As long as they keep getting those fantastic voice actors and as long as they actually plan out the series from the start, I’m down. I wonder if Mark Hamill would return as Luke - we know he loves the character (before TLJ) and he loves voice acting. Though he did retire from the Joker...
Even George didn’t consider it real Star Wars. I love clone wars but Star Wars would be irrelevant within two years if they switch to just cartoons. Also let’s be real George has about as good a track record as Disney. He made three excellent Star Wars and two absolutely terrible Star Wars movies and one mediocre one in Revenge of the Sith. Disney had Rogue One, Mandalorian season one and two and Andor. And if Andor season two is even half as good as one Disney will have more good Star Wars than George.
@@justint4049 All you are saying is that Disney had more time and resources to produce all that you've just listed. And he didn't consider TCW real, that's why he was involved in The Clone Wars and had plan to go for 8 seasons? Yeah, just like that. He said it himself that animated tv show allowed them to come up with stories that involve more complicated stuff that would have been expensive to produce in a live action. If he didn't consider it real Star Wars, there wouldn't be anything like Maul coming back, Adi Gallia dead, bunch of other important characters involved.
Can’t forget Cal Kestis, and Ezra, Sabine and Ahsoka would also be around, in another Galaxy, but I’m sure with help of space whales, they could get back to their own Galaxy. Got get back to Hera, and her son Jason and rest of Rebels. Jason who is force sensitive. Bad batch maybe around too but hiding. What about Omega?
If they make sequel nonsense non-canon... maybe. But seeing KK, she would rather burn the entire franchise down than to admit her own colossal failure. She is too deluded at this point and the only way how to save SW is to kick. her. out.
Honestly, all I personally want to see from Star Wars right now is some sort of show that takes inspiration from the Thrawn Trilogy, I think that some really fun storylines could be made with that sort of a situation, Thrawn threatening the New Republic, with Luke and Ezra, and other Forcer users having to stop him maybe introduce a Mara Jade like character or something, of course this is mostly just me hoping that we'll get to see more Legends content made canon.
@@VasiliPawlowski-j4t Could possibly happen in Ashoka Season 2 or Dave’s movie. I mean why include Thrawn in Ashoka Season 1 if you’re not gonna use him in a future project, right?
A CGI show featuring Leia helping to put together the New Republic + defeat Imperial remnants, while Luke looks for what is left of the Jedi, leading to an ultimate showdown with Thrawn would be exactly what could save the fandom.
Do it! I would love to see this be the beginnings of an alternate timeline that takes the best parts of the EU and sequels and combines it into the ultimate definitive version of the story.
@@elitehuntress6445 I know it’s hard in this divided political ideology country, the United States, that we live in to make it hard to support an actor that has different ideologies from you, but I would like for you to put that aside for one minute and just think about how great that would be. Think about if the actor that portrayed Luke was the same side of your ideology political party. Would you like to see the show with the actor playing Luke? If your answer is yes, then you would more than likely like the show. Some things in life we just have to put politics aside and recognize what is good. I have some deep seated political ideology that I have. There are people in Hollywood that I deeply disagree with. But I wouldn’t want that to stand in the way of them acting or producing movies that are really good that have no political tone to it. You and I have to get over our political differences, not saying me and you have political differences because I don’t know what your stance on politics are, so we can unite as citizens of the United States and not putting a political party at the end of our citizenship. I beg you to read this and just think about it Before you automatically respond back to it. My family and I different on political ideology. But my love for my family will not get in the way of our politics. We just agree to disagree and we move on with our lives, loving each other, supporting each other being there for each other. In this political climate, how many families have been destroyed over political ideology? A lot and that’s a shame.
@@DarthDesolous Not that he has different political stance from me, its the fact that he's alienating fans by openly supporting a political side that actively discriminates against straights, whites, and men, who make it easier for someone to get into a woman's restroom to rape someone inside, I wish the world were a half decent place to live in but when you look at humanity as a species were nothing but violent apes who love inflicting harm on each other, that's how we've advanced so far, without World War 2 we would of waited longer for the Internet for example, medical care didn't improve much until after the civil war, before then you got a broken leg best they could do is cut it off. At the end of the day if Luke's actor is going to be open about his stance I'll go ahead and say mine, there is no politician, Trump, Biden, Harris, none of them who deserve to breath. All politicians care about is power and money.
@@LokNarashthey’ve not said an entire academy, but he was training jedi in disney cannon as that was what led him to trying to kill kylo. it never alluded into it being an entire academy though👍
I'd like it if it was a mix of clone wars and rebels art style, especially with rebels backgrounds, lighting and colours, being the perfect fusion of maquarrie style and prequel aesthetics
At the end of Bad Batch we saw Omega leave to go fly for the Rebellion. Hera has to meet Kanan, and so many more great plot points. I hope they dont mess it up...
I wish the sequels to be de-canonized someday. I hope someone at disney read the novels. Is that simple, read the novels, do a good adaptation and enjoy our money.
I was just thinking about this, we’ve had no cartoon Luke Skywalker that I can think of. Insane considering he is the original protagonist. We’ve needed a show with just the OT characters like, yesterday.
People need to stop acting like everything Disney does with Star Wars is bad. The good definitely out weighs the bad, it's just everyone talks about the bad so much making it more prevalent than it actually is.
@HojaFPS Yes, I believe the good in the sequels definitely outweighs the bad. Sure, I think Finn’s character deserved more, and Kylo probably should’ve stayed on a darker path without redemption. And while I don’t mind Palpatine’s return, Anakin’s redemption was never about killing Palpatine-that was just a byproduct of him returning to the light. Luke’s story in The Last Jedi is powerful, as it shows him as a complex, flawed hero, similar to Merlin in Arthurian legend. That’s how George Lucas envisioned Luke, too-it wasn’t something Rian Johnson just made up. Yes, the movies feel inconsistent at times, but so did the prequels. The Last Jedi is one of the most visually stunning Star Wars films ever made, with incredible acting and CGI. One day, people will look back and appreciate the sequels just like they now do with the prequels, and I look forward to seeing that.
I absolutely hate to agree with you, but I do agree with you. Other than a few shows that Disney Star Wars has made live action has succeeded in a whole lot of the live action has failed to connect with the Star Wars community. If it doesn’t connect with the Star Wars community, then it will not connect with the general public. I have family and friends that knows I’m a Star Wars fanatic. They will call me and ask “ is this movie or show worth seeing?” I have to be honest with them. I give them my opinion that I tell them it’s up to them to decide. I’ll be willing to bet I’m not the only one this happens too. I’ve enjoyed the majority if not all of the animated series that Disney Star Wars has produced along with some of the George Lucas produced Clone Wars.
An animated clone wars style, with Luke skywalker as the main protagonist, about his life as a Jedi, grandmaster and traveling through out the galaxy , I want this to happen but I have a feeling Disney would just mess it up
Personally, while I like the potential for Abeloth to show up. Outside of this, I'm tired of all the Clone Wars era stuff. It's time for the galaxy to move on. I'd say something Old Republic. But, that would just end up being more Clone Wars style stuff. You really only have Vitiate, Revan, and Bane to work with there. So, maybe, it's time to jump a 1,000 or so years into the future.
@@AnastaziaJenkins She is Star Wars. Just not canon. She's currently Legends. She is also attached to The Ones, aka The Mortis Gods, aka The Father, Son, and Daughter, Which Mortis and The Ones are canon due to the Clone Wars. The Maw is also canon, and in Legends is Abeloth's prison. So, it's just a single step away for Abeloth to appear in canon.
The technology is there to make it more photorealistic than cartoonish. It would be great to see Disney innovate in this regard. But whatever happens, it NEEDS to have great writing at its core.
I want to see a Luke Skywalker show animated in the Clone Wars style that is set after Return of the Jedi where we’d see him battling the Imperial Remnants while trying to rebuild the Jedi Order
Perhaps a canonised version of the Jedi academy stories. With Luke training the first generation of new Jedi students as well as adventures off world with possibly other Jedi characters like Ahsoka, Cal Kestis or even Ezra Bridger. Perhaps this is where we see Luke and Snoke meet and Snoke gets scarred by Luke in their fight.
Couple of things, the Bendu was a race of beings who were the first sentient beings who touched the force, second the Father from Mortis became one with the force, my guess the one’s were just a representation of the force and like Yoda once said, nothing can die in the force. Anywho I think it would be more appropriate to do the Hier to the Empire series. Abbaloth would be more like “Infinity War”-type event
Ugh. I don't know. Abaloth is the most absurd idea of a character EVEN for Star Wars measures. Dark Side and Light Side cosmic wells? Force Gods? Good riddance. What happend to the good old Force in the OT and PT times... I already found Vitiate the SWTOR Emperor absurdly over the top. And now this? Really, I hope not.
@@EmperorCaligula_EC Only in animated flicks, comics, novels and video games can you get away with being over-the-top & overpowered. Live action slows things down.
Hear Hear, I just baught the original (EA) Thrawn trilogy for my son plus Plagueis to show him what my problem is with 7-9, Ahsoka and A. Zahn’s storytelling was so compelling it comforted my SW depleted soul start of the nineties.
I think a Luke Skywalker animated series would be FIRE! Seriously, Mark Hamill is a pro when it comes to voice acting! I think it would also be a great way to see how Luke met Ashoka and maybe we could see him bond with her and Rex, learning about the man his father was before becoming Vader and they could provide him and Leia with information about his mother!
I think do a series that is directly after return and have it as Luke exploring the galaxy with artoo or a squad of xwing pilots and show what happens as each planet is slowly moving away form the empire to the new republic
The ending of Fate of the Jedi series was upsetting. Only because it was SO good and nothing came out of any of it. The idea of multiple sith enclaves still existing, Abeloth, the fate of Vestara (and Ben), what does "The Sword of the Jedi" even mean?!, etc. So much abandoned potential. I know there was one book after that where Luke discussed retirement, but nothing was answered. What is now referred to as Legends is the first book series I really got into as a kid. To see it just end is depressing. All that to say Abeloth isn't even in Disney canon yet. Thrawn was canon from a long time back with multiple backstories changing how he came to be in the service of the Empire before the most recent trilogy.
No, just absolutely NO. If they can’t be bothered doing Luke and Leia in live action then don’t bother, because I’m sick fed up seeing cartoons because they are cheaper. That’s the main reason they want to do them, because they make more money. Disney was a company that made money to make more movies, and now they make movies to make more money. It’s only about the bottom line for them now, and instead of spending ridiculous resources on 3-D of all things, which is a failed media in my view, they should be spending more on live action stories, even if it means upping the subscription a bit. If they give more and charge more then they will mover the franchise in the right direction, not working on 3-D. The only place that technology makes sense to me is with the Vision Pro, and they are in short supply and not exactly in great demand either. Until we get to a point where headsets are lighter, affordable and have batteries that last long enough for someone to use it for several hours then 3-D will sit on a shelf in Hollywood waiting to be dusted off and put into operation.
the squad i imagine to beat abeloth: world between worlds anakin, grandmaster luke, daughter ahsoka and a confirmed survived windu (since quality is not certain lets get fanservice at least)
@@hallo23779 That’s a heck of a lineup. One caveat though: even if Mace Windu did survive that fall from the window, he’d be an elderly man by now. He was close to 50 years old during Revenge of the Sith and would have sustained some serious injuries from the fall along with the Emperor’s Force Lighting & Anakin’s cutting off his hand.
I think a 'Luke Skywalker' show feels kinda narrow. If there were a show with Luke, I feel like it'd be kinda wrong to not have Han, Leia and the rest of the gang running around with him like in Heir to the Empire. The hardest thing to consider with shows like these are 'what would a supporting cast look like'. I think that's something to really think about. Beyond cameos too, like actual characters that make a real impact in a story. A character like Mara? Perhaps smugglers like Talon Karrde or Lando? The Rogues? The biggest dilemma would be incorporating NEW characters too. Introducing new characters that the fandom will inevitably hate but learn to love (Like Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, the Ewoks etc etc). What would we want to see? We can't just re-hash the same old dudes over and over again? I LOVE Luke, but i'd want to see something meaningful done with him, not just a 'luke skywalker the action figure hero wins every time pew pew pew'.
I've been waiting for them to start using this story timeline with Luke Leia han mara jade thrawn . To finally do the heir to the empire story arc would be incredible so much stories they can tell in that timeline . Or go a little further back there's so much they can do and it seems a nice continuation of the animations we've been watching. Bring it on I hope this isn't just rumor
Shadows of the empire or bust. Sick of seeing Luke misrepresented. I want to see him grow into the wise and powerful Jedi we saw in ROTJ. I will settle for nothing less. There is too much missing.
The Mandoverse stories will be told in due time… What we really need is a post-Return of the Jedi series. Thats what we need with Luke. We should have gotten it in the late 80s and 90s. A series with Luke, Leia, and Han on adventures. Post RTJ before the Mando series is the perfect timeline. 😌
Nothing against the live-action version because it's a pretty good representation of post-ROTJ Luke, but I think 3D animation is the best option for seeing Luke at true full-power pre-TFA.
Honestly, if Star Wars shifted away from live action and only to Clone Wars animation style shows I genuinely wouldn’t mind.
As long as they keep getting those fantastic voice actors and as long as they actually plan out the series from the start, I’m down.
I wonder if Mark Hamill would return as Luke - we know he loves the character (before TLJ) and he loves voice acting. Though he did retire from the Joker...
Yeah no. I love the Clone Wars but cartoons aren’t a substitute for real Star Wars.
@@justint4049 Well, in my point of view The Clone Wars IS real Star Wars. That and the saga of 6 movies.
Even George didn’t consider it real Star Wars. I love clone wars but Star Wars would be irrelevant within two years if they switch to just cartoons. Also let’s be real George has about as good a track record as Disney. He made three excellent Star Wars and two absolutely terrible Star Wars movies and one mediocre one in Revenge of the Sith. Disney had Rogue One, Mandalorian season one and two and Andor. And if Andor season two is even half as good as one Disney will have more good Star Wars than George.
@@justint4049 All you are saying is that Disney had more time and resources to produce all that you've just listed.
And he didn't consider TCW real, that's why he was involved in The Clone Wars and had plan to go for 8 seasons? Yeah, just like that. He said it himself that animated tv show allowed them to come up with stories that involve more complicated stuff that would have been expensive to produce in a live action. If he didn't consider it real Star Wars, there wouldn't be anything like Maul coming back, Adi Gallia dead, bunch of other important characters involved.
Luke meating rex would be interesting.
As a fan of this series, I have long wished to see these two meat.
I hate that you spelled meeting like that
i mean sure, if that's what you're into
No thanks
What does bro mean
Luke did make an appearance in 3d animated form officially already.
In the Star wars rebels episode Twin Suns.
If im not mistaken they used Ezra’s model from Season 1 for that shot
i dont remember that
@@dboggamer6729he was a kid
You couldn't even see him in the episode
He was just a little dot running across the dusty terrain to his house
Good call
Should be Old Republic cinematic art style from now on.
I’d love a ‘Legacy of Bane’ series.
Where it shows all the Sith of the Bane Line during their time as apprentice and master.
Can’t forget Cal Kestis, and Ezra, Sabine and Ahsoka would also be around, in another Galaxy, but I’m sure with help of space whales, they could get back to their own Galaxy. Got get back to Hera, and her son Jason and rest of Rebels. Jason who is force sensitive. Bad batch maybe around too but hiding. What about Omega?
A Luke series would be interesting and add depth to what Filoni and Favreau are trying to do.
Animated Luke skywalker show could save Star Wars 🔥🔥🔥
If they make sequel nonsense non-canon... maybe. But seeing KK, she would rather burn the entire franchise down than to admit her own colossal failure. She is too deluded at this point and the only way how to save SW is to kick. her. out.
Theyll ruin it
Heard that one before
Honestly, all I personally want to see from Star Wars right now is some sort of show that takes inspiration from the Thrawn Trilogy, I think that some really fun storylines could be made with that sort of a situation, Thrawn threatening the New Republic, with Luke and Ezra, and other Forcer users having to stop him maybe introduce a Mara Jade like character or something, of course this is mostly just me hoping that we'll get to see more Legends content made canon.
@@VasiliPawlowski-j4t Could possibly happen in Ashoka Season 2 or Dave’s movie. I mean why include Thrawn in Ashoka Season 1 if you’re not gonna use him in a future project, right?
They are building up to it in the “Mando” verse.
@@jenniferlapos9542I agree. Set it up in Ahsoka season 2 and the Mandalorian movie and then there will be the big fight
A CGI show featuring Leia helping to put together the New Republic + defeat Imperial remnants, while Luke looks for what is left of the Jedi, leading to an ultimate showdown with Thrawn would be exactly what could save the fandom.
Do it! I would love to see this be the beginnings of an alternate timeline that takes the best parts of the EU and sequels and combines it into the ultimate definitive version of the story.
Hey! Why not turn the Thrawn Trilogy into an animated movie trilogy? If not, a show with Luke sounds good to me.
I'd rather not. . . Especially with Luke's actor putting politics before all else now a days. . .
@@elitehuntress6445 Put aside the political ideologies of the actors/directors. Would you like a Thrawn Trilogy series?I definitely would.
@@elitehuntress6445 I know it’s hard in this divided political ideology country, the United States, that we live in to make it hard to support an actor that has different ideologies from you, but I would like for you to put that aside for one minute and just think about how great that would be. Think about if the actor that portrayed Luke was the same side of your ideology political party. Would you like to see the show with the actor playing Luke? If your answer is yes, then you would more than likely like the show. Some things in life we just have to put politics aside and recognize what is good. I have some deep seated political ideology that I have. There are people in Hollywood that I deeply disagree with. But I wouldn’t want that to stand in the way of them acting or producing movies that are really good that have no political tone to it. You and I have to get over our political differences, not saying me and you have political differences because I don’t know what your stance on politics are, so we can unite as citizens of the United States and not putting a political party at the end of our citizenship. I beg you to read this and just think about it Before you automatically respond back to it. My family and I different on political ideology. But my love for my family will not get in the way of our politics. We just agree to disagree and we move on with our lives, loving each other, supporting each other being there for each other. In this political climate, how many families have been destroyed over political ideology? A lot and that’s a shame.
@@DarthDesolous Not that he has different political stance from me, its the fact that he's alienating fans by openly supporting a political side that actively discriminates against straights, whites, and men, who make it easier for someone to get into a woman's restroom to rape someone inside, I wish the world were a half decent place to live in but when you look at humanity as a species were nothing but violent apes who love inflicting harm on each other, that's how we've advanced so far, without World War 2 we would of waited longer for the Internet for example, medical care didn't improve much until after the civil war, before then you got a broken leg best they could do is cut it off. At the end of the day if Luke's actor is going to be open about his stance I'll go ahead and say mine, there is no politician, Trump, Biden, Harris, none of them who deserve to breath. All politicians care about is power and money.
@@elitehuntress6445 Kick out Mark Hamill and hire an actor who actually gives a damn about Star Wars
Please don't mess this up! This show might be just the thing that could get Star Wars back on track!
We need to see Luke's Jedi academy that is wat I want most rn. still wanting raven or Darth bane trilogy that needs to happen
Isn’t that EU stuff now? The Disney timeline doesn’t really have Luke as a head of the Jedi Academy, or did I miss something?
@@LokNarashthey’ve not said an entire academy, but he was training jedi in disney cannon as that was what led him to trying to kill kylo. it never alluded into it being an entire academy though👍
I'd like it if it was a mix of clone wars and rebels art style, especially with rebels backgrounds, lighting and colours, being the perfect fusion of maquarrie style and prequel aesthetics
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy tv show!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!
At the end of Bad Batch we saw Omega leave to go fly for the Rebellion. Hera has to meet Kanan, and so many more great plot points. I hope they dont mess it up...
I wish the sequels to be de-canonized someday. I hope someone at disney read the novels. Is that simple, read the novels, do a good adaptation and enjoy our money.
I was just thinking about this, we’ve had no cartoon Luke Skywalker that I can think of. Insane considering he is the original protagonist. We’ve needed a show with just the OT characters like, yesterday.
Don’t get too happy 😃. Disney still owns this soooo….. hold back the excitement.
People need to stop acting like everything Disney does with Star Wars is bad. The good definitely out weighs the bad, it's just everyone talks about the bad so much making it more prevalent than it actually is.
@@KJC04 I kinda agree although I think that Disney have done more bad than good for Star Wars
@@KJC04 the good outweights the bad? They did some good stuff but nah man :D I disagree
Yes, I believe the good in the sequels definitely outweighs the bad. Sure, I think Finn’s character deserved more, and Kylo probably should’ve stayed on a darker path without redemption. And while I don’t mind Palpatine’s return, Anakin’s redemption was never about killing Palpatine-that was just a byproduct of him returning to the light. Luke’s story in The Last Jedi is powerful, as it shows him as a complex, flawed hero, similar to Merlin in Arthurian legend. That’s how George Lucas envisioned Luke, too-it wasn’t something Rian Johnson just made up. Yes, the movies feel inconsistent at times, but so did the prequels. The Last Jedi is one of the most visually stunning Star Wars films ever made, with incredible acting and CGI. One day, people will look back and appreciate the sequels just like they now do with the prequels, and I look forward to seeing that.
@@KJC04 Somehow Palpatine Returned
They need to keep Star Wars animated unless George is directing live action.
I absolutely hate to agree with you, but I do agree with you. Other than a few shows that Disney Star Wars has made live action has succeeded in a whole lot of the live action has failed to connect with the Star Wars community. If it doesn’t connect with the Star Wars community, then it will not connect with the general public. I have family and friends that knows I’m a Star Wars fanatic. They will call me and ask “ is this movie or show worth seeing?” I have to be honest with them. I give them my opinion that I tell them it’s up to them to decide. I’ll be willing to bet I’m not the only one this happens too. I’ve enjoyed the majority if not all of the animated series that Disney Star Wars has produced along with some of the George Lucas produced Clone Wars.
Lucas should not direct Star Wars. The prequels are terrible compared to the direction of the OT. Other people tell his stories better.
That's a fact I definitely agree with that🎉
You forget George is 80
Yeah no. I’ll take Mando and Andor thanks. You go ahead and rewatch George’s cringe Mortis arc.
Honestly the legends books would be perfect.
Thrawn and Chiss show pppllleeeaaassseee!
I hope everything works out everything for everyone.
I agree Luke would be an epic series. Darth Vader next
Luke, Leia, Grogu, Asohka, Ventress, Omega, Rex.. OMG
An animated clone wars style, with Luke skywalker as the main protagonist, about his life as a Jedi, grandmaster and traveling through out the galaxy , I want this to happen but I have a feeling Disney would just mess it up
Luke between V and VI would also be cool for a series
This would be a amazing having Luke Skywalker in that time line ,have you heard the tragedy of darth plagues the wise
That would be a Super Cool event.
I want an animated show where they kill Ohsa. Heck it can even be a Gungan or Ewok!
If the show doesn't matter to you why does everyone keep talking about it 😅
I forgot all about Osha until you just brought her up😅
Luke Skywalker is our new hope
this would be incredible!!
if the story is crap it won't matter what type of form it comes in
Rosh Penin and Jaden Korr
A clone wars style animated series set during the Galactic Civiil War or post ROTJ series with Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, R2 and 3PO would be amazing
Rogue Squadron series might be good
I need a clone wars Luke skywalker series please!!!!!🙏
I want them to do a Glove of Vader arc with Trioculus and everything
I believe Star Wars visions was the first time we had an animated Luke Skywalker
Aw this would be absolutely EPIC. Please let this be so
Animated luke skywalker needs to save Star Wars ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I just want it to be good
Personally, while I like the potential for Abeloth to show up. Outside of this, I'm tired of all the Clone Wars era stuff. It's time for the galaxy to move on. I'd say something Old Republic. But, that would just end up being more Clone Wars style stuff. You really only have Vitiate, Revan, and Bane to work with there. So, maybe, it's time to jump a 1,000 or so years into the future.
@@AnastaziaJenkins She is Star Wars. Just not canon. She's currently Legends. She is also attached to The Ones, aka The Mortis Gods, aka The Father, Son, and Daughter, Which Mortis and The Ones are canon due to the Clone Wars. The Maw is also canon, and in Legends is Abeloth's prison. So, it's just a single step away for Abeloth to appear in canon.
The technology is there to make it more photorealistic than cartoonish. It would be great to see Disney innovate in this regard. But whatever happens, it NEEDS to have great writing at its core.
Nope. Not while Disney owns Lucasfilm. Disney SW isn't real SW.
Ew!! What is that Luke model and lightsaber?!
Where does his left hand start or end..?
This totally needs to happen!
I really think that star wars lends itself significantly better to animated than live action.
It’s way too good of an idea for Disney to do that for us they’ll never give us a prime Luke
I want to see a Luke Skywalker show animated in the Clone Wars style that is set after Return of the Jedi where we’d see him battling the Imperial Remnants while trying to rebuild the Jedi Order
Perhaps a canonised version of the Jedi academy stories. With Luke training the first generation of new Jedi students as well as adventures off world with possibly other Jedi characters like Ahsoka, Cal Kestis or even Ezra Bridger.
Perhaps this is where we see Luke and Snoke meet and Snoke gets scarred by Luke in their fight.
How did we go from military style Chiss to elon looking Thrawn?
Couple of things, the Bendu was a race of beings who were the first sentient beings who touched the force, second the Father from Mortis became one with the force, my guess the one’s were just a representation of the force and like Yoda once said, nothing can die in the force. Anywho I think it would be more appropriate to do the Hier to the Empire series. Abbaloth would be more like “Infinity War”-type event
This would be the greatest thing to happen to Star Wars in a decade. Therefor, it won't happen.
Ugh. I don't know. Abaloth is the most absurd idea of a character EVEN for Star Wars measures. Dark Side and Light Side cosmic wells? Force Gods? Good riddance. What happend to the good old Force in the OT and PT times...
I already found Vitiate the SWTOR Emperor absurdly over the top. And now this? Really, I hope not.
You gotta be high not to love the Mortis Gods. Imo it's the best arc in the Clone Wars.
@@AnastaziaJenkins Nah people just like cosmic entities beyond comprehension.
@@EmperorCaligula_EC Only in animated flicks, comics, novels and video games can you get away with being over-the-top & overpowered. Live action slows things down.
I would love a anthology series about the evens following Return Of The Jedi in a similar vain to clone wars
Hear Hear, I just baught the original (EA) Thrawn trilogy for my son plus Plagueis to show him what my problem is with 7-9, Ahsoka and A. Zahn’s storytelling was so compelling it comforted my SW depleted soul start of the nineties.
We do know what happens after thrawn's return: He makes Clone troopers on mount Tantis and becomes BFFs with Taron Malicos from Jedi Fallen Order.
This and Force unleashed 3,
all I ask for.
Disney would mess it up. Remember we all know how Luke ends up in Disney's time line.
luke meeting cal kestis would be sick
Would love to see them do a Legends series and just follow the old books
I think a Luke Skywalker animated series would be FIRE! Seriously, Mark Hamill is a pro when it comes to voice acting! I think it would also be a great way to see how Luke met Ashoka and maybe we could see him bond with her and Rex, learning about the man his father was before becoming Vader and they could provide him and Leia with information about his mother!
I think do a series that is directly after return and have it as Luke exploring the galaxy with artoo or a squad of xwing pilots and show what happens as each planet is slowly moving away form the empire to the new republic
…so the Thrawn Trilogy then.
@ well maybe a version that doesn’t have thrawn. Creat a new villain maybe delve deeper into the force.
The ending of Fate of the Jedi series was upsetting. Only because it was SO good and nothing came out of any of it. The idea of multiple sith enclaves still existing, Abeloth, the fate of Vestara (and Ben), what does "The Sword of the Jedi" even mean?!, etc. So much abandoned potential. I know there was one book after that where Luke discussed retirement, but nothing was answered. What is now referred to as Legends is the first book series I really got into as a kid. To see it just end is depressing.
All that to say Abeloth isn't even in Disney canon yet. Thrawn was canon from a long time back with multiple backstories changing how he came to be in the service of the Empire before the most recent trilogy.
No, just absolutely NO. If they can’t be bothered doing Luke and Leia in live action then don’t bother, because I’m sick fed up seeing cartoons because they are cheaper. That’s the main reason they want to do them, because they make more money. Disney was a company that made money to make more movies, and now they make movies to make more money. It’s only about the bottom line for them now, and instead of spending ridiculous resources on 3-D of all things, which is a failed media in my view, they should be spending more on live action stories, even if it means upping the subscription a bit. If they give more and charge more then they will mover the franchise in the right direction, not working on 3-D. The only place that technology makes sense to me is with the Vision Pro, and they are in short supply and not exactly in great demand either. Until we get to a point where headsets are lighter, affordable and have batteries that last long enough for someone to use it for several hours then 3-D will sit on a shelf in Hollywood waiting to be dusted off and put into operation.
We need this!!!
I absolutely love the thumbnail 🔥
Star Wars having Pixar style animation would be cool, maybe Pixar could even make a Star Wars movie...
Sound confirmed if Disney allow Luke Skywalker 3d animated series bring Clone army revive and restore Jedi population.
OR! Hear me out... WHAT IF
Darth jarjar
@@Tonmarsal EXACTLY
Is it? I heard some rumors that disney is selling star wars off
@@cinomaticsith It’s all talk right now. At this point, we need to sort all the rumors into 3 categories: Yes, No, Maybe So.
Lukes animated could be big hit
Clone wars art style needs to stay for forever
tales of the sith
Yea that would be raw💯
the squad i imagine to beat abeloth:
world between worlds anakin, grandmaster luke, daughter ahsoka and a confirmed survived windu
(since quality is not certain lets get fanservice at least)
@@hallo23779 That’s a heck of a lineup. One caveat though: even if Mace Windu did survive that fall from the window, he’d be an elderly man by now. He was close to 50 years old during Revenge of the Sith and would have sustained some serious injuries from the fall along with the Emperor’s Force Lighting & Anakin’s cutting off his hand.
@@jenniferlapos9542 its even worse than that actually lore wise windu was on his 70s-80s by now he the time this takes place be like 100...
@@hallo23779 Exactly. He’d be pushing 80 during the events of The Mandolorian.
@@jenniferlapos9542 mandalorian is around 25-30 years after he was on his 70s-80s 😅
I think a 'Luke Skywalker' show feels kinda narrow. If there were a show with Luke, I feel like it'd be kinda wrong to not have Han, Leia and the rest of the gang running around with him like in Heir to the Empire. The hardest thing to consider with shows like these are 'what would a supporting cast look like'. I think that's something to really think about. Beyond cameos too, like actual characters that make a real impact in a story. A character like Mara? Perhaps smugglers like Talon Karrde or Lando? The Rogues?
The biggest dilemma would be incorporating NEW characters too. Introducing new characters that the fandom will inevitably hate but learn to love (Like Ahsoka, Aayla Secura, the Ewoks etc etc). What would we want to see? We can't just re-hash the same old dudes over and over again? I LOVE Luke, but i'd want to see something meaningful done with him, not just a 'luke skywalker the action figure hero wins every time pew pew pew'.
Yeah that idea seems great...that's why it will never happen as long as KK is in charge.
All I want is Luke Skywalker stories.
honestly they just need to STOP
and chills for a few years ... boot kennedy and get there sh%t together and come back to it .
Yes I would love to see it!!!!!!!! It would be Great 👍
Don’t do this to me. Don’t get my hopes up.
lol how many knuckles does that AI pic of Lukeskywalker have lol
This would be awesome!
This would be good if it leads to Mara and Luke's son (or twins since they took that away from Leia)
God this is hyping me up so much but I don't wanna be disappointed that it won't happen
I've been waiting for them to start using this story timeline with Luke Leia han mara jade thrawn . To finally do the heir to the empire story arc would be incredible so much stories they can tell in that timeline . Or go a little further back there's so much they can do and it seems a nice continuation of the animations we've been watching. Bring it on I hope this isn't just rumor
Shadows of the empire or bust. Sick of seeing Luke misrepresented. I want to see him grow into the wise and powerful Jedi we saw in ROTJ. I will settle for nothing less. There is too much missing.
Ya would have to have Han and laia
The Mandoverse stories will be told in due time… What we really need is a post-Return of the Jedi series. Thats what we need with Luke. We should have gotten it in the late 80s and 90s. A series with Luke, Leia, and Han on adventures. Post RTJ before the Mando series is the perfect timeline. 😌
I want a Shadows of the Empire animated series/movie, or a Thrawn Trilogy series.
High Republic says hi
Hope they have rouge squadron in there
Nothing against the live-action version because it's a pretty good representation of post-ROTJ Luke, but I think 3D animation is the best option for seeing Luke at true full-power pre-TFA.
Get rid of the sequels, and go forward from RotJ, Mando and Ahsoka with new 3D animated series. That would bring back most fans
@@KJC04 Yes
@@hankscorpion9939 It's never gonna happen 😂 keep pooping your pants over it tho that'll show em.
@@KJC04 You obviously have an interest in excrement in more ways than one
watch them make some sequel 3d show💀