'Don't you dare lecture me' - Martin and McDonald clash in Dáil over cost of living and housing

  • Опубликовано: 1 фев 2025

Комментарии • 102

  • @cruisersism
    @cruisersism 3 года назад +354

    One-quarter of all TDs are landlords and you ask why we have a housing crisis???

  • @thepaddyladdy
    @thepaddyladdy 3 года назад +226

    My partner and I are both living in a one bedroom run down Georgian house apartment. Both of us work full time. I do 14 hour shifts 3/4 days a week and my partner does 48 hours in veterinary and we just barely scrape our rent each month, it’s an absolute joke.

  • @ciaranclarke7932
    @ciaranclarke7932 3 года назад +87

    Everyone will own nothing by 2030 and be happy. This is all theatre

  • @colmhagan8396
    @colmhagan8396 3 года назад +141

    How FF are even back in control of this country is an absolute joke .

  • @billyoniell9138
    @billyoniell9138 3 года назад +186

    Never will I ever vote for FF or FG again, the debt they have mounted on the public in the last 15 years is ridiculous without any repercussions and they say they doing a great job

  • @Kingtiens
    @Kingtiens 3 года назад +179

    It's actually refreshing to see some debate on things more important than covid.

  • @Steve30x
    @Steve30x 3 года назад +242

    There's 90,000 empty houses around the country. There's not that much of an emergency to build houses and there's more of an emergency to refurbish those derelict and empty houses which would take a whole lot less time and money to do than build new houses.

  • @lextrombas
    @lextrombas 3 года назад +164

    Housing is too expensive for the normal man in the street. Rent freeze yes, legislation to stop slum landlords, rental controls to be legislated, more social housing to be built.

  • @gavinlaird85
    @gavinlaird85 3 года назад +127

    The fact he claims he grew up with difficulties makes his record with housing even more shameful. He has no excuse.

  • @iain2080
    @iain2080 3 года назад +128

    Michael Martin dodges genuine issues and questions like Neo dodged bullets in the matrix

  • @Dublin10
    @Dublin10 3 года назад +42

    What is the point in building homes, if the government just allow hedge funds to buy up whole estates. It they can stop you travelling 2 miles from your house and send you home at 8 in the evening, they can put an end to this hedge fund buying up housing stock.

  • @gurdyknob
    @gurdyknob 3 года назад +40

    Look at them pretending........

  • @TheGeneral_LUFC
    @TheGeneral_LUFC 3 года назад +61

    This country is a joke.

  • @LeMerch
    @LeMerch 3 года назад +70

    This Govt have been in power 12 years…

  • @W0LFMAN2
    @W0LFMAN2 3 года назад +61

    I'm voting for the party who's polices are going to be he most extreme when it comes to the housing crisis. As it needs a massive shakeup.

  • @mollie3244
    @mollie3244 3 года назад +34

    Gwan Mary Lou, I have two kids in their 30's who have no intention of having children, along with a lot of their friends, they can't afford them. Not to house them, provide for them. It just isn't an option. This is the result of FF and FG swapping power between them and being accountable to nobody.

  • @joedalydeadbeat
    @joedalydeadbeat 3 года назад +26

    The Irish people cant afford Martin any longer

  • @rosemarierobinson8990
    @rosemarierobinson8990 3 года назад +21

    This is just a punch and Judy show
    So the irish will think there is real opposition ,
    Complete BS

  • @davidfox7983
    @davidfox7983 3 года назад +93

    The County Councils all over Ireland are reasonable for the crisis
    Expecting private enterprise to solve public housing will never work

  • @Norbitek25
    @Norbitek25 3 года назад +22

    Two bedroom apartment costing 2000 Euro. Who can afford paying that amount?

  • @faye2363
    @faye2363 3 года назад +18

    FF and FG had 100 years to fix social and affordable housing this country . They have failed . Give someone else a chance .

  • @clearskies
    @clearskies 3 года назад +72

    It's not Sf who are opposing these developments, it's citizens and residents who are funding court proceedings. An Bord Pleanala is a broken system.

  • @therealleonidas229
    @therealleonidas229 3 года назад +55

    I'm 42 working and still living in my mums house, this is crazy for years I've been listening to false promises from the same two parties, I like what Mary Lou said.

  • @Jillian-Jill
    @Jillian-Jill 3 года назад +27

    At the end of the day FF & FG have stood back for *yearssss,* they do *nothing* to help the countless people with serious housing problems.
    Dublin city centre is filled with homeless people every morning, while families all around the country are working day and night to pay impossibly high rents.
    When you see an average persons wages compared to rents it's clear that rents are impossibly high.
    Many adult children have no option but to stay living at home with their parents - which is a lot of stress & extra expense for parents and it's a very unfair system for those adult children.
    The housing sector has been *diabolical* for the last ten years and it keeps getting *worse.*
    FG, FF and Labour have only ever made the problem *worse.*
    Remember Moan Burton banning bedsits a few years ago - that resulted in landlords having to evict thousands of people from bedsits and a massive amount of those people immediately became homeless, because people can't afford to rent expensive apartments.
    *How was that a good idea???*
    What is wrong with these politicians?
    Rents keep going up & up & up, while wages remain low.
    FFS! 🤬

  • @siobhangavaghan3
    @siobhangavaghan3 3 года назад +19

    Does Mícheál Martin not understand more housing isn't an immediate solution, Mary Lou Is right we need immediate action, not waiting years for more housing, we are paying ridiculous prices on rent and single people with no children are feeling it the worst. I came back to Ireland from Canada for cheaper rent.. It was the exact same price as Canada a built up massive city..

  • @alistaircampbell7061
    @alistaircampbell7061 3 года назад +32

    I know how attractive Sinn Fein looks. Lots of good points, very confident and sticking it to the establishment.
    But if you think Sinn Fein is truly on the side of the people, go look at Northern Ireland. They will not be accountable to anyone and they’ll be even more brazen about it than the current government.
    They do not care about Ireland, the people or the people’s concerns. The care about power and United ireland. The joke in NI is watch them get in down south and call for border poll. They just have to make it look like they have a manifesto.
    Money and power! No government is on your side. Remember that.

  • @danielowens9295
    @danielowens9295 3 года назад +46

    Why are they getting personal? Just fix the issue and give over with the brown envelopes

  • @meansonofagun3425
    @meansonofagun3425 3 года назад +12

    We need to get behind Sinn Fein next election, we need change and wether the old generation like it or not, Sinn Fein represent that change, FF and FG have rode us for way too long, it's time to let another party take the reins, and the opposition party is Sinn Fein.

  • @philip6868
    @philip6868 3 года назад +43

    The reality is I work full time and I couldn't even afford rented accommodation

  • @andymusmaximus
    @andymusmaximus 3 года назад +37

    Since 1932 the Irish Government has flip-flopped between FF and FG. To put any blame onto SF for the housing crisis is ridiculous. Martin even goes onto mention the 'narrative' as the reason landlords are leaving the industry, rather than the exorbitant income tax onus and lack of any other incentives to keep them there... all the while the corporation tax system allows vulture funds to swoop in and benefit. The local councils should also be doing a lot more for approving housing developments to increase supply. That being said, rental freezes is definitely a stupid idea... There should be tax incentives for landlords that allow them to lower rents or at least offset property upkeep costs so that they can compete against vulture funds. Tax rebates for renters is also a fine idea. More money in everyone's pockets means more spending into the economy. Increasing rental supply will also hopefully ease the crazy rental pressure and still keep it attractive for landlords to remain or further invest in the market...

  • @Rocky0Road
    @Rocky0Road 3 года назад +8

    Why hasn't the USC charge been obolished yet?

  • @Discover-Ireland
    @Discover-Ireland 3 года назад +23

    It’s time this fellow and his government went.

  • @Keepitgoinging
    @Keepitgoinging 3 года назад +41

    It's a disgrace that landlords are doing this. Not enough people checking the rental units. It's a disgrace.

  • @MrCornbread79
    @MrCornbread79 3 года назад +29

    If the economy gets better that means everything goes up in price so this crisis will never end. If they took away all the restrictions to building a house on your own property that might help as well.They must also consider allowing construction companies to build up in the cities and stop worrying about the skyline so much.

  • @patrickdoyle9304
    @patrickdoyle9304 3 года назад +19

    MM peddling half truths. Supply is good. But what is this supply? High cost rental

  • @GetOnTheFloor82
    @GetOnTheFloor82 3 года назад +10

    Ireland used to run so well. People grew up, got jobs. Didn't have 3 or 4 kids until they married - and EARNED a home. For the last 25 years, It's like some people said to themselves 'oh I'll have 1 or 2 kids and I will be GIVEN a house!!!!'. That happened. And here we are now in 2022.
    That said - 90,000 homes in the country right NOW.....are empty, that is absolutely horrific.
    This whole issue has been caused by Government, developers, the Irish people - GREED on all sides.
    Want want want. Money money money. Take take take.

  • @TruePatriotfreedomfront
    @TruePatriotfreedomfront 3 года назад +11

    Dear Mr MM if you have difficulties when growing up then you as a leader of this Irish nation would have made sure that there would not be 1 single homeless person today and other people will not have difficulties in their lives, you should very much bow your head down with great SHAME, just how many years have you been in politics now MR MM and yet here we are 2022 over 10 thousand people are still homeless and millions of people are struggling to get by, rent or TV licence, rent or energy bills, rent or enough food for the table, while you and co are very much living it up and above the Jones. MR MM SHAME ON YOU AND CO.

  • @olieahern1318
    @olieahern1318 3 года назад +8

    If your claiming to be for the working class Mr Martin why is the country getting so expensive to live in looks like to me that your interests are in big business landlords and developers at the expense of the working class just like your partners in fine gael ye gave up the working class decade's ago

  • @buddysilver5788
    @buddysilver5788 3 года назад +8

    There's 90,000 empty houses around the country. refurbish those derelict and empty houses

  • @aaronherlihy688
    @aaronherlihy688 3 года назад +8

    Bye bye fianna fail, fine gael and greens ✋ game over.

  • @gerrybroderick233
    @gerrybroderick233 3 года назад +8

    What about 60% revenue government get from rent?

  • @paulsmith8918
    @paulsmith8918 3 года назад +29

    Mary Lou the boss

  • @Jaffster88
    @Jaffster88 3 года назад +15

    Time for change a long time now how ppl voted for FG and FF the last few years is beyond me

  • @keithbill310
    @keithbill310 3 года назад +10


  • @ryanshawcross3968
    @ryanshawcross3968 3 года назад +12

    It’s mostly public opposing to there plans as they try and tear down our beautiful city to throw up more apartments to rent where as there is close to 100,000 houses boarded up…refurbish them and that would be a huge weight off the demand but no they wouldn’t have the private investors for that

  • @tomgreene2282
    @tomgreene2282 3 года назад +12

    Without a massive public housing program -financed by long term public debt- there will be no improvement in supply/ demand balance...the private sector will not respond in the present climate.

  • @sammulhare302
    @sammulhare302 3 года назад +17

    Lads build more social housing and allow for lower deposits for renters looking to buy. Really hope either of those things is being done 🙏

  • @nkfanning
    @nkfanning 3 года назад +35

    However bad things are now they’d only be worse if Sinn Fein ever get into power

  • @mongeyjames9170
    @mongeyjames9170 3 года назад +5

    You are both on the same page pretending to be against one another, you are fake opposition!

  • @michaelmurphy333
    @michaelmurphy333 3 года назад +7

    Sure we'll just build more hotels

  • @Greggy0
    @Greggy0 3 года назад +34

    She'll be in charge next and you can be in opposition blocking all her ideas

  • @dreamyqueen2449
    @dreamyqueen2449 3 года назад +19

    Mary Mcdonald is well reputable TD in the Dail. I appreciate her somuch

  • @rakastellar8955
    @rakastellar8955 3 года назад +15

    I found their talk hilarious but as someone who is currently trying to find something new, it is terrible. They say 600 applicants within 10 minutes, it's equivalent to winning a casting show... build houses, now!

  • @xiaoniu1989
    @xiaoniu1989 3 года назад +16

    what is Michael martin referring to when he says Sinn Fein keeps opposing housing development? thanks.

  • @sandy57ful1
    @sandy57ful1 3 года назад +8

    There are so many second homes of the rich lying empty for most of the year out west where I am. Meanwhile… there are not enough houses to rent. It’s a 2 house v no house country.

  • @michaelperdue4540
    @michaelperdue4540 3 года назад +9

    All great theatre…not one solution will be garnered from either side of that ‘house’

  • @deathbunny8322
    @deathbunny8322 3 года назад +11

    It's not a bloody supply issue right now it's affordability. No one will be able to buy these new houses if they can't even save 20% of a mortgage

  • @riceire2445
    @riceire2445 3 года назад +7

    We needed council housing built

  • @whitiemarsh3671
    @whitiemarsh3671 3 года назад +3

    Why is the conversation always about supply and not also demand?

  • @notmyname3802
    @notmyname3802 3 года назад +14

    Hahahaha brilliant it's like they're on opposite sides

  • @noelm2856
    @noelm2856 3 года назад +4

    To build a house now is at least 100 k more than this time last year

  • @riceire2445
    @riceire2445 3 года назад +8

    Mary lou is right

  • @sunbro9133
    @sunbro9133 3 года назад +5

    The time limit is truly a joke

  • @paulrogers6744
    @paulrogers6744 3 года назад +6

    It's all theatre

  • @cyniciam
    @cyniciam 3 года назад +8

    Clearly the speaker of the house has not got the respect of the chamber when he calls for them to cease speaking

  • @jamesstokes8692
    @jamesstokes8692 3 года назад +5

    They goverment are totally to blame,

  • @johnbryan9357
    @johnbryan9357 3 года назад +5

    It's like.flogging a.dead.horse it's.always the same old.story.blaming past.goverments passing the buck Ireland.the dearest place.to live in.europe

  • @joeoshea30
    @joeoshea30 3 года назад +5

    Sinn fein Have blocked loadsa houses and Apartments been built for social Housing blocked top of Oscar traynor Road they won't mention the new Apartments being built on Oscar traynor Road they've blocked constantly loads of Social housing building around Dublin area 🙄

  • @paulflanagan3519
    @paulflanagan3519 3 года назад +12

    Remember when staying in was the new going out for people with a mortgage. It's gone?

  • @katieb2098
    @katieb2098 3 года назад +4

    I don't know why he's going on about jobs you can't afford rent on your own if you work full time

  • @mlynch1985
    @mlynch1985 3 года назад +4

    You will own nothing and be happy. rent off big corp

  • @ianosborne188
    @ianosborne188 3 года назад +3


  • @freedomcontrolled6190
    @freedomcontrolled6190 3 года назад +5

    2 sides of the same coin 🪙

  • @bam1742
    @bam1742 3 года назад +4

    You all know who to vote for next election- these relics have to go

  • @Keepitgoinging
    @Keepitgoinging 3 года назад +4

    Take the bank of Mum & Dad out of the equation.

  • @RonanThomas
    @RonanThomas 3 года назад +2

    Why do they give them like 1 min to talk! Clearly the time limit isnt long enough!! So EXTEND IT

  • @ste45
    @ste45 3 года назад +17

    Supply and demand, shinners. If you demonise developers and capitalism nothing will get built. Then the government will have to get into the business of building and that will be over time and over budget just like every other government venture.

  • @NoMoralsLeft
    @NoMoralsLeft 6 месяцев назад

    Selling the country from under the feet of grass roots hard working men and women, and unachievable mortgages, while letting speculators buy you lunch🙄

  • @orlamccahey1504
    @orlamccahey1504 3 года назад +4

    Abolish stamp duty for 1st time buyers

  • @iusetabs
    @iusetabs 3 года назад +2

    Ridiculous that this is the carry on in parliament.

  • @TheBenzer9
    @TheBenzer9 3 года назад +1

    0.6 and 0.7 someone slapping their ruler off the table..back in my day you would get detention and 100 lines for that

  • @plasticbucket
    @plasticbucket 2 года назад +1

    She has them on the run. B

  • @utopia3230
    @utopia3230 3 года назад +1

    Yes! Suspend it!

  • @timothyobrien712
    @timothyobrien712 3 года назад +2

    Build more houses and ease planning in the country wer couple's want to build on family land and any objections from outside the area should be put in the bin rent prices will drop and sf do object to projects around the country 😀

  • @troyfarthing2440
    @troyfarthing2440 3 года назад +10

    Fair play, Michael! 👏👏

  • @phisewohi
    @phisewohi 3 года назад +5

    Mother Mary

  • @seanlinehan8478
    @seanlinehan8478 3 года назад +3

    Omg Based Martin?!!!

  • @PeterOHalloran-hf2ho
    @PeterOHalloran-hf2ho Месяц назад

    The House of horror 😮

  • @dreamyqueen2449
    @dreamyqueen2449 3 года назад +8

    I ❤ Mary macdonald

  • @earlcollins9310
    @earlcollins9310 3 года назад +1

    Sounded sincere to me ?

  • @PeterOHalloran-hf2ho
    @PeterOHalloran-hf2ho Месяц назад

    Stay quite martin I'm tired