5 Things You Need To Know About How God Speaks To Us | Hearing God Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 128

  • @sumanhenehan7036
    @sumanhenehan7036 10 месяцев назад +56

    I have a favor to ask of all my brothers and sisters in Christ. PLEASE pray for my sons Michael and Timothy that they will believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Savior and Redeemer. I ask this not only for my sons but for EVERY person who has not yet given their hearts to the Lord. My deepest longing and heart desire is to see every unbeliever come before the Lord in repentance. I want them all to worship the One true God. I want them to get baptized in the Holy Name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Please let us pray for every unbeliever because I believe in the power of prayer. We worship the God who makes the impossible, possible. I pray that we will boldly share the gospel and be instruments of God.

    • @curtis3987
      @curtis3987 10 месяцев назад +3

      Prayers sent.

    • @PiedaTerra
      @PiedaTerra 10 месяцев назад +4

      Amen. HALLELUJAH!
      Thank you, family, for this loving prayer.
      🙏🏼Your prayers are sent up!
      I appreciate you for sharing this with us. You are a blessing.
      Lastly, I pray you set your concerns of Michael & Timothy at His feet and trust in Him. Amen.

    • @Wilsonlop7
      @Wilsonlop7 10 месяцев назад +3

      I’m praying 🙏🏼 for there salvation. Continue to trust the Lord. I’m in agreement with you for this 🙏🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼

    • @TheClimbingBronyOldColt
      @TheClimbingBronyOldColt 10 месяцев назад

      You say sons, so I assume they are in school, and as school goes, only evolution is taught as the sole acceptable view, the only "truth", whic places death before sin. With death before sin, Jesus dying for our sins, become pointless, it loses meaning, and so people disbelieve. Science and belief, are in union, but evolution and belief are in conflict.
      What evolution means, is gaining of information, new information, that was not present before, anywhere. That is the definition, but many are fooled and tricked into thinking, that it means natural selection, speciation, and adaptation, it doesn't, all those terms have loss information as common. The claim is that we evolved, but that is false, it has never been observed, repeated, or tested, never been proven, there is no evidence yet people believe it, that is called believing on credulity. The similarities we see, such as animals having legs, eyes, ears, mouths, and arms, are not due to a "common ancestor", but due to a common designer, God.
      God, created all life, fully formed, without mistakes, before the fall of sin, God called it good, He called it very good. We humans, and the animals, needed to see, to orient ourselves in physical space, to hear our surroundings, speak to communicate, and walk to traverse terrain. All that which we see, is design, the reason life have "appearance of design", is because it plain and simple, is design. If we look at brachiosaurus neck, that is engineering artwork, the bones the neck vertabrae have air pockets, which made them lighter, if solid bones they could never raise their heads above ground. The eye of trilobites, is the perfect camera lense, it nullifies the issue of the fish eye effect. When there is a fossil, its automatically assumed it "died off many million years ago", but we find animals living, unchanged from their fossils, such as horseshoe crabs.
      If the origin is random, chaotic, then it follows, that all after, should be random and chaotic as well, in which order and consistency is not to be expected, nor found. Theists read Scripture, expected to find order and consistency, based on God's Word, and so started modern science, the forefathers of science are theists, what they found is order and consistency. If we were by random, then we should look like chronenbergs, not be orderly and consistent.
      We are made/created in God's image, this means we are made how God intended us to look, in the style of God. In our hand, in our arm, there is golden ratio, our whole body, and portions of our body, is formed according to golden ratio. Animals, are formed according to golden ratio, plants and trees are formed according to golden ratio as well. And not only living life, but non-living objects as well, even on a big scale is golden ratio seen in the arms of Milkyway galaxy. In plants as mentioned, there is golden ratio, but also fractals, which golden ratio makes possible, and it is a very precise number.
      In us, there is information, very intricate highly advance information, known as DNA, this is genetic code, genetic information. It is not a product of "random processes", any who knows programming and takes it seriously, will say that one cannot have function, from randomness, to have functionality the program must be carefully written, and parts that makes use of the program by which they operate, must be carefully designed, made, and put together. The odds of DNA, coming to be by itself, are so astronomically small, that it is literally impossible. If we take a million monkeys, and give them all a typewriter, with just the neccessary keys, to write the works of Shakespeare, not a single one no matter how long the time, will ever do so, for randomness have never produced readable comprehensible functional information, ever. Though it is claimed by those adhering to evolution, that if just given enough time, it can happen, that is untrue, that is 'time of the gaps' fallacy, which they frequently use. They use it, to escape the illogical and irrational problems they have made for themselves, with neo-darwinism.
      Where does information come from? It comes from a mind, it can only come from a mind, that is why my words are readable, they are written by a mind, and the letters put in a certain intended order, to relay information. Here is what random mindlessness looks like: opersigjeroingeroigjerpfgjersognesrgpijmergpnsgosng. Though complex, it is not orderly or consistent, it was typed at random. Evolutionists like to latch on to 'complex', and use random typing which is complex, as a strawman, ignoring the essentiality of order and consistency, to produce readable understandable comprehensible functional information. DNA, is the longest line of information we know.
      One problem, that disbelievers make for themselves, is to state random chaos, as origin, which in turn according to that reasoning, makes the brain random as well. And, if the brain is random, then it is not consistent nor orderly, and so thoughts become unreliable, untrustworthy, and it follows that neither can we trust conclusions of random thoughts from random brain. If a computer, came to be by random, through a mindless "process", then it is unreliable, untrustworthy, and cannot be relied upon to do any task reliably consistently and accurately, the same is with the brain.
      We do not use computers or apparatuses to do science, first and foremost we use the brain, the mind, to do science. If that cant be trusted, which statement or random origin clearly dictate according to itself, then there is no science, at all. It is claimed, that science can answer all questions, this is false, science cannot prove itself. There are many questions, that cannot be answered through testing and prodding, such, as why you baked a cake. Other people can find out, what the ingredients are, where the ingredients are from, how they were prepared, and mixed together, the temperature the cake was baked in, and how long. But, and this is important, they can never, ever, find out through scientific testing, the reason or purpose, why you baked the cake. Only when you reveal, why you baked the cake, is the purpose and reason known.

    • @TheClimbingBronyOldColt
      @TheClimbingBronyOldColt 10 месяцев назад

      I know people claim a long age for earth, but that is based on faulty understanding, and many assumptions. What I say, is accurate and true, we are unable to find out age through observation, only with historic documented age, do and can we know age. The radiometric dating, is faulty, inaccurate, false, for reason that known ages of rock we know when formed, from historic documentation, the rocks when tested are given vastly older ages, than the known age. When known age, end up so drasticaly wrong, then there is no reason why we should trust the testing on unknown ages. And evolutionists will handwave explain it away, to different tests this, and different isotopes that, it don't matter, they are just trying to escape the reality of the issue, that the radometric dating by which they make a positive statement for old age, is unreliable and faulty.
      Take for example this, you enter the kitchen, and the tap is running, lets say that it drips, cause someone did not turn the faucet completely off. In the sink, there is a bowl or glass, that the water drips into. Here is what we do not know, how much water was in the glass/bowl originally, how much water was added, how much water was removed, and the speed rate for each. To automatically assume and pre-conclude, that the rate now, is the same as it was before, is a huuuge presumption, it is to presuppose something without any proof or evidence, just jumping to conclusions.
      The same it is with rocks, with the decay rate of radioactive isotopes in rocks, it's assumed the rate at which they dissipate now, the half-life, is the same as before. But, we had before on earth, a different climate, before The Flood, even secularists agree the climate was different. Different climate, different amount of light passing throug atmosphere, which affects the rates of isotopes, and so with different climate there was different rates. Which isotopes was in the rocks originally? We have no idea, and without knowing that, we have no standard to test after, no standard to measure after, rocks from today cant be used to measure rocks from the past. Yes rocks we have now, is basically and technically from the past, but, do we know the original content of rocks from the past? No! We do not. Like with the sink, what was in the water, what was added to the water, and what was removed from the water? We don't know, and we cant use present water, to measure present water as if it's past water which we no longer have access to.
      Basically, statements and claims of knowing age, beyond what is historically documented, are false by proxy, by default. Say we have two people, both born on exact same day hour and minute, in the same year. One lives very healthy, the other very unhealthy. The healthy one at 50, looks like he's 30, while the unhealthy one at 50, looks closer to 70. The cells of the healthy one, looks younger, less worn, while the unhealthy one is through observation, biologically, appearing to be older. Scientists not told any age, will conclude different ages, but they are really the same age, just looking a bit different.
      Now we go to stars, the universe, and claim of long distance equals long age. First off, that's illogical distance equals distance, not age. The basid idea of the claim, is that because "we know" what the speed of light is, and distant stars are so and so many lightyears away, then universe must be so and so old. But, again, that is a huuuge astronomical assumption. Fact is, that we do not know what the speed of light is. No, really, we have no clue. The roundtrip of light have been measured, yes, but not the one way speed of light, just the speed of returning light, like a racecar driving a whole lap. The light could be instant one direction and slower the other way, it could be slow one way and instant the other, or equally fast in both directions, we have no idea.
      The claim is often used as a strawman, to try and discredit God, claiming it is physically impossible, for no reason other than they disbelieve and conclude based on biased disbelief that they are correct, which is willfully ignorant. God could create, from one point, and expand outwards, that may sound unusual, and many correlate unusual with impossible, but logically and rationally it is possible. What is impossible however, is God making the light on the way, as that bassically would be illusions, and God it not a liar. So, it is safe to say, expansion from one point.
      God created all the stars, and named all the stars, very quickly, an astronomically huge number of stars, God is astronomically amazing. With earth, God took a bit more time, He spent days creating life on earth, when He could have created all life in an instant, fast as He created the stars. Reason being, was to set an example for us, that we are to follow, which is why He rested on the 7th day. God didn't rest cause He needed to, He rested cause we need to rest, constant work is unhealthy for us. God called it good, and when finished He called it very good, this was before the fall of sin, before Adam & Eve rebelled, and so at the time God called it good and very good, there was no death. This is shown and seen, by and from plain reading, when we start with God's Word, and trust His Word, over the everchanging inconsistent words of men. The secular world of the west that disbelieves, are the same people that are unable to properly define what a woman is. Are we to trust people who don't know basic biological facts, to tell us who believe in God, what The Word of God, Scripture, says about reality and existence? Absolutely not!
      All these paragraphs, are stumbling blocks, hindrances, not only to disbelievers, but many believers as well. There is also in media, entertainment, many stumbling blocks, that gives people a false image and impression of God, that hinders them. The most common, is thinkin of God, as just one person, this misunderstanding that the world misrepresented to me, through secular books and movies, was what kept me from belief. I understood some basic things, but because I misunderstood God as one person, it made The Bible illogical to me, and I disbelieved, I called God for; "not making any sense". But, when I understood that God is three persons, different in personhood but same in essence, when I understood that I chose to believe in God, then I called God for true and making sense.
      Movies have subjective subliminal messages, that teaches a person to rebel against authority. These movies, start out with a person, that ends up saving everyone, from the person of highest authority that is tyrannical, the protagonist is started on this rebellious journey by a temptress or tempter, it ends with the tyran ceasing to exist or regretting all the laws and rules changing his mind to no rules or laws. Basically, though portrayed as a saving character, the protagonist is Satan in disguise, and the tyran character is a gnostic twisting of God. This sort of thing, is very frequent in movies, meant and intended for Children, such as Disney movies. But, though it looks cute, don't mean children should be watching it, be exremely discerning, about what you let your kids watch. My secular parents was very undescerning, and that landed me in a long battle against sins, that I only now through Jesus, are having any victory over. My past, led me to sins, that only God should hear of, the human mind is too subjective, too limited and biased, to love neighbors as themselves, and so my worst sins I confess only to God. Not all who believe, do actually belive and trust in God, many are Christian in name only.
      Many things to read, and understand, but in such a society as today, hostile and antagonistic to believers and God, these many things must be covered, so that we are better prepared, to defend faith, against attacks of willful ignorance, intellectual dishonesty, and other underhanded tactic fallacies, used in place of valid arguments. Part of your prayer is answered, but only partly, you are the one who best knows how to relay this informatio, so that your sons understand. What you must do, is find out what is the exact reason, why they don't believe. If it's because of suffering, that is easy, both problem of good and problem of evil is answered in Genesis. If because of allowing bad things to happen, well, would it be loving of God to stop free will? No, bad things happen because we are not good, we do bad things. God is loving, He gives us choice, if He took away that choice to choose either good or evil, then He would take away choice, free will, and then God would not be loving. If the reason for disbelief, are for other reasons, reply, and I shall do my best to answer, and or provide answers from a source I trust called gotquestions, which likely have the answer.

  • @eyeonhim3338
    @eyeonhim3338 10 месяцев назад +12

    This young man is so knowledgeable. A gift from God.

  • @velmamellix5318
    @velmamellix5318 10 месяцев назад +10

    I also wanted to thank God for your gift of teaching and you for obeying - be healed and God bless you and yours 🙏

  • @cynthiagreen-geter2256
    @cynthiagreen-geter2256 10 месяцев назад +14

    What a great message from the word. Hearing the voice of God is a wonderful privilege 🙏 I thank God for you and above all for his precious Son. Thank you 😊

  • @oVRazberryVo
    @oVRazberryVo 6 месяцев назад +2

    God speaks in the way we need, not the way we want ❤️

  • @kerwn-lh5zf
    @kerwn-lh5zf 4 месяца назад +2

    Young man you are very wise and a blessing in a lost world🙏

  • @stacyspace4383
    @stacyspace4383 10 месяцев назад +5

    🙏May Jehovah Rapha heal you quickly🙏. Thank you for another blessed teaching❣️

  • @_TradCat_
    @_TradCat_ 10 месяцев назад +4

    I hope you feel better soon from your respiratory wheezing and cough. 🙏

  • @karlyost3572
    @karlyost3572 10 месяцев назад +15

    ❤😊 when God speaks you need to listen 🙏🙏❤

  • @c.e.benson3263
    @c.e.benson3263 10 месяцев назад +4

    I'm really glad that you mentioned the fact that many people don't believe that any new prophecies are coming out and they only believe that it was for the prophets of old.
    I have a friend who after years of being a staunch atheist, had a dream about meeting Jesus, and between that and the prayers of his wife, in the last 5 years he has changed everything around and just finished Bible school and is trying to become a minister.
    I think part of the reason why many of these people and a lot of up-and-coming Christians do not believe that there are any more prophecies and they do not believe that there are any more dreams or visions or anything like that, is because they are actually teaching that in Bible schools these days. Depending on the Bible school you attend.
    And it just kind of threw me for a loop because not only did he change his mind about Christ after having a dream about Christ, something and someone he never believed in never in his life....
    but I told him about visions and dreams that I have had since O was a small girl.... and he knows they have come true.
    I mean I have quite a few things that have happened in my life that God had given me as a vision or a dream months and years prior and some of them came to pass.
    His own wife has had a few dreams two.
    And a small handful of people around him has too.
    So he's got plenty of proof in front of him.
    But he flat out still will not believe that God is handing out any more prophetic words.
    He flat out will not believe that people are dreaming dreams about God or about things to come or about things in their lives that need to be changed or adjusted.
    And he thinks that people who have visions, are either making it up or they don't have the Holy spirit.
    And as I will agree with the fact that there are many people out there who have visions and have dreams and oftentimes you think it may be God, and it turns out to be a very false spirit.
    But there are also True Believers out there that are Dreaming Dreams and they are having visions. And they are actually hearing from God.
    I don't know if he will watch this video....but I hope so.
    He's now the type of person that he loves to share videos and the things that he shares he believes are absolutely true.
    But the moment that you share something with him, he either rejects it or flat out won't watch it or even if a statement is true he will sort of tear apart everything else.
    So I am praying for patience with dealing with him. And I think it's the fact that he's a baby christian.
    And new to understanding the word of God.... and because he just found God and went to Bible school, he thinks he now has a benchmark on knowing absolutely everything. Which is unbelievably frustrating
    Because every time I try to explain to him that he's got a long way to go. Like all of us have a long way to go within our walk with christ. The fact that I have not gone to Bible School....and he has....always gets mentioned.
    I'm very glad he has given his life to god. I'm very glad he's going to become a minister. And he's already started taking over some of the servants for the church that he belongs to. But it also makes me very nervous because if he is so new to the gospel and so new to understanding who and what Jesus is about and how the Holy Spirit works in your life, then what he's going to be doing is he's going to be using Pride because he's going to read the scripture and understand it in the ways is correct. And so he will be leading others down the same path. And I've tried to warn him about this very gently, but I think he just thinks my opinion is nonsense. And it's a little alarming.
    Anyways....thank you for listening. And thank you for the video.
    God bless you and your family ❤🙏

    • @maryannmouritz9917
      @maryannmouritz9917 10 месяцев назад +3

      Hi! I want to ask you if you have prayed for your friend in relation to what influences his thinking. Ie potential demonic spirits. Ask the Lord for a word of knowledge regarding what influences the dogmatic thinking & blindness to certain things. I agree with you that his influence in pastoral ministry could be damaging to other believers.
      Ask the Lord to intervene to reveal what is influencing your friend. I’m speaking as a long-time Christian to you. I am an ordinary believer who knows the Lord can heal & remove spiritual obstructions in the lives of those we care about. I’m 68 & I share your concern for your friend, as a long term Believer. Ask the Lord for ‘words of knowledge’ for your friend in how to pray for him. Blessings to you & your friends.

    • @c.e.benson3263
      @c.e.benson3263 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yes absolutely!! I'm a long time believer too. I've been praying that God open his eyes to truth, and that everything false be revealed as for what it is.
      The trouble partially is also because someone got into Apologetics. And he was already a very (knowledge is power) Type of person to begin with.
      So I honestly believe, between his own pride and the influence of Apologetics...he's just not fully understanding the power, or the relationship he needs to have with the holy spirit.
      I don't think he understands what the holy spirit is....to be honest.
      Even though he says he does.
      Something in my gut just says.... (hmmm. Alot knowledge is being used, but little wisdom)
      If you understand what I'm trying to say.
      I know the Holy spirit, especially for new Believers is something hard to grasp.
      But as a new believer....he thinks he's got it in the bag.
      I guess I should be thankful that he actually believes in not only God and Jesus but also the holy spirit.
      But if you have no true relationship with the Holy spirit, and you think that you do, then you're at a much larger risk, then what it appears to be.
      And I think a mix of all of these things are very confusing to him even though he's acting as if he's not confused at all and he is basically saying that I'm the one that's confused.
      His wife, my best friend. It's been a little touch and go with her in the past as well. Because she came out of catholicism. And even though she definitely denounces Catholicism there are still some very interesting habits that she has a long lines of her way of thinking
      She's been a Christian her entire life. When I'm saying..well, no. you've been a Catholic your entire life it's completely different.
      So they are a couple that's pretty much true walk with christ. And I think a lot of things are just really influential on them and then neither of them really know how to explain to the other one what's the truth and what's false. And now that he has gone to Bible school and then taught certain things that are not necessarily true, because of his teachings in Bible School again, like I said in my last post, he really honestly believes that he knows everything now. And it's just a very frustrating situation
      I believe he has good intentions. And I believe he does love the lord. So those are both positives. But there's just a subtle twisting that I'm watching, that's been happening over the past two years and when you try to tell someone who's new to Christ that what they believe, is not completely in line with the scriptures. No matter how you say it and how polite and humble you try to explain that to them, they flat out I think that you are the wolf in sheep's clothing. Because that's what they've been taught.
      I will keep praying. And I will keep trying to interject with the Bible States as truth against the false beliefs of others.
      It's just very difficult. And it's one of those scenarios where the devil has a little bit of a foothold and what I'm afraid of is that he's going to take an even bigger chunk. And then not only will they be in Jeopardy of understanding the truth but they will also put others in jeopardy. And that's what has me a little concerned.
      Thank you for your advice. I will absolutely keep praying and reaching out to God and asking him to open their eyes and also to open my eyes so that I can explain it to them better. Because maybe I'm just not explaining it good enough.

    • @TheClimbingBronyOldColt
      @TheClimbingBronyOldColt 10 месяцев назад

      Only God knows everything, I once thought/wrote this:
      God knows.
      Angels predict.
      Demons guess.
      People assume.

  • @stephenstrager9852
    @stephenstrager9852 10 месяцев назад +3

    That “God speaks through” list is so phenomenal!!!
    Thank you!

  • @truthseekers1620
    @truthseekers1620 7 месяцев назад +1

    if God really wants to get your attention he will get it you can not escape God

  • @CelinaSmith-s4d
    @CelinaSmith-s4d 10 месяцев назад +2

    I pray for isaiah sincerely in jesus is lord amen

  • @deniselynch5421
    @deniselynch5421 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you and God Bless you

  • @lisawells1064
    @lisawells1064 9 месяцев назад

    Praying in agreement.

  • @ThePhillyfashionista
    @ThePhillyfashionista 2 месяца назад

    Thank you. God bless you❤

  • @williamhalbleib5846
    @williamhalbleib5846 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this series. At 67 I still struggle to hear God speaking to me; when I do hear it, I hear it without a doubt. Still learning.

  • @terrieneely7359
    @terrieneely7359 10 месяцев назад +2

    Your an amazing young man God bless you

  • @SoniYah_77
    @SoniYah_77 10 месяцев назад +2

    For Isaiah to be delivered from all his past trauma and pain and for him to acknowledge and recognize God Israel and always there for him also for strength and protection and for him to return home soon thanks to all in advance

  • @daughterof_yhwh8966
    @daughterof_yhwh8966 10 месяцев назад +4

    Love you brother. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Your ministry is beautiful. This was helpful, so important to know the voice of God in these times. This will equip the saints for sure. I cant wait to hear the rest.

  • @sydney.g.sloangammagee8181
    @sydney.g.sloangammagee8181 10 месяцев назад +1

    I definitely need this . . . pleasantly surprised that I was indeed familiar with all of these OT scriptures. LOVE that I am not too old to learn something new - anything that can help me recognize how to listen for God's voice & discern what may not be from God, I always need more info to comprehend clearly. Thank you young man, I look forward to further studies on this subject.

  • @BBrownlee
    @BBrownlee 10 месяцев назад +1

    God speaks any way he wishes. Praise God🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻

  • @claytonwinner7405
    @claytonwinner7405 10 месяцев назад +1

    Amen. The FATHER is not meant to be understood, HE is meant to be obeyed. The sooner we obey, the sooner we shall understand.

  • @sharongidner4516
    @sharongidner4516 9 месяцев назад


  • @tedprice5828
    @tedprice5828 10 месяцев назад +2

    “And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual”.
    Every word we speak was taught to us by the Holy Spirit. Not by human wisdom. And the same Spirit helps us teach spiritual things to spiritual persons....
    Human beings led by the Spirit wrote the word of God.The same Spirit helps us interpret the word of God to us.

  • @aj217-xyz
    @aj217-xyz 10 месяцев назад +1

    Primarily God speaks Thru His WORD.

  • @ginameredith4005
    @ginameredith4005 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you so much for struggling through your issues to give us this message

  • @don-ek3ud
    @don-ek3ud 5 месяцев назад

    Mark 13-23 I have told you all things

  • @manofvision4910
    @manofvision4910 5 месяцев назад

    Dude you have so much content I'll never catch up thank you I love your material

  • @cathy7382
    @cathy7382 10 месяцев назад +1

    Meditating on Scripture and memorizing the word of God
    and being led by the Holy
    Spirit God will reveal to you
    His will

  • @angiel8656
    @angiel8656 5 месяцев назад

    Wow I love how you layer this out. You taught me a lot. God bless you

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you

  • @ronniemallett9661
    @ronniemallett9661 10 месяцев назад

    Yes , indeed I pray with you and for you all my brothers and sisters, sinners and saints, on Jesus Mighty Name Amen. Here we go

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад +1

    Divine intervention

  • @littlelamb6804
    @littlelamb6804 10 месяцев назад +1

    Love your teachings. Praying that you get well soon!! 🙏

  • @courtcrea.
    @courtcrea. 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you brother... This was very insightful! You help me understand scripture on a much deeper level. God bless you and keep it up no matter what! 🙏
    1. God speaks primarily through his word, his son.
    2. God doesn't always deliver a message the same way.
    3. When God speaks, it doesn't always carry to same purpose or intent.
    4. God's personal message to an individual, might not be just for you, or even about you. It might be a message for someone else.
    5. When God speaks directly to someone (outside of scripture but not in contradiction to scripture) or through someone, that doesn't make them a profit. People can receive messages from God through Dreams, Visions, by the spirit of God. And they don't have to be a profit. Because even enemies of God receive God's messages.

  • @marybarker7952
    @marybarker7952 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for sharing this video,May GOD bless and heal you 🙏 take care

  • @Now-Forever
    @Now-Forever 6 месяцев назад

    Super helpful Jason thank you for this video I can’t wait to watch the rest of this series 💯 🔥 love you brother

  • @brad.patterson
    @brad.patterson 10 месяцев назад +1

    Great word bro! Agree with you 100% on everything. 🔥

  • @JohnBrantley-zu9pr
    @JohnBrantley-zu9pr 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hallelujah brother

  • @GellyMargo
    @GellyMargo 8 месяцев назад

    I wanted to say I really enjoy your bible study! I do know this is going to sound a bit off-topic. And I am no designer, but a mother that is trying to follow Chirst. I wanted to make a suggestion on your shirt. Maybe to highlight who God is if there were 3 dots also showing God as a trinity. I understand the image is sort of like Dominoes pizza logo. But just a small thought. And I really feel blessed to hear your Bible studies. Thank you for your time you spend sharing with others!

  • @carlkolchack3012
    @carlkolchack3012 10 месяцев назад

    Praise king Jesus for this , and for a message I was just praying about !

  • @qwickvids1140
    @qwickvids1140 10 месяцев назад +1

    "Faith without works is dead..." - what is the work? is it the same as "saved through faith not by works..."?

  • @velmamellix5318
    @velmamellix5318 10 месяцев назад +3

    Hello and God bless - because I haven't read through all the comments I don't know if this was already mentioned, but the relationship that God wants with us, the line of communication, our obedience in representation to our level of faith are all apart of showing the world Him and the way things were meant to be

    • @deniselynch5421
      @deniselynch5421 9 месяцев назад +2

      Amen, I struggle with trying to hear his words and follow him. I am learning and pray for me, please

    • @barbaralallegranzi3791
      @barbaralallegranzi3791 8 месяцев назад +1

      Dear Heavenly Father, I bring this prayer request before You by the Power of the precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Please strengthen Your precious child Denise and reveal to her Your Will for her life in service to You. Fill her with Your choice gifts of the Holy Spirit and help her to hear, discern and recognise Your special, individual manner for only her. Fill her with Awe and give her the courage to persevere and endure as she moves ever closer to You. Thank you, Abba. In Jesus' Holy Name I pray, Amen

  • @trevorbates9017
    @trevorbates9017 10 месяцев назад +2

    We have to set ourselves up to hear God's voice...it's a bit electromagnetic...we have to tune into His frequency. This is achieved by adopting the Ten Commandments as our way of life. If we take a tip from the lilies in the valley we adopt a meekness that brings a wonderful energy into our own nervous system that will faithfully guide us to the New heavens and the New Earth, regardless of what Satan, or Wormwood, throws at us...and it's all thanks to Jesus Christ.

    • @matthewwhite1524
      @matthewwhite1524 10 месяцев назад

      Adopting the ten Commandments as a way of life?
      Ummm, I don't think so.
      We aren't under the law yet we establish the lease through faith. It's not by works of righteousness.
      Yes the law still remains but we aren't under it . I'm matter of fact we are dead to it.
      There's a righteousness completely set apart from the 10.
      You know who are still under the law? Those who don't understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
      Which has the power of God to save us in this message found through the Bible.

    • @trevorbates9017
      @trevorbates9017 10 месяцев назад

      @@matthewwhite1524 I'm afraid we are in for a rude awakening. The law is the law and will be held over everyone's head for Judgement. Behind the Ten Commandments is a wonderful science...a science called Righteousness...which starts and ends with the knowledge that the universe stems from an electromagnetic force which, itself, stems from God's Living Waters...and His Commandments are universal...not just for Earthlings...but Jesus Christ tells it best.

  • @dianeplescia5565
    @dianeplescia5565 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this teaching. It is meat.

  • @maymckissick9232
    @maymckissick9232 10 месяцев назад

    St. John 12:48

  • @stephenstrager9852
    @stephenstrager9852 10 месяцев назад +2

    Sorry to post multiple comments on one video, but would you consider creating a video on what makes someone a “prophet” as opposed to someone who hears God’s voice but is not a prophet?

    • @paulsinclair3401
      @paulsinclair3401 10 месяцев назад

      The problem with much of the 'western' world is that 'prophesy' has been misunderstood as we tend to see it as 'foretelling', yet the reality is that prophesy has been 'forthtelling' since the time of The Lord's Apostles ended, once the New Testament was completed.....
      The Strongs Bible dictionary speaks of 'Prophet' and 'Prophesy' as being both a 'foretelling' - which is was in Old Testament times, and as also describes it as an 'inspired speaker' - which they are in our times.
      We see the New Testament example of the use of 'prophesy' being 'forthtelling' clearly in Matthew 26:68 and in Mark 14:65 and also in Luke 22:64, which each tell of the incident when The Lord Jesus was being abused, spat on and struck while blindfolded, with His tormentors asking Him, "prophesy then, who struck you?" while He was blindfolded. They are using the word 'prophesy' as something factual which is there and happening. Not in the terms of 'foretelling' of who would soon strike Him, but in terms of 'forthtelling', of who has already struck Him?
      So is a true 'Prophet' in this day and age somebody who can speak The already revealed Word of God - somebody who knows The Word of God so well, and can speak the Bible verses relevant to a situation and knows where to find the verses?
      The 'modern' version of 'prophesying' can be simply a way for people who don't know The Word of God, to just say what they think is relevant to a situation, whereas The Power of God is surely in His Word, not in the words we use?

  • @theblessedone14
    @theblessedone14 10 месяцев назад


  • @NancyCreations.
    @NancyCreations. 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you for this great message which is timely. I was beginning to ask myself if The Most High really does speak to me. Now I see He does in various ways.

  • @stephenstrager9852
    @stephenstrager9852 10 месяцев назад +2

    Jason, I’m curious about your perspective on this: Based on your experience with God’s character, would a “call” to join the military and train to kill (or provide support to those who fight and kill) be contradictory to God’s character and therefore not based on God’s voice? Based on your experience, would you say that such a calling is possible, or would it be inspired by something not as good as God’s voice, things such as patriotism or a desire to right wrongs, etc.? I’m not asking this as a challenge to anyone or with any agenda of my own. I honestly don’t have an answer, and I’m sincerely interested in what you would say.

    • @williamhalbleib5846
      @williamhalbleib5846 10 месяцев назад +2

      In God’s Word, specifically Ecclesiastes 4:3 (a time to kill and a time to heal) and 4:8 (a time for war and a time for peace), you may be called to serve your country.

    • @stephenstrager9852
      @stephenstrager9852 10 месяцев назад

      @@williamhalbleib5846 That’s great. Thanks!

  • @stephenstrager9852
    @stephenstrager9852 10 месяцев назад +1

    “She’s my sister! Don’t listen to her!” 😂😂😂

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад


  • @brendaevans1378
    @brendaevans1378 10 месяцев назад

    GOD only speaks to us in these days through his written Word the Bible! Please give me a Bible verse in the New Testament that God spoke directly to besides the Disciples???

  • @worldfamousgamer9191
    @worldfamousgamer9191 9 месяцев назад

    please pray for me , i struggle to get into the word.

  • @faleciarichmond219
    @faleciarichmond219 10 месяцев назад

    Pray for Tele Richmond, Cash McCaster, Amillion Richmond and my mother and bother Jimmie Rogers Richmond break the Curse I want my son and family

  • @thandolwethu2263
    @thandolwethu2263 10 месяцев назад

    32 It is important to listen God speaking . 6 hours ago

  • @DannyLoyd
    @DannyLoyd 10 месяцев назад

    God speaks through the written word, the bible. How do you know it is God speaking? Was it God speaking to Joseph Smith? The Watch Tower? and so on, if not? who was it? if it was, then you should follow what they say.

  • @patriciajohnson9587
    @patriciajohnson9587 10 месяцев назад +2


  • @carinhouthuijsen8283
    @carinhouthuijsen8283 10 месяцев назад

    My profile-photo is changing, since about 3/4 years..The photo I made in 2018. It was a normal photo, but all of a sudden there came a light stripe on my head.. Later on I saw the tear. First I thought could there be a paint spot on the mirror? But no and the tear just wasn't there befor..
    After this I noticed the mark in my right hand-palm..
    I have gotten an halo and a silver/white tear under my eye..
    And in the hand were I hold my mobile phone you can see a symbol of an Angel or Eagle/Valkon bird (this took me to Old-Egypt, before Old-Egypte I went through learning about The Angels, also because of this mark).
    I am not good with computers, i certainly don't know how to change photos in this way..
    I come from two very religious families..
    My Grand-Father was an elderling and spoke often to many people in the conference-room.. The Jehova's Wittnesses don't have churches.. So I call it conference-room. I think you'll understand how I mean this..
    My Father studied The Bible through out his whole life! He knew The Bible from insight and out, left and right and still had questions to the elderlingen were they couldn't give him an answer on.
    I think my father would be very happy with your explainings about how to read The Bible!!
    But my parents didn't go anymore as soon as they were married.
    As a child I have had study about what is in The Bible. So I learned in a childlike way and behold the morals of The Bible..
    I am humble and try to be good to anyone. I forgive and i am thankful.
    But I want to feel free!
    I don't like it to be in groups with many people. I respect people who go to churge or meetings to speak about God, Jesus Christ, The Bible, The History of Life..
    But I'd rather learn on my own and learn from the things brought into my mind..
    I connect through out the whole day.. I did that already from the time I was a young child..
    Photo's of others are changing to. They show me heavy things at photo's of people who aren't doing the right things.. That is difficult to see..
    I learn and tell the way I think. But everybody is free and may think/believe whatever they want.
    I just hope they will heal, sooner ore later.. 🙏
    Oh and I am a very humble person.. people who know me can assure you that..☺️

  • @nhartigan72
    @nhartigan72 7 месяцев назад

    All scripture is good for learning, but not all scripture is God's word or for us to follow. Everything has to be put into it's proper context.

  • @papamaj843
    @papamaj843 10 месяцев назад

    Glory to Jesus for these. Concerning knowing His word. I spend countless hours reading and studying God's word, but I find that I forget most of it. This really bothers me. Any advice? Stay blessed. Papama South Africa

    • @AboveReproachMinistry
      @AboveReproachMinistry  10 месяцев назад

      Thank you for your kind words. I’d like to ask, how do you know you’re not retaining the information? How do you determine that?

    • @papamaj843
      @papamaj843 10 месяцев назад

      @@AboveReproachMinistry I will notice whenever I go through the book or area of study again. I will remember it vaguely, or not at all, but will note from seeing my highlights and notes that I had studied or at least gone thru the sections .

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад +1

    I'm a riddle, wrapped in a conundrum, smothered in hyperbole but don't know why.

  • @hornplayer1228
    @hornplayer1228 10 месяцев назад +1

    In modern times God, the Person, rarely speaks to any human. He was forced to make the occasional appearance in Old Testament times in order to keep the descendants of Abraham on the right pathway. This required immense quantities of spiritual energy in the form of a cloud within which God could form or materialise the necessary physical voice box required to communicate with the likes of Moses, Elijah, or Abraham. Apart from certain Princes of Heaven tasked with the day to day supervision of His people through the High Priests and their Temple Altar, there were few other benevolent spirits Humans could call upon and were in fact warned against so doing as that would attract Lucifer's invisible cohorts.
    Since the crucifixion of Jesus everything has changed. Hundreds of thousands of Heavenly spirits have been sent throughout the world to deliver God's messages and act as guardian spirits to human who deserve such attention. It is these spirits who whisper in our ears and move to change circumstances around us when we are moving towards dangers outside our individual destinies.

  • @GaryGuill-vm8oc
    @GaryGuill-vm8oc 10 месяцев назад

    The holy ghost said separate unto me barnabus and Saul. He can speak if he wants but it's not always in voice form

  • @tarabrickle8745
    @tarabrickle8745 10 месяцев назад +1

    When being moved or prompted by the Holy Spirit, is one incorrect to share it with others? I am under the impression that is the personal relationship we are to develop. I could be wrong and am seeking clarity.

    • @sumanhenehan7036
      @sumanhenehan7036 10 месяцев назад

      The Holy Spirit reveals the truth and helps us to understand the Word of God so I would share what He reveals. It’s crucial that we have a relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit so that we can recognize God’s voice when He speaks.

  • @mazhet6572
    @mazhet6572 4 месяца назад

    Please pray for me for letting the presenters condition get to me

    • @mazhet6572
      @mazhet6572 4 месяца назад

      Sorry, youtube is the closest I've been to church in months. I've been down this whole 2024. Centimeters away from giving it all up. It may be selfish of me to let my ocd of etiquette get in the way. Forgive me

  • @edwardshorts3126
    @edwardshorts3126 5 месяцев назад

    If we are a believer we are his son, in times past the prophets and now his son (us) Paul John etc any truth is gods word! Christ has come in our flesh check out 1 John 4:2

  • @Jules-740
    @Jules-740 10 месяцев назад

    What does it mean when someone climbs in through another way?

  • @bradharford6052
    @bradharford6052 10 месяцев назад +1

    I have bluetooth capability on my hearing aids and God tunes right in on them. Sorry, couldn't resist a little humor.

  • @bobbieleland7687
    @bobbieleland7687 10 месяцев назад

    3 whole cloves a day will stop wheezing

  • @redafro321
    @redafro321 10 месяцев назад +2


  • @mazhet6572
    @mazhet6572 4 месяца назад

    Sorry bro, swallowing directly into the microphone is affecting me. Forgive me

  • @sarahcolby4048
    @sarahcolby4048 10 месяцев назад

    Please pray for Jacob mandavid Pray his heart in mind is changed and his attitude is that on Jesus help come to open app his Bible and read help him to continuously look towards you how change his life for the better help him to be able to be who he needs to be in Christ to leave others too Christ hope hes at work in the places that hes at now which happens to be jailed so far please send Christians his way send him prophecies send him healing sent him miracles that I have seen you R real

  • @JenniferHepburn-y5b
    @JenniferHepburn-y5b 10 месяцев назад

    Can God speak audibly today?

    • @JesusPrayerTeam450
      @JesusPrayerTeam450 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yes I have heard the audible voice of God. It is very masculine.

  • @Angie-lw8vl
    @Angie-lw8vl 10 месяцев назад

    The only way God speaks is through his word the Bible. Anything else is mystical or gnostic. Heb 1:1-2 check out Justin Peters and jim Osman. Also Chris Rosenberg from fighting for the faith doesa series on the critique of the book Experiencing God and how it's herical.

  • @sharongidner4516
    @sharongidner4516 6 месяцев назад

    Please let me know where you read this ,which book from thanks.

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад

    Are you ok

  • @aliencode8681
    @aliencode8681 10 месяцев назад

    Can I ask who is the son of man be is it Jesus or someone chosen by Jesus ?

    • @AboveReproachMinistry
      @AboveReproachMinistry  10 месяцев назад +1

      The Son of man is a title mainly for the Messiah. It simply means “human one.” God uses that title to refer to Ezekiel the prophet as a way to foreshadow Jesus the ultimate and perfect human one. I do believe it’s deeper than that but that’s the basic meaning and Jesus preferred to use that name for Himself 👍🏼

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад

    What do you mean by minimizing

    • @AboveReproachMinistry
      @AboveReproachMinistry  10 месяцев назад

      I mean to make something seem less important and valuable than it actually is. Unless you meant “in what ways do they minimize God’s word?”

    • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
      @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад

      Seems like an impossible task, maybe they attempt, only way it's minimizing is in them.

  • @sleezybreezy
    @sleezybreezy 10 месяцев назад

    Does anyone know what version of the Bible he’s reading?

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад


  • @barbaralallegranzi3791
    @barbaralallegranzi3791 8 месяцев назад

    Just to help settle this: "What is the proper Hebrew pronunciation of Haggai in the Bible?"
    Mark Mostow: Lives in Israel 1984-present
    "In the original Hebrew, Haggai is written חַגַּי and pronounced hhahg-GEYE. Here geye rhymes with eye, and hh is a guttural h sound pronounced in the throat, somewhat like a Spanish J. If you can't pronounce that, use an ordinary English
    'h'. The name is still used in modern Israel. There is a boy in my extended family called that."

  • @cassieburke5904
    @cassieburke5904 10 месяцев назад

    Like Rafiki 😂

  • @velmamellix5318
    @velmamellix5318 10 месяцев назад

    😂 Jason man, what is wrong with you 😅😊😊

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад

    I'm broke

    • @carinhouthuijsen8283
      @carinhouthuijsen8283 10 месяцев назад

      Me to, but I hold my Faith in God and try as best as I can to stay in a positive mind-setting! (Once in a while I fail at that, but I have learned that that are the ascending periods.
      I think you can see that as spiritual growing pains, heavy but necessary).
      And I pray to God in the Name of Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit..
      And with the Holy Spirit I think of all The Souls who believe in God and Jesus Christ... Who believe in The Go(o)d.
      Because in my opinion, God= Good
      All the living creatures who believe in The Good, in Love and Peace with a Pure Heart..
      And almost immediately, after I have prayed or just talk in my mind with God, Jesus Christ, The Angels and My Ancestors, I get calm and after a while I notice myself smile, laugh and beïng at peace!!
      My sorrows fade away and I think:
      "What was I panicking about this.. Sooner or later everything is going to be Allright!"
      You also can ask Arch-Angel Raphaël if He wants to help with Healing you (when you feel sick). For money I don't know if there is a special Angel..
      I ask for the entire World love, peace, Healing, freedom, abundance, equality, balance and harmony.
      But for myself I ask most of the time nothing. But when I do I ask God if I may have a life were I can live a bit easier. Where there are no money problems, that my daughter is happy and if she may get a good friend or friends who understand her and vice versa..
      I hope this helps you 🙏♥️🕊️🌞🌛✨✌️🫶

  • @vinsaintmichael
    @vinsaintmichael 10 месяцев назад

    If there is no peace behind the voice rather the message or it's requirements produce uncomfortable energetic motions, it is not from God.
    Knowledge of good and evil forbidden to progenitors so don't make moral judgements. God might use your left hand to accomplish His purpose, surprising the vanity of your morality.

  • @99rylee
    @99rylee 10 месяцев назад

    You look like your 16😊 definitely don't look 31

  • @maymckissick9232
    @maymckissick9232 10 месяцев назад

    St. John 12:48