She talks to angels - Ellen White talked with the Angel Gabriel

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2018

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  • @luluramoutar2625
    @luluramoutar2625 Год назад +11

    Best author i have read. Her books are inspiring n hss given me a better view of Gods love. Read it fir yourself you will be blessed.

  • @flickaJay
    @flickaJay Год назад +6

    What a blessing it was to listen to this. And to watch.
    I like it when the teacher spoken of at the very last said, "Of all literature written ancient, medieval and modern the most perfect and the most beautiful, aside from the Bible itself, is the writings of Mrs. E.G. White."

  • @MrKevinStraub
    @MrKevinStraub Год назад +10

    amazing stuff. I am a believer in the Spirit of Prophecy for the final generation. I know the Scriptures in historicist modality and when I became personally familiar with her writings as a young man I decided to go on to study formally in an Adventist university. In those days there were more good SdA professors than today and I received a valuable education, for the most part. But what I want to say is that I decided early in my adult Christian experience that the Scriptures and the SoP were equally inspired. This comes with implications. We have additional light to guide us through the final generation on this earth, full of precious truth and instruction. I decided that because the writings were to be taken as from God that I would rely upon them as a touchstone of reality, which I could use, along with the Bible, to compare and interpret current events. IOW, if something does not line up with the SoP then it does not line up with the word of God. What a gift to have in this time of the many winds blowing,--winds of subjective and malleable "truth"! My prayer is to die to self consistently, be humble, submit to God, and obey in all things through Christ who gives me strength. God help us in these times!

    • @thathalfthaiguy
      @thathalfthaiguy  Год назад +2

      Thank you for the message, I agree with all the points you made Brother. The SOP is a great blessing given to the remnant people of God and it is present truth. May you abide continually with Jesus, grow in faith and be blessed and be a blessing to those around you!

    • @henryhondo8421
      @henryhondo8421 Год назад

      Another more serious implication of equating the inspiration of scripture to the inspiration of SoP is that if only one error/mistake if found in the SoP then the whole of Christianity is based on a lie

    • @MrKevinStraub
      @MrKevinStraub Год назад +3

      @@henryhondo8421 that is not correct. There are mistakes in the Bible. It is infallible, but not inerrant. Also there are discrepancies in the accounts of the four gospels. Most people do not understand inspiration and they are looking for automatic writing like the devil does, where the spirit possesses the mind and dictates what is to be said. Channeling. Now, sometimes this may happen. The angel may appear in vision or dream and sometimes even in the room where the prophet is, and dictate words, sometimes, but in general, inspiration is done by imbuing the human agent with thoughts and these get put down in the human language and idiom.
      The bottom line when comparing canonical inspired writing to non-canonical is that we cannot assign degrees of inspiration any more than we could assign degrees of pregnancy. Either you are or you aren't inspired/pregnant. The difference is that non-canonical prophets were intended to speak mainly to their own generation. That is what EGW is: the prophet to the final generation. Adventists ignore the SoP at their peril!

    • @danieloostendorp9286
      @danieloostendorp9286 Год назад

      @@thathalfthaiguy explain present truth?

  • @MJ-hope
    @MJ-hope Год назад +6

    This is beautifully done! A wonderful tribute to the servant, messenger, and prophetess of the Living GOD!

    • @jackdaniels5489
      @jackdaniels5489 10 месяцев назад

      She was not prophet but thief and liar

  • @MLGA4872
    @MLGA4872 4 месяца назад +4

    Brother Williams came to the tiny Yukon OK SDA Church back in the early 1980's and I was privileged to listen to this servant of God and his testimonies of knowing Sr. White. His mother and EGW were good friends. Thanks SO MUCH for posting this!!!

    • @thathalfthaiguy
      @thathalfthaiguy  4 месяца назад

      Awesome! What a great privilege you had my friend, may the good Lord continue to bless you

  • @almafraser5004
    @almafraser5004 Год назад +3

    Blessed Memories. Thanks be to God Amen

  • @Shalimar0071
    @Shalimar0071 7 месяцев назад +2

    Grateful for his dedication to God and His prophet Mrs. Ellen G. White. I appreciate his words regarding A T. Jones and the information regarding Rachel Oakes Preston.

  • @ReubenSupit
    @ReubenSupit Год назад +3

    Angels told EGW truth from divine source, and explain the explanation, I love to meet them in reality soon

  • @pollylloyd5241
    @pollylloyd5241 3 месяца назад +2

    What a beautiful testimony! Love this ❤

  • @Michelle-d6j
    @Michelle-d6j Год назад +4

    She used history books like a pastor does to provide the culture and setting. Back in those times it was not required to site the source.

  • @faithmakesthingspossibleno8295
    @faithmakesthingspossibleno8295 3 месяца назад +1

    😮thank you so much for this true GEM!!!!

  • @georgebowman3222
    @georgebowman3222 Год назад +3


  • @wymank
    @wymank 10 месяцев назад

    Such a conviction of testimony
    Praise God 🙏 👏

  • @JonDorsett
    @JonDorsett 3 месяца назад

    Appreciate this video! Do you have an email address?

  • @juragabriel4930
    @juragabriel4930 Год назад +2

    Ellen White never ever ever used the Word > GOD THE SON > never she always said the Son of God

    • @Michelle-d6j
      @Michelle-d6j Год назад +1

      Gods spirit has illuminated every page of holy writ, but there are those upon whom it makes little impression, because it is in perfectly understood. When the Shaking comes, by the introduction of false theories, these surface readers anchored nowhere are like shifting sand. They slide into any position to suit the tenor of their feelings of bitterness.
      TM p. 112

  • @christiandisciple3771
    @christiandisciple3771 Год назад +2

    In the book of revelation, how many angels identify them selves by name to John? The Lord didn’t allow any of his angels to identify themselves by name to John. These post revelation “new revelations” supernatural anomalous encounters are from “angels”, who mentioned them selves by name. Ellen White’s encounter is special and I have no doubt that she sincerely believed with a child like hart, wanting to help God’s children. However, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, and others have claim to have received a “new revelation” message from the Angel Gabriel on another anomalous supernatural being🚨

    • @thathalfthaiguy
      @thathalfthaiguy  Год назад +2

      The angel Gabriel identified himself to Zacharias and even to Daniel. So what is your argument here? God does allow his angels to identify themselves by name at times. It's a undeniable biblical fact (Luke 1:19) In Daniel and the Bible, there are several test given to identify a true prophet, one of which is that they are without breath when under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Did Muhammad or Joseph Smith not breath for hours while supposedly under the "spirit"? No, they did not. Ellen White was in vision for over an hour at times and she never breathed even one breath that entire time. No other so called prophet even tries to duplicate this. Another test is that they can posses super-human power, which she also showed. Also, the prophets always supported the prophets that came before and did not contradict the law and the testimonies.... obviously neither Muhammad nor Joseph Smith fulfill even this basic requirement. God promised to send prophets at the end (Joel 2:28 & Acts 2:17), so He has. If people don't believe God's word and they don't understand the basic tests given to identify true prophets... they will be deceived.

  • @danieloostendorp9286
    @danieloostendorp9286 Год назад +1

    Muslim Mohammed also claimed Angel Gabriel met with him .

  • @justinchamberlain3443
    @justinchamberlain3443 Год назад +2

    24:27 Could it have been an evil spirit;
    26:05 man says he saw a being in her room dictating to her
    28:01 what type of woman she was supposedly

    • @lisasisk3713
      @lisasisk3713 Год назад

      Not an evil spirit. It was Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour. Get thee behind me satan!

  • @jackdaniels5489
    @jackdaniels5489 10 месяцев назад +2

    Are you aware that she copied everything what she could and her's failed propjecies Right? Like 1850 and 1856 from the same angel.
    Or how she finished on court bcs she stole another's authors works? Or that great controversy is stoled from John Milton Paradise lost? Profit and plagiarism. She was soooo false....

    • @thathalfthaiguy
      @thathalfthaiguy  10 месяцев назад +5

      Young man, you were lied to and you judge wrongly. All of these hateful slanderous accusations against Mrs White have been proven false. If you’re smart enough to dig up this trash against her - you’re smart enough to find out the truth but are you actually interested in the truth? By your judgement, Jonah was also a false prophet because he prophesied that Nineveh would be destroyed… it obviously did not happen… it’s called a conditional prophecy. You conveniently ignore all the things she got 100% correct. Sunday laws are coming - you’ve been told - you make a decision what you’ll do then. I hope you choose wisely because for many they will not believe till they see and even then it’ll be too much for their pride to accept. Wish you the best

  • @jackdaniels5489
    @jackdaniels5489 10 месяцев назад

    I would like to see Sunday is mark of the beast in the bible. Pls show to me😊

    • @thathalfthaiguy
      @thathalfthaiguy  10 месяцев назад +2

      Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
      Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
      God’s people “keep the commandments of God”. Obviously this is in direct contrast to those who don’t. Which commandment specifically is told here
      Revelation 14:6-7 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, [7] Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that MADE HEAVEN, AND EARTH , and THE SEA, and the fountains of waters.
      John basically quotes right from the 4th commandment that tells us to worship God because He is the creator. God’s people who receive the Seal of God keep all 10 commandments. That is explicitly told us multiple times by John in Revelation in contrast to those who get the mark of the beast.
      Exodus 20:8-11 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. [9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: [10] But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: [11] For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

    • @jackdaniels5489
      @jackdaniels5489 10 месяцев назад

      @@thathalfthaiguy So if you as sda keep commandments perfectly and law why you need Jesus? All of you are perfect. But if not then what makes you different from rest of the believer's? Read revelation but from the begining . Where does say: People's worhsiped on Sunday and that's why angel says to them to worship on Saturday? Nowhere
      , but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?.why you skep this part and act like that never existed? People's started to worship devil as creator and saviour I guess and then after that Angel came and show them: DO NOT WORSHIP DEVIL ( BCS you can worship only God) WORSHIP TRUE GOD CREATOR WHO CREATED HEAVENS AND EARTH.
      In the begining God created Heavens and the earth
      But nowhere sabbath here? Let's check
      Matt 11
      At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.
      Col 1
      For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
      When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.
      Acts 14
      14But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul found out about this, they tore their clothes and rushed into the crowd, shouting, 15“Men, why are you doing this? We too are only men, human like you. We are bringing you good news that you should turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them. 1
      The same pater. But again nowhere Saturday. But people's worship false god's and bcs of that they speak about God the Creator. How you can recognize him? As the one who created Heavens and the earth.
      1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
      So easy. Now,do you perfectly keep all components including 613? And where in the New Testament or the old one did you find: Sunday is mark of the beast and Saturday is the Seal not Sign but Seal of God? And if will you answer i beg you to answer this. Last sda who i asked this i needed to write 50 times before he given up and still did not give me answer where in the bible is Sunday mark of thr beast. I will not answer bcs I'm using bible only. If you are protestant then use bible only and show me mark of the beast Sunday in the bible if you are not then admit.
      And according to your logic: Jews who worship on Saturday will be saved even if they did not accept Jesus.
      Bcs sabbath is test of loyalty right? And they also like you claim that they keep commandments. So they can be saved.
      But Christians who already have holy spirit in them and pray on sunday they actually pray to the devil? Really?

    • @anettecoetzee3363
      @anettecoetzee3363 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@thathalfthaiguyIts absolute nonsense. First off all if you want to follow the law then why only talk about the 10 Commandments there are 5 books of laws. 2nd no one in the entire history can keep the law. break 1 you broke them all

    • @thathalfthaiguy
      @thathalfthaiguy  2 месяца назад

      @@anettecoetzee3363 so you think it’s ok to kill and steal… so you have no reason to be angry with someone for killing your family or stealing your car or for your spouse to cheat on you… because no one can keep the law of God… right? That’s why people despise so call Christians - they have no power or anything better to offer the world. They live like the devil and excuse that Jesus died to give them liberty to sin. So if you can’t stop telling a white lie, why not murder? Satan was a liar and murder from the beginning. Jesus said what is impossible for man is possible with God, you think He’s wrong? Reality is God expects the saved to keep all of His 10 commandments by His grace - whether you face the truth or not doesn’t change it. One day everyone will have to face the music and most aren’t going to like it. But now is the time of probation where changes can be made to trust Jesus. Trust that God is able to do the impossible in your life.

    • @anettecoetzee3363
      @anettecoetzee3363 2 месяца назад

      @@thathalfthaiguy you cant keep the law full stop. If you can Jesus died in vain. The law is not just 10 Commandments why stop there? If you say keep the law, how can you choose which law you keep and which you dont? How can you call those proclaiming they are not under the law wrong if you yourself say your not under the law only under the 10 Commandments?
      1 John 1:8-10 ESV
      If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us
      If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

  • @natemead
    @natemead Год назад +9

    She was too busy copying to be prophesy.

    • @MrKevinStraub
      @MrKevinStraub Год назад +2

      False. Inspiration does not mean the writer does not use other materials. That is a myth. It is done in the Bible, too, as one writer may lift from another without credit. Revelation is replete with this. Also, it must be understood that literary borrowing was commonplace in her day and there were no rules regarding careful citation of everything. God showed her what was true and if she found better words to express those truths, she would use them and use them legitimately. She had a team of editors. She was not a good writer on her own. She spoke like a hick. We are applying a false standard to her, because OUR standard today was not their standard in their day.

    • @natemead
      @natemead Год назад +2

      @@MrKevinStraub everything she copied from had proper source credited and some were written 100 years earlier. Keep idolizing your thief and liar

    • @MrKevinStraub
      @MrKevinStraub Год назад +1

      @@natemead everything she copied into her work was credited? No, there are no proper citations for a lot of what she brought in. Keep looking into it and refine your argument, pls. Also, please look into "verbal" vs. "plenary" inspiration.
      Also, if you don't want to believe or can't see it, what is it to you if others find the work credible? Are you worried for our souls? Or what?

    • @MrKevinStraub
      @MrKevinStraub Год назад +1

      @@natemead if what she did were not legal and commonplace you might call her a thief. If she did not admit to how she would borrow, then she would be a liar. Where, exactly did she steal? And where, exactly, did she lie? You are playing the part of the accuser and, like any prosecutor, you must present the evidence to be credible, or you are just throwing up dust. So...
      Put up or shut up, as they say. OK?

    • @natemead
      @natemead Год назад

      @@MrKevinStraub I’ve read the books. I’m positive you have not.

  • @jesusdiedforyouproofjohn3.16
    @jesusdiedforyouproofjohn3.16 Год назад +1

    Praise the LORD for creating daises.