Voice of reason, I watched your videos for 1 month now.. I am a new christian, I just want to say I attended the Catholic church for the first time this Sunday. It was seriously the best experience of my life. I had a tough road before I opened my heart to christ. And attending the Catholic church gave me such a fulfilment I cant explain it in words. Im just reaching out to tell you! You are doing god's work and really giving me insight to research more about these topics. Please continue to do what your are doing, and the way you carry yourself. All glory to jesus christ!
The mass is the closest way to get to Jesus on earth, Heaven is opened during the mass, and the bread is turned into the flesh of Christ. If you join you get to do what John 6 talks about.
I love my Catholic church. We don't have the most beautiful parish, and probably least charismatic Holy Father, so experience wise it is probably not the best. But the sincerity and love of people and our Holy Father feel right.❤
@bebepintobean The reason it's not truthful is because God says it's not true It has nothing to do with me. Your not arguing with me, your argument is with God.
I was a big fan of James white, and was a non denominational Christian. I said I would never be a Catholic. But one of the reasons I'm now in the process of becoming Catholic. Is because of this debate. Because the voice of reason opened up a lot of ideas I never really thought about. Imas a non denominational Christian. I never even thought of looking at the early church. But after looking at the early church. It becomes plane as day. That the Catholic church is the "rock" Jesus told us he would build his church on. And the gates of hell will not prevail
Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18 are the focus of an ongoing debate over who or what “the rock” is that Jesus mentions. The immediate context contains a question that Jesus put to His disciples: “Who do you say I am?” (verse 15). Peter answers, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (verse 16), to which Jesus replies, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (verses 17-18). Is “this rock” on which Christ promised to build His church Peter? Is it Peter’s faith? Is it the truth of Peter’s statement? is the rock Jesus Himself? Or is it the fact that only our Father in heaven can give us revelation? In all honesty, the only person who can reveal this wisdom is the spirit of truth, are you seeking Him? For we have only one teacher 🙏 and He is not a man. Matthew 23:8-11 “But you must not be called 'Teacher,' because you have only one Teacher, and you are all brothers and sisters together. And don't call any person on earth 'Father,' because you have one Father, who is in heaven.
One of the main purposes of our religion is to teach us a proper humility before the Creator and sustainer of the Universe. I learned this after I reverted back to the Catholic Church.
The opening from my Catholic Brother is all you Need to hear as a Protestant … i was a sola scriptura believer too , until i hear this Points from other catholic Brothers . Now iam catholic 🙏🏼
Your soul will not regret it in this life or the next. God's reaching out to you by sending you this great grace. Take it and run with it as you're looking at the fullness and completeness of the Christian faith revealed to man through the Church Christ established. Wish you the best
May our Good Lord continue to guide you to the truth. In your humility you will reach the truth. Some things will be hard to accept on the surface but dig deeper and you'll find the truth and richness of the faith and we will welcome you home with loving arms. All the best.
💙🙏💙 I’m a convert from protestantism, my childhood in a Methodist church, teen years involved with young life, college and young adult visiting many “non denominational” churches, finally married into a wonderful lutheran family where I was blessed for many years, until about 10 years ago, into middle age, I was feeling very concerned about the increasing troubling things going on in the culture and effecting many churches … came across some Catholic converts on RUclips and one thing lead to another until eventually I realized I needed to be received into the Catholic Church. I pray you will experience a fruitful faith joinery, all the way “home” ♥️ to where you will find the fullness of the Christian faith. God bless you.
@@irkairenka8552: I'm sure you know that the Holy Bible is a Catholic book, and that Catholics pray the Bible every day. I hope that you will also read your Bible.
Voice of Reason... you make me proud for being a Catholic, thank you so much for defending the church of Christ against misinterpretation and lies from its critics. I wish I had the same wisdom as you. God Bless you🙏📿
Man, this was such a treat. It was great to not only see you crush it on the debate stage, but to show such love and respect for Dr. White. It seemed your humility did a lot to win him over, even if the disagreements remained. Thank you for representing the Catholic faith so well, Alex! Also, as others have already pointed out, that opening statement is probably the best I’ve heard in a debate ever.
Bro I'm a staunch reformed baptist I go to a presbyterian church but now I'm really really considering Catholicism. You did such a good job and I'm going to keep following you so I can continue to learn praise the lord
So proud of you, Alex! Absolutely masterful opening statement ! Not only that he absolutely stumped the one and only James White ! When you talked about everyone who receives the gift of the Holy Spirit is now God breathed. He couldn’t get his thoughts together.! Alex first public debate he absolutely decimated a guy with 190 debates under his belt . Thank you for representing our faith so well.
14:08 Alex opening statement 31:23 James White opening statement 49:20 James White rebuttal 56:22 Alex rebuttal 01:04:27 James White 2nd rebuttal 01:11:40 Alex 2nd rebuttal 01:20:20 cross examination, Alex asks 01:31:00 cross examination, James White asks 01:42:25 Q&A 01:59:58 closing statements Alex 02:04:06 closing statements James White
Alex, protestant here, I really appreciate your kindness and charity toward Dr White. He's a hero to my faith and it's sweet to see that you hold him high regard.
@t.d6379 No it's not. Even Alex really admired James and James deserves the credit. How about just respect his take while you disagree in silence or at least without degrading?
As a Greek Orthodox I thought White did well with his presup argument. Alex doesnt believe what we believe, he believes in sola scriptura but with the papal documents. They believe tradition is lower than the popes teachings. Not only that, but there is no infallible list of infallible texts. Do unbaptized babies go to Heaven or Hell? Trad Caths and Norvus Ordo disagree. Do the Orthodox have valid sacraments? Trad Caths and Norvus Ordo disagree. Is Palamism allowed? Trad Caths and Norvus Ordo disagree. Are Gregory Palamas, Mark of Ephesus, St Photius the Great and others who said “The Latins listen to Satan with their fillioque doctrine”Saints? You guessed it! There’s disagreement! And the problem is as a protestant you only have 66 books to try to interpret the meaning of. As a Catholic, you have thousands!
@silverecho1201 Jesus's Church is Jesus's Church. We are not the judges, we will be judged individually and how we judged we will also be judged. The gates of hell will never prevail against my church Jesus said and I believe him 100%.
@@snoopy3587 I agree. The gates of Hell will not prevail against Christ's Church. The Holy Orthodox Catholic Church, not the Church of Rome. Rome has permitted much sin and created forgeries to back up its Pope claims mixed with miss interpretations of history and scripture.
I've been going to a Catholic church lately, after being raised protestant. After 41 years of different protestant denominations, I never felt the presence of God like I do during Mass. I still have some concerns/worries about some of the dogmas due to being raised scripture only, but you helped me with understanding more of the apostolic succession with this debate. Thank you!
It is counterintuitive. When you finally are able to submit your will fully to Jesus in His Church, you will feel a freedom and Truth like you never before thought possible. It is amazing. Blessings on your journey.
Commenting something just because it sound good, while at the same time you know it’s a lie. JW refuted the claims of Rome in this debate again, thank God for his ministry.
THIS ISN'T FAIR! Alex has 2,000 yrs of doctrinal knowledge & thoroughly defined biblical interpretation - all handed down by the apostles and the magisterium!!
@@digita1aj He made no sense, and you're just lying to yourself. Roman Collegium of Pontiffs - you are heathen pagans. You're Holy Father is the Pope, God is not your Father, or you wouldn't be confused.
As a convert to the Roman Catholic Church, I thoroughly enjoyed this! Alex, watching and listening to you talk is just reinforcing my Faith and assurance that I am on the straight and narrow!! You just gained another subscriber!!
Hey Alex, I've been a Christian for about a year now. I've been going to a Baptist church and I've been listening to a lot of these debates and you're the first one I've heard from the Catholic side I've felt really hold up well and against James White at that. Good job! There is definitely a lot to look into.
Hi Ryan, that's great that you are going to dig a bit deeper on some of the points raised! Fwiw, I've found the Catholic claims have by far the most evidence, but further than that the key Protestant claims such as sola scriptura *cannot* be true as they are illogical - it is classic circular logic to say that scripture can authenticate itself. Plus, we know people of good will can interpret the bible in different ways, including on key aspects - so there needs to be an authority to guide us as to what is the truth. Anyway, sorry for my rant 😊. Best luck with your further research!
I was once an anti-Catholic, non-denominational, charismatic, evangelical, Luther-Bapti-costal for over 25 years. When by the power of the Holy Spirit, he began to remove my dispensationalist and calvinist filters, the Bible actually fit together like a jigsaw puzzle BETTER than when I was a protestant. It actually made more sense and ALL of the Catholic teachings are essentials, not just what we cherry pick them to be. Keep your search empowered by the Holy Spirit. Remove the filters and let God speak to you through both his scriptures and the authority on earth given to the succession of apostles. God bless, brother.
Take your time examining everything. I think when you are open minded, the truth will shine through quite visibly. I was anti-catholic for a long time myself and realized when I finally became Catholic, that not only was I wrong about my theology, but also anthropology and the way I perceived and lived my life. Our psychological faculties determine a lot of what we are inclined to believe. Catholicism was really scary to me, because it exposed where I inserted my own will to protect myself. But at the end of the day, I did not lose anything converting, even though what awaited me was way more demanding. However, as it was more demanding, it also became more fulfilling and actually something "tangible" if you will.
Dr White knows very well that Catholic is the true church and all the teachings, he just wanted to stand by what he had written and said from all his debates. Congrats Alex new subs here.
Voice of reason, the first time I seen you on loftons videos last year I knew that you had the holy spirit dweling in you. You are a true warrior of the faith and hope to educate myself as well as you have with Catholic tradition and scripture. GOD BLESS YOU
It’s scary, Dr. White’s essential argument boils down to “other denominations teach false doctrine because they don’t adhere to ‘sound sola scriptura’.” Individual relativism at its core masked as objective truth. Alex, your debating and knowledge skills is superb. You’ve truly outdone and proven yourself a true defender of the faith. David vs Goliath.
Believing the pope to get it right does not get you out of private interpretation. You are just delegating it to one man and often times biting your own tongue and stuffing down your own convictions to do so.
@@lifewasgiventous1614 It’s not a private interpretation. Catholic Church gets out of that circular reasoning because it’s the Holy Spirit that protected the councils and papal ex-cathedra “Catholic Ecclesia read the Bible correctly because the Holy Spirit guided His Church away from error.” How do you know that? “Jesus Christ promised His Church He’d send the Holy Spirit to His Cburch to guide them to ALL truths, FOREVER in both sacred writings and sacred traditions.”
Saw the debate live, Alex you did great honestly. You were well prepared and had a counter for every point the Dr was trying to prove. Amazing job and congratulations
Guys, Alex went to Confession, Mass, and received the Eucharist before this debate. God was truly with him. God bless you Alex! Thank you for defending the one true Church🩷
13 Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.i 14 So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate,j 15 and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.k 16 In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one.l 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.m
13 Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.i 14 So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate,j 15 and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.k 16 In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one.l 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.m
confessing to a "priest" is not biblical. we are told to confess to one another and God. Mass is not biblical, it is no where to be found. You see it later on in some of the early church fathers writings. Also, the Eucharist while extrremly important, is NOT the actual body and blood of Christ. Most importantly, doing these WORKS, isn't whar would attach God and have God be with him.
I have to admit, when I saw this upcoming debate, I thought James White was going to destroy you. I am extremely proud of you for your knowledge and temperament. You won hands down. You laid out the case for Catholicism as well or better than many of the professional apologists.
Being protestant pretty much all my life (Pentecostal) I've come to learn a lot of new things that made me realize how brainwashed I have been, and I'm saying this as humbly as possible, coming from someone that my grandma founded a church and my other grandmother from my father side was a preacher herself, God gave me a new chance at life like three months ago and right now I want to be where he wants me to be, and I ask him and the Holy Spirit to guide me, to find a church that I can grow by him and with my brothers and sisters. Thank you, Alex and may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you daily, because you had the courage to do this the proper way but objectively looking at this Dr. White came up short I was expecting more bible based arguments from his part, yet you did it, I don't know if I will end up in the Catholic Church but after this debate I'm hopeful I will and if not, I hope this serve's to a lot of protestants out there to look more into theology don't trust blindly on what a brother or a sister tells you or even a pastor, ask the Lord Jesus and dive deep into learning we cannot be ignorant at this day in age, I've learned more about Jesus these past couple months than I did since I was little / teenager / adult in the church, keeping in mind I went to a Pentecostal and a Nazarene church and now only God knows where he wants me. Thanks again Alex, God bless.
I was in a similar position 2 years ago. My dad, his dad, and my great great grandfather were all Baptist pastors. My dad has a master’s degree in divinity and I trusted him almost completely on theological matters…. Until I made some Catholic friends and they started asking me what verses meant and I didn’t even know those verses were in the Bible…. I’d ask my dad and his answers never made sense when compared to the answers I was getting from Catholics. I began to go to a local Parish nearly every day praying that God would lead me to the Church He wanted me to be in and He lead me home to the Catholic Church. I’m so unbelievably thankful He did because I can honestly say I never knew God relationally as a Protestant the way I do as a Catholic.
Yes very true. I am also protestant but over the last 8 or so years have been journey through unpacking the tradition I inherited and have realised alot of the incoherence and ahistorical confusion of protestantism. Nonetheless, God met me in a protestant Church. A flawed offshoot of Christianity perhaps. But God met me here. I don't know where I will end up denomination wise in the future but I feel part of my job now is to be a signpost for other protestants in my tradition to expose them to the more ancient historically rooted theologically coherent Christian tradition, be it Catholic or E.O.
So grateful I came HOME to the Catholic Church this Easter vigil. Praise be to God. If you’re watching this and you’re a Protestant, Mormon, atheist, whatever you are. It’s time to come home my friend.
I won't lie Alex, I was nervous for you simply based on who you were debating. You did a fantastic job, and I was super pleased to see how charitable Dr. White was in this debate. He seemed to genuinely enjoy the debate.
No, Alex just need more experience. But for same age and same experience, I think Alex is pretty good. James White just look and sound better ( not more convincing) because he has more experience in debating. When J.White is against Trent Horn or Jimmy Akins, we will see he just a normal person who overconfident with his own interpretation
Wow. Incredible. I used to be impressed with Dr. White, but this debate in which he constantly name drops and continues to try and qualify himself as an authority that’s high…by attempting to casually just drop his accomplishments…it really made it difficult for me to listen to what he had to say. It just seemed like feeble attempts to convince the crowd that he knows what he’s talking about because he’s been doing it longer and is older. Like it was all about him, while VoiceOfReason stuck to the facts and answered the questions. Truly an eye opening debate in many ways. I’m technically a Lutheran (LCMS), was baptized in 2017, but didn’t truly accept or believe that Jesus is my savior until last year during Easter time. I’ve been so conflicted about being a part of LCMS for many reasons, even just calling myself a Lutheran as I don’t follow Luther, I follow the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Listening to these types of conversations conversations truly enhances the feeling of turmoil with wrestling with these questions as my husband and family are Lutherans. I’m praying the Holy Spirit give me strength, wisdom and discernment as I do feel the pull to go back to my Catholic Roots, though I feel this will cause some conflict in my family. Grateful for this content!!
Best wishes and May the Holy Spirit bring you back. Praying to the Holy Family to intercede for you and your family as you discern the truth. You may be the catalyst to lead your husband’s whole family to the true church!
Actually its pretty straightforward to understand. If you pay attention to the beginning the debate is not on sola scriptura but on the catholic teaching authority. So instead of focusing on sola scriptura he talks about the catholic teaching authority and his whole point is the "infallible" catholic teaching authority contradicts itself historically and therefore could not be considered infallible in any way. This doesn't vindicate sola scriptura by any means whatsoever but Mr. White's point still stands.
Papacy is wrong lol. I've listened to this. Papacy is false. Gavin Ortlund Why I Don't Accept The Papacy "Peter is not the rock in his person or in his ecclesial role or office. Rather, Peter is the rock insofar as he is a representative of faith, or he is a symbol. For example, Ambrose is often quoted out of context when people quote him as saying, "Where Peter is, there the Church is." But if you keep reading Ambrose, here's the fuller quote: "When Peter heard, 'Who do you say that I am?' immediately, not mindful of his station, he exercised his primacy. That is, what kind of primacy? The primacy of confession, not of honor; the primacy of belief, not of rank. This, then, is Peter, who has replied for the rest of the apostles, or rather, before the rest of men. And so he is called the foundation because he knows how to preserve not only his own but the common foundation. Faith, then, is the foundation of the Church, for it was said not of Peter's flesh, but of his faith, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." "Now, how do we know that that's really what Ambrose means? Because in other passages, he explicitly identifies Christ as the rock on which the Church is built and basically says, "Be a rock like Peter." You see how the logic works: Christ is the rock, so confess this rock, and you are also.If our interpretation of Matthew 16 follows the cues of the Church Fathers, then we will not arrive at an interpretation that is favorable to the papacy, to the Roman Catholic interpretation of Matthew 16. We just won't. For the Church Fathers, the rock on which the Church was built fundamentally was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the apostles in their witness to Him. What emerges from all this, I would say, is just that the exegetical basis for this doctrine is very slender. Because what you have to get to the papacy is not just the notion that Peter has this foundational role in the Church, and however specifically he has that, but that he has it in such a way that it could be handed off subsequently to the subsequent Roman bishops." "You need more than that to get to the papacy. So here's the way I would make the appeal: the doctrine of the papacy is a massively significant issue. I mean, I would say it's the main issue that separates Protestants and Catholics, and probably Catholics and Orthodox as well. It has to do with authority; everything else sort of falls out from this doctrine. If you buy into it, it affects the entire way you will proceed theologically and just as a Christian. For such a massive doctrine, you'd want a strong biblical foundation. You'd want a number of passages, or at least a couple of clear passages. You'd want something that basically says, if not in these exact words, in some way, "there's going to be a pope." And that's not unreasonable to expect. We have passages like Ephesians 4 that talk about the unity of the Church and the offices of the Church serving the unity of the Church: one Lord, one faith, one baptism. You'd expect there to be something that indicates there's going to be a head of the Church on earth. And we just don't have that. We have a couple of passages, mainly one passage in terms of where you really get into the issues of infallibility with the binding and loosing imagery and that kind of stuff. And this passage is very ambiguous. If we're following the Church Fathers, we will not clearly arrive at an interpretation that favors the papacy. We just don't have a strong exegetical base for this massive doctrine." "There's no evidence that the Roman bishop was the head over these other bishops. It looks like you have a plurality of bishops where the more prominent cities have a more prominent role, but none of them is the head over all the others. And then, if you just step back and look at the big picture, there's just not much that would lead you to think in those first several centuries that the Roman bishop had some kind of universal or preeminent role, what we call the primacy of the Roman see. There's just not that much historical evidence for it. You don't have prominent things written from Rome early on, like the Shepherd of Hermas or Ignatius's letter to Rome, that even really talk about there being a pope there. In fact, or just who the bishop is even. Of course, the word 'pope' itself was also not exclusive to Rome. From the third century onward, the bishop of every major Western city, and then several in the East as well, was called pope, which simply means father. All the other titles that eventually came to the Roman bishop were used of others. Athanasius was called the prince or the priest, prince of priests; that was it. The term 'father of fathers' was used for several other bishops, like John of Constantinople. Eventually, all these titles kind of collected for the Roman bishop, but for several centuries, you don't really have any sort of even whether in terminology or in role, any special emphasis upon the Roman bishop. Now, there are various ways people will dispute this, and one of the ways they'll do so is by looking at various things the Roman bishop does do. So one would be the letter of Clement to the Church in Corinth, and I've never found this a very strong appeal because there are lots of bishops who write letters to other churches, and it doesn't prove universal jurisdiction in any way." ruclips.net/video/TG6pnAjHX1k/видео.html
@@Sanfu69 How does his point stand exactly? White struggles with the multilayered structure of Catholicism in terms of teaching authority and the weight of authority that any individual document or pronouncement may have.
@@samuelaguilar9668 Um, brother Gavin Ortlund has been proven to be false many times. Look at the responses done by William Albrecht, especially the ones where the literally called the scholars that Ortlund cited and they said Ortlund misrepresented them.
pity your ignorance. apostate church( roman Catholic church) was never founded by jesus christ. but by the dragon, as illustrated in the book od revelation, on heresies. standing against jesus christ and his bride. you better start to study and research, before it's too late. food for thought "" Paul's man of sin in 2 thessalonians 2 vs 3, is the roman Catholic church Pope Office "" sorry, am blunt, but it's the fact many Christians don't know, because they have been brainwashed and deceived by the system of the dragon. revelation 12 vs 9. that's why i admonish you many Christians to study and research for themselves or elsewhere regret will be inevitable.
pity your ignorance, apostate church, was never founded by jesus christ, but by the dragon as revealed in the book of revelation. an antichrist system that is against jesus christ and his bride, but disguising and parading herself as the one and true church. you better start to study and research, before it's too late. just a food for though. Paul's man of sin in 2 thessalonians 2 vs 3, is no other, than the pope of the roman Catholic church, you won't know because you don't know of the 1260 year rule of the roman Catholic church, called the dark ages of the church, in which church and state (religion and government) was one, under the rulership of the roman Catholic Church, headed by the pope ( refer to as the vicar of jesus christ, if only you know what it means ). when truth was obscure and cast to the ground. sorry am blunt, but it's the fact that many Christians don't know because they have been brainwashed and deceived by the system. no wonder revelation 12 vs 9, made it clear that the dragon succeeded in deceiving the whole world except the elects. and if you are sincere to yourself, you cannot dare think that the roman Catholic church is the elect. you might see what am saying as nonsense, that's why i admonish you and every Christian to study and research the facts, if not regrets will be inevitable
White isn't discussing Sola Scriptura. He is attacking the Papacy. I have learned nothing of Sola Scriptura from his worldview. I am discouraged, disappointed, and disgusted with White's apology or lack thereof.
I just realized it this morning and it’s disappointing because Alex was getting a lot of support and love in those comments.. confused why they would turn the comments off 🤔
As an Orthodox myself I have always said, there are more things that unite us than divides us. Notice in the video that Alex, did his cross as we Orthodox do. Cause he understands the doctrines
Dude James White is literally a professor of early church history at Grace theological seminary. He knows more about church history in his pinky finger than you know about church history in your entire body.
@@ibelieveitcauseiseentit9630 Dude, I think James White got his pinky stuck somewhere it shouldn’t be. And sorry, I’m not familiar with Graceland or whatever that community college is.
@@Knight-of-the-Immaculata nevertheless he's a professor of early church history. He will run circles around you if you want to talk about early church history.
@@Knight-of-the-Immaculata That's not what I just witnessed. But good luck with your probationary salvation and, you might want to confess to a priest for your attitude.
@@MexicanGamingBrosIt’s because he is taking the affirmative stance in the debate. This requires him to cover more bases and establish the premises that the negative (James White) will rebutt.
My favorite comment was when they asked Alex his opinion on if the Pope were to bless gay marriage. When he responded with the catholic church would be a false religion people really didn’t know what to say.
I've never seen James White squirm and be rattled by his opponent as much as this! White was clearly thrown at times by Alex knowledge and even tried to catch him out eg. The 666 616 translation. White was clearly impressed by Alex and met his match. Not just by his knowledge and arguments but by Alex extreme humility in praising White fir the good things he has done in defending basic Christianity. Alex's humility was a true testimony to the genuineness of his faith and it was very evident many protestants left that debate with many new questions!! I especially love the banter about the Olympic blasphemy, and Alex says' we should team up and go sort them out" that was Gold!!! 🫡😄 White was genuinely humbled and enjoyed the back and forth. A superb debate by a champion for Catholicism!!
He corrected the Catholics mis understanding of 2 Peter1:20 in his opening statement. I shouldn’t be surprised Catholics don’t understand when someone is misusing scripture though
This debate proves Catholicism. A young, new debater, with the avalanche of evidences and truths the Catholic can rely on, gives a great debate to a 40+ year studied well debated Protestant.
Wow. This debate was amazing. ALEX, you had so many scriptures like one after another. Nonstop! I been watching so many debates. This is the best one I had heard. Please keep doing what you're doing! Dont stop. My oh my never heard someone soooo prepared and with a quick response.
I was going to say that. Also, Did you see the full debate, if so when Dr. White was speaking did he address Alex's 10 points? i don't think so but do you think he did? (Did anyone notice this? lol)
I’m just going to say this as someone raised Protestant… in the age of the internet there’s no longer an excuse to be Protestant. You have all the ability to research the truth and join Christ’s church. Catholicism is Judaism fulfilled.
@@Broooooo-ww7hw good to hear! So you believe in catholicism. The Catholic Church provided the Bible. Since you believe it to be holy scripture that means you trusted the church to provide the canon. You’re making progress!
@@orangemanbad I bet you $100 he's an SDA. They are *convinced* that the most important thing about your salvation is when you go to church, but beyond that, they don't have much depth. Consistently the most annoying Christian denomination, and yet another "Great Awakening" spin-off from a false prophet, Ellen White.
@@AAA-qr8yythat's not how that works. Pointing out that Sole Scripture is self refuting doesn't involve Catholic presumptions. You can be a none Christian and point out that problem.
@@ominoreg Voice of reason claims that the catholic claim of infallible authority would be falsified if it ever proclaimed homosexual marriage to be ok. That criteria of falsifiability cannot be justified under the roman catholic worldview without collapsing the entire system under the implications of his claim. Because what you are doing when you make a statement like that is saying that you as an individual have the power to judge the roman catholic leaders to be in such egregious and obvious error that we now have no choice but to conclude their claims of infallible authority are false. But according to Rome you don’t have that ability to judge them. You don’t have the authority to interpret scripture for yourself to show why Rome is wrong. You don’t have the authority to interpret history, councils, church or papal writings, to determine whether or not Rome has violated and contradicted it’s past tradition and teachings. Rome says only Rome has that authority. Rome says you need Rome to tell you whether or not Rome is in error. But Rome has investigated themselves and found themselves to be innocent of any wrongdoing. All you can do, according to rome, is simply put blind faith in their claim to be infallible. You aren’t allow to actually judge their claims for yourself by testing the validity of their claims against scripture and history because you are fallible and rome says you got it wrong. If Rome decrees tomorrow that homosexual marriage is ok, and claims that they have interpreted church history and scripture to be consistent with this new decree, then you as a roman catholic have no way of telling them they are wrong. You are required to simply accept their decree as true by blind faith in the institution. The moment you introduce the possibility that you can use your own logic and discernment to tell Rome they are wrong you are doing exactly what the protestants have already done. You admit therefore that the protestants were justified in rejecting Rome’s authority.
@@Vince-p3g You don’t know what you are talking about. He starts from the assumption that catholic claims are true and then looks for scriptures to try to fit that presupposition. For instance, saying “the gates of hell will not prevail against my church” can be interpreted in more than one logically valid way. You cannot read that verse by itself, in it’s context, and ever come to the conclusion that Jesus is saying he will set up an infallible teaching office in rome that all mankind will have to blindly submit regardless of who sits in the seat and how evil they are. You have to start from that presupposition and then try to argue why you think that verse might be an indirect reference to it. Which is not a compelling or reasonable argument if one does not already start from believing your roman catholic presupposition is true.
@@AAA-qr8yy no see now you're making presumptions. We're talking about arguments against the presuppositions of Sole Scriptoria which as Alex said is inherently self refuting because it's a doctrine that can't be found in Scripture and as he also said, we can see Jesus and the apostles did not follow it as they practiced teachings and traditions that are not found in the Bible. Sola Scriptoria itself is a Protestant presupposition that can't be justified.
The Holy Spirit was with you. Bravo Alex Im catholic but if I wasn’t with your arguments I would turn catholic . May you always continue to defend our Catholic Church.❤🙏🙏🙏
Do it. I did last Easter and I haven’t regretted it since. Now I can’t deny how much I love my Catholic faith and have found the one true church. Would never go back to Protestantism. The last straw was researching how these Protestant churches started and the chaos that it created like creating 5 wars in Europe over the course of a century or how the reformation created disobedience to divine authority like the pope and magisterium which influenced the enlightenment and French Revolution which have been disasters to mankind.
For anyone interested, after 54 minutes, and I'm giving my first impressions. I chose this because he just said something profound. So far Dr White's argument seems to be encapsulated in: (paraphrasing) "Pope Francis said we could bless gays (he's wrong about that, at least in the sense he seems to be implying), and there's a long chaotic history in the Catholic Church, as it pertains to doctrine, therefore Sola Scriptura must be true". He also claimed things about the Jews not accepting the Apocrypha/Deuterocanon books, which is perfectly a moot point, because Jews also reject the entire New Testament. I know Dr White is responding to a bunch of points, but so far feel I've been taken on a wild red herring chase. I'll be listening very closely for something that resembles an answer to a question I would pose: "How, if Sola Scriptura is true, was the Book of Luke added to the Bible?" And obviously, "where is Sola Scriptura in Scripture?" I find the red herrings problematic. We'll see if there's an adjustment.
@ContendingEarnestly People love to hate on Francis and the Catholic Church, but I find this is usually pretty unfounded. No Christian believed in Sola Scriptura for 15 centuries but virtually all believed in the papacy. We have a list of popes going back to Peter himself. It is a matter of historical fact that even secular historians support. CHRIST Himself formed the office in Scripture and it was exercised in Scripture (See Matt 16:18, John 21:15-25, Acts 15). The current Pope is somewhat controversial, but the Church has not divided itself over Francis nor has it changed its dogmatic views in the nearly 15 years since he became pope (show me one Church teaching he has officially changed or revoked) Catholics aren't bound to every little whipstitch Francis says, by the way. We respect him as the holder of the seat and listen to his words in his encyclicals, but we arent under obligation to take everything he says or certain personal opinions as gospel.
I should mention--by the way-- that the Vaticans statement on what a "blessing of homosexual couples" means should be read before using it as an example of a "change." Lots of people jump to conclusions before knowing the details.
@@lukegetz9785 *People love to hate on Francis and the Catholic Church* Whose hating? I'm pointing out facts. There are catholic priests right here on YT that call Francis a pagan. *No Christian believed in Sola Scriptura for 15 centuries* Scripture is the highest and final authority, always has been and always will be. *but virtually all believed in the papacy.* Thats not true especially since there is no papacy in the n.t. At all. *We have a list of popes going back to Peter himself.* Peter was never pope. No one thought he was and he didn't think he was. This is pure eisegesis from you people. *It is a matter of historical fact that even secular historians support.* Whats so great about secular anybody supporting you? People outside your church think something that supports your position and thats proof? Pretty low bar eh? *CHRIST Himself formed the office in Scripture* Well we can stop right there because He did no such thing. Matt, John nor Acts speaks one thing about an office. And the fact you even cited Acts 15 is hilarious. If you want to prove the papacy is an office, just trot over to the pastorals and right after the positions of Deacon and their requirements, Elders and their requirements show me the 'office' of the papacy and those requirements. *The current Pope is somewhat controversial* Thats an understatement.
Well if we dont understand the Faith deeply enough, it can happen. That is one reason Protestantism has flourished. Because Catholics stopped studying apologetics. What a great time to be Catholic!
Can you explain why no one witnessed the Assumption of Mary, no one recorded it etc The Resurrection was witnessed and recorded. The Assumption of Mary was made dogma, do you know in what year?
@@annodomini7250 First of all, no one witnessed the Assumption? Is that claim (in the negative) verifiable? Second, the year of a dogmatic declaration does not affect the truth, i.e. the pre-eminent Trinity pre-existed its dogmatic declaration, right? Pending your response, the Catholic and Orthodox Churches both sacred-traditionally hold to the Blessed Virgin's Assumption/Dormition as historical, factual truth. Not sure why anyone cares to dispute that.
I was once a Protestant. I was raised in it. I understand the emotion they have. But they don’t have the truth. To me the best analogy, catholicism is like being Prince William in the UK and Protestants are like Harry. William has the fullness of the royal family, all the traditions and family. While Harry is angry and on his own, stranded. Roaming the world trying to find his place.
@@TheTruthsOfOurFaith We follow _all_ of His ordinances and law. You boiled down His Truth to mere symbols and metaphors, and you say WE don’t follow God’s words?
James White is immediately setting up a straw man argument instead of arguing what the bible teaches. He is going to argue what he believes the pope teaches.
If you think the pope has the infallible authority to tell you what the Bible says, and you can’t tell him he is wrong, then we can’t even begin to talk about what the Bible says without first dealing with your bad epistemological presuppositions about papal authority and infallibility.
@@danieljamieson7831 A bunch of the arguments against Catholicism are also arguments against Lutheranism or are straw man versions of Lutheran arguments against Catholicism. It’s probably harder to disprove Lutheranism because proving things like baptism being part of a living faith or the real presence in the Eucharist don’t disprove Lutheranism.
@@danieljamieson7831Well, I’m not converting, I love my Church, but Catholics and Orthodox gotta be my favourite non-Lutherans. ^^ Lutherans would actually disagree with the understanding of Sola Scriptura that Baptists have, as we affirm other authorities besides the Bible.
You did absolutely AMAZING, Alex! I gotta be upfront, I was a bit scared for you debating White. He’s an excellent debater and can trip up Catholics many ways, but you held your ground and punched back harder! He was speechless a number of times too. Holy Spirit was working in you for the Truth, my brother. You should debate Ortlund on Early Church practices to show his flaws, maybe he’ll wake up after a good explanation. God bless you, Alex.
I’m Orthodox but am nevertheless proud of the way the Apostolic Churches were represented here. He said a lot of stuff that I suspect he got from Orthodox sources, which I think is a good thing. Orthodox and Catholic Christians should rely on each other in certain areas. Also, I think Mr. White has a fundamental misunderstanding of Church councils. He kept mentioning that certain councils had more bishops on attendance than others, as if that matters. The numbers are irrelevant. What matters is who is in attendance (or whose delegates are in attendance) and that the entire Church is represented. The Iconoclast Council of Hieria had more bishops than Nicea II, but not a single patriarch (or delegate) was there. This is a key fact that I think a lot of Protestants simply don’t understand. They treat the councils as an exercise of democracy, rather than an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
@@lovegod8582 That is the term by which they have been known since around the fifth century. Even when the Assyrians, and later the Orientals, became schismatics, the Church continued to acknowledge their apostolicity. Theologians and Christian scholars have used the term to collectively refer to Catholics, Orthodox, Orientals and Assyrians since Christianity first became an academic discipline. Considering as much, I don’t know why we would not also use the term to refer to those groups. I’m not even aware of an alternate term. What would you have us call them?
This is the first time I feel I’ve watched an apologist go against someone that truly knows the Bible and Church history. Last time I will watch an apologist vs apologist debate. Well done Alex.
I was born into a Catholic home, later I was drawn to the Protestant church, and I lived away from God for a long time. When I returned, I decided that I was going to follow the truth, and this has led me to become Catholic again. Our problem is our level of ignorance. It fills me with joy to see young people defending our faith so integrally, and the call would be to unite and restore the church to its prestige and greatness, as only she has been called to bring the light of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world.
@ericovalenzuela6248 Alex could have stood up there and talked about vegetables, and the consensus among you Roman Catholics would be the same, that he won. Whether you accept it or not, this is a hallmark of a cult.
@@onetwo2989right lol, If you only looked at the comment section you’d assume James white got SLAUGHTERED… but if you actually watch the debate you see something entirely different. James White seamlessly picked apart Alex’s flawed and inconsistent reasoning from start to finish. I’m glad I actually watched the debate rather than listening to the floods of Roman Catholic “yes men” in the comment section trying to speak an Alex win into existence. I see why they shut off the comments on the other video, the debate speaks for itself.
With regard to the canon of scripture being infallibly defined in 1546... Dogmas are used to settle controversial issues. The Trinity was dogmatically defined at the Council of Nicaea. Does that mean the Church did not believe in the Trinity prior to 325? No. But the dogma was invoked to establish orthodoxy going forward. Starting in 382, the canon of scripture was uncontroversial until the reformation thus it did not need to be dogmatically defined. The dogma was only necessary after the protestant reformers challenged the canon.
Alex, you're a great representative for our Catholic faith. This was the best debate I've watched with James White in it. He either is getting more mild with age, or you had an impact on him that he didn't throw nasty attacks. It seems that he respects you a lot. After this debate, my respect for Mr White has begun to grow. You're such a well-rounded apologist, brother.
@@G-MIP the one thing that has got me stumbling is the filioque, you don't have to explain still deep in research . The 3 divorce though I did not know about, good info.
This is like a student who is over prepared for their thesis and the lecturer is left speechless to the point of asking how many languages a particular book was written in.😅
I caught that too. You'd think that someone who's been debating almost as long as I've been alive (40yo) would be better prepared for a debate regarding a key tenet of Protestant doctrine, but no. Dr. White is still basking in the glory of prior debates rather than looking to what he's doing now.
Voice of reason claims that the catholic claim of infallible authority would be falsified if it ever proclaimed homosexual marriage to be ok. That criteria of falsifiability cannot be justified under the roman catholic worldview without collapsing the entire system under the implications of his claim. Because what you are doing when you make a statement like that is saying that you as an individual have the power to judge the roman catholic leaders to be in such egregious and obvious error that we now have no choice but to conclude their claims of infallible authority are false. But according to Rome you don’t have that ability to judge them. You don’t have the authority to interpret scripture for yourself to show why Rome is wrong. You don’t have the authority to interpret history, councils, church or papal writings, to determine whether or not Rome has violated and contradicted it’s past tradition and teachings. Rome says only Rome has that authority. Rome says you need Rome to tell you whether or not Rome is in error. But Rome has investigated themselves and found themselves to be innocent of any wrongdoing. All you can do, according to rome, is simply put blind faith in their claim to be infallible. You aren’t allow to actually judge their claims for yourself by testing the validity of their claims against scripture and history because you are fallible and rome says you got it wrong. If Rome decrees tomorrow that homosexual marriage is ok, and claims that they have interpreted church history and scripture to be consistent with this new decree, then you as a roman catholic have no way of telling them they are wrong. You are required to simply accept their decree as true by blind faith in the institution. The moment you introduce the possibility that you can use your own logic and discernment to tell Rome they are wrong you are doing exactly what the protestants have already done. You admit therefore that the protestants were justified in rejecting Rome’s authority.
@@AAA-qr8yy Rome says that if it were to contradict infallibly defined teaching by defining some other infallible teaching then its magisterial authority would be falsified.
So James White DOES NOT defend or prove Sola Scriptura, he DOESN'T defend protestantism, he ONLY attacks the Catholic Church. Having a possible anti-pope is not anything new in Catholic history, so what happens? Jump ship? No, the Lord said the gates of hell wont prevail, the anti-pope dies, the next is appointed and the teaching is preserved. This is not an argument, the pope is only infallible a specific situation on specific matters.
Right. I am Catholic because I Trust the Bible when it tells me that that the Church has authority to teach, baptize, determine proper doctrine and even define the canon of Scripture. I am not Catholic because I believe in the teachings of any current Pope, Bishop or Priest. The Bible never promised that the church would be full of men who were sinless. JW and all of Protestantism denounces the authority of the Church to determine proper doctrine, but accepts their own authority to determine proper doctrine. Makes no sense. Let’s all get on the same team for the salvation of the world that desperately needs the Truth of Christ.
Dr whites role in this is to attack the argument. Not defend his. In the beginning it says he is the negation and Alex is the affirmative. This is how most debates work.
Keep dreaming... Francis already prepare His retirement selecting liberals for the most archbishops... That Is the problem equaling "The Church" with a supranational human organization ruled by one cuasi infalible man
Awww I already clipped the less quality version for my recap on tonight’s podcast. I wish I waited for this to get the 4K. Great presentation, confidence and articulation. I’ll be looking at your points and claims tonight and look forward to chatting brother.
Voice of reason, I watched your videos for 1 month now.. I am a new christian, I just want to say I attended the Catholic church for the first time this Sunday. It was seriously the best experience of my life. I had a tough road before I opened my heart to christ. And attending the Catholic church gave me such a fulfilment I cant explain it in words.
Im just reaching out to tell you! You are doing god's work and really giving me insight to research more about these topics. Please continue to do what your are doing, and the way you carry yourself.
All glory to jesus christ!
Catholic * sorry I don’t mean to nitpick. It’s awesome you went. But the spelling was wrong
@@Jo3K1n6 I update it, thank you. I have a vision disorder so it's hard for me to review text I wrote.
God bless you.
Good for you
The mass is the closest way to get to Jesus on earth, Heaven is opened during the mass, and the bread is turned into the flesh of Christ. If you join you get to do what John 6 talks about.
I love my Catholic church. We don't have the most beautiful parish, and probably least charismatic Holy Father, so experience wise it is probably not the best. But the sincerity and love of people and our Holy Father feel right.❤
As a Catholic, I learned a lot and realized that I have so much more to learn. Que Viva Cristo Rey!
@@maryblanc2289 QUE VIVA
Que viva 🙏
Viva Cristo Rey
Alex, keep your bags packed. You’re gonna be in demand to do debates from now on. Great job!
Catholics, keep your bags packed to run from Catholicism when your church begins to marry or give blessings to homosexual marriages!
I agree
Being a good debater is only good if you are speaking the Truth. Too bad Alex doesn't tell the truth.
@bebepintobean The reason it's not truthful is because God says it's not true
It has nothing to do with me. Your not arguing with me, your argument is with God.
I was a big fan of James white, and was a non denominational Christian. I said I would never be a Catholic.
But one of the reasons I'm now in the process of becoming Catholic. Is because of this debate.
Because the voice of reason opened up a lot of ideas I never really thought about. Imas a non denominational Christian. I never even thought of looking at the early church. But after looking at the early church. It becomes plane as day. That the Catholic church is the "rock" Jesus told us he would build his church on. And the gates of hell will not prevail
I used to follow JW, he opened up my eyes about the The Trinity. It's a real shame he is not catholic.
God bless for following your heart and letting the Holy Spirit guide you.
Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18 are the focus of an ongoing debate over who or what “the rock” is that Jesus mentions.
The immediate context contains a question that Jesus put to His disciples: “Who do you say I am?” (verse 15). Peter answers, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (verse 16), to which Jesus replies, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (verses 17-18).
Is “this rock” on which Christ promised to build His church Peter? Is it Peter’s faith? Is it the truth of Peter’s statement? is the rock Jesus Himself? Or is it the fact that only our Father in heaven can give us revelation? In all honesty, the only person who can reveal this wisdom is the spirit of truth, are you seeking Him? For we have only one teacher 🙏 and He is not a man.
Matthew 23:8-11
“But you must not be called 'Teacher,' because you have only one Teacher, and you are all brothers and sisters together. And don't call any person on earth 'Father,' because you have one Father, who is in heaven.
The word catholic isn’t even in the Bible, however Christian is in the Bible so if you rely on scripture like you say you do then why be catholic?
I'm a protestant, and I'm amazed how God humbled me watching this.
One of the main purposes of our religion is to teach us a proper humility before the Creator and sustainer of the Universe. I learned this after I reverted back to the Catholic Church.
God bless you brother. ❤
Bless you.🙏🏻❤️
May we all learn to be humble above all. Thank you for your comment it bears light.
@@PatrickSteilyou’re on wide road
Glory to Jesus Christ! So glad we have you on the Catholic side. I am a life long Byzantine Catholic
You're a legendary Christian
Hey brother. I'm from Indonesia.
What a beautiful Rite.
No man made religion originates with Christ
Felt the Holy Spirit flowing through you brother! Made us Catholics proud. God bless.
I was jumping up and down like if I was watching a boxing match, our champion 🏆 won!!!
You guys aren’t the only proud Catholics that were jumping up and down lol God Bless 🙏🏼
@@yaboidroopy_1442 Did you mean "aren't?"
@@snoopy3587 The world is craving #DebateBoxing. Nature demands it.
The opening from my Catholic Brother is all you Need to hear as a Protestant … i was a sola scriptura believer too , until i hear this Points from other catholic Brothers . Now iam catholic 🙏🏼
Alex killed it, blessed to be Catholic
@@thomasglass9491your the heretic. The catholic church is the true church of Jesus Christ.
@@thomasglass9491 😂😂
Alex you are a credit to the Catholic Church you made us all so proud well done 🙏🏻🙏🏻
If I had any doubt to not convert to catholicism this video solidified why I absolutely should have zero doubts.
Your soul will not regret it in this life or the next. God's reaching out to you by sending you this great grace. Take it and run with it as you're looking at the fullness and completeness of the Christian faith revealed to man through the Church Christ established. Wish you the best
Thank you so very much for your strengthening words :)
Need prayers. I have finally doubted my non-denominational church and I am looking at Catholicism and Orthodoxy. I want to seek the truth.
May our Good Lord continue to guide you to the truth. In your humility you will reach the truth. Some things will be hard to accept on the surface but dig deeper and you'll find the truth and richness of the faith and we will welcome you home with loving arms. All the best.
I’m a convert from protestantism, my childhood in a Methodist church, teen years involved with young life, college and young adult visiting many “non denominational” churches, finally married into a wonderful lutheran family where I was blessed for many years, until about 10 years ago, into middle age, I was feeling very concerned about the increasing troubling things going on in the culture and effecting many churches … came across some Catholic converts on RUclips and one thing lead to another until eventually I realized I needed to be received into the Catholic Church.
I pray you will experience a fruitful faith joinery, all the way “home” ♥️ to where you will find the fullness of the Christian faith.
God bless you.
You won't find it in neither of these two friend. Read the Bible and pray to God the Father through Jesus Christ and He will show you place to go.
@@irkairenka8552don't you think that Catholics do that?
I'm sure you know that the Holy Bible is a Catholic book, and that Catholics pray the Bible every day.
I hope that you will also read your Bible.
Voice of Reason... you make me proud for being a Catholic, thank you so much for defending the church of Christ against misinterpretation and lies from its critics. I wish I had the same wisdom as you. God Bless you🙏📿
Do you know Jesus Christ?
What sort of question is that? ...all these prots😂@@samuelotache9239
@@samuelotache9239..... who is He?
Waw waw waw Alex i am proud of you and being catholic i am from Ethiopiya let God bless you more and more
@@sandydepiedras6372Jesus Christ is God in flesh who came to earth or die for our sins to take our punishment we deserve.
Man, this was such a treat. It was great to not only see you crush it on the debate stage, but to show such love and respect for Dr. White. It seemed your humility did a lot to win him over, even if the disagreements remained. Thank you for representing the Catholic faith so well, Alex!
Also, as others have already pointed out, that opening statement is probably the best I’ve heard in a debate ever.
Bro I'm a staunch reformed baptist I go to a presbyterian church but now I'm really really considering Catholicism. You did such a good job and I'm going to keep following you so I can continue to learn praise the lord
That is great!
I did and my kids have/are converted. They say this is the happiest they have ever been
I don't know what to do to get me over the line I feel I'm so close
@@HipHopTV_Official Contact the Journey Home Program of Marcus Grodi, perhaps they have some suggestions.
God bless you brother, aside from your family and friends, the angels and saints in heaven will be having a fiest on your baptism day
Protestant here and I enjoyed this debate so much! Thank you!
So proud of you, Alex!
Absolutely masterful opening statement !
Not only that he absolutely stumped the one and only James White ! When you talked about everyone who receives the gift of the Holy Spirit is now God breathed. He couldn’t get his thoughts together.!
Alex first public debate he absolutely decimated a guy with 190 debates under his belt . Thank you for representing our faith so well.
That was hard work and the Holy Spirt.
Biased much? Do you really believe that drivel? You need to watch a few more times .
you should see the debate between james white and scott hahn, another L for james white
You handled yourself amazingly Alex! We are so blessed to have you represent us and I’m glad you had fun
14:08 Alex opening statement
31:23 James White opening statement
49:20 James White rebuttal
56:22 Alex rebuttal
01:04:27 James White 2nd rebuttal
01:11:40 Alex 2nd rebuttal
01:20:20 cross examination, Alex asks
01:31:00 cross examination, James White asks
01:42:25 Q&A
01:59:58 closing statements Alex
02:04:06 closing statements James White
Blessed are the timestampers!
@@nathanielblaney1631 blessed are they are indeed!
Thanks brother
Literally had to wait 14:08 for the debate to start.
What's the time stamp when james white converted to Catholicism?
Alex, protestant here, I really appreciate your kindness and charity toward Dr White. He's a hero to my faith and it's sweet to see that you hold him high regard.
He's a hero to your faith?! Ouch that's utterly and entirely depressing to hear.
@t.d6379 No it's not. Even Alex really admired James and James deserves the credit. How about just respect his take while you disagree in silence or at least without degrading?
@@t.d6379 The dude has been slamming Islam and Atheists for years in defence of Christ. He is great regardless if you agree with his theology or not.
As an Orthodox Christian, I am proud that Alex represented the Apostolic Church there. Great job ! Glory to Jesus Christ ! 🙏☦️✝️🙏
Yeah, but he makes us look bad whenever he argues for the Pope. Most people can clearly see it's nonsense.
@@silverecho1201 Said no one that has put attention, ever.
As a Greek Orthodox I thought White did well with his presup argument. Alex doesnt believe what we believe, he believes in sola scriptura but with the papal documents. They believe tradition is lower than the popes teachings. Not only that, but there is no infallible list of infallible texts. Do unbaptized babies go to Heaven or Hell? Trad Caths and Norvus Ordo disagree. Do the Orthodox have valid sacraments? Trad Caths and Norvus Ordo disagree. Is Palamism allowed? Trad Caths and Norvus Ordo disagree. Are Gregory Palamas, Mark of Ephesus, St Photius the Great and others who said “The Latins listen to Satan with their fillioque doctrine”Saints? You guessed it! There’s disagreement! And the problem is as a protestant you only have 66 books to try to interpret the meaning of. As a Catholic, you have thousands!
@silverecho1201 Jesus's Church is Jesus's Church. We are not the judges, we will be judged individually and how we judged we will also be judged. The gates of hell will never prevail against my church Jesus said and I believe him 100%.
@@snoopy3587 I agree. The gates of Hell will not prevail against Christ's Church. The Holy Orthodox Catholic Church, not the Church of Rome. Rome has permitted much sin and created forgeries to back up its Pope claims mixed with miss interpretations of history and scripture.
God bless Alex my Byzantine Catholic brother! Your on a role thanks to the Holy Spirit guiding and keeping you in the light of truth
The Byzantin catholicism refutes the Catholic Church..Have a look at this : ruclips.net/video/LrSU0afdDrs/видео.html
One of the best protestant vs Catholic debates ever. Alex u were amazing brother. Very impressive. 🔥
I didn't realize Sylvester Stalone felt so passionate about Catholicism
Italians and catholicism have a bond.
😂 That's what my wife just said.
I think the real guy actually is not sure 😂
@@aadschram5877 "Rome" is in Italy 😆 youre a genius
I've been going to a Catholic church lately, after being raised protestant. After 41 years of different protestant denominations, I never felt the presence of God like I do during Mass. I still have some concerns/worries about some of the dogmas due to being raised scripture only, but you helped me with understanding more of the apostolic succession with this debate. Thank you!
It is counterintuitive. When you finally are able to submit your will fully to Jesus in His Church, you will feel a freedom and Truth like you never before thought possible. It is amazing. Blessings on your journey.
Join RCIA. My wife and I went through it when we converted. Find a parish that has a good RCIA program and a good priest.
Praying for you and your journey to the true Church 🤍 God bless you
As a son,grandson, nephew and cousin of sincere and faithful Baptist Pastors I became a Catholic after reading the Church Fathers. Go for it!
Go to adoriation
I’m Orthodox and the Catholic dude was awesome
W :D
Alex you are the man proud Catholic ❤
We're together on the path for Salvation, brother
we neeed to come back tiogether
@@CheloFN153 Unam, Sanctam, Catholicam et Apostolicam
After hearing Dr. James White... my Catholic faith has gotten 10x stronger 💪
Instead of worry about James White. Worry about God. Because catholics are sinners, they don't know God.
Commenting something just because it sound good, while at the same time you know it’s a lie. JW refuted the claims of Rome in this debate again, thank God for his ministry.
Mormons says the same thing when their faith is challenged. Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself 🙃
@@Mariano-hc4yk JW is an excellent debater. And yes, his ministry is a blessing. He is a very good man.
Reformed Baptist here, I’d just like to say that these conversations are invaluable. God bless both the speakers.
Dude become a Catholic. That’s the only good thing in my life and keeps from so much bad stuff.
THIS ISN'T FAIR! Alex has 2,000 yrs of doctrinal knowledge & thoroughly defined biblical interpretation - all handed down by the apostles and the magisterium!!
Yeah! And James White only got 500 yrs of tradition of man.
@@digita1aj He made no sense, and you're just lying to yourself.
Roman Collegium of Pontiffs - you are heathen pagans. You're Holy Father is the Pope, God is not your Father, or you wouldn't be confused.
@@digita1aj Worse! He believe he was predestinated to lose the debate!
@@alexandregb566, LOL!😂😅😊
JW just merely has the presuppositions of his 16 th century idol John Calvin.
Orthodox here, well done Alex!!
As a convert to the Roman Catholic Church, I thoroughly enjoyed this! Alex, watching and listening to you talk is just reinforcing my Faith and assurance that I am on the straight and narrow!! You just gained another subscriber!!
Good job Alex, Catholics are proud of you
This is way better quality than the actual debate lol
I’m saying 😂
Hey Alex, I've been a Christian for about a year now. I've been going to a Baptist church and I've been listening to a lot of these debates and you're the first one I've heard from the Catholic side I've felt really hold up well and against James White at that. Good job! There is definitely a lot to look into.
Hi Ryan, that's great that you are going to dig a bit deeper on some of the points raised! Fwiw, I've found the Catholic claims have by far the most evidence, but further than that the key Protestant claims such as sola scriptura *cannot* be true as they are illogical - it is classic circular logic to say that scripture can authenticate itself. Plus, we know people of good will can interpret the bible in different ways, including on key aspects - so there needs to be an authority to guide us as to what is the truth.
Anyway, sorry for my rant 😊. Best luck with your further research!
I was once an anti-Catholic, non-denominational, charismatic, evangelical, Luther-Bapti-costal for over 25 years. When by the power of the Holy Spirit, he began to remove my dispensationalist and calvinist filters, the Bible actually fit together like a jigsaw puzzle BETTER than when I was a protestant. It actually made more sense and ALL of the Catholic teachings are essentials, not just what we cherry pick them to be. Keep your search empowered by the Holy Spirit. Remove the filters and let God speak to you through both his scriptures and the authority on earth given to the succession of apostles. God bless, brother.
Take your time examining everything. I think when you are open minded, the truth will shine through quite visibly. I was anti-catholic for a long time myself and realized when I finally became Catholic, that not only was I wrong about my theology, but also anthropology and the way I perceived and lived my life. Our psychological faculties determine a lot of what we are inclined to believe. Catholicism was really scary to me, because it exposed where I inserted my own will to protect myself. But at the end of the day, I did not lose anything converting, even though what awaited me was way more demanding. However, as it was more demanding, it also became more fulfilling and actually something "tangible" if you will.
Dr White knows very well that Catholic is the true church and all the teachings, he just wanted to stand by what he had written and said from all his debates. Congrats Alex new subs here.
Alex is one of the many apologists, you are missing out big time!
Voice of reason, the first time I seen you on loftons videos last year I knew that you had the holy spirit dweling in you. You are a true warrior of the faith and hope to educate myself as well as you have with Catholic tradition and scripture. GOD BLESS YOU
It’s scary, Dr. White’s essential argument boils down to “other denominations teach false doctrine because they don’t adhere to ‘sound sola scriptura’.” Individual relativism at its core masked as objective truth.
Alex, your debating and knowledge skills is superb. You’ve truly outdone and proven yourself a true defender of the faith. David vs Goliath.
It's peak circular reasoning.
@@MeanBeanComedy Exactly. “I’m right because I read the Bible correctly.” How do you know? “Because I read the Bible correctly.”
Exactly! And don't forget he also says: "... and *_only I_* have a sound sola scriptura understanding!" Which is a self-defeating circular reasoning.
Believing the pope to get it right does not get you out of private interpretation. You are just delegating it to one man and often times biting your own tongue and stuffing down your own convictions to do so.
@@lifewasgiventous1614 It’s not a private interpretation. Catholic Church gets out of that circular reasoning because it’s the Holy Spirit that protected the councils and papal ex-cathedra
“Catholic Ecclesia read the Bible correctly because the Holy Spirit guided His Church away from error.” How do you know that? “Jesus Christ promised His Church He’d send the Holy Spirit to His Cburch to guide them to ALL truths, FOREVER in both sacred writings and sacred traditions.”
Saw the debate live, Alex you did great honestly. You were well prepared and had a counter for every point the Dr was trying to prove. Amazing job and congratulations
Guys, Alex went to Confession, Mass, and received the Eucharist before this debate. God was truly with him. God bless you Alex! Thank you for defending the one true Church🩷
Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.i
So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate,j
and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.k
In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one.l
And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.m
13 Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground.i
14 So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate,j
15 and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace.k
16 In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all [the] flaming arrows of the evil one.l
17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.m
confessing to a "priest" is not biblical. we are told to confess to one another and God. Mass is not biblical, it is no where to be found. You see it later on in some of the early church fathers writings. Also, the Eucharist while extrremly important, is NOT the actual body and blood of Christ. Most importantly, doing these WORKS, isn't whar would attach God and have God be with him.
@dfacedagame Hebrews says that God will appoint priests among men for the forgiveness of sins, no one is to take it upon themselves
@@dfacedagamewell genius if you want to interpret yourself and not understand the intention then stop embarrassing yourself
I have to admit, when I saw this upcoming debate, I thought James White was going to destroy you. I am extremely proud of you for your knowledge and temperament. You won hands down. You laid out the case for Catholicism as well or better than many of the professional apologists.
😂Yes I was nervous, I've seen mr white debate other apologist and he is not an easy one. But Alex did great. That opening totally crushed mr white.
Fantastic Job! You made all Catholics very proud!
Voice of Reason won the debate in his opening. Phenomenal opening.
You really brought a really good side out of James White, I never see him this gentle ever. Props to you brother. Pax Christi
Being protestant pretty much all my life (Pentecostal) I've come to learn a lot of new things that made me realize how brainwashed I have been, and I'm saying this as humbly as possible, coming from someone that my grandma founded a church and my other grandmother from my father side was a preacher herself, God gave me a new chance at life like three months ago and right now I want to be where he wants me to be, and I ask him and the Holy Spirit to guide me, to find a church that I can grow by him and with my brothers and sisters. Thank you, Alex and may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you daily, because you had the courage to do this the proper way but objectively looking at this Dr. White came up short I was expecting more bible based arguments from his part, yet you did it, I don't know if I will end up in the Catholic Church but after this debate I'm hopeful I will and if not, I hope this serve's to a lot of protestants out there to look more into theology don't trust blindly on what a brother or a sister tells you or even a pastor, ask the Lord Jesus and dive deep into learning we cannot be ignorant at this day in age, I've learned more about Jesus these past couple months than I did since I was little / teenager / adult in the church, keeping in mind I went to a Pentecostal and a Nazarene church and now only God knows where he wants me. Thanks again Alex, God bless.
I was in a similar position 2 years ago. My dad, his dad, and my great great grandfather were all Baptist pastors. My dad has a master’s degree in divinity and I trusted him almost completely on theological matters…. Until I made some Catholic friends and they started asking me what verses meant and I didn’t even know those verses were in the Bible…. I’d ask my dad and his answers never made sense when compared to the answers I was getting from Catholics. I began to go to a local Parish nearly every day praying that God would lead me to the Church He wanted me to be in and He lead me home to the Catholic Church. I’m so unbelievably thankful He did because I can honestly say I never knew God relationally as a Protestant the way I do as a Catholic.
@@Ineedtruth1 God bless you, appreciate you sharing this with all of us.
Yes very true. I am also protestant but over the last 8 or so years have been journey through unpacking the tradition I inherited and have realised alot of the incoherence and ahistorical confusion of protestantism. Nonetheless, God met me in a protestant Church. A flawed offshoot of Christianity perhaps. But God met me here. I don't know where I will end up denomination wise in the future but I feel part of my job now is to be a signpost for other protestants in my tradition to expose them to the more ancient historically rooted theologically coherent Christian tradition, be it Catholic or E.O.
@@1991jj beautiful!
So grateful I came HOME to the Catholic Church this Easter vigil. Praise be to God. If you’re watching this and you’re a Protestant, Mormon, atheist, whatever you are. It’s time to come home my friend.
I won't lie Alex, I was nervous for you simply based on who you were debating. You did a fantastic job, and I was super pleased to see how charitable Dr. White was in this debate. He seemed to genuinely enjoy the debate.
its a bad debate for alex,he sound like some random very uneducated dude in the comment section
@@ManlyServant go cope somewhere else
@@RenegadeCatholic correct,motivate yourself harder,you are talking to yourself right?,a healthy self-talk is good..
No, Alex just need more experience. But for same age and same experience, I think Alex is pretty good. James White just look and sound better ( not more convincing) because he has more experience in debating. When J.White is against Trent Horn or Jimmy Akins, we will see he just a normal person who overconfident with his own interpretation
Glad I found my way into the One True Holy, Catholic & Apostolic Church! Praise Jesus!
Catholic from Uganda 🇺🇬. You nailed it Alex. At least it was that obvious!!
Also here following from Uganda😂
From Brazil, brother!
Better than pastaa! Right?
you are pathetic.
Amazing. I'm Catholic from Malaysia 😊❤✝️
Wow. Incredible. I used to be impressed with Dr. White, but this debate in which he constantly name drops and continues to try and qualify himself as an authority that’s high…by attempting to casually just drop his accomplishments…it really made it difficult for me to listen to what he had to say.
It just seemed like feeble attempts to convince the crowd that he knows what he’s talking about because he’s been doing it longer and is older. Like it was all about him, while VoiceOfReason stuck to the facts and answered the questions.
Truly an eye opening debate in many ways.
I’m technically a Lutheran (LCMS), was baptized in 2017, but didn’t truly accept or believe that Jesus is my savior until last year during Easter time.
I’ve been so conflicted about being a part of LCMS for many reasons, even just calling myself a Lutheran as I don’t follow Luther, I follow the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Listening to these types of conversations conversations truly enhances the feeling of turmoil with wrestling with these questions as my husband and family are Lutherans.
I’m praying the Holy Spirit give me strength, wisdom and discernment as I do feel the pull to go back to my Catholic Roots, though I feel this will cause some conflict in my family.
Grateful for this content!!
Best wishes and May the Holy Spirit bring you back. Praying to the Holy Family to intercede for you and your family as you discern the truth. You may be the catalyst to lead your husband’s whole family to the true church!
Thats what happens after going to confession ,,you have the holy spirit with you and Alex not only won but showed humility
Alex you crushed that opening statement, James White in his opening statement immediately started spouting misrepresentations of papal infallibility
Actually its pretty straightforward to understand. If you pay attention to the beginning the debate is not on sola scriptura but on the catholic teaching authority. So instead of focusing on sola scriptura he talks about the catholic teaching authority and his whole point is the "infallible" catholic teaching authority contradicts itself historically and therefore could not be considered infallible in any way. This doesn't vindicate sola scriptura by any means whatsoever but Mr. White's point still stands.
Papacy is wrong lol. I've listened to this. Papacy is false.
Gavin Ortlund Why I Don't Accept The Papacy
"Peter is not the rock in his person or in his ecclesial role or office. Rather, Peter is the rock insofar as he is a representative of faith, or he is a symbol. For example, Ambrose is often quoted out of context when people quote him as saying, "Where Peter is, there the Church is."
But if you keep reading Ambrose, here's the fuller quote:
"When Peter heard, 'Who do you say that I am?' immediately, not mindful of his station, he exercised his primacy. That is, what kind of primacy? The primacy of confession, not of honor; the primacy of belief, not of rank. This, then, is Peter, who has replied for the rest of the apostles, or rather, before the rest of men. And so he is called the foundation because he knows how to preserve not only his own but the common foundation. Faith, then, is the foundation of the Church, for it was said not of Peter's flesh, but of his faith, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
"Now, how do we know that that's really what Ambrose means? Because in other passages, he explicitly identifies Christ as the rock on which the Church is built and basically says, "Be a rock like Peter." You see how the logic works: Christ is the rock, so confess this rock, and you are also.If our interpretation of Matthew 16 follows the cues of the Church Fathers, then we will not arrive at an interpretation that is favorable to the papacy, to the Roman Catholic interpretation of Matthew 16. We just won't. For the Church Fathers, the rock on which the Church was built fundamentally was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and the apostles in their witness to Him. What emerges from all this, I would say, is just that the exegetical basis for this doctrine is very slender. Because what you have to get to the papacy is not just the notion that Peter has this foundational role in the Church, and however specifically he has that, but that he has it in such a way that it could be handed off subsequently to the subsequent Roman bishops."
"You need more than that to get to the papacy. So here's the way I would make the appeal: the doctrine of the papacy is a massively significant issue. I mean, I would say it's the main issue that separates Protestants and Catholics, and probably Catholics and Orthodox as well. It has to do with authority; everything else sort of falls out from this doctrine. If you buy into it, it affects the entire way you will proceed theologically and just as a Christian.
For such a massive doctrine, you'd want a strong biblical foundation. You'd want a number of passages, or at least a couple of clear passages. You'd want something that basically says, if not in these exact words, in some way, "there's going to be a pope." And that's not unreasonable to expect. We have passages like Ephesians 4 that talk about the unity of the Church and the offices of the Church serving the unity of the Church: one Lord, one faith, one baptism. You'd expect there to be something that indicates there's going to be a head of the Church on earth.
And we just don't have that. We have a couple of passages, mainly one passage in terms of where you really get into the issues of infallibility with the binding and loosing imagery and that kind of stuff. And this passage is very ambiguous. If we're following the Church Fathers, we will not clearly arrive at an interpretation that favors the papacy. We just don't have a strong exegetical base for this massive doctrine."
"There's no evidence that the Roman bishop was the head over these other bishops. It looks like you have a plurality of bishops where the more prominent cities have a more prominent role, but none of them is the head over all the others. And then, if you just step back and look at the big picture, there's just not much that would lead you to think in those first several centuries that the Roman bishop had some kind of universal or preeminent role, what we call the primacy of the Roman see. There's just not that much historical evidence for it. You don't have prominent things written from Rome early on, like the Shepherd of Hermas or Ignatius's letter to Rome, that even really talk about there being a pope there. In fact, or just who the bishop is even. Of course, the word 'pope' itself was also not exclusive to Rome. From the third century onward, the bishop of every major Western city, and then several in the East as well, was called pope, which simply means father. All the other titles that eventually came to the Roman bishop were used of others. Athanasius was called the prince or the priest, prince of priests; that was it. The term 'father of fathers' was used for several other bishops, like John of Constantinople. Eventually, all these titles kind of collected for the Roman bishop, but for several centuries, you don't really have any sort of even whether in terminology or in role, any special emphasis upon the Roman bishop. Now, there are various ways people will dispute this, and one of the ways they'll do so is by looking at various things the Roman bishop does do. So one would be the letter of Clement to the Church in Corinth, and I've never found this a very strong appeal because there are lots of bishops who write letters to other churches, and it doesn't prove universal jurisdiction in any way."
@@Sanfu69 How does his point stand exactly? White struggles with the multilayered structure of Catholicism in terms of teaching authority and the weight of authority that any individual document or pronouncement may have.
@@samuelaguilar9668 Um, brother Gavin Ortlund has been proven to be false many times. Look at the responses done by William Albrecht, especially the ones where the literally called the scholars that Ortlund cited and they said Ortlund misrepresented them.
Great job Alex. So proud being Catholic. The true church Jesus founded.
pity your ignorance. apostate church( roman Catholic church) was never founded by jesus christ. but by the dragon, as illustrated in the book od revelation, on heresies. standing against jesus christ and his bride. you better start to study and research, before it's too late. food for thought "" Paul's man of sin in 2 thessalonians 2 vs 3, is the roman Catholic church Pope Office "" sorry, am blunt, but it's the fact many Christians don't know, because they have been brainwashed and deceived by the system of the dragon. revelation 12 vs 9.
that's why i admonish you many Christians to study and research for themselves or elsewhere regret will be inevitable.
pity your ignorance, apostate church, was never founded by jesus christ, but by the dragon as revealed in the book of revelation. an antichrist system that is against jesus christ and his bride, but disguising and parading herself as the one and true church. you better start to study and research, before it's too late. just a food for though.
Paul's man of sin in 2 thessalonians 2 vs 3, is no other, than the pope of the roman Catholic church, you won't know because you don't know of the 1260 year rule of the roman Catholic church, called the dark ages of the church, in which church and state (religion and government) was one, under the rulership of the roman Catholic Church, headed by the pope ( refer to as the vicar of jesus christ, if only you know what it means ). when truth was obscure and cast to the ground. sorry am blunt, but it's the fact that many Christians don't know because they have been brainwashed and deceived by the system. no wonder revelation 12 vs 9, made it clear that the dragon succeeded in deceiving the whole world except the elects. and if you are sincere to yourself, you cannot dare think that the roman Catholic church is the elect. you might see what am saying as nonsense, that's why i admonish you and every Christian to study and research the facts, if not regrets will be inevitable
White isn't discussing Sola Scriptura. He is attacking the Papacy. I have learned nothing of Sola Scriptura from his worldview. I am discouraged, disappointed, and disgusted with White's apology or lack thereof.
It’s funny how they turned off the comments of this video in the Protestant channel after seeing all the comments saying Alex won the debate lol.
I just realized it this morning and it’s disappointing because Alex was getting a lot of support and love in those comments.. confused why they would turn the comments off 🤔
They tirned the commenting off?! Hahaahahhaaaa
Of course they did typical.
@@yvetteestevez8660 Because Liberals don't like opposing opinions
Orthodox here! Well done Alex! ☦️🔥🔥
Some battles are joint battles.
As an Orthodox myself I have always said, there are more things that unite us than divides us. Notice in the video that Alex, did his cross as we Orthodox do. Cause he understands the doctrines
Alex drawing on 2,000 years of Holy Spirit inspired truth and wisdom to crush a flawed personal interpretation of the Bible. Excellently done Alex!
Dude James White is literally a professor of early church history at Grace theological seminary. He knows more about church history in his pinky finger than you know about church history in your entire body.
@@ibelieveitcauseiseentit9630 Dude, I think James White got his pinky stuck somewhere it shouldn’t be.
And sorry, I’m not familiar with Graceland or whatever that community college is.
@@Knight-of-the-Immaculata nevertheless he's a professor of early church history.
He will run circles around you if you want to talk about early church history.
@@ibelieveitcauseiseentit9630 Thank you but no need! Alex already ran circles around him.
@@Knight-of-the-Immaculata That's not what I just witnessed.
But good luck with your probationary salvation and, you might want to confess to a priest for your attitude.
AMEN!!! “God breathed” argument and defense by Alex was phenomenal!
Excellent, excellent, excellent!
Funny how the Catholic used more scripture than the Protestant. 😅
Like always lol protestants going by thier own words and not scripture
@@exmanolive305 Yeah, that is interesting, I wonder why..?🤔🤫
@@MexicanGamingBros shut up Jimmy fan boy watch the debate and study the church history
@@MexicanGamingBrosIt’s because he is taking the affirmative stance in the debate. This requires him to cover more bases and establish the premises that the negative (James White) will rebutt.
@@lr6093 I just did
My favorite answer from you was simple and straightforward “NO” 😂
My favorite comment was when they asked Alex his opinion on if the Pope were to bless gay marriage. When he responded with the catholic church would be a false religion people really didn’t know what to say.
I've never seen James White squirm and be rattled by his opponent as much as this! White was clearly thrown at times by Alex knowledge and even tried to catch him out eg. The 666 616 translation.
White was clearly impressed by Alex and met his match. Not just by his knowledge and arguments but by Alex extreme humility in praising White fir the good things he has done in defending basic Christianity.
Alex's humility was a true testimony to the genuineness of his faith and it was very evident many protestants left that debate with many new questions!!
I especially love the banter about the Olympic blasphemy, and Alex says' we should team up and go sort them out" that was Gold!!! 🫡😄
White was genuinely humbled and enjoyed the back and forth.
A superb debate by a champion for Catholicism!!
*Literally every comment section of a White/Papist debate*: "I've never seen James White squirm and be rattled by his opponent as much as this!"
@@Spadooch Yeah, but Alex's delivery was like a Mac truck crashing through his house of cards! 😆
@@metanoiafaith I know you need to believe that.
He corrected the Catholics mis understanding of 2 Peter1:20 in his opening statement. I shouldn’t be surprised Catholics don’t understand when someone is misusing scripture though
This debate proves Catholicism. A young, new debater, with the avalanche of evidences and truths the Catholic can rely on, gives a great debate to a 40+ year studied well debated Protestant.
Wow. This debate was amazing. ALEX, you had so many scriptures like one after another. Nonstop! I been watching so many debates. This is the best one I had heard. Please keep doing what you're doing! Dont stop. My oh my never heard someone soooo prepared and with a quick response.
They turned off comments due to the overwhelming agreement that Alex won the debate
I was going to say that. Also, Did you see the full debate, if so when Dr. White was speaking did he address Alex's 10 points? i don't think so but do you think he did? (Did anyone notice this? lol)
He had nothing on Alex. If that's their best, I feel sorry for them.
@@josealbertogenao2116 He did respond to all ten points. Some at the end of his opening and the others in the rebuttal.
@@dogescout5868 i guess i missed it. he went on a tanget and i got confused. lol
I’m just going to say this as someone raised Protestant… in the age of the internet there’s no longer an excuse to be Protestant. You have all the ability to research the truth and join Christ’s church. Catholicism is Judaism fulfilled.
It's isn't Christ's church nor fulfilling Judaism.
@@Broooooo-ww7hw lol. Haven’t read history much I see.
@@orangemanbad I have read the bible, if that matters to you.
@@Broooooo-ww7hw good to hear! So you believe in catholicism. The Catholic Church provided the Bible. Since you believe it to be holy scripture that means you trusted the church to provide the canon. You’re making progress!
@@orangemanbad I bet you $100 he's an SDA. They are *convinced* that the most important thing about your salvation is when you go to church, but beyond that, they don't have much depth. Consistently the most annoying Christian denomination, and yet another "Great Awakening" spin-off from a false prophet, Ellen White.
Debunking sola scriptura by presenting a preponderance of evidence against it, using the scriptura itself, is brilliant! God bless you, Alex!
He didn’t present any evidence against it because he never justified his catholic presuppositions.
@@AAA-qr8yythat's not how that works. Pointing out that Sole Scripture is self refuting doesn't involve Catholic presumptions. You can be a none Christian and point out that problem.
Voice of reason claims that the catholic claim of infallible authority would be falsified if it ever proclaimed homosexual marriage to be ok.
That criteria of falsifiability cannot be justified under the roman catholic worldview without collapsing the entire system under the implications of his claim.
Because what you are doing when you make a statement like that is saying that you as an individual have the power to judge the roman catholic leaders to be in such egregious and obvious error that we now have no choice but to conclude their claims of infallible authority are false.
But according to Rome you don’t have that ability to judge them.
You don’t have the authority to interpret scripture for yourself to show why Rome is wrong.
You don’t have the authority to interpret history, councils, church or papal writings, to determine whether or not Rome has violated and contradicted it’s past tradition and teachings.
Rome says only Rome has that authority. Rome says you need Rome to tell you whether or not Rome is in error. But Rome has investigated themselves and found themselves to be innocent of any wrongdoing.
All you can do, according to rome, is simply put blind faith in their claim to be infallible. You aren’t allow to actually judge their claims for yourself by testing the validity of their claims against scripture and history because you are fallible and rome says you got it wrong.
If Rome decrees tomorrow that homosexual marriage is ok, and claims that they have interpreted church history and scripture to be consistent with this new decree, then you as a roman catholic have no way of telling them they are wrong. You are required to simply accept their decree as true by blind faith in the institution.
The moment you introduce the possibility that you can use your own logic and discernment to tell Rome they are wrong you are doing exactly what the protestants have already done. You admit therefore that the protestants were justified in rejecting Rome’s authority.
You don’t know what you are talking about. He starts from the assumption that catholic claims are true and then looks for scriptures to try to fit that presupposition.
For instance, saying “the gates of hell will not prevail against my church” can be interpreted in more than one logically valid way.
You cannot read that verse by itself, in it’s context, and ever come to the conclusion that Jesus is saying he will set up an infallible teaching office in rome that all mankind will have to blindly submit regardless of who sits in the seat and how evil they are.
You have to start from that presupposition and then try to argue why you think that verse might be an indirect reference to it. Which is not a compelling or reasonable argument if one does not already start from believing your roman catholic presupposition is true.
@@AAA-qr8yy no see now you're making presumptions. We're talking about arguments against the presuppositions of Sole Scriptoria which as Alex said is inherently self refuting because it's a doctrine that can't be found in Scripture and as he also said, we can see Jesus and the apostles did not follow it as they practiced teachings and traditions that are not found in the Bible.
Sola Scriptoria itself is a Protestant presupposition that can't be justified.
The Holy Spirit was with you. Bravo Alex Im catholic but if I wasn’t with your arguments I would turn catholic . May you always continue to defend our Catholic Church.❤🙏🙏🙏
This is the most complete compilation and use of the better arguments Catholics have against sola scriptura. Well done Alex!
This will be my last debate, or research, before i decide if I'll become a Catholic or not.
There are more you should learn about the Catholic Faith, the True Faith.
Do it. I did last Easter and I haven’t regretted it since. Now I can’t deny how much I love my Catholic faith and have found the one true church. Would never go back to Protestantism. The last straw was researching how these Protestant churches started and the chaos that it created like creating 5 wars in Europe over the course of a century or how the reformation created disobedience to divine authority like the pope and magisterium which influenced the enlightenment and French Revolution which have been disasters to mankind.
Praying for you🙏✝️❤️🔥
For anyone interested, after 54 minutes, and I'm giving my first impressions. I chose this because he just said something profound.
So far Dr White's argument seems to be encapsulated in: (paraphrasing) "Pope Francis said we could bless gays (he's wrong about that, at least in the sense he seems to be implying), and there's a long chaotic history in the Catholic Church, as it pertains to doctrine, therefore Sola Scriptura must be true".
He also claimed things about the Jews not accepting the Apocrypha/Deuterocanon books, which is perfectly a moot point, because Jews also reject the entire New Testament.
I know Dr White is responding to a bunch of points, but so far feel I've been taken on a wild red herring chase.
I'll be listening very closely for something that resembles an answer to a question I would pose: "How, if Sola Scriptura is true, was the Book of Luke added to the Bible?" And obviously, "where is Sola Scriptura in Scripture?"
I find the red herrings problematic. We'll see if there's an adjustment.
100% Prodigy! I will keep praying for You, May your gift from God, Bring many conversions to the One True Holy Apostolic Mother Church.......
Alex's opening statement was inspiring. Praying all the Protestants can see that Sola Scriptura is a divisive and man-made doctrine.
Um, your current pope is divisive and the office is man made.
@ContendingEarnestly People love to hate on Francis and the Catholic Church, but I find this is usually pretty unfounded. No Christian believed in Sola Scriptura for 15 centuries but virtually all believed in the papacy. We have a list of popes going back to Peter himself. It is a matter of historical fact that even secular historians support. CHRIST Himself formed the office in Scripture and it was exercised in Scripture (See Matt 16:18, John 21:15-25, Acts 15). The current Pope is somewhat controversial, but the Church has not divided itself over Francis nor has it changed its dogmatic views in the nearly 15 years since he became pope (show me one Church teaching he has officially changed or revoked) Catholics aren't bound to every little whipstitch Francis says, by the way. We respect him as the holder of the seat and listen to his words in his encyclicals, but we arent under obligation to take everything he says or certain personal opinions as gospel.
I should mention--by the way-- that the Vaticans statement on what a "blessing of homosexual couples" means should be read before using it as an example of a "change." Lots of people jump to conclusions before knowing the details.
@@lukegetz9785 *People love to hate on Francis and the Catholic Church*
Whose hating? I'm pointing out facts. There are catholic priests right here on YT that call Francis a pagan.
*No Christian believed in Sola Scriptura for 15 centuries*
Scripture is the highest and final authority, always has been and always will be.
*but virtually all believed in the papacy.*
Thats not true especially since there is no papacy in the n.t. At all.
*We have a list of popes going back to Peter himself.*
Peter was never pope. No one thought he was and he didn't think he was. This is pure eisegesis from you people.
*It is a matter of historical fact that even secular historians support.*
Whats so great about secular anybody supporting you? People outside your church think something that supports your position and thats proof? Pretty low bar eh?
*CHRIST Himself formed the office in Scripture*
Well we can stop right there because He did no such thing. Matt, John nor Acts speaks one thing about an office. And the fact you even cited Acts 15 is hilarious. If you want to prove the papacy is an office, just trot over to the pastorals and right after the positions of Deacon and their requirements, Elders and their requirements show me the 'office' of the papacy and those requirements.
*The current Pope is somewhat controversial*
Thats an understatement.
Thank you, Mr White! Every single debate you engage to you bring more souls to the catholic church.
Including his own sister.
lol. Good one. I was a Protestant for 7 years. I can do a 2 hours seminar explaining why I am a Catholic and not Protestant
How can you lose a debate, when you walk with the truth 🙏🏻✝️🙏🏻
It happens. Sometimes, the person needs to be humbled
Well if we dont understand the Faith deeply enough, it can happen. That is one reason Protestantism has flourished. Because Catholics stopped studying apologetics. What a great time to be Catholic!
As a convert from Protestantism directed to Dr. White's debates by my Baptist pastor, I'm just glad Dr. White just seems happy. I hope he converts!
He never will. His sister converted to Catholicism and he cut ties with her.
@@TokenWhiteGuyAGR That's a bleak outlook. "Nothing is impossible with God"
@@CrushingSerpents James White needs prayers but I don't respect people who disrespect the Blessed Mother.
Can you explain why no one witnessed the Assumption of Mary, no one recorded it etc The Resurrection was witnessed and recorded. The Assumption of Mary was made dogma, do you know in what year?
@@annodomini7250 First of all, no one witnessed the Assumption? Is that claim (in the negative) verifiable? Second, the year of a dogmatic declaration does not affect the truth, i.e. the pre-eminent Trinity pre-existed its dogmatic declaration, right?
Pending your response, the Catholic and Orthodox Churches both sacred-traditionally hold to the Blessed Virgin's Assumption/Dormition as historical, factual truth. Not sure why anyone cares to dispute that.
Mad at myself rn because I forgot about this debate that I was so excited to hear😭😭😭😭.
Thank you for representing the Catholic Church!
I was once a Protestant. I was raised in it. I understand the emotion they have. But they don’t have the truth. To me the best analogy, catholicism is like being Prince William in the UK and Protestants are like Harry. William has the fullness of the royal family, all the traditions and family. While Harry is angry and on his own, stranded. Roaming the world trying to find his place.
Catholicism is like a ship, and Protestantism is like rafts following the Catholic ship
Prince Harry King of hearts ❤
That is strange that you said that because catholics dont follow Gods word.
@@TheTruthsOfOurFaithWhat nonsense? Every single Catholic Church follows God’s Word. Go attend some masses to dissolve your ignorance…
@@TheTruthsOfOurFaith We follow _all_ of His ordinances and law. You boiled down His Truth to mere symbols and metaphors, and you say WE don’t follow God’s words?
The holy spirit is with you Alex praise God almighty!!!!! 👏 🎉 I been smiling since the debate.
ALEX!! You outdid yourself brother! We are so proud of you man. Glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
Just earned a non-denominational subscriber, young man. God bless you.
James White is immediately setting up a straw man argument instead of arguing what the bible teaches. He is going to argue what he believes the pope teaches.
If you think the pope has the infallible authority to tell you what the Bible says, and you can’t tell him he is wrong, then we can’t even begin to talk about what the Bible says without first dealing with your bad epistemological presuppositions about papal authority and infallibility.
So true 😂
As a Protestant (Lutheran) I just gotta say, Alex absolutely ruled this debate. It was amazing to watch. God bless this man. 🙏🏻✝️
“The least protestant denomination of Protestants.”
“They aren’t real Protestants.”
Things I have heard non-Lutheran Protestants say.
So when are you converting ? lol
@@danieljamieson7831 A bunch of the arguments against Catholicism are also arguments against Lutheranism or are straw man versions of Lutheran arguments against Catholicism. It’s probably harder to disprove Lutheranism because proving things like baptism being part of a living faith or the real presence in the Eucharist don’t disprove Lutheranism.
@@danieljamieson7831Well, I’m not converting, I love my Church, but Catholics and Orthodox gotta be my favourite non-Lutherans. ^^
Lutherans would actually disagree with the understanding of Sola Scriptura that Baptists have, as we affirm other authorities besides the Bible.
@@karstenglowatzki1234Reformed here. I agree with you.
You did absolutely AMAZING, Alex!
I gotta be upfront, I was a bit scared for you debating White. He’s an excellent debater and can trip up Catholics many ways, but you held your ground and punched back harder! He was speechless a number of times too. Holy Spirit was working in you for the Truth, my brother.
You should debate Ortlund on Early Church practices to show his flaws, maybe he’ll wake up after a good explanation.
God bless you, Alex.
I was nervous too, I'm glad he prepared and even wen to confession and mass beforehand.
@@Jerome616 Wow, I had no idea he did that, too. He’s a great example of how to be a Christian.
Alex your put smile on Jesus's face for defending his one true church..
Jesus nor the Apostles, or Disciples never taught what the Catholic Church teaches. The Church is the people. Read the Bible.
I stopped watching immediately when Alex didn’t join the opening prayer.
The Sola Scriptura debate was terrific! You did a wonderful job on it, Alex!
I’m Orthodox but am nevertheless proud of the way the Apostolic Churches were represented here. He said a lot of stuff that I suspect he got from Orthodox sources, which I think is a good thing. Orthodox and Catholic Christians should rely on each other in certain areas. Also, I think Mr. White has a fundamental misunderstanding of Church councils. He kept mentioning that certain councils had more bishops on attendance than others, as if that matters. The numbers are irrelevant. What matters is who is in attendance (or whose delegates are in attendance) and that the entire Church is represented. The Iconoclast Council of Hieria had more bishops than Nicea II, but not a single patriarch (or delegate) was there. This is a key fact that I think a lot of Protestants simply don’t understand. They treat the councils as an exercise of democracy, rather than an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Orthordox and catholics sgould reuniute. If the koptics do it first, the others will follow
They aren’t apostolic
@@lovegod8582 That is the term by which they have been known since around the fifth century. Even when the Assyrians, and later the Orientals, became schismatics, the Church continued to acknowledge their apostolicity. Theologians and Christian scholars have used the term to collectively refer to Catholics, Orthodox, Orientals and Assyrians since Christianity first became an academic discipline. Considering as much, I don’t know why we would not also use the term to refer to those groups. I’m not even aware of an alternate term. What would you have us call them?
This is the first time I feel I’ve watched an apologist go against someone that truly knows the Bible and Church history. Last time I will watch an apologist vs apologist debate. Well done Alex.
I was born into a Catholic home, later I was drawn to the Protestant church, and I lived away from God for a long time. When I returned, I decided that I was going to follow the truth, and this has led me to become Catholic again. Our problem is our level of ignorance. It fills me with joy to see young people defending our faith so integrally, and the call would be to unite and restore the church to its prestige and greatness, as only she has been called to bring the light of our Lord Jesus Christ to the world.
Alex came in prepared, Dr. White feels like he is tired of debating. Alex won no question.
I disagree
100% agree
@ericovalenzuela6248 Alex could have stood up there and talked about vegetables, and the consensus among you Roman Catholics would be the same, that he won. Whether you accept it or not, this is a hallmark of a cult.
@@onetwo2989 Do you support Trump by any chance?
@@onetwo2989right lol, If you only looked at the comment section you’d assume James white got SLAUGHTERED… but if you actually watch the debate you see something entirely different. James White seamlessly picked apart Alex’s flawed and inconsistent reasoning from start to finish. I’m glad I actually watched the debate rather than listening to the floods of Roman Catholic “yes men” in the comment section trying to speak an Alex win into existence. I see why they shut off the comments on the other video, the debate speaks for itself.
With regard to the canon of scripture being infallibly defined in 1546... Dogmas are used to settle controversial issues. The Trinity was dogmatically defined at the Council of Nicaea. Does that mean the Church did not believe in the Trinity prior to 325? No. But the dogma was invoked to establish orthodoxy going forward. Starting in 382, the canon of scripture was uncontroversial until the reformation thus it did not need to be dogmatically defined. The dogma was only necessary after the protestant reformers challenged the canon.
Dr James White and his like CHOOSE to ignore this fact.
This is probably the best debate on Sola scriptura.
You give me joy!
May God bless you and strengthen the faith of Catholics around the world.
Alex, you're a great representative for our Catholic faith. This was the best debate I've watched with James White in it. He either is getting more mild with age, or you had an impact on him that he didn't throw nasty attacks.
It seems that he respects you a lot.
After this debate, my respect for Mr White has begun to grow.
You're such a well-rounded apologist, brother.
Great job Alex! Now all of us Catholics let's pray for the conversion of all protestants!
I can't believe they turned off the comments. Great job debating Alex!
Dr James White always gets them turned off all the time
I’m happy to say that, as a former Protestant, after watching debates with James White, I now only have to choose between Orthodoxy and Catholicism.
Team Catholic ✝️⛪️
Unless you benefit from a “3 divorce rule” go team Catholic. After all, 23 Eastern Orthodox churches have returned to Rome. Only 15 more to go.
@@G-MIP the one thing that has got me stumbling is the filioque, you don't have to explain still deep in research . The 3 divorce though I did not know about, good info.
Catholic Strong🙏🏽❤
Quiet down woman
@@Mathetesofscripture..... just be humble....
@sandydepiedras6372 why is a woman telling me what to do?
@@Mathetesofscripture ..... what did she told you?
@@sandydepiedras6372 you're the woman that's telling me what to do.
This is like a student who is over prepared for their thesis and the lecturer is left speechless to the point of asking how many languages a particular book was written in.😅
I caught that too. You'd think that someone who's been debating almost as long as I've been alive (40yo) would be better prepared for a debate regarding a key tenet of Protestant doctrine, but no. Dr. White is still basking in the glory of prior debates rather than looking to what he's doing now.
@@LaEsoterica you're house is built on sand. pathetic
@@tapiwamusakanya1686 😆 🤣 😂
Voice of reason claims that the catholic claim of infallible authority would be falsified if it ever proclaimed homosexual marriage to be ok.
That criteria of falsifiability cannot be justified under the roman catholic worldview without collapsing the entire system under the implications of his claim.
Because what you are doing when you make a statement like that is saying that you as an individual have the power to judge the roman catholic leaders to be in such egregious and obvious error that we now have no choice but to conclude their claims of infallible authority are false.
But according to Rome you don’t have that ability to judge them.
You don’t have the authority to interpret scripture for yourself to show why Rome is wrong.
You don’t have the authority to interpret history, councils, church or papal writings, to determine whether or not Rome has violated and contradicted it’s past tradition and teachings.
Rome says only Rome has that authority. Rome says you need Rome to tell you whether or not Rome is in error. But Rome has investigated themselves and found themselves to be innocent of any wrongdoing.
All you can do, according to rome, is simply put blind faith in their claim to be infallible. You aren’t allow to actually judge their claims for yourself by testing the validity of their claims against scripture and history because you are fallible and rome says you got it wrong.
If Rome decrees tomorrow that homosexual marriage is ok, and claims that they have interpreted church history and scripture to be consistent with this new decree, then you as a roman catholic have no way of telling them they are wrong. You are required to simply accept their decree as true by blind faith in the institution.
The moment you introduce the possibility that you can use your own logic and discernment to tell Rome they are wrong you are doing exactly what the protestants have already done. You admit therefore that the protestants were justified in rejecting Rome’s authority.
@@AAA-qr8yy Rome says that if it were to contradict infallibly defined teaching by defining some other infallible teaching then its magisterial authority would be falsified.
So James White DOES NOT defend or prove Sola Scriptura, he DOESN'T defend protestantism, he ONLY attacks the Catholic Church. Having a possible anti-pope is not anything new in Catholic history, so what happens? Jump ship? No, the Lord said the gates of hell wont prevail, the anti-pope dies, the next is appointed and the teaching is preserved. This is not an argument, the pope is only infallible a specific situation on specific matters.
Right. I am Catholic because I Trust the Bible when it tells me that that the Church has authority to teach, baptize, determine proper doctrine and even define the canon of Scripture.
I am not Catholic because I believe in the teachings of any current Pope, Bishop or Priest.
The Bible never promised that the church would be full of men who were sinless.
JW and all of Protestantism denounces the authority of the Church to determine proper doctrine, but accepts their own authority to determine proper doctrine. Makes no sense.
Let’s all get on the same team for the salvation of the world that desperately needs the Truth of Christ.
Dr whites role in this is to attack the argument. Not defend his. In the beginning it says he is the negation and Alex is the affirmative. This is how most debates work.
Satan must have been doing a great job of keeping catholicms alive up to present if catholicism is false. 😁
Keep dreaming... Francis already prepare His retirement selecting liberals for the most archbishops...
That Is the problem equaling "The Church" with a supranational human organization ruled by one cuasi infalible man
Im not catholic, but watching you deliver your stance and your heart for the faith, gained another subscriber!
Awww I already clipped the less quality version for my recap on tonight’s podcast. I wish I waited for this to get the 4K. Great presentation, confidence and articulation. I’ll be looking at your points and claims tonight and look forward to chatting brother.
Alex. You’ve been activated in front of our eyes. What a great choice God has made to put you in these conversations 🙏