Let me be sure to thank you so much for all your invaluable information that you share with us viewers. This is absolutely the kind of content we need in order to promote and educate in regards to the world of turbine spraying. Especially when it comes to automotive use. Thank you and I look forward to going on this educational journey with you.
love what you are doing with this turbine education. Bought the Avanti 2 years ago and following your guidance for automotive spraying am now more confident to take that next step. Got my sub and like.
Thank you so much for watching and commenting. I'll share my knowledge, and hopefully you'll be able to paint anything you want to and make it glossy and smooth.
Been experimenting with different combos for the Apollo gun and realized I was not using the gun to its max potential. Just sprayed Finish One on a 3500 model truck using the 0.8 needle/nozzle with the regular B cap and the results made me quite happy. Used a hand held light as you do to observe the material. Kept a wet edge. Best of all, the lower psi keeps excess dust from blowing up and into my clear. I do not have a paint booth and despite cleaning and tacking, at 30 psi, I would get a certain amount of trash. Big reduction in dust specs using the turbine. Same amount of cleaning. I held off until I gained enough turbine experinece, but now I feel I'm ready to sell off some of my good compressor guns and recover some of my investment in them. The 7700 gun can do it all for me now. I have 0.5 all the way to 2.0 with all the caps and hs caps. This is a superior gun in my opinion. Maybe the best on the market for turbines.wooo, ran long on the comments again...
Yes, I concur the Apollo spray gun is an awesome spray gun. It lays down metallics with ease and clears too. The regular B air cap is the original I started with and have many spray outs with clears and that air cap. It also likes 1.0mm needle and tip with 7 psi for spraying in the body shop Sherwin Williams CC200 clear. Also, tighten the fan ring about 3-4 notches in to keep a tighter wet edge. The 0.8mm works well too, just richen up the fluid more if you need a wetter saturation of material. Sometimes the 1.0mm can have an over wet and heavy lay down with some clears so you have to really test it first with the clear brand being used. I do like Speedokote 3:1 mix Glamour clear coat with no reducer.
@@JakeLesada there are several Speedokote clears I like. I will be using the 2 to 1 SMR 42 clear on a Super Beetle project coming up. Its pretty thick, so I might use the 1.0 with the Hs B cap. Test sprays first to see how it goes. I don't add reducer to the clears unless its recommended. Just sprayed burn out blue metallic with a 1.0 and b cap today on some Beetle fenders today. Love spraying metallics with the turbine. Distributes the metallics so good. I pull back and float some metallics over the still wet base on my last coat just tobe sure, but not sure its really needed
I did a live demo turbine spray class with an unnamed major paint supply company spray techs years ago, and one of their top paint techs was amazed at how well the silver metallic sprayed with the Apollo spray gun. Due to corporate conflicts, too bad I can't share the video. Really cool paint tech though, it was a great day.
Avanti/Harbor Freight stopped selling their turbine guns. Any good recommendations for a budget spray gun? I have a fuji and an apollo 7700, however sometimes I wish I had something "cheap" to practice on and not having to clean the expensive guns thoroughly every time
I called my local Harbor Freight, they are completely sold out of the replacement only spray gun. The store rep said, they are still selling them in the whole Avanti 5 stage kit. You, might want to try calling other stores close by to see if any are still on the shelves. I only used one spray gun for years and cleaned it throughly before each session of primer, base, and clear. I got used to that and try to do the same for every spray gun I use. Even when, I'm spraying water for testing, I clean as thoroughly as I would with real paint material. Water is the worst because any leftover drops of water in the spray gun could definitely ruin a real spraying session. Thank you for watching and commenting.
I was using turbine for base and sealers, and compressor for clear much of the time. Working on changing that as I do not like the big clouds filling my paint room. You really have to have everything lined up right to spray clear with a turbine. Your gun settings, distance, psi, speed. I think its generally easier with a compressor in some ways, but i'm all about keeping overspray down and I like the consistent air delivery, lack of filtration needed. Dry air. All those advantages to spraying in my environment. Yesterday, Apollo gun, cc cap applying clear to cowl panel and fender. Results were good. Kept a wet edge, med. Activator. Flowed well. Next up is Big 2500 pick up. Overall paint job. My plan is 100 percent turbine, including the clear coat. Not my first overall turbine job by any means, but my Biggest so far. Looking forward to the challenge. Will be using Finish One overall clear provided by customer.
hey jake u have any new turbine videos coming for 2025... i have the mini mite fuji stage 5 , but im thinkin about grabbing the apollo 7700 gun to add to my setup.
@JakeLesada thanx alot jake u really the only one showing up how good they are..i bought the fuji mini mite 5 ..love it but i think im gonna upgrade my gun to the apollo 7700 .
Can you spray a whole car with primer sealer basecoat and clear coat? I'm new to this turbine spraying ..Do you have any videos on spraying a whole car with this turbine system?
Yes, you can spray a whole car with turbine spraying. I'll post videos of previous spray outs in the next few weeks as a follow up. You'll be able to judge the results. Thank you for watching and commenting.
Hey Jake, just wanted to stop and thank you for these VERY informative videos! My old man paints with compressor guns for a living, but he's about ready to hang it up. I'm noticing his work really lacking lately, even on personal projects. These days he's all about "getting it done" and not taking the time to make it perfect like he used to! I plan on picking up the torch now, and I'm set on building my own 5 stage turbine sprayer. Your videos have really helped me figure out what guns, tips, etc I need to plan on pairing with my turbine when I build it. I do have one question for you: Have you sprayed suspended metal flakes at all yet? I plan on using Tropical Glitz metal flake products on the C600 cabover I'm restoring, but can't find any videos of people using metalflake in intercoat clear through one of these turbines!
About 10 years ago, I and along with a couple of friends sprayed my neighbor's S10 project and we used flake. As a comparison, we used both the Apollo metal bottom quart cup and the top feed 3M PPS cup. The good thing about the bottom quart cup was we could agitate the flake in the metal cup like old school Binks gun because it was more suspended vs. using the 3M PPS cup where the liners compress and doesn't quite allow free flowing material. I've used intercoat clear from PPG on a couple of test spray outs and it was easy no hassles. We under based the body in black and followed it up with metallic red, then suspended the additional red flake in several coats of clear. Then buried everything with more coats of regular clear. After several weeks dry, Andy the car owner did a Wizards Polish full color sand and rotary buff to get it absolutely flat and it looked awesome.
Steelman Pro is the light I use for painting, I added link in description. Also, watch my video "Futuristic spray mod" it shows how I use the light to see surface texture. And, for detailing when I cut and buff, I use Scan Grip light and Milwaukee Detailing light.
Thank you,I have two of the original Accuspray hvlp guns made before they were purchased by 3m and have resurrected my hvlp interest.Great videos and work thank you.👍
I have a 4 stage fugi with the,T70 gun and tip kit ,, just sprayed a ,80 Bronco flawless, sprayed a 47 foot Yaht in 11 mph winds and again perfect , it's the amount of stages that really matters, only problem l see with turbine sprayers is the heat clogging up the nozzle and tip faster with my clear coats, just have to practice and don't mix to much paint at once so it doesn't thicken
Nice job on the 80's Bronco and man, that is a long vessel. 47 foot Yacht is a handful, the longest I've faired and painted, but with air compressor spraying, was a 38ft steel utility Yacht, in a huge Clearspan tent, it took 9 months, one winter, a session of carbon monoxide poisoning from the generator, and a couple of really windy bad thunderstorms. When the project was finished and about to be craned into the water the following day, overnight there was a huge storm that came thru and literally blew the whole tent, and lifted the tent across the boat yard. Luckily the utility Yacht finish wasn't scratched one bit. Thank you for watching and commenting.
@@JakeLesada yeah l went through hell with the 47 foot Yaht, did it in October dry docked next to the water, big mistake sprayed it perfect like glass with mirror like finish with awgrip paint came back the next morning to a clouded finish from the Dew that night,, scuffed it all up and tack clothed it all down and did a roll and tip paint job that time off a 8 foot step ladder many said it was impossible for one man too roll and tip well l proved them wrong and it looked like it was sprayed not a brush stroke in it leveled out perfect and again the dew dulled it,, l was sick!! , Awgrip paint needs 12 hours to not be affected by dew and humidity and actually stops drying at 60 degrees completely, the boat owner thought him and his 3 buddies could do it and really messed it up, sanded it too deep to the pin holes in fiberglass and didn't wash all the sanding dust off like I did and didn't tack cloth,, it was horrible,, l was 7 months restoring the boat,, was a buddy Davis and l did all interior 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms salon and all of engine room and pretty much updated all the wiring to relay's, broke my heart seeing the paint job so bad when everything else was perfect, back to the point that was my first spray job with a turbine sprayer and I was sold on them after that,, l do all my base coat on my classic cars but still use my black widow HTE air compressor gun for clear l need the 30 psi to blow the clear apart and get really good atomization with less orange peel then the turbine can give without thining it to the point of running.
I'm torn between the pps med HO setup and pps large HO set up. What do you like to use most often as far as comfort goes? I definitely know I don't want the mini.
I have three to choose from - 1.0 mini, 1.0 large and 2.0 midi - but the one I tend to use more often will always be the 1.0 mini or 2.0 midi with a couple of refills. The 1.0 large H.O. cup when used on top as gravity feed style will feel a bit heavy when full. I like to use it on the bottom and the weight is better balanced when full, and the spray gun is easier to use with less stress on the wrist. The 1.0 large H.O. cup is more efficient when doing multiple panels, it will help prevent running out of clear coat in the middle of a large panel and having to refill and restart to a drying wet edge. If you need to only get one, then go with the 2.0 midi, it's large enough but not so big, and has multiple liner choices. If you are doing large continuous spray outs go with the larger cups, you'll refill less often. Hope this helps.
I just realized the Avanti spray gun doesn’t have a fan width adjustment and that sucks! I’d like to be able to dial the pattern down to about 4-6 inches to paint some interior trim and it’s impossible. The turbine is good but that’s some b…..it. The fan on it is huge and that’s great if you want to paint walls🫤
Yes, I just spoke to a couple HB stores in my area and they told me it's no longer available. One store told me the item has been replaced with a different machine, but the machine is an airless sprayer and not a turbine sprayer. Their replacement turbine spray gun is also unavailable within a 100 mile range of the store I spoke to, and it's been on the "clearance item" description.
@@JakeLesada the manager said it wasn't a big seller and there going to focus on the cheaper models. I have one that I've been using for a few years and it still works, but I don't do cars .
Woooo more Turbine Spraying content!!!!!
Thank you for watching.
Let me be sure to thank you so much for all your invaluable information that you share with us viewers. This is absolutely the kind of content we need in order to promote and educate in regards to the world of turbine spraying. Especially when it comes to automotive use. Thank you and I look forward to going on this educational journey with you.
You are so welcome, thank you so much for watching and commenting.
Awesome class. Awesome tips. You are the pro!
Thank you, I appreciate the kind comments.
love what you are doing with this turbine education. Bought the Avanti 2 years ago and following your guidance for automotive spraying am now more confident to take that next step. Got my sub and like.
Thank you so much for watching and commenting. I'll share my knowledge, and hopefully you'll be able to paint anything you want to and make it glossy and smooth.
Been experimenting with different combos for the Apollo gun and realized I was not using the gun to its max potential. Just sprayed Finish One on a 3500 model truck using the 0.8 needle/nozzle with the regular B cap and the results made me quite happy. Used a hand held light as you do to observe the material. Kept a wet edge. Best of all, the lower psi keeps excess dust from blowing up and into my clear. I do not have a paint booth and despite cleaning and tacking, at 30 psi, I would get a certain amount of trash. Big reduction in dust specs using the turbine. Same amount of cleaning. I held off until I gained enough turbine experinece, but now I feel I'm ready to sell off some of my good compressor guns and recover some of my investment in them. The 7700 gun can do it all for me now. I have 0.5 all the way to 2.0 with all the caps and hs caps. This is a superior gun in my opinion. Maybe the best on the market for turbines.wooo, ran long on the comments again...
Yes, I concur the Apollo spray gun is an awesome spray gun. It lays down metallics with ease and clears too. The regular B air cap is the original I started with and have many spray outs with clears and that air cap. It also likes 1.0mm needle and tip with 7 psi for spraying in the body shop Sherwin Williams CC200 clear. Also, tighten the fan ring about 3-4 notches in to keep a tighter wet edge. The 0.8mm works well too, just richen up the fluid more if you need a wetter saturation of material. Sometimes the 1.0mm can have an over wet and heavy lay down with some clears so you have to really test it first with the clear brand being used. I do like Speedokote 3:1 mix Glamour clear coat with no reducer.
@@JakeLesada there are several Speedokote clears I like. I will be using the 2 to 1 SMR 42 clear on a Super Beetle project coming up. Its pretty thick, so I might use the 1.0 with the Hs B cap. Test sprays first to see how it goes. I don't add reducer to the clears unless its recommended. Just sprayed burn out blue metallic with a 1.0 and b cap today on some Beetle fenders today. Love spraying metallics with the turbine. Distributes the metallics so good. I pull back and float some metallics over the still wet base on my last coat just tobe sure, but not sure its really needed
I did a live demo turbine spray class with an unnamed major paint supply company spray techs years ago, and one of their top paint techs was amazed at how well the silver metallic sprayed with the Apollo spray gun. Due to corporate conflicts, too bad I can't share the video. Really cool paint tech though, it was a great day.
Thank you Jake, that covers all my questions!
You are so welcome, thank you for watching the video.
Great video ! Have you ever sprayed heavier high build epoxy primers ?
Thank you Jake! this covered all the questions i had
You are so welcome. I'm glad the class helped answer some questions you had about turbine spraying.
Lots of content!! Question, what brands of clear in your opinion give less orange peel and other issues?
Avanti/Harbor Freight stopped selling their turbine guns. Any good recommendations for a budget spray gun? I have a fuji and an apollo 7700, however sometimes I wish I had something "cheap" to practice on and not having to clean the expensive guns thoroughly every time
I called my local Harbor Freight, they are completely sold out of the replacement only spray gun. The store rep said, they are still selling them in the whole Avanti 5 stage kit. You, might want to try calling other stores close by to see if any are still on the shelves. I only used one spray gun for years and cleaned it throughly before each session of primer, base, and clear. I got used to that and try to do the same for every spray gun I use. Even when, I'm spraying water for testing, I clean as thoroughly as I would with real paint material. Water is the worst because any leftover drops of water in the spray gun could definitely ruin a real spraying session. Thank you for watching and commenting.
I was using turbine for base and sealers, and compressor for clear much of the time. Working on changing that as I do not like the big clouds filling my paint room.
You really have to have everything lined up right to spray clear with a turbine. Your gun settings, distance, psi, speed. I think its generally easier with a compressor in some ways, but i'm all about keeping overspray down and I like the consistent air delivery, lack of filtration needed. Dry air. All those advantages to spraying in my environment.
Yesterday, Apollo gun, cc cap applying clear to cowl panel and fender. Results were good. Kept a wet edge, med. Activator. Flowed well.
Next up is Big 2500 pick up. Overall paint job. My plan is 100 percent turbine, including the clear coat. Not my first overall turbine job by any means, but my Biggest so far. Looking forward to the challenge. Will be using Finish One overall clear provided by customer.
Your project spray outs are looking really good. That should be a fun project with Finish One Clear - "go for the flow".
Is that a S34 pps adapter on that Avanti gun? Great content by the way , love your videos
Yes, that is the S34 adapter and it works great. Thank you so much for watching the videos.
hey jake u have any new turbine videos coming for 2025... i have the mini mite fuji stage 5 , but im thinkin about grabbing the apollo 7700 gun to add to my setup.
Yes, I'll have a bunch of turbine videos coming soon in 2025. Thanks for being patient.
@JakeLesada thanx alot jake u really the only one showing up how good they are..i bought the fuji mini mite 5 ..love it but i think im gonna upgrade my gun to the apollo 7700 .
Can you spray a whole car with primer sealer basecoat and clear coat? I'm new to this turbine spraying ..Do you have any videos on spraying a whole car with this turbine system?
Yes, you can spray a whole car with turbine spraying. I'll post videos of previous spray outs in the next few weeks as a follow up. You'll be able to judge the results. Thank you for watching and commenting.
Hey Jake, just wanted to stop and thank you for these VERY informative videos!
My old man paints with compressor guns for a living, but he's about ready to hang it up. I'm noticing his work really lacking lately, even on personal projects. These days he's all about "getting it done" and not taking the time to make it perfect like he used to!
I plan on picking up the torch now, and I'm set on building my own 5 stage turbine sprayer. Your videos have really helped me figure out what guns, tips, etc I need to plan on pairing with my turbine when I build it.
I do have one question for you: Have you sprayed suspended metal flakes at all yet? I plan on using Tropical Glitz metal flake products on the C600 cabover I'm restoring, but can't find any videos of people using metalflake in intercoat clear through one of these turbines!
About 10 years ago, I and along with a couple of friends sprayed my neighbor's S10 project and we used flake. As a comparison, we used both the Apollo metal bottom quart cup and the top feed 3M PPS cup. The good thing about the bottom quart cup was we could agitate the flake in the metal cup like old school Binks gun because it was more suspended vs. using the 3M PPS cup where the liners compress and doesn't quite allow free flowing material. I've used intercoat clear from PPG on a couple of test spray outs and it was easy no hassles. We under based the body in black and followed it up with metallic red, then suspended the additional red flake in several coats of clear. Then buried everything with more coats of regular clear. After several weeks dry, Andy the car owner did a Wizards Polish full color sand and rotary buff to get it absolutely flat and it looked awesome.
What make of light do you use to check your finish ? Thank you
Steelman Pro is the light I use for painting, I added link in description. Also, watch my video "Futuristic spray mod" it shows how I use the light to see surface texture. And, for detailing when I cut and buff, I use Scan Grip light and Milwaukee Detailing light.
Thank you,I have two of the original Accuspray hvlp guns made before they were purchased by 3m and have resurrected my hvlp interest.Great videos and work thank you.👍
I have a 4 stage fugi with the,T70 gun and tip kit ,, just sprayed a ,80 Bronco flawless, sprayed a 47 foot Yaht in 11 mph winds and again perfect , it's the amount of stages that really matters, only problem l see with turbine sprayers is the heat clogging up the nozzle and tip faster with my clear coats, just have to practice and don't mix to much paint at once so it doesn't thicken
Nice job on the 80's Bronco and man, that is a long vessel. 47 foot Yacht is a handful, the longest I've faired and painted, but with air compressor spraying, was a 38ft steel utility Yacht, in a huge Clearspan tent, it took 9 months, one winter, a session of carbon monoxide poisoning from the generator, and a couple of really windy bad thunderstorms. When the project was finished and about to be craned into the water the following day, overnight there was a huge storm that came thru and literally blew the whole tent, and lifted the tent across the boat yard. Luckily the utility Yacht finish wasn't scratched one bit. Thank you for watching and commenting.
@@JakeLesada yeah l went through hell with the 47 foot Yaht, did it in October dry docked next to the water, big mistake sprayed it perfect like glass with mirror like finish with awgrip paint came back the next morning to a clouded finish from the Dew that night,, scuffed it all up and tack clothed it all down and did a roll and tip paint job that time off a 8 foot step ladder many said it was impossible for one man too roll and tip well l proved them wrong and it looked like it was sprayed not a brush stroke in it leveled out perfect and again the dew dulled it,, l was sick!! , Awgrip paint needs 12 hours to not be affected by dew and humidity and actually stops drying at 60 degrees completely, the boat owner thought him and his 3 buddies could do it and really messed it up, sanded it too deep to the pin holes in fiberglass and didn't wash all the sanding dust off like I did and didn't tack cloth,, it was horrible,, l was 7 months restoring the boat,, was a buddy Davis and l did all interior 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms salon and all of engine room and pretty much updated all the wiring to relay's, broke my heart seeing the paint job so bad when everything else was perfect, back to the point that was my first spray job with a turbine sprayer and I was sold on them after that,, l do all my base coat on my classic cars but still use my black widow HTE air compressor gun for clear l need the 30 psi to blow the clear apart and get really good atomization with less orange peel then the turbine can give without thining it to the point of running.
I'm torn between the pps med HO setup and pps large HO set up. What do you like to use most often as far as comfort goes? I definitely know I don't want the mini.
I have three to choose from - 1.0 mini, 1.0 large and 2.0 midi - but the one I tend to use more often will always be the 1.0 mini or 2.0 midi with a couple of refills. The 1.0 large H.O. cup when used on top as gravity feed style will feel a bit heavy when full. I like to use it on the bottom and the weight is better balanced when full, and the spray gun is easier to use with less stress on the wrist. The 1.0 large H.O. cup is more efficient when doing multiple panels, it will help prevent running out of clear coat in the middle of a large panel and having to refill and restart to a drying wet edge. If you need to only get one, then go with the 2.0 midi, it's large enough but not so big, and has multiple liner choices. If you are doing large continuous spray outs go with the larger cups, you'll refill less often. Hope this helps.
u guys are awesome im switching to turbine and my boss has a 4 stage apollo new with 7700 and 7500 gun for 600$ is this a good deal
That's a good deal, I got the same spray guns.
I just realized the Avanti spray gun doesn’t have a fan width adjustment and that sucks! I’d like to be able to dial the pattern down to about 4-6 inches to paint some interior trim and it’s impossible.
The turbine is good but that’s some b…..it. The fan on it is huge and that’s great if you want to paint walls🫤
It does have a sorta fan width adjustment at the back of the spray gun. I call it an "air choker".
I went to harbor freight today to buy that machine and the manager took me they stopped selling them, I was disappointed.
Yes, I just spoke to a couple HB stores in my area and they told me it's no longer available. One store told me the item has been replaced with a different machine, but the machine is an airless sprayer and not a turbine sprayer. Their replacement turbine spray gun is also unavailable within a 100 mile range of the store I spoke to, and it's been on the "clearance item" description.
@@JakeLesada the manager said it wasn't a big seller and there going to focus on the cheaper models. I have one that I've been using for a few years and it still works, but I don't do cars .
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