I'm glad to read that Frankie is doing so well in life now. He was the only one of the 3 who actually tried to get a job and tried to get out of his circumstances. No whining, no complaining, no blaming. He has his head straight.
@@DCFelix67 Yeah and not everyone's meant for a regular job, some people need more action, you can tell that guy had a bit of aggression and was very active so he would make a good soldier I think.
I really pray for Frankie. He doesn't blame anyone else for his situation and has not only learnt from the past but is also putting in the effort to improve his future. I really admire him as well as others who work hard to improve their situations. The others don't seem to realise that volunteer work gives them experience and contacts that eventually lead to jobs.
I grew up with in an abusive home life and my father was a violent alcoholic. When I was 15 years old the violence escalated towards me. I fled my home after my father violently attacked me in the middle of the night. I got a job and rented a room and finished my education by working nights and going to school in the day time until I graduated. It can be done and it makes you stronger.
Everyone knows to "Not Feed the Animals" in the wild because they will forget how to fend for themselves but we won't do humans the same favor and ultimately they are lifetime dependents supported by taxpayers. The requirements to be on government assistance is skewed terribly because they allow unlimited funds spent on tattoos, alcohol, illegal drug use, cell phones and internet usage, some even afford vacations. As a landlord I see those that actually need help and the enormous waste of the majority.
Glad to find out Frankie has been doing well since this aired in 2013, has got a uni degree and all. Seemed like a diamond in the rough and proved it !! Well done lad
@@roserevancroix2308 it is bro....if i explain in physics, Hardwork is directly proportional to success.. The sooner u realise and understand, more successful and happy u become... But people often point out that even a labour does hardwork and so does a office person.....so whats the point of hardwork ...but the theory they dont understand is a office person can lose his/her job and be poor or unemployes as craigs mom. They dont work hard to try for another challenging job or to sart from zero or try to change themselves, they just accept the situation as it is... But always rememeber a labour never goes unpaid....
I could only understand Frankie whenever he spoke. I’m so happy he was level headed and didn’t play the victim because of his past and graduated university with honors! Hats off to him!
I grew up in a worse pace in a 3rd world country. I remember loads of times when I slept hungry coz we can't afford dinner. Survived by staying in school (even if I have to crawl through mud or walk through hip-high flood, or swim) and getting grades good enough for free schooling and allowances, which I shared with my family to buy food. Took odd jobs during univ and graduated with honors. That was 7 years ago. I'm still not rich now but I could say I'm more or less contented. I never go hungry anymore and I can buy my needs, sometimes even wants. My sister is finishing univ soon too and I'm funding her. I think if you work really, really, REALLY hard enough, you could do something about your situation.
I’m poor. I’m poor until I see my parents live in a normal house where there is hot running water and it’s free of rats and cockroaches. It’s a dilapidated Trailer in the Texas area. The most expensive item inside this place we call home is my degree from a traditional 4-year college where the kids came from rich homes and private schools. But I’m overwhelmed and feel suffocated bc I feel as though I can’t help my dear parents get out of here. I have a good job but it doesn’t help get my parents a better home. This makes me so depressed and I hide these personal feelings from the rest of the world. This is truly hard to keep in. Not even my close friends know of this misfortune. It’s not easy being poor but oh do I pray that one day in the very near future I can see my parents live my dreams I so want them to have.
fana406 bless your heart dear soul. Your parents likely want you to be happy and love them back the best way you know how. Thinking kind and loving thoughts to you for your mom and dad. 🌈
I've noticed from watching these types of shows , that in this area of the world they have no clue how lucky they are to recieve so much assistance. And that every single person on benefits always has money to catch a buzz, cigarettes to smoke, walks around dripping in name brands like Adidas and Nike..... But can't take care of their kids. Bet than money would go a lot further with better priorities
@Cowardly Custard True but that does not apply for every country; even people full of determination can get stuck if their environment doesn't allow them to grow and leaving is nearly impossible. I settled for a well-paid job instead of fulfilling my career, simply because the struggle of growing would leave me with little to zero progress economically speaking.
Hope Frankie is doing good. He's really trying. And for everyone saying "get a job" this documentary was done during the recession crisis. As someone who graduated college during the crisis, I couldn't even get a job at Dunkin Donuts let alone anything related to my degree. Worked pointless jobs until I landed something much better like 3 years ago. So it took me 7 years in total to get a decent job after college. Funny thing is I took out a very low amount in student loans never expecting that it'd take me 10 years to pay them off.....
Well the thing is that they don’t even seem to be trying (Frankie excluded).They should do just what you and many other of us had to do. Take whatever job there is available to get started and then work your way to where you want to be. Get out there. Can’t expect everything to get handed out to you.
@@DeuKKeoN They want lots of money and not working at all. Too bad for them it doesn't work that way. Frankie js the only one I see has potential here.
It's not by coincidence this is happening in a country with vast numbers of social injustice and income inequality. More prisons, more homelessness, more social deprivation than any other country in Western Europe. Next stop privatized prisons by Virgin Group. That's where it is heading. I moved from being penniless in London despite having 2 degrees finding it impossible to even get a job interview to a business owner in Ethiopia running a sustainable agribusiness business. There is no future in the UK or the West.
@@roserevancroix2308 that is very true. i am a single mom raising my daughter by myself..i think the equality has made men not wanna work or support their family's. when you're only one person you cannot be at home with your child and at work..it causes alot of sadness and stress to know not one person will watch your child so that you can have a job and support your child.you feel like your stuck in a cycle and hole that you cannot get out of..not only that the drug epidemic has caused alot of people to have to raise a child by their self.with men who dont wanna work or do anything with their life..just bum off other people including the mother of their kids.and they could care less if their child has clothes or food or a place to live. with most grandparents not wanting to watch their grandchildren so the mother can go to work saying they already raised kids and its thier time to relax at home seeing as then the husband or man supported the family and the mother didnt have to go to work and still sits at home and doesnt understand why you can barely make it or on your own unable to get a job til your child is old enough to watch theirself and be home alone so you can go to work..and all the laws now make it almost impossible to leave your child unattended even when they are teenagers, they wont even let a child off a school bus without you standing at the busstop and releasing your child to you.so pretty much even when their in school you only have from 9 am to about 5 pm to go to work around the school. their is no help with daycare most of those are only open from 6 am to 5 pm..and if you have no vehicle.you have to walk your child to daycare in a stroller.get on a bus.get to work on time.get on a bus to town.walk to the daycare.pick up your child before they close.and walk home..they need more help with daycare and transportation and single parents struggling to make it.not everyone can drive or has transportation..not everyone has family that will watch kids so you can go to work.just trying to raise children with no income whatsoever.and 10 dollars a day in foodstamps to eat on not helping you with basic needs like toilet paper diapers clothing or anything else even taking years just to get help with housing..sleeping on family members couches with your newborn no bed or anything else.in the united states is worse than the u.k. there is no help here like their is there.they are actually lucky to get help with housing and clothing and everything else. i wish i was living in the u.k. because i dont think id struggle as bad as i have
Amber Zenisek hang in there. I know it's hard. my mom was divorced when me and sister were 3 and 5. I watched my mom struggle for years. as soon as I was 14 I got a job in restaurant. helped mom pay bills, buy food. they need to hire more child support enforcers. yeah, our welfare system is a joke. you can have food stamps. but you can't buy toothpaste to brush after eating. you can't have all kinds of soap or cleaning supplies. that never made sense. I was proud to give my mom my paycheck every Friday. made me feel like the little man of the house. It was only part-time minimum wage. but it helped a little. I do not understand why some poor women, keep having kids in poverty. my mom got her tubes tied after divorce and 2 children. just keep holding your head up, don't let it get you down.
The two friends with children talking to each other about baby food and milk, they seem like good dads. But I hope they found the motivation to work harder and smarter.
i was poor, i got out of it, il give you some advice how to do it, work hard, dont hang around with losers, go to church, dont have a baby until you can afford it. i was a council lad like these guys, i ended up owning two night clubs and retired at 39. its possible but you have to leave the losers behind.
i'mo REALLY happy to hear that frankie made something out of himself. there seems to be a complete lack of male role models or guides for these kids.as a mother to a son i can honestly say, as a woman i cannot teach my son to be a man, only another man can do that. i hope as these kids turn into fathers they stay long enough to teach the next generation.
Without reading the comments at the start, I could tell Frankie had the grit and could grind out something good. Whereas Craig was always setting himself up to fail. It's all attitude.
I can understand their frustration but it really rubs me the wrong way when they complain about how much money they get a week. I understand it’s not a lot but they’re trying to help you the best they can. They can’t give you a middle class salary. Be grateful that you get anything and try to improve the situation. Welfare/benefits isn’t supposed to be lived off of for long periods of time.
Dude somebody tell franky to change that degree, games design is absolutely useless fam Edit - He’s actually doing extremely well, with a BA in Computer Animation Honors and is working as a Software consultant. Proof that working smarter and harder works, got outta the ghettoes, can’t say the same for the others.
he was only 16 at the time so it was a general goal, anyway heres a little thing i found on this page... useless or not the goal got him through.. In November 2016 Frankie graduated Honours BA in Computer Animation (2-1) by the University of East London. He is now working as a Software Consultant with Sparta Global and is very excited about his future in an industry he loves.
Copy paste In November 2016 Frankie graduated Honours BA in Computer Animation (2-1) by the University of East London. He is now working as a Software Consultant with Sparta Global and is very excited about his future in an industry he loves.
Ate those words huh? No offense. But game design has been and always will be a somewhat profitable career (with the right people of course) especially now 3/2019
Very sad what some people have been made to go through in life. Poor does not mean invalid, dumb, worthless, or anything else other than just being poor. A country is only as strong as it's most vulnerable citizen. Maybe we should try and do better in our countries to help all people.
Frankie got that hunger to get to where he wants to be. Truly is amazing seeing a guy in a place he doesn't want to be and working tooth and nail to get out.
After seeing the mother exit a room with a cigarette in her hand, I just checked the cost of them in the UK. The average cost of a packet of TWENTY cigarettes is 10.50 GBP ( 14.00 USD ). Five people in this family are living of , what is satirically known as , ' benefits ' , yet she can bring herself to waste money, along with her health and that of her family , on smoking.
All smoking, wearing earrings, brand name clothes. Maybe that #59/wk would last longer if not misusing the funds. I only pray that these young men found the ambition and turned their lives around.
KRIS SCHNEIDER general rule in America the better dressed a person is the smaller their bank acct. The richest people go around in reg jeans and tee shirts. This fake it till you make it has to stop,
@A Sojourner spot on. No excuse for them. Tories slogan of working out of poverty is the right way of thinking, whether the mandate has worked is another thing. But we can't keep handing out freebies.
I like to see this stuff cause my family is classified as poor as well but this allows me to see what other's go through. We're all different even if there are similarities.
Craig has some major anger issues and thinks he's entitled. The way he speaks to his mom is unacceptable. In every documentary I have watched about poverty in the UK, someone always says, "How do they expect us to live on X amount a week?" They don't. They expect you to get a job.
Seems to me that if/when people are given benefits that they should also be given financial education so that they can survive on the benifits. Education is the answer to getting out of poverty, both financial education as well as career planning so that they know they are at least on the path to change that's an improvement on what they have grown up with.
I may not have it all now, but when I was growing up, I grew up poor sometimes I didn't had nothing to eat. At age of 9 I deciced to save money by doing errands for neighbors and then I bought bunch of candies and started selling them, I wanna think I did good, I was able to afford some new shoes and uniforms for school. When I got older I got the opportunity to go to college and I graduated, I have a house a car and my little family and I want to say that I might not be rich but I live comfortably. I had a chance to do something in life and I didnt let that chance pass by. If I did it, then pretty much everybody can do it. Dont limit yourself!
Teenagers having babies, going on benefits, struggling to make ends meet, raising their children in poverty, their children become teenagers, they start having babies, going on benefits, struggling to make ends meet, raising children in poverty, their children become teenagers, they start having babies, going on benefits... break the cycle. Be the first or even the last in your family to break out of the repeated mistakes and do better for yourself.
It's a pattern that's hard to break. My mother had just turned 16 when I was born. My father was 17. We lived on relief. He was mentally unstable and the environment was bad. I ended up with 7 siblings. No one completed high school. All the girls were pregnant before marriage.The marriages all failed. some more than once. Alcohol and drugs are part of the pattern. So is prison. I was like Frankie though. I talked an HR person at Ma Bell into giving me a job if I could pass the tests. I did and it was the way out of the crap life. It was a career type job that paid well. I was drafted and decided to go into the Navy. Twice the time of the Army but a better education in my trade plus some. When I was laid off in 1985 I started a business in the same field, Telecommunications. Initially I was everything. I sold the equipment, installed it, handled all the office work. I didn't want to borrow to do it. I lent myself $1000 and paid it back the next month. I was using a Chevette to work from. I retired from the business 32 years later. I married at 21, she was in her last year of college and got her BS. It's 49 years now. My son is a Civil Engineer with two degrees and doing very well. My wife and I paid for all of his education so he could graduate debt free. He is a construction superintendent in Washington DC. He works at least 10 hours a day but it's what the job requires. I told him one time that I'd worked all that over time so wouldn't have to work long hours but its the life he's chosen. He's just glad not to have to travel from site to site. Some of my siblings don't bother with me. I think it's jealousy. All their children have followed the pattern of their parents. and it''s not looking better for their grandchildren. It's difficult to talk to some of them. I can't talk about my son and his success. He has a good wife and two good children. Almost all of them owe me money I'll never get back. My wife has been very good about that. We've loaned to her brothers for the down payments for their homes and they've paid us back. It's hard to break out of the lifestyle. It costs you something. I'd love to have had more time for leisure and not work 10-12 hour days but I accomplished what I wanted.
I can understand the drugs. I can understand the alcohol. I can understand the crime. What I simply cannot comprehend is the incessant obsession with breeding non-stop. I wish "poverty" was this luxurious in my country in Africa.
If you take away the expensive drugs and the expensive alcohol and the working time lost due to crime and jail, there would be much more money left to raise the children. Sad you understand all the bad and illegal things and not how people have and want babies. Also they should of course get married first, instead of having them outside of marriage. Instead of drugs and alcohol buy books and instead of going to jail, work.
I love that the viewer helped Frankie out. That's excellent. I feel that any and all businesses there should be helping those less fortunate if they are able. If they are paying their bills and earning a living themselves they should be reaching out to help support their locals. A community supporting its citizens. Plain and simple. Interview them, judge as best you can that they are sincere and have potential then hire them on in any way that you can.
How come they all complain about not having money for baby milk? Their mothers are walking milk machines. Why is breast milk not an option. IT IS FREE and better for the childs' health.
Our prisons in the U.S are full of young men with one thibg in common. They claim a single mother and life being hard. Fathers are the cure. Single fathers dont fill the prison system single moms do.
@@martiwaterman1437 The democrats live in Republican States to Bleed us but if you re elect Mr Trump he will give all woman free contraceptives/defence classes/rape whistles and even a free trump supporters coffee mug.
Compared to other countries with poor families you're still lucky,,l could say very lucky living in the uk,, it is up to you to make a better life for your selves,,l believe that there are lots of job in cities that you can find.
Frankie is doing something about it, the other 2 are scabbing off the system like so many others. There needs to be a massive overhaul of benefits and getting these people involving themselves in the community more and making them contribute to society.
Just saw a comment from an American asking for subtitles and I immediately burst out laughing. I live in Australia and can understand this documentary perfectly, I also can understand what Americans say. I understand if English isn’t your first language but like how embarrassing to ask for subtitles if English your native language 😂
Generational trauma! Sad documentary of life. Plain and simple. Most of us are struggling, barely living. Life should be more than this, like the neighbor who cooks to feed her neighborhood. More of that!!
These videos are interesting to watch and get a sense of how others live . I’ve noticed though that most of these kids who live in poverty, have money for cigarettes and alcohol, their homes are filty dirty , and having babies adding to their struggles. Smh
I live on a small disability pension and wear often branded clothes lol ! well to be honest they where given to me by people who didn't want them anymore . But I managed to pay of the mortgage on my house by myself , I live very minimalistic drink water , no half fabricated food , a couple of times a year meat , no smoking or alcohol , but every night I drink a big cup of real cacao , with other words I don't have much and need even less. And thwe best of all I'm very happy .
You can get lots of brand name stuff second hand. I got a brand name(as I was later informed) shirt off eBay for AUD $0.99! You can do well on a carefully budgeted disability if your rent is reasonable. I always put bill money aside and follow simple consistent eating patterns and can usually save a bit which is helpful.
@@Stewf123I started laughing when I read (as I was later Informed) , it tells me that just like me you don't care about brands . The same goes for the paying bills and saving part lol . All the best to you.
@@Stewf123 Yes, I'm in the same situation and I am also careful with my spending but I still have a very contented life. My main concern is that my rent keeps going up every 6 months but moving costs so much that it would be a false saving to move, especially as I have already done much to improve the property for my convenience so better to stay where I am happy and secure living in a lovely place. Besides, the rent in other properties isn't much less than I pay now. As a vegetarian my groceries are a lot less than meat eaters so all in all I feel blessed to have a beautiful pooch, good people who help me when I need it .... but, if I didn't wake up in the morning I would be happy, especially as I have made arrangements for a wonderful loving home for my baby girl to go to with people she already knows and loves. She has been my main concern, but while I still breathe I am happy to live in such a beautiful part of the country and have nothing to complain about. I have been paralyzed several times in my life so I also know how bad life could be, so I have to be grateful just to be able to walk around and be relatively independent.
they're too young for most of them to get into parenthood...but i'm not here to judge. these are circumstances, education, lack of education that lead them to poverty, among other things of course. they're brave enough to handle the situation
Maybe they should teach them at school to keep their legs together. So many single.moms and teenage moms these days its apathetic. And the only thing media does is blaming the father and calling these stupid women "brave". Hail feminism.
Bestwick1983 they keep having more kids, for extra money, bigger house, another 18 years of welfare-benefits. It's ridiculous. In America the maximum amount welfare check is for 2 children. you do not get extra money for more children, only more food stamps, extra bedroom. 2 kids or 8 kids. check does not increase. where I live it is 355 for 1 kid 415 for 2 kids maximum. you do not get rewarded for having more children.
You know, like you can buy brand name clothes from thrift shops or Goodwill, right? You expect them to like walk around in loin cloth and rags, I guess
succeeding in life isnt guaranteed, but to have a really good chance it isnt a mysterious secret. its really basic. 1-dont have ANY children until you have a full time job, a home, & even better, married. 2-earn more money than you spend. 3-you already are doing great if you have done the previous things, youre welcome.
@@2l2q36 revolving front door.. Lol Mind you when my daughter was 14-17, I could have throttled her sometimes.. 😯 Those hormones can get crazy. She's my best friend now at 28.. She was home the longest. Didn't move completely out until about 24. But I didn't mind. She was studying nursing.
Such a shame the myths of student finance in England scares people off. It's not a traditional loan at all and should be seen as a progressive tax instead. It's a university tax and should be named as such.
My family was very middle class and well off. However, my family was also dysfunctional! My father would often beat my mother because my mother would drink and then insult my father and batter him. When he couldn’t take any more, he would punch her and pull her by the hair and then the police would be called to our posh house, it was bloody awful growing up like that. So, even I had to escape! I’m 65 now and I have had a successful adult life but my life could have gone so badly. Some parents drag their children up and if you are lucky, you will escape but it takes determination like Frankie. God Bless him.
these boys are just like the poor girls. .they need LOVE,HELP, and money....hope someone loves these girls and boys enough to help them if they can spare the time,money,and affection..they just need the love.
Hard work pays off, you get out of life what you put in. Some are more fortunate than others in life but everyone has a equal chance at success when you factor in drive and motivation. Never let anyone tell you differently
The Last King. Wise advice is important also. The youth studying games design may have a difficult time finding a job. If he studies, maybe, accounting, he’d have an easier time.
Agreed, if your going to study don't waste 10 years of your life on a useless degree like gender studies or arts and literature. Get something that's in demand
The 1 thing that really ticks me off most about these people is the fact that they have kids when they have no money. I don't get why people have kids before they have their lives together. I feel sorry for the kids that will suffer cause of their parents. They complain about having kids when they shouldn't have kids in the first place. The thing I most about this video is the community and the willingness to help which is great and I don't have such where I live. I wish the best for these guys.
Aww bless them they are all really nice lads, Graig mother is just the worst out of them all, she’s thinking about herself and literally leaving her son homeless and starving, what kind of mother would do that to her child?!? She’s the one who put him in this predicament, I hope he is doing well now, even the black lads seemed so sweet with their children and franky is the best out of them all, his lucky he’s got brains and was able to succeed. But not everyone is clever, not everyone is able to go to uni people need to realise that.
Have you lost your mind? He was an adult man sitting on her couch playing video games. He really took that money from a poor pregnant woman too. I couldn't believe he took that small change from her and then went and sat on a couch again. People with crap parents work every day without Mommy and Daddy's encouragement. She was crap, but he was even bigger crap in my opinion. We can agree about Frankie though. He is a good kid with a lot of potential.
Good old Craig should start with fixing his mess of a room , washing the outside molding roof and door there was a time when young men worked & helped there mothers if he was working they might keep there home
Mike Kennedy Craig was an angry and very unhappy young man. He lacked guidance, love and parenting. Maybe if he hadn’t had to grow up in such a terrible situation he would be mending things. I felt for him, he was just an overgrown, lost kid.
The best way to overcome poverty is education and hard work. A big problem in western society is that a military draft is no longer and required high school graduation is no longer. Every male should do at least 2 years military service and be required to graduate high school. This experience will get the mind right to tackle life's challenges better than without it.
The old shame and terror of past generations getting pregnant out of wedlock served a good purpose. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who did. Yes, it led to other serious difficulties if a girl did get "in trouble," but it would help a lot if these kids had some sense of consequences.
I grew up in similar conditions to this, I'm now 16 got an apprentiship in engineering and I look after my mum with what I got, there isn't really an excuse. GET A JOB
I want, I want and more I want. Everyone wants but the difference with responsible individuals is putting their wants aside for awhile and concentrating on their needs and their responsibilities.
Delayed gratification. These people who look like they're making it are doing it on debt, mostly credit cards. Literally a house of cards. I have a sister who is always transferring balances from one card to another offering no interest for some period of time. She rarely pays interest on her debt. But when she does it's a whopper. She doesn't get the best rates. She's done two bankruptcies because eventually she gets stuck with nowhere to go with the debt. Yet she is pursued by credit card issuers constantly.
Robert Cuminale. Of course you’re absolutely correct and you just described some of my family members. I lived in a large city in California and if you went to the thrift stores in the wealthy area you could pretty much find new or barely used high end brand name shoes, clothes, everything for pennies on the dollar. They wouldn’t even step foot in them. SMHH 🤦🏻♀️
Am I supposed to feel sorry for these people? They have free college and free healthcare. Here in the US we have non of that. Those kids should have gotten a fast food job. Come to the states and witness “real poverty.”
McShab go see the real world before you make comments like that. Real poverty is Africa, India, Asia... Iv been to 40+ countries all over the world and have seen worse than what you might call real in America. This might not be the worst case of poverty but what you call real poverty is still a luxury to people in 3rd world countries... Wait till you see with your own eyes people living at rubbish tips waiting for food to fall Out the back of the truck. People picking up food others threw on the ground and deformed from birth people dragging them self along the ground with no clothes on to go to a bin for food.
OVERLAND GLOBAL That’s their governments fault, and lots of people refuse to work. Not all them mind you, but lots of people in Indian are lazy. We aren’t also talking about a 3rd world country. We are taking about people who have opportunity yet refuse to take it.
It’s scary how much I relate to Craig’s anger when outwardly it looks so childish but in the end he’s made a choice still, at some point you have to move on
You’ve got to admit, this is a problem for young people. For old folks, they’re not allowed to “officially” say, “You’re too old,” so they turn you down with, “overqualified.” Too old to get hired, too young for senior benefits. Regular welfare, they look at you and say, “In less than two years you can get old age benefits. By the time you get qualified, the two years’ll be up. Better look for work.” So you get sent back to the employment office!
I hope that Frankie didn’t let student loans and classmate who aren’t like him, deter him from registering. Whenever you think “ I can’t afford to”, the truth is, you can’t afford NOT to. I know this doc is old, but I hope eventually he did it! He’s the only one really determined to break the cycle.
Frankie is absolutely right! That’s what I call a man! He is the right person to instill common sense into the others head. He is the type of person. I would love to help him to get to a better life. I grew up poor and my brother and I went out to make money. My brother will weed the garden for 2 dollars and I will clean house for 2 dollars. Being poor is not all that bad. It shape us to become a better person. We’re poor but rich in spirit!
I met a lot of these types of guys who thought the Army was a safe bet. Kidding on that they have the balls to go on demployment yet either never bother applying or drop out within the first 2 months of basic.
I'm glad to read that Frankie is doing so well in life now. He was the only one of the 3 who actually tried to get a job and tried to get out of his circumstances. No whining, no complaining, no blaming. He has his head straight.
They were all looking. One of them went into the army. That's not good enough for you?
He was also the convicted felon, yes?
@@DCFelix67 Yeah and not everyone's meant for a regular job, some people need more action, you can tell that guy had a bit of aggression and was very active so he would make a good soldier I think.
Glad to hear that also.
They have a right to whine, only to those who are to blame however, which is very very very very very few people, aka their parents.
I really pray for Frankie. He doesn't blame anyone else for his situation and has not only learnt from the past but is also putting in the effort to improve his future. I really admire him as well as others who work hard to improve their situations. The others don't seem to realise that volunteer work gives them experience and contacts that eventually lead to jobs.
Learnt? And I'm sure he knows that volunteering is good for his resume otherwise he wouldn't be doing it but like you said who wants to work for free
I grew up with in an abusive home life and my father was a violent alcoholic. When I was 15 years old the violence escalated towards me. I fled my home after my father violently attacked me in the middle of the night. I got a job and rented a room and finished my education by working nights and going to school in the day time until I graduated. It can be done and it makes you stronger.
I don't know who you are but I'm proud of you. Congratulations! 👏🏻👏🏻
You are so strong I am very proud of you too!
Nothing beats hardwork, discipline and a will to change and improve your life...
What would have happened if there was no work for you?
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗
I've watched the kids, girls and the lads poverty docs.
It seems like cigarettes and alcohol are too cheap in the UK.
And condoms too priсey.
Even contraceptives are fee in the UK.
The tobacco aint cheap trust me.
Biff Kelly pretty sure that was sarcasm bud.
Everyone knows to "Not Feed the Animals" in the wild because they will forget how to fend for themselves but we won't do humans the same favor and ultimately they are lifetime dependents supported by taxpayers. The requirements to be on government assistance is skewed terribly because they allow unlimited funds spent on tattoos, alcohol, illegal drug use, cell phones and internet usage, some even afford vacations. As a landlord I see those that actually need help and the enormous waste of the majority.
The cheapest form of wit
Or some would say a half wit
God I wish Frankie all the very best in this world.
I hope so
Somebody said he already graduated and has a job.
He is so introspective, I have mad respect for Frankie.
Glad to find out Frankie has been doing well since this aired in 2013, has got a uni degree and all. Seemed like a diamond in the rough and proved it !! Well done lad
He got help. A viewer stepped up and Mentored him. It was great to read that. Frankie had a bit more stability at home too.
@@Nephthys-ness he deserved it. He's the only one of the 3 featured here who has potential anyways..
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Props to Frank for getting out of his situation and moving on in life
Interesting doco/good eye opener for people in other countries to see what England’s poverty line looks like.
Make more of these pls :)
Look at growing up poor kids in the UK its eye opening and the kids are freaking amazing!! We have the same problems here in America
Fair play to Frankie he's a grafter and he is trying to better himself he's a good lad hope he does well!!!!
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗🤗
Frankie is really cool and hardworking dude. He'll be successful!
Hardworking and successful is not the same thing, kid.
@@roserevancroix2308 you can be successful in many ways, not just financially.
@@roserevancroix2308 it
is bro....if i explain in physics,
Hardwork is directly proportional to success..
The sooner u realise and understand, more successful and happy u become...
But people often point out that even a labour does hardwork and so does a office person.....so whats the point of hardwork
...but the theory they dont understand is a office person can lose his/her job and be poor or unemployes as craigs mom.
They dont work hard to try for another challenging job or to sart from zero or try to change themselves, they just accept the situation as it is...
But always rememeber a labour never goes unpaid....
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗
I could only understand Frankie whenever he spoke. I’m so happy he was level headed and didn’t play the victim because of his past and graduated university with honors! Hats off to him!
I grew up in a worse pace in a 3rd world country. I remember loads of times when I slept hungry coz we can't afford dinner. Survived by staying in school (even if I have to crawl through mud or walk through hip-high flood, or swim) and getting grades good enough for free schooling and allowances, which I shared with my family to buy food. Took odd jobs during univ and graduated with honors. That was 7 years ago. I'm still not rich now but I could say I'm more or less contented. I never go hungry anymore and I can buy my needs, sometimes even wants. My sister is finishing univ soon too and I'm funding her. I think if you work really, really, REALLY hard enough, you could do something about your situation.
Blessings to you.
God bless you and your family. You are a true fighter. You deserve the good things in life!
Good for you man, you deserve every success.
@Jammy joe
no more RACISM
You are amazing!
I pray that all these people are in better places in their lives in 2022.
The one Kid Frankie graduated from University a few years back and is a software engineer
Just read that a viewer helped Frankie getting through University 😃👏👏 he is now working as a software consultant with Sparta Global !
I’m poor. I’m poor until I see my parents live in a normal house where there is hot running water and it’s free of rats and cockroaches. It’s a dilapidated Trailer in the Texas area. The most expensive item inside this place we call home is my degree from a traditional 4-year college where the kids came from rich homes and private schools. But I’m overwhelmed and feel suffocated bc I feel as though I can’t help my dear parents get out of here. I have a good job but it doesn’t help get my parents a better home. This makes me so depressed and I hide these personal feelings from the rest of the world. This is truly hard to keep in. Not even my close friends know of this misfortune. It’s not easy being poor but oh do I pray that one day in the very near future I can see my parents live my dreams I so want them to have.
fana406 bless your heart dear soul. Your parents likely want you to be happy and love them back the best way you know how. Thinking kind and loving thoughts to you for your mom and dad. 🌈
fana406 sending love and encouragement ❤️ you’ll make it through to the other side. I have faith in you!
fana406 Hope you were able to realize your dreams for yourself & your family. Well Wishes from Fla‼️
The best gift you can give your parents is succeeding and being a good person.
Keep your head up... God watches everything... and everything has its time I believe in you ... my prayers and hugs sent your way... I am you ...💜
Fair play to Frankie - just goes to show, you have to want it. Given an opportunity at the right time and doesn't let it go
I've noticed from watching these types of shows , that in this area of the world they have no clue how lucky they are to recieve so much assistance. And that every single person on benefits always has money to catch a buzz, cigarettes to smoke, walks around dripping in name brands like Adidas and Nike..... But can't take care of their kids. Bet than money would go a lot further with better priorities
Can’t afford kids, don’t have them.... don’t any of these kids know about contraception... take some accountability ffs....
every one is struggling in this corrupt world full of greed
true man sad
First get out off the stupid and save yourself
@Cowardly Custard True but that does not apply for every country; even people full of determination can get stuck if their environment doesn't allow them to grow and leaving is nearly impossible. I settled for a well-paid job instead of fulfilling my career, simply because the struggle of growing would leave me with little to zero progress economically speaking.
If you can't afford it don't have children and continue that cycle!
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗
Hope Frankie is doing good. He's really trying. And for everyone saying "get a job" this documentary was done during the recession crisis. As someone who graduated college during the crisis, I couldn't even get a job at Dunkin Donuts let alone anything related to my degree. Worked pointless jobs until I landed something much better like 3 years ago. So it took me 7 years in total to get a decent job after college.
Funny thing is I took out a very low amount in student loans never expecting that it'd take me 10 years to pay them off.....
Well done for hanging in there! So pleased that you finally got a job in your industry.
Well the thing is that they don’t even seem to be trying (Frankie excluded).They should do just what you and many other of us had to do. Take whatever job there is available to get started and then work your way to where you want to be. Get out there. Can’t expect everything to get handed out to you.
@@DeuKKeoN Agreed.
Also , for a man with his skills he's better off perfecting his work and doing what he wants to do effectively .
@@DeuKKeoN They want lots of money and not working at all. Too bad for them it doesn't work that way. Frankie js the only one I see has potential here.
U cant afford the basics,,yet your gonna get Pregnant...nice..we hav the same problem in the USA...
It's not by coincidence this is happening in a country with vast numbers of social injustice and income inequality. More prisons, more homelessness, more social deprivation than any other country in Western Europe. Next stop privatized prisons by Virgin Group. That's where it is heading.
I moved from being penniless in London despite having 2 degrees finding it impossible to even get a job interview to a business owner in Ethiopia running a sustainable agribusiness business. There is no future in the UK or the West.
I never understood this. .nor participated ....God bless them through their journey...
@@roserevancroix2308 that is very true. i am a single mom raising my daughter by myself..i think the equality has made men not wanna work or support their family's. when you're only one person you cannot be at home with your child and at work..it causes alot of sadness and stress to know not one person will watch your child so that you can have a job and support your child.you feel like your stuck in a cycle and hole that you cannot get out of..not only that the drug epidemic has caused alot of people to have to raise a child by their self.with men who dont wanna work or do anything with their life..just bum off other people including the mother of their kids.and they could care less if their child has clothes or food or a place to live. with most grandparents not wanting to watch their grandchildren so the mother can go to work saying they already raised kids and its thier time to relax at home seeing as then the husband or man supported the family and the mother didnt have to go to work and still sits at home and doesnt understand why you can barely make it or on your own unable to get a job til your child is old enough to watch theirself and be home alone so you can go to work..and all the laws now make it almost impossible to leave your child unattended even when they are teenagers, they wont even let a child off a school bus without you standing at the busstop and releasing your child to you.so pretty much even when their in school you only have from 9 am to about 5 pm to go to work around the school. their is no help with daycare most of those are only open from 6 am to 5 pm..and if you have no vehicle.you have to walk your child to daycare in a stroller.get on a bus.get to work on time.get on a bus to town.walk to the daycare.pick up your child before they close.and walk home..they need more help with daycare and transportation and single parents struggling to make it.not everyone can drive or has transportation..not everyone has family that will watch kids so you can go to work.just trying to raise children with no income whatsoever.and 10 dollars a day in foodstamps to eat on not helping you with basic needs like toilet paper diapers clothing or anything else even taking years just to get help with housing..sleeping on family members couches with your newborn no bed or anything else.in the united states is worse than the u.k. there is no help here like their is there.they are actually lucky to get help with housing and clothing and everything else. i wish i was living in the u.k. because i dont think id struggle as bad as i have
Amber Zenisek hang in there. I know it's hard. my mom was divorced when me and sister were 3 and 5. I watched my mom struggle for years. as soon as I was 14 I got a job in restaurant. helped mom pay bills, buy food. they need to hire more child support enforcers. yeah, our welfare system is a joke. you can have food stamps. but you can't buy toothpaste to brush after eating. you can't have all kinds of soap or cleaning supplies. that never made sense. I was proud to give my mom my paycheck every Friday. made me feel like the little man of the house. It was only part-time minimum wage. but it helped a little. I do not understand why some poor women, keep having kids in poverty. my mom got her tubes tied after divorce and 2 children. just keep holding your head up, don't let it get you down.
We have the same problem in Canada! Our welfare system here is like having a job without having to leave your home.
The two friends with children talking to each other about baby food and milk, they seem like good dads. But I hope they found the motivation to work harder and smarter.
Their babies should be all the motivation they need.
i was poor, i got out of it, il give you some advice how to do it, work hard, dont hang around with losers, go to church, dont have a baby until you can afford it. i was a council lad like these guys, i ended up owning two night clubs and retired at 39. its possible but you have to leave the losers behind.
i'mo REALLY happy to hear that frankie made something out of himself. there seems to be a complete lack of male role models or guides for these kids.as a mother to a son i can honestly say, as a woman i cannot teach my son to be a man, only another man can do that. i hope as these kids turn into fathers they stay long enough to teach the next generation.
Without reading the comments at the start, I could tell Frankie had the grit and could grind out something good. Whereas Craig was always setting himself up to fail.
It's all attitude.
There is a definite intelligence difference there as well
I can understand their frustration but it really rubs me the wrong way when they complain about how much money they get a week. I understand it’s not a lot but they’re trying to help you the best they can. They can’t give you a middle class salary. Be grateful that you get anything and try to improve the situation. Welfare/benefits isn’t supposed to be lived off of for long periods of time.
I agree with you. Where I'm from the government doesn't give anything to anyone not even to single moms
Titii tetta same.
Poor people always smoke. Literally sending money up in smoke. Lots of it
Only I, the money man, am allowed to experience intoxication frequently. The rest of you peasants are simply substance abusers.
It doesn't make any difference when you can't save money anyways.
Dude somebody tell franky to change that degree, games design is absolutely useless fam
Edit - He’s actually doing extremely well, with a BA in Computer Animation Honors and is working as a Software consultant. Proof that working smarter and harder works, got outta the ghettoes, can’t say the same for the others.
he was only 16 at the time so it was a general goal, anyway heres a little thing i found on this page... useless or not the goal got him through..
In November 2016 Frankie graduated Honours BA in Computer Animation (2-1) by the University of East London. He is now working as a Software Consultant with Sparta Global and is very excited about his future in an industry he loves.
RC Codes oh mad, guess it worked it well for him, good for him he’s made it out
Copy paste In November 2016 Frankie graduated Honours BA in Computer Animation (2-1) by the University of East London. He is now working as a Software Consultant with Sparta Global and is very excited about his future in an industry he loves.
Ate those words huh? No offense. But game design has been and always will be a somewhat profitable career (with the right people of course) especially now 3/2019
Brittany Hall wow I'm so offended
"I don't know how they expect people, adults, to live off £59 a week"... They don't! That's why you're supposed to get a job.
Quite simple, get a job.
Yeah because it's just that easy lol you don't have a clue
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Poor but have 3 kids, smoke and rock full adidas clothes and dosent really wanna work...
Clothes probably fake copies from market.
@@paultaylor6821 or second hand
Adidas is cheap though, you can find some even at thrift stores.
Adidas is cheaper than Walmart
None of these people are actually poor. Poverty pretty much doesn't exist in the West and when it does it is usually self-inflicted.
Frankie it's lovely,
I hope that he is okay and the others fellas too.
Very sad what some people have been made to go through in life. Poor does not mean invalid, dumb, worthless, or anything else other than just being poor. A country is only as strong as it's most vulnerable citizen. Maybe we should try and do better in our countries to help all people.
These kids are old enough to get jobs at McDonalds, etc... I know it’s not much but at least they can help buy food etc..
You think McDonalds just has jobs to give anyone who walks in from the street?
Except in urban centers. That’s highly competitive.
Do you even live in the U.K.?
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Frankie got that hunger to get to where he wants to be. Truly is amazing seeing a guy in a place he doesn't want to be and working tooth and nail to get out.
After seeing the mother exit a room with a cigarette in her hand, I just checked the cost of them in the UK. The average cost of a packet of TWENTY cigarettes is 10.50 GBP ( 14.00 USD ). Five people in this family are living of , what is satirically known as , ' benefits ' , yet she can bring herself to waste money, along with her health and that of her family , on smoking.
There’s worse things than smoking
You need some pleasures in life,U would go insane otherwise
@@joshuaharrington3951 well we know that, but it is the money that could be used to provide better food.
All smoking, wearing earrings, brand name clothes. Maybe that #59/wk would last longer if not misusing the funds. I only pray that these young men found the ambition and turned their lives around.
KRIS SCHNEIDER general rule in America the better dressed a person is the smaller their bank acct. The richest people go around in reg jeans and tee shirts. This fake it till you make it has to stop,
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗🤗
Condoms are a really good investment
They sure can be. Way cheaper than not getting them thats for sure
it's a downright shame that those kids are not educated enough to know the basics of life, like contraceptives, the dangers of smoking and alcool
@A Sojourner spot on. No excuse for them. Tories slogan of working out of poverty is the right way of thinking, whether the mandate has worked is another thing. But we can't keep handing out freebies.
Sure is..just doesnt feel right 😅
Enough money for cigarettes, etc. Get the priorities right first.
I like to see this stuff cause my family is classified as poor as well but this allows me to see what other's go through. We're all different even if there are similarities.
Same here
You don’t have to stay there!
Craig has some major anger issues and thinks he's entitled. The way he speaks to his mom is unacceptable.
In every documentary I have watched about poverty in the UK, someone always says, "How do they expect us to live on X amount a week?" They don't. They expect you to get a job.
i agree
But if you can't get a job, what then?
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Seems to me that if/when people are given benefits that they should also be given financial education so that they can survive on the benifits. Education is the answer to getting out of poverty, both financial education as well as career planning so that they know they are at least on the path to change that's an improvement on what they have grown up with.
Why doesn’t Craig’s Mom have Craig also look for a job? Maybe between the 2 of them they’ll be able to hold onto the house
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I may not have it all now, but when I was growing up, I grew up poor sometimes I didn't had nothing to eat. At age of 9 I deciced to save money by doing errands for neighbors and then I bought bunch of candies and started selling them, I wanna think I did good, I was able to afford some new shoes and uniforms for school. When I got older I got the opportunity to go to college and I graduated, I have a house a car and my little family and I want to say that I might not be rich but I live comfortably. I had a chance to do something in life and I didnt let that chance pass by. If I did it, then pretty much everybody can do it. Dont limit yourself!
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗🤗
Teenagers having babies, going on benefits, struggling to make ends meet, raising their children in poverty, their children become teenagers, they start having babies, going on benefits, struggling to make ends meet, raising children in poverty, their children become teenagers, they start having babies, going on benefits... break the cycle. Be the first or even the last in your family to break out of the repeated mistakes and do better for yourself.
It's a pattern that's hard to break. My mother had just turned 16 when I was born. My father was 17. We lived on relief. He was mentally unstable and the environment was bad. I ended up with 7 siblings. No one completed high school. All the girls were pregnant before marriage.The marriages all failed. some more than once. Alcohol and drugs are part of the pattern. So is prison.
I was like Frankie though. I talked an HR person at Ma Bell into giving me a job if I could pass the tests. I did and it was the way out of the crap life. It was a career type job that paid well. I was drafted and decided to go into the Navy. Twice the time of the Army but a better education in my trade plus some. When I was laid off in 1985 I started a business in the same field, Telecommunications. Initially I was everything. I sold the equipment, installed it, handled all the office work. I didn't want to borrow to do it. I lent myself $1000 and paid it back the next month. I was using a Chevette to work from. I retired from the business 32 years later.
I married at 21, she was in her last year of college and got her BS. It's 49 years now. My son is a Civil Engineer with two degrees and doing very well. My wife and I paid for all of his education so he could graduate debt free. He is a construction superintendent in Washington DC. He works at least 10 hours a day but it's what the job requires. I told him one time that I'd worked all that over time so wouldn't have to work long hours but its the life he's chosen. He's just glad not to have to travel from site to site.
Some of my siblings don't bother with me. I think it's jealousy. All their children have followed the pattern of their parents. and it''s not looking better for their grandchildren. It's difficult to talk to some of them. I can't talk about my son and his success. He has a good wife and two good children. Almost all of them owe me money I'll never get back. My wife has been very good about that. We've loaned to her brothers for the down payments for their homes and they've paid us back.
It's hard to break out of the lifestyle. It costs you something. I'd love to have had more time for leisure and not work 10-12 hour days but I accomplished what I wanted.
That's awesome, u should be very proud!
I can understand the drugs. I can understand the alcohol. I can understand the crime. What I simply cannot comprehend is the incessant obsession with breeding non-stop. I wish "poverty" was this luxurious in my country in Africa.
I agree. Stop breeding, it's bad for us and the planet
It's for benefits
Exactly dont have kids unless married and can add them
It's so sad
If you take away the expensive drugs and the expensive alcohol and the working time lost due to crime and jail, there would be much more money left to raise the children. Sad you understand all the bad and illegal things and not how people have and want babies. Also they should of course get married first, instead of having them outside of marriage. Instead of drugs and alcohol buy books and instead of going to jail, work.
I was happy to hear frankie made it
Normally it's a sad ending watching
These documentary
Fascinating doc. Wish all these young lads the best.
I love that the viewer helped Frankie out. That's excellent. I feel that any and all businesses there should be helping those less fortunate if they are able. If they are paying their bills and earning a living themselves they should be reaching out to help support their locals. A community supporting its citizens. Plain and simple. Interview them, judge as best you can that they are sincere and have potential then hire them on in any way that you can.
P.S. The wonderful Mum who is feeding the youth as best she can by cooking more than they need is a saint. Let the local businesses follow her suit.
Frankie seems smart. I like him.
This documentary seems pretty old but I hope Frankie is pulling through.
@bag man That's what they said, he got a career.
@bag man that is him...
Not the right time to have children. Not fair for the baby.😤
Have a baby with a child and complain that they can't support it financially. 😕
@@03298kjskdjf She's not very smart. He was 17yrs old. How old is the child's mom?
Poor people have more children because they make them feel better about their situation.. Can't afford a xbox? Have a new baby to play with!
@@UnseenThreat07 It's insane. Trying to find money for milk. Complaining that the benefits isn't enough. 😯
How come they all complain about not having money for baby milk?
Their mothers are walking milk machines.
Why is breast milk not an option. IT IS FREE and better for the childs' health.
No fathers seems to be a key in this dysfunction
Every female in these documentaries is married to the government.
Our prisons in the U.S are full of young men with one thibg in common. They claim a single mother and life being hard. Fathers are the cure. Single fathers dont fill the prison system single moms do.
Well I'm American they would be your average democrats
ghost Unix: Why are the highest rates of teen pregnancy and single mother households in Republican red states?
@@martiwaterman1437 The democrats live in Republican States to Bleed us but if you re elect Mr Trump he will give all woman free contraceptives/defence classes/rape whistles and even a free trump supporters coffee mug.
Compared to other countries with poor families you're still lucky,,l could say very lucky living in the uk,, it is up to you to make a better life for your selves,,l believe that there are lots of job in cities that you can find.
Frankie seems like an amazing kid. I wish him all the best.
Frankie is doing something about it, the other 2 are scabbing off the system like so many others. There needs to be a massive overhaul of benefits and getting these people involving themselves in the community more and making them contribute to society.
Just saw a comment from an American asking for subtitles and I immediately burst out laughing. I live in Australia and can understand this documentary perfectly, I also can understand what Americans say. I understand if English isn’t your first language but like how embarrassing to ask for subtitles if English your native language 😂
That comment got me too. Haha. I was like, “uhm ...it’s English.”
Generational trauma! Sad documentary of life. Plain and simple. Most of us are struggling, barely living. Life should be more than this, like the neighbor who cooks to feed her neighborhood. More of that!!
These videos are interesting to watch and get a sense of how others live . I’ve noticed though that most of these kids who live in poverty, have money for cigarettes and alcohol, their homes are filty dirty , and having babies adding to their struggles. Smh
Frank's the only one with pride and determination
These kids have no money in their pockets but they wear More branded clothes than I do 😂😂
I live on a small disability pension and wear often branded clothes lol ! well to be honest they where given to me by people who didn't want them anymore . But I managed to pay of the mortgage on my house by myself , I live very minimalistic drink water , no half fabricated food , a couple of times a year meat , no smoking or alcohol , but every night I drink a big cup of real cacao , with other words I don't have much and need even less. And thwe best of all I'm very happy .
You can get lots of brand name stuff second hand. I got a brand name(as I was later informed) shirt off eBay for AUD $0.99! You can do well on a carefully budgeted disability if your rent is reasonable. I always put bill money aside and follow simple consistent eating patterns and can usually save a bit which is helpful.
@@Stewf123I started laughing when I read (as I was later Informed) , it tells me that just like me you don't care about brands . The same goes for the paying bills and saving part lol . All the best to you.
@@perrodehont5109 Thats brilliant.I am also cutting out more and more and have less and less .
@@Stewf123 Yes, I'm in the same situation and I am also careful with my spending but I still have a very contented life. My main concern is that my rent keeps going up every 6 months but moving costs so much that it would be a false saving to move, especially as I have already done much to improve the property for my convenience so better to stay where I am happy and secure living in a lovely place. Besides, the rent in other properties isn't much less than I pay now. As a vegetarian my groceries are a lot less than meat eaters so all in all I feel blessed to have a beautiful pooch, good people who help me when I need it .... but, if I didn't wake up in the morning I would be happy, especially as I have made arrangements for a wonderful loving home for my baby girl to go to with people she already knows and loves. She has been my main concern, but while I still breathe I am happy to live in such a beautiful part of the country and have nothing to complain about. I have been paralyzed several times in my life so I also know how bad life could be, so I have to be grateful just to be able to walk around and be relatively independent.
Gotta love all the perfect people in these comments 🙄 how about stop judging?
You're judging people for their comments.
So happy for franky 💙
How Wesley gon go out his way to try to help his buddy& his baby but his baby mother & own baby were there struggling too. Smh
I'd like an update on their situation. I hope they are doing well.
No one:
Craig: *aimless punching and heaving breathing*
Every time it would come back to Craig and he’d be punching the air, I kept coming back to this comment lmao
Emily Belhumeur what time was that at? Lol i just started watchin’ this so yea..xx
I see a lot of hanging around and not much job hunting :(
Itt: folks that don't know what growing up poor does to the mind
Oh please
Dead End They don’t want to work government is supporting them not to work .
they're too young for most of them to get into parenthood...but i'm not here to judge. these are circumstances, education, lack of education that lead them to poverty, among other things of course. they're brave enough to handle the situation
Poor, but popping out kids one after the other and always some money for ciggies
Maybe they should teach them at school to keep their legs together.
So many single.moms and teenage moms these days its apathetic.
And the only thing media does is blaming the father and calling these stupid women "brave".
Hail feminism.
fascinating how they always have money for cigarettes!
Bestwick1983 It’s all paid by hard working tax payers .
...and tattoos, playstation, designer chav wear...
Bestwick1983 they keep having more kids, for extra money, bigger house, another 18 years of welfare-benefits. It's ridiculous. In America the maximum amount welfare check is for 2 children. you do not get extra money for more children, only more food stamps, extra bedroom. 2 kids or 8 kids. check does not increase. where I live it is 355 for 1 kid 415 for 2 kids maximum. you do not get rewarded for having more children.
You know, like you can buy brand name clothes from thrift shops or Goodwill, right? You expect them to like walk around in loin cloth and rags, I guess
succeeding in life isnt guaranteed, but to have a really good chance it isnt a mysterious secret. its really basic. 1-dont have ANY children until you have a full time job, a home, & even better, married. 2-earn more money than you spend. 3-you already are doing great if you have done the previous things, youre welcome.
I could never kick my kids out at 18... No matter what. Can't afford them don't have them.
Jag Girl Same. My oldest is away at college but she knows she can come home anytime.
@@2l2q36 revolving front door.. Lol
Mind you when my daughter was 14-17, I could have throttled her sometimes.. 😯 Those hormones can get crazy. She's my best friend now at 28.. She was home the longest. Didn't move completely out until about 24. But I didn't mind. She was studying nursing.
That's usually when the government stops giving he parents money for the children. So no incentive to keep them around. Sad cycle.
thx Shelly 4 your hard work along with Frankie. i will now watch 2 c how it all started
Such a shame the myths of student finance in England scares people off. It's not a traditional loan at all and should be seen as a progressive tax instead. It's a university tax and should be named as such.
My family was very middle class and well off. However, my family was also dysfunctional! My father would often beat my mother because my mother would drink and then insult my father and batter him. When he couldn’t take any more, he would punch her and pull her by the hair and then the police would be called to our posh house, it was bloody awful growing up like that. So, even I had to escape! I’m 65 now and I have had a successful adult life but my life could have gone so badly. Some parents drag their children up and if you are lucky, you will escape but it takes determination like Frankie. God Bless him.
Will there ever be a follow up documentary made with these three lads?
these boys are just like the poor girls. .they need LOVE,HELP, and money....hope someone loves these girls and boys enough to help them if they can spare the time,money,and affection..they just need the love.
Hard work pays off, you get out of life what you put in. Some are more fortunate than others in life but everyone has a equal chance at success when you factor in drive and motivation. Never let anyone tell you differently
The Last King. You really believe that everyone have equal chance.. lol
The Last King. Wise advice is important also. The youth studying games design may have a difficult time finding a job. If he studies, maybe, accounting, he’d have an easier time.
Agreed, if your going to study don't waste 10 years of your life on a useless degree like gender studies or arts and literature. Get something that's in demand
Tell that to the starving kid in Africa.
Hard work only pays off when you are working for yourself. And everybody having an equal chance is bullshit,
The 1 thing that really ticks me off most about these people is the fact that they have kids when they have no money. I don't get why people have kids before they have their lives together. I feel sorry for the kids that will suffer cause of their parents. They complain about having kids when they shouldn't have kids in the first place. The thing I most about this video is the community and the willingness to help which is great and I don't have such where I live. I wish the best for these guys.
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗🤗
Aww bless them they are all really nice lads, Graig mother is just the worst out of them all, she’s thinking about herself and literally leaving her son homeless and starving, what kind of mother would do that to her child?!? She’s the one who put him in this predicament, I hope he is doing well now, even the black lads seemed so sweet with their children and franky is the best out of them all, his lucky he’s got brains and was able to succeed. But not everyone is clever, not everyone is able to go to uni people need to realise that.
well one thing I do know,I'd never leave you!
Have you lost your mind? He was an adult man sitting on her couch playing video games. He really took that money from a poor pregnant woman too. I couldn't believe he took that small change from her and then went and sat on a couch again. People with crap parents work every day without Mommy and Daddy's encouragement. She was crap, but he was even bigger crap in my opinion. We can agree about Frankie though. He is a good kid with a lot of potential.
Kids brought up by television. Education is key
Good old Craig should start with fixing his mess of a room , washing the outside molding roof and door there was a time when young men worked & helped there mothers if he was working they might keep there home
Mike Kennedy Craig was an angry and very unhappy young man. He lacked guidance, love and parenting. Maybe if he hadn’t had to grow up in such a terrible situation he would be mending things. I felt for him, he was just an overgrown, lost kid.
Those young men you mentionen were mentored and molded by older men in their lives -- something clearly missing from the ones in this film.
I like Frankie, seems.like a good guy. Where is his accent from?? Sounds different than any others from Britain that ive heard.
London accent
I grew up poor I couldn't afford Adidas clothing
Probably fake copies from market
Me too. I'm just happy to eat 3 times a day back then. These kids are out of this world.. Poor but wearing brand name clothing. The nerve! 😒
I could when I bought it second-hand
@@paultaylor6821 even fake adidas/nike costs more than cheap regular clothes
The best way to overcome poverty is education and hard work. A big problem in western society is that a military draft is no longer and required high school graduation is no longer. Every male should do at least 2 years military service and be required to graduate high school. This experience will get the mind right to tackle life's challenges better than without it.
The old shame and terror of past generations getting pregnant out of wedlock served a good purpose. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who did. Yes, it led to other serious difficulties if a girl did get "in trouble," but it would help a lot if these kids had some sense of consequences.
Exactly that is exactly one of the reasons why fornication is prohibited in Islam and other religions
I grew up in similar conditions to this, I'm now 16 got an apprentiship in engineering and I look after my mum with what I got, there isn't really an excuse. GET A JOB
I want, I want and more I want. Everyone wants but the difference with responsible individuals is putting their wants aside for awhile and concentrating on their needs and their responsibilities.
Delayed gratification. These people who look like they're making it are doing it on debt, mostly credit cards. Literally a house of cards. I have a sister who is always transferring balances from one card to another offering no interest for some period of time. She rarely pays interest on her debt. But when she does it's a whopper. She doesn't get the best rates. She's done two bankruptcies because eventually she gets stuck with nowhere to go with the debt. Yet she is pursued by credit card issuers constantly.
Robert Cuminale. Of course you’re absolutely correct and you just described some of my family members. I lived in a large city in California and if you went to the thrift stores in the wealthy area you could pretty much find new or barely used high end brand name shoes, clothes, everything for pennies on the dollar. They wouldn’t even step foot in them. SMHH 🤦🏻♀️
Watching this in 2022 I hope those young men have achieved their dreams…❤
Am I supposed to feel sorry for these people? They have free college and free healthcare. Here in the US we have non of that. Those kids should have gotten a fast food job. Come to the states and witness “real poverty.”
McShab go see the real world before you make comments like that. Real poverty is Africa, India, Asia... Iv been to 40+ countries all over the world and have seen worse than what you might call real in America.
This might not be the worst case of poverty but what you call real poverty is still a luxury to people in 3rd world countries... Wait till you see with your own eyes people living at rubbish tips waiting for food to fall
Out the back of the truck. People picking up food others threw on the ground and deformed from birth people dragging them self along the ground with no clothes on to go to a bin for food.
OVERLAND GLOBAL That’s their governments fault, and lots of people refuse to work. Not all them mind you, but lots of people in Indian are lazy. We aren’t also talking about a 3rd world country. We are taking about people who have opportunity yet refuse to take it.
It’s scary how much I relate to Craig’s anger when outwardly it looks so childish but in the end he’s made a choice still, at some point you have to move on
34:20 Ah, the classic: _Can't work because I have no experience because I can't work because I have no experience because I can't work..._
ruclips.net/video/ZOX2eg1nfAs/видео.html 🤗🤗
You’ve got to admit, this is a problem for young people. For old folks, they’re not allowed to “officially” say, “You’re too old,” so they turn you down with, “overqualified.” Too old to get hired, too young for senior benefits. Regular welfare, they look at you and say, “In less than two years you can get old age benefits. By the time you get qualified, the two years’ll be up. Better look for work.” So you get sent back to the employment office!
“You go out there and you get knocked back down. But the streets provide. The streets always provide.”
a crisis loan of $15 to feed a baby my god these guys are so screwed
I hope that Frankie didn’t let student loans and classmate who aren’t like him, deter him from registering. Whenever you think “ I can’t afford to”, the truth is, you can’t afford NOT to. I know this doc is old, but I hope eventually he did it! He’s the only one really determined to break the cycle.
Where's the front room ?next to the library old chap 😂😂
Frankie is absolutely right! That’s what I call a man! He is the right person to instill common sense into the others head. He is the type of person. I would love to help him to get to a better life. I grew up poor and my brother and I went out to make money. My brother will weed the garden for 2 dollars and I will clean house for 2 dollars. Being poor is not all that bad. It shape us to become a better person. We’re poor but rich in spirit!
Eeeewwww when they showed the Indian guy store owner 😂 Frankie was smart enough to know they only employ their own.
Yeah. That made me sad.
I met a lot of these types of guys who thought the Army was a safe bet.
Kidding on that they have the balls to go on demployment yet either never bother applying or drop out within the first 2 months of basic.
Proud all these boys. Specially one signing up for Army. That takes guts.