FINAL RESPONSE to JustPearlyThings Commenting on Islam

  • Опубликовано: 23 июн 2023
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    In this clip, we respond to JustPearlyThings on her disrespecting Islam.
    #The3Muslims #justpearlythings #Islam #Muslim #God #Allah
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  • @The3Muslims
    @The3Muslims  Год назад +17

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    • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
      @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 Год назад +1

      For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly…
      Age of Consent Laws
      Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons
      America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old.
      More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
      So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it…
      The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.
      "Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California."
      Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II.
      Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof...
      Matthew 1:20
      20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
      Matthew 1:24
      24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."
      Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this?
      Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.

    • @vrildox6401
      @vrildox6401 Год назад

      She defended Slavery.. so we don't want you bit......

    • @1999yasin
      @1999yasin Год назад +1

      It is simply wrong to say that Aisha was six years old when her marriage was performed with Prophet Muhammad in Makkah, and nine years old when she moved in to live with her husband in Madina after Hijra.
      This piece of misinformation has led to the wrong view that child marriage has the sanction of Islam. It must be noted that establishing the authenticity of hadiths, the narrators' circumstances and the conditions at that time have to be correlated with historical facts. There is only one hadith by Hisham which suggests the age of Aisha as being nine when she came to live with her husband.
      Many authentic hadiths also show that Hisham's narration is incompatible with several historical facts about the Prophet's life, on which there is consensus. With reference to scholars such as Umar Ahmed Usmani, Hakim Niaz Ahmed and Habibur Rehman Kandhulvi, I would like to present some arguments in favor of the fact that Aisha was at least 18 years old when her marriage was performed and at least 21 when she moved into the Prophet's house to live with him.
      According to Umar Ahmed Usmani, in Surah Al-Nisa, it is said that the guardian of the orphans should keep testing them, until they reach the age of marriage, before returning their property (Quran 4:6). From this scholars have concluded that the Quran sets a minimum age of marriage which is at least puberty. Since the approval of the girl has a legal standing, she cannot be a minor.
      Hisham bin Urwah is the main narrator of this hadith. His life is divided into two periods: in 131 A.H. the Madani period ended, and the Iraqi period started, when Hisham was 71 years old. Hafiz Zehbi has spoken about Hisham's loss of memory in his later period. His students in Madina, Imam Malik and Imam Abu Hanifah, do not mention this hadith. Imam Malik and the people of Madina criticised him for his Iraqi hadiths.
      All the narrators of this hadith are Iraqis who had heard it from Hisham. Allama Kandhulvi says that the words spoken in connection with Aisha's age were tissa ashara, meaning 19, when Hisham only heard (or remembered), tissa, meaning nine. Maulana Usmani thinks this change was purposely and maliciously made later.
      Historian Ibn Ishaq in his Sirat Rasul Allah has given a list of the people who accepted Islam in the first year of the proclamation of Islam, in which Aisha's name is mentioned as Abu Bakr's "little daughter Aisha". If we accept Hisham's calculations, she was not even born at that time.
      Some time after the death of the Prophet's first wife, Khadija, Khawla suggested to the Prophet that he get married again, to a bikrun, referring to Aisha (Musnad Ahmed). In Arabic bikrun is used for an unmarried girl who has crossed the age of puberty and is of marriageable age. The word cannot be used for a six-year-old girl.
      Some scholars think that Aisha was married off so early because in Arabia girls mature at an early age. But this was not a common custom of the Arabs at that time. According to Rehman Kandhulvi, there is no such case on record either before or after Islam. Neither has this ever been promoted as a Sunnah of the Prophet. The Prophet married off his daughters Fatima at 21 and Ruquiyya at 23. Besides, Abu Bakr, Aisha's father, married off his eldest daughter Asma at the age of 26.
      Aisha narrates that she was present on the battlefield at the Battle of Badar (Muslim). This leads one to conclude that Aisha moved into the Prophet's house in 1 A.H. But a nine-year-old could not have been taken on a rough and risky military mission.
      In 2 A.H, the Prophet refused to take boys of less than 15 years of age to the battle of Uhud. Would he have allowed a 10-year-old girl to accompany him? But Anas reported that he saw Aisha and Umme Sulaim carrying goatskins full of water and serving it to the soldiers (Bukhari). Umme Sulaim and Umme Ammara, the other women present at Uhud, were both strong, mature women whose duties were the lifting of the dead and injured, treating their wounds, carrying water in heavy goatskins, supplying ammunition and even taking up the sword.
      Aisha used the kunniat, the title derived from the name of a child, of Umme Abdullah after her nephew and adopted son. If she was six when her marriage was performed, she would have been only eight years his senior, hardly making him eligible for adoption. Also, a little girl could not have given up on ever having her own child and used an adopted child's name for her kunniat.
      Aisha's nephew Urwah once remarked that he was not surprised about her amazing knowledge of Islamic law, poetry and history because she was the wife of the Prophet and the daughter of Abu Bakr. If she was eight when her father migrated, when did she learn poetry and history from him?
      There is consensus that Aisha was 10 years younger than her elder sister Asma, whose age at the time of the hijrah, or migration to Madina, was about 28. It can be concluded that Aisha was about 18 years old at migration. On her moving to the Prophet's house, she was a young woman at 21. Hisham is the single narrator of the hadith whose authenticity is challenged, for it does not correlate with the many historical facts of the time.

    • @BlackBeard..
      @BlackBeard.. Год назад

      Your "prophet" Moh was a Nasty Pedophile.
      Live with it.

    • @pfcdewsbury
      @pfcdewsbury Год назад +1

      “The attribution of this young age to Aisha should thus be understood as reflecting not chronological or historical accuracy but, rather, a symbolic concern for her virginity, chastity and purity.”

  • @Isko.koz156
    @Isko.koz156 Год назад +74

    Irony of today.
    At the age of 12 u can change your gender but apparently it’s wrong to get married to the best man ever historically.

  • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
    @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 Год назад +137

    For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly…
    Age of Consent Laws
    Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons
    America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old.
    More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
    So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it…
    The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.
    "Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California."
    Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II.
    Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof...
    Matthew 1:20
    20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
    Matthew 1:24
    24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."
    Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this?
    Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.

    • @crafterianinks7219
      @crafterianinks7219 Год назад +6

      Ay not only that there's a scientific study GLUCKMANN AND HANSON,2006 - where they showed at in the agricultural era 2000 years Girls reached menarche and psychological Maturity at 9/10. So that makes them an Adult. And they compared it with modern age of maturity - showed how there's a complete mismatch in today's world between physical and psychological Maturity. This paper is published in The lancet and sciene direct. It is well established that Aisha( may Allah have mercy on her ) started her married life after her sexual maturity ( psychological Maturity comes at the same time as this data shows and contemporary cultures believed) ( tabari).

    • @crafterianinks7219
      @crafterianinks7219 Год назад +2

      1.Mary was 12 years old when betrothed to
      Catholic Encyclopaedia says:
      "When forty years of age, Joseph married a
      woman called Melcha or Escha by
      some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine
      years together and had six
      children, two daughters and four sons, the
      youngest of whom was James (the
      Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his
      wife's death, as the priests
      announced through Judea that they wished to
      find in the tribe of Juda a
      respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve
      to fourteen years of age.
      Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old,
      went up to Jerusalem among
      the candidates; a miracle manifested the
      choice God had made of Joseph,
      and two years later the Annunciation took
      2. Saint Augustine married 10 yr old

    • @crafterianinks7219
      @crafterianinks7219 Год назад +1

      Hindu texts orders them to marry gurls beforepuberty. Where
      Even the Quran accepts their is a age of maturity.
      ( But when the children among you come of
      age, let them (also) ask for permission, as
      do those senior to them (in age): Thus does
      Allah make clear His Signs to you: for Allah
      is full of knowledge and wisdom ).(24:59)
      Test orphans (as regards to their common sense) until they reach the age of marriage; then, if you perceive them to be mature and of sound judgment, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, fearing that they will grow up (and take it from you). And if the guardian is well-off, let him claim no wages (for his guardianship), but if he is poor, let him take a wage that is just and reasonable (according to his work). And when you release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: and Sufficient is God in taking account.”( QURAN 4:5)

    • @crafterianinks7219
      @crafterianinks7219 Год назад

      Yet they selectively chose Islam hiding all the historical/ scientific/ scriptural proofs. These people are devils and you can't expect truth and honesty from them

      @SAEECLIPSE Год назад +1

      Barakallahu feekum

  • @shahid8545
    @shahid8545 Год назад +60

    It's totally OK for them to fool around with boyfriends at 11 and 14yrs, getting accidentally pregnant and having 10 partners before the age of 20 but don't you dare consider marrying a young person. Caring for them, providing for them, giving them their rights and raising strong nuclear families.. no no no no! 😂

    • @cooldude-mi9wz
      @cooldude-mi9wz 10 месяцев назад +1

      i asked a liberal why can minor and minor have sex together and that guy told me *are you sick in the head? because if an adult and minor do it its not the minor that chose because they cant choose and make decesion until they are 18 . so the adult cant manipulate kids and molest them. when minors do it they are exploring each other. dont get the two confused.*

    • @orlitohostosperez9656
      @orlitohostosperez9656 7 месяцев назад

      Irony is that the US 100 years ago had child marriages I mean take a look at old Hollywood for God's sake

  • @mulan2010
    @mulan2010 Год назад +190

    People assume that she was so young and stupid and easy to take advantage of and cast aside like an innocent child. Our mother was front and center in terms of the events and what was going on. She was a nurse and studied medicine. She led a war for god sake. She was a warrior not some child to play with.

    • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
      @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 Год назад +44

      For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly…
      Age of Consent Laws
      Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons
      America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old.
      More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
      So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it…
      The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.
      "Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California."
      Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II.
      Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof...
      Matthew 1:20
      20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
      Matthew 1:24
      24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."
      Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this?
      Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.

    • @osman7240
      @osman7240 Год назад +2

      It is a fabricated hadith.

    • @osman7240
      @osman7240 Год назад +12

      Aisha wasnt 6 when the Prophet PBUH married her.
      This hadith contradicts the Quran. Any hadith which contradicts the Quran is false.
      The Quran sits in judgement of the hadith not the other way round since the Quran is the primary text of Islam not the hadiths! The Quranic verses which Aisha's age contradicts is
      “And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphans, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four.” Quran 4:3
      Marry a woman it says not a child! Aisha was, according to this hadith, a child not a woman at the age of 6 no girl is a woman ready for marriage at the age of 6. The prophet PBUH was a walking talking Quran. So, he wouldn’t do anything that contradicts it. As he doesn’t speak (nor acts out) from his own desires.
      “He (Muhammed PBUH) doesn’t speak from his own whims” Quran 53:3
      Another Quranic verse which this hadith is in blatant conflict with is:
      "Your wives are your tilth; go, then, unto your tilth as you may desire, but first provide something for your souls, and remain conscious of God, and know that you are destined to meet Him. And give glad tidings unto those who believe" Quran 2:223
      This hadith describes wives as "tilths" thus we conclude for a women to be a wife she must quality to be a tilth I.e must be over the age of puberty! No child at the age of 9 qualifies to be a tilth! No child at the age of 9 is ready for sexual relations!
      As i have stated before and will do so again Muhammad pbuh was the walking talking Quran therefore wouldn't do anything that contradicts it.
      Shame and disgrace be upon the majority of the scholars of Islam and thus muslims who blindly accept this hadith.
      Only the Quran is the undisputed, inflammable word of Allah. If the age of Aisha RA was in the Quran then fair enough, however it isnt! Those of you who blindly accept this hadith, your making a mockery of the greatest of Mankind.
      We can also use the hadith to reach the same conclusion by speculating Aisha's elders sister Asmah's age and the hijrah period. The hijra as well because it was around this period when she was promised to the prophet PBUH. According to Imam ibn Kathir and the majority of Islamic scholars, Aisha’s older sister Asmah was 10 years older than her, Asmah had died at 73 years after hijra (AH), at the age of 100. If Asmah had died at 73 AH and was a 100, she
      was therefore 27 when the prophet PBUH had made the hijra. So, if Asmah was 10 years older than Aisha, this therefore makes Aisha 17 when the hijra had taken place. Aisha was promised to the prophet (PBUH) a year or 2 before hijra meaning she was probably around 15/16 roughly. So, a few years down the line after when the marriage was consummated, she was roughly around 18-20+
      Lest we forget the prophet Muhammed PBUH reigned over the lands of Arabia and could’ve had over 1000 wives who were pre-pubesent girls as well as women, if he wanted. Yet he didn’t marry any other little girl like Aisha (RA) supposedly was.
      Thank you for taking time out and reading. Peace be upon you.

    • @Liar_hunter449
      @Liar_hunter449 Год назад

      ​@osman7240 bro um 😅
      Let's just not overthink this
      This doest matter at all

    • @sebozz2046
      @sebozz2046 Год назад +1

      She led a war against other muslims because Mohamed left no clue about who is his successor, how the last prophet from God would do such a mistake ?

  • @FarhatKCh
    @FarhatKCh Год назад +101

    Glad you guys addressed this. We don’t need “allies” like her nor Muslims who reject this.

    • @user-rs2ji9ck4m
      @user-rs2ji9ck4m Год назад +5

      I’m not
      I don’t even want to see her name. These guys are just giving her a bigger platform. Stop responding and her name will diminish

    • @shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564
      @shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564 Год назад

      This "ally" also believes that American slavery was embellished, but when pressed on it, she couldn't articulate why she believed that, and accused her interviewer of acting in bad faith (IRONIC).

    • @FarhatKCh
      @FarhatKCh Год назад

      @@shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564 Really? Was it in a recent interview? And who was the interviewer?

    • @fatimanura6359
      @fatimanura6359 5 месяцев назад

      Allah specifically commanded us not to be ally with them like that, country to country that's another subject, but why should you even consider for on sec

  • @Exahax101
    @Exahax101 Год назад +20

    Marriage of Prophet (ﷺ) with Aisha (Ra) was never questioned by any of disbelievers of the past until recently some uneducated islamophobes starting talking about it. This was never a topic of discussion in the past because people understood this was perfectly normal. If you read history books you will find many kings and queens got married at earlier ages.
    Even in 1883, famous Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi married at an age of 13 with Kasturba when she was 14. This is how early people got married in 1883 now compare that with people who lived in 6th century. But this simple logic goes over the heads of these islamophobes.

  • @fatimasamira3695
    @fatimasamira3695 Год назад +20

    I have a request for Islamic Scholars, Lectureres and people who have influence and voice. Please, don't give defensive answers regarding Hazrat Ayesha's age RA anymore. Take these comments and questions as opportunity to educate about Hazrat Ayesha RA's personality, character, her contributions and her role in spreading the teachings of Islam.
    Thank you
    Jazak Allah u khair

    @JEAGERlST Год назад +40

    In my home country at puberty you're no longer treated like a child. Playing like a kid and behaving like a kid ain't a thing. Forget watching cartoons, as you've grown out of it. You also got to cook at a young age and at teenage hood you know how to cook all the cultural dishes etc.

    • @ThinkAbstract
      @ThinkAbstract Год назад

      There's a reason your country is third world

    • @GinD.gintoki6536
      @GinD.gintoki6536 Год назад +4

      W contry

    • @sub7se7en
      @sub7se7en Год назад +11

      In my home country you're treated like a child even in your 20s lol

    • @aj3706
      @aj3706 Год назад

      what y'all do in your free time?

    • @ridhuan2335
      @ridhuan2335 Год назад +2

      we start cooking for the whole family when we are 8 because parents work in the field. we were taught to feed ourself when the parents isnt at home. thats in 1990. we do still go to school btw.
      and also we play with dolls too with our sisters. older sis kept his dolls until she was 20+. btw, never did any of my brothers change genders today.

  • @Just-One-God
    @Just-One-God Год назад +19

    That's why I *never* assume a person is going to convert to Islam. I don't understand why a lot of Muslims online have been doing this.
    Guidance only belongs to Allah.

    • @shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564
      @shahidabdoullakhanzorovr1564 Год назад

      Low self-esteem. You would think Dr. Juden Ben Peterstein would have woke these Muslims up to the pitfalls of simping for prominent kuffar.

    • @sacredrider
      @sacredrider Год назад


    • @xcurrentbreeze6626
      @xcurrentbreeze6626 Год назад

      That's a good mindset. We just need to do our jobs of calling people towards Islam, making duas for them, and being good representatives of Islam as Muslims, and then put our faith and trust in Allah for Him to guide whoever pleases Him.

    • @kullenmontgomery1210
      @kullenmontgomery1210 Год назад

      I reckon we just get a little excited is all, I mean who doesn't want another brother or sister of islam.

  • @murthe-wise535
    @murthe-wise535 Год назад +12

    Forget about 1400 years ago, Even my grandmother married when she was 10 and died 8 years ago in her mid 90th. She was one of the happiest persons i have ever seen.

  • @ilke6146
    @ilke6146 Год назад +14

    Asma the older sister; Aisha (ra) was 10 years younger than Asma.
    At the time of Hijri Asma, born in 595 AD, was 27 years old. The prophet (saw) married Aisha 2 years after hijri, which makes her 19 years old. (27-10+2=19)
    Asma was born - 595 AD
    Aysha was born - 605 AD
    Hijrah - 622 AD
    Marriage to the prophet - 624 AD
    In regards to Khadeejas age (ra), when the married the hadith are also in dispute. One claiming 28, the other 40. When you have a ahadith mention such a wide gap, and a civilisation that based their numbers of historical events, it's more adequate to take these into consideration
    (Just another perspective, not to conform with westerners but to dig deeper than the narrative)

    • @AhmedSayed-gt5xg
      @AhmedSayed-gt5xg Год назад

      How do you know that Aisha was 10 years younger than Asmaa?

    • @intoxiwhasty
      @intoxiwhasty Год назад +1

      Even after our prophet have passed away, she lived her life and never complained about her marriage 🤷🏻

  • @chintuz1002
    @chintuz1002 Год назад +20

    they're asking the same question for many years, even though million times answered lol

    • @mabdam3799
      @mabdam3799 Год назад

      Nah, they prefer to be blind than to seek the truth

    • @sacredrider
      @sacredrider Год назад

      They ask and ignore all the answers

  • @sparrow3491
    @sparrow3491 Год назад +14

    Maliqi Click was saying this the whole time.
    when they want to learn about Islam they go to Islamophobes.

    • @mabdam3799
      @mabdam3799 Год назад +1

      So weird that they would went to the opposite direction to learn about Islam 😑

  • @Durray13
    @Durray13 Год назад +16

    kafeer be like: "oh no! we can't attack them physically since no one _DUMB_ enough to go crusade in this days and age, let's insult aisha instead even tho we don't believe in her" 🤡🎉

    • @generalpro6141
      @generalpro6141 Год назад

      Wdym they don’t believe in her? They don’t believe that she was preaching the truth? Or they don’t believe she was a real person? They do believe she was a real person just that Muhammad or her weren’t people with the truth.

    • @maisarashafiq9322
      @maisarashafiq9322 Год назад

      your prfp is perfect

    • @John-wg9mb
      @John-wg9mb 3 месяца назад

      @@generalpro6141they will cherry pick what she says basically for their own agenda and not for the sake of her being.

  • @dziggify
    @dziggify Год назад +15

    Beautifully said by brother Anghel at the end, masyaAllah. That's what it boils down to, do you seek truth, or do you seek a justification for our own whims and desires? Do you seek truth, or worldly pleasures?

  • @Almalawy
    @Almalawy Год назад +20

    For your information, my grandmother got married at the age of ten, and she is not the only one, as most of my relatives were also like that. When I married my wife, she was fourteen years old. By God, brothers, this is a blessing from

    • @Fatkidlovecake
      @Fatkidlovecake Год назад +1

      That’s not normal

    • @alqadr500
      @alqadr500 Год назад +6

      @@FatkidlovecakeIn most of history that was the norm

    • @sacredrider
      @sacredrider Год назад +1

      @@Fatkidlovecake for west yes. The world isn't spinning around the west, and western values are subjective

    • @Fatkidlovecake
      @Fatkidlovecake Год назад +1

      @@sacredrider bro I’m from the middle east its not normal to marry at 10 or even 12. My grandma was about 17/18 and that was considered young

    • @Fatkidlovecake
      @Fatkidlovecake Год назад

      How old where you? 60?

  • @yusufa5429
    @yusufa5429 Год назад +11

    All non muslims talk about the age of Aisha, but never considered reading her Sirah (her bibliography).

    • @muneebiqbal5584
      @muneebiqbal5584 Год назад +1

      A good response would be "Tell me one other thing you know about Aisha RA"

    • @Earthling.7
      @Earthling.7 Год назад

      But why she hated ali and faught him

    • @haqqcenter7469
      @haqqcenter7469 Год назад +5

      @@Earthling.7That incident is blown out of all context by the likes of the Shia and other deviant groups. If you know Arabic, read up on Bidayah wan Nihaya by Ibn Kathir and other such sources, if not I would recommend watching Sh Uthman’s Seerah series on that issue in Masjid Ribat when he gets to the part of Ali RA’s Caliphate.

    • @xander583
      @xander583 Год назад

      @@Earthling.7What does this claim have to do with the Quran and Sunnah???

  • @muslimplaylist
    @muslimplaylist Год назад +8

    she just need attention , and we are falling for it .

  • @ammarosman309
    @ammarosman309 Год назад +16

    I bet you she is going to sign a deal with the daily wire in a few weeks look at how Jordan Peterson's tune about Islam changed after he went there

    • @yusufa5429
      @yusufa5429 Год назад +2

      My thoughts exactly.

    • @lu3squad674
      @lu3squad674 Год назад +1

      Nah they won't because she had Nick Fuentes on her show.

    • @intoxiwhasty
      @intoxiwhasty Год назад

      Wait what did he say after going there? I thought he doesn't believe in our lord?

  • @yO-qw5mq
    @yO-qw5mq Год назад +8

    fiyad trying not to laugh at the getting screwed line was me lol

  • @fatimasamira3695
    @fatimasamira3695 Год назад +4

    The Prophet Mohammed's (peace be upon him) marriages were not just about consummation. Those marriages had higher purpose. We call wives of the Prophet SAW "Mothers of believers" for a reason. They were not subservient to their carnal desires like we are.

  • @muneebiqbal5584
    @muneebiqbal5584 Год назад +6

    Mike Tyson was 200lbs at 12 years old. One of the greatest fighters. One in a trillion, they had to lie about his age so grown men would fight him without the fear of being embarrassed. That's how unique he was, physically.
    Aisha (May Allah swt be pleased with her) was similarly (more so in comparison) unique, mentally. Surface level research about her contributions to Islam will show you how Islam is what it is because of her and what was endowed to her by Allah swt.
    No one can be a gatekeeper for Islam even a scholar. The worst human alive can say the worst things to us Muslims and hurt us to our core such as these remarks about the prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) and our mother Aisha (May Allah swt be pleased with her) and still we cannot stop that person from becoming a Muslim and when/if they are blessed with guidance from Allah swt he forgives all of their sins and Muslims acknowledge this straightaway.
    Disrespect is going to earn disrespect even with Muslims (We know better but doing better is hard). Wars have been started off of less things, i am not saying that to sound slick, its facts.
    To put it bluntly and simply, if i was approached by a guy who used the term "skrewed" in the same context but instead spoke about my mother and father, i would knock him clean out and the majority of male atheist would claim that i was in the right as they would probably do the same, so how should it make me feel when someone says that about the Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) and Aisha (may Allah swt be pleased with her)..?

  • @whootoo1117
    @whootoo1117 Год назад +7

    Guys, there are lot of books and research done on the topic. All the narrations of Aisha's young age is a multiplication of one mans narration, Hisham Bin Urwah. He narrated at old age of 80+ in Kufah, Iraq and his contemparary scholars rejected on time. It is much later it got multiplied and narrated by many people sharing same source with different wordings etc. Aisha was adult when prophet married compared to Anas, Hafsa and incidents of hijratu habesha, hijratu madina time, the year of grief and many more incidents in both Makka and Madina. The text of hadith can't contradict all of these different texts.

  • @aikaadmi193
    @aikaadmi193 Год назад +9

    There’s a societal expectation to respect others and their differences. She should follow it.

  • @BruvahSulaiman
    @BruvahSulaiman Год назад +5

    The Prophet ﷺ never followed his desires. He ﷺ did as Allah commanded.
    Disbelievers project their mentality onto others. They make the pedo claim on the basis that they themselves only do things based on what they desire, so they project that onto Muhammad ﷺ as the only reason they can comprehend for him marrying Aisha (ra).
    The fact of the matter is that pedophilia is defined by a primary or exclusive attraction to pre-pubescent adolescents. He ﷺ did not display attraction until she was post pubescent. He ﷺ did not marry her because he was attracted, nor was he exclusively attracted. Otherwise, all his wives would have been pre-pubescent and consummation would have taken place prior to puberty. An actual pedo would not live with a 6 year old and avoid being intimate for 3 years and would divorce the young wife as soon as she hit puberty.
    These are obvious things that any sincere person would understand if they cared enough to look into what words mean before using them in a sentence. But ppl don't argue these points in good faith or with any amount of sincerity.

  • @smguess361
    @smguess361 Год назад +5

    If the worst enemies of Islam in the time of the Prophet found his marriage to Aisha controversial, they would never have let go. I don't understand why these people are comparing this event 14 centuries after...

    • @hamdahussein7511
      @hamdahussein7511 Год назад

      Yeah they would never use that against him because it's something that they probably have done themselves

    • @smguess361
      @smguess361 Год назад

      @@hamdahussein7511 a lot of marriage happened before and after islam in the West for instance: Matilda of boulogne (age 10) was married to Henry I, Duke of Brabant
      Matilda of Boulogne (1170 - 16 October 1210) Matilda became Duchess of Brabant by her marriage to Henry I, Duke of Brabant in 1180.

  • @al-farooq7192
    @al-farooq7192 Год назад

    May Allah reward you w goodness for the beneficial talk in this steam.. Aameen

  • @AuthorFaizKing
    @AuthorFaizKing Год назад +4

    I'm puzzled by the insistence of traditionalist Muslims on the underage Aisha narrative. Perhaps, obstinate apologetics is performed in good faith to confer sanctity to the Sahih Muslim, not that bending over backward to protect fallible literature is truly necessary. We have the immaculate Koran, which is self-contained (self-referenced as the "best" Hadith), and the Hadith literature for support (and not the other way around as contemporary Muslims seem to suggest by their words and actions). Well, anyways, we can also evaluate the historical record in a manner that preserves the honor and integrity of the Prophet, not just in antiquity but across time and space without resorting to foolish apologetics (e.g., pubertal age impacted by the desert climate or something to that effect).
    Oxford scholar Dr. Joshua Little has systematically debunked the underage Aisha claim. According to Imam Azeez, Dr. Liepert, Mufti Layth, and Shabir Ally, Aisha was roughly 19 when she married Muhammad.
    (1) We know from Bukhari that Aisha was roughly 16 or 17 during Hijra (Exodus) to Medina. A period of two years elapsed after the Exodus when she wed the Prophet. In other words, she was either 18 or 19 when she married Muhammad.
    (2) According to Imam Ahmad, Aisha was previously engaged to Jubayr ibn Mut'im. However, the engagement was later called off because Jubayr was deathly afraid that Aisha would proselytize him (into the fold of Islam). It would be rather preposterous to assume that a child exhibited such developed persuasion faculties that would eventually dissolve a planned engagement.
    (3) Let's evaluate the age difference between Aisha and her sister, Asma. According to all scholars of the Hadith, Asma was 27 years old when she was pregnant with her son, Abdullah. These same historians and scholars say that Aisha was ten years younger than Asma or 17. Aisha married Muhammad two years later, indicating that she was 19 at the time of her marriage.

  • @gunting
    @gunting Год назад +5

    Correct me if I'm wrong but, didn't Prophet Isaac married Rebecca at even younger age? How are they fine with that, and yet use the same reason to reject Prophet Muhammad? Peace be upon all the prophets and messengers, and I have no intention to make comparison between them.

    • @crafterianinks7219
      @crafterianinks7219 Год назад

      Mary was 12 years old when betrothed to
      Catholic Encyclopaedia says:
      "When forty years of age, Joseph married a
      woman called Melcha or Escha by
      some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine
      years together and had six
      children, two daughters and four sons, the
      youngest of whom was James (the
      Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his
      wife's death, as the priests
      announced through Judea that they wished to
      find in the tribe of Juda a
      respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve
      to fourteen years of age.
      Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old,
      went up to Jerusalem among
      the candidates; a miracle manifested the
      choice God had made of Joseph,
      and two years later the Annunciation took

  • @lastpirate1621
    @lastpirate1621 Год назад

    Thank you God bless you all

  • @abdallazaher1910
    @abdallazaher1910 Год назад +8

    اللهم زد وبارك لكم ويفتح لكم ابواب الرزق

    • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
      @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 Год назад

      Ameen! For those who falsely accuse Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) of being a "pedophile" because of the marriage customs of 1,400, it clearly shows how little they know about their own Western marriage customs let alone others. For example, less than 100 years ago here in America, the Age of Consent was as young as 7 years old (1920). Here's the proof from Western academic researchers who look up their laws honestly…
      Age of Consent Laws
      Age of Consent Laws | World History Commons
      America : Most of the Age of Consent was 7 years old to 10 years old.
      More than 200,000 children married in US over the last 15 years : Girls as young as 10 were among the minors who wedded under legal loopholes
      So by their logic, are they willing to call their Grandfathers and Forefathers a bunch of PEDOPHILES because they either participated or allowed such laws to exist here in America? Child marriages still exist in the West specially in America. Look up all the recent articles which shows it…
      The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.
      "Child marriage is most common in the southern United States, according to the Pew Research Center. It's most common in West Virginia and Texas, followed by states like Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nevada and California."
      Princess Isabella of Valois (France) was 6 years when she married Richard II.
      Even in the Bible, Joseph who was 93 years old had married Mary the mother of Jesus when she was only 12 YEARS OLD! Here's the Biblical proof...
      Matthew 1:20
      20 "But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."
      Matthew 1:24
      24 "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife."
      Also, in the Bible Isaac who was 40 years old married Rebecca when she was only 3 years old. Where’s the outrage from christians and Jews about this?
      Again, according to their logic was Joseph a pedophile too? They really need to study historical facts before regurgitating the same OLD lies and distortions.

  • @Estoc_Bestoc_
    @Estoc_Bestoc_ Год назад +4

    Condition for maturity is to have hit puberty and being mentally mature.
    Puberty comes at around 11yo (+/- 3 years), mental maturity is a variable according to era and location, people back then mentally matured early due to a harsher and more involved lifestyle, both mental and physical maturity coinsided at around 10 so it was the social norm especially since life expectency was 35yo, Aicha was mentally mature at 6yo, had more wit than today's average 18yo so she was able to consent, the Propher pbuh then waited until she hit puberty thus becoming both mentally and physically mature to allow the marriage to be consumed, it was the norm at the time and narrated in other prophet stories too, today physical maturity is roughly the same but mental maturity took a lag, kids are smarter academically but dumb socially due to our modern society, they only start getting grasp of the world by roughly 18 yo thus 18 being today's of consent, today's norms do not apply 1400 years ago and vice versa

    • @ridhuan2335
      @ridhuan2335 Год назад +1

      35 years was a grandma or grandpa in the old days.

  • @nashcomp
    @nashcomp Год назад

    Thats why we should learn the seerah about our prophet saw and the sahaba.

  • @FarhatKCh
    @FarhatKCh Год назад +4

    Really liked her but blocked her now and dislike her for the sake of Allah.

  • @Khadijahsmama
    @Khadijahsmama Год назад +4

    The only reason why she is okay with a 12 year old girl is because she knows that in Christianity Mary was around that age and Joseph 83+ and she knows people know

    • @Just-One-God
      @Just-One-God Год назад

      Should have showed the incident when the Biblical Moses and Eleazar took underage children of Midian as concubines for their army. I wanna see how she will defend that.

    • @samuelrigaud6595
      @samuelrigaud6595 10 месяцев назад


    • @Just-One-God
      @Just-One-God 10 месяцев назад

      Let's start with *_Numbers (31):17-18_* and then we can talk about the verses after it.

    • @samuelrigaud6595
      @samuelrigaud6595 10 месяцев назад

      @@Just-One-God that's what I thought. Another lie

    • @Just-One-God
      @Just-One-God 10 месяцев назад

      I didn't expect to see a Christian calling their own scripture as a lie.

  • @unknownstudiotv8294
    @unknownstudiotv8294 9 месяцев назад

    Sunan an-Nasa'i 3255
    It was narrated from 'Aishah that the Messenger of Allah married her when she was six years old, and consummated the marriage with her when she was nine

  • @mystichalaly8083
    @mystichalaly8083 Год назад

    MashaAllah brother ramy is on another level

  • @adenanwasli61
    @adenanwasli61 Год назад

    Dr Sabeel answered the question very short and simple.

  • @xenanzelda9973
    @xenanzelda9973 Год назад

    If people thought in that way at the time would all the people follow a person that that can have such a flaw , instead of seeing it as a normal marriage where Rasoul allah salah allah alaih wasalam had a beautiful relationship with this girl she talks about and we all consider her our mother and respect her highly, a level these girls these days would never understand

  • @shahid8545
    @shahid8545 Год назад +1

    In the early 1900s young boys at 11 and 12 were working 16hr shifts. Just sit and think about this for a moment. You think in the 6th century people were just waiting around for 20yrs playing in the sand before getting married? 😂 teenagers didn't exist. Once you were of age as a boy you were getting ready to work hard labor or be in an army, learning to fight or perhaps even leading an army at 12 or 13yrs old and as a female you were either with your parents working and helping your family or you were an adult and likely getting prepared for marriage. I mean my grandparents (I'm a French Canadian btw) were married very young. My grandpa was 18 and my grandma was 14 just 80ish yrs ago.
    Where are all these smart intellectuals I keep hearing about? Where are all the historians? Why are so many people so ridiculously dense about this subject as if the world must have always operated under the Industrial revolutions standard when the governments prepared it citizens to be dollar slaves and bill payers

  • @nasraqaali7050
    @nasraqaali7050 Год назад

    When I heard of Aisha's marriage to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him at the age of 6 I was very young myself and I remember thinking to myself she was so lucky.

  • @sl9wdive
    @sl9wdive Год назад

    Invite her to the podcast

  • @motruth
    @motruth Год назад

    I have three nieces. 9 10 and 11.
    I asked them one day who their crushes were. They all named grown up rappers and r&b singers and actors. I then asked them. Would you marry them. They all said yes. I said right now? At this age? They all said yes. I said aren't you too young for marriage? They all says no. Not for them (I.e. the celebrities).
    9 year olds aren't stupid. They are very smart. In western society you teach kids that they are stupid until they turn 18. In reality, in western nations, teenagers have more sex than adults.
    The land of fornication. Yet anti-Muslims are against righteous marriage.

    • @devamrh
      @devamrh Год назад +1

      Bro start giving them dawah right now. Or they'll walk into the path of satan when they will be older.

  • @osman7240
    @osman7240 Год назад +2

    Aisha wasnt 6 when the Prophet PBUH married her.
    This hadith contradicts the Quran. Any hadith which contradicts the Quran is false.
    The Quran sits in judgement of the hadith not the other way round since the Quran is the primary text of Islam not the hadiths! The Quranic verses which Aisha's age contradicts is
    “And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphans, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four.” Quran 4:3
    Marry a woman it says not a child! Aisha was, according to this hadith, a child not a woman at the age of 6 no girl is a woman ready for marriage at the age of 6. The prophet PBUH was a walking talking Quran. So, he wouldn’t do anything that contradicts it. As he doesn’t speak (nor acts out) from his own desires.
    “He (Muhammed PBUH) doesn’t speak from his own whims” Quran 53:3
    Another Quranic verse which this hadith is in blatant conflict with is:
    "Your wives are your tilth; go, then, unto your tilth as you may desire, but first provide something for your souls, and remain conscious of God, and know that you are destined to meet Him. And give glad tidings unto those who believe" Quran 2:223
    This hadith describes wives as "tilths" thus we conclude for a women to be a wife she must quality to be a tilth I.e must be over the age of puberty! No child at the age of 9 qualifies to be a tilth! No child at the age of 9 is ready for sexual relations!
    As i have stated before and will do so again Muhammad pbuh was the walking talking Quran therefore wouldn't do anything that contradicts it.
    Shame and disgrace be upon the majority of the scholars of Islam and thus muslims who blindly accept this hadith.
    Only the Quran is the undisputed, inflammable word of Allah. If the age of Aisha RA was in the Quran then fair enough, however it isnt! Those of you who blindly accept this hadith, your making a mockery of the greatest of Mankind.
    We can also use the hadith to reach the same conclusion by speculating Aisha's elders sister Asmah's age and the hijrah period. The hijra as well because it was around this period when she was promised to the prophet PBUH. According to Imam ibn Kathir and the majority of Islamic scholars, Aisha’s older sister Asmah was 10 years older than her, Asmah had died at 73 years after hijra (AH), at the age of 100. If Asmah had died at 73 AH and was a 100, she
    was therefore 27 when the prophet PBUH had made the hijra. So, if Asmah was 10 years older than Aisha, this therefore makes Aisha 17 when the hijra had taken place. Aisha was promised to the prophet (PBUH) a year or 2 before hijra meaning she was probably around 15/16 roughly. So, a few years down the line after when the marriage was consummated, she was roughly around 18-20+
    Lest we forget the prophet Muhammed PBUH reigned over the lands of Arabia and could’ve had over 1000 wives who were pre-pubesent girls as well as women, if he wanted. Yet he didn’t marry any other little girl like Aisha (RA) supposedly was.
    Thank you for taking time out and reading. Peace be upon you.

  • @OneMegaPiece
    @OneMegaPiece Год назад

    Is bukhari infallible that we're discounting the claims that she's 19? I've seen many people say that there's Hadith in Bukhari that can be discounted.

    • @sacredrider
      @sacredrider Год назад

      The ones we can disregard are labeled daif, weak. Sahih hadiths generally is trustworthy, except some certain ones

  • @smguess361
    @smguess361 Год назад

    Matilda of boulogne (age 10) was married to Henry I, Duke of Brabant
    Matilda of Boulogne (1170 - 16 October 1210) Matilda became Duchess of Brabant by her marriage to Henry I, Duke of Brabant in 1180.

  • @naziramod1590
    @naziramod1590 Год назад

    "They" got to her, like they got to Jordan petersen

  • @e-pain2197
    @e-pain2197 Год назад +1

    When God want to unite us, but some fools try to break us apart. 😕
    [There are many of God's messages but one of them is]
    “For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.” (Corinthians 11:6)
    “When Brahma has made you a woman, you should lower your gaze and should not look up. You should put your feet together and you should not reveal what the garment and the veil conceals.” (Book no.8 Hymn no.33 V. no.19)
    “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known, and not be abused. And ever is Allāh Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran 33:59)

  • @ERKIN626
    @ERKIN626 Год назад

    Do people not know that European royalty had marriages where the bride were at the age of 6! Do people not know the people before had lower life expectancies. That maturity that comes later in this in age is because of the modern luxury/atmosphere/times. In 1390s Richard II age 29 married his second wife Isabella when she was 6 at that time was considered normal in the eyes of Christian Europe

  • @sub7se7en
    @sub7se7en Год назад +1

    This is one of the videos mentioned at the beginning about the age of Aisha RA. It's a very good video on the subject if anyone has confusion or doubts:видео.html&ab_channel=FullMetalTheist

  • @iffy9776
    @iffy9776 11 месяцев назад

    What people forget 1500 years ago the average age of death was 30.

  • @mca9128
    @mca9128 Год назад

    And these people are the ones who keep saying that age is just a number.. Pearl is bitter that Andrew didn't give her his first interview.. She's just trying to get his attention..

  • @curious4466
    @curious4466 Год назад

    Can it be possible Hz Ayesha married 6 yrs after start of the Arabic calendar? Not the birth year but calendar year? It's just my speculation but it could be right to solve many doubts.

    • @PSNloversalu
      @PSNloversalu Год назад

      Why do yall wanna please the kufar? Are they your gods?

    • @curious4466
      @curious4466 Год назад

      @@PSNloversalu what?

    • @PSNloversalu
      @PSNloversalu Год назад

      @@curious4466 sorry it came out harsher.
      I meant to say that if you clarify Islam to them (non-Muslims), and they still have issue with it. Then no need to change Islam or try to justify it, if they don't like it then its their loss.
      So we should be careful of even attempting to change Islam, just state it (Islam) the way it is. No need to add, remove or change anything in Islam.

    • @curious4466
      @curious4466 Год назад

      @@PSNloversalu hmm I understand what you're trying to say. First of all it's just my assumption. But put that aside, no matter what logical reason we give to non muslims they'll always come back with questioning stupidest of stupid reason to defame Islam. It's a regular routine for them.
      About the age it was my own assumption. Because at the time of prophet there was no calendar in Arab. So people used to count their age from some events. Plus Aisha RA age wasn't related to Islam or Quran. According to sources her older sister was 10 years apart and more than 25 years old. I understand that Aisha wrote about her marriage and consummation age. She won't lie neither other authentic sources. That led me to my assumption. Aisha's age much more what she wrote but she herself included her age from Arab calendar.

    • @PSNloversalu
      @PSNloversalu Год назад

      @@curious4466 yeah I get what you're trying to say, but then again as you said they will bring about the authenticity of what you're saying here.
      Furthermore, take the current old tribal villages in the Muslim countries. The marriage is quite simple, i.e. Nikah is considered as Marriage. They do the nikah when they used to be quite young (ages 10 to 15, varies), but that in no way means they have s*x. It is like what we do now a days, Nikah -> 2 months to 5 years -> Marriage -> consummate etc.
      Its normal in some places, and used to be normal the whole world over that children used to get engaged when young and it was normal (too young by today standards).
      One of the big reasons for marrying of your daughter as a father/mother is to protect your daughter. So as a parent, you will try to find the best family and groom to tie your daughter for safety reasons. In most places, if the bride/groom don't like each other then they could break off the engagement/marriage (as happened with Aisha RA when she was young).
      Furthermore, Abu Bakr RA (father of Aisha RA) really wanted his daughter to marry Prophet Muhammad SAWS, and Allah SWT fulfilled his wish. Like Aisha RA married the *Prophet* , who is better than all the Men today combined!
      P.S. I have a feeling that the non-Muslims who are stuck on this topic are mostly disgusting degenerates and actual pedophiles (of course not all are like this). So I don't feel like discussing with them (unless they are sincere)

  • @justsayingguy
    @justsayingguy Год назад +1

    she rather invite shia than sunni...🤣🤣🤣

  • @tajudeenbintijani
    @tajudeenbintijani Год назад

    Sadly, many Muslims are yet to understand what it takes to submit to the will of God alone.
    If God wills, we find Islam of Abrahamic Monotheism and Creed, not corrupted Hadiths of Abu Huraira et al.
    The Arabic Quran contains God's words, all of it (in One Book), where have these words pointed us to volumes of Hadith?
    Which convert is invited to Islam by the volumes of Hadith?
    How many Muslims have read all the volumes of Hadith?
    Allahu nazzala ahsana alHadithi... [Quran chp 39 ver 23].
    fabiayyi Hadithin badahu yuminuna. [Quran chp 77 ver 50].

  • @JesusLivestech
    @JesusLivestech 7 месяцев назад

    Bro there’s three of them bro 😂 is that enough to screw in a lightbulb?

  • @abdullaha9906
    @abdullaha9906 8 месяцев назад

    Why not put forth the argument that she was 16 & 19?

  • @grinningchicken
    @grinningchicken Год назад

    The Ayesha thing is simple
    1. Its unlikely she actually was 9 she was between 16-19 because she was born 3-6 at the time of revelation and married after Hijra
    2. Women even now can have signs of maturity as early as 9 if they can have children the law has to let them get married or else the law is guaranteeing out of wedlock births and not allowing the families involved to secure the husband.
    3. Waiting on marriage is a modern luxury in a stable society Islam isnt only for stable industrialized societies its for all of mankind.
    4. Even if Ayesha was married at 9 she married the leader of the country and religion and became a princess if we want to use secular terms and a religious icon in religious term. so nothing bad happened to her as a result of her marriage.
    5. Nobody thought anything of it until recently when due to industrialization women were encouraged to delay marriage.

  • @malakaladawi7154
    @malakaladawi7154 Год назад

    Salam brothers, will you ever interview a quranist/ someone who follows only the Quran?

    • @sacredrider
      @sacredrider Год назад

      You can't fix them. They don't come with theological points from Islam. They make surface level Quran interpretation of certain verses.

    • @malakaladawi7154
      @malakaladawi7154 Год назад

      @@sacredrider wouldn’t it make more sense for all of us to have a better understanding of each other? You don’t have to watch lol, but I am genuinely curious, because let’s face it a lot of ‘sahih’ Hadith are bs; there’s no way Mohammad PBUH married Aisha when she was 6, then consummated at 9, or told someone to pray to Allah THROUGH him. Look at the blind man’s Hadith.
      Finding these types of hadiths made me look deeper into the Quran and I was surprised at how many verses contradict not just Hadith instructions, but their very existence.

    • @sacredrider
      @sacredrider Год назад

      @@malakaladawi7154 you may not agree and feel like it is bs because, how could a man marry a 6 year old right? But, it all comes down to the society you grew up in. I didn't see an issue right from the beginning. Where I grew up the child marriage was a common practice. People used to engage their daughters at 2 years old to a good husband candidate, and marry her off to a good man, as long as he turned out to be good. If you think the age 9 is too early, you better go read Aisha's RA life. And you decide whether she was an immature baby or a full fledged, strong woman. Btw, a lot of hadith about her is taken form her, she herself is the source material, just like her age.
      As for the "through him" thing. Read a bit about intercession. Allah loves him SAW more than you for sure. And you can ask Allah for his loved one's sake. There is no problem with that. You can go to a uni with your grades. But if you have a recommendation letter, your chances are much higher. So, your not full understanding of the religion doesn't mean religion is bad or hadith is bad. There is a lot to learn. But if you watch debates between apologists and islamophobes, you will see their worst presented form. And without enough education about the concepts, it will only cost you your belief. If you try to take on prime Mike Tyson with your 3 month boxing training, you are going to get a head injury for the rest of your life. Instead of reading biography, read and learn the concepts. Quran is a full book, but if an uneducated idiot tries to interpret it with surface level knowledge you will not understand the Quran in its true value. THAT is why we refer to hadith, we refer to scholars that decided to write down books to explain people that don't have all the time to understand the depths of Quran. I could go on and on. No doubt, there are indeed fabrications. But writing down a religion that was revealed in 23 years by yourself because you don't trust any of the companions is definitely not the move

    • @malakaladawi7154
      @malakaladawi7154 Год назад

      I’ll respond using only verses from the Quran, in shaa Allah they will make sense to you.
      [25:30] The messenger said, "My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran."
      [6:19] Say, "Whose testimony is the greatest?" Say, "GOD's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods beside GOD." Say, " do not testify as you do; there is only one god, and I disown your idolatry."
      [17:461 We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Quran alone, they run away in aversion.
      [18:27] You shall recite what is revealed to you of your Lord's scripture.
      Nothing shall abrogate His words, and you shall not find any other source beside it.
      [2:1911 Oppression is worse than murder.
      [6:113] This is to let the minds of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to such fabrications, and accept them, and thus expose their real convictions.
      [42:21] They follow idols who decree for them religious laws never authorized by GOD. If it were not for the predetermined decision, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the transgressors have incurred a painful retribution.
      [4:60] Have you noted those who claim that they believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, then uphold the unjust laws of their idols? They were commanded to reject such laws. Indeed, it is the devil's wish to lead them far astray. [4:61] When they are told, "Come to what GOD has revealed, and to the messenger." you see the hypocrites shunning you completely.
      [6:38] All the creatures on earth, and all the birds that fly with wings, are communities like you. We did not leave anything out of this book. To their Lord, all these creatures will be summoned.
      [6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt. [6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. [6:116] If you obey the majority of people on earth, they will divert you from the path of GOD.
      They follow only conjecture; they only guess.
      [17:89] We have cited for the people in this Quran all kinds of examples, but most people insist upon disbelieving.
      [7:52] We have given them a scripture that is fully detailed, with knowledge, guidance, and mercy for the people who believe.
      [4:82] Why do they not study the Quran carefully? If it were from other than GOD, they would have found in it numerous contradictions.
      [39:291 GOD cites the example of a man who deals with disputing partners (Hadith), compared to a man who deals with only one consistent source (Quran). Are they the same? Praise be to GOD;
      most of them do not know.
      [17:82] We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors.
      [2:146] Those who received the scripture recognize the truth herein, as they recognize their own children.
      [5:101] O you who believe, do not ask about matters which, if revealed to you prematurely, would hurt you. If you ask about them in light of the Quran, they will become obvious to you. GOD has deliberately overlooked them.
      GOD is Forgiver, Clement.

  • @Fatkidlovecake
    @Fatkidlovecake Год назад +2

    This is getting bad. We are defending pedophilia now. I had to leave islam. Its been a few days now im conflicted

    • @name-vx1od
      @name-vx1od Год назад +1

      same bro wtf

    • @SalmanOmar-vc5yp
      @SalmanOmar-vc5yp Год назад

      It's kinds worrisome that u hate the government but apply their morality and justice especially to Islam your own religion what is good and false can not be made by humans only by God not the elites who are also doing this with boys on islands

    • @AuthorFaizKing
      @AuthorFaizKing Год назад +2

      Ignore them. Aisha was likely 19. I'm puzzled by the insistence of traditionalist Muslims on the underage Aisha narrative. Perhaps, obstinate apologetics is performed in good faith to confer sanctity to the Sahih Muslim, not that bending over backward to protect fallible literature is truly necessary. We have the immaculate Koran, which is self-contained (self-referenced as the "best" Hadith), and the Hadith literature for support (and not the other way around as contemporary Muslims seem to suggest by their words and actions). Well, anyways, we can also evaluate the historical record in a manner that preserves the honor and integrity of the Prophet, not just in antiquity but across time and space without resorting to foolish apologetics (e.g., pubertal age impacted by the desert climate or something to that effect).
      Oxford scholar Dr. Joshua Little has systematically debunked the underage Aisha claim. According to Imam Azeez, Dr. Liepert, Mufti Layth, and Shabir Ally, Aisha was roughly 19 when she married Muhammad.
      (1) We know from Bukhari that Aisha was roughly 16 or 17 during Hijra (Exodus) to Medina. A period of two years elapsed after the Exodus when she wed the Prophet. In other words, she was either 18 or 19 when she married Muhammad.
      (2) According to Imam Ahmad, Aisha was previously engaged to Jubayr ibn Mut'im. However, the engagement was later called off because Jubayr was deathly afraid that Aisha would proselytize him (into the fold of Islam). It would be rather preposterous to assume that a child exhibited such developed persuasion faculties that would eventually dissolve a planned engagement.
      (3) Let's evaluate the age difference between Aisha and her sister, Asma. According to all scholars of the Hadith, Asma was 27 years old when she was pregnant with her son, Abdullah. These same historians and scholars say that Aisha was ten years younger than Asma or 17. Aisha married Muhammad two years later, indicating that she was 19 at the time of her marriage.

    • @Fatkidlovecake
      @Fatkidlovecake Год назад

      @@AuthorFaizKing 🤣 🤣 bro she was 6 and consummated at 9. What always stuck with me as a muslim is how i know he sexually abused her “fondled” her for 3 years. Its far too difficult defending pedophilia, child marriage, slavery, warlord caravan robbing prophet of ours is clearly the anti christ

    • @samuelrigaud6595
      @samuelrigaud6595 10 месяцев назад


  • @RayOfHope8
    @RayOfHope8 Год назад


  • @onemessageclips9786
    @onemessageclips9786 Год назад +9

    There are actual muslims who look upto justpearlythings. -_-

    • @daanishrasheed
      @daanishrasheed Год назад +14

      Not going to lie, I did for a while when her channel first started. I always knew there were flaws in her logic but someone advocating for family values was always something I would support. Over time though she seemed very artificial, like all of it was just business to her. I eventually stopped watching her with this being the cherry on top

    • @noWoodsman
      @noWoodsman Год назад +10

      @@daanishrasheed same with Jordan Peterson etc. they seem great persons first until they show their true colors.

    • @DeeTofa
      @DeeTofa Год назад

      She was more genuine and straightforward in the beginning. Now she says whatever makes the red pill crowd click her videos. Plus she has no moral grounding at all.

    • @icantbelieveitsbutt3rs590
      @icantbelieveitsbutt3rs590 Год назад

      ​@@daanishrasheedyou guys need to stop being naive for these easy traps. Everyone in media has the same goal, to steal your attention. never look up to these unlearned people.

    • @icantbelieveitsbutt3rs590
      @icantbelieveitsbutt3rs590 Год назад

      ​@@noWoodsmanbe careful, stop trusting random strangers on the internet. do your own research always. if we continue being this weak, we will so easily fall for the dajjal. one of these redpill influencers like tate could become the dajjal and a lot of people would fall for it. that is scary, and we need to stop being so vulnerable.

  • @fisabilillah8481
    @fisabilillah8481 Год назад +1

    Faiyad please tell your barber to leave your eyebrows alone, they’re starting to look very thin and feminine.

  • @gomguppie2
    @gomguppie2 Год назад +2


  • @iledawn9282
    @iledawn9282 Год назад

    Honestly don't they have a better arguement ? It's getting boring hearing the same washed up arguements against Islam over and over

  • @obadaal-kateb9186
    @obadaal-kateb9186 11 месяцев назад

    It would have been nice if you have addressed the fact that at the day of her marriage, she did not even know she was going to get married, when they fetched her from the swing, to prepare her for the prophet Mohammed PBUH. She had no idea what's happening, she entered a room full of women, and they said "على الخير والبركة", she did not know what's going on! The non-Muslims will make this argument. If she was mentally and physically ready for marriage, how do you console that with the fact that she had no idea it's her wedding day.
    Also, what evidence do you have that she hit puberty before marriage? You're just assuming the prophet PBUH would not have married her, unless she was "baligh", what hadith are there that says, you cannot marry a girl before she's "baligh" (aka reached puberty)
    Aisha RAA says: "When the girl reaches 9, she's a woman", she did not mention anything about puberty.
    I believe these are points that also need adressing.

  • @ayoubeltubji6809
    @ayoubeltubji6809 6 месяцев назад

    Why u dont talk about Christian kings the used to marry 6 year old girls

  • @azadmajors2098
    @azadmajors2098 Год назад

    Guys thank you for addressing this. I hope all muslims unsubscibe her. I used to like her now I am going to stay as far away from her as possible..

    • @sacredrider
      @sacredrider Год назад

      She is just red pill. You may have seen the red pill convo with sneako. You can listen to them, they are still better than lgtv, and would be better for the westerners to receive the red pill message that they would accept. But don't become their followers, we have better teachers and influencers

  • @mdidris4414
    @mdidris4414 Год назад +1

    All this talk about playing with dolls is so silly. My wife is 26 years old and still has teddy bears. You also have grown men who play computer games. Its such a bad example to use.

    • @generalpro6141
      @generalpro6141 Год назад

      Your wife probably sleeps with teddy bears or just keeps it in the house or some shit. Does she play with it?

    • @samuelrigaud6595
      @samuelrigaud6595 10 месяцев назад


  • @zech537
    @zech537 Год назад

    Okay i have a question as a Christian ( which i plan on staying one ) in the church we're taught that the Muslim community is close to the truth but something along the way of getting to the truth something went wrong ( what i mean is that in the earliest stages of Christianity and the 2 other Abrahamic religions something happened for us to spilt up, for Judaism i know the reason but for Islam i don't know ) and that the Muslims are generally good people but we should always be careful around them because of what we have learned of what Muslims have done to us Christians who chose not to convert to Islam. So my question is do yall really torture and kill us Christians in certain countries where Islam is more dominant for not converting.

    • @herikb6050
      @herikb6050 Год назад

      Can I know, why you think we torturing and killing the christans?

    • @zech537
      @zech537 Год назад

      @@herikb6050 okay so to keep this short in the community I live in we try to keep in contact with other churches in the world and specifically in the areas where Islam is more dominant we get letters and different forms of messages to us that those things happen to Christian villages who choose not to convert and people who came from Muslim families who chose to become Christian ( which im not speaking on their behalf ) . We find it shocking because from what we know Islam Is one of the only religions we know of that doesn't condone violence ( which we know in the past our predecessors have had their fair share of of harassment on people who didn't become Christians, which we aren't saying that yall are harassing people ) but yeah we are just going off the information we get.

    • @davidsalman8362
      @davidsalman8362 Год назад

      Yep we Muslims are also careful Around Christians because of what They did in Andalusia (Modern Spain) the Spanish inquisition, the killing of Unarmed Muslim Women and Children on every Crusade (What they did when taking Jerusalem before Salahuddin) Kids getting Raped in Churches because of "Chastity", The killing of Native Americans and kidnapping their Children and raising them as Christians, not to mention the Mass Graves found near a Church in Canada of Native kids, World war 1 and 2, etc.
      So we also have to be Very Careful around Christians

    • @SenatorTalib
      @SenatorTalib Год назад

      easy question, so lets actually get to the core of your question before i point out the inconsistencies
      which is basically "why do muslim majority areas treat christian minorities badly which didn't choose to convert to islam" that is a strawman you are conflating the actions of muslims that have nothing to do with the quran and sunnah and equating that to the quran which has no such relation into it,
      tell me if i said "why did this christian kkk member attack black people why is christianity racist"
      "why did they kick out muslims who refused to convert or forcfully convert muslims to christians in spain and tore down their mosques or turn them into churches"
      would that be a fair question no it wouldn't there is no indication of the quran or the sunnah to say that we opress christians, INFACT you will find during actual fully islamic reigns of the khalifa and recent rulers THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO DIDN'T its why you can find historical churches in muslim ruled lands and infact they LET CHRISTIANS AND JEWS RULE THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES WITH THEIR OWN LAWS THIS IS HISTORIC FACT

    • @SenatorTalib
      @SenatorTalib Год назад

      its time you answer my question instead, to get to your other "inferred" point about islam you say you plan on staying christian and that muslim stopped getting to the truth because something went wrong
      go to your church and ask them why they are lying, when its the opposite of what they say, ISLAM is the only religion that exists where you have word to word original manuscript of the quran from the time of the prophet which is carbondated in England not by muslims,
      what this tells us we have the original version of our religion and nothing went wrong in what its supposed to be
      at the opposite end the oldest manuscripts you have are in conaic greek which isn't the language of Jesus (P.B.U.H) and the oldest complete manuscript you have is 4th century after jesus, you don't know what jesus preached why would you say that you know what jesus said at all. Seems to me you plan on being Christian not for the truth but because its convinient
      so here is my question "why do you say our religion went wrong when have the original and you have way later dates yet claim you know the words of jesus? (P.B.U.H)"

  • @TheHassen12
    @TheHassen12 Год назад

    First, Muhammad Hijab is not a seeker of knowledge, rather he is a seeker of confined discussions. We excuse him for his ignorance.
    Mary, peace be upon her, gave birth to Jesus, peace be upon him, and she is 13 years old. How was the law of your country a hundred years ago? Look at the countries that did not change the customs of marriage in your country. In your country, they turned from purity to prostitution. Before becomeThe Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him,they're used to bury the (mothered) girls for fear of shame (Al-Takweer - verse 8, and when the newlywed is asked) and these questions are to evade: Are you satisfied with the marriage of transvestites and lesbians? Glory be to God, religion is not in need of me and you. We're who need to religion
    And the wisdom from our mother, Aisha, may God be pleased with her, through her, we came to know rulings related to women and rulings related to sexual intercourse and other issues.
    As for the rape of children in churches in every Christian country, it is permissible, and prostitution and prostitution is permissible. Anyone, cuckold, are disgraced when you talk about this issue. You have no honor at all, Glory be to God.
    My answer is to the woman who falsely accuses us of our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him
    And I tell her that if your house is made of glass, do not throw stones at people
    Also, take out the plank in your eye, and these examples are in your book called Your Side. holy

    • @samuelrigaud6595
      @samuelrigaud6595 10 месяцев назад


    • @TheHassen12
      @TheHassen12 10 месяцев назад

      @@samuelrigaud6595видео.html take the proof by his mouth if you don,t undestand arabic late someone translate for u

  • @michaelsccot9104
    @michaelsccot9104 Год назад

    Rami lost his beard 😢 it looks ugly now

  • @fuzbeatboxern5714
    @fuzbeatboxern5714 Год назад

    Bro stop dojing she was 9 lmao😊

  • @Fatkidlovecake
    @Fatkidlovecake Год назад +2

    I recently left islam because of david wood. There was no way to refute anything. I had enough

    • @hamzagazawi4575
      @hamzagazawi4575 Год назад +4

      Since you were a Muslim, how many rakat in Wudu ?

    • @TaariqBethea
      @TaariqBethea Год назад

      You listened to David wood who’s not even a good refuter of Islam that made you leave the religion? My brother or sister pls reconsider the arguments these individuals have made. The hadiths of Aisha is that she was of age to marry now does the age matter within our time no it doesn’t bc we understand that people develop and mature at different ages. We go by the actions that the prophet Muhammad took with the marriage of Aisha the fact that this man waited 3 long years to consummate the marriage that right there shows you something that prophet Muhammad was an honest man also this argument isn’t valid to make as well bc Muhammad first wife was 25 years older than him but people don’t make refutes about that. It’s all about the actions of the prophet that we follow. These people like David wood and others are dishonest

    • @samuelrigaud6595
      @samuelrigaud6595 10 месяцев назад

      just refute dr wood@@hamzagazawi4575

  • @66linny
    @66linny Год назад

    Christians have to defend Jesus as literally God and Muslims have to try and defend that Muhammad is not a pedophile... Why is this even a debate on what the true religion is? Christ is KING

    • @neku2741
      @neku2741 Год назад

      They also have to justify killing a slave without any punishment because it's "his property"

    • @Just-One-God
      @Just-One-God Год назад

      No, you have to defend why your Moses and Eleazar took underage children of Midian as concubines for their army, and why The Father approved their doings *_(Numbers [31])_* while The Son approved his Law. *_(Matthew [5])_*
      The Midian incident was a far worse example than the marriage of Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Christians have been avoiding to discuss because it will expose them as hypocrites.
      The last time a Christian speaker did discuss it was Mike from the Answering Phylosophy (during his debate with Daniel Haqiqatjou from The Muslim Skeptic) and he argued that Moses acted on his own and not under The Father's command, which is contrary to what is said in *_Numbers (31)._*

    • @herikb6050
      @herikb6050 Год назад +1

      Lol, why are you so proud debating about Isa as is a god or not?? That's the most fundamental issue in a religion. If you still debating about this basic issue, that's mean your religion doesn’t have a strong foundation to begin with. While this Prophet Muhammad SAW issue is actually just a culture difference issue. They trying to compare 1400 years backward arab society with the current lifestyles is quite laughable.

    • @iyedabidi5304
      @iyedabidi5304 11 месяцев назад

      @@neku2741 thats christianity lol

  • @sebozz2046
    @sebozz2046 Год назад +2

    If Mohamed was divinely guided he would know that this action will be causing such Fitna and would have made clear how to understand this situation, but it seems like he had no clue about what will happen. Get over it, dude just messed up

    • @xenabbb
      @xenabbb Год назад +7

      the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him), did nothing wrong. there are many things that were at some point in history or now looked down upon, that doesn’t change the fact that something is right or wrong. our morality and way of life is not in accordance to an ever changing society, it’s according to divine law. she was of physical, mental and emotional maturity; thus the marriage is allowed. also, it was never an issue and point of attack by anyone until now btw. though, that doesn’t mean the points made by people before this were valid; they were equally illogical. may Allah guide us all.

    • @xander583
      @xander583 Год назад

      So he would just know the effect of everything he does while he’s alive all the way till the day of judgement? Please use whatever brain cells you have left to google the definition of a prophet

    • @PSNloversalu
      @PSNloversalu Год назад +1

      People/enemies will always always find somesort of fault within you. Even if its a useless point.
      Also it does not matter. People wanna choose Hell over such a stupid matter? Afiyet Olsun to them!
      Maybe they were predestined for Hell on their own choices in life!
      And Hell will have them as fuel as predestined. We have already done our best to explain everything, furthermore everything in Islam has been clarified since 1400 years ago.
      People don't wanna accept Jannah after our explanations is on them (their fault not ours)!
      We do not care they wanna go to Hell after the fact that we conveyed the message of Islam.
      May Allah guide us, protect us from Dajjal/Shaytan and all minor Dajjals/Shayateen. May Allah grant guidance to non-Muslims. Amin

    • @xenabbb
      @xenabbb Год назад +2

      @@PSNloversalu and may Allah keep us Muslims guided, on sirat al mustaqeem.

    • @PSNloversalu
      @PSNloversalu Год назад

      @@xenabbb امين يا رب العالمين