What if I stop believing?

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 88

  • @BibleLine
    @BibleLine  2 года назад +3

    THANKS FOR WATCHING! If you like this video, PLEASE SHARE IT!!

  • @amazinggrace4507
    @amazinggrace4507 2 года назад +10

    2: Timothy 2:13 - “If we believe not, yet He abideth faithful: He cannot deny Himself.” This is a great one for such an issue. God cannot go against His very nature and the Holy Spirit moved men to write the Bible. The Holy Ghost is the 3rd person of the Trinity, so it is impossible for God defy Himself.

  • @randyd9805
    @randyd9805 3 месяца назад +4

    I'm glad when the Lord Jesus Christ promised to give us eternal life when we believe in Him for salvation He meant it. God is the giver of eternal life and it's not dependent on our being able to keep on believing. Sure Satan will attack you and perhaps make you question your salvation, but he can never cause you to lose it and neither can you. Once God has justified the believing sinner by faith in Christ it can NEVER be undone. Once God gives you eternal life as His free gift that life is literally everlasting life.

  • @demetriushall1810
    @demetriushall1810 2 года назад +12

    Amen salvation isn't base on our performance but the performance of Christ who died and was raised form the dead. Nothing will separate us from the love of God and Nothing will separate us as his children. Yes we can be totally forgiven and be miserable when walking by the flesh. And we can't express Jesus when we are walking according to the flesh . No joy or fulfillment or satisfaction in sin but fulfillment, joy and satisfaction in serving Jesus . Thank toy lord for mercy and Grace and your finished work

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +1

      Absolutely! The grace of God is amazing. Thank you for sharing with us, and please continue staying faithful to the clarity of the gospel! Share this with someone else you know will benefit from it.

  • @johnnygospelseed477
    @johnnygospelseed477 2 года назад +12

    Amen Pastor Jesse...GReat answer!
    As it tells us in Jude, 1, We are, "....sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ,..."
    Salvation is NOT determined by OUR "Perseverance," but instead, the Born again Believer is PRESERVED IN JESUS CHRIST > FOREVER !
    As you mentioned in John 10:28, God only offers one type of Salvation, and that is ETERNAL!

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +1

      Absolutely! Thank you for the encouragement.

  • @deepcow
    @deepcow 2 года назад +8

    So many people have a crisis in faith, God knows this.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +6

      Very true! Thank God that He will never cast us out once we have believed in Christ!
      Thank you for watching the video!

  • @FlyDog79
    @FlyDog79 2 года назад +3

    Thank you for preaching the truth! These days it’s a jungle out there preaching what God’s word actually says vs. Churchisms or heretical beliefs. I hope all of their eyes are opened like God opened mine!

  • @DJ-wn1rg
    @DJ-wn1rg Год назад +2

    Hallelujah 🙏

  • @someonesweet8590
    @someonesweet8590 2 года назад +4

    Thank you, good to know😇

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +2

      You’re welcome 😊

  • @larry1824
    @larry1824 Год назад +1

    Once but no more. He literally kicked my ass and saved me🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  Год назад

      Hey Larry!!
      So you’ve trusted in Jesus Christ as your Savior?
      - Trent

    • @larry1824
      @larry1824 Год назад

      @@BibleLine he's kept me sober for 37 years

  • @NikoFinn
    @NikoFinn Год назад +1

    Amen and amen!!!

  • @gem934
    @gem934 Год назад +1

    You’re a great teacher.
    Thank you,

  • @malleluja
    @malleluja 2 года назад +2

    Thank you soo much for this message! ✨👆

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад

      We’re glad you were encouraged by it! Thanks for watching.
      - Trent

  • @larrysamuelson2223
    @larrysamuelson2223 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you brother. Excellent. Hebrews 12:2

  • @krisjustin3884
    @krisjustin3884 2 года назад +4

    The words ‘you were sealed’ in Ephesians 1:13-14 in greek is ἐσφραγίσθητε’ or ‘esphragisthete’ and according to the Catholic Church and Arminians this is a seal that can be broken if either party defaults on the agreement. In ancient Greece this was a word used for sealing a trade deal and if one party failed in the agreement, the other party could rescind the deal. Any comments on this? This is very important.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +3

      Good question. Taking a look at the Greek it seems as though the seal is simply a seal. Historical context does play some significance, but it does not mean that interpretation is necessarily applied here. One could compare such a seal to the seal a king in old time would stamp upon a letter or something of importance to signify that such a seal should never be broken until it arrives at the correct destination or desired result. Ephesians 4:30 says we are "sealed unto the day of redemption." Same author and book here, so I believe it is safe to conclude that a believer obtains the Holy Spirit and keeps him until the day he dies or is raptured to be with Christ. This is a strong case in support of the idea of eternal security. Thanks for the question!

    • @krisjustin3884
      @krisjustin3884 2 года назад +4

      @@BibleLine A good answer! I was also thinking that God would not break the seal as everyday people would in a market. We can not compare God’s faithfulness to a common business dealer and besides the seal was signed because of Christ’s work, not ours. As he said, ‘it is finished’. Your quote of Ephesians 4:30 fits well here. Much appreciated! Thank you!

    • @AbrahamAdeyemiOSAS
      @AbrahamAdeyemiOSAS 2 года назад

      @@krisjustin3884 Amen! The seal is unto the day of redemption

    • @TheShadow.1
      @TheShadow.1 Месяц назад

      Even if understood in the way you presented, when we trust in him he saves us. It cannot be undone by either party. When we believe, we are then bought with a price and we are not our own. We have no authority to reverse what has happened and we have his promise that he will never reverse it.

    • @krisjustin3884
      @krisjustin3884 Месяц назад

      @@TheShadow.1 That’s a good clarification you presented here. Thanks.

  • @leighastjohn8612
    @leighastjohn8612 3 месяца назад +1

    My pastor teaches that if someone could reject Jesus or quit believing after they claimed to have faith in Christ, then they NEVER believed in him anyway. He doesn't believe in the loss of salvation but thinks that person never really believed to begin with.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  3 месяца назад +1

      That’s an incorrect teaching. This is clear in John 3:18. If you believed, you aren’t condemned, and vice versa.
      You also can’t look at a person’s rejection and determine their salvation. They may have believed prior to the rejection.
      - Trent

    • @leighastjohn8612
      @leighastjohn8612 3 месяца назад

      @@BibleLine I actually agree with you about that, and have been struggling sitting under some teachings in my church lately. Thank you so much, Trent. You guys have been a tremendous blessing to me. God bless!

  • @keatongrout6275
    @keatongrout6275 2 года назад +4

    This is unbelievably new to me 😳 after so many years or reading the bible I never knew this at all. I always assumed from the biblical perspective that salvation came through belief in christ and that if you renounced your faith in him you would forfeit your salvation. so it really is true that once you're saved your ALWAYS saved? even if you stopped believing afterwards??

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +4

      Hi Keaton! It is absolutely true. We know that according to scripture that the only way to have eternal life is by an individual placing their faith in Christ alone. They must simply believe that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose from the dead to pay for their sins. The very moment they believe in Him, they receive eternal life. Proof verses: John 3:15-18, John 6:47, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 1:12, Romans 3:24-28, Romans 4:5.
      The question proposed is will that person lose said salvation if they proceed to no longer have faith in Jesus Christ? Or will they lose salvation if they renounce Him altogether? The answer according to scripture is no, and here are a few points of proof using Bible verses.
      1. The Bible states that a person who trusts in Christ is positionally saved. They are placed into family of God and will not return to a position of unsaved (John 1:12 "sons of God") and God will never cast a child out of His family. The person is sealed with the Holy Spirit upon belief, and that places them into the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:12-14, 4:30 "sealed unto the day of redemption").
      2. God's word also shows us that the person who places faith in Christ has eternal life, not temporary or probationary life. If it isn't eternal life, then we can never really know if we are saved (1 John 5:10-13 "ye may know ye have eternal life..")
      3. Finally God's word shows us that all sin was paid for on the cross. Once a person believes, then they have eternal life, and even if they stop believing, that sin is paid for! The only way a person goes to hell is if they never accepted the payment Christ made at any point in their life (See John 3:18, John 5:24, 1John 2:1-2).
      It would be a shame for a person to stop believing in Christ, but even if a believer did such a thing, his salvation position remains the same. The consequence for that decision won't be condemnation to hell, but rather it will be chastening or punishment. God will step in and "spank" His child for the wrongdoing because He is a loving Father to His children (See Hebrews 12:5-11).
      We hope this helps you, and please share this video with others whom it may benefit and bless.
      Thank you!!

    • @keatongrout6275
      @keatongrout6275 2 года назад +1

      @@BibleLine I think this is a beautiful idea even though I am conflicted as to whether it really is true or not, as there are so many others that contend with it. I would give anything for this to really be true, and coming to the knowledge of it now, the thought of it gives me great joy. It incentivises me to actually forgive those who have wronged me so I can tell them how to get saved, it would also inspire me to want to go out and share it with people. It reminds me of something christ said after he forgave the prostitute, to paraphrase "One who is forgiven most loves most, and one who is forgiven little, loves little."

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +3

      @@keatongrout6275 You make a worthy assessment. I encourage you to look at those scriptures and read them for what they are. The book of John says 99 times that in order to be saved, all we have to do is believe in Christ. What is received is eternal life, not probationary or temporary life. 1 Peter 1:4-5 states that we are kept by the power of God the moment we believe. This is not a keeping that is evident in the idea that a Calvinist puts on, but rather that he keeps us saved because we trusted in Him. There are no works associated on the front or the back end for the obtaining or keeping of salvation This is why it is not reliant upon us to get or stay saved. Therefore if we trust in Him, He then does the keeping, and there is no way to lose our salvation. Even if we stop believing. It is possible that we will see many a man in heaven who renounced their faith, but at one point in time before doing so, they placed their faith in Jesus Christ. Once you believe, you stay saved no matter the actions, beliefs, or walking away from the truth. Other wise grace is not grace and eternal does not mean eternal. Eternal life would be a show of works. We don't always trust God anyway! Oftentimes we find it easy to trust him with our eternal life, but we can't even trust him for a burger for lunch.
      I hope this makes sense. Even apart from the analogies, the truth in scripture remains. You cannot lose salvation even if you stop believing.
      See 2 Tim. 2:13 - "If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful; he cannot deny himself."

    • @EmeraldLeafVids
      @EmeraldLeafVids 2 года назад +1

      @@keatongrout6275 I love this comment because it's very similar and not unlike the responses by many who've come to the knowledge and acceptance of the true Gospel which saves ;)

    • @prestongreene7489
      @prestongreene7489 2 года назад +2

      Keaton, i dont think this was mentioned. The clearest example of this in the bible is 2 Tim 2:17-19 kjv
      17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;
      18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and OVERTHROW the faith of some.
      19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, HAVING THIS SEAL, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
      Here, some had their faith overthrown.....in spite of this......havING this seal.......they were still His.
      One is sealed the moment the gospel is believed (Eph 1:13-14). Even if their faith is overthrown.....still sealed; still His.
      Hope this helps.

  • @aleguitarra
    @aleguitarra 22 дня назад

    The way people "fix" this is saying that if someone stop believeng then he "never truly believed" in first place...
    Is not you lost it, is thay you never had it... can you answer that objection? Thanks

  • @playworksdurban
    @playworksdurban 2 года назад +2

    Jesus says in: Joh 3:18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
    Say a person hears the gospel and does not believe, Jesus says that person is condemned already (the opposite of being justified). Their position is therefore being a condemned person. How can that person later on in life suddenly become un-condemned when he or she finally decided to believe? If the person is already condemned, how can he lose his un-condemned state when his or her unbelieve changes into someone who believes?

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад

      Good question. The answer is just that. You become no longer condemned once you believe. The unbeliever has until he dies to make the choice to believe. It isn’t a one and done opportunity. See John 5:24.
      - Trent

  • @seekingtheoncesaved2834
    @seekingtheoncesaved2834 2 года назад

    I just made a video using a clip from your video. I believe salvation can be lost but I was looking for a video to show a clear free Grace perspective to make the distinction. You are very clear on your stance unlike many other OSAS believers.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 года назад +3

      Hi there! Thank you for the polite comment. We would actually love to reach out to you! Pastor Jesse's office number is 813-521-7483. He would love to have an honest biblical chat with you if you are open to it!

  • @stephenwebb4677
    @stephenwebb4677 2 месяца назад +2

    If what you say is true..why did the apostle Paul beat his body into submission..daily..or push towards the goal ahead as in a race..so that he wouldn't be disqualified at the end..?? 🤔🤔

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  2 месяца назад

      I just preached on that passage.
      Lest I be a Castaway | 1 Corinthians 9 | Calvary of Tampa
      - Trent

  • @Amelie_Christianity
    @Amelie_Christianity 18 дней назад +1

    Hi, God bless.
    I have a question. What if you did believe but u experience doubts and unbelief suddenly? Is it normal for Christians to have thoughts that go against having faith in what Jesus has done. Like for example Jesus was fake or smth. Like i can experience this unless i’m just overthinking 😭. pls pray for me to be connected with God

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  17 дней назад +1

      Know first that you have eternal life if you have believed in Jesus Christ for the full payment of your sins. If you believe , then He gives you eternal life. His death, burial and resurrection sealed the deal for our sin. All we need to do is believe He did that for us.
      Is it normal for believers to have doubts, unbelief and thoughts against the grain? Yes, and we get many questions about this. This is all a part of our flesh nature. Until we are with Christ, we are still going to sin and think sinful thoughts. The key in combating this is remembering your security in Christ, and you are to focus on walking in the Spirit. This would be "adding to your faith" in 2 Peter 1 or being a "living sacrifice" in Romans 12. The growth and fruit will come naturally if you apply yourself to walking in the Spirit by obeying God's Word.
      - Trent

  • @pastorernestalbuquerque4770
    @pastorernestalbuquerque4770 14 дней назад

    So does it mean that we don't have to either worry about those either in absolute rejection and denial of the true gospel and are in apostasy as they are saved irrespective of their present state ?
    What should be our message to such category of people ?

    • @Jake-TorukMakto-Sully
      @Jake-TorukMakto-Sully 3 дня назад

      You had to have been SAVED first and foremost, but after that. You are SAVED, FOREVER.

  • @montyeason3973
    @montyeason3973 3 месяца назад +1

    If believing to be saved isn't a meritorious work then maintaining belief(tobe saved) is not a meritorious work, either. Jesus said be faithful, even unto death and I will give you life as your victor's crown. THe point being even if persecuted and threatened with death, if you don't renounce Jesus and remain true to him as Lord, you will receive eternal life,. While not stated, it is certainly implied that to deny CHrist is Lord, even if persecuted is not being faithful. Salvation begins and ends with faith in Jesus.

  • @monsterhuntervideos4446
    @monsterhuntervideos4446 Год назад +2

    This is a tricky one because we are justified by faith so if one stops believing don't they no longer have faith that justifies them? I would argue that a person doesn't really stop believing deep down, just like Romans 1 teaches there really are no atheists, but that people rather suppress the truth in unrighteousness. I think the person who claims to not believe must still really believe because if the Holy Spirit is still with them it's going to be convicting them and maintaining that faith inwardly all the time. I mean such a person will be grieving the Holy Spirit continually so that person can have no inward rest. The person is sealed. This seems more like a rebellion to me where the person is having some kind of spiritual tantrum against God for some reason. I mean how can one go from believing that Jesus died for them on the cross for my sins to "I don't believe in you anymore"? Something doesn't seem right with that to me. It doesn't compute. I think they're lying! Once you believe in Christ sincerely that faith is always there deep down. No one is convincing me it can literally vanish away. People can lie to themselves and deceive themselves. The mind is a funny thing and very complex. We don't even understand it ourselves.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  Год назад +1

      I can understand the sentiment. We do have eternal security, and we are sealed with the Spirit. Is it possible to stop believing? We must assume the possibility because there are Christian’s that backslide into hating God, scripture, Jesus and etc… The purpose of the video is that the person who may stop believing (whatever the extent) is still saved no matter what. Will God chasten and work on that person? Absolutely. Will they necessarily come back to believing and serving? That depends on them, yet they remain saved forever.
      - Trent

  • @flateartheric16-oi3im
    @flateartheric16-oi3im Год назад +1

    If you say you stop believing how do you know you never believed in the first place

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  Год назад

      Good question.
      We know that once an individual believes in Jesus Christ, they are saved forever and passed from death to life (See John 5:24 for reference). It is false to assume someone never believed in the first place because this would mean you are watching their works to see if they are “truly saved.” The scripture says whosoever believes HATH everlasting life. Even if you stop believing at some point, you are still saved forever. Nevertheless, it is a shame to go that route because it is treading under foot the payment Christ made for sin.
      - Trent

  • @hillarylynn66
    @hillarylynn66 3 месяца назад +2

    know this is old but I just watched it on RUclips. I am blown away by this… please please know this is false to its core… we must read the entire word and not pick small pieces out and run away with them. You must repent! Read 1 John 1:9. Acts 3:19. 2 Peter 3:9. Matthew 9:13. Matthew 4:17. James 4:8. Joel 2:13. Revelation 3:19. Luke 15:7… etc., and how dare you say works poison the Gospel!!!!! James 2:14-26!!!

    • @darrengordon8221
      @darrengordon8221 20 дней назад +1

      Hi Hillary , you're absolutely right , the things that this man preaches is an absolute disgrace,
      He who endures to the end, the same shall be saved .
      God bless .

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  20 дней назад

      What about James 1:1-2:13? Who says James is talking about salvation into heaven at all?
      What about 1 John 1:1-8?
      Matthew 4:1-16?
      Revelation 1:1-3:18?
      You’re “picking small pieces…” We can contextually back up our verse placements if you like.
      - Trent

  • @claytontheriault1352
    @claytontheriault1352 Год назад +1

    I am surprised you didn't include 2 Timothy 2:13 KJV
    If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  Год назад +1

      Can’t have everything included in each video! Good verse, thanks.
      - Trent

  • @user-nk8gr4wy5b
    @user-nk8gr4wy5b 10 дней назад

    This sounds weird to me doesn't sound right how can I have faith if I'm rejecting Jesus I don't beleive hes real wouldn't the holy spirit tell me in my thoughts that this is wrong. Something not right about this teaching

  • @hgray55
    @hgray55 Год назад +5

    One saved always saved is a lie from the pit of Helll. Hebrews 6:4-8. If you understand that you were saved to bare fruit for the kingdom of God and to become an enemy to the kingdom of darkness, you'll understand why this so called pastor is lying to your face. You're either for God or you're against Him

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  Год назад +1

      Hey hgray55!
      Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts. I do agree that one is either for God or one is against him. I have a couple questions for you.
      1. Is it true that once I believe, I have the Spirit of God indwelling me?
      2. Is the Spirit of God for God, or is He against God?
      3. How long does the Spirit indwell me after I believe?
      4. If I can lose the Spirit, what would I have to do in order to do that?
      - Trent

    • @hgray55
      @hgray55 Год назад

      @@BibleLine I have a question for you. What good is the Spirit of God in you if you abide not in the doctrine of Christ? Does He leave or go dormant and afflict your seered conscious? What difference does it make when you don't show fruit and you are constantly overcome by the enemy of your soul. And you go to a fake church? Take heed lest you fall. 2 John 1:9 KJV - Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  Год назад +1

      We can grieve the Spirit all day long.. we can even resist him. See Ephesians 4:30 and Acts 7:51.
      I’ll answer my questions for you.
      1. Yes
      2. For God
      3. Until the day of redemption
      4. There is no way to lose the Spirit
      “What good is it…?”
      Obviously the believer is of no profit to God if he doesn’t abide in the doctrine of Christ. This doesn’t mean he isn’t saved because he is still sealed with the Spirit. Eph. 1:12-14
      “What difference does it make….?”
      If a believer doesn’t show fruit, it’s a sad tragedy, but we have many example of this in scripture; particularly the Corinthians. Yet, the Corinthian believers were saved.
      “A fake church…”
      I’m unsure what you mean by this. The church is the body of Christ made up of believers in Him.
      John was referring to the flesh, not the Spirit. The Spirit cannot sin, but the flesh always sins… When you happen to have both by believing in Christ; it’s a daily choice which one you serve. You are saved by faith in Christ, but you still sin each day if you don’t walk in the Spirit.
      - Trent

    • @hgray55
      @hgray55 Год назад

      @@BibleLine it's interesting that you don't know what fake church means. It is synonymous with false doctrine, and fake pastors that lead people into error daily across the nation and the world. They lead people to damnation. It's spoken about here. So-called churches who don't have the correct doctrine of salvation or baptism are fake church they. 2 Timothy 4:3 KJV - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
      OSAS is a lie from the pits of hell

    • @hgray55
      @hgray55 Год назад

      @@BibleLine what do you think this scripture means? Matthew 7:23 KJV - And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      There are previous supporting scriptures for context, I didn't include for brevity

  • @follow_the_way
    @follow_the_way Месяц назад

    How are we able to be sure that we have come to KNOW Jesus? Many claim to KNOW Jesus but they deny him by their WORKS, just like Paul said in Titus 1:16.
    They profess to KNOW God, but they deny him by their WORKS. They are detestable, DISOBEDIENT, unfit for any good WORK.
    And John tells us in 1 John 2:3-4 about the people that truly KNOW Jesus.

    3 And by this we KNOW that we have come to KNOW him, if we keep his commandments.
    4 Whoever says “I KNOW him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
    So, the Bible clearly says that whoever says they KNOW Him but does not keep His commandments(plural) is a LIAR!! Plain and simple.
    The gospel that is taught to many people today has been reduced down to just "faith alone". This false gospel of "faith alone" has made following the commandments of Christ null and void. Obeying His commandments have been eliminated from the gospel and have been made subsequent and optional to salvation. Walking in the Spirit has been made optional as well. This false gospel of "faith alone" changes what Jesus said in Matthew 7:14 - For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
    Instead of following the biblical teaching on salvation in Christ, they follow this false gospel which tells them that they can be saved by "faith alone", apart from having to keep the commandments of Christ.
    By teaching that we do NOT need to keep the commandments(plural) of Christ as the gospel, the saving power of the gospel has been neutralized. The end result is that millions of people have been deceived by the devil's masterpiece into thinking they have eternal life in Christ when they actually do not. These people do not really KNOW Christ.

  • @bertvanmourik2345
    @bertvanmourik2345 Год назад

    I haven’t rejected God. It doesn’t exist

    • @BibleLine
      @BibleLine  Год назад

      Why do you think He does not?
      - Trent