马来西亚独特的中西风味美食:海南猪扒 Hainanese pork chop

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • 海南肉扒是一道马来西亚的独特美食。它的主食(烤肉或炸肉)通常搭配着杂豆, 马铃薯片和中西风味的酱汁一起享用。这道菜是由海南移民将当地和西方的口味融合创新的菜肴。LP酱通常是酱汁的关键部分。这是马来西亚、英式和海南式风味结合的独特美食,大家不妨试试!
    Hainanese chop is a Malaysian comfort food usually served with a grilled or fried meat along with mix vegetables, potatoes and gravy . It is a dish innovated by Hainanese migrants mixing both local and western taste. Lea and Perrins’ Worcestershire sauce is usually the key ingredient is making the gravy. A unique combination of Malaysian British and Hainanese flavour, go on and try it!
    #hainan #hainanese #hainanesechickenrice #pork #porkchop #chicken #chickenchop #海南雞飯 #海南 #猪扒 #鸡扒 #worcestershire
    材料 ingredients
    1块猪扒300g 1 piece of pork chop (around 300g)
    马铃薯片 Sliced potato
    半粒荷兰大葱 half Holland onion
    2-5汤匙杂豆 2-5 tbsp mix vegetables
    腌制 Marinate
    1茶匙豆瓣酱 1tsp soy bean paste (minced taucu)
    胡椒粉 Dash of pepper
    少许盐 Pinch of salt sugar
    1茶匙酱油 1 tsp soy source
    少许五香粉 (可省略)Dash of 5 spice powder (optional)
    1粒鸡蛋 1 egg
    面包糠 bread crumb
    蒜米 minced garlic
    酱汁 sauce
    1汤匙酱油1 tbsp soy sauce
    1汤匙 LP 酱 1 tbsp Lea and Perrins sauce
    2汤匙番茄酱2 tbsp tomato sauce
    半汤匙蚝油1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
    1/4茶匙糖 1/4 tsp sugar
    1汤匙绍兴酒 1 tbsp cooking wine
    1杯水 I cup water
    薯粉勾芡 Corn starch to thicken the sauce

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