Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's National Day Rally speech in English

  • Опубликовано: 18 авг 2018
  • In his 2018 National Day Rally speech in English on Sunday (Aug 19), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced plans to make healthcare more affordable and accessible for Singaporeans, and to redevelop Singapore's public housing. For more:

Комментарии • 47

  • @sadikali8121
    @sadikali8121 5 лет назад +6

    SBC=Same Boring Channel. He want Singaporean to do this and that while he imposed higher taxes to match his salary. Singaporean has been fooled for so many years.

  • @drsmithlee6310
    @drsmithlee6310 5 лет назад +3

    really disheartening to see singaporeans just taking his word for it and failing to critically assess any of these new packages and policies without consideration of agenda, time of implementation and effectiveness of the solution. Really hope that the younger generation can think better for themselves and will not be scared of change.видео.html
    go figure.

  • @bettyau668
    @bettyau668 5 лет назад +10

    Thank you, Mr. Lee and your team for making Singapore great!

    • @sihanchen7552
      @sihanchen7552 5 лет назад +3

      Sure, it is a good system for leeching on the people.
      Not a good enough system for you to start growing some balls though..

    • @bettyau668
      @bettyau668 5 лет назад +2

      United we stand Singapore! You can count on me Singapore! When I was oversea for several years.. being to Egypt, Laos, Cambodia, Burma.. I started to feel very lucky to be Singaporean. Egypt has gone thru 2011 Arab spring.. the uprising there shake the core out of me.. Thank you Singapore!

    • @sihanchen7552
      @sihanchen7552 5 лет назад +4

      I see, you are the same brainless and ball-less FAKE NEWS spewer as ever.
      Awww, brainy, thanks for the kind support. Instead of showing moi gratitude for bringing closer international ties between Japan and Singapore, you start dissing me and Japan. Yayy, thats exactly the congratulations I can expect from a Singaporean shitbird huh ?
      You are definitely a great promoter of Singapore cohesiveness man !!! You not only make a fool out of yourself here, you wanna bring the joke overseas and have other countries laugh at your shamefulness as well !!
      Oh wow, I NEVER KNEW a small little red dot on the world map with no natural resources is somehow better than Japan, a major world power. Thanks for creating more fake news !!!
      You kind of forget Japan once CONQUERED Singapore. If you wanna start dissing some place, at least try to back it up with real facts and figures for once? Mr-I--Love-Crying-Fake-News-So-I-Create-Fake-News.
      And please, if you wanna start talking big and act like you got a big Voice, dont just do it in little red dot lah...
      You wanna prove Singapore's dominance, how about you try running your mouth in their place and see what will become of you?
      Are they gonna make Japanese pancake outta you or you will be committing Harakiri for being a whiny bitch?

    • @sihanchen7552
      @sihanchen7552 5 лет назад +2

      She aint a money slave. Shes a PAP slave.

    • @149nozomi
      @149nozomi 5 лет назад

      les, you should be participating in the next election. Talk less and take action.

  • @burhan999
    @burhan999 5 лет назад +13

    I am damn fortunate to be born in SINGAPORE

    • @burhan999
      @burhan999 5 лет назад +5

      les if you can't feed a baby .. then Don t have a baby.... I feel sorry for your children...but mine kids are fine and doing well...

    • @burhan999
      @burhan999 5 лет назад +4

      les for your info... did your parents commit suicide??... My parents are ageing well...

    • @burhan999
      @burhan999 5 лет назад +3

      les I am enjoying my family and this beautiful country.... SAWADIKAAAAAAP

    • @sihanchen7552
      @sihanchen7552 5 лет назад +2

      serpent977MB I feel sorry for your kids too for having an ASSHOLE for a dad.

    • @bettyau668
      @bettyau668 5 лет назад +5

      serpent977MB I am with you.. United we stand Singapore.. just ignore those cyber troopers..they are very discontented lot due to their screw up life. Do not allow them to bring down Singapore.. they have bad intentions. Arab spring is one bad example..

  • @freddie792
    @freddie792 5 лет назад

    is it better to exempt all 500,000 from any medical costs ??

  • @rosiahjaman7521
    @rosiahjaman7521 5 лет назад

    I also can talk !👀👂

  • @arunachalamramasamy3368
    @arunachalamramasamy3368 5 лет назад +7

    Excellent and realistic speech by PM LEE with long term planning considering all age groups of multi races and economic growth.

  • @sihanchen7552
    @sihanchen7552 5 лет назад

    video was too long. Halfway through it, I got hungry so I left it playing and went to the kitchen to fix my self a sandwich. But then I found out that I'm out of mayonnaise so I went to a store. There, I saw the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my whole life. But I'm really a shy person so I took up a three-year personality development course so I can introduce my self. She was very friendly and all, but unfortunately, she has a boyfriend. So I said, all good, I'm a mature person. I want the best for her and I harbor no illusion that I am the best person for her and she seems happy with her boyfriend, so I did not bother her anymore. But we kept in touch and we became friends and I got over my crush on her. Then she broke up with her boyfriend, we drank some alcohol because of it, I told her she'll be fine and I wished her well. I still think she's the most beautiful woman in the world, but like I said, I am over my crush on her. It was like five years already when I first saw her. Besides, I am quiet happy with the friendship I developed with her. It was more important than a crush. So we kept hanging out, drinking, having coffee, and all. I had a girlfriend, she started dating other guys. My girlfriend wants to live some other life without me in it, so I said, okay, I want the best for you and I want you to pursue your happiness. My lady friend and I drank alcohol about it, and she gave me the same advice I gave her when she was in that position and I became okay with the breakup immediately. But we were really drunk, so she spent the night in my apartment. I only have one bed, so you know what that means: She took the bed and I slept on the couch. But on the couch, I really can't sleep. Something was bothering me. So I tossed and turned for about three hours, then I finally can't take it anymore, I stood up and went straight to my room where she's sleeping. I approached the bed, gently sat on it and I reached for her shoulder to pull her closer to me. She stirred and woke up. She asked what's up. I told her, you know, the first time I saw you, I was watching a video and left it playing to get my self a sandwich then went to the store to get some mayo then I got distracted by life that I forgot to finish the video. She said, you know what, I've been wondering about a weird noise in your night drawer. So we opened that drawer, and lo and behold, there's my phone and this video still has two minutes of play time on it.

  • @user-lb4zv1ey5v
    @user-lb4zv1ey5v 5 лет назад +10

    Talk kok at all

  • @helengoh6482
    @helengoh6482 5 лет назад +3

    Responses to LHL’s NDR speech on cost of living:
    “Why always must be the people change? Why never heard him say the Ministers change? We change, we save, we eat rice eat porridge, and the Ministers continue to splash and waste the people’s money like nothing. Where is the logic???”
    ~ Terry Lee
    “Flogging the dead ass again...
    Cut your cost, to pay minister more..not a new concept. Kong hee also ask his followers to sell their expensive homes, move into studio apt, so that they can give more to their god..same scam different asshole.”
    ~ Cory Tan
    “Developed country,use less electricity, drink cheapest milk powder and eat Hawker center using massive Palm oil to cook and that is his Solution. 2THUMBSUP with a middle finger.”
    ~ Soh Kent
    “You also change la....Take a pay cut and open up Temasek books...”
    ~ Muhammad Shameer
    “Savings from 4G mobile data, different milk, and eating at hawker centres...they are all small amount of saving compared to big savings if housing cost is lower, education and medical much much lower. Why the govt didnt tackle the big expensive items first...instead of suggesting the citizens on saving small small sum which cannot help the present situation in high cost of living in Singapore.”
    ~ Yeow H Tan
    “Hospital has adjusted to use cheaper milk powder so that baby can get use to them after going home. What a logic...”
    ~ Sim Wee Sien
    “so taxpayers must adjust their lifestyle while we continue to pay our ministers million of dollars to support theirs? What kind of logic is this.
    Are we supposed to vote for a government that can help improve our lives or worst off?”
    ~ Jay le
    “Managing cost of living: if you used to eat in restaurants, go to foodcourt now. If you used to eat in foodcourt, go to hawker centre/ coffee shop now. If you used to eat in hawker centres, cook at home now. If you already cooking at home, stop eating now, just drink water. High cost of living is just a figment of your imagination.“
    ~ Yt Lam
    “Moral of the story from the Rally. We citizens are glad to have hawker store selling at least one item below 3 dollars(2.80). I am so touched I almost fainted.”
    ~ Soh Kent
    “Tell us to adjust our expectation. So if money not enough, eat less loh. Only the ministers can afford everything because we pay for it.”
    ~ Ken Chan
    “Soh Kent stinge. That's the only solution he has for his people. We should all take less from life while they all live in luxury on our account? Which country would allow that to happen for a long time. Tyrants come and go. There will be a time when he goes. More and more people are hoping that they just drop dead.”
    ~ Ken Chan
    “How to adjust? My salary this year adjusted only $18. Not even enough to adjust for the increase in water bills...”
    ~ Mohammed Fahmi
    “Actually, there is only one REAL reason for rising cost of living : PAP”
    ~ Yt Lam
    “Seriously ?? Our PM is a genius! more brilliant than Einstein 🤦🏻‍♂💩... #whenyourvotescomebacktohauntyou”
    ~ JC Wukong Chan
    “Is there any grand vision and goals for next decade ? Jobs opportunities?”
    ~ Marc WP Lee
    “what else is new: everything is up to us. i'd say: dear ministers, if you cannot make our lives better, please resign.”
    ~ Frank Lam

    • @freddie792
      @freddie792 5 лет назад

      its highly recommended salary cuts among ministers ..... to show their sacrifice to the people difficulties

  • @helengoh6482
    @helengoh6482 5 лет назад +2

    Lord Gold Serpent9 hours ago
    I see a confusing conundrum here --- P$P Gov says it "cannot completely prevent prices from increasing" and yet chooses to INCERASE GST ( not now but sneakily later ) and affect all consumer goods prices. I wonder how in Malaysia the " Rakyat " can feel so much outrage that they can bring down a 50 year Gov just over the recently added GST and yet here we have to swallow gulp down another 2 % increase on top !
    SG and Malaysia : which one is supposed to be the wealthy First World Country ?

  • @leonidasking6587
    @leonidasking6587 5 лет назад +1


  • @helengoh6482
    @helengoh6482 5 лет назад +6

    kong12 hours ago
    We SINGAPOREANS employ you and your team to solve the problem,so please don't tell us what you face,just solve the problem,if you can't we will select somebody else which can bring SINGAPOREANS a better life and more relaxing life,do you and your team know that most of the SINGAPOREANS are suffering and a lot of old people are collect paper board to just to buy daily needs?Singapore everything wanted to be world no 1,but please also take care our PIONEER,they are the 1 who really help to built Singapore and not you and your team which enjoy high high pay and do nothing just talk only.

    • @bettyau668
      @bettyau668 5 лет назад +3

      I remember coming back from Tanah Merah ferry terminal back in 2004. many elderly Singaporeans took the cruise to nowhere and gamble & lost their who to blame... picking up cardboards just like many in Hong Kong and cleaning tables is a job.. better than sitting at home, fall sick and die!

  • @ozong4361
    @ozong4361 5 лет назад +1

    Hello way overpaid prime minister

  • @morganjee5172
    @morganjee5172 5 лет назад +4

    LHL do pay bills? Do u do buy groceries? Do you pay medical bills? Do you pay for your food? Do you pay your kids school education?
    Answer you pay nothing. Your family dont pay,but you running the country. Totally disconnect. You the worst PM.