0:55 in addition to Breen and Tholians they said the Orions are "regrouping" meaning the Emerald Chain or a successor is still out there and didn't die with Osyraa
I still think Vance's position with Osyraa was a bad call, you can't trust her, that's true, however... he didn't even try. And Osyraa was a lawful evil sort of person. As long as she was in charge the EC would stick to things that are not based solely on "petty revenge". Sure, she's not particularly nice, but she's a very controlled sort of mean.
One thing I find quite remarkable is how much knowledge the crew of discovery seem to have, without looking it up, of the eras between jumping from their time to the future. I dont know how long they've been in the future now but they must all be seriously studying history in their free time.
@@CertifiablyIngame I mean, If I went to the future I know I'd certainly be studying up on the 900 years or so that I missed but these guys seem to have it all memoried in those 2-3 years 😂
Even more than history: science! They have 900 years of catch up learning to do. They're nearly three times as behind in the sciences as the marine biologist in Voyage Home or the trio from The Neutral Zone were. Culber must be spending all his off time trying desperately to catch up to doctors that make him look like some one who bleeds people with leeches to balance their humors...
Well, this happened during Spock's lifetime, so it's not a stretch if Burnham was interested in that time period, especially once she allowed herself to look into Spock's life. When it comes to the synths, Culbert had to look into that for Grey.
@@Velldog An electrical engineer in training will learn a lot of historical science along the way. It becomes their job to know what humanity learned in the past. Science and Engineering will _have_ to learn 900 years of advancements, at least in their field. Or they cannot do their jobs. Burnham personally had a very good reason to look into Romulans after going to Ni'var for the first time. So despite Anthropology and history being a large field, she had a focus on it. A good storytelling choice.
I really love how the season theme really gels with the fact that it's the last season even though it's a coincidence. I am also glad it's not an apocalypse again
Since Rayner is Kellerun, and the only previous time we've seen his species is the DS9 episode "Armageddon Game" - where his people had only just wrapped up a long war with a neighboring species, then tried to kill all of the scientists who created a WMD used in the conflict, O'Brien and Bashir to keep knowledge of the weapon secret - I don't have too many years issues about Rayner being the way he is...though I'm glad his scenes with Burnham at the end of episode 2 show he's not blind to his own faults.
This wasn't well-communicated in the episode, but it seems that Moll and L'ak already knew what was inside the puzzle box, and they were only pretending to be interested in selling their haul to Fred in order to get him to open the box for them. So the Federation would never have been able to buy the book from them in the first place because they were never honestly looking to sell.
@@jceggbert5 If Vellek had any sense when hiding the book, he would have used a container that couldn't simply be transported through. It is pretty easy to shield against such things.
I think the federation/Kovacs know more about moll and la'aks motivations than they are letting on. Hence why purchasing the puzzle box was out of the question. They are not after profit but something more.
I like how Rainer kept things moving. his "are you going to just stand around talking or are you actually going to do something" attitude on Qmau reminded me of me watching the show
Great review, I’m excited to see where this season goes. Bringing back The Chase was a great idea for a final season plot, I hope we get a good conclusion.
The Promellian statues reminded me of the Batatans from Mass Effect. Also several faces on the Bridge have vanished Nelsen and Bryce are both gone now, although Bryce seemed on his way out last season. It was good to see Linus.
Burnham going on "too many" away missions is no different from Kirk doing it despite also being the ship's CO. So it's not a legitimate complaint relative to the original Star Trek tone.
It would make sense if this was still set in the 23rd Century but protocol is more tightly enforced from the 24th onwards. Dangerous away missions are the XO's job. It's legitimate lore question. It can be dismissed as Burnham being from the 23rd but it's weird that no one brings this up.
@@joseaguilar3323 No, it would've made more sense in ALL centuries, because having the CO constantly pass off ship command to a junior destabilizes the chain of command and operations. But, because TOS set the bar that the CO wanders off from Conn duty there's no real reason to complain about it in later shows.
I fully expect a scene sometime this season where Rayner has to essentially "pull a Burnham" from Binary Stars and countermand one of her orders, which goes too far. He is there to be a loyal confidante for sure, but he is also there to call her on her bullshit when necessary IMO ... and I really hope he does that.
I like the fact that this season is basically a treasure hunt across the galaxy. Part 1 was a fun watch but the only part I didn't like was them ramming their ships into the ground to stop an avalanche. That was dumb when you have shields, tractor beams and deflector dishes. Also, I haven't seen the previous seasons since I don't have Paramount+ so who is the man in glasses and what is his role exactly? Is he related to Section 31?
We don't know exactly, from behind the scenes stuff he has the rank of Commodore but is not a Starfleet officer, but a Federation Agent. But he seems pretty open and known, so probably just regular Starfleet Intelligence.
His name is Kovich. We know next to nothing about him other than that he has at least 1 doctorate and knows about a lot of different subjects. He is very much a mystery.
It would make sense to me that he is from some form of civilian/federal agency within the federation. Likely just a high ranking member of a Federation division or agency that is involved with federation security. I've always wondered how it works in Star Trek. Starfleet are the main arm of the federation but it's obviously not the only organisation the federation controls. Federation ambassadors, scientists, doctors etc... exist without being apart of Starfleet so it makese wonder how the Federation is set up in terms of itd government, agencies, divisions, military etc.
@@CertifiablyIngame but if he's regular Starfleet Intelligence is he not then apart of Starfleet? I supposed he could be something like the Assistant Director of Federation Intelligence or director of clandestine services or some higher ranking member of a branch of the government similar to this that oversees some form of federation security. It makes me want to know more about the federation and how it is organised! I'd love a Star Trek Political Drama. It wouldn't need to be crazy like House of Cards or anything but something fun and informative 😁
Excellent review Ric. I'm glad that the B-team still gets scenes. It's like Discovery has one of the largest recurring casts to rival DS9 I'm sure that contractually, they can only have so many lines and scenes, yadda yadda, but it was nice how Owo and Detmer did have key scenes in season 4 and that Rhys and Owo were on the away team this team. I noticed that Linus (who I'm a fan of) was at the Spore Ops station instead of Science so I wonder if Nilsson and Bryce are both gone this season with random extras filling in who won't get much explanation.
I disagree. Remember Sloan of Section 31 was willing to sacrifice ANYONE in order to protect the mission! In the 32nd century Section 31 has not changed! If it is deemed necessary…the mission comes first…all other considerations second. It’s all but expected and makes sense here.
I REALLY hope Section 31 isn't STILL around in the 32nd century. I love DS9, but I'll never forgive them for introducing that. As far as I'm concerned, they were shut down in the 25th century just like in the Coda timeline.
@@dupersuper1938It's obvious he is section 31 or whatever they evolved into. He is not going to introduce himself as that cause section 31 is supposed to be a secret
@@dupersuper1938 It would seem that S31 gets "shut down" every couple of centuries, then like black mould comes creeping back out from behind the wallpaper the Federation put up over it. Post-Burn, with the collapse of the Federation down to a total of six worlds, I can see it re-emerging with vigor.
Yeah: the seemingly low power of shields and weapons, along with shuttles and scanners still being unable to handle random magnetic fields, really makes 32nd century tech far more underwhelming than I'd like.
I don't think it's an outright shelving of the spore drive, more a "this is not practical as a default ftl drive for every ship" decision. Because the whole specialized navigator thing is a big issue, especially for an organization that's known for the sheer amount and extent of safety backups like the federation.
Also, 32-century Starfleet has a far more limited budget - they're still talking worlds into rejoining the Federation since repairing the Burn damage. They can afford to pursue _either_ the new version of warp (Pathway, I think? Don't recall for certain) _or_ a version of the spore drive that still requires a genetically-modified operator (since there aren't a lot of Kwijians left after season 4), but not both.
I like this story. Another Prognitor Chase. Funny that the scientist choose to make finding the stuff a Progenitor Scavenger hunt all over again. Like he loved the last time they did it! Overall the theme thus far has been "a trip down memory lane": - Booker is back - Bookers past will matter - they are going for something old (chasing the Chase) - lots of lore refences - revisiting Booker and Burnham - getting Tilly back - now going to Trill and Gray - a Original Soogn Type Anderoid, 800 years old Some thoughts on specific topics: - Regarding Spore drive: One problem with the Spore Drive is that it you need a naviator. Without gene modding. Kweijan was the one hope for that, and it got destroyed by the DMA. And the Federation doesn't want to spend big money on it anymore, with uncertain payoff and all the current expenses. If he happens to stumble over a solution, things might be different But I think a bigger one here is security/proliferation. Anyone that has this drive, can drop a invasion fleet on top of any planet without as much as a warp signature as warning. Another angle is that the Federation just got a Dilithium source giving it a massive strategic and diplomatic advantage. The last thing they want is hand the Breen, Tholians or Orions a drive that sidesteps Dilithium entirely. - About away missions: TOS captains _always_ go on away missions. That is their "style". Just try keeping Kirk in his chair. And they are still a TOS crew. "They were quicker to draw phasers, and slower to invoke the prime directive." - Janeway. Picard was a "stay in the chair" captain. And most other modern captains probably are too. If anything, the crew seems to be acclimating to 32nd century style - Rainer is a very "TOS style" captain/XO. I was _so_ hoping Burnham would get a "now I know how it feels" moment when he runs off without talking. She already got one. Likely he will provide more. - I am also not quite sure what "dangerous technology" will be at the end of this Journey. I would think that anything the progenitors can do regarding life, Starfleet could do with a suspension of the prime directive and 100 years. Their work requires no technology they don't have by the 32nd century. My best guess is a remote deployment technology. Maybe that device Mirror Kirk had in his quarters is based of Progenitor tech? But the progenitors had centuries for the work, no reason to rush anything.
I did feel like the tone was kind of all over the place... Michael was screaming "wooo" in one scene, acting like a logical Vulcan in another, and then having deep emotional conversations in the next. Some range is fine, of course, but it really felt like some of these scenes were just written by entirely different people.
And everyone thought it was gonna be Iconians lol That chase scene in the desert just seemed unnecessary. And the initial secrecy of the red directive.
Admiral Vance, to me at least, seems to be the least morally dubious Admiral we've met. He isn't using any underhanded tactics to force a Captain to uptake a mission without prior information, that's mostly Kovich. In season 4 he chose to stay in Federation HQ despite the certainty of death. In season 3 he chose to try broker with the emerald chain to save his family. Sure that is a 'not dedicated enough to starfleet to deserve the position of Admiral' kind of move but still, he didn't just outright condemn his family to death. Sure at the start he was being all 'law and order' towards the discovery crew because their stories about their arrival in this era didn't match with starfleet records but that's because he didn't trust them. I mean who would? Turn up in an old ass ship claiming to have needed to travel to the future to prevent the end of all life because of an angry computer and I think almost everyone is going to give you a funny look. I dunno... I just kinda like him because he doesn't always feel like a stuffy government official purely there to be higher in the chain of command than a Captain, and usually, butting heads with said Captains. (I swear it was a trope that Captains in the old shows were ordered to do questionable things by Admirals, sometimes without being told why, and then they would find every reason possible to not have to do as they're told.) I suppose the only downfall of Admiral Vance being a mostly stand up guy who agrees with the discovery crews actions most of the time is that there are no interesting internal conflicts because everyones happy with the actions of everyone else. But don't worry, they just had to have Kovich fill that role, but instead of being an Admiral hes... according to memory alpha hes a doctor... but also a psychological analyst of some kind... some kind of AI nutcase... and in my opinion hes in some kind of pseudo section 31 except hes basically just a guy that gets to say 'you don't need to know that' all the time.
I didn't catch whether the entire existence of the Progenitors was classified or something more narrow, like this one romulan scientist. A complete classification would explain why they were never followed up on after The Chase.
I wonder if the same type of Romulans also reached out to Vulcans back in the day which led them to become Ni'var. Maybe those who tired of the Tal Shiar, and knew of the Quat Milat Sisterhood.
Im consigned to the shoot em up nature of discovery. This season so far has my interest. I really think discovery should have started in the future in the first place.
food for thought: moll + lak = moloch. " in the modern era, "Moloch" has been figuratively used in reference to a power which demands a dire sacrifice"
The thing that irks me the most is 'Heist Talk" where the character makes some reference to some past event that happened off screen, that ties into current events. Usually involving some creative poly or event that the main characters previously did that we don't know. Burnham and Booker talk this way a lot in their dialogues.
That's only natural though. In the context of screenwriting, the idea is to emphasize that they've experienced a lot of things together without having to spend a whole season on showing those events (which they don't have the budget for). Would be a nice spinoff though, a Star Trek series with no Starfleet, just the two adventuring through the galaxy as smugglers. However, that doesn't fit at all into the typical style of Star Trek, so it most likely won't happen.
Just a line from Moll, or from what's his name secret ops guy about Moll and L'ak, that they don't deal with the Feds or something would have ironed out literally my only real issues with these episodes enough that I don't think I would have been annoyed at all.
I wonder if Amazon keeps track of where and how many times we fast forward through discovery scenes. And does anyone else feel like Trek has already been here with the Genesis device from the movie?
I’m calling it here now: they aren’t going to find Progenitor tech at the end of this rainbow, they’re going to find Progenitors. I definitely do want to get more on Moll and L’ak’s motivations here. What do they think they’re after? Why do they want it? I hope we learn that soon, and not in episode 12.
I also really like what’s going on with Rayner. To me, he feels a lot like Season 1 Burnham if she’d continued on her initial trajectory as Georgiou’s XO. He shares her “I know what’s right and I’m gonna do it, damn the consequences and fuck your feelings” attitude, so I hope they can both learn from this look in the mirror. That said, 31st Century Starfleet should probably be too small for them to be able to afford benching a still-viable starship captain.
1:40 I believe that, for all the faults there are in Discovery’s writing - and there are indeed some, I won’t hide that - The writers have been crucially aware, as much as possible, since the beginning of season 3, that 32nd century tech is much less limited, and so they have to write around the fact that such advanced tech can solve most problems. They instead have to write characters into situations which allow them to show off the 32nd century tech which Starfleet of this era often takes for granted. But they always try to present challenges for the characters which even the most sophisticated starships and away teams would struggle with. Notice, for example, the turning points in every tense moment, of seasons 3, 4, and 5 so far, have nearly all come down to our heroes being able to do something, but knowing that if they do it then they’ll risk causing a lot more problems, or it will come with some heavy price. It’s very Star Trek, but conversely I think what the commanding officer of the hero ship at the time always has to weigh up and consider, has changed in nearly every series - Enterprise: Archer / Trip / T’Pol must consider the interests / safety of Earth, or the ship TOS: Kirk / Spock considers the meaning of whatever challenges / threatens the Enterprise or its crew. TNG: Picard / Riker considers the principle of doing their duty, versus doing what is right and just. DS9 seasons 1&2: Sisko must consider the needs of Bajor, the Federation, or a lasting peace in that sector of space, or whether good relations with new species from the Gamma Quadrant are worth whatever’s at stake. DS9 seasons 3-7: Sisko must consider the needs of Bajor, peace in that sector of space, and what price he’s willing to pay in order to prevent the Dominion from conquering the Alpha Quadrant - or, in the end, Pah’Wraits conquering Bajor / the Celestial Temple. VOY: Janeway / Chakotay / Tuvok must decide how far they’re willing to go, to keep Voyager and its crew safe, and get them home. SNW: Pike considers the choices between duty and justice, whilst also facing ubiquitous reflection on how he felt about space exploration before he went to Talos IV, then learned of his inevitable fate, then returned to active duty only to find that Spock and galactic peace both depend on him meeting that fate, oh, AND the Gorn want to conquer, massacre, and chest-burst whole swathes of Federation space - Honestly, Chris, I don’t know how you cope!!! 😵💫 LD: Every main character considers the principle of doing their duty, versus doing what is right and just. But Mariner is always unhinged about it, Boimler is always fractious about it, and humorous consequences inevitably ensue. Picard: I’M NOT COUNTING PICARD HERE! LIKE IT OR NOT, IT’S JUST A HUGE FAN-SERVICE MELODRAMA!!! DISCO: Often this is the burden for Burnham and not always their CO, although that does tend to align well. But they, or the entire ship’s crew, inevitably have to weigh any other priority against the importance of their mission. Keep in mind also, Discovery’s mission has not always been Starfleet’s mission.
I'm betting the 'Red Directive' was the result of either q part of Section 31 back then (or now if they are still around) or made active during the Temporal Cold War and Starfleet adopted it after for any 'End of the Galaxy' senario.
Interesting you mention Iconians but completely overlook the Iconian symbol at 2:24 in the notebook that later gets replicated for the parts to fit to...
It seems counterintuitive, but I kinda like that the villains so far are just space Bonnie and Clyde; no evil warlord with a grudge against the Federation, no dark secret cabal of Badmirals seeking power, no call back to events of the 24th-25th century. Just two crazy kids in love, trying to make the big score. Slight chance that someone will do a heel-turn later in the season, but so far everything seems pretty straight forward.
@@pjlusk7774 , yeah. Like she'll use the "Cleveland Booker the IVth" connection to get him to back off, which would suck as a character because we just saw "Book's family connections turn him against Michael."
The Booker and Michel breakup thing is not as bad to me as it usually would be. I can see Micheal not contacting him because she doesn't know what to say and I can see him not contacting her because he's not sure where to go. I can see her not sure how to process her feelings and him feeling too much. Unline a lot of these things it makes sense from what we've seen. Now Adeara and Grey, if they break those two up I'll riot.
I thought they moved _DISCO_ into the 32nd century so they could do their own thing without having to worry about canon, but they're still referencing it, and that bothers me. Especially combined with the 'do anything, go anywhere' technology they have at their disposal, particularly in the hands of a character who can 'do anything.' Any sense of tension is killed anytime these factors appear together. An easy solution would be to separate them, and perhaps shelving the Shroom Zoom could play into that, but only fi travel time actually ends up mattering, and it's for a purpose greater than preserving a sense that this is a race to a finish line. But if, at the end of all this, it's just aping _The Chase_ from _TNG_ , then I'm going to ask 'what was the point of doing this again?' Especially for the show's final season. I can't help feeling that any time _DISCO_ could have done something unique to set it apart from the other series in the franchise, they've managed to cock it up, and quite badly. That's how it sounds, anyway. I couldn't sit through all of season 1 to want to watch any further. I love _Star Trek_ , so I often end up feeling that _STO_ did many of these retreat plotlines, and original ones, much better than Kurtzman and his crew.
Now i'm just wondering what they will find at the end of the chase. It seems to me, that the progenitors did the same as the engineers from the Alien series. Yes, they looked a bit different, but maybe the lady was only working for PR? Will they find a xenomorph infested world at the end? Also this woman, Moll, reminds me to Shin Hati from the Ahsoka series.
I've been saying since S5's concept was leaked that it will be a treasure hunt where the goal is some galaxy-ending threat that only diverse female space jesus can be trusted to secure for the prosperity of all. Given that so far we've got the Progenitors (a shallow attempt to connect this series into proper Trek) and that the gimmick of this season feeds directly into her "character" backrground, I have yet to see evidence that I'm wrong.
I'm glad of Romulan culture being represented, I've always loved the reflection of the Roman empire within it, but does the Romulan false door thing bother anyone else? Like on a visceral almost primal level?
It makes perfect sense to me. Strangers use the front door. Friends and family are welcome around back. That's something that's not unheard of in human cultures. Add to this the inherent paranoia of the Rihannsu culture, where you only allow the people you trust with deepest sincerity behind you because that leaves you open to attack, and it follows directly.
@@DeaconBlues117 This isn't a front door back door thing though. It's a false door real door thing. If the front door is false and the back door is real then why have a front door at all? As this is described as a cultural thing, then everyone on Romulous knows about it already so what's the point? How often is the typical Romulan going to meet someone or have to guard against someone from outside their culture? All it does is change the layout of the home to face away from the street. It boils down Rihannsu culture to being all about deception and paranoia, cheapening it. Where Klingon culture was expanded upon and broadened to be more than just warriors and space Vikings/samurai, Romulan culture in this instance is trimmed to being one note and made of a single troupe where the culture that is outwardly secretive must be so paranoid that they have a false front door on their homes.
That was one of the career paths open to him as the first episode of this season started. The other was as a diplomat to a group of worlds near each other, which would see him assigned to Starfleet HQ instead.
Discovery is far from my favourite Star Trek show, but why in the world are so many compelled to click on the video just to dump on it? If you don't like the show, and certainly if you dislike it enough to not watch the show...please feel free to just skip over reviews and move on to videos pertaining to things you're interested in. If you did watch and have issues with the episode being discussed, fine: voice them and discuss. If you're all "that's not real Star Trek" or "new Trek shows aren't canon"...please just skip. Especially regular viewers of this channel who know it goes deep into all kinds of Trek lore...how can they be surprised by reviews of the latest Star Trek episodes coming up? The internet continues to just bring out the worst in us all. The worst kind of whiney, gatekeeping, entitled nonsense. Seriously, I don't even like Discovery all that much, and I'm just pleading for perspective. All that being said: I did rather like these two episodes. Any major issues I had were issues largely inherited from previous seasons.
Most of the issues I had from Discovery stem from season one as well. Since then it's made the occasional misstep, usually near a season's end, but been improving overall I think. (Also, don't dissuade the haters from commenting, the secret is that they feed the algorithm either way ;) hehe)
Balls to the wall prediction: They're going to HALO us... It's going to be Indian Jones for 2/3 of the season then 'Oh God!! If bad guy gets there first, they'll be able to CTRL+Z humanoids through the mycelium network!'
Yeah I've been saying something similar since the season concept was leaked. And that diverse female space jesus will be this garbage's version of the Master Chief.
The actress who plays Michael Burnam plays her character so bad it makes me think that she owes me reparations for her having been hired because of the color of her skin instead of her ability to act. The entire show is horrible beyond comprehension and I truly hope that STD explodes with all on board their ship and is erased from the timeline completely as the series finale. That would make at least one episode worth watching.
These two episodes felt very Star Trek: Online to me in a good way.I just really wish that incredibly stupid "The Burn" narrative would just be dropped. It's insulting to Star Trek fans beyond the casual viewer.
No, in fact it isn't. When you have a crystalline structure that exists partially in subspace, and when (as exhibited by the shapes of spacecraft) subspace has some form of "aether" that causes resistance to craft traversing it, then it follows that under the proper circumstances it may be possible to produce a resonance in that aether that fractures the subspace portion of any crystals currently conducting power from the normal-space portion. That would result in any drive that utilized dilithium as a mediator - which is to say, all warp-style drives - exploding.
@@DeaconBlues117 Yes. Then you factor in the mutant Kelpian being responsible for the Burn due to a temper tantrum and you lose all respect for the writers for coming up with the concept because that's stupid. There have been people living on worlds rich in Dilithium for hundreds of years, and a lot of those people have families, which means children, which often means temper tantrums. The Burn only happened once. It's poor writing. Now, if they'd decided to make the Burn a result of tampering with Dilithium for malicious (or not) purposes, that would be worth exploring. But they didn't, which is why so many people hate the execution.
You're kidding right? The unhinged engineer that had (briefly) a personal vendetta against his own captain for making the correct decision to space the only guy the Emerald Chain knew (at that moment) could operate the mushroom drive after they'd hijacked the ship. THAT feels like a Trek character to you?
on the rayner/tilly/adira scene- i just want to point out that tilly was time displaced and had to learn modern technologies that are 930 years more advanced her own and that kinda puts your first come knowledge that you reach for in a certain order. on top of that her friends were in danger, that kinda scrambles your ability to logic and ability to reason. brain farts happen but it's a testament to their training that they reflexively can think at all. brain is a muscle, and its incredible that they could brain at all as a reflex. for adira, she's a junior officer, so it stands to reason that she would've followed tilly's lead in scientific speculation. besides which, she's a modern gal and even we have trouble speculating on how our ancestors managed some engineering feats. i know a lot of it was due to racism, but man, the ingenuity of people is astounding at times. rayner just conveniently nudged them in the right direction faster. i'm sure they would've figured it out without him eventually, he just got the ball rolling.
Toxic Trek fans caused the demise of ST Enterprise and then years later declare that they supposedly loved it all along. But now, the toxicity has escalated to the level of homophobia and racism that is anathema to the themes of tolerance and IDIC that is at the core of Trek.
Enterprise absolutely dropped the ball, but it’s still just an objectively better show than Discovery, even if neither are good Trek. If the LGBT representation wasn’t as ham fisted as the rest of the writing and characterization it wouldn’t be a complaint. I don’t see any signs of racism in the complaints. Michael Burnham is just flat out obnoxious although no one is as obnoxious as the white whale Tilly. There’s no redeeming qualities to this show, IMO. I appreciate Rick’s efforts so that’s why I’m here, but Discovery is a dumpster fire through and through.
The season is young, plenty is still to happen. But I HOPE that all the most leftarded characters die in a flaming black hole before it's over. Discovery has had its good moments, always to be spoiled by the social-political agenda of the showrunners. I ended up actually LIKING the rebooted Klingons, because at least they know what they stand for and it's not leftist bullshit.
@@christopherwilson7092people still watching it are the reason it's horrible. I'm ecstatic that enough of us quit watching this garbage to get it canceled. If Discovery is what the future of star trek was to be then I'm fine with it dying. There's a lot of real trek over the years to pass on to younger generations. Maybe one of them will be the one to revive it properly one day.
"Her ego"? They got away the first time because, as she correctly pointed out, destroying Moll and L'ak's ship would have also destroyed what they were ordered to recover. And in the second encounter, Rayner gave them the idea to fire at that mountainside to cause a massive avalanche, which would have killed that entire city if they'd kept up the pursuit while still not guaranteeing that the pair would even be captured.
@@DeaconBlues117 If she let go instead of waiting and arguing they could have disabled the ship and brought it out of warp. Though its also funny that they forgot how to transport through a warp bubble, like they did in the best of both worlds.
@@crancko1 If she let go, the tractor beam would have destroyed the ship. If Rayner hadn't panicked about them getting away and just let her get on with what she was doing, however, Burnham would have been able to disable the warp drive by cutting through the ship's hull - a process she was well into before Rayner showed up. The problem here was Rayner's hotheadedness, not Burnham's lack of self-preservation. (That's one reason she wanted Rayner as her XO - he's a lot like she used to be.)
@@DeaconBlues117 Perhaps you should watch the scene a few more times. Her actions were causing the damage along the tractor beam did not help ( not sure why) If she was smart she would have stopped immediately gotten beamed aboard and they would have had it. Though because of burnhams lack of professionalism and lack of forward thinking ( funny how she is even a captain at this point) caused the issue.
I have plenty of issues with new Trek. Much of Discovery is a mess (especially early on) and the first two seasons of Picard were absolute garbage. That being said: get over yourself. Trek survived Dear Doctor, Threshold, Code of Honor, Profit & Lace, Insurrection, Nemesis, the end of Author Author, Spirit Folk...it can survive the weaker new stuff as well. Strange New Worlds and Prodigy are excellent, Short Treks wasn't bad, Lower Decks can be fun, Beyond was good... The likely issue is just that you watched the older Trek in your youth.
0:55 in addition to Breen and Tholians they said the Orions are "regrouping" meaning the Emerald Chain or a successor is still out there and didn't die with Osyraa
I still think Vance's position with Osyraa was a bad call, you can't trust her, that's true, however... he didn't even try. And Osyraa was a lawful evil sort of person. As long as she was in charge the EC would stick to things that are not based solely on "petty revenge". Sure, she's not particularly nice, but she's a very controlled sort of mean.
One thing I find quite remarkable is how much knowledge the crew of discovery seem to have, without looking it up, of the eras between jumping from their time to the future.
I dont know how long they've been in the future now but they must all be seriously studying history in their free time.
Discovery has been just over 2 years, Burnham around 3
@@CertifiablyIngame I mean, If I went to the future I know I'd certainly be studying up on the 900 years or so that I missed but these guys seem to have it all memoried in those 2-3 years 😂
Even more than history: science! They have 900 years of catch up learning to do. They're nearly three times as behind in the sciences as the marine biologist in Voyage Home or the trio from The Neutral Zone were. Culber must be spending all his off time trying desperately to catch up to doctors that make him look like some one who bleeds people with leeches to balance their humors...
Well, this happened during Spock's lifetime, so it's not a stretch if Burnham was interested in that time period, especially once she allowed herself to look into Spock's life.
When it comes to the synths, Culbert had to look into that for Grey.
@@Velldog An electrical engineer in training will learn a lot of historical science along the way. It becomes their job to know what humanity learned in the past.
Science and Engineering will _have_ to learn 900 years of advancements, at least in their field. Or they cannot do their jobs.
Burnham personally had a very good reason to look into Romulans after going to Ni'var for the first time. So despite Anthropology and history being a large field, she had a focus on it. A good storytelling choice.
the salvagers didnt want to sell to the UFP. they made that very clear.
Why though?
It makes no sense.
And pls it can't be another petty vendetta about how the UFP needs to do better.
I really love how the season theme really gels with the fact that it's the last season even though it's a coincidence.
I am also glad it's not an apocalypse again
Oh it might be,we don't know what this life maker does,probably unmade life first like the halos in halo
@@drrohanjacob i was thinking more like genesis from wrath of khan only on a much grander scale
Excellent breakdown and review.
I think you are on point with the network beeing the vector for the progenitors
And yet the one species/ faction they have not mentioned yet are the klingons, or at least what happened to them.
I agree with you on Rayner, he seemed like a sterotype until that final scene humanized him (for the lack of a better word)
Since Rayner is Kellerun, and the only previous time we've seen his species is the DS9 episode "Armageddon Game" - where his people had only just wrapped up a long war with a neighboring species, then tried to kill all of the scientists who created a WMD used in the conflict, O'Brien and Bashir to keep knowledge of the weapon secret - I don't have too many years issues about Rayner being the way he is...though I'm glad his scenes with Burnham at the end of episode 2 show he's not blind to his own faults.
This wasn't well-communicated in the episode, but it seems that Moll and L'ak already knew what was inside the puzzle box, and they were only pretending to be interested in selling their haul to Fred in order to get him to open the box for them. So the Federation would never have been able to buy the book from them in the first place because they were never honestly looking to sell.
Yeah. I took that as the only visit to Fred.
Why couldn't they just use a transporter 💀
@@jceggbert5 If Vellek had any sense when hiding the book, he would have used a container that couldn't simply be transported through. It is pretty easy to shield against such things.
Maybe its something about L'ak that led them to the puzzle box in the first place
I think the federation/Kovacs know more about moll and la'aks motivations than they are letting on. Hence why purchasing the puzzle box was out of the question. They are not after profit but something more.
I like how Rainer kept things moving. his "are you going to just stand around talking or are you actually going to do something" attitude on Qmau reminded me of me watching the show
Great review, I’m excited to see where this season goes.
Bringing back The Chase was a great idea for a final season plot, I hope we get a good conclusion.
The Promellian statues reminded me of the Batatans from Mass Effect. Also several faces on the Bridge have vanished Nelsen and Bryce are both gone now, although Bryce seemed on his way out last season. It was good to see Linus.
Burnham going on "too many" away missions is no different from Kirk doing it despite also being the ship's CO. So it's not a legitimate complaint relative to the original Star Trek tone.
It would make sense if this was still set in the 23rd Century but protocol is more tightly enforced from the 24th onwards. Dangerous away missions are the XO's job. It's legitimate lore question. It can be dismissed as Burnham being from the 23rd but it's weird that no one brings this up.
@@joseaguilar3323maybe the protocol was revoked after the burn or smth
@@joseaguilar3323 No, it would've made more sense in ALL centuries, because having the CO constantly pass off ship command to a junior destabilizes the chain of command and operations. But, because TOS set the bar that the CO wanders off from Conn duty there's no real reason to complain about it in later shows.
@@joseaguilar3323 It was more tightly enforced in the 24th century, but we have no information on "onwards".
@joseaguilar3323 How do we know this is period and policy based change, and not a captain-by-captain basis?
I just stared this video and I am hoping you say something about L'aks introduction scene. I think he is a Breen.
I fully expect a scene sometime this season where Rayner has to essentially "pull a Burnham" from Binary Stars and countermand one of her orders, which goes too far. He is there to be a loyal confidante for sure, but he is also there to call her on her bullshit when necessary IMO ... and I really hope he does that.
So far I like this a lot more than season 4. If it had been more like this from the start we might not be limited to 5 seasons.
I like the fact that this season is basically a treasure hunt across the galaxy.
Part 1 was a fun watch but the only part I didn't like was them ramming their ships into the ground to stop an avalanche. That was dumb when you have shields, tractor beams and deflector dishes.
Also, I haven't seen the previous seasons since I don't have Paramount+ so who is the man in glasses and what is his role exactly? Is he related to Section 31?
We don't know exactly, from behind the scenes stuff he has the rank of Commodore but is not a Starfleet officer, but a Federation Agent. But he seems pretty open and known, so probably just regular Starfleet Intelligence.
His name is Kovich. We know next to nothing about him other than that he has at least 1 doctorate and knows about a lot of different subjects. He is very much a mystery.
It would make sense to me that he is from some form of civilian/federal agency within the federation.
Likely just a high ranking member of a Federation division or agency that is involved with federation security.
I've always wondered how it works in Star Trek. Starfleet are the main arm of the federation but it's obviously not the only organisation the federation controls.
Federation ambassadors, scientists, doctors etc... exist without being apart of Starfleet so it makese wonder how the Federation is set up in terms of itd government, agencies, divisions, military etc.
@@CertifiablyIngame but if he's regular Starfleet Intelligence is he not then apart of Starfleet?
I supposed he could be something like the Assistant Director of Federation Intelligence or director of clandestine services or some higher ranking member of a branch of the government similar to this that oversees some form of federation security.
It makes me want to know more about the federation and how it is organised!
I'd love a Star Trek Political Drama. It wouldn't need to be crazy like House of Cards or anything but something fun and informative 😁
Excellent review Ric. I'm glad that the B-team still gets scenes. It's like Discovery has one of the largest recurring casts to rival DS9 I'm sure that contractually, they can only have so many lines and scenes, yadda yadda, but it was nice how Owo and Detmer did have key scenes in season 4 and that Rhys and Owo were on the away team this team. I noticed that Linus (who I'm a fan of) was at the Spore Ops station instead of Science so I wonder if Nilsson and Bryce are both gone this season with random extras filling in who won't get much explanation.
I disagree. Remember Sloan of Section 31 was willing to sacrifice ANYONE in order to protect the mission! In the 32nd century Section 31 has not changed! If it is deemed necessary…the mission comes first…all other considerations second. It’s all but expected and makes sense here.
I REALLY hope Section 31 isn't STILL around in the 32nd century. I love DS9, but I'll never forgive them for introducing that. As far as I'm concerned, they were shut down in the 25th century just like in the Coda timeline.
@@dupersuper1938 Um…I hate to break it to you, but the man in the glasses wearing all black IS Section 31. It’s pretty much stated in Season 3.
@@matthewsalazar3575 Citation needed.
@@dupersuper1938It's obvious he is section 31 or whatever they evolved into.
He is not going to introduce himself as that cause section 31 is supposed to be a secret
@@dupersuper1938 It would seem that S31 gets "shut down" every couple of centuries, then like black mould comes creeping back out from behind the wallpaper the Federation put up over it. Post-Burn, with the collapse of the Federation down to a total of six worlds, I can see it re-emerging with vigor.
Two good episodes to get S5 started. Hope it gets better from here!
32nd century tech is amazing--it can turn a pair of starships into shovels.
Yeah: the seemingly low power of shields and weapons, along with shuttles and scanners still being unable to handle random magnetic fields, really makes 32nd century tech far more underwhelming than I'd like.
@@dupersuper1938 "Low power"? Do you have any concept of how much energy it would take to stop a landslide dead in its tracks??
Yayyyyyy! Love your reviews!
Everytime L'ak talks, I keep thinking to myself, "yup, that's Adam Jensen".
I kept thinking Pedro Pascal
The actor also played a prisoner, alongside Burnam, in the first episodes of the series. He was also in the Expanse.
I don't think it's an outright shelving of the spore drive, more a "this is not practical as a default ftl drive for every ship" decision. Because the whole specialized navigator thing is a big issue, especially for an organization that's known for the sheer amount and extent of safety backups like the federation.
Also, 32-century Starfleet has a far more limited budget - they're still talking worlds into rejoining the Federation since repairing the Burn damage. They can afford to pursue _either_ the new version of warp (Pathway, I think? Don't recall for certain) _or_ a version of the spore drive that still requires a genetically-modified operator (since there aren't a lot of Kwijians left after season 4), but not both.
I like this story. Another Prognitor Chase.
Funny that the scientist choose to make finding the stuff a Progenitor Scavenger hunt all over again. Like he loved the last time they did it!
Overall the theme thus far has been "a trip down memory lane":
- Booker is back
- Bookers past will matter
- they are going for something old (chasing the Chase)
- lots of lore refences
- revisiting Booker and Burnham
- getting Tilly back
- now going to Trill and Gray
- a Original Soogn Type Anderoid, 800 years old
Some thoughts on specific topics:
- Regarding Spore drive: One problem with the Spore Drive is that it you need a naviator. Without gene modding. Kweijan was the one hope for that, and it got destroyed by the DMA. And the Federation doesn't want to spend big money on it anymore, with uncertain payoff and all the current expenses. If he happens to stumble over a solution, things might be different
But I think a bigger one here is security/proliferation. Anyone that has this drive, can drop a invasion fleet on top of any planet without as much as a warp signature as warning.
Another angle is that the Federation just got a Dilithium source giving it a massive strategic and diplomatic advantage. The last thing they want is hand the Breen, Tholians or Orions a drive that sidesteps Dilithium entirely.
- About away missions: TOS captains _always_ go on away missions. That is their "style". Just try keeping Kirk in his chair. And they are still a TOS crew. "They were quicker to draw phasers, and slower to invoke the prime directive." - Janeway.
Picard was a "stay in the chair" captain. And most other modern captains probably are too. If anything, the crew seems to be acclimating to 32nd century style
- Rainer is a very "TOS style" captain/XO. I was _so_ hoping Burnham would get a "now I know how it feels" moment when he runs off without talking. She already got one. Likely he will provide more.
- I am also not quite sure what "dangerous technology" will be at the end of this Journey. I would think that anything the progenitors can do regarding life, Starfleet could do with a suspension of the prime directive and 100 years. Their work requires no technology they don't have by the 32nd century.
My best guess is a remote deployment technology. Maybe that device Mirror Kirk had in his quarters is based of Progenitor tech? But the progenitors had centuries for the work, no reason to rush anything.
i been watching you video for the last couple of days and holy i love you stuff and i love you explaining stuff keep it up im keen to see more videos
I did feel like the tone was kind of all over the place... Michael was screaming "wooo" in one scene, acting like a logical Vulcan in another, and then having deep emotional conversations in the next. Some range is fine, of course, but it really felt like some of these scenes were just written by entirely different people.
And everyone thought it was gonna be Iconians lol
That chase scene in the desert just seemed unnecessary. And the initial secrecy of the red directive.
Admiral Vance, to me at least, seems to be the least morally dubious Admiral we've met.
He isn't using any underhanded tactics to force a Captain to uptake a mission without prior information, that's mostly Kovich.
In season 4 he chose to stay in Federation HQ despite the certainty of death.
In season 3 he chose to try broker with the emerald chain to save his family. Sure that is a 'not dedicated enough to starfleet to deserve the position of Admiral' kind of move but still, he didn't just outright condemn his family to death.
Sure at the start he was being all 'law and order' towards the discovery crew because their stories about their arrival in this era didn't match with starfleet records but that's because he didn't trust them.
I mean who would? Turn up in an old ass ship claiming to have needed to travel to the future to prevent the end of all life because of an angry computer and I think almost everyone is going to give you a funny look.
I dunno... I just kinda like him because he doesn't always feel like a stuffy government official purely there to be higher in the chain of command than a Captain, and usually, butting heads with said Captains. (I swear it was a trope that Captains in the old shows were ordered to do questionable things by Admirals, sometimes without being told why, and then they would find every reason possible to not have to do as they're told.)
I suppose the only downfall of Admiral Vance being a mostly stand up guy who agrees with the discovery crews actions most of the time is that there are no interesting internal conflicts because everyones happy with the actions of everyone else.
But don't worry, they just had to have Kovich fill that role, but instead of being an Admiral hes... according to memory alpha hes a doctor... but also a psychological analyst of some kind... some kind of AI nutcase... and in my opinion hes in some kind of pseudo section 31 except hes basically just a guy that gets to say 'you don't need to know that' all the time.
I didn't catch whether the entire existence of the Progenitors was classified or something more narrow, like this one romulan scientist. A complete classification would explain why they were never followed up on after The Chase.
I wonder if the same type of Romulans also reached out to Vulcans back in the day which led them to become Ni'var. Maybe those who tired of the Tal Shiar, and knew of the Quat Milat Sisterhood.
I smell Genesis device throw back to the Wrath of Khan
Im consigned to the shoot em up nature of discovery. This season so far has my interest. I really think discovery should have started in the future in the first place.
food for thought: moll + lak = moloch.
" in the modern era, "Moloch" has been figuratively used in reference to a power which demands a dire sacrifice"
Thanks for the update. Will see now plus waiting for your star Trek online episode it's been too long😊
The thing that irks me the most is 'Heist Talk" where the character makes some reference to some past event that happened off screen, that ties into current events. Usually involving some creative poly or event that the main characters previously did that we don't know.
Burnham and Booker talk this way a lot in their dialogues.
That's only natural though. In the context of screenwriting, the idea is to emphasize that they've experienced a lot of things together without having to spend a whole season on showing those events (which they don't have the budget for).
Would be a nice spinoff though, a Star Trek series with no Starfleet, just the two adventuring through the galaxy as smugglers. However, that doesn't fit at all into the typical style of Star Trek, so it most likely won't happen.
Just a line from Moll, or from what's his name secret ops guy about Moll and L'ak, that they don't deal with the Feds or something would have ironed out literally my only real issues with these episodes enough that I don't think I would have been annoyed at all.
I wonder if Amazon keeps track of where and how many times we fast forward through discovery scenes.
And does anyone else feel like Trek has already been here with the Genesis device from the movie?
I’m calling it here now: they aren’t going to find Progenitor tech at the end of this rainbow, they’re going to find Progenitors.
I definitely do want to get more on Moll and L’ak’s motivations here. What do they think they’re after? Why do they want it? I hope we learn that soon, and not in episode 12.
I also really like what’s going on with Rayner. To me, he feels a lot like Season 1 Burnham if she’d continued on her initial trajectory as Georgiou’s XO. He shares her “I know what’s right and I’m gonna do it, damn the consequences and fuck your feelings” attitude, so I hope they can both learn from this look in the mirror.
That said, 31st Century Starfleet should probably be too small for them to be able to afford benching a still-viable starship captain.
So far, so good. I just hope this doesn't degenerate into yet another "the fate of the entire galaxy is at stake" storyline.
Admiral Vance does seem to be the single most competent Admiral in Federation history
Hey your shuttlebay door for Discovery is closed too just like what Trekyards just covered lmao.
1:40 I believe that, for all the faults there are in Discovery’s writing - and there are indeed some, I won’t hide that - The writers have been crucially aware, as much as possible, since the beginning of season 3, that 32nd century tech is much less limited, and so they have to write around the fact that such advanced tech can solve most problems. They instead have to write characters into situations which allow them to show off the 32nd century tech which Starfleet of this era often takes for granted. But they always try to present challenges for the characters which even the most sophisticated starships and away teams would struggle with. Notice, for example, the turning points in every tense moment, of seasons 3, 4, and 5 so far, have nearly all come down to our heroes being able to do something, but knowing that if they do it then they’ll risk causing a lot more problems, or it will come with some heavy price. It’s very Star Trek, but conversely I think what the commanding officer of the hero ship at the time always has to weigh up and consider, has changed in nearly every series -
Enterprise: Archer / Trip / T’Pol must consider the interests / safety of Earth, or the ship
TOS: Kirk / Spock considers the meaning of whatever challenges / threatens the Enterprise or its crew.
TNG: Picard / Riker considers the principle of doing their duty, versus doing what is right and just.
DS9 seasons 1&2: Sisko must consider the needs of Bajor, the Federation, or a lasting peace in that sector of space, or whether good relations with new species from the Gamma Quadrant are worth whatever’s at stake.
DS9 seasons 3-7: Sisko must consider the needs of Bajor, peace in that sector of space, and what price he’s willing to pay in order to prevent the Dominion from conquering the Alpha Quadrant - or, in the end, Pah’Wraits conquering Bajor / the Celestial Temple.
VOY: Janeway / Chakotay / Tuvok must decide how far they’re willing to go, to keep Voyager and its crew safe, and get them home.
SNW: Pike considers the choices between duty and justice, whilst also facing ubiquitous reflection on how he felt about space exploration before he went to Talos IV, then learned of his inevitable fate, then returned to active duty only to find that Spock and galactic peace both depend on him meeting that fate, oh, AND the Gorn want to conquer, massacre, and chest-burst whole swathes of Federation space - Honestly, Chris, I don’t know how you cope!!! 😵💫
LD: Every main character considers the principle of doing their duty, versus doing what is right and just. But Mariner is always unhinged about it, Boimler is always fractious about it, and humorous consequences inevitably ensue.
DISCO: Often this is the burden for Burnham and not always their CO, although that does tend to align well. But they, or the entire ship’s crew, inevitably have to weigh any other priority against the importance of their mission. Keep in mind also, Discovery’s mission has not always been Starfleet’s mission.
The first episodes of S5 were actually kind of fun.
I'm betting the 'Red Directive' was the result of either q part of Section 31 back then (or now if they are still around) or made active during the Temporal Cold War and Starfleet adopted it after for any 'End of the Galaxy' senario.
Interesting you mention Iconians but completely overlook the Iconian symbol at 2:24 in the notebook that later gets replicated for the parts to fit to...
It seems counterintuitive, but I kinda like that the villains so far are just space Bonnie and Clyde; no evil warlord with a grudge against the Federation, no dark secret cabal of Badmirals seeking power, no call back to events of the 24th-25th century. Just two crazy kids in love, trying to make the big score.
Slight chance that someone will do a heel-turn later in the season, but so far everything seems pretty straight forward.
This does seem set up for Book to join them as a double agent at some point down the line, doesn’t it?
@@pjlusk7774 , yeah. Like she'll use the "Cleveland Booker the IVth" connection to get him to back off, which would suck as a character because we just saw "Book's family connections turn him against Michael."
I think L'ak's Identity is going to turn out to be key. Is he actually a Progenitor? Maybe a subservient race created by them? Hmmmm...
The Booker and Michel breakup thing is not as bad to me as it usually would be. I can see Micheal not contacting him because she doesn't know what to say and I can see him not contacting her because he's not sure where to go. I can see her not sure how to process her feelings and him feeling too much. Unline a lot of these things it makes sense from what we've seen. Now Adeara and Grey, if they break those two up I'll riot.
I'm certain Stamets' legacy will live on when he becomes a teacher at Star Fleet Academy 🤷🏽♀️
I think Progenitors are the Q Continuum, they evolve to become the Q and that’s why they keep an eye on humanoid creatures
I think Kronenberg is going to be the real main villain of this season.
That is my Cassandra prediction for the day.
I thought they moved _DISCO_ into the 32nd century so they could do their own thing without having to worry about canon, but they're still referencing it, and that bothers me. Especially combined with the 'do anything, go anywhere' technology they have at their disposal, particularly in the hands of a character who can 'do anything.' Any sense of tension is killed anytime these factors appear together. An easy solution would be to separate them, and perhaps shelving the Shroom Zoom could play into that, but only fi travel time actually ends up mattering, and it's for a purpose greater than preserving a sense that this is a race to a finish line. But if, at the end of all this, it's just aping _The Chase_ from _TNG_ , then I'm going to ask 'what was the point of doing this again?' Especially for the show's final season. I can't help feeling that any time _DISCO_ could have done something unique to set it apart from the other series in the franchise, they've managed to cock it up, and quite badly. That's how it sounds, anyway. I couldn't sit through all of season 1 to want to watch any further. I love _Star Trek_ , so I often end up feeling that _STO_ did many of these retreat plotlines, and original ones, much better than Kurtzman and his crew.
Well said
So much better than seasons 3 & 4 so far!
When's the next ST:online review?
Now i'm just wondering what they will find at the end of the chase. It seems to me, that the progenitors did the same as the engineers from the Alien series. Yes, they looked a bit different, but maybe the lady was only working for PR? Will they find a xenomorph infested world at the end?
Also this woman, Moll, reminds me to Shin Hati from the Ahsoka series.
I've been saying since S5's concept was leaked that it will be a treasure hunt where the goal is some galaxy-ending threat that only diverse female space jesus can be trusted to secure for the prosperity of all.
Given that so far we've got the Progenitors (a shallow attempt to connect this series into proper Trek) and that the gimmick of this season feeds directly into her "character" backrground, I have yet to see evidence that I'm wrong.
I'm glad of Romulan culture being represented, I've always loved the reflection of the Roman empire within it, but does the Romulan false door thing bother anyone else? Like on a visceral almost primal level?
It makes perfect sense to me. Strangers use the front door. Friends and family are welcome around back. That's something that's not unheard of in human cultures. Add to this the inherent paranoia of the Rihannsu culture, where you only allow the people you trust with deepest sincerity behind you because that leaves you open to attack, and it follows directly.
@@DeaconBlues117 This isn't a front door back door thing though. It's a false door real door thing. If the front door is false and the back door is real then why have a front door at all? As this is described as a cultural thing, then everyone on Romulous knows about it already so what's the point? How often is the typical Romulan going to meet someone or have to guard against someone from outside their culture? All it does is change the layout of the home to face away from the street. It boils down Rihannsu culture to being all about deception and paranoia, cheapening it.
Where Klingon culture was expanded upon and broadened to be more than just warriors and space Vikings/samurai, Romulan culture in this instance is trimmed to being one note and made of a single troupe where the culture that is outwardly secretive must be so paranoid that they have a false front door on their homes.
Wasn't Saru supposed to take command of the Voyager J?
That was one of the career paths open to him as the first episode of this season started. The other was as a diplomat to a group of worlds near each other, which would see him assigned to Starfleet HQ instead.
@@DeaconBlues117 Shame I would have loved a Saru show
Lak is a Breen....
Discovery is far from my favourite Star Trek show, but why in the world are so many compelled to click on the video just to dump on it? If you don't like the show, and certainly if you dislike it enough to not watch the show...please feel free to just skip over reviews and move on to videos pertaining to things you're interested in. If you did watch and have issues with the episode being discussed, fine: voice them and discuss. If you're all "that's not real Star Trek" or "new Trek shows aren't canon"...please just skip. Especially regular viewers of this channel who know it goes deep into all kinds of Trek lore...how can they be surprised by reviews of the latest Star Trek episodes coming up? The internet continues to just bring out the worst in us all. The worst kind of whiney, gatekeeping, entitled nonsense. Seriously, I don't even like Discovery all that much, and I'm just pleading for perspective.
All that being said: I did rather like these two episodes. Any major issues I had were issues largely inherited from previous seasons.
Most of the issues I had from Discovery stem from season one as well. Since then it's made the occasional misstep, usually near a season's end, but been improving overall I think.
(Also, don't dissuade the haters from commenting, the secret is that they feed the algorithm either way ;) hehe)
this is a very whiny comment
I'd like to see Fred repaired.
Can they even get the parts any more? Would it be like trying to repair an 1888 Benz Patent Motorcar in 2024?
Hope you're doing good Rick
Panspermia... of what you get when you do cooking very wrong.
Balls to the wall prediction: They're going to HALO us... It's going to be Indian Jones for 2/3 of the season then 'Oh God!! If bad guy gets there first, they'll be able to CTRL+Z humanoids through the mycelium network!'
Yeah I've been saying something similar since the season concept was leaked. And that diverse female space jesus will be this garbage's version of the Master Chief.
I dont think startrek has anything left from a federation point of view. Maybe they should start something from one of the other races point of view.
The actress who plays Michael Burnam plays her character so bad it makes me think that she owes me reparations for her having been hired because of the color of her skin instead of her ability to act. The entire show is horrible beyond comprehension and I truly hope that STD explodes with all on board their ship and is erased from the timeline completely as the series finale. That would make at least one episode worth watching.
two starships crushing into the ground to stop a avalanche...hilarious but not trek-sry, but that would fit in a fast n furious universe better.
It's good this is the last season. Didn't even need it but ok!
Really like the direction and tying it into ST:TNG. Hope they do some throw back videos to that era in the name of "research".
These two episodes felt very Star Trek: Online to me in a good way.I just really wish that incredibly stupid "The Burn" narrative would just be dropped. It's insulting to Star Trek fans beyond the casual viewer.
No, in fact it isn't. When you have a crystalline structure that exists partially in subspace, and when (as exhibited by the shapes of spacecraft) subspace has some form of "aether" that causes resistance to craft traversing it, then it follows that under the proper circumstances it may be possible to produce a resonance in that aether that fractures the subspace portion of any crystals currently conducting power from the normal-space portion. That would result in any drive that utilized dilithium as a mediator - which is to say, all warp-style drives - exploding.
@@DeaconBlues117 Yes.
Then you factor in the mutant Kelpian being responsible for the Burn due to a temper tantrum and you lose all respect for the writers for coming up with the concept because that's stupid. There have been people living on worlds rich in Dilithium for hundreds of years, and a lot of those people have families, which means children, which often means temper tantrums. The Burn only happened once.
It's poor writing. Now, if they'd decided to make the Burn a result of tampering with Dilithium for malicious (or not) purposes, that would be worth exploring. But they didn't, which is why so many people hate the execution.
Stamets and Culber and Saru are the only three that really feel like “Star Trek”
They nailed their characters and understood the characters.
You're kidding right? The unhinged engineer that had (briefly) a personal vendetta against his own captain for making the correct decision to space the only guy the Emerald Chain knew (at that moment) could operate the mushroom drive after they'd hijacked the ship. THAT feels like a Trek character to you?
@@MrMikellsof88 I said the character, not the plot. Take about 20% off there, it’s just a dumb show.
_every_ season is "a chase" to stop a galantic ending thing...
on the rayner/tilly/adira scene- i just want to point out that tilly was time displaced and had to learn modern technologies that are 930 years more advanced her own and that kinda puts your first come knowledge that you reach for in a certain order. on top of that her friends were in danger, that kinda scrambles your ability to logic and ability to reason. brain farts happen but it's a testament to their training that they reflexively can think at all. brain is a muscle, and its incredible that they could brain at all as a reflex.
for adira, she's a junior officer, so it stands to reason that she would've followed tilly's lead in scientific speculation. besides which, she's a modern gal and even we have trouble speculating on how our ancestors managed some engineering feats. i know a lot of it was due to racism, but man, the ingenuity of people is astounding at times.
rayner just conveniently nudged them in the right direction faster. i'm sure they would've figured it out without him eventually, he just got the ball rolling.
I thought this show got cancelled with Season 4.
Toxic Trek fans caused the demise of ST Enterprise and then years later declare that they supposedly loved it all along. But now, the toxicity has escalated to the level of homophobia and racism that is anathema to the themes of tolerance and IDIC that is at the core of Trek.
Enterprise absolutely dropped the ball, but it’s still just an objectively better show than Discovery, even if neither are good Trek. If the LGBT representation wasn’t as ham fisted as the rest of the writing and characterization it wouldn’t be a complaint. I don’t see any signs of racism in the complaints. Michael Burnham is just flat out obnoxious although no one is as obnoxious as the white whale Tilly. There’s no redeeming qualities to this show, IMO. I appreciate Rick’s efforts so that’s why I’m here, but Discovery is a dumpster fire through and through.
I’d rather watch breakdowns of this show than the show itself.
I'd prefer most other STD's to this one...
I hope burnumm just an admirals job or we see vance died for a great sacrifice. But the disco lives on in the short there was
im sure dozens of people will like this season! 👍
I'm sure there won't be any anti-woke crybabies in the comments.
I think you're overly optimistic. I truly hope there isn't that many folks longing for more crying on the bridge.
@@jolan_tru you mean fans with standards?
Yes I am sure all 42 people paid to watch will be fand😂
I like discovery. Im sorry it's ending
The season is young, plenty is still to happen. But I HOPE that all the most leftarded characters die in a flaming black hole before it's over. Discovery has had its good moments, always to be spoiled by the social-political agenda of the showrunners. I ended up actually LIKING the rebooted Klingons, because at least they know what they stand for and it's not leftist bullshit.
First 🥇
Discovery I an absolute joke and a black eye to the Star Trek Gene Roddenberry created. It's simply a woke shell of what it could have been.
Algorithm comment
A truly awful series the sooner it ends the better.
fred was super annoying and like literally out of nowhere lol
I consider star trek discovery to be nonexistent.
If that were true, then you would have ignored this video instead of coming in to comment.
@@posindustriesi stopped watching mid 3rd season.. just didn’t like it.. But I’m here commenting..
People like you is the reason star trek is declining. Or ending. Just watch it
@@christopherwilson7092 Why would we watch this garbage? The decline is because of bad writers, not us.
@@christopherwilson7092people still watching it are the reason it's horrible. I'm ecstatic that enough of us quit watching this garbage to get it canceled. If Discovery is what the future of star trek was to be then I'm fine with it dying. There's a lot of real trek over the years to pass on to younger generations. Maybe one of them will be the one to revive it properly one day.
I support Certifiably Ingame not STD. I clicked on this video before seeing the content….. I will see myself out and be more careful in the future.
God I wish we could see the actual numbers behind these shows. I want to know how many people are still willingly watching this drek
The moment Tilly announced she was a lesbian she gained 30lbs. Coincidence?
I have yet to see any review call out burnham on her massive screw up on letting the bad guys get away because of her ego.
"Her ego"? They got away the first time because, as she correctly pointed out, destroying Moll and L'ak's ship would have also destroyed what they were ordered to recover. And in the second encounter, Rayner gave them the idea to fire at that mountainside to cause a massive avalanche, which would have killed that entire city if they'd kept up the pursuit while still not guaranteeing that the pair would even be captured.
@@DeaconBlues117 If she let go instead of waiting and arguing they could have disabled the ship and brought it out of warp. Though its also funny that they forgot how to transport through a warp bubble, like they did in the best of both worlds.
@@crancko1 If she let go, the tractor beam would have destroyed the ship. If Rayner hadn't panicked about them getting away and just let her get on with what she was doing, however, Burnham would have been able to disable the warp drive by cutting through the ship's hull - a process she was well into before Rayner showed up. The problem here was Rayner's hotheadedness, not Burnham's lack of self-preservation. (That's one reason she wanted Rayner as her XO - he's a lot like she used to be.)
@@DeaconBlues117 Perhaps you should watch the scene a few more times. Her actions were causing the damage along the tractor beam did not help ( not sure why) If she was smart she would have stopped immediately gotten beamed aboard and they would have had it. Though because of burnhams lack of professionalism and lack of forward thinking ( funny how she is even a captain at this point) caused the issue.
STD still exists? Huh.
There has been no genuine or legitimate Star Trek produced after Enterprise ended.
And that is blatantly and simply not true :)
Your opinion doesn’t decide what is “genuine”
Obviously not true
I have plenty of issues with new Trek. Much of Discovery is a mess (especially early on) and the first two seasons of Picard were absolute garbage. That being said: get over yourself. Trek survived Dear Doctor, Threshold, Code of Honor, Profit & Lace, Insurrection, Nemesis, the end of Author Author, Spirit Folk...it can survive the weaker new stuff as well. Strange New Worlds and Prodigy are excellent, Short Treks wasn't bad, Lower Decks can be fun, Beyond was good...
The likely issue is just that you watched the older Trek in your youth.
Its discovery. I find so much of it disgusting i end fast forwarding thru the interpersonal scenes.
Its like a the writers are a group of cardassians.
Look, if you want to watch Star Wars just go watch Star Wars. It's on.
What a pile of crap those two episodes were.