An update on the cost of living

  • Опубликовано: 26 июн 2024
  • Good news - inflation has fallen back to the official 2% target and we should soon see interest rates beginning to fall. Taken with another expected fall in our energy bills next month, the cut in National Insurance, the rollout of government-funded childcare for 2 year olds; and the triple lock protecting state pensions - people in Orpington will start to feel tangible benefits whatever their stage of life.
    We have turned a corner after a tough few years, don’t let Labour ruin it.
    Vote for me, Gareth Bacon, on Thursday 4th July.

Комментарии • 2

  • @TNT-projects
    @TNT-projects 27 дней назад

    Garath , last summer a person I was helping was evicted under the56 day no fault eviction.
    The cheapest 3 bed property was £1300. The rent allowance was £925 frozen by Rishi in 2019.
    So hearing it was increasing to the 30th percentile I hoped we could close the £375 per month hole..
    But no ! The 30th percentile was set at £1050 still leaving a £250 hole..
    There is not a single property on right move in Southampton wider area below £1250, I tried 3. Mile radius of 5 post codes.. the whole system is crooked,
    Councils are outbidding people for houses on the south coast to house whoever… but vunerable people are being left in absolute poverty trying to find an extra £250-375 after tax, ni, and UC 55% taper deductions