Full Scale Buddha's Original Teaching - Paticca Samuppada (Ashin Ottama)

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024
  • English corrected subtitles can be activated (!)
    Nowadays people practice the Buddha-Dhamma for variety of reasons, from different grounds of motivation, with different intensity, still, it will be certainly advantageous to know, or at least to be informed about the original format and depth of Buddha’s Teaching and the astoundingly radical solution to human malaise presented there.
    This Dhamma talk is about endless rebirth (Samsāra) and the ultimate solution of all problems (Parinibbāna). The “Paticca Samuppāda” - Dependent Origination in anuloma (=clockwise) direction is showing the principle of endless running in Samsāra, the “patiloma” (=counterclockwise) direction of conditionality shows the ultimate cause of all unsatisfactoriness. The Buddha’s solution lies in the overcoming of this cause of all problems - avijjā.
    In this talk Ashin Ottama is consciously and purposely relaying on somehow disputed Sutta SN22:22 - “The Burden”, which, as if contradicts the canonical Theravadins presentation of anattā (= Not-self, or selflessness), with the aim, to bring awareness to this important topic, because in Buddha’s time anattā may had another shade of meaning as it presents the later Theravada.
    “puggala“=person. As I understand it, the 5 khandha creates the notion of a “puggala” - person, the “you”, but this notion is unstable, changeable, just an appearance of “self”. When the 5 khandhas are laid down, the puggala goes as well. In majority of the Suttas Buddha speaks from the standpoint of ultimate reality (paramattha) - and says rather the opposite - example SN12:12. Both Suttas here below:
    SN22:22 The Burden Translated from the Pali by Bhikkhu Bodhi
    At Savatthi…. There the Blessed One said this: "Bhikkhus, I will teach you the burden, the carrier of the burden, the taking up of the burden, and the laying down of the burden. Listen to that….
    "And what, bhikkhus, is the burden? It should be said: the five aggregates subject to clinging. What five? The form aggregate subject to clinging, the feeling aggregate subject to clinging, the perception aggregate subject to clinging, the volitional formations aggregate subject to clinging, the consciousness aggregate subject to clinging. This is called the burden.
    "And what, bhikkhus, is the carrier of the burden? It should be said: the person, this venerable one of such a name and clan. This is called the carrier of the burden.
    "And what, bhikkhus, is the taking up of the burden? It is this craving that leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there; that is, craving for sensual pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination. This is called the taking up of the burden.
    "And what, bhikkhus, is the laying down of the burden? It is the remainderless fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, non-reliance on it. This is called the laying down of the burden."
    This is what the Blessed One said. Having said this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, further said this:
    "The five aggregates are truly burdens,
    The burden-carrier is the person.
    Taking up the burden is suffering in the world,
    Laying the burden down is blissful.
    Having laid the heavy burden down
    Without taking up another burden,
    Having drawn out craving with its root,
    One is free from hunger, fully quenched."
    SN12:12 excerpt:
    "Venerable sir, who feels?"
    "Not a valid question," the Blessed One replied. "I do not say, ‘One feels.’ If I should say, ‘One feels,’ in that case this would be a valid question: ‘Venerable sir, who feels?’ But I do not speak thus. Since I do not speak thus, if one should ask me, ‘Venerable sir, with what as condition does feeling come to be?’ this would be a valid question. To this the valid answer is: ‘With contact as condition, feeling comes to be; with feeling as condition, craving.’"

Комментарии • 31

  • @akwr8998
    @akwr8998 Год назад +4

    By far the best explanation of pattica samuppada I've ever heard. Venerable Ashin Ottama Bhikkhu, I see things a little clearer today. 🙏🏻 Thanks.

  • @akwr8998
    @akwr8998 Год назад +1

    Durch diesen hervorragenden Vortrag hat sich mir wieder ein neues Fenster eröffnet. Sehr verständlich gesprochen, ganz großartig. Ich bedanke mich sehr herzlich ❣️ 🙏🏻

  • @BedrichHerbst108
    @BedrichHerbst108 Год назад +1

    Děkuji Bhante! 🙏

  • @hermitontudong
    @hermitontudong Год назад

    Thank you, bhante, for keeping the Buddha's original teaching alive for us! It seems that Hillside Hermitage approach "breaks the chain" between feelings and craving and the Burmese Abhidharmic vipassana approach enters at avijja...

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад +1

      Ještě ujasnění: aspekt vhledu (=“vipassana“) - to není jen abhidhammická moderní praxe vipassana-meditace, jak to zmiňuješ. Vhled/buddhistická moudrost je v Suttách silně zastoupena. Je to všude tam, kde se Buddha nezabývá obsahem prožívání, ale mluví o struktuře prožívání (= vše co se týká 5ti khandha, 12ti āyatana, yathābhūta ñāṇadassana, anicca-dukkha-anattā…) - to je vše vipassana. V „Lesní tradici“ původně byla tato součást Dhammy málo zastoupena, teprve nyní se to ujasňuje a doplňuje.

    • @hermitontudong
      @hermitontudong Год назад

      @@bodhipala1 Rozdíl zdá se být v tom, jaký důraz se klade na ten fundament pro čistotu a utišení mysli, protože jen čistá a utišená mysl může "vidět věci tak, jak skutečně jsou". Pro Hillside Hermitage je budování tohoto fundamentu skrze čištění sīla, sense restraint a odloučenost naprosto zásadní, jhana je pro ně přirozeným výsledkem soustavného rozvíjení a upevnění tohoto fundamentu. Pak přichází vhled. Jedno po druhém, graduální tréning...Bez rozvinutí tohoto fundamentu zůstávají meditující (na retreatech, v barmských centrech...) ve smyslovosti (tendence k (ne)libosti), proto je u nich pokrok na cestě vhledu tak ojedinělý...řekl bych...??🙏

  • @katharinagajic3535
    @katharinagajic3535 Год назад

    O budhismu nic nevím,ale jde z vás energie dobrého muže.
    Člověka to nutí se více zajímat.
    Díky a prosím o více videí v češtině. Přeju pevné zdraví.

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад +1

      Katharina, to video je pro “pořádně pokročilé”, pro někoho, kdo o Buddhismu nic neví, taková přednáška musí být úplně nesrozumitelný šok - nebo se pletu? Je pravda, že se vždy snažím být co nejvíc srozumitelný - ale buddhismus na této úrovni jde velmi hluboko, viklá se samou osobní existencí. Ale ty máš ve znaku 9-11 - asi máš ráda pravdu pod povrchem.

    • @katharinagajic3535
      @katharinagajic3535 Год назад

      Děkuji,ani jsem nečekala reakci :)
      Několik vašich videí už jsem s chutí zhltla a na teoretické rovině mi je lidsky srozumitelný způsob, jakým vše popisujete,velmi blízký. Vše co díky tomu vstřebávám,je pro mě pozitivní (aniž by,oproti jiným duchovním systémům,kdokoliv komukoliv něco sliboval) a může to oslovovat nové lidi,navíc v kombinaci s astrofyzikou je to pro dnešní dny inovativní, moderní a do sebe zapadající. Nejvíc se mě asi dotýká princip "točení se v kruzích" , kdy se nám opakující se situace,snaží něco naznačit. Ovšem není lehké uvěřit,že si vlastní realitu tvoříme sami, když se svět potácí na hranici morálního úpadku a sebedestrukce. Jinými slovy, není lehké na to nemyslet :) Na člověka se v dnešní digitální době valí tolik informací, které zkrystalizují do tolik neodbytných myšlenek,že duchovní úklid není snadný, tím více mozek i duše prahne po duchovní oáze :)

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад +1

      @@katharinagajic3535 - Propoj se s vlastním středem - to je ta oáza.

    • @arupkalita4557
      @arupkalita4557 5 месяцев назад

      Though I am a Hindu I must admit Buddhism is the most scientific religion in the world ❤

  • @friedenbaum
    @friedenbaum 6 месяцев назад

    On my device I can not get captions to appear on the screen. I see it in the upper left corner (the last letters).

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  6 месяцев назад

      Thanks for telling. Perhaps another browser will place the subtitles correctly.

  • @Le-chat-qui-joue
    @Le-chat-qui-joue Год назад

    (A probably naïve question) Why isn't there a sixth Khanda: "Emotions"? Where do emotions fit in regard of the five aggregates? Thanks in advance if you help with an answer 🙏

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад +2

      5 Khandhas are meant to be the basic “elements”, all the higher functions of life are understood as admixtures of the basics. But it is not necessary to take it too definitely - Abhidhamma e.g. reduced all basics of existence to 4 “ultimate realities” - rūpa - materiality, citta - mind, cetasika - mental concomitants, Nibbana - the Unconditioned (in my understanding Nibbana is the last “background” of everything, undisturbed by phenomena, processes and time).

    • @Le-chat-qui-joue
      @Le-chat-qui-joue Год назад

      @@bodhipala1 Thank you very much. Emotion, if I understand correctly, then is a phenomena issued of "inputs" from the Khandas. A product from the "basics".

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад +1

      @@Le-chat-qui-joue Look, there are just 3 roots of evil (lobha-dosa-moha=greed-hatred-delusion) and by admixture of these 3 you get all the forms of evil in the universe. There are only 3 primary colors and by mixing in different proportion you get all the colors of the world. So, the 5 khandha in the Buddha’s insight are the 5 “primaries” which constitute all the beings, all the universe, all the samsara. (It would be not quite correct to say that 5 khandha are the ‘composite parts’ of beings - in higher Dhamma there are only mental and material processes).

    • @Le-chat-qui-joue
      @Le-chat-qui-joue Год назад +1

      @@bodhipala1 Thank you, this is very clear. The comparison to mixing primary colors was the first image that came to mind when I read your first answer. And so precious is this glimpse into higher Dhamma, for this I am immensely grateful, sincerely.

  • @MarkHenricksen-ks4hf
    @MarkHenricksen-ks4hf 6 месяцев назад

    I would like to say that it's very hard for me to get any understanding of what is being said? Maybe its meant to be that way and is understood by steadfast studying an inward soul searching?

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  6 месяцев назад +2

      Mark, you are right, Patica Samuppada is central to Buddha's doctrine, but some of the conditioning very very difficult to grasp without deeper knowledge of the Teaching. Its rather for the insiders. To start with, go for the other central Teaching: "The Four Noble Truths" which is pretty clear and accessible right from the beginning.

  • @MsLeenite
    @MsLeenite Год назад

    Thank you, Bhante. Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu. Dependent Origination is a topic that can be reviewed repeatedly from many perspectives, and its richness and interest can never be exhausted. I appreciate your offering of your own thoughts and reflections. Is there a website where I may download a copy of the painting you used as illustration? I have trouble seeing the details as you are speaking about it. Thank you again.

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад

      If I have your email, I could send the picture to you…….

    • @MsLeenite
      @MsLeenite Год назад

      @@bodhipala1 Thank you for your kind offer, Bhante. Unfortunately, You Tube keeps removing my replies when I try to post an email address, even when I compose it in a format that isn't an actual email address. Can you tell us where you obtained the illustration, if it wasn't your own creation? Perhaps I can locate a copy elsewhere. 🙏

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад

      @@MsLeenite The tankha picture is a scan with high resolution - probably not available in Internet. My mail is ottama.a - try to contact me. I am by google.

    • @MsLeenite
      @MsLeenite Год назад

      @@bodhipala1 Dear Ashin Ottama: I couldn't get an e-mail to you. However, I was able to set my browser at highest resolution, enlarge the window, and take a good screen shot. It has captured the details of the picture very well. So I can see what you're descibing while you speak. Thank you again for all your help.

    • @bodhipala1
      @bodhipala1  Год назад

      @@MsLeenite The details from the tankha are even better visible at ruclips.net/video/a4IVOm6k01U/видео.html