aurelion sol can peel for himself with Q and ult, has more mobility, can escape ganks easy with E, can roam pre lv 6, has better waveclear , more aoe and more dmg than TF at any time. TF just has more consistent CC and better roam but he needs his ult to roam
@@stormdragon2529 you are right but asol is more punisheable, unconsistent and escaping gank with e should be your last resource, its a really gankeable pick too due the fact its a mage with no mobility that always pushes.
He's actually one of those few characters that don't feel frustrating to play against, you know that if you loose to him is because you did something wrong and not because he's broken To win against him you need to respect him and keep an eye on him
How is Shen unfair? he can only do short trades, it's not overwhelming to play against, he loses a lot with his ult, and just like TF, if your team is trash you can't do anything
One thing that makes it for TF is how well his theme goes with his playstyle. TF is a trickster, a cheater and smart as the Devil, he literally gives out the cards of the game. Good TF's players have to be like Twisted Fate himself, unpredictable like by not giving out wich card they will deal right on and outsmarting with his ult. He literally cheats the game by getting extra gold and seeing the enemy's hand, with one of the most OP ults in the game.
Playing TF changed my life for the better. I was pretty good at mechanichal champs i played them for years ( lee, yasuo, zed ) and had great success. But TF is something else man, joy to play. Low elo = ludens echo Higher elo = everfrost
@@rokibalboa840 max cdr gets "pick a card" down to about 2 seconds. Even as a full damage t.f he doesn't instantly kill a full health enemy, t.f is a team player
unlike yone. riot games! NERF YONE AND LET US PLAY A PEACEFUL GAME!!!!! seriously, i am just a beginner and whenever i play draft pick yone just keeps coming as my enemy and my team later says mid diff
@@klausgoldfisch3231 yeah, but i can handle zed and yasuo with my talon (assuming they don't get too fed by roaming) but yone is my main problem, if i ban him, a zoe comes (and believe me, the sound of zoe's asleep ability gave me nightmares)
Well riot has a flawed logic, think lucian just for example, they give OP spell but make it high mana cost or low mana pool on the OP champ thinking the cons balance out the pros, but it doesent matter since its OP so you are dead or outfarmed alredy when they are out of mana. This is just an example. Think OP champs like gwen etc... This game became more and more unbalanced when adding too much damage with new runes , then new champions, and now new really OP items, the items are the biggest problem here because how are you gonna balance that with all these OP items. Some champs are just balanced because no dash... well here comes galeforce and the champ is now OP because he was designed not to be OP just because of a lack of dash. Now this just an example but riot balance team needed to change , but now its too late, too deep in their own shit. Rip LOL, its not a cash grabbing skin game, maybe call it league of damage, or league of one shotting. Look at lux, 1/6, 40 cs, deals about 70 or even more HP to adcs, so one skillshot and boom you dead, like lux Q( and we all know its impossible to miss skillshots in teamfights ), ahri is another example, veigar point n click and too large stun . I miss old seasons when it took more brains , they are catering to children and bad players so they have a chance and not give up on the game.
not sure about you, but the fact that i can be stood in place for 3 seconds simply because he clicked me isnt not frustrating. at least morgana has to hit hers.
I recommend playing tf if you're new to the game because he teaches you map awareness and let me tell you it's the most valuable things you can learn if you're new
The advice Is good,but there are so many champs that will destroy you because they nave too many positives and so few negatives that it gets boring to learn them
@@uccidi like yone He have: poke, dash, cc as his q, shield and split dmg in his w, engage, free ghost ,perfect disengage and true dmg in his e, and have powerfull teamfight ultimate. Also he have tons of sustain bcs of his q. So he have no clear weakness.
I remember how I heard someone say the less you rage and use insults, the harder it hits once you do. And boy does Vars use that well. Caught me so offguard with the micro bit
It's kind of funny to hear TF being regarded as boring when I consider him one of the coolest characters because of his "Pick a Card" ability. It's not a huge decision but you still get to decide often how to use that spell. And overall I just like the Marvel Gambit style in terms of appearance/showmanship
the most fun i get on him is playing safe because of the mana sustain and extra gold and watching the opponent assasin get desperate to kill me until they get so bored they roam and i get where they are going first
I love TF because when you win a game, you feel like you won because you were the superior player, not because you were carried by your own broken champ. Would've also been great to hear you talk about his versatility, he can run almost any keystone in the game (besides conqueror or glacial), he can build any mage or marksman item, and can even build support mythics.
@@clownworld3382 Reason I said glacial is he CAN use it but it's just not a very good keystone overall. For the green runes, TF has and still uses Grasp to good effect in assassin matchups, it makes his trades and harass better and gives him a lot of HP. He uses both Aftershock and Guardian when playing support vs engage champs (yes, TF support is actually good and I've written an actual guide on it).
^This. It feels so good to take over the map by yourself and have agency to turn your lanes into winning ones. Problem with TF is just too many champs completely make a solo lane unplayable for you, stuff like Yone, Yasuo, Fizz and Ekko just reach a point where they kill you while you cant really do anything about it, either because they have peel or just overloaded burst damage. You only have the window till lvl 3 where you can trade with them, if you dont get them low enough, its basically a done lane at that point.
@@Dingdong2730 That's the thing about TF though. Hard matchups aren't an issue because he can just chose to farm and roam, and never interact with his lane opponent. He'll have the gold advantage without even having to fight.
@@TwistedTeaFate Yes, but also no. Against Fizz, who at least directly, is your biggest counter, his poor waveclear is something you can abuse, but Ekko, Yasuo and Yone just shove waves and destroy towers like its nothing. To counter these champs you are mostly at your junglers mercy, they have to pick a dueling champ that can go at least even with these champs, else you can never stop them from shoving you in and punishing your roams by taking 2+ towerplates if they crash a cannon wave.
I love how this new perfectly designed series is becoming kind of a showcase for champions that teach you game knowledge, i hope it keeps that way. Love you Vars
I swear to god I was waiting every day for him to appear. But he didn't fit in No One or Everyone plays so I lost hope until Fiddle made his way. Tha k you kind sir I'll be at that premiere for one of my favorite Champs of all time. (have some rest bro BTW you working too hard)
It's really refreshing to finally see a good video about TF. When I start playing, way back in season 4, I really like TF style and skills, and wanted to play him. But a lot of people (both IRL friends and youtubers) told me that he was one of the hardest champs to play...without explaining why he was hard. Tanks a lot for spreading this knowledge!
I learned the true power of TF was watching my friend play him AD and just watching people's health bar dissappear was scary And having a lux, morg or anyone with a cc they weren't going anywhere
It can be, but it's also work that I enjoy! I love making videos, doing research, and growing my own personal brand. It's not quite enough for me to take care of myself, but it's definitely rewarding! :D I hope one day I can do this full time and live comfortably.
@@juandavidvalerovanegas9364 You obviously havent been trying to gank the enemy just to have a TF ult just before you go in or worse right after, or have a TF split push you to death because your toplaner doesnt feel like getting out of bed
his late game is super strong in soloq because of his catch potential with ult and he can almost one shot any squishy with WQ. I remember he used to have 60% win rate 35 min+, I just checked he only has 51% win rate now but it's still a lot better than 48% overall win rate.
@@juandavidvalerovanegas9364 Nah man. Shen shields 1 ally. Tf ult reveals all enemies. One of these is way more impactful. Knowing where the enemy is for 5 seconds means your team knows exactly what objective to go for with no resistance
9:47 holy shit, you caught me totally off guard. Great video and cool series, I enjoyed both the Fiddlesticks vid and this one. PS: Mean Vars is hilarious.
Twisted Fate to this day is still my favorite champion, and based on the recent champion releases I don't see that changing. What I loved about old-school league was the fact that almost every single champion was simple and basic, yet despite how simple they were players were able to come up with the coolest ways to use them. The simplistic nature encouraged out of the box thinking and creativity. Contrast that to modern League, every modern day champion is a play maker. They are all disgustingly overloaded because Riot for some reason believes that anything less would mean they wouldn't be able to shine. Creativity is out the window, it's very obvious what you need to do with your champion to make a play happen and that's super lame. "When everyone is super, no one will be."
what i like about tf is that with the right build you can legit one-shot squishy champs with blue card. so sometimes while running after a jinx or something you press w and lock in blue card the jinx thinks you messed up and tries to fight only to have her health bar dissapear instantly.
Vars: "TF's Yellow card is undodgeable and cannot miss" Me a shen main "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT!?" Only playing, but it is one of the reasons why I love playing shen into tf.
9:48 I rare glimpse at the not so professional side of Vars Love your videos m8. Hope you reach around 100k subs or higher by the end of the year. Kudos to u
This is exactly why I love playing him as a support, he IS a catcher, but has many bad matchups, being bot lane theres a 2nd person to deal with your bad matchus making laning safer and a second eprson to kill when you catch someone out of position. Also, global vision is super handy (especially if Akali is on the enemy team). Honestly I don't know how people haven't picked up on playing him support yet.
It is a hearth warming video for a tf main. I literally did the midlane learning curve with any to grasp the basics about the role. Then tf for all you've said and now, even tho tf is my top 3, I benefit of his teachings in every other champ I pick (even cassiopeia that you mention is my top 2)
Something I think is really worth pointing out that you almost got to, but didn't mention, is that TF's point-and-click stun ability is also balanced by the fact that it's not something you can cast on demand. You have to prepare it ahead of time, and even when you do, you only get a handful of seconds to use it before it runs out and you have to take the time to prepare it again. And since that same ability is also a critical part of TF's kit in all other situations (for mana sustain and creep clear), it is entirely possible to catch TF off-guard when he CAN'T use that ability. Furthermore, TF's stun ability is not coupled with huge burst damage or any other CC; if he hits you with that stun, the only other things he can do in that brief window is use a Q (which is more for poking and waveclear or hitting multiple champions than it is about bursting down one target) and/or a basic attack, and he's not an AD Carry. TF also lacks any dashes or speed boosts, and the one mobility ability he does have is his ult, which means that he can't dive and then disengage; if he commits his ult, he has to walk back if someone else attacks him in the next minute. TF's balance is excellent because his strengths have fair counterplay and his weaknesses are clear and exploitable, while bringing enough damage, utility, and flexibility to the table to be useful in a lot of situations.
been playing him as support for the past month. love him. i find the concept of stun attack move attack kite very fun and really forces me to look at the big picture. i have the bare minimum kit to be a support so I wanna make every pick a card work. i love how much having a singke target stun applied every 6 seconds be so effective in a team fight
Honestly, last season's Garen used deserves a video. Before he got conq and crit and as scaling, he was a really well designed tank. He was beefy, assisted his team with a silence and two forms of armor shred via his e and cleaver, and could finish high priority threats for your team. Since they changed him though, he runs at you with more move speed than anyone in the game, clicks on you with the silence, spins for half your health bar, then ults and ignites you for the second half.
Ahh yes. Macro. The thing most league players never bother learning. I’m not a master myself, but I consider myself to be above average by following some basic rules: Never chase an enemy into thier jung for more than 5 seconds. If over extended, place a ward. If cannot place a ward, then back off even if you are winning. If you push your lane opponent into tower, either back or roam. Don’t just sit there waiting for the wave to bounce back. There are more, but I find these to be the most relevant.
My man Gambit! Started playing him way back in...-checks account creation email- -grows Gandalf beard- ...2011, and still love to play him. AD, AP, don't care. More partial to AD, 'cause two seconds of riverdancing on someone with max attack speed and chunky attacks while they're stunned is never gonna be unfunny to me.
TF actually works as a good support because his play style is all about map awareness, which is one of the most important things to a support, so he's got global vision and global presence, hard CC to lock down kills or peel, and a massivlly long ranged poke that you can spam thanks to blue card.
As a very creative person, i love the freedom in build paths that Tf gives. You can go full Ap, tank, Crit, support, the "Tobias fate shurelya build" and so much more. Still struggling to find such a versatile champion to learn as well
Yeah, bcoz he's got things that are universally powerful no matter what (stun, vision, teleport) and has built-in synergy with on-hit effects, which always makes for versatile build options. He has it both.
One thing I really appreciate is that Riot finally gave Twisted Fate some really cool skins in Odyssey and DWG so that even if his playstyle can get boring, he can look nicer and make you feel like you are doing more.
Dopa said it good. When you onetrick a champ or just play a champion that is very simple, you can focus more on the other things happening in the game. When you learn the champion and master him, its a lot easier to learn micro and macro with him.
Loved the video,basically you have the most awesome way to say to all those yasuo yone riven rengar yi players "you are not good,those are champs designed for lamers" and also "play this champions,you'll really learn to play the game"
As someone who decided to play Twisted Fate as his first real champion in Season 10 and almost lost every Game with him in the begining, I can say that it is really worthwhile to play him, even if you suck at first and complain about all the bad matchups (I had a really rough time at the beginning), but because of all that suffering in the beginning, I eventually learned how to really play the game with him and he also gave me the Idea to only really play the Champions, that you almost never see in your games, so I started playing Sion and Tahm Kench Top, together with Wukong and Ornn in the top lane and as Support my trusty Rakan and Braum!
Btw, the reason I wanted to play TF was because I thought he looked cool as hell and as someone who likes Yu-Gi-Oh I had to play the Champion who could throw cards at his opponents!
He may be boring to play as time goes on, but being boring isn't a bad thing. It makes him and other well designed champs with not-so flashy or if not cancerous kits feel special. In my opinion, champions don't necessarily need to be flashy or cool, all they ever need is to impact it's player as much as possible. As many say, the real special part doesn't always come from the outside, but the inside that counts.
Out of all the champions in the game, there is, in my optic, a select few that does instil frustration when you get outmatched by them, TF is one those champions.
Having a TF is basically a free lane to spam gank with that point and click cc. I Love having a TF on my team because you can gank for them and they applie global pressure just as much as me. I highly recomend him
Whats also interesting is that you need experience as an ADC to truly play TF as well. Vars is not wrong of how you need to be very good at positioning considering how he needs to get into auto range to truly dish out damage on a single person. He truly is the defintion of easy to learn, hard to master considering his damage output being much lower than every other mage out there and lacking in range (His Q, wild cards, is not an effective range abiltiy. its extremely slow comparative to other champions and as a squishy mage).
This champion is actually very weird, you never feel like you're doing a lot of Damage (well mid game you do) and yet, you do a lot of damage, I had a game that I was dealing half of anyone's health with a Q, 5 minutes later a WQ+AA Lichbane + E wouldn't do as much damage as the single Q was doing - but yet, I topped damage chart, felt very frustrating to loose that game, on the other hand AD TF is sooooooooooooooooo much fun, so powerful
Thanks man, finally did a video on my favorite champion. I've been playing TF since season 5, right after they nerfed him funnily enough. I can see how some may find him boring, but I love the consistency of the guy. And the thematics, as I'm a big card game player.
I started playing tf because of Tobias Fate. Maybe I cant play him good, but I appreciate this champ and he IS iconic. Shame he is not played as much as he deserves
"It cannot miss" - Tell that to Gwen, Yasuo, Samira, Fizz, Nocturne, a Viego changing body, Fiora and whatever else I may have left out. Nowadays and within this meta and many more, some champions can straight out ignore the poor guy. The beauty of it is that he can just play around that by just not playing the side of the map those champions are in :)
I feel like shen and twisted fate might actually have the highest pressure ultimate's in the game since they can turn almost any fight around from virtually anywhere. Twisted fate can get in the fight a little quicker, but half the time Shen's shield will be enough to turn a fight around since if effectively gives a second health bar and if that's still not enough you now have a tank with an aoe taunt dash. I think the two are about equal although I may have made my preference a little obvious.
When i play with friends and play him the amount of times I gank and scream “I JUST WANTED MANA” because I accidentally get blue card instead of gold card is why I have fun with him xD
@@VarsVerum nice try, you never quit maple! It just allows you to take a sabbatical 😂😂. All the best man, we should play league sometime if you wanna teach a silver player a few tricks
tf is a respectable champion. however, i do feel like his E does not benefit his playstyle much, specifically the attack speed part. i think that if it was changed somewhat, it could help compensate for his age. i don't have any ideas for a new ability, though...
His E and passive both need to be completely changed and are reason enough for him to be reworked IMO. His passive is just free gold for playing normally and his E could be straight removed from his kit and nobody would care so long as his damage was increased elsewhere to compensate.
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but, TF Pick a Card counter keeps ticking even if the ability is not being used. So essentially a good TF player will never miss a card.
I feel like Leona deserves an episode too, she is never on the patch notes, she is constantly in meta(but never overpowered) and has clear strengths and weaknesses, so perfect counterplay without removing her completely from a game, and a lot of skill expression, not abilitywhise but desicionmakingwhise
Wouldn't mind that ring of cards shooting out an dealing dmg when appear. On 200 cs game Pass give 200-1200, would get more if was 2+lv. Although more likely just roll more dice. So 1/2/3/4 give 1-6, 2-12, 3-18, 4-24.
I have a question: Is champion power budget a deterministic or a subjective spec? Like does riot actually have a hard number for it or is it opinion based?
It's relative. It's not like every champion has a damage budget of 1000 that should be spread out among their kits. So to answer your question it's more of a speculative or abstract thing.
As an aurelion sol main, i feel like i mained de wrong twisted fate.
Same lmao
Wait, you exist?
aurelion sol can peel for himself with Q and ult, has more mobility, can escape ganks easy with E, can roam pre lv 6, has better waveclear , more aoe and more dmg than TF at any time. TF just has more consistent CC and better roam but he needs his ult to roam
@@stormdragon2529 you are right but asol is more punisheable, unconsistent and escaping gank with e should be your last resource, its a really gankeable pick too due the fact its a mage with no mobility that always pushes.
"The only reason people care so much about micro is to make up for their micro pe-"
Ok this one got me off guard
Good one
Same XD
But is totally true at the same time lol
Can we appreciate that the color of the text was blue, red, yellow, just like TFs cards?
@@VarsVerum damn right, was going to comment on that cool detail dude
I love tf, he feels fair to play against even if he is impactfull, there are few champions like that
He's actually one of those few characters that don't feel frustrating to play against, you know that if you loose to him is because you did something wrong and not because he's broken
To win against him you need to respect him and keep an eye on him
Shen too!
@@evddinary Shen is super unfair in early game
Shen, fair? You good bro?
How is Shen unfair? he can only do short trades, it's not overwhelming to play against, he loses a lot with his ult, and just like TF, if your team is trash you can't do anything
"there is no way you can mechanically screw up on this champion"
ult bot at level 6 with no mana, gold card a minion and die
Introducing my mid laner
Bro I said I was sorry you don't have to tell everyone about my blunder
Introducing, me.
There was never a need to call me out like that
@@klausgoldfisch3231 ya know what they say. if you have more then 1 hp, you're ready to go
One thing that makes it for TF is how well his theme goes with his playstyle. TF is a trickster, a cheater and smart as the Devil, he literally gives out the cards of the game.
Good TF's players have to be like Twisted Fate himself, unpredictable like by not giving out wich card they will deal right on and outsmarting with his ult. He literally cheats the game by getting extra gold and seeing the enemy's hand, with one of the most OP ults in the game.
TF main right here ^^
Playing TF changed my life for the better. I was pretty good at mechanichal champs i played them for years ( lee, yasuo, zed ) and had great success. But TF is something else man, joy to play. Low elo = ludens echo
Higher elo = everfrost
@@rokibalboa840 max cdr gets "pick a card" down to about 2 seconds.
Even as a full damage t.f he doesn't instantly kill a full health enemy, t.f is a team player
@@rokibalboa840 How about AD tF
Maining someone like Zed just teaches you how to be good at Zed. Maining Twisted Fate teaches you how to be good at League of Legends
Maining zed teaches you a lots of stuff too how to play assassin basically, you can't be a good zed without being a good player
@@baptistecochennec5956 Agreed, the real champ that teaches you how to be good at a champ without being good at the game is Katarina
@@kryticalhits7385 q->e->r goes brrrrr
@@kryticalhits7385 or any specialist at all. Teemo, heimer, singed.
@@baptistecochennec5956 it teaches you to farm with q until lv 3 and roam to botlane lmao
Twisted fate is the chad champ. Not frustrating to play and to play against, he truly is perfectly balanced.
unlike yone. riot games! NERF YONE AND LET US PLAY A PEACEFUL GAME!!!!! seriously, i am just a beginner and whenever i play draft pick yone just keeps coming as my enemy and my team later says mid diff
@@klausgoldfisch3231 yeah, but i can handle zed and yasuo with my talon (assuming they don't get too fed by roaming) but yone is my main problem, if i ban him, a zoe comes (and believe me, the sound of zoe's asleep ability gave me nightmares)
@@vinaayagamkarunagaran3439 Yone aint that broken anymore just learn his abilities. Imo hes much more of a low elo stomper.
Well riot has a flawed logic, think lucian just for example, they give OP spell but make it high mana cost or low mana pool on the OP champ thinking the cons balance out the pros, but it doesent matter since its OP so you are dead or outfarmed alredy when they are out of mana. This is just an example. Think OP champs like gwen etc... This game became more and more unbalanced when adding too much damage with new runes , then new champions, and now new really OP items, the items are the biggest problem here because how are you gonna balance that with all these OP items. Some champs are just balanced because no dash... well here comes galeforce and the champ is now OP because he was designed not to be OP just because of a lack of dash. Now this just an example but riot balance team needed to change , but now its too late, too deep in their own shit. Rip LOL, its not a cash grabbing skin game, maybe call it league of damage, or league of one shotting. Look at lux, 1/6, 40 cs, deals about 70 or even more HP to adcs, so one skillshot and boom you dead, like lux Q( and we all know its impossible to miss skillshots in teamfights ), ahri is another example, veigar point n click and too large stun .
I miss old seasons when it took more brains , they are catering to children and bad players so they have a chance and not give up on the game.
not sure about you, but the fact that i can be stood in place for 3 seconds simply because he clicked me isnt not frustrating.
at least morgana has to hit hers.
“The only reason people care so much about micro is to make up for their micrope-“
I’m sorry but that was fucking gold lmfao
8:20 you can't abuse him to challenger
Tobias fate: laughs with pirate accent
I recommend playing tf if you're new to the game because he teaches you map awareness and let me tell you it's the most valuable things you can learn if you're new
The advice Is good,but there are so many champs that will destroy you because they nave too many positives and so few negatives that it gets boring to learn them
@@uccidi like yone
He have: poke, dash, cc as his q, shield and split dmg in his w, engage, free ghost ,perfect disengage and true dmg in his e, and have powerfull teamfight ultimate. Also he have tons of sustain bcs of his q. So he have no clear weakness.
@@pobretaoricasso6769 but he can use q3 to neglet the stun
@@michapiasta3072 His early game is his only weakness
@@belgirgucu3248 you mean first 5 minutes until he have scepter?
"In smash the top tiers have less weaknesses than the rest characters"
Me:laughs in smash 4 bayonetta
I remember how I heard someone say the less you rage and use insults, the harder it hits once you do. And boy does Vars use that well. Caught me so offguard with the micro bit
It's kind of funny to hear TF being regarded as boring when I consider him one of the coolest characters because of his "Pick a Card" ability. It's not a huge decision but you still get to decide often how to use that spell.
And overall I just like the Marvel Gambit style in terms of appearance/showmanship
He is my main and will always be i play him ad damn he is so good
Maybe they should make it a huge decision to keep it interresting onforward
the most fun i get on him is playing safe because of the mana sustain and extra gold and watching the opponent assasin get desperate to kill me until they get so bored they roam and i get where they are going first
My beautiful man is my main and he is not boring, I find it pleasing 1 shot killing the enemy xD
TF is my mid main, and my jungle main is Evelynn, but holy shit TF is one of the best champions I've ever played
I love TF because when you win a game, you feel like you won because you were the superior player, not because you were carried by your own broken champ. Would've also been great to hear you talk about his versatility, he can run almost any keystone in the game (besides conqueror or glacial), he can build any mage or marksman item, and can even build support mythics.
You can play with Glacial (Everfrost) bu i don't see how the green tree runes profits him in any way
@@clownworld3382 Reason I said glacial is he CAN use it but it's just not a very good keystone overall.
For the green runes, TF has and still uses Grasp to good effect in assassin matchups, it makes his trades and harass better and gives him a lot of HP. He uses both Aftershock and Guardian when playing support vs engage champs (yes, TF support is actually good and I've written an actual guide on it).
It feels so good to take over the map by yourself and have agency to turn your lanes into winning ones.
Problem with TF is just too many champs completely make a solo lane unplayable for you, stuff like Yone, Yasuo, Fizz and Ekko just reach a point where they kill you while you cant really do anything about it, either because they have peel or just overloaded burst damage. You only have the window till lvl 3 where you can trade with them, if you dont get them low enough, its basically a done lane at that point.
@@Dingdong2730 That's the thing about TF though. Hard matchups aren't an issue because he can just chose to farm and roam, and never interact with his lane opponent. He'll have the gold advantage without even having to fight.
@@TwistedTeaFate Yes, but also no. Against Fizz, who at least directly, is your biggest counter, his poor waveclear is something you can abuse, but Ekko, Yasuo and Yone just shove waves and destroy towers like its nothing. To counter these champs you are mostly at your junglers mercy, they have to pick a dueling champ that can go at least even with these champs, else you can never stop them from shoving you in and punishing your roams by taking 2+ towerplates if they crash a cannon wave.
The joke about micro made me lose it hard, nice vid as always!
I love how this new perfectly designed series is becoming kind of a showcase for champions that teach you game knowledge, i hope it keeps that way. Love you Vars
Twisted Fates old model still gives me nightmares
I swear to god I was waiting every day for him to appear. But he didn't fit in No One or Everyone plays so I lost hope until Fiddle made his way.
Tha k you kind sir I'll be at that premiere for one of my favorite Champs of all time.
(have some rest bro BTW you working too hard)
It's really refreshing to finally see a good video about TF. When I start playing, way back in season 4, I really like TF style and skills, and wanted to play him. But a lot of people (both IRL friends and youtubers) told me that he was one of the hardest champs to play...without explaining why he was hard. Tanks a lot for spreading this knowledge!
"The only reason people care so much about micro is to make up for their micro pe-"
No no, finish the sentence, you're right.
I learned the true power of TF was watching my friend play him AD and just watching people's health bar dissappear was scary
And having a lux, morg or anyone with a cc they weren't going anywhere
I feel like Oriana deserves a "Perfectly designed" episode too
Was about to comment this.
I was thinking about Nami too but I'm not too sure
Gragas too.
I agree on you with the nami one
How do you manage to make so many high-quality videos every week? Isn't it kind of exhausting?
It can be, but it's also work that I enjoy! I love making videos, doing research, and growing my own personal brand. It's not quite enough for me to take care of myself, but it's definitely rewarding! :D I hope one day I can do this full time and live comfortably.
and a banger editor to help B)
@@aphrow who is the editor? Isnt in the description
He's not horrible early game, and he's not horrible late game. Plus his ULT is the most impactful of any champion in existence.
@@juandavidvalerovanegas9364 You obviously havent been trying to gank the enemy just to have a TF ult just before you go in or worse right after, or have a TF split push you to death because your toplaner doesnt feel like getting out of bed
@@floodedmars8126 and when someone does go to try and stop him, he just ults away into another lane to splitpush yet again or regroup with his tem
his late game is super strong in soloq because of his catch potential with ult and he can almost one shot any squishy with WQ. I remember he used to have 60% win rate 35 min+, I just checked he only has 51% win rate now but it's still a lot better than 48% overall win rate.
@@juandavidvalerovanegas9364 Nah man. Shen shields 1 ally.
Tf ult reveals all enemies.
One of these is way more impactful. Knowing where the enemy is for 5 seconds means your team knows exactly what objective to go for with no resistance
How about Nocturne's?
9:47 holy shit, you caught me totally off guard.
Great video and cool series, I enjoyed both the Fiddlesticks vid and this one.
PS: Mean Vars is hilarious.
Twisted Fate to this day is still my favorite champion, and based on the recent champion releases I don't see that changing. What I loved about old-school league was the fact that almost every single champion was simple and basic, yet despite how simple they were players were able to come up with the coolest ways to use them. The simplistic nature encouraged out of the box thinking and creativity.
Contrast that to modern League, every modern day champion is a play maker. They are all disgustingly overloaded because Riot for some reason believes that anything less would mean they wouldn't be able to shine. Creativity is out the window, it's very obvious what you need to do with your champion to make a play happen and that's super lame.
"When everyone is super, no one will be."
This x100000
what i like about tf is that with the right build you can legit one-shot squishy champs with blue card. so sometimes while running after a jinx or something you press w and lock in blue card the jinx thinks you messed up and tries to fight only to have her health bar dissapear instantly.
Jinx is too reckless for her own good ^^
Vars: "TF's Yellow card is undodgeable and cannot miss"
Me a shen main
Only playing, but it is one of the reasons why I love playing shen into tf.
The way to beat a good tf is to first off type *pees cutely* in chat to disorient him then now it’s 50/50
Now i remember why i turned off all chat, thank you for that reminder👍
Can confirm if you did this to me i'd be so lost
First: chat discombobulate
I don't get the joke :o
@@VarsVerum because he wears a fedora you have to speak to him like a redditor. Imagine the scenario of telling a redditor “pees cutely”.
Vars: "Undodgable stun"
Vars' video in the background:
' *GwEn Is ImMuNe* '
9:48 I rare glimpse at the not so professional side of Vars
Love your videos m8. Hope you reach around 100k subs or higher by the end of the year. Kudos to u
This is exactly why I love playing him as a support, he IS a catcher, but has many bad matchups, being bot lane theres a 2nd person to deal with your bad matchus making laning safer and a second eprson to kill when you catch someone out of position. Also, global vision is super handy (especially if Akali is on the enemy team). Honestly I don't know how people haven't picked up on playing him support yet.
It is a hearth warming video for a tf main. I literally did the midlane learning curve with any to grasp the basics about the role. Then tf for all you've said and now, even tho tf is my top 3, I benefit of his teachings in every other champ I pick (even cassiopeia that you mention is my top 2)
9:40 that came out of nowhere lmao.
Great content as always. Keep it up!
Something I think is really worth pointing out that you almost got to, but didn't mention, is that TF's point-and-click stun ability is also balanced by the fact that it's not something you can cast on demand. You have to prepare it ahead of time, and even when you do, you only get a handful of seconds to use it before it runs out and you have to take the time to prepare it again. And since that same ability is also a critical part of TF's kit in all other situations (for mana sustain and creep clear), it is entirely possible to catch TF off-guard when he CAN'T use that ability. Furthermore, TF's stun ability is not coupled with huge burst damage or any other CC; if he hits you with that stun, the only other things he can do in that brief window is use a Q (which is more for poking and waveclear or hitting multiple champions than it is about bursting down one target) and/or a basic attack, and he's not an AD Carry. TF also lacks any dashes or speed boosts, and the one mobility ability he does have is his ult, which means that he can't dive and then disengage; if he commits his ult, he has to walk back if someone else attacks him in the next minute.
TF's balance is excellent because his strengths have fair counterplay and his weaknesses are clear and exploitable, while bringing enough damage, utility, and flexibility to the table to be useful in a lot of situations.
That's a good clarification!
been playing him as support for the past month. love him.
i find the concept of stun attack move attack kite very fun and really forces me to look at the big picture.
i have the bare minimum kit to be a support so I wanna make every pick a card work. i love how much having a singke target stun applied every 6 seconds be so effective in a team fight
the rammus ult at 7:28 😭
There is no way you can screw up this champion "
TF mAiNs in my games : Allow me to demonstrate ...
Allow me to demonstrate even better
How is this man able to mass-produce this much high quality content in so little time?
30 hours a week give or take
@@VarsVerum Thanks for all the great content so far. Keep up the great work sir :)
Honestly, last season's Garen used deserves a video. Before he got conq and crit and as scaling, he was a really well designed tank. He was beefy, assisted his team with a silence and two forms of armor shred via his e and cleaver, and could finish high priority threats for your team. Since they changed him though, he runs at you with more move speed than anyone in the game, clicks on you with the silence, spins for half your health bar, then ults and ignites you for the second half.
Ahh yes. Macro. The thing most league players never bother learning. I’m not a master myself, but I consider myself to be above average by following some basic rules:
Never chase an enemy into thier jung for more than 5 seconds.
If over extended, place a ward. If cannot place a ward, then back off even if you are winning.
If you push your lane opponent into tower, either back or roam. Don’t just sit there waiting for the wave to bounce back.
There are more, but I find these to be the most relevant.
We need Perfectly designed Orianna!!
Great video btw ;)
Tf gives me major vlad vibes when hes walking toward me with yellow card.
This champ teaches you the most about the game, it is very weak and can be hard countered but you learn so much.
7:45 ahah! A foreshadowing for a new series for me to binge perhaps? 🤭
“There’s almost no mechanical way to fail”
Oh hoho, well my friend my match history begs to differ
There's always a blue card awaiting to be thrown on the face a of 10/1 Kat ulting your entire team
last hitting and shuffling cards at the same time sometimes breaks my brain
My man Gambit! Started playing him way back in...-checks account creation email- -grows Gandalf beard- ...2011, and still love to play him. AD, AP, don't care. More partial to AD, 'cause two seconds of riverdancing on someone with max attack speed and chunky attacks while they're stunned is never gonna be unfunny to me.
TF teaches you so much about macro, a fantastic champion to learn midland.
TF actually works as a good support because his play style is all about map awareness, which is one of the most important things to a support, so he's got global vision and global presence, hard CC to lock down kills or peel, and a massivlly long ranged poke that you can spam thanks to blue card.
"There is no thing added to the game close to be TF ult"
Chemical dragons: allow us to introduce ourself
Holy Fck, another Perfectly Designed Vid. You really did deliver. Thanks, Vars. ❤
Wait it's still premiering tho, it hasn't come out yet?
@@ValoriYT, Yeah but still. I asked him to do another one and here it is. Sure it isn't revealed, but I feel heard.
@@librastellium185 But you said "perfectly designed vid" before the vid even came out is what I'm confused about
@@ValoriYT, "Perfectly Designed" is the name of the series wherein he talks about Champs who he considers to be well...Perfectly Designed.
@@librastellium185 Ah ok, thank you for explaining :)
As a very creative person, i love the freedom in build paths that Tf gives. You can go full Ap, tank, Crit, support, the "Tobias fate shurelya build" and so much more. Still struggling to find such a versatile champion to learn as well
Yeah, bcoz he's got things that are universally powerful no matter what (stun, vision, teleport) and has built-in synergy with on-hit effects, which always makes for versatile build options.
He has it both.
Do you like danganronpa or just its music? I like the fact that you use danganronpa songs a lot jskdkdfk
Şu randomu bir Türk atar rol yapma
Agreed. danganronpa's ost kinda match his analysis/reseach style of his videos ! ( obvious enough since the game itself as for core gameplay these).
One thing I really appreciate is that Riot finally gave Twisted Fate some really cool skins in Odyssey and DWG so that even if his playstyle can get boring, he can look nicer and make you feel like you are doing more.
Dopa said it good. When you onetrick a champ or just play a champion that is very simple, you can focus more on the other things happening in the game. When you learn the champion and master him, its a lot easier to learn micro and macro with him.
Twisted Fate is my man. I love that guy. First character to I gravitated to way back when. Take it away dapper card man.
Loved the video,basically you have the most awesome way to say to all those yasuo yone riven rengar yi players "you are not good,those are champs designed for lamers" and also "play this champions,you'll really learn to play the game"
As someone who decided to play Twisted Fate as his first real champion in Season 10 and almost lost every Game with him in the begining, I can say that it is really worthwhile to play him, even if you suck at first and complain about all the bad matchups (I had a really rough time at the beginning), but because of all that suffering in the beginning, I eventually learned how to really play the game with him and he also gave me the Idea to only really play the Champions, that you almost never see in your games, so I started playing Sion and Tahm Kench Top, together with Wukong and Ornn in the top lane and as Support my trusty Rakan and Braum!
Btw, the reason I wanted to play TF was because I thought he looked cool as hell and as someone who likes Yu-Gi-Oh I had to play the Champion who could throw cards at his opponents!
My first main when I started playing LOL all those years ago, and I feel it made me understand laning and positioning to a decent level
He may be boring to play as time goes on, but being boring isn't a bad thing. It makes him and other well designed champs with not-so flashy or if not cancerous kits feel special. In my opinion, champions don't necessarily need to be flashy or cool, all they ever need is to impact it's player as much as possible.
As many say, the real special part doesn't always come from the outside, but the inside that counts.
Thats him...
*wipes tear*
Thats my main since way back
The first champion i ever got a skin for
You REALLY like the dangaronpa V3 music dont you vars. Ngl it really fits here.
Out of all the champions in the game, there is, in my optic, a select few that does instil frustration when you get outmatched by them, TF is one those champions.
Having a TF is basically a free lane to spam gank with that point and click cc. I Love having a TF on my team because you can gank for them and they applie global pressure just as much as me. I highly recomend him
I would appreciate seeing a video like this on singed!
Singed would have to be perfectly designed to be in this series... and he is *far* from perfectly designed.
@@VarsVerum My mistake, I meant more on a design hot take perspective, sorry for the misuse of words!
I literally just started maining tf 3 days ago, this is perfect timing.
Perfectly Designed, yet so underrated overall, you almost only see him in pro/challenger.
Whats also interesting is that you need experience as an ADC to truly play TF as well.
Vars is not wrong of how you need to be very good at positioning considering how he needs to get into auto range to truly dish out damage on a single person.
He truly is the defintion of easy to learn, hard to master considering his damage output being much lower than every other mage out there and lacking in range (His Q, wild cards, is not an effective range abiltiy. its extremely slow comparative to other champions and as a squishy mage).
When I see my opponent choose TF I just lock in pantheon and laugh at them while they don't get to play the game
Whenever I watch these I think about how Neace would feel
Didn't expect the microgame joke, nice video
This champion is actually very weird, you never feel like you're doing a lot of Damage (well mid game you do) and yet, you do a lot of damage, I had a game that I was dealing half of anyone's health with a Q, 5 minutes later a WQ+AA Lichbane + E wouldn't do as much damage as the single Q was doing - but yet, I topped damage chart, felt very frustrating to loose that game, on the other hand AD TF is sooooooooooooooooo much fun, so powerful
I really have respect for people that are good at playing Twisted Fate. I would like to see in Perfectly Designed Shen too.
Twisted Fate is the only champion who's legally allowed to have a point and click stun
"Nocturne,who takes two and a half seconds to channel his *spear* "
Awesome video.
Playing tf is more like playing chess, that's why I love him.
Woah, I didn't expected this
TF can hit the Gangnam Style. He's my main now. Unaware enemies won't be able to play while laughing their asses of.
Thanks man, finally did a video on my favorite champion. I've been playing TF since season 5, right after they nerfed him funnily enough. I can see how some may find him boring, but I love the consistency of the guy. And the thematics, as I'm a big card game player.
I started playing tf because of Tobias Fate. Maybe I cant play him good, but I appreciate this champ and he IS iconic. Shame he is not played as much as he deserves
As a tf and fiddle main in emerald, completely agree with this. Two of the most perfectly designed champs in the game. Game knowledge > mechanics
"It cannot miss" - Tell that to Gwen, Yasuo, Samira, Fizz, Nocturne, a Viego changing body, Fiora and whatever else I may have left out. Nowadays and within this meta and many more, some champions can straight out ignore the poor guy. The beauty of it is that he can just play around that by just not playing the side of the map those champions are in :)
Jax (his E ), Braum (shield intercepts if you try to cast it on others), sivir, Morgana, Vladimir, Kayn...
Stopwatch. Thats a big one.
Kinda laughed when he mentioned Darius as a pub stomper despite being broken accross all elos for a while now
I feel like shen and twisted fate might actually have the highest pressure ultimate's in the game since they can turn almost any fight around from virtually anywhere. Twisted fate can get in the fight a little quicker, but half the time Shen's shield will be enough to turn a fight around since if effectively gives a second health bar and if that's still not enough you now have a tank with an aoe taunt dash. I think the two are about equal although I may have made my preference a little obvious.
I just played ranked as t.f.
I went 3/3/15 against an Akali, Evelyn, pantheon.
When i play with friends and play him the amount of times I gank and scream “I JUST WANTED MANA” because I accidentally get blue card instead of gold card is why I have fun with him xD
I like how in Smash, the Top tiers are actually fun to play against, but the low tiers are literally the worst to sometimes.
Yooooo you've been popping off on youtube hard since maple!
Took a long time to quit that godforsaken game XD
@@VarsVerum nice try, you never quit maple! It just allows you to take a sabbatical 😂😂. All the best man, we should play league sometime if you wanna teach a silver player a few tricks
I remember that the recently(some months ago) he got a buff on his w to increase the damage.
tf is a respectable champion. however, i do feel like his E does not benefit his playstyle much, specifically the attack speed part. i think that if it was changed somewhat, it could help compensate for his age.
i don't have any ideas for a new ability, though...
some people play ad twisted fate with some success but even with that his q feels lack luster leaving you with the same problem.
His E and passive both need to be completely changed and are reason enough for him to be reworked IMO. His passive is just free gold for playing normally and his E could be straight removed from his kit and nobody would care so long as his damage was increased elsewhere to compensate.
@@100organicfreshmemes5 like hell it should! I max his e first, because of how good it is for my tf
@@deltrae3 What does E provide that a Nashor's Tooth wouldn't?
@@100organicfreshmemes5 It provides the ability to play AD TF like a chad
TF teaches map awareness
Fiddleteaches vision control
I'm starting to see a pattern here...
Not sure if anyone mentioned this but, TF Pick a Card counter keeps ticking even if the ability is not being used. So essentially a good TF player will never miss a card.
I feel like Leona deserves an episode too, she is never on the patch notes, she is constantly in meta(but never overpowered) and has clear strengths and weaknesses, so perfect counterplay without removing her completely from a game, and a lot of skill expression, not abilitywhise but desicionmakingwhise
Picked TF on purpose against Fizz just to prove myself. I still remember that game from 2 years ago
Wouldn't mind that ring of cards shooting out an dealing dmg when appear. On 200 cs game Pass give 200-1200, would get more if was 2+lv. Although more likely just roll more dice. So 1/2/3/4 give 1-6, 2-12, 3-18, 4-24.
9:45 love it. that goes to people that have the audacity to say zed or qyiana are harder than TF
I have a question: Is champion power budget a deterministic or a subjective spec? Like does riot actually have a hard number for it or is it opinion based?
It's relative. It's not like every champion has a damage budget of 1000 that should be spread out among their kits. So to answer your question it's more of a speculative or abstract thing.
@@VarsVerum thanks Vars.
I did not see that micro joke coming (pun intended)