It's time to use our suspiciously strong dominant hand grip strength to hold onto StarStable and never let preach live it down. He must play StarStable.
N64 graphics perfectly describes World of Warcraft graphics. Gameplay is all that matter but darn if it isn't hard to sell games to outsiders without pretty graphics.
Game is a 10/10. I had my ruler join a cult and become a military monster by selling his soul, Further I performed a ritual in game to become immortal by putting my soul in my grandson. Highly recommend. NOTE: This is just a video game and not real life practices. 😂
I've been playing star stable since 2012 and I keep trying to quit cause I'm old now and it keeps pulling me back. It's worse than my WoW addiction. Please play it. The horses are actually aliens fighting against a tentacle monster
THis guy totally butchered every mechanic and explanation for ck2. It's not about painting the map your color it's a dynasty simulator and managing the medieval intrigue that goes with protecting ur family. The game only ends when any relative to your dynasty dies. War is only part of it. It's not comparable to civ. War is only one way to expand ur kingdom there's many other ways. Signed someone with too many hours in the series.
It's time to use our suspiciously strong dominant hand grip strength to hold onto StarStable and never let preach live it down. He must play StarStable.
Crusader Kings can make the most absurd stories ever but the UI is so hard to figure out if you're new
Bruh this title had me 💀
Yeah, that sounds like a typical CK playthrough.
I pray mike actually plays this crusader kings game because that was a fantastic fucking story
heh he didn't know the gameplay of eugenics and inbreeding in crusader kings is valid and mostly optimal strategy
ck stories are so great
The War Within? Screw that, I'm off to play StarStable!
Would deffo suggest CK3 over CK2 for people interested. CK3 has cleaned up the interface and made it easier to understand the game.
it is also objectively a worse, more bare bones game.
Now Preach HAS to play CK2 or 3....He has to.
you know that emma is gona want to play that horse game
Most sane CK player.
Would love to see you play CK2 or 3. I've tried to get into it multiple times, but never got past the steep learning curve.
These two stories are the epitome of Ying and Yang
Man I just went to look up some crusader 3 shorts and I was not ready for what I saw lol. This game seems absolutely wild
First author's story was so well written, thanks! xD
When I saw the title I was hoping it was going to be Crusader Kings lol
CK2 is called war crime simulator for a reason
N64 graphics perfectly describes World of Warcraft graphics. Gameplay is all that matter but darn if it isn't hard to sell games to outsiders without pretty graphics.
I knew what game you were playing from the title alone.
Is that the end? No more erp? Lool I love preach xD
The beginning of the youtube video can drag on but you know what I'm here for it
We doing it toyko style today
Horse mmo marathon when? I wanna see mike whale the f outta that game 😂😂😂
Club Penguin is kill....
But Star Stable lives forever.
I like how I knew exactly what game this was by the title. Might say something about me or about he game. Not gonna think about it lmao.
Game is a 10/10. I had my ruler join a cult and become a military monster by selling his soul, Further I performed a ritual in game to become immortal by putting my soul in my grandson. Highly recommend.
NOTE: This is just a video game and not real life practices. 😂
What is this title😂
I've been playing star stable since 2012 and I keep trying to quit cause I'm old now and it keeps pulling me back. It's worse than my WoW addiction. Please play it. The horses are actually aliens fighting against a tentacle monster
⚠ Open a petition for Preach to play CK3 ⚠
watch the Sseth video of CK 2, you wont regret it hehe
Peak Fiction
I don't know if Crusader Kings or Hearts of Iron has the more degenerate fan base. Preach should split the difference and play Europa Universalis 4.
THis guy totally butchered every mechanic and explanation for ck2. It's not about painting the map your color it's a dynasty simulator and managing the medieval intrigue that goes with protecting ur family. The game only ends when any relative to your dynasty dies. War is only part of it. It's not comparable to civ. War is only one way to expand ur kingdom there's many other ways.
someone with too many hours in the series.
I had to click it, I had to do it, it's just too much of a clickbait not to do it.
wtf haha
that story writer doth protest too much
Quit acting like y’all aren’t grinding your teeth waiting for the newest episode of House of the Dragon. 😂
I do not want to hear stories about shit that happened irl. If it wasn’t on a multiplayer online game it doesn’t belong here