If you're really lazy... Honourable mentions: 1. Nasus 2. Nautilus 3. Jayce Top 10: 10. Tahm Kench 9. Aurelion Sol 8. Azir 7. Yasuo 6. Syndra 5. Jhin 4. Kled 3. Fiora 2. Camille 1. Vi But still watch the video to show Bricky your support and for his awesome commentary! ^^
eatmygoddamncat the joke is he uses a lot of hair jell and he has a professional light mixed with a big forehead, so his forehead turns into a 2nd sun, I think even one time he was reading a clock and the glare mixed him up because he couldn't read 10:15
Ah OK thx for the explanation. I just think making fun of people's receding hairlines isn't that funny but this wasn't the case i suppose. Kudos to you for replying without being emotional. I think that's the first time it ever happened.
My funnest champs are Azir GP Riven Camille Irelia Katarina Leesin Rengar Shaco Yasuo Zed these are the funnest of the fun out of all 150 champs and i could probably play each one for 50 games straight and not get bored lol
@@yuvrajbhasha7654 there are so amny great champs in league actually. for me rn its probably Irelia>Vayne>Camille>Kat>Fiora>Ryze(pre last rework)>Kaisa>omgtherearesomany>Qiyana Yasuo Ori Ekko etc
10. Yorick - Got my first triple kill as Yorick, and really fun kit. 9. Swain - I like bruisers. Swain is the longest range bruiser. 'Nuff said. 8. Urgot - S H O T G U N. K N E E S. 7. Nunu & Willump - 10/10 dialogue, as well as best 1000 AP oneshot. 6. Gangplank - Nice dialogue, cool playstyle, and oranges. Also Graves taunt. "You will never have a grave, Graves. You see, it's because your name is like a grave, uh, nevermind." - Gangplank 2k19 5. Zed - I used to really like naruto. Now i can use a different shadow ninja. Not to mention better. 4. Kled - How can you not love Kled? He dives in, attemps to murder everything, fights with skaarl, then eats tacos! Whats NOT to love? 3. Akali - Thicc ninja. Enough said. 2. Kayn - I love his playstyle, whether it be adaptability, damage, and build width, as well as BOTH personalities, their lore, and interactions with Varus (or as Rhaast says, Demon Pants.) 1. Pyke - Because a support assassin seems like a fun idea.
Really nice video, Bricky! I'm hoping you start working on some sort of ''So you want to main'' kind of videos, on the classes in For Honor. Even though there aren't many and you will do only the KNIGHTS OF THE HOLY LAND, I still think it would be a fun little series you could do. By the way my number 1 is Jhin. Not necessarily as an ADC, but sometimes even as a midlaner.(AP Jhin is op af)
My top 5 are gangplank (pirate and has tools for every situation and match up),Ivern( really fun play style and sick look with skin and best walk and voice lines)Darius( fun to play and can sometimes 1v5 cuz bullshit as well as can go full ad and run moc 20 with ghost and storm raiders),fiora(lots of outplay potential, usually has skilled match ups and has some nice skins )gnar ( amazing ability to be a range carry and a melee tank, love both looks and skins, fun to kite or get that juicy flash R, only downside is he needs to be really sting to see play but hopefully the tank rework helps)with honorable mentions to Kled (exactly what bricky said)and Ekko (lots of outplay, has a i fucked op button, very versatile
Rengar is hands down my favorite champion. Shitting on pretentious ADC and mid lane mains is a pleasure for me and no champion, in my opinion, does it better than the knife cat. That feeling of dread of fear you invoke into the enemy carries when you're a fed Rengar and they see your ultimate. When they start frantically running towards their team or a tower for a false sense of security and you jump on them and insta-delete them anyways. It's the greatest feeling ever in a video game.
Apparently nothing satisfies Bricky more than pissing somebody off in League. Even more than ball-handling, butts, thighs, fisting, licking, looking beautiful, cocky attitudes, tripping on mushrooms, praising a Bird and being a low-key weeaboo.
Aatrox main here, but Vi will always be my #2, I love the feeling when you dive in 1v3 and ur friends go apesh*t asking you what ur doing and then u q the ad carry for half their health and moments later u get that juicy triple kill announcement and ur friends go "oh". Those moments give me such a great time.
My is 10 - Quinn 9 - Tristana 8 - Caithlyn 7 - Akali 6 - Syndra 5 - Annie 4 - Poppy 3 - Miss Fortune/ Diana (I can't decide which one is better) 2 - Ahri 1 - Jinx But it's my top 10 for the champions themself. For the kit I don't really know but it would be different (like I would never put Tristana in it and my favorite is probably Ahri)
Syndra at number six...well, I can get behind that. Six=sex (in Swedish) Sex=sex (Swedish) So basically, in my mind, Bricky just said he wants Syndra to handle his balls! I will see myself out...
syndra mains can be v good, but she has a silly low skill floor. the difference between an ok syndra and a good syndra is huge but hey i have 80k in syndra so i should probs just end myself already ;_;
so "you cant stop syndras r damage" - zhonyas, zed, yasuo, even fucking bard r, thats just false "vel is a hard champ" - about double the range of syndra, ult that does true damage if you land skillshots, if you dont, hey guess what youre taking a third of the true dmg anyway "jhin is a hard champ" - wait till 30 minutes and you become the assassin anyway, the only thing youre classing as a hard champ at this point is low mobility which syndra in turn has.. pretty sure i remember saying syndra has a low skill floor soo that renders more points invalid just saying a good syndra player is noticeably better than an average one, they know how to abuse powerspikes, how to prep balls already in the lane to later stun off, get multiple people stuns off using r, (old) w and positioning qs, position correctly to make up for lack of mobility, combo effectively, hit qs consistently, get to the backline in a tf without being cockblocked by heavy cc tank frontliners, time balls in the field to get maximum ult damage, stay safe from high burst assassins and people who outrange her in lane, etc. syndra still has mechanics that will make someone who can pull them off better than another syndra player - just the low skill floor that allows her to one shot someone with one button makes people not realise when a syndra is fed cause they can play the champ well or cause theyre playing a bs champ.
vel has a long ranged e to close distance, if youre ulting in an exposed position, youre completely mispositioned despite the longer range of his r than syndras, calling syndras e the "pushy thingy" makes me wonder if youve actually played syndra more than twice in which case youre in no position to know what youre talking about, syndra has as little mobility as does vel for the enemy jungle to capitalise on - thats just a matter of positioning and warding/map awareness, learn to bait syndra e and youre sorted - just like with vel or any hard cc champ, not counting getting the enemy laners flash as a successful gank is questionable to say the least, rengars jump can be countered by syndra e or any cc for that matter so dunno where youre going with that, syndra shouldnt be able to ult you unless youre stunned - if she can youre too close to the enemy backline, she cant pick up 3 balls anymore her w got changed - more reason that you dont know enough about the champ, ult is an over 50% chunk of her early - mid game combo damage so saying she can execute you without it is just plain wrong - if youre close enough for her to r late game thats mispositioning, last points like saying you cant stop few champs can stop any ranged damage that isnt a channel so its broken, hard to believe youre any higher than silver if youre deeming a champ completely uncounterable.
10. Twisted Fate. The first champ I ever bought. Not playing him much nowadays, but trench coats are awesome so he deserves to be in my top 10. 9. Lucian. Second champ I bought while still pretty much learning the game. Made me love League because... well... he is, to this day, the most fun ADC you can play. There's something about dashing around in a cape with two cool guns around the place. 8. Miss Fortune. Third champ I ever bought... then proceeded to play for my first ranked game ever. Never gets out of meta, mostly because of the letter R. And D. Double D's. (Sorry, I had to.) 7. Yasuo. Okay. I admit. He is damn fun to play with. Annoying to play against. But damn is getting two items then building tank but still proceed to destroy everyone's faces a fun thing to do. 6. Syndra. She floats. Has amazing burst. Makes you feel like a god when you pull off crazy outplays with her. Plus them thighs are the best in the game, bar none. 5. Talon. Assassin's Creed in the top lane. Destroys Yasuo in lane. Jumps over walls. Crazy burst. Safe splitpushing. Cool hooded cape. Nuff said. 4. Katarina. The old Kata mostly. Getting more than 3 deaths while using her, I consider that game a failure. Because old Kata's mobility is, imho, the slickest... there was a time when I would not play anyone but her, because blitzing everyone around and snowballing quicker than anyone equals a nice fcking time. There's something about killing then quickly disappearing without any trace of you being there that just gets to you. 3. Malzahar. One of the only four champs I dare use in ranked. With him it's not about fun for me (although it is fun when a Nasus chases you and you watch his health bar disintegrated by your voidlings) --- it's all about winning. Highest winning percentage I have for a champ in ranked. Plus he looks like a floating Jedi, and that's cool. 2. Sona. The only support I ever learned. I first used her in the midlane, after I watched Bricky dishing phat damage with that ass. It was so much fun. Her auras are soothing. Plus, I win almost 66% of my games with her, so. 1. Ekko. My main. The one champion I never get tired of using. The champion I know inside out... his attack animations, the range of his Q, the right time to use his Ult efficiently, predicted W's, and my favorite move in all of League, his E. Add to that the rise of the Tank Ekko back in the day, the overloaded kit, the outplay potential, the design...everything about Ekko screams Me. And that's why he will always be #1, and why despite what meta comes, I will always be an Ekko main.
Bleach Bleach its called a sponsor which helps the youtuber make more money so they can make. more videos for you its like 30 seconds of your time for way more videos
my top most favorite league of legends champions my honorable mentions Sejuani Diana Fiora 10 syndra 9 Lucian 8 Jayce 7 Zed 6 Thresh 5 Camille 4 Jhin 3 Leona 2 LeBlanc 1 Irelia
Yo, My Main is Ashe at first but that was just me at my young state... It came to my realization that VI is also my main too.... The amount of mobility and the damage you can make is just soooo miraculously insane... I always feel like she is a beast, even for the first time I've tried her out!! The "tankyness" and damage is just spot on!!! Good picks on the champs Bricky!! My Top 10 would be the ff (just wanna share my thoughts) : 1 - Vi 2 - Ashe 3 - Sion 4 - Jhin 5 - Rengar 6 - Tahmn Kench 7 - Jinx 8 - Garen 9 - Talon 10 - Zed
Here is my top 10 favorite champions 1. Teemo 2. Teemo 3. Teemo 4. Teemo 5. Teemo 6. Teemo 7. Teemo 8. Teemo 9. Teemo 10. Teemo My in game name is Téemø and I’m level 7 with Teemo
I got warring kingdoms vi skin in loot box. Is it a good one or should is get rid of it.I don't have vi and probably won't for a long time unless its worth it.
I'm a silent Tank main.... I also play support Tanks whenever I can't play top. I'm starting to transition to Fiora top and Xin Zhao Jungle main because I don't like Yasuo... you know, both teammate and enemy. I used to play Darius all the time at top because there's no other Tank that could make Yasuo cry at laning phase. So now, I'm looking to improve my mechanics and start playing Fiora and maybe get good on Lee Sin.
Am I the only one who noticed that at *6:23* in Yasuo's splash art, there were two dead bodies next to him? He doesn't have that in his splash art in the game!
did not see aurelio sol coming. now for fun my personal top 10, and why. 10. Ahri. I am not typically a midlaner, but when I must go mid Ahri is my go to, despite being squishy, she has high burst potential and whenever her ult is up she gains such solid mobility and outplay potential, I can't help but love her. 9. Malzahar. specifically support malzahar, your passive protects you from virtually everything as you flash ult their adc while your minions kill them and your adc bursts them, while still being able to 1v2 whenever you need to. 8. Nasus. Well this looks like it'll be a long game, too bad for them. 7. ziggs. bot lane ziggs, destroying adcs since 2016. so much fun, so many explosions, and so much turret rape. 6.Kha'zix. - zix has been a long time fav of mine, you stealth in, delete the enemy, and jump out, easy as 123. 5. Vi. every problem can be solved with fisting, I love her kit, her playstyle, and love her ability to just go in and hit things till they die, then get away Scot-free. 4. Hecarim. you charge in, kill the enemy, and run away faster than anyone can catch while laughing maniacally. 3. Warwick. Warwick soared to here on my list, (knocked off poor shyvanna entirely) after his rework, while I have some issues with how tight his ult hit box is, I love everything else about him, especially his bloodhunt ability. 2. Garen. garen is the champion I play whenever I'm tilted, or simply want to shut out my opponent. because if i'm tilted as garen, i can easily untilt, his tankiness protects me as I do so, and I know how to not die vs basically every champion, I especially find it funny when my opponent counter picks with teemo and I proceed to roll over them and they're just like " wait... what?" because I know how to counter teemo with garen, how did I learn this? well... 1. Teemo. I love this little bastard, he is imo, one of leagues most versatile champions, despite how barebones and simple his kit is, that very simplicity is what makes him so good, he can do anything, but excels at stealth, map control and single target execution, despite this, in a team fight a great teemo can control the flow of a fight with a properly placed mushroom or blind, and very few champions can truly counter this little shit when he knows what he's doing.
I'm thinking of starting, never played but looks interesting. I'm familiar with a few of teh characters, and I think I would like the adc role with someone like Caitlin or Lux...? Does that make any sense? Lol
Now that I think about it. A fun video would be top 10 scariest ultimates or something like that. a list of the ones that give you that "oh ****" feeling when you see them coming. Such as Vi or Kled in this video. Alot of the champs in this video are like that. Has someone already done that?
Jhin was number 5?
You were so close Bricky but you didn't put Jhin on 4.
You done goofed.
Ethan Buchanan like how, at the moment I replied, you have 44 likes
as it should be.
(unfortunately it's when i'm typing this)
Ethan Buchanan well... Technically it's five because people shoot three bullets and shoots W and then shoots final bullet.... RIP
Ethan Buchanan Just face the fact that Bricky doesn't enjoy Jhin as much as Kled. He isn't gonna change his favorites just for a dumb joke.
Animator2020 what's the thing with vi and 6
Teemo: where are my shrooms?
Kled: I ate em'.
You have slain an enemy
I love the fact that like 90 percent of my favorite champs are assholes
BrickyOrchid8 Well hey, if the shoe fits, trick it out with knives and start kicking people when they're down.
where is poppy?
yasuo is cancer
bricky all my mains are asshole. . . imma vladimir and darius main for fucks sakes XD
i mean panthion he is a great champ.
Please do a "what your main says about you" video.
Bricky, how could you rob Jhin of his beloved fourth place?
Jhin for five and not four
Seems like Jhin is going to make Bricky beautiful
Bricky is an asshole remember. lol
Bricky, you triggered Jhin, you've placed him on #5 instead of #4. FeelsBadMan.
So first of all: Number 1 was the only right choice.
They're both from Piltover/Zaun where hextech reigns. It's to be expected 😁
Actually, Camille is British Vi.
imagine vi and camille combining, super big robo hands and stick scissor legs
If you're really lazy...
Honourable mentions:
1. Nasus
2. Nautilus
3. Jayce
Top 10:
10. Tahm Kench
9. Aurelion Sol
8. Azir
7. Yasuo
6. Syndra
5. Jhin
4. Kled
3. Fiora
2. Camille
1. Vi
But still watch the video to show Bricky your support and for his awesome commentary! ^^
Aye, thanks was done watchin' anyways, but thanks for the summariz!
What do you call an Irelia and an Aurelion Sol in the same lane
Irelian Sol
idk why that would happen but yes
Deracada Venom Irelia dragon babies
hahahhaaaa made my day, thanks bro!
Nah you call it a crime scene
Jhin should have been number 4
Bruce Wayne is Deadpool It's his choice.
Anthony ! u dont get it... 4FOUR4fOUr444FouR and jhin dude. its his number
Anthony ! It's a joke
Parry Jungler :(
Anthony ! Awww why u sad
Why didn't u put jhin at number 4? FOUR
Oracion and the number of likes on your comment are 4, that's why i wont like ;D
I've literally just liked this comment then realised it was a 45th like and had to take it back to preserve perfection.
kinda getting old... he just has a large forehead. Many ppl do
eatmygoddamncat the joke is he uses a lot of hair jell and he has a professional light mixed with a big forehead, so his forehead turns into a 2nd sun, I think even one time he was reading a clock and the glare mixed him up because he couldn't read 10:15
Ah OK thx for the explanation. I just think making fun of people's receding hairlines isn't that funny but this wasn't the case i suppose. Kudos to you for replying without being emotional. I think that's the first time it ever happened.
Michael PCG i
I feel bad for rerolling a VI Demon Skin and getting Grandma Warwick now...
just because the brick loves vi, doesn't mean you have to, I love Ahri, she will forever be my anime bae
but how else is grandma gonna eat some ass
No you don't
I fucking love Grandma Warwick.
I main zed and panth
Kill me....
1. (new)Irelia
2. Fiora
3. Kaisa
4. Kindred
5. Jhin
6. Camille
7. Kled
8. Riven
9. Jax
10. Aatrox
Me: 1. Vladimir
3. Darius
4. Jhin
5. Riven
6. Renekton
7. Thresh
8. Yasuo
9. Yone
10. Aatrox
Romka K.B мое мнение оч сильно поменялось с того момента но первые три все ещё там(Фиора и кайса пониже правда
My funnest champs are
these are the funnest of the fun out of all 150 champs and i could probably play each one for 50 games straight and not get bored lol
@@yuvrajbhasha7654 there are so amny great champs in league actually. for me rn its probably Irelia>Vayne>Camille>Kat>Fiora>Ryze(pre last rework)>Kaisa>omgtherearesomany>Qiyana Yasuo Ori Ekko etc
@@kyotow7388 lol ye there are, but allot of them get boring quite fast
it's a good thing my azir got on this list
my second favourite
10: tahm kentch
9: aurel sol
8: azir
7: yasuo
6: syndra
5: jhin
4: kled
3: fiora
2: camille
1: VI
his comment is for ppl who dont wanna watch the whole vid
The Prime Darius switch Kled and Jhin lol
My own favorites
10: Tahm Kench
9: Taliyah
8: Kha'zix
7: Aurelion Sol
6: Azir
5: Yasuo
4: Kled
3: Jhin
2: Gp
1: Ekko
Calling it right now, Robbie Rotten is number 1
ES0N clever
10. Yorick - Got my first triple kill as Yorick, and really fun kit.
9. Swain - I like bruisers. Swain is the longest range bruiser. 'Nuff said.
8. Urgot - S H O T G U N. K N E E S.
7. Nunu & Willump - 10/10 dialogue, as well as best 1000 AP oneshot.
6. Gangplank - Nice dialogue, cool playstyle, and oranges. Also Graves taunt. "You will never have a grave, Graves. You see, it's because your name is like a grave, uh, nevermind." - Gangplank 2k19
5. Zed - I used to really like naruto. Now i can use a different shadow ninja. Not to mention better.
4. Kled - How can you not love Kled? He dives in, attemps to murder everything, fights with skaarl, then eats tacos! Whats NOT to love?
3. Akali - Thicc ninja. Enough said.
2. Kayn - I love his playstyle, whether it be adaptability, damage, and build width, as well as BOTH personalities, their lore, and interactions with Varus (or as Rhaast says, Demon Pants.)
1. Pyke - Because a support assassin seems like a fun idea.
Well Pyke is a support now. No more assasination anymore. Rip Pyke
God damnit skarl maybe if u wasn't allways runnin we may have been higher on this gosh darn list dag nabbit where's my mushroom juice.
Respect the mains bricky, I'm a Tahm Kench main and i love him. awesome to see him on the list. i dont see him played that much.
2021 rework: hello there
I tried the matchmaker on LoL's website which tells you what champion you are most like and I got Amumu...
Me too dude
Doggo the Great could you link it? I've yet to do this
Doggo the Great I want to try it tbh
Here ya go:
Doggo the Great I also got amumu wtf is this
For me:
10: Shaco
9: Vi
8: Ekko
7: Kled
6: Yasuo
5: Fizz
4: Jhin
3: Jax
2: Riven
1: Zoe
u are disgusting
WHAT the f
"Are you mad? Haha, quite likely." I love the subtle Thresh reference.
1. Teemo
2. Teemo
3. Teemo
4. Teemo
5. Teemo
6. Teemo
7. Teemo
8. Teemo
9. Teemo
10. Teemo
Luc Billon you forgot teemo
Yeah and he also forgot Teemo
Luc Billon where is teemo?
Luc Billon HEHE.
Who is your main
I'm a jinx main, sooooo 'you gonna chase me, FATHANDS?' :p
Get a life
@@ud2181 lmao man, 4 years old comment
@@aatroxtheworldender933 we hope he got a life meanwhile
Really nice video, Bricky! I'm hoping you start working on some sort of ''So you want to main'' kind of videos, on the classes in For Honor. Even though there aren't many and you will do only the KNIGHTS OF THE HOLY LAND, I still think it would be a fun little series you could do. By the way my number 1 is Jhin. Not necessarily as an ADC, but sometimes even as a midlaner.(AP Jhin is op af)
I Do Drugs Sometimes heard his jg isn't bad either
Omega Brother Yeah its pretty good actually. Should probably try him out in the top lane
I Do Drugs Sometimes ubisoft are adding more
oh man i almost cried when you showed Aurelion.....R.I.P my S6 Main
My top 5 are gangplank (pirate and has tools for every situation and match up),Ivern( really fun play style and sick look with skin and best walk and voice lines)Darius( fun to play and can sometimes 1v5 cuz bullshit as well as can go full ad and run moc 20 with ghost and storm raiders),fiora(lots of outplay potential, usually has skilled match ups and has some nice skins )gnar ( amazing ability to be a range carry and a melee tank, love both looks and skins, fun to kite or get that juicy flash R, only downside is he needs to be really sting to see play but hopefully the tank rework helps)with honorable mentions to Kled (exactly what bricky said)and Ekko (lots of outplay, has a i fucked op button, very versatile
When Bricky turns into Magicarpusedfly 10:36
Kled is the Trevor Philips of League. xd
Rengar is hands down my favorite champion. Shitting on pretentious ADC and mid lane mains is a pleasure for me and no champion, in my opinion, does it better than the knife cat. That feeling of dread of fear you invoke into the enemy carries when you're a fed Rengar and they see your ultimate. When they start frantically running towards their team or a tower for a false sense of security and you jump on them and insta-delete them anyways. It's the greatest feeling ever in a video game.
Apparently nothing satisfies Bricky more than pissing somebody off in League.
Even more than
looking beautiful,
cocky attitudes,
tripping on mushrooms,
praising a Bird
and being a low-key weeaboo.
Aatrox main here, but Vi will always be my #2, I love the feeling when you dive in 1v3 and ur friends go apesh*t asking you what ur doing and then u q the ad carry for half their health and moments later u get that juicy triple kill announcement and ur friends go "oh". Those moments give me such a great time.
I'm triggered you didn't put Jhin at number 4 you disgust me I'm going to sub to redmercy and nightblue now
not redmercy man!!!dont be so rational!!!!think it through!!! :P
JustSomeGuy nb3 is great why you a hater
Master yi to CHALLENGER
I'm laughing so hard rn
good thing you're starting to get sponsored by recognized Brands, good for you Bricky , keep it up
My list :)
Your profile pic says it all
So u only plays tank
All the intro animations gave me chills. GG Riot
well my rat will always be forgotten
Γιωργος Σοιμπλε twitch?
twitch or teemo?
Γιωργος Σοιμπλε i main teitch. I kow how u feel
Was waiting patiently for that Azir, ty bricky
My is
10 - Quinn
9 - Tristana
8 - Caithlyn
7 - Akali
6 - Syndra
5 - Annie
4 - Poppy
3 - Miss Fortune/ Diana (I can't decide which one is better)
2 - Ahri
1 - Jinx
But it's my top 10 for the champions themself. For the kit I don't really know but it would be different (like I would never put Tristana in it and my favorite is probably Ahri)
G0ldiizz wow their all girls
R u a girl?
Lmao that's your top 11
Only freaks like Jinx
Ayyyyee! My Ahri got in 'yer list!
I feel like I just opened web md and read a list of well known cancers
Syndra at number six...well, I can get behind that.
Six=sex (in Swedish)
Sex=sex (Swedish)
So basically, in my mind, Bricky just said he wants Syndra to handle his balls!
I will see myself out...
isnt it sexx in swedish for the number?
Loke Ho not its sex
7:44 I caught that obscure Thresh reference there, dammit
Half of these are the most recent released champions
every word he said about Vi, was like it came straight from my heart
bricky, why didn't you make jhin #4? you missed a great opportunity. I am disappointed
Epictortle 8 Just face the fact that Bricky doesn't enjoy Jhin as much as Kled. He isn't gonna change his favorites just for a dumb joke.
Um, I think you just contradicted yourself
Wait, I forgot the placements, lol. You didn't contradict yourself
yeah man so hyped that VI is number one and I cant wait to see her story continue
Don't get me wrong. Awesome video.... but Syndra 6th? Considering that I pretty much one trick her, NO! NOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOO!
Denislav Rusev yes finally someone who feels my pain! I main her too despite my picture lul
***** Aren't you a piece of sunshine? What stops us from being good by maining Syndra? Who do you main to think that you are good?
syndra mains can be v good, but she has a silly low skill floor. the difference between an ok syndra and a good syndra is huge
but hey i have 80k in syndra so i should probs just end myself already ;_;
"you cant stop syndras r damage" - zhonyas, zed, yasuo, even fucking bard r, thats just false
"vel is a hard champ" - about double the range of syndra, ult that does true damage if you land skillshots, if you dont, hey guess what youre taking a third of the true dmg anyway
"jhin is a hard champ" - wait till 30 minutes and you become the assassin anyway, the only thing youre classing as a hard champ at this point is low mobility which syndra in turn has..
pretty sure i remember saying syndra has a low skill floor soo that renders more points invalid
just saying a good syndra player is noticeably better than an average one, they know how to abuse powerspikes, how to prep balls already in the lane to later stun off, get multiple people stuns off using r, (old) w and positioning qs, position correctly to make up for lack of mobility, combo effectively, hit qs consistently, get to the backline in a tf without being cockblocked by heavy cc tank frontliners, time balls in the field to get maximum ult damage, stay safe from high burst assassins and people who outrange her in lane, etc.
syndra still has mechanics that will make someone who can pull them off better than another syndra player - just the low skill floor that allows her to one shot someone with one button makes people not realise when a syndra is fed cause they can play the champ well or cause theyre playing a bs champ.
vel has a long ranged e to close distance, if youre ulting in an exposed position, youre completely mispositioned despite the longer range of his r than syndras, calling syndras e the "pushy thingy" makes me wonder if youve actually played syndra more than twice in which case youre in no position to know what youre talking about, syndra has as little mobility as does vel for the enemy jungle to capitalise on - thats just a matter of positioning and warding/map awareness, learn to bait syndra e and youre sorted - just like with vel or any hard cc champ, not counting getting the enemy laners flash as a successful gank is questionable to say the least, rengars jump can be countered by syndra e or any cc for that matter so dunno where youre going with that, syndra shouldnt be able to ult you unless youre stunned - if she can youre too close to the enemy backline, she cant pick up 3 balls anymore her w got changed - more reason that you dont know enough about the champ, ult is an over 50% chunk of her early - mid game combo damage so saying she can execute you without it is just plain wrong - if youre close enough for her to r late game thats mispositioning, last points like saying you cant stop few champs can stop any ranged damage that isnt a channel so its broken, hard to believe youre any higher than silver if youre deeming a champ completely uncounterable.
How is this 17 mins...I didn't even realise! Sick video dude
I mean u had the guts to put Gaysuo i'll give u that
10. Twisted Fate. The first champ I ever bought. Not playing him much nowadays, but trench coats are awesome so he deserves to be in my top 10.
9. Lucian. Second champ I bought while still pretty much learning the game. Made me love League because... well... he is, to this day, the most fun ADC you can play. There's something about dashing around in a cape with two cool guns around the place.
8. Miss Fortune. Third champ I ever bought... then proceeded to play for my first ranked game ever. Never gets out of meta, mostly because of the letter R. And D. Double D's. (Sorry, I had to.)
7. Yasuo. Okay. I admit. He is damn fun to play with. Annoying to play against. But damn is getting two items then building tank but still proceed to destroy everyone's faces a fun thing to do.
6. Syndra. She floats. Has amazing burst. Makes you feel like a god when you pull off crazy outplays with her. Plus them thighs are the best in the game, bar none.
5. Talon. Assassin's Creed in the top lane. Destroys Yasuo in lane. Jumps over walls. Crazy burst. Safe splitpushing. Cool hooded cape. Nuff said.
4. Katarina. The old Kata mostly. Getting more than 3 deaths while using her, I consider that game a failure. Because old Kata's mobility is, imho, the slickest... there was a time when I would not play anyone but her, because blitzing everyone around and snowballing quicker than anyone equals a nice fcking time. There's something about killing then quickly disappearing without any trace of you being there that just gets to you.
3. Malzahar. One of the only four champs I dare use in ranked. With him it's not about fun for me (although it is fun when a Nasus chases you and you watch his health bar disintegrated by your voidlings) --- it's all about winning. Highest winning percentage I have for a champ in ranked. Plus he looks like a floating Jedi, and that's cool.
2. Sona. The only support I ever learned. I first used her in the midlane, after I watched Bricky dishing phat damage with that ass. It was so much fun. Her auras are soothing. Plus, I win almost 66% of my games with her, so.
1. Ekko. My main. The one champion I never get tired of using. The champion I know inside out... his attack animations, the range of his Q, the right time to use his Ult efficiently, predicted W's, and my favorite move in all of League, his E. Add to that the rise of the Tank Ekko back in the day, the overloaded kit, the outplay potential, the design...everything about Ekko screams Me. And that's why he will always be #1, and why despite what meta comes, I will always be an Ekko main.
Oh, come on. Who disliked within the first 30 seconds from upload?
Zanttu sälevä
It was me
I hate sellouts
Bleach Bleach its called a sponsor which helps the youtuber make more money so they can make. more videos for you its like 30 seconds of your time for way more videos
SuperHydrow don't be so rude to someone based on an assumption that you have no proof about
Andrew nepomyash Thanks, mate
My list
10. Galio
9. Poppy
8. Jarvan IV
7. Leona
6. Alistar
5. Cho'Gath
4. Sion
3. Sejuani
2. Nautilus
1. Maokai
cmon i hoped jhin is gona be number 4 :D
As a Aurelion main, I was suprised that you also like playing him
I love playing that champ so much!
my top most favorite league of legends champions
my honorable mentions
10 syndra
9 Lucian
8 Jayce
7 Zed
6 Thresh
5 Camille
4 Jhin
3 Leona
2 LeBlanc
1 Irelia
My top 10 + Favorite skin each
10 - Ryze - Dark Cystal
9 - Shyvana - Championship
8 - Akali - Silver Fang
7 - Jhin - High Noon
6 - Nidalee - Challenger
5 - Kha'Zix - Mecha
4 - Fiora - Nightraven
3 - Riven - Dawnbringer
2 - Irelia - Frostblade
1 - Yasuo - Blood Moon
13:22 killed me XD
APlayfulNarwhal what?? you main teemo?
6. Lee sin
5. Kled
4. Udyr
2. Master yi
1. Yasuo
And those are my favourite champions in league of legends...
-me as a riven, zed, and akali main-
: ^)
u are more toxic than chernobyl add yasuo and u will be as salty as the ocean
Finally I've been waiting for this.
I main Ekko 😇
Destiny Godwin same
Yo, My Main is Ashe at first but that was just me at my young state...
It came to my realization that VI is also my main too.... The amount of mobility and the damage you can make is just soooo miraculously insane... I always feel like she is a beast, even for the first time I've tried her out!! The "tankyness" and damage is just spot on!!!
Good picks on the champs Bricky!! My Top 10 would be the ff (just wanna share my thoughts) :
1 - Vi
2 - Ashe
3 - Sion
4 - Jhin
5 - Rengar
6 - Tahmn Kench
7 - Jinx
8 - Garen
9 - Talon
10 - Zed
oh bricky used to play a lot of nautilus?
he was prob pretty
nauti. : ^)
My top 10:
1.Lux(love her so much!)
2.Jhin(Mah boi)
4.Miss Fortune
You missed an opportunity to put jhin on 4
im a riven main wat u said is sooooo true. Im actually suprised my ass hasnt been banned
"At number six we have..."
".....Balls to my face" I fucking died
wheres Renekton ?
Renekton isnt that strong to be honest..
Brecky : places Jhin at 5
Jhin : so you have chosen death.
Why no forehead meme?
For anyone wondering, the outro music is Street Fighter 5 OST Juri's theme
Here is my top 10 favorite champions
1. Teemo
2. Teemo
3. Teemo
4. Teemo
5. Teemo
6. Teemo
7. Teemo
8. Teemo
9. Teemo
10. Teemo
My in game name is Téemø and I’m level 7 with Teemo
U r like the worst person ever for playing fucking teemo ngl
love your videos, camille and vi are also my fav
i like jinx
Nikolas Plantillas me too
Jinx main ^ ^
She's my everything along with jhin
Nikolas Plantillas than bot pre
Nikolas Plantillas
All of you are disgusting
10. Syndra/Swain
9. Camille
8. Caitlyn
7. Kindred
6. Tristana
5. Lulu
4. Sejuani
3. Irelia
2. Vi
1. Poppy
I need a transcript of whatever was Kled yelling.
15:13 I actually saw it coming as you used her as your thumbnail for this video :v
Vi was actually the first champion I ever bought in league, so she holds a special place in my heart.
10. Tahm Kench
9. Aurelion Sol
8. Azir
7. Yasuo
6. Syndra
5. Jhin
4. Kled
3. Fiora
2. Camille
1. Vi
Thank me later.
My list is:
9. Fiora
8. Jax
7. Kha'zix
6. Warwick
5. Renekton
4. Kled
3. Thresh
2. Zed
1. Darius
you toxic fuck...
Wait. Was there really a Yasuo in the top 10? okay im done.
DANG that vega music for fiora. love it
i want jinx
You made my day with Nasus I love that Champ a lot.
I've had that time where i just glanced at a dj sona skin and thought. I NEED that. I dont main sona, i dont main any supports but i NEED THAT SKIN
I love your top 10. I have the same top 10 assuuming you add Riven and Quinn in there somewhere
I got warring kingdoms vi skin in loot box. Is it a good one or should is get rid of it.I don't have vi and probably won't for a long time unless its worth it.
watching this made me realise how great the champ soundtracks are
My list :
1. Swain
2. Zyra
3. Dr.Mundo
4. Swain
5. Zyra
6. Dr.Mundo
7. Swain
8. Zyra
9. Dr. Mundo
10. Veigar
Thanks Bricky! I have been a Vi main since I started playing. No regrets. She is amazing, and underrated. So luckily she doesn't get banned.
I'm a silent Tank main.... I also play support Tanks whenever I can't play top. I'm starting to transition to Fiora top and Xin Zhao Jungle main because I don't like Yasuo... you know, both teammate and enemy.
I used to play Darius all the time at top because there's no other Tank that could make Yasuo cry at laning phase. So now, I'm looking to improve my mechanics and start playing Fiora and maybe get good on Lee Sin.
Am I the only one who noticed that at *6:23* in Yasuo's splash art, there were two dead bodies next to him? He doesn't have that in his splash art in the game!
did not see aurelio sol coming. now for fun my personal top 10, and why.
10. Ahri. I am not typically a midlaner, but when I must go mid Ahri is my go to, despite being squishy, she has high burst potential and whenever her ult is up she gains such solid mobility and outplay potential, I can't help but love her.
9. Malzahar. specifically support malzahar, your passive protects you from virtually everything as you flash ult their adc while your minions kill them and your adc bursts them, while still being able to 1v2 whenever you need to.
8. Nasus. Well this looks like it'll be a long game, too bad for them.
7. ziggs. bot lane ziggs, destroying adcs since 2016. so much fun, so many explosions, and so much turret rape.
6.Kha'zix. - zix has been a long time fav of mine, you stealth in, delete the enemy, and jump out, easy as 123.
5. Vi. every problem can be solved with fisting, I love her kit, her playstyle, and love her ability to just go in and hit things till they die, then get away Scot-free.
4. Hecarim. you charge in, kill the enemy, and run away faster than anyone can catch while laughing maniacally.
3. Warwick. Warwick soared to here on my list, (knocked off poor shyvanna entirely) after his rework, while I have some issues with how tight his ult hit box is, I love everything else about him, especially his bloodhunt ability.
2. Garen. garen is the champion I play whenever I'm tilted, or simply want to shut out my opponent. because if i'm tilted as garen, i can easily untilt, his tankiness protects me as I do so, and I know how to not die vs basically every champion, I especially find it funny when my opponent counter picks with teemo and I proceed to roll over them and they're just like " wait... what?" because I know how to counter teemo with garen, how did I learn this? well...
1. Teemo. I love this little bastard, he is imo, one of leagues most versatile champions, despite how barebones and simple his kit is, that very simplicity is what makes him so good, he can do anything, but excels at stealth, map control and single target execution, despite this, in a team fight a great teemo can control the flow of a fight with a properly placed mushroom or blind, and very few champions can truly counter this little shit when he knows what he's doing.
10-A sol
I'm thinking of starting, never played but looks interesting. I'm familiar with a few of teh characters, and I think I would like the adc role with someone like Caitlin or Lux...? Does that make any sense? Lol
Song in 11:11 is Vega's theme from Street Fighter 5
Now that I think about it. A fun video would be top 10 scariest ultimates or something like that. a list of the ones that give you that "oh ****" feeling when you see them coming. Such as Vi or Kled in this video. Alot of the champs in this video are like that. Has someone already done that?