Omen III: The Final Conflict Commentary with

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии •

  • @TheDarkHour684
    @TheDarkHour684 3 месяца назад +4

    Thanks Ollie! Always appreciate what you do!

  • @timlines7677
    @timlines7677 3 месяца назад +6

    The score by Jerry Goldsmith. Just wow!

  • @hamishwhitehenderson5197
    @hamishwhitehenderson5197 2 месяца назад +1

    The screen writer Andrew Birkin also wrote an acclaimed tv mini-series about the life of JM Barrie, the creator of Peter Pan, staring Ian Holm (i.e. Ash and Bilbo Baggins) George Lewellyn Davies, the boy who inspired Peter Pan, was played by Ian's son Barnaby- exactly the same boy who plays the boy (named Peter) in this. The tv drama plays doesn't shy away from pointing out that JM Barrie was possibly a nonce, so I don't think the pedophilia stuff was accidental. Birkin was also Barnaby's stepfather but I don't think anything dodgy went on other than the obvious nepotism.
    I know this because when I saw this at the age of 11 I fell in love with Peter completely and kind of went on a binge desperately trying to hoover up any information about him and the actor that played on the web, not in the least because of what happens to him breaking my heart. I watched this film (or at leats the bits with him in it) several times over. I know a few films almost word for word but this is the only one I can quote verbatim that I don't actually like. A few years later my mother found a very large pile of bad drawings I'd done of him at the time and I pretended they where of a fictional girlfriend rather than explain that I had had a crush on a unknown minor character in a unknown sequel to a sequel to a famous but not too famous horror movie that she hadn't seen. There was probably an awful lot of fan fiction about me saving him.
    I have to tell someone. I know this isn't Tumblr but it's too obscure for anyone to know about there.

  • @agl1138
    @agl1138 3 месяца назад +4

    I saw the trilogy when I was about 10 - they were on ITV three Saturdays in a row and my older Sister taped them. Scared me shitless for years

    • @nicky29031977
      @nicky29031977 2 месяца назад

      January 1987...was 10 aswell and remember it well.

  • @Silvio67
    @Silvio67 2 месяца назад +4

    One of the best film scores out there.

  • @jekw23
    @jekw23 2 месяца назад +2

    This movie fascinates me as it had a pretty good build up and some decent set pieces.
    The ending though! What a way to finish a trilogy (in about 8 seconds).
    My ex just sat there in silence as the credits rolled and she asked me (as everything faded to black) “is that the end”. We’d watched all three back to back.

  • @elkston
    @elkston 3 месяца назад +5

    Btw. "Old men talking" Lol. Loved that description from this and your omen 2 commentary. I know what you guys mean here, and i love that feel too.

  • @reboniak1966
    @reboniak1966 2 месяца назад +1

    A hugely underrated film: Classic and efficient formal direction, wonderful artistic direction, very good performances, solid and seamless script, magnificent photography and colossal OST (the best of the 3 films and I would dare to say that the best of Jerry Goldsmith, along maybe Alien). Disappointing ending? Maybe rather short and hasty, but not bad or incoherent. Another thing is that it is too "religious", but let's remember that it is a Christian trilogy

  • @nibiru2486
    @nibiru2486 2 месяца назад

    Great stuff. More More!

  • @ninfilms
    @ninfilms 3 месяца назад +3

    Hi guys Sleeping Dogs was an actually a New Zealand film which was the first 35mm film to be made and getting critical acclaim worldwide. This film opened up Roger Donaldson Hollywood career

  • @krishnamurtiism
    @krishnamurtiism 2 месяца назад +1

    Ending … ending. Isn’t it Kate Reynolds praying before the dead body of Damien. And I always assumed the figure holding Peter is Father De Carlo, who didn’t die when Damien was strangling him.
    CORRECTION to message. I just watched the ending of Omen 3 again, and you’re right, the guy holding Peter is in robes. De Carlo was wearing a raincoat. It’s definitely Kate Reynolds praying and not a nun but who’s the guy in robes? Wow, I hate to admit it but I’ve seen the light a bit.

  • @karlmelvinpsychotherapy4700
    @karlmelvinpsychotherapy4700 2 месяца назад

    Great commentary lads. Kate refers to her tv channel as the British Broadcasting Charity, so I guess its BBC. I thought the final scene was her (with hood up) kneeling over Damien and De Carlo walks into frame carrying her son.

    • @cybernautclub
      @cybernautclub Месяц назад

      I think it was Jesus carrying her son.

  • @ninfilms
    @ninfilms 3 месяца назад +9

    I actually like The Final Conflict great performance from Sam Neill as Damien. Graham Baker did a great job directing this sequel. Check out his underrated Impulse 1984.

  • @amurmurmur609
    @amurmurmur609 3 месяца назад +1

    Am I the only one who wants Oliver to do a commentary on some Australian classics like “Dot and The Red Kangaroo” or “Fatty Finn”?

  • @forge5825
    @forge5825 3 месяца назад +3

    I am so glad this one was squeezed in. The part 2 commentary was awesome

  • @amriksandhu7146
    @amriksandhu7146 2 месяца назад

    It's not a nun and Kate at the end - I'd always assumed it was Kate and the last Priest (who actually survived Damien's attempt to kill him).

  • @donna25871
    @donna25871 3 месяца назад +2

    Sam had just come off the Australian film My Brilliant Career with Judy Davis and directed by Gillian Armstrong. There is a great interview that he did with Bryan Brown on the Australian ABC where he talks at length about that Bond audition and why he really wasn’t interested in the role (which ended up going to Timothy Dalton).

  • @orbtastic
    @orbtastic 3 месяца назад

    You need to do a Holocaust 2000 commentary, that film is bonkers.

  • @Daveinhampshire
    @Daveinhampshire 3 месяца назад +1

    45 minute mark.
    I live about 10 miles away from the church, been inside it and walked up to the entrance where that seen was filmed, I always hear the music whenever I go near it.

  • @mechinate
    @mechinate 3 месяца назад +2

    Twenty minutes in I'm already laughing my head off. Just brilliant stuff 😀

  • @Vejur9000
    @Vejur9000 2 месяца назад

    Who knew this would be prophetic….

  • @agl1138
    @agl1138 3 месяца назад

    @30.30 she mentions she works for the BBC

  • @mattorfact
    @mattorfact 3 месяца назад +2

    Great episode!

  • @ianentwistle5052
    @ianentwistle5052 3 месяца назад +2

    This film has improved greatly for me with age and there are some great scenes in it. Personally I would have preferred it if they had focused more on the priests out to kill him, that in itself would have carried the movie well as a horror / thriller film.

    • @reboniak1966
      @reboniak1966 2 месяца назад +1

      From a religious point of view (after all, it is a Christian film), it was more important to show the conversion of a journalist who, according to the film, was an atheist or at least agnostic, and who symbolically culminates her conversion no more no less than ending the Antichrist, after the sacrifice (and, by the end of the film, we assume the subsequent resurrection) of his only son

  • @Richard-d2i
    @Richard-d2i 2 месяца назад

    Great film at points. Worst assassin priests ever 😂

  • @Daveinhampshire
    @Daveinhampshire 3 месяца назад +2

    Also, I think out of the 3 films, this has the best soundtrack

    • @reboniak1966
      @reboniak1966 2 месяца назад +1

      Exactly!! In order of quality, this is the least good of the 3 films, but the soundtrack is colossal, the best of the trilogy and, along with Alien, the best OST ever composed by Jerry Goldsmith, in my opinion

  • @joneggelton
    @joneggelton 3 месяца назад

    Wow, I'd forgotten this film existed. Like Rob, I think last time I watched it must've been when it was on telly in the 80s

  • @kellinwinslow1988
    @kellinwinslow1988 3 месяца назад +2

    This might have been right before Sam Neil's next film which was Andrzej Zulawski's Possession from the same year. That's overall a better film even though it didn't do as well. That would be a fun one for you and Rob to talk about.
    I do agree that the last act of the film isn't great although Sam Neil gives it his all. It's tough though since the Anti Christ will lose in the face of the real one so what do you do? A huge fight really isn't going to happen. But Jerry Goldsmith's score does help sell the uplifting moment even if the main character has her son killed. I remember reading the novel just as this film came out and I thought it was quite good. Films in some details. It's a pity Donner didn't do the film. He could have elevated it from a good film to a potentially great film. As it is it's enjoyable but it is a very uneven trilogy. Still far better than the terrible remake and the even worse prequel which Hollywood can't seem to stop making. IE all the garbage Alien films among others.

    • @AliceBowie
      @AliceBowie Месяц назад

      Possession is a beloved and praised film today; it just took a bit of time for audiences to discover how great it is.

  • @anubusx
    @anubusx 3 месяца назад +3

    Please review the entire franchise.

    • @garvintimmann
      @garvintimmann 2 месяца назад +1

      They have not done the first one

  • @andys8483
    @andys8483 Месяц назад

    Although I feel The Final Conflict is an inferior film compared to the first two entries... it does have some good moments. Sam Neil was great in the role... oozing devilish charm & charisma and Jerry Goldsmith's score is superb & one i have listened to many times.

  • @slckb0y65
    @slckb0y65 3 месяца назад +1

    Sam Neil kicked so much asses in this film

  • @elkston
    @elkston 3 месяца назад +1

    So... Mason Adams is in this film. Was it him that sponsored Sam Niel. Or was it actually James Mason, and it's just a coincidence that the other "Mason" older guy of the 80s was in this too.

  • @kellinwinslow1988
    @kellinwinslow1988 3 месяца назад +1

    And now that you and Rob brought up The Exorcist 3,or Legion,you guys should do a commentary for that. Arrow just released a special 4K version with new making of and great commentary by Mark Kermode. It's a great film,far better than any of the other so called sequels or prequels. And worlds better than the terrible Blumhouse garbage from last year. Especially the Legion cut which is very interesting even if it's compromised. Better than shlock like Terrifier by far.

  • @gdparry2727
    @gdparry2727 3 месяца назад

    Having been to Grosvenor Sq to get my USA Visa in 2009, seeing it back then without the airport style security gates felt weird.

  • @SosiskaTheHorrible
    @SosiskaTheHorrible 3 месяца назад

    A wimple is maybe the nun garb that Rob was looking for?

  • @faeembrugh
    @faeembrugh 3 месяца назад

    I don't recall much about this film other than a bunch of ninja priests go on a rampage, Jesus turns up, Damian gets stabbed and end credits.

  • @lordmclovin3694
    @lordmclovin3694 3 месяца назад

    2024 has been an exceptional year for horror films 👻

  • @olliesmith2890
    @olliesmith2890 3 месяца назад

    Come on Ollie buddy, lets have retrospectives for all the movies, especially the original classic. Also will you ever do ones for Volcano, Armageddon, 28 Days Later and both The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises.

  • @briangreene7085
    @briangreene7085 3 месяца назад

    Death by Beagle's...... I'd actually be ok with that!..... although completely unrealistic, even if being control by Satan, they'd just instantly get to distracted by literally anything

  • @edbeasant9494
    @edbeasant9494 3 месяца назад +1

    You need do number 4 after now thats one dreadful movie.