How many Pokemon beat Falkner without Optional Battles? - Episode 18

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • As the final Episode of the Falkner Minimum Battles series, we have 9 top-tier challengers, 5 redos, and 7 Channel Member saves from the Fail column with very special Egg Moves!
    Minimum Battles is the ultimate challenge. But how many Pokemon can beat the first Gym of Gen 2 on Minimum Battles?
    On my main channel @RBYPokemonChallenges , I have already completed this challenge with all 151 Pokemon on Gen 1, but Gen 2 presents a massively different challenge - sleep and Wrap were nerfed, there's no Gen 1 miss (1/256 glitch), and all the trainers have better AI. But Minimum Battles might just be possible with some effort and ingenuity.
    Today's challengers:
    Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite,
    Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar,
    Nidoran F,
    Channel Member Picks with Egg Move!
    Roy Merkel - Vulpix,
    Marbleous Racing - Elekid,
    Kyle Baker - Wooper,
    Bentendo - Flareon,
    JohnPlays911 - Pinsir,
    ToxicCross - Psyduck,
    Caleb Marks (Didn't submit in time, so as a stand-in) - Bulbasaur

Комментарии • 139

  • @MacmanReturns
    @MacmanReturns 6 месяцев назад +11

    Most surprising pass probably goes to one of the gen1 babies. Cleffa surprised me.
    Most surprising fail: Venusaur. Even with the type disadvantage I expected its stats to carry it through.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +3

      Yeah, I was certain that at least Struggle would get it through, it I couldn't find even one lucky win in all of my post-testing....

  • @patrickvogelaar7732
    @patrickvogelaar7732 6 месяцев назад +6

    Those eggs moves are actually a great idea. Something different!

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, I plan to continue giving second chances with Egg Moves to failed Pokemon as a perk for the Channel Members, so let's see what we come up with going forward.

  • @DoctorNovakaine
    @DoctorNovakaine 6 месяцев назад +2

    I'd say you covered Falkner exceedingly thoroughly. Anything else would be embellishment like adding other egg moves or such, which, while it would be interesting, feels like belaboring at this point. I'm interested in seeing the next section more - Bugsy and Rival 2, I think they're going to knock out more mons than we might expect. And I think more of it will be Rival 2 than Bugsy - I think that the fact that Bugsy doesn't start out with his real threat will give a lot of Pokémon chances to prepare for Scyther. But with Rival 2, you're going to have to deal with either the potential for burn and accuracy strats, Rage, or a very painful Razor Leaf from a bulky mon who won't be easily downed. The Rock-types in particular are going to suffer for the first time and I'm not sure they have any answer.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, I'm on board with you. Rival 2 is legitimately tough from my limited testing, so I expect he will be a big wall. Add in that there are two boss fights required to progress and I think a decent number of Pokemon fail

  • @ryapowa
    @ryapowa 6 месяцев назад +5

    According to Bulbapedia, in gen 2 crits are 2x dmg, but if it does work the same as in gen 1 then a crit at lvl 7 would deal 1.58x damage

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +3

      Yeah I messed up that one, still confusing Gen 1 and Gen 2 mechanics. It will be mentioned in the next video

    • @ryapowa
      @ryapowa 6 месяцев назад

      @GSCPokemonChallenges Yeah I was second guessing myself for a second when you mentioned it but it totally sounds like a gen 1 way to go about it lol

  • @blakelonestar
    @blakelonestar 6 месяцев назад +2

    Love this series. I admit that I turn them on to fall asleep to. But that’s not out of boredom. They’re just nice to listen to. I try to remember where I was before I fell asleep and play it again from there a different night.
    That RBY guy did like a similar thing with Brock and such. But those videos don’t hit the same way with me. Couldn’t tell you why.

    • @Spudmay
      @Spudmay 6 месяцев назад +2

      I put them on during various parts of the day and watch them over a few days. My wife would be miffed if I tried to to play this to go to bed lol

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah RBY's Brock series was when that guy was just starting out.... Quality just doesn't match the Falkner series by any stretch 😂.
      I used to do the same thing with Jrose and Scotts Thoughts videos. Now, my wife complains that the A/C is too loud at bedtime, then somehow sleeps through 3 alarms every morning 😂😂

  • @celticv
    @celticv 6 месяцев назад +2

    thank you for video !!!#
    i would say Forretress was my big surprise for failing and i believe Cleffa was my choice that surprised me for passing.
    i honestly don't recall my choice for Pokemon that passed but from looking at list think was Cleffa
    as feels like fighting Falkner for a year lol . thankfully list will get smaller as get threw gyms and make you job lot easier too :)
    big thank you for all effort and suffering you put into these challenges :)

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah Falkner took a long time, but I think things will speed up gradually.

  • @redreoicy6698
    @redreoicy6698 6 месяцев назад +11

    Justice for cyndaquil! With the passing of quilava Cyndaquil should get a try ;) (don't expect success but you never know)

    • @robertmcdonough2990
      @robertmcdonough2990 6 месяцев назад +1

      I was wondering the same!! Good work on all these pokemon!

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +5

      I actually tested this and it's posted in a separate video for channel Members, but the tl:dw is Cyndaquil just couldn't cut it.

    • @robertmcdonough2990
      @robertmcdonough2990 6 месяцев назад

      @@GSCPokemonChallenges had a feeling! But thanks so much for looking out lol!

    • @thekakeking9400
      @thekakeking9400 6 месяцев назад

      😩 poor cyndaquil

    • @mathturtle37
      @mathturtle37 6 месяцев назад +3

      So Quill used the same strategy that a lot of us were suggesting for Flareon. Flareon's stats are better so we can say that if Quill gets through Flareon should have too. Flaileon is pretty cool but I think it didn't actually need the help as much as you thought.

  • @androidboyd
    @androidboyd 6 месяцев назад +3

    I ended up getting 35 of the Pokemon on your Fail list (lowest stage were the only one tested, didn't try Flareon or Ivysaur or whatever), through with Egg moves (I had already gotten both Vulpix and Cyndaquil through, although I might have just been unusually lucky on Cyndaquil, I did get it through in under 20 tries.)
    Probably the funniest ones were getting Gastly through with Psywave, Chansey through with Metronome, Togepi through with Present, and Slugma through with Acid Armor.
    I didn't try the event move Pokemon. That would likely help more than just Bulbasaur.
    Always love to see the content! I think Rival 2 will be a bigger roadblock than Bugsy. Are you going to try to do both in the Bugsy section, or will Rival 2 be in the Whitney section? I did find a couple of Pokemon that felt easier to tackle Rival 2 first, then Bugsy, for what it's worth.

    • @androidboyd
      @androidboyd 6 месяцев назад +1

      Also might be worth exploring (down the road) what the most optimal "bred" version of some of these Pokemon is. Pokemon can be bred with level up moves, TM moves, and, in some cases, multiple egg moves (although there are limitations to that in this generation). Giving, say, Cyndaquil Flamethrower, Reversal, Quick Attack, and Smoke Screen, for example, would be pretty interesting.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      So I'll be looking more into egg moves and bred moves later. These are all great ideas for later runs!

  • @anonymously_yours
    @anonymously_yours 6 месяцев назад +4

    the penultimate episode! it's 2am so I'm gonna fall asleep to this, but can't wait to see how this turns out.

  • @mackowens7234
    @mackowens7234 6 месяцев назад +4

    Ahhhh yes the finale! Can’t wait to see Bugsy! As strong as tyranitar is see him getting walled by chuck

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      We'll have to see! I plan to complete the Rocket Hideout and Lighthouse before going to Chuck, a d technically we can do Chuck, Jasmine, and Pryce in any order. So it just depends on what works, I will test a lot of different ideas

    • @dragonslayerz2220
      @dragonslayerz2220 6 месяцев назад

      Don't worry, Chuck is comparable to Yellow Surge.

  • @belodie
    @belodie 6 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you for informing me about the Gotta Catch 'Em All station, it's really intriguing how many distributions there were from it - and how most of them were Level 5! It feels like seeing which of these event moves would help in Minimum Battles would be a cool series to consider after this is all complete. Here's a list of the mons who would be relevant for vs Falkner:
    - Spearow with SonicBoom
    - Nidoran-F with one of Lovely Kiss, Sweet Kiss and Moonlight
    - Zubat with Flail
    - Oddish with Leech Seed
    - Paras with Synthesis
    - Abra with Foresight
    - Bellsprout with one of Lovely Kiss and Sweet Kiss
    - Geodude with Rapid Spin
    - Ponyta with Low Kick
    - Onix with Sharpen
    - Krabby with Metal Claw
    - Voltorb with Agility
    - Cubone with Fury Attack
    - Chansey with Sweet Scent
    - Goldeen with Swords Dance
    - Staryu with Twister
    - Magikarp with one of Bubble and Reversal
    - Omanyte with Rock Throw
    - Kabuto with Rock Throw
    - Dratini with Hydro Pump
    - Chikorita with Petal Dance
    - Cyndaquil with Double-Edge
    - Sentret with Dizzy Punch
    - Hoothoot with Night Shade
    - Ledyba with Barrier
    - Spinarak with Growth
    - Natu with Safeguard
    - Marill with one of Dizzy Punch, Hydro Pump and Scary Face
    - Hoppip with Agility
    - Sunkern with Splash (yes, really)
    - Yanma with one of Steel Wing and Sweet Kiss
    - Pineco with Substitute
    - Heracross with Seismic Toss
    - Swinub with Whirlwind
    - Remoraid with one of Amnesia and Mist
    - Tyrogue with Rage
    - Smoochum with one of Metronome and Petal Dance
    *Passed using Struggle*
    - Poliwag with one of Growth, Lovely Kiss and Sweet Kiss
    - Lickitung with DoubleSlap
    - Tangela with Synthesis
    - Horsea with Haze
    - Mr. Mime with Mind Reader
    - Igglybuff with Mimic
    - Phanpy with Absorb
    *Member Picks*
    - Bulbasaur with AncientPower (as you used)
    - Psyduck with one of Petal Dance and Tri Attack
    - Pinsir with Rock Throw
    - Wooper with one of Belly Drum and Scary Face
    - Elekid with one of Dizzy Punch and Pursuit

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah, when I do full-game solo challenges with these Pokemon, I really want to test out some Egg/Event moves in the run to see how they perform. Thanks for the list!

    • @belodie
      @belodie 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@GSCPokemonChallenges No problem (though I did exclude the mons that passed without Struggle). A couple of comments have also reminded me about surprises to me - biggest surprise pass is Unown (thought it would be too weak) and biggest surprise fail is Jolteon (I expected it to have learned an Electric-type move by the time it reached the gym which would allow it to breeze through)

  • @acdcljb
    @acdcljb 6 месяцев назад +1

    Very dignified end to the Falkner series! Might even be better than RBY Brock series? Big upset for Vulpix and Tentacool, I did not see that coming. A bit shame not to see Metapod and others be featured in a video after its evolution got through (while Magikarp was) but oh well, they would probably struggle in vain (pun intended). Good luck in the rest of Crystal!

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, I forgot that I completely skipped the cocoons, but yeah...

  • @Muzgrob
    @Muzgrob 6 месяцев назад +3

    What a series. Looking forward to the next chapter!

  • @shadowmanwkp
    @shadowmanwkp 6 месяцев назад +6

    Cool to see Falkner being done now! But there's one tiny little wrench I want to throw into things... You skipped out on a weekly item.
    On Tuesdays, there's an NPC on the first route who gives you a pink bow. It's a held item which boosts normal moves by 10%. It's a small boost, so I don't think it would move the needle for any of the contenders, but it might be useful to keep an eye out for these weekly NPC who give you type-boosting held items.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      At least according to Bulbapedia, the Pink Bow is only available after Falkner, but we all know Bulbapedia is sometimes wrong

    • @stevepierce227
      @stevepierce227 6 месяцев назад +2

      ​@GSCPokemonChallenges I've tested this, and Pink Bow is only available after Falker. Plus I can't think of a use case where it would be more helpful than a berry in this section, but it is something worth picking up in the Bugsy section because it could be useful down the line (especially when you have access to return).

  • @A_levs
    @A_levs 6 месяцев назад +2

    Loving this series but I still feel the need to point out that you have Attack abbreviated differently on the overlay for your Pokemon and the opposing pokemon. ATK vs ATT

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Whoops, I fixed it on my RBY overlay but not the GSC overlay. I will fix that!

  • @stardf29
    @stardf29 5 месяцев назад +2

    SPOILER for quick recaps...
    Tyranitar: High raw stats mean Tyranitar tears through the gym even with the defense of the mudslinging birds. PASS
    Pupitar: Even without STAB on Bite, it still has enough stats to get through the gym with some flinch and accuracy luck. PASS
    Larvitar: Luck with a crit, flinch, and a speed tie win gets Larvitar to Pidgeotto with minimal accuracy loss. Combined with Sandstorm, this lets Larvitar just barely get past Pidgeotto. PASS
    Dragonite: Twister easily razes the gym. PASS
    Dragonair: See above. Thunder Wave doesn't hurt against Pidgeotto. PASS
    Dratini: With just Wrap and Leer, it can't get past Spearow. FAIL
    Mewtwo: LOL did you expect anything other than utter destruction? PASS
    Mew: High stats means Mew easily takes down the gym even with just Pound. PASS
    Celebi: High stats and STAB Confusion means not even being weak to Flying is enough to stop time. PASS
    Final Results:
    PASS: 8
    FAIL: 1
    Venusaur: Still takes too much damage from Spearow and doesn't quite do enough in return. Maybe with absolute optimal damage ranges and a crit it can get through but that requires too much luck. FAIL
    Nidoran(Female): Requires a low-roll from Spearow's first attack and a critical hit from Nidoran to just barely get through. The mudslinging Pidgey, however, stops her comeback run short. FAIL
    Zubat: Struggle strats can finally get Zubat past Youngster Mikey. Supersonic and Struggle strats can get past the Gym trainers, but Falkner would require way too much luck. FAIL
    Tentacool: Availability of an extra Berry means Tentacool has no issues with Falkner, with Supersonic to help get past Pidgey. PASS
    Shellder: The math of the Withdraw usage just doesn't work out here. FAIL
    Quilava: A different combination of Smokescreen, Leer, and Tackle gets past Falkner and the mudslinging Pidgey. PASS
    Cyndaquil: Mentioned in the comments that it doesn't work out. FAIL
    Vulpix: Being able to use the berry on the Rival means Vulpix can beat him with a burn, and the extra experience and stats means Spearow can be beaten with a burn as well. A crit to get past the mudslinging Pidgey and a burn on Pidgeotto means no extra moves are needed to win. PASS
    Adjusted results:
    PASS: +3
    FAIL: -3
    End Results:
    PASS: 165
    STRUGGLE: 11
    FAIL: 75
    Elekid w/Cross Chop: The stronger move makes the mudslinging Pidgey no problem. PASS
    Wooper w/Ancientpower: The super-effective move gets Wooper past Spearow and the rest of the gym. PASS
    Flareon w/Flail: Does still need some accuracy but at lower HP, Flareon can deal lots of damage and get past Pidgeotto. PASS
    Pinsir w/Flail: Staying just outside of the 2HKO and hitting back with Flail gets past Spearow. Might not have needed Flail for Falkner but it didn't hurt against Pidgeotto. PASS
    Psyduck w/Ice Beam: Yeah, Falkner's gym got iced. PASS
    Bulbasaur w/Ancientpower: See Wooper. PASS
    Onwards to Bugsy!

  • @DarKnightKilla13
    @DarKnightKilla13 6 месяцев назад +1

    @26:20 When you say you're having fun with it, bro I feel you there. I'm legit as giddy as you are when this stuff keeps happening, like how Zubat even managed to get to Falkner (like you said, who cares if he even wins, haha!). Love this series man, and now back to my regularly-scheduled watching of the rest. Thanks again for keeping my spirits up this week after all the life crap that's been going on. Cheers.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      I appreciate that, and I'm glad if I can send a little positivity your way too. I know how it goes with life, so it's always great to sometimes just play a game that we love, do silly things and just laugh at the results

    • @DarKnightKilla13
      @DarKnightKilla13 6 месяцев назад

      @@GSCPokemonChallenges Pokémon for me, and yep I'm 33 (who cares? Do what ya love!), has always been that stress relief. As I legit sit here, with a Charmander shirt on and my giant Pikachu doll in the corner of the room, LOL. I have no shame in it, it brings out some happiness watching and playing the games, namely the older ones. Gen 1 and 2 will always have my heart. I really do appreciate it though, and the format that you present here and on RBY.

    @SNWWRNNG 6 месяцев назад +2

    That the trees have a new berry each day really helped me out as a kid, and I suspsect it will really help out in the future of these runs too.
    Edit: According to Bulbapedia, Generation II Flail cannot crit and its damage is not randomized like that of other moves. A shame that it doesn't work with Focus Energy.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, I looked up about Flail not being able to crit before doing the member picks, but I was surprised it only works that way in Gen 2.
      I never played Gen 2 enough back in the day to learn all the respawn mechanics and daily events. All stuff I'm learning as w go through

  • @Hazel776FE
    @Hazel776FE 6 месяцев назад +3

    super cool to see vulpix make it even without the egg move, i just caught a vulpix that im training in my newest playthrough of soul silver, love my foxes !

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, I debated putting it into the redo column instead, but I thought it would be good to at least have the option to give Hypnosis for the Channel Member. But it's another Pokemon that shows how much I learned on this whole journey through Falkner. I'm sure I'll miss something here and there and need to go back, but Vulpix is legitimately in the pass column!

  • @Red-yt2dk
    @Red-yt2dk 6 месяцев назад

    31:51 nice strobing :D
    I can't believe you would just show that nice man your Dragonair unsolicited like that :/

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, the shock on his face made it clear that this was completely wrong. Always ask for consent before whipping out your beautiful Dragonair, boys....

  • @ShadyScienceFeline
    @ShadyScienceFeline 6 месяцев назад +2

    In several of these runs, I spotted Hidden Power in the movelist being marked ground-type and 46 power; it might be worth checking whether that’s an overlay error or a problem with the DVs you were setting.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      In the moves list on the right side, I don't calculate the Hidden Power, I just have a placeholder preset in. So the DVs are not an issue there. I still need to program it to dynamically change the Hidden Power type on the overlay.

  • @HarveyMeadowlark
    @HarveyMeadowlark 6 месяцев назад +1

    Not sure if it was mentioned and I missed it, but getting the Omni-boost with ancient power on either bulbasaur or wooper could really make some seemingly impossible battles possible going forward. Didn’t matter on the Faulkner section since both seemed to have very little difficulty with him from the sheer damage output from super effective AP but if you hit a snag in the bugsy section, maybe an Omni-boost can save the day

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, I may have to reset for a single Omni-boost with them in a tough spot

  • @adventureoflinkmk2
    @adventureoflinkmk2 6 месяцев назад +1

    55:46 yeah, about that... I wonder how many failed and struggle Pokémon would get through Faulkner if you go through (some? All of?) The bellsprout tower

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, it would be a lot. just completing Sprout Tower likely gives enough EXP to get the necessary level for most, though we'd expect Rock/Ground/Water Pokemon to struggle with the Vine Whips.

  • @dragonslayerz2220
    @dragonslayerz2220 6 месяцев назад +2

    Crits are in fact Double Damage in gen 2, but you still don't have the damage because you're missing a turn of leech seed damage.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, pure mistake on my part. The issue is needing one more turn of Leech Seed Damage which didn't work.

  • @TheAnalyticalEngine
    @TheAnalyticalEngine 6 месяцев назад +1

    Clearly Teo is a man of the _highest_ level of culture - and yes, my first pokemon was Bulbasaur as well, back when Pokemon Red and Blue released here in Europe in 1999

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      🥇🤣 Clearly cultured like a Duke.... Yeah Bulbasaur was the natural first pick, they told you it was easy to raise in Gen 1.

  • @kylesmith9573
    @kylesmith9573 6 месяцев назад +2

    With Nidoran female against the Spearow Why not just use one more growl. You stop at 18 HP but if you use one more growl , you drop to 15 hp with peck reduced to 2 damage. This guarantees 7 hits baring a crit and would make the fight super consistent

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Ultimately the Spearow is not the problem.... It's Falkner and his Mud Slaps. You might be correct about one more Growl on Abe though

  • @accapaellass
    @accapaellass 6 месяцев назад +3

    Hello! Sorry to bother you just as you finished beating Falkner without optional battles but one of the pokémons in the fail list can beat the man without additional experience.
    And my man with a painting brush is Smeargle!
    All you need to do is go with struggle strats until you reach violet city.
    Heal up and PP up and go west to the "dark cave".
    Inside you'll have a 1% chance for your wild encounter to be Dunsparce, waste a turn against it by throwing a pokéball and failing to catch it or in another manner and he'll use "rage".
    Then use sketch to permanently gain it and use it to show "honest" Abe and pals that they made a mistake by shutting him down while he played nice.
    Just so you know I tried it out before commenting, so you won't have to waste time on a baseless suggestion.
    To deal with the rival's ghost I just learned "peck" from a spearow, but really you could learn just about any non-normal move.
    With some planning you could learn what move you might need instead of it, like "water gun" from wooper or "supersonic" from a zubat.
    Or you're feeling like showing the world what perfect IV's look like you could learn "hidden power" from an Unown which is a 70 BP dark-type move with those IV's.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah, I thought about doing the whole use an item then sketch, but then I felt it just wasn't on line with everything else that was itemless.
      Testing the Dunsparce strat sounds like a great strategy for the solo run of Smeargle though, that Rage is legit OP

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +3

      That being said, it could be part of my prologue to the first episode of Bugsy!

    • @accapaellass
      @accapaellass 6 месяцев назад +1

      Well, I mean, you DO have to catch pokémons for HMs and Dunsparce CAN learn strength so it's totally justified!
      Jokes aside unless there's something I'm misremembering (like a trainer that stops you), you could waste turns by going to Sprout tower (F2) at night to find a Gastly whose speed is high enough that you at least speed tie (the Gastly's level range from 3-6 and the speed DV's are random), pray that he uses hypnosis and hits before Smeargle wastes his PP and find a Dunsparce while asleep.

    • @accapaellass
      @accapaellass 6 месяцев назад +1

      In case there is a trainer blocking Sprout tower you could go to the routes east and west from Violet city at night to find a level 5 Gastly, but it's only a 5% chance encounter.
      Anyways you're going to need a lot more luck in this case, a 5% to find, a, let's say, 50% that he has enough speed, 50% that he wins a speed tie, 50% that it chooses hypnosis, 60% that he hits with it, 1% to find Dunsparce and then you have to wake up before Dunsparce's rage ends you

    • @accapaellass
      @accapaellass 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@GSCPokemonChallenges Sorry that I keep commenting on the same thing but I'll have to correct my previous statement, there is no trainer blocking Sprout tower and it's a good thing too because a LV.5 Gastly can't speed tie with a perfect DV Smeargle, you'll need to find a Lv.6 Gastly with at least 4 speed DV's.
      And then the luck has to turn out great or It's a reset/pokémon center visit for our boy

  • @ILeikNormalTypes
    @ILeikNormalTypes 6 месяцев назад +1

    Surprised you gave Dragonite’s Rival Chikorita even though it’s Flying type. Maybe Totodile would be more difficult due to it getting Ice moves later on? Won’t affect this segment obviously. Congrats on finishing Falkner!

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, I wasn't paying enough attention there. It obviously makes little difference for Rivals because his Feraligatr never learns ice type move in Crystal, at least based on Serebii

    • @androidboyd
      @androidboyd 6 месяцев назад +1

      I could see Chikorita still being the best. They are all slightly annoying, but none really that bad. Bayleef can poison and set up Reflect and stall. Quilava can reduce accuracy. Croconaw might be the worst, unless the AI could actually chain Rages together.
      In later the later fights (which you are usually fairly overleveled for), Feraligatr probably hits the hardest neutrally. The rival doesn't have the fully evolved Typhlosion in the underground, so it might be harder due to having less experience later? Probably negligible.@@GSCPokemonChallenges

  • @RobBomford
    @RobBomford 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hate to be that guy but I'm pretty sure that Venusaur would've got through with some peck low rolls + a crit. 40 effective hp with berry, peck doing 11-13 and 3 damage from recoil means any combination of peck rolls that total 36 or less would allow you to survive. That being said you could say that requires too much luck and I wouldn't disagree with you. Excited for Bugsy!

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      I need to run an actual damage calc there, but it definitely feels luck based. I did a lot of test runs with it on and off camera and still just couldn't get the range.

    • @RobBomford
      @RobBomford 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@GSCPokemonChallengesYeah makes sense, the other thing i would say is Dragonite should probably be in any ball but the totodile ball as it quad resists Bayleefs razor leaf at rival 2. That being said i don't imagine it would make much difference and Dragonite will likely steamroll any form of that battle. Keep up the great content :)

  • @browncow5210
    @browncow5210 6 месяцев назад +4

    So who gets further? Psyduck with ice beam, or Golduck with bad moves?

  • @jeffdeneum
    @jeffdeneum 6 месяцев назад +1

    So excited to watch, makes a boring work morning a lot more manageable! Thanks!

  • @mathturtle37
    @mathturtle37 6 месяцев назад +1

    Most surprising that passed: Ledian - that thing is trash and I was shocked you got that luck.
    Most surprising that failed: Omanyte - I was sure it had a better moveset than that. Why just Constrict?

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, I thought Omanyte would crush, since it starts Gen 1 with Water Gun.

  • @samvanheuckelom6622
    @samvanheuckelom6622 6 месяцев назад +1

    I don't know if anybody as told you this yet but if you buy a escape rope in the pokemon mart en go to the ruins of alph and enter the room with the kabuto puzzle all the way at the back of the room if you use the escape rope there a hidden room will open that has a gold berry in it that will heal 30 hp, don't know if it will change a lot but might be usefull knowledge?

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, I learned that from the folks back around episode 6 or 7. It was the key reason for the Tentacool redo

    • @samvanheuckelom6622
      @samvanheuckelom6622 6 месяцев назад

      Ah good to hear you already knew :D, also I really love what you're doing and enjoy it a lot with both channels, keep up the amazing work :D@@GSCPokemonChallenges

  • @TheLeviathan1293
    @TheLeviathan1293 6 месяцев назад +2

    10:34 It's not the worst possible reset though. Consider that you just need to see the first attack and if you don't get the range you immediately reset. In terms of time it wouldn't be much worse than just the "get one crit" reset.
    Not all resets are made equal :P

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +2

      This is true, but in all the tests that I did I just wasn't getting it. I could have been stuck in a really bad RNG section, but just not nearly consistent enough

  • @adventureoflinkmk2
    @adventureoflinkmk2 6 месяцев назад +1

    42:35 & 1:23:57 good one 😂

  • @taylordurham1440
    @taylordurham1440 6 месяцев назад +1

    I feel like there shouldn’t be a berry limit since in game you could just wait until a new berry grows the next day

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, I'm debating how to handle this. We can either go back and pick them up repeatedly or just use Game Hook to give us a bunch

  • @Maliktheslowking
    @Maliktheslowking 6 месяцев назад +1

    Nice video mate happy to see your great content

  • @stevepierce227
    @stevepierce227 6 месяцев назад +2

    You need to do Cyndaquil, since you didn't do it in the first episode and now Quilava has passed.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      So I actually did test it, and it was included in a supplemental video to this episode for Channel Members. I didn't end up putting it into this episode, but perhaps as a little epilogue to the first episode of Bugsy

    • @adventureoflinkmk2
      @adventureoflinkmk2 6 месяцев назад

      On that note... ancient power venusaur and ivysaur too

    • @stevepierce227
      @stevepierce227 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@GSCPokemonChallenges Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate your thorough approach to this series, and the dedication you have had to seeing it through. Thanks for your efforts, I am always so excited to watch these videos when they drop.

  • @d.a.d.-ohgosh
    @d.a.d.-ohgosh 6 месяцев назад +1

    Ahem! Oh freaking gosh Teo go off you King! 👑👑👑

  • @Denuhm
    @Denuhm 6 месяцев назад +1

    Hey there, I’m not a member but Oddish gets synthesis, swords dance, razor leaf and flail as egg moves in gen 2…

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, there are loads of good candidates. Oddish is definitely up there. I plan to explore egg moves more in individual solo challenges, so we'll see how Oddish doe there

  • @mathturtle37
    @mathturtle37 6 месяцев назад +1

    Only have time to watch the first bit before work. But I wanted to make a quick comment. Gen II got rid of the weird level-based critical damage formula and critical hits from gen II onward are just double damage.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      It doesn't seem to exactly work out to double. It might have to do with rounding and the random number aspect of damage at low levels though. Sorry, I didn't check that better in advance

  • @swordssignature4316
    @swordssignature4316 6 месяцев назад +1

    Are the pokemon who passed without egg moves, get their egg move for future runs? Or only the member-chosen pokemon get their egg move?

    • @bentendo_
      @bentendo_ 6 месяцев назад +1

      I believe the plan was that only the pokemon the members chose will have their egg moves

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      In future solo runs, which will be on 0 DVs/0 IVs, I plan to check into Egg moves for Pokemon in more detail. For this minimum battles series, I will only use them for Member Picks as a little extra spice and a thank you for member support

  • @JessicaS-xv8oe
    @JessicaS-xv8oe 6 месяцев назад +2

    I would like to know who has the passed Falkner with the lowest stat total. I think that pakemon deserves to be mentioned special.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +2

      I will need to look at this. it will take some time given there are 160ish passers 😂

  • @anonymously_yours
    @anonymously_yours 6 месяцев назад +1

    i wonder if zubat could have won going into falkner with leech life AND super sonic pp? use leech life to gain back marginal amounts of HP and hopefully shave a turn off of pidgey's KO and ensure you have the super sonic PP for pidgeotto. probably still too lucky, but curious if it would be any closer.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      I tested that quite extensively. It was not working.

    • @anonymously_yours
      @anonymously_yours 6 месяцев назад

      @@GSCPokemonChallenges darn it would have been funny if there WAS a way lol Zubat?? of all things?

  • @DamnUsernameAvailabi
    @DamnUsernameAvailabi 6 месяцев назад +1

    GSCPC vs RBYPC steel cage match when?

  • @AntonHoang-ei5lx
    @AntonHoang-ei5lx 6 месяцев назад +2

    Shame no one pick staryi egg move :(

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, I think they showed away since you couldn't actually legally get the egg moves in Gen 2 on Staryu.

    • @AntonHoang-ei5lx
      @AntonHoang-ei5lx 6 месяцев назад

      I’m looking forward to the Bugsy gym run

  • @delciv5854
    @delciv5854 6 месяцев назад +1

    Algo Bump

  • @thekakeking9400
    @thekakeking9400 6 месяцев назад +1

    I hope that youd get to whitney by the end of the year.

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      We'll see! It all kind of depends on how long each run takes to do. I cut the majority of the run out and try to just keep the key sections and thoughts. Each section gets a little longer and more complicated

  • @brolsroyceyt2362
    @brolsroyceyt2362 6 месяцев назад +1

    My boi Tyranitar 🔥🔥

  • @adventureoflinkmk2
    @adventureoflinkmk2 6 месяцев назад +1

    1:03:35 & 1:03:41 ooooo 69 nice

  • @Spudmay
    @Spudmay 6 месяцев назад +1

    Let's GOOOOOO

  • @Croationman
    @Croationman 6 месяцев назад +1

    It feels so bad watching you squint like that

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, my eye condition Keratoconus is no joke. Actually the main reason I went without a webcam so long.

    • @Croationman
      @Croationman 6 месяцев назад

      Just looked it up, very serious. Hope it isn't debilitating. Great finale by the way! @@GSCPokemonChallenges

  • @adventureoflinkmk2
    @adventureoflinkmk2 6 месяцев назад +2

    Still, this guy is NOT RBY Pokémon Challenges!!!!

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +2

      But still got more than double the number of Pokemon through the first gym co pared to that RBY guy 😂

  • @mike18911222
    @mike18911222 6 месяцев назад +1

    you aren't RBYPC!!!

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад

      But we're getting there! On pace to hit 2000 subs faster than RBY PC, that's for sure!

  • @PKMNwww411_MkII
    @PKMNwww411_MkII 6 месяцев назад +5

    You've known me as Marbleous Racing. Well, I have a confession to make. I can't seem to break the algorithm. I'll never make a cent on my videos. I have to make do with my parents and my annoying nephews. They weren't as annoying as they were when they were young, but they're still annoying to this day. I'll never be a popular RUclipsr. My name change might alienate my subscribers. Can you just call me Dave?

    • @Spudmay
      @Spudmay 6 месяцев назад +10

      What even is this comment

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +2

      Sure, I can call you Dave in the shoutouts!

  • @bentendo_
    @bentendo_ 6 месяцев назад +3

    Now everyone can appreciate my boi flaileon 🫡

  • @PhilipMurphyExtra
    @PhilipMurphyExtra 6 месяцев назад +1

    This is GSC Pokémon Challenges the movie

    • @GSCPokemonChallenges
      @GSCPokemonChallenges  6 месяцев назад +1

      Seriously, the videos get longer and longer.... I will need to decide what to keep and what to cut from the Bugsy section, which will likely depend on which trainers turn out to be actual walls. The first run will serve to remind everyone of the route, and look into possible significant battles.

    • @PhilipMurphyExtra
      @PhilipMurphyExtra 6 месяцев назад

      @@GSCPokemonChallenges Just need to get some 🍿 for next video then.