Kosher Foods and Acts 15
- Опубликовано: 4 фев 2025
- At the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15, was the proclamation binding on all Christians of all times and places?
In this video, Dr. Brant Pitre looks at Acts 15 and what the early Church had to say about keeping the kosher dietary restrictions of the Old Testament Mosaic Law.
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Los Angeles County Museum of Art [Public domain]
Dr. Pitre, you make these hard subjects so clear! Thank you!
Great man of God great clarity in his teachings thank God for his voice and teaching videos we love him Donna
May God bless you Dr Brant Pitre. I have really learnt a lot from you. I am blessed to know this channel
Thanks Dr Pitre. You explain so well.
Thank you for this video. I had been confused about this topic for years. Now things make sense :)
There are so many reasons to stay away from Pork and Shellfish. However, Love must be at the heart of whatever we do.
Hey, thank you Dr Pitre. I used to wonder abt Acts 15. Now that’s why we need the Church’s Magisterium, Sacred Tradition to accompany Sacred Scripture!!!
The Church is living because it is guided by the Holy Spirit
As we've come to expect, another interesting and informative video. Thanks, Dr. Pitre.
Quite an interesting thought!? Thank you for the video. Can't wait to get Dr. Pitre future book, 'Catholic Introduction to the New Testament'. There are few other New Testament verses I would love to check at. 😇
Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, guided by the Holy Spirit of God will lead us to Christ, our Savior. The Church is the Bride of Christ, who is the Bridegroom. He set the Church in place and ordained his Apostles to have certain, specific powers that have been handed down through the ages to their successors. The scandal in Christ's time was that he freely and openly forgave the sins of people, something only God could do. Except those who took issue with Jesus doing this did not understand that he IS God. The scandal of today is that so many do not understand what a deposit of faith and truth he gave us in his Church.
The tragedy of Protestantism is that they have no Magisterium and Tradition (handed down from the Apostles to the next generation). They have no authoritative centre which explains the Teachings and everybody can find out for himself what the scriptures say. This has resulted in tens of thousands of different churches (man made) .
@@ilonkastille2993 .. I agree they have no magisterium, and they would claim to have no tradition, though I disagree with that. Ask any protestant how they began learning about the bible...their parents begin by handing down to them what they have been taught...or by their weekly services, week after week they build the traditions of what that particular church in, last year we did "x" on this date, so we will do it again this year. That's building on tradition. The difference is, as Catholics, our traditions began with Jesus and the apostles...not with the year our church opened! Pray that all will come to see truth, the truth that exist only within the Catholic church!
Rosie Girl the traditions they might have are traditions of their church ,as you say, and they have tens of thousands of churches (denominations) and they are not the Traditions of The Apostles who knew Christ personally. Their churches are man made churches. All we can do is be patient and always know how to answer their attacks on our beliefs , with counter arguments which prove that they have been misled.
@@ilonkastille2993 ..I totally agree!
@@rosiegirl4751 Some of those traditions we have in the Catholic Church are handed on from ancient Jewish traditions that Jesus kept in place/practice as is often something spoken of and taught by Dr. Pitre in these videos.
@Ilonka Stille and Rosie Girl, it's great to have fellow students and apologists to engage and interact with. Keepin' the Faith! :)
I would also refer to the passage below in Acts 10:
"The next day, while they were on their way and nearing the city, Peter went up to the roof terrace to pray at about noontime. He was hungry and wished to eat, and while they were making preparations he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something resembling a large sheet coming down, lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it were all the earth’s four-legged animals and reptiles and the birds of the sky. A voice said to him, “Get up, Peter. Slaughter and eat.” But Peter said, “Certainly not, sir. For never have I eaten anything profane and unclean.” The voice spoke to him again, a second time, “What God has made clean, you are not to call profane.” This happened three times, and then the object was taken up into the sky."
Acts 10:9-16 NABRE
Previously confusing, now cleared up for me. 😁😁
We can also see this with St. Paul's teaching in 1 Corinthians that Christians may eat meat sacrificed to idols as long as it doesn't cause scandal
Excellent video again from Dr. Pitre. There is some dispute about the number of Mosaic laws though, I believe Rambam came up with the number 613, but Rambam disagrees with traditional Jewish beliefs(concerning the resurrection) for example. Plus the authority to interpret scripture was taken away from the Jews(Romans3:2), so they are most likely wrong about the number of Mosaic laws, just as they are wrong about Christ.
It's interesting that the phrase "instruction from the apostles" is used. Even right after Jesus rose into Heaven has the Church been authoritative in its teaching.
Praise be God, forever 🙏
I am happy he approved through St. Peter, medium-rare steaks
Usually I love how Brant delves into the Jewish roots of the belief or the early church fathers and the apostolic traditions of the early assembly but this feels like a massive cop out especially considering it took the church 1400 years to come to this ruling. Seems to me like the church has gone the way of the Israelites before them and following the sins of Jeroboam, Ahab and Manasseh. At what point does the authority of the church supersede the authority of the one who laid its foundation in such a way that the word of truth is perverted?
Dr. Peter, think you said determined eat hogs, etc as long not sacraficed to pagan gods. It seems Catholic Church like many people find reasons or sour the milk. The bottom line is Jesus said He did not come to change one jot or tittle of the law, that is God's law stated to Moses. That is what I have trouble with, and such foods are nasty?
we are held by the new covenant
So unchastity is now allowed?
No, the Decalogue is still in effect - although we don’t apply the penalties specified in the Old Covenant. But choosing to break them is a mortal sin.
@@kainosktisis777 why did the apostles includes unchastity in the list of prohibitions? So if you say that unchastity is sin so it goes to say that eating blood and strangled animals are sin against the Lord and that christians should avoid.
@UCRrtA83c3OUz7fhA2LxjngA yes exactly just as the video is quoting that council rulings. Im from the philippines and indeed it is common here to eat blood but im not one of them. My point is that ruling on the prohibition on eating blood and strangled animals is still in effect today along with unchastity.
Nobody said that unchastity is allowed. A council ruled on circumcision, and later on strangled animals. See how that works?! Nobody allowed for unchastity.
Is it predicted in the bible that the Jews will return to Israel?
Dr. Pitre, with much respect, and I have so much respect for you, you do very well in upholding Roman tradition, but I feel like you really, and even knowingly, compromise on the basic meaning of the biblical text here.
"It's not what enters a man that defiles him..." had little to do with food at all, and you know that. Matthew 15 makes it very clear that whole situation was about the tradition of washing hands before eating, not about what was actually being eaten. That little quip in Mark 7 that says Jesus declared all foods are clean has a very dubious source, it does not fit the narrative since they weren't eating food that was unclean, and again the rest of the passage makes it clear that the matter was not about what they were eating but that they didn't wash their hands before eating it! But, of course, you already know this.
Numbers says, "God is not a man that he should lie, nor the son of man that he should change his mind." The four regulations issued by the apostles are commandments taken straight from the Torah. What isn't pointed out in the lectionary, because as you said they skipped ahead in the reading, is the reason why they gave the gentiles any regulations at all. I understand you argue that it was to avoid any offensive behavior in front of the Jews, but the text disagrees with that notion.
Acts 15:19-21
Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God, but should write to them to abstain from the things polluted by idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled, and from blood. For from ancient generations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, *for he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues.*
If there is the expectation that gentiles would be going into the synagogue, then they would be learning more about the Law. if you're going to the synagogue and you're hearing about the law you only have two options, disregard or follow it. If you're going to disregard it, then what is the point of going at all? These regulations that were given to the gentiles weren't the limitations of gentile observance, but the requirements. How can the council of Florence nullify what the apostles themselves declared, drawing directly from the Torah which God himself had given to us?
I think it perhaps works along similar lines as slavery in the OT. It was allowed in the OT, accepted as a reality of life under the Roman Empire & OT practice while putting it in terms that if a slave could buy their freedom, they could. Now we no longer practice slavery nor allow for it in our modern understanding of the Scriptures. It was meant for a time - perhaps to show us what slavery to sin is & does & that in Christ, we are free.
Historically speaking there were Gentiles who had converted to the Jewish faith at that time who later wanted to become Christians as well as other Gentiles who, while drawn to the Jewish faith, would not go the whole distance in converting (Godfearers), yet were converting to Christianity - when the question of the requirements of conversion had arisen. It is, however, shown within the Scriptures that Christians observed the practice of keeping Sunday as the Lord’s Day. This would’ve been proper looking at Christ’s entrance into humanity as a new creation as evidenced at the beginning of the Gospel of St. John. Jesus is the New Adam bringing in the New Covenant, & with that, marks with His death & resurrection, a new day of rest with man now able to enter into that rest in Christ.
@@kainosktisis777 Shabbat, what we call in English the Sabbath, literally means rest. Even the catechism of the Catholic Church affirms that the seventh day is still the Sabbath. It does say that we've fulfill our Sabbath obligations by going to mass on Sunday, the Lord's day. However, the CCC clearly differentiates between the two. Apart from the CCC, I look at the words of the Lord himself who said that for six days we shall labor and on the seventh day we shall rest and we shall do this throughout our generations. If Jesus is one with God the Father why would he disregard what his father said? He didn't and he said that he can only say what the Father gives him.
Man changes with the times. God's word does not.
@Matthew Aislabie
Which guy? To whom are you referring?
@@kainosktisis777 what part of "perpetual covenant," "everlasting convent," "from generation to generation," "throughout your generations" (however you want to translate these) don't you understand?
Whatever rational or reasons you want to put on things, the fact is God still said, "Do these things" and "Don't do those things." You still defy God when you rationalize breaking his commandments. Many say that we don't have the health risk associated with eating pork anymore so it's okay to do it now; however, the Lord never gives us any reason for this commandment. The Lord never gives us a reason for the commandment to not murder. I could reason that we shouldn't murder someone because nobody would then be able to take care of their family. By that reasoning, I could justify murdering someone if I had enough money. Would you agree with me then?
So let's be consistent. God did not give us a reason for most of his commandments; he simply said, "I am the Lord."
Can't you see that whatever goes into the mouth passes through the stomach and is discharged into the sewer?
But whatever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and it is this that makes someone unclean.
Brother: "Whatever" Include food, water, wine, everything that enter in you mouth and go to your stomach. Jesus did not said whatever you touch or anything like that. I think your interpretation is the wrong one.
We have to be careful following commands by anyone that wasn't Jesus (the real teacher). This includes from the Apostles & disciples like Paul, though they may say the Holy Spirit told them this or that, we should be hesitant to take it as 100%. We see many times in Paul's writings where he was well intentioned in his words & perhaps what he said was helpful for that group of people, but not really speaking from God as an all time rule. When the church takes everything they said as the word of God, we begin getting a long list of rules such as the Law of Moses, made by man in God's name. It's better I think to study & for each to pray over these things & allow the Holy Spirit to direct each of us on individual basis. Perhaps we would stop pushing so many people away from Jesus.
The this another clear evidence that men trying to be God although knowing very well that they are but God-like and interpreted God‘s commandments to suit owns needs. The Majestarium may be right in the 1400s in the context of European theatre, buy forget not our God is a universal God. Foods offered to idols and cooked blood still consumed by many non-believers in many Asian countries.
So does this mean people from Antioch, Syria and Cilicia of that time are the only ones asked to stay away from Fornication as well and not other Christians as fornication comes in the same verse.
And it’s written in Bible as well not to eat food with blood in it.
Please clear out my doubt. As this doubt has made me stop watching your other videos.
Kind of starting to judge your explanations.
The Fornication principle is already in the 10 commandments and it is for everyone. The question of food was the principle in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia because apparently there were many gentiles living and praying together with the jews in those areas. It would have been a pity if the jews (christian jews) would want to be separated from the gentile christians because of the food issue.
Ilonka Stille The 10 commandments states “Do not commit adultery” as I understand in English language Adultery and Fornication has different meanings. And as far as I remember there isn’t anywhere clearly written in The Old Testament about Fornication but in Old Testament YHWH himself says “spill the blood on ground of any animal you kill. Do not eat meat with blood in it as the life is in blood” (explained in own words).
So how can this law from Saints be only for Antioch, Syria etc.
Or is it we are looking for loop holes in The Bible to satisfy our craving for Medium Rare Steak.
@@jacksonvictor7412 there are no loopholes in the Bible for anything believe me. Most people do not know what is written and how it has to be understood. The Catholic Church is the one we have to thank for having a Bible. There would never have been one without them. Every single rule, tenet, law, dogma or whatever, is based on what is written in the Bible. Contrary to what protestants think . Especially Mormons and J. Witnesses and LDS, all of them manmade churches and religions.
Here are just a few things which might answer your questions:
1. God has revealed Himself in the beginning , to a pagan world. Revelation continues in bits and pieces and culminates with God revealing Himself FULLY by sending his Word, (Son) , in whom he has established his covenant forever. The Son is the definite Word of the Father, so there will be no revelation after Him.
2.Prohibition against the eating of blood was in the Mosaic law and there is a whole story behind it to understand why it was prohibited.
3. Jesus (God's Word and last Revelation) established the New Covenant through his death and Resurrection. The disciplines of the O. Testament became unnecessary .
The discipline was maintained for a brief time in the early church to protect new converts (gentiles) from scandal but was NOT associated with the theological understanding of GRACE. When taken in context we find that the consumption of blood is not forbidden , moreover it is necessary in the Eucharist.( the Real presence of Christ)
4.Col. 2:16 "therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat and drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or Sabbath Day."
Col 2:17 "these are only a shadow of what is to come but the substance belongs to Christ."
5.There are 3 kinds of coveting someone or somethings or concupiscence , lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and pride of life. There are 2 commandments (don't know their numbers) . One forbids carnal concupiscence and the other , coveting another's goods. (including someone's wife or husband)
6.Fornication is a word for SEX, especially sex that takes place outside of marriage. Therefore , adultery is also fornication. In the original sense, fornication is a synonym for adultery.
Ilonka Stille
Trust me am also a devout Roman Catholic, submitting my total self to Church. I believe in the intercession of Mother Mary and all the Saints as well.
All my beliefs come from what I learned from Holy Bible and Holy Catholic Church.
And we shouldn’t forget Jesus didn’t come to finish Old Testament but to fulfill it. Lord Jesus lived his life according to Old Testament and asked us to do the same. As for circumcising, it was decided under the guidance of Holy Spirit to stop. Reason being as I understand, circumcising was for Abrahamic Covenant.
But for what we have rules for blood the letter was sent to Assyria etc, but was meant for all to observe.
As for fornication what my question is, extra martial affairs are prohibited that’s clear. But what if you’re not married.
Having a boy friend/girl friend, can you indulge in sexual affairs besides the decision of marring one or not.
If we can’t because of the same letter then it should be applied to other factors of the letter as well.
Ilonka Stille and I am actually looking for answers, not trying to raise an argument here.
Hmmm, so people who came hundreds of years later was able to over ride Peter. Btw, as I read history, not all agreed
Good grief use your brain.
For from ancient generations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, for he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues."
Acts 15:21 ESV
Why is this verse always looked over and is neglected to be mentioned? The law is taught in the synagogue every Sabbath. Yahweh calls eating unclean animals an abomination. Yahweh does not change!
Thats the old covenant
Dr. Petre, It's not what goes into a person that defiles one that what put out of his mouth, so said Jesus. I think Jesus was trying to make a Huge Point which is, righteousness, God, and His Commandments are the Most Important. What God & Jesus has said all along from the beginning. And Jesus may have been discussed by such a question because God had already set the laws. But there should have been a better response. Maybe there was just not communicated properly.
My meat 🥩 was not sacrificed for an idol so I enjoy every bite..😋😋😋
Jesus: "it is not what goes into your mouth that defiles you..It is what comes out of your mouth.". Jesus was Not into Kosher foods!
Give me answer So what goes into your mouth that defiles you???
That's not true. Stop taking verses out of context
What about we just eat our meat well done 👍🏾.
Eating meat that his "well done" with blood in it simply means that the blood is cooked. It's still in there...
Always enjoy listening to a catholic twist scripture to make it fit the RCC doctrine.
Always enjoy Protestants making up their own interpretations and creating
ever more denominations (30,000plus) and ignoring well-made biblical arguments against their nonsense ideas.
(Sola scriptura is not scriptural. Salvation by faith alone is also not scriptural).
because its hard to justify your interpretation when you just read the Bible without context.. thats the evil of me and my Bible alone that luther started 500 years ago.. you just interpret according to what you feel and think, sad because you chip away the Fullness of the Faith Jesus has taught us through apostolic succession
I just read quite a few comments and it was disturbing and concerning reading some of them.....Folks, Isaiah says the Bible is to be studied line upon line, line upon line, precept upon precept.....SO MANY FALSE TEACHINGS COULD BE AVOIDED IF THAT SIMPLE RULE WAS FOLLOWED.....If the definition of sin is the transgression of the law, and we are not supposed to sin, but repent of our sins, which put together means stop breaking the law, then how does anyone think that any Scripture " When Properly Understood" gives man any permission to break the law?..... this is what Christianity teaches today, they says "repent of your sins", which means stop breaking the law, but then if you keep the law you're living in error and you don't have Grace..... goodness gracious folks, how does everyone not see that this is the most lopsided, opposite, contrary statement one could possibly come up with??? God gave each and every man a brain and he expects them to use it...... why are people not doing this today????....Look at what Jesus told the Rich Young Ruler when he asked him about salvation, did he say the law was done away with just believe that I'm going to die on the cross??.... or did he say if you want to enter into life keep the Commandments and then specifically listed five out of the 10, Jesus very words are if you love me keep my Commandments, in 1st John it says if you say you love him and keep not his Commandments you're a liar....., also, three times in the Book of Revelation it talks about those that keep his Commandments, look at Paul in Romans 3 in a Roman 6 where he says do we make void the law through Grace or through faith? What is Pauls response, God forbid....., how are these simple words so hard to understand,???? so when we read Acts 15, why do we read it then thinking that the Bible is giving permission to sin, which means break the law and that now all the sudden there's only four laws and one of them is to not eat meat with blood in it????? People please think for yourself, this is ridiculous, go onto verse 21 where it talks about how the law of Moses was taught from one Sabbath to another..... these people were coming out of paganism and they were new to Christianity so these were the initial instructions they were trying to tell them, they weren't trying to say that all the other laws were done away with!!!!!
@@italianoetnico.calabreseve9262 fact its now ok to murder, commit adultery, lie, cheat, steal, hate and dishonor your parents and curse as much as you want....just be very careful not to eat meat with blood in it, cause that is a horrific sin in God's sight......isn't this a great message????....hurry, lets go tell others the freedom we have now to go do almost anything we want......Thanks Jesus for this fantastic freedom!!!
@@italianoetnico.calabreseve9262 Correct, according to Acts 19:20, there are only 4 laws murder, rape, robbery, lying, cheating, and cursing are not listed so it's ok to do those now along with eating Miss Piggy.....isn't this fantastic news??
@@italianoetnico.calabreseve9262 You approach these verses and others from a Completely false position. You were taught that the Law was done away with.....This couldn't be further from the truth!!!!....The Savior Himself said " THINK NOT THAT I'VE COME TO DO AWAY WITH THE LAW"....Isaiah 8:20 says that if a person does not speak in accordance with the Law, then they are not speaking the truth....The definition of sin is the transgression of the Law, 1 John 3:4.....Many of the Bibles today have been PURPOSELY CHANGED AND CORRUPTED to make people believe the Law is done away with.....NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE the Bible from a position that the Law is not done away with.....Absolutely Amazing how people will focus on a few verses that are misunderstood and set them up in direct opposition to the Saviors very clear, easy to understand words.....When the rich young ruler asked Christ about Salvation what did the Savior say?????? He said " IF YOU WANT TO ENTER INTO LIFE THEN KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS" , He then went on to specifically list 5 out of the 10. Christ did this for a reason because he knew that there would be people that would twist his words and suggest that the Commandments are done away with....If you're truly interest in learning the truth, then there is an excellent teacher on these subjects. The channel is called Triumph in Truth. Look for the 5 part series on the book of Galatians. The first 2 parts discuss Acts 15 and its correct meaning...thank you......FOR NARROW IS THE WAY THAT LEADETH UNTO LIFE AND FEW!! FEW !! FEW!! THERE BE THAT FIND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@italianoetnico.calabreseve9262 Are Christians allowed to sin or are they supposed to repent of their sins?? (by the way, im not saying they will never, ever sin, im just saying in general are Christians supposed to sin)??
@@italianoetnico.calabreseve9262 What do you believe the scriptures teach?? Should we or should we not sin??
The "15th ecumenical council"! LOL!!! There are only 7!
That council is a local council which is a synod technically speaking that's still a council