*These videos taught me TWO things; 1)Most people have no idea why cars have mirrors. 2)By installing a camera on your windshield, somehow your brakes will no longer work.*
I was thinking the same thing. What a lesson to teach your child watching you. "Just stop wherever you are, baby. People don't mind." Moreover, she thinks she is doing the right thing by yelling out her window. You want to help? Pull over, put on your Hazzard lights, and call the police. Other than that, let them do what they need to do. You were NOT involved. Sheeeesh.
"Driver uses signal ahead of time to move into my lane when he gets room and I choose to get angry at him for simply slowing me down for five full seconds - valuable time I'll never get back thanks to that asshat." - Rich Wyatt 3:34
Correction: "Bad driver drives in the wrong lane, uses his broken indicator to force himself into traffic, proceeds to slow down and breakcheck after illegally and unsafely merging because "my time to miss an exit is more valuable than your time to slow down for me"
Toronto. I lived in that city for 20 years, it’s nuts. On weekends I drive in on occasion, and every time I enter the city limits, insanity ensues, everyone cutting everyone off, speeding, tailgating, you name it.
I had to stop watching after this one. I was so baffled and frustrated what this guy’s problem was. He was called out on his mistake and then he just turned into a 3 year old. It’s insanity.
@@oneiros1401 You mean this was the case before they allow people to smoke that leaves before driving? Wow, that's insane. I drove in downtown Toronto twice. After that, I totally gave up. Now, I brought a bike whenever I visit Toronto, park my car at the edge of the city and ride a bike inside. Cycling is even faster than driving in downtown......
@@IamCanadian3333 Exactly. People like him are why tend to support self-driving cars, cause even if they make some kind of mistake or go slow, they won’t honk back and flip you off afterwards.
3:40 While the brake check is completely unwarranted, it is a bit stupid to simply not expect the truck to get into your lane given their indicator was on for a reasonable amount of time... granted the truck probably could have changed lanes earlier (the clip does not provide full context) but I struggle to sympathise as much with the camcar.
Yeah, cammer was being a dick for no reason. Share the road. It's not necessarily your responsibility to let the guy in, but it literally takes less effort to just stop hitting the accelerator for like 5 seconds. And yeah the brake check is just plain stupid. Too much ego in that clip.
@@joshyaash It’s part of driving defensively, IMO. Sometimes you come across some selfish drivers. Its always better to let them do their thing and avoid as much as possible
I don't think the cammer was angry that the red truck merged, but that he did so while slowing down, getting close to the cammer. The cammer gave enough room, expecting the red truck to accelerate and merge quickly, but the red truck wanted to dangerously move two lanes over, and so slowed down unexpectedly.
6:03 ain’t no way. bro was so mad for something he caused😭 whoever that is should get their license taken away bc he could’ve caused a serious accident if people weren’t paying attention not only that but he could’ve hit a pedestrian when he kept swerving in front of the crosswalks so the cam car couldn’t get around.
@@Raiderhays37 I suspect the guy was just trying to back up into the parking area on the side of the road that the cammer blocked him out of twice which is why he got so mad. Any rational human being would have given the guy enough time to back his car into the space, granted he should have indicated.
@@mincraftisawsome1234any rational human being wouldn’t act like a stupid fucking child and block traffic for MINUTES because they missed a parking spot and planned poorly
4:49 definitely call the cops and give them the plate number and your dash cam footage because they are clearly blocking traffic on purpose and decided they didn't want to go left and proceeds to back into traffic behind them and then pull the stunt they did and hold everyone up, they should have their car and license taken away.
1:06 best option here? DO NOT STOP WHEN YOU ARE ON THE MAIN ROAD! And when you drive alongside a lane of stopped cars, BE AWARE of some BS going on. The black car in front of cam car caused the whole situation. 5:07 when this happens, call the cops instead of laying on the horn. They will cool him down. Or just... don´t blow the horn at all. These people are doing it just for your reaction. If there is no reaction, they will not get, what they wanted. So many kids in adult bodies drive the cars nowadays... 8:12 yeah, imagine someone using horn, when there is no point in using it and even using it instead of brakes few seconds later... Road is not a line, if somebody wants to overtake you, let them and try to avoid confrontation as much as you can, unless they specifically endanger you.
Best option avoid an accident like the one in Brownsboro, never ever turn left just because someone stopped for you. Just motion for them to go on and get out of the way, and clear the line of sight.
Yup, never understood why drivers stop when there is no traffic light or stop sign to direct traffic, u are in the right of way so just keep moving along, they will turn when they get the chance
Good luck with that option. You might not live long enough to see a clear line. Learning how to turn left would be a better option. Here in this part of the world people will nearly always stop to let you through. It's much appreciated and there is rarely a problem to negotiate the left turn.
Yep exactly. Just because one lane decides to be nice, doesn't mean the second lane will be. That's also why you shouldn't stop in the middle of traffic just to let someone through. Your heart might be in the right place, but you are actually potentially creating a more dangerous scenario, as is what happened in that clip. And in some cases, you might be held at least partially responsible for the accident, despite your good intentions.
There is so many lanes in the USA + big cars with so many angles not visible... Everything is perfect to go wrong. Don't forget the lack of civility at soooo many levels and the speed at intersections... I'm not surprised that people have to put cameras in their cars in North America. 😊
Ok I’m an Amazon driver and imma defend this to an extent. I drive those box cars they’re a bitch to drive. Not saying that’s an excuse but regarding the wrong turn on a driveway, our gps app they make us use absolutely sucks. Many times me and other drivers were lead by our gps to go up a long driveway only to find out halfway that we went up the wrong one and either end up in a position like this or end up stuck trying to turn around. Sometimes things like this happen out of straight stupidity and there are plenty of drivers I know who fall into that category, but even the best driver coworkers I know end up in crap like this.
I'll give you the GPS screw ups because I've dealt with them myself and I know that many companies force their drivers to follow them no matter what, but this guy went down the path for TWO MILES before he realized that there was a problem. I mean - really?
Not always the gps, I use to work for amazon as well.. these people Who live out in the middle of nowhere expect us to deliver they packages to their front door, when they don’t even have a paved driveway. I’m quite sure it doesn’t cost much to put down gravel or get a cemented driveway. Those amazon vans are heavy and get stuck easily
1:20 I love how the woman asks “who hit who” when its a t bone.. like use your head lol “i saw the white car hit the other car but then what happened?” well, u just said u didn’t see it.. and also what do u think happened? magical fairies did the harlem shake? clearly nothing else happened if you SAW it happen lady. i feel bad for that child. she sounded very stressful to be near/in a situation with
The lady could also be asking the kid just to talk about it or make sure they saw what they saw. When you're focused on driving, you may not see stuff like this happen
There's a light on my way to work like this. I'm surprised I haven't seen more accidents. Mostly it's people blocking traffic when the turn light finally turns green. People keep "keep clear" clear and lights turn green and don't move forward when light turns green. cars then proceed to turn left but block traffic until straight traffic clears.
Yep! Years ago, my brother wrecked one of my fathers cars into an unmarked police car because he just assumed the idiot letting him out would let him know if there's a car coming from the far lane he couldn't see. Of course, my brother was an idiot too for that lol
I appreciate the fact that you pause clips when the text appears on the bottom. Makes it easy to read it without worrying that I'm going to miss part of the clip.
Time nor indicator doesnt give right of way lol. Red truck is in the wrong lane by his own fault. I bet if this was a highway you'd call him an asshole. This is the same concept.
@@UmbraNumberOne Oh no because 1 person disagrees with you, it automatically means I am the cammer despite the actual cammer Rich is in the comment section himself, and stating that I am not even an American (thank god)
But the driver who kept honking also became an idiot. He kept the game going on. I blame the honking driver for the lengthy continuation of traffic stoppage.
3:40 there was more than enough space for the guy to get in, and he took his time (which personally I think the guy actually did check his mirrors and thought he had space) camcar is just insecure and wouldn’t let him in, rather accelerating and almost causing an accident. Brake check was still unnecessary, nonetheless.
Honestly, I'll even give him the brake check as a plausible-deniability-brake-check since he did it exactly as he was stopping for his turn. It probably only looked as aggressive because the cam car accelerated. "impatient driver" no dude had a turn coming up and there was plenty of time and space to just let him in.
1:15 - can't remember the name for this but it's something along the line of the 'death turn'. The guy turning has all responsibility and need to quadruple check before turning in a dangerous zone likes this where visibility is obstructed on a normal speed street.
the term I know is "the wave of death". I know the turning guy is ultimately more responsible because they should not have made a blind turn like that. but the waver pisses me off the most because they started it and because they get no damage, no incentive for them to not do it again.
1:14 the black van that stopped to let the person turn with NO RIGHT OF WAY, and then drove off, is to blame. The turner should have waited for both lanes of opposite traffic to be clear. If everyone just knew followed the rules of the road, things would go smoother.
1:16 , best way to avoid crashing, ignore the car stopped to let you through, wave them on and wait for a big enough gap in both the lanes that you can make it through
1:16 - Best way to avoid this accident? Salt Life Van shouldn't have given up their Right of Way to the gray SUV. They were probably waving them to come through the intersection. In my state, the Salt Life Van would be at fault for waving the gray SUV through, which is an indication to them that there is an "all clear".
another wave of death. The instigator was the van ahead of the cammer enticing the turning car into a blind turn. I know it's the turning car's responsibility to not take that blind turn, but the waver always pisses me off the most because they started the whole thing and usually don't get damaged. zero incentive for them to stop waving people through
5:18 using a horn for more than two seconds should activate a horn inside the passenger compartment so the driver can get the same level of hearing damage that they inflict on all the pedestrians around them
3:45 Person in truck with ladder was NOT being impatient in any way! They had their signal on forever, patiently waiting for someone to let them over, but all of the other selfish drivers. Including cammer, would not let them in, so they had to force. Cammer is a douche in this one all day every day...
A real problem with accidents like the one at 1:00 is when wanna be "nice" people do very idiotic things like STOP in the left lane of a 4 lane to allow someone to turn Left! They set up the conditions for a crash! If there's no light, WHY STOP! DON'T! You and your vehicle are the BLIND SPOT. You create the blind spot for the left hand turn because he can't see what's coming in the far right lane! You should also be ticketed for unnecessary stopping where there is no stop! You're not being "nice" you are being STUPID!
They don't realize that. If this got explained properly in driving classes it wouldn't happen. I did this once for someone but it was a single lane road with no one behind me. The other driver was surprised. It all worked out fine but I drove away thinking I should have kept driving. That was the right move.
@@keitoteki People waving me through is a pet peeve of mine, especially when I'm on a bicycle. Bicyclists are supposed to follow the same rules of the road as any other vehicle, so stop trying to be polite and wave me across an intersection when I don't have the right of way!
That lady with the yellow mask on her dash is going to leave her young daughter in the car by herself,in the middle of a major road to help a stranger... No thankyou. Your family safety first!
I really don’t understand what motivated the person to stop in the road. Just plain embarrassment? He turns toward a bus stop, almost backs into the cam car, gets honked at (100% legitimately), and then just turns into a 3 year old. ?????
@@jaredcaines6688 No clue at all... That's begging to get a gun pulled on you though. Not justified of course but, still. If I had a pickup truck and a bull bar, I would've just pushed him 😆 Ah if only that was legal.
3:41, camera should have seen the vehicle in the right lane had their signal on well enough ahead of them and simply let off the gas as a courtesy to let the other driver in. Yet camera called them impatient. Just because you can or have the right, doesn't mean you should or that it makes you right. We would all benefit from a little extra courtesy and patience with each other.
3:07 - problem is the left turn lane gets backed up into that middle turn late. So what is someone supposed to do if they are going in that direction and want to turn left? Do they pass all the cars backed up into the middle lane, and the try to cut in once the left turn lane officially begins? I never know what to do in this situation
1:05 Don't turn like that when someone stops and holds up traffic in one lane. The other lane isn't blocked, that person is illegally holding up traffic and creating a situation for accidents to happen. Don't take the opportunity they create, you're being set up for failure
@@realDonaldTrump420 Did you even watch the video? It literally asked for ways to avoid this type of accident. I provided one. And as a side note, yes, details almost always matter, in every situation. That's why dash cams are so important in the first place.
Best way to avoid accidents is to avoid thinking that you can elect who gets the right of way. When you have it take it, when you don't don't. Being "polite" in a car is not a real concept since, in every case without exception, it necessarily means being extremely dangerous too.
1:05 Never accept the right of way from someone who thinks they're doing you a favor by yielding to you when they shouldn't be. It screws up everyone's expectations and makes people careless because they skip the usual checks.
3:34 You should've moved over out of courtesy, but he was still in the wrong for this one. 4:10 Suburban drivers have no self-awareness, especially on neighborhood roads, what were you expecting? 4:29 Drivers that try to reverse into other people's cars should have their licenses revoked. This Canadian idiot is no exception, especially since he felt entitled to block the congested city road he was driving on. 7:38 You should've let the black SUV onto the freeway, he was on an entrance ramp, NOT the shoulder!
3:34 there is no way the red truck driver was in the wrong. He had plenty of space and was decelerating to let the car beside him pass so he wouldn’t cut them off. Camcar is insecure af and doesn’t let them in thus causing a huge problem that never existed in the first place. Only unwarranted thing from the red truck is the brake check
7:38 Not only that but also blocking someone from passing them, even if it was on the shoulder. It could be that these people were having a medical emergency
Best way to avoid blind ass accidents is to not be nice and yield when its multiple lanes. In fact just don't be nice and let someone go unless its all stopped traffic. People take to long to react and had you just drove like normal they would have been made their turn at the same time interval anyway.
3:35 - "Ballad of a Southern Man" by Whisky Meyers. Well, I'll be damned! I thought I was the only person who listened to that kind of music. I legitimately got excited when I heard it.
1:05 the correct thing to do would be to not hold up traffic to let someone turn left. Unless there's some missing context here that I'm not getting, letting someone through like that is a dumb idea and a recipe for disaster. And never trust someone when they signal that it's clear while you have no line of sight
I love the most about these videos where the person we're watching is actually in the wrong some how. Completely oblivious that they're the problem too.
i notice a lot of ppl w/ cams getting instantly enraged the moment they see a driver doing something just "off" - for example the person stopped in the roundabout... gotta remember there are elderly people driving & people who experience medical emergencies. It's probably not healthy to drive around on the verge of a mental breakdown over seeing a stopped car. Show some concern for others, yikes.
I have noticed an unfortunately large amount of people who have their blinker on for way too long when they're not making a turn/merge. It's just as dangerous as not signaling at all: do I assume that they are going to turn/merge? Maybe they had it on by mistake, but all of a sudden they do make that turn/merge and I wasn't it expecting it bc they've had the signal on for the last 3 miles
2:10 Around here it would have been ruled as follows: Red truck was legally in the intersection before his light turned red, therefore to have him not stuck blocking the intersection, he has the right of way to make his turn. If he'd been sitting behind his stop line then went before the light turned, he'd be illegally turning. Edit: 3:40 The guy clearly has his turn signal on well in advance of moving over. No, he should not have just shoved his way in, but our cammer was not very courteous to someone actually using their turn signals correctly for once. Legal fault on the red truck, courtesy fault on the cammer. Both are bad drivers. Edit 2: 7:35 Please tell me that isn't a TRX...
2:10 - from what I see you are referring to the horizontal line of traffic (video orientation) rule concerning traffic stuck in the intersection. This does not apply for the case in the video as both cars are from the vertical line of traffic that just got a green light. Problem is that the cars going straight were slow on the gas and let the guy turning left (red truck from opposite side) get ahead, which he shouldn't have done in the first place as he has to slow down and give way to anyone going straight. White car almost getting hit had complete priority in going straight and although he has the right and should not stop before continuing (as stopping randomly can cause accidents from behind), he was going a tad fast for an intersection tbh.
10:27 This is the type of scenario I was explaining to my permitted teen the other day when it looked as though someone was going to blow a stop sign in front of her - sometimes speeding up to avoid a collision is better than slowing down because you get yourself out of the way of the other vehicle.
@fairygoth-mother7341 you shouldn't just obey GPS if it seems wrong. There had to be signs saying it was a hiking trail, no one way signs, no traffic/speed limit signs. They had to think it was sketchy at best.
2:57 The cam car might be the idiot. You were not in the center left-turn lane, and was performing some unusual (and possible illegal) maneuver. You were not in where the blue car was supposed to check. Didn't even bother to brake when it started to turn the wheels. Sure, if any accident happened, the other party would be deemed at fault, but you have little defensive driving skills and courtesy to other road users. 3:40 Is it fun to be an AH by blocking others from changing lane? Again, someone with little defensive driving skills and courtesy to other road users. 4:40 Just another typical scene when drivers taking certain "medication" are not allowed to be convicted DUI. 7:42 Perhaps the law in your place is different. I Ontario, passing using paved shoulder is allowed.
@@techwiz81 I thought the same thing. He could see traffic entering the highway and would need to merge, but he didn't even slow down. I'd bet he gets super cranky when folks won't let him merge when the situation is reversed.
@@techwiz81 You sure about that? Let's address each interaction individual, shall we? 1: illegally passed on the shoulder 2: Other driver attempts to illegally pass on the shoulder. He (rightfully) blocks it. 3: Driver doesn't signal and then cuts in front of him dangerously when he's maintaining his lane So look at that. 0/3. You were *completely* wrong about literally everything you just said. You lose. Thanks for playing, sport.
1:09 1. It’s easy to avoid if you don’t cross over multiple lanes of traffic just because someone is letting you out. 2. That lady is an idiot for stopping in the only other free lane for that traffic with a kid in the car, great way to get your kid hurt when you could just pull your car onto the shoulder or even just behind the accident.
3:04 well for starters that lane you turned in was not a driving lane but a lane for other cars to use to turn into lots so you are technically not supposed to be driving in that lane unless you are turning
1:03 Seems that the white car isn't at fault, but honestly if you see cars stopped you should figure out WHY they are stopped instead of just flying past them at full speed. If cars are stopped somewhere other than a stop sign or red light that's a pretty good indication that there's something you should be stopping for.
@0:45... Clearly, with that car drifting from all the far right lane all the way over... by the time it got to the lane next door... don't you think that there's a damn good chance that it isn't going to stop drifting? Cammer had several seconds to use their brakes and keep max distance from a bad situation coming to a head, and it's super-bizarre that they didn't.
I think it was great entertainment that they didn’t. Not only did they get to watch someone not use there mirrors or shoulder check,they got to watch someone way overreact,plus a sweet trip into the cement barrier :)
I made the same comment, Some people think that just because they are in the right, they are invincible. And they shouldn't do anything to mitigate the situation. I also find it bizarre how some people find it entertaining, like yeah he is an idiot but it doesn't mean he deserves all that, and also cuz now he has put several other people's lives in danger as well
1:20 I hate people like the person in the mini van that waved the car to cross. Best way to avoid a accident like this is to not cross unless you have an a unobstructed view of traffic. And dont ever stop and hold up traffic to wave a car across lanes.
1:05 How to avoid this? 1. It should tell you something when you see cars ahead of you in the other straight lane not moving anymore. 2. Always approach intersections with extreme caution. Your right of way is no permit to just floor it blindly. 3. Pay attention ffs!
If you see a car driving with its flashers on, give it space. Especially if it's in a left lane - something's going on with their vehicle and because of the flashers, there won't be any turn signal, even if they try to use it.
That blasted roundabout in Rolla, MO is newly built, finished just this past Feb. I hate that thing, so found a much better route that avoids it 100%. Since there's nothing around the college and its environs that I need to get to, my alternate route works great, and I never have to go near that poor excuse of a roundabout again.
08:38 oh hey I live like 5 minutes from there. That’s a very common occurrence because that right turn leads to a large elementary school, and the road ahead is usually taken at 10+ mph over the limit.
2:37 First time I actually regonize a road, I go through it every day, and he is right, that road collects the traffic of 3 different schools, no shame
If traffic is stopped in one lane and clear in another. It's a good idea to slow down in the clear lane because people will not see you coming through even though you have the right of way.
7:20 Looks like some of the country driveways i gotta go down with my delivery van. You always gotta be ready to call it and say, "yeah, this ain't gonna go down/up that," lest you end up like this guy.
Thanks for watching and drive safe!
Submit your video and get featured: whtdashcam@gmail.com
*These videos taught me TWO things; 1)Most people have no idea why cars have mirrors. 2)By installing a camera on your windshield, somehow your brakes will no longer work.*
and the horn will suddenly be the first resort
The reaction time most times is terrible but in a lot of cases if they do brake suddenly they could maybe get rear ended
Why do people submit video of themselves driving badly?
@@bonemar66 teach people
I have suspicion that half of the problem is simple fact that people just drive using cruise controll, they simply do not control the speed.
1:30 let me just impede traffic even more by blocking the only open lane and getting out of the car
exactly lmao
Yea she's not too bright, what was she even saying? 😂
I was thinking the same thing. What a lesson to teach your child watching you. "Just stop wherever you are, baby. People don't mind."
Moreover, she thinks she is doing the right thing by yelling out her window. You want to help? Pull over, put on your Hazzard lights, and call the police. Other than that, let them do what they need to do. You were NOT involved. Sheeeesh.
Trying to give life lessons to her child....
6:00 I would characterize that as "dipshit impedes traffic and then rages about his own stupidity"
"Driver uses signal ahead of time to move into my lane when he gets room and I choose to get angry at him for simply slowing me down for five full seconds - valuable time I'll never get back thanks to that asshat." - Rich Wyatt 3:34
😂 Exactly.
Correction: "Bad driver drives in the wrong lane, uses his broken indicator to force himself into traffic, proceeds to slow down and breakcheck after illegally and unsafely merging because "my time to miss an exit is more valuable than your time to slow down for me"
@@Re69. this aint the hill to die on bud. also pretty sure in no world is that an illegal merge LMAO
@@idlefluxx If it's not safe, you could consider it as illegal. On top of that the red truck with big ego also illegally breakchecked 🤯
@@Re69. it *was* safe until the cammer accelerated into his path tho.
4:37 I love how he has the audacity to flip people off after causing a traffic jam...
Toronto. I lived in that city for 20 years, it’s nuts. On weekends I drive in on occasion, and every time I enter the city limits, insanity ensues, everyone cutting everyone off, speeding, tailgating, you name it.
I had to stop watching after this one. I was so baffled and frustrated what this guy’s problem was. He was called out on his mistake and then he just turned into a 3 year old. It’s insanity.
@@oneiros1401 You mean this was the case before they allow people to smoke that leaves before driving? Wow, that's insane.
I drove in downtown Toronto twice. After that, I totally gave up. Now, I brought a bike whenever I visit Toronto, park my car at the edge of the city and ride a bike inside. Cycling is even faster than driving in downtown......
@@jaredcaines6688 Aka someone who really shouldn't have a driver's license and should probably take some anger management classes.
@@IamCanadian3333 Exactly. People like him are why tend to support self-driving cars, cause even if they make some kind of mistake or go slow, they won’t honk back and flip you off afterwards.
3:40 While the brake check is completely unwarranted, it is a bit stupid to simply not expect the truck to get into your lane given their indicator was on for a reasonable amount of time... granted the truck probably could have changed lanes earlier (the clip does not provide full context) but I struggle to sympathise as much with the camcar.
Yeah, cammer was being a dick for no reason. Share the road. It's not necessarily your responsibility to let the guy in, but it literally takes less effort to just stop hitting the accelerator for like 5 seconds. And yeah the brake check is just plain stupid. Too much ego in that clip.
Cammer an idiot…not much else to say about the situation.
@@joshyaash It’s part of driving defensively, IMO. Sometimes you come across some selfish drivers. Its always better to let them do their thing and avoid as much as possible
I don't think the cammer was angry that the red truck merged, but that he did so while slowing down, getting close to the cammer. The cammer gave enough room, expecting the red truck to accelerate and merge quickly, but the red truck wanted to dangerously move two lanes over, and so slowed down unexpectedly.
@@davidtaylor1397 He was turning, as indicated by his light. Cammer is insecure.
6:03 ain’t no way. bro was so mad for something he caused😭 whoever that is should get their license taken away bc he could’ve caused a serious accident if people weren’t paying attention not only that but he could’ve hit a pedestrian when he kept swerving in front of the crosswalks so the cam car couldn’t get around.
That clip should be enough evidence to get their license revoked for good. Or at least I wish it worked like that
I suspect he was trying to get hit for and insurance scam.
@@Raiderhays37 I suspect the guy was just trying to back up into the parking area on the side of the road that the cammer blocked him out of twice which is why he got so mad. Any rational human being would have given the guy enough time to back his car into the space, granted he should have indicated.
@@mincraftisawsome1234any rational human being wouldn’t act like a stupid fucking child and block traffic for MINUTES because they missed a parking spot and planned poorly
1:20 that kid is the smartest one in the car 😂
Last definitely asked a dumb question 😂
The proceeds to block the lane
4:49 definitely call the cops and give them the plate number and your dash cam footage because they are clearly blocking traffic on purpose and decided they didn't want to go left and proceeds to back into traffic behind them and then pull the stunt they did and hold everyone up, they should have their car and license taken away.
A candidate for Canada's Worst Drivers.
1:06 best option here? DO NOT STOP WHEN YOU ARE ON THE MAIN ROAD! And when you drive alongside a lane of stopped cars, BE AWARE of some BS going on. The black car in front of cam car caused the whole situation.
5:07 when this happens, call the cops instead of laying on the horn. They will cool him down. Or just... don´t blow the horn at all. These people are doing it just for your reaction. If there is no reaction, they will not get, what they wanted.
So many kids in adult bodies drive the cars nowadays...
8:12 yeah, imagine someone using horn, when there is no point in using it and even using it instead of brakes few seconds later... Road is not a line, if somebody wants to overtake you, let them and try to avoid confrontation as much as you can, unless they specifically endanger you.
"Too much Ram, not enough Dodge."
I laughed way harder at that than I should have.
Especially considering how old that joke is. I think Carlin did it over 30 years ago.
Best option avoid an accident like the one in Brownsboro, never ever turn left just because someone stopped for you. Just motion for them to go on and get out of the way, and clear the line of sight.
Agreed, the first car blocking the view never ends up well
Yup, never understood why drivers stop when there is no traffic light or stop sign to direct traffic, u are in the right of way so just keep moving along, they will turn when they get the chance
Good luck with that option. You might not live long enough to see a clear line. Learning how to turn left would be a better option. Here in this part of the world people will nearly always stop to let you through. It's much appreciated and there is rarely a problem to negotiate the left turn.
Yep exactly. Just because one lane decides to be nice, doesn't mean the second lane will be.
That's also why you shouldn't stop in the middle of traffic just to let someone through. Your heart might be in the right place, but you are actually potentially creating a more dangerous scenario, as is what happened in that clip. And in some cases, you might be held at least partially responsible for the accident, despite your good intentions.
There is so many lanes in the USA + big cars with so many angles not visible... Everything is perfect to go wrong.
Don't forget the lack of civility at soooo many levels and the speed at intersections...
I'm not surprised that people have to put cameras in their cars in North America. 😊
Ok I’m an Amazon driver and imma defend this to an extent. I drive those box cars they’re a bitch to drive. Not saying that’s an excuse but regarding the wrong turn on a driveway, our gps app they make us use absolutely sucks. Many times me and other drivers were lead by our gps to go up a long driveway only to find out halfway that we went up the wrong one and either end up in a position like this or end up stuck trying to turn around. Sometimes things like this happen out of straight stupidity and there are plenty of drivers I know who fall into that category, but even the best driver coworkers I know end up in crap like this.
@Shane's Squirrel Shack I figured it was probably due to bad gps. Even good ones can be wrong.
I'll give you the GPS screw ups because I've dealt with them myself and I know that many companies force their drivers to follow them no matter what, but this guy went down the path for TWO MILES before he realized that there was a problem.
I mean - really?
Not always the gps, I use to work for amazon as well.. these people Who live out in the middle of nowhere expect us to deliver they packages to their front door, when they don’t even have a paved driveway. I’m quite sure it doesn’t cost much to put down gravel or get a cemented driveway. Those amazon vans are heavy and get stuck easily
Jeff Bezos is the Antichrist tho
I know in very rural areas, my GPS has no idea where to take me to where I intend to go.
1:20 I love how the woman asks “who hit who” when its a t bone.. like use your head lol
“i saw the white car hit the other car but then what happened?”
well, u just said u didn’t see it.. and also what do u think happened? magical fairies did the harlem shake? clearly nothing else happened if you SAW it happen lady. i feel bad for that child. she sounded very stressful to be near/in a situation with
I'm sending this footage to her local police dept, so they take her license away for being obviously too dumb to drive.
The lady could also be asking the kid just to talk about it or make sure they saw what they saw. When you're focused on driving, you may not see stuff like this happen
ik, not much situational awareness or comprehension
Don't forget the fact that she then stopped in the middle of the road and got out right when the clip ended lol
@@MeXoof if ur focused on driving, u SHOULD see this shit happen. Especially if you act snarky after asking your child what happened.
8:39 "How bout you don't do that?" also me to every person when I watch an Idiots in Cars video
1:04 best way to avoid an accident like this is to never be like the black car that stops for the person to turn/drive into a blind lane
wavers piss me off the most. A friend of mine once called them "niceholes"
There's a light on my way to work like this. I'm surprised I haven't seen more accidents. Mostly it's people blocking traffic when the turn light finally turns green. People keep "keep clear" clear and lights turn green and don't move forward when light turns green. cars then proceed to turn left but block traffic until straight traffic clears.
Yep! Years ago, my brother wrecked one of my fathers cars into an unmarked police car because he just assumed the idiot letting him out would let him know if there's a car coming from the far lane he couldn't see. Of course, my brother was an idiot too for that lol
@@VoodooV1 and then they just drive off thinking smugly that they are the best most courteous drivers in the world and everyone else is a bad driver
9:00 stopped in a roundabout on the campus of an engineering college. Never change Rolla.
I appreciate the fact that you pause clips when the text appears on the bottom. Makes it easy to read it without worrying that I'm going to miss part of the clip.
3:37 How long does someone have to have their blinker on before you get out of the way? You're the impatient one, not them.
Time nor indicator doesnt give right of way lol. Red truck is in the wrong lane by his own fault.
I bet if this was a highway you'd call him an asshole. This is the same concept.
@@Re69. found the cammer 😂
@@Re69.you’re definitely the cammer lmao
@@UmbraNumberOne Oh no because 1 person disagrees with you, it automatically means I am the cammer despite the actual cammer Rich is in the comment section himself, and stating that I am not even an American (thank god)
@@Re69. “one person” even if you aren’t the cammer you can’t deny you’re all over the comment section 😂
1:20 I appreciate that you stopped, but PLEASE pull in front of the cars that crashed so you're not blocking the whole road.
Ngl I genuinely got really mad watching that clip from 4:31-6:11
But the driver who kept honking also became an idiot. He kept the game going on. I blame the honking driver for the lengthy continuation of traffic stoppage.
@@derrick2181 oh good, i didn't have to say it first, lol. I have a window popper, but it works on asshole's cars too.
@@Beeks81So you're one of those people. Hopefully the other guy is armed
@@jamesdennisfilms Aww, you're so cute.
@@Beeks81 You too... in a coffin
3:40 there was more than enough space for the guy to get in, and he took his time (which personally I think the guy actually did check his mirrors and thought he had space) camcar is just insecure and wouldn’t let him in, rather accelerating and almost causing an accident. Brake check was still unnecessary, nonetheless.
Brake check was absolutely deserved. Bet they think twice.
@@infernalkiwi No, they won't think twice. The cam car will go home thinking they ran into a crazy driver and will never change.
@@infernalkiwi Brake checking is never deserved. Red truck is even in the wrong so you're just thinking emotionally instead of logically
"Insecure" woke culture🤮
Honestly, I'll even give him the brake check as a plausible-deniability-brake-check since he did it exactly as he was stopping for his turn. It probably only looked as aggressive because the cam car accelerated. "impatient driver" no dude had a turn coming up and there was plenty of time and space to just let him in.
1:15 - can't remember the name for this but it's something along the line of the 'death turn'. The guy turning has all responsibility and need to quadruple check before turning in a dangerous zone likes this where visibility is obstructed on a normal speed street.
Some people call it a "suicide gap".
the term I know is "the wave of death". I know the turning guy is ultimately more responsible because they should not have made a blind turn like that. but the waver pisses me off the most because they started it and because they get no damage, no incentive for them to not do it again.
It's called: build better roads.
my driving instructor called it the suicide lane haha
1:14 the black van that stopped to let the person turn with NO RIGHT OF WAY, and then drove off, is to blame. The turner should have waited for both lanes of opposite traffic to be clear. If everyone just knew followed the rules of the road, things would go smoother.
"to much ram, not enough dodge", love it
Yea that lady gave me a headache fast, screaming are ya ok, then getting out of her car in the middle of the road. 1:17
1:16 , best way to avoid crashing, ignore the car stopped to let you through, wave them on and wait for a big enough gap in both the lanes that you can make it through
1:16 - Best way to avoid this accident? Salt Life Van shouldn't have given up their Right of Way to the gray SUV. They were probably waving them to come through the intersection. In my state, the Salt Life Van would be at fault for waving the gray SUV through, which is an indication to them that there is an "all clear".
@Yeokrast Which state do you live in?
@@answerman9933 Indiana - precedent set from Jury case Key v. Hamilton. I believe Ohio also has similar traffic laws.
7:22: I didn’t know Amazon started taking new routes off road!
7:35: The quote is gold, love it
This is why you always pay attention when you're driving because there are idiots out there, stay safe everyone!
99% idiots.
1:10 lady if you didn’t see what happened you might need to pay more attention to your driving.
She can’t see what happened because of the van blocker view of it dummy
Women level deduction
And then parks the car and blocks the only drivable lane.
@@kvgm This annoyed me most about the entire clip 😂
another wave of death. The instigator was the van ahead of the cammer enticing the turning car into a blind turn. I know it's the turning car's responsibility to not take that blind turn, but the waver always pisses me off the most because they started the whole thing and usually don't get damaged. zero incentive for them to stop waving people through
5:18 using a horn for more than two seconds should activate a horn inside the passenger compartment so the driver can get the same level of hearing damage that they inflict on all the pedestrians around them
4:18 The cammer has the anticipation and reaction time of a rock.
What in the world was that dude listening to on the radio anyway. About a guy having a crush on his coworker and maybe he's the pen guy??
3:45 Person in truck with ladder was NOT being impatient in any way! They had their signal on forever, patiently waiting for someone to let them over, but all of the other selfish drivers. Including cammer, would not let them in, so they had to force. Cammer is a douche in this one all day every day...
9:51 "you got your left sirnmil on!" What the fuck is a sirnmil?
A real problem with accidents like the one at 1:00 is when wanna be "nice" people do very idiotic things like STOP in the left lane of a 4 lane to allow someone to turn Left! They set up the conditions for a crash! If there's no light, WHY STOP! DON'T! You and your vehicle are the BLIND SPOT. You create the blind spot for the left hand turn because he can't see what's coming in the far right lane! You should also be ticketed for unnecessary stopping where there is no stop! You're not being "nice" you are being STUPID!
They should be held partially liable
They don't realize that. If this got explained properly in driving classes it wouldn't happen. I did this once for someone but it was a single lane road with no one behind me.
The other driver was surprised.
It all worked out fine but I drove away thinking I should have kept driving. That was the right move.
Best way to avoid accidents is to simply be aware of what's happening around you.
Whenever people wave to let me through I shake my head “no” then sit until I can see
@@keitoteki People waving me through is a pet peeve of mine, especially when I'm on a bicycle. Bicyclists are supposed to follow the same rules of the road as any other vehicle, so stop trying to be polite and wave me across an intersection when I don't have the right of way!
You can be hella aware but it’s still called an “accident” at the end of the day because accidents still happen sadly
"Who hit who yall I didn't see what harpend yall" take this inbreeders license asap
And drive like everyone is an idiot, you’ll be prepared.
That lady with the yellow mask on her dash is going to leave her young daughter in the car by herself,in the middle of a major road to help a stranger... No thankyou. Your family safety first!
4:40 I was legit getting pissed like I was actually there....I rather not say what my retaliation would have been 😂😂
I really don’t understand what motivated the person to stop in the road. Just plain embarrassment? He turns toward a bus stop, almost backs into the cam car, gets honked at (100% legitimately), and then just turns into a 3 year old. ?????
@@jaredcaines6688 No clue at all... That's begging to get a gun pulled on you though. Not justified of course but, still. If I had a pickup truck and a bull bar, I would've just pushed him 😆 Ah if only that was legal.
Theres a slight cut in the video. Something is missing.
@@1102lovely I thought it was only a cut in the audio, but you're right. Something is missing.
@@1102lovely No justification for what the car did.
“too much ram not enough dodge” LMAO
1:16 Best option to avoid the collision (not accident) at Brownsboro is to stay home.
Far too often have I seen people use the word "accident" when referring to crashes. 🙄
ah, i sure do love a calming idiots in cars compilation just before bed /s
3:41, camera should have seen the vehicle in the right lane had their signal on well enough ahead of them and simply let off the gas as a courtesy to let the other driver in. Yet camera called them impatient. Just because you can or have the right, doesn't mean you should or that it makes you right. We would all benefit from a little extra courtesy and patience with each other.
5:38. The explanation is that some people just want to see the world burn.
3:36 "Impatient driver" 🤔 He's blinking for half a mile. Seems pretty patient to me.
True, but he shouldn't have brake checked the cammer.
@@kaylapounds1359Cammer deserved it
3:07 Unless the cammer was planning on turning into that next driveway, they shouldn't have pulled out in the first place - that's a turn lane.
3:07 - problem is the left turn lane gets backed up into that middle turn late. So what is someone supposed to do if they are going in that direction and want to turn left? Do they pass all the cars backed up into the middle lane, and the try to cut in once the left turn lane officially begins? I never know what to do in this situation
1:05 Don't turn like that when someone stops and holds up traffic in one lane. The other lane isn't blocked, that person is illegally holding up traffic and creating a situation for accidents to happen. Don't take the opportunity they create, you're being set up for failure
How about just don't crash into cars. Do they details really matter. Just don't hit other cars.
@@realDonaldTrump420 Did you even watch the video? It literally asked for ways to avoid this type of accident. I provided one. And as a side note, yes, details almost always matter, in every situation. That's why dash cams are so important in the first place.
Best way to avoid accidents is to avoid thinking that you can elect who gets the right of way. When you have it take it, when you don't don't. Being "polite" in a car is not a real concept since, in every case without exception, it necessarily means being extremely dangerous too.
1:05 Never accept the right of way from someone who thinks they're doing you a favor by yielding to you when they shouldn't be. It screws up everyone's expectations and makes people careless because they skip the usual checks.
3:34 You should've moved over out of courtesy, but he was still in the wrong for this one.
4:10 Suburban drivers have no self-awareness, especially on neighborhood roads, what were you expecting?
4:29 Drivers that try to reverse into other people's cars should have their licenses revoked. This Canadian idiot is no exception, especially since he felt entitled to block the congested city road he was driving on.
7:38 You should've let the black SUV onto the freeway, he was on an entrance ramp, NOT the shoulder!
3:34 there is no way the red truck driver was in the wrong. He had plenty of space and was decelerating to let the car beside him pass so he wouldn’t cut them off. Camcar is insecure af and doesn’t let them in thus causing a huge problem that never existed in the first place. Only unwarranted thing from the red truck is the brake check
7:38 Not only that but also blocking someone from passing them, even if it was on the shoulder. It could be that these people were having a medical emergency
great video
8:40 i love her reaction, just a calm sarcastic comment about the other driver doing dumb shit.
7:30 he was just following the instructions on the steering wheel!
Every clip is a lesson. It’s incredible how many idiots in cars are out there.
This should be titled, "people honking horns".
Best way to avoid blind ass accidents is to not be nice and yield when its multiple lanes. In fact just don't be nice and let someone go unless its all stopped traffic. People take to long to react and had you just drove like normal they would have been made their turn at the same time interval anyway.
That lady who said “but then what happened?” Like what? 😂 even the kid was confused and didn’t know how to answer such a dumb question
Every once in a while an inbreeders offspring turn normal.
3:35 - "Ballad of a Southern Man" by Whisky Meyers. Well, I'll be damned! I thought I was the only person who listened to that kind of music. I legitimately got excited when I heard it.
1:05 the correct thing to do would be to not hold up traffic to let someone turn left. Unless there's some missing context here that I'm not getting, letting someone through like that is a dumb idea and a recipe for disaster. And never trust someone when they signal that it's clear while you have no line of sight
5:42 when they say idiots this was the main one they was talking bout 😂😂😂
Also also FINALLY a clip that I know exactly where it's from! 9:27 Clayton, NC!!!
7:51, I absolutely agree!!! That's why I despise driving in Philly!!
4:15 that is one of the reasons for speed limit in residential.
8:15 and the man in front keeps going though two lines 😂😂😂😂
What baffles me is that people who are in the right turn lane think "I can go into any lane I want!"
Why is the mother talking to her kid like this is educational?? Lol!!
0:55 Successfully merged with the left lane wall, anyway 😂
I love the most about these videos where the person we're watching is actually in the wrong some how. Completely oblivious that they're the problem too.
i notice a lot of ppl w/ cams getting instantly enraged the moment they see a driver doing something just "off" - for example the person stopped in the roundabout... gotta remember there are elderly people driving & people who experience medical emergencies. It's probably not healthy to drive around on the verge of a mental breakdown over seeing a stopped car. Show some concern for others, yikes.
3:42 how about pay attention cammer.
02:18 my adhd kicked in with the music, then I got scared when the truck almost hits dashcam car lol
1:06 NEVER make a blind left turn across multiple lanes of traffic and you won't get t-boned.
I have noticed an unfortunately large amount of people who have their blinker on for way too long when they're not making a turn/merge. It's just as dangerous as not signaling at all: do I assume that they are going to turn/merge? Maybe they had it on by mistake, but all of a sudden they do make that turn/merge and I wasn't it expecting it bc they've had the signal on for the last 3 miles
how long is too long?
2:10 Around here it would have been ruled as follows: Red truck was legally in the intersection before his light turned red, therefore to have him not stuck blocking the intersection, he has the right of way to make his turn. If he'd been sitting behind his stop line then went before the light turned, he'd be illegally turning.
Edit: 3:40 The guy clearly has his turn signal on well in advance of moving over. No, he should not have just shoved his way in, but our cammer was not very courteous to someone actually using their turn signals correctly for once. Legal fault on the red truck, courtesy fault on the cammer. Both are bad drivers.
Edit 2: 7:35 Please tell me that isn't a TRX...
2:10 - from what I see you are referring to the horizontal line of traffic (video orientation) rule concerning traffic stuck in the intersection. This does not apply for the case in the video as both cars are from the vertical line of traffic that just got a green light. Problem is that the cars going straight were slow on the gas and let the guy turning left (red truck from opposite side) get ahead, which he shouldn't have done in the first place as he has to slow down and give way to anyone going straight. White car almost getting hit had complete priority in going straight and although he has the right and should not stop before continuing (as stopping randomly can cause accidents from behind), he was going a tad fast for an intersection tbh.
@@yami2227 Must be a locational difference, as in my city the truck would've had the right of way to clear the intersection.
I agree with 3:40
10:27 This is the type of scenario I was explaining to my permitted teen the other day when it looked as though someone was going to blow a stop sign in front of her - sometimes speeding up to avoid a collision is better than slowing down because you get yourself out of the way of the other vehicle.
7:15 Nobody ever accused an Amazon driver of being smart.
And GPS can be wrong.
@fairygoth-mother7341 you shouldn't just obey GPS if it seems wrong. There had to be signs saying it was a hiking trail, no one way signs, no traffic/speed limit signs. They had to think it was sketchy at best.
What impresses me the most is how the idiots who are watching road rage don’t back off to avoid being part of the accident.
2:57 The cam car might be the idiot. You were not in the center left-turn lane, and was performing some unusual (and possible illegal) maneuver. You were not in where the blue car was supposed to check. Didn't even bother to brake when it started to turn the wheels. Sure, if any accident happened, the other party would be deemed at fault, but you have little defensive driving skills and courtesy to other road users.
3:40 Is it fun to be an AH by blocking others from changing lane? Again, someone with little defensive driving skills and courtesy to other road users.
4:40 Just another typical scene when drivers taking certain "medication" are not allowed to be convicted DUI.
7:42 Perhaps the law in your place is different. I
Ontario, passing using paved shoulder is allowed.
7:42 we found a whinerrrrrr
No kidding…if you have three bad interactions in 20 seconds, you might be the problem
@@techwiz81 yea exactly
@@techwiz81 I thought the same thing. He could see traffic entering the highway and would need to merge, but he didn't even slow down. I'd bet he gets super cranky when folks won't let him merge when the situation is reversed.
@@techwiz81 You sure about that? Let's address each interaction individual, shall we?
1: illegally passed on the shoulder
2: Other driver attempts to illegally pass on the shoulder. He (rightfully) blocks it.
3: Driver doesn't signal and then cuts in front of him dangerously when he's maintaining his lane
So look at that. 0/3. You were *completely* wrong about literally everything you just said. You lose. Thanks for playing, sport.
@@fairygoth-mother7341 nah he def would bro, he'd def take the shoulder too 💀
0:50 That was poetry, man. Brought tears to my eyes... 🤣💯🔥🍆🤡
6:32 that be me😭 Like move mtf I hate people who drive the same speed side to side like GTFO THE WAY💀
This is why slow on the right and fast on the left is a good concept like in Europe
1:09 1. It’s easy to avoid if you don’t cross over multiple lanes of traffic just because someone is letting you out. 2. That lady is an idiot for stopping in the only other free lane for that traffic with a kid in the car, great way to get your kid hurt when you could just pull your car onto the shoulder or even just behind the accident.
If someone ahead of you in any lane begins a manœuvre, you should hold back and give way to them.
While I agree, sometimes they obtained it unsafely and people may honk.
Don't be a loser and breakcheck.
@@Re69.Found the cammer 😂
@@jamesdennisfilms I'm not even American... Thanks for playing!
Looks like there is a shortage of blinker fluid.
Must keep my hand on the car horn! Definitely not annoying at all!
3:04 well for starters that lane you turned in was not a driving lane but a lane for other cars to use to turn into lots so you are technically not supposed to be driving in that lane unless you are turning
i was turning, actually! You can see the how long the line was before i enter the lane
1:03 Seems that the white car isn't at fault, but honestly if you see cars stopped you should figure out WHY they are stopped instead of just flying past them at full speed. If cars are stopped somewhere other than a stop sign or red light that's a pretty good indication that there's something you should be stopping for.
7:41 here in southern germany they say "I drive Mercedes Benz, so I own the road"
(ich fahr Benz. D' Straß' gehört mir!) :-))
@0:45... Clearly, with that car drifting from all the far right lane all the way over... by the time it got to the lane next door... don't you think that there's a damn good chance that it isn't going to stop drifting?
Cammer had several seconds to use their brakes and keep max distance from a bad situation coming to a head, and it's super-bizarre that they didn't.
I think it was great entertainment that they didn’t. Not only did they get to watch someone not use there mirrors or shoulder check,they got to watch someone way overreact,plus a sweet trip into the cement barrier :)
Actually I would think their gonna stop considering I’m right there in the lane
I made the same comment, Some people think that just because they are in the right, they are invincible. And they shouldn't do anything to mitigate the situation. I also find it bizarre how some people find it entertaining, like yeah he is an idiot but it doesn't mean he deserves all that, and also cuz now he has put several other people's lives in danger as well
1:20 I hate people like the person in the mini van that waved the car to cross. Best way to avoid a accident like this is to not cross unless you have an a unobstructed view of traffic. And dont ever stop and hold up traffic to wave a car across lanes.
1:05 How to avoid this?
1. It should tell you something when you see cars ahead of you in the other straight lane not moving anymore.
2. Always approach intersections with extreme caution. Your right of way is no permit to just floor it blindly.
3. Pay attention ffs!
If you see a car driving with its flashers on, give it space. Especially if it's in a left lane - something's going on with their vehicle and because of the flashers, there won't be any turn signal, even if they try to use it.
"Too much Ram, not enough Dodge" 😆😆
That blasted roundabout in Rolla, MO is newly built, finished just this past Feb. I hate that thing, so found a much better route that avoids it 100%. Since there's nothing around the college and its environs that I need to get to, my alternate route works great, and I never have to go near that poor excuse of a roundabout again.
08:38 oh hey I live like 5 minutes from there. That’s a very common occurrence because that right turn leads to a large elementary school, and the road ahead is usually taken at 10+ mph over the limit.
The left turn signal turning right. Welcome to Florida!
2:37 First time I actually regonize a road, I go through it every day, and he is right, that road collects the traffic of 3 different schools, no shame
If traffic is stopped in one lane and clear in another. It's a good idea to slow down in the clear lane because people will not see you coming through even though you have the right of way.
6:39 Nice save
Looks like some of the country driveways i gotta go down with my delivery van.
You always gotta be ready to call it and say, "yeah, this ain't gonna go down/up that," lest you end up like this guy.