Developing Discernment to Recognize God's Voice | Hearing God Part 5

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
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    Produced By: Inexisle
    COUNTDOWN SONG BY: My 5 Year Old Son
    OUR MISSION: To move people towards Jesus by teaching people how to read the Bible, so they can live and teach the Bible themselves. This online ministry exists to TEACH, TRAIN and TRANSFORM people through God's word

Комментарии • 43

  • @tedhinshaw3174
    @tedhinshaw3174 10 месяцев назад +1

    I posted this on David Benjamin's YT wall. I love seeing this clearly and hope this helps all of us to see, Jesus is our everything:
    "My understanding:
    I rest in Christ. Not looking at my life, things I do places I've been, stupid I've done. No.
    It's like an Ai program substitution. I have died with Jesus on that cross, his whole life he lived is mine now. I glory in seeing his perfection, I have joy no longer looking to myself, my life, especially not needing to be critical of myself or other Christians.
    That Christ computer program completed satisfied already, the blood that washes and forgives me of sin is his, his life intimately connected to mine, I identify that perfect life lived over my dumb ego life.
    Thank you Brother David for all you do, there's no one like you, we all are so blessed your sharing the God given gifts with all of us!"

  • @theblessedone14
    @theblessedone14 9 месяцев назад

    You’re a blessing in my life son🙏🏾🥰 and every days I pray for you and your families 🥰 and your ministry 🥰🙏🏾 God bless everything you touch in Jesus mane amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @lajuanjohnsonbtc9634
    @lajuanjohnsonbtc9634 10 месяцев назад

    An excellent teaching that brought lots of conviction that will lead to lots of correction

  • @paulettebelle3360
    @paulettebelle3360 10 месяцев назад +1

    Blessings 🙏🏼 🙏🏼

  • @antonnettedelossantos7027
    @antonnettedelossantos7027 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you so much for helping us to grow in Christ.

  • @Solomonstahl-n3n
    @Solomonstahl-n3n 9 месяцев назад

    I simply don’t know how to be thankful for your kindness and teaching

  • @lamoncheri5823
    @lamoncheri5823 10 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you. I've been trying to discern some things going on in my life and your teachings are helping me. God bless you Jason.

  • @spirosaroukos1288
    @spirosaroukos1288 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you my Lord and saviour for putting people like Jason into my life🙏🙏🙏forever grateful and thankful ❤️❤️

  • @densisgirl7683
    @densisgirl7683 9 месяцев назад +1

    This channel is such a blessing, bother. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God. May He continue to bless you. 🙏🏼

  • @stevengolbach276
    @stevengolbach276 10 месяцев назад +1

    That’s a great listen. Thank you! 🙏

  • @davidschmidt270
    @davidschmidt270 10 месяцев назад

    On a serious note Mr. Camacho I enjoyed the whole thing!!!
    I am looking forward to the other parts of this series! well as sowing into this gift wise. Yes what an eye opener!!!
    Thank you!

    @ALPHA_DMZ 10 месяцев назад +3

    A lot of times I feel it takes a lot of patience to see the will of God unfold.

    • @aaronharthun3602
      @aaronharthun3602 10 месяцев назад

      James 1:2-8
      2. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

  • @sarahtrute1439
    @sarahtrute1439 10 месяцев назад +3

    I'm finding this So helpful... Thank you!

    @ALPHA_DMZ 10 месяцев назад +4

    Test everything with what the Bible says.

    • @EnochianChronicles
      @EnochianChronicles 10 месяцев назад +2

      And test the various bibles with the Strongs (some words are poorly translated, a certain church added to and took away from some bibles polluting them in the process), and check the Strongs as it also has confirmation bias built in.

    • @brianmann4705
      @brianmann4705 10 месяцев назад

      Amein and amein, many pagan words the names of foreign mighty ones have been put into english translations.
      Many people read, "this is the inspired word or Elohim breathed word", and they STOP right there, thinking that the word was spoken in english and that its infalible, not understanding it was spoken in hebrew, all 66 books. At the time of Yeshua the language of gentiles was aramaic, today the language of gentiles is english. but all of Yeshuas taught ones were hebrew.
      Papias, one of Yochanans (johns) taught ones wrote that they all wrote in the hebrew language, and each did there best to translate. From hebrew to aramaic, aramaic to greek.
      When the scriptures were translated into english, many lost their lives doing so, because the ch_rch didn't want the people to have the Word to read which would expose their lies. William Tyndale was one, because he refused to falsely translate the greek word ekklesia as ch_rch, but rather correctly translated it assembly and only used the word ch_rch where it referred to pagan temples, for which they murdered him.
      In Luqas 22:20 the greek word used is, "kainos" renewed something that previously existed but not quite exactly the same (the blood of Yeshua being what is different), so why did they deliberately with malicious intent to deceive, translate the greek word "enos", here?
      Rom 9:32 they deliberately added the words "of Torah", but they are not in the greek.
      Gal 3:10 exact same thing, they deliberately added the words "of Torah", bu yesterday they are not in the greek.
      ** anyone who knows anything about phariseeism modern day orthodox judaism knows they made up their own laws that superceded scriptural law, they did not adhere to Moshe of the written Torah, Yeshua deliberately violated every single one of their laws when it superceded scripture the written Torah.
      But what they did do, was maticulously copy letter for letter the tanakh, and when it was read in the synaguage it was read correctly, but when they taught what it meant is where they went astray from truth. Eg they made up over 500 commands governing the Shabbat, people say Yeshua broke the Shabbat, idiots NO He did not, Yeshua broke their manmade laws governing the Shabbat.
      Phariseeism has more than 100 000 manmade commands.

    @ALPHA_DMZ 10 месяцев назад +1

    I feel the Holy Spirit upon you helps discern.

  • @Gnarlyhoodprops
    @Gnarlyhoodprops 9 месяцев назад

    This helped me very much, God bless.

  • @EnochianChronicles
    @EnochianChronicles 10 месяцев назад +2

    First I would like to say that I apologize if you perceived I was being disruptive. As I am able to listen to the video after, I will always engage the chat first and foremost, as one is live (interactive) and one is recorded (I only caught you live once, early in the morning for me). The Lord did use the chat to teach me further on several things, one of which I prayed about recently. For that I am thankful and is why I come here, I know this is a place to seek truth and greater understanding in our walk with God the Father and His Son who is the express image of His person. Also this makes you a target for spiritual attack as I am sure you are brutally aware, but greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.
    I watched the video twice to be certain of what you were teaching and said, before I wrote this response. I respond to several things seemingly randomly but it was something you said.
    The chat was conflating the gift of discernment (distinguishing spirits) with your teaching on exercising your sense to discern the voice of God and between good and evil, I came in late as I said and did not know if you addressed this difference, but the chat was not reflecting that you had done so (having now watched twice I see you did not). I stated that these were not the same and it caused the contention, so for my part, I sincerely wish to express this was not my intention. To belabour the point since it is relevant to your teaching, did you discern this as a spiritual attack and if so, did you discern what spirit was attacking and why? (you will need the gift for the latter). Spirits do move and speak through others (this is usually due to a false teaching more often than not, truth mixed with error and directly affects our ability to discern good and evil, spirits enter through these doors). We think evil is good, and good is evil when we are in error and more particularly when we attack others who are correct while we are in error. I will take a leap of faith and say you have experienced this once or twice in your ministry. Jesus did not get mad at Peter when He had to rebuke Ha`Saten for speaking through him (notice Peter corrected the Lord saying it shall not be so to you in regards the plan and will of God, because he did not discern the good from the evil and the will of God in it). Peter was unskilled in the word of righteousness (still on milk) and discerning good from evil, he was an immature child and easy prey for the enemy.
    As to when you asked me in chat if I watched from the start and to do so, I believe you are referencing the Greek word G1381. dokimazo. I agree with this usage in line with your teaching, mayhaps you did not hear that I was addressing the gift (G5486. charisma) and not in any way disagreeing with your teaching but attempting to explain to the chat that the gifts of discernment was not what you were teaching as they clearly conflated the two. This is in line with what I said about try the spirits(for which this word dokimazo has one definition) is also not the gift of discernment. One tells you if the spirit is of God or not and one tells you exactly what the spirit is (name or nature) that you are dealing with (this helps in spiritual warfare) but many these days are unable to discern between religious spirits and God.
    You can also sometimes see with your spiritual senses what spirit it is as well, although recognizing by sight is not to my knowledge possible, but clearly shows more of what you are dealing with added to the impartation from the gift of the holy spirit regarding the name or nature you are dealing with. As a warning, this was recently used to fool me into thinking the spirit I was dealing with was telling something to someone as I saw it cover them with a cloak of darkness and whisper to them, I knew what spirit it was but did not hear what was said and made a mistake to conclude the spirit (of betrayal) was telling them to betray me when it actually tried to get me to betray them by deceiving me. God showed me recently (after months) this is what happened, I am thankful I did not betray them (not in my nature to be fair but the attack was protracted), and asked them to forgive me recently. No matter how long you walk in these things you can be tripped up, our enemy is tricky, and we must learn his ways while we are tested and tried. We may very well make the mistakes, these lessons will stand out more even that the victories, our backsliding and mistakes serve to keep us humble and correct us by showing us our heart idols. I have been born again for 36 years and baptized in the spirit for 29 years, and still learning daily. Contend for the faith do not sit back and expect God to serve you.
    There are many in the mainstream churches that want others completely reliant on them for direction and to hear God (they are the gate of God or babylon-Semitic form Babilu, meaning "The Gate of God." ). You are teaching others to do this for themselves, this is invaluable to them and commendable on your part, although I know you are merely walking in your calling to be obedient to His word within you. And for this reason I have directed others to this site for their edification. Keep up the excellent work. But expect me to disagree when I do and let us reason together, a word of reproof enters into a wise man more than a thousand stripes into the back of a fool.

    • @EnochianChronicles
      @EnochianChronicles 10 месяцев назад

      The counterfeit to God is a religious spirit (aka the spirit of disobedience or aka witchcraft spirit). According to the operation is what you will name it . A witchcraft spirit, as you can guess, engages in the sorcery of idolatry (spiritual whoredoms and witchcraft, goddess worship) and tries to control, through either the male or female forms of intimidation and manipulation, respectively. One is from a position of power and the other from weakness. Disobedience is when you know the will of God and do the opposite as you are drawn away by your own lust and enticed, this is trying to get you to disobey the spirit of truth that should control your words and actions.
      Now the counterfeit we deal with is the religious spirit, the most insidious form. I believe that most if not all under this spirit are deluded, they believe they serve the one true God, but obviously they are deceived and deceiving (the definition of a false prophet). These spirits always believe they alone have the truth (and by extension those who agree with and listen to them), many are bound in legalism (which by the way is necessary before we come to Christ). Sin is a strongman and must first be bound, then you can spoil his goods (the one bound by sin is it`s servant and hence part of its plunder) so after we are led to the schoolmaster of the law we can finally be set free (knowing we were bound and guilty before the law, so deserving of death for our crimes and in need of salvation and a Saviour).
      The counterfeit loves to threaten doom to any who will not listen and obey (this is the male form), usually because you disagreed or cited scripture that they could not refute. To be fair, judgement is a real thing, and the many who are called, and not chosen, will suffer loss for their disobedience. As this counterfeit does not have the fruit of love or peace (or any others) it must pretend (manipulation is the female form). So for love you see inordinate affection or some such other substitute (inordinate affection is one that violates the virtues of temperance, prudence and fortitude. It can end up being a kind of idolatry) and for peace you will see the spirit of cooperation (if you obey then peace and if not ...strife). One minute it talks with a honey tongue but if you defy, then pronouncements of woe! Then back to offering “peace“ if you obey or at the very least cease to disagree so that it may prattle on in it`s various forms of delusion.
      Simply put, religious spirits seek control and obedience (disobedience to God is the sin of witchcraft and opens the door to this spirit, error will lead down this road even if you think it is truth). I will give an example, many doctrines do not affect salvation but to be part of certain churches you MUST agree with the doctrine, disagree and you are belittled, censured, censored and if you continue then excised (excommunicated).In ancient days a certain church had the power to imprison you or put you to death and did so to the count of up to 60 million Christians over the 1000 years they reigned (aka the dark ages).
      One person in chat mentioned a church that said you are not saved if you do not speak in tongues, some churches say if you do not keep the sabbath on Saturnday you are not saved, the RCC says if you are not one of them (agreeing with everything they teach and do) you cannot be saved. These are all religious spirits and create cults (daughters of babylon). Worship of a person (cult of personality) which is this same spirit, I have fought that one a few times in chat rooms. You taught about the only begotten son and God showed me that evil spirits are begetting others in their image (as the Master Potter also molds us) and this is how they can have so many disciples or initiates. Even spirits can beget after their kind, by sowing words (dogma and ideologies) in the vessels of clay, once the tree grows it bears the fruit of whatever is sown. This is how a snake grew into a dragon, the snake head (now many heads but only one is Ha`Satan) and the body of believers or adherents, and the tail (the false prophets are the tail).
      God is raising up His kings and priests who will reign and rule with Him, and judge the nations before they will judge the fallen messengers, contrary to the teaching of the lukewarm churches this will not be the entire body, it will be a small company (overcomers) of those who did as you are teaching and trained or disciplined themselves to discern good from evil and to judge correctly (eating meat and no longer milk). These are not light or easy things, and I can assure you the ones not chosen (but maybe called) to do so are defensive against those who are (chosen and called and faithful), they detest being judged because they are found wanting and hid their talent in the ground as you taught. The scripture is our plumb line to help us learn to be master builders, but we are called to co-labour with Him, this means He expects us to learn and then put that to the test. David said, as the lion and the bear so shall be Goliath, if you do not learn to wield the sword and shield and wear His armour you will not be in the battles to come.

      I prayed about marrying “that girl“` just after I got baptized in the spirit, she was pretending to be Christian and insisted I break my vow before we marry (literally saying she would not buy a car she did not test drive), I did not break the vow and dodged that bullet thank the Lord. The car is old but pristine lol
      I wanted to be Spiderman too, I wish your son better luck than I had with it, but if I am completely honest, what God has given me is much better! Oh and you forgot the other one, you do it because you are much better at doing it than me (in response to I am hurt, I never learned that yet)!
      The many random responses to what you said is due to my listening twice, Shalom to you and your family and God be with you and your ministry, may He grant you courage to hold the line in these dark times, the enemy knows the time is short and has redoubled the effort against those who speak and walk in the spirit of truth in Christ. FAITH is a shield and when forged in truth it will not be shattered, the WORD is the sword of the spirit of truth and when wielded by one who is trained and disciplined it will cut the head from the dragon and deliver the nations to serve the one True God and His Christ.

  • @thandolwethu2263
    @thandolwethu2263 10 месяцев назад

    19. What we discern must be consistent with his previous revelations through Scripturr and through the Church . This means , however , that we have and obligation to know what God has been saying through the Church . We must know our faith well . 6 hours ago

  • @kingwest_777
    @kingwest_777 10 месяцев назад

    I will give to y’all y’all will be the first I give to when I get paid I really have Bible study church with you

  • @berneldixoniii7641
    @berneldixoniii7641 9 месяцев назад


  • @mrupholsteryman
    @mrupholsteryman 10 месяцев назад

    I'm gathering that Elijah wrapped the cloak around his head simply to help him focus (as all the other options were distractions).

  • @ChildofYAH_33
    @ChildofYAH_33 10 месяцев назад +2

    Almost 2,000 views and only 179 likes??? Come on family dont forget to hit that "like" button!❤

    @ALPHA_DMZ 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @robertdouglas8895
    @robertdouglas8895 10 месяцев назад

    When we forgive everyone we can reunite with God because then we know we are not guilty.
    When we think we are guilty, we fear God.
    "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
    When we remove fear we are in peace. In peace we have understanding and can trust the specific ideas we have though God doesn't give us specifics.
    "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
    So love and peace is the test and the key to discernment.
    The "sacrifice" in Romans 12 could be the "sacred fission" or splitting us off from the fearful ideas of the world to be open to the loving ones, not a bodily sacrifice of pain. When we know that we and others are forgiven and not corrupted by sin, we will trust that our ideas are sanctified.

    @ALPHA_DMZ 10 месяцев назад +1

    You will know the shepherds voice

  • @albertoconde5446
    @albertoconde5446 10 месяцев назад

    Hi brother, thank you so much for the awesome teachings, can I ask you what kind of program do you use to split your screen presentation with you in one side and the word in the other side?
    I will like to do that also but I don't know what to use, thank you so much and God continue to bless you & your family & ministry always :)

  • @sarahtrute1439
    @sarahtrute1439 10 месяцев назад +1

    ... But aren't we asked to NOT lean on our own understanding...

    • @ALPHA_DMZ
      @ALPHA_DMZ 10 месяцев назад

      When going through trials we don’t understand, yes, but we are to have a discernible nature from right and wrong. Different context.

    • @robertdouglas8895
      @robertdouglas8895 10 месяцев назад

      We can be one with God.
      “I ask not only on behalf of these but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us,[a] so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

  • @cassieburke5904
    @cassieburke5904 10 месяцев назад

    Yup leaned on my own for understanding. Ended in a bad way.

  • @katpuk1058
    @katpuk1058 10 месяцев назад

    Monday off

  • @royfavia5144
    @royfavia5144 9 месяцев назад

    NO ONE should have to
    " Discern " wether GOD is speaking , when GOD spoke to Elijah in 1 KINGS chapter 19:12 he didn't have to " disern "GOD'S voice , people should NEVER say
    " GOD said " unless HE speaks to that person , with Elijah because it was before THE GREATEST SACRIFICE THAT COULD EVER BE HAPPENED , now it would be different, like what happened to me , THE LORD said something to me I NEVER knew and that real voice was in my chest, and what HE said I will challenge the best scholar to see if that scholar can answer correctly , when I heard HIS VOICE I jumped up and looked in HIS WORD and it was true what was said to me .
    DO NOT say " THE LORD SAID " unless HE really says something too you, or suffer the consequences ,
    EZEKIEL chapter 13 explains the deviating punishment that people who play games making themselves sound like
    THE LORD spoke to them , we are entering a new time and there will be no playing games with THE LORD OF ARMIES -

    • @royfavia5144
      @royfavia5144 9 месяцев назад

      What I meant by now it would be different with Elijah was that when he HEARD GOD'S VOICE he got up and went to THE VOICE outside the cave,

  • @sarahtrute1439
    @sarahtrute1439 10 месяцев назад

    How long will this be roughly?

  • @sharondavis5353
    @sharondavis5353 10 месяцев назад

    Don’t ask God to dig a hole, and then lean on the shovel. Effort and abandonment go together in perfect balance.

  • @sarahtrute1439
    @sarahtrute1439 10 месяцев назад

    And wasnt Paul prevented by the Spirit to not visit a certain place..... Where's the effort and reasoning here?

    • @FitnesswithJesus151
      @FitnesswithJesus151 10 месяцев назад +1

      I think your in the comments not the chat. I’m not sure if you where aware

    • @sarahtrute1439
      @sarahtrute1439 10 месяцев назад +1

      X. Where's the chat? 😮

  • @davidschmidt270
    @davidschmidt270 10 месяцев назад
