Quite honestly the greatest explanation of the classpect system. Its pretty amazing that you managed to make me think about Vriska's role in a different way, when I must have seen hundreds of thousands of classpect anylasis for her already. Keep up the great work!
I agree with everything...except 21:13. Light is not connected to physical fortune and wealth. Life is. Vriska is the only light player who seeks or connected to physical fortune, and only as part of trying to be relevant and prove she is cool. While all the three of the life players are unbelievably rich.
I can't believe it took me this long to realize that when LE stared destroying dream bubbles, he was was drawing _another fucking circle!_ XD I mean, of _course_ I knew that he was doing that the whole time, it just never hit me before that it was just another in his long line of attempts at drawing one!
I always felt like a Rogue's main conflict is to take their Aspect for themselves. Nepeta never could take her love (Heart) into her own hands and Rufioh never really could take his own freedom (Breath), but Roxy learned to use irrelevance (Void) to her own advantage.
John as the Heir of Breath literally inherits control of the story/plot from Hussie/Lord English! Oh my god. I'm in awe. Keep up this amazing work, this might just be the best video I've seen in all my life and I am SO looking forward to marathon-ing the rest now.
I don't have much in the way of criticism for this one, it's a pretty solid video. The way paradox space banks on the theory of forms is actually pretty evident in the way the alchemizations and void aspect work, so it's nice to see somebody go into detail. It's always intriguing to hear discussion on this, as the majority of minds can grasp the concept of platonic reality, but not enough people are talking about it. Some people are born as 'visual thinkers', an anomaly that limits their brains in such a way that instead of having this idea of an ultimate concept, they can only recall specific examples from what they have experienced. Rather than the universal vague horse concept people carry in their minds, a person with a major version of such a brain anomaly is only able to recall specific horses that they have seen in real life, be it a picture of a horse, or a real animal they have seen. I don't know how that can really tie in to this discussion, but It's something I always think about when the topic is brought up, how some brains reject this notion through neurological development. It's good to see that you kept speculation on aspects to a minimum. A lot can be inferred from the way aspects (and classes) work throughout the story, so it's really hard to clarify what is and isn't specifically derived from the aspects rather than enviromental factors. Looking forward to the next video, as always! EDIT: as for the ambiguity sorrounding aspect overlap, I would say I'm okay with it. It's easy to point out how a personality can match up with the general themes of an aspect, but at times (as with aspect inversion) the personality can seem to oppose the themes of an aspect. I like to think that paradox space knows what sort of a personality an incarnation of a character will have, so it gives that character a god title that will benefit/challenge them in some way depending on what is needed (sburb accounting for rose dismissing her quest, letting her come to terms with her problems some other way). Leading from that you could say that aspects overlap because there is only so much difference that can exist in personalities between characters. Whether personality types like myers briggs are bullshit or not doesn't really matter, as there are some clear neurological patterns in how a person will act when confronted with various stimuli. So aspects can only do so much to fit a character's personality, and as such overlap occurs. For instance, maybe a set of identical ecto-twins will both be rogues, but one is light whereas one is breath. At first it might not be obvious why they have different aspects, but it could all come down to something extremely menial, like their first impressions of the world via contextual factors, as aspect overlap between the two is quite apparent.
i think this is one of the best classpect analyses i've read, mainly for the fact you look at things from a wider perspective. A lot of people analyse things like aspects similarly as people would try to figure out what a Gryffindor is. But you're looking at things from a bigger picture, and understanding hussies background in computer science and how this blends into a narrative and honestly? probably one of the best analyses i've ever heard. awesome as shit bro
25:35 made me think about something on the aspect wheel. it seems like every aspect, or at least the cardinal ones (space, time, blood, breath) are similar to the aspects closest to them. time is similar to light and heart in how active they are. (rose and vriska changing the plot, and dirk being the most active player in his session). Time being the most active class. space is similar to mind and void, in how passive they are. (terezi, equius and roxy being on the side despite being some of the strongest players in their sessions) breath is symbolic of will and movement, like hope and life respectively. and blood seems to have connections to rage and doom, shown with karkat. also interesting is how "breathing life" into something, "making your blood boil", or "bleeding to death" are common phrases.
I watched this video when it first came out and was blown away by the things that you were able to do with this series, it's been a legitimate point in my life that I started to think of the world differently since may a-day-before-my-birthday of last year. Homestuck has and has continued to be a life-changing thing for me, and it might not have been if not for the analyzers and theorists of the fandom, most importantly you and bladekindeyewear. I didn't thank you for it then, but I'd like to now, because I now have yet another reason to. I started taking philosophy this year, and we just finished reading the staple of philosophy itself: Plato's Republic. I'm sure you can guess where this is going, but I was able to appreciate Republic so much more because of my reading it after watching your content. For example, when Socrates made the analogy of the sun to knowledge in the book preceding the allegory of the cave, it was not a foreign concept because of my understanding of the light aspect, it was already the way I viewed the world. And just as these videos gave me more appreciation for Republic, Republic gave me more appreciation for homestuck and your videos. I am currently trying to create more people who have read/watched all three for the purpose of discussion (starting, of course, with people who've already read homestuck) but you and I are two of those rare people, and that says something. As someone with ADHD and a really busy schedule, I more than anyone understand the demons of procrastination, lack of focus, trying to find time to work and the inability to finish things, so I won't attack you for that as if I'm any better. That being said, I do hope that you can overcome it all, because I love this line of thinking and I really do want to cultivate more of it. So thanks, Tex, and I hope to hear from your channel soon. (PS I'm also gonna tweet this at you just in case you don't check comments
addressing your question whether redundancy is acceptable in the aspect system, i believe that redundancy can be seen as a fail safe mechanism for the game. assuming a perfect team or 12 players would encompass all the aspects, a team like the human one would have a severe handicap should the chosen aspects not overlap with aspects that werent added in. this also works in the technological and computer science frame of reference, redundencies are added in systems and machines to prevent them from completely breaking should only one piece be lost. Thankyou for this video, just recently binged homestuck and am in love with it
I /adore/ your analysis of these very complex narrative and philosophical themes! I always lovd how much Homestuck makes me think, and these videos are absolutely SUPERB to that end. Thank you so much for this series, and good luck on the completion of the next installments!!
I just feel the need to let you know that I am very thankful for you having spent all this time and effort into making these videos, and that they are deeply appreciated.
Keep it up, your videos are amazing and they open up for me a whole lot more angles to think form about Homestuck! Or just allow me to think deeper about certain subjects in the comic.
I have different opinions from you on the meanings of the classes and even on some bits about aspects, but as always, your analysis is absolutely superb.
Let me just take a moment to mention your active/passive order at 26:57 because I disagree with it. The order logically deducible from active to passive is Lord>Witch>Prince>Thief>Knight>Maid>Mage>Heir>Bard>Rogue>Page>Sylph>Seer>Muse. Witch is explicitly stated to be the most active class beside the Master Classes, so that is undeniable. The Master Classes are also given direct placements. The rest was pulled apart logically by bladekindEyewear here: bit.ly/1Q1Epif
I've combed this story over many, many times, and I'm close to 100% sure no character ever confirms that the Witch is the most active class behind Lord. Nothing else is logically deducible. I've read that article before, and like it, but it in no way debunks my own ordering. He used a good bit of inductive reasoning to come up with his pairings as did I, and you'll be hearing my own reasoning gradually as I release more of these videos.
Thanks for making these. I'll definitely share them around, as I've been groping for a means of 'breaking-in' my more traditional friends to the idea that Homestuck is more than just a lot of nonsense.
This is an absolutely fantastic analysis, I really love your work. Although your interpretation of the classes active/passive spectrum is very different from the general consensus; which is really nice, it offers another perspective to interpreting the classpect system. Also out of curiosity what is your classpect? (Mine is Mage of Void).
I've always thought of myself as a void player pretty strongly. As for what class, I haven't really been able to settle on one. Lately I've been leaning towards Bard though. Let's say Bard.
I kinda like that the Aspects already overlap 'cause it leaves room for fan expansions on the idea of Classes and Aspects. Oh this fan Aspect overlaps with Breath? So does Light, big whoop.
Gosh dang, these videos are more confusing than Homestuck itself to me. I guess I'm more oriented towards understanding paradoxes and time shenanigans than I am computers and reality.
Iiiiiii personally don't follow your active/passive class pairs buuuuuut But this was still a good video that made me think about the aspects and reminded me of why I like Vriska so much sooooo Good Job, man!
Once again excellently done. I hope you continue this series and are able to maintain the incredibly high quality of videos. My offer of helping out with graphics and audio/music still stand, just message me if you would like to request or cooperate on anything. Keep up the great work!
Do you not believe that light represents knowledge as well? Aranea tries to force knowledge down her friends throats, and Rose is constantly seeking information for most of her session. Vriska doesn't have much to do with knowledge, but the homestuck system seems similar to RPG systems in that there are multiple builds, or pathways, for each aspect. A player doesn't have to use all of the possible aspect aspects.
I agree that one character doesn't have to use every idea an aspect describes, and I thought I made it clear that I thought light describes knowledge? : ?
Have you ever played Magic: the gathering? Its color pie / mana system is actually kinda similar to Homestuck. Each color has several personality, story, and physical manifestations, which lead to color combinations that relate. For example, Blue is generally the color of mind, knowledge, and science. Green is the color of nature and growth. Naturally, the Blue and Green guild on the plane of Ravnivca is obsessed with mutation growth through scientific means to create new, better lifeforms, right down to one of their signature mechanics being named "Evolve."
+ieatatsonic Interesting! No, I haven't played much magic. I could never get into card games very seriously. I might look into that though. Thanks for pointing it out!
23:17 actually hussie proposing to vriska was trhe conclusion of a running joke on his formspring, which you obviously did not read. it's also a pun: in this scene, hussie is a ghost- it took place after the *death of the author*, and it won't make sense if you don't read the formspring- if you subscribe to *death of the author*
Wouldn't be the first time something in Homestuck was more than one thing. Also, having not read anything from formspring, I just figured it was some kinda "waifu" thing and got a laugh out of it. I don't know where formspring is or if I could still read that content.
There was an archive of it on the MSPA forums, but those were dead last time I checked. There's a slightly less complete archive on tumblr somewhere if you google it. That one is annoying though since you have to go backwards through the pages in order to be chronological. Formspring itself is dead now.
Tex Talks Well, you used Light and Breath more as examples to introduce a more general concept. It didn't really seem like you'd go through all of them. Same thing with classes and characters.
I'm totally going to do this for all of them. We're going to hit all the aspects one at a time like this and I'm going to touch on the entire cast eventually. Probably not all of them will be in part two, and I might not be QUITE as thorough with every single one, but by the end of the series, I think that we'll have touched on everything.
Tex Talks So you're going to go through all of them in different parts instead of making a single video about all of them? Are there going to be episodes that are basically character specific/class specific/whatever videos because they relate to a concept in the comic? Or are there going to just be specific spotlight episodes?
This is part 2 part 1. I'm not done talking about the aspect system yet, by a long shot. And that isn't just because I haven't covered 10 of the aspects. There are other points that I still haven't made yet on a broader level, and we'll be gradually hitting on those big points while continuing to do what we started doing here, which is tackling the aspects individually and looking at character arcs as evidence. So what you're suggesting is pretty much what I'm doing, but it won't be as disconnected as it sounds. Hope that answers your question!
To make an apple with this alchemy system you probably just need to combine any fruit with the perfectly generic object. If an apple is the irreducible symbol of fruits upon all fruits are built on, then combining any fruit with the generic object should make the "generic" fruit: an apple. Right?
Perfectly generic objects are, sadly, unable to be alchemized as they're represented by a blank card. Any alchemy recipes attempted will end up being another generic object.
I might just be misunderstanding things, but isn't Plato's theory of forms kinda obviously complete nonsense? The reason we classify certain things as horses is because the human brain has evolved to recognize patterns and to put them into useful categories. The concept or "form" of a horse can't exist or be defined without the human brain, and even then you would need to somehow average the neuron structure of each human brain. And as for circles, they are a clearly defined mathematical concept that happens to show up enough in nature for our brains to have learned to categorize them as a distinct concept. Also the questions during the section where it supposedly gets "really weird" are honestly pretty trivial. You construct a circle in your head the same way you imagine a horse or anything else your brain has learned to recognize. By essentially running your image recognition algorithms in reverse. And of course a circle is a composite of smaller ideas, anyone with even a simple understanding of mathematics and geometry can tell you that. Or if we are referring to the separate thing also called a circle that is just anything our brain labels as one, then the answer is also yes because the system in our brain that does that is comprised of smaller things. And there is obviously an infinite number of forms, just the set of natural numbers makes up an infinite number of concepts. Or arguably I suppose it is the number of permutations the image recognition part of a human brain can be in, which is some comically large finite number. Am I just not getting it? Because it seems to me that understanding how the human mind actually functions makes the theory of forms about as absurdly irrelevant as understanding atoms does to Aristotle's theory of elements. Obviously it's an integral part of Homestuck, but you seemed to present it as much more of a legitimate way of interpreting reality than for example "destiny".
I think you are getting it, but you fall more heavily into the other side of the argument, which is nominalism. But before you decide on a side to take, make sure that you have it clear in your head what exactly is being argued for here. You seem like someone who is technically minded, so I'm going to resort back to the computer science analogy I hinted at in this video. I'm probably going to sound a little repetitive here but bear with me. What the theory of forms argues for is the existence of classes. It would respond to your circle argument by pointing out that circles don't actually show up in nature at all. There are many things which behave 'circularly' but never perfectly so. Your notion of a 'clearly defined mathematical concept' is called into question by this, since if no two circles are exactly the same, what exactly IS circle? How can there be something which is 'clearly defined' to the point where we can give it a name like 'circle' in a reality like this? A realist (ie plato) would tell you that we can reconcile this by deciding that there is a base class for a circle and that we can tell that things are circular because we recognize them as objects which are instantiations of this class. Nominalists on the other hand would argue that classes don't exist. They would argue that even though no two circles are exactly the same, our brain can recognize enough commonality among them all to categorize them ourselves with patterns and such. This is what you meant with your 'well defined mathematical concepts'. But I'm a mathematician, and I'm going to try to make a case that these 'well defined terms' of ours aren't nearly as great as we think. We can define a circle as the collection of all points which are equidistant from some center, and be done. But are we? Because I also just defined a sphere. Or even a single point. It depends on what dimension I am working in. So now I need to define what dimension means. But in order to define dimension I need to define what a space is in the first place. How do I define space? I can keep going farther and farther back like this, but eventually I am going to be talking about set theory, which has nothing to do with real life. It's at this point that I realize that the way I've been defining this thing was, in fact, a leap of faith the whole time. Not only that, but no matter how far back I take this thing, every mathematical theory will always terminate somewhere. At the end of the day, there are always a few very basic assumptions which have no basis and a few very basic ideas which don't have a clear and rigorous definition. These things are called axioms or schema. This craziness is why most mathematicians would call themselves realists and not nominalists. But I think most more practically minded would either discard this entire argument as pointless or call themselves nominalists. I'm pretty sure everything I just said is garbage. :( Let me address a couple of other smaller things you said: 1. The set of natural numbers is infinite but can be defined completely with a single number: 1, and a couple of simple statements about how to use it. My question wasn't 'are there an infinite number of forms?'. My question was, more technically, 'does the set of all forms have some sort of finite basis?' 2. The place that my question gets 'really weird' is when we try to define more complicated things. For instance, you. Is your image of yourself the same as what someone else sees when they look at or talk to you? Is that the same as the person's next to them? If there are multiple timelines, is the 'you' in those timelines doing different things the same 'you' that is in this timeline? Or is there an 'ultimate' you? A fundamental 'form' of you which is an aggregate for all of these? This is the main reason I posed the question in the first place, and we'll be returning to this when we discuss the heart and mind aspects. Sorry, this answer was a bit of a clusterfuck. I can tell you put a lot of thought into your response, and I wanted to make sure I respected that with a thoughtful answer. If you're looking to better understand the debate between realism and nominalism, you might try a book called Anathem, by a guy named Neal Stephenson. It is one my my all time favorite stories, and very educational.
Now worries about the answer being a "clusterefuck", honestly my comment was mostly just me venting my weird obsession with philosophy, which I have absolutely no kind of formal education in. I think part of my disagreement was due to the usage of a horse as an example, which is such a complex and vaguely human-defined concept that thinking of them as having a perfect form is not particularly sensical. If there is a perfect form that is a fundamental aspect of reality, then it wasn't involved when horses evolved on earth, nor when humans learned to recognize them. So logically there would exist a perfect form for every single thing a sentient being could conceivably learn to recognize. And then the set of perfect forms is just "every possible thing", and that isn't particularly meaningful or interesting. That said the notion of a circle having a perfect form makes more sense, in the sense that it has a mathematical definition that every "circle" in nature is more or less influenced by. And I suppose if we care to apply those things to reality we could say that those circles are nature trying to imitate or approximate the fundamental circle. But there is no law of reality that says "matter tends to form into approximations of horses", they are just the outcome of an immense amount of random factors. Also somewhat humorously I am again completely unfazed by the "really weird" thing. As a self-described mind player and person that has spent most of her life thinking about how reality and consciousness actually work, introducing the added wrinkle of personal perspective into it really isn't anything new to me. The answers to the questions you presented are respectively no, no, grammar error making the question impossible to parse, no, and technically yes because you can aggregate anything if you really want to.
I don't have much in the way of formal philosophy education either, but yeah it is fun to talk about. Your gripe about the horse makes me a bit nervous, because it implies that you might be thinking about all this a little too concretely. Metaphysics has no basis at all in reality. It's about coming up with abstract models which can be used to represent what we experience. Nobody really seriously thinks that there exists a mystical plane of reality where these things exist. Homestuck does, but realists don't. These guys are just proposing this axiomatic assumption as an interesting way to model how humans relate to one another. If someone says the word 'horse' to me and fourteen other people, sparks will go off in all of our heads and we'll all think something. Choosing to adopt this model allows me to make assumptions on how exactly the thing that triggered in my head relates to what triggered in theirs, and more broadly can give me a framework for empathizing with other people. So to this end, I still don't think there's a problem with me talking about a horse form, nor do I think the fact that every possible thing has a perfect form makes the theory boring. What makes Homestuck so cool, I think, is that it manages to blend this model into reality, and somehow makes it harmonize with actual science and deduction.
For normal philosophy sure but as groundwork for a storytelling narrative it would work quite well. Like how the theory of Forms aligns very well Davepeta^2's description of the ultimate self.
I wouldn't say 'bother' I would say 'frustrate' - not with the narrative but with myself. It feels like a personal failure to not see the distinction between light and breath (or light and mind for that matter) clearly.
+Enrique May Within the next few day or so there should be something new up, and that should be pretty quickly (like, within a few days) followed by at least one more thing. Maybe two.
Physical object in homestuck are probably not made by aspect,because we never see oject modified by aspect,or with an aspect added/deleted. I don't say that's not usefull or true in a sense.
I really like this video but at the same time I'm very dissapointed. The only aspects that were spoken about extensively were light and breath. That's not even a quarter of all of them and leaves a lot to be desired :/
Shortly after I saw the Reddit post linking to your first video I subscribed, so that must have been about two years ago. However, I find that hard to believe.
+Mesher VonBron You shouldn't believe it! Because that came out in February. Weird for some reason you are listed as my first subscriber from years before I even had any videos.
ive myself thought about how light players seem aware that theyre in a story
and how void players are seemingly hidden from the story, almost as if the spotlight a"void"s them
Quite honestly the greatest explanation of the classpect system. Its pretty amazing that you managed to make me think about Vriska's role in a different way, when I must have seen hundreds of thousands of classpect anylasis for her already. Keep up the great work!
+cheeseduderocks Good to know! I was a bit worried that I wasn't bringing anything new to the table with this one.
I agree with everything...except 21:13. Light is not connected to physical fortune and wealth. Life is.
Vriska is the only light player who seeks or connected to physical fortune, and only as part of trying to be relevant and prove she is cool. While all the three of the life players are unbelievably rich.
I can't believe it took me this long to realize that when LE stared destroying dream bubbles, he was was drawing _another fucking circle!_ XD
I mean, of _course_ I knew that he was doing that the whole time, it just never hit me before that it was just another in his long line of attempts at drawing one!
I always felt like a Rogue's main conflict is to take their Aspect for themselves. Nepeta never could take her love (Heart) into her own hands and Rufioh never really could take his own freedom (Breath), but Roxy learned to use irrelevance (Void) to her own advantage.
Rewatching this video the idea of a powerful narrator rings painfully true in the lens of the Epilogue and now Homestuck^2.
John as the Heir of Breath literally inherits control of the story/plot from Hussie/Lord English! Oh my god. I'm in awe. Keep up this amazing work, this might just be the best video I've seen in all my life and I am SO looking forward to marathon-ing the rest now.
I don't have much in the way of criticism for this one, it's a pretty solid video. The way paradox space banks on the theory of forms is actually pretty evident in the way the alchemizations and void aspect work, so it's nice to see somebody go into detail. It's always intriguing to hear discussion on this, as the majority of minds can grasp the concept of platonic reality, but not enough people are talking about it. Some people are born as 'visual thinkers', an anomaly that limits their brains in such a way that instead of having this idea of an ultimate concept, they can only recall specific examples from what they have experienced. Rather than the universal vague horse concept people carry in their minds, a person with a major version of such a brain anomaly is only able to recall specific horses that they have seen in real life, be it a picture of a horse, or a real animal they have seen.
I don't know how that can really tie in to this discussion, but It's something I always think about when the topic is brought up, how some brains reject this notion through neurological development.
It's good to see that you kept speculation on aspects to a minimum. A lot can be inferred from the way aspects (and classes) work throughout the story, so it's really hard to clarify what is and isn't specifically derived from the aspects rather than enviromental factors.
Looking forward to the next video, as always!
EDIT: as for the ambiguity sorrounding aspect overlap, I would say I'm okay with it. It's easy to point out how a personality can match up with the general themes of an aspect, but at times (as with aspect inversion) the personality can seem to oppose the themes of an aspect. I like to think that paradox space knows what sort of a personality an incarnation of a character will have, so it gives that character a god title that will benefit/challenge them in some way depending on what is needed (sburb accounting for rose dismissing her quest, letting her come to terms with her problems some other way).
Leading from that you could say that aspects overlap because there is only so much difference that can exist in personalities between characters. Whether personality types like myers briggs are bullshit or not doesn't really matter, as there are some clear neurological patterns in how a person will act when confronted with various stimuli. So aspects can only do so much to fit a character's personality, and as such overlap occurs. For instance, maybe a set of identical ecto-twins will both be rogues, but one is light whereas one is breath. At first it might not be obvious why they have different aspects, but it could all come down to something extremely menial, like their first impressions of the world via contextual factors, as aspect overlap between the two is quite apparent.
i think this is one of the best classpect analyses i've read, mainly for the fact you look at things from a wider perspective. A lot of people analyse things like aspects similarly as people would try to figure out what a Gryffindor is. But you're looking at things from a bigger picture, and understanding hussies background in computer science and how this blends into a narrative and honestly? probably one of the best analyses i've ever heard. awesome as shit bro
Breath in a story is the 5irection that the narrative takes.
Light is about the spotlight/view and perception of the story.
25:35 made me think about something on the aspect wheel.
it seems like every aspect, or at least the cardinal ones (space, time, blood, breath) are similar to the aspects closest to them.
time is similar to light and heart in how active they are. (rose and vriska changing the plot, and dirk being the most active player in his session). Time being the most active class.
space is similar to mind and void, in how passive they are. (terezi, equius and roxy being on the side despite being some of the strongest players in their sessions)
breath is symbolic of will and movement, like hope and life respectively. and blood seems to have connections to rage and doom, shown with karkat. also interesting is how "breathing life" into something, "making your blood boil", or "bleeding to death" are common phrases.
I watched this video when it first came out and was blown away by the things that you were able to do with this series, it's been a legitimate point in my life that I started to think of the world differently since may a-day-before-my-birthday of last year. Homestuck has and has continued to be a life-changing thing for me, and it might not have been if not for the analyzers and theorists of the fandom, most importantly you and bladekindeyewear. I didn't thank you for it then, but I'd like to now, because I now have yet another reason to. I started taking philosophy this year, and we just finished reading the staple of philosophy itself: Plato's Republic. I'm sure you can guess where this is going, but I was able to appreciate Republic so much more because of my reading it after watching your content. For example, when Socrates made the analogy of the sun to knowledge in the book preceding the allegory of the cave, it was not a foreign concept because of my understanding of the light aspect, it was already the way I viewed the world. And just as these videos gave me more appreciation for Republic, Republic gave me more appreciation for homestuck and your videos. I am currently trying to create more people who have read/watched all three for the purpose of discussion (starting, of course, with people who've already read homestuck) but you and I are two of those rare people, and that says something. As someone with ADHD and a really busy schedule, I more than anyone understand the demons of procrastination, lack of focus, trying to find time to work and the inability to finish things, so I won't attack you for that as if I'm any better. That being said, I do hope that you can overcome it all, because I love this line of thinking and I really do want to cultivate more of it. So thanks, Tex, and I hope to hear from your channel soon. (PS I'm also gonna tweet this at you just in case you don't check comments
addressing your question whether redundancy is acceptable in the aspect system, i believe that redundancy can be seen as a fail safe mechanism for the game. assuming a perfect team or 12 players would encompass all the aspects, a team like the human one would have a severe handicap should the chosen aspects not overlap with aspects that werent added in. this also works in the technological and computer science frame of reference, redundencies are added in systems and machines to prevent them from completely breaking should only one piece be lost. Thankyou for this video, just recently binged homestuck and am in love with it
I /adore/ your analysis of these very complex narrative and philosophical themes! I always lovd how much Homestuck makes me think, and these videos are absolutely SUPERB to that end. Thank you so much for this series, and good luck on the completion of the next installments!!
2:54 where are space and hope
edit: never mind they're just the same white as the background
I just feel the need to let you know that I am very thankful for you having spent all this time and effort into making these videos, and that they are deeply appreciated.
John blows on the cartridge to clear out the glitches, which I guess makes Caliborn the glitch gremlin (he's even wearing the same colors!)
how did we get here from a webcomic about a kid messing around with his house
Keep it up, your videos are amazing and they open up for me a whole lot more angles to think form about Homestuck! Or just allow me to think deeper about certain subjects in the comic.
Even if i don't necessarily agree with some of your class pairings, I'm absolutely on board with the rest of the video. Keep up the good work man!
roxy is def best girl
anyone that dislikes roxy is no longer my friend
I have different opinions from you on the meanings of the classes and even on some bits about aspects, but as always, your analysis is absolutely superb.
I'm not done with the video yet, but I have to say, the editing here is great. Much better than the other video. Good job man!
these videos reawakened my love for homestuck, thank you
the crowbar spooked me
Let me just take a moment to mention your active/passive order at 26:57 because I disagree with it. The order logically deducible from active to passive is Lord>Witch>Prince>Thief>Knight>Maid>Mage>Heir>Bard>Rogue>Page>Sylph>Seer>Muse. Witch is explicitly stated to be the most active class beside the Master Classes, so that is undeniable. The Master Classes are also given direct placements. The rest was pulled apart logically by bladekindEyewear here: bit.ly/1Q1Epif
I've combed this story over many, many times, and I'm close to 100% sure no character ever confirms that the Witch is the most active class behind Lord. Nothing else is logically deducible. I've read that article before, and like it, but it in no way debunks my own ordering. He used a good bit of inductive reasoning to come up with his pairings as did I, and you'll be hearing my own reasoning gradually as I release more of these videos.
Thanks for making these. I'll definitely share them around, as I've been groping for a means of 'breaking-in' my more traditional friends to the idea that Homestuck is more than just a lot of nonsense.
This is an absolutely fantastic analysis, I really love your work. Although your interpretation of the classes active/passive spectrum is very different from the general consensus; which is really nice, it offers another perspective to interpreting the classpect system.
Also out of curiosity what is your classpect? (Mine is Mage of Void).
I've always thought of myself as a void player pretty strongly. As for what class, I haven't really been able to settle on one.
Lately I've been leaning towards Bard though.
Let's say Bard.
Wonderful, I knew it was a good idea to subscribe to you when I saw your last video pop up on Reddit.
I kinda like that the Aspects already overlap 'cause it leaves room for fan expansions on the idea of Classes and Aspects. Oh this fan Aspect overlaps with Breath? So does Light, big whoop.
Gosh dang, these videos are more confusing than Homestuck itself to me. I guess I'm more oriented towards understanding paradoxes and time shenanigans than I am computers and reality.
Iiiiiii personally don't follow your active/passive class pairs buuuuuut
But this was still a good video that made me think about the aspects and reminded me of why I like Vriska so much sooooo
Good Job, man!
These videos are amazing good work!!!
Once again excellently done. I hope you continue this series and are able to maintain the incredibly high quality of videos. My offer of helping out with graphics and audio/music still stand, just message me if you would like to request or cooperate on anything. Keep up the great work!
+Family-Man Stan Also, I'm proud to be your first patron. :)
+Family-Man Stan Thank you!
good video, keep up the good work.
Do you not believe that light represents knowledge as well? Aranea tries to force knowledge down her friends throats, and Rose is constantly seeking information for most of her session. Vriska doesn't have much to do with knowledge, but the homestuck system seems similar to RPG systems in that there are multiple builds, or pathways, for each aspect. A player doesn't have to use all of the possible aspect aspects.
I agree that one character doesn't have to use every idea an aspect describes, and I thought I made it clear that I thought light describes knowledge? : ?
I guess I didn't see that part. Oops.
Thief of light. Lime-light. Thief of the limelight BAAAMMMM SON
aradia god tiered and froze bec
vriska is popularly credited as the one associated with megalovania
thief of light
That's an unusual interpretation of the Knight/Page Activity.
Have you ever played Magic: the gathering? Its color pie / mana system is actually kinda similar to Homestuck. Each color has several personality, story, and physical manifestations, which lead to color combinations that relate. For example, Blue is generally the color of mind, knowledge, and science. Green is the color of nature and growth. Naturally, the Blue and Green guild on the plane of Ravnivca is obsessed with mutation growth through scientific means to create new, better lifeforms, right down to one of their signature mechanics being named "Evolve."
+ieatatsonic Interesting! No, I haven't played much magic. I could never get into card games very seriously. I might look into that though. Thanks for pointing it out!
Pretty good I'm certainly having a blast.
23:17 actually hussie proposing to vriska was trhe conclusion of a running joke on his formspring, which you obviously did not read. it's also a pun: in this scene, hussie is a ghost- it took place after the *death of the author*, and it won't make sense if you don't read the formspring- if you subscribe to *death of the author*
I definitely did read that formspring session. I was reading live as it was happening. Why can't it be both things?
Wouldn't be the first time something in Homestuck was more than one thing. Also, having not read anything from formspring, I just figured it was some kinda "waifu" thing and got a laugh out of it. I don't know where formspring is or if I could still read that content.
There was an archive of it on the MSPA forums, but those were dead last time I checked. There's a slightly less complete archive on tumblr somewhere if you google it. That one is annoying though since you have to go backwards through the pages in order to be chronological. Formspring itself is dead now.
Are you ever going to go over classes, aspects, and characters individually?
+Buddy Buddy What do you mean? That seems like what I'm doing here, more or less.
Tex Talks Well, you used Light and Breath more as examples to introduce a more general concept. It didn't really seem like you'd go through all of them. Same thing with classes and characters.
I'm totally going to do this for all of them. We're going to hit all the aspects one at a time like this and I'm going to touch on the entire cast eventually. Probably not all of them will be in part two, and I might not be QUITE as thorough with every single one, but by the end of the series, I think that we'll have touched on everything.
Tex Talks So you're going to go through all of them in different parts instead of making a single video about all of them? Are there going to be episodes that are basically character specific/class specific/whatever videos because they relate to a concept in the comic? Or are there going to just be specific spotlight episodes?
This is part 2 part 1. I'm not done talking about the aspect system yet, by a long shot. And that isn't just because I haven't covered 10 of the aspects. There are other points that I still haven't made yet on a broader level, and we'll be gradually hitting on those big points while continuing to do what we started doing here, which is tackling the aspects individually and looking at character arcs as evidence. So what you're suggesting is pretty much what I'm doing, but it won't be as disconnected as it sounds. Hope that answers your question!
He Said My Aspect: Price Of Doom
Yeah Prince Is The Second Most Active
Wait, it's the second most active?
Oh yes, forgot about the Lord.
It Is What He Said In His Chart In The Video
But yeah, I see Prince as second most active.
I just always forget about the Masters, because I count them as unusual.
i love these vids can you make an vid about doom? pls
When are you going to upload part 2 part 3 part 2?
Nice job Tex
thank you for this video!
could you explain derse and prospit?
I already did?
26:54 you forgot the "Waste" and the "Out"
what if you are an out of void
That means you don't take void seriously.
J Cs out of life
J Cs out of a will to live
Bradley Hinton good one! but yeah that's basically it.
Vriska kinda stole the spotlight of this video...
To make an apple with this alchemy system you probably just need to combine any fruit with the perfectly generic object. If an apple is the irreducible symbol of fruits upon all fruits are built on, then combining any fruit with the generic object should make the "generic" fruit: an apple. Right?
Perfectly generic objects are, sadly, unable to be alchemized as they're represented by a blank card. Any alchemy recipes attempted will end up being another generic object.
@@blackgalaxite6448 :(
When are you gonna do more of stuff like this?I wanna hear more about the aspects
my only problem with this is that you say hussie wrong
+Lilith I pronounced his name the other way in the last video. Then I decided I liked this better :P
+Tex Talks
+Tex Talks The true horse is out there, The true Hussie is also out there
good idea to say it differently, because Andrew's last name is also a slang term for a prostitute. XD
This is confusing. I probably need to rematch these a few times to truly get it all... makes me feel stupid.
What would the role of a Lord of Light be? I've been having difficulty wrapping my head around it.
Roxy is most certainly best girl.
and i just thought this was a story about 4 kids who ended the world
*mentions that aspects are the basic building blocks that can't be broken down*
*spends the rest of the video breaking down aspects*
Shouldn't Sylph and maid be paired together (they are the "provider" classes), alongside Heir and Witch (the "control" classes)?
nice explination
what is the name of the song you use in the beginning with the flute and drums
Nvm it's called pundelum
I might just be misunderstanding things, but isn't Plato's theory of forms kinda obviously complete nonsense? The reason we classify certain things as horses is because the human brain has evolved to recognize patterns and to put them into useful categories. The concept or "form" of a horse can't exist or be defined without the human brain, and even then you would need to somehow average the neuron structure of each human brain. And as for circles, they are a clearly defined mathematical concept that happens to show up enough in nature for our brains to have learned to categorize them as a distinct concept.
Also the questions during the section where it supposedly gets "really weird" are honestly pretty trivial. You construct a circle in your head the same way you imagine a horse or anything else your brain has learned to recognize. By essentially running your image recognition algorithms in reverse. And of course a circle is a composite of smaller ideas, anyone with even a simple understanding of mathematics and geometry can tell you that. Or if we are referring to the separate thing also called a circle that is just anything our brain labels as one, then the answer is also yes because the system in our brain that does that is comprised of smaller things. And there is obviously an infinite number of forms, just the set of natural numbers makes up an infinite number of concepts. Or arguably I suppose it is the number of permutations the image recognition part of a human brain can be in, which is some comically large finite number.
Am I just not getting it? Because it seems to me that understanding how the human mind actually functions makes the theory of forms about as absurdly irrelevant as understanding atoms does to Aristotle's theory of elements. Obviously it's an integral part of Homestuck, but you seemed to present it as much more of a legitimate way of interpreting reality than for example "destiny".
I think you are getting it, but you fall more heavily into the other side of the argument, which is nominalism. But before you decide on a side to take, make sure that you have it clear in your head what exactly is being argued for here. You seem like someone who is technically minded, so I'm going to resort back to the computer science analogy I hinted at in this video. I'm probably going to sound a little repetitive here but bear with me. What the theory of forms argues for is the existence of classes. It would respond to your circle argument by pointing out that circles don't actually show up in nature at all. There are many things which behave 'circularly' but never perfectly so. Your notion of a 'clearly defined mathematical concept' is called into question by this, since if no two circles are exactly the same, what exactly IS circle? How can there be something which is 'clearly defined' to the point where we can give it a name like 'circle' in a reality like this? A realist (ie plato) would tell you that we can reconcile this by deciding that there is a base class for a circle and that we can tell that things are circular because we recognize them as objects which are instantiations of this class. Nominalists on the other hand would argue that classes don't exist. They would argue that even though no two circles are exactly the same, our brain can recognize enough commonality among them all to categorize them ourselves with patterns and such. This is what you meant with your 'well defined mathematical concepts'.
But I'm a mathematician, and I'm going to try to make a case that these 'well defined terms' of ours aren't nearly as great as we think. We can define a circle as the collection of all points which are equidistant from some center, and be done. But are we? Because I also just defined a sphere. Or even a single point. It depends on what dimension I am working in. So now I need to define what dimension means. But in order to define dimension I need to define what a space is in the first place. How do I define space? I can keep going farther and farther back like this, but eventually I am going to be talking about set theory, which has nothing to do with real life. It's at this point that I realize that the way I've been defining this thing was, in fact, a leap of faith the whole time. Not only that, but no matter how far back I take this thing, every mathematical theory will always terminate somewhere. At the end of the day, there are always a few very basic assumptions which have no basis and a few very basic ideas which don't have a clear and rigorous definition. These things are called axioms or schema. This craziness is why most mathematicians would call themselves realists and not nominalists. But I think most more practically minded would either discard this entire argument as pointless or call themselves nominalists. I'm pretty sure everything I just said is garbage. :(
Let me address a couple of other smaller things you said:
1. The set of natural numbers is infinite but can be defined completely with a single number: 1, and a couple of simple statements about how to use it. My question wasn't 'are there an infinite number of forms?'. My question was, more technically, 'does the set of all forms have some sort of finite basis?'
2. The place that my question gets 'really weird' is when we try to define more complicated things. For instance, you. Is your image of yourself the same as what someone else sees when they look at or talk to you? Is that the same as the person's next to them? If there are multiple timelines, is the 'you' in those timelines doing different things the same 'you' that is in this timeline? Or is there an 'ultimate' you? A fundamental 'form' of you which is an aggregate for all of these? This is the main reason I posed the question in the first place, and we'll be returning to this when we discuss the heart and mind aspects.
Sorry, this answer was a bit of a clusterfuck. I can tell you put a lot of thought into your response, and I wanted to make sure I respected that with a thoughtful answer. If you're looking to better understand the debate between realism and nominalism, you might try a book called Anathem, by a guy named Neal Stephenson. It is one my my all time favorite stories, and very educational.
Now worries about the answer being a "clusterefuck", honestly my comment was mostly just me venting my weird obsession with philosophy, which I have absolutely no kind of formal education in. I think part of my disagreement was due to the usage of a horse as an example, which is such a complex and vaguely human-defined concept that thinking of them as having a perfect form is not particularly sensical. If there is a perfect form that is a fundamental aspect of reality, then it wasn't involved when horses evolved on earth, nor when humans learned to recognize them. So logically there would exist a perfect form for every single thing a sentient being could conceivably learn to recognize. And then the set of perfect forms is just "every possible thing", and that isn't particularly meaningful or interesting.
That said the notion of a circle having a perfect form makes more sense, in the sense that it has a mathematical definition that every "circle" in nature is more or less influenced by. And I suppose if we care to apply those things to reality we could say that those circles are nature trying to imitate or approximate the fundamental circle. But there is no law of reality that says "matter tends to form into approximations of horses", they are just the outcome of an immense amount of random factors.
Also somewhat humorously I am again completely unfazed by the "really weird" thing. As a self-described mind player and person that has spent most of her life thinking about how reality and consciousness actually work, introducing the added wrinkle of personal perspective into it really isn't anything new to me. The answers to the questions you presented are respectively no, no, grammar error making the question impossible to parse, no, and technically yes because you can aggregate anything if you really want to.
I don't have much in the way of formal philosophy education either, but yeah it is fun to talk about.
Your gripe about the horse makes me a bit nervous, because it implies that you might be thinking about all this a little too concretely. Metaphysics has no basis at all in reality. It's about coming up with abstract models which can be used to represent what we experience. Nobody really seriously thinks that there exists a mystical plane of reality where these things exist. Homestuck does, but realists don't. These guys are just proposing this axiomatic assumption as an interesting way to model how humans relate to one another. If someone says the word 'horse' to me and fourteen other people, sparks will go off in all of our heads and we'll all think something. Choosing to adopt this model allows me to make assumptions on how exactly the thing that triggered in my head relates to what triggered in theirs, and more broadly can give me a framework for empathizing with other people. So to this end, I still don't think there's a problem with me talking about a horse form, nor do I think the fact that every possible thing has a perfect form makes the theory boring. What makes Homestuck so cool, I think, is that it manages to blend this model into reality, and somehow makes it harmonize with actual science and deduction.
For normal philosophy sure but as groundwork for a storytelling narrative it would work quite well. Like how the theory of Forms aligns very well Davepeta^2's description of the ultimate self.
witch/sylph and maid/heir? um no the true thing is maid/sylph and witch/heir. i don't even follow bkew, that's just The Best class-pair thing
I wouldn't say 'bother' I would say 'frustrate' - not with the narrative but with myself. It feels like a personal failure to not see the distinction between light and breath (or light and mind for that matter) clearly.
+Enrique May Within the next few day or so there should be something new up, and that should be pretty quickly (like, within a few days) followed by at least one more thing. Maybe two.
Physical object in homestuck are probably not made by aspect,because we never see oject modified by aspect,or with an aspect added/deleted. I don't say that's not usefull or true in a sense.
How the fuck is the weird comic from 2009 so complicated
I hate viriska. So mean to jaje xc. But this video was great!
413 likes, i just can't give this video one more
I really like this video but at the same time I'm very dissapointed. The only aspects that were spoken about extensively were light and breath. That's not even a quarter of all of them and leaves a lot to be desired :/
+Emilie Johnson Patience. More very soon. I just need to edit.
+Tex Talks I look forward to it, then.
+Emilie Johnson I agree these were the boring ones. That's why we're covering them first. :)
Circles are not impossible to draw. Trace a coin. Done. Just saved you tuition at art school.
can I have ur babies?
+Mesher VonBron It says you've been subscribed to my channel for 2 years.... How?
Shortly after I saw the Reddit post linking to your first video I subscribed, so that must have been about two years ago. However, I find that hard to believe.
+Mesher VonBron You shouldn't believe it! Because that came out in February. Weird for some reason you are listed as my first subscriber from years before I even had any videos.
Well then I'm your mom or something idk, stop messaging I'm still watching your videos jeez