Tennessee Walking Horse Abuse


Комментарии • 518

  • @canyoubelieveit92
    @canyoubelieveit92 10 лет назад +340

    Honestly, I'd love to see people burn in acid for doing this to horses. This is beyond sick. I cannot believe the depths to which humanity has sunk.

    • @gingerbreyers13
      @gingerbreyers13 9 лет назад +33

      actually lets do what they did to the horses legs to their legs then ride them and make them walk the big lick

    • @margaretbrown5836
      @margaretbrown5836 7 лет назад +7

      canyoubelieveit92 I agree. I love horses.

    • @chloewinchell5241
      @chloewinchell5241 7 лет назад +11

      Anybody who could support the big lick deserves to go to hell and be tortured just like theses poor horses have been

    • @eoslove2022
      @eoslove2022 6 лет назад +6

      I totally agree

    • @jewelsluv67
      @jewelsluv67 6 лет назад +11

      Ariana ShadowRider
      ...If only ... do as too other's I believe in that !! Makes me sick how people can be so cruel to animals let a lone beautiful creatures like Horses WTF ?/ They will be judged one day when they stand before the Lord and they have to explain why they did such cruelty to Gods creatures!

  • @plushpossum
    @plushpossum 4 года назад +45

    There is NOTHING natural about that ridiculous "BIG LICK" gait. My husband and I have TWHs (we trail ride ONLY!) and they have the most beautiful, NATURAL, comfortable gaits anyone could want. We can ride all day long and be comfy. And when we turn our horses out after the ride (and cleaning them up and feeding them!!!) they are happy and healthy! They are part of our family! They are our friends! BTW, 3 are 20+ years old and still taking us riding and looking and feeling great! TWHs are a WONDERFUL breed! It's a crying shame that they are only noted for this despicable practice. :'( It's all about the money.

    • @lisacross6747
      @lisacross6747 Год назад +3

      This is despicable!! Why can't this be stopped?! I have a beautiful naturally gaited mare and the "big lick" is one of the most unnatural things I've ever seen Takes a heartless and cruel person to treat a horse that way!!

    • @adrianashilling2573
      @adrianashilling2573 Год назад +2

      They are lovely horses that don’t need all this crap and abuse.

  • @deniserippee6741
    @deniserippee6741 8 лет назад +42

    Only a year in jail for this??? How can anyone cause such pain and torment to these beautiful horses, I am brought to tears with listening to this.. then stress colic these poor babies. what is wrong with our system that this is allowed. I believe these people will get what they deserve when they die.

  • @bekkirsn8589
    @bekkirsn8589 10 лет назад +70

    I only pray this guys eyes, and heart have be opened and changed from all the suffering he personally inflicted.

    • @ronseamons1809
      @ronseamons1809 Год назад +2

      He did it to save his own azz but I'm glad he did. I trained for years and I saw it firsthand. These horses go through hell. They are useless by age ten. Their feet are destroyed.

  • @christymckee8133
    @christymckee8133 7 лет назад +27

    I used to care for a Tennessee mare. She was abused. Always heard they mess up one time theyre discarded. She never forgot the abuse she endured. Only one person she trusted could catch her. I loved that horse. Best smoothest ride you could ask for. Run em nareback and hold on with your knees.

  • @samanthagrogg235
    @samanthagrogg235 10 лет назад +50

    Bringing awareness to the public on this issue is one of the most important steps to helping the Tennessee Walking Horse breed.

    • @feywinter387
      @feywinter387 2 года назад +1

      thankyou for being against this horrible sport

  • @cgsansone
    @cgsansone 3 года назад +25

    Having shown these horses and attended numerous horse shows decades ago, I know from first-hand experience, that this is absolute cruelty to these horses--the soring, the chains that irritate the sored areas around the horses ankles and the way that the horses are shod with hooves at steep angles, mounted on stacked leather atop almost draft horse weight shoes. Notice also the inhuman bits in their mouths with super-long shanks to keep their heads up and necks arched. The fabricated gait is anything but natural. Check out the riders. Put them on a real performance horse (a cutter or hunter jumper) and they'd fall flat on their asses with that slacker posture. One good sign from the looks of these videos --spectator attendance is way down from over the years. People are on to this completely unnecessary cruelty.

    • @feywinter387
      @feywinter387 2 года назад

      it is disgusting treatment and pain inflicted on these beautiful animals. they do not have a choice in this and do not deserve this foul treatment. those who agree with soring horses are pure evil and are blinded from the truth. how can those hoes not see the pain in the eyes of their horses?

  • @johnnydtractive
    @johnnydtractive 9 лет назад +176

    FYI, Barney Davis hasn't come forward to expose the cruelty in the TWH industry out of the goodness of his heart. He was found guilty of acts of cruelty--specifically "soring"--served a year in prison, & as part of his conviction was ORDERED BY THE COURT to cooperate in the production of an educational video about "soring" & its pervasiveness.

    • @spiritedkitty
      @spiritedkitty 9 лет назад +38

      johnnydtractive Barney Davis is trying hard not to smile as he talks about how to sore a horse. You can clearly see it if you are looking for it. In my opinion, he enjoyed soring these horses.

    • @MirandaRights008
      @MirandaRights008 9 лет назад +29

      johnnydtractive Not sure how I got here but god DAMN that is disgusting. 1 flimsy year is not even close to being enough.

    • @oliviaharrington6492
      @oliviaharrington6492 7 лет назад +5

      Spiritedcat Kitties I know right! It's so idiotic of these people. They've got to be dumb not to see that the horses are suffering

    • @looneytunes105
      @looneytunes105 6 лет назад +11

      Who cares why he did it...at least the truth is out.

    • @itsbevinallison
      @itsbevinallison 6 лет назад +6

      johnnydtractive well thank God for that at least. Even if he is a sob.

  • @plottwist1952
    @plottwist1952 10 лет назад +22

    I don't understand why they don't just judge the horses on their NATURAL gait. The big lick TWH's don't impress me, walking like that isn't how TWH's were bred to gait. Just judge the natural gait. Flat shod. No soring. STOP IT.

    • @watchgoose
      @watchgoose 10 лет назад +7

      Go back to when shows first started. The horse that did the most got the most cheers from the crowd and placed better with the judges. Obviously the trainers who must keep their employers happy and keep their families fed have to keep the horses winning. So more and more methods (not bad at first) were used to get that big lick. Blame the JUDGES for placing bigger licks, folks. Blame the CROWD for hollering for that big lick. That's where it STARTED.

    • @horsegirl3191
      @horsegirl3191 5 лет назад +1

      They still do have natural classes in shows. They also have “unnatural” classes in shows. They can’t get in the “unnatural” classes with soaring. The inspectors are very particular too. They won’t let nobody with an abused horse get in that ring at any show.

  • @sarahlipinski3989
    @sarahlipinski3989 Год назад +4

    Another heart breaking thing to say out loud is this video is 10 years old and this is still going on, and this is all for winning a class at a horse show. Come on people, we gotta stop this.

  • @sunray8136
    @sunray8136 3 года назад +27

    Good thing he's talking about this. Hopefully his testimony will change some people's minds on this horrid practice

  • @chichichi998
    @chichichi998 4 года назад +14

    Barney Davis, thank you for some true insight in to the sick, unnecessary industry. Now please gather your soring buddies and go back to jail. For a long time.

  • @susanflowers7425
    @susanflowers7425 6 лет назад +19

    This is so heartbreaking, how I wish this would truly come to light and shame these IDIOTS into stopping this abuse. Thank you for speaking out. Of course I wish you would not have closed your eyes to it from the beginning. But thank God you finally stood up for what is right.

  • @crowleysridgegirl
    @crowleysridgegirl 8 лет назад +47

    " you're around it so much,you don't really think about what it's doing to the animal."Wow- what a real horseman there

    • @equine2020
      @equine2020 Год назад +1

      Yea, he's a fool. A true lover of horses would see thd pain. They'd know the horse was hurting.
      If my horse gets a hiccup I worry. Maybe even call the vet. My horses well being comes before my comfort, & care.
      These people know, but are money hungary.

  • @kristinawilkerson5897
    @kristinawilkerson5897 9 лет назад +19

    People are amazed and cheering for this act of cruelty i mean come on burning acids and chemicals on to this poor horse and making it walk in all of that pain people these days just piss me off and thank you for your honesty Barney

  • @SHillFowler
    @SHillFowler 8 лет назад +51

    The problem is just getting worse not better. When the powers that be crack down on a given method, the trainers çome up with something new. Sixty years ago, when horses were finished working on the rail and lined up for judging confirmation, the attendants were ALWAYS called to remove the boots for inspection. it was not unusual to find tacks barbed wire etc in the boots and bloody feet. At that point the horse was dismissed for the balance of the show. I knew a good number of carriers who flat out would not work on a TWH unless it was a well cared for pleasure horse. I don't see this being cleaned up. It's all about money and in Kentucky and Tennessee you are talking about big money. Fines are just another operating expense. There's plenty of money to spread around. If the Humane Society banned the Big Lick and enforced it, you would see healthier horses. I ramble.

    • @missjennifer5593
      @missjennifer5593 8 лет назад +12

      As someone who had worked in the marketing arena, I say go after the sponsors. And push for public interest of the flat shod TWH horse shows. Beat 'em at their own game...
      I abhor the abuse of these poor horses. So sad that such a gentle and good-natured breed has been so utterly victimized.
      Barring the PAST Act, the only way is to pull sponsorship and redirect the cash flow toward the flat shod events, as well as, public interest. If people stop attending the "Big Lick" events and sponsors pull out. what will be left to motivate the greedy perpetrators?
      Sad that the good old boys are alive and well. But, not for long...

    • @damonsmith1976
      @damonsmith1976 6 лет назад +2

      You must be stupid if you expect me to believe that farriers came out and removed the packages from these horses after their class and then put them back on. That’s a lengthy process even for a normal every day shoe, let alone a show package. Also, you really must be stupid because the humane society has exactly ZERO authority to ban anything.

    • @huperthepooperscooper5617
      @huperthepooperscooper5617 5 лет назад +1

      i think the same my dad just save a TWH and i had to help i saw it soreing i know that that horse needed my help i cant just watch a horse suffer.

  • @WachdByBigBrother
    @WachdByBigBrother 11 лет назад +26

    He reminds me of videos I've seen of serial killers being interviewed, describing a crime, in a mono tone without any emotion. Creepy.

  • @marshabeck9972
    @marshabeck9972 10 лет назад +44

    It is so sad that this is entertainment to people. If people did not enjoy seeing these horses, owners would have no choice but to stop the abuse. What is wrong with the natural look?

  • @SailorGal7353
    @SailorGal7353 9 лет назад +20

    I would love to see the punishment for this to be the soring of any trainer caught doing it. If the owner of the horse was aware of it, they will also be sored. Until the punishment fits the crime, they will continue to sore horses. They will just get more clever in hiding it

    • @slashclaw8781
      @slashclaw8781 3 года назад +1

      Use dark magic on the abusers, punishing spell for them to feel the pain the horse feels

    • @stephaniepanis8669
      @stephaniepanis8669 2 года назад

      Shall we all go to a show with chains and sore the owners and riders and chain upsidedown in the woods until ...

  • @sadsonny
    @sadsonny 8 лет назад +71

    If the People who are watching this Tennessee walking shows, know About the torture of this poor. Poor horses, they are as guilty as the "trainers"
    And i really hope that all animal abusers , who torture and hurt animals, Some day Will pay the price, in Hell

    • @alsosusieq2susan142
      @alsosusieq2susan142 8 лет назад +8

      I agree, make these classes banned. I don't see any other way around this.

    • @christymckee8133
      @christymckee8133 7 лет назад

      sadsonny I dont know how they wouldnt know. Ive known for years.

    • @kidinthekelp5570
      @kidinthekelp5570 5 лет назад +2

      Whoever watches bad happening and doesn't do anything against it is just as guilty for giving those in charge the okay for it

    • @caterina9093
      @caterina9093 5 лет назад

      Spero molto prima?

    • @slashclaw8781
      @slashclaw8781 3 года назад

      Use dark magic on the abusers, punishing spell for them to feel the pain the horse feels

  • @LemonLadyRecords
    @LemonLadyRecords 5 лет назад +21

    I used to train horses, mostly Arabians, as I decided never to get into gaited horses (Saddlebreds, TWHs, and Hackney Ponies). The abuses of gaited horses, including pads, weights, pulleys (one of the worse devices not mentioned here), soring, unhealthy hoof length, broken tails, tail harnesses, and bad riders bouncing hard on horses' spines, were WELL known, even back in the 60s. I knew and I was a 13yr old girl barely into the show world! After the Arabian market was artificially inflated to millions of dollars in the 80s, and stud fees skyrocketed, the abuses in Arabian shows increased a huge amount and the Park classes (3 gaited "natural" action) started to resemble Saddlebreds. Legal hoof lengths got longer and longer. It was common knowledge that some trainers (the winners) were using weights and chains (soring) and even pulleys to train, taking them off before the show, as they were illegal. Horses can be bred to "float" a trot (the suspended look during an extended trot) and have high action, naturally, which can be a beautiful thing, but people have to tinker with that to win these days (and audiences love the more extreme the better). I knew there was judge bribing and massive politics in Arabian shows, which escalated after the artificial valuations started. It was an open secret. All you had to do was look at the crazy show results to know (NO outsider, like me, ever won anything in an Arab show, yet I won against those same horses/riders in open shows), plus I was told about the bribes by top trainers. One of the top Arabian trainers during this period (he showed "halter" or conformation classes, not riding) went to jail for abuse, cheating, and financial crimes. Many unqualified jerks like this came in as they could easily learn to pose a horse and not have to learn to ride or train a riding horse. One of my horses was beaten and suffered a bad concussion from just such a trainer (who also trained Saddlebreds). I hate that I resorted to using a trainer to promote my young stallion (I couldn't even get a look if I showed my horses, yet won some amazing shows with a well known trainer). I witnessed several beatings and displays of temper by other trainers I used.
    Spectators boycotting shows will do nothing. There are mostly so few of them, although in certain areas there may more, it's not like other sports. Most of the audience are owners or trainers and friends and family watching their own horses, and they have free passes. The money is, or was, in stallion syndication, stud fees and sale prices, not ticket sales for shows. I eventually quit showing in regular Arabian classes and turned to Dressage, as it claimed to be a natural way to ride and train, but the more contact I had with Olympic riders, the more abuses I learned about, which also escalated in the 80s. Pushing horses to do high level tests when too young (finishing a Grand Prix horses at 4-5 yrs instead of 12yrs), competing too often, worldwide travel, whip abuse, lack of proper riding technique or taking the time to learn it, double bridle rules at higher levels (a double bridle, which is both a snaffle bit and a curb bit at once, was required at 4th Level and above), and drugs ("Bute" and steroids are given without regard for anything). I never did figure the double bridle thing out, except that it forced submission and impulsion faster and easier; i.e., a substitute for training.. I finally decided that horses would rather run in a pasture and eat than anything I might have them do; that it was all abuse at one level or another, having this animal slave for me for fun, leisure, and money, and I quit riding entirely by 1995. I have many horse sins to pay for... I now try to respect all creatures and am vegan. But it will never be enough.

    • @siiiiiuu7
      @siiiiiuu7 2 года назад +5

      Super late to this video because I'm just now finding out about the abuses of the equestrian "sport" industry (had zero clue... naive me living in a bubble). Thank you for sharing your experiences and how your perspective transformed. I think many of us go through phases where we might do things that feel wrong deep down inside but we figure, since it's the norm, it must be okay. I'm very inspired by the way you turned things around and chose the right path. I hope you can share your story with as many people as possible because it's quite powerful coming from someone who was actually a part of that world. Bless you 🤍

    • @poppawhoppaoz2480
      @poppawhoppaoz2480 Год назад +1

      thank you so much for taking the time to put all of this in writing… it was really fascinating & enlightening reading … God bless you 🙏

  • @midnightcreme371
    @midnightcreme371 9 лет назад +31

    I ride Tennessee Walking Horses and I do trail riding. My uncle did Walking Horse shows and didnt sore them. He taught them to do it naturally. TEACH THEM not force them.

    • @dekishihope5734
      @dekishihope5734 5 лет назад +8

      Midnight Creme TWH gait naturally. If he had to teach them to gait then they aren’t walking horses

    • @mackenzietodaro5693
      @mackenzietodaro5693 5 лет назад +5

      Dekishi Hope actually it takes both a lot of training and a naturally talented TWH to be able to do the gait exceptionally well by show standards. people didn’t always used to do this, but then trainers started taking shortcuts and now basically every high profile trainer uses soring

    • @r.b.8806
      @r.b.8806 3 года назад +1

      Wieso muss ein Pferd überhaupt so spastisch laufen? Was soll der Müll????? KEIN Pferd dieser Welt läuft von sich aus so!!!! Ebenso wie kein Pferd der Welt freiwillig springt. Es ist ein Fluchttier!!! Und der Mensch nötigt es für sein Interesse! Aber wehe ein Arbeitnehmer muss unbezahlt Überstunden machen. Uuuuuh...schnell zur Gewerkschaft! Der Mensch selbst hat für sich alles geregelt, damit er jaaaaa nichts machen muss, was er nicht will oder ihn nötigt, aber die Tiere können leiden wie sich das ein Mensch nicht ausmalen möchte. Die Menschen sind einfach widerlich!

    • @zoe-ci3xv
      @zoe-ci3xv 3 года назад

      @Isabella Funk just so you know, horses have TK be taught to be ridden, taught to lunge, taught to do LOTS of things. So....

    • @tennesseegirl5539
      @tennesseegirl5539 3 года назад +1

      @Isabella Funk jumping horses is abuse too. So you should really judge.....

  • @timdivine
    @timdivine 9 лет назад +78

    This sport needs to be banned period just like slavery..smh

  • @kaylasam3190
    @kaylasam3190 8 лет назад +78

    Hey, good for him for coming out from the shadows and shedding light on this terrible industry. This took a lot of courage.

    • @liv1664
      @liv1664 7 лет назад +21

      He didn't. He was found guilty for animal cruelty (soring) and was imprisoned for 1 year and was ordered to make an educational video about this.

    • @gabrielf1911
      @gabrielf1911 7 лет назад +4

      Olivia he pleaded guilty and didn't deny it. I doubt he was forced to make a video about it since he served time in prison for it. It's possible but unlikely.

    • @becauseican5511
      @becauseican5511 5 лет назад +4

      Kayla Sam he was ordered to do this, this is why he is smiling while he talks about it. He enjoys it.
      You're an idiot. You obviously have no idea how to read people. You're clearly someone fooled easily.

    • @Raych666
      @Raych666 5 лет назад +1

      @@gabrielf1911 Actually he WAS ordered to make this though

    • @dekishihope5734
      @dekishihope5734 5 лет назад

      Kayla Sam No, it didn’t. He got exposed for his abused and tried blaming the industry. No one does this anymore

  • @MirandaRights008
    @MirandaRights008 9 лет назад +11

    Thank you for coming forward with this. It takes a bigger (rare too)man to come out and admit their mistakes. As for the owners, I think the much more ARE stupid enough to be unaware of this. The #'s are surely rising if for no other reason videos like this. Is just frightening to know there are meds that can get these drugs out of the horses system. Worst of all given by vets knowing the torture they have endured. If happening w/TWH's you know it's happening in other breeds. Your honesty is greatly appreciated. Sure hope a drug comes out to detect the one used to flush drugs out of system. Hearing this would recommend ANYONE buying a horse of ANY breed show up unexpectedly to be sure of what they are looking at. : (

    • @equine2020
      @equine2020 Год назад

      He was an abuser, he got caught. He didn't come forward, he's only telling about the cruel practice because he did get caught.

  • @jkeene58
    @jkeene58 10 лет назад +29

    I blame this all on the show judges and associations! Yes, the trainers that sore these horses are cruel and the whole idea is such horrible torture to the horses, but if there wasnt prizes and money to be won by these shows, then there wouldnt be people doing this cruelty to these poor animals! Also the spectators are to blame for cheering this on!

    • @lynnwhitehouse1503
      @lynnwhitehouse1503 2 года назад +1

      They are all horrendous people, every single one of them. And vets too. Shame, absolute shame on all of you. All of you

    • @lynnwhitehouse1503
      @lynnwhitehouse1503 2 года назад +1

      Judges also know what's happening too. Rot in hell, all of you😡😈😡👹👹👹👺

  • @tdk9518
    @tdk9518 9 лет назад +40

    It is hard to believe that these people can so casually carry out horse torture.

  • @dianereiser6417
    @dianereiser6417 6 лет назад +14

    Thank you for coming forward and bringing light to animal cruelty.

    • @feywinter387
      @feywinter387 2 года назад

      do you seriously think animal cruelty has any `light` in it? because i think it is awful

    • @dianereiser6417
      @dianereiser6417 2 года назад

      @@feywinter387 the saying bringing light just means awareness. It is horrible how animals get neglected, I rescued two horses.

    • @feywinter387
      @feywinter387 2 года назад

      @@dianereiser6417 ok sorry for the misunderstanding. thanks for not agreeing with animal cruelty.

    • @feywinter387
      @feywinter387 2 года назад

      are your horses cute? i love horses

  • @loreleihebdon6595
    @loreleihebdon6595 4 года назад +12

    It takes a very evil person to inflect this kind of pain! Very very sad!!

    • @equine2020
      @equine2020 Год назад

      Money is god to many. They'd kill their own mother.

  • @kristenmarie6488
    @kristenmarie6488 9 лет назад +1

    This video helped me SOOO much with my school project. Thank you for posting

  • @kathybradbury
    @kathybradbury 2 года назад +3

    Although I appreciate the effort to bring attention to this issue, the interviewer was terribly redundant with their questions, and the way the man answered made it seem a Tennessee walking horse couldn’t do its gait without being sored-which is dead wrong. The interviewer should’ve contrasted the “big lick” exaggerated gait with the natural smooth gait of the horse. The Tennessee walking horse is a NATURALLY “gaited” horse, and can be trained and encouraged to use its distinct gaits without painful devices. A gaited horse will cause the rider to experience less bounciness in the trot, and can maintain its gait for some time without tiring, and can be an extremely comfortable ride.

  • @spiritedkitty
    @spiritedkitty 11 лет назад +6

    Thank you SO MUCH for this information. I just watched a video on youttube where the Humane Society seized 19 horses where the hidden video showed the caustic stuff on their legs and covering it with cling wrap to make the crap hurt the horse even more. Then the heavy chains go on. One man was hitting a cross-tied horse in a stall with what looked like a metal pipe. They are being charged with animal cruelty.

  • @joolz1870
    @joolz1870 10 лет назад +51

    I think that this should be stopped. The TWH has a beautiful natural gait. But humans have turned it into a travesty. I think that showing those animals who have the exaggerated gait should not allowed in the ring. That would put a stop to soring.

    • @yeetfeet1191
      @yeetfeet1191 6 лет назад +2

      Olga Musson-Zepke. You think? It SHOULD be stopped.

    • @kidinthekelp5570
      @kidinthekelp5570 5 лет назад +1

      It MUST be stopped. I hate the over the top gait. It doesn't look beautiful or whatever bs they try to tell people, I just see horses screaming in pain

    • @anonymousjet
      @anonymousjet 5 лет назад +2

      Not only does the soring need to be stopped, but I wish the huge pads and heavy chains would be banned too.

    • @dekishihope5734
      @dekishihope5734 5 лет назад +1

      The inspection process has put an end to Soring. If you want to show you have to play fair just like everyone else

  • @charlotteblondis2434
    @charlotteblondis2434 7 лет назад +2

    this was a very helpful video thanks 4 letin us know what they do to the horses

  • @abba99592
    @abba99592 12 лет назад +3

    I give this man credit only for doing this informative interview. Saying that, the reason he was let out of jail shows the type of rotten world we live in. He never should be allowed out. If he did this to a person and he or she died, the penalty for doing this would have been much more stiff. Also, animal laws are almost never even enforced. WAKE UP PEOPLE, animals are not disposable. They need and deserve love and care, just as much as humans. They are living, breathing beings.

  • @LazyL1953
    @LazyL1953 12 лет назад +3

    The "walk" they are talking about is called the "Big Lick," which you can see on numerous RUclips videos (see the list to the right). They put the horse in so much pain it puts most of its weight on its hind legs (the "deep walk"), and throw their front hooves high into the air to escape the pain. At the same time, there are huge heavy weights and chains on the front feet to get the horse to do it. They are in such pain they often won't stand up without being forced to. It is torture, basically.

  • @saralove9805
    @saralove9805 Год назад +2

    Imagine being someone that loves going outside and running or playing. Then someone decides to torture you so badly that you can't walk or run and they keep doing it over and over. Sometimes they even take you to a stadium full of people that cheer it on and watch the torture. Then it gets so bad that you just give up on everything, you are hurting so badly that you don't even want to eat anymore so you're torturers tale your life because of it.
    This is so sad. It hurts my heart that people can't see animals as creatures deserving of love. People that can torture animals should be put on a watch list

  • @chookfeather
    @chookfeather 4 года назад +5

    I want to vomit..he's so matter of fact about it. No sense or emotion for hurting the horse at all

    • @elainecobb4175
      @elainecobb4175 Год назад

      He should have the same thing done to him.

  • @charlotteblondis2434
    @charlotteblondis2434 7 лет назад +6

    i agree with u. i am raising awareness at my school bout it

  • @milliemcilvaine3031
    @milliemcilvaine3031 4 года назад +7

    This is an atrocious barbaric act to these beautiful creatures. How has this been tolerated for so long. These people need to be sored. How can you not feel any compassion and just sit there and talk like this is nothing.

  • @LeadTheWayFarmsLLC
    @LeadTheWayFarmsLLC 9 лет назад +4

    Its nice to see a trainer speak out about what happens in the horse industry. Cruelty to win is in EVERY breed some place. No, not everyone does it, but there is always something to some extent to win. Showing is very political, so its takes money, knowing people, and cheating to become on top for some associations. I have seen some nice, wonderful moving horses not even come close to placing because they take a rider or horse that's more popular in status. Its quite sad. I worked at a place that used all sorts of drugs. We would bring 2 very large totes of drugs and medical supplies. Things had to be given at the right time so it would not test at the show if they one. I will tell you, I did not last there long cause I could not stand it. I want to show, I want to play the game, but I will play by the rules unlike others.

  • @avery5421
    @avery5421 10 лет назад +10

    At least this guy's honest ...

  • @dcbeare
    @dcbeare 11 лет назад +2

    I'm a Tennessean who grew up riding Quarter Horses. What transpires in the Walking Horse Circuit is disgusting, appalling and shameful to me and our state and I do all I can to expose it.

  • @TheRayMaynard
    @TheRayMaynard 11 лет назад +2

    There is a bill in the US House of Representatives, HR 1518, that will make it a felony to sore a horse. If you feel anything for these beautiful creatures, call your Representative and ask them to support this bill.

  • @Adoptpets833
    @Adoptpets833 2 года назад +1

    I wish a natural horse could enter these competions so spectaters would see the difference between the natural & the abused horses. They'd have to ask why such a difference. Bless you & bless this man for telling the truth.

    • @kimsutherland977
      @kimsutherland977 6 месяцев назад

      Watch Walkin on broken glass Nathanael Jackson. Make sure you have tissues. His wife shows her horse naturally in a big lick class at the end of the video

  • @becauseican5511
    @becauseican5511 5 лет назад +3

    1:05 onward he is smiling as he talks about the abuse. There is no remorse in this guys body language. He does not feel bad about what he did, he only got one year so why should he really? Obviously the system is on his side. That smirk, is a tell tale sign of a guilty person who enjoys what they did.

  • @carolmarks8210
    @carolmarks8210 9 лет назад +8

    I am disgusted by what Barney has done to the horses in his care and he has no remorse but I will give him one thing: he doesn't lie. He still states a Big Lick horse that is using itself is sore.

  • @daniellemarietitland340
    @daniellemarietitland340 11 лет назад +2

    I think many Americans do not know what these trainers are doing to the poor horses.

  • @terrylenore2684
    @terrylenore2684 11 лет назад +2

    I can\t imagine anything like this! Horses are so gentle and so precious and your very best freimd!

  • @Mdequifever
    @Mdequifever 10 лет назад +2

    I used to work at a walker barn before I knew any better. I didn't know anything about TWH being sored to get the "big lick" until then. I immediately quit. The only way to get them to quit is fining the owners, trainers, judges, and vets that participate. Just taking away the pads and chains won't help. The barn I was at sored all of them, even the pleasure horses. It's disgusting! Why keep an animal in pain like that 24/7? Long toes is another pet peeve I can't stand! It's not good or natural.

  • @spiritedkitty
    @spiritedkitty 11 лет назад +2

    The HSUS has just seized 19 TWHs because of horse "soring" in that farm. The people involved will be charged with cruelty to animals. IT IS going public.

  • @Badger705
    @Badger705 Год назад +1

    I had naturally a gaited Walker when I was a kid. He was the smoothest ride and an excellent trail horse. So willing and careful. A sweet natured boy. I just can't understand why anyone who has any sort of compassion at all could be involved in such cruel practice. How is this not illegal? Who all is getting paid off in order to continue with these shows?

  • @WachdByBigBrother
    @WachdByBigBrother 11 лет назад +4

    He reminds me of videos of serial killers describing a crime in a mono tome without any emotion. Creepy.

  • @velvetpaws999
    @velvetpaws999 11 лет назад +3

    It breaks my heart to realize how cruel people are to horses (and other animals) for ego-centric purposes and greed.
    Just looking at photos of some of these walking horses, one can see that their hips are so extremely angled in a down slope that there is no way this could be natural or healthy.
    Shame on Americans for abusing horses! These people have no soul, and no compassion!

  • @sarah.pulles
    @sarah.pulles 9 лет назад +16

    "Well not everyone in the industry does it" okay well you need to get your act together, no amount of suffering is worth it. This sickens me.

    • @dekishihope5734
      @dekishihope5734 5 лет назад

      Coexist3 Did he actually say that? Because I’m not listening to the bullshit he’s saying because it’s completely false. First question he said everyone in the industry does it and that a flatshod horse has to be sored to walk when the walking horse is naturally gaited at birth

  • @SuperHanne84
    @SuperHanne84 11 лет назад +2

    Although this man has been a horrible, horrible human being by abusing horses for so long, I give him all my RESPECT for coming out and exposing the industry! Well done for coming clean, sir!

    • @robbydesana2400
      @robbydesana2400 3 года назад

      There ia nothing clean about him. No person who does this to an innocent animal will ever be clean.

  • @micabolden8336
    @micabolden8336 7 лет назад +3

    im glad you are telling us

  • @elaineluikart5459
    @elaineluikart5459 11 месяцев назад +1

    When I see a horse dragging it's back feet and trying to take it's weight off it's front feet, it's front feet are sore.

  • @windfall331
    @windfall331 3 года назад +2

    What is the payoff for this abuse. THis is 2021 and it is still happening.
    He keeps emphasizing that the only way these horses walk this way is soring-
    how is this training. It is abuse not training.

  • @charlottelewis909
    @charlottelewis909 5 лет назад +1

    Good on him for speaking out on it and opening people's eyes. Shame on America

  • @mermaidsisters5767
    @mermaidsisters5767 2 года назад +1

    We have to stop this I signed up immediately we need to stop this abuse signing up also helps other things like stopping puppy mills

  • @edgecreekstables2906
    @edgecreekstables2906 10 лет назад +11

    Unbelievable!! Why would people do this?! I can't believe it -.-

  • @andthatsondana
    @andthatsondana 8 лет назад +1

    I searched up this when someone said they only supported shoeless TWH. Now I see why. I only support Barefoot Tennessee Walkers that don't show and are only cared for in the best way possible.

  • @spiritedkitty
    @spiritedkitty 11 лет назад +3

    Boo the judges who award the "Big Lick" trainers, owners, and riders. May they all go to jail for felony cruelty.

  • @danielleloren7839
    @danielleloren7839 Год назад +1

    "You have to sore them to get them to walk"?!?!?!? I just hate this. It needs to stop. I don't understand why people do this. Please reach out to everyone at you school, family, town, ect. Thank you.❤

  • @ninak2012
    @ninak2012 11 лет назад +3

    I can absolutely speak for this guy when he says that the vets know about it and give trainers the sedatives (Dormosedan being the one he mentioned. Xylazine is also a commonly used one. I used to work for an equine vet where I actually had to run specials on my own time to deliver drugs to a top hunter/jumper trainer. The trainer kept the vet's wallet fat, so they wanted to do everything they could to make her happy. Some vets a disgrace and have no understanding for what they're doing.

    • @andrejka_sacred_coach
      @andrejka_sacred_coach Год назад

      same goes for how doctors through their human patients under the bus

  • @reneemcghee629
    @reneemcghee629 4 года назад +1

    This makes me sick to my stomach! I am beyond shocked and horrified! This should be outlawed! Should NEVER have been allowed! What kind of people "crowd" find this thrilling to watch in competition? Sick. Just sick!

  • @heatherperry787
    @heatherperry787 11 лет назад +1

    I'm just happy that people that have done it are finally coming out and telling the truth. I mean that's the only way this issue will ever get solved. We need to know the whole process, that's the first step.

  • @pups_ie
    @pups_ie 6 лет назад +1

    How can anyone go to these shows and not suspect anything is wrong with the poor horses?!!!

  • @patstratpicker5889
    @patstratpicker5889 10 лет назад +4

    I don't think this guy is actually smirking or smiling or being a smartass. IMHO, that's just his natural way of talking.Yes,he got caught doing something wrong, and I guess did his time. But I think it seems like he is sorry for what he did-not overly remorseful,I mean he's not shedding any tears or nothing like that. But I think it's a leap of judgement to say he is not a bit sorry.Whether or not he got the punishment he deserved, well I don't know.
    This sounds like it is an awful thing to do to an animal. There is MUCH,MUCH worse abuse that goes on, but this IS horrible, no doubt. God put animals here for man to use and enjoy. But not to make them suffer and be abused at our hands.

  • @lily6216
    @lily6216 5 лет назад +1

    Im An Equestrian. He did something awful. But we have to give him credit for coming out about it, and changing his ways

    • @lynnconnelly1753
      @lynnconnelly1753 3 года назад +2

      He was court ordered, he didn't do it cuz of guilt or out of the goodness of his heart

  • @vanessadovel4324
    @vanessadovel4324 11 лет назад +1

    thx for sharing this video i love tennesee walker they da best out there to me

  • @oganvildevil
    @oganvildevil 11 лет назад +1

    Everyone wants to come down on the walking horse industry, and yes they are the worst, but everything from western pleasure to endurance riding to halter and everything in-between has less to do with skill and performance and more to do with what you're willing to put your horse through. This will never stop until the entire equine industry decides to focus on training, performance, and riding ability, rather than the arbitrary standards we want to apply to Walkers, or Paints, or Halters ect.

  • @dorothybuie2643
    @dorothybuie2643 8 месяцев назад +1

    A walking horse can hit a big lick without storing, I have rode one that did it

  • @suzannesummer
    @suzannesummer 4 года назад +3

    So bloody cruel ....it's all about greed as usual :'(

  • @oliviaharrington6492
    @oliviaharrington6492 7 лет назад +1

    People who do this are idiots and jerks! They have no clue what they are doing to these horses. I wish these people could experience this for themselves. It's annoying and heartbreaking. It needs to be stopped! And for those who truly care and love horses they will feel the same way! We can do something to stop them. Please help me and many others stop this now!

  • @ohbugger18
    @ohbugger18 11 лет назад

    I was curious as to why they lift their legs up so high and their back legs seem to drag behind, completely underneath them. Thank you for the explanation.

  • @johanneslind1024
    @johanneslind1024 10 лет назад +16

    How can People do this to horses? It's just sick:( the horse is Gods most beutiful creation and some People abuse it! They deserve to go to hell!

    • @watchgoose
      @watchgoose 10 лет назад +3

      That's incorrect. Only those who do not accept Jesus as redemption for sin deserve hell. Read your Bible.

    • @childofcascadia
      @childofcascadia 7 лет назад +2

      Oh wow. Just wow. So someone could unrepentantly abuse an animal, but because he accepted Jesus, its completely ok for him to continue doing so? Glad my reality isnt that black and white. But it explains the actions of some of the people ive known who consider themselves Christian.

    • @dekishihope5734
      @dekishihope5734 5 лет назад

      Johannes Lind god doesn’t exist. This abuse doesn’t happen anymore.

  • @silvertreefarm
    @silvertreefarm 11 лет назад

    He is not lying. The big lick, or deep walk, is the horses attempt to shift their weight from their front feet, which hurt terribly, onto their back feet. There is no way to get a horse to do this without a tremendous amount of pain.

  • @TheTreble2clef
    @TheTreble2clef 3 года назад +3

    We are in this world but not of it… This is so disgusting truly I know some of you feel the same way as you’ve stated. Personally, I’m so nauseous and disgusted by humans and their sadistic unconscionable ignorance it astounds me to the point where I just want to get off this planet

  • @nataliebrown808
    @nataliebrown808 11 лет назад

    If the horse has chains does that mean it has been sored? (Sorry for spelling)

  • @nancyweliczko9334
    @nancyweliczko9334 Год назад

    This is sick and cruel why doesn't the government put a stop to this horrible abuse. These people shouldn't even be by any animals, I pray someday this horrible abuse will stop. Tennessee Walkers have a gorgeous natural gait.

  • @pchoofinit1
    @pchoofinit1 12 лет назад +1

    The biggest part of this, is that these a-holes are rewarded for doing this to these poor horses. The judges, show hosts, sponsors, horse owners, and everyone at those shows that cheer on this class of horses, ARE ALL JUST AS GUILTY AS THIS MAN. I'd love to meet just one creepy farrier that does this for a living, I'd love to give the same treatment back at them.

  • @ARasputinaFan
    @ARasputinaFan 9 лет назад +7

    Is this guy high or something? Anyone else see his red eyes? For being such a pro he is unable to speak of the subject quickly and competently. He's just a terrible trainer if he knows no other way to get a horse up to performance standards!

  • @someguynamedmitch6270
    @someguynamedmitch6270 2 года назад

    Ya we got to stop this from happening in the midwest or west areas!!

  • @mrbluenun
    @mrbluenun 11 лет назад +1

    Makes me wonder why these people supposedly caring and loving towards their horses cannot let the horse strut their stuff in a way nature intended, instead of putting acid and chains and other stuff on the feet to cause pain which makes them high step. Put those people in where the horses are living for 6 months and then let them tell you the homes or some of these horses are not uncomfortable.

  • @teloiv1
    @teloiv1 10 лет назад

    Good for you! These things are possible once greed becomes less of a motive. It would be an honor to view a video of your beautiful animals.

  • @genlovell4662
    @genlovell4662 Год назад +1

    The smiling at 4:50. Wow dude.

  • @xSaskun12
    @xSaskun12 12 лет назад +2

    He never said he was a good trainer. He admitted to every single bit of it. He's accepted the fact that he did something stupid. Yes, this man is an idiot for doing this. But not once did he try to cover his ass or lie about it. He's in shame.

  • @eileenmislove1804
    @eileenmislove1804 4 года назад +2

    I keep seeing TWH ex show horses turning up in kill pens. They almost all look terrible. After years of putting all that pressure on their hind ends, their rear ends start to buckle and they adopt this strange sort of paddling motion to try to keep from falling over. Their rear pasterns can also start sink from putting all the stress on them. Does anyone know if this damage can be corrected with time, or do these poor horses end up crippled for life?

  • @tracy53184
    @tracy53184 11 лет назад +1

    I could see the remorse in his eyes when he admitted to soring his horses before showing. I can tell he feels bad by the embarrassment in his eyes.

  • @Wolfwalker71
    @Wolfwalker71 10 лет назад +4

    soreing is just a stupid practice of cruelty. a truly happy horse will HAVE the natural step that most people find desirable in shows. one CAN achieve the appropriate training without hurting an animal. i've been around horses for a long time and know about personalities and such. if you treat them right. they'l do you proud. bar none. i've experienced that myself .

  • @Crystl22
    @Crystl22 6 лет назад +3

    These owners & trainers are the lowest of the low in the horse industry!

    • @nimbusrex
      @nimbusrex 3 года назад

      That’s saying a lot because there are a lot of lowlifes in every part of the horse “industry”.

  • @horserescue667
    @horserescue667 11 лет назад

    my 8 year old tennesee walker has never been sored in his life i have had him all his life so i know and he walks just find and is a great trail horse

  • @HoneysHaven1
    @HoneysHaven1 12 лет назад

    Everyone here is about how they hate this guy. This "guy" is a former trainer who is coming clean and helping to eliminate the abuse.. Yeah he messed up he knows it, he is actually trying now to genuinely help. His statements will help judges and vets recognize the signs and will hopefully catch more of these people.

  • @HalfB
    @HalfB 5 лет назад +1

    My mother is in love with horses and I’d never share this with her as it would break her heart in pieces as it breaks mine but I’ve been a rescue for animals and I’ve seen the abuse up close. This is new to me with horses but Racing dogs has been defended to the hilt tho those practices are abusive and inhumane too. Gradually we as a humanity are checking this and making it known so little by little it will be investigated. Laws are changing for animal treatment. In Ohio we have Goddards Law, abuse, neglect or abandonment is a class A felony with first offenders getting 6-12 months in jail and minimum 2500 fine.,. Its steeper each offense....It’s a start!!!

  • @BigKmaniac
    @BigKmaniac 11 лет назад +2

    I have watched my friends riding and training ... those horses are treated better than i am .... this guy here is making this as part of his sentencing

    • @horsegirl3191
      @horsegirl3191 5 лет назад

      Tony Richards yep I can totally agree with that!

  • @stephanieturbevile4535
    @stephanieturbevile4535 10 лет назад +13

    How the hell can he be smiling

  • @SilverBrumbyMommy
    @SilverBrumbyMommy 9 лет назад

    Where does it say that he was court ordered to do this video? Just curious.

    • @johnnydtractive
      @johnnydtractive 9 лет назад +2

      +Rachel Wells
      it doesn't. do some google tho, the info is readily available. When you see the natural gait on these horses, it's readily apparent they must go to extreme measures to achieve the big lick. And then you see the undercover videos, how casually & methodically they torture these horses. It's sickening.

  • @aimeedrexel2987
    @aimeedrexel2987 3 года назад +1

    The smile he’s trying to hide is SICKENING. Hopefully karma’s got em