Children are perfect as they are, you have to teach kids to accept themselves for who they are! Just because you don’t fit in with popular trends doesn’t mean you’re anything else besides what you are. It’s sad these kids will never learn how to accept themselves and build real confidence
The fact that the oldest was pretty much “jealous” that the younger was “trans” as well, tells you all you need to know. They like the attention, as kids usually do
Yeah, it goes to show that the kids simply cannot understand the true scope of what they're doing. It's on the parents who are absolutely harming their children over their own ego and ideology
Listen buddy, You want them to follow your strict unchanging Abrahamic gender rules. That isn’t traumatizing? If you want them to follow YOUR Abrahamic Deuteronomy 22:5 rules (instead of freedom to be creative and make their own), then respectfully, SHUT. UP. Nobody wants to hear you. Adhere to your Abrahamic gender roles on YOUR own. Don’t force others to be like you or dress like you. Your Abrahamic dictatorship that has been taking control of most history will soon be over. You can dress according to the religious Abrahamic male vs female code, but YOU CANNOT FORCE IT ON EVERYONE ELSE.
its bcus maybe you don't have parent that support you and you were hiding in the closet for the longest time of your life. glad you r coming out n so you can judge other people that seeking their self! yikes
I mean, he's like almost a teen. When I was his age I was depressed and suicidal and tired all the time. I'm not surprised anyway, trans people have a very high rate of depression and suicide. That's a proven fact. Even when people have a support system. It just is what it is.
2736 They didn’t do anything to the boy he knows for himself that he’s a boy. I can’t believe people actually think they are confusing them that’s just stupid.
@@ALEX-d7p2n Nope, the kids have parents who have no spine to correct and thoroughly understand their situations in order to tell them what they don't understand in childhood, which is that children change their minds all the time. Instead, they made them took puberty blockers and went along with their children, thinking they have gender dysphoria and ignoring all other factors and problems their kids had.
As a trans guy, this is not okay. These children show no signs of actual gender dysphoria. I came out at 11, and my mom sent me straight to therapy. It sucked, but I understand why she wouldn’t allow me to transition medically until I was 18. This isn’t okay.
@Nah but then whats the point in transitioning? If you do it after puberty then you won't look much different . I 've seen people transition after puberty they still look like the same sex they were born with , so my question is what is the point?
sapphire divine before puberty, you’re a little kid. you don’t know what you are or who you are yet and don’t know if it’s a phase. when you’re older after puberty, you’ve figured yourself out and know what you want to do with your life and what gender you are or would like to be. when you’re a kid you’re too immature to make those decisions
Exactly, so how did these parents know what their kids really truly wanted if the kids don't understand the concept of gender roles? 🤔 That is a big question
You can legally drink until 21 due to maturity....... Can't rent a hotel room until 21...... Can't drive until 16...... Can't join arm forces until 18.......
All of those have deathly consequences if not careful nothing deathly about wanting to be addressed a certain way I agree with surgery’s nd stuff must wait until older but socially transitioning isn’t permanent
right i think the kids should just be kids i mean damn let them figure it out on their own dont make their whole childhood about sexuality. it shouldnt be like a lifestyle yk
I feel like it’s highly unlikely for two siblings to be trans. I think the younger sibling was either influenced by the older sibling, the parents, or both. However, the older sibling was probably influenced by the parents to begin with. There is more here that doesn’t meet the eye.
Its true tho like when I was younger I always followed whatever my older sister did if she was to do something like this I would follow being the copycat I was so that probably is the case here
Allison Linner right ! Ima need someone to run me the statistics on BOTH your children being trans ????...... because that seems off especially after the older one said “ well it was MY THING”....👀👀👀
Kreamean Mpoof I don’t think so! The parents are just accepting them.That doesn’t mean that they are actually influencing their children... Also I believe that it wouldn’t make any sense,’cause it’s kind of hard to raise a trans kid!Bullying, prejudice and not being able to have a biological child. I don’t know...
Tyler Hope, I believe that bettas should be kept in a 2.5 gallon TANK at the very least (not a bowl or vase). I keep mine in a 5 gallon tank and she’s very happy.
They say they want their children to accept themselves, when they can’t teach them to accept the way they were born and that changing themselves drastically is ‘acceptance’
I felt masculine all my life but feeling masculine doesn’t mean you can change into a man. You’re literally not a man… you are a female. 8 year olds deciding their life is the most crazy thing I’ve ever seen. Everyone feels masculine and feminine sometimes. Being uncomfortable literally doesn’t matter everyone feels uncomfortable
Not everybody feels uncomfortable with their gender and if they do they should think about why that is the case and find a way to feel comfortable with themselves because if you go through your whole life ignoring the sheer amount of discomfort you might be feeling you might end up unhappy
Feeling masculine and being a man are two different things. To apply your experience to someone else’s in order to invalidate them is very close-minded.
When was 8 I asked my dad why obama was running the country wrong and why is his healthcare plan unconstitutional because of the penalties for not having it.
I'd be interested to see how they are living their lives now, something seems so odd, even their speech isn't fluid or childlike. Eerie & tragic,this is abuse, the gorilla line was perfect evidence that these kids have no understanding of the concept of gender, let alone transgenderism. The parents are ill and I hope that the children have got through as unscathed as possible. Some people just weren't meant to be parents, this is the perfect example of such people.
This child literally made the decision to be TRANS, isn’t that a lot more serious than asking about his future plans for having children later in life??
His** and yes it sucks cuz he doesnt know if he would want them in the future but one thing is for sure he has gender dysphoria and it help A LOT to transition bit by bit
Honestly I think it's very very possible not because of the age but simply because of the attention although there is still a small possibility that they are trans
I was desperate to be a boy from the age of around 8, it was all I thought about. I wore boys clothes, played with boys toys and all of my close friends were male. If you had described the term Transgender to me at that age, I would have said that was me. But the feeling slowly passed at around 13 and a decade later I can confidently say I love my body and gender.
smileyguy24 I agree. I was a super tom boy and my mom was even scared I wanted to be boy. I had the short hair, guy friends, boy clothes, hated my body once I hit puberty and started to develop breasts, but as I grew older, I realized I did like being female and got into the girly must of been some weird phase
100% agree. I have been saying for a while that if my family was “woke” like many of today’s parents then i would be a bisexual transgender man instead of a happy wife and mother.
Because maybe you just didn’t vibe with feminine trends! And there’s nothing weird about that, but to reject your body? To reject who you are as unworthy, to say you have to transition to another gender to be perfect, is wrong. It’s unhealthy to grow up so insecure and I feel terrible for these kids
It's not the same being a "tomboy" than a transgender. I always feel like a girl but I just didn't like girly things. I was a tomboy but I never felt like I wasn't girl. All of my cousins were boys and I guess that's why I didn't like girly things but I never thought I should be a boy and these kids' cases are different obvisouly
Ya but I believe S S is referencing that you go through phases, may have not used the best example because people would of course find a way to turn that around because they disagree. But ya they are too young come on, if anyone thinks different, I feel sorry for your kids or if you have any.
Sameee. Never wore skirts, shorts or dresses. Had my head shaved when I was 5, I was soo scared of looking like a boy. I would wear a black beanie EVERYWHERE
It is not hard to lie to children. When I was a child, I convinced my 8 year old brother, who is 100% Japanese, that he was an Italian man. Let children like things without telling them that they're the other gender. That is true acceptance
As much as that would be nice, it’s not gonna be like that yet, but even if it does happen, what if they do feel like the other gender? Isn’t it better to support them? Rather then ending up with a child who feels suicidal and commits suicide? Better for the first route in my opinion
@@newtlyme7820 “let them be themselves”, this is the problem with you people. it is YOUR job as a parent to guide your child without giving in to their stupid ideas. children have these ideas when they are young where they are experimenting with dif ideas ect., but it is your job to teach them right from wrong. 9/10 they will grow out of it. it’s the truth. this should definitely be illegal, especially hormone blockers for gods sake.
@@soapy7619 as long as it isn't hurting anyone it's not a big deal. And considering how trans people are actually born with brains matching their identities, it's cruel to just plain out disrespect your child just because of your political bias. It is YOUR responsibility to support your child either way. All that these kids go through is a name change and a pronoun change. That's it. It's completely reversible, you're not worried about the kid, you're just worried about seeing something that's outside of your little box of normality.
"because I thought it was my thing" they are literally treating this whole process as if it was a toy or something you know why? because they are still KIDS!!!! transitioning at the age of 5? are you kidding me
maybe got tired of the baby getting all the attention.. and thought ... I know... Little and cute... dont top trans... Because it is not politically correct to say cuteness is better... I WIN... then lil sis says I'm trans to..... Damn... what was that 1 day.... SCREW IT ... I'm going back to being a girl... lol
Trans is not red flag, it's sane. I see some feminine characteristics in boys, likewise some girls are masculine. We don't probably express it due to the strangle hold of society
@@rushmipriya Are you saying boys with feminine characteristics must be "girls" and girls with masculine characteristics must be "boys". How CLOSE MINDED!
When my son was younger he wanted a bionic arm. He literally told me that he wanted to replace his real healthy normal arm with a robotic arm and he was *very* serious. He kept saying that he wished his arm was cut off and actually passionatly debated me about it. He could not understand the real consequences of having a missing arm (in *REALITY* ) and how that would affect him. He is now 16 and thinks he was a total idiot back then and laughs about it. He now debates me about other things that I'm certain he will in a few years look back on and think differently about.
That's exactly what i thought... When i was little i wanted to be Simba from The Lion King but guess what? 10 years later, i'm almost 18 and still not a lion cub.
Mutilating a child should be considered child abuse. These kids are not old enough to comprehend a long term life decision. This is just not right. Grow up and then make your decision. Stop the madness!!!
Nobody is changing their bodies. They are only socially transitioning, which can be reversed by simply telling people your preference of pronouns have changed. If that's mutilating a child, giving birth or letting kids age is also abuse. If you don't agree with it, help scientists figure out time travel and go back to ducking 1843.
@SaNdY LOUISE WoOdWaRd1969 To be honest, I did. I was always more masculine and all. I wanted to be a boy. Ever since I started first grade and I made actual friends.
When a parent says to themselves "I'm going to create unnecessary hardship in my child's life, because SoCiAL ProgReSS!" you know there is a serious, serious problem.
@@BeatBoDLX2010Stop encouraging children to mutilate their genitals and become apart of a hated minority especially during their important developmental years....
@@BeatBoDLX2010 lil bro is so brainwashed he thinks that HE NEEDS to defend this pride thing at all cost for no freaking reason, like bro you sound like an npc not a human being 💀
@@BeatBoDLX2010shut up this isnt transphobic and I say that as a real trans person these children in the video are not actually trans this is ridiculous they wouldn’t be so certain about it before puberty
Hope Harris I mean it’s more open these days and it’s totally ok. I feel like this young only hormone blockers is ok for hormones I would say 15-16 is a good age. I started t when I was 15.
you obviously didn’t listen to what he was saying tho look maybe they won’t be trans when they’re older but at least the kids know their parents love and support them either way. if you can’t love or accept your kid if they’re trans then you shouldn’t be a parent. they’re doing the right thing. they’re not pushing them to stay trans, or making them be trans.
Except for the mother, she's pretty ecstatic about all the attention she's getting. Bringing in the cameras and wearing all the special regalia and everything.
@@Valentine-kx7fk i know, it's just in all honesty, like most social media, tumblr is a breeding ground for disgusting ideas that make little or no sense at times. Tumblr just has the worst of it.
As a post op trans women I have to warn you. Dont let your kids receive sugery until they are adults. Its totally hell and is very hard on your body with a real risk of major complications not to mention they very well may feel different when they get old. In all honesty i wish i never would have went through almost 20 surgical procedures and just stayed as i was created.
I have to wonder if children of such a young age should be over facilitated as these two seem to be. I think at that age children who feel like the opposite gender than their chromosomes indicate should be permitted to explore but not required to commit. If my young son informed me that he was in fact a girl I would tell him that he could live like a girl for a while to see if he was sure. I would get him counselling to help him figure things out. But I would not require him to decide for certain and in fact I would not allow him to decide for certain at least for a while. It would not be until he reached puberty where it would become serious decision time and even then there are medications that can delay puberty for a while. The problem I see is that children tend to change their mind a lot and parents tend to demand a child make up their mind so I think what often happens is the parent demand a child pick a gender and stick with it. I would have no problem with my son/daughter changing back and forth regularly or intermittently just to make sure that they are indeed transgender and not simply either a very feminine boy or a very masculine girl. I think that it is difficult to be happy if the parents pressure a child. I don't mean pressure them to change but pressure them to make up their mind. At that age I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up and if offered a gender choice I still might not have had any idea what I wanted to be. Children have far more choices today than when I was a kid. What kind of phone do you want? Me: "I get to have my own phone?" Kids didn't have phones in those days. What kind of school clothes do you want? Me: "I get to choose my own clothes?" Kids didn't get to choose that either in my day. What do you want for dinner? Me: "It's my birthday?" Kids ate what their mom fixed for dinner or went without. Too many choices these days and now kids have to choose their gender on top of everything else. Too many choices leads to a confusing childhood. Gender is one of the biggest choices if indeed it's a choice. I'm 60 and I still am not sure what I want to be when I grow up.
She is asking those questions because when a child is transgender, they have to think about those things before they make permanent decisions. She is doing the best she can, and I think it's wonderful!
@S E do you think kids who go through the foster care system don't understand as that a adult thing to understand sorry you're wrong kids understand more than adults these days
At four, I behaved like what most people would consider how a typical rowdy 4 year old boy did, but I never really saw the line between boy and girl until 9 or so. I was raised in a household that treated boys and girls the same until they reached puberty. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly and I wish my community and those who support it wouldn’t treat it as a trend or something to be publicized. I just want to be treated like a normal man, I don’t want “oppression points” for it.
Pickle Juice I'm bi actually. But children are too young to decide such big life decisions. The mother was discussing with the eight year old about having kids one day and they're just too young for that kind of pressure and too be worried about any of that. Kids should be kids. If that's taken away too soon more problems arise.
Erika CH smh.... No tattoos are a much smaller deal than ones own gender preference or sexuality. If I were to have gotten a tattoo chosen by my 8 year old self I wouldn't be happy with it in my adult years. These are CHILDREN. They're brains are not fully mature yet to make such a life altering decision. Regardless if it is the right choice for them, they should wait at least until an age of maturity to make such a mature decision.
maybe they don't know they're trans or maybe they don't even know labels exist, they just feel like the opposite gender. Gender identity is in your brain is not really hard, just the labels and the things deriving from it. Kids don't need to know the labels, i'll agree with that, but preventing a trans child from transitioning is literally abuse. Many trans children come out in a conservative and/or religious environment, which is potentially really harmful, and i am 99.9% sure a conservative/religious parent wouldn't force their child to live as the opposite gender. Forcing a cis kid to be trans is also abuse, i'll agree on that, though most of the time it's not the case when it comes to children transitioning (which is the opposite of what your kind thinks). edit: trans children also have friends, play games, go to school, have good or bad grades, get scolded by their teachers/parents, feel awkward in family reunions, just like any other children would. They're not a type of vile wretched monster desperatly seeking for everything lgbtq+ related. Being lgbtq+ might not even be a part of their personalities, like being cis might not be a part of the personality of cis children. thanks for coming to my ted talk
@@ireallylikebeees if my son wanted to wear dresses and play with dolls I would let him ... that doesn’t make him trans .. you don’t know what these kids in the videos are actually thinking and we will never know ... we need to stop being sexist and allow our kids to do and dress how ever they like ! That will help everyone ! But sadly us Latinos are so sexist we hate to allow our boys be “feminine” .. sadly many cultures are like this . But hopefully it gets better where a kid can be a kids regardless
The United Kingdom has recently banned hormone blockers for children as there’s been an overwhelming amount of cases of regret and asking to revert back as well as serious medical issues
I want to see your statistics, a very small percentage of trans people detransition, and most of those are from societal pressure. Besides, hormones, hormone blockers, that stuff is reversible. The irreversible stuff can't even legally be done until 18 and thats with a lot of therapy and 1 or 2 doctors approval. Don't listen to the BBC
UnderCoverHunter You hopefully aren't anyone's father with how utterly stupid you are. Seriously, how do you not know how to form proper sentences, and not know the difference between "where" and "were".
Blockers aren’t actually proven to change the body, they can always take it off and have normal puberties. My main concern is the boy wearing a binder, those can ruin your lungs.
Kit Allen actually, if you wear a binder correctly it doesn’t really harm you. As long as you don’t have a size too small or two binders on, it shouldn’t effect you if you don’t wear it for longer that 6-8 hours.
@@crowsandlemons The Binder I can understand you know I don't think that's harmful at all but they wanted surgery and hormone injections that's what I meant, to me it just seems to be little much for a child to decide something like that at such a young age
Lisa maihi as a person who’s trans and has body dysphoria, I can tell you that wanting surgery and hormones is completely normal. I’m around the same age as the boy (I forgot his name) and as soon as I started feeling like the way I did and as soon as I learned about surgery and hormones, I really wanted (want) to start hormones and get surgery. I think it’s normal as long as they don’t start hormones until they’re completely sure that this is what they want. You can’t get surgery till your 18 anyway so I don’t think that’s a problem we should be thinking about.
@@catrasauce can't blockers have mental charge tho? Like if you've used them there are people out there who are gonna shower u with completes and praise which will just make u think that ure dog the tight thing anyway so there kind of is an issue right?
Young kids often take on labels just because it's what they've heard or been told. It used to be a girl who liked typically masculine things was just seen as a tomboy but now it's a question of whether they're trans or not. Obviously I believe trans individuals are valid but sometimes young kids who are just being kids are made to think it's something much more
Exactly. I was a tomboy with short hair who did lots of masculine things. If I'd been told I could be trans back then maybe I would have thought I was. But I'm not. I'm a woman now and while I still play with gender expression sometimes I'm very glad I didn't undergo puberty blockers let alone surgery.
My friend was a "tomboy" growing up. In his late 20s, he transitioned. He's been taking testosterone for 4 years & is saving for a mastectomy. Perhaps this openness saves heartache later in life, for some?
My thoughts exactly. The more this continues, the more the world is gonna get messed up. Sure, accept each other but I don't think it helps by putting labels on everything. Gender doesn't matter so why can't you just be YOU? Just accept your gender, it really doesn't matter.
Jenn S. They are accepting their gender, just not the one they were assigned to at birth because that's not who they are or feel comfortable being. Just say you are transphobic and go, the world is not going to get messed up by parents loving and accepting their kids! Or do you think it's better when they don't and LGBT kids end up commiting suicide? Cause many VERY YOUNG trans kids have thought and attempted that because their parents wouldn't accept them. If you honestly think that's ok then you are the messed up one.
Omg... I'm speechless. Socially transitioned at age 5?? At age 5 all i cared about was play outside with my bike instead of a doll. And that didn't make me transgender nor question my gender. I didn't even know the meaning of "gender"... I just want all this phase or trend to stop. Children shouldn't worry about their gender at such a young age.
Its hard to not think about gender at such a young age when everything is gendered when you're growing up. Every kids toy has a 'boys' version and a 'girls' version. Idk just something to think about
@@eviehope4432 yes, just about everything is gendered. But it doesn't mean we should change our gender according to the things we choose to buy. I was born a female. (Still am a female). As i was growing, i preferred playing with my brothers red bike than dolls. Oh, and i loved playing marbles. I even got into fights a couple of times with boys cuz they didn't let me play football. And the question to me from friends was " are you a tomboy"... That was in the 80s. The word trans was not around yet. I'm not saying it didn't exist. It just wasn't heard about like it is today.
PopcornCat 15 ok...I kind of agree, BUT, if they are uncomfortable, or they don’t feel good in there body, that’s not worrying about gender that’s being uncomfortable and that’s not ok for a child to be uncomfortable in there own body, that’s why they want to do something about it
The older sibling not wanting the younger sibling to be trans because they wanted it to be a special thing only they did… 🧐 And these kids seem hella depressed.
Imagine if they grow older and they have made nothing and went through puberty, and wanna die. Which is the case for most of trans people, very few had the chance to prevent their puberty. Which is a shame. Trans lives matter.
@@electro2781 They are KIDS. I don't think kids should decide on such a life-changing matter. If they are adults which could consent, sure, but they're not. Good thing my parents aren't like these people LOL I had undergone boyish stages, I hated dresses and pink and I kinda wanted to be a boy, but it's just a phase and now I'm not girlish still but I know that I am a girl. What if they are just confused? I do not hate trans people as they are still humans like us all but I am just concerned about these kids and their environment. I think it's too early for them to undergo transition because they lack experience and they still are not mature. Look at those kids, one aged 7, and "she" decided she wanted to be a boy at FREAKIN AGE 5, it's just unbelievable, and more ridiculous that the parents allowed it.
The answer to it being trans at 5.90 was incredibly awful. "Are they to young to know they are cis"? To know what cis is a bad sign. Also. No. I didnt know i was straight as a 8 yr old. I didnt know what girls even had at 8. I grew ip before the internet and had one sister that is 5 yrs younger than myself.
@Ali ._. my kids have a bath together so it's pretty obvious boys and girls are different. I don't understand why you think it's bad for them to know boys and girls are different, they should know what they are. I'm not saying that this video isn't wrong though, because it is in so many ways. My 4 yr old daughter puts dresses on her brother but I dont assume he wants to be a girl. I'm blaming the mother in the video.
@Ali ._. ohhhhh sorry, I thought you meant kids knowing genders was bad!! Yeah I agree, she is exposing them both too fast. I think that parents are jumping on the band wagon these days and as soon as their kid does something a bit different eg boys wearing dresses, they decide theres a problem. I was the same as you, I was a Tom boy, got on better with my brother, my best friend was a boy, hung out with a group of boys etc.
Yh honestly i believe that aswell because even though theyre holding off permamnent stages till later so nothings permamnent yet, putting their kids out there on the internet like that is bad bc what if they change their mind and its not what it was and they were just boyish or girly, it ginna be hard to go back because its out there now
Sounds like the younger one wanted to be like their sibling and get attention Also, just because you want short hair and like “boys” toys, it doesn’t mean your a boy, I was a huge tomboy, I would chop my hair off and only watch “boys” tv shows, but that doesn’t mean I’m a boy!
Agreed. Back then, girls that were boyish can still be treated like girls. They were called tomboys, as you said. And effeminate males were just pretty boys. They never had to change their gender, just come to acceptance with their personality. But I guess that's too hard nowadays.
@@spagari Trans identity is way more complex than that, it's somewhat disturbing that people who don't have any personal trans experiences assume they know what trans people have seen or been through when discovering their identity. There's a big difference between being gender non-conforming and being transgender, whether these kids are one or the other, we would not and could not know. But transness itself is not a trend or a fashion statement, that much is true.
I mean I definitely felt like something was off but like??? I didn't know what being trans was until like a year ago. I'm not planning on coming out to the people around me until I'm 18
@briannashelton1726 I can see they love their child but common sense should be cosidered before making life altering unreversable horrific surgery anytime the person seeking srs have no other legal rights....responsibility is protecting your children when considering castration a child responsible parents should get second maybe 3rd opinions....if the parents would parent and don't let the medical community parent their child. If the child still feels srs a solution when they are an adult then have at it but there's no ethical reason to sterilize n castrate mutilate young women breast's is absurd barbaric....
There is something seriously disturbing going on here and I’m not talking about the transgender issue. The overall attitude and atmosphere of this family is so depressing. It’s really sad to watch. The Dad is just floating around on “Yes Ma’am what ever you say” Planet And Mom is just living out on planet Oblivion somewhere. Poor kids.
What do u mean poor kids theyre parents are just letting them be who they are which a lot of trans kids don't get theyre very lucky I'd love to have parents like these they are doing the best they can add parents
George Thomas, I think you are misunderstanding my comment. I have absolutely no disagreement with the fact of these children being transgender (however I don’t believe the younger sibling actually is but I’m not even going to go into that), or the fact that their parents are totally supporting their choices. What I do have am issue with is the way I am interpreting the mother’s “support”. It seems as though she has these kids on display, almost like she’s feeding from their lives and dad is just kinda “whatever mom says”. I am a parent as well, my oldest is 27, my youngest is 3 so I have experienced parenting at all levels. These kids almost seemed coached on what to say and how to think and that I do have a problem with.
So sad, children are born perfect! These parents only validate their kids insecurities, they’ll never know confidence because they’ll never accept themselves.
Original message: "Only girls can play with dolls and only boys can play with trucks!"; Later message: "Boys and girls can play with dolls or trucks, it's all fine!"; Current message: "If you play with dolls you're a girl, and if you play with trucks you're a boy, or neither, or both, or maybe a cat or something"
Look it up, most people don't regret it! It's very very rare that someone regrets transitioning, also, they're only taking puberty blockers to later on decide whether they want to go through male puberty or female puberty. I think they are too young to transition medically but transtioning socially and trying to figure youself out is fine and the kids should be allowed to.
@@effaitch7629 kids who feel like they don't belong in their bodies and feel like they aren't what they were born as (cause they aren't) won't be able to "just be kids", they won't grow up normally, they will be depressed and anxious. Transgender people don't transition cause they just felt like it one day, they transition cause they feel like something is wrong with their current gender.
And? When I was 4 I felt like I wasn't a girl nor a boy, now I'm 16 and I found out about non-binary and I'm happy I did because it's exactly how I felt like all these years without closure and not knowing who I really was
"Olivia said she was transgender from 4....". How does a 4 year old know that word? The defenition ! Oh, so he thought being transgender was "his thing". So it's not who he is, it's a "thing"? His words, not mine.
you are a parent before you are their friend. you have complete control over them until they are 18. im trans and i will never let my child make such a life changing decision when clearly they have no idea what they are doing. poor parenting.
This is very basic trans terminology. Had you done any research on trans people you’d understand what they’re saying. Also the mother is having a conversation with her child to gauge how he feels.
They seemed groomed for sure. In the line of questioning about what will you do about having children? The child says "adoption" like that's just no big deal.. the adoption process is very extensive and difficult.
@@carolyn5219 What logical reason do parents have to convince their children to be trans? It’s a dangerous and difficult world for us to live in. We all grapple with the thought at first and so do our parents. In fact more likely than not parents are not accepting. So when you do see parents that are, you can’t wrap your head around it. Also I don’t know if you realize this but starting hormones could make us infertile so having children is something we have to seriously think about. Starting hormones is something we would want to do as soon as possible. So if these kids do decide to start hormones when they’re 18 they need to know the answers to those questions.
I was extremely masculine as a little girl and wanted to be a boy but I’m a woman now… if I had a mom like her I would’ve transitioned I’m sure which was not the answer
Or you would have tried it and realised it wasn't what you wanted, these kids can say no I don't want this anymore at any point, no permanent changes have been made, names can be changed, hair grows back and even puberty blockers can be discontinued. I'm pretty certain they are also recieving the appropriate counselling to make sure that it's not other issues, that it's not the parents, or the younger sibling wanting to imitate the older sibling.
Nothing they are going through right now is permanent, I’m pretty sure. Puberty blockers are probably the most they are doing for the kids. It’s all reversible, they will have time to figure themselves out! Gender is a journey :)
True enough.. but I don’t think you understood the video.. it goes beyond little boys liking make up and little girls liking sports.. anyone can like masculine or feminine things regardless of their gender, transgenderism goes much deeper than some gender stereotypical interests.
I have a 5 year old boy who recently came out as a fox, we are now building a den for him under a tree and he says he wants to transition into a fox, fine with me, we are so proud of our little fox!
I never understand these "arguments" if you had a daughter that came up to you and said "I'm a fairy princess!" You wouldn't go "No you aren't, Melissa! You're obviously just a normal 6 year old, why would you ever think something as stupid as that" because that would just make the kid cry. You WOULD go "Oh yes! Good morning your majesty, what a pretty dress you have!" And if the kid shows a constant love for make-believe fairy princess games you'd get them princess costumes, fairy wings, those dollar store fake jewellery and crowns and more princess/fairy related toys. While most kids do grow out of it, sometimes older kids and teens keep these interests in multiple different ways. While I know not all parents are like this, good ones will continue to support their children through all their fairy princess related activities.
@@kdizzle901 I didn't know age and maturity dictates what kind and when to develop disorder? DSM already cites on gender dysphoria/ gender identity disorder that develops at childhood into adulthood.
I knew exactly who I was and what I wanted when I was 4. At the time I had to make some tough decisions that would effect my life forever and I don’t regret my choices. It’s different for everyone. My mom didn’t know who she was and what she wanted until she was an adult but it is different with me.
@@duckinahurry4630 You know what you were going to be at 4 years old? Did you end up following through with conviction all your plans you made when you were 4?
When I was 5-6 my parents let me watch Tokyo ghoul because I could handle it and I'm just fine now I'm 12 and I'm a-romantic and asexual and I identify as a girl just because we're young doesn't mean we don't know who we are 😉 don't judge us plz
My 12 year old son recently came out as Hitler. It’s always scary when your child wants to be something different than they were born as but we are supporting him. We wrote him fake rejection letters to art school and enlisted him in the German army. He has requested to take German classes and we are allowing him to do so. He wears a fake mustache to school every day as well as a suit with a swastika on it and he has a Nazi flag in his room. Kids in the school have been making fun of him and teachers have been complaining about how he wrote his own version of Mein Kamfe in English class and repeatedly talks about how he “hates Jews” and bullies Jewish students. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It’s how he identifies. His deployment is on Thursday. It’s not every day of the year child identifies as a failed, Austrian painter, who becomes a genocidal dictator but you must always validate your children. No matter what they say. My three year old daughter has recently came out to me as an airplane as well and she has a custom made plane suit on the way. People hate on me so much but I’m just loving and do what’s best for my kids❤❤❤
When i was 8 all i could ever think about was why the moon chasing me everywhere i go
I'm 13 almost 14 and i still think that😭
Honestly 😭😭
So true!😂
wait it dosent chase me ?
“Can we go to the pool today?”
*depressing music starts playing*
Audrey Gonzaga 💀
At the end of the day, they still have 1 son and 1 daughter
Just did the ol *switch-a-ro*
Exactly it doesn't matter if you want to change your gender as long as your happy
Yeah we know a female(the boy) and a male(the girl)
Children are perfect as they are, you have to teach kids to accept themselves for who they are! Just because you don’t fit in with popular trends doesn’t mean you’re anything else besides what you are. It’s sad these kids will never learn how to accept themselves and build real confidence
Now the son is older which is worse than the daughter being older
The fact that the oldest was pretty much “jealous” that the younger was “trans” as well, tells you all you need to know. They like the attention, as kids usually do
I hate to say it but that comment got me too, I noticed it straight away.
Yeah, it goes to show that the kids simply cannot understand the true scope of what they're doing. It's on the parents who are absolutely harming their children over their own ego and ideology
Listen buddy,
You want them to follow your strict unchanging Abrahamic gender rules. That isn’t traumatizing?
If you want them to follow YOUR Abrahamic Deuteronomy 22:5 rules (instead of freedom to be creative and make their own), then respectfully, SHUT. UP. Nobody wants to hear you. Adhere to your Abrahamic gender roles on YOUR own. Don’t force others to be like you or dress like you. Your Abrahamic dictatorship that has been taking control of most history will soon be over. You can dress according to the religious Abrahamic male vs female code, but YOU CANNOT FORCE IT ON EVERYONE ELSE.
I'm a trans man and I must say this seems very off. Makes me very uncomfortable
I agree totally!
Lmao well that’s hypocritical
its bcus maybe you don't have parent that support you and you were hiding in the closet for the longest time of your life. glad you r coming out n so you can judge other people that seeking their self! yikes
Same here, I find it weird that there is two kids who are trans it seems extremly off
The boy doesn't look healthy, dark circles under his eyes, seems depressed... not really happy....
Which boy? 🙄🤣
Yea because you’re a licensed psychologist and know what’s going on in his life .
Green For Life YOUR SO RUDE
Romana Volny - How much sleep do you think you’d get if you shared a room with your 7 year old little sibling?
I mean, he's like almost a teen. When I was his age I was depressed and suicidal and tired all the time. I'm not surprised anyway, trans people have a very high rate of depression and suicide. That's a proven fact. Even when people have a support system. It just is what it is.
I did some research for a current-time update. James still uses he/him pronouns. Olivia is now using they/them pronouns.
what did you research
@@AwakensYT lol whats terrible
Sylvanian stop motion star The post I found was from about a month ago.
2736 They didn’t do anything to the boy he knows for himself that he’s a boy. I can’t believe people actually think they are confusing them that’s just stupid.
2736 the children are clearly happier this way. That’s the opposite of child abuse
The first words out of the kids mouth “I felt something was missing” yeah… puberty.
and loving parents
@@dorian447 what? the kids are having supportive and loving parents, what do you mean idiot?
@@ALEX-d7p2n Nope, the kids have parents who have no spine to correct and thoroughly understand their situations in order to tell them what they don't understand in childhood, which is that children change their minds all the time. Instead, they made them took puberty blockers and went along with their children, thinking they have gender dysphoria and ignoring all other factors and problems their kids had.
@@ALEX-d7p2nright!?! This person makes NO sense and I love you Miku pfp
@@ALEX-d7p2nthey have selfish attention seeking parents...
The weirdest thing in the video to me is the fact that they are eating dozens of cocktail weenies for breakfast.
B R I want to do that often. Maybe I just should.
@@brittaolson6550 Go for it
That's the weirdest?? Lol
Lol I was thinking the same thing. Like why so many? Lol
Its sausage 😂
As a trans guy, this is not okay. These children show no signs of actual gender dysphoria. I came out at 11, and my mom sent me straight to therapy. It sucked, but I understand why she wouldn’t allow me to transition medically until I was 18. This isn’t okay.
They are stupid these kid might end up committing suicide their mom is an idiot
You have an awesome mother
what is the point in transitioning after puberty? You will look like the gender you were born with
@Nah but then whats the point in transitioning? If you do it after puberty then you won't look much different . I 've seen people transition after puberty they still look like the same sex they were born with , so my question is what is the point?
sapphire divine before puberty, you’re a little kid. you don’t know what you are or who you are yet and don’t know if it’s a phase. when you’re older after puberty, you’ve figured yourself out and know what you want to do with your life and what gender you are or would like to be. when you’re a kid you’re too immature to make those decisions
When I was 5 I didn’t even know what gender was
Exactly, so how did these parents know what their kids really truly wanted if the kids don't understand the concept of gender roles? 🤔 That is a big question
@@HUYI1 not everyone was stupid enough to not know what gender is at 5 years old.
you didn’t know what gender meant, but you knew what it was
You can legally drink until 21 due to maturity....... Can't rent a hotel room until 21...... Can't drive until 16...... Can't join arm forces until 18.......
Can't RENT A CAR until 25 😂
Can't get a tattoo until 18 except in certain States
And yet people force us to be masculine or feminine from a very young age
All of those have deathly consequences if not careful nothing deathly about wanting to be addressed a certain way I agree with surgery’s nd stuff must wait until older but socially transitioning isn’t permanent
@@gisele644 nope. I have four daughters and five sons; they're just born like that.
I was trapped in a woman's body 9 months later I was out
Haha!! 😝
This comment deserves thousands of likes
Nick Franco haha 😭💀
When I was 5 I thought, before the 80s, the world was black and white.
Wait, it all wasnt in black and white?
@@kye4216 Never has been
My dude is just trying to color.. like bro leave him alone let him color his treehouse
right i think the kids should just be kids i mean damn let them figure it out on their own dont make their whole childhood about sexuality. it shouldnt be like a lifestyle yk
Kassia not what I was saying but ok
@@beautiful10381 um ok?
@@mrblaz1893 ??? Something confusing about what I said ?
Ya just let him draw
when i was 8 i would scream at minecraft creepers for blowing up my base
good for you??
😂😂 same
okay and???
@@mooopy4887 i wasnt thinking about changing gender or being trans back then, i was a normal kid
@@macbookxp529 ok but not everyone is like you yk??? some people suffer from gender dysphoria
I feel like it’s highly unlikely for two siblings to be trans. I think the younger sibling was either influenced by the older sibling, the parents, or both. However, the older sibling was probably influenced by the parents to begin with. There is more here that doesn’t meet the eye.
Exactly 💯 I stated the same thing in my comment
the younger one was for sure influenced
Its true tho like when I was younger I always followed whatever my older sister did if she was to do something like this I would follow being the copycat I was so that probably is the case here
Rebel Baby bruh you need to look at the facts. When I was a kid I got influenced by my brother a lot
Totally agree. Glad you can see and sense that. It's very apparent.
There is *SUPPORTING,* and then there is *SUGGESTING.*
Allison Linner right ! Ima need someone to run me the statistics on BOTH your children being trans ????...... because that seems off especially after the older one said “ well it was MY THING”....👀👀👀
Kevin Lopez no it’s not
UNC Kaitlyn Gaming It is because clearly these kids are being influenced by the parents.
Yes I agree
Kreamean Mpoof I don’t think so!
The parents are just accepting them.That doesn’t mean that they are actually influencing their children...
Also I believe that it wouldn’t make any sense,’cause it’s kind of hard to raise a trans kid!Bullying, prejudice and not being able to have a biological child.
I don’t know...
This is very off topic, but please do not keep fish in tiny vases like this! Thank you! :)
Avery Chambers Yes! Minimum of 1 gallon per fish
Well it actually depends on how large the fish gets to determine how many gallons it needs.
Avery Chambers thank you, I haven’t had fish in a long time, it’s 1 gallon per inch of fish, not per fish 😊
Tyler Hope Betta Fish do need big space and shouldn’t be kept in this small containers. It is cruel.
Tyler Hope, I believe that bettas should be kept in a 2.5 gallon TANK at the very least (not a bowl or vase). I keep mine in a 5 gallon tank and she’s very happy.
They say they want their children to accept themselves, when they can’t teach them to accept the way they were born and that changing themselves drastically is ‘acceptance’
It’s all messed up. They teach them the opposite of acceptance
Being trans was "MY THING..." hmmm, interesting statement.
Yes I agree. To me that is a worrisome statement.
@@missyharrison3868 incredibly worrisome.
I mean, they do share the same room
Dude, how many younger siblings do you have?
@@drebae95 it looks like the kids share a room and the parents sleep in the living room on the reclining portion of the couch.
For me the father seems depressed because the wife doesn't let him talk.
Maybe he feels nervous in front of a camera
Maybe he wants to escape this madness, but doesn't know how?
He's lost control over his household so of course he's depressed.
My daughter says that's why her dad is always depressed 😂
I think the mother seems depressed, because she needs to do all the talking, while he is just sitting there.
Bruh when I was 8 I didn’t know what trans gender was all I cared about was why girls had cooties
Derek fan 1096 Omg lol 😂
@Aidan Donohue
libtard destroyed 😎 now let's go ban abortions
Aye finally a chat that has a brain 😂😂
I wondered why boys had cooties 😳✋
You would if you felt what they and I feel
I felt masculine all my life but feeling masculine doesn’t mean you can change into a man. You’re literally not a man… you are a female. 8 year olds deciding their life is the most crazy thing I’ve ever seen. Everyone feels masculine and feminine sometimes. Being uncomfortable literally doesn’t matter everyone feels uncomfortable
Not everybody feels uncomfortable with their gender and if they do they should think about why that is the case and find a way to feel comfortable with themselves because if you go through your whole life ignoring the sheer amount of discomfort you might be feeling you might end up unhappy
Feeling masculine and being a man are two different things. To apply your experience to someone else’s in order to invalidate them is very close-minded.
When I was 5 I was crying because my dad didn’t cut the crust off my sandwich.
Omg 😵😭😂
Oh my god dude dotn put that on RUclips my children are crying I’m crying that so sad
When was 8 I asked my dad why obama was running the country wrong and why is his healthcare plan unconstitutional because of the penalties for not having it.
They really both pulled a reverse uno card on themselves 😂
SlickMilkAnimates hahahh 😂😂🤣
_NO_ _U_
SlickMilkAnimates im trans but I laughed at that comment
@@dxoq7404 lol
No a switch deck card
Why are they eating cocktail weenies for breakfast?
So many of them too!😂
Could be some type of phallic symbology or it could be just... breakfast. Hell, I couldn't tell you! Only they know for sure!
Aww hell...cause it’s good
@@daynal9594 Lol that too! 👍
axel4196 phallic symbology...what...
I died when the mom said “my son sometimes would identify as half boy and half gorilla 😭💀
Her & her mom are both gorillaz tho
I'd be interested to see how they are living their lives now, something seems so odd, even their speech isn't fluid or childlike. Eerie & tragic,this is abuse, the gorilla line was perfect evidence that these kids have no understanding of the concept of gender, let alone transgenderism.
The parents are ill and I hope that the children have got through as unscathed as possible. Some people just weren't meant to be parents, this is the perfect example of such people.
@@tazmanianchic9425 perfectly said.
Yeah they should have transitioned her to be a gorilla
This woman is literally asking an 8 year old about her/his PLANS FOR HAVING CHILDREN
Hes 11 i think in this video
And what about it? It's not like he's gonna have children soon, it's just that we need to think about the possible consequences before doing anything.
He's 12
This child literally made the decision to be TRANS, isn’t that a lot more serious than asking about his future plans for having children later in life??
His** and yes it sucks cuz he doesnt know if he would want them in the future but one thing is for sure he has gender dysphoria and it help A LOT to transition bit by bit
"Olivia said she was transgender from the age of four". I guess she saw how much attention her brother got and she wanted attention too?
I think so
Exactly!!!!! its messed up
I think so
Could be. But I've seen/read about Transgender kids (around Age 4 and up) already so.. who knows?
Honestly I think it's very very possible not because of the age but simply because of the attention although there is still a small possibility that they are trans
I was desperate to be a boy from the age of around 8, it was all I thought about. I wore boys clothes, played with boys toys and all of my close friends were male. If you had described the term Transgender to me at that age, I would have said that was me. But the feeling slowly passed at around 13 and a decade later I can confidently say I love my body and gender.
smileyguy24 I agree. I was a super tom boy and my mom was even scared I wanted to be boy. I had the short hair, guy friends, boy clothes, hated my body once I hit puberty and started to develop breasts, but as I grew older, I realized I did like being female and got into the girly must of been some weird phase
same! my life would be ruined now if the term transgender would have been around when i was a kid
100% agree. I have been saying for a while that if my family was “woke” like many of today’s parents then i would be a bisexual transgender man instead of a happy wife and mother.
Because maybe you just didn’t vibe with feminine trends! And there’s nothing weird about that, but to reject your body? To reject who you are as unworthy, to say you have to transition to another gender to be perfect, is wrong. It’s unhealthy to grow up so insecure
and I feel terrible for these kids
what are the chances that you have TWO trans kids??? something is off
i think it runs in genetics
@@XavoCraftmale gender dysphoria and female gender dysphoria are completely different
Exactly. It’s like one of the two observed the other sibling being trans and then wanted to be trans themselves
@@XavoCraftbeing trans has nothing to do with genetics
@@L3av3M3T0R0tthat’s odd since they did the opposite transition
I went through a tomboy stage from 7-11... I do wonder if I would've ended up trans if I grew up in this family
S S tomboy and transgender is a very different thing. Like I say don’t say anything if you aren’t trans. You don’t know what they think.
It's not the same being a "tomboy" than a transgender.
I always feel like a girl but I just didn't like girly things. I was a tomboy but I never felt like I wasn't girl.
All of my cousins were boys and I guess that's why I didn't like girly things but I never thought I should be a boy and these kids' cases are different obvisouly
Ya but I believe S S is referencing that you go through phases, may have not used the best example because people would of course find a way to turn that around because they disagree. But ya they are too young come on, if anyone thinks different, I feel sorry for your kids or if you have any.
There is a difference between being a tomboy and having a strong feeling that u r the wrong gender
Sameee. Never wore skirts, shorts or dresses. Had my head shaved when I was 5, I was soo scared of looking like a boy. I would wear a black beanie EVERYWHERE
It is not hard to lie to children. When I was a child, I convinced my 8 year old brother, who is 100% Japanese, that he was an Italian man. Let children like things without telling them that they're the other gender. That is true acceptance
As much as that would be nice, it’s not gonna be like that yet, but even if it does happen, what if they do feel like the other gender? Isn’t it better to support them? Rather then ending up with a child who feels suicidal and commits suicide? Better for the first route in my opinion
Or maybe let them be themselves and support them regardless of what they identify as
@@newtlyme7820 “let them be themselves”, this is the problem with you people. it is YOUR job as a parent to guide your child without giving in to their stupid ideas. children have these ideas when they are young where they are experimenting with dif ideas ect., but it is your job to teach them right from wrong. 9/10 they will grow out of it. it’s the truth. this should definitely be illegal, especially hormone blockers for gods sake.
@@soapy7619 as long as it isn't hurting anyone it's not a big deal. And considering how trans people are actually born with brains matching their identities, it's cruel to just plain out disrespect your child just because of your political bias. It is YOUR responsibility to support your child either way. All that these kids go through is a name change and a pronoun change. That's it. It's completely reversible, you're not worried about the kid, you're just worried about seeing something that's outside of your little box of normality.
@@soapy7619 also, the hormone blockers are reversible as well.
"because I thought it was my thing" they are literally treating this whole process as if it was a toy or something you know why? because they are still KIDS!!!! transitioning at the age of 5? are you kidding me
@@coxuzy_8453 His sister
You have to go though a lot of mental evaluations. Doctors don’t just throw out hormone therapy.
@@coxuzy_8453 who is?
Bruh your being mean they under stand whay it means 😑
Parents prob brainwashed children
This is grooming and abuse. The chances of both kids being trans is astronomical
Red flag when he says about his younger sibling being trans “ i got a little defensive because I thought that was MY thing”
maybe got tired of the baby getting all the attention.. and thought ... I know...
Little and cute... dont top trans...
Because it is not politically correct to say cuteness is better...
I WIN...
then lil sis says I'm trans to.....
Damn... what was that 1 day....
SCREW IT ... I'm going back to being a girl...
Trans is not red flag, it's sane. I see some feminine characteristics in boys, likewise some girls are masculine. We don't probably express it due to the strangle hold of society
honestly kids aren't stupid.but kids don't care until we insist.
@@rushmipriya Are you saying boys with feminine characteristics must be "girls" and girls with masculine characteristics must be "boys". How CLOSE MINDED!
I thought it was quite wierd as wel that he says 'my parents' instead of 'our parents'
That dad looks miserable
Hay Black He looks miserable like Bruce Jenner did before he transformed into Caitlyn.
Yeah something about him seems off
RedDead102 in a a couple years he will be pulling a Bruce. Bet on it
Hay Black i was thinking the same thing.
I’m happy I’m not the only one who thought this 😂😂😂😂
When my son was younger he wanted a bionic arm. He literally told me that he wanted to replace his real healthy normal arm with a robotic arm and he was *very* serious. He kept saying that he wished his arm was cut off and actually passionatly debated me about it. He could not understand the real consequences of having a missing arm (in *REALITY* ) and how that would affect him.
He is now 16 and thinks he was a total idiot back then and laughs about it.
He now debates me about other things that I'm certain he will in a few years look back on and think differently about.
That's exactly what i thought...
When i was little i wanted to be Simba from The Lion King but guess what?
10 years later, i'm almost 18 and still not a lion cub.
ƒloriทα LOL!!:)
@@autumnrayz7009 that is not body dysmorphia lmao
Lol yea I think these kids are just crazy
@@emmyily that is a form of body dysmorphia ????? He wanted to transform his body to fit whats in his mind
Mutilating a child should be considered child abuse. These kids are not old enough to comprehend a long term life decision. This is just not right. Grow up and then make your decision. Stop the madness!!!
Nobody is changing their bodies. They are only socially transitioning, which can be reversed by simply telling people your preference of pronouns have changed. If that's mutilating a child, giving birth or letting kids age is also abuse. If you don't agree with it, help scientists figure out time travel and go back to ducking 1843.
Which children are being “mutilated”?
they went from brother and sister to brother and sister!
Yes :)
You mean brother to sister to sister and brother
Will im confused?
I threw a soupcan at an elderly woman today. It broke her ribs and I guess she's doing pretty badly right now... What should I do?
Maybe or maybe she does feel like a girl, or maybe she was and waited for her brother to come out and she felt comfortable
@SaNdY LOUISE WoOdWaRd1969 To be honest, I did. I was always more masculine and all. I wanted to be a boy. Ever since I started first grade and I made actual friends.
If he wanted to copy the oldest, then she should've stayed a boy. Because no random boy says they want to be a girl at age 4-5
SaNdY LOUISE WoOdWaRd1969 it that makes sense but atleast shes happy
A moment of silence for the Dad
Irving Zisman I think his balls went in with the cocktail sausages
Best comment on here
Divorce papers.
Your pathetic human being Irving
@Complex Ez why-do-you-care
When a parent says to themselves "I'm going to create unnecessary hardship in my child's life, because SoCiAL ProgReSS!" you know there is a serious, serious problem.
STOP Being transphobic
stop putting kids on pills!
@@BeatBoDLX2010Stop encouraging children to mutilate their genitals and become apart of a hated minority especially during their important developmental years....
@@BeatBoDLX2010 lil bro is so brainwashed he thinks that HE NEEDS to defend this pride thing at all cost for no freaking reason, like bro you sound like an npc not a human being 💀
@@BeatBoDLX2010shut up this isnt transphobic and I say that as a real trans person these children in the video are not actually trans this is ridiculous they wouldn’t be so certain about it before puberty
I support transgender people 10000000% but this just seems off.
It's way off , when I was 8 I literally wanted to be a dinosaur
@@landencockman3064 I still want to be a dinosaur I'm 18 now
@YaGirl Kk theres a thing called trolling
sketchy ' Same I had my doubts when I was younger but I’m not trans
How does a child even know the word transgender??
Parents thought them which is sad
Internet, kids these days have more access on learning things easily
@@Katmp3 so a 6 year old is googling transgender??🤔🤔 Don't think so
Hope Harris I mean it’s more open these days and it’s totally ok. I feel like this young only hormone blockers is ok for hormones I would say 15-16 is a good age. I started t when I was 15.
@@hopeharris7389 kids that are like 8+ could I suppose idk
Dad’s sitting in the couch looking defeated...😐
that's because he's been defeated.
Bufftygirl 72 doesn’t everyone tho,,,
That's cuz ima girl
That dad just have a look like. I cant wait for these kids to grow up so i can leave this crazy women
you obviously didn’t listen to what he was saying tho look maybe they won’t be trans when they’re older but at least the kids know their parents love and support them either way. if you can’t love or accept your kid if they’re trans then you shouldn’t be a parent. they’re doing the right thing. they’re not pushing them to stay trans, or making them be trans.
When my son was 7 he wanted to be Darth Vader. I guess I should have changed his birth certificate accordingly to these people
Yup. You should’ve brought him to the Sith Academy on Korriban, bought him a lightsaber and funded his journey to the Dark Side.
@@himwhoisnottobenamed5427 ok please tell me your being sarcastic, please.
It's never too late to dis Troy his mind and body!! Go tell him fairy tales and get him crippling surgery, THEN you'll be cool and modern.
@@Pulsar_Copper_9wtf did u think
@@am.montyy idk like why did i comment this 2 months ago💀
The whole family looks miserable
Nutty Professor seriously
Nutty Professor the father looks disappointed his wife def wears the pants !!
Except for the mother, she's pretty ecstatic about all the attention she's getting. Bringing in the cameras and wearing all the special regalia and everything.
They do
Sorry don't agree at all.
This child is also using Tumblr talking points, which in itself is concerning.
Can we destroy that website pleae
Bees “tumblr talking points” my pal, these things exist outside of tumblr.
The things he is saying are explored in gender theory textbooks...
@@Valentine-kx7fk i know, it's just in all honesty, like most social media, tumblr is a breeding ground for disgusting ideas that make little or no sense at times. Tumblr just has the worst of it.
As a post op trans women I have to warn you. Dont let your kids receive sugery until they are adults. Its totally hell and is very hard on your body with a real risk of major complications not to mention they very well may feel different when they get old. In all honesty i wish i never would have went through almost 20 surgical procedures and just stayed as i was created.
@@Sophia_Sophisticated don't use them. You can't change your gender.
@@Sophia_Sophisticated what else is there to add?
Keep ur penny p
Even when there adults you shouldn’t allowed this in the first place
@Paleo Geology Thank You for sharing your story!! I HOPE you are an activist to STOP this Atrocity that’s going on!!! I wish you the best!!
The parents are the ones with the issues here not the children
Did you even watch this. The children are grateful to their parents for accepting them.
@@jackyacan you ever say no to your kids? Thats the problem with western parents. They don’t know how to say “no”
@@jackyathis isn’t support this is indulging
I’m transgender myself, and honestly neither of these kids look happy.
I have to wonder if children of such a young age should be over facilitated as these two seem to be. I think at that age children who feel like the opposite gender than their chromosomes indicate should be permitted to explore but not required to commit. If my young son informed me that he was in fact a girl I would tell him that he could live like a girl for a while to see if he was sure. I would get him counselling to help him figure things out. But I would not require him to decide for certain and in fact I would not allow him to decide for certain at least for a while. It would not be until he reached puberty where it would become serious decision time and even then there are medications that can delay puberty for a while. The problem I see is that children tend to change their mind a lot and parents tend to demand a child make up their mind so I think what often happens is the parent demand a child pick a gender and stick with it. I would have no problem with my son/daughter changing back and forth regularly or intermittently just to make sure that they are indeed transgender and not simply either a very feminine boy or a very masculine girl. I think that it is difficult to be happy if the parents pressure a child. I don't mean pressure them to change but pressure them to make up their mind. At that age I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up and if offered a gender choice I still might not have had any idea what I wanted to be. Children have far more choices today than when I was a kid. What kind of phone do you want? Me: "I get to have my own phone?" Kids didn't have phones in those days. What kind of school clothes do you want? Me: "I get to choose my own clothes?" Kids didn't get to choose that either in my day. What do you want for dinner? Me: "It's my birthday?" Kids ate what their mom fixed for dinner or went without. Too many choices these days and now kids have to choose their gender on top of everything else. Too many choices leads to a confusing childhood. Gender is one of the biggest choices if indeed it's a choice. I'm 60 and I still am not sure what I want to be when I grow up.
It's probably because they're on hormones. These parents basically put them on birth control pills. Look up the side effects to that!
nunya biznez k
fuckdaswine true but you can change your gender identity.
@@tyr4m1 forcing wrong gender identity on children is an abuse.
Clownery...The dad looks dead inside
Yes he does
s u m m e r m a d n e s s 😔 for real though
Agreed. You'd have to be pretty dead inside to do this to your own children. Sad, sad, sad.
I laffed and i don't feel bad about it oops
Well if you lost all control over your household like he has you'd be pretty dead inside too.
Hmmmm, something about this situation seems off and their Mum gives me the creeps...
Her hair is giving me nightmares!
The parents don't seem educated on this ! uuugghhh
This is child abuse!
froggy9191 I know this family and they are so kind and thoughtful they aren’t freaky
That whole family is off lol
James’s friend probably don’t want to be his friend because I sure as hell wouldn’t
The Parents Do not care about their Kids being bullied what they are doing is wrong to their two Kids out here Child Abuse as well.
You right
Why is the mom asking him “what are you going to do about having kids?” He’s a kid himself.
because she can as it her kid not yours
She is asking those questions because when a child is transgender, they have to think about those things before they make permanent decisions. She is doing the best she can, and I think it's wonderful!
@@hayleyallover yes well said
@S E really do you think they dont understand is that because you're a kid or don't have kids
@S E do you think kids who go through the foster care system don't understand as that a adult thing to understand sorry you're wrong kids understand more than adults these days
Dad looks like he has crippling depression
It looks like he regrets a lot rip
For real tho 😂
Well yeah.. I would too if I had to deal with all that.
I’d leave if I were him lmao
“I thought it was MY thing” like what. This doesn’t add up
Smh. That comment was very unsettling. Transgender is NOT a novelty.
@@crums0nMyJ4cket very confusing.
Sound more like a status thing. It is Berkeley so there's a ton of acceptance there.
braindamage EXACTLY
H If you feel that way then, don’t use it😂
When i was 5 i told my mom i wanted to be a boy because i hated brushing my hair ..i am so glad i was raised right
At 4? Most 4 year olds don't understand the difference yet....Shady
Petite Fireball ikr
At four, I behaved like what most people would consider how a typical rowdy 4 year old boy did, but I never really saw the line between boy and girl until 9 or so. I was raised in a household that treated boys and girls the same until they reached puberty. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly and I wish my community and those who support it wouldn’t treat it as a trend or something to be publicized. I just want to be treated like a normal man, I don’t want “oppression points” for it.
True. But she had an older brother who went through it so She would have learned it more than other kids
@Simmonds I work in headstart and at 4 they are not paying close attention to gender yet. No 4 year old is capable of making a gender "choice".
Simmonds i only fully knew about gender at age 7 💀
Nope. Theyre children. I thank god my parents didn't let me get the tattoos I wanted at 8 let alone decide such a life altering decision
I wanted a tattoo of my favorite stuffed animal 😂
Thank you. I love this comment 😂😍
But like you knew you were cis when you were a kid sooooo
Pickle Juice I'm bi actually. But children are too young to decide such big life decisions. The mother was discussing with the eight year old about having kids one day and they're just too young for that kind of pressure and too be worried about any of that. Kids should be kids. If that's taken away too soon more problems arise.
Erika CH smh.... No tattoos are a much smaller deal than ones own gender preference or sexuality. If I were to have gotten a tattoo chosen by my 8 year old self I wouldn't be happy with it in my adult years. These are CHILDREN. They're brains are not fully mature yet to make such a life altering decision. Regardless if it is the right choice for them, they should wait at least until an age of maturity to make such a mature decision.
Can't wait to hear what these two have to say in 15 years.
They are happy
No father figure
@@josieoftheweek exactly they don’t understand what it means
TRUTH 100%
More appropriate title: “My two children are BRAINWASHED!”
How do children know so much about genders at that age? I literally just wanted to play outside.
I was killing zombies and call duty in playing new super Mario brothers, I didn’t care about my gender LMAO
For real . I didn’t even think about my body .. I just knew I hated to take showers 😤
maybe they don't know they're trans or maybe they don't even know labels exist, they just feel like the opposite gender. Gender identity is in your brain is not really hard, just the labels and the things deriving from it. Kids don't need to know the labels, i'll agree with that, but preventing a trans child from transitioning is literally abuse. Many trans children come out in a conservative and/or religious environment, which is potentially really harmful, and i am 99.9% sure a conservative/religious parent wouldn't force their child to live as the opposite gender. Forcing a cis kid to be trans is also abuse, i'll agree on that, though most of the time it's not the case when it comes to children transitioning (which is the opposite of what your kind thinks).
edit: trans children also have friends, play games, go to school, have good or bad grades, get scolded by their teachers/parents, feel awkward in family reunions, just like any other children would. They're not a type of vile wretched monster desperatly seeking for everything lgbtq+ related. Being lgbtq+ might not even be a part of their personalities, like being cis might not be a part of the personality of cis children.
thanks for coming to my ted talk
@@ireallylikebeees if my son wanted to wear dresses and play with dolls I would let him ... that doesn’t make him trans .. you don’t know what these kids in the videos are actually thinking and we will never know ... we need to stop being sexist and allow our kids to do and dress how ever they like ! That will help everyone ! But sadly us Latinos are so sexist we hate to allow our boys be “feminine” .. sadly many cultures are like this . But hopefully it gets better where a kid can be a kids regardless
@@Littlekitten_ you made my point. Let kids wear what they want, their identity and what they wear are separate.
The United Kingdom has recently banned hormone blockers for children as there’s been an overwhelming amount of cases of regret and asking to revert back as well as serious medical issues
Atleast there’s some hope for the UK
I want to see your statistics, a very small percentage of trans people detransition, and most of those are from societal pressure. Besides, hormones, hormone blockers, that stuff is reversible. The irreversible stuff can't even legally be done until 18 and thats with a lot of therapy and 1 or 2 doctors approval. Don't listen to the BBC
"You were my first supporter and that made me feel confident that I will have many more". Said the four year old.
Rodgers Makaza she’s 7 they said
But I do agree with you XD
Isn't she seven
Who Cares what’s the difference 2 years isn’t much of an intelligence boost at that age
can kids not act mature?
The dad looks freaking miserable
Dead inside
UnderCoverHunter You hopefully aren't anyone's father with how utterly stupid you are. Seriously, how do you not know how to form proper sentences, and not know the difference between "where" and "were".
Not surprised
Brianna Gordy ok grammar police
imagine he and his wife literally made them sterilised
I do not understand how you can let your child make decisions about big body/ hormone changes at such a young age
Blockers aren’t actually proven to change the body, they can always take it off and have normal puberties. My main concern is the boy wearing a binder, those can ruin your lungs.
Kit Allen actually, if you wear a binder correctly it doesn’t really harm you. As long as you don’t have a size too small or two binders on, it shouldn’t effect you if you don’t wear it for longer that 6-8 hours.
@@crowsandlemons The Binder I can understand you know I don't think that's harmful at all but they wanted surgery and hormone injections that's what I meant, to me it just seems to be little much for a child to decide something like that at such a young age
Lisa maihi as a person who’s trans and has body dysphoria, I can tell you that wanting surgery and hormones is completely normal. I’m around the same age as the boy (I forgot his name) and as soon as I started feeling like the way I did and as soon as I learned about surgery and hormones, I really wanted (want) to start hormones and get surgery. I think it’s normal as long as they don’t start hormones until they’re completely sure that this is what they want. You can’t get surgery till your 18 anyway so I don’t think that’s a problem we should be thinking about.
@@catrasauce can't blockers have mental charge tho? Like if you've used them there are people out there who are gonna shower u with completes and praise which will just make u think that ure dog the tight thing anyway so there kind of is an issue right?
Young kids often take on labels just because it's what they've heard or been told. It used to be a girl who liked typically masculine things was just seen as a tomboy but now it's a question of whether they're trans or not. Obviously I believe trans individuals are valid but sometimes young kids who are just being kids are made to think it's something much more
Exactly. I was a tomboy with short hair who did lots of masculine things. If I'd been told I could be trans back then maybe I would have thought I was. But I'm not. I'm a woman now and while I still play with gender expression sometimes I'm very glad I didn't undergo puberty blockers let alone surgery.
That's why there's therapy so they can wait and talk it out.
My friend was a "tomboy" growing up. In his late 20s, he transitioned. He's been taking testosterone for 4 years & is saving for a mastectomy. Perhaps this openness saves heartache later in life, for some?
My thoughts exactly. The more this continues, the more the world is gonna get messed up. Sure, accept each other but I don't think it helps by putting labels on everything. Gender doesn't matter so why can't you just be YOU? Just accept your gender, it really doesn't matter.
Jenn S. They are accepting their gender, just not the one they were assigned to at birth because that's not who they are or feel comfortable being. Just say you are transphobic and go, the world is not going to get messed up by parents loving and accepting their kids! Or do you think it's better when they don't and LGBT kids end up commiting suicide? Cause many VERY YOUNG trans kids have thought and attempted that because their parents wouldn't accept them. If you honestly think that's ok then you are the messed up one.
sometimes my 5yo says "im not a boy, im not a girl... im a coconut"
i dont go let her transition to a coconut tho..
The dad literally looks like he gave up on trying to convince his wife
we love indoctrination
Lots of regret for sure
Much regret
No your wrong!!!! He has given up on life
She seems like a classic narcissist
When I was five I was just trying to watch all the ben 10 episodes
that was me with He man on qubo
Same lol
Sam here
I was so pissed when one of the Freeview channels put the episodes out of order
Omg... I'm speechless.
Socially transitioned at age 5?? At age 5 all i cared about was play outside with my bike instead of a doll. And that didn't make me transgender nor question my gender. I didn't even know the meaning of "gender"... I just want all this phase or trend to stop.
Children shouldn't worry about their gender at such a young age.
PopcornCat 15 have u seen jazz Jennings and it isn’t a trend
Its hard to not think about gender at such a young age when everything is gendered when you're growing up. Every kids toy has a 'boys' version and a 'girls' version. Idk just something to think about
@@eviehope4432 yes, just about everything is gendered. But it doesn't mean we should change our gender according to the things we choose to buy. I was born a female. (Still am a female). As i was growing, i preferred playing with my brothers red bike than dolls. Oh, and i loved playing marbles. I even got into fights a couple of times with boys cuz they didn't let me play football. And the question to me from friends was " are you a tomboy"... That was in the 80s. The word trans was not around yet. I'm not saying it didn't exist. It just wasn't heard about like it is today.
PopcornCat 15 ok...I kind of agree, BUT, if they are uncomfortable, or they don’t feel good in there body, that’s not worrying about gender that’s being uncomfortable and that’s not ok for a child to be uncomfortable in there own body, that’s why they want to do something about it
The older sibling not wanting the younger sibling to be trans because they wanted it to be a special thing only they did… 🧐
And these kids seem hella depressed.
Imagine if they grow older and they suddenly regret this... what a nightmare
they aren't on hormones so what's the problem?
@light light, EXACTLY
@@electro2781 the "boy" is on hormone blockers... that ain't right.
Imagine if they grow older and they have made nothing and went through puberty, and wanna die. Which is the case for most of trans people, very few had the chance to prevent their puberty. Which is a shame. Trans lives matter.
@@electro2781 They are KIDS. I don't think kids should decide on such a life-changing matter. If they are adults which could consent, sure, but they're not. Good thing my parents aren't like these people LOL I had undergone boyish stages, I hated dresses and pink and I kinda wanted to be a boy, but it's just a phase and now I'm not girlish still but I know that I am a girl. What if they are just confused? I do not hate trans people as they are still humans like us all but I am just concerned about these kids and their environment. I think it's too early for them to undergo transition because they lack experience and they still are not mature. Look at those kids, one aged 7, and "she" decided she wanted to be a boy at FREAKIN AGE 5, it's just unbelievable, and more ridiculous that the parents allowed it.
Kids imitate their environment and just repeat what they are told. This is awful and honestly just hard to watch, I feel for them.
The answer to it being trans at 5.90 was incredibly awful. "Are they to young to know they are cis"? To know what cis is a bad sign. Also. No. I didnt know i was straight as a 8 yr old. I didnt know what girls even had at 8. I grew ip before the internet and had one sister that is 5 yrs younger than myself.
@@bornfree8073 how did you not know what girls have at 8? My kids, age 3 and 4 know what boys and girls have and have done for ages.
@Ali ._. my kids have a bath together so it's pretty obvious boys and girls are different. I don't understand why you think it's bad for them to know boys and girls are different, they should know what they are. I'm not saying that this video isn't wrong though, because it is in so many ways. My 4 yr old daughter puts dresses on her brother but I dont assume he wants to be a girl. I'm blaming the mother in the video.
@Ali ._. ohhhhh sorry, I thought you meant kids knowing genders was bad!! Yeah I agree, she is exposing them both too fast. I think that parents are jumping on the band wagon these days and as soon as their kid does something a bit different eg boys wearing dresses, they decide theres a problem. I was the same as you, I was a Tom boy, got on better with my brother, my best friend was a boy, hung out with a group of boys etc.
Yh honestly i believe that aswell because even though theyre holding off permamnent stages till later so nothings permamnent yet, putting their kids out there on the internet like that is bad bc what if they change their mind and its not what it was and they were just boyish or girly, it ginna be hard to go back because its out there now
Mom, can we change genders? Yes..
Mom, can we go to the pool? No..
Me: 🙂
There probably was good reason but still funny
This is parenting
Lol 💔❤️🔥😂😂😂😂.-
“Because we’re listening to our children” that’s actually disgusting actually.
Sounds like the younger one wanted to be like their sibling and get attention
Also, just because you want short hair and like “boys” toys, it doesn’t mean your a boy, I was a huge tomboy, I would chop my hair off and only watch “boys” tv shows, but that doesn’t mean I’m a boy!
Agreed. Back then, girls that were boyish can still be treated like girls. They were called tomboys, as you said. And effeminate males were just pretty boys. They never had to change their gender, just come to acceptance with their personality. But I guess that's too hard nowadays.
You wouldn't understand because you haven't gone through the thought process as these kids
Yoshi's Worlds What thought process? "I wanna be a boy because I can"
@@spagari Nope
@@spagari Trans identity is way more complex than that, it's somewhat disturbing that people who don't have any personal trans experiences assume they know what trans people have seen or been through when discovering their identity. There's a big difference between being gender non-conforming and being transgender, whether these kids are one or the other, we would not and could not know. But transness itself is not a trend or a fashion statement, that much is true.
i just don’t understand how an 8 and 5 year old can determine what they “feel” like at such a young age
Jamari Young they should be teens to make a life decision I’m 13 male from I was born and I’m a male now
I mean I definitely felt like something was off but like??? I didn't know what being trans was until like a year ago. I'm not planning on coming out to the people around me until I'm 18
I figured out I was trans when I was around 12 or 13
They can’t. They saw a RUclips video and thought it was cool.
At 5 I knew I liked boys and girls
The only thing I question is *why so many sausages*
Taking the hormones maybe make them hungry
Didn't you see how fat two of them were?
I was thinking the same!
lol same
These parents should go to jail!
@briannashelton1726 I can see they love their child but common sense should be cosidered before making life altering unreversable horrific surgery anytime the person seeking srs have no other legal rights....responsibility is protecting your children when considering castration a child responsible parents should get second maybe 3rd opinions....if the parents would parent and don't let the medical community parent their child. If the child still feels srs a solution when they are an adult then have at it but there's no ethical reason to sterilize n castrate mutilate young women breast's is absurd barbaric....
We are going to end up with a generation of mutulated sterilized aliens
@@KimberlyStubbs-rm8sz So true i completely agree these parents should go to jail
What a disgusting thing of you to say!
I once had a friend who was a trans kid!
There is something seriously disturbing going on here and I’m not talking about the transgender issue. The overall attitude and atmosphere of this family is so depressing. It’s really sad to watch. The Dad is just floating around on “Yes Ma’am what ever you say” Planet And Mom is just living out on planet Oblivion somewhere. Poor kids.
Dayna Langham I agree. Something is definitely off. I just can’t put my finger on it
I agree.
What do u mean poor kids theyre parents are just letting them be who they are which a lot of trans kids don't get theyre very lucky I'd love to have parents like these they are doing the best they can add parents
George Thomas, I think you are misunderstanding my comment. I have absolutely no disagreement with the fact of these children being transgender (however I don’t believe the younger sibling actually is but I’m not even going to go into that), or the fact that their parents are totally supporting their choices. What I do have am issue with is the way I am interpreting the mother’s “support”. It seems as though she has these kids on display, almost like she’s feeding from their lives and dad is just kinda “whatever mom says”.
I am a parent as well, my oldest is 27, my youngest is 3 so I have experienced parenting at all levels. These kids almost seemed coached on what to say and how to think and that I do have a problem with.
shae baybii yep, that’s exactly what I was thinking.
“She didn’t socially transition until she was 5 years old” excuse me what
emily z right smh 🤦♀️
I think it means that other people around her called her a "girl" other than her parents and brother
So sad, children are born perfect! These parents only validate their kids insecurities, they’ll never know confidence because they’ll never accept themselves.
@@Silver-Freddy shut up
@Striker Bowls What a strong and convincing argument. Are you some kind of genius?
'We just follow her lead'
You are the parent jeez!
She's too young to make such decisions.
But hey who am I to judge
Gladys Kamau did you not hear the dads follow up comment...?
@@Ashhhhh220 which comment in particular?
Gladys Kamau
The one right after, at 8:44
Original message: "Only girls can play with dolls and only boys can play with trucks!"; Later message: "Boys and girls can play with dolls or trucks, it's all fine!"; Current message: "If you play with dolls you're a girl, and if you play with trucks you're a boy, or neither, or both, or maybe a cat or something"
STOP I'm nonbinary!!!
@@BeatBoDLX2010 what makes you feel that you are nonbinary?
@@BeatBoDLX2010 bro do you expect us to baby you when you tell us that like your not supireor than us dude
No you don't...
I wonder how many of these 'trans' kids are gonna end up being 20-30 and wishing they hadn't taken all these drugs.
Exactly and the parents are concerned about suicide well by letting their kids think for themselves they are gonna push them to suicide
Look it up, most people don't regret it! It's very very rare that someone regrets transitioning, also, they're only taking puberty blockers to later on decide whether they want to go through male puberty or female puberty. I think they are too young to transition medically but transtioning socially and trying to figure youself out is fine and the kids should be allowed to.
@@edenp2465 How about they just be KIDS??
@@effaitch7629 kids who feel like they don't belong in their bodies and feel like they aren't what they were born as (cause they aren't) won't be able to "just be kids", they won't grow up normally, they will be depressed and anxious. Transgender people don't transition cause they just felt like it one day, they transition cause they feel like something is wrong with their current gender.
When I was 5 I was just worried about food and toys not my gender.
thats because you're cis lmao
k honestly not even about food
Good for you?
And? When I was 4 I felt like I wasn't a girl nor a boy, now I'm 16 and I found out about non-binary and I'm happy I did because it's exactly how I felt like all these years without closure and not knowing who I really was
"Olivia said she was transgender from 4....". How does a 4 year old know that word? The defenition !
Oh, so he thought being transgender was "his thing".
So it's not who he is, it's a "thing"?
His words, not mine.
You're an idiot.
stop misgendering her
Exactly thank you I also caught that. Shes soo right about him saying that
yes exactly
@@kimetsunoyeojin2188 they didn't.
you are a parent before you are their friend. you have complete control over them until they are 18. im trans and i will never let my child make such a life changing decision when clearly they have no idea what they are doing. poor parenting.
All the terminology coming from the child's mouth and the way the mom's questioning her eldest honestly raises red flags for me
This is very basic trans terminology. Had you done any research on trans people you’d understand what they’re saying. Also the mother is having a conversation with her child to gauge how he feels.
They seemed groomed for sure. In the line of questioning about what will you do about having children? The child says "adoption" like that's just no big deal.. the adoption process is very extensive and difficult.
@@carolyn5219 What logical reason do parents have to convince their children to be trans? It’s a dangerous and difficult world for us to live in. We all grapple with the thought at first and so do our parents. In fact more likely than not parents are not accepting. So when you do see parents that are, you can’t wrap your head around it.
Also I don’t know if you realize this but starting hormones could make us infertile so having children is something we have to seriously think about. Starting hormones is something we would want to do as soon as possible. So if these kids do decide to start hormones when they’re 18 they need to know the answers to those questions.
@@carolyn5219 you know what else is extensive and difficult?
Pregnancy, ya dolt
I was extremely masculine as a little girl and wanted to be a boy but I’m a woman now… if I had a mom like her I would’ve transitioned I’m sure which was not the answer
Or you would have tried it and realised it wasn't what you wanted, these kids can say no I don't want this anymore at any point, no permanent changes have been made, names can be changed, hair grows back and even puberty blockers can be discontinued.
I'm pretty certain they are also recieving the appropriate counselling to make sure that it's not other issues, that it's not the parents, or the younger sibling wanting to imitate the older sibling.
@@l.c.8475 who knows tho… u really don’t know the pressure that they could be under.
Nothing they are going through right now is permanent, I’m pretty sure. Puberty blockers are probably the most they are doing for the kids. It’s all reversible, they will have time to figure themselves out! Gender is a journey :)
@@curebeheaded yes but mental pressure to stay what u said u were is there… anyways agree to disagree on this one
@@l.c.8475 you can’t exactly change your mind once you take drugs or cut parts off
I find this hard to believe I've never heard a kid talk like this girls can do boy thing boys can do girl things doesn't make them trans just normal !
Yeah clearly they never heard the term tomboy.
Watch the vid again, this time without prejudice
True enough.. but I don’t think you understood the video.. it goes beyond little boys liking make up and little girls liking sports.. anyone can like masculine or feminine things regardless of their gender, transgenderism goes much deeper than some gender stereotypical interests.
@@thisaintsweetie1216 please explain the deep part?
I have a 5 year old boy who recently came out as a fox, we are now building a den for him under a tree and he says he wants to transition into a fox, fine with me, we are so proud of our little fox!
I never understand these "arguments" if you had a daughter that came up to you and said "I'm a fairy princess!" You wouldn't go "No you aren't, Melissa! You're obviously just a normal 6 year old, why would you ever think something as stupid as that" because that would just make the kid cry. You WOULD go "Oh yes! Good morning your majesty, what a pretty dress you have!" And if the kid shows a constant love for make-believe fairy princess games you'd get them princess costumes, fairy wings, those dollar store fake jewellery and crowns and more princess/fairy related toys. While most kids do grow out of it, sometimes older kids and teens keep these interests in multiple different ways. While I know not all parents are like this, good ones will continue to support their children through all their fairy princess related activities.
@@anokartist2352 Womp womp
@@Lego_fan112 if the only thing you can say in response is womp womp than I just won the argument
@@anokartist2352 honestly like until your atleast 14 I don’t think it’s good at all to decide your gender, like your mind is barely developed
These pretend games last for some time, not a life time@@anokartist2352
how does a 5 yr. old know what they want, most of them dont even know what kind of cereal they want.
@@kdizzle901 I didn't know age and maturity dictates what kind and when to develop disorder? DSM already cites on gender dysphoria/ gender identity disorder that develops at childhood into adulthood.
I knew exactly who I was and what I wanted when I was 4. At the time I had to make some tough decisions that would effect my life forever and I don’t regret my choices. It’s different for everyone. My mom didn’t know who she was and what she wanted until she was an adult but it is different with me.
janie barr but the 5 year old isn’t actually transitioning there just wearing what they want and looking how they want let them be if they want
@@duckinahurry4630 You know what you were going to be at 4 years old? Did you end up following through with conviction all your plans you made when you were 4?
No one:
The kid in the most serious voice: *good morning*
mission in snowdriftland pfp
Why did I read that in the Uncle Grandpa voice
@@smugsdeadchannellol6184 ok
he really said 🧍♂️*good morning.*
@@smugsdeadchannellol6184 yass
When i was 5 i thought of joining the power rangers.
same i wanted to be with the wonder pets
When I was 5-6 my parents let me watch Tokyo ghoul because I could handle it and I'm just fine now I'm 12 and I'm a-romantic and asexual and I identify as a girl just because we're young doesn't mean we don't know who we are 😉 don't judge us plz
@arthur m no I won't
When I was 5 I wanted to be a saiyan warrior
I still have the power rangers scooter i got for Christmas when i was 4
My 12 year old son recently came out as Hitler. It’s always scary when your child wants to be something different than they were born as but we are supporting him. We wrote him fake rejection letters to art school and enlisted him in the German army. He has requested to take German classes and we are allowing him to do so. He wears a fake mustache to school every day as well as a suit with a swastika on it and he has a Nazi flag in his room. Kids in the school have been making fun of him and teachers have been complaining about how he wrote his own version of Mein Kamfe in English class and repeatedly talks about how he “hates Jews” and bullies Jewish students. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It’s how he identifies. His deployment is on Thursday. It’s not every day of the year child identifies as a failed, Austrian painter, who becomes a genocidal dictator but you must always validate your children. No matter what they say. My three year old daughter has recently came out to me as an airplane as well and she has a custom made plane suit on the way. People hate on me so much but I’m just loving and do what’s best for my kids❤❤❤
Oh my gosh this made me snort
A brave and inspiring story. Stay strong
Next we will have “the first trans baby”
It wouldn't surprise me freaken weirdos
Already happened
we already have genderless babies. True story.
Gendered baby opens eyes and touches blue or pink rattle. Trans confirmed.
We have non-gender birth certificates in at least 4 states (CA, NJ, OR, and WA).