Hi, recently subscribed and finding the content really useful. Can I ask why you use a solution and not RO water to recalibrate? Online guides suggest RO water.
@mattferris3614 Refractometers are rarely accurate over their entire scale. So, while RO/DI will work for calibrating at 0ppt, that doesn't help much when measuring saltwater. You could be off by several ppt when measuring tank water. You want to calibrate at the value you'll be targeting. Pick up a bottle of 35ppt calibration solution, and your refractometer will always be accurate at 35ppt.
tropic marin High Precision Hydrometer The best thing I bought to test salinity. no more calibration .
@yanna4473 Thanks, I checked it out interesting.
Hi, recently subscribed and finding the content really useful. Can I ask why you use a solution and not RO water to recalibrate? Online guides suggest RO water.
@mattferris3614 Refractometers are rarely accurate over their entire scale. So, while RO/DI will work for calibrating at 0ppt, that doesn't help much when measuring saltwater. You could be off by several ppt when measuring tank water. You want to calibrate at the value you'll be targeting. Pick up a bottle of 35ppt calibration solution, and your refractometer will always be accurate at 35ppt.