When God Speaks, Here's What You Need To Know | Hearing God Part 3

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 64

  • @lynnchamberlin3516
    @lynnchamberlin3516 10 месяцев назад +6

    No matter who He speaks through it will always line up with His Word.

  • @lamoncheri5823
    @lamoncheri5823 10 месяцев назад +7

    I use Bible Hub and I want to share this. Romans 15:9 had caught my eye. So I isolated the verse and read all of the references (I was looking into what the "fullness of the Gentiles" meant) where each word was given it's definition. And "sing" included playing stringed instruments. So when the prophet asked for a guitar player, it was used for glorifying God while he spoke. Plus the prophet was speaking amongst Gentiles, correct? ..... Just wanted to share. God bless ❤️🕊️

  • @CharissaFM
    @CharissaFM 10 месяцев назад +1

    My kinda friday night fun--learning from the Word! The Lord is glorified through your faithful exposition of His Word, brother. These passages and this theme are fascinating. What a kind Lord, that He carries out His plans even when His human servants don't fully know the meaning yet! Keep preaching! Even now, you are carrying out His will and we are blessed because of it.

  • @sentienaku
    @sentienaku 10 месяцев назад +2

    When I was first saved the Lord told me to lay my hands on this girl i just met and say empty her and fill her with Your spirit. For context she asked to be filled with the spirit from the youth group and we all stood around her praying. While we were all praying I had this thought." What if i lay my hands on her hand and said empty her and fill her with your spirit. I immediately rejected that thought. I grew up in church where we never practiced such charismatic behavior. I denied it, but my chest was on fire. I started arguing with that thought. "What are people going to think of me if I act so pious?" Eventually the fire in my chest started to fade. Then i was like God if that was you give me that feeling again and i will do it. Sure enough that feeling came back. It was like a fire burning in my chest and a chain pulling and compelling me to do it. So i said fine ill do it. I did it. Once i did it my hands up to my wrist felt like violent power. Like it was covered in fire and electricity. It felt like pressurized water fIooding out of my hands. I thought i was going to die if thought something wrong, but i didnt. From that moment on i knew it was the Lord who compelled me to do it. Nothing happened to the girl that I know of but my hands stayed like that for 20 or so minutes. It was the craziest thing so far that has happened to me. Miracles happen when we obey the Lord!

    • @ChildofYAH_33
      @ChildofYAH_33 10 месяцев назад

      I'm confused, you layed hands on a girl and nothing happened to her? Like, no change? I humbly ask if you can elaborate, please? Thank you.

    • @sentienaku
      @sentienaku 9 месяцев назад

      @ChildofYAH_33 She started crying, and that was about it. Nothing happened to her physically that I could tell. Definitely not in the same way something happened to me. I just was obedient to laying my hands on her. She didn't start speaking in tongues or anything. She cried and afterwards, I felt like giving her a hug. So I did. It is strange because something happened to me. I still don't know why. I did find out later that we lay hands on people to receive the holy spirit though. So I am guessing she received it.

  • @bridetokingjesus479
    @bridetokingjesus479 2 месяца назад

    2 the
    3 the anointed one god

  • @jameshaile7400
    @jameshaile7400 10 месяцев назад +1

    You have great wisdom and God is using you in a mighty way as u explain scripture. Blessings young brother.

  • @iren9304
    @iren9304 10 месяцев назад +4

    Less than 1/2 that viewed, liked. Please thumbs up from everyone ❤

  • @theblessedone14
    @theblessedone14 10 месяцев назад


  • @lauriekurad
    @lauriekurad 7 месяцев назад

    The things that the Angels longed to look (see), is referenced in Ephesians 3.

  • @lynnchamberlin3516
    @lynnchamberlin3516 10 месяцев назад +2

    I love how you are showing there's no set pattern in how God speaks...He can't be put in a box. He deals with each of us as He sees fit. When a prophetic words is given we are responsible for praying into it, sometimes fasting and it's imperative to know who the word is for, and do we give it out or is it something we need to pray for them about.

    • @debm3716
      @debm3716 10 месяцев назад

      Where in the Bible does it tell us we need to pray into a ‘prophetic word’ before it is given?

    • @lynnchamberlin3516
      @lynnchamberlin3516 10 месяцев назад +1

      I'm honestly not sure. Because Holy Spirit generally gives me Words before they are to be given, I'm blessed to be able to pray for exactly what He wants me to do with it. Is it just for me? Is it something I need to pray about someone or something rather than give the word, or is it to be given, have I heard it completely correct? Then if it's a corporate word I give it to my Pastor for him to pray into. Once it's given to leadership, it's no longer my responsibility. If he allows me to give it fine, if not then it is between him and God. If I get a spontaneous word, then except for a quick prayer, there's not much time to pray into it. These are generally given to me during a service and I do still ask Him what He wants done with the Word. I don't know how others do it but it's how I was taught. It's always made sense to me to do it this way. My desire is to give His Word, not my fleshly thoughts or impressions
      I pray this resonates with you.

    • @debm3716
      @debm3716 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@lynnchamberlin3516 I believe God speaks to us through His word and I don’t believe there are prophetic words given in these days. My reference is scripture and prophecy came through the Prophets and Apostles. Scripture does not teach us to do what you are doing - we can’t base truth on our individual experiences because we can be deceived. We must line it up with scripture - not try to line up a ‘word’ that is thought to be from God with scripture - scripture interprets scripture and that is our source of truth.

    • @lynnchamberlin3516
      @lynnchamberlin3516 10 месяцев назад +1

      I've searched the scriptures and have never been able to find in the scripture anywhere that says that the gifts given in Ephesians 4:11-14 that were given for the church until such time as we come to complete unity, maturity and knowledge of the Son of God. If we truly believe that the Word in it's entirety tells us what He wants us to know then if He didn't want the offices of the Apostle, Prophet, and Evangelist to continue past a certain time He would have told us. Have I missed some scriptures? I truly want to know! I know it's obvious we haven't come to full unity, maturity or knowledge of Jesus and won't on this side of Glory

    • @debm3716
      @debm3716 10 месяцев назад

      @@lynnchamberlin3516 a good movie to watch to understand the view of the cessationist, which I am, is called ‘Cessationist.’ We are all called to evangelise however, the office of Apostle and Prophet and gift of healing and tongues has now ceased. 1 Corinthians 13:8 says that prophesies and tongues will cease.
      A good app to help answer these types of questions is ‘Got Questions.’ Search ‘is God restoring the office of apostle and prophet in the church today.’ However, briefly, the office of Apostle was given to men by Jesus for the building of the foundation of the church and the same as the office of the Prophet.
      You can also search under ‘what is the spiritual gift of prophecy’ and it will help you to understand that this gift has ceased.
      God bless you as you search for truth.

  • @thandolwethu2263
    @thandolwethu2263 10 месяцев назад

    19 John 4.24 God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth . 12 hours ago

  • @stuartgallagher8904
    @stuartgallagher8904 10 месяцев назад

    ❤❤ true words ❤❤

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад +1

    Sounds good

  • @lauriekurad
    @lauriekurad 7 месяцев назад

    Jonah was a Prophet, and in his entire Biblical life, was given a single message to deliver.
    Does this mean that just because GOD uses whomever HE chooses has to constantly be 'preaching'?
    If GOD wants nothing of you, but for you to help one person, or many to know a certain thing from one whom GOD has sent; would you, yourself... believe ?
    I could answer many of your questions, concerning how GOD reveals Himself, for HE uses any means HE decides to use, in order to have whomever He chooses, to know They are hearing The Lord.
    As far as understanding the message, and if we hear clearly...
    I do.
    Do I follow ? Yes.
    Has my hearing Him, helped other's to deepen their Faith? Absolutely.
    Was it hard learning His voice ? At first it is terrifying.
    And yet He patiently taught me how to know it was HIM.
    And I receive, as well as those He has me speak to...many 'confirmations' that it was indeed Our Lord.
    The rest is up to you, of you want to hear, concerning learning how to walk with The Lord with one foot here in this World, and another foot in another.
    Two by two is sometimes necessary.
    Especially when The Message He wills to be acted on... is a different way in which one would think GOD would not have actually given.
    Getting to personally know Our Lord and God, by walking with Him these past 16 years had been a truly 'eye opening' experience, wherein I don't know I would have come through, alone without His Word guiding me through life's valleys.
    Though we may hear partially at times, and may see through a glass half full... A True Prophet acts upon His Will.
    And if we miss a mark, we learn to fear not, because He will never leave us.
    Ours is indeed a forgiving, and loving GOD, who is just, and filled with Mercy, which is indeed His Hand extended down to Our level of need.
    BTW: (Edited for confirmation, Even if only for me)
    I was guided to write what I did, after being guided to stop listening 1/4 of the way through your video.
    You can believe...or not.
    But I hope you do.

  • @toaster5666
    @toaster5666 10 месяцев назад +2

    It's irritating when I'm listening and reading the scripture on screen, and an ad covers it to promote merch. I lose my train of thought.

  • @spiritlovescolorado
    @spiritlovescolorado 10 месяцев назад

    On point, On Time message! I have to tell You, I was crackin up about 1:30 .... When You spoke of Jonah, n He saw fire n He's MAD! LOLLLL Father slappin His forehead! Hahaha I'M SURE! N I Sure needed the message that followed, cuz I've been HOLLARIN at Father! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO NINEVEH! 😆😄😅💟🦁🐏🐴 Thanks Lil Brother

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад +1

    Correct assumption, that is by my opinion,

  • @biggzbiggz5647
    @biggzbiggz5647 10 месяцев назад +1

    Read the (the awsome potential of man) Jason I know your mind will be open even more to the truth of God.

  • @Floyd-xh5tq
    @Floyd-xh5tq 10 месяцев назад +1

    Just wondering, If the devil can read, does he not know that if he stops all activity the Bible says he needs to do. Nothing else can start the second coming except his actions.so if he just kicks it in Jamaica with a cold one and tells his demons to lay off the people for about 50 years. That would totally mess up the whole plan. Just a thought. AM I right?

    • @AboveReproachMinistry
      @AboveReproachMinistry  10 месяцев назад +5

      Well the second coming doesn’t depend on the devil’s actions so whether he kicks it or not Jesus is coming. Satan is just trying to take as many people down with him

  • @TouchTheUniverse
    @TouchTheUniverse 10 месяцев назад

    Post 1 of 2
    I was wondering if anyone has an answer to this objection. If the office of prophet is still open, why don't we see any future oriented prophecies today, only so called claims that God has a message to deliver, which are conveniently, unverifiable? Can anyone see that claiming the office of prophet is open, but only the effect of predicting the future, isn't in effect, how that is inconsistent? If it's open, it's open, so we should see the full effect of prophecy, God speaking through people and future prophecy, and thus have evidence of it. The office of prophet is one that is and should be verifiable, unless only that bit of future prophecy is somehow no longer active today. If that is what anyone would claim, why is this the case?
    Are visions the same as prophecy?
    In the video, he uses unclarity in visions and translates that into prophecy. Because there is not always clear visions, we can expect the same in prophecy, receiving the Word of God. This seems like a stretch too far and not justifiable.
    On Samuel and Eli
    There was purpose in Samuel not hearing God. It caused Eli to KNOW God is speaking to Samuel. He witnessed the process. It's a testimony. So he then must believe the words of Samuel, for he witnessed it. Again. Samuel heard the words so clearly, he thought Eli was speaking out loud. He heard it crystal clear. This is not a scripture that supports discerning the voice of God imo, not at all.
    Nice Insight on Peter and Clarity of Vision
    The partial understanding of the vision when Peter visits Cornelius is a good insight, indeed. Peter may have disbelieved or perhaps objected beforehand. This shows there are purposes behind some visions not being clear. There is no doubt multiple purposes for everything God does. Yet, do we not see, inevitably, God does reveal the meaning behind the visions.
    Predestination negates the Need to seek God to be saved (reliant on their action), or to Hear Him
    He says people weren’t receptive to the truth of hearing God, in the gospel on the street for instance, as in the time of Jesus. Of course, God could sovereignly see the people reject Jesus ahead of time of their own free will and volition, an inherent side effect of a fallen nature, until God calls them and THAT is the key. for He alone can see the end of all things, He can sovereignly cause the free will of people to accomplish His will, even they oppose it, and especially and precisely through them. For He saw the Romans would kill Christ using their free will and allowed it, and through it, caused our redemption. His will is accomplished in a righteous way that does not override free will. The effect of the crucifixion is redemption AND so the gentiles could be saved, it’s according to his plan of eternal redemption.
    If you believe in predestination, the impetus is no longer on the person to be receptive to the Word of God, as Jason seemingly asserts, but on God, sovereignly allowing the message to be received. This therefore, diminishes the argument to attempt to seek to Hear God, as in the Gospel, to be able to recognize it’s the Word. This isn’t up to men, but God. It’s His gift. God only calls those He knows will respond to the message the right way out of their free will. To put in the effort to hear God, is not one already called? The fact one is doing this is the effect, not the cause. It means God has already called you (the cause) and the effect is you put in effort to seek Him. Since one put in no effort to hear God to be saved, why then must he in order to hear God after being saved? Predestination blows this argument out of the water in my opinion.
    I’m worried about the phrase used in this video - spiritual enlightenment of the heart. What does that mean, is it biblical? It sounds new age ish, though Jason certainly deserves the benefit of the doubt here, and then some.
    I’d like to breakdown a key part of the video to hopefully shed light on my concern here, that this isn’t a biblical application we should consider, but instead rest assured in the full sufficiency of the Word, which is Christ. The hope is that we fall more so in love with the scripture and endlessly so and until Christ comes to Earth, let that be the only way we walk down to seek truth, and is all we sufficiently NEED to come to know God this side of heaven and before His return, for that is indeed life eternal, that we may know the one true God and his Son, Jesus Christ. Let’s keep our head down and not take unnecessary actions that could be false. Let’s act only on clear scripture.
    "We don’t know how to posture our hearts to be receptive and ready for his message. "
    Nor should we since it isn’t biblical - take heed.
    "We don’t know how to discern and recognize His voice."
    If we are using our heart to do so, WOE, for the heart is deceitful above all else and is desperately wicked. We Should never even use our heart to discern the word of God, for it is subjective and based on experience, but our brains, to meditate on the Word. If we won't use our hearts to personally discern the Word of God, how then should we consider to rely on it for that which is EVEN more subjectively unclear and ambivalent. We have the sure word of prophecy, discerned with our minds, never our hearts. We have an uncertain, unsure experience of the hearts, that can ONLY be discerned by the heart , not relying on the mind as the primary mechanism as we ought as in scriptura, but only as an after thought, which indirectly elevates experience above scripture.
    If you want to hear God speak out loud, read the bible out loud. MOST IMPORTANTLY, we should we never use our hearts to seek to hear the voice of God, it opens the door to chaos, potentially. Do we not see the bad fruit this produces, also in other ministries that aren't as focused on the Word as this one is. Look at those circus shows of kenneth copeland prophesying covid away a month or two in it, or the hundreds of the TOP so called prophets falsely saying Trump will win the election - WOE upon them for this blasphemy to claim to speak for God, falsely. Jason is blessed to be well versed in scripture, whose ministry is focused on scriptura alone, unlike those other ministries (often who lack it entirely) for the most part, but how about those less bright or knowledgeable, who may lack the discernment to distinguish between the subtle points he makes to justify his belief in God speaking to us today. Could that not cause many more false prophets to come about, even if well meaning, attempting to prophesy with the hope of getting better until finally hearing God, in the meantime, spewing falsehoods, and wouldn't this not in turn be a danger for Jason for causing false prophets to arise that he'd have to answer for? Can we also not see the chaos and affront to God's name 10,000 false prophecies floating on RUclips bring to the name of God. It's too dangerous.
    "Looking towards Him and spending time with Him "
    This is blessed. We should always draw near to God, for that is our part to play in the New Testament. We are redeemed through the blood of the lamb, and it can be said our only part is to draw near to God, through his word, in prayer, fellowship, seeking after the Kingdom, so we may become sanctified so THEN may we bit fit to know and do his will, indeed and blessed beyond all measure is those who do so.
    "focused on Him to know when he’s speaking and what’s He saying."
    Focus on him and his word, but I’d say the mind is extremely power and the heart deceitful above all else, focusing on hearing in exclusively and entirely could open oneself up to inner deception of the heart, or perhaps external deception from any fallen spirit. To seek into the spiritual realm to hear the voice of God, is not in the bible, to do so is potentially extremely dangerous. We don’t understand the spiritual realm at all, for all we know, when one seeks to hear a voice, one sends out a beacon that is visible in that realm. We should be careful for the devil is on the prowl, seeking whom he may devour.
    "And we don’t know how to seek Him "
    We do, in the word.
    "and when we do hear, we go I don’t know what that means, we just walk away and go, I don’t get it, can’t be God,"
    In the bible, even when the visions are unclear, they are always explained, not by effort, but by further revelation or assistance from someone else whom God has proposed to deliver the missing bits. This isn’t something we piece together on our own it seems. The effort is removed from our part. We don’t need to be receptive or seek.
    "instead of seeking and saying, ‘Lord is this you, and asking in prayer and fasting, and taking time to seek for confirmation and getting Godly council and opening the scriptures."
    This sounds good, and if God does speak outside of His word, I’d need a biblical scripture that supersedes Hebrews 2 I believe, in these last days, He speaks to us through His son. Only then, the prescription you said here, which seems noble and the way to go, biblically, would be justified.
    It’s quite a conundrum. Clearly you put an awesome emphasis on the Word, yet seem keen on reaching outside of it needlessly into experience of Hearing of God, based on merely personal interpretations, where the bible also says we should not do. It’s not clear in the bible. To justify it, one would need to do a vast over arching interconnected web of interpretations, then group them, and redefine terms, so then one can pull apart pieces that detract from the argument, like future oriented prophecy isn’t evident, so we NEED to therefore define prophecy to its fullest to narrow down the most broad term, to have a message from the God, etc. We need our logic to be consistent.

  • @RahabScarletCord
    @RahabScarletCord Месяц назад

    Oh boy....you have such a long way to go.
    You are missing 1 vital key
    You should listen to the HS more!

    @IN-YHUH-LYES-THEY-ANSWER 2 месяца назад

    Q; What's the voice of "YAHUAH" (GOD) according to scripture?

    • @AboveReproachMinistry
      @AboveReproachMinistry  2 месяца назад

      That question isn’t clear enough for me. What are you asking about His voice? WHAT it is objectively? WHAT it’s like characteristically? A blanket definition of it?

      @IN-YHUH-LYES-THEY-ANSWER 2 месяца назад

      Just a blanket definition of it; according to your understanding. Thanks

    • @AboveReproachMinistry
      @AboveReproachMinistry  2 месяца назад

      Sure. I’d say, the voice of God is the way in which God communicates a message to His people.

      @IN-YHUH-LYES-THEY-ANSWER 2 месяца назад

      @@AboveReproachMinistry And what would you say that message was that "He" would have communicated to his ppl?

    • @AboveReproachMinistry
      @AboveReproachMinistry  2 месяца назад

      He communicated lots of messages at lots of times to lots of different people. What are you asking for exactly?

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад

    El dorado

  • @cassieburke5904
    @cassieburke5904 10 месяцев назад

    Tacos 😂😂😂

  • @lynnchamberlin3516
    @lynnchamberlin3516 10 месяцев назад +1

    The Holy Spirit can speak through anyone. There's a difference to being able to prophecy and having the office of the Prophet. Because we're all human, we can make errors, most especially if we let our own flesh get into it. I've been used to give prophetic words, but don't hold the office of a Prophet to the Nations

    • @debm3716
      @debm3716 10 месяцев назад

      Where in the Bible does it show us that people who aren’t Prophets can prophecy?

  • @patriciadavis1735
    @patriciadavis1735 10 месяцев назад

    Is the Book of Enoch part of the bible?

    • @debm3716
      @debm3716 10 месяцев назад

      No it’s not

    • @lauriekurad
      @lauriekurad 7 месяцев назад

      It depends on which version of The Bible you have.
      It is in the Ge'ez (Ethiopic) translation of The Bible.
      Since the Book was not discovered until 1947 along with other Hebraic Writtings. it would not have been available for inclusion into the Canonized Bible.

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад +1

    People are really not open minded

  • @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig
    @AnthonyBrogie-gg6ig 10 месяцев назад

    Way off

  • @sandrakm3728
    @sandrakm3728 10 месяцев назад

    You coughed so many times, like almost every 5 minutes throughout this year whole video. Very distracting to focus on your message for some of us😢