I am handicapped and it makes me so angry about this woman trying to use that as an excuse for being stupid. I have been towed, ONCE, and I am now twice as conscious about where I park. Keep up y’all’s great work!!
Same here. Both my husband & I now have placards as we both have serious mobility issues. This still doesn't mean you can park wherever, certainly not on private property!
@@philipperron1810 actually, I think if the space belongs to a business and they're not going to that business, they're not allowed to park there. But I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time...
But it wasn’t posted! I always break into my neighbors houses and take all their beer because they didn’t post a sign on the door saying “private property”.
As a handicapped person myself it infuriates me to hear people try to use their disability around laws and regulations. keep up the good work guys love your content
Agreed. I was waiting for her to tell him he had to bring her Pilot back immediately. lol. Hey lady, Do you understand what 'Employees Only" means?? The sign was perfectly clear, you're just trying use your disability for special attention. I'm handicapped and your type give others a bad name. Also, i don't believe for a second that 1) you walked 3 miles and 2) that you were in the hospital. Pay your fine and learn your lesson
100% agree I’m visually and hearing handicap I could get a card if I wanted to and park in a spot but since I can get around it would kill me if I took a spot from a non mobile person but that card doesn’t allow you to just park anywhere
One of my oldest friends is handicapped, stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life (bar some sort of future medical breakthrough) after a car accident about a decade ago, and it pisses him off to no end when fellow handicapped people try to use their handicap as an excuse to park where ever they want. He once got into a fight with a handicapped (former) girlfriend of his because she would park on sidewalks, she'd block private driveways and she'd use other people's private parking spots at apartment buildings (that they are not rarely paying a small fortune for), just because she felt entitled to it. Her left leg was amputated below the knee but she was still very mobile (she even ran 5k races a few times a year), so she didn't _have_ to park the way she did because of her handicap. She just did it because she wanted to, because she felt entitled to it.
Yes! Handicrap, as we call it bc it sucks to have to need the placard. But I never act entitled. I can always be dropped off at the store front and wait for my family to park and walk.
So “Employees Only” isn’t enough to say it’s private? Wow, have we gotten so entitled now we can bend words to whatever we want? I’m amazed at your patience Jeff and Kristen, I wish I had at least 10% of it.
Just say, "It sounds like you might have a civil case against the 'Employee Only , All others will be towed' property owner, for the use of improper signage." "Let me know how you make out!" "In the mean time my towing fees still apply, if you wish to get your car back." Also. "There were plenty of them." True, but the bank has plenty of dollars, does that make it okay for you to take some?
The only parking policy that the police can enforce on private property IS handicap parking. And, therefore, I am pretty sure the hotel can't require that the person with the handicap placard parking there must be a guest there. But I could be entirely mistaken because I don't live in TN and thus it would be my responsibility to know where I could park without risk of being towed. No one else is going to watch out for my car, that is 100% on me.
@@beaversareinsane726 Of course they can require that. They can prove ownership of the property to a tow company, then have them remove the vehicle from the property they've proven they own. The government can only give you permission to operate your vehicle in particular ways *on government property*. By your logic, there would be nothing whatsoever to prevent any person with a handicap placard from blocking your entire driveway, or parking in a drive-thru for weeks, etc
You'll never be able to get thru to some people.She's played this victim card her whole life and gotten away with it. BTW, I'm handicapped and I would never behave like this "lady"!!
"I'm walking back to the hotel." "I'm not staying in the hotel." "I'm not an employee, but I can still park there." "I'm in the hospital." Good grief, I sympathize with her being disabled but c'mon lady. Her story(s) have more holes in them than a colander. I have several friends and family who are disabled, and have the correct placards/plates, but not a single one of them thinks they can just park anywhere they damn well please simply because they're disabled. I hate it when people try to justify breaking rules/laws simply because they're disabled. Hell I'm disabled too, but I know I still have to obey the damn speed limit. Smh. Don't you just love how they always try to make it the tow company's fault that THEY parked where they shouldn't have. If they had a justifiable beef with anyone (which they never do) it should be the owner of the lot. Even though it would be pointless as they are all clearly posted. I think a lot of people also just don't pay attention. Hell of a way to learn that signs mean something. But the rest I think just look at the sign and think "Screw them. I'll park here whether they like it or not." Smh.
I and my husband are BOTH handicapped, with a handicap GA tag. We can not just park where ever we want, just because we have the handicap tag. She’s 100% wrong here!!!! 🤦♀️🙄😡 So tired of folks who think rules don’t apply to them. Oh and there’s numerous (employee parking only) signs up in those areas.
$20 says this handicapped person boards a flight in a wheelchair and then runs off the plane when it lands. I feel for those who are disabled but in some cases people just look to abuse the system. Thanks for making great videos. Happy New Year!
I lost count on how many times I see people who has no need for wheelchair service at the airport but still taking up resources. One time the airport I was at was understaff which cause the wait time for transportation to be long, the lady in front of me just got off her wheelchair and started walking normal for the 2 km to customs. By the time transport came and then got to the intermediary point (aka the elevator to go downstairs), my wife had to grab a wheelchair to push me. That lady was just ahead of us when we finally got to customs. Meaning? She was just lazy and didn’t want to walk. Oh, that lady was also the one who, at the beginning of the flight, instead of sitting in her seat, just kept trying to take a window seat until the rightful passenger showed up. We had to call up the flight crew to get her to show her ticket and it turns out she was behind me in the middle seat….some people are just entitled.
It's almost like people have different handicaps and it's not black and white.. I have a handicap placard because not having one leads to too much walking and stress fractures in my legs (remember Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable (and Glass)? I have the same diagnosis; Osteogenesis Imperfecta type I).. So far in 36 years my 40-50 fractures have only caused me to need a wheel chair for 6 weeks, but you bet you ass I will get out of a burning plane or building if I have to. Are you really implying that people in wheelchairs should just give up and burn to death?
@@C0MPUTERPHILE you're correct, that things can be deceptive. but i think you should reread his post. he wasn't talking about a emergency situation. he was talking about someone "being" wheelchair bound to skip the line while boarding. and when it came time to unboard, she could move very fast on foot. i had one case, where someone with a mobility aid, came running back for more than 10 meters, to tell me to move the work vehicle out of the way. we did install ramps 4m ahead and 3m behind the work area, so people in wheelchairs or with mobility aid could drive around the work area. but it did figure i would be useless to point this out, this was a clear cut case of stupidity and entitlement. and no, there is no way he actually needed a mobility aid, but he should have been supervised be a sane person.
@9OClockRant everyone's disabilities are different. I can be walking along just fine, then take a step wrong and suddenly be in excruciating pain with every step. To look at me when I am walking without pain, you'd think I didn't need any aids. And when it hits, you might think I'm faking it because I was just walking normally 10 steps before, or I can walk normally 5 minutes later.
As a handicapped person it infuriates me how people think that a disabled tag gives them special privileges. With airlines one gets to board first but you are the last to leave the plane.
WOW, so the lady with the handicap sign thinks she can park anywhere unless it states "private ". Not true. I'm handicapped and there are specific rules to follow. Also, if she is that handicapped why are you parking so far away and walking? My husband will drop me off and then park in a non-handicap spot if there is no place else. I think she called PD and they explained the private parking to her. Stay safe. Happy New Year. Your channel is getting close to 50K. Love you Jeff and Kristen.🎊😊♥️
Another case of 'post Covid entitlement', I do feel for her but it wasn't even her vehicle! Good thing the son came clean. Y'alls patience is on another level...Y'all ROCK!
I’m sure this lady was the exact same pre-covid - the only difference is now everyone is more online than ever, so we get to SEE everyone behaving this way all the time now
This is the most insane logic I have ever heard with regard to that handicapped woman. Its very frustrating to watch her get SO CLOSE to connecting the dots but she just cant manage it. Good on you for being calm. I couldn't do it.
I have a disabled placard and I always attempt to park as expected by everyone else, I don't look for special treatment. The lady was in the wrong! Dang you Kristen now I'm transported back to the 90's singing ace of base i saw the sign. lol 🤣 Jeff, Kristen and the crew you would be my 1st choice for your services if when visiting I needed Top Notch service hands down! keep up the great job! 👍
Me, too. I live local. If I park real dumb, I'll call Jeff. 😅 My husband drove towing for a local business. It's a tough job. On the other hand, most of us are smart enough to stay out of Gatlinburg. There are too many businesses and too many tourists, not enough road and parking. It's Crazy Town.
She has a California disabled placard and even here in California if you go in to a parking garage you expect to pay even if you have a disabled placard. I am myself a handicap person with handicap plates and i just don’t get people like her. Jeff good job in clearly explaining the rules in your side of town and Employee parking permit means private Not Public
My husband is handicapped and can not walk no more than 10 yards without losing all air and severe pain in his lower legs. But he would NEVER feel so entitled to take an employee parking!!!! That is just so extremely rude and shows how full of them selves they are.
OK..."I took a pic of the Employees Only sign. That's NOT private."I thought I had heard it all. This might top 'have a nice day..go to hell' woman . Lol
77 yr old visiting Tennessee found your channel will continue to follow you when in get home to Texas. You two are great! Am now following you. Blessings stay safe.
Okay il admit I'm officially addicted to your guys channel lol I have literally been watching you guys the last 3 hours I'm getting the evil eyes from my wife lol keep up the rockin content guys
@EverythingAutos I found you 2 days ago. Man I must have watch 85% of your videos giggling non stop as a grown as man. You guys are so beyond kind and patient it's not even funny.
She knew she was in the wrong with parking in the employee parking, or else she wouldn't have taken a picture of if the sign and Googled until she found what she wanted to find.
She read the sign, but that obviously didn't mean her. Hate self entitlement . Hope you guys have a great holiday season. And, calling at 4 in the morning? Double the fees.
Wow, she had an ear full. She knows her parking rights. Lady give it up. You lost any way. Jeff you where in the right."" Laugh before crying"" .love that line. (lol)
Now you've got me singing I've got the sign Kristen! 😊 You guys are awesome. Thanks for doing what u do. Kindness goes a long way. God bless u & ur family. Kim
The patience you both have is amazing! You always have listen to everyone complaints but counter with logic and understanding. Keep it up and stay safe! I am new to your channel and loving it
Seriously Jeff you're an amazing guy for listening to this woman & all her feelings on the phone. You're the definition of customers Service buddy. Merry Christmas guys we hope yall had a great Christmas & have a phenomenal New Year's. Yall stay safe during our artic front we've been having
Hearing so many say that they were told it is ok to park in the gravel lot makes me wonder. It makes me wonder if one of the employees that works in the hotel is subscribed to the channel and loves to see folks get towed from there. LOL Great videos and awesome self control on dealing with entitled people.
Private parking is NOT allowed for Handicapped or anyone else unless you have permission to park. A charge park is free with a Valid Handicap placard. Never on a restricted to employees lot.
Good Job Jeff. You are a very fair man and people should treat you better for THEIR bad behavior. My hat is off to you for putting up with what you do Sir. I have been in downtown Gatlinberg and always remember what you say "Pay to Park"
We have had people park in the only handicap space in our lot and try to walk away saying they can park in any handicap spot anywhere and leave. It is for our business only private while you shop here only. When you are finished you must take your vehicle! There are no exceptions!
3:44 I never get tired of being amazed as to how those doilies operate. 🙃 15:10 Exactly. I’d tell them I wasn’t at liberty to disclose private information and refer them to the PD for further inquiries. 🙃 To me, it’s interesting to hear she had the foreknowledge to look up a state’s (not municipality’s) statutes to see where someone with a placard could park but never thought about bringing a light travel/wheel chair to be pushed in by someone else in her party so as to follow the age-old saying, ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. To me, an ‘employee parking’ sign is self-evident. I don’t think you should feel bad. Stay safe out there guys.
Jeff, "Employee Parking Only" means just that, period! It also clearly implies that public parking is not allowed, period. The fact that it is a private lot or not is irrelevant because the sign is clear. Always remember, satan is a bully, comes in all disguises, lies profusely, is always confrontational and will always be lawless regardless to what! Jeff, when I think of a word that totally describes you and Kristen always, it is INTEGRITY! Continue to stay righteous in all that you both do regardless of someone else's unrighteousness. GOD bless!
"You can't tow a handicap car" ... Uh, no. Your HP Placard is not a "Park Anywhere Permit"... I should know. I have one, and they are very clear when you get it that it only permits you to park in HP designated spots and to exceed the maximum permitted time valid public parking parking spots by (in PA) two hours.... as long as it's not a spot that's designated "no parking" during certain times of the day.
How STUPID can people be?!?!?? Employees ONLY means just that. Well maybe I just need to find a way to get me a handicapped tag so I can be special and park anywhere I darn well feel like it! 🤣🤣🤣 She can’t be that disabled if she walks three miles to her hotel. Unfreaking believable! Heck, I’d be out of breath trying to walk up & down the hills of Gatlinburg!
3 years ago i was severely burned-fireball to back took out most of back, burn unit at wake forest, nc etc, i have a handicap tag but only use it if i really need to...since i was told movement helps scars left...i do walk as much as possible..some days i do well, others not so much...those like these ladies make me mad...grateful to be alive, able to walk, to drive, i was not expected to make it,,,and this happened 12 days before my 65th birthday.... daddy did not raise whiny daughters...
Great video! You guys always treat everyone with such respect! Maybe I’m old school but I still prefer to buy things in person. I’ve only bought from Amazon a handful of times..
I can't tell you how many times I've tried to find a handicap spot to park for myself at my local grocery store, due to illegal parking in them. I look quite healthy, I'm 62, but have had both knees, and both hips replaced due to osteoporosis, 2 yrs ago had a major heart attack, had to have a quadruple bypass 2 days later but for people to look at me I look like a normal 62 yr old. Have had people tell me I don't look a day over 50, but when I park in a handicap spot, I've had cars stop behind my car as I've got out and cussed me out, even with a handicap plate on my car. Where I live its hard to get a plate, so people should know it's not something I'm taking advantage of. Believe me, I'd trade them all my sicknesses in order for them to park in that spot in a heartbeat. Those that park illegal in these spots should be towed in all states, no questions asked!
Just enjoying the fact that the handicap lady (who doesn't reside in TN) is arguing with the owner of a tow company located in TN. If I was picking a side here, I'm going with Jeff and Kristen on this one. Can we give her a Darwin Award? 😂
I rewatched this again and got as upset this time as every other time I have watch it. This woman should be so ashamed and thank you for treating us older and yes in my guess dIsable but I can read, I still have a brain and can do all that needs to be done but maybe different from your way. To treat us fairly, the same as everyone else is a blessing. Old I am, dead or stupid I am not. Thank you for being you.
I'm also disabled, for the past 22 years. I can't walk more than 20--30 feet at a time. Still, it makes me furious when I hear another disabled person demanding they should get special treatment BEYOND what we already get through our parking privileges. Instead of "checking the state guidelines " (if she really did), she should have checked the ADA guidelines that lay it out clearly where we can park.
You are a stellar person I was towing for 6 or 7 and the people I told for and would you let people go through and how you deal with them man you and your wife are awesome user for doing the towing community a positive impact towing companies get a raw deal all the way around from what I've been watching for a year and a half you guys are more than way more than fair keep doing what you doing brother keep those kids smiling with the candy I used to do it too
She is not staying at that hotel, well what hotel is she staying at ? Plus, she is trying to make a technical argument, employee parking only, that says it all.
Although I don't get out any more, as a person in a wheelchair, it really angers me when people abuse Handicapped Parking. It also annoys me, how many do not realize that the diagonal lines next to some handicapped parking spaces are for wheelchair access.... sometimes small cars or motorbikes park there, leaving no room for wheelchairs.
Hi Jeff and Kristen! I don’t think you caught this, but the handicap lady lied to you. She said she wasn’t staying at the Country Inn and Suites that they had just parked there, but the guy that picked up the car said he walked from the Country Inn and Suites. 🤷🏼♀
My brother and I had a great time at Christmas, I opened his gift from me which had one of your stickers in it and he opened his gift from me with one of your stickers in it so we now both have 2. What a great surprise. Two people with the same great thought. Thank you!
Good point to recommend calling the police if she wants to do something about it. They’ll straighten her out. You were trying your best to educate her, but to no avail. She has a very misguided sense of entitlement.
I'm handicapped, have handicapped plates, 1 placard for when I'm in someone else's car, 98% of the time i park like anyone else, exercise is good and i only use it when i really, really have to...as in alone in the dark.....
The law reads: "You may not be charged a fee for parking in a metered space, in municipal parking lots, or on the street as long as you have a disabled parking permit displayed on your car or disabled license plates on your vehicle." It says Nothing about having to say private property! As a disabled person I know where I can and cannot park in my state. I've done my homework on this subject.
Because a lot labeled "employees only" is, inherently, private property. There is a name for your car's presence on private property: trespassing, a crime in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
@wlipman I agree 100%, hence why I've never been towed. I've done my homework. I'd love to meet Kristen & Jeff, but not by having to pick up my vehicle at 221 Newman Road.
I had a broken ankle, got a 4 month handicap tag. I was given a long lecture about where I could and could not park. Also when my 92 yr old Mom, who has a walker got her HT, again long do’s and don’t’s lecture! Also private property does not have to be posted, it’s nice when it is posted but it doesn’t need to be
Omg. Bless her heart. She does not need to take advantage of her handicap. .I hope she see just how silly that sounds. My last video watched of yours ,. I honestly committed on the same excuse. Should not have been no empty parking spaces. Lol
The first caller was understanding of the situation and then Mad Grandma called and I would imagine that they are tired of dealing with her rants and just stand back and let her rip.
Ignorant people are ignorant. Trite but true - you can't fix stupid. That said, you can absolutely spark an asthma incident by stress, and having your car towed would be highly stressful. But, stupid is as stupid does.
Exactly. I can’t understand the logic that she thinks that it says employee parking all others towed, then it’s fine to park there because she’s disabled and she knows she can’t park on private property. So a business has employees. Businesses are on private property. But she doesn’t see the connection. Ignorant, and also an asshole.
I burst out laughing when she said "you know you can't tow a handicap car in the state of Tennessee" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
If the car itself was handicapped, that would be reason enough to tow it...😂😂😂😂😂.
"I can park anywhere" 😂😭🤣
How in the world did this woman make it to adulthood
Adulthood naturally occurs no matter what your intelligence and reasoning levels happen to be.
@@ReachOutToWilliam usually natural selection weeds out the Dummies before adulthood
Umm, she hasn't yet
That was the oldest sounding 16 year old.
I hope her insulin and other meds were in a cooler or able to withstand a lot of heat.
I am handicapped and it makes me so angry about this woman trying to use that as an excuse for being stupid. I have been towed, ONCE, and I am now twice as conscious about where I park. Keep up y’all’s great work!!
Same here. Both my husband & I now have placards as we both have serious mobility issues. This still doesn't mean you can park wherever, certainly not on private property!
I am also Handicapped and I have a handicapped license plate but I don’t abuse it. It’s common sense that if it says employees only I can’t park there
As another handicapped person this is irritating. She need to only ride the short bus, helmet required.
The crazy part is if she has a handicap placard, she can park in ANY handicap space in the country...if a customer or not. LOL
@@philipperron1810 actually, I think if the space belongs to a business and they're not going to that business, they're not allowed to park there. But I could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time...
I'm handicapped too. I think that when I go to Gatlinburg, I am going to park at Jeff and Kristen's lot on Newman Rd to save a tow bill. Lol
Take the blue trolley!
...call about 30 , 40 minutes before!
To think your handicap tags gives you rights to control what others can do on their private property.
But it wasn’t posted! I always break into my neighbors houses and take all their beer because they didn’t post a sign on the door saying “private property”.
It is twisted thinking for sure !
Can someone not figure out "Employees Only" will generally mean Private Property.
As a handicapped person myself it infuriates me to hear people try to use their disability around laws and regulations. keep up the good work guys love your content
Agreed. I was waiting for her to tell him he had to bring her Pilot back immediately. lol. Hey lady, Do you understand what 'Employees Only" means?? The sign was perfectly clear, you're just trying use your disability for special attention. I'm handicapped and your type give others a bad name. Also, i don't believe for a second that 1) you walked 3 miles and 2) that you were in the hospital. Pay your fine and learn your lesson
100% agree I’m visually and hearing handicap I could get a card if I wanted to and park in a spot but since I can get around it would kill me if I took a spot from a non mobile person but that card doesn’t allow you to just park anywhere
One of my oldest friends is handicapped, stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life (bar some sort of future medical breakthrough) after a car accident about a decade ago, and it pisses him off to no end when fellow handicapped people try to use their handicap as an excuse to park where ever they want.
He once got into a fight with a handicapped (former) girlfriend of his because she would park on sidewalks, she'd block private driveways and she'd use other people's private parking spots at apartment buildings (that they are not rarely paying a small fortune for), just because she felt entitled to it.
Her left leg was amputated below the knee but she was still very mobile (she even ran 5k races a few times a year), so she didn't _have_ to park the way she did because of her handicap. She just did it because she wanted to, because she felt entitled to it.
Absolutely Correct!!
Yes! Handicrap, as we call it bc it sucks to have to need the placard. But I never act entitled. I can always be dropped off at the store front and wait for my family to park and walk.
So “Employees Only” isn’t enough to say it’s private? Wow, have we gotten so entitled now we can bend words to whatever we want? I’m amazed at your patience Jeff and Kristen, I wish I had at least 10% of it.
SovCits say I'm not Driving, I'm Traveling!
Yea, as if the city gave them a special lot for their employees lol
So entitled
Just say, "It sounds like you might have a civil case against the 'Employee Only , All others will be towed' property owner, for the use of improper signage."
"Let me know how you make out!"
"In the mean time my towing fees still apply, if you wish to get your car back."
Also. "There were plenty of them." True, but the bank has plenty of dollars, does that make it okay for you to take some?
Tennessee handicap laws ONLY apply to government property, it says it not apply otherwise
So according to the handicapped person, they get to park in any residential driveway as long as it’s not posted as private property? 🤔
The only parking policy that the police can enforce on private property IS handicap parking. And, therefore, I am pretty sure the hotel can't require that the person with the handicap placard parking there must be a guest there. But I could be entirely mistaken because I don't live in TN and thus it would be my responsibility to know where I could park without risk of being towed. No one else is going to watch out for my car, that is 100% on me.
For her, yes, apparently so 😂😂😂
@@beaversareinsane726 Of course they can require that. They can prove ownership of the property to a tow company, then have them remove the vehicle from the property they've proven they own. The government can only give you permission to operate your vehicle in particular ways *on government property*. By your logic, there would be nothing whatsoever to prevent any person with a handicap placard from blocking your entire driveway, or parking in a drive-thru for weeks, etc
Gotta be posted "Private"!! That's the law!! P-R-I-V-A-T-E!!!
@@mikeberger5025 there are laws against “Trespassing “!
The arguing is my favorite part. Especially when they are clearly parked wrong, and have endless excuses. You 2 always handle it really well
Me too! I just love that part! People say the same things and illegal Parker’s sure can become a victim rapidly!
Best part. Especially when they claim to be handicapped, a first responder, or a handicapped first responder.
...or a police officer.The arguments my favorite too!
You'll never be able to get thru to some people.She's played this victim card her whole life and gotten away with it. BTW, I'm handicapped and I would never behave like this "lady"!!
True. As far as I can see that ain’t no lady. 😂
"I'm walking back to the hotel." "I'm not staying in the hotel." "I'm not an employee, but I can still park there." "I'm in the hospital." Good grief, I sympathize with her being disabled but c'mon lady. Her story(s) have more holes in them than a colander. I have several friends and family who are disabled, and have the correct placards/plates, but not a single one of them thinks they can just park anywhere they damn well please simply because they're disabled. I hate it when people try to justify breaking rules/laws simply because they're disabled. Hell I'm disabled too, but I know I still have to obey the damn speed limit. Smh. Don't you just love how they always try to make it the tow company's fault that THEY parked where they shouldn't have. If they had a justifiable beef with anyone (which they never do) it should be the owner of the lot. Even though it would be pointless as they are all clearly posted. I think a lot of people also just don't pay attention. Hell of a way to learn that signs mean something. But the rest I think just look at the sign and think "Screw them. I'll park here whether they like it or not." Smh.
Is mental a handicap 😂
A very cogent comment !
I kept expecting Bill Engvall to chime in with HERE'S YOUR SIGN!! lol It amazes me how many people are so CLUELESS. smh
I and my husband are BOTH handicapped, with a handicap GA tag. We can not just park where ever we want, just because we have the handicap tag. She’s 100% wrong here!!!! 🤦♀️🙄😡
So tired of folks who think rules don’t apply to them. Oh and there’s numerous (employee parking only) signs up in those areas.
Bless her heart. Both entitled and Ignorant
and horrible. (I'm disabled, but not mentally)
I totally understand your. Bless her heart.
My soul sister is from Louisiana.
She is definitely ignorant because she didn't read the handicap rules right
Lmao to words that fit her with perfection
$20 says this handicapped person boards a flight in a wheelchair and then runs off the plane when it lands. I feel for those who are disabled but in some cases people just look to abuse the system. Thanks for making great videos. Happy New Year!
I lost count on how many times I see people who has no need for wheelchair service at the airport but still taking up resources. One time the airport I was at was understaff which cause the wait time for transportation to be long, the lady in front of me just got off her wheelchair and started walking normal for the 2 km to customs. By the time transport came and then got to the intermediary point (aka the elevator to go downstairs), my wife had to grab a wheelchair to push me. That lady was just ahead of us when we finally got to customs. Meaning? She was just lazy and didn’t want to walk. Oh, that lady was also the one who, at the beginning of the flight, instead of sitting in her seat, just kept trying to take a window seat until the rightful passenger showed up. We had to call up the flight crew to get her to show her ticket and it turns out she was behind me in the middle seat….some people are just entitled.
It's almost like people have different handicaps and it's not black and white.. I have a handicap placard because not having one leads to too much walking and stress fractures in my legs (remember Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable (and Glass)? I have the same diagnosis; Osteogenesis Imperfecta type I).. So far in 36 years my 40-50 fractures have only caused me to need a wheel chair for 6 weeks, but you bet you ass I will get out of a burning plane or building if I have to. Are you really implying that people in wheelchairs should just give up and burn to death?
@@C0MPUTERPHILE you're correct, that things can be deceptive. but i think you should reread his post. he wasn't talking about a emergency situation. he was talking about someone "being" wheelchair bound to skip the line while boarding. and when it came time to unboard, she could move very fast on foot.
i had one case, where someone with a mobility aid, came running back for more than 10 meters, to tell me to move the work vehicle out of the way. we did install ramps 4m ahead and 3m behind the work area, so people in wheelchairs or with mobility aid could drive around the work area. but it did figure i would be useless to point this out, this was a clear cut case of stupidity and entitlement. and no, there is no way he actually needed a mobility aid, but he should have been supervised be a sane person.
@9OClockRant everyone's disabilities are different. I can be walking along just fine, then take a step wrong and suddenly be in excruciating pain with every step. To look at me when I am walking without pain, you'd think I didn't need any aids. And when it hits, you might think I'm faking it because I was just walking normally 10 steps before, or I can walk normally 5 minutes later.
As a handicapped person it infuriates me how people think that a disabled tag gives them special privileges. With airlines one gets to board first but you are the last to leave the plane.
WOW, so the lady with the handicap sign thinks she can park anywhere unless it states "private ". Not true. I'm handicapped and there are specific rules to follow. Also, if she is that handicapped why are you parking so far away and walking? My husband will drop me off and then park in a non-handicap spot if there is no place else. I think she called PD and they explained the private parking to her. Stay safe. Happy New Year. Your channel is getting close to 50K. Love you Jeff and Kristen.🎊😊♥️
Another case of 'post Covid entitlement', I do feel for her but it wasn't even her vehicle! Good thing the son came clean. Y'alls patience is on another level...Y'all ROCK!
"Post covid entitlement". First time I've heard that, and it fits like a glove. Can I steal it???
@@russellmooneyham3334 Absolutely!
I’m fairly certain the entitlement predated Covid, by many decades.
I’m sure this lady was the exact same pre-covid - the only difference is now everyone is more online than ever, so we get to SEE everyone behaving this way all the time now
LOl, you're delusional if you think this woman's behaviour suddenly changed after covid. She was always like that
I once saw a sign that said: "That first step off your high horse is a b**ch honey, tuck and roll!"
This is the most insane logic I have ever heard with regard to that handicapped woman. Its very frustrating to watch her get SO CLOSE to connecting the dots but she just cant manage it. Good on you for being calm. I couldn't do it.
I have a handicap plate, I didn't know that I can park anywhere I want. The way she thinks I can park in my neighbors driveway.
I have a disabled placard and I always attempt to park as expected by everyone else, I don't look for special treatment. The lady was in the wrong!
Dang you Kristen now I'm transported back to the 90's singing ace of base i saw the sign. lol 🤣
Jeff, Kristen and the crew you would be my 1st choice for your services if when visiting I needed Top Notch service hands down! keep up the great job! 👍
Me, too. I live local. If I park real dumb, I'll call Jeff. 😅
My husband drove towing for a local business. It's a tough job. On the other hand, most of us are smart enough to stay out of Gatlinburg. There are too many businesses and too many tourists, not enough road and parking. It's Crazy Town.
I love watching this channel. You two are the best. Jeff, you are so lucky to have a hard working wife. My favorites are the illegal parks. Thanks
This channel is addictive, love it
She has a California disabled placard and even here in California if you go in to a parking garage you expect to pay even if you have a disabled placard. I am myself a handicap person with handicap plates and i just don’t get people like her. Jeff good job in clearly explaining the rules in your side of town and Employee parking permit means private Not Public
My husband is handicapped and can not walk no more than 10 yards without losing all air and severe pain in his lower legs. But he would NEVER feel so entitled to take an employee parking!!!! That is just so extremely rude and shows how full of them selves they are.
…so does she go to the police station and park where it says “EMPLOYEES ONLY “?
Love you guys!
Lol, yeah, I’d love to see her try that!
Jeff you have the patience of a saint!
OK..."I took a pic of the Employees Only sign. That's NOT private."I thought I had heard it all. This might top 'have a nice day..go to hell' woman . Lol
I think it’s nice you’re willing to meet them after hours. That’s rare. You have an extremely calming temperament.
Love those illegal parks. Keep them coming guys. Great video you guys.
The lady on the phone was entertaining. Keep up the great work.
77 yr old visiting Tennessee found your channel will continue to follow you when in get home to Texas. You two are great! Am now following you. Blessings stay safe.
That first guy who came out and talked to you was such a sweetie. I'm glad he was able to move before getting towed.
Thanks for all the entertainment this year! Happy Holidays to you guys!!
You're exactly right, that little old lady was walking to your shop so she could give you the what for. 🤣
Jeff your heart is so big that this stuff effects you. It's the pain of being a big hearted person.
Okay il admit I'm officially addicted to your guys channel lol I have literally been watching you guys the last 3 hours I'm getting the evil eyes from my wife lol keep up the rockin content guys
Spread the word my friend! Thank y’all for tagging along.
@EverythingAutos I found you 2 days ago. Man I must have watch 85% of your videos giggling non stop as a grown as man. You guys are so beyond kind and patient it's not even funny.
She knew she was in the wrong with parking in the employee parking, or else she wouldn't have taken a picture of if the sign and Googled until she found what she wanted to find.
I Googled it and it says you can't park on private property. She is lying.
I love when you guys put towing excuses in to songs.❤
She read the sign, but that obviously didn't mean her. Hate self entitlement . Hope you guys have a great holiday season. And, calling at 4 in the morning? Double the fees.
"Well I have to laugh to keep from crying ma'am" my new favorite line
Wow, she had an ear full. She knows her parking rights. Lady give it up. You lost any way. Jeff you where in the right."" Laugh before crying"" .love that line. (lol)
LOL, the other dude was so happy he found out they were towing. "Let me move it"
I'm handicapped and this lady trying to use it towards her entitlement is absolutely disgusting. Good call Jeff.
Now you've got me singing I've got the sign Kristen! 😊 You guys are awesome. Thanks for doing what u do. Kindness goes a long way. God bless u & ur family. Kim
The moment the handicapped lady asked who owned the lot that shows she knows its privately owned and not publicly owned
Having a bulldogs tag in Tennessee should be automatic grounds for towing. 😁
Jealousy is a terrible thing! GO DAWGS......Woof,Woof,Woof!!!
Jeff, he just doing your job❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The son is a champ. So spot-on, and personable too. "There's a reason that there's a hundred lots around town". I hope his mom feels better.
I saw the sign... and it opened up my eyes, I saw the sign... Life is demanding without understanding! 🎶🎶🎵🎵🎶🎶
The patience you both have is amazing! You always have listen to everyone complaints but counter with logic and understanding. Keep it up and stay safe! I am new to your channel and loving it
You all are great I could watch you 24hours a day
Once again you handled this great. Keep up the great work.
Seriously Jeff you're an amazing guy for listening to this woman & all her feelings on the phone. You're the definition of customers Service buddy. Merry Christmas guys we hope yall had a great Christmas & have a phenomenal New Year's. Yall stay safe during our artic front we've been having
Thanks Jeff and Kris for all you do
Hearing so many say that they were told it is ok to park in the gravel lot makes me wonder. It makes me wonder if one of the employees that works in the hotel is subscribed to the channel and loves to see folks get towed from there. LOL Great videos and awesome self control on dealing with entitled people.
Watching so many of these I wonder as well. Too bad these conversations aren't video.
I’m disabled. I wish I could park anywhere. This is RIDICULOUS thinking.
Private parking is NOT allowed for Handicapped or anyone else unless you have permission to park. A charge park is free with a Valid Handicap placard. Never on a restricted to employees lot.
municipality owned pay parkin lot
Good Job Jeff. You are a very fair man and people should treat you better for THEIR bad behavior. My hat is off to you for putting up with what you do Sir. I have been in downtown Gatlinberg and always remember what you say "Pay to Park"
We have had people park in the only handicap space in our lot and try to walk away saying they can park in any handicap spot anywhere and leave. It is for our business only private while you shop here only. When you are finished you must take your vehicle! There are no exceptions!
3:44 I never get tired of being amazed as to how those doilies operate. 🙃
15:10 Exactly. I’d tell them I wasn’t at liberty to disclose private information and refer them to the PD for further inquiries. 🙃
To me, it’s interesting to hear she had the foreknowledge to look up a state’s (not municipality’s) statutes to see where someone with a placard could park but never thought about bringing a light travel/wheel chair to be pushed in by someone else in her party so as to follow the age-old saying, ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’.
To me, an ‘employee parking’ sign is self-evident. I don’t think you should feel bad. Stay safe out there guys.
Jeff, "Employee Parking Only" means just that, period! It also clearly implies that public parking is not allowed, period. The fact that it is a private lot or not is irrelevant because the sign is clear. Always remember, satan is a bully, comes in all disguises, lies profusely, is always confrontational and will always be lawless regardless to what!
Jeff, when I think of a word that totally describes you and Kristen always, it is INTEGRITY! Continue to stay righteous in all that you both do regardless of someone else's unrighteousness. GOD bless!
08:55 I never heard of a crip tag being a park-anywhere tag, but cannot WAIT to try it! 🤣🤣🤣
"You can't tow a handicap car" ... Uh, no. Your HP Placard is not a "Park Anywhere Permit"... I should know. I have one, and they are very clear when you get it that it only permits you to park in HP designated spots and to exceed the maximum permitted time valid public parking parking spots by (in PA) two hours.... as long as it's not a spot that's designated "no parking" during certain times of the day.
It’s true. If a handicap placard car is in the way of emergency vehicles, the laws of physics activate flying powers for those vehicles.
How STUPID can people be?!?!?? Employees ONLY means just that. Well maybe I just need to find a way to get me a handicapped tag so I can be special and park anywhere I darn well feel like it! 🤣🤣🤣 She can’t be that disabled if she walks three miles to her hotel. Unfreaking believable! Heck, I’d be out of breath trying to walk up & down the hills of Gatlinburg!
Love your videos, watch all the time. Have you ever had people complain about damage to thier vehicle after towing ??
Kirk, towed back in the 70's...
3 years ago i was severely burned-fireball to back took out most of back, burn unit at wake forest, nc etc, i have a handicap tag but only use it if i really need to...since i was told movement helps scars left...i do walk as much as possible..some days i do well, others not so much...those like these ladies make me mad...grateful to be alive, able to walk, to drive, i was not expected to make it,,,and this happened 12 days before my 65th birthday.... daddy did not raise whiny daughters...
Brother, you have a great radio voice
Great video! You guys always treat everyone with such respect! Maybe I’m old school but I still prefer to buy things in person. I’ve only bought from Amazon a handful of times..
Smart move! Amazon is dangerous!!! It's too easy!!!
I can't tell you how many times I've tried to find a handicap spot to park for myself at my local grocery store, due to illegal parking in them. I look quite healthy, I'm 62, but have had both knees, and both hips replaced due to osteoporosis, 2 yrs ago had a major heart attack, had to have a quadruple bypass 2 days later but for people to look at me I look like a normal 62 yr old. Have had people tell me I don't look a day over 50, but when I park in a handicap spot, I've had cars stop behind my car as I've got out and cussed me out, even with a handicap plate on my car. Where I live its hard to get a plate, so people should know it's not something I'm taking advantage of. Believe me, I'd trade them all my sicknesses in order for them to park in that spot in a heartbeat. Those that park illegal in these spots should be towed in all states, no questions asked!
Just enjoying the fact that the handicap lady (who doesn't reside in TN) is arguing with the owner of a tow company located in TN. If I was picking a side here, I'm going with Jeff and Kristen on this one.
Can we give her a Darwin Award? 😂
I really appreciate all the content y'all have on your channel. Your days and nights off adventure never get old!
When the lady started saying things about she's gonna take care of it that is when I would be calling the PD because that is threatening behavior.
I rewatched this again and got as upset this time as every other time I have watch it. This woman should be so ashamed and thank you for treating us older and yes in my guess dIsable but I can read, I still have a brain and can do all that needs to be done but maybe different from your way. To treat us fairly, the same as everyone else is a blessing. Old I am, dead or stupid I am not. Thank you for being you.
I hope you guys had a good Christmas and great video like always.🤠🍻
That dude in the blue jacket at the end runnin back for dear life 😜
I'm also disabled, for the past 22 years. I can't walk more than 20--30 feet at a time. Still, it makes me furious when I hear another disabled person demanding they should get special treatment BEYOND what we already get through our parking privileges. Instead of "checking the state guidelines " (if she really did), she should have checked the ADA guidelines that lay it out clearly where we can park.
I Love watching you guys, we was
there the beginning of May and it was busy, I Love it there, it's so beautiful.
These people that claim the motel tells people to park in a private lot should video them saying that.
The answer to that excuse is “that’s between you and them “.
You are a stellar person I was towing for 6 or 7 and the people I told for and would you let people go through and how you deal with them man you and your wife are awesome user for doing the towing community a positive impact towing companies get a raw deal all the way around from what I've been watching for a year and a half you guys are more than way more than fair keep doing what you doing brother keep those kids smiling with the candy I used to do it too
Sorry for not proofreading it I was using that microphone button LOL
§ 55-8-160(a)(15) Tennessee state law handicapped cars can be towed too
Reminds me of this lady I had as a customer. Freaked out because we didn't have automatic doors. Like she shouldn't have to open a door.
An oldie but goodie, bless your hearts. I’m still not sure if she thinks she can park anywhere except a fire lane! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
She is not staying at that hotel, well what hotel is she staying at ? Plus, she is trying to make a technical argument, employee parking only, that says it all.
Although I don't get out any more, as a person in a wheelchair, it really angers me when people abuse Handicapped Parking. It also annoys me, how many do not realize that the diagonal lines next to some handicapped parking spaces are for wheelchair access.... sometimes small cars or motorbikes park there, leaving no room for wheelchairs.
Loved it when your
Babydoll told you "you probably earned it".
Hi Jeff and Kristen! I don’t think you caught this, but the handicap lady lied to you. She said she wasn’t staying at the Country Inn and Suites that they had just parked there, but the guy that picked up the car said he walked from the Country Inn and Suites. 🤷🏼♀
You're right. I noticed that too.
I wonder if the Country Inn and Suites was valet only, so they parked across the street to try to save a few dollars?
My brother and I had a great time at Christmas, I opened his gift from me which had one of your stickers in it and he opened his gift from me with one of your stickers in it so we now both have 2. What a great surprise. Two people with the same great thought. Thank you!
Good point to recommend calling the police if she wants to do something about it. They’ll straighten her out. You were trying your best to educate her, but to no avail. She has a very misguided sense of entitlement.
I'm handicapped, have handicapped plates, 1 placard for when I'm in someone else's car, 98% of the time i park like anyone else, exercise is good and i only use it when i really, really have to...as in alone in the dark.....
The law reads: "You may not be charged a fee for parking in a metered space, in municipal parking lots, or on the street as long as you have a disabled parking permit displayed on your car or disabled license plates on your vehicle." It says Nothing about having to say private property! As a disabled person I know where I can and cannot park in my state. I've done my homework on this subject.
She should have done the same as you did. I admire people like you who do their homework.
Because a lot labeled "employees only" is, inherently, private property. There is a name for your car's presence on private property: trespassing, a crime in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam.
@wlipman I agree 100%, hence why I've never been towed. I've done my homework. I'd love to meet Kristen & Jeff, but not by having to pick up my vehicle at 221 Newman Road.
I had a broken ankle, got a 4 month handicap tag. I was given a long lecture about where I could and could not park. Also when my 92 yr old Mom, who has a walker got her HT, again long do’s and don’t’s lecture! Also private property does not have to be posted, it’s nice when it is posted but it doesn’t need to be
This Lady is why I love your channel......The Best Entertainment Ever ....For Real !
Just ordered t-shirts for my husband and i. Even ordered a small for my bulldog.
Crazy Stuff, If your not paying to park in Gatlinburg you're doing something wrong
Omg. Bless her heart. She does not need to take advantage of her handicap. .I hope she see just how silly that sounds. My last video watched of yours ,. I honestly committed on the same excuse. Should not have been no empty parking spaces. Lol
I bet she has an “emotional support dog”. So she can just break the rules where she lives and get away an unruly pet too.
Bringing it in food establishments.
Her breathing in the phone is gross.
I ❤ watching the tows of people without handicapped placards or tags parked in handicapped spots.
The first caller was understanding of the situation and then Mad Grandma called and I would imagine that they are tired of dealing with her rants and just stand back and let her rip.
My grandmother was like that. It got to where it was to embarrassing to me to go to restaurants with her.
You guys are the best
Ignorant people are ignorant. Trite but true - you can't fix stupid. That said, you can absolutely spark an asthma incident by stress, and having your car towed would be highly stressful. But, stupid is as stupid does.
Exactly. I can’t understand the logic that she thinks that it says employee parking all others towed, then it’s fine to park there because she’s disabled and she knows she can’t park on private property. So a business has employees. Businesses are on private property. But she doesn’t see the connection. Ignorant, and also an asshole.