I was incredibly fortunate to have lessons with him as a teenager. I remember on one occasion I arrived with my mother at his house in Highgate and the house keeper opened the door. I told her I was here for my lesson and she rushed upstairs and eventually a very bleary eyed Yehudi in his dressing gown greeted me warmly and took me into his music room for the lesson. It transpired that he had returned in the early hours of the morning from a US tour and had slept in. I remember just wanting him to reschedule but he graciously gave the lesson with his usual generosity of spirit. You can hear that aspect of his soul in his tone. Huge personality and deep love for humanity.
Wow! Why didn't my father take ME for a lesson with him at the time? Highgate would have been no big deal back then. Near Muswell Hill, no? I was one of his biggest fans. I once wrote him a letter and got a personal reply. He thought i should concentrate more on the piano as it was my first instrument. And that "music was not really intended to be a source of bread and butter"! Funny words coming out of his mouth!
i worked for 30y at AKl airport and met isaac Stern and he showed me his Stradavarius oh how blessed we are with both these talented and beautiful people! joop S
im sorry, if you legitimately think this is the best version of the piece, its probably the only one youve listened to.... i love menuhin, but this isnt one of his better performances, even menuhin himself has multiple better performances of this concerto
@@Someone-hi1nt for all its flaws, the second movement has rarely been played better. Technically any number of modern performances may be better, but musically....none.
I Cannot agree as I think his 1931 Recording is the best Version Recorded when he was just 15 the Orchestra sounds too slow and as a Colector and Admirer off the late Yehudi Menuhin this Version does not do him justice and he sounds as though he is struggling
Menuhin is one rare talent in a hundred year. The posture, finger movement and the way he draws the bow, it's magnificent. Its truthful tone colour says it all.
Menuhin was without any doubt a remarkable violinist with intense sensitivity for humanity and of course music. What I find incredible watching this recording, where we see him dealing with some of his occasional bowing issues, is that I would prefer to watch someone with flaws who at the same time can also create elements of unequaled genius. This recording has so much that transcends virtuosity and classic interpretation.
Many people talk without sense, listen with the eyes and not with the ears. When I heard Menuhin playing the Brahms concerto at very old age, I always thought that there was not the most perfect version, but of all the versions I love the Menuhin version with all the imperfections, because had a soul that many great violinist never reach, Menuhin played always with soul, he played music, he was music. I love this Max Bruch version because had a great influence in my violin posture, for me the young Menuhin always had the most elegant posture. The sound of the second movement is simply beautiful.
The nervousness in his manner and the troubled look in his eyes is quite heartbreaking when you learn of his troubles at the time...truly a beautiful Musician who transcends boundaries to offer the purest sounds and tunes to the world...
I think he had a medical condition. The fact that he would be nervous doesn't make sense, as he previously played this at 15 flawlessly. I think it's a medical condition
@@alexisforbes1808Neither the biographies not the documentaries nor his own memoir mention a medical condition as the cause of the decline off his techniqur.
Possibly the greatest violin concerto, played by possibly the greatest violinist on possibly the greatest violin ever made, the Soil Strad. Just sublime!
@@hectorberlioz1449 He didn't own the Lord Wilton Guarneri until the 70's and this concert was in '61. He bought the Soil in the 50's and sold it to Perlman in 1986.
People criticizing him... madness... Whether or not he has xyz problems, this is a fantastic performance and every violinist should aspire to be even remotely close to being as good as Menuhin...
'Criticizing him'? Good gracious - no graciousness from some people. Beautiful, beautiful artistry -- but the first thing that struck me as he walked on was that he seems like a really polite, sensitive and nice person.
Dont care what anybody says the memories this man and his playing evoke of sitting with my parents listening to him play are far more to me than a slight mistake or techincal problem will ever be.David Austen
Every time that I am confronting with a challenge I listening to this concert but only interpreted by Mr Menuhim. It brings peace, clarity's and logic to my thinking. He is the best. Bravo Menuhim
One of the greatest violinists of all time - I can only listen to Menuhin in this piece, and for me and many of a certain generation me embodied the music like no other.
If you look at some of his early recordings of Sarasate, Paganini,etc. you will see that he was as much a virtuoso as anyone else. He went through a period where he had some technical difficulties, but his musicianship remained at the highest level.
He had a serious physical condition, which he fought to overcome the rest of his life.......if not he would have had to give up playing altogether. He had greatest courage.
He started overthinking it even though he had God given intuition. Second, his bow arm hold and elbow were atrociously high. It would be only a matter of time before the shoulder wore out, and it did. He had a mild case of nervous tremor and his hands shook when holding stuff. Also he started having hearing issues when he was older, which compounded it and his domestic life was very stressful. He was a classic nice guy, raised by a domineering Jewish mom and ultimately went on to marry a woman just like her. He was idealistic, but not happy in his life. But musically, he was one of the greatest minds I have ever known. His left hand was a thing of beauty.
@@srinitaaigaura He was a great violinist and a great man - but you can see, painfully, what could go wrong at the beginning of the Allegro, after the opening introduction. Thereafter there is quite a lot of messy fingerwork. That sort of thing must have been painful for him. Little up bows close to the heel, with the bow very near the bridge, seem to have caused him trouble, at least here. I think this was issued some time after his death - I doubt he would have approved it.
Stephane Belizaire Und und denn die ich dir das isch dr chlei und denn die ich dir das isch dr chlei und denn die ich dir das isch dr chlei und denn die ich dir das isch
je suis une vieille violoniste et je me permets de dire que Menuhin surpasse même les plus grands par sa noblesse d'attitude, sa beauté, la noblesse des on interprétation
Pour moi, c'est le plus grand La virtuosité à l'état pur et effectivement, quelle noblesse!!!!!!!!!!! Je ne me lasse pas de l'écouter encore et encore, une pure merveille
et je suis né en 1956, et puis vous dire que vous avez entièrement raison ! son jeu est sublime et sans ostentation ! Je vous adresse mes amitiés respectueuses, Madame ! :-)
Je ne suis pas violoniste, simplement frustré de n’a pas l’être. Je partage total élément l’avis de cette dame. Quel plaisir doit elle ressentir à jouer des cordes.... je l’envie, tout simplement!!!!!
un génie! Unique et inégalable! Quelle chance ai-je eu d'avoir pu assister à quelques-uns de ses concerts et de le rencontrer brièvement pour des autographes! Une humilité cet homme, et une finesse... Merci!
Goose pimples Probably my favorite violin concertos, mostly due Mr Menhunin. Grew up listening this and the Mendelssohn concerto on tape in the car when we drove long distances. When they make a movie about my life 😂 - the last movement will be the theme song.
He has his orchestra playing in sync and he is in sync with them as a solo player. He has taken on his role with great feeling. Beautiful to look at and listen to. It takes your breath away to watch his bow~the guy on the Cello is awesome.He was very happy with his number one seat violin guy.
Last week was the 60th anniversary of Fricsay's passing. It was only a few months after this recording, that Fricsay gave his last performance in December 1961 (with the LPO) before being forced to give up and endure a long illness until his passing in February 1963. Fricsay and Menuhin were great friends and this recording was made at the end of a tour of Europe together (with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, who are playing here). A recorded document to cherish of two great musicians and a great orchestra.
The perfect musical 'being' is born in this piece: a great composer, the best performer and his espouse (the Orchestra), with the best of the themes. One of the most sensible and tender melodies in a violin concert, Max Bruch gave it his all. Only a Jew with the nostalgic thought of diaspora in his soul, could produce this beauty of feelings and tenderness. Thanks for uploading this vid. I love those sofa-coaches that criticise his bow technique and perceive nervousness in his performance. I wonder if they ever played a radio... Menuhin, one the best violinist ever. A real Maestro.
This is my favourite violin concerto after Bach's Double Concerto. Every note is a gem. Nothing is extraneous. No spare notes. Just what needs to be there. It has so many moods. Drama, sadness, pensiveness and at the end joy!
There are two aspects of this performance: amateur/spectator aspect and professional/technical one. From both aspects this is beautiful and enjoyable piece from one of the best masters of violine. From technical point of view, the guy commenting below is probably right - his bow maybe presented a problem because of hair or whaever. BUT - I am puzzled how terribly well Menuhin managed to overcome that physical problem and still perform at highest level despite large awkward obstacle he faced. So from both aspects, maestro was amazingly good. Observe how he managed to adopt to bow in the other part of concert: every player would say that is hardly possible to do directly on stage at such extent or at all. But Menuhin did it! Finally, after performance, observe how both times maestro bowed down together with conductor, refusing to do do it only by himself. Gentle man, as well. My deepest respect. God rest his sole.
Pure bliss listening to a wonderful performance of my favourite violin concerto. Fortunately I didn't read about technical difficulties beforehand I could just soak up the beauty.
Cyclone...........I am very old now! After my last public performance (I was 70) a critic said: "Though his legs shook, he played with an aching beauty." Considering my age it was the best review I ever had
The first time I hear about Menuhin, I found his name in a book, to be honest, I was reading Paulo Coelho, but it was something I'm glad and thankful to know nowadays.
Absolute virtuosity is often accompanied with compromises in maturity inasmuch as so much effort is required to reach that pinacle of perfection. If you want to see Yehudi Menuhin at his best witness his 1962 performance of the Beethoven violin concerto. There he is patrician and an absolute master of taste and perfection. It's true that he had an off day when filming this selection but I wish I had his imperfections. When I met him as a young man and told him I was a violin student he told me to study yoga. It took me years to realize what he meant. It is more important to be an integrated spiritual person in UNION with his/her higher self than to force an artificial perfection at the expense of your own development as a complete person. Yoga means union. Menuhin left a legacy that will inspire countless musicians in the future. Gratefully I am Darren Briggs.
Others may have had fewer technical wobbles in their career, but if it is music for the soul that you are after then I can think of no one better. I am so grateful for him.
Agreed, at the end it comes down to the amount of heart and soul one puts in their interpretation. He gave all his heart and soul every time he picked up a violin.
Richard David, I must thank you so much for downloading this video. When RUclips recommended it to me I assumed it was going to be a record. Really great to actually see Yehudi Menuhin play. Never witnessed that before.
Mr Menuhin jouait du violon en donnant beaucoup plus qu'une simple reproduction musicale, tout était engagé, sensible dans son art, et peu importe les quelques imperfections car avec lui le violon est plus que la musique, et il a inspiré tant de jeunes violonistes ...
Gosh! When I saw in these comments that there was criticism of him, I assumed it must be about his politics or life style etc (about which I know nothing). Cannot believe it would be about his skills as a musician. I would think most of us just wish to enjoy the spiritual experience music of this quality brings.
Para aquellos que no saben porque el arco de Menuhin produce ese golpe ó temblor, no es nervios, Menuhin tuvo un problema físico muscular muy serio, y no pudo medicamente solucionarlo nunca, creyeron era Parkinson, pero no; y lucho por eso, pero no había solución total, aun así siguió tocando porque amaba su violín, fue un niño prodigio. Esto lo se fielmente, porque estudié con quien fuera su asistente los últimos años de su vida, el Violinista y maestro Alberto Lysy, quien me lo dijo. Espero les sirva para sacarse las dudas. Gracias.
Gracias Janos! Fue muy conocido entre los violinistas que Menuhin sufria de un tipo de Parkinson y aun asi tocaba magistralmente. Siempre hay gente que habla sin saber y por eso me gusta que lo hayas dicho en este foro. Gracias!
Y eso es lo admirable... Cuánta gente hubiera parado, pero él tiene la fuerza de haber intentado todo... Hasta Yoga para encontrar alternativas... Un campeón!!!!
Although he is obviously nervous, i find his performance very powerful and with an extremely beautiful sound. Perfection is not the key in being a genuine artist. I respect him even more that he was human although he was Such a fantastic artist , such a phenomenon as a child prodigy and so unique in his will to constantly search for more. Sometimes that comes with a high cost. But nevertheless i prefer somebody who conveys all that energy even with some nervousness and mistakes to his audience to somebody who is "perfect" but plays in an unimaginative way. We are full of that lately ....
Not nervous, just not always in full control of his hands. His playing at this stage of his life is truly full of pathos, human dignity, and triumph at its very best.
Med L'interprétation des anciens virtuoses, comme Yehudi Menuhin, reste inégalée, malgré les défauts d'enregistrement d'époque, trop forts et mal répartis. Technique parfaite.
If this performance shows 'technical difficulties' or could in any way be said to be on autopilot, all I can see is there must be many violinists beset by such 'technical difficulties'. It is in all respects breathtakingly good. Supreme.
The third movement is a tour de force. Menuhin rips through the double stops as if their tonality and harmony was just something automatically built into the violin and as easy as playing and using the magnificent strad to share his passionate, elegant humanity with us.
This is one of the most energetic 3rd movement interpretations I've ever heard. At the start of the movement, he seems bursting with emotional intensity that seems just barely in his control. He almost seems possessed by the music. Nobody else I've ever heard could do this, even other very fine players.
I was incredibly fortunate to have lessons with him as a teenager. I remember on one occasion I arrived with my mother at his house in Highgate and the house keeper opened the door. I told her I was here for my lesson and she rushed upstairs and eventually a very bleary eyed Yehudi in his dressing gown greeted me warmly and took me into his music room for the lesson. It transpired that he had returned in the early hours of the morning from a US tour and had slept in. I remember just wanting him to reschedule but he graciously gave the lesson with his usual generosity of spirit. You can hear that aspect of his soul in his tone.
Huge personality and deep love
for humanity.
These moments that make life unforgettable. I hope you teach yourself violin and transmit our heritage to the youngers
@@auggiemp4 cap or not, I do believe the last two sentences
Wow! Why didn't my father take ME for a lesson with him at the time? Highgate would have been no big deal back then. Near Muswell Hill, no? I was one of his biggest fans. I once wrote him a letter and got a personal reply. He thought i should concentrate more on the piano as it was my first instrument. And that "music was not really intended to be a source of bread and butter"!
Funny words coming out of his mouth!
i worked for 30y at AKl airport and met isaac Stern and he showed me his Stradavarius oh how blessed we are with both these talented and beautiful people! joop S
This is truly the best version of this beautiful music I have ever heard. The rich tone of his violin & the beauty of his playing is wonderful.
im sorry, if you legitimately think this is the best version of the piece, its probably the only one youve listened to.... i love menuhin, but this isnt one of his better performances, even menuhin himself has multiple better performances of this concerto
@@Someone-hi1nt for all its flaws, the second movement has rarely been played better. Technically any number of modern performances may be better, but musically....none.
I Cannot agree as I think his 1931 Recording is the best Version Recorded when he was just 15 the Orchestra sounds too slow and as a Colector and Admirer off the late Yehudi Menuhin this Version does not do him justice and he sounds as though he is struggling
Душа взлетает вслед за музыкой, покоренная красотой, великим мастерством, и наполненностью произведения
Menuhin is one rare talent in a hundred year. The posture, finger movement and the way he draws the bow, it's magnificent. Its truthful tone colour says it all.
Do you think he was really nervous?
Menuhin was without any doubt a remarkable violinist with intense sensitivity for humanity and of course music. What I find incredible watching this recording, where we see him dealing with some of his occasional bowing issues, is that I would prefer to watch someone with flaws who at the same time can also create elements of unequaled genius. This recording has so much that transcends virtuosity and classic interpretation.
Спасибо за возможность слышать великую музыку и гениального исполнителя!!!❤
Me emociono tu comentario
Most beautiful violin concerto...... performed by one of the best violin master ....
Masters not master
Para Menuhin el violin es una parte mas de su cuerpo, pues toca con el corazon y el alma. Escucharlo y verlo es una delicia.
Many people talk without sense, listen with the eyes and not with the ears. When I heard Menuhin playing the Brahms concerto at very old age, I always thought that there was not the most perfect version, but of all the versions I love the Menuhin version with all the imperfections, because had a soul that many great violinist never reach, Menuhin played always with soul, he played music, he was music. I love this Max Bruch version because had a great influence in my violin posture, for me the young Menuhin always had the most elegant posture. The sound of the second movement is simply beautiful.
And many people talk just to say nothing
The nervousness in his manner and the troubled look in his eyes is quite heartbreaking when you learn of his troubles at the time...truly a beautiful Musician who transcends boundaries to offer the purest sounds and tunes to the world...
What were his troubles back then?
@@ismailberriss4659 He lost part of his brilliant, but purely instinctive technique and ease
I think he had a medical condition. The fact that he would be nervous doesn't make sense, as he previously played this at 15 flawlessly. I think it's a medical condition
@@alexisforbes1808Neither the biographies not the documentaries nor his own memoir mention a medical condition as the cause of the decline off his techniqur.
Sounds and tunes. There is the essence. ❤
Possibly the greatest violin concerto, played by possibly the greatest violinist on possibly the greatest violin ever made, the Soil Strad. Just sublime!
Not the 'Soil' Strad , but the 'Lord Wilton' Stradivarius !
Possibly the greatest comment on RUclips. Possibly.
@@hectorberlioz1449 He didn't own the Lord Wilton Guarneri until the 70's and this concert was in '61. He bought the Soil in the 50's and sold it to Perlman in 1986.
Le monde n'a qu'un ou deux personnes avec autant de talent que lui...
He plays exceptionally beautiful.
People criticizing him... madness... Whether or not he has xyz problems, this is a fantastic performance and every violinist should aspire to be even remotely close to being as good as Menuhin...
Really fantastic😍
'Criticizing him'? Good gracious - no graciousness from some people. Beautiful, beautiful artistry -- but the first thing that struck me as he walked on was that he seems like a really polite, sensitive and nice person.
Dont care what anybody says the memories this man and his playing evoke of sitting with my parents listening to him play are far more to me than a slight mistake or techincal problem will ever be.David Austen
@@jinnymudlark1815 :very well said.
He was a great artist...great artist.
Менухин - гениальный скрипач, мало кто может с ним сравниться. Слушать его исполнение огромное удовольствие. Браво!!!
Perfekt,Bravo,Herr Menuhin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rivedere oggi Yeudi Menhuin mi ricorda il suo concerto che vidi al Teatro alla Scala nel 1962 con un successo ineguagliabile !!
This is beauty. Nothing nowadays compares
Hillary Hahn?
Every time that I am confronting with a challenge I listening to this concert but only interpreted by Mr Menuhim. It brings peace, clarity's and logic to my thinking. He is the best. Bravo Menuhim
These archived performances of REAL MUSIC keep me going everyday. Thank you for sharing!
MENUHIN avait tout:la beauté,l'élégance mentale,musicale et aussi le coeur,ce qui est tellement rare.!C'était un génie,un bon génie.
I couldn't imagine anything more beautiful.
One of the greatest violinists of all time - I can only listen to Menuhin in this piece, and for me and many of a certain generation me embodied the music like no other.
If you look at some of his early recordings of Sarasate, Paganini,etc. you will see that he was as much a virtuoso as anyone else. He went through a period where he had some technical difficulties, but his musicianship remained at the highest level.
Yeah, I think he was unlucky and had a bad day.
He had a serious physical condition, which he fought to overcome the rest of his life.......if not he would have had to give up playing altogether. He had greatest courage.
He started overthinking it even though he had God given intuition. Second, his bow arm hold and elbow were atrociously high. It would be only a matter of time before the shoulder wore out, and it did. He had a mild case of nervous tremor and his hands shook when holding stuff. Also he started having hearing issues when he was older, which compounded it and his domestic life was very stressful. He was a classic nice guy, raised by a domineering Jewish mom and ultimately went on to marry a woman just like her. He was idealistic, but not happy in his life.
But musically, he was one of the greatest minds I have ever known. His left hand was a thing of beauty.
@@srinitaaigaura He was a great violinist and a great man - but you can see, painfully, what could go wrong at the beginning of the Allegro, after the opening introduction. Thereafter there is quite a lot of messy fingerwork. That sort of thing must have been painful for him. Little up bows close to the heel, with the bow very near the bridge, seem to have caused him trouble, at least here. I think this was issued some time after his death - I doubt he would have approved it.
I just want the second movement to never end! So beautiful!
Sir Menuhin is a God's gift for Classical Music and the Violin Art. Great Forever ! :)
Stephane Belizaire Und und denn die ich dir das isch dr chlei und denn die ich dir das isch dr chlei und denn die ich dir das isch dr chlei und denn die ich dir das isch
@@petermaurer7724 Shalom !
One of the greatest renditions of all times!!!!
Il sentimento, l'arte, la passione, la verità artistica, la sofferenza! Un gigante, un artista inarrivabile
Very very great musician of all times. Very relax playing but same time brilliant in fast passages. He makes orchestra listen to him.
I saw yehudi menuhin in 1967 in the cloisters play the Bach Chaconne.
je suis une vieille violoniste et je me permets de dire que Menuhin surpasse même les plus grands par sa noblesse d'attitude, sa beauté, la noblesse des on interprétation
Pour moi, c'est le plus grand
La virtuosité à l'état pur et effectivement, quelle noblesse!!!!!!!!!!!
Je ne me lasse pas de l'écouter encore et encore, une pure merveille
et je suis né en 1956, et puis vous dire que vous avez entièrement raison ! son jeu est sublime et sans ostentation ! Je vous adresse mes amitiés respectueuses, Madame ! :-)
Je ne suis pas violoniste, simplement frustré de n’a pas l’être. Je partage total élément l’avis de cette dame. Quel plaisir doit elle ressentir à jouer des cordes.... je l’envie, tout simplement!!!!!
He voudrais un sandwich au jambon
@@parsatirabady4085 baguette de fromage
Such beautiful, inspiring music played by the maestro Yehudi Menuhin. Music for the soul!A heartfelt thankyou!
Чудово.... Браво через роки і роки!
There are few pieces in Western classical music that can evoke such intense emptions. Everytime I hear this I have tears in my eyes
Dubaimedspa Dubai фантастика
Dubaimedspa Dubai imadom
My exact sentiments too sir or miss.
un génie! Unique et inégalable! Quelle chance ai-je eu d'avoir pu assister à quelques-uns de ses concerts et de le rencontrer brièvement pour des autographes! Une humilité cet homme, et une finesse... Merci!
Divin...Il vous transporte avec la Finesse et la Douceur de son archet dans la béatitude.l'amour et l'infini....
Goose pimples
Probably my favorite violin concertos, mostly due Mr Menhunin. Grew up listening this and the Mendelssohn concerto on tape in the car when we drove long distances.
When they make a movie about my life 😂 - the last movement will be the theme song.
Ah! How i miss him Alot! i always enjoyed ! All! of his playing! I grew up with this Violinist! on T.V !
His chords are incredible insane best chords i have ever heard
He has his orchestra playing in sync and he is in sync with them as a solo player. He has taken on his role with great feeling. Beautiful to look at and listen to. It takes your breath away to watch his bow~the guy on the Cello is awesome.He was very happy with his number one seat violin guy.
Yehudi's art is a gift from God, ❤❤❤❤
Ce document est extraordinaire et merci à son auteur.
He is just SO good on the recording!
Merciiiiii du partage et nous offrir ce moment magique
Beautiful sound from orchestra at second movement. Soft and warm and lovely.
Last week was the 60th anniversary of Fricsay's passing. It was only a few months after this recording, that Fricsay gave his last performance in December 1961 (with the LPO) before being forced to give up and endure a long illness until his passing in February 1963. Fricsay and Menuhin were great friends and this recording was made at the end of a tour of Europe together (with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, who are playing here). A recorded document to cherish of two great musicians and a great orchestra.
this is the best recording of bruch no 1 ever.Tim C.
The perfect musical 'being' is born in this piece: a great composer, the best performer and his espouse (the Orchestra), with the best of the themes. One of the most sensible and tender melodies in a violin concert, Max Bruch gave it his all. Only a Jew with the nostalgic thought of diaspora in his soul, could produce this beauty of feelings and tenderness. Thanks for uploading this vid. I love those sofa-coaches that criticise his bow technique and perceive nervousness in his performance. I wonder if they ever played a radio... Menuhin, one the best violinist ever. A real Maestro.
Beautifull rendition
Performed with great character and grace, beautiful, truly beautiful!
Tout est beau..la Musique, l'interprétation et les interprètes, MERCI.
This is my favourite violin concerto after Bach's Double Concerto. Every note is a gem. Nothing is extraneous. No spare notes. Just what needs to be there. It has so many moods. Drama, sadness, pensiveness and at the end joy!
Merci de nous faire entendre le concerto de Max Bruch, Il mériterait d'etre joué plus souvent...,
Never heard him before listening to this but it blew me away!
Great performance by one of the greatest violinist and one of greatest conductors !
Superb playing! What a performance!
Beautiful music indeed.
Thank you Yehudi.
I always hear that little boy in his playing. So innocent and pure.
There are two aspects of this performance: amateur/spectator aspect and professional/technical one. From both aspects this is beautiful and enjoyable piece from one of the best masters of violine.
From technical point of view, the guy commenting below is probably right - his bow maybe presented a problem because of hair or whaever. BUT - I am puzzled how terribly well Menuhin managed to overcome that physical problem and still perform at highest level despite large awkward obstacle he faced.
So from both aspects, maestro was amazingly good. Observe how he managed to adopt to bow in the other part of concert: every player would say that is hardly possible to do directly on stage at such extent or at all. But Menuhin did it!
Finally, after performance, observe how both times maestro bowed down together with conductor, refusing to do do it only by himself. Gentle man, as well.
My deepest respect. God rest his sole.
Ce n'est pas parfait, mais au moins à l' époque on ne remasterisait pas avant d'offrir au public.
Merci posthume cher Menuhin ❤
Pure bliss listening to a wonderful performance of my favourite violin concerto. Fortunately I didn't read about technical difficulties beforehand I could just soak up the beauty.
Especially in the slow movement, you can really hear his musicality shine
Cyclone...........I am very old now! After my last public performance (I was 70) a critic said: "Though his legs shook, he played with an aching beauty."
Considering my age it was the best review I ever had
Clay Noone nj
Menuhin AND Fricsay: a powerful combination!! Double BRAVOs
Amazing! The tempo of this performance is perfect for me!
The first time I hear about Menuhin, I found his name in a book, to be honest, I was reading Paulo Coelho, but it was something I'm glad and thankful to know nowadays.
Merci beaucoup pour cette album a tout a l'heure Denise
De beste uitvoering van Bruch ooit !
Ce concerto devrait être joué plus souvent...
Ménuhin: écoutez-le et admirez-le, c'est un seigneur de la musique...
Dear Genevieve - I don't understand French - but I know this comment is kind and appreciative. Good on you!
Absolute virtuosity is often accompanied with compromises in maturity inasmuch as so much effort is required to reach that pinacle of perfection.
If you want to see Yehudi Menuhin at his best witness his 1962 performance of the Beethoven violin concerto. There he is patrician and an absolute master of taste and perfection. It's true that he had an off day when filming this selection but I wish I had his imperfections.
When I met him as a young man and told him I was a violin student he told me to study yoga. It took me years to realize what he meant. It is more important to be an integrated spiritual person in UNION with his/her higher self than to force an artificial perfection at the expense of your own development as a complete person. Yoga means union. Menuhin left a legacy that will inspire countless musicians in the future. Gratefully I am Darren Briggs.
When you stop being nervous in a concert , you stop feeling .
That's just not true. It's good for some people, but that doesn't make it a necessity.
Heifetz was never nervous.
@@OttoKuus true he was only sick. It was a sickness
I don't think he was nervous; I'm pretty sure he had a medical condition.
Musicality out of the world 👏🔥, Amazing, one of my favourite violinist.
This has got to be the finest example of music written for the violin.
Others may have had fewer technical wobbles in their career, but if it is music for the soul that you are after then I can think of no one better. I am so grateful for him.
Agreed, at the end it comes down to the amount of heart and soul one puts in their interpretation. He gave all his heart and soul every time he picked up a violin.
Richard David, I must thank you so much for downloading this video. When RUclips recommended it to me I assumed it was going to be a record. Really great to actually see Yehudi Menuhin play. Never witnessed that before.
Mr Menuhin jouait du violon en donnant beaucoup plus qu'une simple reproduction musicale, tout était engagé, sensible dans son art, et peu importe les quelques imperfections car avec lui le violon est plus que la musique, et il a inspiré tant de jeunes violonistes ...
Simply marvellous. The music around 7' is divine!
He has a unique quality of a kind of sweetness that makes him immediately discernable from the other great violinists.
Listening to this again....i didn't look for technicalities.....I listened and Heard.....Beauty!
Awesome.. Unbelieveble.. Thank you..
Gosh! When I saw in these comments that there was criticism of him, I assumed it must be about his politics or life style etc (about which I know nothing). Cannot believe it would be about his skills as a musician. I would think most of us just wish to enjoy the spiritual experience music of this quality brings.
A fantastic rendition of this beautiful concerto.
This is whom God rewarded with both talent and charisma.
What a beautiful and anointed of Yeshua concert.
Keep your fake god out of this.
-- Superbe Menuhin, et quel orchestre ! --
This has been a wonderful concert!
Para aquellos que no saben porque el arco de Menuhin produce ese golpe ó temblor, no es nervios, Menuhin tuvo un problema físico muscular muy serio, y no pudo medicamente solucionarlo nunca, creyeron era Parkinson, pero no; y lucho por eso, pero no había solución total, aun así siguió tocando porque amaba su violín, fue un niño prodigio. Esto lo se fielmente, porque estudié con quien fuera su asistente los últimos años de su vida, el Violinista y maestro Alberto Lysy, quien me lo dijo. Espero les sirva para sacarse las dudas. Gracias.
Gracias Janos! Fue muy conocido entre los violinistas que Menuhin sufria de un tipo de Parkinson y aun asi tocaba magistralmente. Siempre hay gente que habla sin saber y por eso me gusta que lo hayas dicho en este foro. Gracias!
Gracias por el aporte.
Me extrañó ver eso, pero ahora que lo aclara se comprende,👍🏽
knowing that the performance becomes even more beautiful with a little bit o melancholy, because you can see how hard he’s trying to control his hand.
Y eso es lo admirable... Cuánta gente hubiera parado, pero él tiene la fuerza de haber intentado todo... Hasta Yoga para encontrar alternativas... Un campeón!!!!
Although he is obviously nervous, i find his performance very powerful and with an extremely beautiful sound. Perfection is not the key in being a genuine artist. I respect him even more that he was human although he was Such a fantastic artist , such a phenomenon as a child prodigy and so unique in his will to constantly search for more. Sometimes that comes with a high cost. But nevertheless i prefer somebody who conveys all that energy even with some nervousness and mistakes to his audience to somebody who is "perfect" but plays in an unimaginative way. We are full of that lately ....
I hope you know that he wasnt nervous but he was sick. He had a sickness
Not nervous, just not always in full control of his hands. His playing at this stage of his life is truly full of pathos, human dignity, and triumph at its very best.
L'interprétation des anciens virtuoses, comme Yehudi Menuhin, reste inégalée, malgré les défauts d'enregistrement d'époque,
trop forts et mal répartis. Technique parfaite.
Great performance! Thank you for sharing!
My favourite violin concerto masterfully performed. Thanks for posting!
Eva Starborg 45
If this performance shows 'technical difficulties' or could in any way be said to be on autopilot, all I can see is there must be many violinists beset by such 'technical difficulties'. It is in all respects breathtakingly good. Supreme.
He is so wonderful, it's untrue.
Thank you, Beautiful
The third movement is a tour de force. Menuhin rips through the double stops as if their tonality and harmony was just something automatically built into the violin and as easy as playing and using the magnificent strad to share his passionate, elegant humanity with us.
This is one of the most energetic 3rd movement interpretations I've ever heard. At the start of the movement, he seems bursting with emotional intensity that seems just barely in his control. He almost seems possessed by the music. Nobody else I've ever heard could do this, even other very fine players.
The only and the best performance!
How noble is it!! なんて高貴なんでしょう!