruel Taskmaster, any damaging effect with Rampage etc. May be decent in Arena anyways, you could play a valuable over-time minion like Obsidian Destroyer, at least delaying a turn.
so disappointed with the warlock legendary
27:05 LOL that Small Time Buccaneer card review though!
these set actually looks really interesting... but god damn they made what feels like every other card a legendary. Now a lot of the deck defining cards are legendary, and it will be very unlikely to get them from packs because even if u get a legendary it'll probably be something shitty
I just looked at the set... there are more neutral epics than neutral rares! wtf
they have the same amount of rares and epics, tri class cards are considered neutrals if we compare it to any other expansion
I think that based on the card text for greater magic missiles, the "3" damage will increase rather than the "three" missiles.
Krul can be insane with discard demons. Just hold on to them until you play this and boom: two doomguards for 10 burst, and an almost full board.
you can if they're both in your hand
***** They will be the only duplicates in the deck, kinda like how Reno Combolocks still run two power-overwhelmings for their Leeroy combo.
Except you wouldn't run two doomguards because it's a reno deck. Having said that, i do agree that Kripp is undervaluing that card a little
Pit Lord.
cool idea
The reason for the Stealth tech card is the 2/6 Red Mana Wyrm in Rogue with Conceal.
This expansion seems to be pretty good.
0 mana 7/7
spell dmg will probably not shoot more missles with the greater arcane missles card because how the text of the card is: arcane missles is deal 3 dmg randomly split among all enemies so if you add spelldmg +1 its 4 dmg randomly split so obviously 4 missles, but greater arcane missles says shoot THREE missiles at random enemies that deal 3 damage each so the spell dmg will be added to the 3 dmg meaning 3 missles that deal 4 dmg each so your spell dmg just gets trippled but no more missiles
How can you dismiss shadow sensei? It's like an objectively better houndmaster
bork "yeah, who needs taunt and readily available synergy cards"
Closo Tezuka nice profile picture
Greater Arcane Missiles won't fire more missiles but the damage per missile will be higher. Reason? The thing that will change on the card with lets say +1 spell power in play will be 3 into 4 not three into four.
Why the fuck hasn't rogue got a new weapon?
or at least some weapon buffing, like we get it blizzard, oil rogue was crazy for a little while, but you already neutered weapon rogue's with the blade fury nerf, for being the only class that has a guaranteed weapon every game, they don't seem to be emphasizing that part of rogue's identity (except for a pirate or two, but most of those are neutral anyway, and probably fit in some warrior deck better anyway)
1Freezing potion vs Sap
very similar, however freezing potion still allows end of turn effects to occur like ysera and ragnaros
10:55, 13:45 Can we stop with the class appropriation? That demon should be a warlock card and the defias dude is obviously rogue. This reminds me of grand tournament where silverhand regent and grand crusader were neutrals, while paladin got a murloc and a walrus. Wtf were they thinking?! (I'm only half kidding).
Hey Kripp, love the reviews and videos overall. Sometimes I get burnt out on spamming ranked play, you get me back in the mood to play cards I find fun. Ill be joining you on Xpac release day.
you get a 5 7/7 and you get a 5 10/10 with taunt and you get a 0 7/7 and YOU get a 3 2/3 with STEALTH owwwwww
LunchBox what the hell are you talking about?
it all started with the 2 mana 3/4, and now here we are with the 5 mana 10/10 no overload
where my shadowragerino kripperinos at
Max Jacobs where my profile pic at
Max Jacobs I greet you from the shadows
Matt Kingsley fight me
Hello this is the original shadowragerino kripperino...
Kripp, one thing about Sally. She might not have amazing PO synergy. PO's card text implies a minion loses their buff before dying ("give a minion +4/+4 until the end of the turn, THEN it dies"). So I think it'll apply the -4/-4 first before killing the minion and then uses the remaining attack for the clear. So, busting out combos without boosting cards in your hand first
Proven to work in the reveal stream.
it doesnt lose the buff before dying , it just means it dies after you pass the turn
Odd. They should probably change the text on PO to clarify this. Something like "Give a minion +4/+4. At the end of your turn, it dies".
Aaaand once again Kripp makes the mistake of evaluating new cards based on what he ASSUMES the new meta will be and which decks will be good and bad, even though he has a generally bad record when it comes to predicting the meta.
Stop evaluating cards based solely on whether they fit with an existing deck or with the predicted meta.
Kabal Songstealer is a 5/5 minion for 5 that also has silence. A 5/5 for 5 is slightly below the power/toughness curve, but well within the expected range for an arena card. It's common, so this will be potentially a defining card for priest in arena, where it will be very good. In constructed, it can't be ruled out, because big bodies are good for priest and because silence is always valuable, but it isn't a card that is deck defining.
See? Easy, straightforward, and you don't have the speculate about the meta. This card is good or bad independent of whether or not priest is dominant.
Another one:
Blastcrystal Potion costs 4 and it's hard removal, which puts it below the expected cost. This is extremely valuable, but the cost of a mana crystal is very high. IN arena, it's well worth the cost, because hard removal is valuable and not that common in general. IN constructed, it could find its place in aggressive decks that have a low mana curve, where the cost is less meaningful and the benefit (being able to simply remove a fat creature that you can't easily burn) is very high.
See? Instead of saying "Typically control decks like removal" and blah blah blah, you evaluate the card as it is, and not whether it fits your prior expectations of what card should go in what deck.
I'm excited for a possible jade pirate rogue? Low cost stuff and strong tea/sprint to keep momentum?
Not first
Me neither.
Gang up + Weasel Tunneler can help dilute an opponents deck if they are running Jade Amulet.
2 Weasels From Deck + 6 Gang up +6 N'Zoth(3 Shadowstep) = Good luck drawing your Amulet = 26 Weasels
hmm and 2 Youthful brew masters one after each 8 Cost N'Zoth so... 38 Weasels, this can go way higher though.
First than Skipperino
It doesn't add extra missiles. EVERY Hearthstone card only alters the number written on the card, which in this case is the damage of 1 missile.
How to lose without conceding as Druid, but die meming.
>Have all dragons in deck. Except Wraithion and two innervates.
>Start second.
>Get two innervates and Wrathion in starting hand.
>Play coin and both innervates.
>Play Wrathion.
>Have full hand and no deck.
>"Well played".
You didn't read the card did you. You'd have to have all dragons in your deck.
Lewis's Kek if you are this suicidal I might recommend next time top two brawl comes try innervate+auctioneer it's preeety good
"Draw cards until you draw one that isn't a dragon"
The card said nothing about that?
lol diguised dumb
Apedog Mophead Fixed, thanks.
am i the only one who's more excited to watch kripp open 900 packs again than i am for the actual expansion?
Kripp, did you miss the review of Jade Claws? I don't remember you mentioning them in any of your review videos. Anyways, and important tool in the shaman 'Jade Idol' meta and possibly OP.
Shadow Fkin Rager. The card we've all been asking. Our prayers have been heard. Purify and Ferryman outrages teached them Nothing. Shadowragerino Kripperino i summon thee.
Greater Arcane Missiles will shoot always three missiles, spell damage afects nubers not words, so with +1 spell damage it would be three missiles that deal 4 damage.
I think the arcane missiles card is purposefully worded in a way so that spell damage will only affect each missiles damage. The reason I think it will be this way is that it says three missiles and not 3 missiles, so spell damage will just make it three missiles that each deal *x* damage.
KillaBeez TheSwarm it's actually because spell damage increases damage, so it increases Light Bomb even though there's no number because the spell deals damage but it doesn't affect Betrayal because it The minion itself that deals damage, not Betrayal, that's why you can trigger effect like Emperor Cobra and Mistress of Pain with Betrayal. Since Arcane Missiles is "3 damage" split among random enemies, spell damage +1 makes it "4 damage" split among random enemies. Greater Arcane Missiles deals "3 damage" at random, 3 times. Spell damage +1 makes it "4 damage" at random, 3 times.