Dangerous Preaching: The Hidden Risks of JW Door-to-Door

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 97

  • @joshcapshaw266
    @joshcapshaw266 2 месяца назад +31

    Growing up in rural Arkansas, twice I had guys pull a shotgun on me and tell me to leave. Another time I had a guy scream at me, calling me a Satan worshipper and telling me to leave. Witnesses are risking their lives for absolutely nothing. It's really sad.

    • @rebuildingrebelyn
      @rebuildingrebelyn 2 месяца назад +5

      I was 8 when that happened.

    • @missrob4538
      @missrob4538 Месяц назад

      I have seen situations in field service where a man throws urine on a brother no joke and he thought jehovah will deal with that man man because he was doing jehovah work the level of brain washing is unbelievable

  • @Alisha-zq6vh
    @Alisha-zq6vh 2 месяца назад +21

    What a wild episode! When I was a teen, I got involved with a man who was a predator. He made the comment to me that he liked JWs, bc they sent pretty, young, smiling girls to his door 😒

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +7

      That’s horrific. I’m so sorry.

    • @onesunnyday5699
      @onesunnyday5699 2 месяца назад +4

      😮😢 I'm so sorry you went through that 😔 😢

  • @gisella1350
    @gisella1350 2 месяца назад +18

    You good hearted Jehovah's Witnesses, take heed, this is important.

  • @gisella1350
    @gisella1350 2 месяца назад +20

    I can remember doing rural witnessing, a female, very remote. The brothers were sitting in the car playing chess. Myself and another sister got out of the car, it was our turn. We knocked the door, the farm dog came tearing around the corner and attacked us. The boys in the car, didn't have a clue, they were to busy playing chess. I grabbed the dog by the hair on its neck and forced it into a little room outside, my hands were full of bites. That didn't matter, the map was important. Pathetic.

  • @RitaMoore-um6dm
    @RitaMoore-um6dm 2 месяца назад +19

    The same reason there is very few door to door sales of any kind then here comes JWs expecting it to be safe. Someone lied to them.

  • @blahblah2blahblah260
    @blahblah2blahblah260 2 месяца назад +14

    One guy threatened to throw me off his porch but he saw the look in my eyes that i wasnt having any of that. I didnt tolerate anybody putting their hands on me no matter how many stories they told us of witnesses being attacked and did nothing nope. Jehovah would just have to forgive me later i was never a sheep. Just an obedient wolf that was kind until your crossed that line lol.

  • @paztribe437
    @paztribe437 2 месяца назад +11

    Great video.
    Organization Fear mongers about everything but the Real dangers they put their members in. And they know all the stories we only hear on occasions

  • @AnthonyMorrisReturns
    @AnthonyMorrisReturns 2 месяца назад +13

    Hey Jason and Fallon! Brilliant video. This is a really important topic that is seldom covered.
    I remember a few months ago while I was still a JW elder, a family manning the cart were shot with an airgun. Our body of elders started debating whether the congregation should be warned to take caution. Eventually, the majority just about edged it to have the announcement made. I was chairman that night and as I got up to the platform to do the announcements one of the elders started waving at me to look at my phone. Turns out the coordinator who was out of the country had sent a message to the elders chat vetoing the announcement. I kind of knew this was probably why the elder was waving frantically from the back but I went ahead and made the announcement anyway.
    Keep up the good work guys!

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +3

      While an airgun is the best of the worst possibilities, I'm sure they were shaken up. How awful! And kudos to you for following your instincts & saying it anyway. The cover-ups (great & small) have gone on long enough! Thanks for the support "beautiful person of the internet" 😁 -Falon

    • @AnthonyMorrisReturns
      @AnthonyMorrisReturns 2 месяца назад +3

      @@DiffiCULTChildhood Indeed! For an organisation that claims to be "the truth" they just can't help themselves but lie even when they don't have to.
      By the way thanks for the shout out in the video Falon. I've sent you guys a message on Insta😊😊😊

    • @apostababelindajames7461
      @apostababelindajames7461 2 месяца назад +2

      Good for you. Vetoing a warning announcement seems to be the ORG's way of protecting the flock of God. Handling most situations as though they have never happened. The blind leading the blind.

    • @judybrennan7930
      @judybrennan7930 2 месяца назад

      Women are not supposed to preach

  • @becurious2000
    @becurious2000 Месяц назад +4

    I was a victim of assault with a gun in the ministry in Texas. It was a “safe neighborhood “ and I was in my truck with 4 other witnesses. A guy pulled up behind me and the passenger hung out the window with a gun. They chased me for two and a half minutes until I managed to get away. The police managed to catch the guy with the gun and he went to prison. He was a 17 year old high on meth. If it weren’t for my evasive maneuvers with the vehicle we could all be dead.the weird thing was the police managing my case I found out was about to get baptized as a witness. He is still an active witness and is in my mom’s congregation.

  • @m.arnold717
    @m.arnold717 2 месяца назад +5

    This was excellent. Thanks for making this video. The JWs don't realize how dangerous this is. Rely on Jehovah's protection.

  • @hadaku
    @hadaku 2 месяца назад +4

    This is such an awesome podcast featuring such a serious subject that I had to thank you again for taking on such a subject which proves that the GB cares nothing for the lives and safety of their flock; often sending them into dangerous territory to make money for them, under the guise that they are doing the work of the great shepherd in saving lives for the kingdom. It is so dangerous, especially in this day and age when many folks no longer have a conscience and life itself has lost much of its value. Keep up the good work. My fervent hope is that more JWs will wake up to the extreme dangers of the door-to-door work, not knowing who is gonna be behind those doors and their life could be snuffed out in seconds, and neither Jesus, Jehovah, the angels or the GB is coming to rescue them. Instead, the GB will be laughing all the way to the bank off of their tireless effort to support their publishing empire under the mask of saving souls for the kingdom. THANKS A BUNCH! You guys are phenomenal!

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад

      Thank you @hadaku your kind words mean so much! - Jason 💛💛💛

  • @mayfly3030
    @mayfly3030 2 месяца назад +9

    I had been hoping and waiting for this subject to be addressed in depth. Thank you.

  • @isabellegf8526
    @isabellegf8526 2 месяца назад +2

    This is so interesting!
    I live in New York. I remember being assigned a building as a territory with another sister (2 of us only) while another group of only 2 sisters were going to do another building across the street. I took the brother to the side and told him I wasn’t comfortable with that. He said he didn’t understand what my concern was. He was hesitate about assigning us all together as the other sisters all agreed with him. I didn’t care, cause I’ve never been one of those turn the other cheeks person. I knew if something went down, I was more likely to fight than the other sisters. But it was a big safety issue in my opinion because what if something had happened while we were at a door, how would we call for help…..it’s as if JW have this false narrative that since Gods angels is with them, nothing can happen.

  • @grimlokg
    @grimlokg 2 месяца назад +8

    When I was in 2019 they were still doing meetings for service watch your surroundings, group overseer is the shepherd watching his flock out in service. I would just toss contact cards in the air and call it a month 😊

  • @JustDeannaJune
    @JustDeannaJune 2 месяца назад +6

    In 1989, i was 17, me and a young black sister (20) went to a door in a typical suburban neighborhood in Pittsburgh PA. The man came out with a sawed off shot gun and pointed it back and forth at both of our heads. Calling her many horrible slurs about her race and said JW's are evil. And told us to get the f*ck off his property. Remember, this is a house over house, houses are like 100 ft away from each other, neighborhood. No one came to see if we were ok. We were in a car group with just us two girls and her brothers, who were 17 & 15. We left and went back to the hall, obviously shook, the elders and our parents, when we got back to the hall said... "See, ppl truly do hate Jehovah's ppl, we better mark that as a do not call." The end. No one checked to ask us if we were ok mentally and emotionally. They never called the police, nothing. We regrouped and continued with a few more hours of service. I literally forgot about this until a few weeks ago and i was talking to my therapist and told her the story with zero emotion and she was astounded. She was like that should be a serious PTSD moment. I was like, honestly, i forgot about it until you asked me if i had ever had a situation that involved a gun. Unbelievably, thats not my only gun story, but i had legitimately forgotten about that. 😳🤨😣

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +3

      Woah. Thank you for sharing that Deanna. I wish we had your story before we recorded so we could’ve shared it on the episode.
      “We better mark that as a do not call.” Wow. Just wow. And then they used it to reinforce “us versus them” thinking.
      That’s amazing. Thanks again for sharing that story. I hope lots of people read it and it helps someone wake up. - Jason

    • @JustDeannaJune
      @JustDeannaJune 2 месяца назад +2

      Gotta love the 80s!!! 🙄 And the 'persecution porn' the governing body thrives off of, as my husband calls it.

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +2

      Omg, terrifying!!! I'll take "Things Elders say to dismiss your traumatic experiences for $500". Sorry you went through that friend, glad you made it out! Thanks for joing us 😉 -Falon

    • @JustDeannaJune
      @JustDeannaJune 2 месяца назад +2

      @@DiffiCULTChildhood thanks Falon! Unbelievable what we have gone through and didn't think much of it at the time and now look back and realize... Wtf!?!? 😳🤨😣

  • @CdnPIMO
    @CdnPIMO 2 месяца назад +6

    When I moved to a small town in British Columbia, we were doing some more more rural territory, and I had a rifle pointed at me when we knocked on the door. The guy was growing marijuana by the looks of it and thought maybe we were agents of some kind with the law.
    I said oh I’ve got a savage 270 is that the newer version? Let me see that… And it diffused the situation
    But I do admit those things are pretty rare

  • @Lisapinson
    @Lisapinson 2 месяца назад +1

    In New Zealand I remember when I was about 7 or 8 out witnessing in the country we had a guy who took our car off us and we had to walk away from the property and later on he had driven our dads car up to the end of driveway and flagged down another brother and told to tell us to come and get it or he was getting it towed, and the brother took our car and drove it back to us.im 51 now but I remember it so well and it was scary.

  • @mikegonzalez503
    @mikegonzalez503 2 месяца назад +3

    I remember some crazy woman inviting us into her house to start chatting. Her husband eventually walked into the room. He was surprised by us being there and obviously pissed. He then went back into the room, put a shirt on, and asked us to leave
    Nothing really bad happened. But I remember feeling so unsafe at that time and it was clear what was going on.

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +2

      Eewww 😂

    • @mikegonzalez503
      @mikegonzalez503 2 месяца назад +2

      @@DiffiCULTChildhood also it was a dirty house, if I remember, and I didn't want to be there anyway

  • @Daurio4747
    @Daurio4747 Месяц назад

    I was the service overseer for 6 years. In the rural areas in the 1990's and early 2000's we had a lot of meth labs. On several occasions some of our pioneers had guns pulled on them. I worked one day with (x3) pioneer sisters. I was in the drivers seat when two sisters were approching the door. I told them to get back to the car. Because I saw a man with a sawed off shotgun on the side of the house. He was probably protecting his meth lab. After being dismissed from the watchtower, I got into law enforcement and was on the drug taskforce. We no longer see meth labs anymore because it is cheaper comming from Mexico. But looking back on it. We were so close to getting a slave or slaves for the watchtower killed. Great program. 🙋

  • @grammargoddessNYC
    @grammargoddessNYC 2 месяца назад +2

    Remember, the angels were with us. 😡😐 There are countless experiences of people getting guns pulled on them at doors, dogs being let lose.
    Just last year, I asked my parents (in their 70s) about letter writing - what return address were they using on the letters? I told her it SHOULD be the US headquarters, NOT their home address and NOT the kingdom hall.
    This topic is so necessary. I am always concerned about my parents and family still in this mess!

  • @Livelifewell777
    @Livelifewell777 2 месяца назад +2

    I just found your channel this week and have binged listening to it. You both are amazing.
    I was terrified going out in service I live in Washington State. I remember being 17 and being assigned a run-down apartment building with a 10-year-old little girl in the hall. The apartment building was known for having pedophiles in it. I was such a true believer that I did what I was told even though I was terrified.
    We too always went to homes that had gates with no trespassing signs. There was a story that a homeowner locked the gate and kept the car group trapped until the police came and after that some of the friends wouldn't go into no trespassing homes, but not my husband he was staunch we have to go to every place. I was so terrified.
    I've had numerous guns pulled on me, walked to the car with a rifle pointed in my back.
    We went to bethel in the early nineties for the construction of 90 Sands. A sister in our hall insisted we go visit her mom, only she didn't tell us it was an extremely dangerous part of Brooklyn. We were robbed at gunpoint, I honestly thought they were going to shoot us. The sister was mad at us that we didn't keep on going after that to see her mom, the ones in the hall were upset with us for being traumatized, as the friends in the hall said everyone gets robbed in NY at some point why did we think we were so special. My overseer at Bethel told me I was stupid to be in that part of Brooklyn as everyone knew that it was extremely dangerous for white people to be there. Bethel only sent black brothers there he said. (Not true) My overseer said it was our own stupid fault for being robbed. I begged my husband to write to the Bethel office and ask for us to be assigned another hall to go to. Bethel office said NO period we had to keep going.
    It was all so crazy. I have been bitten by dogs 7 times a couple I honestly should have gone to the doctor about some of the bites as they drew blood but being pioneers we didn't have the money.😢
    When I was around 18 I heard a story about a young pioneer sister in Central Washington who had a call on a guy, she had been calling on him for a while and felt safe around him. This one morning to start her time she decided to just drop off some magazines on the way to the meeting for service. He raped and then murdered her. I honestly don't know how I heard the story but I was totally freaked out and talked to some elders in service because she was my age and I had been told that Jehovah's protection was with us.
    The elders were upset with me for knowing about it, blew it off basically making me feel that I was in the wrong for even asking and that the sister should have known better. I have honestly never been able to know if it truly happened but the more I know the more I think it did.
    I woke up in my late 40's. Unfortunately everything I went through didn't wake me up until we had CSA come into my congregation. Which is the next RUclips of yours I am going to listen to.
    Thank you for your videos. I have thoroughly enjoyed everything you have done.

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +1

      I bet you have good Bethel stories! Turning the tables & making members feel like THEY are the ones that aren't normal for listening to their God-given instincts about situations that feel dangerous is a story we hear over & over again & it's sickening. Gaslighting is alive & well in the org! SO glad you made it out & we're very excited to have you join us!!! 😀 -Falon

  • @michelejashinsky8409
    @michelejashinsky8409 2 месяца назад +8

    That family in Germany even tho they were supporting WT they had the heavenly hope so they read the Bible differently and possibly they were martyred for their real faith. Although Rutherford set them up as sitting ducks he needed martyrs for his persecution complex

  • @zengalileo
    @zengalileo 2 месяца назад +2

    My friend Tracy Jordan was killed while serving where the need is great in Kentucky back in about 1993. Two men waited for her when the restaurant she worked at was closed up, attempted to assault her, and shot her when she tried to escape. She was in her early 20s. A wonderful beautiful person. A real loss to the world. RIP sister.

  • @johnharper9433
    @johnharper9433 2 месяца назад +1

    New sub, Thanks for what you do, I would love for every thunbs up gave a comment, on every JW channel, millions of comments would make it hard for the governments of the world to ignore this CULT

  • @suejoyful5576
    @suejoyful5576 2 месяца назад +2

    I was sixteen knocking doors guys would open and their eyes looked liked they were undressing me and I felt disgusted.

  • @hadaku
    @hadaku 2 месяца назад +2

    Yeah, i remember years back a watchtower cover featured angels hovering above witnesses while out in service knocking on doors (to give a sense of false security). I tell you what, if those angels were there this one day i was out in service, he (or she) (sexless angels?) did not respond when the 'householder' sent his vicious dog after me. I barely made it back to the car at the curb! If they had dropped me off and went up the street like they sometimes did, I'd have been attacked.

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +1

      Right??? Those days were wild! Glad you made it out in one piece! Thanks for watching 😊 -Falon

  • @toddhayes3506
    @toddhayes3506 2 месяца назад +1

    Great Job Thanks from Detroit

  • @Over-for-now
    @Over-for-now 2 месяца назад +2

    How l pray for folks stuck in religion. It's ALL about Jesus and the FINISHED work He accomplished for salvation. NOT any religion that man dreamed up

  • @ChasExplorz
    @ChasExplorz 2 месяца назад +3

    I just watched a video where the JW s said no more door to door for most. Only trained overseers would do it moving forward. I wonder if they're trying to avoid law suits!

    • @mikegonzalez503
      @mikegonzalez503 2 месяца назад +2

      When did this go down?

    • @ChasExplorz
      @ChasExplorz 2 месяца назад

      @@mikegonzalez503this is the video that shows it. ruclips.net/video/OFwT79vgcY4/видео.htmlsi=dwknrU_Fy_wsSf6L

    • @ChasExplorz
      @ChasExplorz Месяц назад

      @@mikegonzalez503 ruclips.net/video/OFwT79vgcY4/видео.htmlsi=tk13SkjN_ZDTDdOG

  • @rebuildingrebelyn
    @rebuildingrebelyn 2 месяца назад +1

    I could spend months listing how many times shit could've gone very wrong but i was 8, with a 9 yr old when a shot gun was pulled on us.

  • @astridmiller7938
    @astridmiller7938 2 месяца назад +1

    back in 60's and 70's witnessing...for me it was dogs , twice bitten that drew blood. painful and scary to a child. it seemed no one cared or took me to the doctor.

  • @onesunnyday5699
    @onesunnyday5699 2 месяца назад

    I've heard so many stories about a child who decided to take "1 more door." Some had the uplifting ending that the child touched a heart & the householder "came into the Truth."
    Then, there were the children who were slaughtered because the householder swore he would kill the next JW that came to the door.

  • @elainevazquez7438
    @elainevazquez7438 Месяц назад

    So, dangerous! I remember going to a door and as a teen with another teen gal, a man came to the door and was being a creepy flirty to us and invited us in. Circa 1983. We said, "no thank you", left and went to the car and simply marked it as "Not Interested" on field service slip. The adults in car group didn't seem to be bothered or concerned. They should have marked it as "Do Not Call On" (I think that was the term).

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  Месяц назад

      Glad you made it outta there safe! D2D days were wild man... 😳

  • @elainegoad9777
    @elainegoad9777 2 месяца назад +12

    It makes me angry that JW's, Mormons, etc... have the nerve to knock on my door , my private home selling their religion. Stop it !

    • @brucea9871
      @brucea9871 2 месяца назад +4

      Yes I am fed up with it too. It is incredibly arrogant and rude. Unfortunately missionaries can't see this for two reasons. First they are so sure they are right they actually believe proselytizing is helping others. Second they are never on the receiving end of it. Only Christians actively proselytize. If members of other religions were to endlessly proselytize Christians after a while Christians would get tired of it and might begin to see how rude and arrogant it is.

    • @astridmiller7938
      @astridmiller7938 2 месяца назад +2

      @@brucea9871 if only.they could see their behavior as intrusive and threatening.

    • @astridmiller7938
      @astridmiller7938 2 месяца назад +2

      they are pushy also. even a no thankyou they still push with reasons..

  • @RitaMoore-um6dm
    @RitaMoore-um6dm 2 месяца назад +2

    Those kind of dogs and people exist everywhere. JWs go door to door and find more than is realized to exist.

  • @Ottonio
    @Ottonio 2 месяца назад +1

    Well, if you die in service or on the way to the convention, you just will be ressurrected. Yippeee!

  • @bosslady6198
    @bosslady6198 Месяц назад

    This is one reason why I dislike door it is too risky from bad people to bad dogs, the governing body needs to scope the area first before allowing preaching there or at least allow self defense which is not promoted in the hall only on rare occasions

  • @robinkish-miller2990
    @robinkish-miller2990 2 месяца назад

    I had a naked guy come to the door when I was about 9 years old.

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +1

      Yikes! I had one answer in just a towel & that was bad enough 🤮

  • @archieliburd3794
    @archieliburd3794 2 месяца назад

    JEHOVAHS witnesses knows from the Bible that they are going to be hated, Jesus said that. JEHOVAHS WITNESSES KNOWS that serving Jehovah is not going to be a walk along easy street. Matthew 24 v 9 is clear. JESUS disciples were beaten and thrown in jail, and flogged, yet they continue right on full speed ahead with the preaching work. Before Saul became the apostle Paul, he use to drag Christians out of their house and carry them to jail and to be beaten and even killed. Some of the disciples got beheaded. That is what makes the difference between TRUE CHRISTIANS and others. Matthew 10 v 38 and 39.
    People are lead to believe that if you just go by a church one day a week and listen to someone talking some GOD THINGS and some JESUS THINGS, that make you a Christian.

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +2

      Well, Archie, if you are a JW, then you surely realize you've already broken your own rules by watching this video, so maybe deep down, you have some doubts? Much food for thought. Thanks for watching 😉

  • @AnayhiasMimi4619
    @AnayhiasMimi4619 Месяц назад +1

    When i was much younger people had attack geese some of them are worse then dogs 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @alexcampbell3032
    @alexcampbell3032 2 месяца назад +1

    ExJW/Atheist? Does that mean Gay?

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  2 месяца назад +1

      Hey, listen. That too. 🙂 (See photo of my boyfriend in the background) - Jason

    • @alexcampbell3032
      @alexcampbell3032 2 месяца назад

      @@DiffiCULTChildhood Happy priDE MONth!

    • @brucea9871
      @brucea9871 2 месяца назад

      I only watched a small part of this video so I'm not sure if you are serious or just being sarcastic. If you are serious you actually believe ExJW and atheists are gay? The Watchtower Society sure did a good job of brainwashing you. Religious affiliation has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation.

  • @kennethgiles-nu9dk
    @kennethgiles-nu9dk Месяц назад

    they did kill jesus didnt they

    • @DiffiCULTChildhood
      @DiffiCULTChildhood  Месяц назад

      They got Jesus? Why am I always the last to hear when celebs die? - J

  • @joshcapshaw266
    @joshcapshaw266 2 месяца назад +10

    Growing up in rural Arkansas, twice I had guys pull a shotgun on me and tell me to leave. Another time I had a guy scream at me, calling me a Satan worshipper and telling me to leave. Witnesses are risking their lives for absolutely nothing. It's really sad.