This is probably the best sequel/prequel ever written for Star Wars. Rogue One does have a TV spin off series in Andor - the journey of Cassian Andor towards joining the Rebellion. Highly recommended to watch. It’s probably the most grown up Star Wars story written for the 1977 crowd and has an excellent cast. Diego Luna reprises his character here.
ANDOR is almost universally considered one of the best, if not the very best, STAR WARS fictions ever produced on screen so far. It's certainly the most grown-up. My one nitpick is that it doesn't well support Cassian's line that "I've been fighting since I was six years old." But people are allowed a bit of license in their bragging.
It is in fact the only movie post George Lucas's control that he expressed a particularly positive sentiment for, which is partly why I'm willing to accept it along with his original canon, besides it also being a very good movie.
In the rebel attack to Scarif, the red five pilot unfortunately died. And the rebellion chose later a new red five pilot... Luke Skywalker. For me, this is one of the best SW films ever. The whole film is incredible, and the last 15 minutes a brutal rollercoaster (Vader OMG).
When he showed up in that hallway at the end I lost my breath. And to see him so strong throwing people around was so painful to watch. What a great movie!!
@@andymiller6661 Even though the sequels sucked, you've let your Disney Derangement Syndrome spill over onto a good movie. Either that or you're about 12 years old.
"Noooo. Noooo. Nah-uhh." Yes, at the end, we in the theater that first weekend said the same thing. That ending sliding seamlessly into A New Hope was a total surprise. One thing you notice in A New Hope is that when Leia claims to be on an innocent diplomatic mission, Vader is thinking, "I just saw you leave with those plans!"
Remember that those Corellian Corvettes are very common ships. Corellia built thousands of them. They're the Toyota Corolla of space. So Leia is pulling the "it's just a coincidence my ship looks similar" card.
If you notice in the movies set after this in the timeline, there's no blue squadron, only red and gold. That's because blue squadron were all pretty much killed at the end of the movie in the battle.
You were very keen to spot the character Mon Mothma who appears in Return Of The Jedi (played by a different actress, of course). Her line, "Many Bothans died to bring to bring us this information..." is talking about the NEW battle station under construction during ROTJ. She had another scene in the third prequel, Revenge Of The Sith, that was cut out from the theatrical release but you can find it on DVD extras or probably on RUclips. She sitting in a room with Padame and Bail Organa (Leia's adoptive father played by Jimmy Smits) planning the first kernels of what will become the Rebels. For time restriction, Lucas cut it out as it didn't need to be included to move the story along. If you go on to watch the Andor Series or the animated Rebels Series, you'll come across Mon Mothma's character as well.
One of my favorite parts; the Red Leader and Gold Leader were actually parts were actually alternate takes from the original Star Wars movie (1977) that they incorporated into this film
I am going to echo what several others have said and strongly encourage you to watch "Andor". As a side note about this film, when Bail Organa says "I would trust her with my life" and walks away, you can hear him tell Captain Antilles that he has a mission for him. Later, in Episode IV, C-3PO mentions that their (his and R2's) last master was Captain Antilles. That's why they were on the ship with Leia and eventually launched in the escape pod down to Tatooine.
Beautiful reaction. You will love andor. It is my favorite tv season in history. It is basically 4 epic films. 1-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11 &12. The quality of writing, acting, world building, etc is spectacular. And don’t forget the tissues.
Christina, tears are appropriate for Rogue One. The Rebellion leader Mon Mothma said that speech in Return of the Jedi. They were Bothans who died getting the plans for Death Star 2. Rogue One died to get the plans for The first Death Star. Rogue One’s heroic sacrifice is in the opening prologue of A New Hope. Rogue One is honored by the Rebellion in that in The Empire Strikes Back Luke’s squadron battling the Walkers on the Ice Planet is called Rogue Squadron, Luke and later Wedge Antilles are called Rogue Leader. Disney Star Wars TV series ANDOR, is Cassian’s origin story.
Also, this was even mentioned in the Star Wars novelization (prior to being sub-titled "A New Hope") in 1976. The Death Star was capable of firing up to 10 times per day (standard galactic "rotation") at the lower power, but only 1 time per day at full power. The novel came out prior to the movie, and I still have my original copy. Also, for those who never read it, the Emperor was mentioned by name (Palpatine) in that novel. That's how many older OT fans knew who he was in the Prequels.
Bail Organa is older yeah. He talks subtly about Obi Wan (the hidden Jedi), and when he says "I will trust her with my life" , he´s obviously talking about his daughter, princess Leia Organa.
@@znk0r Because she was sent on a mission to go to Tatooine and get General Kenobi. If that's the mission, you're not going to say, hey, why don't you join us in a battle we might not survive. It's just illogical. The more believable thing would be that they transmit the plans to Leia, like they say in ANH. You can still have Vader having his moment but getting to the command deck where they manage to send off the plans and blow the computer but Vader sees where it's going before it goes out.
I love this movie so much. It's so much like the very first SW movie. I was pleasantly surprised to see it lead right into ANH. I've seen Rogue One so many times, and tears still flow at the end every time, especially when Leia speaks her one brief line: "Hope."😭
Star Wars never gets old! My grandson loves the entire series. This is a edge of your seat movie and it does not lack the most important item and that is action!
A little backstory: I was 10 years old when the original Star Wars hit theaters in 1977. Even before the movie came out, I owned a copy of the novelization (and still have it) of the movie. The movie itself changed my life at the time. So, to me, the entire Original Trilogy is ranked as my favorite trilogy of all time. Ranking the movies themselves, individually, Rogue One stands among my favorites in the entire franchise. A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are at the top, with Rogue One and Revenge of the Sith both holding a firm "second place" (yes, they are tied). When I saw this in theaters, I was that 10 year old kid seeing Star Wars for the first time all over again. When the 3rd act started (the raid on Skariff).... my spine tingled and I had goosebumps all over my body. I about lost my shit when the Rebel fleet showed up.... and that Vader scene at the end.... holy shit on a swizzle stick, Batman! That blew my mind! That was the Darth Vader I grew up on, outside of the movies. In the books and comics, Vader was absolutely BRUTAL, and that scene lived up to it. But.... fun fact: That scene wasn't in the script until about 2 months prior to the movie's release. Someone suggested that Vader should have "one bad-ass moment" and it was approved, a "reshoot" scheduled, filmed, edited, and put into the movie. It was the highlight of the movie, to be honest. Everyone in the theater I was in went ape-shit when we heard that familiar breathing... and when that lightsaber ignited.... the roof blew off of the place. As soon as the credits were done, I left the theater with my wife and son, and we hauled ass home where I immediately put on A New Hope. I have not watched one without the other since. They are a perfect "double feature". Several times per year, I'll "marathon" all of Star Wars. I start with the original theatrical releases of the OT, then watch the movie "Fanboys", which is an "our world" Star Wars related movie, then start at Episode I and go chronologically. Well, NOW that The Acolyte is done, I'll have to adjust and start there since it takes place long before Phantom Menace... but still... I have loved Star Wars since it originally released, and I can't get enough of it. Even at its worst, it's still "good".
That ending really recontextualizes the beginning of episode 4. Vader catches Leia and she tries to play dumb, going "what? we're on a diplomatic mission. whatever are you talking about?" Like he didn't just chase this ship down after it left Scarif literally 10 minutes before. The chutzpah. Imagine your coworker breaks into your house, steals the contents of your bedside table, walks out the front door, and you walk after him. You catch up to him 5 minutes later, still holding your wallet. And then he goes, "Oh, funny running into you here. I'm just going to the store."
People often confuse this movie's storyline and attribute Mon Mothma's line from Return of the Jedi to it. In that movie she said "Many Bothans died, bringing this information". There she's referring to the plans for the second Death Star and that the Emperor was overseeing the construction. But here we do see the cost of getting the first plans... The movie is very much a WWII war movie. Ordinary people doing heroic deeds and making sacrifices to complete a critical mission. You get a rag tag bunch of colorful characters with a little backstory and that's all you really need. I agree that the CGI wasn't needed. It's a different actress playing Mon Mothma and if you see Guy Henry (who played Tarkin here), he looked enough the part. So weird.
Not so much about this film but, the actor Denis Lawson, who plays Wedge Antilles, the X-wing pilot who is Luke's friend and is the only pilot to appear in all 3 of the original films, is the real-life uncle of Ewan McGregor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in episodes 1, 2 and 3. Also, when Denis Lawson found out that Ewan McGregor was considering the role of Obi-Wan, Denis said 'Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. ' because Denis felt that the role of Wedge had hindered his career in acting and didn't want Ewan to have the same misfortune.
Rogue came from the empire strikes back. The snow speeders on Hoth were rogue squadron. There was also a great video game series called rogue squadron. This movie is the origins of that squad. Their heroism lived on in the rebel military.
In my humble opinion, this is one of the best Star Wars movies. It shows us a not very pleasant side of the rebellion, and there is very little that is black and white clear. Everything is shades of gray. You mentioned you are a Star Trek fan, and how it's strange that you are liking Star Wars as well. There is room in our hearts for both. One reason for that (there are many, but this is one) is that Star Trek is Science Fiction. Some stories and series in the Trek universe do a better job of of that than others, but at it's heart, its Sci/Fi. Star Wars is a space opera, so instead of exploring things about how humanity is better or worse in the future and how technology plays a part in their lives like Trek does, Star Wars is an opera - a highly stylized, very dramatic fantasy story telling of the flaws and virtues of humanity in general. While we as watchers of the opera love the technology, the technology is not woven into the deep undercurrents of the tale it is trying to communicate - it is more of a vehicle. So, if I may, give yourself permission to like both - they are in fact really different from each other on an atomic level. Oh, and the "Many Bothans died to bring us this information" line was in Return of the Jedi, Episode VI, and was referring to the second death star. They kind of skipped over how Leia actually got the plans in Episode IV, and I am grateful we got that tale here.
Opera is correct especially with the near continuous soundtrack running in the background (which is the basic characteristic of an opera). I do have room for both ST and SW but SW has a lot of catching up to do before it reaches my nerddome level that I already have for ST.
Genevieve O'Reilly plays Mon Mothma in Andor, Rebels, The Clone Wars and Ahsoka. She had a deleted scene in Revenge of the Sith showing the early formation of the rebellion.
This is one of the very few times where late script changes and massive re-shoots ended with an awesome final product. There was (I believe) an ending shot where the heroes survived and escaped, but the production team rightly decided that their sacrifice for the rebellion was more meaningful.
For me this is the best Star Wars film since, well, Star Wars (I don’t acknowledge A New Hope as canon). It has all the emotion and adventure of the original. How it ties so seamlessly into the opening sequence when Leia lies to Vader since she didn’t know he was there and how he knew the truth. Just a superb movie.
23:00 - that was just a "test" - a single reactor ignition The full thing was used, for the first time, on Alderaan - where Tarkin demonstrated the full power of the Death Star
I grew up with cassette tapes and that thing was much bigger. But it did also look like it had a CD in it so my tech imagination was running in circles. haha It better have played a darned good song for all that trouble though lol
What makes Rogue One so great is that all the heroes of the story die a heroic death or at least contributed to a heroic cause. You did not include it but Bodhi's death striked me the most because of the realistic side of war. An unexpected death with no words spoken. This was Disney's first and last great SW movie.
@@andymiller6661 Are you going to say this at the end of every nice comment? "The NHS saved both my mum and granny from dieing. It was there for me several times - including when I was born, and when my wife gave birth ... at no cost to me, it saved my sister's life when she caught Covid, and needed putting on a respirator ... The NHS is AMAZING!" And then you go ...
@jazzx251 They're all to aware in writing and pacing that we know generally how the movie ends. But instead of dealing with the forgone conclusion that they will steal and deliver the plans no matter what by slowing down and developing the characters, they're violently propelled from action to action with no real actual or natural progression in relationships. Jyn goes from yelling at Cassian to quoting him passionately and Cassian goes from cold blooded killer to organizing a suicide squad for her because he chose not to kill the one person he was specifically ordered to kill, which was her father. And he had good reasons for not killing him, I'm sure Bor gullet was used, despite him making people go crazy, to learn the truth. Yet nothing comes of that truth gathering scene. When the X-Wings attacked Jyn's fathers position, we're told that they can't be called off because they're already committed. Nonsense. No shots were fired yet, and there's apparently instantaneous two way interstellar communications in Star Wars and with that squadron, so there's plenty of time to call them off. Even if there wasn't, there's nothing to prevent one of the X-Wings from hovering over the pad for a few seconds and sweeping the pad clear of enemies while his squad mates covered him. The end battle scenes went from "Cool visuals, I guess," to, "Seriously?" The inclusion of Red and Gold Leaders, obviously limited to what they could cull from cut angles meaning the almost the same exact lines from A New Hope was jarring. Then there's the out of place Mos Eisley jerks somehow being on Jedha, being jerks on Jedha because they have to cram some random cameo in the movie, just for them to leave Jedha immediately after being jerks and going straight to Tattoine, without freaking out over almost being killed by the Death Star. Pretty much everyone died in an explosion immediately after serving their one purpose in the movie, which was to flip a switch. And some of those switches were outside and exposed to the elements for no reason. And the antenna was out of alignment for no reason, and somehow transmitted to everyone yet just the rebel flagship, which had Leia's ship in it for some reason. And let's not forget that C-3PO and R2-D2 were in the Yavin hangar when everyone left yet on Leia's ship when it got boarded not much longer later. Also, the battle scenes was ridiculous. The rebels had the element of surprise, yet they didn't immediately start shooting everything on sight upon exiting lightspeed. There was no general plan and at most minimal coordination. Orders were given sporadically, instead of rapid fire. There was no shooting between the capital ships and minimal firing from the capital ships. There was no bombing or bombardment of the Imperial structure surrounding the shield opening. There were no squadrons of fighters firing volleys of torpedoes, just random fighters almost casually flying about and shooting at the occasional target. There were a total of 3 star destroyers in orbit around Scarif and yet not one deployed any troops to reinforce the surface. Instead, they just let the surface fend for itself and eventually Tarkin destroyed the Empire's own base, despite only some rebels being on the surface and despite the rebels already getting the plans. And fuck the rest of the data stored there, right? That's not important anymore for some reason. Vader's scene at the end was supposed to be orgasmicilly amazing, yet it's a let down and shows him to be incompetent. He dramatically took his time and turned off his life support and almost casually walked down the hall killing fools, instead of being mister badass sith and using the Force to brush everyone to the side and at least trying to Force grab the plans or using the Force to at least try stopping Leia's ship. Then he's standing in the vacuum of space like his suit is rated for that. The opening crawl in A New Hope mentioned spies, yet there weren't really spies. Just some people sneaking into a base. Sure, that could constitute spying, but barely at that. Vader mentioned that the data was beamed to her ship; sure, the satellite dish transmitted the data, but not to her ship. If they're going to have Vader eage against the machine and her ship be attached to the flagship for some reason, have Vader mow down the rebel scum and get the plans, only to have Leias ship leave and the communication officer on the flagship transmit/beam the data to her. That can be arranged since the data was transmitted to the flagship and copied to the case but not necessarily deleted from the ships computer. The one of Leia's officers copies the data to the disc and then deleted the data from the her ships computer. Or better yet, have a spy team on the surface. Then Leia's ship arrives to take on supplies for a "mercy mission" (as vaguely mentioned in A New Hope). The spies bribe a bunch of people (Leia mentioning the price they paid), and beam the data up to her ship. Vader happens to be near, somehow catches on and chases her, rolling into A New Hope.
the tank Vader (and Luke) were submerged in is called a Bacta tank. The fluid is a solution of sea water from the Ocean planet of Manaan mixed with Kolto which is an extract form a form of seaweed (from the same planet) along with a concoction of beneficial bacteria that promotes healing and regenerates wounds
Great movie, yes Christina... And you were wonderful with your emotions. Also ( I am pretty sure that the biind man and his friend were part of the keeper of the wills. )
23:45 The two shots the Death Star fires in this movie are not at full power - they don't want to destroy the planets, only specific locations on the planet's surface.
Hey. Christina! Shout out from the US Marine Corps! Love your reaction to this. I wish you left more of the ending where Darth Vader just goes ham on the rebellion troops. But that's okay. No big deal. It was still a great reaction! Keep up the good stuff! ❤🤍💙💛
Crying to this film shows a lot of your sensitivity and compassion. We all cried because a year sold before this released in theaters the actress Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia, died. Please be part of the in universe feeling by coming to Galaxy’s Edge (Star Wars land) at Disneyland in California. - The Disneyland Neighbor
Then why not just put him in costume? I made the mistake of watching Rogue One in 3D at the cinema Their CGI Tarkin was literally a cardboard cutout in 3D ... not convincing at all! Princess Leia was much better somehow. But their's no reason why you can't just put some makeup on a convincing actor - and have them be Tarkin, or Leia
That was always the Force theme. People might think of it as "The Skywalker" theme because the Skywalkers are so obviously connected to the Force, and the first time audiences heard it was when Luke was looking at the twin suns of Tatooine, but on the original soundtrack's liner notes John Williams called it the Obi-Wan Kenobi theme and by extension the Force theme.
Where I am getting my information is from the titles that I have seen over the years from the orchestral scores and parts. I have played many a concert with different titles on each theme.
@@okchristina Then they have been labeled incorrectly. When the composer himself refers to the binary suns theme as the Force theme and it’s labeled that way since 1977 in the liner notes of the original soundtrack album, I’m going with the composer. 😏
Storm trooper armor protects the wearer from extreme harsh environments and absorbs energy from blaster bolts allowing the wearer to survive low power weaponry and glancing blows. The rebels know the armors capability and equip high power weaponry in response.
Jedha is only one place out of an unknown number of planets in the Star Wars galaxy that the Jedi got their kyber crystals from throughout the millennia they were an Order. When Palpatine took over Coruscant, he purposely made The Jedi Temple his new headquarters, so that he could raid the Order’s archives, because they’d been collecting Sith artifacts for hundreds of thousands of years. He also wanted to learn where more Jedi temples were, so that he could get more knowledge and artifacts that the Jedi had been hiding. Through this process he learned about Jedha, and some other places, but he wasn’t able to discover every hidden temple, cache, or outpost the Jedi had throughout their existence.
Music is by Michael Jiacchino, he brings his own flavour while also imitating Ep4 music ambient. No beed to be a Jedi family to believe in the Force. The Force was adored by religions in Star Wars, just like Tarkin says in Ep4... Armor is mostly effective against schapnels, not direct shots. Yavin IV is Ep4's rebel base. The Force Theme, Christina... The Force Theme. It was originally Obi Wan's theme in Ep4. But they made it into the Force theme, also meaning Faith, Destiny... The Skywalker theme is the base Star Wars Theme. The guy voicing and motion capturing Tarkin is the one who played the fake Minister for Magic in Harry Potter Dealthly Hallows pt1; the one acting on Voldy's orders, Pius Thicknesse. CGI Tarkin face was added later on, and it's hit and miss. Star Destroyer: One mile long (1600 m) Death Star 1: 100 Miles in diameter (160 km) Death Star 2 in Return of the Jedi is 240 km in diameter. Did you notice that the Death Star motif is more subdued here than in Ep4? It clearly marks the power status of the superweapon, not yet fully operational here... This test is only with one reactor, it's the most minimal power setting for the weapon and it's already terrifying, like thousands of Tsar Bombas.. It's not another lava planet, it's THE lava planet, Mustafar ! where Vader had his personal castle built near the place he was consumed and officiallly ceased being Anakin.
First things first your hair 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Rogue One IMHO is the best SW movie... Andor the prequel series is not only the best SW project but top 10 tv series all time. 😊
Christina the storm trooper armor is mostly for environmental protection and glancing shots is a cheap armor designed for mass production not for effectiveness.
Mon Mothma's "Many Bothans died to bring us this information" is actually from RETURN OF THE JEDI, not the original STAR WARS and was the information as to where the second Death Star was being built, not the plans from STAR WARS (seen in early form in ATTACK OF THE CLONES).
@@okchristina: they both have the exact same plot climax, unfortunately. "I know! Let's blow up the Death Star AGAIN!" was not the most creative choice George Lucas ever made.
When Mon Mothma says, _many bothans died to bring us this information_ that was in _Return of the Jedi_ not _Star Wars._ It was in referrence to the second death star. Not the one in _Rogue One._ Also, I think you missed it when Tarkin told Krennic (sp?) to fire a low force yield at Jedha city. That's why it didn't blow the whole planet.
1986's RAW DEAL is Arnold Swarzeneggers most underrated and one of his best movies ever. It's his only Mobster movie and as of now there is not one single reaction video for this movie on RUclips. It's a highly recommended suggestion by me.
9:15 "The place with the pyramid is Rebel, the good guys. So it's like Hoth but hot and humid." Well, OK, yeah. But we first see Hoth in Empire Strikes Back. Before that was A New Hope when the Rebel base was on Yavin IV. Here. This base. This IS the exact same base where Luke Skywalker and some other guys flew their X-Wings and other ships to blow up the first Death Star in A New Hope. The effects team lovingly recreated that base for this movie, but also, they blended in a few bits from the Hoth base too.
Nice reaction - I was never expecting to cry over new characters, but the ending packs such a punch. Great film. Do watch the prequel series Andor - it’s even better.
Just found your channel, and holy wow, did I catch you on the right movie. Excellent movie, excellent reaction. I have watched this film with many reactors, but yours was stunning, perhaps the best yet. Your observations were on point, your emotional responses were right on target, and you never seemed completely baffled. If you live anywhere near Austin, Texas, would you like to get coffee? 😉
I just looked at your catalog. Simply fabulous. You've got a lot of the common reactor chestnuts and a lot of great unique viewings as well. I am going to enjoy mining your backlog. (That sounded naughty. Unintentional. 😉)
The best movie ever about a rag tag team of commandos going a suicide mission is The Dirty Dozen. Highly recommend. Another is The Guns of Navaronne. This one is right up there.
37:25 "Are these the people that 'many people died to get these plans' was about?" No. When Mon Mothma said that in Return of the Jedi, she was talking about the SECOND death star, not the first one. She actually said "Many Bothans died to bring us this information." Bothans are an alien species in Star Wars that look roughly like anthropomorphic lions and have excellent natural affinity for spying. No big lions in this crew because these are the rebels, all human, who are stealing the plans for the first death star. 48:20 "I'll never be able to see her say that line without tears, remembering Cassian and Jyn on the beach." Well, since she was talking about other people in a different story, it's not really the same. But still, she might have said "Many people died to bring us both sets of Death Star plans." and it would have still been true.
if you haven't already and my guess would be that you haven't, you should definitely watch Andor. in my opinion it's not only some of the best star wars tv ever made, it's some of the best tv ever made , period. it kinda expands on what you were talking about, the almost accidental collaborations and the true human cost of war. if you decide to react to it i'll totally be there for it, but even if you don't want to do that, i'm pretty confident you'd get a lot out of it. awesome reaction as always, thanks so much for sharing and much love to you and yours🙂🙂🙂❤❤❤
The best Disney Star Wars movie. one of the four best franchise movies (along with 1977, Empire, and Sith) The spin off series "Andor" might just be the best Star Wars product since 1977. Better in the context of what the franchise became, but 1977 as a stand-alone is SO different from even Empire it can't really be compared to anything that followed.
You deserve "Star Wars: Andor" The best 12 episodes ever made for TV (with another 12 to follow ... but baby steps ...) You will see how Cassian Andor went from a petty thief, to deciding to join the fledgeling rebel alliance You will also learn, from a traumatic childhood, why he now always shoots first! You will also get to see Mon Mothma being the secretive funder of the rebellion - played brilliantly by Genevieve O'Riley who you see in Rogue One This actress played the same character in Revenge of the Sith - but all of her scenes/lines were cut ... she's finally got what she deserved, a truly great character, now one of my Star Wars all-time favourites And you'll also see multiple new characters who are ALL superbly acted and well written. Yennefer of Vengerberg from videogame masterpiece "The Witcher 3" (otherwise known as Denise Gough, double Olivier Award-winning stage actress) ... plays the main Imperial villain, the callous Lieutenant Dedra Meero Andor is a masterpiece - how it was made/funded by Disney remains a complete mystery. ALL of Disney's Star Wars TV shows have been very poor - except for Andor. I still don't know how this is possible. 12 episodes so far, all filmed on location, all written superbly - $250 million - and worth every penny? From a cash-grabbing corporation, whose other TV shows pander to the lowest common denominator for $$$$$$$$$ It doesn't fit the narrative of "Star Wars is dead!" - that so many professional haters spout here; which is why none of them mention Andor during their screeds - it's inconvenient to admit that the best ever TV show doesn't fit the narrative. I personally forgive Disney for everthing else they have ever done ... they gave me Andor, a wonderful, astonishing TV show I will never forget, ever I will leave my final words to one of the supporting characters in Andor - Nemik, the young idealist who writes a manifesto about how to take down the Empire: "There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy. Remember this, Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they’ve already enlisted in the cause. Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward. And remember this: the Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empires’s authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this: Try." That's only one of at least 10 awesome monologues in Andor ...
You definitely should watch the show Andor. It's amazing. Cassian is the title character and the show is centered around how he ends up joining the rebellion. However, Mon Mothma ("the lady in white") is a very important character in the show. The actress that portrays her in this movie (Genevieve O'Reilly) reprises her role in the show and is amazing in it. Stellan Sarsgaard plays a major character as well and as expected, he's fantastic, as he is in everything he's in. Fiona Shaw as Maarva, Kyle Soller as Syril Karn, Denise Gough as Dedra Meero are all great. There's too many great performances to count or name. It's such an outstanding show.
2:30 "Anyone else out there wish that our planet had rings?" Nope. 1. Rings visible from Earth's surface would be large and thick enough to block some sunlight, lowering planetary temperature especially in winter. By a lot. Longer, colder, harsher winters would affect everything from agriculture to economy. Life would be harder. 2. Rings would almost certainly interfere with satellites. I like having satellites. Life is better with them than without. 3. It's unlikely we can have the most awesome moon in the solar system AND have rings. Gotta pick one*. *Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is 80% more massive than Earth's moon while Saturn is 9,500% more massive than Earth, so Saturn CAN hold moons and rings, but Earth cannot, unless our moons were tiny like meteors instead of our big lovely moon that hits your eye like a big pizza pie.
I've said this many times, they DID NOT need the CGI for Tarkin. Guy Henry already had a striking resemblance to Peter Cushing. Only thing they had to do is some hair coloring and maybe some prosthetics and you'd have Tarkin without the CGI. Instead, the CGI'd Tarkin onto Guy Henry
Baal Organa, former Imperial Senator from Alderaan, adoptive father of Leia, whom we last saw twenty years ago (in-universe) in REVENGE OF THE SITH looks older because, you know, he's twenty years older. How could he not? It's been twenty years since Luke was born, Yoda and Obi-Wan went into exile, Baal took baby Leia back to Alderaan to be raised as his daughter and princess of Alderaan; this movie is, of course, set a day or so before the so-called "A New Hope," aka "STAR WARS."
First of all, I must say that from my point of view, a Star Wars movie without Jedi is not a Star Wars movie. Star Wars was created around the Jedi. That being said, Rogue One is an excellent bridge between two existing stories and has to adapt to established characters, dialogues, and rules, which can’t be easy to achieve. It’s an excellent spin-off, and in my opinion, the best Star Wars movie in the Disney era. The appearance of Vader and Princess Leia brought tears to my eyes from nostalgia after 20 years of not seeing them, even though the digital effect wasn’t perfect. Thanks for your reaction. PS: You should watch Clone Wars, Rebels, Episodes 7, 8, and 9 (much to my dismay), and The Mandalorian in that order. I’m also an old-school fan, and the order matters to have the full experience when watching them.
Ok Christina… (sorry, I'm new here andnI couldn't help myself!) Now that you've seen RO, it sounds like you react to shows as well, so I *strongly* encourage you to watch the "prequel" series to Rogue One called "Andor" that follows the spy/agent Capt. Cassian Andor seen here. The show is not just a great SW show, its just an excellent show. I cannot recommend it highly enough! Cheers.
At least outside the original trilogy I'm pretty sure that rogue One is a fan favorite by just about everybody and had the baddest Darth Vader scene ever. I really enjoyed your reaction on another note have you considered watching the The family Guy Star wars movies there's three I think you'd get a kick out of them
23:35 "Is this what happened on Leia's planet? I thought it was more instantaneous." No, that was different. Here they used one single reactor to fire this shot at Jedda's holy city. On Alderaan (Leia's home) they used all their full power. The conversation between Grand Moff Tarkin and Director Krennic that you have at 20:45 in your video includes these lines that you didn't include in your edit: Krennic: I stand ready to destroy the entire moon. Tarkin: That won't be necessary. We need a statement, not a manifesto. Krennic (giving orders): Target Jedda City. Prepare single reactor ignition.
Right -- I remember them deciding to just do a test. I know they just targeted the city, but wow did it seem to expand across the horizon!! I would think that would be an extinction level event for that planet eventually!
@@okchristina You could be right. The meteor that killed the dinosaurs and nearly caused all life on earth to go extinct almost certainly didn't make an explosion as big as we saw in this movie. So Jedda is in for a nuclear winter lasting years, maybe decades, wiping out nearly all plant life and nearly everything that eats plants and nearly everything that eats the stuff that eats plants. But the planet will still exist. Probably. And everything capable of getting on a spaceship and leaving will be fine, unless they got caught in that blast like the people in Jedda City and like Saw Gerrera.
Also K2 saying “your behavior is continually unexpected” is a complement, he specializes in strategic analysis, and he struggles to predict what Jyn will do
7:23 no. It offers no protection whatsoever. In the tv series Kenobi the armor could not even protect them from being slapped on the head with an open hand swat. 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
When the time comes, you will watch ANDOR and see the birth of the rebellion and Cassian journey before Rogue One, and it’ll work just as well as this one for your appreciation of this saga!
Even after he has been long taken from us, Peter Cushing is still crushing it as Grand Moff Tarkin. :)
Also, the child that Jyn saves...ah, yeah. Sorry.
She was saving her own inner child!
@@okchristinaOmg I never made that connection!
This is probably the best sequel/prequel ever written for Star Wars.
Rogue One does have a TV spin off series in Andor - the journey of Cassian Andor towards joining the Rebellion. Highly recommended to watch. It’s probably the most grown up Star Wars story written for the 1977 crowd and has an excellent cast. Diego Luna reprises his character here.
Yet still bad
I think Andor is the single best SW TV series. Hoping it gets a 2nd season and that that season is equally excellent.
Andor is a must qatch. Its Star Wars for grown ups. Its amazing.
Diego Luna...
And Andy Serkis
And Skaargard
And everyone else. Stellar cast and acting.
ANDOR is almost universally considered one of the best, if not the very best, STAR WARS fictions ever produced on screen so far.
It's certainly the most grown-up.
My one nitpick is that it doesn't well support Cassian's line that "I've been fighting since I was six years old."
But people are allowed a bit of license in their bragging.
We all cried, this was an amazing movie & George Lucas loved this movie so much he tweeted director Gareth Edwards.
I’ve never cried watching Star Wars movie.
It is in fact the only movie post George Lucas's control that he expressed a particularly positive sentiment for, which is partly why I'm willing to accept it along with his original canon, besides it also being a very good movie.
The director said single reactor ignition. So it used a small portion of its firepower to destroy jedha city
Right. And still terrifyingly destructive!!!
I've been waiting for this one I knew it would break you don't worry it breaks everyone ❤.
In the rebel attack to Scarif, the red five pilot unfortunately died. And the rebellion chose later a new red five pilot... Luke Skywalker. For me, this is one of the best SW films ever. The whole film is incredible, and the last 15 minutes a brutal rollercoaster (Vader OMG).
Yet still bad.
Vader being incompetent is pretty brutal
When he showed up in that hallway at the end I lost my breath. And to see him so strong throwing people around was so painful to watch. What a great movie!!
@@andymiller6661 You didn't watch the same movie I did.
@@jimdetry9420 Correct. So we both saw Vader being incompetent
@@andymiller6661 Even though the sequels sucked, you've let your Disney Derangement Syndrome spill over onto a good movie. Either that or you're about 12 years old.
"Noooo. Noooo. Nah-uhh." Yes, at the end, we in the theater that first weekend said the same thing. That ending sliding seamlessly into A New Hope was a total surprise. One thing you notice in A New Hope is that when Leia claims to be on an innocent diplomatic mission, Vader is thinking, "I just saw you leave with those plans!"
And no wonder he was so pissed at the beginning of A New Hope, he was THAT CLOSE to getting those darn plans back!
I'm sure the gasp was quite loud in the theater!!!!!!
Remember that those Corellian Corvettes are very common ships. Corellia built thousands of them. They're the Toyota Corolla of space. So Leia is pulling the "it's just a coincidence my ship looks similar" card.
If you notice in the movies set after this in the timeline, there's no blue squadron, only red and gold. That's because blue squadron were all pretty much killed at the end of the movie in the battle.
This was one of the best of SW episodes. The back story so well done. Wish they were all as comprehensively brilliant.
You were very keen to spot the character Mon Mothma who appears in Return Of The Jedi (played by a different actress, of course). Her line, "Many Bothans died to bring to bring us this information..." is talking about the NEW battle station under construction during ROTJ.
She had another scene in the third prequel, Revenge Of The Sith, that was cut out from the theatrical release but you can find it on DVD extras or probably on RUclips. She sitting in a room with Padame and Bail Organa (Leia's adoptive father played by Jimmy Smits) planning the first kernels of what will become the Rebels. For time restriction, Lucas cut it out as it didn't need to be included to move the story along.
If you go on to watch the Andor Series or the animated Rebels Series, you'll come across Mon Mothma's character as well.
I like her character. I hope to see Andor at some point in the future too!!
@thegorn68 the actress they got for this and Andor has an uncanny resemblance
@@robmarconi6758 And RotS
Rogue One is definitely the best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back. And Andor is the finest live action series. It is truly a must watch.
Saludos desde la República Dominicana excelente video 👍👏🇩🇴
One of my favorite parts; the Red Leader and Gold Leader were actually parts were actually alternate takes from the original Star Wars movie (1977) that they incorporated into this film
Love it!!!
I am going to echo what several others have said and strongly encourage you to watch "Andor". As a side note about this film, when Bail Organa says "I would trust her with my life" and walks away, you can hear him tell Captain Antilles that he has a mission for him. Later, in Episode IV, C-3PO mentions that their (his and R2's) last master was Captain Antilles. That's why they were on the ship with Leia and eventually launched in the escape pod down to Tatooine.
Yes, I think I am sold on the idea for Andor at this point! Excellent observation of how our two favorite droids made it onto Leia's ship.
This is what all the Disney Star Wars could have been.
...what Disney Star Wars SHOULD have been. Well said.
Beautiful reaction. You will love andor. It is my favorite tv season in history. It is basically 4 epic films. 1-3, 4-6, 7-10, 11 &12. The quality of writing, acting, world building, etc is spectacular. And don’t forget the tissues.
Ooooooo I am really getting more and more excited about Andor!!!!
And thank you!
Christina, tears are appropriate for Rogue One. The Rebellion leader Mon Mothma said that speech in Return of the Jedi. They were Bothans who died getting the plans for Death Star 2. Rogue One died to get the plans for The first Death Star. Rogue One’s heroic sacrifice is in the opening prologue of A New Hope. Rogue One is honored by the Rebellion in that in The Empire Strikes Back Luke’s squadron battling the Walkers on the Ice Planet is called Rogue Squadron, Luke and later Wedge Antilles are called Rogue Leader. Disney Star Wars TV series ANDOR, is Cassian’s origin story.
Red 5 was one pilot who died when the shield gate closed. That is why Luke was to become Red 5 in Star Wars. The spot was vacant.
@@Browncoat66 Red 5 died later on
23:23 Yes, this is a "single reactor ignition" this is not a test on the same scale as the Alderan "test"
Also, this was even mentioned in the Star Wars novelization (prior to being sub-titled "A New Hope") in 1976. The Death Star was capable of firing up to 10 times per day (standard galactic "rotation") at the lower power, but only 1 time per day at full power. The novel came out prior to the movie, and I still have my original copy. Also, for those who never read it, the Emperor was mentioned by name (Palpatine) in that novel. That's how many older OT fans knew who he was in the Prequels.
Bail Organa is older yeah. He talks subtly about Obi Wan (the hidden Jedi), and when he says "I will trust her with my life" , he´s obviously talking about his daughter, princess Leia Organa.
Who should have been on her way to Tatooine and not at the battle of Scariff. My only real complaint about the film.
Maybe she was there to get the plans first?
@@artboymoy If there's anything we know about Leia, it's that she would never avoid a good fight.
@@artboymoywhy do you say that ? The ship gets reintercepted later neat Tatooin.
@@znk0r Because she was sent on a mission to go to Tatooine and get General Kenobi. If that's the mission, you're not going to say, hey, why don't you join us in a battle we might not survive. It's just illogical. The more believable thing would be that they transmit the plans to Leia, like they say in ANH. You can still have Vader having his moment but getting to the command deck where they manage to send off the plans and blow the computer but Vader sees where it's going before it goes out.
tarkin the legend!it was good to see him again!indeed we were shown him for a few seconds in episode 3 but this here was something else! 😃👍
I love this movie so much. It's so much like the very first SW movie. I was pleasantly surprised to see it lead right into ANH.
I've seen Rogue One so many times, and tears still flow at the end every time, especially when Leia speaks her one brief line: "Hope."😭
Star Wars never gets old! My grandson loves the entire series. This is a edge of your seat movie and it does not lack the most important item and that is action!
I agree!!
This might be my favorite STAR WARS film.
A little backstory: I was 10 years old when the original Star Wars hit theaters in 1977. Even before the movie came out, I owned a copy of the novelization (and still have it) of the movie. The movie itself changed my life at the time. So, to me, the entire Original Trilogy is ranked as my favorite trilogy of all time. Ranking the movies themselves, individually, Rogue One stands among my favorites in the entire franchise. A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi are at the top, with Rogue One and Revenge of the Sith both holding a firm "second place" (yes, they are tied). When I saw this in theaters, I was that 10 year old kid seeing Star Wars for the first time all over again. When the 3rd act started (the raid on Skariff).... my spine tingled and I had goosebumps all over my body. I about lost my shit when the Rebel fleet showed up.... and that Vader scene at the end.... holy shit on a swizzle stick, Batman! That blew my mind! That was the Darth Vader I grew up on, outside of the movies. In the books and comics, Vader was absolutely BRUTAL, and that scene lived up to it. But.... fun fact: That scene wasn't in the script until about 2 months prior to the movie's release. Someone suggested that Vader should have "one bad-ass moment" and it was approved, a "reshoot" scheduled, filmed, edited, and put into the movie. It was the highlight of the movie, to be honest. Everyone in the theater I was in went ape-shit when we heard that familiar breathing... and when that lightsaber ignited.... the roof blew off of the place.
As soon as the credits were done, I left the theater with my wife and son, and we hauled ass home where I immediately put on A New Hope. I have not watched one without the other since. They are a perfect "double feature".
Several times per year, I'll "marathon" all of Star Wars. I start with the original theatrical releases of the OT, then watch the movie "Fanboys", which is an "our world" Star Wars related movie, then start at Episode I and go chronologically. Well, NOW that The Acolyte is done, I'll have to adjust and start there since it takes place long before Phantom Menace... but still...
I have loved Star Wars since it originally released, and I can't get enough of it. Even at its worst, it's still "good".
Great reaction Chris. 😊👏👏 I also loved this one. 🥰
Thank you so much!! It is a great story.
That ending really recontextualizes the beginning of episode 4. Vader catches Leia and she tries to play dumb, going "what? we're on a diplomatic mission. whatever are you talking about?" Like he didn't just chase this ship down after it left Scarif literally 10 minutes before. The chutzpah. Imagine your coworker breaks into your house, steals the contents of your bedside table, walks out the front door, and you walk after him. You catch up to him 5 minutes later, still holding your wallet. And then he goes, "Oh, funny running into you here. I'm just going to the store."
People often confuse this movie's storyline and attribute Mon Mothma's line from Return of the Jedi to it. In that movie she said "Many Bothans died, bringing this information". There she's referring to the plans for the second Death Star and that the Emperor was overseeing the construction. But here we do see the cost of getting the first plans...
The movie is very much a WWII war movie. Ordinary people doing heroic deeds and making sacrifices to complete a critical mission. You get a rag tag bunch of colorful characters with a little backstory and that's all you really need.
I agree that the CGI wasn't needed. It's a different actress playing Mon Mothma and if you see Guy Henry (who played Tarkin here), he looked enough the part. So weird.
Not so much about this film but, the actor Denis Lawson, who plays Wedge Antilles, the X-wing pilot who is Luke's friend and is the only pilot to appear in all 3 of the original films, is the real-life uncle of Ewan McGregor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in episodes 1, 2 and 3.
Also, when Denis Lawson found out that Ewan McGregor was considering the role of Obi-Wan, Denis said 'Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. ' because Denis felt that the role of Wedge had hindered his career in acting and didn't want Ewan to have the same misfortune.
@Christina it is not ridiculous to cry when a movie earns that :), it is ridiculous to never see movies that move us emotionally :)
Good! The emotional attachment is so strong!!
@@okchristina very much so :)
"...8-track, stick it in" 🤣 Perfectly ok to get emotional. In the words of Obi Wan, "Let Go!" Lol.
Oh I certainly let it allll go lolol
Rogue came from the empire strikes back. The snow speeders on Hoth were rogue squadron. There was also a great video game series called rogue squadron. This movie is the origins of that squad. Their heroism lived on in the rebel military.
Best Star Wars movie ever, a real tragedy and the perfect intro for "A New Hope".
This was a great reaction ✌🏽💯
I’ve always wanted to be a Jedi 😊
It would be very cool.
Very underrated film when it was made , people are starting to see how good it is now
OG here. Loved the original trilogy but i think this is my favorite Star Wars content...
It is pretty dang good
In my humble opinion, this is one of the best Star Wars movies. It shows us a not very pleasant side of the rebellion, and there is very little that is black and white clear. Everything is shades of gray.
You mentioned you are a Star Trek fan, and how it's strange that you are liking Star Wars as well. There is room in our hearts for both. One reason for that (there are many, but this is one) is that Star Trek is Science Fiction. Some stories and series in the Trek universe do a better job of of that than others, but at it's heart, its Sci/Fi. Star Wars is a space opera, so instead of exploring things about how humanity is better or worse in the future and how technology plays a part in their lives like Trek does, Star Wars is an opera - a highly stylized, very dramatic fantasy story telling of the flaws and virtues of humanity in general. While we as watchers of the opera love the technology, the technology is not woven into the deep undercurrents of the tale it is trying to communicate - it is more of a vehicle. So, if I may, give yourself permission to like both - they are in fact really different from each other on an atomic level.
Oh, and the "Many Bothans died to bring us this information" line was in Return of the Jedi, Episode VI, and was referring to the second death star. They kind of skipped over how Leia actually got the plans in Episode IV, and I am grateful we got that tale here.
Opera is correct especially with the near continuous soundtrack running in the background (which is the basic characteristic of an opera). I do have room for both ST and SW but SW has a lot of catching up to do before it reaches my nerddome level that I already have for ST.
I am a fan of both Star Trek and Star Wars and I don't understand the conflict.
@@blanewilliams5960 There is only conflict in social media, where people trash talk on principle.
Genevieve O'Reilly plays Mon Mothma in Andor, Rebels, The Clone Wars and Ahsoka. She had a deleted scene in Revenge of the Sith showing the early formation of the rebellion.
This is one of the very few times where late script changes and massive re-shoots ended with an awesome final product. There was (I believe) an ending shot where the heroes survived and escaped, but the production team rightly decided that their sacrifice for the rebellion was more meaningful.
Everyone cries at the end of this movie! You weren't alone!
For me this is the best Star Wars film since, well, Star Wars (I don’t acknowledge A New Hope as canon). It has all the emotion and adventure of the original. How it ties so seamlessly into the opening sequence when Leia lies to Vader since she didn’t know he was there and how he knew the truth.
Just a superb movie.
23:00 - that was just a "test" - a single reactor ignition
The full thing was used, for the first time, on Alderaan - where Tarkin demonstrated the full power of the Death Star
BTW, great 8-track reference. Made me laugh.
I grew up with cassette tapes and that thing was much bigger. But it did also look like it had a CD in it so my tech imagination was running in circles. haha It better have played a darned good song for all that trouble though lol
@@okchristinaIt played "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" by Tiny Tim. On ukulele, of course. 😅
What makes Rogue One so great is that all the heroes of the story die a heroic death or at least contributed to a heroic cause. You did not include it but Bodhi's death striked me the most because of the realistic side of war. An unexpected death with no words spoken. This was Disney's first and last great SW movie.
Yet it's still bad
@@andymiller6661 Are you going to say this at the end of every nice comment?
"The NHS saved both my mum and granny from dieing. It was there for me several times - including when I was born, and when my wife gave birth ... at no cost to me, it saved my sister's life when she caught Covid, and needed putting on a respirator ...
And then you go ...
@jazzx251 They're all to aware in writing and pacing that we know generally how the movie ends. But instead of dealing with the forgone conclusion that they will steal and deliver the plans no matter what by slowing down and developing the characters, they're violently propelled from action to action with no real actual or natural progression in relationships. Jyn goes from yelling at Cassian to quoting him passionately and Cassian goes from cold blooded killer to organizing a suicide squad for her because he chose not to kill the one person he was specifically ordered to kill, which was her father. And he had good reasons for not killing him, I'm sure
Bor gullet was used, despite him making people go crazy, to learn the truth. Yet nothing comes of that truth gathering scene.
When the X-Wings attacked Jyn's fathers position, we're told that they can't be called off because they're already committed. Nonsense. No shots were fired yet, and there's apparently instantaneous two way interstellar communications in Star Wars and with that squadron, so there's plenty of time to call them off. Even if there wasn't, there's nothing to prevent one of the X-Wings from hovering over the pad for a few seconds and sweeping the pad clear of enemies while his squad mates covered him.
The end battle scenes went from "Cool visuals, I guess," to, "Seriously?" The inclusion of Red and Gold Leaders, obviously limited to what they could cull from cut angles meaning the almost the same exact lines from A New Hope was jarring.
Then there's the out of place Mos Eisley jerks somehow being on Jedha, being jerks on Jedha because they have to cram some random cameo in the movie, just for them to leave Jedha immediately after being jerks and going straight to Tattoine, without freaking out over almost being killed by the Death Star.
Pretty much everyone died in an explosion immediately after serving their one purpose in the movie, which was to flip a switch. And some of those switches were outside and exposed to the elements for no reason. And the antenna was out of alignment for no reason, and somehow transmitted to everyone yet just the rebel flagship, which had Leia's ship in it for some reason. And let's not forget that C-3PO and R2-D2 were in the Yavin hangar when everyone left yet on Leia's ship when it got boarded not much longer later.
Also, the battle scenes was ridiculous. The rebels had the element of surprise, yet they didn't immediately start shooting everything on sight upon exiting lightspeed. There was no general plan and at most minimal coordination. Orders were given sporadically, instead of rapid fire. There was no shooting between the capital ships and minimal firing from the capital ships. There was no bombing or bombardment of the Imperial structure surrounding the shield opening. There were no squadrons of fighters firing volleys of torpedoes, just random fighters almost casually flying about and shooting at the occasional target. There were a total of 3 star destroyers in orbit around Scarif and yet not one deployed any troops to reinforce the surface. Instead, they just let the surface fend for itself and eventually Tarkin destroyed the Empire's own base, despite only some rebels being on the surface and despite the rebels already getting the plans. And fuck the rest of the data stored there, right? That's not important anymore for some reason.
Vader's scene at the end was supposed to be orgasmicilly amazing, yet it's a let down and shows him to be incompetent. He dramatically took his time and turned off his life support and almost casually walked down the hall killing fools, instead of being mister badass sith and using the Force to brush everyone to the side and at least trying to Force grab the plans or using the Force to at least try stopping Leia's ship. Then he's standing in the vacuum of space like his suit is rated for that.
The opening crawl in A New Hope mentioned spies, yet there weren't really spies. Just some people sneaking into a base. Sure, that could constitute spying, but barely at that. Vader mentioned that the data was beamed to her ship; sure, the satellite dish transmitted the data, but not to her ship. If they're going to have Vader eage against the machine and her ship be attached to the flagship for some reason, have Vader mow down the rebel scum and get the plans, only to have Leias ship leave and the communication officer on the flagship transmit/beam the data to her. That can be arranged since the data was transmitted to the flagship and copied to the case but not necessarily deleted from the ships computer. The one of Leia's officers copies the data to the disc and then deleted the data from the her ships computer.
Or better yet, have a spy team on the surface. Then Leia's ship arrives to take on supplies for a "mercy mission" (as vaguely mentioned in A New Hope). The spies bribe a bunch of people (Leia mentioning the price they paid), and beam the data up to her ship. Vader happens to be near, somehow catches on and chases her, rolling into A New Hope.
the tank Vader (and Luke) were submerged in is called a Bacta tank. The fluid is a solution of sea water from the Ocean planet of Manaan mixed with Kolto which is an extract form a form of seaweed (from the same planet) along with a concoction of beneficial bacteria that promotes healing and regenerates wounds
ooooooooo that is some excellent nerdy trivia. Equal, if not superior, to the level of nerdiness I strive for in Star Trek.
10:52 Jimmy Smits also played Bail Organa in the prequels which explains the theme.
Great movie, yes Christina...
And you were wonderful with your emotions. Also ( I am pretty sure that the biind man and his friend were part of the keeper of the wills. )
Oh thank you so much! That is very kind. And I will have to look more into the keepers of the wills....
23:45 The two shots the Death Star fires in this movie are not at full power - they don't want to destroy the planets, only specific locations on the planet's surface.
Good movie choice! This is the only Star Wars movie from the Disney era that is any good.
Hey. Christina! Shout out from the US Marine Corps! Love your reaction to this. I wish you left more of the ending where Darth Vader just goes ham on the rebellion troops. But that's okay. No big deal. It was still a great reaction! Keep up the good stuff! ❤🤍💙💛
Crying to this film shows a lot of your sensitivity and compassion. We all cried because a year sold before this released in theaters the actress Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia, died.
Please be part of the in universe feeling by coming to Galaxy’s Edge (Star Wars land) at Disneyland in California.
- The Disneyland Neighbor
Guy Henry, I thought, did a brilliant job of portraying Grand Moff Tarkin.
Then why not just put him in costume?
I made the mistake of watching Rogue One in 3D at the cinema
Their CGI Tarkin was literally a cardboard cutout in 3D ... not convincing at all!
Princess Leia was much better somehow.
But their's no reason why you can't just put some makeup on a convincing actor - and have them be Tarkin, or Leia
In every star wars movie someone says "I got a bad feeling about this."
This is about the people who acquired the plans for the Death Star and how they got them.
No shit
@@andymiller6661 Another insulted nurd.
That was always the Force theme. People might think of it as "The Skywalker" theme because the Skywalkers are so obviously connected to the Force, and the first time audiences heard it was when Luke was looking at the twin suns of Tatooine, but on the original soundtrack's liner notes John Williams called it the Obi-Wan Kenobi theme and by extension the Force theme.
Where I am getting my information is from the titles that I have seen over the years from the orchestral scores and parts. I have played many a concert with different titles on each theme.
@@okchristina Then they have been labeled incorrectly. When the composer himself refers to the binary suns theme as the Force theme and it’s labeled that way since 1977 in the liner notes of the original soundtrack album, I’m going with the composer. 😏
Storm trooper armor protects the wearer from extreme harsh environments and absorbs energy from blaster bolts allowing the wearer to survive low power weaponry and glancing blows. The rebels know the armors capability and equip high power weaponry in response.
"So, This Is A Mini Test Of The Death Star?"
Yes, this is at about ¼the full strength of the super laser's power
Jedha is only one place out of an unknown number of planets in the Star Wars galaxy that the Jedi got their kyber crystals from throughout the millennia they were an Order. When Palpatine took over Coruscant, he purposely made The Jedi Temple his new headquarters, so that he could raid the Order’s archives, because they’d been collecting Sith artifacts for hundreds of thousands of years. He also wanted to learn where more Jedi temples were, so that he could get more knowledge and artifacts that the Jedi had been hiding. Through this process he learned about Jedha, and some other places, but he wasn’t able to discover every hidden temple, cache, or outpost the Jedi had throughout their existence.
Music is by Michael Jiacchino, he brings his own flavour while also imitating Ep4 music ambient.
No beed to be a Jedi family to believe in the Force. The Force was adored by religions in Star Wars, just like Tarkin says in Ep4...
Armor is mostly effective against schapnels, not direct shots.
Yavin IV is Ep4's rebel base.
The Force Theme, Christina... The Force Theme. It was originally Obi Wan's theme in Ep4. But they made it into the Force theme, also meaning Faith, Destiny...
The Skywalker theme is the base Star Wars Theme.
The guy voicing and motion capturing Tarkin is the one who played the fake Minister for Magic in Harry Potter Dealthly Hallows pt1; the one acting on Voldy's orders, Pius Thicknesse. CGI Tarkin face was added later on, and it's hit and miss.
Star Destroyer: One mile long (1600 m)
Death Star 1: 100 Miles in diameter (160 km) Death Star 2 in Return of the Jedi is 240 km in diameter.
Did you notice that the Death Star motif is more subdued here than in Ep4? It clearly marks the power status of the superweapon, not yet fully operational here...
This test is only with one reactor, it's the most minimal power setting for the weapon and it's already terrifying, like thousands of Tsar Bombas..
It's not another lava planet, it's THE lava planet, Mustafar ! where Vader had his personal castle built near the place he was consumed and officiallly ceased being Anakin.
This... this is why Vader was so feared. He's unstoppable
No kidding. He was TERRIFYING. Oh it made me so sad too.
First things first your hair 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Rogue One IMHO is the best SW movie... Andor the prequel series is not only the best SW project but top 10 tv series all time. 😊
Wow thanks!! And I am excited to get to Andor sometime in the near future!!
its a pure fan service film and its a great one for it.
While the Death Star is big for a man-made object, it was actually smaller than our moon. It has a diameter of roughly 99 miles.
Heh -- it was even referred to as "that small moon over there". But holy crap 99 miles!!!!!!
BEST Star Wars movie out of all of them!
Christina the storm trooper armor is mostly for environmental protection and glancing shots is a cheap armor designed for mass production not for effectiveness.
I see.
Mon Mothma's "Many Bothans died to bring us this information" is actually from RETURN OF THE JEDI, not the original STAR WARS and was the information as to where the second Death Star was being built, not the plans from STAR WARS (seen in early form in ATTACK OF THE CLONES).
You're right! The two seem to run together in my head.
@@okchristina: they both have the exact same plot climax, unfortunately.
"I know! Let's blow up the Death Star AGAIN!" was not the most creative choice George Lucas ever made.
When Mon Mothma says, _many bothans died to bring us this information_ that was in _Return of the Jedi_ not _Star Wars._ It was in referrence to the second death star. Not the one in _Rogue One._
Also, I think you missed it when Tarkin told Krennic (sp?) to fire a low force yield at Jedha city. That's why it didn't blow the whole planet.
1986's RAW DEAL is Arnold Swarzeneggers most underrated and one of his best movies ever. It's his only Mobster movie and as of now there is not one single reaction video for this movie on RUclips. It's a highly recommended suggestion by me.
"What's going on down there?"
"A bunch of I.T. stuff." Ain't that the truth :)
9:15 "The place with the pyramid is Rebel, the good guys. So it's like Hoth but hot and humid."
Well, OK, yeah.
But we first see Hoth in Empire Strikes Back.
Before that was A New Hope when the Rebel base was on Yavin IV. Here. This base.
This IS the exact same base where Luke Skywalker and some other guys flew their X-Wings and other ships to blow up the first Death Star in A New Hope.
The effects team lovingly recreated that base for this movie, but also, they blended in a few bits from the Hoth base too.
Awesome how they worked that all in so well!!
Nice reaction - I was never expecting to cry over new characters, but the ending packs such a punch. Great film. Do watch the prequel series Andor - it’s even better.
Just found your channel, and holy wow, did I catch you on the right movie. Excellent movie, excellent reaction. I have watched this film with many reactors, but yours was stunning, perhaps the best yet. Your observations were on point, your emotional responses were right on target, and you never seemed completely baffled. If you live anywhere near Austin, Texas, would you like to get coffee? 😉
I just looked at your catalog. Simply fabulous. You've got a lot of the common reactor chestnuts and a lot of great unique viewings as well. I am going to enjoy mining your backlog. (That sounded naughty. Unintentional. 😉)
The best movie ever about a rag tag team of commandos going a suicide mission is The Dirty Dozen. Highly recommend. Another is The Guns of Navaronne. This one is right up there.
This is the first true Greek Tragedy written so well in our modern times. The best newest Star Wars film.
Oooooo yes!
@okchristina Literally everyone dies. That is how you know.
Rogue One is deluxe fanfiction, but well made fanfiction, unlike the other SW movies produced under the Disney rule.
37:25 "Are these the people that 'many people died to get these plans' was about?"
When Mon Mothma said that in Return of the Jedi, she was talking about the SECOND death star, not the first one.
She actually said "Many Bothans died to bring us this information."
Bothans are an alien species in Star Wars that look roughly like anthropomorphic lions and have excellent natural affinity for spying.
No big lions in this crew because these are the rebels, all human, who are stealing the plans for the first death star.
48:20 "I'll never be able to see her say that line without tears, remembering Cassian and Jyn on the beach."
Well, since she was talking about other people in a different story, it's not really the same.
But still, she might have said "Many people died to bring us both sets of Death Star plans." and it would have still been true.
Also, the bothans never got the 2nd death star plans
Oh, I will still certainly cry even though those two events seem to somehow be interchangable in my mind. lol
if you haven't already and my guess would be that you haven't, you should definitely watch Andor. in my opinion it's not only some of the best star wars tv ever made, it's some of the best tv ever made , period. it kinda expands on what you were talking about, the almost accidental collaborations and the true human cost of war. if you decide to react to it i'll totally be there for it, but even if you don't want to do that, i'm pretty confident you'd get a lot out of it.
awesome reaction as always, thanks so much for sharing and much love to you and yours🙂🙂🙂❤❤❤
I am really beginning to get excited about Andor and I think it would be on the channel if I did watch it. Thanks and thanks!!
The best Disney Star Wars movie.
one of the four best franchise movies (along with 1977, Empire, and Sith)
The spin off series "Andor" might just be the best Star Wars product since 1977.
Better in the context of what the franchise became, but 1977 as a stand-alone is SO different from even Empire it can't really be compared to anything that followed.
You deserve "Star Wars: Andor"
The best 12 episodes ever made for TV (with another 12 to follow ... but baby steps ...)
You will see how Cassian Andor went from a petty thief, to deciding to join the fledgeling rebel alliance
You will also learn, from a traumatic childhood, why he now always shoots first!
You will also get to see Mon Mothma being the secretive funder of the rebellion - played brilliantly by Genevieve O'Riley who you see in Rogue One
This actress played the same character in Revenge of the Sith - but all of her scenes/lines were cut ... she's finally got what she deserved, a truly great character, now one of my Star Wars all-time favourites
And you'll also see multiple new characters who are ALL superbly acted and well written.
Yennefer of Vengerberg from videogame masterpiece "The Witcher 3" (otherwise known as Denise Gough, double Olivier Award-winning stage actress) ... plays the main Imperial villain, the callous Lieutenant Dedra Meero
Andor is a masterpiece - how it was made/funded by Disney remains a complete mystery.
ALL of Disney's Star Wars TV shows have been very poor - except for Andor.
I still don't know how this is possible.
12 episodes so far, all filmed on location, all written superbly - $250 million - and worth every penny? From a cash-grabbing corporation, whose other TV shows pander to the lowest common denominator for $$$$$$$$$
It doesn't fit the narrative of "Star Wars is dead!" - that so many professional haters spout here; which is why none of them mention Andor during their screeds - it's inconvenient to admit that the best ever TV show doesn't fit the narrative.
I personally forgive Disney for everthing else they have ever done ... they gave me Andor, a wonderful, astonishing TV show I will never forget, ever
I will leave my final words to one of the supporting characters in Andor - Nemik, the young idealist who writes a manifesto about how to take down the Empire:
"There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. I know this already. Alone, unsure, dwarfed by the scale of the enemy.
Remember this, Freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction. Random acts of insurrection are occurring constantly throughout the galaxy. There are whole armies, battalions that have no idea that they’ve already enlisted in the cause.
Remember that the frontier of the Rebellion is everywhere. And even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward.
And remember this: the Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.
Remember that. And know this, the day will come when all these skirmishes and battles, these moments of defiance will have flooded the banks of the Empires’s authority and then there will be one too many. One single thing will break the siege.
Remember this: Try."
That's only one of at least 10 awesome monologues in Andor ...
Very cool. I'm sold!!!!
You definitely should watch the show Andor. It's amazing.
Cassian is the title character and the show is centered around how he ends up joining the rebellion. However, Mon Mothma ("the lady in white") is a very important character in the show. The actress that portrays her in this movie (Genevieve O'Reilly) reprises her role in the show and is amazing in it. Stellan Sarsgaard plays a major character as well and as expected, he's fantastic, as he is in everything he's in. Fiona Shaw as Maarva, Kyle Soller as Syril Karn, Denise Gough as Dedra Meero are all great. There's too many great performances to count or name. It's such an outstanding show.
Yep, I think I will just definitely have to react to Andor on the channel. :)
2:30 "Anyone else out there wish that our planet had rings?"
1. Rings visible from Earth's surface would be large and thick enough to block some sunlight, lowering planetary temperature especially in winter. By a lot. Longer, colder, harsher winters would affect everything from agriculture to economy. Life would be harder.
2. Rings would almost certainly interfere with satellites. I like having satellites. Life is better with them than without.
3. It's unlikely we can have the most awesome moon in the solar system AND have rings. Gotta pick one*.
*Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is 80% more massive than Earth's moon while Saturn is 9,500% more massive than Earth, so Saturn CAN hold moons and rings, but Earth cannot, unless our moons were tiny like meteors instead of our big lovely moon that hits your eye like a big pizza pie.
Oh but they're so pretty!!!! ;)
My favorite Star Wars movie.
"There Are No Railings In Star Wars!"
The best Star Wars movie imo!!
I've said this many times, they DID NOT need the CGI for Tarkin. Guy Henry already had a striking resemblance to Peter Cushing. Only thing they had to do is some hair coloring and maybe some prosthetics and you'd have Tarkin without the CGI. Instead, the CGI'd Tarkin onto Guy Henry
Baal Organa, former Imperial Senator from Alderaan, adoptive father of Leia, whom we last saw twenty years ago (in-universe) in REVENGE OF THE SITH looks older because, you know, he's twenty years older. How could he not?
It's been twenty years since Luke was born, Yoda and Obi-Wan went into exile, Baal took baby Leia back to Alderaan to be raised as his daughter and princess of Alderaan; this movie is, of course, set a day or so before the so-called "A New Hope," aka "STAR WARS."
Yes! That is what finally clued me in to when this movie fit specifically in the timeline. Excellent touch of continuity there!
First of all, I must say that from my point of view, a Star Wars movie without Jedi is not a Star Wars movie. Star Wars was created around the Jedi.
That being said, Rogue One is an excellent bridge between two existing stories and has to adapt to established characters, dialogues, and rules, which can’t be easy to achieve. It’s an excellent spin-off, and in my opinion, the best Star Wars movie in the Disney era.
The appearance of Vader and Princess Leia brought tears to my eyes from nostalgia after 20 years of not seeing them, even though the digital effect wasn’t perfect.
Thanks for your reaction.
PS: You should watch Clone Wars, Rebels, Episodes 7, 8, and 9 (much to my dismay), and The Mandalorian in that order.
I’m also an old-school fan, and the order matters to have the full experience when watching them.
Hello kitten. Glad you liked it.
The Datth Vader we all know we wanted to see.
YES!!!!!!! and also nooooooooo (so sad)
This is the best movie too link Star Wars movie, the movie Solo is a good link also. Great Reaction
Thanks!! I am keeping Andor and Solo in mind for future reactions!!
Ok Christina… (sorry, I'm new here andnI couldn't help myself!)
Now that you've seen RO, it sounds like you react to shows as well, so I *strongly* encourage you to watch the "prequel" series to Rogue One called "Andor" that follows the spy/agent Capt. Cassian Andor seen here. The show is not just a great SW show, its just an excellent show.
I cannot recommend it highly enough!
Thank you!! I am DEFINITELY considering Andor for the channel!!
I had to subscribe , seeing you're such a nerd. Your take is quite edifying.
I think the literally appropriate reply here should be "takes one to know one" in the most endearing way :)
K2 is Alan Tudyek.
At least outside the original trilogy I'm pretty sure that rogue One is a fan favorite by just about everybody and had the baddest Darth Vader scene ever. I really enjoyed your reaction on another note have you considered watching the The family Guy Star wars movies there's three I think you'd get a kick out of them
Thanks! And that is actually a really great idea. Much appreciated and noted!
watching animated series of ''clone wars''' and '' star wars rebels'' will be very enlightening!
23:35 "Is this what happened on Leia's planet? I thought it was more instantaneous."
No, that was different.
Here they used one single reactor to fire this shot at Jedda's holy city.
On Alderaan (Leia's home) they used all their full power.
The conversation between Grand Moff Tarkin and Director Krennic that you have at 20:45 in your video includes these lines that you didn't include in your edit:
Krennic: I stand ready to destroy the entire moon.
Tarkin: That won't be necessary. We need a statement, not a manifesto.
Krennic (giving orders): Target Jedda City. Prepare single reactor ignition.
Right -- I remember them deciding to just do a test. I know they just targeted the city, but wow did it seem to expand across the horizon!! I would think that would be an extinction level event for that planet eventually!
@@okchristina You could be right.
The meteor that killed the dinosaurs and nearly caused all life on earth to go extinct almost certainly didn't make an explosion as big as we saw in this movie.
So Jedda is in for a nuclear winter lasting years, maybe decades, wiping out nearly all plant life and nearly everything that eats plants and nearly everything that eats the stuff that eats plants.
But the planet will still exist. Probably.
And everything capable of getting on a spaceship and leaving will be fine, unless they got caught in that blast like the people in Jedda City and like Saw Gerrera.
Best Star Wars movie ever! Love it. Such great movie...and it plugs up one of the most blatant plot holes in movie history.
Apparently the actor who played Baze Malibus, had never had a script in English before
Also K2 saying “your behavior is continually unexpected” is a complement, he specializes in strategic analysis, and he struggles to predict what Jyn will do
32:18 That is Admiral Raddus not Admiral Ackbar. (Both are Mon Calamari)
7:23 no. It offers no protection whatsoever. In the tv series Kenobi the armor could not even protect them from being slapped on the head with an open hand swat. 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
When the time comes, you will watch ANDOR and see the birth of the rebellion and Cassian journey before Rogue One, and it’ll work just as well as this one for your appreciation of this saga!
Weeeeee!!! I cannot wait!!!
God I love this movie, idc what anyone says.